St. Vincent de Paul Parish

St. Vincent de Paul Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
                                    The St. Vincent de Paul community lives out the Vincentian charism by
                                          serving and loving the Body of Christ without exception.

     March 21st, 2021                                                     Mass Schedule
     Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                 Sunday:
     “I will make a new covenant; I will write my law upon their hearts   10:00 am
                                                                          5:00 p
     — Jeremiah 31:31-3

     Rev. Jeremy Dixon, C.M., Pastor

     Parish Center:                                                       Thursday:
                                                                          8:00 am
     1010 West Webster Avenu
     Chicago, IL 6061
     Phone: 773-325-8610 Fax: 773-325-8626 Email: info@stvdep.or





St. Vincent de Paul Parish
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                             Pray : Serve : Share

Fifth Sunday of Lent                                March 21, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
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                                Pray : Serve : Share

Please Make Your Gift to the 2021 Annual Catholic Appeal
Come, follow me … and bring hope to the world.

Many families in our parish have received the Annual Catholic Appeal mailing
from Cardinal Cupich. On behalf of those served by the ministries, parishes and
schools who receive funding from the Appeal, we thank you for your gifts. Please
return your response as soon as possible

The Annual Catholic Appeal offers a wonderful opportunity to answer Jesus’ call
to “Come, follow me … and bring hope to the world.” This is especially important
during these trying and challenging times

                                           In addition to providing for ministries
                                           and services throughout the
                                           archdiocese, the Annual Catholic
                                           Appeal funds services in our own
                                           parish. When we nancially support
                                           the work of our parish, our archdiocese
                                           and the Catholic Church throughout
                                           the world, we experience a feeling of
                                           deep gratitude, especially when we
                                           contemplate God’s many gifts to us
                                           personally. By sharing our wealth
                                          through gifts to the 2021 Annual
Catholic Appeal, we demonstrate our commitment to the Church and each other.
Please go to to make your gift today. You may also
pick up envelopes and brochures in the back of church as you leave.

Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                     March 21, 2021

St. Vincent de Paul Parish
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                                                Pray : Serve : Share

                             The Liturgies of Holy Week and Easter
                                         Seating reservations open Monday, March 29

                 Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
                         *Holy Thursday: April 1 at 7:30 pm

                 Good Friday Passion of the Lord
                         *Good Friday: April 2 at 7:30 pm

                 Easter Vigil
                             Holy Saturday: April 3 at 8:00 pm

                 Easter Sunday, April 4
                             8:00 am
                         *10:00 am
                             12:00 pm
                             (Evening Masses are not celebrated on Easter.)

                         *Denotes liturgies available on Facebook, live.

Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                                  March 21, 2021
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                                               Pray : Serve : Share

                                      St. Vincent de Paul Roman
                                      Catholic Church, Chicago

               The Real Sister Act:
               Why the Stories of U.S. Black Catholic
               Sisters Matter
               In collaboration with DePaul University’s Department          Sr. Cora Marie Billings, RSM, on the day in 1956
               of Catholic Studies, St. Vincent de Paul Parish is            that she entered the Philadelphia chapter of
               honored to present Shannen Dee Williams, PhD, on to           the Religious Sisters of Mercy, desegregating it.

               address the issue of racism and the Church.

               This talk charts the diverse struggles waged by African American Catholic women and girls
               to desegregate the nation's white sisterhoods from the earliest decades of the U.S. Church
               through America's civil rights and Black power years.

    Tuesday, November 24, at 7:00pm

    via Zoom                          Tuesday, March 30 — 5:00pm to 6:30pm
                                               via Youtube live:

                                             Our presenter , Dr. Shannon Dee Williams, is the Albert LePage
                                             Assistant Professor of History at Villanova University. Dr. Williams
                                             specializes in African American, women's, religious, and civil rights
                                             history. She is at work on her first book, Subversive Habits: The Untold
                                             Story of Black Catholic Nuns in the United States, which is under
                                             contract with Duke University Press.

Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                                                                       March 21, 2021
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                                                                            Pray : Serve : Share

                           Please pray for the candidates and catechumens who will be ini ated into the Catholic Church this year.

     1. Name: Sarah M.

     2. Are you a candidate or a catechumen? Candidate

     3. Where did you grow up? Winnetka, IL

     4. Where did you go to school? In 2013, I graduated from DePauw
        University in Greencastle, IN. I majored in English Wri ng and had
        a minor in Educa on Studies.

