State of Play 2020: HSBC Golf Report -

Page created by Christine Bush
State of Play 2020: HSBC Golf Report -
State of Play 2020:
HSBC Golf Report

State of Play 2020: HSBC Golf Report -

For a PDF copy of this report or       Foreword
‘Golf’s 2020 Vision’ please contact:         Current State of Play: 6 Hole Summary
                                       The Olympic Factor
State of Play 2020: HSBC Golf Report
was written by Hill+Knowlton           Global Growth
Strategies for HSBC                    Innovation: The Rise of New Formats
Editorial Team: Steve Bradley          Technology and Golf
with James Fenn and Elliot Hardy
                                       Tourism and Environment

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State of Play 2020: HSBC Golf Report -
“The (Olympic)            “I f we all do our job (the   “What we really need         “Strong medal-winning
  opportunities              Olympics) could provide        is more Asian golf            performances from
  presented to golf are      a springboard to really        role models to inspire        Asian golfers in Rio
  unprecedented”             grow the game that we          this part of the (UK)         would, hopefully,
                             could not previously           community”                    persuade governments
 Tim Finchem, PGA Tour       have envisaged”                                              to embrace the game”
 Commissioner                                              Brendon Pyle, The Golf
                            Martin Slumbers, R&A           Foundation Chief Executive   Spencer Robinson, AGIF
                            Chief Executive                                             Chief Communications

“We are a content and       “I can’t say I’m not        “Social media totally        “At times you feel like
  entertainment business       disappointed that            unlocks the personality       you’re on tour with rock
  with golf as our platform”   some players have            of golfers in a really        stars not golfers!”
                               removed themselves           positive way”
 Keith Pelley, European Tour   from consideration                                        Padraig Harrington,
 Commissioner                  for Olympic selection.      Alex Trickett,                Double Open Champion
                               Those who have decided      Twitter UK Head of Sport
                               to pass will be missing
                               the opportunity
                               of a lifetime”

                             Peter Dawson, IGF

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State of Play 2020: HSBC Golf Report -
“Golf has digitalised        “When the LPGA began         “There’s potential for       “Slow play is the bane
  significantly in the last     putting players’ twitter      video games to have           of our sport both
  four year”                    handles on the caddie         real practical use in the     professionally and
                                bibs, many felt we had        world of golf”                otherwise”
 Mikko Manerus, Golf            lost our minds”
 GameBook Co-Founder                                         Martin Robinson,              Darren Clarke, European
 and CEO                       Mike Whan, LPGA               Eurogamer Features            Ryder Cup Captain
                               Commissioner                  and Reviews Editor

“TopGolf is an amazing       “The biggest (Olympic)       “Sustainability is a new
  concept for golf”             effect is likely to be on    imperative for all sectors
                                the women’s game”            and businesses, and
 Melissa Reid, Five-time                                     we’re now seeing golf
 LET winner                    Andrew Curry, The Futures     step forward to lead the
                               Company Director              field in sport”

                                                             Jonathan Smith, Golf
                                                             Environment Organization
                                                             Chief Executive

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State of Play 2020: HSBC Golf Report -
      by Giles Morgan, HSBC Global Head
      of Sponsorship and Events

Four years ago we commissioned a report       and experts from the world of grass roots
called ‘Golf’s 2020 Vision’. We wanted        development, broadcast, social media,
to see where the game might be at the         gaming and sustainability. Welcome to
turn of the next decade. We spoke to          State of Play 2020: The HSBC Report.
players and leading industry experts who
consistently spoke of a sport in a state of   As was the case in 2012, it’s an Olympic
transition fuelled by a positive momentum     year. But the fundamental difference is
of change. Key headlines from the report      that after an absence of 112 years, 2016
included a growing Asian presence at the      sees golf return to arguably the biggest
top table of world golf, greater innovation   sporting stage of them all. The last time
and a younger, more accessible game.          golf was at the Olympics the New York
                                              City subway hadn’t opened, the ink was
Now, as we reach the “halfway house”          still drying on the Entente Cordiale and
between our original report in 2012 and       public radio was yet to hit the airwaves.
our projected vision of 2020, we have         More than a century later, many of
revisited our initial findings and asked      those closest to the game believe           women’s game, arguably golf has never         allowed shorts for practice and pro-am
some of the most influential people in        Olympic status represents a watershed       been a more attractive proposition for        rounds; it was here that our winner Rickie
golf to give us their view on the progress    moment for golf.                            a time poor, young audience bombarded         Fowler sported a pair of orange and white
made over the last four years and their                                                   by a myriad of choices. Now is the            high-tops and it was here that 22-year-old
predictions for the future. We have           In terms of profile and participation,      time to engage them. Standing still is        rookie Bryson DeChambeau surprised
spoken to players, governing bodies           fame and funding, Rio 2016 can be           not an option.                                the golfing world whilst doffing his cap –
                                              a tipping point for golf. We are at the                                                   literally – to his golfing hero Ben Hogan.
                                              brow of the hill. On the other side is      It’s heartening that there’s a great desire
                                              a land of opportunity. But there are        for change within the game – that’s clear     It’s this unique cocktail of the old and the
                                              many challenges ahead and there is          from the insights you are about to read.      new that makes golf such a compelling
                                              much work to do. As we all know, a great    As a long term sponsor of this wonderful      proposition in 2016. A sport steeped in
                                              opportunity can become a great challenge    sport, we are hugely passionate about         tradition but energised by change. For
                                              if not acted upon and the time to act is    golf and are proud to have opened up          the last two years we’ve been running a
                                              now. As stakeholders in the game, it        new territories and tournaments; in           campaign called Anyone’s Game. As Rio
                                              is our collective responsibility to grab    the last thirteen years we have been          2016 appears on the sporting horizon,
                                              this opportunity with both hands – with     involved in more than 50 tournaments and      today, more than ever before, golf is in
                                              The Open, Rio 2016 and the Ryder Cup        brought world class golf events to China,     a position to deliver on that promise.
                                              in successive months we may never           Singapore and Abu Dhabi. In truth, it
                                              get a better chance. And with a golden      was events in the UAE capital earlier this
                                              generation of talented young golfers        year that sparked the idea for this report;
                                              dominating both the men’s and the           it was here that the European Tour first

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State of Play 2020: HSBC Golf Report -
Current State of Play:
      6 Hole Summary
Olympic status can change the game despite
concerns. Emerging golfing nations campaigned for
Olympic status; now those nations are set to benefit
through increased funding and exposure.

