Statement on Monetary Policy - AUGUST 2022 - Reserve Bank of Australia

Page created by Rodney Sparks
Statement on Monetary Policy - AUGUST 2022 - Reserve Bank of Australia
Statement on
   AUGUST 2022
Statement on Monetary Policy
                                                   AUGUST 2022

     Overview                                                1
  1. The International Environment                           5
  2. Domestic Economic Conditions                           19
  3. Domestic Financial Conditions                          29
  4. Inlation                                               43
     Box A: Recent Developments in Energy Prices            53
  5. Economic Outlook                                       57
The material in this Statement on Monetary Policy was inalised on 4 August 2022. The next Statement is due for release on
4 November 2022.

The Statement is published quarterly in February, May, August and November each year. All the Statements are available at when released. Expected release dates are advised ahead of time on the website. For copyright and
disclaimer notices relating to data in the Statement, see the Bank’s website.

The graphs in this publication were generated using Mathematica.

Statement on Monetary Policy enquiries:

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Tel: +61 2 9551 8111

ISSN 1448–5133 (Print)
ISSN 1448–5141 (Online)

© Reserve Bank of Australia 2022

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Inflation is high globally and has risen further in   In Australia, inflation is now the highest it has
recent months. Strong demand, supported by            been since the early 1990s and is expected to
monetary and fiscal stimulus, has come up             peak at a higher rate than earlier envisaged.
against global supply capacity that continues to      Global factors have contributed significantly to
be impaired by the COVID-19 pandemic. In              this outcome, but domestic pressures are also
addition, some energy and food prices are             playing a role. Headline inflation was
higher as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.   1.7 per cent (seasonally adjusted) in the June
Inflation has already reached 7–10 per cent in        quarter and 6.1 per cent over the year. Higher
many economies and is expected to peak later          prices for petrol again added to overall inflation,
and higher than previously thought. Unemploy-         and the prices of fruit and vegetables rose
ment rates remain around generational lows in         because of flooding on the east coast. Inflation
most advanced economies.                              pressures are broadly based; trimmed mean
The rapid increase in the cost of living is           inflation remained high in the quarter at
reducing real incomes. High inflation has also        1.5 per cent, taking the year-ended rate to
led central banks to increase interest rates quite    4.9 per cent. Input cost pressures have lifted
quickly. Together, these developments are             inflation for new dwelling construction,
weighing on the outlook for global growth. The        consumer durables, groceries and some services.
slowing in growth is expected to be driven by         A large share of the goods and services in the
an easing in household consumption growth.            Consumer Price Index basket are seeing
Lower asset prices could also contribute to the       annualised inflation above 3 per cent at present.
downward pressure on consumption. Consumer            Inflation in Australia is expected to increase
confidence has fallen sharply in many countries       further over the course of this year, reaching
and some timely indicators of growth in activity      around 7¾ per cent in headline terms around
have begun to soften.                                 the end of the year. Domestic retail gas and
Inflation has been boosted by high energy             electricity prices are expected to increase by
prices, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.       10–15 per cent over the second half of 2022,
Further shocks to energy prices are possible,         given the high global price of energy and recent
given the tensions ensuing from the invasion;         disruptions in the domestic electricity market.
Europe is particularly exposed to the possibility     Trimmed mean inflation is also expected to peak
that gas supplies will be further disrupted. As the   around year-end, at about 6 per cent, as firms
global growth outlook has been revised lower,         continue to pass transport and other non-labour
many non-energy commodity prices have                 cost pressures through to their own prices. As
reversed the increases that occurred in the wake      supply constraints continue to ease, inflation is
of the invasion and are now back around their         expected to decline over coming years, to be
levels at the beginning of the year.                  back around the top of the 2 to 3 per cent target
                                                      range by the end of 2024. One uncertainty

                                                         S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – AU G U S T 2 0 2 2   1
affecting the outlook for inflation is the               consumption spending and a recovery in
    possibility that inflation expectations and the          services exports. GDP growth is then expected
    general inflation psychology shift, and lead to          to slow to 1¾ per cent in each of the following
    the higher inflation being more persistent.              two years; these forecasts are lower than three
    The domestic labour market is the tightest it has        months ago. A higher cost of living, rising
    been in many years. Employment growth has                interest rates and declining housing prices are
    been strong and the unemployment rate has                expected to weigh on growth in spending, at
    declined faster than earlier expected, to be             the same time as growth in public demand
    3.5 per cent in June – its lowest level in almost        slows. Reflecting still-high commodity prices,
    50 years. Underemployment has also declined              Australia’s terms of trade are expected to remain
    and the employment-to-population ratio and               on a higher trajectory than previously forecast,
    participation rate are both at record highs.             even as they decline from a likely historical high
    Leading indicators of demand for labour remain           in the June quarter.
    strong. Job vacancies and advertisements are at          The competing forces of a tight labour market
    exceptionally high levels. Many employers have           (and so strong labour incomes) and cost-of-
    reported in liaison and business surveys that            living pressures on household incomes make
    they plan to increase headcount further but are          the outlook for consumption unusually
    finding it harder to do so. The unemployment             uncertain. Employment growth could be
    rate is expected to decline a little further still, to   stronger than expected, and strong household
    3¼ per cent in late 2022, which is lower than            balance sheet positions could support
    was previously forecast. It is then expected to          household consumption by more than
    increase gradually as economic growth slows.             anticipated. Alternatively, a decline in real
    The tight labour market is expected to result in         incomes for the average household could weigh
    stronger wages growth over the period ahead,             on spending more than expected, particularly if
    but growth in labour costs is expected to be             household wealth is also declining. Many
    below the rate of inflation for a time. An               households should be well placed to absorb
    increasing share of firms in liaison and business        higher prices and interest costs without
    surveys have reported that they are paying               significantly curtailing consumption. However,
    larger wage increases this year, including               there are some households that will be more
    because of the recent decision by the Fair Work          budget constrained in the period ahead,
    Commission on minimum and award rates of                 particularly those with low savings buffers and
    pay. Recent high inflation outcomes have also            high debt.
    been a factor in some recent wage negotiations.          The slowing housing market represents a
    Broader measures of labour income growth are             headwind for household consumption.
    expected to increase faster than the Wage Price          Established housing prices have been declining
    Index over the forecast period, as workers switch        for some months in Sydney and Melbourne, and
    jobs in pursuit of higher pay and employers use          more recently in a wider range of cities and
    non-wage remuneration such as bonuses to                 regions. The resulting wealth effects are
    attract and retain staff.                                expected to dampen growth in household
    The Australian economy has been resilient to the         consumption; however, it is noteworthy that
    disruptions caused by the Omicron outbreaks              these falls follow a substantial run-up in prices
    and floods on the east coast, and grew strongly          over the preceding 18 months. New lending for
    over the first half of this year. GDP is forecast to     housing has also eased in recent months but
    grow by 3¼ per cent over 2022, supported by              remains at high levels. Dwelling investment is

