St. George Greek Orthodox Church - St. George Church

Page created by Harvey Rowe
St. George Greek Orthodox Church - St. George Church
St. George Greek Orthodox Church
                                   “My hope is that we will seize the opportunity that is literally being forced upon us,
                                            to become more altruistic, more compassionate toward others,
                                                       more patient, and indeed more faithful.”
                                                        -Archbishop Elpidophoros of America

Stewardship Appeal 2021

Dear Member of our St. George Family,
It has been a difficult year. A year that has taught us to work on our patience, and flexibility, and to encourage us to find the
blessing in every situation. Though we are not all able to gather in our spiritual home for prayer and fellowship, we remain
united as a family, always present for one another in love and support. We look forward to the time when we can all safely gath-
er together in our beloved St. George.

Through it all, we have never stopped ministering to our St. George family in new and exciting ways. We have been streaming
our services to keep you connected when you are unable to attend in person. We offer online chats and Bible studies to connect
with one another through prayer and God’s Word. We are reaching out to our members to be sure they are able to meet their
basic needs in this crisis. We have organized food & clothing collections which have been distributed to local families in need.

In spite of the challenges of this year, our Community is seeing strong, positive growth. As leaders of our parish, we are work-
ing to build upon that growth with new ministries, as well as ongoing, that will keep us connected as the St. George family.
Our youth continue to learn about their Orthodox faith and connecting with each other through online group lessons and activ-
ities. Our high school group has started a new series titled, The Relationship Project. The young adult group has been meeting
for Bible studies and creative gatherings. We have started a new Orthodox men’s group. Married couples from our parish have
taken part in our Eight Dates series. These new and existing ministries will continue to support the long-term mission of our
parish when this current crisis has passed.

It is important to remember that, in the words of Archbishop Elpidophoros, “The Ekklesia extends far beyond the four walls of
any church building.” The Church is not the building, but rather, it is people of faith that remain connected, drawing spiritual
nourishment from God and strength from one another. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please contact us
and we will help in any way we can.

We thank you for your continued support of St. George Church and its ministries. With prayer and consideration, please re-
view the enclosed Stewardship Commitment Card. We ask that you consider committing to the future of our Church by giving
the minimum amount suggested in order for us to meet our financial obligations, without relying on the Food Festival. This
will ensure that special fundraisers, like the Food Festival, can be used to further grow our Community.

With love in Christ,

Parish Priest                    “For God, Infinite though He be, has chosen to work through us, through our gifts,
                                                  to continue His saving work in the world today.”
                                                             -Fr. Anthony M. Coniaris
Parish Council President

                                                                                                                        Phone: 559-233-0397
       2219 N. Orchard St.                                                                                               Fax: 559-233-0564
        Fresno, CA 93703                                                                                              Email:
                                                        Metropolis of San Francisco
St. George Greek Orthodox Church - St. George Church
“A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven”
                                                                                           Orthodox Christian Stewardship Program
                                                                                                St. George Greek Orthodox Church
                                                                                                            2219 N. Orchard Street
                                                                                                                 Fresno, CA 93703
                                                                                                                     559 233-0397

                              2021 Confidential Stewardship Commitment Form
                             Please fill out this form and return to the church office
                                    (2219 N. Orchard St. Fresno, CA 93703).
Did you know that out of the 400+ families to which our church ministers, only 220 families are stewards? Of those 220 families, 82 fam-
ilies give less than $500 per year. If each of these 220 families gave at least $2,330 per year, we would be able to fulfill the financial obliga-
    tions of our church. This would free up income from fundraisers, like the Food Festival, to use on property improvements and future
 growth. We ask that if God has blessed you with the means, please consider giving at least $2,330 per year in stewardship. If you already
                      give at least $2,330 per year, we ask that you consider increasing your stewardship by 10% for 2021.
                No matter what you are financially able to give, you are a valued parishioner of St. George Church.

    In gratitude and thanksgiving for God’s blessings, I/we offer Him through His Church the following Annual
An annual amount of: _____$2,330 _____$2,700 _____$3,000 _____$3,600 _____$4,800              Other:_________
1953                    ($194/mo) ($225/mo) ($250/mo)              ($300/mo)    ($400/mo)

Name: (first/last) ________________________________Cell Phone: _________________Home Phone: _____________

                    Email ________________________

Spouse: (first/last) ____________________________Cell Phone: ______________ Email_________________________

Address: _________________________________________________City/State: _________________ Zip: _________

     Please fill out the information below if you would like to make your stewardship donation using your credit card.,
                      and would like our office to setup the donation(s). You can also go to our website
         to setup automatic stewardship donations.
Name on card:__________________________________________________________

Card number: __________________________________ Expires: ________________

CSC#: __________ Billing address:_________________________________________________________________

Email Address: ____________________________________ (Required for credit card donations)

Monthly amount: _____________ Or                    One time donation amount:_____________

I hereby authorize St. George Greek Orthodox Church to debit the above amount, per instructions, from my
credit/debit card.                                                                                                              Office Use Only:
                                                                                                                                   Code 1953
Signature: _____________________________________________                              Date: __________________
            See for options on how to give and, to make a one time donation or setup monthly
                           contributions via credit card or Pay Pal.
St. George Greek Orthodox Church - St. George Church
Through the Grapevine
Light a Candle                                                Available in the Bookstore
If you would like us to light a candle in the church for      The 2021 Icon Calendar is now available in the St. George
you, please contact the church office at                      Bookstore for $15 each plus tax. Please contact the, or (559)233-0397.                          church office at, or 559-233-0397, if
                                                              you would like to purchase a calendar. All Bookstore
                                                              items can be preordered with contactless pickup available.

