Stay at home to stop coronavirus spreading - Northlew Parish Council

Page created by Jerome Wallace
Stay at home to stop coronavirus spreading - Northlew Parish Council
April 2020

Stay at home to stop coronavirus

Here is what you can and can't do

  If you think you have the virus,
don't go to the GP or hospital, stay
  indoors and get advice online.

             Only call NHS 111 if:
    • you cannot cope with your symptoms at home
             • your condition gets worse
   • or your symptoms do not get better after seven

Stay safe, stay healthy and keep in touch with your neighbours,
 friends and relatives. Please see more information about the
            Northlew Community Support on page 3

                       Published by the Parish Council
Stay at home to stop coronavirus spreading - Northlew Parish Council
Note from the Editor                            to enforce them – including
Vital, extraordinary measures are               through fines and dispersing
now in place in these                           gatherings.
unprecedented times to help limit
the spread of the coronavirus.                  These measures are effective
                                                immediately. The Government will
Staying at home and away                        look again at these measures in
from others (social                             three weeks, and relax them if the
                                                evidence shows this is possible.
The single most important action                Published 23 March 2020
we can all take, in fighting
coronavirus, is to stay at home in    
order to protect the NHS and save               ns/full-guidance-on-staying-at-home-and-
lives. – see the graphic on page 15.            away-from-others

When we reduce our day-to-day                   More information and useful lines
contact with other people, we will              about coronavirus can be found on:
reduce the spread of the infection.
That is why the government is now               The Northlew Parish Council
(23 March 2020) introducing three               website at:
new measures.
1. Requiring people to stay at        
   home, except for very                        Useful%20Links.pdf
   limited purposes
2. Closing non-essential shops                  The Devon County Council
   and community spaces                         website at:
3. Stopping all gatherings of
   more than two people in            
   public                                       rus-advice-in-devon/

Every citizen must comply                       The Government website:
with these new measures.              
The relevant authorities, including             oads/attachment_data/file/874281/
the police, will be given the powers            COVID-19_easy_read.pdf
                April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Stay at home to stop coronavirus spreading - Northlew Parish Council
Taking action in our community                        already have a good support
                                                      network in place. There is huge
Closures                                              goodwill in the village and many
Please note that, in line with the                    people are already helping
government guidance, the                              those who require it. It’s a
playground (play equipment) is now                    good time to update your
closed for use – see page 34                          contacts list as it may become
                                                      more important later on.
In addition, we have taken the
decision to close the public                     2. There is already a pretty
lavatories until further notice.                    impressive support network on
Notices have been put on the                        the Northlew and Ashbury Life
lavatories but members of the                       Facebook page. If you are
parish council do not have a key to                 already on Facebook and need
lock the doors which is not ideal.                  any support like someone to do
Can anyone help locate the keys                     shopping for you and deliver it
please? Thank you.                                  to your door, this is a quick
                                                    way to get immediate help.
Coronavirus - Northlew                              Already several people who
Community Support                                   have got an upcoming online
Thanks to Nicola Povey for putting this             delivery order have been happy
together.                                           to add extra goods for those
                                                    who need them. Post your
While we have no real idea of what                  request on the Northlew and
may happen over the next few                        Ashbury Life Facebook page or
weeks and months, it seems                          on the Square Shop Northlew
sensible to put a couple of things in               Facebook page.
place to enable us to support each
other in Northlew and the                        3. If you are slightly more isolated
surrounding area. For those over                    and do not have family nearby
70 and/or with underlying health                    and may not have close local
conditions and who may need                         friends it would be useful for
support there are options, some of                  the community to know who
which are already in place.                         and where you are so that we
                                                    can make sure that you stay
1. If you have friends, neighbours                  safe and get the support you
   and family in the area you may                   need. There is a list of local
                 April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Stay at home to stop coronavirus spreading - Northlew Parish Council
volunteers and people who                    Additional offer of help
   need support being collected at              Yan Whitechurch, managing
   the Square Shop Northlew. If                 director of J&R Foodservice
   you think that you might                     attended the parish assembly and
   possibly need support at some                advised us of the following:
   point over the next few weeks
   please add your name and                     J & R Foodservice Ltd in Exeter
   phone number to this list. The               currently deliver over 5000
   intention is to link up                      different foods and non-food
   volunteers with those who                    products throughout the
   need help or just a friendly                 southwest ranging from frozen
   phone call.                                  foods through to fresh vegetables
                                                to toilet rolls etc.
I’m aware that sharing phone
numbers is a sensitive issue so if              In light of the current situation, we
you do sign up as a volunteer or as             would be happy to either try and
someone in potential need of                    help the local shop or deliver
support please be aware that your               direct to any household within
name and phone number will be                   Devon.
shared with others in order to
provide the support that is needed              If anyone in your parish is
when it is needed. This will be kept            interested, please ask them to call
to a minimum.                                   01392 445510 where one of our
                                                team will be more than happy to
Remember, keep talking, keep                    help.
                                                Yan Whitechurch
If you have any questions about
Northlew Community Support                      J&R Foodservice
please contact:                                 Best of the West
                                                O: 01392 445510
Nicola Povey                          
01409 221591

