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2 ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                                                                                                           SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021

  Nancy Parshley, CEO
  and Wig Enthusiast

                                                                                                     is in the hair!
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SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021                                                                                                                                   ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                 3

            Healing veterans and helping
          the environment go hand-in-hand
           STATEPOINT                   terials that would have otherwise                  since 2018. These materials are                            nated auto seats used to make
                                        ended up in landfills.                             used to make wallets, footballs, and                       purse kits.
  What does helping the environment       Heal Vets has been doing this work               components for moccasins, such as                          Heal Vets is seeking new partners
have to do with veterans suffering      for 50 years, and commitment to en-                liners and insoles.                                      for its dual mission of helping veter-
from psychological trauma brought       vironmental sustainability has be-                 • 55,216 pounds of tanned deer                           ans heal and contributing to a sus-
about by their combat experience? A     come an important and growing part                 skins. The Elks, a partner since                         tainable economy. Businesses can
lot, actually.                          of its mission.                                    2002, donates tanned deer skins                          donate materials that reduce their
  That is because one organization,       “Over the last five years, we have               from Elks Lodge members around
Help Heal Veterans (Heal Vets), is                                                                                                                  environmental impact and support
                                        recycled almost one million pounds of              the country that are used to make                        the recovery of veterans who have
busy delivering thousands of arts-      materials,” says Joe McClain, retired              moccasins,    wheelchair     gloves,
and-crafts therapy kits to veter-                                                                                                                   served their country and need to re-
                                        Navy captain and CEO of Heal Vets.                 dreamcatchers, pouches and more.
ans each month, and most kits are                                                                                                                   cover fully from the visible and in-
                                        “By upcycling, we responsibly utilize              • 454,500 pounds of upholstery.
made largely from recycled materi-                                                                                                                  visible wounds of war. To learn more
                                        numerous materials, mostly textiles,               Since 2017, Lay Z Boy has donated
als. The kits provide an important                                                         upholstery fabric that Heal Vets                         about the power of craft therapy and
                                        one of the biggest contributors to
therapeutic benefit for veterans and    landfill waste in the US.”                         uses in kits to make messenger                           the sustainability efforts of Heal
active-duty military recovering from      Indeed, since 2017, Heal Vets has                bags, oven mitts, bowl cozies and                        Vets, visit healvets.org.
wounds, injuries and the long-term      worked with partner organizations                  more.                                                      “Environmental sustainability has
psychological effects of warfare, in-   to repurpose the extraordinary                     • 112,416 pounds of cabinets. Since                      taken on a new meaning for us be-
cluding post-traumatic stress dis-      amounts of potential landfill waste,               2019, American Woodmark has do-                          cause it relates directly to our mis-
order and traumatic brain injury.       including:                                         nated cabinets, which have been                          sion,” says McClain. “To us, sustain-
Heal Vets kits include leatherwork,       • 300,000 pounds of leather from                 repurposed for wood kits to make                         ability means ensuring both the
models, woodwork, jewelry, painting,      airplane seats. Southwest Airlines               items like boxes and birdhouses.                         long-term existence of our natural
needlecrafts, poster art, scrapbooks      and Arise Foundation have do-                    • 40,000 pounds of automobile                            resources and the well-being of the
and more, and are created from ma-        nated leather from airplane seats                seats. Since 2019, Magna has do-                         veterans we serve.”

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4   ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                                                                                     SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021

    Are you growing the right type of grass?
            STATEPOINT                     A free video series from Exmark, a     drop below 65 degrees. Species             downside, cool-season grasses may
                                         leading manufacturer of lawn care        like Zoysia, St. Augustine, Bahia          look worn-out by late summer, and
  Choosing the right type of grass op-
                                         equipment, can help you master your      and Centipede all grow best in hot,        warm-season grasses will be dor-
timizes the chances that your lawn       lawn. In a recent Exmark Original        humid regions, whereas Bermuda             mant longer.
will be healthy, beautiful and easy to   video, “Done In A Weekend, Grass         grass grows best in hot, arid areas.       • Sun and Shade: While there are
maintain. However, experts say that      101,” Scott discusses the various ben-   On the other side of things are cool-      exceptions, warm-season grasses
there are many factors to consider.      efits, maintenance needs and other       season grasses, which grow best in         generally grow best in full sun ar-
  “You may have your heart set on        considerations of each grass type.       northern regions where tempera-            eas getting 8 or more hours of di-
a specific type of grass because of      Here he shares some top factors to       tures fall between 60-70 degrees.          rect sunlight daily, and cool-season
where you grew up or because the         keep in mind:                            Species include tall and fine Fes-         grasses grow best in moderate or
Joneses down the street have a             • Climate: Grasses are typically di-   cue, Kentucky Bluegrass and an-            medium shade areas getting be-
beautiful lawn and they grow XYZ           vided into two temperature catego-     nual and perennial Ryegrass.               tween 4 to 6 hours of direct sun-
grass. But what’s best for your lawn       ries: warm-season and cool-season.     Living in the middle, in what’s            light daily. You may notice that
depends on where you live now and          Warm-season grasses grow best in       known as the “Transitional Zone”           no one talks about “full shade” —
your growing conditions,” says land-       hot, southern climates reaching        can be both a blessing and a curse.        areas getting less than 4 hours of
scape designer Doug Scott of Redeem        80 to 95 degrees, and go dormant       On the positive side, you may have         sunlight daily — when discussing
Your Ground in Atlanta, Ga.                when temperatures consistently         more grass choices, but on the             grass. That’s because there’s no
                                                                                                                             grass that thrives in these condi-
                                                                                                                             • Water: Different types of grass
                                                                                                                             need different amounts of water to
                                                                                                                             thrive. Warm-season grasses tend
                                                                                                                             to be more drought-tolerant and
                                                                                                                             require less water.
                                                                                                                             • Use: Heavy-turf grass like Zoysia
                                                                                                                             or Bermuda stand up to activity
                                                                                                                             best, whereas cool-season grasses
                                                                                                                             typically don’t do well in high-
                                                                                                                             traffic areas where children play or
                                                                                                                             dogs run.
                                                                                                                             • Maintenance: What’s required to
                                                                                                                             maintain a healthy lawn also de-
                                                                                                                             serves consideration. In general,
                                                                                                                             cool-season grasses cost less to
                                                                                                                             install but more to maintain. Be-
                                                                                                                             cause they don’t form that dense
                                                                                                                             carpet-like structure that heat-lov-
                                                                                                                             ing grasses do, cool-season grasses
                                                                                                                             need to be watered and tended
                                                                                                                             For more tips, visit Exmark.com/
                                                                                                                           Backyard. Exmark’s Backyard Life is
                                                                                                                           a multimedia destination focused on
                                                                                                                           helping homeowners make the most
                                                                                                                           of their backyard. While visiting the
                                                                                                                           site, you can also access other Ex-
                                                                                                                           mark Original Series, including “Do-
                                                                                                                           ne-In-A-Weekend Projects”, “Prime
                                                                                                                           Cuts” and “Dream Yards” videos.
                                                                                                                             By understanding your property’s
                                                                                                                           growing conditions and a bit about
                                                                                                                           grass types, you’ll be well-positioned
                                                                                                                           to select the best grass for your needs
                                                                                                                           and lifestyle.
SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021                                                                                                           ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                 5

