St. Barbara Holy Child - Holy Child Parish

Page created by Christopher Burton
St. Barbara Holy Child - Holy Child Parish
St. Barbara               Holy Child              St. Mary
    45 Prestley Rd          212 Station Street    10 Saint Mary’s Lane
Bridgeville, PA 15017     Bridgeville, PA 15017     Cecil, PA 15321

              Your Catholic Community

                        August 26, 2018
St. Barbara Holy Child - Holy Child Parish
                     Parish Office Phone Numbers, Emails, and Websites:
 St. Barbara: 412-221-5152 Fax: 412-221-7935 Email:
 St. Mary: 412-221-1560            Fax: 412-221-9544         Hall: 412-221-9771 Email:
 Website:            Facebook:
 Holy Child: 412-221-5213          Fax: 412-257-2461         Email:
 Website:           Facebook: “Your Catholic Community” (@yourcatholiccommunity)

                                           Parish Staff and Contacts:

          St. Mary                     St. Barbara                     Holy Child                 St. Barbara and
   Rev. Stan M. Gregorek              Very Rev. Dennis P.           Very Rev. Dennis P.              Holy Child
           Pastor                          Yurochko                      Yurochko               Mary Elizabeth “Liz” Hand
          Ext. 201                       Pastor—Ext. 3             Administrator—Ext. 413        Coordinator of Religious
     Deacon Leonard M.
        Thomas, Jr.                 Rev. Joseph M. Freedy         Rev. Joseph M. Freedy               412-221-6514
          Deacon                         Parochial Vicar          Parochial Vicar—Ext. 411
       724-206-3210                       John Paul Gaston
                                                                                                  RCIA/RCIC Coordinator
      Dianne Krivanek                  Michael McGrath          Deacon Brian M. Podobnik           412-221-5152—Ext. 9
       Office Manager              Business Manager—Ext. 5              Deacon         
           Ext. 200                                                                                Anthony “Tony” Ferguson
                                    Mariangela Lorence              Dr. Michael Mackey            Director of Evangelization
          Karen Marx                  Secretary—Ext. 4           Director of Music Ministries     412-221-5213—Ext. 415
           Ext. 205       Emily Wardle Spina                 Linda Grimes                  Roman Lamagna
                                     Music Director—Ext. 7        Office Manager—Ext. 410         Director of Youth Ministry
        Cindy Parry              412-221-5213—Ext. 426
  Coordinator of Religious                                                            
     Education & Safe                                                                                   Katie Grella
  Environment Coordinator                                                                       Director of Family Ministries
       412-221-0595                                                                              412-221-5213—Ext. 427
                                 St. Mary’s Parish Share Obligation this year was        
         Lori Rathbone           $52,037. Thanks to our very generous parishioners,
         Music Director          we have paid $44,926 to date. We still owe $7,111.00
         724-952-6529            Thank you to those who have donated! If you have
                                 not had the time or opportunity, please send your gift.

              Offertory Collections:                                       Sanctuary Candle
St. Mary                                                                         This week’s candle at St. Barbara burns
Assumption (8/15)                         $ 599.00                                     In Loving Memory of
Weekly (8/19)                             $ 3,573.00                                        Rose Susa
                                                                                               Offered by:
St. Barbara                                                                          Tim, Darlene, & Erica Anderson
Weekly (8/12)                             $ 8,533.00
Assumption (8/15)                         $ 819.00
                                                                                  This week’s candle at St. Mary burns
Holy Child                                                                             In Loving Memory of
Assumption (8/15)                         $ 3,331.00                                      Eileen Bradley
Weekly (8/19)                             $ 8,510.00                                         Offered by:
                                                                                    Buzzy & Dolores, Diana & Jack
Thank you one and all for your continued generosity
and support of our parish community.                             The Sanctuary Candle burns as a reminder of Jesus’
                                                                 presence in the Tabernacle.
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St. Barbara Holy Child - Holy Child Parish
TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                               AUGUST 26, 2018
                             Date            Time       Location           Intention                    Offered By
                                            7:30 AM      St. Mary      † Johanna & Nicholas        Ken & Barbara Heirendt
                          Saturday,         4:00 PM      St. Mary        † Marcella Pozzi           Marty & Carm Nugent