     5. What do you do professionally? I work in Business Development
        for L.E.K. Consul ng’s Retail & Consumer Products Prac ce.

     6. Besides learning about the Catholic Church what do you do for fun? For fun, I enjoy spending me with my
        husband, Ned, and our dog, Gracie. I love running, reading, and hot yoga!

     7. What has been the most interes ng/startling/exci ng/surprising thing you’ve learned or
        experienced in RCIA so far? I was very interested to hear more about the various catholic saints! I’ve loved
        learning about how some are healers, doers of good deeds, etc., and how we can pray to them for protec on,
        comfort, inspira on, and even miracles.

                                       Encouraging women to build friendship and community in our parish through faith
                                                                        and service.

                                                   Join us        Pray                 e Rosary every Wednesday
                                                                                      at 6:00 p.m.
                            Visit our website for more information:

Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                                                                         March 21, 2021
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                                         Pray : Serve : Share

       Join us for a Special Online Mother Cabrini
       Film Event on Palm Sunday

       Sunday, March 28 at 3 p.m. (CST)

                                      Watch the Documentary
                             Frances Xavier Cabrini: The People’s Saint
                                       featuring a Q&A with

                                   Writer-Director Lucia Mauro
                               Winner of Rome’s Vatican Film festival

                                  Sister Bridget Zanin, MSC
              Director of Chicago’s National Shrine of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

                                   Father Ed Tverdek, OFM
            St. Peter’s Catholic Church in the Loop & Catholic Theological Union

         Viewers can watch the film in English, Italian, Spanish, Polish or French.

                    Individual tickets are $10, with a portion of net ticket sales
                                 donated to participating parishes.

          Participants receive a discount on the film’s DVD & original soundtrack.

       Filmed in Italy and Chicago in 2017 – the 100 th anniversary year of Mother
       Cabrini’s passing to eternal life – Frances Xavier Cabrini: The People’s
       Saint – honors the great humanitarian and Patron Saint of Immigrants,
       who ministered to the newly arrived Italian immigrants at the turn of the
       20th Century. Mother Cabrini founded schools, orphanages & hospitals
       around the world. The film shows her global reach and highlights
       individuals – including thriving immigrant faith communities – living her
       message today.

        Official Selection of the 2018 Catholic Film Festival in Seoul, South Korea



Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                                 March 21, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
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                                                              Pray : Serve : Share

               The theme of Call to Family Community and Par cipa on reminds us that we are both
               sacred and social beings. The Church illuminates the “community and par cipa on”
               component of this theme in the documents below.

               Local individuals and groups can make a real di erence. They are able to ins ll a
               greater sense of responsibility, a strong sense of community, a readiness to protect
               others, a spirit of crea vity and a deep love for the land. . .Social problems must be
               addressed by community networks and not simply by the sum of individual good
               deeds. (Pope Francis, On Care for Our Common Home [Laudato Si’], nos. 179, 219)

               People in every na on enhance the social dimension of their lives by ac ng as
               commi ed and responsible ci zens, not as a mob swayed by the powers that be. Let us
               not forget that “responsible ci zenship is a virtue, and par cipa on in poli cal life is a
               moral obliga on.” (Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel [Evangelii Gaudium], no. 220,
               quo ng United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Forming Consciences for Faithful
               Ci zenship, Nov. 2007, no. 13)

               Subsidiarity respects personal dignity by recognizing in the person a subject who is
               always capable of giving something to others. (Pope Benedict XVI, Charity in
               Truth [Caritas in Veritate], no. 57)

               In order that the right to development may be ful lled by ac on: (a) people should not
               be hindered from a aining development in accordance with their own culture; (b)
               through mutual coopera on, all peoples should be able to become the principal
               architects of their own economic and social development. (World Synod of Catholic
               Bishops, Jus ce in the World [Jus ca in Mundo], no. 71)

          Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                                                              March 21, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                     9

                                     Pray : Serve : Share

  Join St. James Parish of Arlington Heights in a prayerful
              Anti-Racism Stations of the Cross
                   Friday March 26 at 7PM
            Livestreamed at:

                             CONFESSION DURING LEN
 Since we are unable to have a communal penance service with individual confessions, we
 will be extending additional times to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation. On the
 Saturdays of Lent (beginning February 20), the church will be open for confessions from
 4pm-5pm. In addition, all are welcome to set up an appointment with Father Jeremy to
 celebrate the sacrament outside of those times in the parish o ce.

Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                               March 21, 2021

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                                                          Pray : Serve : Share

                                       Our local council of knights at St. Vincent de                         Our local c
                                       Paul Parish engages in Faith in Action                                 Paul Parish
                                       Programs, activities designed to serve our                             Programs,
                                       community while building upon core values of                           community
                                       charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.                             charity, un
                                       Membership is always open and we invite you                            Membersh
                                       to learn more about us.                                                to learn mo
                                       For more information? Contact Justin Tucker                            For more in
                                       at                                              at jmtucke

                                       Service and charity are at the heart of the Knights. Founded to        Service and ch
                                       meet the needs of immigrants, refugees and families suffering          meet the need
                                       from the death of a breadwinner, the Knights began as a small          from the death
                                       service organization and has grown into a worldwide financial          service organiz
                                       and charitable organization.                                           and charitable

          VOLUNTEERS FOR CHURCH                                           SOUP KITCHEN SERVICE

          We are in need of more volunteers to greet people       Our soup kitchen needs volunteers to help serve
          and act as ushers. Currently, we have mass at           on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays in the
          10am and 5pm on Sunday and 8am on Thursday,             morning from 7:30-10am. In addi on, volunteers
          in addi on to bap sms and weddings on                   are needed to pick up dona ons at Costco on
          Saturdays. The number of masses and the                 Sunday morning at 9:15am. If you would like to
          celebra on of daily Mass depends largely on the         volunteer or want more informa on, please
          availability of volunteers. If you would like to help,  contact Nelson Mendoza at
          and are not part of the vulnerable popula on,  or register at http://
          please contact Fr. JeremyOur     local council of
                                      at        at St. Vincent de                           Our local c
          or 773-325-4155.          Paul Parish engages in Faith     in Action
                                                                  Seton_SandwichKitchen?enroll=1                Paul Parish
                                       Programs, activities designed to serve our                               Programs,
     Fifth Sunday of Lent              community while building upon core values of                             community
                                                                                                         March 21, 2021
                                       charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.                               charity, un
St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                                                        11

                                                          Pray : Serve : Share

            Weekday                                                                           Monday
                                                                                            St. Joseph Church
                                                                                             1107 N. Orleans

                                                                                                Chicago, IL


                                                                                          St. Michael’s in Old Town
                                                                                              1633 N. Cleveland
                                                                                                 Chicago, IL

            for the Lincoln Park-                                                          Wednesday
            Old Town Parishes                                                         St. Teresa of Avila Church
                                                                                       1037 W. Armitage Ave.
                                                                                              Chicago, IL.
            As we enter Phase #2 for the reopening of our churches,             
            the five parishes represented in the Lincoln Park-Old Town
            Grouping of Renew My Church are working together to                              Thursday
            offer a weekday Mass at 8:00 a.m.                                         St. Vincent DePaul Church
            These Weekday Masses will resume on Monday, July 27th.                       1010 W. Webster Ave.
                                                                                              Chicago IL.
            The five parish have created a rotating schedule, listed below.                  773-325-8610
            If you wish to attend these Masses, please be aware of the            
            following guidelines:
              • You will need to follow the same procedures for health and
                safety as you would for attending Sunday Mass.
                                                                                        St. Josaphat Church
              • Please visit to review the                 2311 N. Southport
                guidelines and tips offered by the Archdiocese of Chicago.                   Chicago, IL.
              • You must register in advance on-line at the particular                      (773) 327-895
                parish that you plan to attend.                             
              • Masks or some type of face covering are required.

                                Lincoln Park-Old Town Parishes Renew My Church Grouping

                       ST. MICHAEL
                       IN OLD TOWN    Immaculate Conception
                                        and St. Joseph parish

Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                                                                  March 21, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                                      12

                                                                        Pray : Serve : Share

                                                  DO YOU RECEIVE PARISH EMAILS?
                                  Did you know that we send out weekly emails with parish updates, events
                                  and the e-bulle n? If not, please go to our website ( and
                                  subscribe to our newsle er. As we begin to have public mass, this will be
                                  your opportunity to get the link for pre-registra on for masses every
      Thursday. Also, please check to make sure it’s not going to your spam folder!

