Enhance - KENDALL - SPRING 2020 - Miami Dade ...

Page created by Stephanie Moreno
Enhance - KENDALL - SPRING 2020 - Miami Dade ...
                                                         SPRING 2020


Enhance - KENDALL - SPRING 2020 - Miami Dade ...
enhance      SPR ING 2 0 2 0                         Welcome to Miami Dade College’s School of Continuing
                                                     Education and Professional Development (SCEPD).

                                                     Our programs serve Greater Miami-Dade County and beyond.
                                                     We offer high-quality classroom and online courses for
                                                     adults and summer camps for children. SCEPD provides
                                                     the latest workforce programs you need to advance your
                                                     career including customized courses tailored to meet your
                                                     company’s needs. Whether you are interested in the arts
                                                     or athletics, we offer a variety of courses for you and
                                                     your family’s personal enrichment. There is something
                KENDALL                              for everyone.

   11011 S.W. 104th St. / Room 5127
                                                     Visit one of our eight campuses to meet our team and
    Miami, FL 33176 / 305-237-2161
                                                     learn more about our programs!

Professional and Workforce Training 3-6              VISION
                                                     To be the premier provider of diverse life-long learning and
Technology Institute                          6-11
                                                     workforce development experiences for the community.
The Language Center                          11-15
Child Care Training                          15-18
                                                     The School of Continuing Education and Professional
Test Preparation                             18-19   Development’s (SCEPD) mission is to create high-quality
                                                     workforce training, adult education programs, and personal
Gourmet Academy                                20
                                                     enrichment courses that are accessible to the community.
The Arts                                     20-23   SCEPD provides innovative educational experiences that
                                                     are responsive to the needs and interest of the industry
Aquatic Center                               23-24   and life-long learners of all ages.
Fitness and Sports                           24-26

Home and Living                              26-27

Court-Approved Courses                         29

Health Care                                  29-30

Registration Information and Form              31
Unless otherwise noted, classes meet
at MDC Kendall Campus (address above).
Fees are subject to change without notice.
Enhance - KENDALL - SPRING 2020 - Miami Dade ...

                                                                              SPRING CAMP
                                                        Kids and Teens College Spring Break Week                     Tennis Camp Half Day (Ages 6 to 17)
                                                        Camp (Ages 7-12)                                             In this fun-filled week students will be exposed to
ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING                                 Your child will enjoy different activities during the        the latest cutting-edge tennis training methods.
& OFFICE SKILLS                                         week including art, computer classes, such as                Campers will remember a special mix of instruc-
                                                        keyboarding and developing their presentation                tion, team competition and off-court activities for
Bookkeeping - Level 1                                   skills using PowerPoint. During the afternoons               the rest of their lives. Sessions will include stroke
Good record keeping is essential for your busi-         they will enjoy many fun aquatic activities and              development, game strategies, match plays and
ness. Learn how to record journal entries and           sports. Activities are scheduled from 9:00 a.m.-             much more.
produce financial statements. (Prerequisite for         4:30 p.m. Students may be dropped off as early               $135 | 17 hrs
Certified Bookkeeper Exam Preparation Course).          as 7:30 a.m. and picked up no later than 6:00
                                                                                                                     13609 3/23 - 3/27        MTWRF       8:30 - 12:00 noon
                                                        p.m. Advanced registration is required as well as
$159 | 20 Hours                                         a bagged lunch.
11538 1/27 – 2/24     MW   7:00 – 9:30 p.m.   HAMM      $155 | 40 hrs
                                                        13975 3/23-3/27          MTWRF           7:30 - 6:00 pm
Bookkeeping - Level 2
Increase your expertise in handling bank state-
ments, depreciation, record bad debt; assign
inventory and calculate payroll taxes.
$159 | 20 Hours
10416 3/9 – 4/8       MW   7:00 – 9:30 p.m.   HAMM

This course will teach you all basic calcula-
tions needed in the preparation of payroll for a
company. You will learn to prepare necessary
tax forms required. Participants will come out
with an understanding of payroll essentials and
                                                     MANAGEMENT AND                                                 Preparación de Impuestos
$159 | 20 Hours                                      SUPERVISION                                                  Este curso ofrece información básica sobre
11539 3/17 – 4/9      TuTh 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.                                                                       los impuestos de negocios y los formularios
                                                     Management and Supervision Excellence                        requeridos por el IRS y el estado de la Florida. La
  Teneduría de Libros 1 (Bookkeeping 1)                                                                           clase enfatizará el cumplimiento de los requisitos
                                                     Become a more effective manager as you explore
Este curso es una introducción al ciclo contable.                                                                 legales, ahorrando su tiempo y dinero.
                                                     new ways to plan strategies, resolve conflicts,
Aprenda cómo analizar y registrar en los libros      manage change, provide a motivational work-                  $159 | 20 Hours
las operaciones contables, incluyendo los libros     place and supervise employees effectively.                   13088 3/16 – 4/15      MW    7:00 – 9:30 p.m.   HAMM
auxiliares de cuentas a cobrar y cuentas a pagar,    $329 | 30 Hours
y la preparación de estados financieros.
                                                     11541 2/19 – 3/23      MW    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
$159 | 20 Hours                                                                                                   REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY
11540 2/4 – 2/27      TuTh 7:00 – 9:30 p.m.   HAMM
                                                     TAX PREPARATION                                              Appraisal Continuing Education
  Teneduría de Libros 2 (Bookkeeping 2)                                                                           This course satisfies the 30-hour state require-
Este curso cubre en más detalle varias opera-        Personal Income Tax Preparation                              ment to renew the license for appraisers. The
ciones contables como la conciliación de las                                                                      course consists of 3 hours of Florida Law; 7 hours
                                                     Learn the fundamental requirements for filing
cuentas bancarias, la preparación de las nómi-                                                                    of USPAP Update; and 20 hours of specialty
                                                     a personal income tax return. Topics include
nas, etc.                                                                                                         topics.
                                                     requirements for filing an income tax return,
$159 | 20 Hours                                      dependents, taxable and nontaxable income,                   $249 | 31 Hours
11592 3/10 – 4/9      TuTh 7:00 – 9:30 p.m.   HAMM   deductions and exemptions and tax credits. After             13722 2/21             F     6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
                                                     completing this course, students will be able to                   2/22 – 2/29      Sa    9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                     complete a typical federal income tax return for                   2/23 – 3/1       Su    9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
INVESTMENT, RETIREMENT                               individual taxpayers. This class does not use or
                                                                                                                  13723 4/17             F     6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
                                                     cover any specific tax preparation software.
PLANNING AND PERSONAL                                                                                                   4/18 – 4/25      Sa    9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                     $159 | 20 Hours
FINANCE                                                                                                                 4/19 – 4/26      Su    9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                     13087 2/10 – 3/9       MW    7:00 – 9:30 p.m.   HAMM
Personal Finance Planning
                                                                                                                    Additional Class Location Codes
This course will prepare you for a lifetime of
worthwhile personal financial planning. You will                                                                    HAMM	Hammocks Middle School
learn to create and use a budget, borrow and           M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes)                               9889 Hammocks Blvd., Miami, FL
invest wisely, make intelligent decisions about        W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves)
insurance and plan for your financial future.          F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado) Su=Sunday            NOVA	NOVA Southeastern University
$159 | 20 Hours                                        (Domingo)                                                          8585 SW 124th Ave., Miami, FL
13090 2/4 – 3/10      TuTh 7 – 9 p.m.

           The cost of these non-credit programs is not funded by the State of Florida. The fees charged to students cover the cost of instruction.

                           MDC.EDU/CE/KENDA LL            |   3 05 - 237- 2161        |    M I A M I DA D E C OL L EG E        |   K EN DA L L CA M P U S          3
Enhance - KENDALL - SPRING 2020 - Miami Dade ...