                April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Stay at home to stop coronavirus spreading - Northlew Parish Council
A new editor for the Northlew                    St Thomas of Canterbury
News                                             Parish Church
As mentioned on page 20, I will be
stepping down as editor of the                   Owing to the coronavirus
Northlew News when a new                         epidemic there are no church
editor is appointed or in December               services until further notice and
whichever happens first. If you are              the church is now also closed.
interested in, or would like to
know more about, the role of                     This is very sad especially as Easter
editing the Northlew News please                 approaches but it is the correct
give me a ring on 01409 220254.                  course of action. Further to the
                                                 cancellation of church service we
Please keep your articles coming                 must now also close the church
and don’t forget to let me know of               following the government’s
any changes to the regular items so              announcement on 24th March
that everything is kept up to date               regarding the restriction of
for the readers.                                 movement and the need for social
                                                 distancing to help prevent the
The deadline for copy for May’s                  spread of the coronavirus.
edition is 20th April but the earlier
in the month you can get any                     Pew Polish
contributions to me the better.                  We planned to have a pew
                                                 polishing afternoon at the beginning
If you would like to receive an                  of April but it has had to be
electronic copy of the Northlew                  cancelled. We will plan another
News then please email at                        pew polishing afternoon when the Copies                   coronavirus restrictions are lifted –
can also be found on the website.                more details to follow in due
                                                 course. Our dear old places of
With thanks and best wishes,                     worship are very precious to us all
                                                 in Northlew and it is up to us to
                                                 keep them ready and in good
                                                 repair for future generations.
                                                 Thank you to everyone for your
                       Editor                    continued support.

                 April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Stay at home to stop coronavirus spreading - Northlew Parish Council
We pray for heavenly guidance at                    Northlew Methodist Church
this very testing time for our
country and the rest of the world.                  Owing to the coronavirus
                                                    epidemic there are no Sunday
Collecting for Okehampton Food                      services until further notice.
There is a box for donations to the                 All Sunday services, the 50/50 shop
Okehampton food bank at the back                    and coffee mornings are cancelled
of the church with a list of non-                   until further notice.
perishable goods that are needed
such as:                                            Thinking of you all during these
• Tinned food: tomatoes, beans,                     unsettling times, let us remember
    tuna etc.                                       the words of Psalm 91 verses 1 and
• Packet foods: rice, pasta,                        2
    couscous, cereals, porridge
    oats, tea and coffee.                           He who dwells in the shelter of the
• Cleaning products and                             Most High will rest in the shadow of
    toiletries.                                     the Almighty.