Zika virus, player withdrawals and              More immersive viewing experiences
formatting concerns are clouds on the           are taking us closer to the action.
Rio horizon but the opportunity is too big      TV viewing is a richer experience
to miss. The Olympics can give the sport        with bigger screens and HD now
a more athletic image and double Open           commonplace. Sports coverage is being
Champion Padraig Harrington believes            redesigned to maximise the visual
the world’s biggest sporting event can          experience with tech solutions originally
become golf’s “fifth major”over time.           created for professional sports coaches
                                                now in the hands of the viewing public.
Asian golf is on the charge but
barriers remain. The men’s game in              Social media has been                          We need new formats now. The days           Sustainability is a challenge and an
Asia is “catching up” with the women’s          transformational for golf. From high-          of the five hour round are numbered         opportunity. Golf has to provide more
game where six of the world’s Top 10            tops to holiday high jinks, fashion shoots     – new formats are a necessity not an        value to people and nature, and raise its
hail from the region. New Asian stars           to favourite bands, a golden generation        option. The good news is that short forms   positive profile in doing so. There’s an
like Hideki Matsuyama, Haotong Li and           of young golfers are sharing their             of the game are now being embraced          increasing drive towards greater efficiency
Ariya Jutanugarn are inspiring the next         experiences on and off the course with         from the top down; whether it’s The         and collaboration.
generation but cost, accessibility and          an audience of millions. Incredible to think   R&A’s new nine-hole competition,
facilities are still barriers to entry across   that the words “social media” were used        TopGolf with a burger and a beer or high
Asia. China could be the main beneficiary       only once in our report four years ago.        speed SPRINT6GOLF, short form golf is
of Olympic status.                                                                             now very much part of the game.

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State of Play 2020: HSBC Golf Report -
The Olympic Factor                                                                       Fast forward four years and it’s fair to
                                                                                               say that golf’s embrace of the Olympic
                                                                                               opportunity is more a limp handshake
                                                                                                                                            South Korea’s Byeong Hun An and India’s
                                                                                                                                            Anirban Lahiri are flying high in the world
                                                                                                                                            rankings and can’t wait to get started.
                                                                                               than a fulsome bear hug. Let’s face it,      It’s typical of the attitude of the
                                                                                               there are a number of troubling blots on     developing golfing markets as Peter
                                                                                               the Rio landscape – Zika virus, player       Dawson, President of the International
                                                                                               withdrawals, scheduling concerns and         Golf Federation (IGF), explains:
                                                                                               question marks over format. Rory McIlroy     “The Olympics has the potential to
One hundred and twelve years is a long time.                                                   and Jason Day are the latest players to      give our sport a huge fillip. It was the
                                                                                               pull out over Zika, joining Marc Leishman    smaller nations – in golfing terms – that
When golf last appeared in the Olympics at St. Louis                                           and Vijay Singh; Adam Scott cited            campaigned for the International Golf
in 1904, just two nations (the United States and                                               scheduling issues; Graeme McDowell           Federation to drive for golf’s return to the
                                                                                               is, understandably, taking time out for      programme of Olympic sports. They said
Canada) were represented in the two competitions:                                              the birth of his second child and South      it would dramatically increase exposure of
men’s team and individual. Half a dozen 10-man                                                 African pair Louis Oosthuizen and Charl
                                                                                               Schwartzel will also be missing. Will this
                                                                                                                                            golf in their countries, make governments
                                                                                                                                            more supportive of our sport and lead to
teams originally entered the golf at Glen Echo Country                                         lead to a domino effect of more players      greater funding.
                                                                                               pulling out? Possibly.
Club although only two actually turned up and a third                                                                                       “In short, it would provide by far the best
team was hastily assembled.                                                                    But – and it’s a big but – there is huge     ‘grow the game’ opportunity available
                                                                                               enthusiasm from some of golf’s biggest       to us at a time when participation was
                                                                                               names in the US and Europe; the likes        passing its peak in mature golf markets.
United States squads took Gold, Silver         on four continents and to be included           of Bubba Watson, Matt Kuchar, Henrik         I’m delighted that after much hard work
and Bronze in the team format while            in a number of regional multi-sports            Stenson, Justin Rose, Sergio Garcia,         we were able to convince the IOC of
the individual match play event was            tournaments. But just being included in         Padraig Harrington and Martin Kaymer         golf’s merits, culminating in a ‘yes’ vote
won by a 46-year-old former cricketer,         Rio is not the full scope of golf’s ambition.   are all big fans as are many players         in Copenhagen in 2009. Even ahead of
Canadian George Lyon (Extract from                                                             from the less traditional golfing nations.   the Rio Games we are already seeing the
“Golf and the Olympic Games” by Bill           When interviewed in 2012 for ‘Golf’s            Which brings us back to Gary Player’s        positive impact in many countries around
Mallon – International Society of Olympic      2020 Vision’, golf legend Gary Player said:     new, emerging markets. To name two,          the world.”
                                              “I am thrilled that golf
Lyon actually walked on his hands to
receive his prize and it’s fair to say that     will be included in the
a century on, the sport of golf has been        Olympics once again.
turned on its head. At Rio 2016 at least
30 countries, from all five continents, are     The exposure will be a
expected to be represented in both men’s
and women’s competitions.
                                                great catalyst for growth
                                                and development around
Joining the biggest show in sport is
an achievement in itself. To qualify for        the world, especially in
the Games, sports need to be played             new, emerging markets”
competitively in at least 75 countries