  How and why to build a raised garden bed this season
            STATEPOINT                       wood, as it lasts almost as long and     • Sledgehammer                          layer to the first with ten 10-inch gal-
                                             doesn’t contain chemicals. Other         • Impact drill and long drill bit       vanized spikes.
 Fairly easy to construct and even
                                             materials you have around the            • Level                                  4. Install galvanized cloth to pre-
easier to maintain, raised garden
                                             home and yard, such as rocks, old        • Hammer                                vent burrowing pests from eating
beds are a great way to raise plants
                                             tubs, etc., can work too.                • Shovels
and vegetables in the comfort and                                                                                             earthworms and destroying plants.
                                             • Where’s the best location? Build       • Hardware cloth, wire cutters and
convenience of your backyard.                                                                                                  5. Place the third layer of timbers
                                             your raised garden bed on level          fence staples
 In a recent episode of the Exmark                                                                                            (following above directions.)
                                             ground, in full sun exposure near a      • Work gloves, safety glasses and
Original Series, “Done-in-A-Week-                                                                                              6. Fill with soil and plants.
                                             water supply.                            ear plugs
end-Extreme,” landscape designer                                                                                               For more tips and complete build
                                                                                      • Wheelbarrow (to transport soil)
and show host, Doug Scott, spoke                                                                                              instructions, check out “How to Build
                                                      DIY Instructions:              1. Begin by cutting six, 6 x 6 tim-
to organic gardener Joe Lamp’l of
                                            To build a 10-foot x 4-foot x 18-inch   bers, each measuring 10-feet 6-inches     Raised Garden Beds” by visiting Ex-
“Growing a Greener World” about the
                                           raised bed, you’ll need:                 in length. And six, 6 x 6 timbers, each   mark.com/backyard. Exmark’s Back-
ins and outs of raised garden beds.
                                             • Nine 6-inch x 6-inch x 12-foot ce-   measuring 4-feet 6-inches in length.      yard Life is part of a unique multi-
 Here are some of the top insights
                                             dar timbers                            Drill rebar holes in each timber.         media destination with a focus on
and tips Lamp’l shared.                      • Tape measure, t-square and            2. Once the first layer of bed has
                                                                                                                              helping homeowners make the most
  • Why use raised garden beds?              marking pencil                         been placed, leveled and squared in
  A raised garden bed can help fa-                                                                                            of their backyard. There you can also
                                             • A saw and extension cord             your desired location, fasten the cor-
  cilitate the ideal growing environ-                                                                                         access other series, including “Prime
                                             • One box of 10-inch heavy-duty        ners using 10-inch wood screws. Se-
  ment, as most people don’t have                                                                                             Cuts” and “Dream Yards.”
                                             exterior wood screws                   cure the entire layer to the ground
  that perfect soil naturally in their       • Ten 24-inch x 1/2-inch rebar         with 10 pieces of rebar.                   For an amazing crop this season,
  yard. Their accessibility makes            stakes                                  3. Place the second layer of timbers,    take a cue from the professionals and
  them easier to work in and main-           • Twenty 10-inch galvanized tim-       staggering the corners and fastening      build a raised garden bed for best re-
  tain. Plus, they’re a nice architec-       ber spikes                             them with wood screws. Secure this        sults.
  tural design element in any land-
  • What’s the ideal size? The main
  rule of the thumb applies to width.
  The bed should be no wider than
  4 feet, as you never want to com-
  pact the soil when working. Length
  however, is based on personal pref-
  erence and needs. As far as height
  is concerned, you want the roots
  to be able to grow out and down
  as much as possible — 6-inches at
  minimum. While 12-inches is com-
  mon, anything higher is a bonus.
  • What materials work best?
  Treated lumber is the most read-
  ily available and economical mate-
  rial and will likely last the longest,
  however, being an organic garden-
  er Lamp’l prefers untreated hard-
6   ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                                                                                  SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021

