Warwick Preparatory School - Co-curricular Activities Summer Term 2021 - Warwick ...

Page created by Joseph Marquez
Warwick Preparatory School - Co-curricular Activities Summer Term 2021 - Warwick ...
Warwick Preparatory School

     Co-curricular Activities

      Summer Term 2021
Warwick Preparatory School - Co-curricular Activities Summer Term 2021 - Warwick ...
                    AFTER SCHOOL CARE

Please read this information in conjunction with booking clubs and activities as we have had
to make changes to ASC in accordance to Government guidelines. From September 2020,
children are only to stay in ASC if they have been booked in. This is due to our need to
separate or distance year groups from each other, provide staffing to meet recommended
ratios, particularly in EYFS, and accommodate children in different locations. Unfortunately,
we are unable to take on-the-day bookings and if ASC numbers are at capacity, we ask
parents to make arrangements to collect children promptly at the end of the school day
and/or from co-curricular activities when they finish. Children who have been in school but
do not turn up to a pre-booked space in ASC will still be charged. Please note, at this time
bookings must only be made if you require ASC for work purposes.

               ASC booking will open at 6.00pm on Wednesday 31 March

Within this booklet, you will find information which details the Summer Term’s co-curricular
activities for all pupils. Do please read the information carefully so that you are able to make
the correct choices for your child.

You will notice that some clubs run before school and some after school. At the moment, we
are unable to run clubs at lunchtime. We have made every endeavour to offer a full range of
clubs and activities whilst following Government guidelines to keep children separated into
their year groups. As children progress through the school year and indeed through the
school, the range of activities expands and changes.

You can apply for places by signing up to the Virtual Activities Environment. This can be
accessed by visiting the ‘Co-Curriculum’ page of the school website, www.warwickprep.com.
Please click on the link on the page www.warwickprep.com/thistermsactivities. You will
already have log-in credentials for your child/ren. If you are unable to remember your login
details, you can reset these on the front page of the VAE (http://mychq.net/warwickprep).
There is no need to contact the school office to reset your details.

The booking page will open for sign-up on Monday 15 March at 6.00pm and will close on
Thursday 18 March at 10.00am. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any activity requests
after this deadline so please do book in during this sign-up period.

If you select two simultaneous activities through the Virtual Activities Environment, we will
automatically allocate a place in the club with the higher preference number, unless of course
the club is oversubscribed.

Attendance at some of the clubs is by invitation; this will be indicated by a green tick next to
your child’s name, However, those that are open to sign up will show in the VAE accordingly.
If your child wishes to withdraw from an invited activity, you cannot do this at the time of
requesting activities, please contact Mrs Crafts directly on (a.crafts@warwickprep.com) to

The cost of all activities will be added to your end of Summer Term fee account; no payment
should be sent to school. By requesting a place, you are committing to payment should
a place be allocated.

For an additional £3.90, children can be booked into After School Care at the end of an
activity; this includes a light tea. Parents who require before and after club care will only be
charged £3.90 once (inclusive of tea). ASC bookings should be made through the VAE.

When girls are involved in planned educational visits or we are aware in advance of dates
when clubs or activities cannot run (for example if the Main Hall is in use for another event),
no charge will be made to parents. However, we are unable to reimburse parents if their
daughter is chosen to represent the school in a fixture and the match clashes with a paid
activity or an event that does not involve the whole year group.

Activities will be confirmed via an email generated by the VAE as normal.

All activities will commence from Tuesday 20 April and the last week for most activities will
be the week commencing Monday 28 June. There are a few exceptions though and these
will be clearly listed on the electronic calendars when these are published. Once activity
places are confirmed, you may also log into the VAE where all session dates / cancellations
for your child’s activities will be listed.

Music Co-Curricular clubs will all be dismissed from the Music School main entrance. If you
need to drop-off or collect an instrument, please arrange a time with your child’s music
teacher as parents will not be allowed into the building unaccompanied.

Parents should note that whilst we endeavour to provide some consistency to the type of activities we offer, we
do not guarantee to run any club indefinitely or as part of a wider course. Similarly, we may need to change the
day on which an activity or club is offered from term to term, in order to ensure a good spread of activities for
pupils or for provider convenience.

Time of   Reception     Year1         Year2         Year 3            Year 4              Year 5            Year 6
Mon   Before                                              Cricket           Cricket
      School                                              8.00-8.45am       8.00-8.45am

                                                                            Gym Club – 8.00-


                                                                            Touch Typing
      After     Ballet        Ballet        Ballet                                              Athletics –       Athletics – 4.00-
      School                                                                                    4.00-5.15pm       5.15pm
                              Chess         Chess
                              3.45 –        4.45 –                                              Squad,            Piano
                              4.30pm        5.30pm                                              Optional &        Performance
                                                                                                Development       Club 4.00-4.45pm
Tue   Before                                Squirrels     Tennis 8.00-      Pop & Street        Gym Club –
      School                                Choir 8.15-   8.45am            Dance               8.00-8.45am
                                            8.45am                          8.00-8.45am

                                                                            Tennis 8.00-
      After     Mind Over                   Football      Football          Wind Ensemble –     Cricket– 4.00-    Code Club –
      School    Matter Yoga                 3.45-         3.45-4.45pm       4.00-4.45pm         5.15pm            4.00-5.00pm
                RHE & RHS                   4.45pm
                3.30-4.00pm                                                 Growth Mindset      Skipping Club     Cricket – 4.00-
                                                                            4.00-5.00pm         4.00-4.45pm       5.15pm
                Mind Over
                Matter Yoga
                REB & REK
Wed   Before                                Active        String Ensemble   Squad, Optional &   Choir             World Sports
      School                                Sports        8.15-8.45am       Development         8.00-8.45am       Spectacular
                                            8.00-                           Swimming – 7.45-                      8.00-8.45am
                                            8.45am        Squad, Optional   9.00am              Digital Leaders
                                                          & Development                         – 8.05-8.35am     Percussion Club
                                                          Swimming                                                8.00-8.45am
      After                   Rugby Tots    Rugby         Karate – 4.00-    Karate – 4.45-      Squad Tennis      Squad Tennis
      School                  3.45-4.30pm   Tots          5.00pm            5.45pm              3.45-5.30pm       3.45-5.30pm
                                            5.15pm                          Dizzy Fingers                         Design & Make
                                                                            4.00-4.45pm                           Jewellery
                                            Lego Club                                                             4.00-5.00pm