Community Association Manager License                Real Estate Sales Associate Pre-Licensing               Wind Mitigation, 4 Point and Roof
Exam Preparation (CAM - PRE 33)                      Course + Exam Review and Book                           Certification (Course ID 0000046)
This 18-hour course fulfills the requirements to     This class will prepare students to take the            In this 8-hour course, participants will learn
take the state exam and obtain the license to        Florida Real Estate exam. There is a review ses-        inspection techniques to perform a wind
manage homeowner associations, condomini-            sion after the content of the class is fully covered.   mitigation inspection, a 4-point inspection and
ums, mobile homes and cooperatives.                  It also includes the state exam review, along with      a roof certification inspection. Participants will
$279 | 18 Hours                                      the book (Florida Real Estate Principles, Practices     understand and fill out the OIR-B1-1802 Uniform
                                                     and Law latest edition).                                Mitigation Verification Inspection Form, the
11971 4/20 – 5/1      MWF 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
                                                     $489 | 77 Hours                                         Florida Association of Building Inspectors (FABI)
                                                                                                             4-Point Insurance Report and Citizens Insurance
Home Inspection Pre Licensing Provider               12641 1/25 – 4/11      Sa 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
                                                                                                             Company Roof Condition Certification Form. This
#0002375 (State Course ID No. 0000004)                     4/18 – 4/19      SaSu 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.             course is approved for construction and home
This 120-hour pre-licensing home inspection                4/25             Sa 9 a.m. – Noon                 inspector continuing education.
course is approved by the state. Students suc-       12642 3/4 – 4/21       TuWTh 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.   NOVA    $89 | 8 Hours
cessfully taking this course receive a certificate         4/18 – 4/19      SaSu 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.             10418 4/25            Sa    8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
of completion, which will qualify them to take
the state exam. The course covers the following      Real Estate Sales Associate
components of a home, per Florida Statutes:          State Exam Review                                       INSURANCE INDUSTRY
Structure, electrical system, HVAC system, roof
covering, plumbing system, interior compo-           This review course will prepare you for the
nents, exterior components and site conditions.      Real Estate Sales Associate examination. Math           Accredited Claims Adjuster State
Students must attend 100% of the hours to            included.                                               Designation Pre-Licensing Course
receive their certificate. Students who miss a       $149 | 14 Hours                                         (6-20/3-20)
class must register and pay for a make-up class.     13181 4/18 – 4/19      SaSu 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.             This 40-hour state designation course is
This class includes 80 face-to-face hours and 40                                                             approved by the Florida Department of Financial
hours of field inspection. Book is required on the                                                           Services (FLDFS) for company (6-20) and inde-
first day of class.                                                                                          pendent (3-20) adjusters. All of the students
$819 | 120 Hours                                                                                             take an end-of course exam; however, only
                                                         Additional Class Location Codes                     the ACA students are exempt from the state
10417 3/7 – 4/18      Sa    8:00 – 6:30 p.m.
                                                         HAMM	Hammocks Middle School                        exam. Upon completion of the course, the ACA
      3/8 – 4/19      Su    8:00 – 6:30 p.m.                                                                 students will be eligible to apply for the state
                                                               9889 Hammocks Blvd., Miami, FL                license. The book is required on the first day
                                                         NOVA	NOVA Southeastern University                  of class and must be purchased at the campus
                                                                                                             bookstore: Accredited Claims Adjuster Study
                                                               8585 SW 124th Ave., Miami, FL                 Manual, latest edition.
                                                                                                             $509 | 40 Hours
                                                                                                             11968 3/14 – 3/21     Sa    8:00 – 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                   3/15 – 3/22     Su    8:00 – 6:30 p.m.

                                                                                                             Public Adjuster and ACA State Designation
                                                                                                             Pre-Licensing Course (3-20/6-20)
                                                                                                             This 50-hour course will prepare students for
                                                                                                             the public adjuster (3-20) state examination.
                                                                                                             Participants must complete the 40-hour ACA
                                                                                                             State Designation course, the apprenticeship
                                                                                                             requirements and pass the state examination
                                                                                                             to qualify for the public adjuster license. The
                                                                                                             book is required on the first day of class and
                                                                                                             must be purchased at the campus bookstore:
                                                                                                             Accredited Claims Adjuster Study Manual, latest
                                                                                                             edition. This course includes 10 hours of state
                                                                                                             exam preparation. For more information, refer
                                                                                                             to http://www.myfloridacfo.com/Agents/
                                                                                                             $659 | 50 Hours
                                                                                                             11969 3/14 – 3/28     Sa    8:00 – 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                   3/15 – 3/22     Su    8:00 – 6:30 p.m.

                                                                                                             Public Adjuster State Exam Review
                                                                                                             This review will prepare students to sit for the
                                                                                                             public adjuster state exam.
                                                                                                             $149 | 10 Hours
                                                                                                             11970 3/28            Sa    8:00 – 6:30 p.m.

4        enhance            |    SPRING 2020         |   CO NTIN U I N G ED U C ATI ON & P ROF ES S I ON A L D EV EL OP M EN T
Enhance - KENDALL - SPRING 2020 - Miami Dade ...

Title Agent Pre-Licensing Course (4-10) -             FNGLA Landscape Maintenance Technician                ISA Arborist Certification Preparation
State ID# 3431                                        Certification Preparation                             If you have a professional interest in tree care
This 40-hour course is required by the state          This preparation class is designed for employ-        and maintenance, the International Society
for individuals interested in becoming licensed       ees of landscape maintenance firms and state,         of Arboriculture Certificate Program at Miami
title agents. Title Agents handle real estate         county and municipal government employees.            Dade College will help you prepare for your test
closings. This course is approved by the Florida      This 20-hour course will prepare you to become        and get certified as an arborist. This program
Department of Financial Services (FLDFS). The         a FNGLA’s Certified Landscape Maintenance             is designed to aid professionals and enthusi-
book is required. For information regarding your      Technician. The FCLMT program is designed             asts to gain and enhance their knowledge of
state exam and license, visit: www.myflorida.         to measure the skills of practicing landscape         plant biology, plant identification, soil science,
com/Division/Agents                                   maintenance technicians, recognize their              irrigation systems, nutrients and fertilization,
$489 | 40 Hours                                       achievement and raise the standards of working        plant selection, grading, pruning, grafting, plant
                                                      professionals within Florida’s landscape industry.    diseases, plant pathology and legislation related
13180 3/21 – 4/25      Sa    8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.                                                          to the landscaping industry.
                                                      $279 | 20 Hours
                                                      13578 3/21 – 4/25     Sa   1 – 5 p.m.                 $329 | 24 Hours
CERTIFICATES AND CAREERS                                                                                    13551 3/2 – 4/20      M     6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
                                                      FNGLA Landscape Technician Certification              13552 1/25 – 3/21     Sa    9 a.m. – Noon
FNGLA Horticulture Professional                       Preparation
Certification Preparation                             This preparation class is designed for employees      Wedding and Event Planning Certification
The FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional         of landscape contracting, design/build, instal-       Become a recognized Professional Certified
(FCHP) program provides core horticulture             lation firms and state, county and municipal          Wedding and Event Planner. This 40-hour course
training designed for persons working in the          government employees. This 20-hour course             will provide students with key knowledge and
horticulture industry or those studying to enter      will prepare you to become a FNGLA’s Certified        skills for planning, coordinating and directing
the field. It is the industry’s only standard for     Landscape Technician. The FCLT program is a           social events and weddings. Essential areas
measuring horticulture knowledge on everything        hands-on certification designed to measure            include business structure, documentation
from plant and pest identification to landscape       the skills of practicing landscape installation       information, contracts, working with vendors,
management.                                           technicians.                                          marketing and contracting prospective brides
$369 | 27 Hours                                       $279 | 20 Hours                                       and grooms. Book is included in the course fee.
                                                                                                            Part of the class and home assignments will be
13574 2/21 – 4/24      F     6:30 – 9:30 p.m.         13577 2/8 – 3/14		         1 – 5 p.m.
                                                                                                            done online. Students must have internet access
                                                                                                            to work on projects and will be responsible for
                                                                                                            paying a $15/month membership for online
                                                         REGISTER EARLY!                                    projects and quizzes and $315 for the National
                                                                                                            Certification Exam.
  M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes)                   Our classes are scheduled based on
                                                                                                            $580 | 40 Hours
  W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves)           demand. We recommend registering
  F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado) Su=Sunday      at least one week before the start of              11870 2/3 – 4/27      M     6:00 – 9:30 p.m.
  (Domingo)                                              the class to secure your enrollment.
                                                         Register for your class today!