  Sacraments              August 25
                                            4:00 PM     St. Barbara   † Richard A. Bruce Sr.        John & Elaine Barnes

 Reconciliation                             5:00 PM     Holy Child      † Debbie Zombek              Skip & Doris Davis
    Offered at the                          8:00 AM      St. Mary        † Eileen Bradley         Buzzy & Dolores, Jack &
following times and                                                                                       Diana
    Locations on                            8:00 AM     Holy Child               For the People of Holy Child
      Saturday:             Sunday,                                    † Ferdinand & Kevin
                                            9:30 AM     St. Barbara                                    Irene & Family
                           August 26                                          Pagliai
    St. Mary:             Twenty-First     10:30 AM      St. Mary     † Tony & Marian Vercek      The Tony Vercek Family
    11:30 AM               Sunday in
                         Ordinary Time     11:00 AM     Holy Child      † Mary Ann Baselj             Ray (Polka Mass)
  Holy Child:                              12:00 Noon   St. Barbara              For the People of St. Barbara
  12:00 Noon                                5:00 PM     Holy Child       † Craig Romain           Mother, Mark, & Family &
                                                                                                      Steven Romain
  St. Barbara              Monday,          7:00 AM     St. Barbara      † Jeffery Kramer                Mom & Dad
   1:00 PM                August 27         7:30 AM      St. Mary        † Mary Ann Scott             Bernie & Lil Veres
                          Mem. Saint
    Baptism                Monica          12:00 Noon   Holy Child     † Ada Bruschi, Anniv.          M/M P. Battistone
   Instruction is         Tuesday,          7:00 AM     St. Barbara       † Joan Wheat                Pam and Arlene
 required for first-
                          August 28         7:30 AM      St. Mary                        Special Intention
   time parents.
  Please call the         Mem. Saint
                          Augustine        12:00 Noon   Holy Child    † Catherine Petronsky                  Daughter
 Parish Office for
  arrangements.          Wednesday,         7:00 AM     St. Barbara   † Mary Antoinette Rosa                  Family

                          August 29         7:30 AM      St. Mary         † Edward Kos            John Alan & Stacy Kosky
    Marriage           Mem. The Passion    10:30 AM     Broadmore         † Fred Minella                Eileen Minella
  Arrangements         of Saint John the
                            Baptist        12:00 Noon   Holy Child    † Eleanor Bogeweiecz         Bob & Toni Edwards &
 must be made at                                                                                          Family
 least six months                           7:00 AM     St. Barbara       † Bernie Grant          Randy & Carol Gratchick
    prior to the          Thursday          7:30 AM      St. Mary                       Communion Service
  wedding date.
                          August 30
  Please call the                          12:00 Noon   Holy Child      † Audrey Koehler,            Janet & Bill Koehler
                                                                             7th Anniv
   Parish Office.
                                            7:00 AM     St. Barbara    Josephine Marcellus                   A Friend
 Priesthood or             Friday,
                                            7:30 AM      St. Mary         † Anne Vercek              Tony Vercek Family
 Religious Life           August 31
                                           12:00 Noon   Holy Child        † Joseph Sgro                  Gloria Sgro
Please contact the
Vocation Office at                          7:30 AM      St. Mary       † Jeffery Klaphake                    Family
 412-456-3123 or          Saturday,
                                            4:00 PM      St. Mary        † Santa Colucci            Carm & Marty Nugent
   vocations@                                                            † Dolores & Nick          September 1        4:00 PM     St. Barbara                                  Don & Diana Bozick
 __________                                 5:00 PM     Holy Child        † Orient Family          Larry & Karen Godwin

