St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL 708-349-0903 - Saint Michael Parish | Orland Park, Illinois

St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL 708-349-0903 - Saint Michael Parish | Orland Park, Illinois
St. Michael Parish
14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL
St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL 708-349-0903 - Saint Michael Parish | Orland Park, Illinois
Voice of Saint Michael                                                  June 16, 2019

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. The mystery of the Trinity
is indeed difficult to understand and has kept theologians and preachers busy for
centuries. Our faith tells us that there is ONE God, revealed to us as three persons –
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are invited to get a glimpse at the inner life of God
today. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit share all and are One, united in love. The
gospel reminds us that Jesus has much more to tell, but the disciples cannot bear it
now. The disciples must wait for the Holy Spirit to lead and to guide them. It is the
same Spirit that leads and guides us today. Let us open our hearts to the Spirit’s
promptings so that we can be guided in knowledge and truth. Today let us enter into
the mystery of the Trinity by realizing that God is One and that God calls us to unity
and love.

Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day! Today is a day that we honor our fathers both living and
deceased. On this day we honor not only our biological fathers but all those men who
have had a significant influence in our lives. In addition to my own father, I have
several mentors and role models who have and continue to shape and influence my
life. Sometimes Dads get a bad rap because often they are the ones who have to do
the discipline in the family. One of my mother’s favorite sayings was, “Wait till your
father gets home.” I have to admit that those words always put a little fear in me.

I have been ordained a priest for twenty one years and I still find it amusing that my
title is “Father” and yet I do not have any children of my own. While I am not a father
caring for the physical needs of children, I care for the spiritual and temporal needs of
the parish. I am aware that I am not perfect and sometimes I made mistakes and
decisions that have hurt or alienated others. The responsibility that has been
entrusted to me is overwhelming at times. I am humbled by your care and support.

Today offer a prayer for all those who have played a father’s role in your life.
Remember that no one is perfect, not even our fathers. Sometimes they make
mistakes – perhaps today is a day to forgive.

A couple of years ago a parishioner sent this blessing along with a mother’s day
blessing. I have found it to be a great prayer to meditate upon and wanted to share it
with you.

                                                                     (continued on next page)

St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL 708-349-0903 - Saint Michael Parish | Orland Park, Illinois
Voice of Saint Michael                                                      June 16, 2019

                                  Father’s Day Blessing

Loving God, we give you thanks for the many gifts you have given us;
the gift of life, the gift of those who love us and especially, today,
we thank you for the gift of our fathers.

We ask your blessing upon our fathers who gave us rules to live by, standards to
uphold, joys to cherish, faith to live by, hopes worth dreaming of and who blessed
our lives with their unselfish and unconditional love.

We ask your blessing upon our fathers
who are unable to be with us today.
May they know how much we love and care for them.

We ask your blessing upon adoptive fathers,
that they may always know their special role of being a true father,
a revelation of God’s love for their children.

We ask your blessing upon fathers who have lost children
through stillbirth, crib death, sickness, accident and tragedy, that they
may have your continuing strength and courage.

We remember our fathers who have died
and for the unique way they revealed for us your love.
We ask that you keep them in your care
until the time comes for us to join them in your Kingdom.

We pray for those men who desire to be fathers or have another child.
And we ask your blessing upon our fathers.

Let the example of their faith and love shine forth.
Give them the strength to live the
faithful and loving lives you call them to live.

Protect and guide them. Keep them in your care
and grant that their children may always honor them
with a spirit of profound respect.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

In Christ’s love,

Fr. Frank

St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL 708-349-0903 - Saint Michael Parish | Orland Park, Illinois
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                              June 16, 2019

