Page created by Hector Rodriguez

2 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
European Research Council
External Communication Strategy 2019

                                 Table of Contents

                                                     1. Context           4

                                                  2. Objectives           4
Objective 1 - Attract the best ideas and the brightest minds              4
        Objective 2 - Share our passion for frontier science              6
Objective 3 - Position the ERC as a success story for Europe              7

  3. Communication Channels, Multipliers and Partners                     9
                                                  3a. ERC tools           9
                                            3b. Earned media              11
               3c. Multipliers and communication partners                 11

                                                         Annexes          14
    1.Key communication opportunities and events in 2019                  14
                                  2. Scientific Conferences               15
   with planned participation of ERCEA Scientific Officers

                                    3 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
1. Context

The European Research Council’s Executive Agency (ERCEA) supports the ERC Scientific Council
in its mandate to “communicate with the scientific community, key stakeholders and the general
public on the ERC’s activities and achievements”1. External communication assists with the
delivery of the ERC’s Work Programme, which is established each year by the Scientific Council
and approved by the European Commission. It underpins the ERC’s mission to make Europe a
global leader in frontier research.

Building on the work that has been done over the last decade to develop the ERC’s visibility, our
external communication strategy for 2019 reflects a desire to consolidate the ERC’s profile but also
to reach beyond audiences that are already familiar with the ERC’s actions. It takes account of the
fact that 2019 will see a wide-ranging debate on the EU’s future in the context of the European
elections and the appointment of a new European Commission. In this context, we will renew our
efforts to demonstrate the importance of frontier research for the attractiveness of Europe and
for the future wellbeing of citizens, society and the economy. These efforts will also contribute
to the wider narrative on the added value of the EU’s budget and its framework programme for
research and innovation (both the current Horizon 2020 programme and the future Horizon
Europe programme).

On 30 March 2019, the United Kingdom is scheduled to leave the EU. The ERC is involved in the
wider efforts to ensure preparedness for all potential outcomes of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal
from the EU. We will endeavour to provide timely information about the implications for current
grantees and for future applicants, in line with the relevant legal texts and the general guidance
provided by the European Commission.

2. Objectives

The ERC’s communication is guided by the ERC mission statement to select and fund “the excellent
ideas that have not happened yet and the scientists that are dreaming them up”. The ERC aspires
to excellence in its communication.

Objective 1:
Attract the best ideas and the brightest minds

The ERC’s funding schemes are open to researchers across Europe and from anywhere in the
world. Our external communication aims to sustain the overall number and quality of applications
for funding across all schemes and domains.

Target audiences under this objective are researchers with a high potential in Europe and elsewhere
who could be potential applicants, as well as current ERC grantees who may be interested in
applying again under relevant funding schemes.

1) Horizon 2020 Specific Programme, Annex I.1 – Official Journal L347 of 20 December 2013, p981

                                              4 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
In 2019, we will continue to ensure the widest possible awareness of the different calls amongst
these target audiences, across different disciplines and funding schemes, but with a reinforced
emphasis on the following audiences:

  esearchers from countries that have lower application rates or lower number of grants in ERC
 calls, particularly from EU-13 countries that have joined the EU since 2004 (in line with the
 work on widening European participation initiated by the Scientific Council);
  esearchers globally who have the right profile to apply for ERC funding in order to develop
 their research in Europe, in line with the ambition of the ERC and the European Commission
 to be “open to the world”;
  emale researchers, in line with the work on gender balance that has been initiated by the
 Scientific Council.

Communication actions planned for 2019 under this objective include the following:
>P  rovide accurate, clear and up-to-date information about the ERC’s funding schemes and
  the details of calls via the ERC’s communication channels (website, email lists, social media
  accounts, etc.);
> S upport the participation of the ERC’s President, Scientific Council members, ERCEA Staff
  (especially management and scientific officers) and ERC grantees in selected scientific
  conferences and events targeting several research communities;
>C  ooperate with multipliers and communication partners (in particular the ERC’s National
  Contact Points, Host Institutions, Science Counsellors in EU Delegations and the EURAXESS
  network) in order to ensure the widest possible dissemination of information about ERC
  funding schemes and calls to the relevant target audiences in EU Member States, Associated
  Countries and other countries worldwide;
> Identify opportunities for decentralised communication in at least three EU-13 countries
  (including scientific conferences mentioned in the list of key events annexed to this strategy,
  events organised by ERC National Contact Points and Host Institutions, as well as events with
  Principal Investigators organised by the ERCEA);
> Identify opportunities for decentralised communication in at least four non-ERA countries
  (including the USA at AAAS and the roadshow planned later in 2019, in Japan and China where
  roadshows are planned next year, and in Brazil where the ERC will attend the Global Research
  Council including organising information sessions);
> S hare the stories of current ERC grantees and their careers as a source of inspiration and
  guidance for potential applicants, with a particular focus on the experiences of female grantees
  and grantees from less-represented countries;
>P  roduce and disseminate a video illustrating the ERC’s efforts to tackle unconscious bias,
  including gender bias, in its evaluation of proposals;
>C  ommunicate actively about the role of women in science, including on the occasion of the
  International Day of Women and Girls in Science in February and the Ada Lovelace Day (ALD)
  in October which celebrates the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering
  and maths (STEM);
>W  eb marketing and targeted use of “promoted” content in order to reach the research community
  via online channels, especially in the priority countries mentioned above.

