Tooting Conservative & Unionist Club Hosts Virtual Bingo - Lockdown Announced: Grant Information Inside ACC 2020 AGM Report

Page created by Derrick Snyder
Tooting Conservative & Unionist Club Hosts Virtual Bingo - Lockdown Announced: Grant Information Inside ACC 2020 AGM Report
February 2021 75p

Tooting Conservative & Unionist Club
         Hosts Virtual Bingo

 Lockdown Announced: Grant Information Inside
            ACC 2020 AGM Report
Tooting Conservative & Unionist Club Hosts Virtual Bingo - Lockdown Announced: Grant Information Inside ACC 2020 AGM Report
                                         Message From The
                                          Chief Executive                                                              Published by The Association
                                                                                                                       of Conservative Clubs, Ltd
                                       As I write this message we are still     are again needing assistance on how    1 Norfolk Row,
                                       suffering the effects of the Covid-19    to continue ‘ticking over’ whilst      London SE1 7JP
                                       pandemic although for the first time     being closed, although for many        Tel: 020 7222 0843
                                       in a while there are strong reasons      Clubs they are now quite adapt         Sales: 020 7222 0868
                                       to be optimistic for the months          at minimising costs whilst closed
                                       ahead. The vaccine rollout is            and ensuring that the Club is in
                                       commencing strongly and there are        the best financial position possible
                                       reasons to believe that a spring re-     to re-open when the time comes.
                                       opening for the hospitality industry     I continue to speak up for Clubs       Chairman:

    CONTENTS                           is feasible and realistic. It has        and have placed a written question     Rt Hon Alistair Burt
                                       been a difficult time for all Clubs      to the HM Treasury querying why        Chief Executive:
                                       but the general consensus is that        Clubs were not awarded the £1,000      Lord Smith of Hindhead CBE
                                       areas such as hospitality and travel     wet led pub grant announced in         Printed by: Snell Print Ltd,
Message From The Chief
Executive                        2     will be busy once the Country has        December. Watch this space.            Brympton Way, Yeovil,
                                       recovered from the pandemic as              Clubs should now have received      Somerset BA20 2HP
Club Law and Management                people will once again be keen           their 2021 ACC membership
                           3, 4, 5,    to embrace these areas and start         subscriptions. We appreciate that
                                                                                                                       All editorial and advertising
                                       enjoying their favourite activities.     there was unlikely to be a good
Tooting Conservative & Unionist                                                                                        enquiries should be addressed
Club Hosts Virtual Bingo        7      We therefore have hope that the          time to send these out but we hope
                                                                                                                       to the ACC. When replying to
                                       latter part of the year will prove to    Clubs will appreciate the work and
                                                                                                                       advertisers please mention
Industry Insights      8, 9, 10, 11    be busy for Clubs and that a strong      advice that the ACC has provided
                                                                                                                       Conservative Clubs Magazine
                                       and hopefully sustained re-opening       them over the last twelve months
ACC 2020 AGM Report         12, 13     in now within sight.                     during the pandemic. No one will
                                           Since the start of this new year     be happier than ourselves when
Obituaries                      14                                                                                     Every effort is made to ensure
                                       we have been advising clubs on the       we can get back to publishing a
                                                                                                                       accuracy but neither the
                                       various grants available since the       magazine without the dreaded ‘C’
Pages From The Past             15                                                                                     publishers, nor their agents,
                                       new restrictions came into force and     word needing to be involved!
                                                                                                                       can accept responsibility for
ACC Order Form                  16     of course these grants differ slightly      As ever, I hope everyone reading
                                                                                                                       any error or omission.
                                       in different parts of the UK. Clubs      this remains safe and well.

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2                                                                                                                                      February 2021
Tooting Conservative & Unionist Club Hosts Virtual Bingo - Lockdown Announced: Grant Information Inside ACC 2020 AGM Report
                Lockdown Announced and New
                 Financial Assistance for Clubs
A    s Clubs will be aware a full England lockdown has been activated.
     Similar lockdown restrictions are also active in Wales and Scotland.
   For many Clubs, the latest lockdown changes little. Following the Tier
                                                                                                         Holiday Time
                                                                               Employees can be required to use
changes over the Christmas period most ACC Clubs were already in a             accrued holiday time and they can      holiday-entitlement-and-pay-
Tier which meant mandatory closure. Now this is extended to all Clubs          remain on the furlough system          during-coronavirus-covid-19
in England. All Clubs are already closed in Wales. Therefore, all Clubs in     during such a holiday period. If       The key points are as follows:
England and Wales are now required by law to be closed. The previous           the Club is paying 80% pay during      •    Employees continue to
allowance for takeaway alcohol to be sold has also ended although              furlough then they will simply have         accrue holiday while they are
takeaway food is still permitted.                                              to top this pay up to 100% for the          on furlough leave at the same
   Please see below for information on the latest lockdown, asking             duration of the holiday period.             rate they otherwise would.
employees to take holiday, Membership Renewals, AGMs and Grants.               Clubs should provide employees         •    Employees can use their
                                                                               with notice equivalent to double            holiday while furloughed.
                  The Furlough Scheme                                          the holiday time that they are being        Taking holiday will not
We would like to remind all Clubs      scheme. If you are not using the        required to take. Therefore, if an          interrupt a period of
to use the furlough scheme whilst      furlough scheme we encourage you        employee is being asked to take             furlough, meaning employers
they are closed. Whilst some Clubs     to now use it - the early predictions   five days of holiday, they should           can continue to claim under
may choose to top up to 100% pay,      are that the latest lockdown will       be provided with ten days notice.           the furlough scheme for
most Clubs are simply paying the       not be lifted until the middle of       Clubs wishing to ask employees to           employees using annual
80% provided by the furlough           February at the earliest.               take accrued holiday time during            leave.
                                                                               this current lockdown should           •    Provided the correct notice
                               Grants                                          therefore place the employees on            is given, employers have the
The Chancellor has announced              Please contact your local            notice as soon as possible. Once            right to require employees
new financial help to Clubs, this      authority to ensure you receive the     again, we encourage all Clubs to            to use their statutory annual
is in addition to the existing grant   applicable grant. It is important       consider placing employees on               leave and this right continues
system also outlined below.            that you apply and receive the          holiday leave during this current           to apply with furloughed
   The new grants will comprise of     applicable grant above and ensure       lockdown to avoid too much                  employees. An employer
one off top-ups and will be granted    it is paid for every week that the      holiday accruing and therefore              must provide notice of at
to closed businesses as follows:       Club is closed.                         needing to be used once they have           least twice the length of
£4k for businesses with a rateable                                             returned to work and the Club has           the holiday the employee is
value of £15k or under; £6k for        For Welsh Clubs:                        reopened.                                   required to take. Therefore, if
businesses with a rateable value       For most Welsh clubs the ERF                                                        a Club requires an employee
between £15k and £51k; and £9k         Sector Specific Support is worth        Guidance from HMRC website:
                                                                                                                           to take one week’s holiday,
for businesses with a rateable value   £1,500 per employee up to a             “Holiday pay                                they should give at least two
of over £51k. These grants will        maximum of £15,000 – see further        An employer can continue to claim           weeks’ notice of this. It is
once again be administered through     details below.                          for a furloughed worker’s wages             good practice for such notice
the Club’s local authority so please      To summarise at the current time     when the worker takes annual                to be in writing.
contact them to obtain the grants.     of writing a Welsh club should be       leave.                                 •    Employees’ statutory
These grants were only announced       eligible for three levels of grant      Calculate holiday pay as normal             holiday entitlement is 5.6
today so your Local Authority may      support:                                for any time the worker was                 weeks (28 days including
need some time to process claims.      •     ERF Restrictions Business         furloughed. If the holiday pay turns        Bank Holidays for full
   In addition, the existing grant           Fund – this is a lump sum         out to be more than the worker              time employees). Where
system for closed Clubs will                 grant based on rateable           was paid during this time, their            employees are contractually
continue to apply. Clubs should              value (RV), £3,000 for RV         employer must pay the difference.”
therefore also continue to apply             below £12,000 or £5,000                                                                           To page 5 
for following grant funding from             for RV between £12,000
their local authorities. Currently           to £51,000; this has been                            Welcome To YDP Limited
Clubs in England can claim the               received by many clubs
                                                                                         The ACC’s recommended supplier for all of your
following:                                   from their local council
                                             in the last few days.                               financial management needs
•     For properties with a rateable
      value of £15k or under,                For the vast majority of                                                   Are you struggling with a mountain
      grants to be awarded of                clubs which received the                                                      of administration problems?
      £1,334 per month, or £667              previous lockdown grants                                                   Do you find it difficult to cope with
      per two weeks;                         no application is required,                                               managing your accounts, cash flow,
•     For properties with a rateable         however, if the previous                                                  wages and inland revenue reporting?
      value of between £15k-£51k             lockdown grant was not
      grants to be £2,000 per                received you should                                                         YDP can assist with Bookkeeping,
                                                                                                                            Payroll, Audit & Accounts,
      month, or £1,000 per two               contact the local council to                                                  Stocktaking & Consultancy
      weeks;                                 apply.
•     For properties with a rateable   •     The furlough payments, as                   Call us on 01933 358080 or email
      value of £51k or over grants           mentioned above.
      to be £3,000 per month, or       •     The Welsh Sector Specific                      to discuss how we can make your life easier
      £1,500 per two weeks.                  Support Grant