2    R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
likely to be supported for at least the next year      been broadly consistent with global develop-
by the large pipeline of detached house                ments. The Australian dollar has appreciated of
construction projects that are currently               late, largely reversing the depreciation over
underway. Capacity constraints and weather-            preceding months.
related disruptions have limited the pace at           The risks to the global outlook are skewed to the
which this pipeline can be worked down,                downside. Inflation is high in many economies
however. Further out, the outlook for dwelling         and increasingly driven by domestic demand
investment is softer as a result of the                pressures. The longer high inflation persists and
combination of declining housing prices, higher        the more expectations adjust, the more
interest rates and high construction costs.            monetary policy might need to be tightened. In
The outlook for investment more broadly                doing so, central banks are having to weigh up
remains positive, although capacity constraints        the need to rein in inflation and contain inflation
are evident in some areas. Survey measures of          expectations against the weakening outlook for
business conditions are strong and business            growth. The synchronised nature of the
credit is growing rapidly. The pipeline of non-        tightening in monetary policy globally could
residential construction projects has increased        prove quite contractionary, and is occurring at a
recently, and surveys and liaison information          time when fiscal policy is offering less support.
about non-mining firms’ investment intentions          As in Australia, it is also unclear how firms and
imply that machinery and equipment                     households will respond to real incomes
investment will grow over the period ahead.            declining at the same time that labour markets
Public investment is expected to increase over         in most advanced economies remain tight.
the forecast period, but as for private-sector         On the supply side, further shocks to global
construction activity, it is likely to face capacity   energy supply could adversely affect both global
constraints. Public consumption is likely to grow      growth and inflation. In addition, restrictions to
more slowly than the rest of the economy, as           control the spread of COVID-19 in China led to
pandemic-related spending unwinds.                     an unexpectedly large contraction there in the
Financial conditions globally have tightened           June quarter; further outbreaks could both
noticeably from their unusually accommodative          weigh on growth in China and disrupt global
levels at the start of the year. Many advanced         supply chains. The Chinese economy is also
economy central banks have increased policy            contending with weak property market
interest rates by more than earlier anticipated.       conditions and increasing levels of distress
These moves have been motivated by the need            among developers.
to reduce the risk that high inflation becomes         Over the course of this year, inflation in Australia
entrenched, which would require a larger and           has been higher than was previously expected
more costly tightening in policy later on.             and the labour market has tightened faster than
Emerging market central banks have also                was thought likely, with the unemployment rate
continued to tighten policy, with a number in          now standing at 3½ per cent. In this
Asia starting to raise rates over recent months. In    environment, there is a risk that expectations of
line with the weaker outlook for global growth,        high inflation might be built into price- and
equity prices have fallen over the course of this      wage-setting behaviour, making the higher
year and credit spreads have widened. Longer-          inflation more persistent. At the same time, the
term government bond yields have also                  outlook for both the global and the Australian
reversed some of their earlier increases.              economies has been downgraded, as central
Movements in Australian financial markets have         banks raise interest rates and household

                                                          S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – AU G U S T 2 0 2 2   3
budgets come under pressure because of higher        balances to 1.75 per cent. The increases have
    inflation.                                           been required to create a more sustainable
    In light of these developments and risks, the        balance of demand and supply in the Australian
    Reserve Bank Board has continued the process         economy.
    begun in May of normalising monetary                 The Board is committed to do what is necessary
    conditions in Australia. During the pandemic,        to ensure that inflation in Australia returns to the
    the Board put in place very considerable             2 to 3 per cent target range over time. It is
    monetary stimulus to help the Australian             seeking to do this in a way that keeps the
    economy through a very difficult period and          economy on an even keel. The path to achieve
    provide insurance against the worst outcomes.        this balance is a narrow one and subject to
    The strong recovery of the economy and the           considerable uncertainty. The Board expects to
    high inflation are requiring the withdrawal of       take further steps in the process of normalising
    monetary stimulus earlier, and faster, than          monetary conditions over the months ahead,
    previously expected. Accordingly, the Board          but it is not on a pre-set path. The size and
    followed up the initial increase in the cash rate    timing of future interest rate increases will be
    target of 25 basis points in May with three          guided by the incoming data and the Board’s
    increases each of 50 basis points in the following   assessment of the outlook for inflation and the
    three months. These increases have taken the         labour market.
    cash rate target to 1.85 per cent and the
    remuneration rate on Exchange Settlement

4   R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
1. The International Environment

Inflation has been at multi-decade highs in most    and monetary policy stimulus being removed
economies over recent months, and is broadly        more quickly than was anticipated by financial
based. High core inflation reflects strong          markets a few months ago, the outlook for
demand coming up against the limits on supply       global GDP growth is weaker. Revisions to
of labour and goods; headline inflation is even     forecasts have been largest for the United States,
higher due to commodity prices having               with many forecasters now predicting a mild
increased over the past year. There is no sign as   recession there in 2023. The risks to European
yet that core inflation is moderating. However,     growth have also increased due to rising
commodity prices have fallen in recent weeks        concerns about the supply of Russian energy.
and global supply constraints have started to       And economic activity in China is forecast to be
ease. Both factors, if sustained, should reduce     well below earlier expectations because of the
the pressure on inflation over the coming year.     impact of ongoing COVID-19 containment
Central banks have responded to high inflation      measures there. Overall, growth in Australia’s
by removing some of the substantial policy          major trading partners is now expected to be
stimulus put in place during the COVID-19           notably below its pre-pandemic average in the
pandemic. The increases in policy rates by          next two years.
central banks in advanced economies have
been relatively quick compared with the past        Inflation is broadly based, persistent
and are intended to reduce the risk that above-     and at multi-decade highs …
target inflation becomes embedded in inflation      Consumer prices have risen sharply and by more
expectations. In regard to emerging markets,        than expected over the past year in most
some central banks in Asia have begun to            economies, underpinned by limited spare
increase policy rates in recent months, while       capacity, supply constraints in goods markets
central banks in other regions have been doing      and higher commodity prices. Monthly headline
so for some time. Largely reflecting the actual     inflation has been consistently higher than core
and expected reduction in the extent of policy      inflation of late, as food and energy prices
stimulus, government bond yields have risen         (which are excluded from core inflation
substantially in most economies since the start     measures) have risen substantially (Graph 1.1).
of 2022, equity prices have declined and credit     Core inflation has been high and broadly stable
spreads have widened. The US dollar has             in monthly terms in most economies, and is yet
appreciated notably this year, while the            to show signs of easing.
currencies of many other advanced economies         The persistence of high core inflation reflects
and emerging economies have depreciated.            rising services inflation offsetting a gradual
Global demand has so far remained resilient, but    moderation in goods inflation in some
there are increased concerns about the outlook      economies (Graph 1.2). Services inflation has
for the global economy. With inflation higher       increased in most economies, underpinned by a

                                                       S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – AU G U S T 2 0 2 2   5
recovery in the demand for services, faster                                   Inflation expectations for the year ahead have
    wages growth and increasing prices for                                        increased sharply in response to recent high
    commodities used as inputs (e.g. food and fuel).                              inflation outcomes (Graph 1.3). Households’
    The increase in services inflation in advanced                                inflation expectations for the year ahead are
    economies has been broadly based across                                       now at their highest level since the early 1980s
    categories, but has been particularly strong for                              in many advanced economies. By contrast,
    recreational services and rents. By contrast,                                 households’ expectations for inflation in the
    goods inflation has begun to moderate in the                                  medium term have only increased to levels
    United States and the United Kingdom from its                                 commonly recorded before 2012. Business
    earlier rapid pace; this moderation is evident in a                           survey and financial market measures also
    range of items, but especially for vehicles, which                            suggest that inflation is expected to moderate
    recorded very sharp price increases earlier in the                            substantially in coming years, to ranges broadly
    pandemic. Goods inflation in the euro area is yet                             consistent with central bank targets (discussed
    to show similar signs of moderation (perhaps                                  further below).
    partly because it didn’t rise as high as in these
    other economies).                                                             … prompting central banks to raise
                                                                                  policy rates quickly
                                                                                  Central banks in most advanced and emerging
                                       Graph 1.1                                  economies have increased their policy rates in
                          Consumer Price Inflation                                recent months to address high inflation and the
       %              United States                      Euro area           %    risk of this becoming entrenched in longer term
        2                                                                    2    inflation expectations. The increases in policy
        1                                                                    1    rates have been relatively rapid compared with
        0                                                                    0    the past for many advanced economy central
       %                                                                     %
                                                                                  banks. Most of these central banks have
                     United Kingdom                          Canada
        2                                                                    2    continued to gradually reduce their holdings of
        1                                                                    1    assets purchased under quantitative easing
        0                                                                    0    programs. The European Central Bank (ECB)
       -1                                                                    -1   ended net purchases under its asset purchase
                       2020               2022          2020          2022
            Sources: RBA; Refinitiv                                               program in July. The Bank of Japan (BoJ) is now