                                    5 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
Performance management
In order to gauge current levels of awareness and perceptions in different countries of the ERC’s
funding opportunities, we will conduct a survey of key multipliers and partners (including the
ERC’s National Contact Points, Science Counsellors in EU Delegations and the Euraxess network)
in 2019.

The main indicator to track the effectiveness of our communication actions under this objective
will be the overall number of visits to the funding section of the ERC website, as well as trends
observed in the number of visits from countries in which major communication actions have
taken place. (In 2018, the ERC website attracted 600,000 visits of which almost half were to the
funding section.) Over time, the intention is also to work with ERCEA colleagues to analyse
the evolution of actual applications under the different funding schemes in order to guide future
communications actions (while recognising the wide range of other factors that are likely to
influence results in this context).

Objective 2
Share our passion for frontier science

From quantum computing to molecular biology, from sustainable energy to migration flows, from
the creation of new concepts to the development of immediate applications, the ground-breaking
research carried out by ERC grantees is pushing the frontiers of human knowledge and changing
the way we look at the world around us. The ERC’s external communication aims to stimulate
interest in science beyond the research community, to provide a platform for ERC grantees to
share their work, and to position the ERC as a global leader in frontier research.

Target audiences under this objective include policy-makers and influencers at the national,
European and international levels, the global research community and members of the public
in Europe who have an interest in topics related to research, innovation and science. In 2019, we
intend to step up our efforts to support public engagement and outreach.

Communication actions planned for 2019 under this objective include the following:
> S upport especially the ERC’s President, in cooperation with his team, but also members of the
  Scientific Council, with speaking engagements, media interviews and other communication
>W  ork with science media and journalists to encourage reporting on frontier research and the
  achievements by ERC grantees;
>P  rovide communication training and support to ERCEA staff, particularly from the scientific
  department, who represent the ERC at scientific conferences and other events and several of
  whom are also active on social media;
>W  ork with grantees, their host institutions and ERCEA staff (particularly management and
  scientific officers) with a view to sharing stories and research results via the ERC’s communication
  channels such as events, media interviews and social media;

                                     6 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
> Identify opportunities to collaborate with the producers of popular science podcasts, including
  a co-sponsored series of podcasts with Nature;
>C  ollaborate with multipliers and organisers of popular science events including Researchers’
  Night, Pint of Science and Science Museums;
> S upport the communication actions carried out under two Coordination and Support Action
  projects that will conclude their activities in 2019 – the ScienceSquared2 project and the
  ERCcOMICS3 project;
>W  ork with the European Commission DG for Research and Innovation (RTD), Representations,
  DG for Communication (COMM) and other DGs with a view to have them include examples
  of ERC-funded research in wider communication efforts around the Horizon 2020 programme
  and the Commission’s corporate communication campaigns.

Performance management
Insights into levels of awareness and public perceptions concerning research and innovation will
be provided through a specific Eurobarometer opinion survey to be launched by the Commission
in 2019 (the first such survey since 2013). These insights will provide a useful baseline for the
ERC’s future communication.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) under this objective will include:
> Th
   e number of speaking engagements and media interviews undertaken especially by the ERC
  President but also the members of the Scientific Council;
> Th
   e number of ERC stories shared via the ERC’s communication channels (website, social
  media accounts, videos etc.);
> Th
   e number of ERC grantees speaking at key events;
> Th
   e number of examples of ERC-funded research featured in campaigns and communication
  actions managed by DG RTD, DG COMM and other DGs;
> Th
   e traffic to the “stories” section of the ERC website, number of views of videos featuring ERC
> Th
   e number of ERC grantees who receive communication training, guidance and support;
> Th
   e number of ERCEA staff who receive communication training, guidance and support.