            The cost of these non-credit programs is not funded by the State of Florida. The fees charged to students cover the cost of instruction.

                            MDC.EDU/CE/KENDA LL            |   3 05 - 237- 2161      |    M I A M I DA D E C OL L EG E   |   K EN DA L L CA M P U S         5
Enhance - KENDALL - SPRING 2020 - Miami Dade ...

 Enroll in one of our business, language or
 professional development classes.

 Call today to learn more!

PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL                            IMPORT/EXPORT COURSES                               Scrum Master Certified - Preparation
DEVELOPMENT                                                                                              Course
                                                         Importar y Exportar (Certificado)               The Scrum Master Certified (SMC™) course com-
  Notary Public (en Español)                         Este certificado ofrece oportunidades para los      bines the knowledge of Scrum/Agile project with
                                                     que comienzan o ya tienen conocimiento del          innovative methods on how to remove obstruc-
La clase está diseñada para preparar a los                                                               tions and facilitate processes.
alumnos en cómo obtener el sello de notario          comercio internacional. El curso proporciona a
público en el estado de la Florida. Los estudi-      los estudiantes conocimientos fundamentales de      $549 | 20 Hours
antes aprenderán las leyes y deberes que aplican     los requisitos de importación y exportación. Está   13179 1/28 – 2/11      TuTh 6:30 – 10:00 p.m.
con respecto a poderes y limitaciones, requisitos    organizado en 11 cursos consecutivos e interacti-         2/13             Th   6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
y procedimientos para llenar los formularios,        vos, que cubren la documentación e información
tarifas requeridas, juramentación y ética. Es        sobre trámites aduaneros y de cumplimiento
importante que los estudiantes puedan leer y         general. Este certificado le dará las herramien-
entender el inglés.                                  tas necesarias para abrir su propia compañía
$65 |   3 Hours
                                                     de importación y exportación y obtener una
                                                     posición de entrada en la industria de import-      TECHNOLOGY
                           6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
                           6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
                                                     ación y exportación. El material del curso está
                                                     en inglés.                                          INSTITUTE
10421   4/9           Th   6:30 – 9:30 p.m.   HAMM   $926 | 100 Hours
                                                     11641 1/28 – 4/2     TuTh 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. NOVA
Notary Public Workshop                                                                                   NEW TECHNOLOGY USERS
                                                           1/31 – 3/27    F    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
The Notary Public class is designed to prepare
students to be commissioned as a Florida Notary                                                          Computers and Windows 10
Public. Students will learn the following: Florida   PROJECT MANAGEMENT                                  If you have never used a computer before, this
Notary laws, powers and limitations, qualifi-                                                            is the right class for you! This class will teach the
cations and application requirements, form           Professional Project Management                     basics of hardware and software as well as to
completion requirements, required fees, oaths                                                            fully navigate the Windows Operating System.
                                                     Certification Preparation
and acknowledgments, duties, procedures and                                                              Learn the new features of Windows 10. The
ethics.                                              Learn the professional method to accomplish         program is designed to unify the operating sys-
                                                     and succeed by procuring the right number of        tems of personal computers, Windows phones,
$65 | 3 Hours                                        resources, understanding how to cope, con-          Windows Embedded and Xbox One product
11750 1/16            Th   6:30 – 9:30 p.m.   HAMM   trolling project changes and bringing projects      families. Next Suggested Class - MS Windows
                                                     under budget and on schedule. Curriculum            10 - Advanced.
                                                     is geared to the PMP Certification. (Textbook
                                                     required)                                           $189 | 15 Hours
                                                                                                         12487 1/14 – 1/28      TuTh 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
                                                     $549 | 36 Hours
                                                     11571 3/30 – 4/27    MWF 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.

6        enhance            |   SPRING 2020          |   CO NTIN U I N G ED U C ATI ON & P ROF ES S I ON A L D EV EL OP M EN T
Enhance - KENDALL - SPRING 2020 - Miami Dade ...