Thu   Before                                              Pop & Street                          Wind Ensemble     Wind Ensemble –
      School                                              Dance                                 – 8.00-8.45am     8.00-8.45am
                                                                                                String            Tennis 8.00-
                                                                                                Ensemble –        8.45am

                                                                                                Gym Squad

                                                                                                Tennis 8.00-
      After                   Board         Squirrels     Athletics 4.00-   Athletics 4.00-     Science Club      Gym Club – 3.45-
      School                  Games Club    Choir 4.00-   5.15pm            5.15pm              4.00-5.00pm       4.30pm
                              3.50-4.30pm   4.30pm
                                                                            Squad, Optional &                     Gym Squad –
                              Craft Club                                    Development                           4.45-6.00pm
                              4.00-4.45pm                                   Swimming
                                                                            4.30-5.30pm                           Arts Award –


Fri     Before   Reception                     Story Time   Harp Club         String Ensemble -   Handbells 9.15-   Squad, Optional
        School   Story Time                    8.05-        8.45-9.15am       8.00-8.45am         8.45am            & Development
                 8.00-8.30am                   8.25am                                                               Swimming
                                                            Mindfulness       Harp Club – 8.00-   Pop & Street      7.45-9.00am
                                                            Colouring 8.10-   8.30am              Dance
                                                            8.40am                                8.00-8.45am       String Ensemble
                                                                              Guitar Club –                         8.00-8.45am
                                                                              8.45- 9.15am

        After    Multi Sports   Multi Sports
        School   3.45-4.30pm    4.30-5.15pm

                 Cheerleading   Construction
                 4.00-4.30pm    Club 4.00-

      Girls should arrive promptly for their before-school activity but should not try to enter the
      school more than 5 minutes before the start of their activity. The teacher running the club
      will meet the girls at an appropriate place:

                                      • Cricket on the KHS astro
                                       • Tennis – Tennis Courts
                                     • Active Sports – KHS astro
                               • World Sports Spectacular – KHS astro
                                        • Swimming at the pool
                                       • Gym at the Foyer door
               • Music clubs at the Music School entrance (Y3 they are collected from the
                                    • Touch Typing – Foyer Door
                                    • Digital Leader – Foyer Door
         •   Pop & Street Dance – KHS Gymnasium (Please arrive promptly as girls will not have
                                        access once the club starts)

                      Girls are asked not to enter school via the main entrance.


Day:                       Wednesday
Time:                      8.00- 8.45am
Venue:                     Astro Turf (Gallows Hill)
Teacher/s:                 Miss K Clark

Specific activity information:
Active sports will consist of a variety of fun packed activities to improve decision making,
game sense and understanding of sport! The children will learn through games and develop
their skills for life through sport!

Please do not leave your child until they have been registered by a member of staff.

                              ARTS AWARD (Year 6)
       This club continues with the same participants from Autumn Term
Day:                       Thursday
Time:                      4.00 – 5.00pm
Venue:                     Art/DT classroom
Dismissal point:           Door S - Hogan Centre door
Teacher/s:                 Mrs J Hemming

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your
daughter to eat before the activity commences.

Specific activity information:
Girls who signed up in the Autumn Term are committed to continue for part of the Summer
Term (the last session will be on Thursday 17 June). Arts Award Explore is an Entry Level
(Entry 3) qualification, run by Trinity College London. The Arts Award qualifications are
designed to inspire learners up to the age of 25 to grow their arts and leadership talents. To
achieve an ‘Arts Award Explore’, the girls collect evidence in an individual arts log of their
experiences of:

   •   taking part in a range of arts activities, including a personal response about what has
       inspired them about taking part
   •   the work of artists or craftspeople and arts organisations
   •   creating a piece of art work
   •   sharing with others what they have enjoyed and/or achieved through completing their
       Arts Award

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session girls will be dismissed from door S (Hogan Centre door). Parents
who wish their daughter to attend After School Care after the Arts Award session should
make a separate After School Care booking through the VAE.

ATHLETICS (3, 4, 5 & 6)

Day:                         Monday – Y5 & Y6
                             Thursday – Y3 & Y4
Time:                        4.00-5.15pm
Venue:                       Field (Gallows Hill)
Teacher/s:                   Miss K Clark, Mr Proctor & Mrs Parkinson-Mills

Arrangements before the activity:
The children will be looked after between the end of school and start of the activity. If you
wish, you may send a small snack into school for your child to eat before the activity
commences. The children will need all their belongings as they will not be going back to

Specific activity information:
The girls will have the opportunity to develop their skills in the different disciplines of

Please wear School Games kit and bring a water bottle.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session girls will be dismissed from the Pavilion at Gallows Hill. Please
arrive promptly to avoid any mixing of bubbles with King’s High. Parents who wish their
daughter to attend After School Care should make a separate After School Care booking
through the VAE.

