Your Monthly Update - April 2015

Page created by Byron Rogers
Your Monthly Update - April 2015
Fisher Funds TWO KiwiSaver Scheme

                                                      Your Monthly Update
                                                                                                          April 2015

A Market Unleashed
I love nothing more than throwing the ball for my dog              Imagine the market’s confusion therefore when Yellen
and watching her run for it, legs scrabbling, hair billowing,      said last month that a rate rise “could be warranted at any
tongue lolling from her mouth, unfettered by leash or              meeting” and that any future decision would be based on
physical boundaries. While I would never laugh out loud,           economic data? Hang on, how do we read that, where do
her ball chasing is particularly amusing when she is due for a     we run, where is the ball going to land? What the Fed’s
groom and the wind doesn’t quite part her hair enough for          congressional testimony basically means is that their target
her to get a good fix on the ball. Then she charges, stops,        interest rate will be held at 0-0.25%. While they plot their
looks this way and that, charges forward again with real           next move – and we will hear about that move along with
purpose ... only she hasn’t realised that she is still 20 metres   everyone else – they will monitor inflation, jobs, global
away from her target.                                              growth and financial markets, and keep a very close eye on
                                                                   the two things they are supposed to be managing – inflation
I think I’ve just described world share markets over the           and employment. They probably won’t lift interest rates
past three months! It has been exhilarating to watch them          in April, but they might. In April, they will come out with
and sometimes the ball-catching prowess (or share price            another opinion and it could well be different from how they
performance) has been stellar indeed. But the market               are feeling today. And they could introduce yet another
definitely needs some help because for all its boisterous          phrase that the market will interpret, and reinterpret and run
enthusiasm, the balls are being thrown all over the place          off to chase.
and the big throw, the one markets are really waiting for –
rising US Federal Reserve interest rates – is just not coming.     Whether US interest rates rise or not isn’t that important
                                                                   in the scheme of things. What does matter is that they are
Honestly, markets have been just like my dog – running hard        right for the conditions at hand. If they are increased too
in the direction they think the ”ball” will go, then retracing     soon, then the burgeoning economic growth, consumer
their steps when they realise the ball hasn’t been thrown          confidence and business certainty could be snuffed out and
yet. It has been a bit ridiculous frankly, reading headlines       nobody in the world wants that. It is a fine balancing act and
explaining each day’s market movements with reference to           I guess to some extent, it is understandable that without any
something the Fed said or inferred.                                other major distractions (positive or negative), markets are
                                                                   focused unreasonably on every Fed move.
The biggest signal during March was the removal of the
reference to the word ”patience” by Janet Yellen, chair of         But you know, even if I intended to throw the ball twenty
the Federal Reserve. Just to recap, for most of last year,         metres to the North-West, and I yelled loudly “the ball’s over
Fed statements said interest rates would stay low for “a           there!” the dog wouldn’t get it, would she?
considerable time” after quantitative easing had come
to an end. In December, the language was swapped out;              Carmel Fisher
“considerable time” was replaced with a pledge to be               Managing Director
“patient” in raising interest rates, and that was further
defined as a “couple of meetings” or two months. So most
market watchers assumed that come February/March, the
word patient would go, and the gradual rise in US interest
rates (which remember, are not a bad thing in their own
right) would begin.
Your Monthly Update - April 2015
Your KiwiSaver Portfolios

Highlights and Lowlights
   »» We added two quality stocks to our international portfolios – Mastercard and Alibaba. Now
      that the IPO hype has passed we have initiated a position at a more favourable entry point in
      Alibaba after initially missing out on an allocation during the IPO.
   »» Despite a flat March, the Australian market concluded its strongest quarter since the GFC.
      Our Australian portfolios performed comparatively well on exceptional performances from
      Bursons (investors recognising growth potential), ResMed (new product success and reduced
      regulatory pricing pressure), Ansell (solid operating performance and attractive acquisition) and
      CSG. Medibank drifted backwards as Australians bought cheaper health insurance with lower
      coverage, while investors continued to express scepticism around Ingenia’s execution ability.
   »» Our New Zealand portfolios underperformed the broader New Zealand share market
      predominantly due to the share prices of our three biggest holdings falling. While Ryman
      Healthcare and F&P Healthcare fell on no news, Mainfreight’s share price came under pressure
      as the company lowered short-term earnings expectations for FY2015, but retains a positive
      outlook for FY2016. While new online entrants revealed & revised pricing and content, Sky TV
      was the Fund’s best performer over the month (and best for the broader NZ market) providing
      total shareholder return of 8%.