                                       Graph 1.2                                                                   Graph 1.3
                                                                                                Household Inflation Expectations
                     Core Consumer Price Inflation                                   %                                                                                 %
                                      Six-month annualised                                          Year-ahead                           Medium-term*
       %              United States                      Euro area           %       6                                                                                 6
       12                                                                    12                  United States
        8                                                                    8       5                                                                                 5
        4                                                                    4       4                                                                                 4
        0                                                                    0
                                                                                     3                                                                                 3
       %             United Kingdom                          Canada          %
       12                                                                    12      2                                                                                 2
        8                                                                    8
                                                                                     1                                                                                 1
        4                                                                    4                            United Kingdom
        0                                                                    0       0                                                                                 0
                                                                                          2002           2012            2022 2002             2012             2022
       -4                                                                    -4          *   Expected annual inflation 5–10 years in the future; derived from
                        2018              2022           2018         2022                   surveys.
            Sources: RBA; Refinitiv                                                      Source: Refinitiv

6   R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
the only major central bank adding to its bond             appropriate at upcoming meetings. The ECB
holdings.                                                  also announced the Transmission Protection
Central banks in most advanced economies                   Instrument, under which it can undertake
have signalled that further increases in policy            targeted purchases of euro area government
rates are likely to be needed to return inflation to       bonds to support the smooth transmission
target levels. Some central banks have discussed           of monetary policy across all euro area
the possibility that policy rates may need to rise         economies.
to restrictive levels – that is, above estimates of     • At its meetings in May and June, the Bank of
the longer run neutral rate – within the next year        England (BoE) increased its policy rate by a
or even sooner. Market pricing suggests that              cumulative 50 basis points to 1.25 per cent.
policy rates will peak in the first half of 2023 at       The BoE noted that it will be alert to
levels considerably higher than at the onset of           indications of persistent inflationary
the pandemic (Graph 1.4). Movements and                   pressures and will act forcefully if necessary.
projections by central banks have included the         Among other advanced economies, Sveriges
following:                                             Riksbank, Norges Bank and Swiss National Bank
 • At its meetings in June and July, the US            all raised their policy rates by 50 basis points in
   Federal Reserve (Fed) increased the target          June (to 0.75, 1.25 and −0.25 per cent,
   range for its policy rate by a cumulative           respectively), while the Bank of Korea has raised
   150 basis points to 2.25 to 2.5 per cent. In        its policy rate by a cumulative 75 basis points
   June, median projections from Fed policy-           since May to 2.25 per cent. By contrast, the BoJ
   makers indicated that the policy rate would         continues to signal that it will keep its
   reach around 3.8 per cent by the end of             accommodative policy settings in place until it
   2023. More recent commentary from                   sees evidence of inflation moving sustainably to
   individual policymakers has emphasised the          its target level.
   need to move the policy rate to a restrictive       The central banks of most emerging market
   setting quickly.                                    economies have also increased policy rates in
 • In June and July, the Bank of Canada (BoC)          response to persistent and higher-than-
   increased its policy rate by a cumulative           expected inflation (Graph 1.5). Inflation now
   150 basis points to 2.5 per cent. The BoC said      exceeds central banks’ targets in many Asian
   that it was frontloading increases in its policy    economies. Some central banks in Asia –
   rate but still expected to raise it further, with
   decisions dependant on developments in
                                                                                        Graph 1.4
   economic data.
                                                                            Policy Rate Expectations*
                                                          %                                                                           %
 • At its June and July meetings, the Reserve             4                                                                           4

   Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) increased its                3                                                                          3
                                                           2                                                                          2
   policy rate by a cumulative 100 basis points                                       May SMP                NZ
                                                           1                                                                          1

   to 2.5 per cent. It projects that its policy rate       0                                                                          0
                                                                                        Japan                             Euro area
                                                          %                                                                           %
   will peak at close to 4 per cent in 2023.              4                                                                           4
                                                           3                                                                          3
 • At its meeting in July, the ECB raised its key          2
   policy rates for the first time in 11 years, with       1                                                                          1
                                                           0                                                                          0
   its deposit facility rate rising by 50 basis           -1                                                                          -1
                                                               2019        2021        2023        2019        2021        2023
   points to 0 per cent. It indicated that further             *   Dashed lines show expectations implied by overnight indexed
                                                                   swap rates.
   increases in its key policy rates will be                   Sources: Bloomberg; RBA

                                                          S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – AU G U S T 2 0 2 2              7
including the central banks of Malaysia, the                                                                         Expectations for substantially higher policy rates
    Philippines and India – have tightened policy in                                                                     and the drag from high inflation on real
    recent months, while the Bank of Thailand and                                                                        household incomes are weighing on forecasts
    Bank Indonesia are expected to begin raising                                                                         for growth in advanced economies. This is
    rates in the September quarter. In Latin America,                                                                    particularly the case for the United States, where
    where inflation has been high for some time, the                                                                     the policy rate is expected to increase by more
    central banks of Chile, Brazil and Mexico have all                                                                   than in many other economies over the
    raised policy rates further, citing concerns                                                                         tightening cycle; US GDP growth forecasts for
    around the potential for inflation expectations to                                                                   both 2022 and 2023 have been downgraded by
    increase. Central bank guidance and market                                                                           1½ percentage points since May. Many
    implied rates suggest that monetary policy will                                                                      forecasters expect US GDP to contract in 2023,
    be tightened further across emerging market                                                                          but not by much; forecasts for the unemploy-
    economies throughout the remainder of 2022.                                                                          ment rate are only modestly higher than the
                                                                                                                         current very low level. Forecasts for growth in
    Global growth is forecast to slow                                                                                    most other G7 economies have also been
    significantly                                                                                                        revised down a little further in recent months;
    Growth in Australia’s major trading partners is                                                                      expectations for growth in Europe are now well
    expected to fall well below its pre-pandemic                                                                         below those anticipated at the start of the year.
    average this year, before picking up modestly in                                                                     Forecasts for growth in China have also been
    2023. This follows very strong outcomes in                                                                           revised markedly lower for 2022, because of the
    2021 as most economies bounced back from                                                                             impact of measures to contain the spread of
    the initial economic effects of the pandemic.                                                                        COVID-19 on growth in the June quarter. Fiscal
    Since the May Statement, the forecast for year-                                                                      support is expected to see infrastructure
    average GDP growth in 2022 has been revised                                                                          investment increase substantially over the
    lower by around ¾ of a percentage point, to                                                                          remainder of the year, and monetary policy
    3 per cent. The forecast for year-average GDP                                                                        remains accommodative. Nonetheless, it is
    growth in 2023 remains unchanged at                                                                                  unlikely that the scale of stimulus will be
    3¾ per cent. The risks to these forecasts are                                                                        sufficient to meet the Chinese Government’s
    skewed to the downside.                                                                                              full-year growth target.