                      BALLET (Reception, Year 1 & Year 2)
Day:                         Monday
Time:                        Reception (REB & REK): 3.45 – 4.15pm
                             Reception (RHE & RHS): 4.15 – 4.45pm
                             Year 1: 4.45 – 5.15pm
                             Year 2: 5.15 – 5.45pm
Venue:                       Main Hall
Cost per session:            Reception: £5.90
                             Year 1: £9.60 (includes tea)
                             Year 2: £9.60 (includes tea)
Payment method:              Spring fee bill
Dismissal point:             Door T - Foyer door
Teacher/s:                   Miss I Gray (Fiery Feet Dance Studio)

Arrangements before the activity:
The children will be looked after between the end of school and start of the activity. Parents
of children in Reception Groups A&B may send a small snack into school to be eaten before
the activity commences. Year 1 & Year 2 pupils attending the later sessions will attend After
School Care between the end of school and the start of the activity; this will include a light
tea, so there is no need to send a snack into school for your child to eat before the activity
commences. This explains why the charge for the Year 1 & Year 2 classes is slightly higher.

Specific activity information:
Pupils who attend ballet will work under the guidance of staff from Fiery Feet Dance Studio.
Pupils will learn ballet following the syllabus of the British Theatre Dance Association, working
towards the different examinations. Some pupils will take further examinations in the summer

Pupils who are new to ballet should wear PE kit. Any pupils who continue with ballet into a
second term are expected to purchase the correct ballet uniform through Fiery Feet by
emailing info@fieryfeet.co.uk. Pupils are not able to be entered for examinations if they do
not have the correct uniform. Kit can be collected from the Fiery Feet Dance studio, in
Leamington Spa.

Parents are asked to ensure ballet shoes fit their child’s feet at the point of purchase and
should not be purchased ‘to grow into’.

 Please ensure children have jogging bottoms/leggings to wear prior and after their
                                  ballet session.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session children will; be dismissed from door T (Foyer Door). Parents who
wish their child to attend After School Care after ballet should make a separate After School
Care booking through the VAE. Please note that there is no After School Care available after
the last ballet session (Year 2), so pupils must be collected from door T at this time.

                          BOARD GAME CLUB (Year 1)
Day:                        Thursday
Time:                       3.50 – 4.30pm
Venue:                      Reception Classroom
Cost per session:           No charge
Dismissal Point:            Door B
Teacher/s:                  Mrs Alder

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your child to eat before the activity

Specific activity information:
Learn to cooperate and take turns, win graciously, lose with courage and enjoy playing
tradition board games together.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session children will be dismissed from Door B. Parents who wish their child
to attend After School Care should make a separate booking through the VAE.

Day:                         Friday
Time:                        4.00 – 4.30pm
Venue:                       Main Hall
Cost per session:            No charge
Dismissal Point:             Door T (foyer door)
Teacher/s:                   Miss Keen & Mrs Burbridge

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your child to eat before the activity

Specific activity information:
A movement and music session where the children will learn some basic cheerleading
stances. A fun way to end the school week. The children will need their sports kit.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session children will be dismissed from Door T (Foyer Door). Parents who
wish their child to attend After School Care should make a separate booking through the
                                  CHESS (Year 1 & 2)

Day:                         Monday
Time:                        Year 1 - 3.45 – 4.30pm
                             Year 2 – 4.30 -5.15pm
Venue:                       Clockroom
Cost per session:            Year 1 - £5.90
                             Year 2 - £9.60 (Include tea cost)
Dismissal point:             Door I – Main Reception
Teacher/s:                   Mr N Thomas (Millennium Chess)

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your child to eat before the activity
commences. Year 2 pupils attending the later sessions will attend After School Care between
the end of school and the start of the activity; this will include a light tea, so there is no need
to send a snack into school for your child to eat before the activity commences. This explains
why the charge for the Year 2 classes is slightly higher.

Specific activity information:
Mr Thomas, a former British Under 21 Chess Champion and World Chess Federation (FIDE)
Chess Master, runs and oversees all our chess tuition. He is a certified English Chess
Federation chess coach who teaches through a structured syllabus incorporating the Chess
Rocks certification scheme. The sessions are a mixture of coaching, free play and

Chess is a fabulous game and research shows that studying the game is a great way to
improve a child’s concentration, problem solving abilities and social skills. Fees include all
competition / ladder prizes, Chess Rocks examination and certification fees and mascots &
badges etc. given throughout the year as incentives.

Complete beginners are welcome, as are those who already have experience of playing the

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session, children will be dismissed from door I (Main Reception door).
Parents who wish their daughter to attend After School Care should make a separate After
School Care booking through the VAE.

                             CHOIR (Year 4 & Year 5)
Day:                       Year 4: Monday – 8.15-8.45am
                           Year 5: Wednesday – 8.00 – 8.45am
Venue:                     Auditorium/Rehearsal Studio (New Music School)
Cost per session:          No charge
Teacher/s:                 Miss Griggs, Mrs Pardoe & Mr Hancock

Specific activity information:
This choir will be rehearsing in groups of 15 girls as per government guidelines.

                               CODE CLUB (Year 6)
Day:                       Tuesday
Time:                      4.00 – 5.00pm
Venue:                     Computing room
Cost per session:          No charge
Dismissal point:           Door S - Hogan Centre door
Teacher/s:                 Mrs L Drury

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your
daughter to eat before the activity commences.

Specific activity information:
Another very popular activity! Girls will have the chance to work in the Computing room with
Mrs Drury. Pupils will create a range of exciting and creative projects in this computer-based
club. Through the use of the programming language, Scratch, pupils will learn computer and
multimedia authoring in a fun and accessible way. More information on the Code Club can
be found at www.codeclub.org.uk.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session girls will be dismissed from door S (Hogan Centre door). Parents
who wish their daughter to attend After School Care after Code Club should make a separate
After School Care booking through the VAE.