                                                                                                        Each time we
   Solemnity: Most Holy Trinity                                                                         make the sign of
                     June 16, 2019                                                                      the cross, we are
 The word trinity occurs nowhere in scripture, but the                                                  saying that we
doctrine of the Trinity is basic to everything Christians                                               believe in the
believe. How did the church come to believe that the one                                                Most Holy
God exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? This                                                        Trinity. Think
complicated story is an example of the church being                                                     about that for a
taught by the Spirit of truth. In today’s first reading we                                              minute. Close
hear from Wisdom, God’s craftsman, who helps God
                                                                                                        your eyes and
execute God’s plan for creation. The text is not about a
helper god; it is an imaginative portrayal of Wisdom being         make the sign of the cross – each time you bless
both of God and external to God. We could say that                 yourself and begin your prayer, you are inviting the
Wisdom is God’s self-gift poured into creation, a sign that        Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit into your heart
God loves creation, delights in it, and (in Genesis chapter        and soul. God the Father, Jesus His Son and the
1) pronounces it good. This is the most colorful Biblical          Holy Spirit make up the Most Holy Trinity. One in
portrayal of something of God that is given to creation,           three and three in one. It sounds a bit confusing,
but there are others. In Isaiah 55:10-11, God’s Word (like         BUT let’s see if this helps. We have this wonderful
the rain and snow) is sent down from heaven to do God’s            creator of things. God the Father created trees,
will on earth, not returning until it is accomplished. God’s       wind, all living creatures and everything around us.
Word, like Wisdom, is also linked to creation, since in            Everything we see, touch and feel is made by God
Genesis chapter 1, God creates by speaking—repeating:
                                                                   the creator. However, God wanted us to know that
Let there be . . . until the work is done. John’s Gospel
begins, “In the beginning was the Word . . . and the Word          He loves us and He is with us. So, He sent us Jesus,
was God; John later adds—the Word became flesh (John               his Son to teach us His ways. Jesus was human – he
1:14). This is more than poetic imagery. Here John makes a         looked like us, sounded like us and God knew that
very bold claim. The prophets proclaimed God’s word, but           we would be able to understand Him a bit more if
Jesus is God’s Word—coming from God to us who are not              we saw someone like us showing us how to behave
God. It took more than two hundred years before a                  and act. When Jesus left to heaven he gave us a
universal Council declared that Jesus was . . . true God           beautiful gift sent by God the Father – the Holy
from true God, begotten not made, consubstantial with              Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God and Jesus living
the Father . . . Slowly, the church was working toward a           within us. God wanted us to know that we didn’t
doctrine of the Trinity. The doctrine doesn’t explain the          need to see Jesus to feel his presence within us. God
Trinity, but it does express the incomprehensible mystery
                                                                   wanted us to know that the Holy Spirit lives within
of the God whose love overflows into the glories of
creation, the messiness of our human condition, and the            us and it is up to us to invite the Most Holy Trinity
Spirit of truth that still guides the Church today.                into our hearts and into our lives. Sometimes the
                                                                   Holy Spirit is hard to understand because we don’t
                                                                   see the Spirit…but it is more of a feeling or a
                                                                   sensation within your heart. It’s God’s presence
                                                                   living within you. Some people feel the Holy Spirit
                       Readings for the Week                       within them when they attend mass or when they
                               June 16, 2019                       pray. Other people feel it when they do acts of
                                                                   kindness. Some people feel the Holy Spirit when
Sunday:         Prv. 8: 22-31; Rom 5: 1-5; Jn 16: 12-15            they walk outside and feel the wind in their face.
Monday:         2 Cor 6: 1-10; Mt 5: 38-42                         This week, spend some time talking with the Holy
Tuesday:        2 Cor 8: 1-9; Mt 5: 43-48                          Spirit. Close your eyes and talk with God and feel
Wednesday:      2 Cor 9: 6-11; Mt 6: 1-6, 16-18                    the warmth of the Holy Spirit fill your heart. Let’s
Thursday:       2 Cor 11: 1-11; Mt 6: 7-15                         pray: Dear God, thank you for the Most Holy
Friday:         2 Cor 11: 18, 21-30; Mt 6: 19-23                   Trinity. Help me to always remember that God is
Saturday:       2 Cor 12: 1-10; Mt 6: 24-34                        with me, Jesus is my example and the Holy Spirit
Sunday:         Gn 14: 18-20; 1 cor 11: 23-26; Lk 9: 11b-17        helps guide me to behave. Amen

St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL 708-349-0903 - Saint Michael Parish | Orland Park, Illinois
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                         June 16, 2019