February 2021                                                                                                                                                   3
Tooting Conservative & Unionist Club Hosts Virtual Bingo - Lockdown Announced: Grant Information Inside ACC 2020 AGM Report
ACC Services
       Loans                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Sale and Leaseback
       Loans can be arranged from as little as £1,000 to £500,000. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Since launching the ACC Sale and Leaseback service, over 70
       provide loans at competitive simple interest rates, currently 4.75%,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Clubs have entered into this arrangement with the ACC.
       and all loans commence with a three year period of fixed interest.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Under what circumstances would a Sale and Leaseback be
       Loans are repaid over a term to be agreed on an individual basis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    appropriate? The most successful examples of ACC Sale and
       with each Club in order to create a manageable and sensible time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Leasebacks are Clubs which have a dedicated Committee and
       frame for repayment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Membership and want to secure their Club’s future. By unlocking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the Club’s freehold, Clubs can be provided the means of repaying
       Documentation Available Free Of Charge                                                                                                                                                                                                       debt, often undertaking refurbishments and providing a significant
       ACC Room Hire Agreement - The room hire agreement is                                                                                                                                                                                         cash sum. The rent payable to the ACC following the completion of
       designed to be completed at the time a booking and includes                                                                                                                                                                                  a Sale and Leaseback can often be less than a Club was paying
       space for a deposit to be taken to secure the room is applicable.                                                                                                                                                                            for servicing debt.
       ACC Catering Franchise Pack - The ACC Catering Franchise
       pack can be used by Clubs which have a franchisee who uses
       the Club’s facilities to prepare and serve food within the Club.                                                                                                                                                                           Trusteeship
       The Franchisee Contract permits the Committee to decide if the                                                                                                                                                                             The ACC Trusteeship Service is a free facility offered by the ACC.
       franchisee shall pay a set fee per month to the Club for use of the                                                                                                                                                                        The transfer of Trusteeship to the ACC has increasingly become
       Club’s facilities, shall pay to the Club a percentage of the profits                                                                                                                                                                       popular amongst unincorporated clubs and there are two main
       from the sale of food or that a combination of both methods of                                                                                                                                                                             benefits for the Club. The first is that the ACC will pay for all legal
       remuneration shall be utilised.                                                                                                                                                                                                            expenses involved with the transfer of Trusteeship. The second is
       Health and Safety and Risk Assessment Documentation - The                                                                                                                                                                                  that the Association’s financial and legal resources are such that
       ACC has extensive documentation to assist a Club in creating a                                                                                                                                                                             the Club’s position will be greatly strengthened when negotiating
       Health and Safety policy and conducting regular risk assessments.                                                                                                                                                                          loans or defending itself against legal action taken by a third party.
       This documentation is available free of charge. Examples include                                                                                                                                                                              The ACC do not become involved with the day to day business
       template health and safety documentation, risk assessment forms                                                                                                                                                                            of any Club for which we act as Trustee. The Club will continue
       and practical advice on completing a Club risk assessment and                                                                                                                                                                              to be able to call upon the ACC for advice on any matter without
       first aid information.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     needing to make reference to our Trusteeship. We will only act
       Candidates for Admission Sheets – The admission sheets can                                                                                                                                                                                 on behalf of the Club in accordance with the lawful instructions of
       be posted on the Club’s Notice Board to detail prospective new                                                                                                                                                                             the Committee and Members. The Club Committee will therefore
       Members and have spaces for: Date, Candidate Name, Address,                                                                                                                                                                                continue to run the Club’s affairs and will only refer matters to the
       Occupation, Proposer, Seconder.                                                                                                                                                                                                            ACC as and when they consider it appropriate to do so.

                To obtain any of the documentation packages please email
       or phone 0207 222 0843. To enquire about any of the ACC’s financial assistance packages please email
                      or phone 0207 222 0843.

