RISK IN AN OPEN-DATA WORLD - How and where lenders can enhance affordability through open data and analytics - AWS

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RISK IN AN OPEN-DATA WORLD - How and where lenders can enhance affordability through open data and analytics - AWS
How and where lenders can
enhance affordability through
open data and analytics

May 2020
RISK IN AN OPEN-DATA WORLD - How and where lenders can enhance affordability through open data and analytics - AWS
In our last Paper: Rethinking affordability,
we explored the increasing role of affordability in lending.
At Experian assessing and exploring the increase role of affordability in
lending, has been a firm focus of ours. We welcome the FCA’s distinction
between credit risk and affordability1. While a customer may have the
means to make repayments, doing so may place a strain on their finances
and negatively impact on other commitments further down the line. As
an industry, there is an opportunity to get a better understanding of that
while also remaining competitive, meeting regulation and enabling the best
customer outcomes.
In this paper we will look at credit risk in today’s open data world.

              Read our whitepaper:
              Rethinking affordability

1. FCA Consultation Paper CP17/27 Assessing Creditworthiness in Consumer Credit

RISK IN AN OPEN-DATA WORLD - How and where lenders can enhance affordability through open data and analytics - AWS










RISK IN AN OPEN-DATA WORLD - How and where lenders can enhance affordability through open data and analytics - AWS
The FCA is striving for balance. Their aim is to minimise the
risk of predictable financial distress, while at the same time
avoiding restricting access or increasing costs of borrowing.
In an ideal world, customers would       The need to consider the impact of
be granted credit only if they can       each decision
afford to repay in a sustainable
                                         In theory, a decision means deciding
manner and without harming their
                                         on far more than whether a person
overall financial situation.
                                         can go on a holiday or buy a house.
In practice this can never be            It is contributing towards designing
guaranteed and during an economic        that path for them; designing the
downturn like no other, it is even       path for their future and helping
harder to achieve this. Assessing        people to achieve their life goals.
affordability isn’t an exact science.
                                         Today, a decision means the
Credit may be affordable for one,
                                         difference between someone being
but unaffordable for another in a
                                         able to pay their bills or not.
similar situation, purely because of
how different people manage their        It is undoubtedly unprecedented
finances. In addition, circumstances     times - and lenders have an even
can change due to unpredictable          more complex sum to do in regards
life events, such as the sudden loss     to assessing risk and affordability.
of a job, serious illness or loss of a   There is a need now to assess if a
partner.                                 customer is high-risk because of
                                         the pandemic, or would have been
Today, both businesses and
                                         anyway. If they are a risk - is it a
regulators are striving for a
                                         short or long term risk.
sustainable future. There is also
a unique opportunity to make this
happen for everyone. Advances in
analytics can equip you to become
experts on your customers.