Objective 3
Position the ERC as a success story for Europe

Over the last decade, the ERC has supported the development of new ideas, pushing researchers
to follow their curiosity wherever it may take them. This bottom-up approach has produced
impressive results. Independent evaluations have shown that more than 70% of completed ERC-
funded projects produced breakthroughs or major scientific advances.

The ERC’s external communication seeks to demonstrate the relevance and the added value of the
ERC in developing Europe’s competitiveness and its contribution for improving the wellbeing of
citizens, and society at large. It serves to enhance the ERC’s visibility and reputation for excellence
and to support the broader narrative on the added value of the European Union, its budget and the
Horizon 2020 programme. It aims to make the case for blue-sky, curiosity-driven frontier research.

2) https://www.sciencesquared.eu/
3) https://www.erccomics.com/

                                      7 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
This also involves showcasing the ERC’s structural impact, such as raising the overall level of
scientific excellence in Europe and making Europe a hub for top talent, acting as a benchmark
on the European research landscape, contributing to the production of new knowledge and
methodologies, to the creation jobs and new companies, to the filing of patents, etc. The ERC’s
communication will also continue to feed into wider debates on topical issues for the future of
European research such as gender balance, open access, fake news and innovation. The ERC’s
communication will also contribute to capitalise on the prominent role of the ERC President
acting as spokesman for the organisation and for European frontier science.

Target audiences under this objective include decision-makers at international, EU and national
levels, key influencers and opinion-leaders, as well as members of the public who have an interest
in research, science and related topics. We also aim to maintain and develop the ERC’s good
relations with key EU decision-makers in the periods leading up to and following the European
elections and the formation of the new Commission in 2019.

Communication actions planned for 2019 under this objective include the following:
> S upport especially to the ERC’s President, in cooperation with his team, but also to members of
  the Scientific Council, with speaking engagements, media interviews and other communication
>W  ork with media and journalists to encourage reporting on frontier research and the results
  achieved by ERC grantees;
>P  articipation of the ERC at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2019, as well as the
  “Summer Davos” in China later in the year, as well as stepping up the collaboration with WEF
  in terms of providing content via their channels;
>P  rovide communication training and support to ERCEA staff, particularly from the scientific
  department, who represent the ERC at scientific conferences and other events and several of
  whom are also active on social media;
>O  rganisation of a session with ERC grantees at the European Parliament (EP)’s Science Week
  in February 2019 in cooperation with the EP’s Science and Technology Options Assessment
  service (STOA);
>O  rganisation of an Event in December 2019, with the participation of decision-makers from the
  European Parliament and the European Commission to highlight the broad impact of the ERC
  at the structural level as well as to foster the “Usefulness of useless research”;
>C  ontinue to collaborate closely with the European Science Media Hub established by the
  European Parliament, with a view to tackling misinformation and fake news through exchanges
  between politicians, journalists and scientists;
>E  ncourage networking and exchange between current and former grantees;
>W  ork with the DG RTD, Representations, DG COMM and other DGs with a view to including
  examples of ERC-funded research in their wider communication efforts around the Horizon
  2020 programme and the Commission’s corporate communication campaigns.

                                    8 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
Performance management
Identifying relevant indicators and measuring progress under this objective is more challenging.
KPIs that we intend to track in 2019 are expected to include:
> Th
   e number of speaking engagements and media interviews undertaken by especially the ERC
  President, but also the members of the Scientific Council;
> Th
   e total earned media coverage (media mentions and combined reach) plus some qualitative
  analysis of qualitative aspects such as tone, key message penetration, geographical breakdown
  and the balance between specialised and general media;
> Th
   e number of examples of ERC-funded research featured in campaigns and communication
  actions managed by DG RTD, DG COMM and other DGs;
> Th
   e number of people reached via the ERC’s channels, media mentions and participation at

3.Communication Channels, Multipliers and

3a. ERC tools

With around 600,000 visitors per year, the ERC website constitutes one of our key communication
tools. Taking into account feedback received through user testing in early 2019, we will further
improve as necessary the accessibility of information and the user experience.

Target: Further increase overall traffic to the website, with particular attention to the impact
of communication actions designed to promote ERC funding schemes and calls (in line with
Objective 1 of this strategy) and to share excellent science (in line with Objective 2 of this strategy).