                                                                                         ACC Contracts of Employment
    The ACC are pleased to supply a range of Employment Contracts. These contracts are designed specifically to comply with the needs of ACC
    Clubs and are produced to a high quality with a glossy finish. All Contracts were fully revised and updated in 2015, with minor revisions made
    in 2016, and are compliant with all current UK legislation. We recommend that all Clubs use our current contracts of employment for their
       All Contract Packs now include a high quality and durable employee disciplinary and grievance policy handbook which should assist both
    Clubs and employees when these issues arise. Contracts for use with employees who live on the Club’s premises now come with a specifically
    drafted Service Occupancy Agreement for the employees, and their partners if applicable, to sign in relation to their accommodation.
       Our newest introduction to our contracts range is a contract of employment for use by Clubs which employ Bar Managers. We know that
    many Clubs employ Bar Managers as opposed to Club Stewards and we are pleased to now supply a specific contract pack for Bar Managers.
       The contracts which are offered by the ACC are as follows:

                                                                                              Dated           Contract of
                        Contract of                                                                                                                                                                   Contract of                                                                          Contract of                                                               Joint Contract of
        Dated                                                                                                                                                                         Dated                                                                                Dated                                                                                 Dated

                       Employment                                                                                                                                                                    Employment                                                                           Employment                                                                   Employment
                                                                                                                                [ NAME OF CLUB ]
                ----------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                        ----------------------------------------------------------------------               ----------------------------------------------------------------------                ----------------------------------------------------------------------

                                          [ NAME OF CLUB ]                                                                                                                                                              [ NAME OF CLUB ]                                                                     [ NAME OF CLUB ]                                                                      [ NAME OF CLUB ]

                CLUB SECRETARY /                                                                 (PARTNER NOT
                                                                                                           - and -
                                                                                                                   EMPLOYED)                                                                        BAR MANAGER                                                                    STANDARD TERMS                                                                           STEWARD
                 ADMINISTRATOR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     AND CONDITIONS                                                                        AND STEWARDESS
                                                 - and -                                                                                                                                                                       - and -                                                                              - and -                                                                               - and -
                ----------------------------------------------------------------------                                      [ NAME OF EMPLOYEE ]
                                                                                                                                                                                              ----------------------------------------------------------------------               ----------------------------------------------------------------------                ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      [ NAME OF EMPLOYEE ]                                                                                                                                                          [ NAME OF EMPLOYEE ]                                                                 [ NAME OF EMPLOYEE ]                                                                  [ NAME OF EMPLOYEE ]

                                                                                                                   CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT
                             CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT                                                                                                                                                        CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT                                                               CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT                                                                CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT
                                                                                                                          (STANDARD TERMS)
                                    (STANDARD TERMS)                                                                                                                                                              (STANDARD TERMS)                                                                     (STANDARD TERMS)                                                                      (STANDARD TERMS)

                                 © Association of Conservative Clubs Ltd                                               © Association of Conservative Clubs Ltd                                                 © Association of Conservative Clubs Ltd                                              © Association of Conservative Clubs Ltd                                               © Association of Conservative Clubs Ltd

        Club Club Secretary/                                                                    Steward Contract                                                                    Bar Manager Contract                                                                   Standard Terms and                                                                 Steward and Stewardess
       Administrator Contract                                                             Appropriate for a Club                                                                 Appropriate for a Club                                                                Conditions of Employment                                                                     Joint Contract
    Appropriate for Clubs which                                                           employing a Steward with                                                               employing a Bar Manager                                                               Appropriate for a wide                                                               Appropriate for a Club
    employ, rather than elect,                                                            or without accommodation                                                               without accommodation.                                                                range of Club Employees                                                              employing a Steward and
    a Club Secretary. Each                                                                included. Each contract pack                                                           Each contract pack costs                                                              (bar employees, cleaners,                                                            Stewardess on a joint
    contract pack costs £20 and                                                           costs £25 and includes:                                                                £20 and includes:                                                                     general part time employees                                                          contract of employment with
    includes:                                                                             2 x Club Steward Contract                                                              2 x Bar Manager Contract                                                              etc.). Each contract pack                                                            or without accommodation
    2 x Club Secretary Contract                                                           2 x Service Occupancy                                                                  2 x Club Employee                                                                     costs £15 and includes:                                                              included. Each contract pack
    2 x Club Employee                                                                     Agreement                                                                              Disciplinary and Grievance                                                            2 x Standard Terms and                                                               costs £25 and includes:
    Disciplinary and Grievance                                                            2 x Club Employee                                                                      Policy Handbook.                                                                      Conditions of Employment                                                             2 x Club Steward and
    Policy Handbook.                                                                      Disciplinary and Grievance                                                                                                                                                   Contract                                                                             Stewardess Contract
                                                                                          Policy Handbook.                                                                                                                                                             2 x Club Employee                                                                    2 x Service Occupancy
      Please contact the ACC with any questions regarding the new contracts of                                                                                                                                                                                         Disciplinary and Grievance                                                           Agreement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Policy Handbook.                                                                     2 x Club Employee
                                    employment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Disciplinary and Grievance
       To order any of the above contract packs please place an order online at                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Policy Handbook., email or phone 0207 222 0868.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          February 2021
Tooting Conservative & Unionist Club Hosts Virtual Bingo - Lockdown Announced: Grant Information Inside ACC 2020 AGM Report
 From page 3                          have been required to take at             Insurance: Business Interruption Update
      entitled to more than the        least four of their 5.6 weeks’          Following the recent Supreme               If you think business interruption
      statutory minimum holiday,       statutory holiday in each year          Court ruling, Club Committees           is covered by the Club’s policy
      they can also be required to     without any carry-over and the          should check if the Club’s              you should contact your insurance
      use their excess entitlement     1.6 weeks’ holiday can only be          insurance policy includes cover for     providers to see if they agree. In the
      where the contract provides      carried over if there is a written      business interruption caused by the     extent of a disagreement we would
      for this.                        agreement between the employer          Coronavirus.                            expect your providers to explain in
•     Employees can only be            and employee. The emergency                Whether your Club is covered         writing to the Committee why they
      required to use annual leave     legislation has allowed more            by this ruling will depend on the       consider that the Club’s policy is
      when it is possible for them,    than 1.6 weeks’ carry-over to           type of policy cover it had in place.   not covered.
      in principle, to have a break    the following two holiday years         Clubs seldom have exactly the              We can also review the
      from work. Employees             where “it has not been reasonably       same policy coverage in place so it     information provided by your
      who are unwell therefore         practicable” for an employee to         is necessary to check the wording       insurance provider if you think it is
      should not be required to        take at least four weeks’ annual        of the Club’s Insurance Policy.         incorrect.
      take annual leave while they     leave “due to the effects of the
      are sick. Employees who          Coronavirus.” The guidance urges               ACC Annual General Meeting 2020
      are unwell can choose to
      use holiday while sick, but
                                       employers to enable employees
                                       to take annual leave in the year to
                                                                                           Information and Tips
                                                                               As Clubs will know, last year the       simple as scheduling the meeting
      cannot be required to.           which it relates wherever possible.     ACC held a virtual AGM for the          time and date using the Zoom
•     When employees take                 It is in Club’s interests to         first time in our history. A full       software. This then creates a URL
      holiday while furloughed         consider how they approach the          report of this report is contained      and passcode. Users wishing to
      they need to be paid the         holiday entitlements of their           on pages 12 and 13 of this month’s      join the event simply enter the
      holiday pay they would           furloughed employees. Employees’        magazine. Whilst the virtual format     URL and passcode and are then
      usually receive for this time    holiday entitlements will continue      is not something we would want to       allowed to join the meeting at the
      were they not furloughed.        to accrue while they are furloughed     continue with in the future we felt     designated time. The host always
      Therefore, employees with        and Clubs should consider               that the event was successful and       has full control and oversight of
      regular hours should be paid     requiring them to take holiday          may provide a template for Clubs        who is attending the meeting at
      their usual pre-furlough rate    whilst furloughed. Although Clubs       currently considering how to hold       any point and a virtual recording
      of pay for holiday. If pay       will bear the financial burden of       either thier delayed 2020 AGMs or       of the meeting can be made to
      has been reduced to 80%,         topping up furlough pay from            their forthcoming 2021 AGMs.            assist with Minutes. The Zoom
      or £2,500 per month, it will     80% to 100%, requiring the use of          Whilst the ACC’s Chairman, Rt        software allows for attendees to
      be necessary for employers       annual leave will avoid the potential   Hon Alistair Burt, was unable to        virtually raise thier hand if they
      to top up to 100% pay for        issue of employees having accrued       attend the event due to ill health      have a question they wish to ask
      periods of holiday.              large quantities of holiday to use      the ACC Chief Executive Lord            or wish to make a comment. Using
•     The basic rule is that           when they return to work after          Smith of Hindhead chaired the           this method, the ACC was able to
      employees should not             the furlough scheme ends. This          meeting and provided reports to the     successfully hold our AGM during
      receive less pay than they       could be a significant disruption       delegates in attendance. The event      a time when a physical meeting
      usually would because            to the Club when it is attempting       was well attended with delegates        would not have been possible.
      they are using their holiday     to reopen and would likely incur        from many Clubs throughout                 We know that many ACC Clubs
      entitlement.                     greater expense for the Club in         the UK attending and it was             have successfully pivoted to online
   The new government guidance         the long term due to requiring          commented how well the meeting          Committee Meetings during the
also       explains       emergency    additional staff to then cover the      ran under the circumstances.            pandemic and we believe that Clubs
legislation recently introduced.       holiday absence and without the            There are now a number of            can consider using a virtual format
Previously, other than in very         assistance of the furlough scheme       competing       video    conference     for their AGM if they do not wish to
limited circumstances, employees       being in place.                         calling formats available but Zoom      wait for an occasion when it will be
                                                                               has gained popularity during the        possible to hold a meeting in person.
                                AGMs                                           pandemic and it was the software           If any Clubs are considering
Clubs which are due to hold            from the Spring onwards. Clubs          we decided to use to host the           holding a virtual AGM and wish
AGMs in the next few months are        which have the capability to hold       meeting. Microsoft Teams and            to ask for advice from the ACC
advised to delay these meetings        AGMs using video conferencing           Google Video Calling were also          on how to best organise such a
until after Easter. It is hoped that   or similar can continue using           considered.                             meeting then please let us know
AGMs will be able to be held           such methods.                              To host the meeting was as           and we would be pleased to assist.