RISK IN AN OPEN-DATA WORLD - How and where lenders can enhance affordability through open data and analytics - AWS
Tradition should not be forgotten     data (such as bureau data), historic
                                      behavioural data (through bank
We should continue to capitalise on
                                      account transaction data) and
the advances in analytics that have
                                      through forward-looking data (such
powered risk based scoring models
                                      as economic data and affordability
and other techniques for the last
                                      risk variables). This can be powerful,
30 years. However, today there is
                                      and equip businesses with a single
also an opportunity to maximise the
                                      process to inform the right decision.
greater potential of big data.
                                      The challenge for many is
New data brings new opportunity
                                      where to start
2018 saw bank account transaction
                                      In this paper we explore the most
data come to market through the
                                      effective roadmap, alongside the
PSD2 and open banking.
                                      biggest opportunities. Affordability,
We continue to see many new           this far, is treated as a second stage
data sources enter too, offering      of decisioning. First, an assessment
equally huge potential. If we are     on whether the applicant is
to maximise the transformative        creditworthy, then a view of if the
potential these new assets contain,   applicant can afford the lending or
we’ll need to be able to qualify,     not. By resequencing this journey
manage and connect these              you can help empower customers
data sources.                                                                  Today, current account turnover     When this data is categorised, it
                                      with control by giving them
                                                                               data (CATO) is used to check        can further validate a person’s
                                      knowledge of what’s realistic, or not;
The requisite power of analytics                                               income during an application,       financial circumstance by
                                      or affordable, or not, upfront.
and technology                                                                 and this is still an effective      giving an understanding of their
                                      We will also explore the areas for       method for most straightforward     actual behaviours, including
Today’s analytics can consume
                                      consideration as you re-tune your        cases. Open banking brings in       income and expenditure. This
various data feeds, including
                                      risk policies and manage the pace        bank account data through the       is particularly helpful in cases
those that are complementary to
                                      and scale of change across your          PSD2, which offers another,         where a person’s credit history
traditional data, then understand
                                      customers and portfolios.                more granular view of credit        is limited or non-existent, or in
it in a simple way and deploy it to
automate fast and accurate lending                                             risk. Here, with consent, lenders   cases where a score refers the
decisions. This is done by bringing                                            can access a person’s entire        application for further review.
together various trended points of                                             bank account transaction history.
data, including historic recorded

RISK IN AN OPEN-DATA WORLD - How and where lenders can enhance affordability through open data and analytics - AWS
There are many considerations required when conducting an
assessment on whether lending is affordable.
The FCA state that: “Most firms have a strong commercial incentive to
assess credit risk, including the probability of default, but may have less
incentive to assess the risk that the credit will impact negatively on the
customer’s wider financial situation where these customers will still be

profitable for the firm”. As such they want to protect consumers from
the harm that can arise when they are granted credit that is predictably
unaffordable at the point it is taken out. To do this there is a need to                                                             of people will ask a family
understand not just financial performance, but financial health and                                                                 member to borrow money if
stability with a keen eye on the future horizon too.                                                                                  an item is unaffordable
People themselves are unclear of                    Willingness versus capacity to pay      Understand, and consider

what’s affordable                                                                           future impact
                                                    When making a decision, regulation
Our recent research shows that                      now requires businesses to look at      It is important to understand both
customers themselves often                          credit risk (or willingness to pay)     actual and future trends, behaviours    are over their mobile phone
overestimate how much they can                      as well as affordability (or capacity   and attitudes, in the entire lending     contract at the end of the
afford to pay. Our calculations                     to pay). Willingness is about track     criteria. By understanding this –        month, and a further 19%
revealed that the amount people                     record – what’s known about an          something that’s now possible          exceed their agreed utility bill
believe they can afford to repay                    individual’s past behaviour. Previous   through data analytics – you can
on a mortgage each month is                         good performance shows there is a       then produce appropriate models
around 40% less than their actual
mortgage payments are likely to be.
In addition, we can see how most
                                                    good chance that an individual will
                                                    honour credit commitments going
                                                    forward, for example.
                                                                                            that are reflective of the audience
                                                                                            you want to engage with.                        52%
                                                                                                                                       of people are unable to
people have little if any accessible                                                                                                accurately provide a view of
savings, or long-term savings in the                                                                                                their income and outgoings,
form of a pension.                                                                                                                 half under estimating and half
                                                                                                                                           over estimating

For more detailed analysis into peoples financial
behavours, view our insight report here
RISK IN AN OPEN-DATA WORLD - How and where lenders can enhance affordability through open data and analytics - AWS
Reducing friction can engender loyalty
In today’s fiercely competitive market having the slickest journey is
imperative to compete and grow. However, to this point research shows
how this is more often at the expense of certain checks; with fraud and
affordability checks being forgone in a bid to relieve and reduce friction.
Customers want, and at large need, financial
stability, personalisation and command value.
By giving your customers an ability to self review if the lending is affordable
pre-application you can help people only apply for what’s affordable. You can
guide them through the journey through the provision of value-add tools like
a personal finance management (PFM), or help them manage their credit
score by offering them knowledge on how to boost it.