                                       9 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
Social media
The ERC has established a solid presence on Twitter, passing the milestone of 50,000 followers in
2018. It also has a growing audience on Facebook and LinkedIn. The ERC’s YouTube and Vimeo
channels serve as dissemination channels and repositories for the ERC’s expanding collection of
audio-visual products. In 2019 we aim to increase reach and audience engagement across all of
these platforms, to share information in line with the objectives set out in this communication
strategy, to consolidate our relationship with key influencers (especially our grantees and their
host institutions), to build new relationships with potential multipliers (including organisations
based in EU-13 countries and organisations that can help to reach out to more female researchers),
mobilise ERCEA staff who are active on social media and to make targeted use of promoted
Targets: Increase the number of followers across the different social media platforms where the
ERC has a presence, stimulate greater engagement (likes, shares, comments etc.).

The ERC has successfully experimented in 2018 with different forms of audio-visual
content in order to communicate about funding opportunities and results. These have
included live webcasts, square videos for social media, testimonial videos featuring grantees
and professionally produced videos presenting the Synergy Grants funding scheme.
Targets: Produce 15-20 additional videos (different themes and formats) and organise at least
one live webcast. Increase the number of followers of the ERC’s YouTube account. Achieve
the maximum possible number of views for the videos produced using a variety of promotion
techniques, including paid promotion where justified.

Online magazine
In 2018, we transformed the former “Ideas” newsletter into a new online ERC Magazine. This
has already proved to be an effective medium for sharing articles about excellent curiosity-driven
research and the work of the ERC via a monthly email digest, social media and other channels. We
intend to further develop the editorial content and increase the readership of the magazine in 2019.
Target: 40 articles to be published during the course of the year, increase in traffic to the magazine
section of the website.

Email alerts
The ERC maintains a database of some 40,000 subscribers who have chosen to receive alerts about
ERC funding and stories. In 2019, we will further maintain and develop this mailing list (in line
with the relevant data protection rules).
Target: 30 alerts to be sent during the course of the year.

Despite the trend to more digital communication, leaflets, brochures and other print publications
continue to serve a useful purpose as part of the communication mix (particularly at events).
The ERC will publish its 2018 Annual Report next year, including an HTML version that will be
widely promoted on social media. Taking into account the key communication opportunities and
events planned during the year (see Annex 1) we will also produce a limited number of flyers and
thematic brochures.
Target: Publish and disseminate the Annual Report, 3 leaflets on Implementing Arrangements and
3 thematic brochures.

                                     10 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
The ERC stands serve as a focal point for networking and exchanges at key events. They are often
the forum for discussions between event participants, ERC Scientific Council members, ERCEA
staff and ERC grantees. Roll-up banners are also available for use at smaller events where it is not
possible to install the full stand.
Target: Presence of an ERC stand at 3-5 key events from amongst those listed in Annex 1 of this

3b. Earned media

With more than 15,000 media mentions globally in 2018, the ERC is frequently in the news.
The ERC President and members of the Scientific Council give numerous media interviews. The
release of the results of grant competition results is a key opportunity for earned coverage in the
national and international media (both specialised and non-specialised). The announcement of
ground-breaking research results by ERC grantees also frequently makes the headlines, as does the
awarding of prestigious scientific awards to our grantees.

In 2019, we intend to continue to cooperate closely with science and EU affairs journalists. Our
media relations work involves prompt responses to journalists’ enquiries, as well as reaching out
proactively to the media with newsworthy information. The Commission’s Representations in
EU Member States and the EU’s Delegations in third countries are important partners, as are
the press offices of institutions hosting ERC grantees. We will organise media activities or press
conferences at key events in 2019 (see list in Annex 1 of this strategy). In order to refine our
analysis of media coverage generated by the ERC, on top of the total volume of coverage we will
also analyse qualitative aspects such as tone, key message penetration, geographical breakdown
and the balance between specialised and general media. The ERC will be present at the World
Conference of Science Journalists in July 2019.
> 2 0 media interviews with the ERC President and Scientific Council members;
> 3 0 press releases and highlights disseminated via the ERC’s media lists, the Commission’s
   Representations and other channels;
> 1 0,000 media mentions of the ERC (with a specific focus on generating coverage in EU-13
   countries and non-ERA countries in line with the strategic objectives set out in Section 2 of this

