Page created by Holly Robinson

      SPRING 2019
MAY16 -19
              LuLu Shrine

                                                 SHOW TIMES
                                                                 THURSDAY 6:30 pm
                                                                     FRIDAY 7 pm
                                                                  SATURDAY 11 am,
                                                                                                    3 pm & 7 pm
                                                                             SUNDAY  12 noon
                                                                                      & 4 pm
                                                                       Gates open 60 minutes
                                                                           before show times

                                              Buy ONE tichke
                                                And get t
                                              SECOND ticke
                                                   half price
                                                              Equal Value or

                                                                                                 Online or
                                                                                                 by Phone
      For Advanced Discount Tickets or Information
    Go To:
            Or Call 610              • 828 • 9050
            Unlimited ticket discounts can be
            obtained online or by phone prior
              to event. One transaction per
                   coupon at the gate.

    LuLu Shriners Arena • 5140 Butler Pike • Plymouth Meeting • PA19462

                                Pro ce e d s a re f o r t h e b e n e fi t o f Lu Lu S h r i n e r s a n d n o t t a x d e d u c t i b l e

From the Potentate
Now that I have had the opportunity to get my feet                      icing on the cake are
wet in my new position, I must examine what must                        all the Nobles and their
be done to bring Lulu back where it should be. First,                   Ladies who have gone
I must have a balanced budget. This happened with                       to bat for LuLu and
a lot of help from the Nobility. Some were happy                        are working hard. I
and some not so happy. It required changing the                         have not heard one
way we operate our Temple. Our Recorder and his                         complaint. Ill Sir
staff felt it would be better to leave. I wish them                     Bill Morwald, P.P. is
well. We replaced our maintenance person with a                         handling snow removal
part time man and Nobles who volunteered in areas                       and grass cutting saving              Illustrious
                                                                                                          Sir Gerald I. Jay
in which they had expertise. Many came forward                          Lulu $30,000 more off
                                                                                                           Potentate 2019
and are making a difference. One change in the                          the budget. Paul Feigel,
budget was to cut the office work week from five                        my chief Aide and Carl
to three. Two young ladies, Jamie Green, wife of                        Levin have been working on several projects in the
our High Priest & Profit, and Jacqueline Blum, wife                     temple as well. We have a committee consisting of
of our Chief Rabban, came forward and are doing                         George Sheerbaum & Jerry Schmidt who are known
a wonderful job. Ill Sir Bob Gold, P.P. has stepped                     as The Wednesday Crew and constantly doing repairs
up to the plate. He brought his expertise in sales                      on the building. By the way, they need more help,
and organized the hall rentals. We have already                         if you can do any work, they want you. There is not
increased rentals considerably. Chris Mason was                         enough room in this article to mention all the people
re-elected Treasurer. He has been a true asset                          that have come for ward to offer assistance and/or
in helping the staff fill missing areas. Ill Sir Bill                   help to pull us through this challenging time.
Adamson, P.P. was elected Recorder and is keeping
everything running smoothly. Ill Sir Gary Davis, P.P.                   March 21st is our ceremonial and because of the
seems to be everywhere. He has been working with                        hard work by Dan Scheetz, Oriental Guide, and Hilary
Chris on the budget as well as the computers and                        Kaufman, our Membership Chairman, we expect
over all operation to make sure everything is running                   about twenty-seven candidates. Nur Shrine from
smoothly.                                                               Delaware will again provide the degree work and
                                                                        may be bringing their candidates as well. The Lulu
What I have just mentioned is most important. The                       Stewarts are preparing another excellent meal.
                                                                        Sorry I don’t have room to go into more detail. I
                                                                        promise to give you more updates in the next issue.
                 2019 DIVAN
 Potentate  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Gerald I. Jay           NEXT FEZ DEADLINE:
 Chief Rabban .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Edward D. Blum                      Summer Issue . . . June 1, 2019
 Assistant Rabban  .  .  .  .  .  . David A. Gingras                          All articles not submitted electronically may
 High Priest & Prophet .  .  . John H. Green Jr.                             not be published as submitted due to possible
                                                                                errors that may occur during translation.
 Oriental Guide  .  .  .  .  .  .  . . Daniel R. Scheetz
 Treasurer .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Christopher S. Mason                          UPCOMING DEADLINES:
 Recorder .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Bill Adamson     Fall: September 1, 2019 • Winter: December 1, 2019

    Roy L. Knauth in Memoriam  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
    Help Wanted .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
    The Recorder’s Recordings .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
    Calendar of Events .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
    Activities Club .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
    Shepherds Unit .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9
    A Shriners Daughter Giving Back .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10
    Mounted Guard .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 11
    Northeast Shrine Club  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
    Ladies Auxiliary and Past Presidents’ Night .  .  .  . 13
    I Am Guilty, Are You?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14
    Northeast Shrine Club
    Ocean City Family Weekend .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 15
    Legion of Honor  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16
    LuLu Shriners Patrol
    Ocean City Family Weekend .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 17
    Motor Unit Report  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18
    Birthdays .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 19-21
    Hospital Rounds  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 22
    Bucks County Shrine Club  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 23
    Quaker City-Montco Shrine Club .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 24
    Beef and Beer Comedy Club Night  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 25
    Sightings from the Crow’s Nest .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 26
    History of the Shrine .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 27-30
                                                                                                             The official quarterly publication
    Heritage Dinner .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 32                of the LuLu Shriners.

                                                                                                               5140 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
                                                                                                            Phone: 610-828-9050 • Website:
    Visit our website often to stay informed                                                                                 Editor: Bernie Homer
    of the latest news and                                                                                 2605 Egypt Rd., Trooper, PA 19403 • Phone: 610-539-8400
    upcoming events:                                                                                           All articles must be submitted electronically to:
                                                                                                     with the subject “LULU FEZ”                                                                                         All ads must be submitted electronically to:
    Or go to our site with our QR Code                                                                           
    by taking a picture with a smart phone                                                                 We would like to thank everyone who has submitted articles and photos.

    The Mounted Guard started the new year off on         Roy was also affiliated with many other Masonic
    a sad note. Our Captain, Roy L. Knauth passed         units and clubs. He was LuLu Potentate in 2000,
    away on New Years Day, January 1, 2019,               Noble of the year in 2002, Yacht club Commodore,
    following a short illness with cancer. He was          MAASYC Commodore and Past President of the
    Captain for the past 5-6 years, and a real catalyst   Motor Unit and Arab Patrol. Furthermore, he was
    in our organization.
                                                          President of INSHP (International Shrine Horse
    Roy devoted immeasurable time and effort in the       Patrols), and 1st Vice President of MASHP (Mid
    Mounted Guard. If he wasn’t working on building       Atlantic Shrine Horse Patrols). Finally, he was on
    or repairing something, he was actively searching     the committee of the LuLu Bucks County Shrine
    for other things to do to advance the Mounted         Club and its Treasurer, a 32 degree Mason in the
    Guard. When we needed help in recruiting pooper       Valley of Allentown, Member of Houseman Lodge
    scoopers for parades, Roy decided to design and       # 211, Free and Accepted Masons and a member
    build a chuck wagon atop a used golf cart. This       of the Cabiri. And if that wasn’t enough, he was
    eliminated the need for someone to walk behind        past president of the Feasterville Rotary Club, and
    the horses. He spent many hours building this         a successful insurance executive.
    chuck wagon and those who have seen it in
    parades, will attest to its beauty and originality.
    He also rehabilitated a two-horse trailer that        Roy was laid to rest on January 8, 2019. The
    looks almost brand new. Furthermore, he could         funeral service was attended by over 100 people.
    always be counted on to help at the stable,           He will be truly missed by anyone who came in
    whether it was stall cleaning, fence mending, hay     contact with him or worked with him, and we will
    stacking, or whatever needed to be done.              certainly never forget his laughter and friendliness.

