Review - Public Service Association of SA

Page created by Pamela Castro
Review - Public Service Association of SA
                                   Public Sector

                                                        Public Sector Review Magazine • December 2018

    SA Not for Sale        Know Your Rights:          Zahra Foundation            New PSA Website
6   Campaign
                      12   Domestic and Family
                                                 14                          27
                           Violence Leave
Review - Public Service Association of SA
From the General Secretary:         3
Unveiling our Government’s Agenda
From the President:
Unite and Fight
                                    4              WELCOME
From the Assistant General          5              The PSA has worked tirelessly over             We are also excited to announce that
Secretary: Stand up Against Service                the past 12 months to achieve the              members will have access in 2019
Cuts and Privatisation in SA                       best possible employment conditions            to a new and improved PSA website
                                                   for members through strong enterprise          which will provide members greater
INDUSTRIAL NEWS                                    bargaining; offering improved member           access to materials and resources.
                                                   benefits and services; and providing           Members will have secure access to
State Budget			                     6              members with new opportunities.                member-only information and news
EB Roundup			                       8                                                             and much more.
Financial Counsellors Axed          9              In what has been a busy year of firsts,
                                                   we launched the Young Member                   From the PSA, we wish you all a safe
Super SA New Member Portal         10              Working Group, built the Women’s               and festive holiday season and look
AS01 to AS02 Classification Audit 11               Action Network to over 200 members,            forward to building a brighter future
Critical Questions 		               11             delivered a new and improved member            together for public sector workers in
Remain Unanswered                                  benefits program – PSA Plus, held              the New Year.
Domestic and Family		              12              larger events and conferences
Violence Leave		                                   including a special election forum,
On Rolling Contracts?		            13              achieved many individual and group
Need to Read                                       wins for members, and modernised
Zahra Foundation Australia         14              the Salaried Enterprise Agreement.
Know Your Rights - Christmas       16
and New Year Public Holidays
Child Protection: Worksite         18
Representative State Finalist
PSA Golf Team ROCLA Cup            18                                FEDERAL WEBSITE
                                                                     The website has general interest articles, a links page and
MEMBER NEWS                                                          specific sections for women, schools, higher education and
                                                                     correctional services.
Member Experience:		               19                                                        
Bushfire Risk Management
Women’s Conference:		              20

Unity in Diversity
                                                              Public Sector
Member Profile: Yvette Eglinton    22
Young Member Working Group 22
Women’s Action Network             23
Regional Update                    23              The Public Sector Review is an official          Designed and Printed on Recycled and
                                                   publication of the Public Service                Sustainably sourced paper by
Out and About			                   24
                                                   Association of SA Inc and the Community          Created 2 Print, 107 Sturt Street,
With PSA Members
                                                   and Public Sector Union (SPSF Group) SA          Adelaide SA.
APHEDA: Make 2019                  26
The Tipping Point for Asbestos
                                                                                                    The Public Sector Review’s official
                                                   Comments, letters and editorial material to:     publication number is PP565001/0010.
MEMBER BENEFITS                                    ‘The Editor’, Public Sector Review               Volume 2, Number 4.
                                                   Level 5, 122 Pirie Street,                       Responsibility for political content in this
WOMADelaide Ticket Offer           26
                                                   Adelaide SA 5000                                 publication is taken by Nev Kitchin.
New PSA Website Coming             27
Health Partners Foods that         28              Selected articles are published
Help Slow the Ageing Process                       electronically on the PSA website at
PSA Plus 		                        29    
Ice Arena Cool Offer                               Tel: 08 8205 3200 Fax: 08 8223 6509              Cover Image: PSA SA Not for Sale
PSA Holiday Home                   30              Toll-Free: 1800 811 457                          Rally, September 2018
Training Calendar                  31

          Public Sector Review Magazine | December 2018
Review - Public Service Association of SA
A message from the General Secretary

                                               UNVEILING OUR
                                               by Nev Kitchin

     Well, by now we are aware                 The government did admit there had           The PSA will stand strong and campaign
     of at least part of our new               been no independent analysis of the          for the kind of public sector a civilised
                                               decision to privatise the Adelaide Remand    community requires. A public sector
     government’s agenda.                      Centre. How can the public interest be       which promotes community safety,
                                               served without analysis, without scrutiny    security and equitable access to high
Outsourcing, privatising, commercialising,
                                               and under a dark veil of secrecy?            quality public services.
and discarding essential services and
thousands of jobs.
                                               The now Premier directly told hundreds       A strong public sector delivering high
                                               of PSA members in the PSA pre-election       quality services requires respectful
The “what can we privatise now factory”
                                               open forum in February that the Liberals     industrial arrangements for those who
is hard at work.
                                               “have no privatisation agenda”.              provide those services.

Sadly, this is the time many workers
                                               We now know there is a widespread            Our main salaried enterprise agreement
come to the realisation that despite all the
                                               privatisation agenda ranging from            contains strong protections covering
platitudes given to public sector workers
                                               Financial Counsellors in Child Protection,   situations of service and job cuts. With
by both sides of politics about how
                                               SA Pathology, SA Medical Imaging,            negotiations for a new agreement due
important and valued they are, the reality
                                               parts of DEW, and the Adelaide Remand        to start mid next year we will need to be
is very different.
                                               Centre, with others flagged.                 strong and active in order to maintain the
                                                                                            protections we, and previous generations
We are treated as just numbers, referred
                                               Unions, community groups and individuals     of PSA members, fought so hard to
to as FTEs, and every FTE is a cost.
                                               are entitled to do everything possible to    achieve.
                                               hold government to account.
It is true that some of the job cuts
had been proposed by the previous
government. The new government added
to those cuts already announced and
then cut even more. To add insult to
injury they went down the privatisation
path as quickly as possible.

I attended an estimates hearing in
Parliament House hoping to hear a
rationale for the cuts and privatisations.
There was none. The government
banged on about decisions being made in
the public interest.

However the public interest was never
clearly defined. We say the public interest
is best served by a strong, vital and well
resourced public sector.

Review - Public Service Association of SA
A message from the President

                                   UNITE AND
                                   by Michael Griffiths

     Last year, I wrote to all PSA members encouraging you to get
     involved with enterprise bargaining to ensure that we achieved a
     strong agreement with the best possible employment conditions
     and protections for public sector workers.