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State of Play 2020: HSBC Golf Report -
in 170+ countries each week. Thus, if          We will have to wait to see what the
                                                                                               we can gain new fans, we are all prepared      true impact is in future years, but this
                                                                                               to continue to provide them golf all year      certainly has the potential to be one of the
                                                                                               long. At the LPGA, we believe that many        most impactful developments in recent
                                                                                               fans will be amazed by the athleticism,        memory for the sport.
                                                                                               talent and charisma of our players. If fans
                                                                                               like what they see, we’ll be on-air in 170     “While golf is played globally, the
                                                                                               countries the week after Rio.”                 Olympics will provide unprecedented
                                                                                                                                              worldwide exposure and opportunities
                                                                                               Of course, there will be some key names        for the game and its athletes. No sporting
                                                                                               missing in Rio and golf’s administrators’      event receives more coverage than the
                                                                                               hopes are tempered slightly by the             Summer Olympics. With such a massive
                                                                                               no-shows, as Dawson admits: “I can’t           worldwide audience, and male and female
                                                                                               say I’m not disappointed that some             golfers representing dozens of countries,
                                                                                               players have removed themselves from           many of which are not as developed in the
                                                                                               consideration for Olympic selection” but       sport, there is tremendous potential to
                                                                                               he is adamant that they are “missing the       create new golf fans.
                                                                                               opportunity of a lifetime”.
                                                                                                                                              “We see the greatest impact
The IGF was founded in 1958 to                could be the last chance to watch the            Tim Finchem, Commissioner of the               occurring in countries that are in the
encourage the international development       world’s best golfers for a while; none           PGA Tour and IGF board member,                 developmental stages of the game
of the game. Recognised by the IOC as         of the four majors will be shown live            acknowledges player concerns around            as it has opened funding sources and
the official international federation for     on terrestrial TV in 2017.                       Zika virus and is providing a regular source   program development for both youth and
golf, the IGF comprises 132 federations                                                        of information from the IOC, Rio 2016          adults by their respective governments,
from 126 countries. The IGF Olympic Golf      R&A Chief Executive Martin Slumbers              and, through them, the World Health            National Olympic Committees and golf
Committee was created in 2008 to drive        echoes this view: “It always amazes me           Organization. But he is sure-footed on         federations. This, in turn, should lead to
its effort for inclusion in the 2016 Games.   at the time of the Olympics how many             the prize awaiting golf: “The Olympics         further investment and sponsorship of
                                              different sports I watch and really enjoy        are the ultimate stage in sports to help       golf programs and organisations to help
“Just think how many                         and I feel golf will benefit from that. Golf’s   foster growth of interest and participation    foster the Olympic dream.
                                              TV partners have done an excellent job in        on a global basis. Consider, for instance,
  sports we watch only                        increasing reach but the Olympics allows         that the global television audience for the    “What’s interesting is that when the
  when they are televised                     this to move to a different level with           London Olympics in 2012 was 3.6 billion,       bid process began, the world’s leading
                                              potentially billions tuning in to watch golf.    with an estimated 1 billion watching the       players at that time were very supportive
  as part of the Olympic                      The Olympics gives a completely new              Opening Ceremony alone. Coverage of            and were tremendously helpful in
  Games,”                                     dimension and if we all do our job it could
                                              provide a springboard to really grow the
                                                                                               the golf competition in Rio will reach
                                                                                               an enormous worldwide audience and
                                                                                                                                              securing golf’s approval by the IOC.
                                                                                                                                              Since that time, we’ve seen an entire
says Dawson, who retired as Chief             game that we could not previously have           expose the sport in a new light.               wave of terrific young talent emerge and
Executive of the R&A in 2015. “In the         envisaged.”                                                                                     become prominent figures on the world’s
same way, golf will be watched for the                                                         “There is no bigger single sports stage        golf stage.”
first time by many millions of people from    LPGA Commissioner Mike Whan also                 in the world than the Olympic Games.
countries where our sport is little known.    cites the TV factor, saying: “The exciting       So the opportunities presented to              The young talent Finchem refers to –
This has to have a positive effect on         thing for golf, is that unlike many other        golf in terms of building interest and         Jordan Spieth, Rickie Fowler, Jason Day
participation globally.” It’s worth noting    Olympic sports, if casual fans enjoy golf in     participation, particularly where it is a      and many more – are spearheading a
that for many UK viewers, the Olympics        the Olympics, professional golf is televised     developing sport, are unprecedented.           new era for golf; an era where fashion,

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State of Play 2020: HSBC Golf Report -
lifestyle, social media and gruelling          could become golf’s fifth major over
 training regimes are very much part of         time and for certain nations it could be
 the game. The latter is something              transformational for the game. You could
 Dawson is keen to highlight: “Being part       certainly make a case for Rio 2016 being
 of the Olympics will rightly give golf a       the most important moment in golf’s
 more athletic image than in the past and       recent history and it could act as a tipping
 our athletes will be seen alongside those      point for the sport in terms of reaching a
 from other sports. Time will tell but I        new and different audience. It could do
 think all this will lead to more players and   wonders for participation and funding,
 more fans not so much in established golf      especially in emerging markets.”
 markets but in countries where golf has
 real room to grow. This can only be good       The financial benefits to golf of Olympic
 for the business of golf, be it in rounds      inclusion are immediate although hard
 played, tourism, equipment, apparel            to quantify prior to the Rio Games.
 and so on.”                                    Journalist Tim Maitland reports that when
                                                badminton was threatened with delisting
 England golfer Melissa Reid, who               from the Games in the early 2000s, it was
 as a youngster was part of Sir Clive           calculated that Olympic status prompted
 Woodward’s British Olympic Association         investments in badminton exceeding
 project, agrees:                               $100m globally from governments and
                                                National Olympic Committees (NOCs).
“I think the Olympics                          This money secured badminton’s future
                                                health and development, particularly in
  could certainly change                        emerging markets. TV rights then provide
  the image of the sport –                      further income to a sport – estimated
                                                to be $6m for badminton more than a              European Tour Commissioner Keith         be the catalyst to stronger government
  golf is becoming much                         decade ago.                                      Pelley concurs:                          support across Asia: “Strong medal-
  more respected as a                           Initial funding of sports is the spark that     “Golf in the Olympics
                                                                                                                                          winning performances from Asian golfers
                                                                                                                                          in Rio would not only be well received
  sport in the sense of the                     lights the fire at grass roots level. As soon
                                                                                                 can potentially open                     and raise the profile of the sport in the
                                                as new and emerging markets start to see                                                  region, but would, hopefully, persuade
  athleticism. Golf is now                      progress – particularly in the high-octane       up emerging markets                      governments to embrace the game.
  much more regarded                            glare of an Olympic Games – funding and
                                                                                                 as well as funding that
                                                                                                                                          The Olympics can also encourage
                                                participation increases and sports bodies                                                 governments and developers to offer
  as an athletic sport                          can progress towards self-sufficiency.
                                                                                                 many countries will be                   a greater number of facilities that
  and something like                            Says Finchem: “As expected, national golf        able to unlock because
                                                                                                                                          are accessible. For example, nine-hole
                                                                                                                                          par-three courses, driving ranges and
  the Olympics will only                        federations already have reaped benefits
                                                                                                 of their association with                pitch-and-putt. It can also encourage
                                                in terms of growth and support within their                                               more Asian businesses to invest in
  help that.”                                   own countries as they institute programmes       the Games.”                              sponsorship of golf at both amateur
                                                to develop players with the ultimate hope of                                              and professional level.”
 Double Open Champion Padraig                   developing Olympic golfers. This can only        Spencer Robinson, Chief Communications
 Harrington is excited by the possibilities     be a positive for the long-term interest and     Officer at the Asian Golf Industry
 of Rio 2016. He said: “The Olympics            growth for the sport.”                           Federation (AGIF), says Rio 2016 can