                                          ~ 10 ~
Day:                         Friday
Time:                        4.00 – 4.30pm
Venue:                       Classroom
Cost per session:            No charge
Dismissal Point:             Door B
Teacher/s:                   Miss Dickson, Mrs Allsopp & Mrs Feary

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your child to eat before the activity

Specific activity information:
The children will learn to design, test and build using LEGO bricks. Each week the children
will challenge themselves to create a new model using LEGO bricks to develop their
knowledge and skills in areas such as science, technology and engineering through play.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session children will be dismissed from Door B. Parents who wish their child
to attend After School Care should make a separate booking through the VAE.

                                 CRAFT CLUB (Year 1)
Day:                         Thursday
Time:                        4.00 – 4.45pm
Venue:                       Classroom
Cost per session:            No charge
Dismissal Point:             Door M
Teacher/s:                   Mrs Brotherhood & Mrs Watson

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your child to eat before the activity

Specific activity information:
The children will work on a small, creative project during their Craft Club sessions. The project
will practise using their design, art and craft skills and the Skills for Life of Focus, Resilience,
Independence, Responsibility and Communication.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session children will be dismissed from Door M. Parents who wish their child
to attend After School Care should make a separate booking through the VAE.

                                             ~ 11 ~
CRICKET CLUB (Year 3 & 4)

Day:                         Monday
Time:                        8.00-8.45am
Venue:                       Astro Turf (Gallows Hill)
Teacher/s:                   Miss K Clark & Mr Proctor

Specific activity information:
The girls will have the opportunity to develop their cricket skills.

Please wear School Games kit and bring a water bottle.

Please do not leave your child until they have been registered by a member of staff.

                                CRICKET CLUB (5 & 6)

Day:                         Tuesday
Time:                        4.00-5.15pm
Venue:                       Astro Turf (Gallows Hill)
Teacher/s:                   Miss K Clark, Mr Proctor & Miss Howells

Arrangements before the activity:
The children will be looked after between the end of school and start of the activity. If you
wish, you may send a small snack into school for your child to eat before the activity
commences. The children will need all their belongings as they will not be going back to

Specific activity information:
The girls will have the opportunity to develop their cricket skills.

Please wear School Games kit and bring a water bottle.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session girls will be dismissed from the Pavilion at Gallows Hill. Please
arrive promptly to avoid any mixing of bubbles with King’s High. Parents who wish their
daughter to attend After School Care should make a separate After School Care booking
through the VAE.


Day:                         Wednesday
Time:                        4.00 – 5.00pm
Venue:                       DT Room
Cost:                        £10.00 (for materials)
Dismissal point:             Door S - Hogan Door
Teacher/s:                   Ms K. Turk

                                             ~ 12 ~
Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your daughter to eat before the activity
commences. Please ensure all belongings are taken to the DT room.

Specific activity information:
We will be using wire and beads to design and make a pendant and bracelet.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session girls will be dismissed from door S (Hogan Centre door). Parents
who wish their daughter to attend After School Care should make a separate After School
Care booking through the VAE.

                           DIGITAL LEADERS (Year 5)

Day:                        Wednesday
Time:                       8.05 – 8.35am
Venue:                      Computing Room
Teacher/s:                  Mrs L Drury

Specific activity information:
This will now be run as a club open to Year 5 girls who would like to know more about
Online Safety issues and who feel that they could be good ambassadors for others on how
to stay safe online. We will use Childnet Digital Leaders platform to complete our training
and then put our knowledge to good use by creating assemblies and information for pupils
and parents.

                             DIZZY FINGERS (Year 4)
Day:                        Wednesday
Time:                       4.00 – 4.45pm
Venue:                      Music Classroom 1 (New Music School)
Cost per session:           no charge
Dismissal point:            New Music School
Teacher/s:                  Mrs Avery

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your daughter to eat before the
activity commences.

Specific activity information: An opportunity for pianists to enjoy playing together.
Children must have a couple of term’s playing under their belt to be of the required
Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of Dizzy Fingers girls will be dismissed from the New Music School. Parents who
wish their daughter to attend After School Care should make a separate After School Care
booking through the VAE.

                                           ~ 13 ~
FOOTBALL (Year 2 & Year 3 Boys & Girls)
Day:                        Tuesday
Time:                       3.45 – 4.45pm
Venue:                      Field
Cost per session:           £6.45
Payment method:             Spring fee bill
Dismissal point:            Year 2: Door E (2AD) Year 3: Door I (Main Reception)
Teacher/s:                  Mr S Smith (Go4Goals) & other Go4Goals staff

Arrangements before the activity:
The children will be looked after between the end of school and start of the activity. If you
wish, you may send a small snack into school for your child to eat before the activity
commences, and we also advise children fill up their water bottles too!

Specific activity information:
The pupils will develop a range of early football skills, but all through fun and enjoyment. They
will experience a range of fun warm-ups, individual skills and participate in team games for
all abilities.
This activity will run outside throughout the term, come rain or shine. Please ensure your child
has appropriate clothing. There is no indoor provision. Parents who withdraw their child
from a session, if the weather is bad, will not receive a reimbursement.

Pupils should wear their normal school PE kit. As these activities will take place outside,
children should ensure they always have their Warwick Prep coloured House cap in school
in order to protect themselves in the warmer weather. Similarly, fleeces, waterproofs and
gloves can be worn when the weather is cold.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
Year 2 will be dismissed from Door E (2AD), Year 3 will be dismissed from the main reception.
They will be dismissed in their sports kit. Parents who wish their child to attend After School
Care after football should make a separate After School Care booking through the VAE.