                                                           St. Vincent de Paul
                                                        Emergency Assistance Fund
      Are you or someone you know struggling with keeping up with bills or rent at this me?
      Thanks to some generous donors, we have created an emergency assistance fund. This will
      provide a one- me, short-term, emergency nancial support to parishioners, and those who
      are sponsored by parishioners. It is designed to give an extra hand to those of you who may
      be struggling nancially. Any of you who need this help are invited to apply here.

                                                  Ministry of Praye
      While we are separated from each other physically, we are all connected in one spirit in Christ.
      “Being Church” means more than coming to a building. The Church is you and me – all of us
      together – living out our mission. This con nues even if we are physically separated. Let us pray
      for each other.

      We have formalized a Ministry of Prayer by asking the members of the Vincen an Women and
      Men’s Prayer group to pray for your inten ons each day. We now would like to invite anyone
      from the parish to par cipate. If you would like to join, please email Leslie Linke at

      If you have any prayer inten ons, please email Fr. Jeremy at or send a
      message to our parish Facebook page. As Catholics, we believe that our prayers make a
      di erence in the world. Now, more than ever, we must band together as a community of faith
      and keep this prac ce alive.

     Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                                                March 21, 2021

St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                                       13

                                             Pray : Serve : Share

St. Vincent de Paul Parish
Masses in the church:
Sunday Mass at 10:00am, 5:00pm,
and 8:00pm (DePaul University)

(10:00am also streamed live on

Thursdays at 8a

Parish Center Hours:
9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday)

             living out the Vincentian
                   charism by serving and loving the Body of Christ without exception

                                         Financial Stewardship

                                             Actual                                      Budget
                                   Current         Previous     Variance          Current Mo            Variance
          Feb 2021                FY 2021             FY 2020                       FY 2021
             Collections $         27,865     $       28,637         -3%      $      31,500                  -12%
                   Easter $            15     $           50        -70%      $          15                    0%
                     Other $       19,861     $       21,854         -9%      $      22,915                  -13%
                     Total $       47,741     $       50,541         -6%      $      54,430                  -12%

            YTD                                                                         YTD
             Collections $        226,065     $    253,597          -11%      $     266,700                  -15%
                     Other $      171,003     $    194,750          -12%      $     189,120                  -10%
                     Total $      397,068     $    448,347          -11%      $     455,820                  -13%

Thank you for your continued support of St. Vincent de Paul Parish! Your commitment is vital to the scal
health of our parish. For convenient regular giving, please consider using our auto-withdrawal program.
                            Visit for more information.

Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                                                 March 21, 2021


St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                                  14

                                                 Pray : Serve : Share

                                              Calendar of Events
 Sunday, March 21            Mass - 10 am, in Church (reservation required) and on Facebook:
                             RCIA, 11:00 - 12:30 on Zoom
                             Mass, 5:00 pm, Church (reservation required)

 Monday, March 22            Divine Mercy Chaplet - 7pm
                             Finance Commission Meeting, 7:00 pm on Zoom

 Tuesday, March 23           Music, Stillness, Solidarity - 5:30pm-6:30pm

 Wed., March 24              Pray the Rosary - 6pm

 Thurs., March 25            Mass 8:00 am, Church, reservations not required

 Saturday, March 27 Private Prayer and Confession, 4:00 – 5:00 pm in Church
                             Together We Shine Virtual Fundraiser, 7:00 - 8:00 pm

 Sunday, March 28            Palm Sunday
                             Mass - 10 am, in Church (reservation required) and on Facebook:
                             Mass, 5:00 pm, Church (reservation required)

 The Archdiocese of Chicago's O ce of Young Adult Engagement has gathered a list of online
 resources for your use during this time of social distancing and beyond.

