St. Mary & St. Charles St. Mary & St. John Parishes

Page created by Leroy Gonzales
St. Mary & St. Charles St. Mary & St. John Parishes
St. Mary & St. Charles
  St. Mary & St. John Parishes
We Welcome You
We welcome you to our parishes. If you would like to
become a member of one of our parishes, please
contact the parish office (994-2526- Bloomington or
725-5595-Cassville) to register. For those who are
interested in becoming Catholic or returning to the
Catholic faith, please contact Fr. John.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Fr. John will be available to hear confessions on
Mondays from 4:45-5:30 p.m. at St. Charles and
from 6:00-6:45 p.m. at St. Mary’s, Bloomington.
May God bless our new parents! Please contact
Fr. John to schedule the baptism of your child at
your church and to attend a baptismal preparation
Congratulations on your upcoming marriage! Please
call Fr. John at least six months in advance of the
wedding. One of the parties must be a practicing

Anointing of the Sick
Whenever someone is seriously ill, hospitalized, or is
dying, please contact the Bloomington parish office
immediately. If you or someone you know is sick and
would like to be included in the Mass prayers, please
call the parish office.
Please contact Fr. John if you or someone you know
would like to learn more about becoming a priest,
brother, sister, deacon, or lay church minister. Please
pray for more vocations to the priesthood and all
religious ministries!
St. Charles and St. Mary’s School-Faith,
Family and Academic Excellence
To register your child, please call Mrs. Kelly Copsey
at 994-2435 for St. Mary School or Ms. Dianne
Makovec at 725-5173 for St. Charles School.
St. Mary and St. Charles Schools admits students of
any race, color, national and ethnic origin.
                                                              Rev. John Meinholz
                                                                      P.O. Box 35
Bulletin Notices - Please submit bulletin notices in            Bloomington, WI 53804
writing to the parish office ( on                    608-994-2526
Monday.                                                              608-725-5595
                                                   (Julie M Jentz)
St. Charles Parish Office Hours                      (Cheryl Junk)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00 a.m.-noon
St. Mary’s Parish Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.                        Our joint parish website can be found
St. Mary & St. Charles St. Mary & St. John Parishes
Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time                                                                                   June 20, 2021