 PA Child Abuse                             8:00 AM      St. Mary         † James Clark                 Christine Fox
   Protection                               8:00 AM     Holy Child               For the People of Holy Child
    Services               Sunday,          9:30 AM     St. Barbara    † Catherine Mavrinac           Marilyn Zawoyski
                         September 2       10:30 AM      St. Mary        † Katherine Pritts           Rathbone Family
 Diocesan Victim        Twenty-Second
                                                                      † Sr. Gregory Mravintz,
   Assistance             Sunday in        11:00 AM     Holy Child
                                                                      OSB, Feast Day Rem.
                        Ordinary Time
     Hotline                               12:00 Noon   St. Barbara            For the People of Saint Barbara
                                            5:00 PM     Holy Child       † Jim Petronsky                      Sister

                                                                                                                        Page 3
St. Barbara Holy Child - Holy Child Parish
St. Barbara Holy Child - Holy Child Parish
St. Barbara Holy Child - Holy Child Parish
St. Barbara Holy Child - Holy Child Parish
St. Barbara Holy Child - Holy Child Parish
It Is the Spirit Who Gives Life –                  Calendar of Events for Week of August 26, 2108:
               Bishop Zubik often refers to On Mission for       Sun., Aug. 26: POLKA MASS at 11:00 AM in Holy Child
               The Church Alive! as a new Pentecost for               Church
               the Church of Pittsburgh. This journey is a            PARISH PICNIC at Fairview Park in South Fayette
               time for us to open our hearts to the move-            immediately following the Polka Mass
ment of the Holy Spirit as he pours forth his gifts so that
we might follow his promptings to share our faith with oth-           JOIN IN THIS FUN FILLED DAY!
ers and grow the Church. As we reflect upon the effects of       Mon., Aug. 27: Rosary, 11:30 AM, Holy Child Church
that first Pentecost in the lives of the Apostles we see that         Bereavement Support Mtg, 7:00 PM, St. Barbara Hall
their hearts were transformed in order that they might fulfill   Tue., Aug. 28: Pre-School Ministry, 9:30 AM, St. Mary Hall
God’s will. The Acts of the Apostles show us how the gifts            Rosary, 11:30 AM, Holy Child Church
of the Spirit brought forth confidence and wisdom in the              Precious Blood Novena, 7 PM, St. Mary Church
Apostles so that they could go out to all the world and tell          Sacraments Bible Study, 7 PM, Holy Child Resource
the good news. This same Spirit of God gives us life as we            Room (Cafeteria Level of Rel. Ed. Bldg)
are called to go into our communities and share the same              Scripture & Spirituality Reading Group, 7 PM, Holy
faith as we invite others to trust in God. At times we may            Child Rectory
not feel equipped for this task, yet relying on the grace of
God we can renew the Church through the power of the                  Tae Kwon Do, 7 PM, St. Mary Hall
Holy Spirit. Visit to learn more        Wed., Aug. 29: Miraculous Medal & Novena Prayers, after
and to stay informed.                                                 7:30 AM Mass, St. Mary Church
                                                                      Rosary, 11:30 AM, Holy Child Church
Registration for the Tri-Parish Children’s Choir is                   Rosary, 6:30 PM, Holy Child Church
now open! Children in grades 4 through 8 who can read                 Legion of Mary Mtg, 6:30 PM, St. Mary Marian Room
and have a strong desire to sing are welcome to enroll.               Eucharistic Adoration, 7-8 PM, Confessions
Rehearsals will take place on most Sundays from                       available, Holy Child Church
12:10—1:20 PM at Holy Child Church. The choir will sing               Rosary, 7 PM, St. Barbara Church
at 2 Masses per semester, including Christmas Eve and                 Men’s Group Mtg, 8 PM, Holy Child Resource Room
Easter Day.                                                      Thur., Aug. 30: Rosary, 11:30 AM, Holy Child Church
Please see the Music Ministry portion of St. Barbara’s                Thursday Night Lights, 7:00 PM, Holy Child Yard
website ( for the online regis-      Fri., Aug. 31: Rosary, 11:30 AM, Holy Child Church
tration link. Inside the link you                                     Divine Mercy Chaplet, after Noon Mass, Holy Child
will find the attendance require-                                     Church
ments, rehearsal and Mass                                        Sat., Sept. 1: Eucharistic Adoration, Noon to 2 PM, St.
schedule, and other pertinent                                         Barbara Church
information and expectations.
                                                                 The Itinerary for the St. Monica Pilgrimage on
Youth Ministry Kick-Off: Youth Ministry will begin               Saturday, September 8th is as follows:
for the Fall Semester on Sunday, September 9 at 6:00              8:30 AM – Bus Leaves Holy Child Parking Lot
PM in St. Barbara’s Hall! Come for food, fun and                  10:00 AM – Short Presentation at the Shrine
games, and for an opportunity to grow in your faith! All          Recitation of the Rosary
teens entering grades 9-12 are welcome. For more info
                                                                  Mass celebrated with Fr. Freedy
contact Roman Lamagna by email romanlama- or by phone 412-221-5213 x 426.                     Adoration with Litany of St. Monica
                                                                  11:30 AM – Lunch provided, & a gift shop will be open
                 Everyone is invited as The Holy Child            12:30 PM – Bus departs for Holy Child
                 Parish Christian Mothers and Guild              There is no charge for the trip, however donations will be
                will host their fundraiser, “10% Night” at       accepted.
                Texas Roadhouse in Bridgeville, on
Thursday, September 27, from 4:00 to 10:00 PM. When              Room is still available to attend. Please see the flyer in