Learning to love Banks
By Manuel Greenland
Senior Portfolio Manager, Australian Equities
We added ANZ and Westpac to our Australian portfolios
in March. In our stock-ranking process we look for
characteristics that allow a company to earn superior
profits over time. Typically bank profits follow general
economic conditions, and are vulnerable to cycles in
interest rates, income and inflation. So typically, banks
would not meet our investment criteria.
How come we’ve added them then?
                                                                 Recognising the quality of their risk management systems,
The four major Australian banks are far from typical. As a       regulators allow the large banks to lend more per dollar of
group they are super-dominant in areas critical to banking       invested capital, boosting profits and growth potential. As
success. They represent 80% of banking sector assets, 80%        a result the major banks have earned significantly higher
of total deposits and 86% of sector profits. The four majors     returns than competitors over time.
hold this share against 17 other Australian banks and 47
foreign banks!                                                   The major banks’ strengths are in some ways also their
                                                                 risks. To some extent they have become victims of their
The major Australian banks enjoy significant strengths.          own success as their dominant position and relevance
Their key advantage is their scale. They have large stable       to the economy has made them subject to significant
bases of deposit accounts, giving them a cheap and               regulatory oversight, and made their high profile brands
ready source of funds. This in turn supports their ability       vulnerable to reputational risk.
to offer borrowers loans at attractive interest rates, while
still lending profitably and winning market share. Besides       Nevertheless, we conclude that their key strengths explain
great lending businesses, they have diversified earnings by      the superior performance of this exclusive club. To enable
developing considerable wealth management, advisory and          our investors to participate in this success, we’ve selected
insurance enterprises. The big banks can also spread costs       those banks with the best earnings prospects and most
over larger operations, resulting in superior cost efficiency.   attractive long-term returns for our Australian portfolios.

        Fisher Funds TWO KiwiSaver Scheme
  2     Monthly Update
Your Monthly Update - April 2015
Sell the rumour, buy the fact
By Carmel Fisher, Managing Director
Many investors will have heard of the investing maxim
“sell the rumour, buy the fact”. The saying comes from the
phenomenon where buyers push a price up in anticipation
of a big news event and then (often) sell off immediately
after the announcement. Examples are most often seen in
technology stocks where “big” new products are rumoured          We watched the share price rebound after our selling, and
to be released that will dramatically change the whole           a number of our team scratched their heads as to why,
industry. Exact product details are not known, but the hype      with no new information to digest, the market thought the
machine goes into overdrive and investors pile into the          shares were worth more? There had been some solid profit
stock, sure that the new product will be a king hit. Once the    results from other retailers and that might have led some
details of the product are actually revealed, the reaction can   investors to think Kathmandu might redeem themselves
go one of three ways – the product is announced and it is        – despite the company saying otherwise. Regardless, the
even better than expected, so the price goes ballistic; the      company released its earnings result on March 24 saying that
product announcement is underwhelming and the share              conditions remained tough, and the share price immediately
price collapses; or the product is good but only as good as      retraced several weeks’ gains.
expected, and the price falls.
We have seen a couple of examples of this phenomenon
in the New Zealand share market recently. Our erstwhile
portfolio company, Kathmandu, warned late last year that
Christmas sales might be disappointing, and followed up                 We can’t buy on hope
with a shocker earnings warning in February. We had given
the company the benefit of the doubt in December, but                    or expectation; we
by February with a share price some 26% lower, we started
to sell our holding, having lost confidence in our ability to            insist on buying on
predict the company’s fortunes with any certainty. We were
not alone in our selling – Kathmandu is dual listed and a               knowledge and belief
number of Australian institutions were also quick to push the
Sell button. The share price hit a low of $1.39 on February 5
before rebounding 26% to $1.76 on March 19.
Why did the share price bounce, and should we have held          Our approach is to ignore the rumour and act only on fact.
off our selling to enjoy this bounce? Of course it would have    We will get stocks wrong from time to time; there is no
been nice to have sold at a higher price, but our investment     doubt about that. But the only thing we have to base our
approach dictates that when we have lost confidence in the       investment decisions on is our research. We can’t buy on
investment thesis of a company, we will sell immediately,        hope or expectation; we insist on buying on knowledge
and look to reinvest the proceeds in a company for which         and belief. They are different things.
we have a higher conviction.

