Societynews - St Vincent de Paul Society

Societynews - St Vincent de Paul Society
Societynews                                                                                 NEWSLETTER 301 | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2019

                                                                                                Pictured: Casey Young Vinnies team at Vinnies Cranbourne

The team at Casey Young Vinnies                a physical gift. They have worked around
(CYV) are proud to be bringing the             the clock to get this up and running,
North Pole to the families they                calling on all members of CYV to play
assist, through a ‘Gift Giving                 their part in raising awareness of this
Bonanza’ member-led campaign.                  great initiative.
“This year some of the families in our local   City of Casey employees have also come
community have been affected by the            onboard and will be volunteering at
Bunyip bushfires. We have seen some of         Santa’s Workshop (recently relocated to
our neighbours battle with issues such as      Bunjil Place, Narre Warren). On 16
homelessness and financial hardship –          December, these elves will be wrapping,
and this didn’t sit easy with us,” said        decorating, card writing and allocating
Arnhie San Juan, Casey Young Vinnies           presents to vulnerable families which will
President.                                     be given out on the Berwick Soup Van, at
Every day they see the incredible resilience   the CYV Kids Days Out and to people
in those we, as a Society, are blessed to      who have lost their homes and belongings
serve, so this Christmas the conference        in the Bunyip bushfires earlier this year.
wanted to do their part to help ease           In 2019 we have seen our Young Adult
this burden.                                   Conferences really invest in advocacy
CYV initiated a ‘Gift Giving Bonanza’          work on behalf of the people they get to
campaign that extends to their social          know through their good works. This is
networks, hosted by a GoFundraise page         exciting, game-changing and powerful for
for financial contributions. The conference    youth across the Society.
then organised donation points at various      Rudolf better be prepared to light the way
                                                                                                                          Pictured: Lily with Aunty Hilda
local centres for people who wish to give      for all his deliveries this Christmas!