By: Noble Hilary A. Kaufman, LuLu Membership Chairman

In recent times, help wanted signs are seen in all        amazing medical treatment. Keep in mind this care is
kinds of stores and facilities, as well as on road side   at no cost to the patient or parent. While the hospitals
bill boards. Driving along Route 1 in Pennsylvania,       do accept the insurance coverage of the patient, no
I noticed a prominent bill board which read Drivers       matter what the coverage, the treatment is FREE to
Wanted; showing a picture of a large tractor trailer.     patient and parent.

Well, at LuLu Shriners, we are right in step with the     When talking about Shriners hospitals to your
economy. We say HELP WANTED. Help wanted to               friends who are Masons or friends who may not be
spread the word of the good work of Shriners and          Masons yet, it is very important that your friends
how we provide life changing support and treatment        understand that the patients that the hospitals treat
for all OUR children at OUR hospitals.                    are OUR children and the hospitals are OUR Shriners
                                                          hospitals. Once a Shriner views the Shriners hospitals
I am sure you have seen the many advertisements on        TV ads from his heart and not just his eyes, Shriners
TV describing the good work of OUR Shriners hospitals.    hospitals should have a deeper meaning.
You should realize that these ads are describing the
good work of hospitals that belong to you as a Shriner.   So, when watching a Shriners hospital ad on TV with
                                                          your friends, make sure that they watch the ad with
Without the Shriners, there would be no Shriners          their hearts and not just their eyes. If they do, ask them
hospitals and the patients would not receive their        to join you as a Shriner and partner in OUR hospitals.

The Recorder’s Recordings
By: III. Sir Bill Adamson, P.P.

                             Well, I think we’re headed                             kinds of projects. Without these guys our budget would
                             towards Spring. I’m ready for it,                      really go through the roof, or they just wouldn’t get
                             how about you?                                         done…Think about it, there’s at least one thing that
                                                                                    you could do to help your Shrine. Please send us an
                       Just a reminder that the LuLu                                e-mail with that special thing that you can do!
                       office hours are Tuesday,
                       Wednesday and Thursday, 9 a.m.                               WE NEED YOU!
                       to 4 p.m. Give us a call if you need
                       help with anything (relating to                              We’re trying to send out more constant contacts to
Shrine). Call Jacquie, Jaime, Chris or myself.                                      keep everyone up-to-date on the happenings of the
                                                                                    Shrine and Shrinedom in general. Please send us your
You, as a member of Lulu can be a great asset to our                                e-mail address if we don’t already have it so we can
Shrine in three ways:                                                               add you to the list.

1. Get involved with a Club (with your significant other)                           Please keep your eyes on the website and the Fez
2. Get involved with a Unit                                                         for Club and Unit events. Just because you are not a
3. Give us an idea regarding things that you could help                             member of the Club or Unit that sends out a flyer for
   with around the Shrine                                                           an event doesn’t mean you can’t attend the event and
                                                                                    have fun with the nobles there.
With #3 we don’t need you to come in every weekend
and do things, but if we know what you’re handy doing                               Again, a great BIG thanks to all of you who have
then we could call on you if we have a special project to                           volunteered your time helping around the Shrine. Keep
be completed.                                                                       up the terrific work. We truly appreciate it!

Our “Fixers” crew that comes in every Wednesday has                                 Take care, enjoy the Spring and see you around at LuLu.
saved us thousands of dollars each year completing all

                                                                                                      Relive Those

                                                                                              Carefree Days
                                                                                                  Retirement living at Masonic Village is
                                                                                                reminiscent of your youth, only better. Not
                                                                                              only do we have a beautiful campus, dozens of
                                                                                               amenities, resident clubs, Masonic activities
                                                                                                and delicious food, but we also offer home
                                                                                              maintenance, healthcare and financial security.

                                                                                               Our active community is perfectly situated to
                                                                                               provide peaceful suburban living coupled with
                                                                                                        easy access to Philadelphia.

                                                                                                      Call today to schedule
                                                                                                         a personal tour!
    801 Ridge Pike, Lafayette Hill, PA | | Open for everyone.

        Tuesday, April 9th                                Thursday, April 18th                                Friday, May 31st to
       Investment Advisory                               Hospital Board Meeting                                Sunday, June 2nd
                 Meeting                                                                                Ocean City Family Weekend
                                                            Tuesday, April 30th
    Wednesday, April 10th                                   Hospital Celebration                           Wednesday, June 12th
  Finance & Divan Meetings                                                                               Finance & Divan Meetings
                                                             Saturday, May 4th
                                                               Heritage Night
    Thursday, April 11th to                                                                                 Sunday, June 30th to
      Saturday, April 13th                               Wednesday, May 8th                                    Thursday, July 4th
             Spring MASA                               Finance & Divan Meetings                               Imperial in Nashville

      Friday, April 12th to                              Thursday, May 16th to
        Sunday, April 14th                                 Sunday, May 19th
           Clown-O-Rama                                         Circus

            Proud Designers and
                    Developers of
          LuLu’s Award-Winning                                                       Energizing Brands Through
                                                                                      Strategic Marketing and
        Website and Newsletter
                                                                                         Sales Approaches

                                                                              BRANDING &   WEBSITE                     INBOUND          TRADITIONAL
                                                                                DESIGN   DEVELOPMENT                  MARKETING            MEDIA

2605 Egypt Road | Trooper, PA 19403 | 610.539.8400 |   2605 Egypt Road | Trooper, PA 19403 | 610.539.8401 |

Activities Club
By: Fred Ruderick,
1st VP of the LuLu Activties Club

The LuLu Activities Club had some fun and busy
winter months. In late December and early January
the club was busy watching the Philadelphia Eagles
games at Miller’s Ale House in Willow Grove. As
the season and playoffs went on, our group grew
and the environment was awesome. On Sunday
January 13th we had over 60 people watch the NFL
Divisional round when the Eagles battled the New
Orleans Saints. We were streaming live on Facebook
and everyone was posting lots of pictures online.
Unfortunately, the Eagles didn’t beat the Saints but
we all had a great time during those few weeks.          We will have great lower level tickets. Everyone is
                                                         welcome to attend this family friendly outing.
The LuLu Activities Club now has over 50 members         Please send your checks to Finky: P.O. Box 1550,
who have signed our charter. If you are interested       Havertown, PA. 19083 and email
in becoming a charter member please contact our
President Illustrious Sir Douglas Fink by calling him    We also have a comedy night planned on Friday June
at (610)633-3333 or emailing him at finkyclown@          7th at 7pm at the LuLu Shrine Auditorium. We will This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to     have 3 great comedians perform. The cost for tickets is
become a charter member of a Shriners Organization.      only $29.95 and includes beef and beer. Please help us
                                                         spread the word so we can fill up the house. The more
We have some exciting events planned for the coming      people the better. This is not a fundraising event; our
months. On Saturday March 23rd we will be watching       only goal is to provide a great night out for all our
the NCAA tournament. Details will be posted to our       LuLu Shriners. This will be a night that you and your
Facebook page and emailed out. On Saturday April 27th    friends won’t want to miss. For more information
at 7pm, we will be watching the 3-time Arena Bowl        to purchase tickets please contact Finky. Send your
Champion battle the newly created Atlantic City Black    checks to Finky, P.O. Box 1550, Havertown, PA. 19083
Jacks at the Wells Fargo Center. The cost is only $25.   and email

A Shriners Daughter Giving Back
By: Douglas “Finky” Fink

Most of you know how much I love                                            witnessing the good work that
and adore the children at our                                               we do. Over many years she has
hospital. What I also love to                                               visited the children in the hospital
witness is when others help the                                             at Christmas and at times for
children at our hospital. I wanted                                          monthly Shriners visits bringing
to let all of our Nobility know of a                                        presents and pizza for the patients
fine example that I’ve witnessed.                                           and staff.