 Introducción a la Computadora con                  AutoCAD - Level 2                                       CISCO CERTIFICATION
Windows 10                                          Learn to draw compound objects, use layers,             PREPARATION
Si nunca ha usado una computadora, ¡esta es la      change views and make selections. Use features
clase correcta para usted! Esta clase enseñará      which will save you time when editing your
                                                                                                            Cisco CCNA (100-105 ICND1 v3.0) Part 1
los conceptos básicos de hardware y software,       design. (Textbook required)
                                                                                                            This exam preparation course will provide
así como para navegar completamente en el           $249 | 12 Hours                                         students with the knowledge and skills required
sistema operativo Windows. Conozca las nuevas       13018 2/22 – 3/7       Sa    1 – 5 p.m.                 to install, operate and troubleshoot a small to
características de Windows 10. El programa está                                                             medium-sized enterprise branch network. Topics
diseñado para unificar los sistemas operativos                                                              includes: connecting to a WAN, implementing
de computadoras personales, teléfonos con           AutoCAD - Level 3
                                                    Learn more layer drawing, editing and viewing           network security, network types, network media,
Windows y la familia de productos Xbox One.                                                                 routing and switching fundamentals, the TCP/IP
Siguiente clase sugerida - MS Windows 10            commands to expedite your designs. Maximize
                                                    your design productivity in 2D using hints, tips        and OSI models; IP addressing, WAN technol-
- Avanzado.                                                                                                 ogies, operating and configuring iOS devices,
$189 | 15 Hours                                     and tricks. Textbook is required.
                                                                                                            extending switched networks with VLANs, deter-
12488 2/24 – 3/9      MW   6:30 – 9:30 p.m.         $249 | 12 Hours                                         mining IP routes, managing IP traffic with access
                                                    13749 3/14 – 3/28      Sa    1 – 5 p.m.                 lists, establishing point-to-point connections and
                                                                                                            establishing Frame Relay connections. Students
Introduction to Mac OS
                                                    AutoCAD - Level 4                                       need the Cisco CCNA (200-105 ICND2 v3.0) Part
Learn how to navigate the operating system,                                                                 2 to take the CCNA certification exam. (Textbook
recognize basic tools and create files and basic    Design prototypes, 3-Dimensional commands               Required)
troubleshooting.                                    and techniques to assemble complex comput-
                                                    erized models. 3D coordinates, creating 3D              $639 | 35 Hours
$189 | 15 Hours
                                                    surfaces, modeling with solids, shading and             12509 2/4 – 3/5       TuTh 6:30 – 10:00 p.m.
13511 1/25 – 2/22     Sa   9:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.   rendering techniques. (Textbook required)
                                                    $249 | 12 Hours                                         Cisco CCNA (200-105 ICND2 v3.0) Part 2
COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN                               13750 4/4 – 4/25       Sa    1 – 5 p.m.                 This exam preparation course provides students
                                                                                                            with further knowledge and skills required to
                                                    REVIT - Complete Series                                 install, operate and troubleshoot a small to
AutoCAD – Complete Series
                                                                                                            medium-sized enterprise branch network. Topics
Start this series learning the basic commands to    This course includes the complete series for            include connecting to a WAN, implementing
create 2D objects. Use the menu system to draw,     Revit. It has been designed to help students            network security, network types, network media,
select views, change design elements, modify        understand the fundamental principles of BIM            routing and switching fundamentals, the TCP/ IP
attributes, and add patterns and text. Later,       technology and at the same time become skilled          and OSI models, IP addressing, WAN technol-
you will learn to draw compound objects, use        using Revit. This course covers the content of the      ogies, operating and configuring IOS devices,
layers, change views, and make selections. Use      three levels in one course.                             extending switched networks with VLANs, deter-
features that will save you time when editing the   $639 | 36 Hours                                         mining IP routes, managing IP traffic with access
designs. Toward the middle of the course, you       12614 2/13 – 4/30      Th    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.           lists, establishing point-to-point connections and
will continue to learn more about layer drawing,                                                            establishing Frame Relay connections. (Textbook
editing and viewing commands to speed up your                                                               Required)
design and maximize your design productivity        Revit MEP - Mechanical, Electrical and
in 2D using hints, tips and tricks. At the end of   Plumbing                                                $639 | 35 Hours
the course, you will be able to design and use      Revit MEP is the design and construction docu-          12512 3/10 – 4/9      TuTh 6:30 – 10:00 p.m.
prototypes, use 3-Dimensional commands and          mentation solution for mechanical, electrical and
techniques to create and assemble complex           plumbing (MEP) engineering. Seamlessly col-
computerized models, work in 3D coordinates,        laborate with architects using Revit Architecture       COMPTIA CERTIFICATION
create 3D surfaces and modeling with solids,        software in an intuitive design environment.            PREPARATION
and utilize shading and rendering techniques.       Minimize coordination errors with architects and
(Textbook required)                                 structural engineers using the Revit platform and       CompTIA A+ Essentials (220-1001)
$849 | 48 Hours                                     building information modeling (BIM) workflows.
                                                                                                            This course will teach students how a computer
12605 1/25 – 4/25     Sa   1 – 5 p.m.               $249 | 12 Hours                                         operates and what each component inside a PC
                                                    13751 1/16 – 2/6       Th    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.           does in the grand scheme of things. Participants
AutoCAD - Level 1                                                                                           will be able to identify, configure and install a
                                                    SketchUp - The Complete Guide                           computer and perform upgrades with confi-
Learn basic commands to create 2D objects. Use
                                                                                                            dence. Students will also examine expansion
the menu system to draw, select views, change       This course provides students with the skills           boards, storage systems and peripheral devices.
design elements, modify attributes and add          needed to readily work with 3D visual presen-           This course prepares participants for the
patterns and text. (Textbook required)              tation. Students will learn all the basics in order     CompTIA A
$249 | 12 Hours                                     to quickly achieve results when creating 3D
                                                    technical drawings.                                     $639 | 35 Hours
11496 1/25 – 2/8      Sa   1 – 5 p.m.
                                                    $279 | 18 Hours                                         12501 2/24 – 3/25     MW   6:30 – 10:00 p.m.
                                                    13516 3/14 – 4/25      Sa    9 a.m. – Noon

  Additional Class Location Codes                                                                              REGISTER EARLY!
                                                      M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes)
                                                                                                               Our classes are scheduled based on
  HAMM	Hammocks Middle School
                                                      W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves)             demand. We recommend registering
        9889 Hammocks Blvd., Miami, FL
                                                      F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado) Su=Sunday        at least one week before the start of
  NOVA	NOVA Southeastern University                  (Domingo)                                                the class to secure your enrollment.
        8585 SW 124th Ave., Miami, FL                                                                          Register for your class today!

            The cost of these non-credit programs is not funded by the State of Florida. The fees charged to students cover the cost of instruction.

                           MDC.EDU/CE/KENDA LL           |    3 05 - 237- 2161       |    M I A M I DA D E C OL L EG E   |   K EN DA L L CA M P U S        7
Enhance - KENDALL - SPRING 2020 - Miami Dade ...

CompTIA A+ Practical Application                    MICROSOFT © OFFICE SUITE                                Microsoft Office Basic: Word, Excel
(220-1002)                                                                                                  and PowerPoint
Students will be introduced to basic operating      Microsoft Excel Level 1                                 Learn the basics of Word, Excel and PowerPoint
system administration tasks. Students will work     Learn to create spreadsheets, formulas, format-         including techniques to merge and import doc-
each of these operating systems in both a stand-    ting values and ranges, drawing functions, data         uments with other MS Office modules. This new
alone and networking environment. The class         sorting, the creation and use of templates and          version will encourage users to share data via the
will also cover scenarios involving troubleshoot-   working with graphics. This course maps to the          cloud for an easier and accessible experience.
ing and interacting with customers. This course     MS Excel Office Specialist Core Exam. Latest ver-       (Textbook required)
covers the objectives for the CompTIA A             sion of software available. (Textbook required)         $279 | 24 Hours
$639 | 35 Hours                                     $189 | 18 Hours                                         11930 2/1 – 3/14       Sa    1 – 5 p.m.
12504 3/30 – 4/29     MW   6:30 – 10:00 p.m.
                                                    12489 1/25 – 3/7         Sa 9 a.m. – Noon
                                                    12491 3/17 – 4/2         TuTh 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.            Microsoft Office Básico: Word, Excel y
CompTIA Security+ (SY0-401)                                                                                 PowerPoint
This course provide students with the necessary     Microsoft Excel Level 2                                 Aprenda lo básico de las nuevas versiones de
knowledge to manage network security within                                                                 Word, Excel y PowerPoint. La clase es impartida
an organization. Students who complete this         Skills covered are importing and exporting data,        en español. El programa y el libro que se utilizan
course will be able to identify security threats,   creating templates, multiple workbooks, named           para la clase son en inglés.
vulnerabilities, respond and recover from secu-     ranges, customizing tool bars, auditing, sorting
                                                    and pivot tables. This course maps to the MS            $279 | 24 Hours
rity incidents. This course will prepare students
for the CompTIA Security                            Excel Office Specialist Expert Exam. (Textbook          12493 3/14 – 4/25      Sa    1 – 5 p.m.
$639 | 35 Hours
                                                    $189 | 18 Hours
13767 4/4 – 5/14      TuTh 6:30 – 10:00 p.m.
                                                    12492 3/14 – 4/25        Sa 9 a.m. – Noon
                                                                                                            55+ CLUB - TECHNOLOGY
                                                    13060 4/7 – 4/23         TuTh 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
                                                                                                            55+ Microsoft Office Basic: Word, Excel,
                                                                                                            and PowerPoint
    REGISTER EARLY!                                                                                         Learn the basics of Word, Excel and PowerPoint
    Our classes are scheduled based on                                                                      including techniques to merge and import
                                                        M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes)                documents with other MS Office modules. This
    demand. We recommend registering                    W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves)        new version will teach users how to share via the
    at least one week before the start of               F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado) Su=Sunday   cloud for an easier and more accessible experi-
    the class to secure your enrollment.                (Domingo)                                           ence. (Textbook required).
    Register for your class today!                                                                          $195 | 24 Hours
                                                                                                            12719 2/1 – 3/14       Sa    1 – 5 p.m.

                                                                                                              55+ Microsoft Office Básico: Word, Excel,
                                                                                                            and PowerPoint
                                                                                                            Aprenda lo básico de Word, Excel y PowerPoint.
                                                                                                            La clase es impartida en español. (El programa y
                                                                                                            el libro que se utilizan para la clase son en inglés)
                                                                                                            $195 | 24 Hours
                                                                                                            12720 3/14 – 4/25      Sa    1 – 5 p.m.