Societynews - St Vincent de Paul Society
                                Kevin McMahon
Dear friends,
It is only natural at this time of the year to look forward to
the celebrations of Christmas.
At this time of year we also tend to make a lot of fuss
about gift giving. Much of this is influenced by a lot of
                                                                  GUARDIAN ANGELS GIVING BACK
persuasive advertising, but gifts and presents are not only       The Guardian Angel Knitting Program has been
for Christmas.                                                    lovingly supporting Vinnies for the past three years
A gift is something given out of love, gratitude or respect. If   by creating homemade knitted goods that provide
our gift is genuine we expect nothing in return, something        warmth and smiles to thousands of people who are in
our 12,000+ members and volunteers have done every day            need across Australia.
for more than 165 years. For example, over the past year:         The program is supported by Guardian Pharmacy and
• Our dedicated prison visitation team were present to            their customers who have produced tens of thousands of
      support families.                                           jumpers, scarves, beanies and other items that we have
• Volunteers were present for people who visit our soup           distributed to people who use our soup vans or have
      vans and community meals, 52 weeks of the year.             been sold in Vinnies Shops. Sales of everything in our
• Members were present to people assisted in their                shops financially support the ‘good works’ we carry out in
      homes or in assistance centres, day in and day out.         the community every day, such as providing food and fuel
• Tutors and volunteers were present to people                    vouchers or paying utility bills for people doing it tough
      attending education programs.                               in Victoria.
• Shop volunteers were a constant presence as the face
      of our Society.                                             This year, the pharmacy group has added to the Guardian
Then there are the actual gifts and donations from our            Angels program, increasing the Guardian’s positive impact
generous donors, all year long, to support our work.              in the community. Company leaders, staff, suppliers and
                                                                  customers alike have been fundraising, volunteering and
While we always give without judgement or expectation I           donating money and goods to Vinnies. One noteworthy
am buoyed by what we so often get in return. Sometimes
that can be a simple word of thanks or, perhaps, more             initiative is the introduction of Donation Point units at 10
effusive gratitude. At other times it is a smile, or just the     Guardian pharmacies that allow contactless card donations
knowledge that we are living out our faith and have made          at the counter that go straight to Vinnies.
a positive difference.                                            Guardian Pharmacy and Vinnies are strongly aligned in
Christmas also reminds us of the birth of our Saviour –           promoting the values of family, health and peace throughout
and the hope that this brings. In line with this, allow me to     the Christmas period, but we know this can be a difficult
share with you my Christmas list:                                 time for families battling poverty, which is why Guardian
• From our politicians – I’d like to see a more realistic         wants to help keep food on the table by promoting the
      Newstart allowance.                                         Vinnies Christmas Appeal to their customers.
• From our world leaders – better efforts to work towards         Vinnies would like to take this opportunity to thank Guardian
      peace.                                                      Pharmacy and the Guardian Angels for their ongoing
• From each other – a more tolerant attitude towards all.         support. We encourage our members, volunteers and
I once read a very moving short story about Christmas by          employees to say a special hello and thank you while
American writer, O. Henry, called “The Gift of the Magi”.         shopping in your local Guardian Pharmacy for helping us to
While it was published long ago – in 1905 – it’s one of           continue our ‘good works’ in the community.
those stories that loses nothing over time. Give yourself a
treat and explore the love of Christmas in all its simplicity.
And it is not the Christmas season without a bonbon joke:         PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED FOR...
• Question: What did the farmer ask from the dear Lord
      for his stocking?                                           Deceased members, volunteers, family and friends
• Answer: Reindeer, Lord. (Rain, dear Lord, of course!)           •  John Chan, member, Keilor East/Avondale Heights
On a serious note, please keep in your thoughts the many             Conference
families affected by both drought and bushfire across             •  Francis Matthews, former member, Camberwell
the nation. Both our local and interstate members and                Conference
volunteers, who are also part of their local community, are       •  John Morton, former member, Caulfield South/Elsternwick
actively supporting communities to rebuild their lives, and          Conference, Deepdene/Balwyn Conference and Ashburton
they need our prayers as we enter a summer which will                Conference
present many challenges.                                          •  Stephanie O'Brien, former member, Heyfield Conference
                                                                     and volunteer, Vinnies Heyfield
May the Lord bless all of you and keep you and your loved
ones safe over Christmas.                                           Please email any requests for prayers to our Support Services
                                                                             team at
Societynews - St Vincent de Paul Society
For the past 40 years, each November,
the Vincentian family we have lost during
the year are remembered at our annual
Thanksgiving Mass at the site of our
first conference St Francis Church in
This year, on 12 November, more than 450
people crowded into St Francis to hear the
Archbishop of Melbourne Peter A Comensoli’s
moving liturgy commemorating the lives
of people who have gone before us, and
especially those who passed away in the
last year.
Along with the Society's State President,
Kevin McMahon, the Archbishop highlighted
the great work of the St Vincent de Paul
Society and our role within the church to
help live out the Gospel in our everyday work.
They both spoke of the need for the Society
and the archdiocese to support each other
in helping to live out our Vincentian vocation
and help spread the Gospel message
through our ‘work of love’.
Hosted by Southern Central Council and
Brendan Podbury, this year's Mass included
the beautiful procession of light, magnificent
liturgy and music.
For many Vincentians this is one of the
highlights of the calendar year. It is a
sacred time, where members, volunteers,
employees, families and people we assist
come together to give thanks for people who
have passed away, for our great gift of the
Eucharist and for each other.
Many thanks to everyone who attended and
the team at Gerald Ward House who worked
tirelessly behind the scenes to bring forth
such a joyous occasion.
Societynews - St Vincent de Paul Society
Judie Trease runs a 47-acre              at the bare dirt and
fodder farm with her husband             animals that are
and third-generation farmer Greg         suffering and it’s
in East Gippsland. This is the
second year that they have not           sad, sad, sad. We
had rain.                                have been badly
                                         affected, but it is
“We have never seen a drought so
bad and don’t know where it’s going      worse on the dry
to end. We just try to get on with       country, further out
things and not dwell too much            from here. I have
because it can really get you down.”     been shocked to
The 71-year-old couple grows lucerne     see sheep
and produce hay to sell to the nearby    wandering around
dairy and sheep farms – or they          on the empty
normally do when their crop has not      paddocks.”
been ravaged by the dry skies. Last

year, they had to abandon their crop     Judie and Greg have only been able
after the first cut despite normally     to produce 35 bales of hay this year.
getting five or six throughout the
season. They only produced 25            Because their regular customers are