This individual is a young daughter                                         In addition to making a monetary
of one of our Nobles. She did some                                          donation she also wanted to raise
amazing charitable work for our                                             public awareness of the hospitals
Shriners Hospital and I wanted to                                           contribution to public health.
bring this to your attention.                                               On two separate occasions she
                                                                            organized a group of adults to man
This young lady is Shayna Feldsher,                                         tables for the Paper Drive at the
the daughter of Noble Mike                                                  Roosevelt Mall flea market. Each
Feldsher and Lady Dana. Shayna                                              event was run for 10 hours a day
is turning 13 and in the Jewish religion all children   and successfully collected hundreds of dollars and
receive their Bat/Bar Mitzvah at that age. Also,        distributed newspapers telling the story of the hospital.
along with this joyous occasion, each young adult is
asked to do a community service project. Shayna’s       Shayna set a self-appointed goal of $1000 and
community service project was to raise money for the    continued her efforts by attending several Shriners
Shriner’s Hospital. Most of the adult male members      meetings and soliciting additional donations. On
of her family are LuLu Shriners. She has grown up       Thursday, February 21, 2019 she attended a hospital
                                                                            Board of Directors meeting
                                                                            with me, where she presented
                                                                            $1101.70. Raising the money
                                                                            was just not enough and she was
                                                                            not finished! She remembered
                                                                            the comfort she feels when she
                                                                            cuddles with a very soft blanket.
                                                                            With that in mind, she presented
                                                                            the hospital children with 15
                                                                            very soft blankets in a variety of
                                                                            colors and designs. The blankets
                                                                            were bought with additional
                                                                            donations and delivered at the
                                                                            Board meeting of the hospital.
                                                                            Shayna hopes they will provide
                                                                            some measure of comfort to the

                                                                            For any of you who haven’t met
                                                                            Shayna, she is a seventh-grade
                                                                            student at Poquessing Middle
                                                                            School. She is also a member of
                                                                            the school cheerleading team.

Mounted Guard’s Busy and Eventful Fall and Winter
By: Charles Roberts, Secretary

LuLu Mounted Guard had a very busy and eventful           In October, we had the Havertown Parade. That
Fall & Winter period. We had both joy and sadness         was a new experience for us since we had a new
that we haven’t experienced before.                       thoroughbred mare along with us that was never
                                                          in a parade. Dale Estus attempted to ride her, but
In November, we lost one of our lifelong members,         thankfully, when he got bucked off, neither he nor
Earl N. Sladek. In addition to being a longtime           the horse were injured. So Vegas, her name, had to
member of the Mounted, he was a Vietnam veteran           spend the time in the trailer. Hopefully we will be
and Newtown Township Police Officer for over 25           able to enter her in some parades this year.
years. After retirement he worked as a hall monitor
in the Neshaminy and Pennsbury School Districts. He       In November, we had the Feztival of Lights again.
had a huge sense of humor and was always a warm           This was the second year and had many improvements
pleasant guy to be around. In his earlier days, he was    from last year. Attendance was said to be good and I
quite a cowboy on horseback. In the past few years        think we made a few dollars on this event. Once again,
we only saw him at our annual holiday banquet but         this event would not have been a success without the
he will always be remembered by the Mounted.              time and efforts put forward by members of LuLu,
                                                          especially Illustrious Sirs Roy L. Knauth and Gary
Then again on New Years Day, we lost Illustrious Sir      Davis. And we owe a special thanks to all those who
Roy L. Knauth, our Captain. A separate article on         stayed to help clean up the night before Thanksgiving.
his memoriam is included in this issue. We can’t say
enough about Brother Roy because he was always            Our Mounted Guard 50/50 raffle went off very well
there willing to help to do anything and always           this year. We made approximately $2,000. Thanks to
promoted the Mounted Guard in every endeavor. He          all the members who sold the tickets and thanks
certainly had more energy than many of us, and was        especially to everyone who supported us by participating
just a great person to be around. We will certainly       in this raffle. The Mounted members take care of the
remember him always.                                      day to day costs of the animals, but this raffle is used
                                                          primarily to pay for equipment repairs, truck and
May both these members rest in peace. Please keep         trailer repairs, etc. Without this raffle, we would be
Barbara Sladek and Sharon Knauth in your thoughts         very limited on the parades we could participate in.
and prayers. And it would be good to call them and        So thanks to everyone who supports us.
let them know your thoughts are with them.
                                                          As a tradition, the Mounted has their annual trail ride
The Mounted participated in the MASA gathering            on New Year’s Day. We gathered at the stable and
in Virginia Beach in September. We didn’t win any         decided Roy would want us to ride. So we saddled up
trophies, partly because they changed the classes         and rode for about 2 hours.
and we were a color guard unit in the parade, which
didn’t have a class. So hopefully, next year this will    Finally, spring is just around the corner, and the horses
be cleared up.                                            need a lot of cleaning. I was at the stable recently
                                                          and the paddock and pasture areas are so muddy the
We had the rodeo again this past September. Illustrious   horses sink in 4-5 inches. Furthermore, they have
Sir Gary Davis was Chairman of the Rodeo. He along        rolled in the mud so often we will need a long time
with several other Mounted members spent many             to clean them up. But hey, just wait till May and they
hours getting ready for this event. Some new signs        will be looking good and ready to show off the colors.
were hung, and improvements to gates were made.
Illustrious Sir Bill Morwald once again came through      With the passing of Illustrious Sir Roy Knuth, we
and did a great job grading and solving all the other     now have an extra horse, so anyone that may be
problems that seem to arise when we are ready to          interested in joining us and learning to ride should
use the arena. Thanks to everyone who helped.             contact us. Until then, happy trails to everyone.

Northeast Shrine Club                                        Northeast Shrine Club
By: Dr. Richard Schultz                                         of LuLu Shrine
Finally, Winter is over and Spring has sprung! I hope
everyone made it through the cold weather with
spirits intact. We look ahead to warmer weather and
spending time outside. Speaking of which, the Marcus
Hook parade is coming up on Saturday, May 25th
followed closely by the Warminster Parade on the
27th and then the Feasterville Parade on Thursday,
July 4th. Hells Bells will be there and volunteers are
always needed to ride along.                                   “Home of the Happy Shriner”
Come join the Officers of Northeast Shrine Club and
the Ladies Auxiliary to celebrate Past Presidents night,           Chartered November 6, 1923
Monday May 6th at Cannstatter’s. Reservations can be
made using the flyer included in this edition of the Fez.    Benjamin G. Baird PP (’11)........... President
Ocean City, Ocean City, Ocean City......come and enjoy             Richard E. Schultz II....... 1st VP
a weekend of fun with friends and family as we
celebrate together Thursday May 30th through                        Albert D. Polekoff........2nd VP
Sunday, June 2nd. For more info and to make your
                                                               Joel H. Brookstein PP (‘08).....Secretary
reservations, see the flyer in this edition of the Fez…...
we hope to see you there!                                       Christopher S. Mason........Treasurer
And don’t forget the Circus! May 16, 17, 18 and 19.
Always a special time for those that attend a show and         All Shriners are invited to join us on the
have a chance to see some interesting entertainment.
The fun never stops, even for those who volunteer.                  3rd Monday of each month at

Finally, Northeast Shrine Club is looking for new             Cannstatter Volksfest-Verein
members who are interested in participating in a club
that enjoys spending time together as well as raising             9130 Academy Rd ~ Phila 19114
awareness and contributing funds to our greatest
philanthropy. There are those who consider Shriners                 NESC Information and Dinner
Hospitals for Children merely a hobby, but Northeast
Shrine Club feels and cares very strongly about                   Reservation Hotline 215-742-7133
helping to provide the best care for children and we
will continue to do so into the future.                         Social Hour 6:00 PM, Dinner 7:00 PM
                                                                       Dinner $20.00 Member
                                                                        $25.00 Non-Member

                                                                 Nobles Interested in Joining NESC
                                                               Contact any Member or Our Secretary:
                                                                    Joel H. Brookstein P.P. (’08):
                                                                215-639-2695 or