    Innovation at Experian is a critical part of our business. Recent
    developments in the design of Personal Finance Management
    (PFM) tools and other apps are helping solve problems and bring
    new-found value. Experian boost, our latest initiative offers a self-
    management tool that can help consumers understand and see
    where there is value through the introduction of new data, to boosting
    their credit score.

RISK IN AN OPEN-DATA WORLD - How and where lenders can enhance affordability through open data and analytics - AWS
Different lenders will have different appetites for risk,                          It’s estimated that 40% of               Customer segmentation and
offering different prices and a different cut- off points in                       UK consumers are currently               scorecards are a vital part of that
                                                                                   experiencing income shock. For           picture, providing for and protecting
the decision process.                                                              the credit providers that serve          your customers, as well as your
                                                                                   them, moving forward means               portfolio. However, as the world
These factors are commonly based on the risk profile of the customers
                                                                                   understanding how that impacts           navigates these unprecedented
you want to attract through your marketing and product strategies. The
                                                                                   the tools they use to make critical      circumstances, the tools you trusted
challenge for many businesses is to align departments so that marketing
                                                                                   business decisions.                      even just a few weeks ago may
is talking to the ‘right’ people. To do that, you need to know the risk appetite
                                                                                                                            no longer offer the relevancy or
of your business, understand your ideal customers and find the best ways           Todays economic circumstances
                                                                                                                            accuracy you need.
to reach them, ensuring your data and capabilities are relevant to those           are not like anything we have seen
identified groups.                                                                 before - and therefore modeling          This is where integrating economic
                                                                                   against previous crisis’ would give      forecasts and foresight – the credit
The economy must be taken into consideration                                       an inaccurate assessment.                economy – into your decision
                                                                                                                            making will have a huge impact.
Levels of personal debt are               It’s vital that the credit-risk          Across the credit industry,
                                                                                                                            Used alongside bank account data,
currently higher than they were a         implications of this are understood,     applications are tumbling, applicant
                                                                                                                            it will help you understand the full
decade ago and have continually           both from your own and your              quality is deteriorating and even
                                                                                                                            impact on that person. You can
risen over a period due to more           customers’ perspective, and that         once-reliable customers are
                                                                                                                            also foresee the likely impact to a
consumer personal debt. People are        you can improve your decision            facing tough financial futures. To
                                                                                                                            customer future by looking at how
borrowing more, for longer periods        making accordingly.                      confidently rise to these challenges,
                                                                                                                            they’ve prioritised before.
of time. Just before the pandemic                                                  providers will need to be able to
                                          As the economic crisis unfolds we
hit we were seeing a risk in demand                                                accurately assess affordability,
                                          are seeing a change in traditional
for loan values between £20-£40k.                                                  credit score and risk, not just at the
                                          behaviours. Both on a demand
But also, worryingly, we were seeing                                               onboarding stage, but throughout
                                          perspective, but also performance.
early arrears in these loans.                                                      the entire lending lifecycle.
RISK IN AN OPEN-DATA WORLD - How and where lenders can enhance affordability through open data and analytics - AWS
Ensuring your baseline is fit for purpose                                                                  Consumption is also changing criteria
Scoring and using scorecards can be hugely beneficial for a large proportion                               How people consume credit has also changed – no longer do people
of people where a credit decision is straightforward. But only if the scoring                              prioritise a visit to a branch, but expect instant access via the internet or on
model is reflective of the right data and relevant economic climate.                                       a device. Consumption of credit has also changed. Therefore, the weightings
                                                                                                           of different pieces of information used in historic scoring models
Scorecards are based on information obtained at a set period, which
                                                                                                           may no longer be as good as they could be.
can become problematic as time passes. Here at Experian, we’ve been
rigorously scrutinising our own industry-leading scorecard system, Delphi.
Developed to meet logical as well as statistical validity checks, it’s designed
to continue performing, however extreme the economic conditions. As a
result, it continues to discriminate strongly between good and bad risk
applicants, even in our much-changed world.
Robust, recalibrated scorecard systems have the power to reveal a great
deal about the consumer landscape, and are an incredibly powerful tool in
putting together strategies for reducing risk while fostering much-needed
new growth.