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State of Play 2020: HSBC Golf Report -
The Golf Foundation, the UK charity               England, PL4S sees Premier League                and aged 29 he is in the prime of his          Clearly, Rio 2016 is not without its issues
committed to giving children and young            clubs acting as a hub linked to community        playing career. When he tied for fifth at      – there will be more criticism, there may
people the opportunity to experience golf         sports facilities, which in turn are linked to   the 2015 PGA Championship it was the           be more withdrawals. But the opportunity
and the benefits it has to offer, is already      local secondary schools to create satellite      best finish by an Indian golfer in a major     is clear and the opportunity is potentially
seeing the ‘Olympic Effect’ in action.            sports centres. Adds Pyle:                       and Lahiri became the first Indian golfer      transformational; if we don’t grab it, we
Chief Executive Brendon Pyle comments:                                                             to play in the Presidents Cup. He is           are not only risking the future of golf at
“Well, first of all, the Olympics delivers       “We’re working with 20                           a genuine contender for an Olympic             the Olympics, we are risking the future
huge profile which is great but we know                                                            medal in Rio.                                  of golf full stop. Remember the world
from our conversations with The R&A that           clubs on Premier League                                                                        of tennis took some time to warm to its
the developing golf countries or the new           4 Sport projects. We’re                         Coming from a country of 1.25 billion          Olympic return back in 1988 but things
kids on the block are very excited as they                                                         people, where the dominant sport is            have progressed in a positive direction
can get funding from their government              working together to                             cricket, Lahiri’s potential success in the     ever since. Let’s make a flying start to
which could make a real difference.
The R&A funded us to send out two
                                                   promote StreetGolf and                          Rio Olympics could have an enormous
                                                                                                   impact on golf participation in his home
                                                                                                                                                  this great adventure – it could change
of our team to Rio to run a StreetGolf             it’s been tremendous                            country. “It would be huge,” Lahiri told
tournament designed to encourage                                                                   the Golf Channel earlier this year. “How
young people to make innovative use of             with our golfers playing                        many people watch the Olympics in
everyday equipment to make sessions                in their respective                             India? I would say eight or nine out of 10.
different, challenging and enjoyable.                                                              How many people watch the Masters?
                                                   football strips. It’s all                       Probably one out of 100. Just in terms
“It’s a great opportunity to deliver a totally
new way of playing golf and taking golf
                                                   about cross-promoting                           of eyeballs, just in terms of popularity, in
                                                                                                   terms of just making people aware of the
to the people rather than the people               sports and tapping into                         sport or having the government take a
having to find golf. Not many of these kids                                                        stronger initiative to promote the sport,
have ever had this opportunity before.             the power of football.”                         it would be massive.”
We’ve got training camps and a series
of festivals running up to the Rio 2016           Pyle also illustrates how Asian golfers          Melissa Reid shares this view: “On the
opening ceremony and we’re hoping that            succeeding in the Rio Games could even           back of Olympic publicity, sports can get
thousands of kids will get involved before        boost golf participation in established          a lot of young people wanting to play, not
Rio. Playing golf in a different way and          golfing markets such as the UK: “We              just young people, any age really. You
taking golf to the people is the beauty of        have partnerships with the Youth Sport           only have to look at British Cycling. In
what we are doing.”                               Trust and StreetGames and have been              Beijing Team GB dominated the cycling
                                                  working with a mosque in Bradford on a           and everyone went cycling mad and on
Closer to home, the Olympics is helping           Tri-Golf and StreetGolf project. Tri-Golf is     the back of it people are still going crazy
The Golf Foundation tell the family golf          a mini version of golf designed specifically     for cycling. I think when kids see Lydia Ko
story and the organisation is working             for young children at infant, primary and        being world number one at 17 it is going
with England Golf, Scottish Golf and              junior schools and this particular project       to inspire them because they’re going to
The R&A on a number of projects. The              is great but what we really need is more         be saying I’m not 17 for another 10 years,
Golf Foundation is also working with the          Asian golf role models to inspire this part      that’s what I want to achieve, that’s what
innovative Premier League 4 Sport (PL4S)          of the community.”                               I want to do. I think they can visualize
project, which started in September                                                                themselves doing it and I think they can
2009 and has helped over 80,000 young             One such role model is India’s Anirban           relate much better to say a Lydia Ko than
people get involved in sport in their local       Lahiri. Twice a winner on the European           an older player.”
community. Run in partnership with Sport          Tour in 2015, Lahiri is India’s finest golfer

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Global Growth                                                                                  there was only a slight increase amongst
                                                                                                        45-55 year olds (3 per cent points) and
                                                                                                        55-65 year olds (2 per cent points).
                                                                                                                                                                  was 27 when he won the 2015 US PGA
                                                                                                                                                                  Championship and Danny Willett a year
                                                                                                                                                                  older when he won the green jacket at
                                                                                                                                                                  Augusta earlier this spring.

                                                                                                        18-24                                 12                  Since we published ‘Golf’s 2020 Vision’,
                                                                                                                                                                  the average age of men’s Major winners
                                                                                                        25-34                                    13               has fallen from 35.75 in 2013, to 28.5 in
According to Mindshare, global interest in golf has                                                                                                               2014 and 27 in 2015. And amateurs are
                                                                                                        35-44                               11                    knocking on the door too. When 22-year-
increased significantly in the last four years. The                                                                                                               old Irish amateur Paul Dunne shot a third-
latest data shows that 24 per cent of 18-64 year old                                                    45-54          3                                          round of 66 to tie for the 54-hole lead at
                                                                                                                                                                  The Open in 2015, it was the lowest score
adults around the world have an interest in golf, which                                                 55-65      2                                              ever shot by an amateur in the third round
represents an increase of 9 per cent points in four years.                                              Fig.2 Golf interest 2011-2015,
                                                                                                                                                                  of the tournament. After that third round
                                                                                                                                                                  Spieth said: “There will be an amateur
                                                                                                        percentage increase by age*                               who wins a PGA Tour event, possibly
There has also been an increase in the                    higher amongst women. In the last four                                                                  even a Major, I think, at some point over
number of the most passionate fans who                    years there has been an 11 per cent           In ‘Golf’s 2020 Vision’ we reported                       the next decade or so. The amateur game
say they “love” golf, and also an increase                point increase in golf interest amongst       that there were an estimated 80 million                   has changed to be more like professional
in the broader group of people who say                    women, compared with an 8 per cent            golfers worldwide playing on close to                     golf in that there are more tournaments,
they “like” golf.                                         point increase amongst men. If this trend     40,000 courses. The report analysed the                   better golf courses, harder courses and
                                                          continues, golf will soon enjoy a similar     changing demographic of players led by                    better competition. That’s how I felt
2011                                                      gender balance to sports like tennis which                                                              playing amateur golf. There’s just no
                                                          have traditionally appealed equally to both   “a new wave of                                           fear and I think it’s awesome.” Dunne
  4         11                                            men and women.                                                                                          graduated from the University of Alabama
                                                                                                         youngsters – across                                      and turned pro after The Open. He is
2015                                                      A note of caution though – the growth          many geographies –                                       finding his feet on the European Tour
                                                          rate in China has slowed somewhat with                                                                  this year.
        7                 17                              interest in golf only 6 per cent points        sweeping into the game
                                                          higher now than four years ago, which is
                                                          a similar growth rate to the UK. This trend
                                                                                                         and reinventing its                                      Martin Slumbers also feels strongly on
                                                                                                                                                                  this subject: “At the top of the amateur
     Like Golf        Love Golf
                                                          is perhaps a reflection of the Chinese         appeal and ambition”                                     game there is a very strong group of
Fig.1 Golf interest 2011-2015,                            authorities closing large numbers of golf                                                               players. That was shown last year by nine
increase in percentage*                                   courses as part of their crackdown on         Back then we highlighted the fact that                    amateurs qualifying for The Open at St
                                                          pursuits which they believe contribute to     three of the 2011 Majors had been                         Andrews and one of them leading after
This growth is being driven by markets                    corruption and lavish lifestyles.             won by men in their twenties (Charl                       54 holes. There was also an outstanding
like Brazil and India, where there has been                                                             Schwartzel, Keegan Bradley and Rory                       standard of golf on display at last year’s
a 13 per cent point increase in interest                  The Mindshare data also suggests that         McIlroy). We also predicted that “future                  Walker Cup and this year’s Curtis Cup.”
during this period. No coincidence that                   golf fans are getting younger. The growth     winners could be younger than this”.
Pune-born Anirban Lahiri is currently                     in interest amongst 18-24 year olds during    Well, four of the last six Major winners                  Our 2012 report also identified that future
hovering on the edge of the world’s Top                   this period was 12 per cent points. There     have been in their twenties – in 2015                     winners “most probably will come from
50. Interest has increased amongst men                    was a similar increase amongst 25-34          Jordan Spieth won both the Masters and                    Asia”. There’s no doubt that the Asian
and women, but the rate of growth is                      year olds and 35-44 year olds. By contrast    the US Open at the age of 21, Jason Day                   challenge is gathering momentum. Just

