SPRING 2020 - Payden & Rygel

Page created by Rafael Mendez

The world now faces another major pandemic. While the death toll in the current pandemic is still but a fraction of the greatest modern
pandemic of the 1918 Spanish flu, there are valuable lessons from a century ago that can put our current predicament in perspective. We
explore.grease, bring the key issues to a simmer, and box up the topics for the reader to feast upon. Hold the pickles.
The Great Influenza:
                 The S tory of the Greatest Modern Pandemic and Its
                             Lessons for 2020 and Beyond

"I     f anything kills over 10 million people in
       the next few decades, it’s most likely to be
  a highly infectious virus, rather than a war. Not
                                                                        provide a few lessons from the Great Influenza,
                                                                        its magnitude, its origins, its uncontrolled spread,
                                                                        and some of its consequences. Pandemics are not
                                                                                                                                        240–480 million deaths—simply staggering
                                                                                                                                        and unfathomable. So, the first lesson is that
                                                                                                                                        the tragedy now unfolding is NOT the Great
  missiles, but microbes.”1                                             random events.                                                  Influenza (or the Black Death for that matter).

These prescient words were spoken in 2015                               THE SHADOW OF 1918                                              In addition to the death toll, there was the speed
by none other than Bill Gates, the co-founder                                                                                           with which the destruction was inflicted on the
                                                                         Although accounts vary, an estimated one-third
of Microsoft. In a TED Talk, Gates lamented                                                                                             population in 1918. The Great Influenza killed
                                                                         of the world’s population, or roughly 500 million
humanity’s misplaced focus. While we have                                                                                               swiftly, often within hours of infection. One army
                                                                         people, were infected during the 1918–1920
invested heavily in nuclear deterrents, he opined,                                                                                      report from 1918 described it as “fulminating
                                                                        “Great Influenza” pandemic (See Did You Know?
we have invested very little to stop a pandemic.                                                                                        pneumonia, with wet hemorrhagic lungs” that
                                                                        The Spanish Flu Misnomer). The pandemic was
He concluded, “We’re not ready for the next                                                                                             proved “fatal in 24 to 48 hours.”
                                                                         not your regular seasonal flu—the illness was far
                                                                         more severe than the average seasonal flu variety.             An estimated two-thirds of total deaths occurred
Gates was right. A pandemic has now enveloped                            Total death estimates range from 50 million to                 in just 24 weeks in 1918, “and more than half of
the world, roiled financial markets, brought the                         100 million of the global population at the time.3             those deaths occurred” in less than three months,
global economy to its knees—and caught almost                            A comparable death toll today implies around                   from mid-September to early December. In sum,
everyone unprepared. As we go to press, SARS-                                                                                           the “Great Influenza” took more lives than the
CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has                                                                                              ongoing, decades-long AIDS epidemic—in a
already surpassed the 2009 H1N1 pandemic in                                       «AN ESTIMATED                                         manner of mere weeks.
terms of case count and global deaths (see Figure                                ONE-THIRD OF THE
                                                                               WORLD’S POPULATION,                                      Frightening? It gets worse. Typically, the flu
1). The current pandemic could rival the 1957
                                                                                                                                        befalls the very old and the very weak. With the
and 1968 episodes when all is said and done.                                      OR ROUGHLY 500
                                                                                                                                        Great Influenza, young adults, aged 20–40 years,
 Rare events pose particular challenges for
                                                                              MILLION PEOPLE, WERE                                      fared the worst, accounting for nearly half of all
 investors. Are they just random occurrences?                                    INFECTED DURING                                        deaths. Furthermore, an estimated 47% of all
 How do we put current events into the proper                                   THE 1918–1920 “GREAT                                    deaths in the United States in 1918–1919—that
 perspective? Our response is that history teaches                            INFLUENZA” PANDEMIC»                                      includes all deaths from everything from cancer
 those who inquire with an open mind. We                                                                                                to accidents—were due to the influenza.