                                                      Graph 1.5
                           Policy Rates in Emerging Markets                                                                                             Graph 1.6
       %                                                                                                            %
                  Expected policy rate in February 2023
                                                                                                                                               GDP Growth Forecasts
                  Current policy rate                                                                                                                      Year-average
                  Policy rate at time of May S ta te me nt                                                                  %                                                                            %
                                                                                                                                    United States    Other G7           China          Other Asian
                                                                                                                                                    economies                          economies*
       10                                                                                                           10
                                                                                                                            8                                                                            8

                                                                                                                            6                                                                            6
        5                                                                                                           5

                                                                                                                            4                                                                            4

        0                                                                                                           0       2                                                                            2





                                                                   South Africa

                                                                                                                            0                                                                            0
                                                                                                                                2021       2023 2021        2023 2021        2023 2021            2023
                                                                                                                                *   Exports-weighted average of major Asian economies excluding
            *   Expected policy rate unavailable for Indonesia.                                                                     Japan and China.
            Sources: Bloomberg; Refinitiv                                                                                       Sources: ABS; CEIC Data; Consensus Economics; RBA; Refinitiv

8   R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
The outlook for global growth is subject to a          factors complicate the challenge central
considerable degree of uncertainty, with the           banks face in calibrating the extent of
balance of risks skewed to the downside. The           tightening required.
key uncertainties are:                               • Further adverse shocks to the supply of goods,
 • High inflation could prove to be even more          including commodities, are possible. One
   persistent than expected, requiring a larger        potential source of disruption is if the supply
   monetary policy tightening. Inflation could         of energy or food commodities from Russia
   persist if supply remains more constrained          and Ukraine is further reduced, either
   than currently envisaged or if recent high          because of escalating conflict or a deliberate
   inflation outcomes lead to changes in price-        decision by Russia to stop supplying Europe.
   and wage-setting norms that are                     The potential impact on prices could be
   inconsistent with inflation targets,                sharp, given the limited alternative sources
   particularly in economies with limited spare        of supply in world commodity markets.
   capacity. In this context, the risks to the         Moreover, the likely impact on the European
   inflation outlook from any further adverse          economy of a sharp reduction in Russian gas
   supply shocks could be amplified, requiring         flows to Europe is sizeable. Another potential
   a larger monetary policy response than              source of disruption is the prospect of
   currently expected. On the other hand,              further COVID-19-related lockdowns in
   inflationary pressures could ease more              China, which could limit the production and
   quickly than assumed if global supply rises         transport of Chinese manufactured goods
   or demand eases faster than projected.              and disrupt global supply chains. This risk
 • It is unclear how household spending will           has increased due to the high transmissibility
   respond to the decline in real disposable           of recent strains of COVID-19 and the
   income from high inflation and tighter              Chinese authorities’ ongoing commitment
   monetary policy. It is possible that strong         to suppressing the virus. Alternatively, the
   growth in employment will continue to               trigger for supply shortages to persist could
   support real household incomes and that             be entirely unforeseen; the current tightness
   households will be comfortable in further           in global goods markets means even small
   reducing their rate of saving from current          disruptions could have sizeable effects.
   income and/or run down some of the stock
   of savings accumulated during the                Some indicators suggest global demand
   pandemic. If so, household consumption           is beginning to ease …
   could be stronger than otherwise. On the         Economic growth in advanced economies looks
   other hand, household indebtedness has           to have picked up in the June quarter, after a
   increased over the past decade in a number       weak outcome in the March quarter (Graph 1.7).
   of economies, which might cause higher           However, GDP in Australia’s trading partners as a
   interest rates to slow consumption more          whole contracted in the quarter, given the
   rapidly than in past policy tightening cycles.   COVID-19-induced decline in Chinese economic
   The simultaneous cessation of fiscal and         activity (discussed below).
   monetary stimulus in many economies              In advanced economies, consumer spending
   could also have a larger effect than             has continued to drive demand, despite the
   envisaged. Declines in housing prices and        pressures on households’ real disposable
   building activity could also weigh more on       incomes and sharp falls in consumer confidence
   spending than currently assumed. These           (Graph 1.8). Retail sales volumes have dropped

                                                       S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – AU G U S T 2 0 2 2   9
only slightly in recent months, and are still well                                            contractionary territory in July. Demand for
     above pre-pandemic levels. Indicators of                                                      housing in the United States has also weakened,
     spending on discretionary services – such as                                                  with home sales around 20–30 per cent lower
     dining, travel and recreation – have continued to                                             than at the start of the year. Demand for labour
     lift. These outcomes are being supported by a                                                 remains very strong, but there are also early
     decline in saving rates from unusually high                                                   signs that it may be starting to ease: vacancy-to-
     levels, along with support to incomes from                                                    unemployment ratios are now decreasing
     strong employment growth and fiscal initiatives                                               slightly in some advanced economies, and US
     targeted at mitigating cost-of-living pressures.                                              firms are reporting that it has become a little
     Nonetheless, some timely indicators suggest                                                   easier to fill vacancies (while workers are saying
     that economic growth in advanced economies                                                    that it is slightly harder to find a job). Forward-
     may have peaked (Graph 1.9). PMI survey                                                       looking indicators, such as investment
     measures of output and new orders fell                                                        intentions, are also softening.
     significantly in June and moved into
                                                                                                   … while demand in China is recovering
                                                                                                   from recent lockdowns, supported by
                                         Graph 1.7                                                 fiscal and monetary policy
                  Australia’s Major Trading Partner GDP*
                                Exports-weighted quarterly growth                                  The Chinese economy contracted by
         %                                                                                %
                                                                                                   2½ per cent in the June quarter. This was
                                                                                                   significantly weaker than expected and reflected
         4                                                                                4
                                                                                                   containment measures to slow the spread of
                                                                                                   COVID-19 in Shanghai, Beijing and elsewhere.
         0                                                                                0
                                                                                                   Recent lockdowns in China have generally been
                                                                                                   stricter than those seen in other countries.
         -4                                                                               -4
                                                                                                   Nonetheless, the Chinese economy recovered
                                                                                                   quickly over the course of the quarter as new
         -8                                                                               -8
                     2019               2020               2021             2022                   locally transmitted COVID-19 case numbers
         Total         Advanced economies          China      Other major trading partners
              *   Forecasts used where June quarter 2022 GDP has not yet been reported.
                                                                                                   declined and activity restrictions were eased.
              Sources: ABS; CEIC Data; Consensus Economics; RBA; Refinitiv
                                                                                                   Retail sales recouped most of their April decline

                                         Graph 1.8                                                                                   Graph 1.9
                              Consumption Indicators
      index          Retail trade volumes               Consumer confidence*              index                 United States – Economic Indicators
                                                                                          points    index              Output PMI*                Vacancies-to-unemployment ratio
                            2019 = 100
       120                                                                                20
                                                                                                      50                                                                             2
                  United States                                                                                               Manufacturing
       110                                                                                10
                                                                                                      35                                                                             1