                                                                                                            ACCOUNTING APPLICATIONS

                                                                                                            QuickBooks Level 1
                                                                                                            Learn how QuickBooks makes it easy to set up
                                                                                                            a chart of accounts; reconcile your checking
                                                                                                            account; create and print invoices, receipts
                                                                                                            and statements; track your payable, inventory
                                                                                                            and receivables; create estimates and generate
                                                                                                            $325 | 24 Hours
                                                                                                            12619 1/25 – 2/22      Sa    9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
                                                                                                            12621 3/2 – 3/25       MW    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.

                                                                                                            QuickBooks Level 2
                                                                                                            Learn payment of sales tax, backup and maintain
                                                                                                            QuickBooks data, the accounting cycle, manage
                                                                                                            bank account transactions, purchase orders and
                                                                                                            inventory, create, edit and view budgets, man-
                                                                                                            age other general ledger accounts and protect
                                                                                                            and share data.
                                                                                                            $325 | 24 Hours
                                                                                                            12620 2/29 – 3/21      Sa    9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
                                                                                                            13061 3/30 – 4/22      MW    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.

8        enhance            |   SPRING 2020         |   CO NTIN U I N G ED U C ATI ON & P ROF ES S I ON A L D EV EL OP M EN T
Enhance - KENDALL - SPRING 2020 - Miami Dade ...

  QuickBooks Nivel 1
En esta clase de QuickBooks obtendrá el
conocimiento necesario para empezar a utilizar
este increíble programa de contabilidad. Usted
aprenderá a establecer un plan de cuentas, rec-
onciliar su cuenta de cheques, crear e imprimir
facturas, recibos y declaraciones, estar al tanto
de sus cuentas por pagar, inventarios y cuentas
por cobrar y también a crear presupuestos e
informes. La clase es dictada en español. El
programa y el libro que se utilizan para la clase
son en inglés.
$325 | 24 Hours
11591 3/28 – 4/25     Sa    9 a.m. – 4 p.m.


G Suite - Google Drive Applications
Learn how to use the cloud-based productiv-
ity and collaboration tools from Google called
G-Suite formerly known as Google Apps. Gmail,
Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides and
file management in Google Drive will be the
main focus of the course.
$189 | 18 Hours
13515 3/9 – 3/25      MW    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.

Social Media Strategies for Small
Learn important marketing strategies for small
businesses. How to engage with your current
customers using social media and build brand
awareness to attract new customers. Learn how
to set up a budget on Facebook and Instagram
to advertise your business targeting people
within your business radius. Learn how to handle
the influx of comments from customers in a
timely manner to create engagement between          DIGITAL MARKETING AND                                 Adobe InDesign - Basic
consumer and brand. Learn the fundamentals          GRAPHIC DESIGN                                        Learn the basics of desktop publishing using
of Twitter and the use of #hashtags, trending                                                             InDesign. This course will teach the student how
topics and retweets. Learn the essential tools of                                                         to navigate the program’s interface, set up basic
                                                    Adobe All-in-One - Basic
YouTube video advertising and new trends on                                                               documents, use text and graphic frames, import
blogging.                                           Learn the “Big Three” design software programs.       and thread text, work with typography, import
                                                    This course will teach you all the basics to get      images and work with color to successfully com-
$199 | 18 Hours                                     started. Learn how to work with all source            plete page layouts. (Textbook required).
13513 3/23 – 4/8      MW    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.        materials that go into print and web design, from
                                                    bitmap art (Photoshop) to vector art (Illustrator     $209 | 10 Hours
                                                    files) to creating final print layouts (In Design).   11684 2/25 – 3/3     TuTh 6:30 – 9:50 p.m.
Tableau® Desktop: Level 1
                                                    This course is comprehensive, yet taught in a
Tableau is a data analysis and visualization
                                                    logical sequence format which ties together           Adobe Photoshop – Basic
software that lets you see and understand data
                                                    all the components in a fast-paced learning           Photoshop is the most powerful image editing
in minutes. It allows users to create and share
                                                    environment.                                          program used for all design industries, from
interactive data visualizations and dashboards
in a drag-and-drop interface manner. This           $539 | 30 Hours                                       photography and magazines, to advertising and
course introduces the core features of Tableau.     12514 1/28 – 3/3      TuTh 6:30 – 9:50 p.m.           film. This introductory course will guide you
Experience with Excel spreadsheets and basic                                                              through Photoshop’s essentials - the interface,
database concepts may be required.                                                                        navigation, selections, layers and channels.
                                                    Adobe Illustrator – Basic
$699 | 18 Hours                                                                                           Hands-on lessons will help develop basic knowl-
                                                    Learn how to create vector-based images and           edge of image production such as resolution and
13514 2/22 – 3/28		         9 a.m. – Noon           layouts. This course will cover Adobe Illustrator     image size, selection techniques, color models,
                                                    basics such as application interface and              shortcuts and tips for enhancing productivity.
                                                    navigation; basic drawing tools like primitive        (Textbook and USB drive required).
                                                    shapes and the pencil, transformations; pen tool
                                                    operation; and an introduction to type layout.        $209 | 10 Hours
                                                    (Textbook and USB drive required)                     11920 1/28 – 2/4     TuTh 6:30 – 9:50 p.m.
                                                    $209 | 10 Hours
                                                    11638 2/11 – 2/18     TuTh 6:30 – 9:50 p.m.

            The cost of these non-credit programs is not funded by the State of Florida. The fees charged to students cover the cost of instruction.

                           MDC.EDU/CE/KENDA LL           |   3 05 - 237- 2161       |   M I A M I DA D E C OL L EG E   |   K EN DA L L CA M P U S        9
Enhance - KENDALL - SPRING 2020 - Miami Dade ...

Learn the skills you need to open your own video production
company! This program is designed for students to get
hands-on training for digital video production.

• Digital Videos and the Art of Visual Storytelling
• Editing Digital Video for Social Media
• Producing and Directing Digital Videos

For more information, please visit page 12 or call 305-237-2161.

 VIDEO EDITING                                      Digital Video Production                            Editing Digital Video for Social Media
                                                    Learn the skills you need to open your own          Transform a series of seemingly unconnected
 Digital Video and the Art of Visual                video production company! This program is           digital video files, graphics, music and sound
 Storytelling                                       design for students to get hands-on training        into a finished, polished, digital video using
                                                    on digital video production. This course offers     non-linear, computer-based editing and post
 Learn the magic of turning your ideas into         an overview of the techniques and aesthetics        production software, including titles and graph-
 stories that can be told by purely visual means,   of digital filmmaking starting with the prepara-    ics. Students will learn how to use an audio
 beginning with the development of raw concepts     tion guidelines for simple productions, such as     visual script and director’s notes as a map orga-
 into audiovisual scripts that can serve as maps    scripting, outlining, storyboarding and creating    nize raw video files into coherent shots, scenes
 for actual video productions. Students will get    shot lists and equipment riders. Later, students    and sequences, all the way to a polished finished
 hands-on experience with camera equipment          will learn how to use digital video cameras with    product, including best practices for compress-
 to learn how written stories are translated into   tripod mounts and other supports, audio capture     ing and uploading the final piece to social media.
 videos for educational, entertainment and com-     devices such as microphones, basic lighting with
 mercial applications.                                                                                  $315 | 14 Hours
                                                    both available and artificial sources. At the end
 $269 | 12 Hours                                                                                        12601 4/18 – 4/25     Sa   9:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.
                                                    of the course, students will learn all the steps
 12599 2/29 – 3/7     Sa   9:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.    of post-production, including computer-based
                                                    nonlinear editing, titling and graphics, adding
                                                    music and sound effects on to compressing the
                                                    final product such as wedding video production,
    REGISTER EARLY!                                 music videos, corporate productions, social           Additional Class Location Codes
    Our classes are scheduled based on              media promos, quinceañeras and other forms of         HAMM	Hammocks Middle School
    demand. We recommend registering                video production.
                                                                                                                9889 Hammocks Blvd., Miami, FL
    at least one week before the start of           $950 | 50 Hours
                                                    12598 2/29 – 4/25    Sa    9:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.      NOVA	NOVA Southeastern University
    the class to secure your enrollment.
                                                                                                                8585 SW 124th Ave., Miami, FL
    Register for your class today!