                           GROWTH MINDSET (Year 4)
Day:                        Tuesday
Time:                       4.00 – 5.00pm
Venue:                      Classroom
Cost per session:           No charge
Dismissal Point:            Door H (4JB Door)
Teacher/s:                  Mrs Bartley

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your daughter to eat before the activity

Specific activity information:
Get ready to unleash your learning power and potential! You will have the opportunity to
nurture a ‘can-do’ attitude, celebrate mistakes and create the change you want to see.
Discover what women and girls from around the globe have done before you – the ones who
never gave up – and get to know the wonderful you. Through a range of practical activities,

                                            ~ 14 ~
you will be encouraged to be brave and take risks, whilst also developing your self-confidence
and sharing your thoughts, emotions and dreams.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session children will be dismissed from Door H (4JB Door). Parents who
wish their child to attend After School Care should make a separate booking through the

                          GROOVY GUITARS (Year 4)
Day:                       Friday
Time:                      8.45 – 9.15am
Venue:                     Practice Room 9 (New Music School)
Cost per session:          No charge
Teacher/s:                 Mr McConkey

Specific activity information:
Girls who play the guitar are encouraged to attend this club.

           GYM CLUB (Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6)

Day:                       Year 4: Monday 8.00 – 8.45am
                           Year 5: Tuesday 8.00 – 8.45am
                           Year 6: Thursday 3.45 – 4.30pm
Venue:                     Main Hall
Teacher/s:                 Miss V Carvell & Miss K Clark

Specific activity information:
Girls will experience a range of gymnastic moves and routines to build on and complement
our gymnastic curriculum delivered within PE lessons at school. They will have the chance
to work on the floor. Girls who are unsuccessful in securing a place on the gymnastics squad
can attend this club to help them develop skills and work on building routines for fun. This
session is open to girls not selected for Gymnastics Squad.

Girls should wear their normal school PE kit.

Collection / dismissal arrangements (for after school activities):
At the end of the session children will; be dismissed from door T (Foyer Door). Parents who
wish their child to attend After School Care should make a separate After School Care
booking through the VAE.

                                          ~ 15 ~
GYM SQUAD (invitation only)
Day:                       Thursday – Year 5 (8.00 – 8.45am)
                           Thursday – Year 6 (4.45 – 6.00pm)
Venue:                     Main Hall
Dismissal point:           Door T (foyer door)
Teacher/s:                 Miss V Carvell

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your child to eat before the activity
commences, and we also advise children fill up their water bottles too!

Specific activity information:
A trial will be held at the start of the Spring term within the girls’ PE lessons for those
wishing to join Gym Squad. Selected girls will be invited to attend in order to develop more
advanced skills, learn individual floor routines choreographed by Miss Carvell.

Girls should wear their squad leotard.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session children will; be dismissed from door T (Foyer Door).

                               HANDBELLS (Year 5)
Day:                       Friday
Time:                      8.15 – 8.45am
Venue:                     Music Classroom 1 (New Music School)
Cost per session:          No charge
Teacher/s:                 Miss Griggs

Specific activity information:
Learning how to work as a team and play well known tunes.

                             HARP CLUB (Year 3 & 4)
Day:                       Friday
                           8.00-8.30am – Year 4
                           8.45 – 9.15am – Year 3
Venue:                     Music Room 9, (New Music School)
Cost per session:          No charge
Teacher/s:                 Miss Hopper

Specific activity information:
Girls who do not have harp lessons are welcome to take part in this club. This is a very
popular club and will be split into two groups.

                                          ~ 16 ~
KARATE (Year 3 & Year 4,)
Day:                        Wednesday
Time:                       Year 3: 4.00 – 5.00pm
                            Year 4: 4.45 - 5.45pm
Venue:                      Main Hall
Cost per session:           Year 3: £6.45
                            Year 4: £10.15 (Include tea cost)
Payment method:             Spring fee bill
Dismissal point:            Door T - Foyer door
Teacher/s:                  Miss P Barlow (Association of Traditional Martial Arts)

Arrangements before the activity:
The children will be looked after between the end of school and start of the activity. If you
wish, you may send a small snack into school for your child to eat before the activity

Specific activity information:
Although the session is indicated as one hour, this includes changing time; this means pupils
get a dedicated 45-minute training session. Sessions are taught so that complete beginners
can work alongside those who are more advanced. Once pupils have decided they wish to
continue with karate, there is a £25 membership fee payable to ATMA. This enables them to
take part in the graded examinations that earn them coloured belts and gives them their black
ATMA membership book. The belt tests cost around £20. Should your child not wish to take
part in belt tests then the class will run as normal for each individual.

All children who participate in karate are encouraged to work for a term before buying their
martial arts suit (not mandatory). Miss Barlow can supply ATMA suits and will happily discuss
the purchase of the suits with parents who are interested. Pupils who start karate and do not
have a suit should wear PE kit. All pupils work in bare feet.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session children will be dismissed from door T (Foyer Door). Parents who
wish their child to attend After School Care after karate should make a separate After School
Care booking through the VAE.

                                LEGO CLUB (Year 2)
Day:                        Wednesday
Time:                       4.00-4.30pm
Venue:                      Main Hall
Dismissal point:            Door B
Teacher/s:                  Mrs Annett & Mrs Chan

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your child to eat before the activity
commences, and we also advise children fill up their water bottles too!

Specific activity information:
Children who enjoy building and creating will enjoy this club!

                                           ~ 17 ~
Collection / dismissal arrangements:
Children will be dismissed from Door B at the end of their session. Parents who wish their
child to attend After School Care after football should make a separate After School Care
booking through the VAE.

                  MIND OVER MATTER YOGA (Reception)
Day:                        Tuesday
Time:                       Reception (RHE & RHS) - 3.30 – 4.00pm
                            Reception (REB & REK) - 4.00 – 4.30pm
Venue:                      Main Hall
Cost per session:           £5.90
Payment method:             Spring fee bill
Dismissal point:            Foyer door
Teacher/s:                  Mrs N Francis

Specific activity information:
Our children’s lives are so busy these days and our yoga course is designed to give them
time to stop, relax and learn yoga positions in a fun environment.
Yoga enhances children’s flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. In
addition, their concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation improves.
Yoga mats will be provided.