                Liturgy Schedule                                              Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time
                                                                               In today’s gospel, we hear Jesus calm the raging sea
Sat.        6/19 4:30 PM George & Bernice Mergen (Bloomington)
                 8:00 PM Jeanette Sherman         (Glen Haven)
                                                                               as his disciples cling to the storm-tossed boat. The
Sun.        6/20 8:00 AM Bill & Mary Geraldine White                           disciples were terrified that they would die, but Jesus
                                                      (Patch Grove)            suggests that their faith should have reassured them.
                 9:15 AM All Parishioners         (Bloomington)       Many of us can probably recall a time when our father came to
                 10:30AM Will and Beck Fure and Richard Rauch         our rescue, protecting or supporting us, making everything all
                                                     (Cassville)      right. Today, we honor our dads, grandfathers, god fathers,
Mon.        6/21 8:15 AM Dennis & Elizabeth Novinski and              uncles, and all who have acted as fathers in our lives. May
                           Thomas & Joan Hughes       (Cassville)     their protection and constancy be a model of God’s care for us.
                 8:45-9:30 AM Adoration
            6/22 8:15 AM Rolland & Donna Paul
                                                                               We wish all fathers a most
Wed.        6/23 8:15 AM Gilbert Weber family     (Bloomington)             Blessed and Happy Father’s Day!
Thurs.      6/24 7:30-8:05 AM Adoration           (Bloomington)
                 8:15 AM Lyle & Marian Taylor and                     Moving on after Covid
                           Diane Guanella         (Bloomington)                 Bishop Hying has shared his thoughts on the
Fri.        6/25 8:15 AM No Mass                                      importance of attending Mass in his June 2, 2021 article in the
Sat.        6/26 4:30 PM Darrell & Michaeleen Riehle and              Catholic Herald. I have shared part of it below for you to read.
                         Kellie Riehle                (Cassville)               “As we emerge from the pandemic, I compliment and
                 8:00 PM All Parishioners          (Glen Haven)
Sun.        6/27 8:00 AM Carl, Belva and Betty Laufenberg
                                                                      thank our priests, principals, staff, deacons, volunteers, and lay
                                                      (Patch Grove)   faithful on their steady leadership and generous cooperation
                 9:15 AM Mike & Stella Horkheimer                     during these very difficult and long months.
                                                      (Bloomington)             Many of our people were profoundly grateful for the
                 10:30AM Deceased members of the John &               opportunity to watch Mass online and offer their prayer to the
                         Phyllis Bernhardt family   (Cassville)       Father every Sunday in these past months. As good and helpful
                                                                      as this pious practice was, its limitations reminded me that the
Scripture for the week of June 21, 2021                               Church, Her sacraments and Her life, are not virtual. Watching
Monday:         Gn 12:1-9; Ps 33:12-13, 18-20, 22; Mt 7:1-5           Mass is not the same as being present at one. Conducting a
Tuesday:        Gn 13:2, 5-18; Ps 15:2-4ab, 5; Mt 7:6, 12-14
Wednesday:      Gn 15:1-12, 17-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mt 7:15-20        Bible study on Zoom is not as satisfying as sitting in the same
Thursday:       Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; Ps 71:1-6ab, 15ab, 17;             room. Praying with someone over the telephone is not
                1 Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17                                equivalent to holding the hand of the sick person in their home.
                Day: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15;                    These are important points to iterate, especially as we celebrate
                Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80                         the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.
Friday:         Gn 17:1, 9-10, 15-22; Ps 128:1-5; Mt 8:1-4                      I have heard some folks say during these months of
Saturday:       Gn 18:1-15; Lk 1:46-50, 53-55; Mt 8:5-17              challenge that tuning into Mass at home and making a spiritual
Sunday:         Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13;            communion is just as good as going to church.
                2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mk 5:21-43 [5:21-24, 35b-43]               No, it is not!
                                                                                Being fully present for the Eucharist, gathering with
         Banns of Matrimony                                           the priest and fellow believers, and receiving Holy
         III Dakota Gratz and Karli Wachter on June 26, at            Communion is essential for the sacrament to be authentically
         St. John Church, Patch Grove.                                experienced. For the same reason, one cannot go to Confession
                                                                      over the telephone or receive the Anointing of the Sick from a
                                                                      distance. The incarnational nature of our faith demands a
  St. Mary’s Help of Christians Dinner                                physical presence in the sacraments, both in terms of the integ-
          Everyone is invited to St. Mary’s Drive-thru                rity of the sacrament offered and the person receiving it.
  Pork Chop Dinner in Glen Haven on Sunday, June 27                             To save us from sin and death, the Son of God
  from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. or until sold out. The                    assumed human flesh and entered into the world in real-time.
  dinner includes: a grilled pork chop, baked potato,                 The crowds heard God speak in His preaching; the sick felt
  coleslaw, cheese curds, dinner roll, cookie and bottle              God’s touch in His healing; they could see the compassion of
  of water. The cost is $10.00                                        God in the face of Christ. Jesus made God visible, tangible,
                                                                      audible, approachable. This truth is a central tenet of the
                                                                      Christian faith and serves as the theological grounding for the
                                                                      physical nature of the sacraments.
TROUBLING                                                                       The water poured in Baptism, the bread and wine
          Last Sunday morning during the 8:00 a.m. Mass an            used in the Eucharist, the Chrism anointing the Baptized,
anonymous person(s) placed an envelope with a many paged              Confirmed, and ordained all speak of the wonder and mystery
letter on the windshields of the vehicles parked outside of           of the Incarnation. This full and true reality of God who
St. John Church in Patch Grove. This letter challenges the            becomes present and active in the physical form of the
validity of the Catholic faith as a path to salvation. It does not    sacraments is a great consolation to us and the means by which
portray what we believe, and I hope it will not cause confusion       we receive sanctifying grace. In addition to the sacraments
or doubt for anyone. I did not give my permission for this to be      themselves, sacramentals are one of the beautiful aspects of
placed on the vehicles. Please call me at 994-2526 if you             Catholicism that many people deeply appreciate. The faith
have concerns about this letter or questions about the                impacts us on all of our sensory levels and human
Catholic faith. Please pray for this person(s) spiritual healing.     apprehension.”               
St. Mary & St. Charles St. Mary & St. John Parishes
St. Mary Church, Bloomington                                                      St. John Church, Patch Grove