       100                                                                                0                             Services
                                   Euro area                                                        index                                                                            index
                                                                                                                      Home sales**                   Investment intentions***
        90                                                                                -10        120                                                                             20
                                                                                                     100                                                                             0
        80                                                                                -20
                                                                                                      80                                                                             -20
        70                                                                                -30
                         2020             2022               2020             2022                    60                                                                             -40
                                                                                                                      2020             2022                2020             2022
              *     Deviation from long-run average; United States is an average of
                                                                                                            *   Purchasing Managers’ Index.
                    Conference Board and University of Michigan.
              **                                                                                            ** New and existing home sales; 2015–2019 = 100.
                    GDP-weighted average of Japan, United Kingdom, Canada, Denmark
                    and Sweden; most recent observation is estimated based on available                     *** Average of regional Federal Reserve surveys of capital expenditure
                    data.                                                                                       expectations; deviation from post-1990 average.
              Sources: RBA; Refinitiv                                                                       Sources: RBA; Refinitiv

10   R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
over May and June (Graph 1.10). With                                                   construction; in turn, some home buyers are
population mobility holding firm in July, to be                                        withholding related mortgage payments, which
around prior levels across the country, it is likely                                   has affected a number of residential projects
that consumption will remain high in July.                                             across China. Authorities have reportedly
The real estate sector has been a significant drag                                     approved a fund to support selected property
on the Chinese economy over the past year                                              developers to complete projects.
(Graph 1.11). Activity has been constrained by                                         In response to the weakening economy, Chinese
restrictions on developer financing                                                    authorities have increased a wide range of fiscal
compounded by restrictions on movement to                                              support measures, while maintaining
deal with outbreaks of COVID-19. Various policy                                        accommodative monetary policy (Graph 1.12).
measures have provided some support:                                                   The government’s consolidated fiscal deficit was
mortgage rates and down-payment ratios on                                              around 4 per cent of GDP wider over the first
new property have been reduced, and govern-                                            half of this year than in 2021, and close to the
ment vouchers have been introduced for the                                             forecast for the full year set in March. The wider
purchase of new property in a number of cities.                                        deficit owed to increased tax rebates, other
While this has supported a recovery in new                                             measures to support business cash flows and
home sales in the largest cities, national housing                                     subsidise rent and utility costs, and consump-
sales have been slow to pick up because                                                tion vouchers to support retail sales in some
demand is still very weak in other cities. Real                                        cities. Authorities have also accelerated public
estate investment has declined by about                                                investment projects. Local governments issued
15 per cent from its peak in late 2020 and is                                          their full annual quota of special bonds (which
likely to fall further. Expectations of further                                        are typically tied to infrastructure projects) in the
weakness in construction contributed to recent                                         first half of the year. Infrastructure investment
falls in Chinese steel and iron ore prices.                                            has risen sharply in response, contributing
Subdued property market activity has                                                   around 2½ percentage points to growth over
exacerbated financial pressure on property                                             the past year.
developers, particularly those that were already                                       Authorities have also maintained the
highly leveraged and experiencing significant                                          accommodative stance of monetary policy. The
stress. The deterioration in funding conditions                                        five-year loan prime rate – a key mortgage
has led some developers to suspend                                                     reference rate that is an average of lending rates

                               Graph 1.10                                                                               Graph 1.11
                                                                                         China – Residential Property Market Indicators
                     China – Activity Indicators                                        index          Real construction*                   New housing prices             %
 index       December 2019 = 100                     Traffic congestion          %                        Dec 2019 = 100                Six-month annualised growth
                Seasonally adjusted                  Year-ended growth                   120                                                                               20
  120                                                                            20
                                                                                         100                                                                               10
                                                       Rest of China
  110                                                                            10
                                                                                          80                                                                               0
  100                                                                            0
                                                                                        index                  Starts                                Sales                 index
                                                                                                          Dec 2019 = 100                       Dec 2019 = 100
   90                                                                            -10     130                                                                               130
                      Real retail sales

   80                                                                            -20     100                                                                               100
              Fixed asset
              investment                                           Beijing                70                                                                               70
   70                                                                            -30
                                                                                          40                                                                               40
   60                                                                            -40        2014              2018            2022                  2018            2022
              2020                 2022      J   F M A M           J     J   A                  *   Residential real estate investment excluding the purchase of land;
                                                     2022                                           deflated using producer price data.
         Sources: CEIC Data; RBA; WIND Information                                              Sources: CEIC Data; RBA

                                                                                         S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – AU G U S T 2 0 2 2                       11
reported by banks – has declined by 15 basis                                               production and global demand for goods has
     points since the previous Statement. The                                                   plateaued. Chinese export volumes have
     People’s Bank of China (PBC) lowered the floor                                             rebounded since April, to be well above levels at
     on mortgage rates that banks can offer to first                                            the start of 2022, as authorities resolved
     home buyers but have left other key lending                                                disruptions to the movement of goods between
     rates unchanged. Money market rates have                                                   cities and relaxed restrictions on manufacturing
     remained low, reflecting the PBC maintaining                                               activity (Graph 1.14). Chinese industrial
     high levels of liquidity. Chinese Government                                               production has also mostly retraced its earlier
     bond yields have declined in line with money                                               falls, led by a sharp recovery in the production of
     market rates, and equity prices rose over May                                              automobiles, machinery & equipment and
     and June alongside an easing in mobility                                                   computing. Likewise, production in east Asia has
     restrictions. Relatively looser financial conditions                                       grown since late 2021, in response to capacity-
     in China contributed to a small depreciation in                                            enhancing investment since 2020. However,
     the renminbi against the US dollar since the                                               there are likely to be ongoing periodic
     previous Statement (Graph 1.13). Yields on                                                 restrictions on supply from China over coming
     Chinese Government bonds remain below US                                                   months, as authorities continue to pursue a
     Government bond yields and foreign investors                                               policy of suppressing the COVID-19 virus.
     have continued to reduce their holdings of                                                 Measures of supply chain pressures have
     Chinese securities.                                                                        continued to ease over recent months, though
     Total social financing (TSF) has increased a little                                        they remain elevated (Graph 1.15). Supplier
     over recent months, supported by accommoda-                                                delivery times have declined to their lowest level
     tive fiscal and monetary policy conditions, but                                            since late 2020 and backlogs of work have
     household demand for credit remains subdued.                                               eased, leading to a fall in survey measures of
                                                                                                global input prices since their peak in June.
     Supply constraints in global goods                                                         Shipping contract rates have remained at high
     markets are beginning to ease …                                                            levels because of ongoing shortages in the
     Supply constraints have shown signs of easing                                              supply of vessels available to charter as well as
     as the supply of goods from China and east Asia                                            high oil prices. However, contract rates are no
     has recovered from earlier COVID-19 disruptions,                                           longer rising and container spot rates from
     strong investment has expanded east Asian                                                  China have fallen noticeably over recent months.