We achieved this together through robust       these cuts will inevitably have on South    information on how to join. Talk to your
member support and consistent and              Australians in both the short and long-     family, friends and neighbours about the
continuous member activities.                  term.                                       importance of essential public services
                                                                                           and why these services should remain in
Now we face a new challenge of a new           We need every PSA member to stand           public hands.
government that has demonstrated a             together against these service cuts and
disrespect for public sector workers and       privatisations as this attack will be the   Together we will stand up against these
which devalues the essential work public       thin edge of the wedge. It is a sound       disgraceful service cuts. We will continue
servants do for the community.                 indicator of what is certain to come.       to proudly serve South Australia.

The decisions to cut and/or privatise          Encourage your colleagues who are
essential services have been made              not yet union members to get involved
with little or no thought for the impact       with your union or contact the PSA for

                                               OUR                                         OUR
                                               VISION                                      MISSION
                                                A South Australian Public                  To grow, engage and
                                                Sector in which PSA                        empower our membership
                                                members are highly valued                  by working collectively to
                                                and well-resourced, with                   effectively represent, protect
                                                fair and secure working                    and actively advance PSA
                                                conditions and entitlements.               members’ interests.

            Public Sector Review Magazine | December 2018
Review - Public Service Association of SA
A message from the
                                    Assistant General Secretary

                                    STAND UP AGAINST
                                    SERVICE CUTS AND
                                    PRIVATISATION IN SA
                                    by Natasha Brown

     There can now be no doubt about the agenda of the Marshall Government and the gravity
     of the challenge before us. But as PSA members have proven time and time again, there is
     no challenge too great to overcome when we unite together for a common cause.

The campaign activities we have                  Fast forward only a few months and the         are the severe cuts to the Legal Services
undertaken to date as part of our SA Not         Government has already put out a tender        Commission.
for Sale campaign have laid the necessary        to privatise the Adelaide Remand Centre
groundwork for us to build our fight against     - a high security prison in the middle of      The Government has also abolished the
the public sector cuts and privatisation.        our CBD - which would make our remand          Financial Wellbeing Program that offers
                                                 centre the only privatised remand centre in    early intervention and support for our
Throughout 2018 we launched a                    Australia.                                     State’s most at-risk children and families.
digital campaign with a new website                                                             Cutting this program is a direct and a very successful        The Government has also already issued         contradiction of recommendations from
social media push highlighting the               threats of privatisation to our members in     the Nyland Royal Commission.
essential work PSA members do for our            SA Pathology and SA Medical Imaging,
community.                                       and has established a “Commercial and          PSA members must remain united and
                                                 Economics Unit” to look for other potential    strong.
We have circulated petitions, postcards,         targets for privatisation.
badges, posters and flyers to educate                                                           We will continue to campaign towards
South Australians on the value of the            These privatisation threats come on top of     a well-resourced public sector which
public sector. We have held rallies,             thousands of public sector job cuts included   provides equitable, affordable and
meetings, forums, featured numerous              as part of September’s State Budget. The       accessible services to all South
articles in print media, TV and radio to fight   Budget foreshadowed the closure of seven       Australians and where our members are
the threats of privatisation and advocate        TAFE campuses, which will have a severe        respected and valued.
for better resourcing of our public sector.      impact on training and education available
                                                 to South Australians and will reduce the       Speak to your local PSA Worksite
In a historic first, we also held a special      future capacity of our State.                  Representative or your PSA Organiser
pre-election forum in February attended                                                         about the next steps for you and your
by former Labor leader and Premier Jay           The closure of three Service SA centres        colleagues to get involved, to stand up
Weatherill, Liberal leader Steven Marshall,      will reduce access to services for many        against service cuts and privatisation
SA Best candidate Nick Xenophon and              and is a direct attack on the most             in SA, and join the fight for a better
SA Greens candidate Tammy Franks.                vulnerable in our community who are the        future for all PSA members and the
PSA members had the opportunity to               highest users of face-to-face services, as     communities we serve.
directly question these politicians and
sought their parties’ commitments on
stopping privatisation and ensuring that the
public sector has the resources required
to continue to serve the community at the
highest possible standard.

During that forum in front of hundreds of
people, the now Premier Steven Marshall
stated on behalf of his party that “we don’t
have a privatisation agenda”.

Review - Public Service Association of SA
     The September State Budget included cuts to services and
     privatisations that are not in the public interest and which will
     undeniably disadvantage the South Australian community. This
     Budget has been a direct attack on essential public services
     and the hard-working public servants who deliver them. It will
     disproportionately harm our community’s most vulnerable.

The Treasurer stated when delivering the       However it appears to do the exact               direct attack on our essential community
Budget that it “unashamedly is directed        opposite. This Budget reduces jobs, will         services:
towards this reform agenda to create jobs,     create more struggles for families and
lower costs for struggling families and        reduces services for all.                        • Privatisation of the Adelaide Remand
provide better services for all”.                                                                 Centre.
                                               The government had a clear choice in what        • Closure of seven TAFE campuses
                                               they chose to fund and what not to fund.           including Port Adelaide and Urrbrae.
                                               By choosing not to invest in our public          • Closure of three Service SA centres –
                                               sector, they have clearly demonstrated             Modbury, Prospect and Mitcham.
                                               that the wellbeing and sustainability of
                                                                                                • Threats to privatise SA Pathology and
                                               our community – through a strong well
                                                                                                  SA Medical Imaging.
                                               resourced public sector - is not a priority
                                               for them. This Budget is a measure of            • Privatising the Child Protection Financial
                                               the respect this government holds for the          Wellbeing Counsellors program cutting
                                               public sector.                                     59 positions.
                                                                                                • Job cuts of approximately 1,700 FTE
                                               The most fundamental role of a                     though the allocation of $150m for
                                               government is to ensure the community              TVSPs from general revenue.
                                               has equitable access to the services they
                                                                                                • A further 2,300 FTE equivalent job cuts
                                               need. Public services should be accessible,
                                                                                                  through agency savings.
                                               affordable, and importantly equitable, for all
                                               South Australians.                               • Substantial cuts to Education with 200
                                                                                                  FTE cut from head office.
                                               The following cuts and privatisations            • Significant cuts to Environment with
                                               announced in the Budget represent a                110 FTE.