        ST. MARY’S SCHOOL NEWS                                        St. John’s Summer Fest.
                                                                      Mark your calendar and plan to attend St. John’s
        Faith, Family and Academic Excellence                         Summer Fest. on Saturday, August 14. There will be
       For more information about St. Mary's School, please     Mass at 4:30 p.m. followed by a delicious Chicken & Ham
       contact Mrs. Kelly Copsey at school 608-994-2435 or      Dinner, Raffle, and Auction. Plan to attend this fun event.
       at home 608-732-2572.                                            Please pick up your Summer Fest. envelope from
       SCRIP: SCRIP gift cards are a great way to do            the back of church. Due to federal laws, we are unbale to
your shopping and helps support St. Mary School at the same     mail the raffle tickets.
time. We carry cards for national retailers, local gas cards,
Piggly Wiggly and Wal-Mart as well as most local venders.       Reflection
You can purchase SCRIP at Economy Feed Mill and the                       “He asked them, ‘Why are you terrified? Do you not
SCRIP program is online.                                        yet have faith?’” – MARK 4:40
                                                                          Do you really trust God? Is God your first choice or
St. Mary’s Summer Bible School                                  last resort? Is your faith something you just do on Sunday or
                                                                do you live the Gospel message every day of the week? Many
                                                                of us know about God. How many of us have a personal
                                                                relationship with Him? Start now, open your heart to receive
                                                                our Lord. Talk and listen to Him throughout the day, in all

                                                                End of Fiscal Year is June 30, 2021
                                                                     Thank you to our parish members and others for the
                                                                generous donations of church support, gifts, and memorials
                                                                so that we have been able to pay our expenses during this
                                                                most challenging year. We need your continued financial
                                                                support to pay our bills this spring and summer.