                    JAN           FEB          MAR          APR          MAY          JUN

                           Levels of bad debt              Credit application approvals

*Source: Office for National Statistics **Source: UK Debt Statistics from Credit Action based on Q1 2013

Data and insight has been provided by Experian and is subject to change. Correct at the time of creation
– December 2013

RISK IN AN OPEN-DATA WORLD - How and where lenders can enhance affordability through open data and analytics - AWS
Open banking as a stepping stone to open data


                                                                                       Now                      Open Banking
NON-TRADITIONAL DATA                                                                                            Management
More data can help you to perform a detailed assessment
of a person’s creditworthiness. As well as bank account
                                                                                                                Health APIs
data, potential new complementary data sources include
government data and rental data.
Rent is a serious financial obligation   In addition, new forms of analysis,
and a large proportion of a tenant’s     ranging from psychometric
outgoings. According to ONS, rent        questioning to advanced machine
is around 27% of an average salary.      learning and artificial intelligence                                   Device
Our analysis shows that factoring        techniques, are also improving
rental payment history data into         assessments by uncovering person-           Planned
affordability assessments can help       specific insights that have been
give a more accurate representation      traditionally overlooked. Today
                                                                                                                Payment card
                                                                                    Near term
of a person in terms of payment          machine learning is identifying                                        transaction data
performance. This is important as        problems in data that were not
“the cost of servicing a mortgage        obvious before, as opposed to                                          TISA (savings data)
has fallen since the financial crisis,   solving problems it is asked to.
the cost of renting in some parts of     How? By being able to ingest and
the country has risen sharply”, as       understand large and disparate data                                    Smart Meter Data
reported by ONS.                         sets that can bring a better base for
                                         understanding such problems.
                                                                                    Mid term                £   Investments


                                                                                                        £       Taxes

The evolving credit bureau
Credit bureaux have changed over       There are many types of new data
the last decade. We know more          available across both commercial
about people than we did 10 years      and consumer lending which is a
ago and some new pieces of data        significant asset in such turbulent
have entered the equation. The         times. Thanks to such advances in
recent addition of bank account        data - but also the requisite power
transaction data, for example, gives   of analytics to understand it and
the opportunity to improve your        technology to act on it, there is the
ability to assess willingness and      opportunity to reduce economic
capacity to repay.                     impact.
In addition, new alternative data      With our deep understanding of
now contained within the bureau,       data, we are in a unique consulting
such as rental data, utility data      position. The road ahead may be
and more, offers extra insight         rocky, and there will undoubtedly
that can be valuable too when          be new developments to navigate.
making a decision and increase the     However, by working together, and
performance of your scoring.           bringing you powerful data (and the
                                       tools to process it), we believe we
                                       can help you and your customers
                                       come back from this crisis strong,
                                       secure and ready for a brighter

                                                                                                                              New data,
  Open                Council Tax,                Utilities,                    Current Account,        Mail Order &       new opportunities
 Banking             Private Rental             Social Rental                  Credit Card, Telcos    Negative Only CAIS