3c. Multipliers and communication partners

Grantees and Host Institutions
Current and former grantees are amongst the ERC’s most effective ambassadors. In 2019, we will
continue to provide communication guidance and support to grantees via our website, as well as
responses to questions we receive via email. We will work with grantees, their host institutions
and ERCEA scientific officers to identify, produce and disseminate new ERC stories highlighting
a cross-section of examples from different domains. These stories will take different forms from
short “pitches” for inclusion in press releases to social media posts, from individual stories on the
ERC website to longer thematic features in the ERC online magazine, from video testimonials to

                                     11 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
podcasts. We will consolidate our repository of stories developed for communication purposes,
part of which will be published in the ERIS database. We will involve grantees as speakers in
panels and sessions at the various events where the ERC will have a presence next year (see list in
Annex). Finally, the ERC will offer for the first time in 2019 communication training to a small
group of grantees. In addition, following a first communication workshop with Host Institutions
organised in late 2018, we plan an event in 2019 together with other opportunities for networking
and exchanges of experiences with communication officers from Host Institutions.

ERCEA staff
In line with the ERCEA’s strategy for internal communication and staff engagement, we will aim
to provide next year additional opportunities for staff to act as ambassadors for the ERC. This
will include training in various aspects of communication (public speaking, clear writing, social
media use, science communication, media relations, filming with smartphones, how to give a Ted
talk and story-telling). Staff will also be encouraged to make use of the European Commission’s
SMARP platform for sharing social media content, particularly in the context of the European

National Contact Points
The NCP network will continue to be an important multiplier at national and regional level,
particularly as regards the relaying of information about the ERC’s funding schemes and calls
in line with the first objective of this communication strategy mentioned in Section 2 above.
Two meetings will be organised in 2019 in Brussels to update the NCPs on developments and to
exchange good practices.

Commission services
We aim to continue our close cooperation in 2019 with the Cabinet of both the outgoing and
incoming Commissioners for Research, Science and Innovation. We will work closely with DG
RTD, particularly its Communication Unit, to support communication on the Horizon 2020
programme and the future Horizon Europe programme.

We will seek to identify opportunities to work together with DG COMM, particularly as
regards the Commission’s corporate communication campaigns but also possible joint actions
with the Commission’s central social media team and audio-visual services. The Commission’s
Representations are also key partners in providing information on ERC funded-research tailored
to specific national and regional contexts.

EU Delegations and the EURAXESS network
Outreach activities in non-EU countries will continue to receive our ongoing support with the
science counsellors in EU Delegations and with the EURAXESS network.

Other EU institutions
We will continue to work closely with key interlocutors in the European Parliament in the run-up
to the European elections in May, and in the period following the elections. These interlocutors
include in particular the members of the ITRE (Industry, Research and Energy) Committee, as
well as STOA (Science and Technology Options Assessment) structure.

                                    12 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
Other potential networks and partners
Building on the involvement of science museums in the ScienceSquared CSA project, we will
explore next year the possibility of future cooperation with this important channel for outreach
and public engagement. In particular, the ERC will participate in the annual meeting of the
European network of science centres and museums ECSITE in June 2019.

                                   13 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019

                                       1. Key communication opportunities and events in 2019

                                          Jan        Feb               Apr               May             Jun            Jul                 Sep              Oct             Nov          Dec

                                                                                         Global                       European                                                World
                                                                                                        Summer                           Consortium                                        ERC
                                                   STOA-ERC          ScC Plenary                                   Conference for                           ScC Plenary      Science
                                          WEF                                           Research                                         for Political
                                                                                                         Davos     Aeronautics and                                                      Policy Event
                                          Davos      Brussels          Lisbon           Council                                            Research           Krakow          Forum
                                                                                                         China      Space Sciences                                                        Brussels
                                                                                        Sao Paulo                                      General Conference                    Budapest

                                                                                                         Science          FEBS                                  ERC
                                                     AAAS                             Pint of Science   Museums        Congress         Researchers'          Scientific
                                                                                                                    from molecules
                                                  Washington DC                          Belgium        (ECSITE)   to living Systems
                                                                                                                                           Night             Conference
                                                                                                        Denmark          Krakow                                Brussels

14 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
                                                                                                                      Science                               Research &
                                                                  Scientific events                                 Journalism                              Innovation
                                                                                                                      (WCSJ)                                   Days
                                                                  Public events                                     Switzerland                             Brussels (tbc)

                                                                  Policy events

                                                                  Multiplier events
2. Scientific Conferences with planned participation
                                       of ERCEA Scientific Officers