                                                                PARISH FINANCIAL UPDATES
                                                                PLEASE HELP US PAY OUR EXPENSES
                                                                St. Mary’s Collections for the period ending June 11, 2021
                                                                Church Support….………………………………………...$2,529.00
         Thank you to Laura Tolle and the wonderful volun-      Offertory……………………………………………………...$311.50
teers who helped with St. Mary’s Summer Bible School. The       3K Program Fees…………………………………………….$918.30
children had a great time learning about the Holy Trinity.      Gift………………………………………………………….$1,000.00
                                                                National Combined Collection……………………………….$70.00
                                                                Bible School Fees…………………………………………….$255.00
      Funeral Lunch Coordinator Needed                          Memorial Candles…………………………………………...$100.00
       Sally Bennett has gracious and superbly served as the    Rent of Facilities……………………………………………..$100.00
       coordinator for funeral lunches at St. Mary’s for many   Aluminum Cans……………………………………………....$11.00
years. We are very grateful for her wonderful work! She has               St. Mary’s families are asked to generously contribute
decided to retire from this position. We need someone to fill   toward the support of parish expenses. It is suggested for a family
this important job ASAP. There is a stipend for the             to give $900.00 and a single person $450.00 per year.
position. Please contact St. Mary’s Parish office at 994-       St. John’s Collections for the week ending on June 11, 2021
2526 for more information.                                      Church Support……………………………………………$1,275.00
        Save the Dates                                                   St. John’s families are asked to generously contribute
         Blakes Prairie Fair Holy Name Stand on                 toward the support of parish expenses.
         July 16-18 – Donations and help will be needed.
         St. Mary’s Golf Outing on Sunday, August 1-            “Our business is to attain Heaven; everything else is
Please contact Kelly Copsey for more information.               a sheer waste of time.” -St. Vincent de Paul
         St. Mary’s Fall Festival on September 11 & 12 –
Dinner, Silent Auction, Raffle, Kid’s Games, and more is be-
ing planned. There will be more information in upcoming bul-             St. John’s Ministry Schedule for June 27, 2021
letins and mailings.                                                              Sunday 8:00 a.m. Mass
                                                                   Lector:        Bob McLimans
                                                                   Communion:     Roger McKinney
    St. Mary’s Memorial Candle Display                             Ushers:        Tom Breuer, Ray Breuer
     St. Mary’s Church has a beautiful Memorial Candle             Servers:       Ty Tolle
     display at the back of the church. Candles can be              St. Mary Ministry Schedule for June 27, 2021
     reserved in memory of or in honor of loved ones or for                     Sunday 9:15 a.m. Mass
special intentions or occasions: for example a wedding              Lector:        Mary Sue White
anniversary. The cost is $60.00 for the first year (includes        Communion:     Mary Sue White
$10.00 to cover the cost of engraving the name place) and           Sacristan:     Greg & Jane Patterson
$50.00 for each following year. For more information, contact       Ushers:        Ronnie Mumm, Daniel Herbers
the parish office at 994-2526.                                      Server:        Conner & Ava Hoeper
St. Mary & St. Charles St. Mary & St. John Parishes
St. Charles Church, Cassville                                                         St. Mary Church, Glen Haven
             St. Charles Parish Council                                        St Mary's Summer Fundraiser
         Two years ago, the St. Charles Parish Council Policy                 St. Mary's Summer Fundraiser is set for
         was amended. It was decided that St. Charles should                  Sunday, June 27 starting at 11:00 a.m. A
         have a 9-member council. During this time, the redec-                DRIVE-THRU PORK CHOP DINNER and a
         oration project was under way and the current council       RAFFLE are being planned. Anyone who would like
         members wanted to see the project completed. Then           make a donation towards the dinner or raffle, please
the pandemic hit, so again the membership amendment was              contact Joe and Cindi Breuer at 794-2295.
postponed. Now as we are turning the corner on both of these
matters, we are looking for nominations of active and                FEAST OF FAITH - The Collection: A Privilege
dedicated St. Charles Parishioners to fill three positions on the         As the altar is prepared for the celebration of the
council. You may nominate yourself or another parishioner,           Eucharist, the collection is taken up. In the early church, this
with their consent. The new members will start in June and           part of the Mass must have been something to behold, as the
hold a 3-year term. If more than three nominations are               people suddenly began to move, bringing forward to the
received, an election will be held. Please contact the               deacons and priests freshly-baked bread and fine wine. Then,
St. Charles Parish office at 725-5595, for more information or       after the Eucharistic Prayer, that same community came