 2.3%                    2.7%                       7.3%                            8.4%             78% Thin file
Integrating affordability from start to end                                    Having confidence in                   More frequent data updates will
                                                                               your calculations                      prove beneficial
With the right software, data and analytics, you can perform checks across
the credit lifecycle to see what a person can afford at different points in    In addition to traditional scoring     The data infrastructure powering
time. These checks could include re-verifying their income using CATO and/     models, there is an opportunity        credit bureaux uses periodic batch
or bank account data. Income estimations based on trended data can help        today to be able to connect new        updates of data about a customer.
determine a person’s ongoing ability to repay. Debt-to-income ratios can       data and tailor metrics during an      So, while credit decisions are made
allow you to understand a person’s debt profile in relation to their income,   assessment. As we’ve covered,          in real time, the information used
while knowing their monthly disposable income can help you to assess and       where you’re confident a customer      to make that decision can be a
automate a decision on whether they can repay.                                 is giving accurate information,        snapshot of how each active credit
                                                                               credit scoring and affordability       account looked several weeks ago.
                                                                               software are still helpful.
                                                                                                                      In today’s digital-orientated
                                                                               Introducing prequalification into
                                                                                                                      economy, we believe more
                                                                               the mix will also help enhance
                                                                                                                      frequently updated data would
                                                                               the customer journey.
                                                                                                                      bring better-informed decisions
           Growth                                                              Where a decision is more complex,      and greater efficiency. Particularly
                                 Targeting                                     for example where an application       in high- cost, short-term lending,
                                                                               needs further assessment or with a     when loans can be applied for,
                                                                               limited credit history, new data and   received and paid back all within the
                                                                               analytics can be extremely powerful.   monthly-statement cycle.

         Customer              understand                                         We’ve already developed a real-time CAIS capability to facilitate
        management                                   Originations
                             what’s affordable                                    increased speed in data sharing and identify where a person may be
                                                                                  overextending themselves by making multiple applications in quick
                                                                                  succession. Now we are consulting with lenders to fully understand
                                                                                  the benefits of this.

                                                                                                                      Listen to our podcast:
                                                                                                                      How data has changed over time

UNDERSTANDING THE                                                            Risk becomes an opportunity
                                                                             We must realise the risks in
                                                                                                                     Helping people make the
                                                                                                                     right life choices

SUPPLY CHAIN OF A DECISION                                                   this and see the opportunity to
                                                                             be more helpful. As we pass
                                                                                                                     People are becoming savvy to
                                                                                                                     this changing climate. More than
                                                                             through generations the ability for     half (60%) of young people are
To be truly responsible, lenders should look beyond                          inheritance is limited as people’s      considering buying a home with
affordability to consider the impact or knock-on effect of any               financial freedom becomes tighter.      friends or family to be able to get
                                                                             The bank of mum and dad, who            on the property ladder. The main
lending decision. For example, if someone can’t afford to pay                still helped a quarter (27%) of         problem many face is the deposit
for insurance and loses their car, it will mean they can’t get to            millennials buy a house last year       – 59% of those 18-35 have savings
work. If income is lost, they may struggle to pay their bills.               (worth £81.7bn in gifts) will soon      of less than £1000 and 20% have
                                                                             not be an option.                       settled to the fact they will never
They need to connect people            The generation gap is closing:                                                be able to afford to buy their own
                                                                             We will likely see the impact of
better to finance                      the need to intervene is now                                                  property, causing shifts in other
                                                                             this in the future, and therefore
There is an opportunity across         For a long time now, we have seen a                                           financial traits and behaviours.
                                                                             need to understand how we can
financial services to help people in   growing gap between generations.      create positive opportunities and
many ways. While today’s economy       Young adults face high property       choices now.
is nervous, people’s economic          prices and low wage growth, versus
attitudes are somewhat indifferent.    their elderly counterparts who
                                                                             We are seeing:
As we touched on earlier, people       are benefiting from periods of
express concern about their future     economic growth, final salary
                                                                                     A decline in demand
well-being yet their spending          pensions and inheritance.
traits suggest no contingency is
                                                                                     People becoming exposed through
being developed.
                                                                                     greater indebtedness

                                                                                     Greater levels of persistent debt
“If we can help introduce positive change to financial
behaviours now, we can safeguard the future which is                                 Mortgage applications declining
currently poised to suffer due to an increasing pensions
and savings gap. It is important to act now.”                                        An increase in fraud

With the current hype around analytics, as well as a surge in
regulation, you need to not become overwhelmed by change.
Many perceive change to be a long        There are many ways you can
and expensive process and often          take advantage of these new
struggle to know where to start,         opportunities, without necessarily
or which areas will have the most        investing in an entirely new IT
impact and therefore are unable to       system. An affordability assessment
secure investment due to a lack of       of the future is beyond a single
visibility on the ROI.                   check, it spans your entire business
                                         processes and redesigns your entire
Change can happen in many ways;
                                         processes from prospecting through
it’s just as impactful to solve many
                                         to customer management.
small problems as it is to tackle
bigger challenges.