                                                                                     Fisher Funds TWO KiwiSaver Scheme
                                                                                                        Monthly Update    3
Your Monthly Update - April 2015
A bird’s eye view
    Senior Portfolio Manager Roger Garrett tells us about well-known
    consumer company Nike, which we have invested in through our
    international portfolios since 2011.
    Nike is a name that requires little introduction as            Nike’s growth potential remains strong
    the world’s largest sportswear company, designing,             The business has an impressive pipeline of new
    manufacturing and selling high quality footwear, apparel       products that help sustain a competitive advantage as
    and sporting equipment. Nike sells its products under          a company of innovation – running shoes that change
    the Nike, Jordan, Converse, Nike Golf and Hurley               colour depending how far you run or basketball shoes
    brands and is dominant in running, basketball, soccer          that tell you how high you jump. At a regional level,
    and men’s and women’s training. Additionally, Nike sells       the fine tuning of their strategy in Western Europe and
    its products in golf, cricket, tennis, lacrosse, volleyball,   China, with a premium product focus, is starting to
    American football and action sports.                           deliver results with Nike gaining market share in both
    Number one for a reason                                        regions. On the digital front, Nike is heavily involved in
                                                                   the fitness monitoring area with running, fitness, soccer
    Nike is the global leader in sports footwear and apparel.      and golf apps and a close tie-up with Apple (Apple
    This leadership is founded on superior technology and          CEO Tim Cook is on the Nike board). This is potentially
    product innovation with a key competitive advantage            a huge growth area with the European Commission
    coming from working closely with the best athletes             estimating up to 1.5bln people could be using health
    in the world. The insights they develop from these             and fitness apps by 2017 – the basis for a significant
    top athletes together with leading edge technology             community of interconnected members.
    and research and development are at the heart
    of their product development. Nike is recognised               Clearly, Nike is a great company and a desirable
    globally as an iconic sportswear brand through best            investment. Nike certainly “walks the walk”. When it
    in class technology, product innovation and style              comes to innovation and when combined with its iconic
    and is supported by sponsorship of premier athletes            brand image and total customer focus, we believe Nike
    and sporting organisations such as Roger Federer,              is well positioned to maintain its market leading status.
    Kobe Bryant, Christiano Ronaldo and Barcelona and              Furthermore, they are shareholder friendly, returning
    Manchester City football teams. Furthermore Nike               virtually all cash flow back to shareholders via dividends
    has huge scale, shifting over 900mln units of product          and buybacks. We are confident our investment in Nike
    through their supply chain of over 18,000 accounts and         will continue to deliver strong returns over the medium
    140,000 retail outlets. This network is a huge strength        to long-term.
    to their brand. Nike’s best in class status and total focus
    on innovation allows the brand to command a price
    premium over its competitors.

       Fisher Funds TWO KiwiSaver Scheme
4      Monthly Update
Your Monthly Update - April 2015
KiwiSaver classroom