            Public Sector Review Magazine | December 2018
Review - Public Service Association of SA
• Huge cuts to Treasury and Finance with        deliver for and that’s their shareholders.    The PSA will continue to stand up
  600 plus FTE cut.                             Not us, not you and me, usually people        against these essential service cuts and
• Significant budget and staffing cuts to       overseas, usually people at the top,          privatisations.
  the Arts.                                     shareholders. Because of that, because
                                                of that logic, the only way they can make       Visit to show your
• Significant budget and staffing cuts to       money is by putting up prices, by cutting       support. Keep an eye on campaign
  Legal Services Commission including           jobs, by cutting services. And who              updates at the PSA Facebook page
  the closure of the Mount Barker Legal         suffers? We suffer, ordinary people suffer,
  Services Commission Office.                   working people suffer, citizens suffer”.        PublicServiceAssociationSA/.

The PSA immediately responded to this           Lowest income earners and the most
attack on essential public services with a      vulnerable in our community are the most
successful mass rally held on the steps of      reliant on face-to-face essential public
Parliament House. ACTU Secretary Sally          services. By cutting these essential
McManus re-affirmed for those present at        services - like Financial Counsellors in
the rally what privatisation really means for   Child Protection, and closing service
the community.                                  centres in Service SA, TAFE SA, and
                                                Legal Services Commission - the
“...(privatisation) has cost the public more    Government has not just reduced access,
money as governments have had to                but has diminished equitable access, to
buy back failed privatisations. It has not      essential public services for all South
delivered, because there is only one group      Australians.
of people that private companies have to

Review - Public Service Association of SA
    The current South Australian Modern Public Sector
    Enterprise Agreement: Salaried 2017 (SAMPSEAS)                                             House employees; University of SA and
    is serving members well.                                                                   Flinders University; Adelaide Festival
                                                                                               Centre; and Assistants to MPs. Where
Our enterprise agreement consultation          respective consultation clauses are             possible and relevant the PSA is seeking
clauses are proving essential in an            implemented.                                    to have included in those agreements our
environment characterised by cuts and                                                          achievements in SAMPSEAS.
restructures.                                  Members will have seen the SAMPSEAS
                                               salary increases flow through from the first    Enterprise agreements are fundamental
Consultation simply means that PSA             full pay period in October. The next pay rise   to recognising respect in the employment
members are able to contribute to, and         is due in October next year. Salary increases   relationship.
potentially influence, decisions that affect   after that will be subject to the outcomes
their working lives. The basic principle
is that decisions are better if they are
                                               of negotiations for a new agreement. Many
                                               members have also benefited from the              CHANGE OF
informed decisions. And what better way
is there of being informed than including
                                               ASO1 reclassification audit.
those directly involved in the work, and
affected by the decisions?
                                               Our new SAMPSEAS clause for members’
                                               rights to be represented is proving
                                                                                                 OR PERSONAL
                                               beneficial in ensuring, for example,              DETAILS
Consultation is not a barrier to               that Worksite Representatives’ role in
introducing change, as some would              representing members in the workplace,            If you have changed residential
have it. Consultation, when done well,         and attending hearings in the South               address, updated your email
facilitates change and can ensure the          Australian Employment Tribunal (SAET) is          address or even your employment
successful introduction of change.             respected; and that elected honorary office       details, let us know at
                                               holders’ legitimate roles are respected and
The new clauses specific to protection         facilitated.                                      or update them yourself online at
from unreasonable workloads are
proving vital in the new environment of        Nine reviews have been, or are
                                                                                                 The PSA provides information to
service and job cuts. Some agencies            being, undertaken under the terms of
                                                                                                 members on industrial matters and
are simply implementing job cuts without       SAMPSEAS Clause 39.
consideration of resulting workload                                                              other member benefits via email so
issues. However, SAMPSEAS Clause               Our nation leading SAMPSEAS clauses               to ensure that you receive the very
15.2 requires that any proposed change         on Mental Health First Aid training and           latest information, please let us
must, as part of consultation, include an      Domestic and Family Violence have                 know when your details change.
assessment of the potential impact on          attracted attention, appreciation and
workloads and the measures proposed to         respect in many quarters – including from
manage those impacts.                          leading employer associations.

The PSA has been active in working with        The PSA is currently negotiating a number
members and Worksite Representatives           of other enterprise agreements, including
to ensure members’ rights under the            Education (covering SSOs); Parliament

            Public Sector Review Magazine | December 2018
Review - Public Service Association of SA
    The September State                  education, training and employment;          The service provided by Financial
    Budget decision to cut               and access to legal advice and health        Counsellors is an important early
                                         care.”                                       intervention program that not only
    59 Financial Counsellors                                                          supports young people exiting state care,
    who support at-risk young            159 “Expand financial counselling            but provides them with sound financial
    people comes despite the             services to manage access to post-           knowledge to positively participate in the
    Nyland Royal Commission              care financial support from the              community, assists them to find work
                                         Agency provided in accordance with           and housing, and also helps to access
    recommendations 158 and
                                         Recommendation 158.”                         Government benefits.
    159 to expand the services
    to manage post-care                  Financial Counsellors offer specialised      It seems completely ill-considered to
    financial support.                   and unique support to assist families to     outsource or to privatise this service
                                         manage their financial situations where      to NGOs, especially when the Child
The Child Protection Systems             children are at risk of abuse or neglect.    Protection Department is approximately
Royal Commission recommendations 158                                                  250 staff short and the child protection
and 159 proposes;                        This can include support for budgeting,      budget has grown.
158 “Amend the Children’s Protection     seeking rent relief, housing, food relief,
Act 1993 to require the Minister to      dealing with debt, working with Centrelink   Financial Counsellors provide a holistic
provide or arrange assistance to care    etc.                                         approach where there is integration
leavers aged between 18 and 25 years.                                                 between them and social workers that
Assistance should specifically include   They are also vital in reuniting children    allows an immediacy relevant to peoples
the provision of information about       and parents by ensuring a stable and         needs.
services and resources; financial and    secure financial base and safe housing in
other support to obtain housing,         preparation for the child/ren’s return.      The purpose of the Department for Child
                                                                                      Protection must be to prevent abuse
                                                                                      and neglect and minimise the number of
                                                                                      children in care by strengthening families.
                                                                                      This cut is likely to result in an increase
                                                                                      of children at risk, higher removal rates,
                                                                                      fewer children returning to their families
                                                                                      and more youth homelessness.

                                                                                      The PSA opposes these cuts and
                                                                                      demands the Government reverse this
                                                                                      decision. The PSA will continue to meet
                                                                                      with affected members and campaign
                                                                                      against this privatisation.

Review - Public Service Association of SA
                               SUPER SA MEMBER PORTAL?
                                     Earlier this year, Super SA introduced a new
                                     member portal on their website. It allows
                                     most Super SA members1 to access their
                                     super information quickly and simply.