*Source: Mindshare “Mindreader” 2011 & 2015, Love/Like Golf %, 28 Markets                               *Source: Mindshare “Mindreader” 2011 & 2015, Love/Like Golf % increase by market

20                                                                                                                                                                                                         21
The former R&A supremo is keen to
                                                                                          view Asia as multiple regions because
                                                                                          in countries such as Japan, South Korea,
                                                                                          China and Thailand distinct and dynamic
                                                                                          structures for elite golf have evolved,
                                                                                          much of which feed into the higher level
                                                                                          of competition and greater strength in
                                                                                          depth, cultivated by the European Tour
                                                                                          and in particular, the PGA Tour based in
                                                                                          the United States.

                                                                                          PGA Tour Commissioner Finchem
                                                                                          believes a major Asian presence in the
                                                                                          Top 10 of the men’s game by 2020 is a
                                                                                          “possibility” and has huge confidence
                                                                                          in the region:                              level; other Asian countries like Thailand
                                                                                                                                      and India are now present at world
                                                                                         “We already know how                        level and China is on the brink of joining
                                                                                                                                      them, so the diversity of Asian golfers is
                                                                                           prominent the Korean                       increasing. What’s taking longer are the
look at the Official World Golf Ranking      player Ariya Jutanugarn, who claimed          golfers are on the LPGA                    hardest, last steps – reaching the Top 10
in the men’s game where Japan’s Hideki       three back-to-back tournaments in May                                                    and winning Majors.
Matsuyama and South Korea’s KT Kim           on the LPGA Tour, and 23-year-old Haru        and we are seeing more
and Byeong Hun An have risen high into
the Top 50; and on the European Tour
                                             Nomura from Japan, who has won twice
                                             on the LPGA Tour this season. World
                                                                                           outstanding talent                         Asian golf is clearly on an upward curve.
                                                                                                                                      When the original ‘2020 Vision’ report
China’s 20-year-old Haotong Li made a        number one Lydia Ko, who is 19, also has      emerging on the men’s                      was published in July 2012, there were
significant breakthrough, winning the        Asian heritage, as the New Zealander was                                                 seven Asian golfers ranked in the Top 100
Volvo China Open in May just months          South Korea-born.                             tours. And not just from                   of the Official World Golf Ranking (four
after finishing in a tie for 7th at WGC-                                                   the mainstays of Japan                     from South Korea and three from Japan).
HSBC Champions in Shanghai, the              Dawson observes: “We are blessed with                                                    Four years on, at the end of June 2016
highest finish ever by a China-born player   a wonderful crop of exciting new young        and Korea. We are seeing                   there were 10 Asian players in the Top
in a PGA TOUR event. Jeunghun Wang
from South Korea is also just 20 and in
                                             talent coming through and making their
                                             mark on the game at the highest level.
                                                                                           more and more players                      100 (four from South Korea, three from
                                                                                                                                      Japan, two from Thailand and one from
the same month Haotong Li was busy           This is particularly so in women’s golf       competing at a high                        India). The next Asian country likely to
winning in China, he announced his arrival   where we are seeing players coming to                                                    break into the world’s Top 100 is China,
on the world stage with back-to-back         the fore seemingly at younger ages each       level from countries like                  which had two players ranked between
victories at the AfrAsia Bank Mauritius      year. The top Asian players are growing       Thailand, India, Malaysia,                 100-150 at the end of June (Wu Ashun
Open and Trophee Hassan II.                  stronger every year and already dominate                                                 at 129 and Haotong Li at 138).
                                             the women’s rankings. I think it is a         Taiwan and certainly,
In the women’s game, six of the world’s
current top 10 hail from Asia and coming
                                             mistake to regard Asia as a single region
                                             but collectively the players from Asian
                                                                                           China.”                                    Martin Slumbers thinks this could be
                                                                                                                                      China’s time: “China golf may hopefully
through the ranks are 20-year-old Thai       countries in the men’s game will, I’m        Results over the past 20 years illustrate   be the biggest benefactor of our game
                                             sure, continue their progress.”              that South Korea has overtaken Japan as     being in the Olympics. It is, however,
                                                                                          Asia’s leading golf nation at men’s world