you present the “10% night” invitation to your wait staff,       this bulletin for more information.
10% of your total food bill will be donated to the Christian
Mothers & Guild. Raffle tickets for Auction Baskets and a                    St. Barbara Helping Hands
chance at a prize of $500.00 will be available, along with
our new $2.00 mystery gift table. We look forward to see-                         Upcoming Events / Meetings
ing you on Thursday, September 27 as you spend time                           First Wednesday of each month
with family and friends, and enjoy a great meal. As with                      St. Barbara & Holy Child Parish Prayer
past fundraisers, proceeds from this event will benefit The                   Shawl Ministry meet at 1:00 PM in Holy
Holy Child Christian Mothers & Guild supported charities.
God has blessed us with successful fundraisers in the                         Child Rectory Conference Room. For
past, and we hope YOU will be a part of this one! Invita-                     more information, contact Mary Jane Longo
tions can be found at the doors of Holy Child Church.                         at 412-221-1087.
                                                                 Sept. 12—Vivienne’s Bologna Sandwich Project
Adult Bible Study—The Gospel of John: Be-                        Sept. 15—Family Dance Party, St. Barbara Social Hall
ginning Tuesday evenings, September 18 at 7:00 PM OR             7:00 PM Contact Pam Fantoni for information and tickets
Thursday mornings, September 20 at 9:30 M. This 28-
week Study will be held in St. Barbara Hall. Cost is $38.00      Sept. 20—Monthly Meeting in Parish Hall at 6:30 PM
payable as soon as possible to Holy Child Parish. Regis-         For further information on any event, please contact Pam-
tration forms will be at the doors in all three churches or      ela Fantoni at 412-638-2306 or 412-276-3266 OR Karen
online at              Williams at 412-221-4101 or 412-915-3749.
St. Barbara Holy Child - Holy Child Parish
September                                                                    Extraordinary               Extraordinary
                        Lectors                 Altar Servers
  1&2                                                                        Minister (Host)             Minister (Cup)
                                                 Shelby Fisher                                             Deb Steinmiller
 4:00 PM—              Lillian Veres                                                 N/A
                                                  Ben Veres                                                Mary Franjione
  St. Mary
                                                  Zoe McCoy
  4:00 PM                                                                                                   William Solt
                      Paul Sasson                Jenna McCoy                   Stephanie Solt
 St. Barbara                                                                                               Steve Condio
                                                Julia Sarnowski
                                                                                                         Bridget Fitzpatrick
                                                                               Richard Fisher
  5:00 PM                                        Luciano Marra                                                Mark Zik
                     Leigh Buzzatto                                               Needed
 Holy Child                                         Needed                                                   Cathy Zik
                                                  Belle Lucas                                            Rosemary Keefer
  8:00 AM            Pauline Manko                                                   N/A
                                                Kadence Mengo                                              Bill Krivanek
  St. Mary
                                                                               Zach Herrmann
  8:00 AM                                        Abbey Eckels
                   William (Bill) Lyons                                         Linda Grimes                Four Needed
 Holy Child                                        Needed
                                                  Tyler Feltz
  9:30 AM                                                                                                Veronica Godleski
                    Maria Cummings                Cami Feltz                  Michelle Jackson
 St. Barbara                                                                                                Diane Egan
                                                Gianna Mantick
                                                Brendan Purdy
  10:30 AM                                                                                               Dana Provenzano
                       Trish Mann              Nora Provenzano                       N/A
  St. Mary                                                                                                Margie Fischer
                                                 Leah Trecki
                                                                            Mariangela Lorence
 11:00 AM                                         Emily Geib
                      Jeffrey Hayes                                           Kevin Lorence                 Four Needed
 Holy Child                                      Nicholas Geib
                                                  Maya Colson
 12:00 Noon                                                                                                 Ralph Kelly
                     Carol Zaremba                  Needed                     Nicole Magdich
 St. Barbara                                                                                                Brad Colson
  5:00 PM                                         Bella Vetterly
                      Sam Mathews                                              Three Needed                      N/A
 Holy Child                                         Needed