                  Membership Renewals
Clubs are also likely considering      4. Collect subscriptions now and
                                                                                      Computer Software
how to handle 2021 membership
renewals. Whilst there is no right
                                          offer a reduced 2021 rate.                Membership Administration Programme
answer, we can confirm that Clubs      5. Waive the 2021 fee entirely                     Full System Package £20
have tended to decide between the         and automatically extend all
following options:                        memberships to 2022.                        Records and prints Members’ contact details
                                                                                        Membership grades, renewal reminders,
1. Delay subscription collection         We will continue to keep all                     Membership cards and lists fees paid.
   until the Spring.                   Clubs updated through emails,             Records I.A. Tickets, Shares, Loans and Party Payments.
                                       the website and the magazine and            Records room bookings, prints invoices and address
2. Delay subscription collection                                                                           labels.
                                       hope to be able to report more
   until the Spring and offer a
   reduced 2021 rate.                  encouraging news over the next              Simple to use. Compatible with MS Windows XP, Vista and
                                       few months as the aim to return to                                Windows 7.
3. Collect subscriptions now in        normality during 2021 becomes a
   full.                               reality.                                            To order go to

February 2021                                                                                                                                              5
Tooting Conservative & Unionist Club Hosts Virtual Bingo - Lockdown Announced: Grant Information Inside ACC 2020 AGM Report
                  I N S U R A N C E            S P E C I A L I S T S
STANDING BY YOUR CLUB                                                        OF THE
                 C LU B I N S U R E
                 I N S U R A N C E       S P E C I A L I S T S
This has been an unimaginably challenging time
for people up and down the country, but none more
so than for clubs like yours. We’ve worked with
organisations like yours for over 20 years,
so we understand the pressure you’re under.

                    C LU B I N S U R E
That’s why we’ve been working tirelessly behind the
                     I N S U R A N C E            S P E C I A L I S T S
scenes to support you, and fight for the best solutions
to the issues you’re facing. From legal challenges
against insurers, to advice, guidance and support.
Doing everything we can to keep you protected,
until things return to normal.

AND THIS IS OUR PROMISE TO YOU:                                              “    Thank you sincerely for your
                                                                                  work, advice co-operation
•     Personal reviews with our award winning teams                               and customer service
•     In-house claims team for faster settlements                                 dealing with our policy.

•     Health & Safety and Risk Management Services
                                                                                  You’ve been 10 out of 10,
•     Competitive finance packages.                                               especially bearing in mind
•     Wellbeing resources                                                         these troubled times.   ”
•     Bespoke advice and guidance

Call 0344 488 9204 for a
                                                                                 OFFICIAL SUPPORTER OF
comprehensive review, or

This advert has been created for promotional purposes for Club Insure Ltd.
Tooting Conservative & Unionist Club Hosts Virtual Bingo - Lockdown Announced: Grant Information Inside ACC 2020 AGM Report
Tooting Conservative & Unionist
        Club Runs Virtual Bingo Events
T    ooting   Conservative   and
     Unionist Club are keeping
in touch with their Members by
                                   books sent out electronically and
                                   for those not Computer conversant
                                   she delivers bingo books by hand
                                                                          Numbers in a humorous way and
                                                                          checking all the players are properly
                                                                          connected. Chris comments that
                                                                                                                  this is the only contact they have
                                                                                                                  and they look forward to it.
                                                                                                                  The Club also provides regular
organizing Zoom Bingo sessions     whilst giving out prizes. She is       the members sometimes are a bit         updates on the Website so that
every Sunday Night. These events   to be thoroughly commended for         loud so they have to agree to be        Members can be informed of the
have proved incredibly popular     this as it is a vital link for some    quiet while the numbers are being       current covid regulations. Chris
with the Members looking forward   Members who have not been able         called. On occasion, the Members        comments that he ‘hopes that
to these weekly occasions.         to see friends and family during the   even heed this request…                 Bingo will soon be in its rightful
   Committee Member Philomena      lockdown.                                 The zoom event is a great            place, in our Club with the
Canning has managed to organise       Chris Boniface is the master        opportunity for Members to talk         Members socialising in person.
these events by having Bingo       of ceremonies calling the bingo        with each other exchange views          We are so looking forward to the
                                                                          and comment on the current              Club opening again safety and
                                                                          situation. The Club has been            hope it will be soon.’
                                                                          surprised with the popularity              The ACC congratulates the
                                                                          although understand why this is         Club on such an innovative and
                                                                          the case since for some Members         successful event.

The Bingo Event.