It’s easier to navigate the portal than           payrise to your super? It might seem
ever before. To view your Super SA                small, but small, consistent contributions                                         Disclaimer: The superannuation
account in the new member portal for              over time may make a big difference to                                             schemes administered by Super SA are
                                                                                                                                     exempt public sector superannuation
the first time, grab the new Client ID            your final balance. See the difference that
                                                                                                                                     schemes and are not regulated by the
number from your 2017-2018 annual                 contributing your recent payrise might make                                        Australian Securities and Investments
statement or from the letter that was             to your retirement by using the Super SA                                           Commission (ASIC) or the Australian
sent to you in April, click the Secure            Projection Calculator.                                                             Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).
login button at,                                                                                               Super SA is not required to hold an
follow the steps to register and you’re up        If you think that putting some of your                                             Australian Financial Services Licence to
and running. If you get stuck, there‘s an         payrise into your Super SA account each                                            provide general advice about a Super SA
online tutorial on the website to help you        fortnight could help you reach the lifestyle                                       product. The information in this article is
                                                                                                                                     of a general nature only and has been
navigate the process.                             you want in retirement, check the Personal
                                                                                                                                     prepared without taking into account your
                                                  Super Contributions calculator at                                                  objectives, financial situation or needs.
Once you’re logged in, you can see your  to find the best way                                         Super SA recommends that before
super balance and investment options at a         to make your contributions to super.                                               making any decisions about its products
glance, as well as how much your super has                                                                                           you consider the appropriateness of this
grown in the last 1, 6 or 12 months or over       Then you can simply log into the new portal                                        information in the context of your own
the financial year.                               and watch the difference it makes.                                                 objectives, financial situation and needs,
                                                                                                                                     read the Product Disclosure Statement
                                                   Members of Triple S, Select, Income Stream                                        (PDS) and seek financial advice from a
Change your investment options with just a        1

                                                  and Flexible Rollover Product have access to the                                   licensed financial adviser in relation to
few quick clicks, provide your tax file number                                                                                       your financial position and requirements.
                                                  new member portal. Members of the defined
to Super SA and update your personal
                                                  benefit schemes, such as Lump Sum and
details online. No paperwork required!            Pension do not have access to the new member
                                                  portal. Access for these members is planned
Keeping with the paperless theme, you can         as part of the next phase of Super SA’s system
easily opt into electronic communications         implementation.
and choose to receive your annual
statement electronically. You’ll also find your                                                                               SEMINARS
electronic filing cabinet that holds important
                                                                      INVESTMENT OPTIONS
                                                                                                                   21         Book into the
                                                                                                                              latest seminar.
correspondence from Super SA.                                         Switch your investment option(s)                                                      Opt in to receive
                                                                      online.                                                                   communications electronically.

Once you’ve looked around the member
portal and seen what your super looks like
now, you can check out the Projection

Calculator on the Super SA website to                        FILING CABINET                                                                                            FORMS &
                                                             View all your correspondence                                                                           FACT SHEETS
see what it might look like when you reach                   from us in one place.                                                                               Find more information.


If you think it’s not going to be enough for                                                             online
the lifestyle you’re hoping for when you
retire, consider whether you can give it an                            CALCULATORS                                                               PERSONAL DETAILS
                                                                       Compare ways to                                                                           Update your
extra boost now.                                                       grow your super.                                                                       contact details.

Have you thought about contributing the                                                     YOUR SUPER BALANCE
                                                                                                         Check your balance
amount you received in your October                                                                      anywhere any time.

             Public Sector Review Magazine | December 2018
     During the recent Enterprise Bargaining negotiations the PSA successfully
     negotiated the ASO1 Audit as a mechanism to address the large number of
     ASO1 staff across the Public Sector who are underclassified.

To date, 261 ASO1s have now been             undertaken correctly and the required
reclassified to ASO2 as a result of the      timeline was met.                           South Australian Modern Public
classification audit.                                                                    Sector Enterprise Agreement:
                                             This is a massive win for members.          Salaried 2017
South Australia Police (SAPOL) had           Congratulations to all PSA members
the largest number of ASO1 staff in the      who will now be appropriately               40. ASO1 CLASSIFICATION AUDIT
public sector. With the audit of ASO1        remunerated for the level of work they      40.1 The employer commits to audit
positions in SAPOL now completed. The        are doing.                                       all ASO1 employees who have
PSA is proud to report that 97.7% of                                                          completed 12 months service at
ASO1s in SAPOL have been assessed            For more information on the ASO1 to              the ASO1 level as at the date
to be working at a higher level and will     ASO2 Classification Audit, contact the           of approval of this Enterprise
be reclassified.                             PSA Members’ Rights Hotline                      Agreement in order to determine
                                             on 8205 3227 or contact the PSA by               whether it is more appropriate
The PSA has worked closely with              email to                  that they should be classified at
SAPOL to ensure the process was                                                               the ASO2 level.

     The Government’s announcement to privatise the Adelaide Remand Centre (ARC) has
     left critical questions unanswered as why this service has been selected and how this
     sell-off could possibly be in the best interest for the community.
To date neither Premier Steven Marshall,     provision costs used to establish a basis   All members should be on notice
Treasurer Rob Lucas, Minister Corey          for the privatisation.                      – privatisations, announced and
Wingard nor Chief Executive (CE)                                                         threatened, are now on the agenda
David Brown have provided any relevant       Privatised prisons often run on minimal     regardless of what is in the public
information supporting the decision to       staff in an attempt to keep running         interest.
privatise the ARC.                           costs down which results in increased
                                             safety risks to both prisoners and those    At the time of printing, the PSA had
Key questions remain unanswered such         correctional staff working in the prison    lodged an application in the South
as why the Adelaide Remand Centre            environment which should be a huge          Australian Employment Court, attended
was chosen over other institutions; what     concern for the community.                  a compulsory conference, and attended
work was undertaken to establish the                                                     a directions hearing.
costs at each prison site used in that       Correctional Officers take their
determination; how a private provider will   workplace safety seriously and any
offer the same levels of service that is     decrease to the number of Correctional        The PSA will continue to keep
currently provided at the ARC - including    Officers at a prison, which is common         members informed and will fight
all health, social work, and close watch     in private prisons, puts workers and the      to keep SA prisons public.
services; and what was factored into the     community at higher risk.