 Visit to nd resources about local and national
 prayer opportunities, mental and physical health, books to read, podcasts to listen to and so
 much more. These resources are speci cally geared toward young adults to help them stay
Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                                             March 21, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                               15

                                                           News & Notes

                                  FOLLOWING JESUS
                                        Copyright 2021 by John B. Reynolds (

               Perhaps you remember when Betty White hosted Saturday Night Live several years ago now.
     There was a Facebook campaign for her to host the show, and eventually she did. White opened her
     monologue by saying that she had lots of people to thank for her being there, especially Facebook.
     She explained that when she rst learned of the campaign, though, she didn’t really know what
     Facebook was. Then she said this: “And now that I do know what it is, I have to say it sounds like a
     huge waste of time.”
               I’ve never been on Facebook. Never. Ever. I’m not dissing it, though, especially given that
     I’ve been told by friends and family that it’s a great way to keep up with friends-and-family news. I
     don’t Instagram or Twitter, either. Actually, I don’t even know if I can make these nouns, verbs. Oh.
     And I love Subway sandwiches, but I saw a Subway ad a few years back encouraging me to follow the
     company on some social media platform. I still recall thinking “Why would I possibly want to follow
     a sandwich?”
               For full-disclosure’s sake, though, I do YouTube. I started posting some of my stu a year
     ago. I’m small potatoes, but per a TV news bit I saw last week, some guy who I’ve never heard of has
     a million social media followers, and he’s small potatoes compared to some. Oh. And I wasn’t too hip
     to social media in uencers until I began YouTube-ing. Per an online piece, an in uencer is one who
     can a ect others' buying choices because of his/her “…authority, knowledge, position, or relationship
     with their audience.” Hmmm…
               “Hmmm…” because of something the Pharisees say to one another in the chapter and verse
     immediately preceding the Gospel reading we hear today. Jesus has just entered Jerusalem. The
     crowd is coming out with their palm branches to meet him because they had heard about him calling
     Lazarus out from the tomb some days earlier. The Pharisees talk amongst themselves about all the
     hoopla, and--knowing that Jesus is at its center--they say to each other, “Look, the whole world has
     gone after him.”
               Talk about having followers! Talk about someone who has the authority, knowledge,
     position, or relationship with an audience! Talk about being an in uencer! But in the reading, Jesus is
     troubled as he speaks to his friends (“I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and
     dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit” and “Whoever serves
     me must follow me” and “Yet what should I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But it was for this
     purpose that I came to this hour”).
               Seems nobody wants the in uence that Jesus is willing to die for. The crowd not only falls
     away, it soon turns against him. Even his closest friends leave him. Fortunately, Jesus stays true to his
     mission and is now in uencing people around the globe. Betty White joked on SNL that Facebook
     sounded like a waste of time. Having never Facebook-ed, I can’t speak to that. But I think I can
     speak to this: it’s the Fifth Sunday of Lent, and now is not the time to be wasting time on our way to
     the Cross.

     Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                                         March 21, 2021


St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                                     16

                                                  Re ection om Fr. Murphy

     It is Lent: Why Do We Pray?

     My prayer list just reached avalanche proportions this week with friends dying, having strokes, really sick
     from Covid-19 and Covid vaccines plus the usual requests for surgeries and all the rest of what ails us. It
     got me to thinking why do we pray this Lent anyway? Let me count the ways….

     Why do we pray?

                   Out of fear: we ask God to protect us from bad things or bad people or accidents….
                   God as Complaint Department: we tell God what we don’t like about the world, people…
                   God as dispenser of all we want: we beg for what we think we need…
                   We thank God for all our blessings: life, people, things, safety, mercy…
                   We praise God for her goodness, generosity, mercifulness
                   Out of desperation and bargaining—transactional praying—God if you do this for me now, I will
                   do this for you…
                   Church Lady emails—she sends out emails with sample prayers and inspirations…
     Unanswered Prayers. I suppose we often feel our prayers go unheard when we do not get the answer or
     response we desire. Perhaps, though, sometimes the best prayers are unanswered. Here is an expert’s

                   Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
                   Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs
                   That just because he may not answer doesn't mean he don't care
                   Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered

                   Some of God's greatest gifts are all too often unanswered...
                   Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers

                                                                    Garth Brooks, Unanswered Prayers, No Fences, 1990
     Ponder these:

     Where is that ine line that divides what I am responsible for and what is God’s area? Win the game, get a
     raise, win the lottery, heal the sick, feed the hungry, be kind to others?