for nominations.                                                     forward again in the Communion procession, and they re-
                                                                     ceived back the very gifts they had given, now transformed
              Cemetery Fund                                          into something infinitely more precious than bread and wine:
          St. Charles and St. Mary’s Settlement Cemeteries           the very Body and Blood of Christ.
          are in need of donations for the upkeep of the sites. If        Beginning around the eleventh century, it became the
          you would like to make a donation, you may put it in       custom for people to present money instead of bread and wine,
the offertory collection or mail it to St. Charles, P.O. Box 166,    and the procession of the faithful gradually disappeared (it
Cassville, WI 53806. Please make the check out to the                survives in the liturgy of Holy Thursday). But the meaning is
cemetery you want the fund to be applied to.                         the same. We continue to bring the fruit of our labors and to
                                                                     offer them freely to God. And God continues to transform
           Help Needed for Canning Beef                              them into Christ. It is through our generous sharing of time,
       We are canning beef on Tuesday, June 22 at                    talent, and treasure that our parishes can preach the gospel,
       St. Charles School kitchen at 9:00 a.m. We would              reach out to the sick and the imprisoned, and celebrate the
appreciate help with washing jars, cutting up meat or stuff-         sacraments. —Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
ing the jars. Lots of hands make quick work. If you have a
favorite knife, please bring it along. Anyone that has extra         PARISH FINANCIAL UPDATES
jar flats or jar rings, we would appreciate the donation.                     St. Mary’s, Glen Haven for June 12, 2021:
Leave them off at school or bring them along.                                 Church Support….………………………………..$590.00
                                                                              National Combined Collection…………………….$50.00
               St. Charles School News
           Do you want your child/children or grandchildren to                St. Charles, Cassville for June 13, 2021
           receive an excellent faith based education? We of-                 Church Support…………………………………$1,556.00
 fer small class sizes, one on one instruction, and a standards               Offertory…………………………………………...$252.00
 based curriculum. Scholarships are available to help offset the              Cemetery Fund……………………………………...$85.00
 cost of tuition. If interested, please contact the school at 608-            Fall Beef Fund………………………………………$50.00
 725-5173.                                                                   PLEASE HELP US PAY OUR EXPENSES
                                                                             St. Charles suggested giving is $1,400.00 a year for
                                                                     a married couple and $700.00 a year for a single household.
THE WIND AND THE SEA                                                          End of Fiscal Year is June 30, 2021
     Living along the shores of Lake Superior—the “big lake,”
as the locals call it—you can often hear the advice, “Respect
the lake; don’t take it for granted.” People who know Lake                St. Mary’s, Glen Haven Schedule for June 26, 2021
Superior respect its power and watch out for its many moods.                         8:00 p.m. Saturday Mass
Sunken ships and boats crushed into kindling are testimonies to           Lector:    Joe Breuer
what the lake can do.                                                     Communion: Joe Breuer
     The readings of this Sunday evoke our memories of the                Ushers:    Tim & Jacob Walz
lake, of the mighty Mississippi River, or of the ocean itself.            Servers:    Erin Adrian, Leah Patterson
Who but God can control these mighty waters and set limits to            St. Charles’ Ministry Schedule for June 26 & 27, 2021
their advance? The lake described in today’s Gospel was a                                4:30 p.m. Saturday Mass
body of water subject to sudden storms and churned into                   Lector:        Abby Tasker
dangerous waves by terrible winds.                                        Communion:     Scott Knox
     But these mighty agents are subject to God. The sailor and           Ushers:        Tim, Holly and Adison Tasker
the fisher all respect the water. Even more, they respect the             Servers:       Audrey & Aimslee Tasker
                                                                                         10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
awesome power of the Maker of wind and sea.                               Lector:        Gordy Kremer
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
                                                                          Communion:     Beth Abing
                                                                          Ushers:        Tom Vondrum, Joe Ploessl
                                                                          Servers:        NA
St. Mary & St. Charles St. Mary & St. John Parishes
Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time                                                                                June 20, 2021