Chats, Bible Studies and More!
St. George Church is offering a wide variety of online op-
tions. We invite you to join one of our chats or bible
studies on Zoom. Check out the calendar, and our web-
site:, for dates and times. To join    Home Blessings
one of our chats or bible studies go to the following link    Due to the current situation, home blessings will be by
and enter the meeting ID and password..                       appointment only. If you would like your home or busi-               ness blessed, please contact the church office to make an
ZTkorN0tHTGRpcHRKLzgvdz09                                     appointment. Eamil: or phone: 559-
You can also join all chats and bible studies by calling in   233-0397.
with your telephone.
Dial: (669)900-9128 Meeting ID: 261 968 467 Pass-
word: 646251                                                  Young Adults Forum
                                                              Join us for the last of the Fall/Winter Young Adult Fo-
                                                              rum on Wednesday, January 13that 6:30pm. For more
Live Streaming Church Services                                information go to:
St. George is live streaming all of our church services on
Facebook Live. Go to           Men’s Group
h/ to watch services live.                                    The upcoming dates for the men’s group are: January 14th
                                                              and 28th at 7:00pm . We will continue our Lionheart
Condolences To:                                               Zoom Login Info:
The Rockas family in the falling asleep of Eleni (Helen)
Rockas.                                                       ZTkorN0tHTGRpcHRKLzgvdz09
The Kokalis family in the falling asleep of John Kokalis.     Meeting ID: 261 968 467 Password: 646251
The Pappas family in the falling asleep of Presvytera’s fa-
ther, Donald.
May their memory be eternal.                                  Couples Date Night Series
                                                              Join us in January on the 7th, 21st and in February on the
                                                              4th and 18th, for the final four dates of our series. For
Memorials in December and January:                            more information go to: Young Married Couples — Greek
December 20th: Josephine (40-days) and Jim Wu.                Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco Youth and Young Adult Min-
January 10th: Paul Zografos (40-days).                        istries (
May their memory be eternal.
St. George Greek Orthodox Church - St. George Church
Youth Ministries
                                                    December Highlights
One of the highlights of the year was our special Christmas program which included a visit from St. Nicholas himself. During our
Youth Activities Zoom for all children up through 6th grade, he told us about his life and helped us find ways that we can also get
                               into the Christmas spirit through giving to our families and friends.

            In December our kids created their own gingerbread houses during activity time. What amazing creations!

Our St. George families also had the opportunity to sponsor local families and help provide them with Christmas gifts as well as
           blankets, socks, and hats. A huge thanks to our St. George Outreach Committee for leading the charge!

          The kids were also instrumental in helping out at both our November and December drive-thru Greek Fests.

                                                   January Announcement
 All of our youth activities will be taking a break from Christmas through Theophany (the traditional “12 days of Christmas”).
                                            Please see the calendar for our January dates.
St. George Greek Orthodox Church - St. George Church
January 2021
     Sun                 Mon                  Tue               Wed               Thu              Fri            Sat

                                                                                              1 Office Closed 2
   There will be no chats, Bible studies, or youth                                            New Years Ser-
   activities the week of January 3rd-9th.                                                    vices
                                                                                              Divine Liturgy
                                                                                              at 11:30am

3                  4                    5                  6 Orthros         7 St. John the 8                9
Orthros                                 Divine Liturgy     10:30am & Di-     Baptist Orthros
10:30am                                 only 11:30am       vine Liturgy      10:30am Divine
Divine Liturgy                          with Blessing of   11:30am with      Liturgy
11:30am                                 the Waters to      Blessing of the   11:30am
                                        follow             Waters to fol-    Couples Date
                                                           low               Night 6:30pm

10                 11 Chat with    12                      13                14               15             16
Orthros            the Three Low- Jr. High Activi-         Chat with the     Morning Bible
10:30am            erarchs at 3pm ty 6:30pm                Three Lower-      Study at
Divine Liturgy     Philoptochos                            archs at 3pm      9:30am
11:30am            Mtg 6:30pm
SS PreK-2nd at     High School                                               Men’s Group at
12:45pm            Activity 7:00pm                                           7:00pm

17                 18                   19                 20                21               22             23
Orthros            Chat with the        Parish Council     Chat with the     Morning Bible
10:30am            Three Lower-         Meeting at         Three Lower-      Study at
Divine Liturgy     archs at 3pm         6:30pm             archs at 3pm      9:30am
SS 3rd-6th at      High School     Jr. High Activi-                          Couples Date
12:45pm            Activity 7:00pm ty 6:30pm                                 Night 6:30pm

24                 25                   26                 27                28               29             30
Orthros            Chat with the        Jr. High Activi-   Chat with the     Morning Bible                   3 Hierarchs Or-
10:30am            Three Lower-         ty 6:30pm          Three Lower-      Study at                        thros 10:30am
Divine Liturgy     archs at 3pm                            archs at 3pm      9:30am                          & Divine Litur-
11:30am                                                                                                      gy at 11:30am
SS PreK-2nd at     High School                                               Men’s Group at
12:45pm            Activity 7:00pm                                           7:00pm

Divine Liturgy
SS 3rd-6th at
St. George Greek Orthodox Church - St. George Church St. George Greek Orthodox Church - St. George Church St. George Greek Orthodox Church - St. George Church St. George Greek Orthodox Church - St. George Church
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