     Where have I been blessed by unanswered prayers—where I did not get what I asked for but got something

     Email me at

     Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                                                March 21, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                           17

                                             News & Notes

 Mass offerings are available for all weekend masses
                and weekday masses

Request a mass to be o ered on behalf of your loved one. You
can reserve one for the anniversary of a death or support
someone during a di cult time, o er one for a birthday or
wedding celebration, or however else you wish.

We are still taking requests, but please contact Fr. Jeremy
directly by email ( instead of calling
the Parish Center.


DONATE with Zelle                                        DONATE online

• Select “Transfer $ using Zelle”
• Enter
• Enter an amount to donate
• Send!
• Register as a parishioner so we
  have your contact information

Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                     March 21, 2021

St. Vincent de Paul Parish                                                                                   18

                                              Weekly Intentions

                                Please Pray for Our Sick
Let us remember all those here at St. Vincent’s who are ill and in need of God’s healing and
comfort. Let us keep them in our prayers and thoughts, especially: Sue Maris Allen, Elaine
Anderson, Alyssa Beverly, Phil Bogert, Margaret Charles, Sommer Churchill, John Garrity,
Leticia Gross, Mary Hayes, Laura Linke, David Neesan, Ruth Ohrem, Natalia De Los Rios,
James Schwake, Joyce Wals

  Please contact Ginny in the parish center to inform us of those who are ill and
  in need of God’s healing and comfort. They will be listed in our bulletin for 4
  weeks. Renewal of prayers for the sick is available by contacting Ginny at
  that time. If you would like Fr. Jeremy to visit the person (if they live in the
  area), please let Ginny know when you add them to the list.
  If you would like a mass intention for any open date, as well as other dates in the future, please
  contact Fr. Jeremy at to schedule. He continues to celebrate mass for
  your intentions in private.

                                                 Mass O erings
 Sunday, March 21st               10:00 am - Raye Jo Kaplan, 5:00 pm - People of the Parish

 Monday, March 22nd               Stephen Benson

 Tuesday, March 23rd              Tracy Dolce (living)

 Wednesday, March 24th            Donald Crawford

 Thursday, March 25th             Leonor Alba

 Friday, March 26th               Rich Bauman

 Sunday, March 28th               10:00 am: Barbara Jasiak and Julia Jasiak, 5:00 pm: People of the Parish

Welcome New Parishioners:
Zachary Hadaway, Kelly Kleckner & Stevan Galich, Richard Fagan, Lindsay Shake

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                                                                        Contact Us

     Parish Sta
     Rev. Jeremy Dixon, C.M.
            Pastor ......................................................................................................................
     Robert Beatty
            Director of Music and Community Development ……………………………………..
     Rebecca Simons
            Evangelization & Faith Formation Coordinator ………………………………………. rcarmic1@depaul.ed
     Christopher Allen
           Communications Director ……………………………………………………………………….
     Mary Carter
           Administrative Assistant & Records ……………………….………………………………
     Ginny Costigan
           Administrative Assistant ………………………………….……………………………………..
     Suzanne Hannau
           Assistant Director of Music & Young Adult Ministry ………………………………….
     Jen Olson
           Director of Operations ………………………………………………………………………..
     Jose and Salvador Perez

                    Bulletin Information

     Articles must be submitted on or before Noon on Saturday for the next weekend’s bulletin (earlier, for
     the week preceding holidays). Microsoft Word attachments are requested. Please make sure to indicate
     which Sunday date(s) you’re requesting.
     Please DO NOT send content by email, but instead use the Bulletin Submission Form: Contact Christopher Allen ( with any questions
     Website Information
     Submit news items, photos, PDF announcements, and similar promotional materials at any time to
     Christopher Allen. Please include your complete contact information in case we need to reach you.

                    The Word Among Us ( is a Catholic
                    devotional magazine with the daily mass readings and
                    re ections.

                    The US Conference of Catholic Bishops                                    DePaul University ( has a
                    ( has a daily video re ection on                     variety of resources regarding St. Vincent de Paul and
                    the mass readings, as well as the readings                               the Vincentian Family, including articles, podcasts and
                                                                                             interviews, in “All Things Vincentian.”
                    Busted Halo ( is an “online magazine
                    for spiritual seekers” sponsored by the Paulist Fathers.                 Saint of the Day ( provides a
                    It includes re ections on faith and popular culture.                     short biography of the saint for the current day.

     Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                                                                                      March 21, 2021



You can also read