 10 enhance                 |   SPRING 2020         |   CO NTIN U I N G ED U C ATI ON & P ROF ES S I ON A L D EV EL OP M EN T

Producing and Directing Digital Video                 Intensive English 1                                      Intensive English 5
Explore the fundamentals and practice of digital      Some knowledge of English is recommended.                In this advanced level course you will continue
video production hands-on. This course offers an      You will build on your basic knowledge and               to develop your English language skills through
overview of the techniques and aesthetics of dig-     improve your ability to speak and understand             speaking, listening, reading and writing activi-
ital filmmaking by teaching you the proper use of     simple sentences in spoken and written English.          ties. Additional vocabulary will be introduced
professional and/or consumer camera equip-            You will understand structures for simple                $199    | 56 Hours
ment, sound recording and lighting techniques.        present, present continuous and simple past
                                                                                                               10296    1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
More importantly, students will learn how to          tenses in affirmative, negative and interrogative
translate a written script into actual shot lists     sentences.                                               10297    1/11 – 4/25   Sa     9:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
to guide their pre-production and production          $199     | 56 Hours                                      11642    3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
process all the way to a completed, professional                                                               $299    | 84 Hours
                                                      10212     1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh   6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
digital video recording.                                                                                       10732    1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh 9 a.m. – Noon
                                                      10220     1/11 – 4/25   Sa       9:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
$539 | 24 Hours                                                                                                10733    3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh 9 a.m. – Noon
                                                      10226     3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh   6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
12600 3/14 – 4/4     Sa    9:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.
                                                      $299     | 84 Hours
                                                      10719     1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh   9 a.m. – Noon
                                                                                                               Intensive English 6
WEB DESIGN                                            10720     3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh   9 a.m. – Noon           In this advanced level course you will continue
                                                                                                               to develop your English language skills through
                                                                                                               speaking, listening, reading and writing activi-
Website Development and Design                        Intensive English 2                                      ties. Additional vocabulary will be introduced
using Adobe Software: Photoshop and                   Learn to carry on simple conversations and read          $199    | 56 Hours
Dreamweaver                                           and write using more complex structures. You
                                                                                                               10235    1/11 – 4/25   Sa     9:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Learn how to develop and design web content           will learn to use past continuous and future
using Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver.                tenses, as well as adjectives and adverbs.               11503    1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Create and edit images using Photoshop’s              $199     | 56 Hours                                      11504    3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
amazing tools and options such as image optimi-                                                                $299    | 84 Hours
                                                      10213     1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh   6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
zation, sprites, comps and animated gifs. Learn                                                                11403    1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh   9 a.m. – Noon   NOVA
how to create responsive HTML5 web pages              10229     1/11 – 4/25   Sa       9:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
                                                      11092     3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh   6:30 – 8:30 p.m.        11505    3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh   9 a.m. – Noon   NOVA
using Dreamweaver. CSS3, media queries, the
Bootstrap framework, jQuery, templates, site          $299     | 84 Hours
management, FTP, add API’s, HTML5 videos and          10721     1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh   9 a.m. – Noon
                                                                                                               Advanced Listening and Speaking Skills
forms. (No pre-requisites to take this course).                                                                Improve your ability to communicate orally in
                                                      10722     3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh   9 a.m. – Noon
$950 | 50 Hours                                                                                                English through listening and speaking activities.
12769 3/5 – 4/28     TuTh 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.                                                                     You will use audio and video clips, as well as
                                                      Intensive English 3                                      class discussions and pronunciation exercises
      4/30           Th   6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
                                                      Learn to express yourself well by using a variety        to strengthen your listening and speaking skills,
                                                      of verb tenses and phrasal verbs. You will               develop new vocabulary and continue to learn
                                                      understand and use the present and past perfect          about American culture.
                                                      tenses.                                                  $299 | 84 Hours
LANGUAGE                                              $199
                                                               | 56 Hours
                                                                1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh   6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
                                                                                                               10216 1/13 – 3/3
                                                                                                               10218 3/16 – 4/30
                                                                                                                                               9 a.m. – Noon
                                                                                                                                               9 a.m. – Noon
CENTER                                                10230
                                                                1/11 – 4/25
                                                                3/16 – 4/30
                                                                                       9:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
                                                                                       6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
                                                      $299     | 84 Hours                                      Preparation Course for the TOEFL iBT
ENGLISH PROGRAM                                       10723     1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh   9 a.m. – Noon           Students will prepare to meet the challenge of
                                                      10724     3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh   9 a.m. – Noon           the new IBT TOEFL which involves an integrated
ESL - Fundamentals                                                                                             approach to reading, listening, speaking and
                                                                                                               writing tasks specific to an academic context.
This course is designed to offer low-beginning        Intensive English 4
students of English the basic vocabulary and                                                                   Included in the necessary skill sets are note
                                                      Review structures from previous levels and learn         taking and the synthesizing, paraphrasing and
language needed to communicate in life skill          more sophisticated structures. You will practice
situations. During this class, students will be                                                                summarizing of spoken and written information
                                                      the passive voice, embedded questions, tag
encouraged to participate in a variety of inter-                                                               $239 | 42 Hours
                                                      questions, reported speech and modals.
active exercises and activities, such as active                                                                11643 1/11 – 4/25      Sa   9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
                                                      $199     | 56 Hours
speaking, comprehension skills, small-group and
full-class practice and grammar structures.           10215     1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh   6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
$299 | 84 Hours                                       10233     1/11 – 4/25   Sa       9:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.   CITIZENSHIP EXAM
10211 1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh    9 a.m. – Noon    NOVA   10234     3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh   6:30 – 8:30 p.m.        PREPARATION
10219 3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh    9 a.m. – Noon    NOVA   $299     | 84 Hours
$199 | 56 Hours                                       10725     1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh   9 a.m. – Noon           Citizenship
10294 1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh    6:30 – 8:30 p.m.        10726     3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh   9 a.m. – Noon           Improve your English language skills and pre-
10295 3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh    6:30 – 8:30 p.m.                                                                 pare to become an U.S. citizen. Through listen-
11681 1/11 – 4/25   Sa        9:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
                                                                                                               ing, speaking, reading and writing exercises, you
                                                                                                               will learn the skills and information necessary
                                                        M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes)
                                                                                                               to succeed in the naturalization interview and
                                                                                                               citizenship exam.
                                                        W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves)
                                                        F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado) Su=Sunday      $79 | 15 Hours
                                                        (Domingo)                                              10314 1/28 – 2/27      TuTh 8:30 – 10:00 p.m.
                                                                                                               10315 3/28 – 4/25      Sa 9 a.m. – Noon

           The cost of these non-credit programs is not funded by the State of Florida. The fees charged to students cover the cost of instruction.