Committee Member Philomena Canning.                                       Master of Ceremonies Chris Bonniface.

February 2021                                                                                                                                     7
Tooting Conservative & Unionist Club Hosts Virtual Bingo - Lockdown Announced: Grant Information Inside ACC 2020 AGM Report

    Industry Insights
    Industry Insights aims to provide a whirlwind tour of who’s doing what in the
    club sector, from latest launches and new products to business acquisitions and
    market research into the hospitality sector at large.

    Takeaways & delivery – here to stay?
    T    he UK food delivery market was growing at a
         significant rate before the Covid-19 crisis
    and expected to become even more important to
    clubs and hospitality operators this year, for all
    the sad but obvious reasons.
       Here, Toph Ford, brand director of virtual deliv-
    ery brands company Restaurant Brands Collective,
    shares his insights on some key delivery food trends
    for 2021
       New consumer habits formed during 2020 will
    drive growth for delivery occasions in between
    breakfast and lunch, and lunch and dinner. These
    look to include sweet treats, healthier treats and
    drinks, such as hand spun milk shakes. These small,
    but growing “dayparts”, could potentially offer clubs
    geared up for catering with more opportunity to be
    busy with deliveries across the day.
       Value is essential: consumers aren’t necessarily       Affordable luxury and treats: people are increas-     number of workers now based at home some or
    looking for cheap deals, but offers that feel like good   ingly willing to spend more and order more when       all of the time, breakfast on the way to the office
    value. Think interesting combos, meal deals and           it comes to food. To capitalise on this, clubs need   or popping out for lunch isn’t an option, so break-
    sharers, which will appeal to the increasing number       to make it easy for customers to add things to        fast and lunch deliveries are expected to grow.
    of people eating delivery meals either as a necessity     their orders and upgrade their meals.                 Safe adventures: members aren’t likely to take
    or as a social occasion.                                  Breakfast/lunch deliveries: with a significant        too many risks when spending in 2021, so famil-
                                                                                                                    iar dishes such as pizza, fried chicken and burgers

       No and Low Alcohol Labelling
                                                                                                                    will remain key. But doing these classics differ-
                                                                                                                    ently/cleverly is an option to ‘make it your own’ -
                                                                                                                    a ‘secret recipe’ seasoning, for example.
       The Wine and Spirit Trade Association                                                                        Delivering an experience: in 2021, it will be as
       has produced new guidance around                                                                             much about delivering an experience for mem-
                                                                                                                    bers at home as in the club. For example, think
       the labelling of low and no alcohol
                                                                                                                    about playlists on websites/facebook for people to
       drinks.                                                                                                      enjoy when eating.
         With the popularity of the low and                                                                         Powerful packaging: delivery packaging will ide-
       no alcohol category at an all-time                                                                           ally look good, and most importantly it needs to
                                                                                                                    keep food warm and well-presented during tran-
       high, drinks producers are developing                                                                        sit.
       new and innovative techniques to                                                                             Sweet treats: going against the health trend of
       provide consumers with more choice                                                                           recent years, ordering sweet treats as gifts for oth-
                                                                                                                    ers also looks set to become a bigger trend.
       and greater quality.
                                                                                                                    Drinks that deliver: from interesting cocktails to
         Many new products on the market                      alternative to. The WSTA’s new
                                                                                                                    innovative non-alcoholic alternatives, the
       are produced to closely resemble their                 guidance aims to establish acceptable                 demand for delivery drinks is set to continue. In
       alcoholic counterparts – they are                      legal names, marketing text and                       terms of takawyas (soft drinks only as we go to
                                                              general labelling requirements for low                press) you’ll need to ensure you have some tempt-
       closer than ever before – in taste,
                                                                                                                    ing options to drive purchase.
       aroma and appearance – to the spirits                  and no alcohol drinks.                                Pride in British: the pandemic has engendered a
       and spirit drinks they are providing an                •                                      renewed support for British suppliers and local
                                                                                                                    businesses, something clubs can capitalise on.

8                                                                                                                                                 February 2020
Tooting Conservative & Unionist Club Hosts Virtual Bingo - Lockdown Announced: Grant Information Inside ACC 2020 AGM Report

Alcohol-free offering from Gordon’s
G       ordon’s has launched an alcohol-free option, Gordon’s 0.0%, using
        the same botanicals as its iconic Gordon’s London Dry Gin.
   Charlotte Gibbon, GB Head of Marketing at Gordon’s said: “We are
extremely excited to be introducing Gordon’s 0.0% into the UK market.
With the low and no trend showing no signs of slowing down, we are
delighted to offer a new alcohol free alternative which allows consumers to
enjoy the same great taste of Gordon’s without any of the alcohol. At
Gordon’s, we are committed to providing choice for different occasions
and we don’t think people should have to miss out on the flavour or expe-
rience when choosing an alcohol free drink.”
   Anita Robinson, Marketing Director Diageo GB said: “Combining years
of experience and historic Gin distilling knowledge, our expert innovation
team at Gordon’s has created a truly special product at 0.0% ABV which
also remains true to the brand’s heritage and has been made by distilling the
same botanicals used in Gordon’s London Dry Gin. Our distillation process
is a closely guarded secret, known only to a handful of people and we are
incredibly proud to be bringing gin drinkers that juniper led taste they’re
expecting from Gordon’s when they choose not to drink alcohol.”

                                                           Joining TeamZero                                        In good spirits
                                                           L    iverpool FC captain and England vice-captain
                                                                Jordan Henderson moved to a new team in
                                                           January – #TeamZero, an initiative from Budweiser
                                                           to encourage consumers to make smart drinking
                                                              A major push for the brewer’s 0% ABV Budweiser
                                                           Zero, #TeamZero is a ‘social movement’ designed to
                                                           help consumers focus on their health, wellbeing and
                                                           personal ambitions for the year ahead.
                                                              Budweiser Zero is zero alcohol, zero sugar and 46
                                                           calories, brewed with premium Budweiser barley,
                                                           hop and malt through the same Beechwood Ageing
                                                                                                                   D      ry January 2021 proved a record-breaker for
                                                                                                                          alcohol-free spirits producer Bax Botanics
                                                                                                                   which saw 10 times more sales in the first week of the
                                                           technique as its alcoholic counterpart.                 year than it saw in the whole of January 2020.
                                                           •                        •

It’s a new take                                            Feel-good alcohol-free beer
on lime & soda                                             A     alcohol-free beer has been launched by drinks
                                                                 startup entrepreneur Mark Wong and his team
                                                           of plant scientists.
                                                              The team wanted to create a healthy functional
                                                           alcohol alternative, ‘brewed for relaxation without
                                                           the booze’.
                                                              Mark, Founder of IMPOSSIBREW Co, started
                                                           experimenting with active botanical plants used by
                                                           his ancestors in Asia.
                                                              “Accidentally coming across a copy of The Kissa
                                                           Yōjōki (喫 茶 養 生 記 ), published in 1211 AD,
                                                           changed everything. I became obsessed with active
                                                           botanical plants that have been used for thousands of
                                                           years in my culture and self-experimented with as
                                                           many as I could get my hands on,” he said.