Thank you.                                          I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge
--------------------------------------------        and my fortress, my God, in whom I
Northlew Post Office
                                                    50/50 Shop and coffee morning
                        The post
                                                    Cancelled until further notice
                        office is
                                                    Cake and savoury stall, coffee
                                                    morning and 50/50 shop. All
                        9:30 am
                        to 12
                                                    Women’s meeting in the
noon in the Church Room on
                                                    Methodist Hall
Monday and Friday mornings
                                                    Cancelled until further notice
At the time of going to press,
the post office continues to be
open until further notice.
                    April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Stay at home to stop coronavirus spreading - Northlew Parish Council
The Square Shop - OPEN                          Social distancing; protecting our
                                                volunteers and customers
                                                In order to comply with social
                                                distancing, and to offer the
                                                volunteers who are working to
                                                keep the shop open as much
                                                protection as possible, anyone
                                                visiting the shop will be asked to
                                                wait outside and their items will be
                                                brought to them. We are also
                                                encouraging the use of contactless
Coronavirus update                              payments.
After some consideration, we have
decided to keep the village shop                Well stocked
open for the foreseeable future                 Despite the current climate, we are
during the restrictions places on us            exceptionally well stocked, mainly
all to help limit the spread of                 because the majority of our
coronavirus. Hopefully, this will               products are sourced locally and
help the village with food and                  are without restriction.
general supplies and also cut down              We always intend to stock local
the necessity to travel to                      milk, cheese, vegetables, bread and
supermarkets and town outlets.                  eggs, along with staple cupboard
                                                items and, of course, lots of
New opening hours                               chocolate and sweets.
We will have to limit the opening
hours during this period as we have             Deliveries possible
only a handful of volunteers who                Deliveries will be available within
are able to help us at the moment.              the village to assist the elderly and
We are planning on opening at the               residents with impaired mobility –
following times:                                please call 07533 017938 to discuss
                                                the delivery options
Mon – Fri: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Weekend: 10:00 am - 12 noon                     We look forward to seeing you (at
                                                a 2 metre distance) soon and
                                                remember that new volunteers are
                                                always more than welcome -
                April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Stay at home to stop coronavirus spreading - Northlew Parish Council
whatever time you can offer,                        Northlew and Ashbury
particularly during these                           Primary School PTFA
unprecedented times, would be a
great help to us all.
Steve Lofthouse, Tim Williams
and our band of volunteers!
                                                    Northlew Parents, Teachers and
Email:                                              Friends Association (PTFA) raises                      vital funds for the school through
                                                    various events throughout the year.
Mobile number: 07533 017938                         Please note that all PTFA
--------------------------------------------        activities are subject to change
                                                    depending on the ongoing
                                                    impact of coronavirus
Daisy Chain Group                                   epidemic
                                                    There will be a car boot sale on
                                                    Saturday 6th June in the playing field
                                                    (weather permitting) and the
                                                    annual duck race will be held in
meetings are as follows:
                                                    More details to follow next month.
7-9 pm Every second Tuesday of
the month at the Church Room.
                                                    If you would like to help support
All meetings are cancelled
                                                    the PTFA then please contact
until further notice.
                                                    Louise Fewings.
Our fees are £3 per person per
session. We are a friendly group,
welcome to all.                                     --------------------------------------------

For more information about when                     Stay Home, Protect the
Daisy Chain will resume please call                 NHS, Save lives
Gina Farrow 01409 221238

                    April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Stay at home to stop coronavirus spreading - Northlew Parish Council
Northlew Silver Band                            The Weather – an update
                                                on our rainfall
Due to the coronavirus
restrictions band practice is
cancelled until further notice
but please keep practising at

Thank you
The Soup & Dessert event held at                My ‘An update on our rainfall’
Elmfield on Saturday 29th February              article printed in the March edition
was a great success and raised                  of Northlew News went to press
£370. This will all go towards new              before the end of the wettest
jumpers for the band members.                   month we have experienced since
We do not yet know the timetable                living here. We measured 290mm
for the production of the jumpers               while Geraldine Walter measured
but can be sure they will look very             303.7mm at her home at Ashbury
smart and it is all thanks for your             Station. She said that February
kindness in supporting the Band                 2020 was the 2nd wettest month in
whenever we ask.                                over 50 years, only being beaten by
                                                Dec 1999 which saw 333.9mm of
The Annual Meeting of the Band                  rain fall. Luckily for us in Northlew
was held on Wednesday 19th                      we didn't suffer the flooding seen in
February when the following                     other parts of the country......
Officers were elected:
Chairman: Martin Perry CBE                      Mags Jarvis
Secretary: Gemma Dufty                          ---------------------------------------
Treasurer: Tobie Bailey
Thanks were expressed to Allen
James for his many years as                     Recycling Centres
                                                No surprise to hear that
Tim Williams 01409 221754                       Okehampton recycling centre is
or                                              now closed until further notice.
Martin Perry 01409 221376             
                April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Stay at home to stop coronavirus spreading - Northlew Parish Council
Victory Hall                                          •  Badminton: Monday and
Coronavirus update                                       Wednesday
It is with a sad and heavy heart                     • Skittles: Tuesday and
that Northlew Victory Hall                               Thursday
closed its doors 21st March.                         • Short Mat Bowls:
We, of course, must abide by                             Thursday
Government ruling to keep all                        • Table Tennis: Friday
our wonderful users safe. We                         • Toddlers Group: Friday
thank you for your support                       In addition, the walking group,
and will welcome you back,                       Northlew Amateur Dramatics
with open arms, once this                        Society (NADS) and the Parish
crazy time is over.                              Council to name but a few also use
Stay safe everyone x                             the Victory Hall.
Please contact Colin Jarvis 01409
220268 or Jayne O'Connell 01409                  Booking a charitable event at
221225 for further information and               the Victory Hall