     With the right affordability check upfront, and within the customer
     lifetime, you can negate the need for collections to even be an issue.
     Your cam optimises each action in real-time and better manage your,
     and your customers risk.

Ensure you’re accessing the
                                         1   Advanced analytics
                                                                                   2   Innovation through test
                                                                                                                           3   Digitisation
     most accurate information                                                         and learn
                                             Many businesses (78% according                                                    At present, we see many
     Ensuring your scorecards are            to our research) plan on investing        Innovation is critical and needs        augmenting customer
     equipped with all the data that’s       in advanced analytics, but few            constant investment. Test               experiences. This is important,
     available and taking the economic       have a clear roadmap of where             and learn is important for all          especially as people today
     climate into consideration, will        and how and year on year                  organisations if we are to solve        expect to give the minimum of
     help ensure the cases that are          analysis shows only 12% have              problems and innovate. The              effort, but receive convenient,
     straightforward receive the best        managed to adopt in-year as they          most effective way to do this is        instant access. Digital means
     decision, based on accurate data.       aspired to do. Advanced analytics         to access a data rich analytics         fast, accessible and easy. By
     In addition, accessing specific         can be complicated and require            sandbox which enables you to            using an appropriate decision
     variables, such as disposable           specialised teams to implement            connect various data sources, for       management software, you can
     income, economic change, debt-          and manage. It needs continued            example your own and Experian           not only fully transform into a
     to-income ratios and so on, will        development and investment and            data, and perform advanced              digital company, but can create
     help ensure that you can measure        while we have seen some great             analytics in a safe and secure          an environment that underpins
     affordability risk easily and           results across the market, they           testing environment. This type          your entire business offering
     accurately based on current and         are most often in specific isolated       of access can allow you to test         significant uplift in strategic
     future scenarios.                       cases. The most effective way             on a segment in parallel to your        outcomes and an ability to
                                             of accessing advanced analytics           everyday business, letting you          digitally transform.
                                             is by choosing solutions that             prove, and identify, the case
                                             integrate this capability, allowing       before full implementation.
                                             the intelligence to be accessed
                                             in specific tasks.

     Advanced and enriched scoring,          Forward-looking credit risk               Real-time scenario planning and         Next generation decisioning,
     through access to trended data.         modelling through machine                 modelling through an analytical         allowing connection of all
                                             learning based aggregation                sandbox enriched with data.             processes that can act, from
                                             and categorisation.                                                               start to end.

WHAT DOES RISK IN AN OPEN                                                                                               How will this change the way you
                                                                                                                           engage with customers?
                                                                                                                                       Lender approves
By being able to automate data, add complimentary data and                                                                                or rejects
understand it, you can power new opportunities for fairer,                                                                               application
more accurate and more inclusive lending, at scale and at
speed. You can innovate and you can be better equipped.
                                                                                                                     Apply affordability

                                                                                                                                                                LEGITIMATE INTEREST
                                                                                                  CONSUMER CONSENT

                  Deciphering which assessment criteria is valuable
                                                            Good file coverage
            Bureau Based         Consumer tells you         Good Credit Score                                           Source bank
                                 (Legitimate interest)
                                                            Low indebtedness                                            transactions
                                                         Good CATO data coverage
                                                           Consented accounts
                                                             ONS expenditure        Consumer
                                                                                    Interaction                        POOR CREDIT                       GOOD CREDIT
                                                                  Online                                                 SCORE                             SCORE
                                                                 Thin file
            Open Banking         Consumer actions        Non-Consented accounts
              Solutions             something               Lower Credit Score        More
                                     (Consent)             Higher Indebtedness
                                                            Low data coverage