                                                              Initiation Fee $10.00, Yearly Dues $15.00
                                                               Initiation Fee and Dues waved for 2019

I Am Guilty, Are You?
By: Dennis Gold

I have been a member of the Masons, Consistory, and
Shrine for about 35 years as well as B’nai Brith and           We need nobles and ladies to step up
Brith Sholom. I went to meetings the first few years      and support the organizations, attend
and then work, children and life seemed to get in the
                                                          meetings, take on a title, and make our lives

way of meetings. The friend that brought me in was
very involved and I couldn’t do everything he did. So,    enriched by your support.
for about 25 years I did not attend many meetings but
paid my dues regularly. I am sure the organizations
appreciated the cash flow I was helping with.             However, we are part of the one to ten percent of the
                                                          membership that show up at meetings, help out, and
Once I retired the first time, I started to attend        assist in making any event have a large enough group
meetings with a different friend. My original signer      to make it financially feasible.
stopped going to meetings and eventually dropped
out. I went to several club and unit, business, and       So, the question is, “What is your story?” Where
social meetings. My wife, Marilyn, started to attend      have you been? What are you doing to help LuLu
these meetings on occasion. We started to make new        Shrine, the Shrine Hospitals, or a club and unit? We
friends. We had someone to sit with at meetings.          need nobles and ladies to step up and support the
We enjoyed saying hello, getting hugs, and then we        organizations, attend meetings, take on a title, and
started seeing a few members socially outside the         make our lives enriched by your support.
various organizations. It started to be enjoyable.
                                                          We recently had changes in our organization. It
Once the organization saw someone that attended           is important to realize that many people stepped
a meeting with some regularity and spoke up at            up and helped. At our special February meeting
the meetings, they jumped on me to be involved in         there were several people offering to help and were
committees, have a title, and help with everything. I     elected to various positions. LuLu Shrine and all
did have a title and worked hard for the organizations    the clubs and units must adapt to our changing
and clubs. I enjoyed the camaraderie, most meals,         world. Your involvement in these changes would
and some travel.                                          be appreciated. I hope to see you at meetings and
                                                          events, lending a helping hand somehow. These are
Now it is about ten years later. I have worked hard,      your organizations. Without your support, they will
been involved, supported the organizations with           not exist. We are all brothers and sisters and family.
everything I was able to do. Marilyn has often been       See you soon. Also, bring a new or existing member
at my side with all the work and involvement.             to the next meeting.


  Bill Adamson                 Jaime Green

  Chris Mason                  Jacquie Blum

                         "Home of the Happy Shriner"
                         Invites all Nobles and their families to
                         OCEAN CITY FAMILY WEEKEND

                         Thursday May 30 - Sunday June 2, 2019

                                      TAHITI MOTOR INN
                                  12Th STREET AND OCEAN AVENUE

      Room Package Price is based on 2 ADULT Occupancy / 2 ADULT Hospitality
   Children under 12 years Free. Additional Guests Add $35 Hospitality Fee per person.

           ROOM RATES: 2 Nights - $250            3 Nights - $330
           APARTMENT RATES: 3 Night Minimum - $515 (4 Adults)
               Non-refundable $50 Deposit by April 17, 2019
 (Price includes $10 obligatory remittance to Lu Lu Shrine Center per member, per occupied room or apartment.

                              Weekend Package Includes:
            Hospitality Room                Continental Breakfast Friday & Saturday
Hot Dog Lunch Deck Party Friday                        Post-Parade Lunch Deck Party Saturday
                               Entertainment Friday and Saturday

Makes Checks Payable to: NORTHEAST SHRINE CLUB                              Deposit: _________________________
Mail To:Ronald Meredith                                                     Room/Apt Request? ________________
       125 Liberty Drive                                                    Day of Arrival ________________
       Bensalem, PA 19020-3117                                              Number of Adults ______________
       215-962-2624                                                         Number of Children ____________

NAME: __________________________________________________________
PHONE: _________________________________________________________
E-MAIL: ____________________________
*Please list the names and ages of the children on the back of this form.
**Priority for Rooms or apartments will expire on April 8, 2019

Legion of Honor
By: Gary M. Portnoy, PC

                                On January 6, 2019 the                                    laying time is reserved
                                LuLu Legion of Honor                                      at 1315 hours (1:30
                                held their Change of                                      PM.) We meet at LuLu
                                Command ceremony.                                         at 0800 hours and
                                The ceremony, typical                                     travel by bus/busses to
                                of all formal military                                    Arlington. Breakfast,
                                change of command                                         lunch and dinner is
                                ceremonies passed                                         provided. Plans for
                                the leadership of the                                     our side trip are not
                                Legion from the current                                   quite solidified as yet
                                commander and his                                         but should be shortly.
                                staff to the incoming     We are planning to have dinner at Montgomery-
                                commander and his         Cornerstone Masonic Lodge #195 in Rockville,
                                staff. The Potentate      Maryland to be catered by Mission Barbeque. At
                                with the assistance of    this time, we believe the price of $80.00 per person
                                the Divan participated    should hold.
with the Legion leadership and their ladies. The
Legion of Honor flag was passed from the Lieutenant
of Colors to the outgoing commander who then
passed the colors to the potentate. The potentate
passed the colors to the incoming commander
signifying the change of leadership. The flag was then
returned to the Lieutenant of Colors to be returned
to its place with the Shrine flags and the United
States Flag. The Legion thanks all who participated
including Legion members, legion ladies, Potentate,
divan ladies and guests.

                                                          We look forward to having many great activities
                                                          during the course of this year, including the Ladies
                                                          Night in May, US Flag Retirement Ceremony in June,
                                                          Legion picnic in September, our wreath ceremony
                                                          and holiday dinner. Our meetings are held in the
                                                          Merrymac Room on the 4th Monday of the month
                                                          unless notified otherwise. And of course, we continue
Plans are still in the works for our annual sojourn to    to support LuLu Shriners in all its activities.
Arlington to lay a wreath the Tomb of the Unknowns.
The date is Sunday, 3 November 2019. Our wreath           George Scheerbaum, Commander

LuLu Shriners Patrol

Ocean City Family Weekend
                        Please join us May 31st, June1st, June 2nd 2019
                                        At the FORUM MOTOR INN
                                          8th and Atlantic Ave.                         Make checks payable to :

                                                Ocean City, N.J.                        Lu Lu Arab Patrol & send along
                                                                                        with form to:
                 Chairman                           Co-Chairman
          Joel Brookstein, P.P.                     Rick Lamontagne,P.P.                Ocean City Family Weekend
            H- (215) 639-2695                       H (610) 847-2598                    C/O Joel Brookstein, P.P.
            C- (215) 620-9956                       C (215) 374-5863                    48 Freedom Lane
        Email–                     Email—         Bensalem, PA 19020-3123

                                                                           All reservations must be made through the
                   Payment in full due with reservation!
                          First come, first served!                                         Chairman
                  Must be paid in full prior to the weekend!                       Please do not call the Motel
                                                                                           Thank you!