Victory Hall centenary in 2021 –
can you help?
Do you have any old photos of the
hall or village circa 1920s. If you do
and would be happy to lend them
to the Victory Hall committee then
please contact me, I can scan them
in to my computer and return
immediately... we know that these
things are precious and will take                Any event must meet all 5 criteria
very good care of anything lent to               to be granted the booking price of
us.                                              £10.
Please call Jayne on 01409 221225.               Criteria to qualify:
Thank you in anticipation.                       1. Any event for which all the profit
                                                 will go to the named registered
Regular events – all on hold for                 charity.
the time being                                   2. Registered charity name &
The Victory Hall use on weekdays                 number required when booking
is booming and includes:
                 April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
and must be on all advertising for                  Northlew and Ashbury
the event.                                          Produce and Craft Show
3. The organiser is a parishioner.
4. It must be a public event open to                Save the Date: Saturday 5th
all. This offer is not for private                  September
5. The £10 covers the hall and use                  This year’s nominated charity will
of the kitchen for drinks only. If                  be FORCE, a cancer charity based
food preparation and serving is                     at Exeter Hospital, offering
required, then an additional £15 is                 chemotherapy in Okehampton.
essential to cover our extra costs.                 Registered Charity Number
---------------------------------------             The small friendly planning
                                                    committee welcomes new
Northlew and Ashbury                                members and ideas for next year’s
Snooker Club                                        show, so please do contact any
Cancelled until further notice                      current members if you are
                                                    interested in contributing.
Come    and join us!
                     We currently                   Holly Dancer, Secretary
                     have vacancies                 Northlew and Ashbury Craft and
                     for                            Produce Show Committee 2020
                     membership                     --------------------------------------------
                     and we would
                     be pleased to
see new faces over the newly
refurbished tables. One team plays
in the Bude league each winter.
New members are very welcome.
There is a small membership fee to

For more information about the
club please call 01409 221919 or
Simon on 01409 221881

                    April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
The Green Dragon                                    Northlew Amateur
                                                    Dramatic Society (NADS)
Due to the coronavirus
epidemic the pub is now                                                            The scene is
closed until further notice                                                        set!
                                                                                   We've met
                                                                                   and decided
                      This historic 18th                                           on two
                      century inn is                                               playlets for
                      located in the                                               the Autumn.
                      village square at
                      the heart of                  All we need now are two
                      Northlew.                     casts. Anyone who is interested in
                                                    taking part or helping behind the
                                                    scenes please let us know.
Opening times
                                                    Both of the plays are farces - well
Lunchtime: 12 – 2 pm                                they will be after we've tackled
Lunch is served every day except                    them - but there's lots of
Saturday                                            attempted murders, chloroform
                                                    and bank robberies - all good fun as
Evenings: open at 6 pm except                       you can imagine.
Sunday when opening is at 7pm.
Food served from 6 pm - 9 pm                        Come to Elmfield on Monday
except Sunday                                       April 20th at 7.00pm * when all
                                                    will be revealed and who knows
For information about when the                      play your cards right and there
pub will be open please call Dan on                 might be a glass of cheap wine and
01409 221228.                                       a nibble involved (the eating kind
                                                    that is!)
--------------------------------------------        * Subject to the lifting of the
                                                    coronavirus restrictions
Stay Home, Protect the                              (obviously!). Please check with
NHS, Save lives                                     Martin first that the evening is still
                                                    going ahead.

                    April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
We had the AGM incidentally and                     HOF Gallery (Home of the
we welcome back as Chairman Lyn                     Northlew Gnomes)
Taylor, Vice Chairman Martin                        We will open once the
Perry, Secretary Sarah Wilby and                    coronavirus restrictions are
Treasurer Lucy Turmaine.                            lifted.
Sarah Wilby
                                                    The HOF Gallery is a small space
                                                    devoted to all things arts & crafty.
01409 221995
Martin Perry
01409 221376


Play Group for Grown ups
Cancelled until further notice
We don't stop playing because we
grow old, we grow old because we                    The gallery has a selection of
stop playing!                                       uniquely curated fine ceramics,
                                                    paintings, local crafts & needle
Join us in the Methodist Chapel                     felted sculptures, that are inspired
rooms on the on the first Tuesday                   by Dartmoor and its environment.
and third Thursday of the month                     One off needle felt sculpture
from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm.                             commissions taken.
We play cards, do board games                       The studio opens most weekends
and jigsaws, drink tea and eat                      11am – 5pm and bank holidays and
biscuits for £1.50. All are welcome.                by appointment.
If you need more information or to                  For more information or to visit
arrange transport please call Chris                 the gallery by appointment please
Scadeng on 01409 221797                             call: 01409 221754