Save time and money on spring essentials
            STATEPOINT                   determined by a national study con-      • Dish Care: Dawn Powerwash              Downy Intense Scent + Freshness,
                                         ducted by Kantar, a global leader in     Dish Spray                               Spring Rush
  Keeping your household well-
                                         consumer research, 40,000 consum-        • Dryer Sheet: Bounce Pet Hair           • Liquid Laundry: Tide Hygienic
stocked of items you need to run
                                         ers have voted on the best products      and Lint Guard Mega Dryer Sheets         Clean Free & Gentle Liquid Heavy
things smoothly is essential, particu-
                                         for 2021.                                • Electric Toothbrush: hum by Col-       Duty
larly during the spring cleaning sea-
                                           “When shopping online or in-store,     gate Smart Rechargeable Electric         • Natural Cleaning System: H2O
son. But whether it’s home improve-      look for the Product of the Year red     Toothbrush
ment supplies or laundry necessities,                                                                                      e3 Cleaning System
                                         seal of approval to quickly spot the     • Green Laundry: all free clear          • Oral Care: Crest Whitening
selecting the best products may be a     best new products,” says Mike No-        Pure
bit more challenging these days. Not                                                                                       Emulsions with Wand Applicator
                                         lan, Global CEO, Product of the Year.    • Hair Color: Schwarzkopf Color
only are new products introduced to                                                                                        • Oral Hygiene: Colgate Keep
                                         “Our process of polling 40,000 inde-     Boost
store shelves all the time, if you’re                                                                                      Replaceable Head Manual Tooth-
                                         pendent voters means you can genu-       • Hair Styling: Remington Pro 1"
like many consumers, you’re staying                                                                                        brush
                                         inely trust the seal, saving you time    Multi-Styler with Twist & Curl
home more with fewer opportunities                                                                                         • Outdoor Cleaning: Carbona Pro
                                         and money while you shop.”               Technology
to compare products in-person.                                                                                             Care Oxy Powered Outdoor Clean-
                                           As you stock up on spring house-       • Hard Surface Cleaning: Micro-
  While researching product reviews      hold essentials and and personal         ban 24 Sanitizing Spray                  er
can help you discover what other con-    items, consider trying these 20 Prod-    • Home Improvement: 3M CLAW              • Tableware: Hefty ECOSAVE
sumers have already tried and loved,     uct of the Year winners, which stood     Drywall Picture Hanger                   Navigating store aisles for the best
it can be a fairly time-consuming        out in their respective categories:      • Laundry Enhancer: Snuggle Su-        and most effective products can be
process. For quicker insights, con-        • Car Care: Rain-X Glass Water-        perCare Scent Booster                  overwhelming, particularly when
sult crowd-sourcing resources like         Repellent                              • Laundry Pacs: Tide Hygienic          you’re not physically in the store. To
Product of the Year USA, the largest       • Cat Care: Pro Plan LiveClear         Clean Heavy Duty 10X Power             feel more sure of your choices, lean
consumer-voted award for product           • CBD Pet: Paw CBD 300 mg Pea-         PODS                                   on the wisdom of thousands of other
innovation. With product winners           nut-Butter Hard Chews                  • Liquid Fabric Conditioner:           consumers.

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SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021                                                                                                              ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                7

      Get your patio ready for summer living
            STATEPOINT                     tomization opportunities, including          creative, painting a mural.              around the fire pit or fireplace and
                                           wood stain finishes, interior and exte-       Paper lanterns hung above your          the bases of pergolas or columns.
  It’s time to extend your home’s liv-
                                           rior colors; options for internal grids      patio dining area can bring a touch       Just be sure to select products that
ing spaces to the outdoors. To get
                                           and internal blinds; and a wide array        of romance to meals enjoyed out-         look like authentic stone even upon
your patio prepped for a summer of
                                           of decorative glass, privacy glass and       doors. And get inspired by the nature    careful inspection, and are designed
relaxation and fun, consider the fol-
                                           tinted glass options.                        around you by ensuring your patio        to withstand the elements. For exam-
lowing décor ideas and inspiration:
                                            Beyond beauty, be sure to prioritize        features greenery. Potted and hang-      ple, the choices available from Pro-
           The Entryway                    high performance, particularly when          ing plants or even ivy, jasmine or       Via are artfully crafted to produce a
  Your patio will be more enticing if      it comes to energy efficiency, storm         roses grown against a wall or all good   realistic, dramatic effect, mimicking
you have beautiful sliding glass patio     protection, and of course, smooth,           choices.                                 stones from unique geographic re-
doors leading to it. If you do go in for   easy and quiet operation. After all,                                                  gions in a range of cuts. Unlike other
this upgrade, it’s important to know       it’s hard to feel relaxed if simply get-        Beauty Inspired by Nature             options on the market, their colors
that patio doors can be customized         ting outdoors is a struggle.                  These days, manufactured stone          permeate    throughout    the   entire
in a number of ways that affect their                                                   is not just for the side of your home.   stone, giving every manufactured
look and function. To help you make                Exterior Decorating
                                                                                        The possibilities for using it in and    stone a realistic look with hues that
sense of your options, shop with man-       Boost comfort and ambiance by ap-
                                                                                        around the patio are endless. Add        last for years. To learn more, visit
ufacturers that offer visualizer tools,    plying the same attention to detail
                                                                                        drama to a boundary wall between         provia.com/stone.
such as the one available at ProVia,       when decorating your patio as you
                                                                                        the patio and yard; beautify your out-    With a few stylish upgrades, you
provia.com/app. This can help you          would indoors. Beyond furniture that’s
                                                                                        door kitchen’s grill unit, pizza oven,   can get your patio in tip top shape for
see what colors and hardware look          comfortable enough to lounge on all
                                                                                        table or island; and enhance seating     summer.
best in your home and find the com-        day or evening, incorporate throws,
bination you like best.                    pillows and even rugs. Add splashes
  Their Aeris wood and vinyl sliding
doors, for example, offer many cus-
                                           of color and vibrancy by hanging out-
                                           door wall art, or, if you’re feeling extra
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8   ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                                     SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021

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SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021                                                                                                                ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                     9

 Summer skin protection – inside and outside
            STATEPOINT                   rectly exposed to sunlight is a good        Dermatologist-recommended,           this    lent precaution to help your body
                                         idea. You can offer additional protec-      natural, dietary supplement con-             protect itself from the damaging
 Many people prioritize skin protec-
                                         tion to sensitive areas like your scalp     tains 240 milligrams of a powerful           effects of free radicals,” says New
tion when spending time outdoors,
                                         by wearing a hat. And of course, take       antioxidant formula derived from
but skin damage from UV rays and                                                                                                  York-based     dermatologist,     Rachel
                                         good care of your eyes with sunglass-       the extract of Polypodium leucoto-
free radicals can occur inside too.                                                                                               Nazarian, MD. “By neutralizing the
                                         es featuring UV blocking.                   mos (PLE), a tropical fern native to
Consider these tips and insights this                                                                                             outcome of these harmful atoms, it
                                                                                     Central and South America that’s
                                                      Double Up                      been used for centuries as a remedy          can help to promote a healthy ap-