                                     Graph 1.12
                               China – Fiscal Impulse
                                                                                                                               Graph 1.13
         %                                                                              CNYtr
                         Fiscal balance*             Infrastructure investment                                        Chinese Exchange Rates
                    Annual as a share of GDP                  Quarterly                                                                                                  yuan
          0                                                                             6.0
                                                                                                  116                                                                    6.2
                                                                                                                              Yuan per US$
         -2                                                                             5.5
                                                                                                                             (RHS, inverted)
                                                                                                  112                                                                    6.4
         -4                                                                             5.0

                  First half                                                                      108                                                                    6.6
         -6                                                                             4.5
                                                                                                  104                                                                    6.8
                      Second half
         -8                                                                             4.0                                        Trade-weighted index*
                                                                                                  100                                                                    7.0
        -10                                                                             3.5
                           2018            2022              2018                2022
                                                                                                   96                                                                    7.2
                  Consolidated measure that includes central government, local                                     2020                     2021                  2022
                  government and government funds; as a share of previous year
                  nominal GDP.                                                                           *   Indexed to 1 January 2020 = 100.
              Sources: CEIC Data; RBA                                                                    Sources: Bloomberg; China Foreign Exchange Trade System; RBA

12    R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
Improved supply has allowed a recovery in US                                                   prior months, when refinery margins had
retailers’ inventory-to-sales ratios for goods other                                           widened to historical highs. Oil prices have
than vehicles. Semiconductor supply has also                                                   continued to be supported by sanctions on
improved, but shortages continue to restrict                                                   Russian oil, heightened uncertainty around
production for some automobile producers.                                                      future Russian supply, and limited spare
                                                                                               extraction and refinery capacity. Prices of
… and some commodity prices are                                                                agricultural products and inputs have also fallen
now falling                                                                                    noticeably of late, to be back to their levels at
After rising strongly for many months, crude oil                                               the beginning of the year. Wheat prices have
prices have fallen materially since mid-June as                                                fallen, and are now around 35 per cent below
concerns increased around the outlook for                                                      their recent peak, as favourable weather
global growth (Graph 1.16; Table 1). Prices of                                                 conditions raised expectations for end-of-
refined oil products in north Atlantic markets                                                 summer harvests in the northern hemisphere
have been more volatile; a noticeable fall in July                                             and in anticipation of the resumption of
has partially retraced the sharp rise seen over                                                Ukrainian and Russian grain exports. The decline
                                                                                               in both oil and food prices, if sustained, is likely
                                                                                               to alleviate pressure on headline inflation over
                                   Graph 1.14                                                  coming months.
                   Asian Exports and Production
                                         2019 = 100                                            Base metal prices have similarly declined over
 index                                                                                 index
                  Export volumes*                      Industrial production
                                                                                               recent months, in response to increased
  150                                                                                  120     concerns about the outlook for industrial
                                                                                               activity. Iron ore prices have also reversed their
  125                                                                                  110
                                                                                               rise around the start of this year as concerns on
  100                                                                                  100     the outlook for the Chinese property sector have
                      Other east Asia**
                                                                                               increased, and as authorities reintroduced
   75                                                                                  90
                                                                                               measures to limit steel production (Graph 1.17).

   50                                                                                  80      By contrast, prices for gas and thermal coal have
                   2020               2022                 2020               2022
         *   Deflated using US price deflator by import origin.                                increased sharply over recent months, adding to
         **  South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore.
         Sources: CEIC Data; RBA; Refinitiv                                                    upward pressure on the cost of electricity and

                                   Graph 1.15                                                                                   Graph 1.16
                               Supply Indicators                                                                            Commodity Prices
                               2012–2019 average = 100                                         US$/b                                                                          index
                                                                                                                          Oil                            Wheat**
 index            Shipping costs*                     Semiconductor prices             index
 1,000                                                                                 175       150                                                                          200
  800                                                                                  150                  Refined oil products*
                        Contract                                                                 100                                                                          150
  600                                                                                  125
  400                                                                                  100        50                                                                          100
                          Spot                                                                                            Brent crude oil
  200                                                                                  75
                                                                                                index              Natural gas**                     Thermal coal**           index
 index         Delivery times PMI**                US inventory-to-sales ratio         index
                                                                                                1,000                                                                         400
    30                                                                                 175
                   China                                                                                                  Europe
   35                                                                                  150       750                                                                          300
         World excl                                                    Total excl
   40                                                                                  125       500                                                                          200
          China                                                         vehicles                            Asia (spot LNG)
   45                                                                                  100       250                                                                          100
   50                                                                                  75
                                                             Vehicles                              0                                                                          0
   55                                                                                  50                          2020             2022              2020             2022
                     2019               2022                 2019               2022                    *   Based on wholesale petroleum and diesel prices; weighted by the
         *    Contract refers to vessel charter cost; spot refers to container rate.                        typical share of output from one barrel of crude.
         **   Purchasing Managers’ Index (as reported); inverted scale.                                 ** January 2019 = 100.
         Sources: IHS Markit; RBA; Refinitiv                                                            Sources: Bloomberg; McCloskey by OPIS; RBA; Refinitiv

                                                                                                 S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – AU G U S T 2 0 2 2                  13
Table 1.1: Commodity Price Growth(a)
                                                                SDR terms; percentage change

                                                                                 Since previous Statement       Over the past year
     Bulk commodities                                                                                  −24                         8
        – Iron ore                                                                                     −20                      −36
        – Coking coal                                                                                  −62                       −3
        – Thermal coal                                                                                   17                     201
     LNG – Asia spot price                                                                               81                     194
     Rural                                                                                             −17                         4
     Base metals                                                                                       −14                         1
     Gold                                                                                               −5                         5
     Brent crude oil(b)                                                                                −13                       42
     RBA ICP                                                                                           −12                       22
        – Using spot prices for bulk commodities                                                       −17                       13
     (a) Prices from the RBA Index of Commodity Prices (ICP); bulk commodity prices are spot prices.
     (b) In US dollars.
     Sources: Bloomberg; McCloskey by Opis; RBA

     heating. The trigger for this has been reduced                               15 per cent, and Germany and a number of
     Russian supply to Europe and concerns that this                              other countries have announced plans to
     could escalate and/or prove persistent, along                                reopen idle coal-fired generators, which has
     with disruptions to supply due to maintenance                                driven thermal coal prices higher. Global prices
     and problems at some LNG pipelines and                                       of thermal coal have been supported more
     terminals. While storage facilities in Europe are                            generally by high gas prices prompting gas-to-
     now around 70 per cent full, these outages have                              coal switching in Asia and by supply disruptions
     hampered efforts to reach the European                                       in Australia due to heavy rains.
     Commission’s target of 80 per cent by                                        The rise in LNG and thermal coal prices are
     November. In response, authorities have agreed                               expected to lift Australia’s terms of trade to its
     to a (voluntary) target to cut gas use by                                    highest level in many decades in the June
                                                                                  quarter (Graph 1.18). Futures prices suggest that
                                    Graph 1.17                                    commodity prices will decline from there,
                                    Metals Prices                                 reducing Australia’s terms of trade (see chapter
                                    January 2019 = 100
      index                                                         index
                                                                                  on ‘Economic Outlook’).