B       ritish juice drinks brand, CRAFTED®, has
        launched ‘Posh Lime & Soda’, a premium vari-
ant of lime and soda made with real lime juice and soda
                                                              “With our team of plant scientists and experts
                                                           across leading UK Universities, we presented our
                                                           findings to the industry but was met with scepticism.
water and served in a 330ml glass bottle. Posh Lime &      One brewer told us what we were looking for was
Soda contains no added sugar or sweeteners, no artifi-     impossible. It motivated us even more, and we have
cial flavourings and no added preservatives or colours.    decided to name ourselves in tribute to it – brewing
It’s not just a lime and soda, it is a Posh Lime & Soda!   the impossible.”
•                      •

February 2020                                                                                                                                                               9
Tooting Conservative & Unionist Club Hosts Virtual Bingo - Lockdown Announced: Grant Information Inside ACC 2020 AGM Report

                                                                                           Whisky joins PRO14 team
     Dry 2021 January boosts
     trend for no-low alchol
     Regulatory body The Portman Group,
     recently commissioned YouGov to
     conduct its annual polling on the rising
     trend of low and no alcohol.
        The research showed that almost
     two-thirds of UK adults (62.5%) have
     tried low and no products, including
     over two-thirds of current UK drinkers
     (68%). Furthermore, a quarter (25%) of

     UK drinkers consider themselves to be
                                                                                                  cotch Whisky distiller, Loch Lomond
     semi-regular consumers of low and no                                                         Whiskies, has agreed a new partnership
     alcohol [5], with the highest                                                          and sponsorship with PRO14 Rugby to become
     consumption taking place in Scotland                                                   its Official Spirit for the next three years.
                                                                                               Special Edition Whiskies will be created with
     (27%).                                                                                 input from PRO14 Rugby and rugby clubs, with
        Low and no sales continue to soar                                                   part of the profits being donated to worthy charities
     and the sector has witnessed a                                                         across the UK, Ireland and Italy.
                                                                                               The distiller will showcase its range of single malt
     phenomenal 30% year-on-year growth from 2019 to 2020 [7], highlighting
                                                                                            whiskies at match venues and digitally throughout
     changing drinking habits in the UK and the sector’s ability to respond to this.        the season. In addition, the Loch Lomond Whiskies
        HEINEKEN is just one Portman Group member to tap into this trend, offering up       logo will feature on the match officials’ shirts, digi-
     a range of zero alcohol beer. HEINEKEN’s Interim managing director, Simon              tal pitch branding and the distiller will support
                                                                                            some initiatives aimed directly at helping fans
     Amor, said: “In recent years we have seen a steady rise in the interest surrounding
                                                                                            engage with the game, players, coaches and clubs
     low and no alcohol alternatives within beer and cider, and demand from                 that they support.
     consumers has grown considerably. As part of our approach to responsible                  CEO Colin Matthews said: “Much like our other
     drinking and promoting moderation, it is important for us to be able to offer          sports partnerships, our sponsorship of PRO14
                                                                                            Rugby will centre on contributing to the true spirit
     people a high-quality no or low alcohol option amongst the brands they enjoy.”         of the sport. We passionately believe that participa-
        Key reasons for choosing low and no alternatives include being able to drive        tion and interest in sport can make a real positive
     home and not drinking excessively at social events. Additionally, among those          difference to individuals, groups and communities
                                                                                            and so we are committed to leveraging our new
     who say they are more likely to drink low and no products since the emergence of
                                                                                            association with PRO14 Rugby to support the wider
     COVID-19, almost half (43%) say they are trying to live healthier lives and 41%        rugby community.”
     say they are trying to moderate their alcohol consumption at home. This                   The inaugural partnership is the latest addition
     reinforces existing responsible drinking and moderation trends; 17.5% who are          to Loch Lomond Group’s sponsorship portfolio. In
                                                                                            golf, Loch Lomond is the Official Spirit of The
     already drinking low and no said they would be further encouraged to select
                                                                                            Open, Women’s British Open and Scottish PGA. In
     alternatives if they were more widely available in hospitality venues and              Scottish football, its Glens vodka brand sponsors
     supermarkets.                                                                          Motherwell FC. It is also “The Spirit of the SPFL”,
                                                                                            Scotland’s national men's football league.

 Premiership rugby signs four-year deal with BT Sport
 P     remiership Rugby has reached an agreement to
       extend its long-standing broadcast deal with BT
 Sport by a further four years.
                                                                                              Every match from each round of fixtures has been
                                                                                           made available to BT customers, while eligible club
                                                                                           season-ticket holders have been able gain free access to
   Clubs will be able to show up to 80 live games – 69                                     home games on the BT Sport App.
 Gallagher Premiership matches and 11 Premiership                                             Premiership Rugby chief executive Darren Childs
 Rugby Cup ties – each season until 2024.                                                  said: “BT Sport have been incredibly supportive part-
   BT Sport managing director Andy Haworth said:                                           ners of Premiership Rugby.
 “We will continue to play our part in bringing the best                                      “We are pleased we have reached an agreement to
 TV coverage of top-flight club rugby to our viewers                                       extend our partnership through to 2024.”
 whilst they are not able to attend live sport.”                                              Premiership rugby has been screened live by BT
   Premiership rugby has been screened live by BT                                          Sport since 2013.
 Sport since 2013.                                                                         •

10                                                                                                                         February 2021

Diageo partners with WaterAid                                                                                            NEWS IN BRIEF
W         aterAid and Diageo, producer of Johnnie Walker, Smirnoff and Guinness, are joining forces in a
          renewed £4 million, five-year partnership to help transform lives with clean water, decent toilets and
good hygiene in communities across Diageo’s global supply chains and beyond.
                                                                                                                         HI-KLEEN – doing the dirty work
                                                                                                                         HI-KLEEN from Hi-line Industries was launched
   One in ten people – 785 million people – lack access to clean water. The partnership will employ climate-             last summer for full sanitisation of all contact
resilient and sustainable technologies to help protect communities from the growing impacts of climate                   surfaces, providing at least five hours of
change on access to clean water and decent sanitation.                                                                   protection from further contamination once
   The new commitment, which follows five years of partnership between the beverage giant and the inter-                 applied with a single, quick application.
                                                                                                                            The company has produced a short but highly
national charity, is part of Diageo’s 10-year action plan, Society 2030: Spirit of Progress, and aims to reach hun-
                                                                                                                         informative YouTube video
dreds of thousands of people.
                                                                                                                         ( that
   Diageo will also continue to invest in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) to ensure a healthy workforce,            demonstrates the product’s easy application.
and resilience and productivity beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Globally, it has been estimated that every                    Hi-KLEEN’s special formulation ensures it kills
dollar invested in clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene returns $5.50 in increased productivity.                 and inhibits both bacteria and viruses (including
   Since 2015 Diageo and WaterAid have helped transform the lives of more than 80,000 people in countries                enveloped viruses such as COVID-19) on hard or
across sub-Saharan Africa, such as Ghana, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda with WASH. It has also                  soft surfaces, says the company.
has funded a £200,000 women-led project in Myanmar to provide 10,000 people with access to clean water                      It is odour-free, does not stain, is non-
in households and healthcare facilities.                                                                                 corrosive and will leave a streak and smear-free
•                                                                                                         finish to most polished surfaces, including glass
                                                                                                                         and stainless steel.
                                                           Resolution beer – low in carbs                                   The product is composed of organic, non-
                                                                                                                         chlorinated solvents and comes in both 500ml
                                                           and calories, high in taste                                   aerosols and disposable 17kg canisters (with
                                                                                                                         spray gun). The latter is ideal for those looking to
                                                                                                                         sanitise entire rooms, providing typical coverage
                                                                                                                         of 750 square metres.
                                                                                                                            Hi-line is offering a free, no-obligation
                                                                                                                         demonstration of and a free HI-KLEEN aerosol
                                                                                                                         spray with each purchase of Hi-line’s
                                                                                                                         compressed air equipment during 2021.
                                                                                                                            Hi-line has provided essential help to the NHS
                                                                                                                         by supplying medical gas dryers for hospitals,
                                                                                                                         including NHS Nightingale facilities.