A common question from
members at this time of year
is “How is my KiwiSaver
account taxed?”
The Fisher Funds TWO KiwiSaver Scheme is
classified as a Portfolio Investment Entity (or PIE
for short) for tax purposes. The PIE regime was
introduced at the same time as KiwiSaver was
launched providing a number of tax advantages for
investors and making the administration of it all very              Calculating your correct PIR
easy. The key advantages are:                                       There are three PIR’s available for individuals to choose
                                                                    from: 10.5%, 17.5% or 28%. The correct rate for you
Firstly, there is no tax on gains in New Zealand
                                                                    depends on your income. To help calculate your PIR use
shares and certain Australian shares. Investments
                                                                    the following chart:
in companies outside that criterion are taxed as if
they have earned 5% total income (regardless of
how they have actually performed). Fisher Funds
                                                                         In either of the last two
invests in growing companies which often have a                                                                       LOW
                                                                         income years was your
low dividend yield and the majority of returns come
                                                                       taxable income $14,000 or        YES         Your PIR
from the increase in the value of the shares. This is a
                                                                       less and your total income
significant advantage for investors.                                                                                is 10.5%
                                                                          (including PIE income)
Secondly, investors are taxed at their marginal tax                           $48,000 or less?
rate with a maximum of 28%. For investors on a
top personal income tax rate of 33% this represents a
5% reduction.
Thirdly, the Scheme takes care of all tax
obligations on behalf of investors so there is                           In either of the last two
nothing to include in your personal tax return. As                                                                    MID
                                                                         income years, was your
long as we have the correct tax rate (known as your                    taxable income $48,000 or        YES         Your PIR
Prescribed Investor Rate or PIR) for you then we claim                 less and your total income
a tax refund or pay your tax liability on your behalf                                                               is 17.5%
                                                                          (including PIE income)
and adjust your KiwiSaver account accordingly.                                $70,000 or less?



                                                                            In all other cases
                                                                                                                    Your PIR
                                                                                                                     is 28%

                        If you need to change your PIR, simply download and complete our PIR form from
                then return it to us.

                                                                                          Fisher Funds TWO KiwiSaver Scheme
                                                                                                             Monthly Update     5
Your Monthly Update - April 2015
Managing your KiwiSaver account

Asset allocation changes
We have recently completed a review of the strategic asset
allocation of the Fisher Funds TWO KiwiSaver Scheme. This
is a practice our investment team undertakes every two years
to ensure we have sufficient flexibility in managing your
savings in light of the global investing environment.
The most notable change has been to increase the
weighting towards international shares in the Conservative
Fund, Balanced Fund, Growth Fund and Equity Fund while
at the same time reducing the exposure to Australasian
shares. This change ensures your Funds have better
global diversification and rely less on the relatively narrow
economies of New Zealand and Australia.
The changes are effective Monday 13 April. You can view
updated fund profiles including asset allocations in the latest
Investment Statement for the Scheme, which you can find
under Resources on our website.

      Don’t miss out on your annual Government contribution!
      Sorted have just launched a national campaign to            To maximise your full MTC entitlement of $521.43 you
      remind eligible KiwiSaver members that they can             need to have contributed at least $1,042.86 (the equivalent
      benefit from a $521 top-up by the government to their       of $20 per week) into your KiwiSaver account. If you
      KiwiSaver account.                                          haven’t put in at least this amount already, you can top up
                                                                  your KiwiSaver account for the current KiwiSaver year (1
      As a reminder, for every $1 you contribute to your
                                                                  July 2014 to 30 June 2015) before Friday 26 June 2015.
      KiwiSaver account you’ll receive 50 cents from the
      Government, up to a maximum of $521.43 each                 You can read more about who is eligible for a MTC, how it
      KiwiSaver year. This generous KiwiSaver incentive is        is calculated and how to make a payment online at
      known as the MTC.                                 

                                                                  Changes to KiwiSaver first
                                                                  home buyer rules
                                                                  As explained in last month’s newsletter, changes to
                                                                  the way you can use your KiwiSaver account to help
                                                                  buy your first home came into effect on 1 April 2015.
                                                                  The changes potentially make it easier to buy your first
                                                                  home. Check out to see how
                                                                  your KiwiSaver account may give you a helping hand
                                                                  into your first home.