Pupils may wear appropriate home-sport clothing or their normal school PE kit.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
Children will be dismissed from Door T (the Foyer door) at the end of their session. They will
be dismissed in their sports kit. Parents who wish their child to attend After School Care after
football should make a separate After School Care booking through the VAE.

                    MINDFULNESS COLOURING (Year 3)
Day:                        Friday
Time:                       8.10-8.40am
Venue:                      Classroom
Teacher/s:                  Mrs H Comerford & Ms V Sarson

Specific activity information:
Mindfulness colouring will provide an opportunity to relax at the end of the busy week! The
children will listen to relaxing music whilst completing some colourful creations. It’s a chance
to come and relax before the weekend starts

                                           ~ 18 ~
MULTI-SPORTS (Reception & Year 1)
Day:                        Friday
Time:                       Reception: 3.45 – 4.30pm
                            Year 1: 4.30 – 5.15pm
Venue:                      Sports Hall
Cost per session:           Reception: £6.45
                            Year 1: 10.35 (Include tea cost)
Payment method:             Spring fee bill
Dismissal point:            Sports Hall
Teacher/s:                  Mr J Smith (Go4Goals) & other Go4Goals staff

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your child to eat before the activity

Specific activity information:
The children will be based in the sports hall. As the Multi-sports club is popular, the children
may need to be split into smaller groups and will therefore have half a term of sessions. This
will be confirmed once places are allocated. The sessions will be mixed between the following
sports; hockey, football, rounders, cricket, football cricket, parachute games and targets,
relays, hurdles, tennis, badminton, Frisbee, javelin, beanbags, hula hoops, throwing etc.
During each session, pupils will have stations where the group will move from sport to sport.

Pupils should wear their normal school PE kit.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
Children will be dismissed from the Sports Hall. They will be dismissed in their kit. Parents
who wish their child to attend After School Care after the multi-sports session should make a
separate After School Care booking through the VAE.

                 (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6)
Day:                        Monday – Year 5: 4.30 – 5.30pm
                            Wednesday – Year 3: 7.45 – 9.00am
                            Thursday – Year 4: 4.30 – 5.30pm
                            Friday – Year 6: 7.45 – 9.00am
Venue:                      Warwick School pool
Cost per session:           £7.10 for Optional Swimming
Payment method:             Spring fee bill
Dismissal Point:            Warwick Pool
Teacher/s:                  Warwick Prep swimming teachers

Arrangements before and after the activity:

Morning Sessions:
Parents will be able to ‘drop and go’ as all changing, and teaching will be supervised. Please
arrive early to allow your child time to change. We will admit children from 7:45am and no
later than 7.50am to ensure they are prompt to start lessons on time at 8.00am.

                                           ~ 19 ~
Afternoon Sessions:
A ‘walking bus’ to the swimming pool will be provided for girls.

For safeguarding reasons parents are not able to view swimming lessons and security
arrangements are in place at the Sports Centre. On entry to the building, the main doors will
only be accessible by key fob.

Please wait for a member of the WPS staff to register your child before you depart.
A ‘walking bus’ back to the Prep School will be provided for pupils (morning sessions).

Girls should wear a plain royal / navy coloured swimming costume. Whilst requesting ‘plain’
a small crest / logo such as Speedo is fine. All pupils are expected to wear a swimming hat.
Swimming hats must be purchased from Schoolblazer, www.schoolblazer.com. Parents
should ensure that all items are named.

Collection / dismissal arrangements (after school sessions)
Due to the timings of the club, there will not be an option for after school care. Please ensure
girls are collected no later than 5.45pm from the swimming pool.

                          PERCUSSION CLUB (Year 6)
Day:                        Wednesday
Time:                       8.00 – 8.45am
Venue:                      Auditorium (New Music Block)
Cost per session:           No charge
Teacher/s:                  Mrs Lee (Year 6)

Specific activity information:
Pupils will have the opportunity to play a wide range of percussion, both tuned and untuned
learning about world music, the rudiments of percussion and developing their rhythmic ability.

                   PIANO PERFORMANCE CLUB (Year 6)
Day:                        Monday
Time:                       4.00 – 4.45pm
Venue:                      Rehearsal Studio (New Music School)
Cost per session:           no charge
Dismissal point:            New Music School
Teacher/s:                  Mr Leung

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your daughter to eat before the
activity commences.

Specific activity information:
An opportunity for pianists to perform to each other and encourage each other in their piano
playing. There will be an opportunity to try different techniques such as improvisation.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the activity girls will be dismissed from the New Music School. Parents who
wish their daughter to attend After School Care should make a separate After School Care
booking through the VAE.
                                           ~ 20 ~
POP & STREET DANCE (Year 4 & 5)
Day:                         Year 4 - Tuesday
                             Year 3 - Thursday
                             Year 5 - Friday
Time:                        8.00 – 8.45am
Venue:                       KHS Gymnasium
Cost per session:            £5.90
Payment method:              Spring fee bill
Teacher/s:                   Liz England (Fit2Dance)

Specific activity information:
Dance fun and fitness at this lively, energetic dance class. Learn to dance like a Pop Star to
all your favourite chart hits.

                    RECEPTION STORY TIME (Reception)
Day:                         Friday
Time:                        8.00-8.30am
Venue:                       Classroom
Cost per session:            No charge
Teacher/s:                   Mrs Earl & Mrs Sykes

Specific activity information:
Each week we will be listening to a new story and completing an activity linked to it.