                                                                                       CHANGES LIVES
percent of their regular output.         not in the position to buy it despite
                                         their desperate need, Vinnies has
“Obviously, that’s a huge impact on
our income, but we had no choice. It     bought the hay to give to those
costs $4,000 to produce a crop of        drought-affected farmers in the               For the past 15 years Robert and
lucerne and in the end, it was           district. It is an inspiring example of       Carol have been donating vouchers
costing us to grow it,” says Judie.      how Vinnies will adapt to find ways of        at Christmas.
“We have survived by using our           assisting farmers battling the drought        Many years ago when Carol was a
savings, which is scary because we       who Judie says are reluctant to ask           young struggling single mum, Vinnies
don’t know how long the drought will     for help.                                     was there to help out and she has
go on. We don’t spend money on                                                         never forgotten just how grateful she
anything we don’t need. We have          She adds that Greg is too emotional           was for the vouchers she received.
always lived simply, we don’t live       to talk about the drought publically. He      The vouchers enabled Carol to
high,” she says. The couple grows        keeps mentally strong by keeping              purchase items for her children
their own meat and buy vegetables        busy and he gets support from others          especially at Christmas and now that
from a farm next door. “You just         at the local men’s shed, which has            she is able, Carol wants to help other
have to deal with it, get through it                                                   struggling families to be able to do
and hope that the rains will come.”      been a great help.
                                                                                       exactly the same.
Judie expects that they will have to     The couple used to own a much
                                         bigger farm, but downsized for their          Thank you to both Carol and Robert
abandon the crop again this year                                                       for their continued support.
and sell their water rights allocation   “retirement”. “Greg doesn’t do nothing
to a nearby farmer who is struggling     very well,” says Judie. The couple
to keep his cows going. She adds         can’t imagine living anywhere else,
that because parts of the state
receive a lot of rain, people don’t      despite the unpredictable nature of life
realise some Victorian farmers are       on the land.
as badly affected by the drought as      It is not just the weather that tests the
they have been further north in          spirits – any unexpected cost can
                                         knock farmers for six. Ironically in
The emotional impact is difficult to     Judie and Greg’s case, it was their
deal with, she says: “Farmers are a      irrigation pump – which will this year
different breed. They are stoic and
tend to hold it all in because even      go unused – that presented their last
though the drought is not their fault    financial setback in 2017. The new
obviously, they feel like they are       one cost $25,000, which came out of
letting their families down.             their savings. “It is difficult, but that’s
“That’s not right of course, but the     farming,” says Judie. “You have to roll
situation is overwhelming. You look      with the punches.”
Societynews - St Vincent de Paul Society
 Legacy of                                                                       Vinnies Grovedale really knows
                                                                                 how to party.

                                                                                 The Vinnies team celebrated their fifth
                                                                                 anniversary of serving the community
                                                                                 with a disco theme and, of course,
                                                                                 they had a variety of outfits at their
                                                                                 Vinnies Shops now have more than
                                                                                 6,000 volunteers around Victoria, and
                                                                                 when 97 percent of our volunteers
More than 60 like-minded               It was clear that one and all at this     tell us they “feel valued”, while 92
supporters joined together to          special event were also celebrating       percent say they would “recommend
celebrate the true spirit of giving    another wonderful Christmas               volunteering to others”, it really does
at the St Vincent de Paul Society      tradition−giving and receiving.           make us proud.
Victoria’s annual Frederic’s           One of the most important sources         If you're interested in volunteering,
Fellowship Christmas luncheon.         of funding for our work in the            why not have a chat to one of our
It was a festive affair with all the   community comes from people who           friendly shop volunteers? And who
trimmings, but also a wonderful        have included a gift in their Will.       knows? Next time it might very well
opportunity to reflect on the                                                    be a photo of you appearing here in
                                       Supporting the Society in this special    Societynews celebrating with your
difference our wonderful supporters    way not only creates a lasting legacy     own Vinnies family.
have made in people’s lives.           of kindness, it also plays a vital role
The St Vincent de Paul Society         in continuing to provide a ‘hand-up’
Victoria’s Gift in Will Manager        to people in need for generations
Sharon Wangman thanked all             to come.
present for their incredible support   Please contact Sharon Wangman on
now and into the future.               03 9895 9821 for a confidential chat.