                                                                                                       2019 ERC Sessions/Information Talks at Conferences - LS Domain
                                                              Title                                                 Date                                               Location                                             Website
                                            American Association for Cancer                                                                                                                                  https://www.aacr.org/Meetings/Pages/
                                                                                                            29 March - 3 April                                       Atlanta, US
                                            Research (AACR) Annual Meeting                                                                                                                                   MeetingDetail.aspx?EventItemID=174
                                         American Society for Biochemistry and
                                          Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Annual                                       6-10 April                                          Orlando, US
                                             European Conference on Tropical                                                                                                                                https://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/
                                                                                                                 8-12 April                                        Edinburgh, UK
                                                        Ecology                                                                                                                                                        events/ute2019/
                                               RNA Society Annual Meeting                                       11-16 June                                           Krakow, PL                               rna-2019-the-twenty-fourth-annual-
                                        *European Academy of Neurology (EAN)
                                                                                                              29 June - 2 July                                         Oslo, NO                                  https://www.ean.org/oslo2019/
                                          EMBL Symposia: Mechanical Forces in                                                                                                                               https://www.embo-embl-symposia.org/
                                                                                                                  3-6 July                                         Heidelberg, DE
                                                   Development                                                                                                                                               symposia/2019/EES19-05/index.html
                                           *44th FEBS (Federation of European
                                                                                                                 6-11 July                                           Krakow, PL                                  https://2019.febscongress.org/
                                             Biochemical Societies) Congress
                                            FENS (Federation of European
                                                                                                                 10-13 July                                          Belgrade, RS                                 https://www.fensfrm2019.rs/

15 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
                                        Neuroscience Societies) Annual Meeting
                                           Congress of the European Society for
                                                                                                               19-24 August                                            Turku, FI                                      https://eseb2019.fi/
                                                  Evolutionary Biology
                                           7th European Phycological Congress                                  25-30 August                                          Zagreb, HR                                   http://epcseven.biol.pmf.hr/
                                         European Society of Cardiology Annual                                                                                                                                https://www.escardio.org/Congress-
                                                                                                        31 August - 4 September                                        Paris, FR
                                                       Meeting                                                                                                                                                              Home
                                        EMBO Workshop: Protein Synthesis and                                                                                                                                    https://www.embl.de/training/
                                                                                                              4-7 September                                        Heidelberg, DE
                                              Translational Control                                                                                                                                           events/2019/TRC19-01/index.html
                                             American Society of Cell Biology
                                                                                                             7-11 December                                      Washington DC, US                              meetings/2019-ascbembo-annual-
                                              (ASCB)/EMBO 2019 Meeting

                                       *proposed as the two priority events (EAN is the back-up event) in terms of communication and awareness-raising of ERC funding opportunities and research results.
2019 ERC Sessions at Conferences - PE Domain
                                                              Title                                Date                 Location                                     Website
                                                          AAAS 2019                           14-17 February       Washington DC, US            http://meetings.aaas.org/program/meeting-theme/
                                         Conference on ‘Smart Materials and Polymer
                                                                                                 1 March              Bucharest, RO       http://kindcongress.com/congress/smart-materials-meet-2019/
                                            The 6th International Conference on
                                          Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials                                                         https://www.elsevier.com/events/conferences/international-
                                                                                               11-15 March              Sitges, ES
                                        (many PMs and grantees participate in this huge                                                     conference-on-multifunctional-hybrid-and-nanomaterials
                                          ACS meeting “Chemistry for New Frontiers”                                                          https://global.acs.org/events/257th-acs-national-meeting-
                                                                                             31 March - 4 April       Orlando, US
                                                 Orlando US, Mar 31, 2019                                                                                            exposition/
                                                           EGU 2019                              7-12 April            Vienna, AT                            https://www.egu2019.eu/
                                       ECAMP 13 (13th European Conference on Atoms,
                                                                                                 8-12 April            Florence, IT                         http://www.ecamp13.org/
                                                 Molecules and Photons)
                                           SPIE - Defence and Commercial Sensing                14-18 April           Baltimore, US
                                       Optics And Photonics International Congress 2019         22-26 April           Yokohama, JP                              https://opicon.jp/
                                          6th World Congress on Smart Materials and
                                                                                                25-26 April            Helsinki, FI                  https://smart.materialsconferences.com/
                                                     Polymer Technology