We Make Hospital Visits                                                    WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT
                       If you or a relative of yours is
                       admitted to the hospital it                  Rebecca Roccasalva & Patrick Griffin
                       would be so helpful if you
                     would call St. Michael to let us                           June 28, 2019
                   know you are there. It is not a
              bother for us! We try to visit the sick
              on a regular basis and would love to
visit you if you are hospitalized. Please call: 349-
0903 and we will use our own list of people to visit.
                                                                 HOLIDAY BULLETIN DEADLINE
                                                              Due to the upcoming holiday,
Sick List                                                     information for the July 7th bulletin
We will pray for those who are sick. To include               must be submitted by June 25th.
yourself or a family member on our sick list please
call the parish office. The name will be read at                      FAITH FORMATION THIS WEEK
Sunday Mass for two weekends and then will
                                                              Tuesday, June 18 at 7 pm
be in the bulletin for three weeks.                                 Holy Spirit Prayer Group
Please Pray For The Sick                                      Wednesday, June 19 at 7 pm
                                                                   Evangelization and Scripture
 We continue to remember the sick, the infirm,
 and all those recommended to our prayers; and                Thursday, June 20 at 7 pm
                                                                    English Women’s Faith Sharing
 especially, the following, that they may
 experience the healing and power of Christ:                  Friday, June 21 at 7 pm
Joyce Benbenek, Lucas Salvatore Bryant,                             Hispanic Bible Study
Hannah Carroll, John Davis, Dee Draski,
Magdalena Gaytan, Ryan Grybas, Marilee Hankin,
Mary Jo James, Darryl Klock, David Kircher,
Chris Lechowicz, Elizabeth Lisuzzo,                                            Celebrate National e-Giving Day
                                                                               and start eGiving with Faith
Eva Malajewicz, Bernie McEarlean,                                              Direct
James Melton, Jesus Mendez, Cathy Murphy,                                      Please join in enrolling by visiting
Tony Noska, James Pawlak, Linda Pendleton,           to enroll securely online.
Kyle Radke, Robert L. Robles, Don Sheming,                    Our parish code is IL851.
and all those injured in service to their country.                          Support St. Michael Parish
                                                                          by shopping at AmazonSmile.
Please Pray For . . .                                         SHOP with Amazon Smile and the
                                                              school/church will receive .5% of qualifying
Those who have died and their families                        purchases made. When you shop with
                                                              Amazon sign in to SMILE.AMAZON.COM
Erin Murphy, niece of Margie Wierus                           and select St. Michael as your charity.

Benedetta Nyamua, aunt of Fr. Geofrey Andama                  “But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will
                                                              guide you to all truth...” (JOHN 16:13)
                                                              Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us know and live
                  Please put your anonymous notes             the truth. To prepare ourselves, we need to open
                  of how you have experienced God             our hearts to receive this gi before we can give it.
                  in your life in the bottom drawer of        Develop a daily prayer rou ne. Talk and listen to
                  the kiosk in the narthex.                   the Holy Spirit. This is best done in silence, when we
                                                              can hear His response.
St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL 708-349-0903 - Saint Michael Parish | Orland Park, Illinois
Voice of Saint Michael                                                June 16, 2019

                 In the Spirit of Renew My Church, Incarnation Parish
                       invites the 1st Communicants of St. Michael
                 to join them for this special Corpus Christi procession.
                           Please call them if you plan to attend.

St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL 708-349-0903 - Saint Michael Parish | Orland Park, Illinois
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                  June 16, 2019
                            GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME
                         Religious Education Faith Formation “Faith
                          formation is more than a subject to be taught.
                         It is an invitation to a way of life.” Joe Paprocki

  Families, we never stop working on our relationship with
    God. Here is something your family can do during the

     The Chicagoland area is full of beautiful churches and shrines. Consider getting a tour while you
    are there, stopping to pray for a little while, or attend mass if you are able. The Shrine of Christ’s
    Passion in St. John, IN is a beautiful exper ience for all ages! As descr ibed on their website
    at, “When you step onto the Prayer Trail at The Shrine of Christ’s
    Passion it is as though you have been transported back 2000 years. The Shrine is a multimedia
    destination, located just 35 miles from Chicago and is set on 30 acres. 40 life size bronze figures
    are artfully placed in dramatically landscaped gardens that look and feel like the Holy Land. As
    one newscaster stated, “It’s Jerusalem in your own back yard!” Here you can sit with Jesus at
    the Last Supper, journey with Him along the path to His crucifixion, actually enter the empty
    tomb and finally witness His glorious Ascension into Heaven. Come away with a deeper
    understanding and appreciation of the love of God for all humanity. Here at The Shrine of
    Christ’s Passion, lives are changed one soul at a time.” You can find a Catholic Church
    anywhere by visiting

                                                                           help yourself and your children know
                                                                             the Holy Spirit more, how much
                                                                                    Jesus loves them,
                                                                           AND how much they need God their
                                                                                    Father every day!

                                                                          Visit and go to
                                                                          the Religious Education page to
                                                                          register your child ages 5 to 14 for
                                                                          faith formation classes for the 2019-
                                                                          2020 year.