     The ACTU’s We Won’t Wait                  In many cases, to escape a violent              of negotiations, which were eventually
     campaign is calling on all                relationship you have to take time off work.    accepted by the Government, which put
     political parties to support              Many of the services that support women         beyond doubt that the 15 Days Special
     10 days paid domestic and                 and their children are only available during    Leave for Domestic and Family violence is
                                               business hours. Without paid leave, people      a stand-alone form of leave (clause 14.2)
     family violence leave to be
                                               experiencing violence simply do not have        and can be accessed prior to any other
     included in the Federal National          time or resources to find a new, safe, place.   forms of leave at the discretion of the
     Employment Standards.                                                                     affected employee (clause 14.3).
Domestic and family violence leave in          Having economic independence and job
the South Australian Public Service has        security is critical to ensuring that any       These clauses were drafted by the PSA
been available for some time in various        worker experiencing violence can take the       due to a deficiency in the Commissioner’s
forms. Advocated for by the PSA, with          steps they need to leave.                       Determination (CD) 3.1 where the
the Commissioner for Public Sector                                                             entitlement is contained as access
Employment pro-actively supporting and         Employees need to know that their               to the leave was not written explicitly
implementing measures to assist people         workplace is committed to supporting them       enough. Departments were using their
experiencing domestic and family violence,     through paid leave to speak out, seek help      own interpretations of CD 3.1 as to
the provisions available to South Australian   and take action if they are experiencing        when employees could access the leave,
Public Sector employees are well ahead of      domestic violence.                              generally incorrectly trying to require them
the national standards.                                                                        to use their own annual leave and sick
                                               Paid family and domestic violence leave will    leave first.
Workers in the Public Sector currently         help save lives.
have access to 15 days special leave                                                           Our amendments have made it clear of the
with pay when experiencing domestic            Like all industrial rights and entitlements,    order of precedence in accessing this form
and family violence in addition to all other   particularly when they are newly introduced,    of leave and we now have a solid position
forms of leave.                                adjustments and improvements need               should any disputation occur and an appeal
                                               to be made over time based on the real          be required.
Domestic violence can happen to anyone.        world application of the enabling industrial
800,000 women and 1 in 20 men will             instruments and clauses.                        For clarity, members employed under the
experience family or domestic violence                                                         South Australian Modern Public Sector
this year.                                     The PSA proposed amendments for                 Enterprise Agreement: Salaried 2017
                                               the salaried agreement in the last round        can access 15 days special leave with

             Public Sector Review Magazine | December 2018
pay when experiencing domestic and
family violence without having to expend
any other form of leave first. The clauses
                                                 NEED TO READ
in the enterprise agreement provide
the operational distinction between the
                                                       The PSA has had some great successes recently in
granting of this leave and all other forms of          obtaining ongoing status for members who have been
Voluntary Flexible Working Arrangements.               on rolling temporary contracts for years. This has
                                                       included one PSA member who had been employed
Further to successfully gaining clarity on the
                                                       since 2013 whose contract was not initially renewed.
leave entitlement, the PSA was successful
in negotiating clauses which protect                   This member has now been converted to ongoing.
workers experiencing domestic and family
violence with respect to their performance       There are a few agencies who seem            If you contact the Members’ Rights
and conduct. These clauses recognise and         to be misusing Section 45 of the             Hotline seeking contract advice, the
include consideration that experiencing          Public Sector Act 2009 where they            PSA will ask you for a copy of all of your
domestic and family violence may have an         ‘surf’ the parts (b), (c) and (d), without   contracts. This is important to ascertain
adverse effect on an employee’s workplace        specifically advising of the change          the pattern of employment.
performance or conduct.                          when the contracts are renewed.
                                                                                              It is important to keep copies of all
We believe that these clauses (Clauses           An employer may not unilaterally or          your ‘signed’ contracts in a safe place,
14.5, 14.6 and 14.7) are the first of            without advice or consultation change        so they can be easily sent through to
their kind in an enterprise agreement in         an employee’s terms and conditions.          the PSA if you believe you may have a
Australia.                                       When contracts are continually               claim.
                                                 extended it is very important to make
These clauses deal with a common                 sure that your existing conditions within      You can contact the PSA
issue where employee performance or              the new contract are not changed               Members’ Rights Hotline on
conduct is adversely impacted as a result        without your knowledge. If they have           8205 3227 or email for more
of an employee experiencing Domestic             been changed, you need to seek                 information at
and Family Violence, and obligates the           advice prior to signing.             
employer to take this into account in
assessing any workplace performance or

Often the case is that the domestic
and family violence an employee is               PSA MEMBERS’
                                                 RIGHTS HOTLINE
experiencing only becomes evident after                                                                Phone: (08) 8205 3227
an issue regarding workplace performance
or conduct is raised. The clause also
assists affected members as it allows                                                        
disclosure of experiencing DV to a single
source, rather than having to retell their                                                                For information and
story over and over to many sources.                                                                      advice on your working
This will significantly reduce the need for                                                                and employment conditions,
members to explain their situation more                                                                     contact the PSA Members’
than is absolutely necessary.                                                                                 Rights Hotline between
                                                                                                                8:45am – 5:00pm
Our expectation is that members will                                                                             Monday to Friday.
benefit greatly from these clauses, and
that it will empower them to access
assistance sooner.

     Zahra Foundation is a South Australian based charity established in 2015 to honor Zahra
     Abrahimzadeh who was tragically murdered by her husband in 2010. In 2014 the three
     children of Zahra worked closely with the domestic violence sector to consider ways in
     which they could support women in a similar situation to their mother.