                                                                                                          price            included

                                                                     Dbl. room Friday & Sat               $245.00
Name                                                                                                      $270.00
                                                                     Non-Patrol members
                                                                     Extra person in Room ( per night)    $12.00
Address                                                              Lunch after Parade Inc.             Included               N/C

                                                                     Children under four years           N/C                    free

                                                                     Continental breakfast               Included               N/C
                                                                     Saturday and Sunday
Phone                             fax
Check # ____________                                                                                              Total:

LuLu Motor Unit Report
                                                                                2018 MOTOR UNIT OFFICERS
By: Carl Levin, Secretary
                                                                                C. Barry Hyman. .  .  .  .  . President
                                                                                Paul Feigel .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1st VP
I am happy to report that our unit is doing quite well.   in both our
                                                                                Frank Flem .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2nd VP
We redid our bathroom with a ceramic tile floor. Paul     rooms and the
                                                                                Carl Levin.  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Road Captain
Feigel laid the tile and did a great and neat job. He     hallway as well
                                                                                Ill. Joel Ward.  .  .  .  . Treasurer: III
was aided by Carl Levin, Barry Hyman and Frank            as the upstairs
                                                                                Carl Levin .  .  .  .  .  .  . Secretary: III
Flem and we had it operating and looking good in          main kitchen.
time for our Superbowl party which was a success          Next year will          We meet the Second Thursday at
even though the attendance was down a bit due to          be toasty.              7:30 p.m. except July and August
sicknesses and black camel visits. There was plenty       The Motor
of food and drink and every new attendee wants to         Unit had its
attend next year. We also got the heat working better     hospital visitation and the turnout was spectacular.
                                                          We looked very spiffy in our uniforms and fezes.
                                                          The kids who are patients there as well as their
                                                          families are appreciative of the good works we do.
                                                          We served them pizza, soft drinks and gave out
                                                          some gifts. Though we only spend an hour or so
                                                          there they remember it for a long time. In two weeks
                                                          we will be attending the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in
                                                          Falsington, Pa. hopefully, the weather will cooperate
                                                          this year. It is a good parade with many neighbors
                                                          attending. Ill. Sir Roy Knauth is missed by the many
                                                          clubs and units to which he belonged and his shoes
                                                          or boots can never be filled, but we are trying to
                                                          do the best we can. The officers and Nobles also
                                                          wish to thank those members who went above and
                                                          beyond by contributing more than the amount of our
                                                          dues in order to keep our unit solvent. Our Ladies
                                                          Appreciation Night is near the end of March and I will
                                                          report on that in our next issue. It is our time to show
                                                          how much we cherish them both for the support they
                                                          give us and for putting up with our time away from
                                                          them because of all the activities we are involved in.
                                                          Because of their help and organizing, those of us in
                                                          the know are of the opinion that without them the
                                                          Shrine would cease to exist.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ APRIL BIRTHDAYS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Harry H. Alderfer             Thomas O. Felke             Thomas Howard Kennedy          John K. Richards
John Annand                   Dale J. Fetterman           Rodney H. Kirkner              Frederick Edward Ryan
James F. Anthony, III         Robert D. Fighera, Jr.      Stuart E. Konefsky             Murray K. Saltzman
Benjamin G. Baird             Jon D. Fox                  Robert Lankin                  Arthur E. Scena, Jr.
Gilbert W. Belsky             Norman A. Fox               Clinton G. Latoff              Thomas J. Schmidt
Raymond W. Blaisse            Kenneth W. Froley           Henri C. Levit                 Brad Seecof
Vincent Bocchinfuso, Jr.      Perry A. Gaber              Gary H. Lippen                 Robert N. Self
William H. Bromley            Robert Gale                 Arthur Love                    Robert N. Self, Jr.
Joel H. Brookstein
                              Arnold H. Gelman            Carl R. Loudenslager           Dean R. Shacklett, Jr.
David W. Caddick, II
                              Donald Glassman             Reaves C. Luken, Jr.           Joseph P. Simek
Alan D. Call
                              William N. Graves           Charles A. Lusch               Harry E. Snyder
Raymond Cardona
                              Alan J. Griffith            Carlo P. Malantonio            Marc S. Stein
William K. Carney
                              Sheldon L. Groner           Alan M. Maslin                 Rudolph Stroh, Jr.
Walter R. Clark
                              Lee E. Grover               Karl R. Mayro                  Gregg A. Strom
Donald P. Cornagie
                              James G. Guba               Joseph R. Morgan, Jr.          David C. Thompson
John R. Davis
                              Robert J. Hartman           Jagdish Mundkur                Frederick A. Tucker
Jean Elmer DeBarth
J. R. Dotsey                  Bradford D. Houchins, Jr.   Howard J. Naulty, Jr.          Jerome D. Udell

Thomas J. Drumm               Zachary P. Hulayev          Elwood E. O’Brien              Samuel J. Underland, III

Bryan L. Emilius              Paul A. Huss                Ernest F. Padovani             Richard A. Wagner
Carl A. Emilius, III          William E. Jackson, Jr.     Lee R. Perlmutter              Lewis W. Walters
Frederick J. Fedak            Gerald I. Jay               Noel A. Perloff                Bryan C. Werner
Paul J. Feigel, Sr.           Arthur J. Jervis            Mark R. Pfeiffer               Stuart Whitman
Eric R. Feld                  Mark T. Johnston            Angel L. Pinto, Jr.            Calvin E. Williams, Jr.
Ira M. Feldman                George W. Jones             Richard W. Rice                William R. Zimmerman

   Take Membership into your own hands!                   • View temple information such as your clubs/units
   How to Register:
   1. Go to                          • Upload a photo to your profile
   2. Enter your name and member number
   3. Add your email address and create a password        • Print a temporary Shrine ID card and much more!
   4. Register your new account

   • View and edit your general information – nickname,
     birthdate, spouse, occupation

   • Update your contact information – address, phone
     number, email address

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ MAY BIRTHDAYS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Jacob B. Adams, III        John J. Duffy              Michael B. Lehman            R. Donald Reilly
J. D. Amos                 Claude W. Ely, Jr.         Edward A. Liebert            Ray Reinard
Joseph A. Arnold           Gerald L. Ewers            John D. Lightbody            Wesley R. Reustle
Jack O. Ashcraft           Robert C. Fennimore        William J. Lion              J. C. Rickabaugh
Chester H. Atkins          Richard D. Fitch           Erik S. Litt                 Richard E. Rodzwic
William B. Atkinson        James R. Flick             Otto Lolk                    Richard J. Ruggeri
William E. Bean            Edwin S. Foody             Scott R. Loev                Edward Vincent Russell
Charles C. Beck            Henry Ford                 William Mackey               John K. Saltzgueber
John E. Belle              Walter O. Ford             Marvin Mandel                Harvey I. Salwen
David E. Bischoff          Jay A. Fuggiti             George W. Mano               John B. Satterthwaite
Bruce Blum, P.P.           Bradford Gajkowski         Rodney Maranville            James Schmidt, Jr.
William C. Bobbitt, Jr.    David C. Garrett           Domenic C. Marcellino, Jr.   Joshua D. Scoll, DPM
Richard L. Bowman          Peter Geyer                William W. Marshall, Jr.     Mark A. Seelaus
Leonard Brownstein         Raymond Godfrey            William J. McCarthy          Salman S. Sheikh
Benjamin S. L. Buck, Jr.   John D. Greenfield         Eugene J. McGovern, Jr.      Joseph J. Spera
Carl R. Burich             Anthony C. Grosso          Charles W. McSwain           Charles Steinberg
David W. Caddick           Jonathan L. Guba           Walter E. Mehl, Jr.          Edward C. Stendel
Joseph H. Cain, Jr.        Alfred F. Hagerty          Joseph Mennen                James K. Swartz
Edward J. Campanella       William R. Hagmeier        C. L. Metzger, Jr.           Robert J. Taylor
Gary F. Cardamone          William H. Herrmann, Jr.   Jerome Miller                Jeffrey F. Templeton
Robert R. Cassel           Frank G. Humphries, Jr.    Richard T. Moll              Stuart J. Visnov
Leland B. Clark            William G. Hyndshaw, Jr.   John B. Morton               Joel L. Ward, P.P.
Steven Cohen               William H. Karasch         Edward D. Myers              Richard P. Weber Sr.
Joseph Constantine, Jr.    Scott Kattelman            Melchior Myers, Jr.          Aaron L. Weinstein
Frank C. Constantino       Hilary A. Kaufman          Edward D. Neifeld            John A. Wishwanick, Jr.
Gary Davis, P.P.           Frank Kibler, Sr.          Gary Papazian                Joel C. Wolfert
Wes J. Davis               David J. Kleinguenther     John L. Partington           Daniel T. Yarnall
Louis A DeCenzi            Jack I. Laveson            William M. Patrick           Christopher D. Zenzel
H. L. Dubs, Jr.            Jeffrey P. Lees            Norman O. Pfeiffer           Leon Zollo