                                       fig. 1
                                                A RARE EVENT OR HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF? SELECTED
                                                             PANDEMICS SINCE 165 AD
                                                                                                              Millions of Deaths*
                                                     0                 10            20             30                  40                 50                 60                 70                  80

                      Antonine Plague, 165 - 180                 5.0
                    Plague of Justinian, 541 - 542                                                       30.0
                        Black Death, 1347 - 1352                                                                                                                                               75.0
                      New World smallpox, 1520                                                 25.0
                      Italian Plague, 1629 - 1631         1.0
                    Great Plague of London, 1665         0.08                                                                             The Black Death was the deadliest
                               Third Plague, 1885                                                                                         pandemic in recorded history, wiping
                                                                                                                                          out 30-60% of Europe's population
                         Russian flu, 1889 - 1890         1.0
Pandemic, Year

                              Yellow Fever, 1895         0.15
                 The Great Influenza, 1918 - 1920                                                                                               50.0
                           Asian flu, 1957 - 1958         1.0
                     Hong Kong flu, 1968 - 1970           1.0
                          HIV/AIDS, 1981-Present                                                                  35.0
                              SARS, 2002 - 2003          0.001
                              Ebola, 2014 - 2016         0.011
                                     MERS, 2015          0.001
                   Swine Flu (H1N1), 2009 - 2020         0.20
                              COVID-19, 2020 - ?         0.29

        Source: Washington Post                                                                       *For some pandemics, there was a range of values and we chose to plot the lower end of the estimates.