Celebrate Life                                                     Meetings
                                                                   *June 22—St. Charles Parish Council meeting at 7:00 p.m.
                                      Life Begins at               *June 23-St. Mary’s Parish Council meeting at 6:00 p.m. in
                                      Conception!                  Bloomington
                                                                   *July 13– St. John’s Parish Council meeting at 7:00 p.m.
                                      At 18 days a baby’s          *August 24-Joint Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. at St. Charles
                                      heart begins to beat         Church, Cassville
                                      and by the 43rd day
                                      after conception a           EVENTS
                                      baby’s brain is              *June 27-Drive-thru Pork Chop Dinner & Raffle at St. Mary’s,
                                      coordinating move-           Glen Haven starting at 11:00 a.m.
                                      ments. All of a baby’s       *July 13- St. John’s Food Pantry 12:30-1:30 p.m. but
                                      organs are functioning       participants should be there no later than 1:00 p.m. to make sure
                                      at 8 weeks and a baby        there is enough food for everyone.
                                      can smile, suck his/her      *August 1-St. Mary’s Golf Outing
                                                                   *August 10- St. John’s Food Pantry 12:30-1:30 p.m. but
                                      thumb and make a fist        participants should be there no later than 1:00 p.m. to make sure
                                      by 12 weeks.                 there is enough food for everyone.
                                                                   *August 14-St. John’s Summer Fest.
Help is Available                                                  *September 11 & 12-St. Mary’s Fall Festival
         If you need support for an unplanned pregnancy,           *September 19-St. Charles Fall Festival
please contact the Clarity Clinic of SW Wisconsin at 608-
348-5787 or email at or the           Evangelization—Bishop Hying
Women’s Care Center in Madison, WI at 608-241-8100.                       Bishop Hying wants all Catholics in the diocese to
For more information on pro-life issues, visit                     commit to evangelization. He has four simple things that we                                      can do to grow in faith.
                                                                           1. Develop or strengthen a habit of going to
                                                                   confession regularly, ideally at least once per month.
Natural Family Planning                                                     2. Prioritize Sunday as the Lord’s Day in your lives
         Register for in-person education courses or for a self    especially by attending Mass.
-paced online course:                 3. Commit to spending at least 15 minutes per day
-andregistration Questions? Call 608-495-6117 or email:            in prayer, ideally praying often with Scripture.                                                           4. Make asceticism (voluntary practices of self-
                                                                   denial) a regular part of their lives, beginning with at least
       WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUTER                                 the mandatory observance of Fridays as penitential fasting.
      Happy Father’s Day! Take time for your marriage by           days throughout the year.
      attending an upcoming in person Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekend on June 25-27 in Geneva, IL; Aug. 20-22          Support for Fr. Paul Fagan
in Madison, WI or Sept. 17-19 in Geneva, IL. There are virtu-               You may continue to help Fr. Paul and his work
al experiences on Sept. 13 thru Oct. 4 and Nov. 13-14.             by writing a check to Roads to Life Tanzania and sending
         Visit our website at: or call (888)   it to PO Box 157, Prairie du Chien, WI 53821.
574-5653. Para un fin de semana en español por favor llamen
a Candelario y Emilia al 815-375-4250.
                                                                   Cassville AA and Al-Anon Meetings
                                                                        The AA meetings are every Thursday night at 7:30 p.m.
Survivors of Suicide (SOS) Support Group                           at the Municipal Building in Cassville.
          This support group is meant to help those who have
lost a loved one to suicide and to give hope.                      AA and Al-Anon Meetings in Bloomington
          More information at                 Open AA meetings for anyone who is struggling with
National Suicide Prevention Life Line                              addiction are held every Thursday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. The
– 1.800.273.8255 24 Hour assistance.                               meeting will be held at the American Legion, 212 Congress
                                                                   St., Bloomington, WI. Please call Peggy at 317-690-9241 for
                                                                   more information.
                                                                   Courage & EnCourage
                                                                        Courage, an apostolate of the Catholic Church,
                                                                   ministers to persons with same-sex attractions and their loved
                                                                   ones. They also have an outreach called EnCourage, which
                                                                   ministers to relatives, spouses, and friends of persons with
                                                                   same-sex attractions. In recognition of the irreplaceable role of
                                                                   the family in attaining an understanding of the homosexual
                                                                   condition and embracing a life of chastity. If you are looking
                                                                   for acceptance for yourself-same-sex attraction and all-while
                                                                   embracing the truth about sex as God means it to be, you may
                                                                   call (608) 821-3018 or contact
                                                                   for more information.
St. Mary & St. Charles St. Mary & St. John Parishes
                                                                  BARBARA                                                             Remembering
                                                                 BERNHARDT                                                            Your Parish in
                                                                         Broker, Owner                                                  Your Will.                                                   Brenda Ertz, Owner/Stylist
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Full Service Salon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            M, W, Th 8-8
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Complete Hair Care                  Fri 8-5
                                                                                                                                     For further information,                                   Waxing - Tanning - Manicures & Pedicures       Sat 9-2

                              608-412-3761                                                              please call the Parish Office.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Day Spa Packages
                                                                                                                                                                                                         (608) 994-3300
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Other Time By Appt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Summer Hours Vary

                                                                                                                                                                        Come join us and help      GRANT REGIONAL
  Martin Schwartz Funeral                                                                                                                                                others in our parish      HEALTH CENTER
   Home & Crematory                                                                                                                                                       and community.                                 Emergency
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Walk-In Care
                               994-2796                                                                                                                                  Meetings every 3rd

                                                                                                                                                                           Tuesday night.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Insurances Accepted:
                                                             The Most Complete
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   Fennimore                                                                 822-3434
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                                                                                     GREAT COVERAGE - 97% of all households attending church take at least one
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                                                                                                                                                                                                 Grow in your faith,

       IN YOUR LOCAL                                                                 businesses are inclined to choose the one who advertised in the church bulletin.                             find a Mass, and
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