                          MDC.EDU/CE/KENDA LL              |     3 05 - 237- 2161       |    M I A M I DA D E C OL L EG E    |   K EN DA L L CA M P U S        11

ENGLISH CONVERSATION                                     English Conversation 3                                 Accent Reduction - Vowels
                                                         High-Intermediate class to develop basic com-          This course is designed to provide the advanced
Coffee and Conversation - Intermediate                   munication skills through theme-based grammar          student with an awareness of the key elements
                                                         exercises and role-play interaction in class.          of accent reduction: correct pronunciation of
Bring a cup of coffee (or tea) and join us for an
                                                         $89 |    21 Hours                                      vowels, intonation, stress and rhythm. This will
early morning hour of conversation. Improve
                                                                                                                include a review of the pronunciation of vowels,
your English speaking skills as you make new             10270    1/11 – 3/7    Sa   9 a.m. – Noon
                                                                                                                the stress placed on content words in English
friends. You will develop vocabulary and practice        10271    1/13 – 3/2    MW   8:30 – 10:00 p.m.          sentences, the importance of intonation in
pronunciation and listening skills in a relaxed          10272    3/14 – 4/25   Sa   9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.     questions and statements and the rhythm of the
atmosphere. Topics will include family, work, the
                                                         10274    3/16 – 4/29   MW   8:30 – 10:00 p.m.          language.
community, current events and lots more. For
intermediate students.                                   $199    | 56 Hours                                     $89 | 21 Hours
$135 | 28 Hours                                          10251    1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh      12:30 – 2:30 p.m.   10278 1/17 – 2/28     F    9 a.m. – Noon
10238 1/13 – 3/3       MTuWTh         7:50 – 8:50 a.m.   10252    3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh      12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
10239 3/16 – 4/30      MTuWTh         7:50 – 8:50 a.m.                                                          FOREIGN LANGUAGES
                                                         English Conversation 4
Coffee and Conversation - High                           An advanced class to develop basic commu-
                                                         nication skills through theme-based grammar            French 1 - Intensive
                                                         exercises and role-play interaction in class.          This intensive introductory course provides a
Bring a cup of coffee (or tea) and join us for an                                                               foundation in the basic language skills (listen-
early morning hour of conversation. Improve              $199 | 56 Hours
                                                                                                                ing, speaking, reading and writing). Through a
your English speaking skills as you make new             10254 1/13 – 3/3       MTuWTh      12:30 – 2:30 p.m.   variety of exercises and experiential activities
friends. You will develop vocabulary and practice        10255 3/16 – 4/30      MTuWTh      12:30 – 2:30 p.m.   such as dialogues and role-plays, you will rapidly
pronunciation and listening skills in a relaxed                                                                 acquire the essential elements of common
atmosphere. Topics will include family, work, the                                                               French.
community, current events and lots more. For             Accent Reduction - Consonants
high-intermediate to advanced students.                  This course is designed to provide the advanced        $219 | 42 Hours
$135 | 28 Hours                                          student with an awareness of the key elements          11418 1/7 – 5/1       W    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.   NOVA
                                                         of accent reduction: correct pronunciation of
10240 1/13 – 3/3       MTuWTh         7:50 – 8:50 a.m.   consonants, intonation, stress and rhythm. This
10241 3/16 – 4/30      MTuWTh         7:50 – 8:50 a.m.
                                                                                                                French 2 - Intensive
                                                         will include a review of the pronunciation of con-
                                                         sonants, the stress placed on content words in         Improve your pronunciation and structure when
                                                         English sentences, the importance of intonation        speaking and reading French texts. Through a
English Conversation 1                                                                                          variety of exercises and experiential activities
                                                         in questions and statements and the rhythm of
Beginning class to develop basic communication                                                                  such as dialogues and role-plays, you will rapidly
                                                         the language.
skills through theme-based grammar exercises                                                                    acquire the essential elements of common
and role-play interaction in class.                      $89 | 21 Hours                                         French language and culture.
$89 |    21 Hours                                        10277 3/20 – 5/1       F    9 a.m. – Noon              $219 | 42 Hours
10256    1/11 – 3/7    Sa    9 a.m. – Noon                                                                      13628 1/29 – 4/29     M    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.   NOVA
10257    3/16 – 4/29   MW    8:30 – 10:00 p.m.
10259    1/13 – 3/2    MW    8:30 – 10:00 p.m.
10260    3/16 – 4/25   Sa    9 a.m. – Noon
$199    | 56 Hours
10244    1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh        12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
10246    3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh        12:30 – 2:30 p.m.

English Conversation 2
Intermediate class to develop basic commu-
nication skills through theme-based grammar
exercises and role-play interaction in class.
$89 |    21 Hours
10261    1/11 – 3/7    Sa    9 a.m. – Noon
10262    1/13 – 3/2    MW    8:30 – 10:00 p.m.
10265    3/16 – 4/29   MW    8:30 – 10:00 p.m.
10267    3/14 – 4/25   Sa    9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
$199    | 56 Hours
10247    1/13 – 3/3    MTuWTh        12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
10249    3/16 – 4/30   MTuWTh        12:30 – 2:30 p.m.

  M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes)
  W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves)
  F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado) Su=Sunday

12 enhance                    |    SPRING 2020           |   CO NTIN U I N G ED U C ATI ON & P ROF ES S I ON A L D EV EL OP M EN T

French 4 - Intensive
This is a high intermediate course in which you
learn to use advanced grammatical structures
and idiomatic expressions. In this course you
focus on learning and using expressions of belief,
emotion, denial, indefiniteness, non-existence
and impersonal statements. All explanations
are followed by thorough, practical examples
in common, natural French leading to enhance
your writing skills.
$249 | 42 Hours
13504 1/30 – 4/30       Th   6:30 – 9:30 p.m.   NOVA

Italian 1 - Intensive
This intensive introductory course provides a
foundation in the basic language skills (listening,
speaking, reading and writing). Through a vari-
ety of exercises and experiential activities such
as dialogues and role-plays, you rapidly acquire
the essential elements of common Italian. Plenty
of practical explanations and examples of com-
mon, natural Italian are provided throughout the
$219 | 42 Hours
11644 1/30 – 4/30       Th   6:30 – 9:30 p.m.   NOVA

Italian 3 - Intensive
Continue to enrich your Italian vocabulary,            Portuguese 1 - Intensive                              Portuguese 4 - Intensive
acquire idiomatic expressions and learn grammar        Students will learn functional vocabulary,            This is an intensive course in which you will
skills so you can better function in day-to-day        pronunciation and grammar through dialogues           learn and use advanced grammatical structures
life situations. This course enriches your learning    based on everyday situations through a variety        and idiomatic expressions. This course focuses
experience with a mixture of visual, auditory and      of exercises and experiential activities. The         on learning grammatical structures to be used
experiential activities that engage and integrate      conversational part focuses on verbal com-            when communicating expressions of belief,
all of your learning channels. All explanations        munication skills, with emphasis on vocabu-           emotion and other impersonal statements. All
are followed by thorough practical examples of         lary development, idiomatic expressions and           explanations are followed by thorough, practical
common, natural Italian language                       pronunciation.                                        examples in common, natural Portuguese.
$225 | 42 Hours                                        $219 | 42 Hours                                       FREE | 42 Hours
11961 1/29 – 4/29       W    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.   NOVA   13503 1/13 – 4/27     M    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.   NOVA    13121 1/28 – 4/28     Tu   6:30 – 9:30 p.m.   NOVA