St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL 708-349-0903 - Saint Michael Parish | Orland Park, Illinois
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                    June 16, 2019

As a ministry of St Michael Parish, part
of the mission of our parish MOMs
Group is to serve our Lord by helping
those in need. Some members of the
MOMs Group gathered at the Catholic
Charities Daybreak Shelter in Joliet on
Friday May 31st to prepare and serve
lunch for approximately 60 people. We
are so grateful for the opportunity and
for the generosity of moms who
donated food for our group to take to
the shelter. As you can see by the
smiles on our faces, we received much
joy as the many hungry, who struggle to
survive each day, smiled and were
nourished by our meal and our
                                                                   While there, a member of the Shelter
                                                                   staff told us of a need for a group to
                                                                   prepare and serve dinner there five
                                                                   days later on Tuesday June 4th. We
                                                                   quickly realized that some of us
                                                                   could help on that day. So on June
                                                                   4th, with more donations, a group
                                                                   with a few of us moms, a dad, and
                                                                   some of our children were uplifted
                                                                   and blessed to prepare and serve
                                                                   dinner to 60 people. One of our
                                                                   children said it well . . . “I wasn’t so
                                                                   excited about doing the work but felt
                                                                   so good when I saw the people smile
                                                                   as I helped them. It was my favorite
  We look forward to our next opportunity to serve at the
 Daybreak Shelter and hope other moms are able to go to
 be blessed by all your heart and soul will receive
  We hope you’ll Join our Facebook Page – St. Michael Parish Moms for updates on
       MOMs Group events and faith-filled reflections for your heart and soul.

St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL 708-349-0903 - Saint Michael Parish | Orland Park, Illinois
Voice of Saint Michael                                             June 16, 2019

                                   Soup Kitchen June

                         Enthusiastic helpers enjoying the meal.

St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL 708-349-0903 - Saint Michael Parish | Orland Park, Illinois
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                        June 16, 2019
                                                                    CHURCH RECEPTION OFFICE
                                                                        SUMMER HOURS

                                                                Beginning June 17th and through August 9th,
                                                                St. Michael Church reception office will have
                                                                summer hours. Monday through Thursday we will
                                                                be open from 8:30 am to 4 pm. On Fridays we will
                                                                be open from 8:30 am to 12 noon. Our Sunday hours
                                                                will remain 9 am to 12 noon.

                                                                    CHURCH AND ADORATION CHAPEL
                                                                        SUMMER HOURS
                                                                The ADORATION CHAPEL AND
                                                                CHURCH will close at 5:00 PM,
                                                                Monday through Friday,
                                                                JULY 1—JULY 31.
                                                                Saturday and Sunday hours will remain
                                                                the same as usual.

                            HOOKS AND
                       June is bustin’ out all over with
          prayer shawls and blankets! Join us!
                    Tuesday, June 25
             from 9:00a.m. until 10:30a.m.
    If you would like a prayer shawl for a friend or
       loved one please call Donna 708-403-2122

                 If you think you have
                     a problem with
                   alcohol and have a
                      desire to stop
    drinking, come to a meeting of
       Alcoholics Anonymous.                                      Tickets will be sold after the Saturday
  We meet every Thursday evening at 6                              4:30 Mass and Sunday 10:30 Mass
      pm in the Ministry Room.
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                      June 16, 2019

                Vacation Bible School
                Shirt & Packet pick up
        Date: Friday, June 21st
        Time: 9:00am to 11:00am
        Place: The Commons

         If you are unable to pick up your information
         we will have it for you on Monday, June 24th

Come Holy Spirit!                                                                  St. Coletta’s Of Illinois (aka
                                                                                   the Kennedy School) in
This month, the Holy Spirit Group will be led in                                   Tinley Park now has an
prayer by Fr. Bramlage from the Missionaries of the        Autism Engagement Program. It provides
New Evangelization in a three part cd series. The          structured, meaningful tasks on a daily schedule
following topics will be explained and prayer              tailored to each individual. Activities include Life
received by the Power of the Holy Spirit on the            Skills, Art Exploration, Sensory Engagement, Gym/
following dates from 7-9pm:                                Fitness and Community Outings each weekday 8:30
                                                           am to 2:30 pm. If interested, call social worker
June 18th: Renunciation                                    Heather Benedick at 708-342-5200.
June 25th: Healing