       300                                                          300
                                                                                  Labour markets remain very tight and
       250                                                          250
                                        Iron ore                                  wages growth has picked up
       200                                                          200           Strong economic growth has seen unemploy-
       150                                                          150           ment rates fall to around generational lows in
                                                                                  most advanced economies (Graph 1.19). Low
       100                                                          100
                                          Base metals                             unemployment rates in the United States and
         50                                                         50            the United Kingdom also partly reflect their
                   2019             2020            2021     2022
              Sources: Bloomberg; RBA                                             continuing low participation rates – almost

14    R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
3 million Americans are still not participating in                                  tations of tighter central bank monetary policy,
the labour force due to COVID-19 concerns.                                          real yields have increased significantly this year.
However, labour supply in most other advanced                                       Since mid-June, however, bond yields have
economies has recovered to, or above, pre-                                          decreased following a weakening in the outlook
pandemic levels. The tightness in labour markets                                    for global growth. Both real yields and market-
has resulted in nominal wages growth picking                                        implied inflation expectations have eased. While
up, in some cases quite sharply, although not by                                    market-implied expectations for inflation over
as much as inflation (Graph 1.20). Falling real                                     the next year remain high, longer term expec-
wages and broad-based labour shortages are                                          tations have declined to be in the 2–2½ per cent
contributing to industrial action becoming more                                     range in most advanced economies
widespread and, in some countries, to growing                                       (Graph 1.22).
calls for more wages to be indexed to inflation.
In some European countries, indexation is
already quite prevalent: in Belgium, virtually all
wages are indexed to inflation; in Spain, the
share of newly agreed collective bargaining
agreements with indexation clauses has                                                                                Graph 1.19
approximately doubled this year, to around                                                                    Unemployment Rates
                                                                                                                  Relative to 1990–2019 low
30 per cent.                                                                          ppt                                                                              ppt

                                                                                        2                                                                              2
Bond yields have increased substantially
over this year
                                                                                        1                                                                              1
Government bond yields have risen substantially
since the start of the year, reflecting persistently
                                                                                        0                                                                              0
higher-than-expected inflation data and expec-
tations that central banks will tighten policy
                                                                                       -1                                                                              -1
faster and to a greater extent in response





                                                                                                                     Sw y



                                                                                                                    D tes




                                                                                                              So ala


                                                                                                             U ingd



                                                                                                            ni h K


(Graph 1.21). In many advanced economies, the







increase in bond yields has been larger for

                                                                                            Sources: RBA; Refinitiv
shorter term maturities. Consistent with expec-

                                 Graph 1.18                                                                           Graph 1.20
                                                                                                                      Wages Growth*
                               Terms of Trade*                                                                            Year-ended
                                     2019/20 = 100                                     %                                                                               %
 index                                                                      index                                                   Australia
                                                                                        4                                                                              4
  120                                                                       120
                                                                                        2                                                                              2

  100                                                                       100                                                           New Zealand
                                                                                                United States
                                                                                       %                                                                               %

   80                                                                       80                     United Kingdom
                                                                                        4                                                                              4

                                                                                                                                                Euro area
   60                                                                       60          2                                                                              2

                                                                                        0                                                                              0
   40                                                                        40                     2010         2016      2022        2010         2016        2022
         1972          1982          1992          2002            2012   2022              *   Labour cost indices used where available; compositionally controlled
         *   Includes RBA forecast for the June quarter of 2022.                                average earnings for Canada and the United Kingdom.
         Sources: ABS; RBA                                                                  Sources: BoE; RBA; Refinitiv; Statistics Canada

                                                                                      S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – AU G U S T 2 0 2 2                    15
Private sector financial conditions have                                         Equity prices in most major markets have
     tightened                                                                        declined in recent months and are around
     Conditions in corporate bond markets have                                        15 per cent lower than at the start of the year in
     tightened substantially from their unusually                                     the United States and Europe (Graph 1.24). The
     accommodative levels last year (Graph 1.23).                                     fall in equity prices owes, in part, to higher
     Corporate bond yields have risen alongside an                                    interest rates, which lower the valuations of
     increase in government bond yields. In addition,                                 future company earnings after discounting. The
     credit spreads have widened, reflecting                                          decline in equity prices is also likely to reflect
     concerns about the economic implications of                                      increasing concerns about the effect on profits
     the withdrawal of accommodative monetary                                         from rising interest rates and the prospect of a
     policy. Credit spreads are now significantly                                     slowdown in economic growth. Equity issuance
     above the levels seen in the years immediately                                   has been subdued since the start of the year in
     prior to the pandemic. As yields have increased                                  both the United States and Europe.
     in recent months, issuance of sub-investment
     grade bonds has declined, while issuance of
     investment grade bonds has continued at a
     moderate pace.

                                                                                                                       Graph 1.23
                                    Graph 1.21                                                                 Corporate Bond Markets
                           Government Bond Yields                                         %               Yield (US dollar)                   Yield (Euro)               %
        %                                                                       %        12                                                                              12
                           2-year                         10-year
                                                                                                                                       Sub-investment grade
         4                                                                      4         9                                                                              9
                                                                                          6                                                                              6
         3                                                                      3
                      US                                                                  3                                                                              3
                                                                                                       Investment grade
         2                                                                      2       bps                                                                              bps
                                                                                                         Spread (US dollar)*                 Spread (Euro)*
                                                                                       1,200                                                                             1,200
         1                                                                      1
              Australia                                                                 900                                                                              900
         0                                                                      0       600                                                                              600
                                                                                        300                                                                              300
        -1                                                                      -1
                                                                                          0                                                                              0
                                                                                                   2018         2020                2018             2020        2022
        -2                                                                      -2
             2018           2020          2022 2018          2020        2022                  *   Spread to equivalent maturity government bond yield.
             Sources: Bloomberg; Yieldbroker                                                   Source: ICE Data is used with permission

                                    Graph 1.22                                                                         Graph 1.24
                             Inflation Expectations                                                                    Equity Prices
                  Average rate implied over period by inflation swaps                                                  1 January 2020 = 100
        %                                                                       %      index                                                                             index
                       Next 5 years                   5–10 years ahead
       4.0                                                                      4.0                                                United States

                                          US                                            140                                                                              140
       3.5                                                                      3.5

       3.0                                                                      3.0                                                           Japan
                                                                                        120                                                                              120
       2.5                                                                      2.5

       2.0                                                                      2.0                                                         Europe
              Australia                                                                 100                                                                              100
       1.5                                                                      1.5
                    Euro area
       1.0                                                                      1.0                                                             UK
                                                                                         80                                                                              80
       0.5                                                                      0.5

       0.0                                                                      0.0      60                                                                              60
              M     J S       D     M     J S M       J S     D     M     J S                      M      J    S       D      M     J    S       D        M     J    S
                    2021                2022          2021              2022                               2020                      2021                     2022
             Source: Bloomberg                                                                 Source: Bloomberg

16   R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
The US dollar has appreciated                                                           heightened global growth concerns, tighter
The US dollar has appreciated further over                                              global financial conditions and – particularly for
recent months and is around 6 per cent higher                                           emerging Asian markets – a weaker outlook for
on a trade-weighted basis since the beginning                                           China. The same factors have also contributed to
of the year (Graph 1.25). The appreciation over                                         the depreciation of currencies in Asia over
the year to date is consistent with an increase in                                      recent months (Graph 1.27).
US interest rates relative to those of many other
advanced economies. The Japanese yen has
reached new multi-year lows against the
US dollar as the BoJ continues to maintain very
accommodative monetary policy; this is in                                                                               Graph 1.26
contrast with the Fed and other central banks,                                               Emerging Markets – Financial Conditions
                                                                                                                    Excluding China and Russia
which are withdrawing stimulus. The euro has                                                %       Government bond yields*          Government bond spreads** bps
                                                                                           10 Europe, Middle East                                                     900
depreciated since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,                                                        and Africa
                                                                                                                                         Latin America
                                                                                            8                                                                         600
largely reflecting increased concerns about the
                                                                                            6                                                                         300
outlook for the euro area economy.                                                                                                     Asia
                                                                                         index           Equity prices***            Cumulative flows to funds**** %
                                                                                          150                                                                      6
Spreads on emerging market debt have                                                      125                                                                         3