22                                                                                                                                                                                 23
Major championship successes.                   teens or early 20s who we anticipate          very expensive high-end facilities towards
                                                Based on the current talent, I would            will leave a mark on the golf landscape,      more affordable golf leading to greater
                                                expect to see at least two Asians               including 19-year-old Zecheng Dou,            participation. That said, China is certainly
                                                embedded in the world’s Top 10 by 2020,         already a two-time PGA Tour China winner      beginning to produce some excellent
                                                most likely Hideki Matsuyama and KT Kim         this season. China has a very bright future   players and I think golf’s return to the
                                                with Jeunghun Wang, Byeong Hun An,              as more and more young people gravitate       Olympic Games has played a strong part
                                                Kiradech Aphibarnrat and Gavin Green            to the sport.”                                in this.”
                                                among those breaking into the elite Top
                                                20. As for China, well, it can go all the       Golf as a sport has not always received       European Ryder Cup captain Darren
                                                way; as we’ve said over the past decade,        support from the Chinese government and       Clarke is excited by the growth of the
                                                it’s not a matter of ‘if’, simply a case of     in recent years Chinese law has forbidden     game in Asia. He said: “The game in
                                                ‘when’. HSBC’s long-term investment in          the construction of golf courses. “Golf’s     Asia is getting stronger and stronger.
                                                junior golf in China is now starting to bear    progress in China has stalled somewhat        You’ve got players Hideki Matsuyama
                                                fruit with graduates of that programme          with the well-publicised course closures,     and Byeong Hun An plus Anirban Lahiri
                                                increasingly springing to the fore.”            the embargo on new construction and           from India. You know they have some
                                                                                                the negativity from Central Government        wonderful facilities over there that are
                                                                                                towards certain aspects of the game,”         getting more people interested and you
a country which needs many more public         “While PGA Tour                                 states Dawson. “Much of this appears          can only see them getting better and
facilities to reach the broader population                                                      to be easing now and I hope and believe       better and producing more and more great
and we are delighted to help the CGA in          China is only a couple                         that our game will resume its upward          players. And Asia dominates the ladies’
any way we can to help them grow the             of years old, it already                       path. In my view, for golf to flourish in     game as well.
game and develop talent.”                                                                       China there must be a move away from
                                                 is producing some
Keith Pelley agrees and thinks China
“can go as far in the game as it wants
                                                 outstanding young
to” whilst triple Major winner Padraig           players who are moving
Harrington says: “Asia is a huge golfing
story waiting to happen and China is the         on to the Tour,”
headline. The progress made in the Asia
region has been phenomenal and I fully          adds Finchem. The Tour is the
expect this to continue. I expect to see        primary developmental tour to the main
Asian players in the world Top 10 sooner        PGA Tour in the United States, feeding
rather than later. As more Asian players        50 golfers to the PGA Tour each season.
break through, more will follow and we’ll
see a domino effect of Asian talent taking      “China is a perfect example of a country
their seat at the top table of world golf.”     that undoubtedly will benefit from golf
                                                being an Olympic sport, as resources are
“We’re edging ever closer,” says Spencer        provided to develop players and potential
Robinson. “Expect to see a greater Asian        Olympians. The PGA Tour China Series
representation in the Top 20 in the Official    is certainly helping prepare these players.
World Golf Ranking in the coming years          There are [golfers] from China still in their
– that ought to then be converted into

24                                                                                                                                                                                      25
“China has a heightened interest in the         In 2012, HSBC’s ‘Golf 2020 Vision’
game and those young kids like Haotong          report stated,
Li and Jin Cheng are amongst a crop of
very good young Chinese golfers who all        “The emerging strength of
want to get out and show how good they
are. You know China is very regimented           young Asian players in the
in its pursuit of success and gold medals        game mirrors the broader
and you know those kids would have
been training very hard from a young age         shift in participation and
and it’s good to see all that hard work
paying off for them as individuals as well.”
                                                 investment from West
                                                 to East”
Melissa Reid echoes this, saying: “I think
the next country to break through will be       The report highlighted the fact that
China. They’ve already got some fantastic       although some European markets
girls coming through like Xiyu Lin – she is     (specifically Germany, the Netherlands
the loveliest girl and she is just the start    and the Czech Republic) were
of a culture coming through who are going       experiencing growth in participation, the       The same report revealed that Asia has           education and certification on their
to be hugely dominating, not just in the        overall trend in Europe was heading the         the most number of golf courses under            doorsteps. A series of seminars and field
women’s game but in the men’s game              other way. The report revealed the “sharp       construction with more than 200 of a             days was attended by eight different
as well. We’ve seen a couple of guys            contrast to the boom in Asia, where the         total of nearly 700 projects underway            Asian countries and earlier this year the
winning already from China and it’s quite       growing middle class is taking to golf in       worldwide. Spencer Robinson from                 inaugural Business Management Institute
a new sport in China so I think in five or      increasing numbers, as a leisure pursuit        the Asian Golf Industry Federation               course in the region was attended by
ten years’ time you’re going to see             and as a sign of status”. It highlighted the    pinpoints a remarkable success story             delegates from China, Indonesia, Macau,
huge dominance by the Chinese players.          fact that between 2010 and 2020, Asia           developing in the region: “Vietnam has           Malaysia and Singapore.
I would not be surprised if you saw a Major     is expected to double its share of global       established itself as the most active
winner on the men’s side from China.”           middle class consumption to 42 per cent.        nation in the world in terms of golf course      But there are challenges, as Robinson
                                                                                                construction. As of early 2016, there were       explains: “The same obstacles to
The pipeline is certainly strong. For           Four years on it’s clear that interest levels   35 courses open for play. At least another       expansion remain in Asia – too expensive,
example, the CGA-HSBC China Junior              are running higher than ever in Asia.           dozen are in the construction phase while        too inaccessible, too few public facilities.
Golf Program recently clocked up its            The World Golf report published by              approval has been given for a further 20         Also, golf needs to come up with shorter
tenth year. A sustainable long-term             Repucom, a Nielsen Company, in 2015             courses. The Vietnamese government               forms of the game that will attract the
structure and framework upon which the          analysed interest by market and found that      has identified golf as a pillar of its tourism   younger generation. In land-scarce Hong
future of Chinese golf is being built, the      five of the world’s Top 10 markets were         drive and is supportive of the investments       Kong, meanwhile, there continues to be
program has seen the likes of Haotong           in Asia (South Korea, Thailand, Singapore,      in grand new golfing resorts around the          scrutiny of the golf courses and debates
Li, Guan Tianlang and Jin Cheng progress        Japan and Malaysia) and in terms of the         country and high profile professional            as to whether new housing developments
through its ranks in recent years; it has       number of people Asia accounted for three       tournaments.”                                    would better serve a larger proportion of
put golf clubs in the hands of more than        of the Top 5 globally (China 54.7m, Japan                                                        the population.
80,000 children and provided a platform         20.5m, Thailand 16.9m). It’s significant        Other notable progress in Asia includes
for young, elite talent. HSBC recently          that the European Tour recently opened          the efforts of the Asian Golf Industry           “With the exception of Vietnam, golf
renewed the partnership for another five        an office in Seoul as part of its ambition      Federation to provide a platform for golf        course construction has virtually ground
years and hopes are high that there is          to help develop Korean golf.                    course superintendents and general               to a halt while the number of people
much more to come.                                                                              managers to receive globally-recognised          playing the game has not risen at the