16 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
                                         Self-Assembly and Supramolecular Chemistry                                                      https://www.grc.org/self-assembly-and-supramolecular-chemistry-
                                                                                                19-24 May           Les Diablerets, CH
                                                 Gordon Research Conference                                                                                       conference/2019/
                                       European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2019)              2-6 June              Portorož, SI                     https://2019.eswc-conferences.org/
                                         ASME - International Conference on Ocean,
                                                                                                 9-14 June            Glasgow, UK                         https://event.asme.org/OMAE
                                         Offshore & Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2019)
                                       30th European Conference on operational research         23-26 June             Dublin, IE                       https://www.euro2019dublin.com/
                                       The 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific
                                                                                              28 June - 7 July         Albena, BG            Multidisciplinary-Scientific-GeoConference-and-EXPO-
                                                  GeoConference SGEM 2019
                                         8th European Conference for Aeronautics and
                                                                                                  1-4 July             Madrid, ES                           http://www.eucass2019.eu/
                                                Space Sciences (EUCASS 2019)
2019 ERC Sessions at Conferences - PE Domain
                                                             Title                                   Date                  Location                                    Website
                                       GR22, Amaldi 13 ( 22nd International Conference
                                         on General Relativity and Gravitation, 13th
                                                                                                7-12 July 2019           Valencia, ES                       http://www.gr22amaldi13.com/
                                        Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational
                                           Intersolar Nort Amercia Conference and
                                                                                                   9-11 July           San Francisco, US    https://www.intersolar.us/en/attend/exhibition/quick-facts.html
                                       EPS-HEP ( European Physical Society Conference
                                                                                                  10-17 July              Ghent, BE                      https://indico.cern.ch/event/577856/
                                                  on High Energy Physics)
                                         GECCO 2019 - The Genetic and Evolutionary
                                                                                                  13-17 July              Prague, CZ            https://gecco-2019.sigevo.org/index.html/tiki-index.php
                                                Computation Conference
                                          Industrial and Applied Mathematics ICIAM                15-19 July             Valencia, ES        http://www.iciam.org/event/iciam-2019-%E2%80%93-valencia
                                          European Biophysical Societies’ Association
                                                                                                  20-24 July              Madrid, ES                          http://www.ebsa2019.com/
                                            conference + summer school (17-19/7)
                                        Extreme Solar Systems Remark: 4th version of
                                       this solar system/planetary conference, covering
                                                                                                 18-23 August            Reykjavik, IS                https://sites.northwestern.edu/iceland2019/
                                       multiple PE9 descriptors in an breakthrough area.
                                                 Takes place once every 3 years

17 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
                                       Euromar+ISMAR Conference (European Magnetic
                                        Resonance + International society of Magnetic            25-30 August             Berlin, DE                        http://www.euromar2018.org/
                                                Resonance) joint conference
                                                    ACS National Meeting                         25-29 August           San Diego, US                            https://www.acs.org
                                       Remote sensing/ Atmospheric sciences conference:         9-12 September          Strasbourg, FR     http://spie.org/conferences-and-exhibitions/remote-sensing?SSO=1
                                                Laser Applications Conference              29 September - 03 October      Vienna, AT
                                                           CIESM                                07-11 October             Estoril, PT               http://ciesm.org/marine/congresses/Cascais.htm
                                                      AGU Fall Meeting                          9-13 December          San Francisco, US
                                        58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control           11-13 December              Nice, FR                           http://cdc2019.ieeecss.org/
2019 ERC Sessions at Conferences - SH Domain
                                                           Title                              Date                Location                                      Website
                                        Europe and Behond: boundaries, barriers and
                                                                                          21-23 August         Manchester, UK      https://www.europeansociology.org/conferences/esa-conference-2019
                                       14th European Sociological Association Annual
                                        THE SPSA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2019 &
                                                                                         14-16 February          Zurich, CH                   https://www.svpw-assp.ch/conference-2019/
                                       The 2019 annual reunion of the European Public                                                              https://eploacademy.eu/about-eplo/
                                                                                         6-9 September           Athens, EL
                                                 Law Organisation (back up)                                                                            https://www1.eplo.int/board
                                           The European Association for Work &
                                                                                         29 May - 1 June          Turin, IT                              http://eawop2019.org/
                                            Organizational Psychology congress
                                       The 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for
                                                                                        28 July - 2 August       Florence, IT                   http://www.acl2019.org/EN/index.xhtml
                                        Computational Linguistics (ACL) (back-up)
                                          CAA 2019: “Check Object Integrity” (on
                                                                                           23-27 April           Krakow, PL                          https://2019.caaconference.org/
                                                 archaeological science)
                                             European Workshop on Cognitive
                                                                                         22-25 January         Bressanone , IT                  https://sites.google.com/view/ewcn/home
                                               Neuropsychology (back-up)
                                          Organization for Human Brain Mapping                                                           https://www.humanbrainmapping.org/i4a/pages/index.
                                                                                            9-13 June             Roma,IT