widened and capital outflows have                                                         100                                                                         0
                                                                                           75                                                                         -3
picked up
                                                                                           50                                                                         -6
Spreads between US-dollar-denominated                                                            M J S D M J S D M J S M J S D M J S D M J S
                                                                                                   2020    2021 2022     2020    2021 2022
emerging market government bonds and US                                                          *    Local currency bonds, weighted by market value.
                                                                                                 ** US-dollar-denominated bonds; spreads to equivalent US Treasury.
                                                                                                 *** 1 January 2020 = 100.
Government bonds have widened (Graph 1.26).                                                      **** Per cent of assets under management; includes flows to bond
                                                                                                      and equity funds.
Net portfolio outflows from emerging markets                                                     Sources: Bloomberg; EPFR Global; IMF; JPMorgan; MSCI; RBA

have continued amid declining equity prices,

                                                                                                                        Graph 1.27
                                Graph 1.25
                                                                                                     Emerging Market Currencies – Asia
                Trade-weighted Exchange Rates                                                             Against the US dollar; 1 January 2020 = 100
                               1 January 2021 = 100                                      index                                                                        index
 index                                                                          index                          Philippines
                                                                                          105                                                                         105
  110                                                                           110                                                             Thailand

  105                                                                           105       100                                                                         100
                                                    US dollar

  100                                                                           100        95                                                                         95

   95                                                                           95                Malaysia
                                                                                           90                                                                         90
                                 Euro           Japanese yen                                                               India
   90                                                                           90                                                      Indonesia
                                                                                           85                                                                         85
   85                                                                           85
                                                                                           80                                                                         80
   80                                                                           80               M J S D M J S D M J S M J S D M J S D M J S
             2018           2019           2020           2021         2022                        2020    2021  2022    2020    2021  2022
         Sources: Bloomberg; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System                    Sources: Bloomberg; RBA

                                                                                          S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – AU G U S T 2 0 2 2                 17
18   R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
2. Domestic Economic Conditions

Australian economic activity was resilient to the     with an average of 21,000 in the 12 months to
disruptions caused by the Omicron outbreak of         February 2020, despite population growth being
COVID-19 and the east coast floods in the first       lower than before the pandemic.
half of 2022. Growth in domestic demand was           Leading indicators suggest that demand for
robust in the March quarter and timely                labour will remain strong in the months ahead.
indicators suggest momentum was sustained in          Job vacancies and advertisements are at very
the June quarter. The labour market is tight and      high levels and there are nearly as many
full-time employment growth has been strong.          vacancies as there are unemployed people
Labour supply has been responsive to robust           (Graph 2.2).
labour demand and the participation rate is at a
record high. Measures of spare capacity in the
labour market have declined to their lowest
                                                                                     Graph 2.1
levels in decades and many firms are finding it
                                                                       Employment and Participation
challenging to hire workers. Strong labour               %                                                                     %

demand is supporting household income.
However, the headwinds to growth in activity             65                                                                    65
                                                                       Participation rate
are strengthening. Households’ budgets have
come under increasing pressure from rising               60                                                                    60

prices, particularly for food and energy, and
higher interest rates. Consumer sentiment has            55                                                                    55
                                                                                     Employment-to-population rate
deteriorated sharply since the start of the year.
Housing prices have begun to decline alongside           50                                                                     50
                                                                   1972       1982          1992    2002       2012          2022
weaker activity in the established housing                    Source: ABS

market, rising interest rates and the expectation
of further increases in the cash rate. Shortages of
                                                                                     Graph 2.2
materials and labour are an ongoing challenge
                                                                            Labour Market Tightness
for some residential and infrastructure                  %                                                                     %

investment projects.
                                                         80                                                                    80

Demand for labour is strong                              60                                                                    60
                                                                                  Share of firms reporting suitable labour
Employment has grown strongly in recent                                               as a severe output constraint
                                                         40                                                                    40
months, with the employment-to-population
ratio reaching a record high level of                           Vacancies-to-unemployment
                                                         20                                                                    20

64.4 per cent in June (Graph 2.1). Employment
                                                          0                                                                     0
increased by an average of 51,000 people per                    1982         1990        1998      2006        2014          2022
                                                              Sources: ABS; NAB
month over the past three months, compared

                                                        S TAT E M E N T O N M O N E TA R Y P O L I C Y – AU G U S T 2 0 2 2          19
The supply of labour has increased in                               term unemployment rate, which is typically
     response …                                                          more representative of cyclical unemployment
     Labour force participation increased to a record                    and so tends to be the most relevant for wages
     high of 66.8 per cent in June. The rise in                          growth, is at its lowest level since the series
     participation since the onset of the pandemic                       began in 1991.
     has been broadly based, and particularly strong                     Hours-based measures of underutilisation have
     for females and for people of both sexes aged                       also declined to multi-decade lows as firms
     15–24 years and 55–64 years (Graph 2.3). In                         respond to demand by increasing the hours of
     recent months, the youth participation rate                         existing staff. Many previously part-time
     reached its highest level since the mid-1990s.                      employees have shifted into full-time work. Full-
     The participation rate of young people is more                      time employment in June was 7 per cent higher
     responsive to demand for labour than other age                      than its February 2020 level, while part-time
     groups because they are less likely to be the                       employment was 0.6 per cent lower (Graph 2.5).
     primary income earner in their household.                           The increased share of work that is full time has
     Further, youth employment tends to be                               contributed to a rise in average hours worked to
     concentrated in industries that are more                            around pre-pandemic levels. This is despite an
     sensitive to general economic conditions, such                      elevated number of employed persons
     as accommodation & food services and retail                         continuing to work fewer-than-usual hours due
     trade.                                                              to illness.

     … but labour market spare capacity has                              Hiring workers is becoming more
     reached its lowest levels in decades                                challenging in the tight labour market
     The labour market has continued to tighten in                       Hiring intentions reported by firms in surveys
     recent months amid strong labour demand. The                        and the Bank’s liaison program remain strong.
     unemployment rate fell to a near 50-year low of                     However, firms have also reported that finding
     3.5 per cent in June and the heads-based                            suitable labour is a significant constraint on
     underutilisation rate declined to 9.6 per cent –                    activity, with some expressing concerns about
     the lowest rate since 1982 (Graph 2.4). Medium-                     achieving their desired increases in headcount
     and long-term unemployment rates have                               in the tight labour market. Firms have
     declined further in recent months; the medium-

                                                                                                           Graph 2.4
                                    Graph 2.3                                                    Labour Underutilisation
                                                                                                        Per cent of labour force
                                 Participation Rates                        %                                                                         %
                        Cumulative change since February 2020
       ppt            15–24 years                 25–54 years      ppt
                                                                            20                                                                        20
                                                                                                                Underutilisation rate*
         0                                                         0
                        Female                                              15                                                                        15
        -5                                                         -5

       ppt                                                         ppt      10                                                                        10
                      55–64 years                  65+ years
         5                                                         5                      rate
                                                                             5                                                                        5

         0                                                         0                                            Underemployment rate**
                                                                             0                                                                        0
                                                                                       1966            1980            1994            2008        2022
        -5                                                         -5            *     Sum of the unemployment and underemployment rates.
             M J S D M J S D M J M J S D M J S D M J                             **    Employed persons who would like and are available to work
               2020    2021  2022  2020    2021  2022                                  additional hours.
             Sources: ABS; RBA                                                   Source: ABS

20   R E S E R V E B A N K O F AU S T R A L I A
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