                          RUGBYTOTS (Year 1 / Year 2)
Day:                         Wednesday
Time:                        Year 1: 3.45 – 4.30pm
                             Year 2: 4.30 – 5.15pm
Venue:                       Sports Hall
Cost per session:            Year 1: £5.90
                             Year 2: £9.60 (includes tea)
Payment method:              Spring fee bill
Dismissal point:             Sports Hall
Teacher/s:                   Mr J Gooderidge (Rugbytots) & other Rugbytots staff

Arrangements before the activity:
The children will be looked after between the end of school and start of the activity. Parents
of children in Year 1 may send a small snack into school to be eaten before the activity
commences. Year 2 pupils attending the later session will attend After School Care between
the end of school and the start of the activity; this will include a light tea, so there is no need
to send a snack into school for your child to eat before the activity commences. This explains
why the charge for the Year 2 class is slightly higher. We advise all children fill up their water
bottles before the activity too!

Specific activity information:
Rugbytots was set up over 10 years ago to provide a specifically designed play programme
which uses the multiple skills of rugby to create a fun and enjoyable environment whilst
developing basic motor skills. It now has 50,000 boys and girls enjoying classes each week
across 14 countries!

                                             ~ 21 ~
The classes are led by coaches who are committed to ensuring that all the children are
engaged and developing skills and confidence in a lively fun environment whilst delivering
classes with energy, excitement, imagination and enthusiasm.

The classes are tailored to a particular age groups to ensure the children get the most
possible from them. The fun, structured play sessions take children on a journey of sporting
imagination with engaging and energetic coaches supporting them every step of the way
whilst teaching how to catch, pass, kick, run with the ball and play as part of a team. As well
as this it enables children to learn about respect, discipline, teamwork and helping others, all
skills that are so important as they grow and develop.

Pupils should wear their normal school PE kit.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
Children will be dismissed from Sports Hall. They will be dismissed in their kit. Parents who
wish their child to attend After School Care after the Rugbytots session should make a
separate After School Care booking through the VAE.

                              SCIENCE CLUB (Year 5)
Day:                        Thursday
Time:                       4.00 - 5.00pm
Venue:                      Upper Science Lab
Cost per session:           No charge
Dismissal point:            Door S – Hogan Centre Door
Teacher/s:                  Mrs K Charl

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your child to eat before the activity.

Specific activity information:
We will be carrying out a wide range of experiments. This club is for anyone who loves

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session girls will be dismissed from door S (Hogan Centre door). Parents
who wish their child to attend After School Care should make a separate After School Care
booking through the VAE.

                             SKIPPING CLUB (Year 5)
Day:                        Tuesday
Time:                       4.00 – 4.45pm
Venue:                      Playground
Cost per session:           No charge
Dismissal Point:            Year 3, Year 4 Gate
Teacher/s:                  Mrs Griggs & Mrs Wilksinson

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your child to eat before the activity

                                           ~ 22 ~
Specific activity information:
Skipping, has been enjoyed for hundreds of generations can be traced back to 1600AD Egypt
where the Egyptians used vines for jumping! In this club we will be using skipping ropes to
learn different skipping skills and fun rhymes. A perfect end of the school day mindful activity
which also helps improve fitness and coordination.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session children will be dismissed from Year 3, Year 4 Gate. Parents who
wish their child to attend After School Care should make a separate booking through the

                           SQUIRRELS CHOIR (Year 2)
Day:                        Tuesday – 8.15-8.45am
                            Thursday – 4.00-4.30pm
Venue:                      Auditorium & Rehearsal Studio (New Music School)
Cost per session:           no charge
Dismissal point:            New Music School
Teacher/s:                  Miss Griggs

Specific activity information:
An opportunity for pianists to enjoy playing together. Children must have a couple of term’s
playing under their belt to be of the required standard. Children will be allowed to attend
one session only.

Collection / dismissal arrangements for after school session:
At the end of the activity girls will be dismissed from the New Music School. Parents who
wish their daughter to attend After School Care should make a separate After School Care
booking through the VAE.

                          STEMillions STEAM Club (Year 6)
Day:                        Thursday
Time:                       4.00 – 5.00pm
Venue:                      Miss Wilby’s Science Classroom
Cost for the year:          No Charge
Dismissal point:            Door S – Hogan Centre Door
Teacher/s:                  Miss S Wilby

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your daughter to eat before the
activity commences.

Specific activity information:
Girls will have the chance to be part of their very own STE(A)M club – Stemillions –
showing the next generation that girls do science, technology, engineering and maths every
bit as good as the boys! Stemillions is all about STEM related activities, providing STEM
role models and building a network of young women in STEM.
               Girls will be able to take part in this club for one term only.
More information can be found at http://stemettes.org/stemillions/
Collection / dismissal arrangements:
                                           ~ 23 ~
At the end of the session girls will be dismissed from door S (Hogan Centre door). Parents
who wish their child to attend After School Care should make a separate After School Care
booking through the VAE.

                                STORY TIME (Year 2)
Day:                        Friday
Time:                       8.05-8.25am
Venue:                      Library
Cost per session:           No charge
Teacher/s:                  Mrs Darby

Specific activity information:
Each week a different short story will be shared with the children. There will be an interactive
element within each session where the children will experience a different stimuli e.g hand

         STRING ENSEMBLE (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6)

Day:                        Wednesday – Year 3 (Rehearsal Studio)
                            Thursday – Year 5 (Music Classroom 1)
                            Friday – Year 4 (Auditorium)
                            Friday - Year 6 (Rehearsal Studio)
Time:                       8.00 - 8.45am
                            (Y3 will be collected from the playground at 8.15am)
Venue:                      New Music School
Cost per session:           No charge
Teacher/s:                  Mrs Butler & Miss Barbera (Year 3)
                            Mr Laing & Mrs Wimpenny (Year 5)
                            Mrs Meteyard & Miss Barbera (Year 4)
                            Mrs Wimpenny (Year 6)

Specific activity information:
Year 3: This club is following on from the String Project and is open to anyone who would like
to learn more about playing a stringed instrument.
Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6: girls who currently play a stringed instrument are encouraged to
attend the String ensemble.