                Would you like to be enriched and grow in your understanding of Theology of Revelation,
                                      Scripture, Tradition, Prayer, and Sacraments?
                The Archdiocese of Chicago for Lifelong Formation/Formed Catholic, Sponsored by the
                      Southwest Suburban Cluster Association presents their annual Summertime,
                                    Monday night medley for Theological formation
                                Courses will be held at Our Lady of the Woods Parish
                                          10731 W. 131st Street in Orland Park
                     On these Mondays . . . June 17, 24 and July 1, 8, 15 . . . From 7:00 to 8:30pm
Please call or email Kelly Martinez, Coordinator of Religious Education, with questions or to register by
                    Tuesday June 4th . . . 708-873-4633 or

                                       WOMEN’S CLUB
 An organizational meeting for planning the future of the club will be
 held on Monday June 17 for current and new members. Come bring
 your ideas and join a lively discussion!

Voice of Saint Michael                                                        June 16, 2019

Hoy celebramos la Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad. El misterio de la Trinidad es de
verdad difícil de entender y ha mantenido a los teólogos y predicadores ocupados por siglos.
Nuestra fe nos dice que hay un SOLO Dios, que se nos revela como tres personas – Padre,
Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Hoy se nos invita a dar un vistazo en la vida interior de Dios. El Padre,
Hijo y Espíritu Santo comparten todo y son Uno, unidos en amor. El evangelio nos recuerda
que Jesús tiene algo más que decir, pero los discípulos no pueden consentir esto ahora. Los
discípulos deben esperar al Espíritu Santo para dirigirlos y guiarlos. Este es el mismo Espíritu
que nos dirige y guía hoy. Abramos nuestro corazón a las inspiraciones del Espíritu para ser
guiados en la sabiduría y verdad. Hoy, entremos al misterio de la Trinidad, dándonos cuenta
que Dios es UNO y que Dios nos llama a la unidad y al amor.

Día del Padre

¡Feliz Día del Padre! Hoy es un día que honramos a nuestros padres, vivos o muertos.
En este día no sólo honramos a nuestros padres biológicos sino a todos esos hombres que han
tenido una influencia significativa en nuestra vida. Además de mi propio padre, tengo varios
mentores y ejemplos que han, y aún continúan formando e influenciando mi vida. Algunas
veces, los papás tienen mala reputación porque, por lo general, ellos son quienes disciplinan a
la familia. Uno de los dichos favoritos de mi madre, “Espera a que llegue tu papá”. Debo
admitir que esas palabras siempre me daban un poco de miedo.

Me ordené como sacerdote hace veintiún año y aún encuentro divertido que mi título es
“Padre” y todavía no tengo niños propios. Aunque no soy un padre cuidando las necesidades
físicas de niños, cuido de las necesidades espirituales y temporales de la parroquia. Estoy
consciente que no soy perfecto y algunas veces hago errores y decisiones que han lastimado o
alejado a los demás. La responsabilidad que se me ha confiado es abrumadora algunas veces.
Soy humilde por su cuidado y apoyo.

Hoy ofrezco una oración por todos aquellos que han hecho un papel de padre en su vida.
Recuerden que nadie es perfecto, ni siquiera nuestros padres. Algunas veces ellos hacen
errores – tal vez hoy es un día para perdonar.

Hace un par de años, un feligrés me envío esta bendición junto con una bendición para el día
de las madres. Me di cuenta que es una gran oración para meditar y quise compartirla con

Voice of Saint Michael                                                         June 16, 2019

Bendición en el Día del Padre

Dios de amor, te damos gracias por los muchos dones que nos has dado; el don de la vida, el
don de quienes nos aman y especialmente, hoy, te damos gracias por el regalo de nuestros

Te pedimos tu bendición sobre nuestros padres quienes nos impusieron reglas para vivir,
valores para llevar, alegría para agradecer, fe para vivir, esperanzas dignas de soñar y quienes
bendicen nuestra vida con su amor desinteresado e incondicional.

Te pedimos tu bendición sobre nuestros padres que no pueden estar con nosotros hoy. Que
sepan cuánto los amamos y preocupamos por ellos.

Te pedimos tu bendición sobre los padres adoptivos, para que siempre reconozcan su papel
especial de verdaderos padres, una revelación del amor de Dios por sus hijos.

Te pedimos tu bendición sobre los padres que han perdido hijos por medio de muerte en el
vientre, muerte de cuna, enfermedades, accidentes o tragedias, para que ellos tengan tu
continua fuerza y fortaleza.