Societynews - St Vincent de Paul Society
As I farewell you all, I just wanted to say
a few words of thanks and appreciation.
For the past 27 years, I have loved being
part of the St Vincent de Paul Society and,
especially, the soup vans. In 1992, I started
as a volunteer on the Footscray Soup Van
when I was still a teenager. Ten years later, I
moved to the Fitzroy Soup Van alongside Br
Doug Walsh; next I worked with schools and
then onto managing the soup van program.
It has been extremely rewarding and
I am still as passionate and energised about
the work we do on the soup vans now as
I was when I started all those years ago.
I have memories that will remain with me
forever and I would not be the same person                      Pictured: Danusia Kaska, former
                                                                Soup Van Operations Manager
today if it wasn’t for the soup vans.
There are many inspirational and wonderful
people involved in the soup vans, too many to list;
however, I have to mention Leo Holt, who has been a                                 SUSAN IS A TRUE VINCENTIAN
great advocate and support to the Vinnies Soup Van
Program, Br Doug – whom I worked with for more                                     Susan Serey is a true Vincentian and, in late October,
than 20 years on the soup vans – all the soup van                                  she was appointed Mayor of the City of Casey, the
presidents, night leaders and office bearers – they                                youngest ever.
take on such huge tasks and responsibilities and I am                              Susan’s eight-year involvement with the St Vincent de Paul
greatly inspired by their commitment and dedication.                               Society began as a member and she became president
                                                                                   of Casey Young Vinnies, being the youth representative
Then there are the Vannies who are the backbone                                    on Southern Central Council, completing 10 Kids Camps,
of the service. I have also loved working with my                                  assisting with the setting up of the Berwick Soup Van and
wonderful colleagues, Nick Lock and Charlotte                                      volunteering at both Berwick and Fitzroy soup vans.
                                                                                   I met Susan when I started my volunteer journey with Casey
I also feel sincerely grateful to Vinnies CEO Sue                                  Young Vinnies. Together we have done multiple school
Cattermole for the faith and trust she gave to me to                               presentations and I’ve witnessed how she shares her
lead the Vinnies Soup Van teams over these last                                    Vinnies story especially when she is speaking to students.
five years and it has been an honour to serve the                                  Her leadership experience grew with the opportunities that
Vannies during this time.                                                          Vinnies presented which is a real testament to the work of
Thank you, too, for your friendships and support; it                               my predecessors and colleagues who continue to find ways
has been great to have worked with so many of you                                  for young people to develop their confidence, harness that
on so many different projects and tasks.                                           passion and take action in their local communities.
The most important part has been the people we                                     Susan is proud of her involvement and said: “Vinnies gave
serve. I have personally seen the difference that a                                me the opportunity from a young age to volunteer and use
kind word and smile from a Vannie can make.                                        my passion for helping people in need. Over my eight years
                                                                                   of service to Vinnies my journey evolved from helping young
Finally, I know that the program is in a good shape                                people to encouraging them to volunteer and understand
                                    and also in good                               the importance of giving their time. I believe this is just as
                                    hands. The team                                important, if not more, than donating funds. I am grateful to
                                    is ready to move                               Vinnies for allowing me to do community service at such a
                                    onto the next                                  young age which led me
                                    stage, so I feel it’s                          to this journey in local
                                    the right time to                              government.”
                                    hang up my apron                               Thank you Susan for
                                    and pass the soup                              being a testament to
                                    ladle on to the                                how volunteering in
                                    next person.                                   Vinnies Youth nurtures,
                                                    Wishing you all                supports and develops
                                                    the very best in               successful leaders.
                                                    the future and I               Stephanie Shave
                                                    am sure our paths              Youth Engagement Team
             Pictured: Danusia with Br Doug Walsh
                                                    will cross again!
Societynews - St Vincent de Paul Society
E D U C AT I O N :
                                                                                   O U R I M PA C T
                                                                                   Over the past three years,
                                                                                   the Society’s Social Justice
                                                                                   & Advocacy Committee has
                                                                                   been auditing the real cost of
                                                                                   We thank all conferences and
                                                                                   regions for their support and the
                                                                                   data provided.
                                                                                   Not only are we able to share the
                                                                                   following results:
                                                                                   • 2017 January−December
                                                                                   • 2018 January−December
                                                                                   • 2019 January−June
                                                                                   We can also share some snippets
                                                                                   of how the assistance provided
                                                                                   has changed lives.
                                                                                   HEIDELBERG WEST CONFERENCE