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ JUNE BIRTHDAYS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Luis A. Arroyo            Olafs Gaibiselis         Seamus P. McCaffery         Herbert Alfred Schmidt
Jack Ayoub                Kenneth M. Given,MD.     William C McGarvey          Chris D. Schneider
Joseph A. Auteri          Dennis C. Gold           Donald A. McMillan          William N. Schrope
Robert J. Bateman         Gabriel Goldstein        David W. McSurdy, Jr.       Joseph John Schuck
Warren L. Beach           David G. Graefe          Louis A. Meier              Harry M. Schwartz
Gordon L. Bell            John H. Green, Jr.       Karl D. Miller              Craig S. Shivers
Laird S. Bevitz           Peter M. Harow           Frederick L. Muller, III    Walter D. Snyder
Frank T. Bohn             Howard I. Hatoff         Martin D. Nelson            Thomas A. Spoltore
Eugene H. Braeunig, Jr.   Thomas H. Helenski
                                                   Eric J. Nefferdorf          Stanley P. Stahl
Joseph S. Canaris         Joshua D. Henderson
                                                   Joseph J. Ochotny, Jr.      Melvin C. Stein
Kenneth R. Carr, Jr.      John Hophan
                                                   Francis X. O’Malley         Percy G. Sussex
John Henry Carey          William C. Hophan
                                                   Richard E. Parks            Paul C. Swanger
Samuel Carlisi            David Jacoby
                                                   Adam M. Patrick             John E. Tharp
George H. Clyde           Robert D. Jacoby, Sr.
                                                   Norman S. Pfeiffer          Michael A. Ticcino
Charles T. Cummings       Frank Jones, Jr.
                                                   Robert H. Phillips          John F. Torbett, Jr.
Carl A. Currey            Leonard J. Kahn
                                                   Andrew F. Pincus            Harry M. Turner, Sr.
Bart I. Davis             David L. Klauder, Sr.
Vincent D. Delaney        William A. Klosz         Andrew J. Reiter            James C. Umlauf

William G. Dickup         Ian P. Korman            Kurt Ritthaler, Jr.         Ronald C. Unterberger

James J. Diem             Richard A. Kurtz         George W. Robertson         Michael W. Vandorick
Louis T. Dolente, IV      Thomas J. Lardani, Jr.   Robert R. Robinson, Jr.     Harold M. Vansant
Robert C. Duckett         Richard L. Learn         Jeffrey T. Rowlands         Harry E. Wanner, III
Theodore A. Ehlke         Carl Levin               Mario Salvati               John J. Warner, Jr.
John Featherman           Wesley R. Light          Americo J. Santella         Scott W. Woehr
Alan L. Flinn             Daniel C. Marschall      William G. Savage           Ronald L. Young, Sr.
Gerald A. Francis         Robert S. Martell        Thomas J. Scaricaciottoli   Dennis S. Ziemba

Hospital Rounds
By: Nobel Thomas A Spoltore

I recently had the pleasure of again attending our         He began telling us of a child who sustained a burn
Masonic Breakfast in our LuLu Shrine Center in             injury over her whole body, and how the journey to
January. So, I thought I’d share a little of that          recovery impacted the family. You could not help but
experience with you. The guest speaker for this event      to feel their pain. That pain was not only the physical
was our Hospital Administrator Ed Myers. Ed, who           pain of the child but also the catastrophic impact on
is also a Mason and Shriner, updated everyone in           every aspect of the family’s lives. It wasn’t until they
attendance, on the state of our Hospital in the            were directed to Shriners hospital that a lot of these
ever-changing healthcare industry. He highlighted the      issues were alleviated. I would be doing Dan’s talk
quality of care and as well as the dedication of our       a disservice if I were to try and tell it in this article.
Hospital staff. The talk was very informative as well      I can only tell you how riveting and powerful of an
as enlightening.                                           experience it was to hear it while imaging it was a
                                                           member of your family. There was hardly a dry eye in
Then Grand Master, S Eugene Herritt, spoke of the          the audience.
relationship of Masonic principals as they relate to
Shrinedom and our Hospital’s programs. He spoke            The reason for highlighting these talks was to drive
from the heart regarding his appreciation to the           home our “Love to the Rescue” identity. It was
Shriners for their devotion to our hospital. It was very   abundantly clear that each of the men who spoke
gratifying to hear his acknowledgement and interest        that day were speaking from the heart. We can be
in our programs. The Grand Master’s talk was then          proud of our hospital and the great work that they
followed up by one of the most moving Shriners             do, realizing that stories like this one are playing out
Hospitals presentations that I have ever heard. And        every day in our hospitals in every part of our nation
believe me, that is saying something, since I’ve been      and abroad.
affiliated with our Hospital for over 30 years.
                                                           The power of these speakers that morning, led to
The talk was given by our own Oriental Guide,              eleven Masons getting petitions for becoming Shriners.
District Deputy Dan Sheetz. Before he began the            So, when you get to your lodges, tell them about our
story, he requested that everyone close their eyes.        great hospital. You can also tell them we can arrange
He asked that we relate what he was about to tell          to have a Hospital speaker come to their lodge to do
us to one of your own children or grandchildren.           a presentation.

Bucks County Shrine Club
By: Michael Feldsher

                                                         Circus poster and sign. Some of the big raffle winners
                                                         were John Cassanover, Theil Wellington and Dave

                                                         Another one of the highlights of the night was the
                                                         presentation of the Bucks County Shrine Club Noble
                                                         of the Year award. The 2018 recipient was John
                                                         Casanover. The night also featured our 2018
                                                         President Charlie Roberts getting his official “Gold
                                                         membership card”.

                                                         We have a fun family friendly event coming up in
                                                         the future. On June 26th at 7pm, we have a baseball
                                                         outing at the Trenton Thunder. The $30 cost for the
                                                         tickets includes a wonderful summer buffet. We will
                                                         be sitting in the picnic area down the 3rd base line.
                                                         This is prime foul ball territory so bring your baseball
The Bucks County Shrine Club February meeting this       glove. You may get a nice souvenir. Please send your
year was a memorable one. We had 70 people in            ticket payments to our Stewart John Casanover PP.
attendance. During the night, everyone was entertained   Bldg. 18, Apt. 2014 330 Jacksonville Road, Warmin-
by the acoustic Jazz/Blues music from the Side Chicks.   ster, PA. 18974.
Donald “Stinky” Fink’s daughter Staci is the Saxophone
player for the group. Some of the tunes the ladies       We also wanted to announce our new facebook page
played were the Four non-blondes “What’s up”, Tracy
Chapman’s “Give me one reason” and “Fast car”.           club/. Please like the page and repost it.
Everyone really enjoyed
the great music and
wonderful conversations
during the night. They also
played “Fools rush in” by
Elvis Presley.

The night also featured a
raffle which benefited the
Bucks County Shrine Club
Ladies Auxiliary. The raffle
raised $430 dollars. We
want to thank everyone
who donated items and
purchased raffle tickets.
Some of the items that
were raffled off were
expensive bottles of wine
and whisky. There were
also several Christmas
ornaments, along with a
really nice LuLu Shrine

Quaker City-Montco Shrine Club
By: Dennis Gold

Good Friends, Good Food and a Great Time
                                                            brought along many flyers and
                                                            information sheets for us to
                                                            take and learn from. He was
                                                            a great speaker and shared
                                                            many ideas, especially about
                                                            being safe on the internet.
                                                            We had a great turn out, the
                                                            Lasagna along with all that
                                                            came with it was outstanding.

                                                            At the end of March, we will hold an extra meeting.
                                                            We will travel north to Harold’s Famous Deli
                                                            (Edision, NJ) near exit 10 of the New Jersey Turnpike.
                                                            We included the pictures on the left to show you
                                                            incredible meals that Harold’s offers. You are welcome
                                                            to join us anytime at all meetings.