26                                                                                                                                                                                          27
regular coaching, 10,000 to be regular      Last year, 35,000 young people took
                                                                                          players and 5,000 to become affiliated      part in school golf competitions as part
                                                                                          members of golf clubs every year.”          of HSBC Golf Roots. And twelve months
                                                                                                                                      ago HSBC teamed up with The Golf
                                                                                          Slumbers points out the importance of       Foundation and ClubGolf Scotland to
                                                                                          these first steps, saying:                  launch HSBC Hour at The Open at St
                                                                                                                                      Andrews. The initiative offered an hour
                                                                                         “The future of any sport                    of free golf to children and families at
                                                                                                                                      almost 300 golf clubs all over the UK and
                                                                                           is driven by young boys                    served as a timely introduction to the
                                                                                           and girls wanting to                       sport during the week of The Open. This
                                                                                                                                      year sees HSBC Hour extended to China,
                                                                                           play. I am constantly                      Hong Kong, Singapore and UAE as the
                                                                                           saying that I feel it very                 initiative goes global with support from
                                                                                                                                      Rickie Fowler, Padraig Harrington and
                                                                                           important that we are                      Darren Clarke.
                                                                                           modern and relevant to
                                                                                           today’s society.”
                                                                                          Of course, it’s not just a young person’s
                                                                                          game – though golf’s global leaderboard
rate that many had anticipated. In China,    Martin Slumbers has this to say:             may suggest otherwise. Golf Business
confusion and anger has reigned at the       “From our work in the region in helping      News recently reported the story of
bulldozing of more than 60 courses           to develop the game what I see as one        94-year-old Norfolk golfer Geoffrey
across the country. Frustration remains      of the biggest needs is to promote more      Crosskill setting a new Guinness World
at the lack of firm guidelines from the      public golfing facilities and coaching so    Record as the longest serving golf club
government as to what constitutes a          as to reach the broader population. This     member. He joined Eaton Golf Club,
‘legal course’ or which documents and        is something The R&A has helped with         Norwich, in 1934 and has been a member
approvals are required by a developer to     in the past and it is high on my agenda      continuously for more than 82 years.
proceed with golf course construction.       for Asia in the coming years.”               Remarkably, he’s not the oldest golfer
Until these grey areas are cleared up,                                                    at the club – that honour goes to Harry
uncertainty will remain – and the building   In the UK, The Golf Foundation has seen      Moorhouse who is 99 years young.
of new courses will slow to a trickle.       some positive momentum. Explains
However, it could be argued, this is         Pyle: “We’ve tracked our progress over       The long term health of the game,
not necessarily a bad scenario with a        the last three years and of all our Key      however, rests in the hands of
growing school of thought that, given        Performance Indicators show an increase.     generations to come. Open patron HSBC
the sensitivities of land and water, a       In 2015 we saw a 45 per cent increase        has a long-standing partnership with The
correction in the number of courses in       in membership for our golf programmes        Golf Foundation and together they run
China was needed and that future course      and in the last 12 months we’ve created      a programme called HSBC Golf Roots
construction should be directly linked       just over 10,000 new junior golf club        which promotes the sport in schools,
to the growth in the number of               members. In total, we reached at least       helps youngsters into clubs and uses golf
indigenous players.”                         500,000 young people each year. By 2018      to promote important life skills such as
                                             we want 50,000 of those to go through        honesty and respect.
                                             the gates of a golf club, 25,000 to have

28                                                                                                                                                                            29
Innovation: The Rise
      of New Formats
In ‘Golf’s 2020 Vision’ we reported the following:
“Change has always been part of the game. The golf
course originally had 11 holes, played out and back to
form a 22-hole round. In 1764 the first four holes were
converted to two ‘for the improvement of the links’,
thus reducing the course to 18 holes. Over time, as the
prominence of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club grew,
so 18 holes became the standard for a round.”
                                                                                                What’s encouraging is that the sport’s          successful and we are working with the
In 2016 there is one part of the game           Finchem says: “The constant question            governing bodies are starting to take a         Home Nations in England, Scotland, Wales
of golf that simply has to change: speed        is how to convert the golf fan into a           lead. In our original report we highlighted     and Ireland for them to run qualifying
of play. More than ever before, people          participant. Time commitment continues          that Royal Troon had developed a shorter,       events in their clubs that will send winners
are time poor and golf, like many sports,       to be a factor and (we need) anything           nine-hole version of its ‘Monument’             to the Royal Birkdale in 2017. Pace of play
needs to adapt in order to survive. Think       that might appeal to those who are              course, called Monument Express. Fast           is a really important topic. There is no
of what Twenty20 has done for cricket.          concerned about spending too much               forward four years and this year’s Open         doubt in my mind that excessive time to
It’s a case of now or never; with the           time on a golf course.”                         Championship course is hosting a new            play a round has been a burden for our
Olympic opportunity looming, this is                                                            short form championship which clearly           game in developing interest.”
one crucial shot that golf cannot afford        In 2015 The R&A conducted a survey              demonstrates The R&A’s support for
to miss.                                        on pace of play which revealed that 60          nine-hole golf.                                 Padraig Harrington welcomes the move,
                                                per cent of golfers would enjoy golf more                                                       saying: “We need to make it easier for
In the professional game slow play              if it took less time. It also identified that   Martin Slumbers picks up the thread:            people to play the game and take golf to
continues to be, well, slow. European           among 25-44 year-olds who are unhappy           “I believe that in today’s society we need      them rather than waiting for them to find
Ryder Cup captain Darren Clarke recently        with the pace of play, 21 per cent would        to embrace a shorter and thus faster form       golf. The R&A have just introduced a new
described it as “horrible” and “the bane        like to see the playing time reduced by         of the game. It is unrealistic to expect all    nine-hole competition format and that
of our sport both professionally and            as much as one and a half hours, while          to be able to commit the time for 18 holes      is fantastic news; this kind of innovation
otherwise”. Like many, he would like to         19 per cent said they would welcome the         and we must recognise that and provide          needs to come from the top and it’s really
see heavier penalties for slow play and         opportunity to play nine holes more often       options. Evolving our sport is critical.        encouraging to see that this is starting to
whilst professionals have to shoulder           as an alternative format.                       The 9 hole challenge pilot at Royal Troon       happen.”
their share of responsibility, it’s important                                                   this year is to provide the focus on this
to educate players at all levels. As Tim                                                        very point. All the signs are that it will be