                                                                                   Approximately 18 months ago
                                                                                   our conference was approached
                                                                                   to help with education costs for
                                                                                   a 16-year-old girl whose mother
The St Vincent de Paul Society             When asked to comment on the day,       – due to illness – could no longer
Victoria’s latest Roadshow took            these were some of the responses we     afford the education expenses.
place in September in Warrnambool.         received:                               Our conference was able to help
                                           “The day was really fun and I enjoyed   by providing assistance with
Roadshow is run in regional communities                                            computer costs as well as VCE
                                           it. It was good to meet different
by the Society’s State Youth Team,                                                 books and stationery.
                                           people,” said ‘Rachel’, while ‘Laura’
and brings action-packed activities to     said: “The people were all so nice”.
regional communities – keeping children                                            This year the daughter sat her
                                           We can’t wait to see what the future    VCE exams and we were so
engaged while providing their parents
                                           holds. Stay tuned for announcements     happy to learn that she passed
with valuable respite.                     about Roadshow in 2020 when we will     with flying colours and has been
The Roadshow model has undergone a         be recruiting volunteers.               offered a veterinary science
number of changes over the past year       Lachy Faktor                            course at Latrobe University.
and this new version focuses on one        Roadshow Special Works Conference       Needless to say, her mother
particular town or area, which allows a                                            was over the moon and so
more comprehensive and dynamic day                                                 appreciative for the assistance
to be planned and executed.                                                        Vinnies volunteers provided.
Further changes include higher                                                     ROSEBUD CONFERENCE
volunteer-to-child ratios and leadership                                           We have provided families with
opportunities for volunteers. There                                                assistance for clothes and books.
were just shy of 20 volunteers and 30
                                                                                   In one particular case, a young
kids on the day, meaning excellent                                                 straight-A student found herself
volunteer-to-child ratios.                                                         a part-time job after school
There are now extensive opportunities                                              so she could participate in
for young people to step up into                                                   an international space camp
important roles, such as supervisor and                                            program. Sadly, when her mum's
                                                                                   car broke down, all her savings
coordinator.                                                                       went towards paying the rent.
In Warrnambool, the Society also                                                   Vinnies was able to provide
engaged a local coffee van (for the                                                financial assistance and, with
parents) and local catering company                                                the added assistance of an
(for the kids) – further engaging with                                             anonymous benefactor, she now
the community by supporting local                                                  has enough for the trip and also
businesses.                                                                        funds for her future schooling.
                                                                                   *2019 educational costs over the past six-month period
Societynews - St Vincent de Paul Society
• REPURPOSE WITH PURPOSE •                                                               2019
Shopping at Vinnies not only
supports local communities, it
also has a positive impact on the
environment.                                                                      100TH ANNIVERSARY
                                                                                  Moonee Ponds Conference                  25/05/1919
Recent statistics from global data
                                                                                  Brunswick West Conference                24/08/1919
company YouGov identified three
in 10 Australians have thrown away                                                90TH ANNIVERSARY
clothing after only wearing it once.                                              Glen Iris Conference                     09/06/1929
                                                                                  Reservoir Conference                     14/07/1929
In October, the Vinnies Shops
teams set a challenge to divert 10                                                80TH ANNIVERSARY
tonnes of landfill in 10 days.                                                    Belgrave Conference                      06/08/1939
                                                                                  Malvern East Conference                  22/08/1939
Knowing that landfill is Australia’s                                              Box Hill Conference                      25/09/1939
biggest fashion victim, Vinnies                                                   Mildura Conference                       22/10/1939
decided to shine a light on our
consumption habits and help                                                       70TH ANNIVERSARY
change the stats.                                                                 Ashburton Conference                     27/07/1949
                                                                                  Sunshine Conference                      14/10/1949
As a result, our op-shopping
community banded together to                                                      60TH ANNIVERSARY
#RepurposeWithPurpose and                                                         Golden Square/Kangaroo Flat Conference   14/01/1959
helped us deliver our quest to divert                                             Doveton Conference                       19/07/1959
10 tonnes from landfill in 10 days.                                               Cranbourne Conference                    28/08/1959
                                                                                  Mount Waverley Conference                17/09/1959
Not only did we have to stretch
our target twice, we smashed             OUTSTANDING                              Niddrie Conference
                                                                                  St Arnaud Conference