Recordamos a nuestros padres fallecidos y por la manera única de revelarnos tu amor. Te
pedimos los mantengas bajo tu cuidado hasta que llegue el día de reunirnos con ellos en tu

Oramos por esos hombres que desean ser padres o tener otro hijo. Permite el ejemplo de su fe
y amor brillar.
Dales la fortaleza de vivir una vida de fe y amor a la cual los has llamado.

Protégelos y guíalos. Mantenlos bajo tu cuidado y concédeles que sus hijos siempre los
honren con un espíritu de respeto profundo. Te lo pedimos por Cristo, nuestro Señor. AMÉN

En el amor de Cristo,

Padre Frank

Voice of Saint Michael                                             June 16, 2019

                            INICIO DE CURSO En Español :
                         Domingo 8 de sep embre a las 11 a.m.

                Domingos junio 23 & 30 después de misa de 1:30p.m.
                     En la oficina de lunes a miércoles de 7-4p.m.
         Niños desde 2ndo grado, adolecentes, adultos, sacramentos de inicio
                    (Bau smo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación)
                Para jóvenes y adultos, Primera Comunión para niños
                            ( 7años cumplidos al inscribirse)

Voice of Saint Michael                                                                                                                      June 16, 2019
                                       Masses for the Week — June 15th through June 22nd
                      4:30 PM
                      6:00 PM
                      7:30 AM
 Sunday               9:00 AM                                        Father’s Day Masses
                     10:30 AM                                         are for all fathers
                     12:00 PM
 Spanish —→           1:30 PM
                      5:30 PM
                      6:30 AM          LaVerne Bria                                         James Brick                 Arthur Wiseman
                      8:00 AM          Kathleen Varnagis                                    Michael Ryan                Sheila Kenny
                      6:30 AM          Joy Witt                                             Darlene Pryszcz             Arthur Wiseman
                      8:00 AM          Susan Gronski                                        Robert Pierson              George Thomas
                      6:30 AM          Special Intenton for Noah O. Timunday                                            Special Intention for Cres O. Olano
                      8:00 AM          Kathleen Varnagis                                    Sheila Kenny                Joan Nolan-Anniversary of Bob and Joan
                      6:30 AM          Arthur Wiseman                                       Benedetto Nyamua            Special Intention for Michael Bartnik
                      8:00 AM          Martin Christensen                                   Christy O’Connor            Ernest, Margie and Robert Brown
                      6:30 AM          Special Intention for Elizabeth Bandera              Gertrude Wisniewski
                      8:00 AM          Conceso V. Larena                                    William Hines               Jack Flaherty
 Saturday             8:30 AM          Jack Flaherty                                        John Daley                  Donna Larney

                       June 23, 2019 — The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)
                    Mass Intentions               Lectors               Altar Servers                                     Eucharistic Ministers

4:30 PM       Kevin O’Finn                Barb Wesolowski        Norah Doyle                  Donna Bollero           Chris Della Croce           Sharon Waiter
Fr. Frank     Kathleen Varnagis           Maddie Norbut          Kate Hulne                   Linda Chenore           Jeff Minarcik               NEED MINISTER
              Robert Witas                                       Evie Skog                    Deacon Tony Cocco       Mary Jo Murray              Sarah Wardlow
                                                                 Joey Spano                   Eileen Cocco            David Murray
6:00 PM       Eric James Goetzke          Madeleine Figuera      James Gallagher              Gerry Baker             Sharon D’Ercole             Isabella Tortorici
Fr. Frank     Madeleine Figuera                                                               Theresa Bongiorno       Dawn Kaderabek              Janet Tortorici
              James Gallagher                                                                 Ed Broniarczyk          Cindy Noska                 Lisa Veith
                                                                                              Deacon Tony Cocco       Mark Tortorici
7:30 AM       Alice Dzurisin              Lou DePasquale         Nicholas Huie                Sharon Grasso           Kevin Zidek                 NEED MINISTER
Fr. Bill      Ben Armijo                  Madeline Huie          Rebekah Huie                 Deacon Colin Huie       NEED MINISTER               NEED MINISTER
              Lynne Rose                                         Leah Huie                    Ellen Martino           NEED MINISTER               NEED MINISTER
                                                                 Madden Parker                Fran McCabe             NEED MINISTER

9:00 AM       John Hamilton               John Carroll           Michael Arnashus             Denise Arnashus         Jeanne Carroll              Karen Sullivan
Fr. Geofrey   Charlotte Laskowski         Tommy Richter          Patrick Arnashus             Sue Auld                Deacon Colin Huie           Marietta Umlor
              Bernice Hockins                                    Ashley Fahey                 NEED MINISTER           Steve Messina               CeeCee VanHecke
                                                                 Caroline Kaspar              Kathleen Calandriello   Linda Stateman
                                          Young People’s Liturgy Presider — None