As part of the ongoing “On Mission” process of combining                           We had nearly 60 golfers this past Satur-
three parishes into one, Father Dennis has assigned the                            day. Thanks to all who attended. We finally
position of Safe Environment Coordinator to Cindy Parry                            had a nice weather day and everyone en-
of St. Mary’s.. The safety of our children is of the utmost
                                                                                   joyed a great time. Want to thank the Fort
importance. Cindy will be responsible for updating all
three parish databases for the Protection of Young Peo-                            Cherry Golf Course Staff and our golf com-
ple. We are grateful to have Cindy take on this responsi-                          mittee for all their help to make this a suc-
bility and thank everyone, in advance, for their coopera-          cess. We congratulate the Clark foursome for their excel-
tion in completing this important and necessary task.              lent play as 1st place in our scramble event. Finally, a
Please email Cindy at if you are               thanks to all the parishioners and community merchants
unsure of your status with the Diocesan Safe Environment           for their donations that made this a special day.
Program for the Protection of Children and Young People.

Helping Hands is planning a Family Dance Party on Saturday, September 15 at 7:00 PM in the social hall of
St. Barbara Church. Enjoy a nice evening of family fun. Let’s Twist Again, do the Hokey Pokey, Chicken Dance and
more! Ask the DJ to play your favorite! 50/50 Raffle and Great Door Prizes! A sundae bar, popcorn, soft drinks and oth-
er light refreshments will be provided or BYOB. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Cost: Family with
2 adults $15.00; Family with 1 adult $10.00; Individual adult $10.00. Presale of tickets will start August 25th. Tickets will
also be available at the door. For additional info, please contact Pam Fantoni at 412-276-3266. Come and help us cele-
brate our third year of good will ministry!
St. Barbara Holy Child - Holy Child Parish
Please remember in your prayers the sick, suffering, and housebound of our
                                    parish community