                                          Ultimate skin health comes from a          for skin-related conditions. Unlike          pearance of skin.”
  Indoor and Outdoor Hazards
                                         combination of defensive layers. Dou-       other skincare supplements that con-           To learn more and to access addi-
 If you’re already taking measures
                                         ble down on your skin’s health from         tain PLE, Heliocare has a clinically-        tional skin care information, visit he-
to protect skin while outdoors, that’s
                                         the inside out with a daily supple-         established, proprietary antioxidant
great. The sun is responsible for up                                                                                              liocare.com.
                                         ment, such as Heliocare Daily Use           formula, Fernblock PLE Technology,
to 90 percent of visible skin changes                                                                                               To help keep skin healthy and radi-
                                         Antioxidant Formula. Eighty-seven           which aids in eliminating free radi-
commonly attributed to aging, ac-                                                                                                 ant, avoid free radical damage in the
                                         percent of U.S. dermatologists rec-         cals in the body.
cording to the Environmental Protec-                                                                                              first place and prioritize a compre-
                                         ommend taking Heliocare to help               “Ultimately, no one is immune to
tion Agency. But you don’t have to be                                                                                             hensive skin care routine, even when
                                         protect skin from free radicals, like       skin damage. Taking a supplement
at the pool or beach to be susceptible
                                         those produced by the sun’s UV rays.        like Heliocare each day is an excel-         indoors!
to sun damage. Whether you’re driv-
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10   ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                                    SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021

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SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021                                                                                                              ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                11

  3 hacks to make more time for fun this summer
             STATEPOINT                      hanging out poolside, lakeside or at the     wait for holidays and special occasions   dining outdoors all week long.
                                             beach, faster, smarter set-up means          to enjoy your backyard grill. You don’t    From road trips to pool excursions,
 Even relaxation and fun take some
                                             there will be more time to unwind.           even need to wait until the weekend.      summer fun awaits, and with the right
preparation. But there’s no reason to
                                             Luckily, there is a brand new pool flota-    Select one day a week to do all your      mindset and the best tools and gear,
work harder than you need to. Follow
                                             tion technology designed to help you         indoor meal prep. Then, make the most     you can save time and energy on plans
these hacks to get to the good stuff fast-
                                             get out on the water faster. Check out       of summer evenings by grilling and        and prep.
er this summer.
                                             Swimways Spring Floats, an ultra-com-
 1. Optimized Travel: Traveling by car
this summer? Road navigation apps            fortable collection of foldable, portable

like Waze combine GPS and real-time          fabric-covered floats that now have

crowd-sourced information to help you        three times faster inflation and defla-

find the best route based on traffic con-    tion with no pump needed. Their exclu-
ditions. But remember, sometimes the         sive, patent-pending Hyper-Flate Valve
journey is also an opportunity for fun       Technology is engineered to increase
and there are apps for people who            airflow in while preventing airflow out
embrace that mindset. RoadTrippers,          to take the stress and struggle out of
for example, can help you make the           setting up your float.
most of the mileage, as it offers infor-      3. Summer Meals: When cooking is
mation about scenic detours, local           accompanied by fresh air and the
attractions and more.                        sounds of nature, it will feel less like a
 2. Waterside Fun: Whether you’re            chore and more like leisure. So don’t

                              Lynn Community Health Center’s Covid
                                19 Vaccine Clinic is now open to all
                                   residents of Massachusetts.
                                              Please visit our
                                                  website                                             We strongly encourage
                                             www.lchcnet.org to                                      continued testing if your
                                                learn more                                          Covid 19 symptoms persist.

                                 Let’s all work together to Protect our
12     ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                                                                                       SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021

           Spring is here – along with the
            harshest allergy season yet
            STATEPOINT                    eyes, and nasal congestion, impact mil-     clean water or an eye wetting prod-         pile on quickly. Stress hormones can
                                          lions of Americans.                         uct moistens them to provide relief         negatively impact the immune sys-
 Experts predict allergy season to be
                                           “After over a year spent in the con-       when they are dry and irritated. It         tem, increase oxidative stress levels,
exceptionally   severe   this   spring,
                                          fines of our homes during the pandem-       also removes allergens that cause eye       and inflame seasonal allergy symp-
according to the Allergy & Asthma Net-
                                          ic, we want to spend as much time out-      inflammation.                               toms. When you start to feel stressed,
work. Rising global temperatures and a
                                          doors as we can this spring,” says          • Wash Your Clothes Often. When             stop and take a breath. If you can,
forecast of warm, dry air this spring
                                          nationally renowned natural health          worn outdoors, your clothes can             take a walk. Getting quality sleep
after a winter of heavy snow could sig-
                                                                                                                                  also helps reduce the effects of stress.
nificantly increase pollen production.    physician and best-selling author, Dr.      carry small particles back into your
                                                                                                                                  • Add a Natural Supplement. Try
This comes after a year many people       Fred Pescatore. “Don’t let allergies ruin   home and cause more exposure and
                                                                                                                                  adding a natural anti-inflammatory
spent mostly indoors in quarantine.       your long-awaited spring. There are         allergic reaction. Washing your
                                                                                                                                  daily oral supplement. Pycnogenol,
 As you head outside to enjoy the         steps you can take to alleviate your        clothes and taking a shower after
                                                                                                                                  an extract from French maritime
spring weather, allergens like pollen     allergy symptoms.”                          outdoor activity can remove linger-
                                                                                                                                  pine bark, is shown in research to
may come as a shock to the system.          • Rinse Your Eyes. Allergies can          ing allergens.
                                                                                                                                  reduce the body’s response to hista-
Spring allergens, which can lead to         cause burning, itching, and tearing       • Manage Your Stress Levels. Stress
                                                                                                                                  mines without the side effects typi-
chronic and troublesome symptoms,           in our eyes as well as swelling of the    can be a powerful force on your phys-
                                                                                                                                  cally experienced with allergy medi-
such as respiratory irritation, itchy       eyelids. Washing your eyes with           ical and mental well-being, and it can
                                                                                                                                  cations, such as drowsiness. Studies
                                                                                                                                  show that supplementing daily with
                                                                                                                                  Pycnogenol can substantially reduce
                                                                                                                                  the symptoms associated with sea-
                                                                                                                                  sonal allergies, like burning, itchy, or
                                                                                                                                  watering eyes, and stuffy, runny, or
                                                                                                                                  itchy nose.
                                                                                                                                 “For the many people seeking alter-
                                                                                                                                natives to conventional treatment for
                                                                                                                                seasonal allergies, Pycnogenol may
                                                                                                                                represent an effective and completely
                                                                                                                                natural solution, void of any side-
                                                                                                                                effects,” says Dr. Pescatore. Pycnogenol
                                                                                                                                is available in more than 800 products
                                                                                                                                sold in stores and online. To learn
                                                                                                                                more, visit pycnogenol.com.
                                                                                                                                 With a tough allergy season ahead,
                                                                                                                                remember these tips to manage your
                                                                                                                                allergy symptoms and enjoy the spring
                                                                                                                                season you deserve.
SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021                                                                                                               ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                  13