Roman writer Varro (116–26 B.C.) speculated
       «YOUNG ADULTS, AGED                             about tiny invisible germs, but scientists didn’t          « YOU ARE UNDOUBTEDLY
      20–40 YEARS, FARED THE                           see a virus under a microscope until the 1930s.            SURROUNDED BY PLENTY
        WORST, ACCOUNTING                                                                                          OF VIRUSES RIGHT NOW—
      FOR NEARLY HALF OF ALL                           WE AREN’T IN KANSAS ANYMORE
                                                                                                                     DON’T TOUCH YOUR
             DEATHS.»                                  Aside from not being able to see the enemy,                         FACE!»
                                                       humanity in 1918 was also blind to its origins.
However, the worst part of all is that, amid the       Again, speculation abounds, and the science            and the virus has a chance to survive and replicate,
pandemic, scientists didn’t even know the enemy        remains unsettled, but one plausible theory is         to humans. AIDS and influenza are examples of
at hand. “No one could find the guilty bug, no one     that the Great Influenza began, not in Spain,          these “zoonoses”—and, indeed, most viruses we
could see it, no one could name it or comprehend       despite the moniker, but in Kansas.                    know of infect humans through such an avenue.
it, because virology itself had scarcely begun to                                                             The jump was possibly made in Haskell.
exist. The virus responsible, which turned out to      Yes, Kansas. Haskell, Kansas.
be a variant of H1N1, wasn’t precisely identified                                                             ALL THAT WAS NEEDED WAS A SPARK
                                                       What was so special about Haskell? Well, for
until …2005!”4 Humanity was in the dark.
                                                       starters, a man named Loring Miner. A doctor, he
                                                                                                              If Kansas was indeed the epicenter, the virus
                                                                                                              wasted little time in spreading across the world.
                                                                                                              It was the rapid buildup of U.S. involvement in
      The Spanish Flu Misnomer                                                                                World War I that provided the perfect kindling
                                                                                                              for a pandemic. Public health took a backseat
      According to the author John Barry, Spain is unfairly pinned with the Spanish flu name due
                                                                                                              to politics (shocking, we know!). President
      to happenstance. Spain had few cases but was a neutral nation in World War I, one of the                Wilson made no statements on the influenza, in
      few countries with a free press. Whereas other countries suppressed influenza stories so as             public or, it seems, in private, and the federal
      not to stoke fears, Spanish papers reported on the disease, and the Spanish King, Alfonso               government focused on mobilizing for war.
      XIII, fell ill. For this piece, we adopt Barry’s nomenclature and refer to the episode as the
                                                                                                              With the benefit of hindsight, by the fall of 1918,
      Great Influenza. 5
                                                                                                              little more than a month remained in the conflict.
                                                                                                              However, the U.S. was determined to ramp
                                                                                                              up troops for the war. From Funston, troops
                                                                                                              went to other army bases and then off to France.
VIRUSES: WAIT, WHAT ARE THEY?                          saw many patients in early 1918 suffering from         Influenza cases sprung up in the following weeks
                                                       a worrisome illness and alerted the U.S. Public        in Georgia, and then twenty-four of the thirty-
Viruses have been around on Earth for billions
                                                       Health Service on his findings of “influenza of the    six largest army camps experienced an influenza
of years, meaning the viruses on Earth today are
                                                       severe type.” His reports were the only influenza      outbreak that spring.
formidable foes as “only the fittest have survived.”
                                                       mentions from anywhere in the world at that
We tend to imagine large predators as our primary
                                                       early point in the outbreak.
competitors for survival, such as the lions of the
Serengeti, but tiny terrors lurk everywhere. You       Haskell was also close to a military camp:                 «PUBLIC HEALTH TOOK A
are undoubtedly surrounded by plenty of viruses        Camp Funston, Kansas. The frigid winter of                  BACKSEAT TO POLITICS
right now—don’t touch your face!                       1917–1918 forced recruits to huddle together                   (SHOCKING, WE
For millennia, humans were surrounded by
                                                       in makeshift tents and overcrowded barracks,                      KNOW!)»
                                                       awaiting dispatch to Europe and World War I.
viruses, yet ignorant of them. Why? First, viruses
                                                       As people with influenza can transmit the virus
were not likely an issue for humans until modern
                                                       before symptoms appear, close quarters provide
cities allowed for dense enough populations to                                                                Further, thirty of the fifty largest cities in the
                                                       ripe conditions for a viral outbreak.
sustain a virus and promote its spread to plenty                                                              country, most of them adjacent to military
of nearby victims. For most of human history, our      Influenza’s high infectivity preceded symptoms,        facilities, also suffered an April spike in “excess
hunter-gatherer brethren roamed about; only            a characteristic that probably helped account for      mortality” from influenza, most of which were
very recently (~2,000 years) have we humans                                                                   not realized at the time.
confined ourselves to dense cities.6
                                                                «ONE PLAUSIBLE                                The virus then ripped around the globe, from
Once in close contact, humans, and viruses have
                                                               THEORY IS THAT THE                             Portugal to Greece, back to England, Scotland,
been at war. History is punctuated by repeated,
                                                                GREAT INFLUENZA                               and Wales, then Calcutta, Madras, and Rangoon
devastating epidemics. In China alone, records                                                                after Bombay, and on to Karachi. Shanghai
show that “between 37 A.D. and 1718 A.D.,                     BEGAN, NOT IN SPAIN,
                                                                                                              and Sydney followed. It’s worth noting that the
234 outbreaks were severe enough to count as                  DESPITE THE MONIKER,
                                                                                                              global spread occurred in an era long before
plagues—that’s one every seven years!”7 Figure                   BUT IN KANSAS.»                              the hyperconnected travel and trade networks
1 shows the most devastating tolls in recorded                                                                that now define the global economy. The mere
global history.                                                                                               presence of a mail carrier seemed to be enough
Second, the direct human-to-human spread was           the scale of worldwide misery and death during         to spread the virus city-by-city.
not always observed, so scientists remained in the     the Great Influenza.
                                                                                                              The bad news continued, though. Many are
dark about transmission. Malaria, for example,
                                                       Haskell added one other vital ingredient to            already talking about a “second wave” of the
spreads from person-to-person via mosquito
                                                       the story: animals (it was an agricultural area).      coronavirus in 2020. The Great Influenza
bites, not direct human contact.
                                                       Scientists now use the term “spillover” to designate   hibernated over the summer of 1918 and
And, third, humankind did not yet have the             the moment a pathogen jumps from a host or             returned with a vengeance in the fall when it did
scientific tools to discover viruses. Viruses are      reservoir species—say, birds or pigs—where the         most of its killing.
small. Much smaller than the average bacteria. The     genetic backdrop is similar enough to humans,

fig. 2
                                                     SAVING LIVES TO (EVENTUALLY) SAVE THE ECONOMY? AMERICAN CITIES' SOCIAL
                                                     DISTANCING MEASURES AND MANUFACTURING SECTOR EMPLOYMENT GROWTH
                                                                           AROUND THE 1918 PANDEMIC
                                                                           Less Restrictive Measures*               More Restrictive Measures                Linear Trend