Charles Barnett   Ted Long          Andrea              Elizabeth           Mann Mary         Joan Crum         Karen Rocrosio
                                    Littlejohn          McKeever            Mazzocco
Gloria Fortunato Edna Koczaja       John Pulford        Mary Rosato         Margo Heath       Kathy D’Amico     Sophie Kramzer

Millie Lueckert   Lois Nagel        Kevin O’Toole       Aimee               Freddy            Michelle Heath    Jim Donovan
                                                        Quattrociocchi      Carothers
Colette Murray    Mary Ann Peters Dr. Charles Gratz Debra Malenka           Frank Barnes      Ron Beck          Joseph
                                                    Varner                                                      Trombetta
Dan Rozell        Barbara Dunn      Diana Jordan        Pamela Lenart       Elaine Matthews Ben Nelson          Michael Shelleby
Trish Reese       Charlie Druzak    Ryan Estatico       Robert Perella      Mary Lou          Alice Davis       Laurie Denison
Diane Roach       Melanie Maksin    Julie Ross          Nancy Battista      Mary Ellen        Glynis Gilliand   Brayden Tilley
Bentley Dodge     Lois Misitis      Rachel Tome         Leo Pancari, Jr.    Jean Souza        Mary Miklaucic    Norma Yorke

Olivia Longo-     Emma O’Malley     John A. Pelusi      James Campbell      Robert J.         Dan Karwowski     Tom Paholsky
Martin                                                                      Terpack
Alice Regine      Mary Lloyd        Karen Godwin        Jean Pelusi-        Stephanie         Mary Cook Fox     Kathryn Story
                                                        Terpack             McKeel
Peggy Helstern    Eve Minutello     Karen Roemer        Dorothy             Jean Lemesh       Alexis Brown      Jeff Kollar
Zachary Fowler    Jessica Bookser   Jim Podobnik        Stephen             Geoff Skundrich   Pat Manzella      Paul Crile
Gary Lee          Karen Hughes      Sydney Hawk         Roberta Brodie      Glena Phillips    Pastor Bruce      Tracy Adams
Janet Maker       Kevin Willis      Lori Wright         Tammy Lechliter Patti Kaley           Mikey Lento       Isabella Yakos
Greg Wensell      Nick Hudacek      Madison             Chad                Lucy Guskey       Marge & Karen     Wayne Isenberg
                                    Palivoda            Pruchnitzky                           Scurich
Mary Conn         Paul Donati       Destiny Otricelli   Melissa Sill        Judith Capurso    Mary Doane        Pat Flannery
Dolly Grimes      Cheryl Palmer     Barbara Drexler     Chris Larson        James Vokoun      Dawson Wright     Virginia Davis
Greg Katanick     Janice Priselac   Nancy Wanko         Karen Knepp         Theresa           Jerry Majcher     Heather Orient
Bethany Carder    Barbara Wood      David Kearns        Carey Fittipaldo    David Martin      Anne Wisbar       Mark Hilker
Norman Leonard Jacob Winlow         Bob Sweeney         Susan Fischer       Amanda Wyandt Dino Trimble          Mariam Mollick
Bennett           Steven Page       Jack McCallough Lisa Cecere             Mark Montagna Joan Knock            Ted Krzywiecki
Robert Faulkner Mary Donnelly

We would like to update this list. Please call the parish office to add or remove names.

                     We extend our condolences to                                Advertiser of the Week
                     the families of Darlene K.
                                                                    We thank the following business for helping to underwrite
                     Bittner    and   Donald      L.
                     McWhorter who were buried                            the production of our weekly Parish Bulletin:
from Holy Child and St. Barbara Parishes. May they
rest in peace in the kingdom of God. May their fami-                         Warchol Funeral Home, Inc.
lies and friends know the faithfulness of Christ’s                      Please mention that you saw their ad in the Sunday
love.                                                                  Bulletin and thank them for their support of our Parish.

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