                                                            May is Holocaust Remembrance month. We remember
                                                            the Holocaust and those that perished. This will be
                                                            the fourth year that we have held a meeting with
                                                            a speaker about the Holocaust. There are very few
                                                            people alive today that were part of the Holocaust,
                                                            but it is important to remember what happened so it
                                                            doesn’t happen again.

                                                            I want to end the article by letting you know that
                           Quaker City-Montco Shrine        Quaker City-Montco Shrine Club is 60 years young
                           Club has been having an          this year. To celebrate this milestone, we are having
                           exciting year. We started the    a night out at Jonny Apples, Southampton, PA on
                           year off with an Installation    Tuesday, September 6, 2019. We will have great food,
                           brunch at Bella Tori Mansion,    great music by the Side Chicks, one of whom is the
                           Langhorne, PA. In February       daughter of one of our members. You have heard the
                           we held our meeting at           group before. We have also decided to make a copy
                           Guiseppe’s Restaurant,           of our charter and let the current membership sign
                           Warminster, PA with a buffet.                              it. Something for the next
                           Our guest speaker was Bill                                 generation of Quaker
Soloway discussing his competing in the Transplant                                    City-Montco Shrine Club
Games of America. We learned a great deal about                                       members to have as a
transplants, their effect on their recipients lives and                               memento. We are inviting the
the interesting activities in which they can participate.                             entire shrine membership
                                                                                      to join us. HOPE to see you
Our March meeting was a great success. Our speaker                                    there to enjoy “Good
was Michael Bannon of the Bucks County Weights and                                    Friends, Good Food and
Measure, Department of Consumer Protection. Michael                                   a Great Time.”

June 7                   th

     LuLu Shrine
    Beef and Beer
Comedy Club Night
  $                  .95
                                Advanced ticket price
    Save by ordering online or calling.
      Ticket price $35.00 at the door.

 Three Comedians
     Show Time 8;00 PM
                Doors open at 7:00 PM
                     Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches,
                   Side Dishes and Beer included
              To Order OnLine, Go To
                  Or Call 610 • 633 • 3333
Unlimited ticket discounts can be obtained online or by phone prior to event.
            This coupon good for one discount ticket at the door.
    Mail To: Finky, PO. Box, 1550 Havertown, PA. 19083

      LuLu Shriners Auditorium • 5140 Butler Pike
            Plymouth Meeting • PA 19462

                           Hosted by LuLu Shiners Activity Club
            Proceeds are for the benefit of LuLu Shriners and not tax deductible

Sightings from the Crow’s Nest

     Heading for Winter Harbor
                          By the time you read this      We are happy to “Welcome Aboard” three new
                          article, Spring will have      members: Noble Roger Owins and Lady Jennifer,
                          arrived, and we are counting   Noble Paul Naftilin, and Noble David Gingras, Jr.
                          the days until we are ready    and Lady Lynn.
                          to get underway. Several
                          informal, Dutch Treat          With regrets and sorrow, we note two valued
                          dinners held on Second         members who have joined the “Caravan of
                          Tuesdays at Phil’s Tavern      Black Camels”: Ill. Sir Robert Self (1999) October
     By: The Old Salt in Broad Axe, have proven          17,2018, and Ill. Sir Roy Knauth (2000) January 1,
                          successful. The next formal    2019.
     dinner with Ladies and friends, is scheduled for
     April 9th.                                          Shriners, Ladies, Family and Friends are always
                                                         invited to our Social Events and Dinner Meeting,

                                                         formal or informal. For reservations, contact Noble
           Our Annual Memorial Day Service and           John Casanover, R.C./Director @215-350-3923.
     Cookout is scheduled for Sunday, May 26th at
                                                         If you are interested in “Boating” or “Sailing” or
     noon, at the Elk River Marina. This day ‘on the
                                                         just want to attend a Social Activity or need more
     River’ is special. Shriners, Ladies and Friends

                                                         information and/or a Petition for Membership in
     are invited. Reservations are required.             the largest Yacht Club in Shrinedom, contact Noble
                                                         Harry Speth, P.C. at 215-682-0450.

                         “FAIR WINDS AND A FOLLOWING SEA”

            CHAPTER LXXXV (85)
                       A Decade of Change – Part VIII (2018)
                            By: Noble Harry Speth, Historian – February 2019

2018 Ill. Sir Douglas H. Fink (Finky) – Potentate          The Ninth Annual Women’s History Luncheon was
“SHRINERS MAKE KIDS SMILE”, accompanied by                 held (3/18) Chaired by Dimitra Kohler and Barbara
First Lady Kim, Installation of Officers, held January     Quaste, in the Great Hall. The Event featured a
3rd, found Noble John Green installed as Oriental          program on “The History of Women Clowns”.
Guide, Ill. Sir Joel Brookstein (2008) Recorder, and
Noble Hugh McGuinness (Treasurer), having been             A “UBA FUND RAISER” was held (4/14) to raise funds
re-elected at the December Business Meeting, were          to help pay the expenses for Shrine parades out of
re-installed respectively. Ill. Sir William C. Adamson     LuLu’s OASIS (ie. Ocean City, Virginia Beach and
(2010) was appointed Colonel of Units.                     Imperial). The Event, held in the Great Hall, featured
                                                           a “Beef & Beer” meal with Music for Dancing by
Unit and Club Presiding Officers Installation and          “Tony D.”. It was Chaired by the Fink Brothers and
Potentate’s Reception (1/6) was Chaired by Ill. Sir Bill   Gerry Farrell.
Adamson, Lady Kate, Oriental Guide Ed Blum and
Lady Jackie, and featured an Open Bar with Hors            Two weeks later, on April 28th, a LuLu Pancake
d’oeurves, a 19 pc. Jazz Orchestra and a delicious         Breakfast was held in the Great Hall. Chaired by Peter
served dinner. The 2018 Membership Directory was           Gergo, III on a Saturday morning, it featured
available late in January and continued to include         Pancakes and Sausage, from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.
all members of LuLu. The 27th Annual Masonic               and was successful.
Breakfast (1/27), was Chaired by Ill. Sir Bob Gold
(2014) and Gary Davis (2013). Over 450 Masons and          The Potentate’s Ball was held May 5th in LuLu’s
Shriners were addressed by R.W.G.M. and Noble S.           Great Hall, to honor Ill. Sir Douglas Fink and First
Eugene Herritt. LuLu Stewards provided a delicious         Lady Kim. It was a formal affair, with an Open Bar,
breakfast.                                                 that offered three selections for the Main Course
                                                           Dinner. Entertainment was provided by a ten-piece
LuLu sponsored a Pasta Dinner on Friday (2/16)             Band “Philly Rock and Soul”. Several Divans, Past
with food prepared by “Kim Fink and her Mom”.              Potentates and their Ladies from nearby Temples,
Entertainment was by “Vincent James” with singing          attended. The Event was Chaired by Noble Erv
and dancing to your favorite songs. Chairpersons           Kaucher and Lady Doris.
were John and Mindy Casanover
                                                           The 77th LuLu Shrine Circus, held May 18-21,
The Daughters of the Nile (DON), held their Annual         featured several Shows by Hamid Circus, Inc. General
Open Installation of Officers on Sunday (3/11), where      Chairmanship was shared by Ill. Sir Douglas Fink,
Princess Brittney (NIKKI) Schafer was installed as         Chief Aide Donald Fink and Noble David Caddick.
Queen. The DON has many Temples in Shriners                Due to poor weather and high Administrative costs,
International and donate many dollars to the Shrine        the Circus, this year, suffered a net loss.
Hospital System. Ill. Sir Doug thanked them for their
support of our Hospitals.                                  Ocean City Weekend (June1st-3rd), Housing with
                                                           Hospitality, was coordinated by Northeast S.C. at
The Eleventh Annual “Breakfast with the Easter Bunny”      the Tahiti Inn. Housing was also available with the
was held (3/17) in the Great Hall, arranged by Ill. Sir    Arab Patrol at The Forum, and by Delaware County
Joel Brookstein and Chrissy Schultz. Our Children          S.C., at the Impala Motel. Friday Evening featured
enjoyed the Easter Egg Hunt and having their               an impromptu gathering of some 40 plus Noble,
pictures taken with the Easter Bunny.                                                         (continued on page 28)