10:30 AM      Mary Dain                   Eloy Molina            Jeremy Alcordo               Josefina Aguilar        Deacon Jim Janicek          Joseph Vazzana
Fr. Geofrey   Denis Ryan                  Mike Alcordo           Myles Jacquez                Jim Brudek              Aiden Milkovich             Maria Villasenor
              Kathleen Gaughan                                   Eamonn Milkovich             Berta Garza             Bill Nebel                  Bill Ward
                                                                 Maggie Stokes                Kathleen Hughes         Tita Oblena

                                          Young People’s Liturgy Presider —Jillian Marino
12:00 PM      Joyce and Carl Olson, Sr.   Emilia Durante         Anthony Pagliero             NEED MINISTER           Deacon Jim Janicek          Val Stoub
Fr. Geofrey   Rose Salome                 Jorge Reyes            Isabella Para                NEED MINISTER           Jean Mollo                  Sophia Weiss
              Matilda Mangieri                                   Elise Stoub                  NEED MINISTER           Lexi Para                   Shirley Wolfe
                                                                 Gavin Weiss                  Sami Domagala           Caroline Para
1:30 PM       Roberto y Alicia Ortiz      Natalia Trujillo       Isabella Trujillo            Diacono                 Martha Perez                Lydia Reyes
Spanish       Bernice Kozlowski           Yolanda Trujillo       Karol Luna                   Rosy Maya               Hilda Pulido                Maria Roldan
Mass          Jose Antonio Ruiz                                  Geraldine Luna               Yolanda Medrano         Brittany Renteria           Leticia Sanchez
                                                                 Daniela Rosales              Maria Elena Perez       Diana Reyes

5:30 PM       Pecho Family                Molly Dettman          Ava Dill                     Kevin Cunningham        Deacon Mike McDonough       NEED MINISTER
Fr. Frank     Bobbi Scott                 Mark Lebert            Joey Judeh                   Tricia Dill             NEED MINISTER               NEED MINISTER
              Marie Gaskin                                       Bella Judeh                  Matt Dill               Marilyn Stanczak            NEED MINISTER
                                                                 Kara Pellegrini              Kelly Florek            NEED MINISTER
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                      June 16, 2019

                   NEED HELP?.                                          ¿NECESITA AYUDA?
For help with problems arising from alcohol                Guidance in satisfying excessive and/or past
                                                           due utility bills and emergency food assistance
Alcoholics Anonymous………….708-389-1380
                                                           St. Vincent DePaul Society……….708-873-4669
Alcohólicos Anónimos…………..773-847-4843                     San Vicente DePaul en Español…..708-349-0903
                                                                  CTC - Susana Ruiz ext. 506
Go to for meeting locations
                                                           Marital Difficulties
For help with problems arising from drug abuse             Retrouvaille ………………………….800-470-2230
Narcotics Anonymous…………...708-848-4884                     Catholic based support for couples in marital
Divorcios Y Mas Allá……………708-668-5623
CTC- Irma Almanza                                          Holbrook Counseling Center of Catholic
                                                           Charities (Our Lady of the Woods & St. Stephen)
Gambling Problems Gamblers Anonymous                       Michele Nowak….…708-586-1365..…312-655-7725
                                                                  Specialty family and grief counseling
                                                           Dealing with physical, emotional, verbal abuse
Struggling with mental health issues                       The Crisis Center……………………708-429-7233
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)                 for group support and/or free one-on-one counseling
                                                           Se habla español
Information Helpline……………1-800-950-6264
Emotions Anonymous …………... 708-383-0200
                                                           Dr. Eileen Fera…………
                                                           Catholic psychologist, Downers Grove
Orland Park Substance Abuse Forum & 708-403-6399                             Jerry T. Souta……………...708-681-2325 ext 5333
HOPE Employment Ministry                                           licensed behavioral clinician
Lee Junkans,
Fred Zeilner,                      Fr. Bob Rohrich……………………..630-257-9235
708- 259-1162                                                     MA clinical counseling, Lemont