 Carla Hall shares tasty carrot recipes perfect for spring
             STATEPOINT                                                                  remaining sauce for dipping.                  • Or buy carrot sticks or baby carrots
                                                  CARROT MUSTARD SAUCE                    Makes 32 servings.                           to reduce prep and peeling time. You
 To celebrate spring, Carla Hall,
                                                • 2 1/2 cup French’s Stone Ground         Hall also came up with a Warm Car-           can quickly dice them at home for
renowned chef, author, and television
                                                Dijon Mustard                            rot Salad with Creamy Lemon Dress-            soups and stews.
host, offers two delicious recipes that
                                                • 1/2 teaspoon McCormick Ground          ing.                                          • Carrots are beautiful and can be the
make carrots the star ingredient of the
                                                Cinnamon                                  Layers of roasted carrots are lightly        star of your dish. Adding multi-hued
                                                • 1/2 teaspoon McCormick Black Pep-      spiced with cayenne and black pepper          carrots will make simple dishes
 “The thing I love most about the
                                                per Grinder                              to complement naturally sweet Granny          appear fancy.
humble carrot is its versatility. It can
                                                • 1/4 teaspoon McCormick Pure            Smith apples, golden raisins, and pine-       • You can use spices, herbs, and other
be a snack, a salad, a dessert, a side dish
                                                Lemon Extract                            apple. A simple, creamy lemon dress-          ingredients as supporting cast mem-
or the basis for most soups and sauces,”
                                                • 1/4 cup water                          ing drizzled on top adds a slightly tangy     bers to add great flavor and make
says Hall.
                                                                                         pop to finish this bright and colorful        your dish taste even more amazing.
 McCormick spices agrees, reporting
                                                           INSTRUCTIONS                  dish.                                        For Hall’s exclusive carrot recipes
that recipe searches for roasting car-
                                               1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Mix butter,      Here, Hall shares some clever tips for     along with additional springtime dish-
rots is trending over the past year in
                                              orange juice, honey, spices, salt and      creating carrot-inspired meals:             es, visit www.mccormick.com.
internet searches and on their website,
                                              pepper in large bowl. Add carrots; toss      • To make the most of your time in         This spring enjoy delicious foods
making it the perfect choice for vibrant
                                              to coat well. Arrange carrots in single      the kitchen, peel your carrots using      with people you love. By utilizing the
spring dishes.
                                              layer on large parchment-lined sheet         up and down strokes to make sure          versatile carrot, you can put fun and
 With roasted veggies on people’s
                                              pan.                                         there are no wasted movements, and        tasty twists on classic recipes that will
minds, Hall created Roasted Carrots-in-
                                               2. Roast 20 to 25 minutes or just until     you get the job done faster.              make any occasion special.
a Blanket – a fun, carrot-y spin on the       tender. Allow to cool slightly.
traditional pigs-in-a-blanket. The roast-      3. For the Carrot Mustard Sauce,

                                                                                            LET US DO THE
ed carrots, seasoned with paprika,            transfer 1/2 cup of the roasted carrots
ground mustard, and rosemary, are             to blender container or food processor.

                                                                                            C oking
wrapped in a light and flaky pastry.          Add mustard, spices, extract and water.
                                              Cover. Purée until completely smooth.
       CARROTS-IN-A-BLANKET                   Set aside.
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melt-       4. Unroll crescent dough onto clean
  ed                                          surface (do not separate triangles).
  • 2 tablespoons orange juice                Brush about 2 tablespoons of the Carrot
  • 2 teaspoons honey                         Mustard Sauce evenly over each sheet              Catered Clambakes Are Back!
  • 1 teaspoon McCormick Gourmet              of crescent dough. Reserve remaining              • We have been catering clambakes
  Organic Ground Coriander                    sauce for serving. Use a pizza cutter to            for more than 20 years
  • 1 teaspoon McCormick Ground               cut along perforations, then cut each             • Our menus fit every taste and budget
  Mustard                                     triangle lengthwise into three separate             so you can sit back and relax
  • 1 teaspoon McCormick Paprika              triangles. Place one cooled carrot on
  • 1/2 teaspoon McCormick Rosemary           the wide side of each dough triangle,
                                                                                           Visit cclobster.com      Try Our Clambakes To Go
  Leaves, lightly crushed                     then roll towards pointy ends to wrap        to learn more and        • Cooked and ready to go at our store
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt                    carrots in dough. Place wrapped car-         see our menus or
                                                                                                                      in Peabody
                                                                                           visit our retail store
  • 1/2 teaspoon McCormick Black Pep-         rots tail-end down about 1 inch apart on
                                                                                           at 297 Lynn Street       • Perfect for smaller gatherings
  per Grinder                                 parchment-lined sheet pan.                   in Peabody.              • Please order at least 24 hours in advance
  • 1 package (16 ounces) baby carrots         5. Bake 12 to 15 minutes until dough is
  • 3 cans (8 ounces each) refrigerated       golden brown, rotating pan halfway           978.530.1500
  crescent roll dough                         through cooking. Serve warm with
14   ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                                           SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021

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SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021                                                                                                                ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                   15