30                                                                                                                                                                                        31
Peter Dawson had this to say: “We live at          The PGA is also committed to new
                                                                                               a time when more and more people seem              formats. Tim Finchem said: “I think
                                                                                               to be seeking instant gratification and golf       creativity is definitely a factor in
                                                                                               is not like that. It needs hard work and           driving participation. I’ll point to a new
                                                                                               application if it is to be enjoyed to the full.    relationship that the PGA TOUR and
                                                                                               As a result, we are seeing many initiatives        LPGA jointly announced in May with
                                                                                               coming along designed to change the                TopGolf, which has identified a formula
                                                                                               game – to make it easier, make it quicker,         to bring a fun, totally unique social
                                                                                               make it more instantly appealing and so            experience to golf that appeals to golf
                                                                                               on. If these initiatives serve to kindle           regulars and novices alike. It’s a way to
                                                                                               interest in golf itself, and I think they will,    introduce golf in a non-intimidating way
                                                                                               then they are to be welcomed as helpful            at a driving range set-up that offers target-
                                                                                               additions to the hard work going on at             oriented competitions, and our shared
                                                                                               club and national level all around the world       vision is to transition TopGolf patrons to
                                                                                               to introduce new players young and old             traditional golf experiences to help grow
                                                                                               to our game.”                                      participation. But it doesn’t necessarily
The European Tour is also on board. Keith     This summer has also seen the launch of                                                             have to be traditional in the sense of
Pelley explained: “Look at the recent         SPRINT6GOLF, a quicker, shorter format           Another recent example is Golf                     9 or 18 holes of stroke or match play.”
BMW PGA Championship at Wentworth             of golf for players of all ages and abilities.   Express which is run by England Golf
for example. We had format innovation         SPRINT6GOLF is played over just six              and offers the nine-hole round of golf as          Melissa Reid is also a fan of TopGolf:
with the Pressure Putt Showdown on            holes and utilises a free mobile app with        a complete and enjoyable experience that
the Wednesday night featuring our             a 30-second shot clock to ensure a               is consistent with the traditions of playing      “It’s a fantastic concept
professionals alongside stars from other      flowing and continuous pace of play.             the game. Under the slogan of “All the
sports in a Made-For-TV special and           The concept is supported by a number             game in half the time”, it hopes to be one         – it’s like a driving range
we also had the BMW Shootout on the           of governing bodies plus big names from          of the solutions to getting more people            with targets and you
par three second hole on the Sunday           the world of sport such as Gareth Bale,          playing through promoting shorter rounds
featuring members of the public once          Eddie Jordan and Paul McGinley.                  that golfers can fit into busy lifestyles in       get certain points for
the final group had gone through. We
undertook a Golf Actives Study last           Founder Tom Critchley told Golf Business
                                                                                               which two hours is now the span for most
                                                                                               leisure activities.
                                                                                                                                                  hitting each target. But
October whose key findings were that          News: “The support from the golf                                                                    there’s also a restaurant
11 million people in UK were ‘active’ in      industry was instant, with both England          As referenced earlier, both StreetGolf and
golf with that figure featuring 1.3 million   Golf and The Golf Foundation keen to see         Tri-Golf are playing a part in helping to          in there and you can have
youngsters. Their activity comes through      us succeed. Both organisations saw that          change the game, particularly for those            a beer and that to me is
the emergence of new and innovative           SPRINT6GOLF addresses many of the                starting out on their golfing adventure.
shorter forms of the game such as driving     current issues with golf by shortening           And The Golf Foundation reports that               an amazing concept for
ranges, pitch and putt courses, mini-
golf areas and fun experiences such as
                                              the time required to play and making it
                                              more accessible, thus bringing a whole
                                                                                               40 per cent of counties across England
                                                                                               have adopted the Super Six format,
                                                                                                                                                  golf. You can go with your
TopGolf. We have plans in place to roll       new generation of fans into the sport and        which sees teams of six primary and                mates for an hour on a
this study out in several countries across    enabling existing golfers to play more           secondary school pupils playing six holes
Continental Europe in the near future.”       often.” Keith Pelley is also a fan, saying:      in 60 minutes. Twenty four players start           Saturday afternoon or
                                              “Innovation and having fun are the keys          together with players on each tee.                 a Wednesday evening.”
                                              to broadening golf’s appeal to all ages and
                                              this new format certainly offers both of
                                              those elements.”

32                                                                                                                                                                                           33
Technology and Golf

 It’s almost hard to believe that the words “social
 media” were used only once in ‘Golf’s 2020 Vision’.
 That was four years ago but in terms of the way we
 communicate it feels like a lifetime.

 Just think of the recent response to the       or Graeme McDowell’s emotionally
 controversy surrounding the USGA ruling        charged Periscope broadcast of Tom
 on Dustin Johnson at the US Open – it          Watson’s final putt at The Open in near
 was all played out on Twitter with Jordan      darkness at St Andrews last summer.
 Spieth, Rory McIlroy and others making
 their opinions felt loud and clear. Millions   In 2016 social media gives “the golfer”        Just look at the numbers. Rory McIlroy     Alex Trickett is Head of Sport at Twitter
 of fans were reading this in real-time         a direct line to an audience of millions.      currently has a following of 2.93m on      UK. He said: “Social media totally unlocks
 or tuning in to news channels reporting        And in 2016 “the golfer” is a very             Twitter and 1m on Instagram; Jordan        the personality of golfers in a really
 on player reaction as part of its live         different proposition to the traditional       Spieth has 1.53m on Twitter and 959,000    positive way. Twitter has changed almost
 coverage. A couple of months earlier           stereotype of years gone by. From Rickie       on Instagram whilst Rickie Fowler has      beyond recognition in the last four years –
 Spieth, Rickie Fowler, Justin Thomas and       Fowler’s high-tops to Lexi Thompson’s          1.2m Twitter followers and 912,000 on      if you think about how people use the 140
 Smylie Kaufman effectively took fans on        fashion shoots and Rory McIlroy’s gym          Instagram. And then there’s Facebook       characters compared to four years, it has
 holiday with them as they shared regular       work-outs, there’s as much action going        and Snapchat. In just four years social    been completely transformed. Back then
 updates from their Bahamas spring break        on off the course as there is on it. Padraig   media has become a fundamental             you expected text, possibly a photo, but
 via Snapchat. Golf Digest reporter Mike        Harrington captures it well: “I’ve been on     cornerstone of the world of golf.          now it is a much richer proposition which
 Stachura described it as                       tour for more than 20 years. We had the                                                   comes to life in real-time with video,
                                                Tiger years and now we have this new           Keith Pelley is clear how important        GIFs, lots of photos and polls to gauge
“Entourage crossed with                        generation of exciting young players who       this is: “Guys like Rory and Rickie are    the mood of fans, players and rivals. It’s
                                                were influenced by Tiger. It’s their time      tremendous for the game of golf. These     fair to say that the public now associates
 Shell’s Wonderful World                        now and it’s definitely helping to attract     are the guys that the young kids look up   much more readily with golfers because
 of Golf.”                                      new audiences to the sport – at times you      to and aspire to be like in every way –    what they do resonates well on Twitter –
                                                feel like you’re on tour with rock stars not   from the way they play, the way they       ultimately, people follow people. If golfers
 Even moments of pure golfing history           golfers! Twitter particularly has done a lot   conduct themselves on the golf course      can share more in their own words and
 are given a new dimension through the          to change perceptions around golf as fans      and in their modern and trendy fashion     their own pictures and transport fans to
 lens of social media – think PJ Willett’s      get to see another side of us and what         sense – all of these things are an         their world in real-time through Twitter,
 endearing narrative on his brother             we’re up to off the golf course.”              important part of that attraction.”        Vine or Periscope that is hugely engaging
 Danny’s historic Masters’ win in April                                                                                                   as a fan.

 34                                                                                                                                                                                 35
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