The History of the Shrine and LuLu Temple                        (continued from page 27)

Ladies and family members, at Gregory’s Restaurant          “13th Annual Family Picnic and Bazzar held in the
in Somers Point, coordinated by Past Commodore              Court Yard (8/5), Chaired by Noble Ray Bloemker, on
Philip Walter, of LuLu’s Yacht Club. Shrine members         August 5th, featured “games, pony rides, prizes and
paraded on the Boardwalk from 5th Street to 12th            much, much more”. Vendor Tables were operated by
Street. Bucks County Shrine Club, again, participated       Fraternal Bodies.
in the Parade by riding Surreys. This year, however,
due to lack of advanced reservations, three Nobles          The Fall MASA Convention at Virginia Beach, VA
had to walk (two Surreys allows eight Nobles to ride!).     (9/6-9/9), again found LuLu housed at the Holiday Inn
General Chairman this year, was Noble Gene Geary.           Express. LuLu’s participation in the Parade consisted
Great Weekend – Good Parade, great Hospitality,             of the Divan, one Club (Bucks County S.C.) and three
wonderful Weather and Scenic Ocean!                         Units (Mounted Guard, Klownz and Shepherds).
                                                            Trophies were awarded to the Klownz for 1st Place
A “Spring Bash” was held (6/15) in the Great Hall to        and to the Shepherds for 2nd Place. Fifty-five LuLu
“Celebrate Fun and Fellowship”, Chaired by Noble            Nobles and Ladies were housed at the Holiday Inn.
Jerry Jay, C.R., it featured a Buffet Supper, Music         Ill. Sir Gary Davis was General Chairman, Noble Peter
for Dancing, and BYOB with Camel’s Milk and Soda            Gergo, III, was Hospitality Chairman and Ill. Sir Bill
provided.                                                   Adamson was Parade Chairman.

Noble Lance Wiseman Chaired the “7th Annual                 The 30th Annual Liberty pro Rodeo, was held in
Benefit Concert” on June 30th in the Great Hall. Some       LuLu’s Arena (9/21-23) with four Shows. General
50 folks attended this Event which featured the Arts        Chairmanship was shared by Gary Davis, P.P. (2013)
International Festival and Chamber Orchestra and the        and Donald Fink (Stinky). Light rain showers
LuLu Concert Band.                                          reduced attendance.

The 144th Imperial Council Sessions was held July           LuLu’s 21st Annual Golf Outing, was held (9/24) at
15-19 at Dayton Beach, FL. LuLu’s Caravan was lead          LuLu Country Club. Some 90 Nobles, Ladies and
by Ill. Sir Joel Brookstein (2008), Recorder. Noble Jim     friends played golf and some 100 enjoyed a Buffet
Cain from AL MENAN Temple in Nashville, TN was              Dinner under a Tent. The reconstruction of this Club
advanced to Imperial Potentate.                             House, which was completely destroyed by fire October
                                                            2015, was not yet complete. Co-Chairmen were Noble
The 21st CENTURIANS “Christmas in July Toy Run”             Ed Blum, A.R. and Dave Caddick. The net proceeds
from the Police Academy in NE Philadelphia to the           of $27,800 were donated to SHC, Philadelphia.
Shrine Hospital, North Broad Street, included a
Breakfast at the Academy and delivery of Toys to our        LuLu’s Second Annual Mega Raffle was held Sunday
patients at the SHC. There were many Motorcycles            (9/31) in the Great Hall. Some 50 Nobles and Ladies
participating to make this Event successful on July 27th.   attended. A Buffet Lunch included several meats,

camel’s milk and sodas. Several firearms and fishing       Saturday, (11/10), the 7th Annual Fall Benefit Concert
gear items were raffled off. Profit from this Event was    and Art Show was held, under direction of, and
split between SHC, LuLu Temple and the Rod and             performance of Concert Pianist, and Noble Lance
Gun Club. Chairman was Noble Robert Ochotny.               Wiseman. Two Arts International Orchestras, and LuLu’s
                                                           Concert Band, provided an excellent Concert evening,
On Saturday (10/6) LuLu hosted the 4th Annual              complete with an Art Show and an Intermission with
“Walk for Love” to benefit the SHC, Philadelphia.          refreshments for some 60 attendees.
Nobles, Ladies and Friends participated by walking
around LuLu’s property for several hours. Over 460         The First Lady’s Luncheon was held Sunday (11/11)
participated, 51 Teams, numerous Shriners from             to honor First Lady Kim Fink. Co-Chairmen for the
SALAM, MECCA, CRESCEMT and LuLu, families,                 Event were Arlene Jay and Jackie Blum. Chances on
friends and patients. After the 1-Mile Walk, Roll          Beautiful Baskets donated by Units and Clubs and
or Stroll, all enjoyed a family fun festival of music,     Vendors were available for shopping. Approximately
games, pumpkin painting and delicious food. Folks          100 (mostly Ladies and a few Nobles) heard an
who could not be present due to conflicts (LuLu had a      interesting Program by two Ladies from SHC,
Shrine Parade in Havertown), and wanted to support
                                                           Philadelphia, about prosthetics and orthodics. First Lady
the Hospital became “Virtual Walkers”. The net
                                                           Kim was presented with two magnificent pocketbooks.
Donations to the Philadelphia Unit, SHC, increased
again this year to $184,720.
                                                           The Second Annual Festival of Trees was held in the
                                                           Great Hall over the weekend (November 16th – 21st)
Potentate’s Cruise (10/16-27th) aboard NCL
BREAKAWAY, embarked New York and visited such              ending the evening before Thanksgiving. Again,
ports as St. Thomas, St. Marten, St. Kitts and San         Units, Clubs and several Vendors donated artificial
Juan. Advertised as an affordable Vacation Cruise for                                                   (continued on page 30)
under $4,000 per Couple, the price included three
nights of specialty dining and two private cocktail
parties. The price was affordable to the 167 vacationers
representing LuLu, and the Cruise netted $4,500,
which was returned to LuLu.

The Third Annual Heritage Nite was held Saturday
(11/3), in the Great Hall. Many folks brought an
“Ethnic” dish to supplement the Buffet with Camel’s
milk and set-up provided. Men, who came in
“Heritage” attire, participated in an All-Male Fashion
Show, where WAWA Gift Cards were awarded for the
best costumes in several categories. Seventy-two folks          Brethren, are you spending too
attended and resulted in a profit for LuLu. Event was          much money to ship your goods?
Chaired by Tom Spoltore, Lady Linda, John Green
and Lady Jaime.                                                  Tired of writing big checks to
                                                                     trucking companies?
The Annual Trip by the Legion of Honor to Arlington
Cemetery (11/4), found 91 Nobles, Ladies and Friends,          Well brothers, I’m pleased to tell you that you can PAY LESS.
travelling by two buses. Our Wreath was prepared by              As a 3PL, we work for you not the trucking companies.
                                                                Call us today and we’ll do a comprehensive review of your
the Legion Ladies. With the appropriate Ceremony.               shipping costs ­— for FREE. This is a limited time offer for
it was presented at the Tomb of the Unknown by                     you our Brethren, so call today for your free review:
the Legion Commander Thomas Spoltore and Ill. Sir
Douglas Fink, Potentate. The Group then travelled                                 800-336-3056
South to visit the National Museum of the Marine               Questions? Please call Michael Hudson at 215-206-8534
Corp at Triangle, VA, and then to L’Jenne Masonic                        917 N. Broad Street, Lansdale, PA 19446
Lodge #320 at Quantico, VA.

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