          Summer safety tips for your pet
             STATEPOINT                     test part of the day. On scorchers,             A common allergy symptom is rash,           healthy cartilage and joint function,
                                            avoid paw-to-pavement contact, let-             which can cause pets to scratch and         as well as support joint flexibility and
 From heat waves to fireworks, sum-
                                            ting your dog walk in the grass                 bite their skin, only worsening irrita-     mobility. Depending on your pet’s
mer can take a toll on pets’ emotional
                                            instead. If your pup’s paws do get              tion. To treat rash, consider using         health needs, you may want to
and physical wellness. According to
                                            affected by the hot pavement, apply-            CBD hemp oil to support a healthy           upgrade to a higher potency pet CBD
some pet experts, the heart of relief for
                                            ing a topical CBD solution such as              inflammatory response and ease              product like a hemp oil that you can
a number of common seasonal pet woes
is CBD. Here are some insights into         Canna Care from Pet Releaf can help             stress, along with a topical CBD prod-      massage onto their joints.
how to use it, plus additional measures     relieve the burn. Finally, beat the             uct to soothe skin irritations.            Unsure which CBD solution will
you can take for a safe, healthy summer     heat with regular grooming — how-               • Hip and Joint Discomfort: Summer        work best for your pet? Check out Pet
with pets.                                  ever, don’t shave your pet’s fur —              may mean an uptick in nature hikes        Releaf’s Product Finder tool at petreleaf.
  • Fireworks and Thunder: Unexpect-        their coat protects them from sun-              and long days at the dog park. As a       com/product-finder, which factors in
  ed noises can be extremely frighten-      burn.                                           result, your dog may experience hip       age, weight, level of discomfort and
  ing for pets, causing what’s known as     • Allergies: Allergies can wear pets            or joint discomfort. Consider adding      wellness needs. Use the code RELEAF25
  situational stress. If possible, try      down in numerous ways, including                a beneficial supplement to their          through July 31, 2021 to receive 25 per-
  administering Calming CBD-infused         weakening their immune system.                  everyday regimen, like Hip & Joint        cent off and free shipping.
  Edibites, which contains soothing         CBD hemp oil however can offer an               Edibites, which contains full-spec-        With the right tools and knowledge,
  and relaxing properties, about an         immunity boost by activating the                trum hemp extract with naturally          you can support your pet’s wellness
  hour before you expect fireworks or       body’s two-way communication sys-               occurring CBD, along with glucos-         this summer and protect them from
  thunderstorms to occur. (Helpful          tem between the brain and the                   amine and chondroitin, a combina-         common seasonal health and safety
  hint: it can also be used to relieve      immune system.                                  tion known to help maintain normal        hazards.
  situational stress associated with
  travel, guests, etc.)
 Exercise also helps. Whether you
take an extra long walk or play fetch,
wearing your pet out earlier in the day
might help them stay calm or even
sleep through noise disruptions. Addi-                               Serving Homeowners and Contractors Since 1946
tionally, you can prepare by setting up                                         Family Owned and Operated
a quiet space for your pet, full of their
favorite blankets and toys. Finally, be
mindful that pets often react to loud

                                                                                                                                BRING IN THIS
noises by running away. According to
the ASPCA, one-in-five pets that go
                                                                                                LYNN LADDER &
                                                                                             SCAFFOLDING CO., INC.
missing run off after hearing loud nois-
es like fireworks. Bring cats indoors                                                             20 Boston St.                 AD AND SAVE
during storms and fireworks. If you
must take a dog outside, keep them
                                                                                                 Lynn, MA 01904
                                                                                                  781-598-6010                    10% OFF
securely leashed. Microchips and up-to-
date ID tags can help you safely reunite
                                                                                           Other locations throughout the
                                                                                           Northeast and the Mid-Atlantic      RETAIL PRICING
with your pet should they go missing.               Sherry Building, Munroe St., Lynn
  • Heat: If you’re sweating, there’s a

                                                    •                                               •                                              •
  good chance your pet is too. Keep
  pets hydrated by constantly refilling                  SALES                                          RENTALS                                        SERVICE
  their bowls with fresh, clean water.
  Choose mornings or evenings for                                                                www.lynnladder.com
  exercising with dogs to avoid the hot-
SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021                                                                                                               ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                  17

 New ways families with kids can go green
             STATEPOINT                      bulk and wrap smaller portions in reus-     three new vehicles in the popular Go!       waste and teach children about how
                                             able, compostable wrapping.                 Go! Smart Wheels line, all made of 85       they can positively impact the environ-
 Having kids can mean having a lot of
                                                                                         percent plant-based plastic. Its LeapFrog   ment. Start by setting up a compost bin
stuff, not all of which is made from eco-
                                                        Eco-Friendly Play                line will include the Choppin’ Fun Learn-   and work with your children to identify
friendly materials. However, if you’re
                                              Some of your children’s favorite toy       ing Pot with food pieces made of 85 per-    ingredients that can be added to it. A
like many parents, you want your chil-
                                             brands are already going green, mak-        cent plant-based plastic while two new      good compost recipe includes materials
dren to have a clean, healthy planet to
                                             ing it easy to make playtime eco-friend-    wooden toys, Touch & Learn Nature
live in when they grow up. Going green                                                                                               such as dry leaves, household waste like
                                             ly. One example of a leader in the indus-   ABC Board and Interactive Wooden Ani-
while parenting might sound challeng-                                                                                                vegetable scraps, coffee grounds and
                                             try is electronic learning toy company      mal Puzzle, will include wood from
ing, but it’s definitely not impossible.                                                                                             eggshells, and a layer of soil. Add some
                                             VTech, which is committed to sustain-       responsibly-managed forests certified by
These tips and insights can help get you                                                                                             water and watch as science comes to
                                                                                         Forest Stewardship Council.
started:                                     ability and has plans to replace its fos-                                               life. Kids will love seeing their compost
                                                                                          The brand’s partnership with Terra-
                                             sil-based blister packaging with plant-                                                 turn to soil over time and allowing them
                                                                                         Cycle also provides an easy way for
     Reusable Food Packaging                 based alternatives in 99 percent of its                                                 to be hands on throughout the process
                                                                                         consumers to recycle its electronic
 With a little creativity, you can ditch     electronic learning products by 2025.                                                   teaches them the concept of recycling in
                                                                                         learning products. To learn more about
the plastic utensils, baggies and single-    Additionally, the brand is launching a
                                                                                         VTech’s sustainability efforts, visit       a realistic and relatable way.
use beverage containers at lunchtime.        variety of green electronic learning
                                                                                         vtechcares.com.                              With a few simple tweaks, parents
To substantially reduce your family’s        products later this year as part of its
                                                                                                                                     can make choices that better protect
plastic waste, switch to organic, reus-      commitment to replace fossil-based
                                                                                                      Composting                     the environment, while setting a great
able lunchboxes featuring partitions         plastics with sustainable alternatives
                                                                                          Composting is a simple way to reduce       example for kids.
and tightly-fitting, leak-proof lids. Keep   by 2030.
kids hydrated with easy-to-clean stain-       New eco-friendly toy options from
less steel water bottles or thermoses.       VTech include the Sort & Recycle Ride-
Finally, rethink the types of products       on Truck, which not only highlights the
you buy most often. Rather than opting       importance of protecting the environ-
for snacks pre-packed in single-serving      ment through play, but is made of 90
plastic, instead buy favorite items in       percent reclaimed plastic, as well as
18      ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                                                                                                            SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021