                                                          Bank transaction data
                                                          can improve credit risk
                                                                decisions                                                              Credit score and
                                                                                                                                        income check

The theme running throughout this paper                   From understanding credit risk, to understanding             Creating a fair, inclusive financial economy
has been the need to focus on the customer                your customer
                                                                                                                       In a big-data, high-churn environment, being able to
by having the most appropriate tools to                   Get this right, and we move from understanding credit        automate insight from data to inform decision- making
serve them. That same theme came out                      risk to understanding the risk to the actual customer.       will be critical. Categorisation and machine learning
                                                          The process becomes more human and you can have              can be used to promote fair and responsible lending
very strongly in our research where we saw                a better dialogue. The industry has the chance to            in the gambling industry, provide personalised credit
businesses prioritising customer insight                  reconnect with customers, win their trust and help           limits for home shopping, and automate income and
and customers frustrated by the lack of it                them manage their finances better.                           payment history checks for the rental market or the
evidenced in their interactions.                          Data can improve scores, assessments and
                                                                                                                       self- employed for example. This is all achievable by
                                                                                                                       analysing open-banking data and serving it up in real
                                                          much more
Keep pace with changing business models                                                                                time at the point of decision making.
                                                          As the open-data climate becomes an everyday reality,
Regulation aside, we believe the main reason for this                                                                  Experian are the prime partner who can help you
                                                          we have a phenomenal opportunity to improve the
is the speed at which business models are changing                                                                     continue to innovate and adapt
                                                          quality of data, scorecards, affordability assessments,
– or expected to change. In today’s ultra-competitive     and understanding.                                           Data and insight have become a valuable currency;
climate, focusing on the customer is the only way                                                                      businesses with the best insight on their customers
businesses can succeed. The benefits are far bigger                                                                    will be the ones that thrive. By working with the right
than simply market share. With the right tools,              “In our trials we have seen significant uplift in         partner and accessing the tools that can help you better
you can engage more people who were previously               GINI performance brought through new data                 understand a person’s credit risk, you can access
misunderstood and reap the benefits of better                and are able to identify where opportunities exist,       information that gives you a clear advantage. Data
relationships through having a better knowledge.             in what scenario.”                                        analytics and technology all have a role to play and
AI can automate at speed, and scale with                                                                               present a huge opportunity for all.
more accuracy
                                                          Consent requires value, value comes from trust
What we find particularly exciting is the potential                                                                       “Today, risk can be assessed quickly, accurately
of artificial intelligence and to make automated          Obviously, this use of open-banking or personal data
                                                          is only possible with consent. Our research, which              and fairly. It can also be more integrated into the
personalised recommendations at scale – something                                                                         customer journey creating better opportunity
that could improve the financial futures of millions of   explores the attitudes of people to share their data, has
                                                          clear evidence that people will share their data if there       for growth which expands the opportunity far
people quickly.                                                                                                           beyond a single decision.”
                                                          is immediate value to them. And value in this sense is
                                                          depicted in the role of easier access to finance. There is
                                                          appetite but inevitably you will need to work on building,
                                                          and in some instances rebuilding, their trust. To do this,
17                                                        you need to better understand them.
Visit our website for more information on how we can help:
www.experian.co.uk/business                                                   Content methodology
Or contact us:                                                                The insight contained within this report is correct at the time
Business.Enquiries@uk.experian.com                                            of publishing – 4th May 2020. Insight is derived from Experian
                                                                              data sources, incuding analysis produced by our award-winning
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                                                                              We also wanted to let you know that Experian will shortly be adding
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The information contained within this report is designed to help              know how we are using data to help at this extraordinary time.
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