                  TENNIS (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6)
Day:                        Year 3 & Year 4 - Tuesday
                            Year 5 & Year 6 -Thursday
Time:                       8.00-8.45am
Venue:                      KHS astro turf
Cost per session:           No charge
Teacher/s:                  Miss K Clark, Mr Proctor & Mrs S Parkinson-Mills

Arrangements before the activity:
The children will be looked after between the end of school and start of the activity. If you
wish, you may send a small snack into school for your child to eat before the activity

                                           ~ 24 ~
Specific activity information:
The children will have the opportunity to develop their tennis skills. They will need to bring a
tennis racket and wear school games kit.
Please do not leave your child until they have been registered by a member of staff.

                   SQUAD TENNIS (Year 5 & 6 by invitation)

Day:                         Wednesday
Time:                        4.00 – 5.30pm
Venue:                       Tennis Courts
Dismissal point:             Pavilion, Gallows Hill
Teacher/s:                   Miss K Clarke & Mrs Bryce

Arrangements before the activity:
If you wish, you may send a small snack into school for your daughter to eat before the activity

Specific activity information:
The girls will develop their tennis skills. Please bring a tennis racket and water bottle.

Collection / dismissal arrangements:
At the end of the session girls will be dismissed from the Pavilion at Gallows Hill. Please
arrive promptly to avoid any mixing of bubbles with King’s High. Parents who wish their
daughter to attend After School Care should make a separate After School Care booking
through the VAE.
                              TOUCH TYPING (Year 4)
Day:                         Wednesday
Time:                        8.05-8.35am
Cost per session:            No charge
Teacher/s:                   Mrs Drury

Specific activity information:
Girls have the opportunity to learn the life-long skill of touch typing which will be of benefit to
them not only in their studies, but well into their working life. The syllabus, introduced by Mrs
Drury, has proved very popular; just the right balance of fun with a range of activities which
promote accurate and reliable typing skills. The girls who sign up for this activity will
experience a different, engaging approach to the touch typing programme. Prompt
attendance each week is essential as the syllabus is challenging so every second of practice
will be key!

                 WIND ENSEMBLE (Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6)
Day:                         Tuesday – Year 4: 4.00 – 4.45pm (Music Classroom 1)
                             Thursday – Year 5: 8.00 – 8.45am (Rehearsal Studio)
                             Thursday – Year 6: 8.00 – 8.45am (Auditorium)
Venue:                       New Music School
Cost per session:            No charge
Dismissal Point:             New Music School
Teacher/s:                   Miss Price & Mr Bell (Year 4)
                             Mr Bell (Year 5)
                             Miss Price (Year 6)

                                             ~ 25 ~
Specific activity information:
Girls who play a woodwind or brass instrument are encouraged to attend the Wind ensemble.

Collection / dismissal arrangements for afternoon sessions:
Children will be dismissed from the New Music Block at the end of their session. Parents who
wish their child to attend After School Care after wind ensemble should make a separate
After School Care booking through the VAE.

                WORLD SPORTS SPECTACULAR (Year 6)
Day:                       Wednesday
Time:                      8.00 – 8.45am
Venue:                     Field
Cost per session:          No charge
Teacher/s:                 Mr A Proctor

Specific activity information:
World sports spectacular will be an introduction to some of the world’s greatest games. From
lesser known indigenous sports from exotic locations; such as Kabaddi and Aboriginal games
and activities to more recognisable games such as American Football and Baseball. World
Sports Spectacular will be a fun and exciting way to develop hand and foot-eye co-ordination
and game sense.

Girls will wear their normal school PE kit. Girls should also bring a change of PE kit in case
they get particularly muddy and have PE later in the day.

                                           ~ 26 ~
  Reception Mind Over Matter Yoga – Door T (Foyer Door)
  Reception Cheerleading– Door T (Foyer Door)
  Reception / Year 1 Multi-sports – Sports Hall
  Reception / Year 1 / Year 2 Fiery Feet Ballet – Door T (Foyer Door)
  Year 1 Construction Club - Door B (Reception Classrooms Door)
  Year 1 Craft Club – Door M (By Reception Playground)
  Year 1 Board Games Club – Door B (Reception Classrooms Door)
  Year 1 / Year 2 Chess Club – Door I (Main Reception)
  Year 1 / 2 Rugby Tots – Sports Hall
  Year 2 Lego Club - Door B (Reception Classrooms Door)
  Year 2 Squirrels Choir – New Music School
  Year 2 / Year 3 Football – Year 2 Door E (Year 2 Classroom) Year 3 Door I (Main
  Year 3 / Year 4 Karate – Door T (Foyer Door)
  Year 4 Dizzy Fingers – New Music School
  Year 4 Wind Ensemble – New Music School
  Year 4 Growth Mindset – Door H (4JB)
  Year 4 / Year 5 Development, Squad Swimming & Optional Swimming – Warwick Pool
  Year 5 Science Club - Door S (Hogan Centre Door)
  Year 5 Skipping Club – Year 3, Year 4 Gate
  Year 5 / Year 6 Squad Tennis – Pavilion, Gallows Hill
  Year 5 / Year 6 Athletics – Pavilion, Gallows Hill
  Year 5 / Year 6 Cricket Club - Pavilion, Gallows Hill
  Year 6 Code club – Door S (Hogan Centre Door)
  Year 6 Gym Club – Door T (Foyer Door)
  Year 6 Gym Squad - Door T (Foyer Door)
  Year 6 Piano Performance Club – New Music School
  Year 6 Design and Technology Club - Door S (Hogan Centre Door)
  Year 6 Arts Award – Door S (Hogan Centre Door)
  Year 6 STEMillions STEAM Club – Door S (Hogan Centre Door)

                                          ~ 27 ~
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