  4 ways to get fit with friends and family this summer
                    STATEPOINT                              week, sign up for virtual fun runs,           lightweight design and cushioned            you can help them gain the skills
                                                            or set up a series of running relay           insole provide comfort with every           they need to be active for life. (Plus,
  With warm weather, longer days,
                                                            events in the neighborhood.                   step, and the mesh construction adds        the enthusiasm you have for your fa-
and more free time, it’s easy to find
                                                              Men’s shoe to try: The Asics Mens           breathability.                              vorite hobby can be contagious!)
ways to stay fit in summer without a
                                                            GT 1000 10 running shoe is designed             3. Participate in an online class:          Girl’s shoe to try: For a style that
gym. And while you may squeeze in a
                                                            specifically for active runners and           Whether you enjoy Zumba classes or          brings comfort fashion-forward, con-
solo workout here and there, making
                                                            includes GEL technology cushioning            strength training programs, the on-         sider the Adidas Girls Racer TR 2.0
fitness a social activity can keep par-                                                                   line options to exercise are abundant
                                                            in the heel to absorb shock. Addition-                                                    Sneaker. It comes in navy, white, grey,
ticipants motivated and accountable.                        ally, the AHAR Plus outsole holds up          these days. If you have several work-
  Summertime can be a perfect time                                                                                                                    or clear – and features a lightweight
                                                            longer than the high abrasion rubber.         out friends, set up a shared calendar
to establish new fitness routines with                                                                                                                rubber outsole to keep her ready for
                                                              2. Learn a new sport: From tennis           and let everyone pick a class.
friends or family members. If you’re                                                                                                                  any family activity.
                                                            to beach volleyball and from soccer to          Women’s shoe to try: The Brooks
new to finding workout buddies, here                                                                                                                    For a one-stop-shopping experience
                                                            golf, there are various ways to expe-         Womens Adrenaline GTS 2 running
are four ways to get started – as well                                                                                                                and shoe trends for families, friends,
                                                            rience healthy activities as a group          shoe combines style and performance
as shoe suggestions to help keep ev-                        while adhering to social distancing           in a slim silhouette. Available in three    and new fitness partners, visit the
eryone comfortable and stylish this                         guidelines. This can also be a great          colors, it even provides on-trend me-       Athletic Shop at Rack Room Shoes
summer season.                                              time to offer younger children the op-        tallic accents in gold or silver tones.     in stores or online at rackroomshoes.
  1. Create your own fun run: In-per-                       portunity to try something new!                 4. Lead by example: The next time         com/athleticshop.
son races may still be few and far be-                        Boy’s shoe to try: Sporty, fashion-         you go for a run in the park or hit the       Exercise shouldn’t be a chore. With
tween this summer, however, it’s still                      able and comfortable, the Nike Boys           court for a quick pick-up game, bring       new gear, a great attitude, and a
possible to enjoy the love of running.                      Reposto sneaker is well-suited for a          the kids. By highlighting the value of      sense of adventure, getting fit this
Map out a nature trail to hit once a                        variety of athletic adventures. Its           exercise and modeling proper form,          summer can be fun for all involved!

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SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021                                                                                                ESSEX MEDIA GROUP            19
                                                                                                          2. Opposite of seek
                                                                                                          3. Ne plus ultra
                                                                                                          4. *Opposite of #57 Across
                                                                                                          5. Minimum, pl.
                                                                                                          6. Influencer's journal
                                                                                                          7. *Stinging pollinator
                                                                                                          8. Holiday song
                                                                                                          9. Bulgarian money
                                                                                                          10. Julia Roberts' Academy Award-winning role
                                                                                                          11. Popular smoothie berry
                                                                                                          12. Update an iPod
                                                                                                          15. Inhabitant of Hungary
                                                                                                          20. Nothing, pl.
                                                                                                          22. Like sashimi
                                                                                                          24. Lack of money
                                                                                                          25. *Tomato supports
                                                                                                          26. Highly skilled
                                                                                                          27. Miss America's headdress
                                                                                                          29. Slowly leak
                                                                                                          31. Moves at the gym
                                                                                                          32. Monument to Buddha
                                                                                                          33. Orderly arrangement
                                                                                                          34. *Wiggly plowers
                                                                                                          36. Faster than a walk
                                                                                                          38. *Some plants and flowers emit a good one
                                                                                                          42. *Type of digger
                                                                                                          45. Centers, old-fashioned
                                                                                                          49. French vineyard
                                                                                                          51. *Last of 3 numbers on a bag of fertilizer
                                                                                                          54. Be a pest
                                                                                                          56. Washington, e.g.
                                                                                                          57. Grow dim
                                                                                                          58. Extraterrestrials' rides
                                                                                                          59. Pilot's stunt
                                                                                                          60. Type of parrot
                                                                                                          61. "Musical" constellation
                                                                                                          62. Russian mountain chain
                                                                                                          63. *Type of garden hose that saves space
                                                                                                          64. Goes with "odds"
                                                                                                          67. Am is to I as ____ is to we
THEME: IN THE GARDEN                  25. Curiosity killed it?         53. Freight horse cart
                                      28. Additionally                 55. Opposite of don'ts
ACROSS                                30. Capital of Poland            57. *6 or more hours of sunshine
1. Great divide                       35. Passage into a mine          61. *Radicchio or frisÈe
6. World's oldest national broad-
                                      37. Prefix in levorotary         65. On foot
                                      39. Mid-century modern, e.g.     66. Negative vote
9. Pasturelands
                                      40. Toothy wheel                 68. 2020 NFL MVP
13. Chinese fruit
                                      41. *Some are heirlooms          69. Morrison's "The ____"
14. #9 Across, sing.
15. Clemency                          43. Make like a cat              70. Hockey great Bobby
16. One in advertising                44. Erasable programmable read   71. Respectable and quiet
17. "____ the land of the free ..."   only memory                      72. Sports award
18. Characteristic of birds           46. Stanislavski's rifle, e.g.   73. Affirmative response
19. *Ongoing job in the garden        47. Unwanted correspondence      74. Infernos
21. *Without synthetic fertilizers    48. Motionless
23. 2nd tallest bird                  50. Catch-22                     DOWN
24. Theatrical production             52. "Are you sure?" in a text    1. Old bathtub foot
SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021                                                                                                    ESSEX MEDIA GROUP               21