Education, employment, and hope for            of someone’s present or future earning       Lack of money, access to resources and
a better future was important to Zahra         potential by preventing them                 social isolation from family and friends are
and so HOPE was identified as the core         from obtaining a job or education.           all tactics of abusers that contribute to a
value for the foundation. With domestic                                                     woman’s inability to leave. It is important
violence crisis support services focused       In the context of men’s violence against     for us to address this since women
primarily on safety and housing, it made       women, financial abuse includes:             are already financially disadvantaged,
sense for the foundation to compliment                                                      regardless of having a lived experience of
these services by providing support and        • control of the finances                    domestic violence:
promoting hope and opportunities for           • restricting/limiting access to bank
women through a post-crisis response.            accounts                                   • The gender pay gap means that on
                                               • providing an inadequate allowance            average women earn $244 p.w less
The foundation supports women                  • monitoring what a woman spends               than men
affected by domestic and family violence         money on                                   • Women contribute a disproportionate
with a specific focus on economic              • not allowing the woman to work               share of unpaid caring and domestic
empowerment. We specifically aim to            • sabotaging a woman’s employment              work
address the economic/financial abuse           • taking a woman’s pay                       • Women live longer than men, but
and disadvantage most often experienced        • fraudulently obtaining or using a credit     retire with less money and assets
as a result of domestic violence. Financial      card                                       • A lack of workplace flexibility to
abuse has only recently been recognised        • refusing to work or contribute               accommodate caring and other
as a form of domestic violence alongside         financially                                  responsibilities
the more recognised forms such as                                                           • Women’s greater time out of the
physical, emotional, sexual, psychological     There are many barriers to women               workforce impacts career progression
and spiritual.                                 leaving violent and abusive relationships,     and opportunities
                                               including fear for her safety and losing
A key distinction between economic             her children, threats, shame, cultural or    Zahra Foundation works to address
abuse and financial abuse is that              religious beliefs, but for many women,       the financial and economic impact
economic abuse also includes the control       financial capacity is one of the biggest.    of domestic violence in a number of
                                                                                            ways. Firstly, through the delivery of a
                                                                                            tailored, trauma informed “Pathways to
                                                                                            Empowerment” program. The program
                                                                                            is a nine-week program that supports
                                                                                            women to address any barriers they may
                                                                                            be facing and helps them to reconnect
                                                                                            with themselves and to the possibility
                                                                                            of further education, employment or
                                                                                            volunteering opportunities. Over 80%
                                                                                            of clients who complete the program
                                                                                            move on to their chosen pathway and
                                                                                            all women report an increased level
                                                                                            of confidence, safety, resilience and

            Public Sector Review Magazine | December 2018
Our financial counselling program               Throughout the year we also deliver        CASE STUDY
specialises with addressing domestic            a series of one off workshops that         Sarah was referred to us a by a domestic
violence related debt.                          support women with resume writing,         violence shelter in Adelaide. Sarah first
                                                career planning and educate women on       attended a financial literacy forum
Many women leaving abusive relationships        financial abuse. We attend a range         co-ordinated by Zahra Foundation and
will report financial abuse, however,           of community education events to raise     facilitated by PKF Adelaide Accounting,
may not have identified this as a form of       awareness of the issue, to promote         Centrelink, Zahra Foundation’s financial
domestic violence during the relationship.      our services and participate in a range    counsellor and a lawyer from Women’s
Women will often be the ones left without       of forums to share our learnings and       Legal Service. The workshop was run in a
access to money and a significant               identify current themes.                   small group setting as a way for women to
amount of debt often accumulate by the                                                     access relevant financial information in a
perpetrator. Add to that the complexities       We have a small team of highly             safe and informal way.
and cost of relocating for safety, setting up   dedicated and skilled staff who work
a new home, family court costs and child        hard to support our clients achieve        From this workshop, Sarah connected
care.                                           amazing outcomes. We have had many         with our financial counsellor for individual
                                                women who have gone on to further          support with budgeting and help to address
Our financial counsellor can help women         study at TAFE and have seen three          a number of financial hardship issues
to access additional funding sources            women progress to University after         preventing her from exiting homelessness.
such as Wyatt Trust grants and NILS             completing our Pathways program.           This relationship then led to a referral to
loans to assist them with the cost of                                                      our Pathways to Empowerment program.
re-establishment and ensure that women          We cannot achieve the important work       The program increased Sarah’s confidence
understand their rights and concessional        we do without the help of the wider        and she was inspired to enroll at TAFE and
entitlements. For women with low financial      community.                                 completed a Certificate in Women’s Studies
literacy skills, our financial counsellor                                                  followed by a Certificate 4 in Community
can mentor women, role modelling how            Throughout the year we host a number       Services. To support her study Zahra
to navigate systems and advocate for            of events including our Women on the       Foundation purchased a laptop for Sarah
themselves. We refer women to online            Run fun run scheduled for March 2019.      through our Opportunity Knox program.
tools and other resources to support            Details can be found on our website’s      Sarah’s long term plan was to enroll in a
them with budgeting and where to access         calendar of events. We also rely on        Foundation Skills program at University
relevant financial information.                 donations and community fundraising        however given her past achievements she
                                                events, so if you would like to help       was admitted directly in to study a Degree
Zahra Foundation also supports women            please get in contact and we can provide   in Criminology commencing in 2019.
in crisis who are connected to a specialist     you with the information and support you
domestic violence service. Our Opportunity      need to host your own event.               Sarah is now living safely with her son
Knox program allows grants of up to $500                     in independent housing and credits her
to help families with the cost of sustaining                                               connection to Zahra Foundation as being
or obtaining education or employment.           Stats from: Our Watch and Workplace        her catalyst for change and providing hope
With the help of a support worker, clients      Gender Equality Agency                     for a positive future.
can access assistance for items such as
school uniforms, laptops or tuition fees.       Article as supplied by Zahra Foundation.   We could not be more proud of Sarah.

Christmas and New Year Public Holidays 2018
                                                                                          Choice of being paid double time
                                                                                          and a half or payment at time and
                                                                                          a half and an additional day off in
                                                                                          Clause 6.2: provides employees the
                                                                                          choice of either being paid at the rate
                                                                                          of double time and a half (250%) or
                                                                                          payment at the rate of time and a half
                                                                                          (150%) and allowed an additional day
                                                                                          off in lieu equivalent to the time worked
                                                                                          on the respective public holiday. (This
                                                                                          provision has some qualifying criteria
                                                                                          which is detailed in Clause 6.2)

                                                                                          Employees rostered over six days
                                                                                          The South Australian Modern Public
     The following                             For employees who participate in a         Sector Enterprise Agreement Salaried:
                                               programmed day off as part of their
     information is provided                                                              2017 at Clause 29.4, 29.5 and 29.6
                                               roster                                     provides for full time employees rostered
     to inform PSA members                     Clause 6.3: Where a public holiday         over six days per week including
     on the appropriate                        falls on a day which is the employee’s     Saturdays and Sundays. Where a full-
     penalty rates that apply                  programmed day off the employee will       time employee is required to work on
     for shifts and overtime                   be given an alternative day off either     active duty over six days of the week
                                               immediately preceding or following the
     worked (including                         public holiday or as soon as practicable
                                                                                          including Saturdays and Sundays and
                                                                                          a public holiday (other than a ‘part-day
     recall to work) for the                   thereafter.                                public holiday’) falls between Monday to
     Christmas and New Year                                                               Friday on a day which is their rostered
     public holidays 2018.                     For employees who are rostered             day off that employee will be paid an
                                               to work over seven days including          additional day’s pay.
                                               Saturdays and Sundays and a public
The legislation relating to Public Holidays
                                               holiday falls on their rostered day off    Correctional Officers
is contained in the South Australia Public
                                               Clause 6.4: Where the public holiday       The SA Public Sector Salaried
Holidays Act 1910.
                                               falls between a Monday to Friday (i.e.     Employees Interim Award at Part 9
                                               Christmas Day, Proclamation Day and        details special conditions for employees
The SA Public Sector Salaried Employees
                                               New Year’s Day) and this day is the        employed as Correctional Officers.
Interim Award Clauses 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4
                                               employee’s rostered day off the employee
detail provisions for public holiday work.
                                               is to be paid an additional day’s pay.