18 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
                                                 (OHBM) annual meeting                                                                                   cfm?pageid=3882
                                        2019 SHOT Annual Meeting - Society for the                                                   https://www.historyoftechnology.org/annual-meeting/2019-shot-
                                                                                         24-27 October            Milan, IT
                                                 history of Technology                                                                         annual-meeting-24-27-october-milan-italy/
                                                          AAAS                           14-17 February        Washington, US                                    AAAS
                                         European Consortium for Political Research
                                                                                         4-7 September           Wrocław, PL             https://ecpr.eu/Events/EventDetails.aspx?EventID=123
                                                (ECPR) General Conference
                                                  RC21 Delhi Conference                 18-21 September           Delhi, IN
                                           1st International Conference of Scuola                                                      https://www.ais-sociologia.it/event-items/1st-international-
                                                                                            6-8 June             Cagliari, IT
                                                    Democratica Journal                                                                        conference-of-scuola-democratica-journal/
2019 ERC Sessions at Conferences - SH Domain
                                                             Title                                 Date                Location                                        Website
                                            The 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting -
                                           Sustainable Geography – Geographies of               16-19 June          Trondheim, NO                    https://www.ntnu.edu/geography/ngm-2019
                                         International Union of Anthropological and
                                        Ethnological Sciences’ (IUAES) Inter-Congress          27-31 August           Poznan, PL                                 http://iuaes2019.org/
                                                     “World Solidarities”
                                           International Studies Association (annual
                                                                                               27-30 March            Toronto, CA                 https://www.isanet.org/Conferences/Toronto-2019
                                         The Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP)
                                                                                           28 February - 2 March     Savannah, US                 https://www.myscp.org/conferences/upcoming.aspx
                                                 Annual Winter Conference
                                       Classical Association-Fédération Internationale
                                                                                                 5-8 July             London, UK                      http://classicalassociation.org/events.html
                                       des Associations d’Études Classiques conference
                                        American Anthropological Association Annual                                                           http://www.americananthro.org/AttendEvents/Content.
                                                                                             20-24 November          Vancouver, CA
                                                       Conference                                                                                          aspx?ItemNumber=1929
                                          Annual Conference of the International
                                                                                                                                            https://iamcr.org/, International Association for Media and
                                         Association for Media and Communication                 7-12 July            Madrid, ES
                                                                                                                                                             Communication Research
                                                     Research - IAMCR

19 - ERC Communication Strategy 2019
                                        The European Society for Cognitive Psychology        25-28 September          Tenerife, ES                          http://escop.eu/events/future/
                                          International Convention of Psychological
                                                                                                7-9 March              Paris, FR           https://www.psychologicalscience.org/conventions/icps2019/
                                                        Science (ICPS)
                                          Digital Humanities (DH) conference 2019                8-12 July            Utrecht, NL                              http://dh2019.adho.org/
                                       International Conference on Education and New
                                                                                                22-24 June             Porto, PT                        http://end-educationconference.org/
                                                  Developments - END2019
                                             International Institute of Social History |                                                   https://socialhistory.org/en/events/cfp-towards-global-history-
                                                                                                 9-11 May           Amsterdam, NL
                                       socioeconomic history annual conference (back-up)                                                                        primitive-accumulation
"The European Research Council has, in a short time, achieved world-class status as a funding body
for excellent curiosity-driven frontier research. With its special emphasis on allowing top young talent to
thrive, the ERC Scientific Council is committed to keeping to this course. The ERC will continue to help
make Europe a power house for science and a place where innovation is fuelled by a new generation."

                                                                                Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
                                                            ERC President and Chair of its Scientific Council

                                                                                                                © European Research Council Executive Agency, 2018• Reproduction of the text is permitted provided the source is acknowledged. Reproduction of the photographs is prohibited. Cover: © www.istockphotos.com.
                                                                                                                The European Research Council Executive Agency may not be held responsible for the use to which this information may be put, or for any possible errors.




                                                                                          Horizon 2020
                                                                                     European Union funding
                                                                                    for Research & Innovation
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