Belgian pastry specialist Pidy has expanded its
                                                           M          arston's Resolution, ABV 4.7%, delivers
                                                                      punchy flavours with lots of character, says
                                                           the brewer. The brew undergoes a double fermenta-
                                                                                                                         Hats of to award-winning Honduras
                                                                                                                         coffee cooperative
                                                                                                                         Cooperativa Cocabel, Honduras, has won the
award-winning Trendy range to include the                  tion process which turns all sugars into alcohol. The         Ernesto Illy International Coffee Award. The
‘Micro’ Trendy (3cm x 1,7cm), the ‘Trendy                  end result is a strong, refreshing beer that's less filling   annual award applauds the best producer of
Shallow’ (8cm x 1,1cm) and the classic ‘Trendy             and easier to drink. Described as great tasting with          sustainable coffee.
                                                                                                                             The cooperativa won both the “Best of the
Round’ (8cm x 2cm). Pidy products use 100%                 lots of full-bodied flavours and a refreshing, crisp note,
                                                                                                                         Best” and “Coffee Lover’s Choice”, after blind
natural ingredients, can be stored at ambient              it pairs well with lighter meals and has 88 calories and
                                                                                                                         tastings by two independent juries, one
temperatures and have a 12 months shelf life.              5.2 grams of carbohydrates per 275ml bottle.                  comprising experts and the other consumers.
•                                           •                             The coffee was declared to be creamy with an
                                                                                                                         elegant balance, chocolate and caramel notes

Countertop draught system                                                                                                and refreshing citrus notes, ‘saturated with nutty
                                                                                                                         and delicate whispers of dried and fresh fruits and
                                                                                                                         a lingering aftertaste of light honey and vanilla

H      EINEKEN UK has upped its online presence
       of Blade, the countertop draught system, by
integrating it into, the brewer’s online
                                                                                                                         nuances’. The complex coffee’s intensity of flavor
                                                                                                                         was seen to ‘magnificently represent the taste
                                                                                                                         characteristics of its origin’.
                                                                                                                             Illycaffè is a family-owned Italian company
consumer store. will now manage all
                                                                                                                         founded in Trieste in 1933. Worldwide, over 8
direct-to-consumer sales, marketing and distribu-                                                                        million cups of illy coffee are served each day.
tion, while HEINEKEN UK will continue to service                                                                               The company aims to help growers
HEINEKEN business customers through its sales                                                                            achieve higher prices for their coffee, and
teams and partner wholesalers.                                                                                           establishes partnerships based on the
   Blade beer dispense system allows users to serve                                                                      principles of sustainable development.
a freshly poured pint of draught beer, without the                                                                           “This is a well-deserved recognition of the
need for a cellar or traditional equipment, says the                                                                     extraordinary work carried out day by day with
company.                                                                                                                 great dedication by men and women from the
                                                                                                                         Cocabel Cooperative,” said illycaffè’s
   For clubs, one of the key benefits is said to be that
                                                                                                                         Chairman Andrea Illy. “The Cooperative
Blade provides the technology to offer draught
                                                                                                                         managed to draw together small coffee
alcohol free beer. Heineken 0.0 was one of the first                                                                     growers united by the awareness that
products available on Blade and has helped grow                                                                          sustainable quality begins with the plant.
the popularity of alcohol free beer.                                                                                     •

February 2021                                                                                                                                                                   11
Annual General
     Chairman’s Report on the Work of the Association
D    ue to the absence of the ACC
     Chairman, Lord Smith spoke
on his behalf. Lord Smith said
                                     Schemes, Rule of Six, Table
                                     Service, Household Bubbles,
                                     Substantial Food Offerings, Eat
                                                                            many clubs covering both political
                                                                            and charitable donations and
                                                                            these have been published in the
                                                                                                                  enjoyed by a large number of Club
                                                                                                                  representatives. Whilst it may be
                                                                                                                  a little time before such meetings
that at this AGM, representatives    Out to Help Out, Track and Trace,      monthly magazine whenever they        and events are held again, the
would have been celebrating the      Protecting our NHS and of course,      come to our attention.                Chairman was confident that
magnificent General Election         ‘Hands, Face and Space’.                  But none of these achievements     members would again enjoy and
Victory of December 2019, which         The Chairman was confident that     can be claimed unless our Clubs are   benefit from these activities.
saw a Conservative majority          in a post vaccine world, the ACC       themselves in a strong and healthy       Lord Smith also placed on
a size of which had not been         could re-establish its attention       position and the ACC is making        record the Chairman’s thanks
seen since 1987. It was right of     on the activities which had been       sure that Clubs are receiving the     to the ACC’s national suppliers
course that we congratulated         carried out over the previous 126      best advice and support.              and recommended companies;
our Prime Minister and all those     years and to do so with the same          Lord Smith placed on record        Dransfields for the excellent service
hard working candidates and          attention to detail that we had all    the Chairman’s grateful thanks        which they provided to their many
volunteers who made that victory     come to expect.                        to all ACC Officers and Council       ACC customers, our insurance
possible.                               Currently, over 100 Constituency    Members for spending so much          providers, ‘Club Insure’ whose
  But in those famous words          Associations had their offices         time organising and attending         continued professional approach
of Harold Macmillan ‘Events          in Conservative Clubs and now          meetings and Club events. In          to ACC Clubs is much appreciated
dear boy, events’ the Covid-19       many of those Constituencies had       2019 Weekend Conferences, Area        and K&M refurbishment
Pandemic had all but taken up        Conservative MP’s and in several       Meetings and social events held by       Finally the Chairman wished to
every thought and action since       cases, for the first time. The ACC     the North West, Wales, Yorkshire,     thank all the ACC staff for their
March and as a result we had been    continues to see this arrangement      Northern, Eastern and Western         continued loyalty and commitment
concentrating more on the here       as a positive one. The ACC had         Areas were important occasions        to the Association of Conservative
and now and focused on; Furlough     other good stories and news from       within the ACC Calendar and           Clubs.