         Fisher Funds TWO KiwiSaver Scheme
  6      Monthly Update
Your Monthly Update - April 2015
Fund Facts
Fund Performance to 31 March 2015
 Fund after Fees &                                                                    12                                                                            Since
                                Unit price ($)        1 month        3 months                        2 years*       3 years*        5 years*       7 years*
 before-tax Returns                                                                  months                                                                        Launch*

 Preservation Fund                2665.3285             0.3%            0.8%           3.6%            3.3%           3.4%            3.2%            3.7%           4.0%
 Conservative Fund                  1.5566              0.4%            2.6%           8.9%            6.9%           7.5%            6.6%            6.0%           5.6%
 Balanced Fund                    4120.5048             0.2%            3.1%          10.3%            9.3%           10.1%           7.5%            6.2%           5.5%
 Growth Fund                        1.4302             -0.1%            3.3%          11.1%           11.1%           12.2%           8.3%            5.9%           4.2%
 Equity Fund                      3540.3670            -0.6%            3.5%          11.8%           12.6%           12.6%           7.7%            4.6%           1.9%
 Cash Enhanced Fund                 1.5007              0.5%            2.5%           8.8%            6.5%           6.9%            6.1%            5.7%           5.5%
* Annualised return before tax and after fees
The above returns are based on the percentage change in the unit price of the fund for the period specified, they are not the returns individual investors will receive as this
will depend on the prices at which units are purchased on the date of each individual contribution. Changes in the unit prices reflect changes in the market value of the assets
of the fund. The above returns exclude government contributions and no allowance has been made for monthly administration fees. Returns displayed are after management
fees but before tax.

Biggest Holdings as at 31 December 2014
                                                                 Percentage of                                                                             Percentage of
 Preservation Fund                                                                         Conservative Fund
                                                                fund net assets                                                                           fund net assets
 Cash - ANZ Bank                                                       9.13%               Cash - ANZ Bank                                                       6.28%
 Westpac 2015 FRN bonds                                                8.47%               NZ Govt 2019 5.00% bonds                                              4.25%
 Fonterra 2017 FRM bonds                                               7.50%               Bayfair Mall                                                          3.83%
 Total value of 10 highest value assets as a                                               Total value of 10 highest value assets as a
                                                                     66.39%                                                                                    31.26%
 percentage of fund net assets                                                             percentage of fund net assets

                                                                 Percentage of                                                                             Percentage of
 Balanced Fund                                                                             Growth Fund
                                                                fund net assets                                                                           fund net assets
 Cash - ANZ Bank                                                       7.09%               Cash - ANZ Bank                                                       6.13%
 Bayfair Mall                                                          4.29%               Bayfair Mall                                                          4.14%
 Cash - Westpac Bank                                                   2.89%               Cash - Westpac Bank                                                   3.27%
 Total value of 10 highest value assets as a                                               Total value of 10 highest value assets as a
                                                                     26.79%                                                                                    28.28%
 percentage of fund net assets                                                             percentage of fund net assets

                                                                 Percentage of                                                                             Percentage of
 Equity Fund                                                                               Cash Enhanced Fund
                                                                fund net assets                                                                           fund net assets
 Cash - ANZ Bank                                                       8.11%               Cash - ANZ Bank                                                       6.98%
 Fletcher Building                                                     4.30%               NZ Govt 2019 5.00% bonds                                              5.07%
 Ryman Healthcare                                                      4.08%               NZ Govt 2021 6.00% bonds                                              4.19%
 Total value of 10 highest value assets as a                                               Total value of 10 highest value assets as a
                                                                     36.18%                                                                                    34.24%
 percentage of fund net assets                                                             percentage of fund net assets

Further information about your KiwiSaver portfolios (including a full breakdown of the portfolio holdings and investment
team profiles) can be found at
The information and any opinions herein are based upon sources believed reliable, but the Company, its officers and directors make no representations as to its accuracy or
completeness. All opinions reflect our judgement on the date of this report and are subject to change without notice. The information contained in this publication should
not be used as a basis for making an investment decision about any particular company. Professional investment advice should be taken before making an investment. Past
performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. For an investment statement on any of our funds, please go to our website or call us on 0800 20 40 60.

    To find out more about us or the Fisher Funds TWO KiwiSaver Scheme, contact us at:
    Phone: 0800 20 40 60 | Fax: 09 489 7139 | Email: | Web:
Your Monthly Update - April 2015 Your Monthly Update - April 2015 Your Monthly Update - April 2015
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