Grief Support                                              Dr. Jeff Dire………………..……….630-674-4295
                                                                   Psychologist, Downers Grove
Sister Marietta…………………….708-873-4635
                                                           Sr. Jude More,LCSW, DCSW, R.N.708-974-3336 x 333
A Communion Visitor to the homebound/ill
Sister Marietta…………………….708-873-4635                       Dr. Paula Jarvis………………...…...630-582-9000
                                                                  Family & Women’s issues, Downers Grove
Annulment Information
                                                           Fr. Kurt Boras……………………….630-257-4640
Donna McDonough……………….708-349-0903                                Clinical Counseling, Lemont
Clerical Abuse Healing: Reconciliation
                                                           Dr. Greg Rodriquez...………708-845-5500 ext 149                               Chicagoland Christian Counseling

                    If you have difficulty contacting any of these places, please call a member of
                   St. Michael Pastoral Staff who would be happy to talk with you confidentially.
Sunday Masses                                                PARISH OFFICE
 Saturday Evening: 4:30 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.                                 14327 Highland Avenue 708-349-0903
 Sunday:           7:30 9:00, 10:30, 12:00, 5:30 p                       Orland Park, IL 60462
                              1:30 p.m.
                                                             Rev. Frank A. Kurucz, Pastor                  873-4611
Weekday Masses: Mon—Fri 6:30 & 8:00 a.m.
                      Saturday    8:30 am                    Rev. Geofrey Andama, Associate Pastor         873-4612
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
  Saturdays                3:00 —4:00 pm                     Rev. Paul Burak, Retired Priest               call parish
Confesion en español: 12:30—1:15 pm                          Rev. William Finnegan, Retired Priest         call parish
 los primeros y terceros Domingos de cada mes
                                                             Patrick Wille, Seminarian,                    call parish
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament                        
 Monday-Friday          9 a.m.—9 p.m.
 Saturday & Sunday 9 a.m.—7 p.m.                                                      Pastoral Associate       -4635
Rosary                                                           Compassionate Ministry, RCIA, Service
 Monday-Saturday in Chapel after 8 (or 8:30 a.m.)      
Mass. On the first Saturday Fatima prayers will follow.      Pat Chuchla, Pastoral Associate               873-4652
Baptisms: Baptisms are celebrated several Sundays a                 Worship Ministries
month at 3 p.m. & at the Noon Mass once monthly. A        
preparation class is required. 708-349-0903.                 Diana Vitela, Business Manager                873-4617
Weddings: Marriage Preparation required. Call 708-        
349-0903 to schedule & begin the process.
Parish Office Hours June 17 through August 9th               Kelly Martinez                                873-4633
  Monday thru Thursday              8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.           Coordinator of Religious Education
  Friday                           8:30 a.m. - 12 noon
  Saturday                          CLOSED                   Paul Smith, Principal                         349-0068
  Sunday                            9:00 a.m. - Noon                St. Michael School
Please call or stop by the Parish Office to update your   
address or to advise that you are leaving the parish         Nancy Makowski, Assistant Principal           349-0068
Religious Education (Faith Formation):                   
Office Hours for June:
Monday: closed                                               Gary Patin, Director of Music Ministry        873-4627
Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri: 9:00am to 5:00pm; after 5 by appt 
Sat and Sun: by appt                                         Rose Koch, Youth Minister                     873-4650
Classes for children ages 5 through age 14:              
Begin early September and continue through the end of
April. Registration for 2019-20 begins Sunday April          Hispanic Ministry                          873-4619
28th at our 9:00am Mass and Reception and continues                 Patty Renteria
until classes are full. Current families may register        DEACONS       Tom Bartholomew
online or with forms. New families should call or email                    Tony and Eileen Cocco
Kelly Martinez to set up a time to meet.                                   Colin and Sarah Huie
Educacion Religiosa en espa ol                                             Jim and Sharon Janicek
Si usted desea que sus hijos reciban los sacramentos de                    Michael and Donna McDonough
la confesión , Primera Comunión, y Confirmación en                         Abel and Yolanda Trujillo
español, debe registrar a sus hijos en las clases de                   Can’t Hear in Church?
catecismo llamando a la Oficina Parroquial al 708-873-       Our built in hearing loop works with most
4619. Estas clases se ofrecen en español. Si prefiere las    hearing aids. We also have receivers and
clases en inglés, favor de llamar directamente al 708-873-   headphones that work with our built-in
4633.                                                        hearing loop that can be used by parishioners during
Bulletin deadline: Fr iday at 9 a.m.                         Mass. Questions? Contact the Worship Office at
Please e-mail articles, in Word or Publisher format, to      708-873-4652.
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