                                 The Chief Executive’s Report
L    ord Smith reflected on the
     difficult year of 2020 and
hoped that 2021 would bring more
                                     recipients. The ACC would
                                     continue to encourage Clubs to
                                     sign up to email updates using the
                                                                            Lord Smith was therefore pleased
                                                                            that the ACC continued to provide
                                                                            so many clubs with financial
                                                                                                                  of interest would remain highly
                                                                                                                  competitive compared with bank
                                                                                                                  and building society rates.
positivity into everyone’s lives.    link on our website.                   assistance, with £4.9 million            Lord Smith stated that he
He commented on the assistance         Whilst the Magazine still played     currently on loan to clubs. The       believed that the ACC had
which the ACC had provided           an important role, this year had       sale and leaseback arrangement        achieved a great deal over the
during this unprecedented year       shown the need for ways to             for clubs continued to be a popular   previous few years and he hoped
in the presence of a pandemic,       communicate with more quickly          option for releasing assets tied      that his report today demonstrated
enforced home working and an         and our website had played an          up in property to either invest       that much could be achieved in
office move.                         important role in delivering           in the facilities being offered to    the future. He placed on record
  Following the move to new          information.                           members, repay historic debt or       his thanks to the excellent and
premises on 23rd June, the office      Lord Smith reported that             to provide significant working        loyal team at the ACC for all that
was up and running answering         approximately fifty per cent of        capital. With a further sixteen       they do throughout the year. He
emails and telephone calls the       ACC clubs re-opened over the           clubs adopting this scheme last       also thanked the ACC Council for
following day. This was the first    first weekend following the first      year alone, and seventeen the         their support and to all ACC Clubs
time since The ACC’s formation       lockdown, and many others did          previous year, clearly this was       for everything which they did in
in 1894 that the ACC had owned       so following that first week. It       an area which had potential for       order to keep clubs viable and to
its own office premises and          was currently too early to say         growth.                               maintain the high standards and
is something which would be          how many clubs in Tier Two                During the year the ACC had        reputation of private members’
beneficial for future years.         would open following the end           advised clubs how they might          social clubs which played such a
  Lord Smith reported that           of the second lockdown but it          be able to claim back VAT on          vital part in so many communities
assistance and advice had been       was estimated that it would not        the historic Linneweber case and      throughout Great Britain.
provided via the ACC Magazine,       be many since the provision            had just published
the ACC website and to Clubs         of substantial meals and the           a revised version
which had joined the ACC’s           confusion over the interpretation      of the Club Law &
email distribution list. With the    of some regulations has been           Management        book,
exception of the June and July       unhelpful.                             originally written in
magazine, which was combined           Lord Smith commented that 994        2008.
into a single issue (primarily due   pubs closed in 2019 with almost           During the year the
to the ACC office move taking        the same number closed in 2018.        ACC had reduced the
place around the same time), the     About 80 pubs vanished each            interest paid on the
ACC had managed to send out          month from the communities they        Deposit Account from
a magazine every single month,       served. Between 2010 and 2017,         2.5% to 2% and it was
even during the height of the        the number of pubs slumped from        likely that this rate of
initial lockdown period.             more than 54,000 to 42,000. The        gross interest would
  He went on to say that over half   figure for 2020 would be unknown       be reduced further
of all ACC Clubs had subscribed      for some time but he thought           before the year end
to the email distribution list and   we could all assume that it was        to 1.5% but that rate
that sixteen updates had been        unlikely to make happy reading.        would be guaranteed
published since the Coronavirus      The ACC recognised that what           for a minimum twelve
situation commenced in March.        happened in the pub world was          month period. The
On average, each email was           eventually reflected to a greater or   ACC were confident
opened by around 85% of              lesser extent in the club world.       that this proposed rate

12                                                                                                                                   February 2021
Meeting Report
           Statement of Accounts for the
                                                                                           ACC COUNCIL 2020/21
          Year Ended 31st December 2019                                          Hon. President:       To be confirmed
  In the absence of Philip Davies,        communication link between Clubs
  the Lord Smith called upon Mr           and the ACC and was a widely read      Chairman:             The Rt Hon Alistair Burt MP
  Charles Littlewood, Deputy CEO,         publication.                           Vice-Chairmen:        To be confirmed
  to propose that the Statement of           The Accounts showed rental          Treasurer:            Philip Davies MP
  Accounts was received.                  income from the sale and leaseback     Additional Members:   Thomas Leeming
     Mr Littlewood had pleasure           of Club properties at just in excess   London:               Alan Boniface
  in reporting that the income and        of £1.35 million, an increase on       Northern:             Bill Newall
  expenditure account for the year        the previous year. Mr Littlewood       North Western:        John Hudson OBE
  ended 31st December 2019 shows          reported that the ACC had                                    Geoffrey Knowles OBE
  a surplus of just under £2.3 million.   purchased sixteen clubs during the
                                                                                                       Jeff Simpson
     In addition to these figures, the    year and had sold nine. The ACC’s
  amount of loans to Member Clubs         Deposit Scheme stood at £14                                  Charles White
  from the ACC accounts during 2019       million. Total expenditure showed      South Eastern:        Chris Smith
  stood at £4.9 million. A reduction      an increase of £160,000 from the       Yorkshire:            Eddie Ward
  in the loan figure of almost 18%.       comparison with 2018 and was           East Midlands:        To be confirmed
  ACC Club Development Fund ‘A’           expected and within budget.            West Midlands:        Mike Robinson
  showed a surplus for the year of           The year end result is that the     Eastern:              To be confirmed
  £1,500. The ‘B’ Fund returned a         total net assets of the Association    Wessex:               Jim Gauld
  deficit but Mr Littlewood reminded      of Conservative Clubs show             Western:              Brian Tottle
  the meeting that this Fund was          an increase of £2,350,250 to           Wales:                David Thomas
  used to cover legal expenses            £27,759,633.
                                                                                 Solicitor:            Josephine Willoughby
  involved with Trusteeships and             Mr      Littlewood       thanked
  was therefore non-profit making.        the ACC Accounts Manager,              Auditor/Accountant:   Katy Dee
     Income from the sale of IA           Lesley Dipopolo and the ACC’s
                                                                                           Clubs Development Fund Committee
  Tickets very slightly increased         Accountant and Auditor Katy Dee,
  from the previous year.                 of Begbies Chartered Accountants                       The Rt Hon Alistair Burt
     Commission income showed a           and concluded by saying that it                            MP Mr. E. Ward
  higher receipt of £72,000 compared      gave him great pleasure to propose                        Philip Davies MP
  with 2018.                              that the accounts as set out be                             Mr. W. Newall
     The accounts also show a             received by the Annual General                           Cllr. J. Hudson OBE
  deficit on the magazine of some         Meeting. The proposal to receive                     Lord Smith of Hindhead CBE
  £14,600 but that was expected. The      the Accounts was seconded and                              Mr A. Boniface
  Magazine remained an important          carried unanimously.

  February 2021                                                                                                                      13
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