the original by nearly 50 percent.
                                                                                  50TH ANNIVERSARY
Victoria helped us divert a huge
                                                                                  Morwell Conference                       05/03/1969
19.7 tonnes from landfill in 10 days.                                             Kennington Conference                    21/03/1969
                                                                                  White Hills Conference                   11/05/1969

                                                                                  Rochester Conference                     08/06/1969
                                                                                  Pakenham Conference                      01/07/1960
                                                                                  Rosebud Conference                       01/07/1960
                                                                                  Trafalgar Conference                     21/08/1969
                                                                                  Seymour Conference                       16/11/1969
Recently, we had a customer donate $300 to our Vinnies Queenscliff                40TH ANNIVERSARY
Shop. And while this was unusual in itself, the backstory to this $300            Mount Eliza Conference                   31/03/1979
has now become part of our shop’s folklore.                                       Rye Conference                           01/05/1979
The woman told us that she had recently brought home a pair of a $5 pair          30TH ANNIVERSARY
of earrings she had purchased from us. When she showed them to her                St Albans West Conference                29/03/1989
granddaughter, the young women instantly saw that they were Tiffany & Co.         Aspendale Conference                     08/10/1989
as they had the official Tiffany trademark. The granddaughter placed them on      10TH ANNIVERSARY
eBay and sold them for $295 – making a very tidy profit.                          Bass Conference                          31/03/2009
Clearly the woman had snagged herself a bargain. However, she decided             Mernda Conference                        29/04/2009
to do something really memorable – donate the $300 to the shop so that the        Burwood/Bennettswood Young Vinnies       17/05/2009
funds could go towards assisting local people in the Queenscliff community        Meredith & District Conference           09/06/2009
who really needed it.                                                             Ballarat Young Vinnies                   29/09/2009
As a mark of our appreciation we presented her with a decanter that she had
her eye on. We can’t stress how grateful we are to this woman and to all of       NEWLY ESTABLISHED
our supporters, and can't thank everyone enough for their generosity.             Lakes Entrance Conference                26/08/2019

VINNIES MOE                                                                       CALENDAR DATES
Melbourne’s Spring Racing Carnival is a favourite time of the year for
many people. It provides an opportunity for people to get dressed up                 2019 Christmas Appeal
and enjoy the pomp and ceremony of a week of festivities.                             8 November 2019−31 January 2020
Looking for that perfect outfit – or being able to afford it – can be difficult      Vinnies Thornbury opening
though and that's where our Vinnies volunteers shine.                                 11 December 2019
Recently volunteers at Vinnies Moe went above and beyond                             Dandenong Soup Van commences
to assist a young woman who was attending the Oaks Day                                17 December 2019
at Flemington. Everyone in the shop were only too happy                              Christmas−office closure
to help out and by the time she left, she had a fantastic                             24 December 2019–1 January 2020
outfit (including matching shoes) at a bargain price and she                          Reopening: 2 January 2020
looked a million dollars.                                                            Vinnies Thomastown opening
A big congratulations to all for making her day.                                      14 February 2020

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