                                          120%                            Seattle                            Cities that implemented harsh social distancing and saw lower
Employment Growth Between 1914 and 1919

                                                                                     Oakland                 mortality also saw their employment bounce back faster

                                                                            Portland                            Omaha
                                                                                               Los Angeles
                                                                                             Spokane       San Francisco    Syracuse               Birmingham
                                                                      Toledo                   Cleveland
                                          40%                                    Columbus                                       Denver
                                                                   Minneapolis                  Rochester Buffalo Newark
                                                                                             Dayton                            Kansas City      Baltimore
                                                                               Milwaukee                   Cambridge            Worcester                  Nashville
                                                      Grand Rapids                                St. Louis           Richmond
                                          20%                                          Chicago                                       New Haven
                                                                                                               Albany                                                      Louisville                 Pittsburgh
                                                                               Saint Paul                         Providence Washington New Orleans
                                                                                              New York                 Lowell                     Boston      Philadelphia
                                           0%                                                   Cincinnati                                 Fall River
                                            200                             400                               600                          800                        1000                                  1200
                                                                                                                    Deaths Per 100,000

      Source: Sergio Correia, Stephan Luck, and Emil Verner, “Fight the Pandemic, Save the Economy: Lessons from the 1918 Flu,” Federal Reserve Bank of New York Liberty Street Economics, March 27, 2020
      *The paper uses measures of non-pharmeceutical interventions (e.g. social distancing, mask wearing) established in Markel et. al. (2007)

                                                                                                   discovered that certain cities that implemented        to overwhelming ignorance. While denser
                                                                                                   stricter interventions (like social distancing) saw    populations build up a resistance to familiar
                                              «IT’S WORTH NOTING
                                                                                                   lower mortality rates and better employment            viruses, they are vulnerable to “novel” ones.
                                                THAT THE GLOBAL                                    outcomes during the pandemic (see Figure               Given enough time and proximity to nature,
                                             SPREAD OCCURRED IN                                    2). Such findings present hope for our                 novel viruses will make the leap into humans
                                             AN ERA LONG BEFORE                                    present predicament, in which we see a global,         again. Aside from the ever-present threat of the
                                            THE HYPERCONNECTED                                     synchronized use of social distancing measures         influenza virus, we have now experienced three
                                               TRAVEL AND TRADE                                    to stem the virus.                                     coronavirus outbreaks in the last 20 years: SARS-
                                             NETWORKS THAT NOW                                                                                            CoV-1 in 2003–2004, MERS in 2015, and now
                                                                                                   BETTER OFF TODAY                                       SARS-CoV-2.
                                               DEFINE THE GLOBAL
                                                    ECONOMY.»                                      Can a brief tour of history relieve any of our
                                                                                                   present anxiety? The lesson of 1918 is that
                                                                                                   humanity was largely in the dark. Ignorant of
                                                                                                                                                                  « MICROBES, NOT
         In the words of the Australian virologist Frank                                                                                                            MISSILES, HAD
                                                                                                   the virus, its origins, its piggyback spread on
         Macfarlane Burnet, “It is convenient to follow
                                                                                                   the waves of war, humanity was left extremely                CAUSED MOST DEATHS
         the story of influenza at this period mainly
         in regard to the army experiences in America
                                                                                                   vulnerable. Medical capacity was overrun quickly,                THROUGHOUT
         and Europe.”8 On September 29, a group
                                                                                                   and scientists didn’t even catch their first glimpse          RECORDED HUMAN
         of 9,000 soldiers left for France on the USS
                                                                                                   at a virus for more than a decade.                           HISTORY. WE ARE THE
         Leviathan—2,000 died en route.                                                            And while there is much we still do not know                LUCKY ONES WHO HAVE
                                                                                                   about SARS-CoV-2, we do know the world is a                   LATELY GAINED THE
       With nurses and doctors pressed into war                                                    much better place in 2020. Indeed, perhaps one                   UPPER HAND.»
       service, cities and states left mostly to their own                                         of the reasons we are so startled by the virus is
       devices employed a wide array of strategies                                                 because we have become accustomed to dying
       to arrest the virus. Some cities enforced strict                                            of other things: heart disease, cancer, or just old    Our best chance today and in the future is to
       social distancing measures. Others, such as                                                 age. But that’s a modern luxury. In 1918, life         push progress forward relentlessly. How do
       Philadelphia, were much more lenient. In                                                    expectancy at birth did not exceed 50 in the U.S.      we measure medical progress? One way is to
       an analysis of 1914 and 1919 Census data,                                                   and Europe, with far worse prospects for the rest      gauge the information sharing among scientists
       researchers at the New York Federal Reserve                                                 of the globe. Microbes, not missiles, had caused       collaborating to develop treatments and vaccines
                                                                                                   most deaths throughout recorded human history.         in real-time. A surge in science “preprints” in
                                                                                                   We are the lucky ones who have lately gained the       March and April 2020 (see Figure 3 on Page
                                              «ON SEPTEMBER 29,                                                                                           10) shows researchers are rushing to share
                                                                                                   upper hand.
                                               A GROUP OF 9,000                                                                                           information with the world, with the growth
                                              SOLDIERS LEFT FOR                                    Seen in that light, we can’t treat the current         rate in preprints more than doubling in the last
                                             FRANCE ON THE USS                                     pandemic as an isolated, random event, chalking        two months.9 The efforts could yield results in a
                                                                                                   it up to bad luck. Pandemics do not just happen.       shorter timespan than ever before. Bill Gates, who
                                            LEVIATHAN—2,000 DIED
                                                                                                   Humanity has battled viruses for centuries—            opened our story with a warning, closes it with
                                                  EN ROUTE. »
                                                                                                   most of the time, with devastating results due