            Public Sector Review Magazine | December 2018
Day                        Public Holiday                    Rate
 Christmas Eve - is a       Monday 24 December 2018           250% (150% Penalty)
 part public holiday from   7:00pm to 12 midnight             for the period from
 7:00pm to 12 midnight                                        7:00pm to 12 midnight
 Christmas Day              Tuesday 25 December 2018          250% (150% Penalty)
 Proclamation Day           Wednesday 26 December 2018        250% (150% Penalty)
 New Year’s Eve – is a      Monday 31 December 2018           250% (150% Penalty)
 part public holiday from   7:00pm to 12 midnight             for the period from 7pm
 7:00pm to 12 midnight                                        to 12 midnight
 New Year’s Day             Tuesday 1 January 2019            250% (150% Penalty)

                                                                                              On behalf of the PSA
                                                                                              Executive, Council and staff,
                                                                                              we would like to thank you
                                                                                              for your support during 2018
                                                                                              and for belonging to your
Clause 9.4.5: If the major part of a shift     Protective Security Officers
                                                                                              Please note that the PSA Office
falls partly on a Saturday, Sunday or public   The SA Public Sector Salaried Employees
                                                                                              and Member Benefit Centre at 122
holiday then the shift will be regarded        Interim Award at Part 13 details specific
                                                                                              Pirie Street Adelaide will be closed
as, and paid at, the respective Saturday,      provisions for Protective Security Officers.
                                                                                              from 12:30pm Friday 21 December
Sunday or public holiday rate.
                                                                                              2018, reopening at 8:45am on
                                               Clause 13.13: Other than casual
                                                                                              Wednesday 2 January 2019.
Clause 9.4.6: Where a public holiday falls     employees, an employee who is not
on an employee’s programmed day off the        required to work on a public holiday will be
                                                                                              If you would like to take advantage
employee will be given an alternative day      paid for the time the employee would have
                                                                                              of placing member discount orders
off on a working day either immediately        normally worked on such day.
                                                                                              before Christmas, please ensure
preceding or immediately following the
                                                                                              that your order has been placed by
public holiday or as soon as practicable       Traffic Inspectors
                                                                                              10:00am on Monday 17 December
thereafter.                                    The SA Public Sector Salaried Employees
                                                                                              2018 to be mailed that same day.
                                               Interim Award at Part 11 details specific
                                                                                              Orders for collection must be picked
Clause 9.9.1: An officer required to work      provisions for Traffic Inspectors.
                                                                                              up prior to the office closure on 21
on any public holiday is to be paid at the
                                                                                              December 2018.
rate of double time and a half (250%).         Clause (iv): On a public holiday
                                               which falls on Monday to Saturday
                                                                                              If you should require immediate
The South Australian Modern Public             inclusive – at a rate of double and a
                                                                                              emergency support during this office
Sector Enterprise Agreement Salaried:          half for all time worked, with a minimum
                                                                                              close down period, keep an eye
2017 at Appendix 7 Clause 3 provides           payment as for three hours work.
                                                                                              on your emails (December) for the
detail for Correctional Officers who may be
                                                                                              emergency support number.
advised they are not required to work on a     Please note: Information correct at the
public holiday.                                time of printing November 2018.
                                                                                              We look forward to working with you
                                                                                              in the New Year to improve working
Fisheries Officers
                                                                                              conditions for the public sector, and
The SA Public Sector Salaried Employees
                                                                                              wish all members and their families
Interim Award at Part 10 details specific
                                                                                              a Merry Christmas and a safe and
provisions for Fisheries Officers.
                                                                                              festive holiday season.
Clause 10.2.1: For Fisheries Officers
where a public holiday falls between                                                          Contact the PSA Member
Monday to Friday in a four week period, the                                                   Benefits Team to place an order
actual hours of duty required to be worked                                                    on 8205 3200 or by email to
in that period is to be reduced by 7.5 hours                                        
for each public holiday which so falls.

                                                      STATE FINALIST
     Congratulations to Lisa                   Membership at the Elizabeth office grew          At the time, the office was 20 staff
                                               from a very low base to 100% of the              members below complement. After
     who was nominated by
                                               Social Worker staff.                             the PSA attended the South Australian
     her colleagues in the                                                                      Employment Tribunal, the Department
     National Child Protection                 With support from members meetings with          offered extra permanent positions as well
     Worksite Representative                   the PSA, staff were able to express their        as placing several extra front-line and
                                               deeply felt concerns at the lack of action       senior staff at Elizabeth to relieve the
     Awards for leading
                                               by the Department for Child Protection to        backlog of cases unallocated.
     members to address                        fill vacant positions. Staff took action, and
     serious workload issues                   together they successfully campaigned to         Well done to Lisa for being awarded the
     in the Elizabeth office.                  fill the vacancies and won an additional         SA State Finalist and members at the
                                               eight FTEs.                                      Child Protection Elizabeth office for this
                                                                                                fantastic outcome.

                                                                                           As featured in the August Review, interested
                                                                                           PSA members were invited to join the PSA
                                                                                           Golf Team which resulted in two new very
                                                                                           welcome additions.

                                                                                           The offer is still available for any interested

                                                                                           PSA members to join in 2019.

                                                                                           Please email Team Captain John Grinter at

                                                                                  for more information
                                                                                           about next year’s event in Victoria.