Budget-friendly tips to celebrate summer at home
           STATEPOINT                   by stringing lights, filling potted      red, white, and blue banners on the      sunscreen, blankets, napkins, plates,
                                        planters with colorful flowers and       porch, American flags in flower-         cups and tableware. Consider dispos-
  Summertime is often synonymous        updating patio furniture with deco-      pots or festive tablecloths. Kick off    able picnic tableware, plate and cups
with longer days, sweet sunshine        rative pillows and cushions. Kids can    the holiday with a signature drink!      for quick clean-up. During the day,
and memorable times with friends        find endless fun and outdoor adven-      Strawberry limeade, fruit punch or       set up umbrellas around the yard
and family.                             tures with inflatables, water toys or    a lemonade spritzer are all fun, kid-
  Whether it is time spent at back-                                                                                       to make shady spots. When the sun
                                        lawn water slides. Repurpose items       friendly options. Browse DG Easy         begins to set, burn citronella candles
yard cookouts, in the garden or sim-    around the house or in the garage to     Meals for ideas and inspiration on
ply basking in the rays, the experts                                                                                      to ward off mosquitos. And don’t for-
                                        build an outdoor obstacle course.        how to build a tasty spread of snacks,
at Dollar General have provided                                                                                           get the tunes. Hook up a Bluetooth
                                                                                 appetizers and main dishes. Check
some helpful tips for all your summer                                                                                     speaker to listen to a favorite sum-
                                               Summertime Cookouts               out DG’s “Better-For-You” options for
entertaining needs.                                                                                                       mer playlist.
                                          Take cooking and entertaining          mindful offerings that include waf-
                                        skills outside and get ready for amaz-   fle sliders, chipotle bean hummus,         For more ideas and budget-friendly
         Backyard Hangs                 ing family cookouts. To host the most    shaved strawberry mango ice and          tips, visit the DG blog at newscenter.
  As the temperatures begin to rise,    budget-friendly get-together, plan       s’mores ice cream bars.                  dollargeneral.com.
spending time outdoors can be a great   ahead with the DG app. Create a                                                     Whether celebrating a summer hol-
way to enjoy the longer days. Sum-      shopping list and find the best deals           Entertaining Needs                iday or having a backyard hang with
mer can provide the perfect oppor-      and savings on summer holiday dé-          Welcome friends and guests to a        friends, make memories all summer
tunity to design a dreamy backyard      cor and grilling necessities.            comfortable environment with the         long with fun and affordable enter-
space. Create an inviting atmosphere      Decorate the space with patriotic      right picnic essentials. Stock up on     taining.
22    ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                                                                                SPRING HAS SPRUNG 2021

        Tips to raise earth-conscious kids
           STATEPOINT                    Check out these tips and insights      You can also craft your own mu-           enger hunt in your backyard or
                                        from The Genius of Play — a nation-     sical instruments. For example,           take an ecology walk and observe
 Children are never too young to
                                        al movement to educate parents and      rainsticks, so-named because they         critters, rocks and leaves with
learn the importance of sustainabil-
                                        caregivers about play’s vital role in   mimic the natural sounds of rain,         magnifying glasses. Bonus: beyond
ity or begin adopting eco-friendly
                                        child development:                      can be made by filling paper towel        boosting an appreciation for the
habits, and experts say it all starts
                                                                                rolls with uncooked rice. Or, keep        environment, active play is criti-
with playtime.                            • Eco-Friendly Crafting: Craft-
                                                                                the beat using homemade maracas           cal for child development, helping
 “Kids are built to absorb informa-       ing that uses household objects
                                                                                made by filling empty plastic bot-        hone coordination, balance and mo-
tion at a tremendous pace,” says          can demonstrate creative ways to
                                                                                tles with dried beans. Finally, with      tor skills and setting the stage for a
Anna Yudina, senior director, Mar-        reduce, reuse and recycle. For ex-
                                                                                just a few rubber bands and some          lifetime of good health.
keting Initiatives, The Toy Asso-         ample, you can construct bird feed-
                                                                                glue, you can transform yesterday’s       • Pretend Play: Pretend play is key
ciation. “During playtime especially,     ers from milk jugs and then have
                                                                                cereal box into a guitar. Now you         for developing curiosity and criti-
they form deep emotional connec-          kids decorate them. The best part?
                                                                                have enough instruments to start          cal thinking, and there are many
tions to the values they’re learning.     This is a sustainable DIY project
                                                                                your own band!                            avenues for role-playing activities
This means that you can help your         that benefits wildlife, plus gives
                                                                                • Learn Through Play: Kids can            that teach the importance of sus-
child embrace an earth-conscious          children an opportunity to observe    benefit from toys as early as one         tainability. Using action toys, kids
mindset simply by making it fun.”         flying visitors to the yard.          month old with sensory play that          can be anything they want to be,
                                                                                helps stimulate senses and devel-         from farmers to explorers to envi-
                                                                                ops motor skills. However, they de-       ronmental superheroes. Pretend
                                                                                velop habits and values that will         play also presents a fun way to
                                                                                last a lifetime during ages 3-9 the       introduce eco-friendly habits that

                                    Client focused.
                                                                                most. During these years, intro-          kids can adopt in their daily lives,
                                                                                duce toys that reinforce the impor-       like turning the water off while

                                    Results driven.                             tance of sustainability. For exam-
                                                                                ple, a plush sea turtle can help a
                                                                                                                          they brush their teeth or reducing
                                                                                                                          their plastic footprint by opting for
                                                                                younger child understand the con-         reusable products.
                                                                                nection between plastic pollution         From building a mini greenhouse
                                  DENISE MOYNIHAN                               and the health of marine creatures.       to studying animal habitats, there
                                     M: 781-872-1200                            For a tween or teen, a wind turbine       are tons of playful learning ideas
                             Denise.Moynihan@NEMoves.com                        science kit can build STEM skills         for indoor and outdoor fun avail-
                                  MoynihanHomes.com                             and interest, while introducing the       able at thegeniusofplay.org, a great
                                                                                concepts of sustainable energy and        online resource for parents.
                                                                                climate change.                          Kids are absorbing new information
                                                                                • Outdoor Fun: Warmer, longer           all the time, especially when they’re
                                                                                days expand opportunities to play       having fun. To raise earth-conscious
                                                                                outdoors, be active and explore the     kids, incorporate environmental val-
                                                                                natural world. Build a nature scav-     ues into playtime.
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