Italian 4 - Intensive                                  Portuguese 2 - Intensive                              Spanish 1 - 28 hrs
This is an advanced intensive course in which          This course is conducted entirely in Portuguese       A beginners’ Spanish course with emphasis on
you learn and use advanced grammatical struc-          and has special emphasis on conversation and          oral communication for social or professional
tures and idiomatic expressions. In this course        grammar.                                              needs. Classes are taught using a conversational
you focus on expressing belief, emotion, denial,       $219 | 42 Hours                                       approach in order to teach oral comprehension
indefiniteness, non-existence and impersonal                                                                 and stimulate speech from the very first day.
                                                       11507 1/30 – 4/30     Th   6:30 – 9:30 p.m.   NOVA
statements. All explanations are followed by                                                                 Topics include but are not limited to pronunci-
thorough, practical examples in common, natural                                                              ation, greetings and farewells, social amenities,
Italian language.                                      Portuguese 3 - Intensive                              introductions, personal information, the family,
FREE | 42 Hours                                        Continue to enrich your Portuguese vocabulary,        day, date, time, using the phone, asking for help,
                                                       acquire idiomatic expressions and learn grammar       asking for and giving directions, ordering a meal,
13123 1/28 – 4/28       Tu   6:30 – 8:30 p.m.   NOVA                                                         the world of work and much more. Students
                                                       skills so that you can better function in day-to-
                                                       day life situations. This course enriches your        will learn to express past and present tense, ask
Corso di Cultura Italiana                              learning activities with a variety of visual, oral    simple questions and gain an understanding of
Advanced Italian students will practice the            and written activities that engage and integrate      Hispanic culture at work and at home.
language through discussions of the culture of         all of your learning capabilities.                    $169 | 28 Hours
various regions of Italy. Topics will include art,     $249 | 42 Hours                                       10217 1/13 – 3/4 MW 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m. NOVA
music, history, traditions, legends and literature.
                                                       13612 1/29 – 4/29     W    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.   NOVA
The class will be conducted entirely in Italian.
$147 | 21 Hours
11674 1/13 – 3/9        M    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.   NOVA                                                             Additional Class Location Codes
11675 3/16 – 4/27       M    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.   NOVA      REGISTER EARLY!
                                                          Our classes are scheduled based on                     HAMM	Hammocks Middle School
                                                          demand. We recommend registering                             9889 Hammocks Blvd., Miami, FL
                                                          at least one week before the start of                  NOVA	NOVA Southeastern University
                                                          the class to secure your enrollment.                         8585 SW 124th Ave., Miami, FL
                                                          Register for your class today!

            The cost of these non-credit programs is not funded by the State of Florida. The fees charged to students cover the cost of instruction.

                             MDC.EDU/CE/KENDA LL            |   3 05 - 237- 2161      |    M I A M I DA D E C OL L EG E   |   K EN DA L L CA M P U S       13
The             freedom
of doing it online
Take classes wherever you are and on your own
time! We have partnered with leading online
training vendors to offer you a varied schedule
of online classes. We invite you to visit our
website at mdc.edu/ce/online to review our
most current offerings. Can’t find what
you are looking for? Please give us a call at
305-237-2543, so we can assist you in
finding the right class for you.

• Foreign Languages
• Graduate Exam Preparation
• Health Care Courses
• Income Tax Preparation
• Microsoft Certifications
• Photography
• Real Estate

Spanish 2 - 28 hrs
The second part of a beginners’ Spanish course
with emphasis on oral communication for social
or professional needs. Classes are taught using
a conversational approach in order to teach
oral comprehension and stimulate speech from
the very first day. Topics covered include, the
home, outdoor activities, daily routines, different
work settings, shopping, travel, transportation
and more. Students will learn to talk about
past events, use reflexive verbs to talk about
daily routines and understand the use of formal
speech for business.
$169 | 28 Hours
12439 3/16 – 4/29      MW    9:30 – 11:30 a.m. NOVA

Spanish 1 - Intensive
In this introductory course you will be intro-
duced to basic Spanish language skills (listen-
ing, speaking and reading). Student-instructor
exchanges help you acquire the vocabulary and
learn structures used in common interactions.
Frequent student-to-student dialogues provide
practice and build your confidence. All expla-
nations include plenty of practical examples for
using natural, everyday Spanish.
$219 | 42 Hours
10321 1/28 – 4/28      Tu    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.    NOVA

Spanish 2 - Intensive                                   CHILDCARE                                             Florida Child Care Professional Credential
                                                                                                              (FCCPC 1) (6.0 CEUs)
Continue improving your language skills by
using the basic irregular verbs in present and
future situations. Recognize common idiomatic
                                                        TRAINING                                              This class is the first of two courses that a
                                                                                                              student must complete in order to be eligible
                                                                                                              to obtain their Preschool Florida Child Care
expressions for everyday life events. Students
                                                                                                              Professional Credential Certificate (FCCPC). This
will engage in asking questions and giving              CHILD CARE IN-SERVICE & CEUS                          course will provide students with a general intro-
                                                                                                              duction to the young child and the early child-
$219 | 42 Hours                                                                                               hood classroom, family and societal influences
                                                          Florida Child Care Professional
13627 1/30 – 4/30      Th    6:30 – 9:30 p.m.    NOVA   Credential (FCCPCI) (6.0 CEUs)                        on young children, principles of child growth and
                                                                                                              development, role of play in young children’s
                                                        Este curso es el primero de dos cursos diseñados      learning, methods of observing and recording
Spanish 3 - Intensive                                   para que el estudiante obtenga la equivalencia        behavior, techniques of guiding behaviors and
Enhance the use of more advanced idiomatic              al asociado en educación infantil. El curso está      characteristics of appropriate early childhood
expressions and basic grammatical structures            basado y es equivalente al programa del Child         programs and teachers. Book is included in
focusing on past experiences by using the simple        Development Associate (CDA). Cuando los               course fee.
past. All explanations are followed by numerous         estudiantes completen las 120 horas de clase
examples in everyday Spanish language.                  (incluye tareas, exámenes y caja de recursos)         $439 | 60 Hours
$225 | 42 Hours                                         480 horas de experiencia laboral y su evalu-          11701 1/25 – 4/4      Sa    9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
                                                        ación final el Estado de la Florida le otorgará el
13278 1/13 – 4/27      M     6:30 – 9:30 p.m.    NOVA   Certificado Profesional del Cuidado Infantil de la    Behavior Management (4.5 CEUs)
Spanish for Advanced Students                                                                                 This course will teach the participants effec-
                                                        $439 | 60 Hours                                       tive ways to work with children from different
Continue improving your Spanish conversational          10336 1/25 – 4/4      Sa   8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.      cultures in order to be more receptive and
skills, fluency and vocabulary. Come prepared                                                                 understanding of their needs. The participants
to engage in conversations on current topics                                                                  will discuss what causes behavioral problems in
of interest. This course is conducted entirely in         Florida Child Care Professional
                                                        Credential (FCCPCII) (6.0 CEUs)                       children and effective strategies to handle those
Spanish and students are encouraged to use                                                                    problems. The participants will learn what kinds
descriptions and gestures to describe unknown           Complete su preparación finalizando el segundo        of behaviors are age and culturally effective, and
words. Course prerequisite: Spanish 4 or equiva-        curso del programa. Las 120 horas de estudio          which ones are not.
lent proficiency.                                       junto a las 480 horas de prácticas apropiadas
                                                        en un centro licenciado de cuidado infantil o         $409 | 45 Hours
$110 | 21 Hours
                                                        un centro en el hogar más la aprobación de la         12444 2/22 – 4/25     Sa    8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
10316 1/17 – 2/28      F     9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
                                                        evaluación final ayudará al estudiante a obtener
10318 3/20 – 5/1       F     9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.     el Florida Child Care Professional Credential.
                                                        Aprovar el curso de FCCPC I es un prerrequisito
                                                                                                                Additional Class Location Codes
                                                        para tomar este curso.                                  HAMM	Hammocks Middle School
  M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes)
                                                        $439 | 60 Hours                                               9889 Hammocks Blvd., Miami, FL
  W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves)
                                                        10338 1/25 – 4/4      Sa   8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
  F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado) Su=Sunday                                                             NOVA	NOVA Southeastern University
  (Domingo)                                                                                                           8585 SW 124th Ave., Miami, FL

            The cost of these non-credit programs is not funded by the State of Florida. The fees charged to students cover the cost of instruction.

                            MDC.EDU/CE/KENDA LL              |   3 05 - 237- 2161      |    M I A M I DA D E C OL L EG E   |   K EN DA L L CA M P U S        15
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