FOR THE ROCLA CUP                                                                          A special thanks goes to Peter Mead who
                                                                                           assisted with the planning, arrangements and
                                                                                           administration of the event, without whom the
Congratulations to the South Australian team who won the annual Rocla Cup golf             tournament would not have been a success.
tournament in October for the first time since 2011. The inaugural Rocla Cup was
first held in 1966 and is played alternatively in SA and Victoria. This year’s win         Looking forward to 2019.
brings the overall results to SA - 23 wins, Vic - 25 wins and five draws.                  John Grinter, Captain, PSA Golf Team

            Public Sector Review Magazine | December 2018
                                                                           AMY RIEBE
                                                                           BUSHFIRE RISK MANAGEMENT
                                                                           SOUTH AUSTRALIAN COUNTRY
Photo by Air Operations, British Columbia Wildfire Service.                FIRE SERVICE
The South Australian Country Fire Service                     Communicating the complexity of the                 The Canadian people’s reputation for
has a long and proud tradition of helping                     fire situation was at times a difficult task.       friendliness and politeness was evident
sister agencies interstate and overseas                       One aspect of this was ensuring that                throughout my deployment. As all visiting
with staff and resources whenever                             community members understood that                   emergency service personnel were camping,
possible. The continuing impact of climate                    although there was a large central fire,            our Canadian hosts kindly warned us that the
change on fire behaviour means that the                       there were also numerous additional                 local bears were sometimes attracted to the
co-operative relationship between fire and                    small fires which made it very hard for             smell of toothpaste - a warning heeded by all.
emergency service agencies during fire                        firefighting personnel to control the               There was not a great deal of time to properly
seasons becomes more important every                          situation.                                          appreciate the amazing natural beauty of the
year.                                                                                                             British Columbian wilderness, but glimpses of
                                                              Dease Lake, and the adjoining towns of              it through the car window during the road trip
Due to an extraordinary number of fires                       Iskut and Telegraph Creek, is the land of           back to Vancouver will stay with me.
across British Columbia, Canada sought                        the Tahltan First Nation. This First Nation
assistance from fire agencies in Australia                    comprises of the Tahltan and Iskut bands,           The professionalism of the Canadian, New
and New Zealand. I was one of a number                        led by Chief Rick Mclean and Chief Marie            Zealand and Australian interstate agency
of Australian emergency service personnel                     Quock respectively. Both were heavily               staff was on show during long days and
who had the privilege of being seconded -                     involved with the communication of key              nights of hard work, and it was a privilege to
in my case as a public information officer                    information at community meetings, and              play my small part alongside them and the
- during the month of August.                                 I enjoyed learning firsthand how well               many community members who volunteered
                                                              all members of the community worked                 their time to protect lives and save as much
Upon arriving at Vancouver Airport and                        together with state and federal agencies            property as possible from the Stikine-Dease
receiving an initial briefing, we then spent                  to protect people’s safety and support              Lake Fire. Happily, the fire was eventually put
two and a half days driving cross-country.                    those people impacted by property                   out by snow, which arrived with the change of
The dynamic and difficult to predict                          damage as quickly as possible.                      season.
progress of these fires meant that at first,
                                                              Photo by Torbjorn Rive, Canadian Incident Management.
it was not clear where we would most be
required and thus deployed. Eventually it
was decided that we would be deployed
to the Stikine fire based at Dease Lake
to manage just one of the large fires
burning across the undulating and difficult
to access wilderness areas of British

My role was to ensure a steady flow of
up-to-date information about fire behaviour
and safety information flowed from
operational staff to the community. This
information was delivered via numerous
community meetings, press releases and
radio and newspaper interviews with local
media outlets.

“   Diversity also encompasses more than just gender. Although we are all women in this room, we
are diverse in culture, race, sexual orientation, age, religion, language… the list goes on. Our different
backgrounds and life experiences give us different perspectives and help us to make better collective

decisions and actions,”- PSA Assistant General Secretary Natasha Brown.

The PSA Women’s Conference is always           genuine improvements in workplace            We look forward to making 2019 better
an important event on the PSA calendar         diversity and focussed on common             again so keep an eye on your emails and
as it gives like-minded PSA women the          approaches and strategies to promote         if you haven’t already done so, like and
opportunity to come together to reflect        diversity and inclusion.                     follow the PSA Facebook page at:
upon progress, to identify areas we still                                         
need to change to reach genuine gender         Always a conference highlight, the PSA       PublicServiceAssociationSA.
equality, and to network across the            panel discussion focussed on the real life
public sector.                                 experiences of four extraordinary women;
                                               Kim Evans – Senior Legal Counsel at            If you missed the 2018 Conference,
The 2018 conference was the largest            the University of Adelaide; Jenny Scott a      you can still browse photos and videos
held by the PSA more than a decade             Collection Development Librarian at the        at the PSA Facebook page.
with 150 women members attending, all          State Library of South Australia; Michelle
focussed on “Unity in Diversity”. Diversity    Hopkins a Senior Project Officer in
across culture, gender, and background         Aboriginal Strategy at Department for
is important as understanding each             Education; and was facilitated by Victoria
others’ stories allows us to successfully      Purman – Communications Manager at
collaborate both at work and in our            SA Unions.

The keynote address given by ACTU
National Campaign Co-ordinator Kara
Keys, explored the wide-reaching
impacts of gender inequality in our
society and how we can build a better
future for working women in Australia.

Lucinda Hewitson from Diversity
Inclusion, addressed how unconscious
bias creates hidden barriers to achieving

            Public Sector Review Magazine | December 2018
Attendee feedback:                  The whole experience was          The set up of the conference
                                    fantastic. I enjoyed the          was excellently presented and
                                    opportunity to meet other         well organised by the ladies
   I found the panel was really     women who work in a variety       on the day. Great venue. I
   useful and made me think         of different areas for the        enjoy the inspiring women in the
   about our journey and more       Public Service. I enjoyed the     afternoon of their challenges in
   passionate to work for women’s   topics, I enjoyed the speakers.   life and work, The bingo game
   rights across government and     During the day I felt positive    was excellent and a great way
   the wider community.             about the future of women in      to network in the room. The host
                                    the PSA and Public Service.       Bec was great to talk to during
                                                                      the day and her good skills
                                                                      in communication. I have been
                                                                      ASO-1 for 25 years and now
                                                                      have been upgraded to ASO-2
                                                                      because of the union which I am
                                                                      grateful and appreciate the good
                                                                      work the union does. Because I
                                                                      didn’t get many opportunities to
                                                                      attend conference like the one
                                                                      of the PSA Women Conference I
                                                                      am so happy that you are able to
                                                                      organise a women organisation for
                                                                      all levels to attend to.

You can also read