fig. 3
                                                                   INFORMATION SHARING IS AT ALL TIME HIGHS–
                                                                       BIOMEDICAL PREPRINTS PER MONTH
Number of Preprints

                                  2013                   2014                   2015                  2016                   2017           2018   2019   2020
   Source: Zenodo.org

                                                                                  4. David Quammen. “Spillover: Animal Infections
                                                                                       and the Next Human Pandemic.” W.W. Norton &
                            «ASIDE FROM THE
                                                                                       Company, October 2012.
                         EVER-PRESENT THREAT
                           OF THE INFLUENZA                                       5. John Barry. “The Great Influenza: The Story of the
                                                                                       Greatest Pandemic In History.” New York: Penguin
                             VIRUS, WE HAVE
                                                                                       Books, 2005.
                           NOW EXPERIENCED
                                                                                  6. See for example our Point of View, “The Story
                          THREE CORONAVIRUS
                                                                                       of World History Through The Most Populous
                         OUTBREAKS IN THE LAST
                                                                                       Cities", Winter 2016, page 10, https://www.payden.
                                20 YEARS.»                                             com/displayfile.aspx?fileloc=11

                                                                                  7. David P. Clark. “Germs, Genes, & Civilization.
  a hint of optimism. “Although eighteen months                                        How Epidemics Shaped Who We Are Today.” FT
  [to a vaccine] might sound like a long time, this                                    Press: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2010.
  would be the fastest scientists have created a new
                                                                                  8. Barry 120.
  vaccine.”10 Perhaps never before in history has
                                                                                  9. Kai Kupferschmidt, “‘A completely new culture
  humanity been so united in finding a solution.
                                                                                       of doing research.’ Coronavirus outbreak changes
  Let’s count ourselves fortunate that the current                                     how scientists communicate,” Science, February 26,
  pandemic pales in comparison to the Great                                            2020.
  Influenza—but let’s also use this opportunity to
                                                                                  10. Bill Gates, “What you need to know about the
  learn how to prevent the next one—because it’s
                                                                                       COVID-19 vaccine,” GatesNotes, April 30, 2020.

                      1. “The New Outbreak? We’re Not Ready.” Bill Gates.
                         TedTalk. March 2015. https://www.ted.com/

                      2. An epidemic is defined by Merriam-Webster as “an
                         outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects
                         many individuals at the same time.” A pandemic
                         is a type of epidemic (one with greater range and
                         coverage), an outbreak of a disease that occurs over
                         a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally
                         high proportion of the population.

                      3. “1918 Influenza: the Mother of All Pandemics”,
                         Jeffery K. Taubenberger and David M. Morens,
                         Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2006 Jan; 12(1):
                         15–22.        https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/
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