                    April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Northlew Walking Group                          fact, showers persisted throughout
For our last walk of the ‘winter’               the day, but that seems to be the
programme, we decided to re-visit               way of things this year so far.
the recently opened Pegasus Trail.              Despite this, we set off in high
Instead of a ‘there and back’ walk,             spirits along the old railway track,
this time we completed a circular               with great views over Dartmoor.
route, taking in some of the wider              At least the going underfoot was
area to the west of the A3079.                  pretty good, and there were plenty
                                                of signs of spring, with frogspawn in
In order to start the walk where                the many pools, and a few
the Pegasus Trail joins Station                 wildflowers braving the showers.
Road, walkers were asked to park
at Castle Cross, and walk down to               We continued along the track, until
the start for 1pm.                              we reached Venndown Gates, at
                                                which point we turned off the trail,
Joining us on this outing were, Paul            to bring us out to the A3079.
Bowman, Keith Ellis with his two                Crossing the road carefully, we
Spoodles, Ann and Richard                       carried straight on to bring us to
Rossiter – Stead, Pat Richardson,               Boasley Cross. Turning right, we
Marion Dufty, Jackie Titchen,                   walked along the quiet lane,
Margaret Conkey, Susan Jones,                   enjoying the sighting of three roe
Brigid Richardson, Sue Sanders,                 deer in the adjacent field. As the
Jenny Anderson, Shirley Lloyd and               heavens opened again, we
myself.                                         eventually came up to a track and
                                                footpath heading off to our left
                                                towards Bratton Clovelly. Taking
                                                this track, the going was good, with
                                                no mud, no hills, and it stopped

                                                It couldn’t last of course, as we
                                                turned right off the track, we
                                                initially headed downhill, to reach a
                                                stream and plenty of mud. After
                                                crossing the stream, we then had a
Not surprisingly, we started
                                                fairly steep climb to negotiate, to
walking in heavy showers, and in
                                                eventually reach Grindhill. Looking
                April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
back, we were treated to excellent                  Short mat bowls
views of Dartmoor, Brentor, and                     Cancelled until further notice
even Bodmin Moor when the
clouds momentarily lifted.                                              We now have
                                                                        short mat
After walking back up to the road,                                      bowls in the
it was time for a quick rest, and the                                   Victory Hall
usual photoshoot. From here, we                                         every
turned left to shortly bring us out                                     Thursday
onto the Bratton Clovelly road,                     afternoon between 2 pm and 4 pm.
and after another drenching,
turning right, brought us back up to                At just £3 per session and no
Castle Cross.                                       yearly membership required, why
                                                    not come along and meet our small
After a good walk in excess of 5.5                  band of players.
miles, plenty of mud, and a few
soakings, we all deserved welcome                   There are practice woods available
refreshments at the Green Dragon,                   for your use.
with lovely homemade cake, thanks
to Vicky.                                           For more information please call:
                                                    Mike on 01409 220320
Due to the coronavirus                              or
epidemic our next walk,                             Norman on 01409 221518.
planned for the 3rd April is                        --------------------------------------------
cancelled as are all walks until
further notice.

Please contact Chris Baines on
01409 221362 for information
about when the walking group will

Stay Home, Protect the
NHS, Save lives

                    April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Badminton Club
Cancelled until further notice

                           Running for
                           almost 4                Would you like to make a
                           years now,              difference in your community
                           our club                and help reduce isolation and
                           offers the              loneliness within older people?
                           chance to
                           enjoy                   Royal Voluntary Service is seeking
                           badminton at            to inspire people in our rural area
all levels of ability.                             to form and run volunteer-led
                                                   branches of Community
The emphasis is on having fun, but                 Companions to provide one to one
it’s obviously always nice to win.                 support for older people.
We don’t play in a league, but just                This means local people working
enjoy playing together for an hour                 together to support local people.
or so every week.                                  Each branch has its own unique
                                                   identity and focuses on the needs
All ages and abilities are welcome,                of their community. When
although children must be old                      someone is feeling a bit lonely or
enough to play unsupervised by a                   needs support, a Community
parent.                                            Companion can brighten their day.
                                                   It could involve being there for
We play on Monday’s and                            someone for a few weeks or
Thursday’s, between 5pm and 7pm,                   longer and could include any
and have racquets available for free               number of activities.
use until you acquire your own.                    Our branches are each run by a
                                                   small team of volunteers who in
For more information, and to get                   turn usually have a wider team of
involved, please contact:                          volunteers working with them.
                                                   Royal Voluntary Service provides
Chris Baines on 01409 221362 or                    all the support, DBS checks,
email                                              insurance, safeguarding, training                       and compliance checks to ensure
                                                   each group is safe and legal.

                   April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
You can use your chat, smile or                  Theatre Highlights
simply your company to help
people feel confident and remain
independent by keeping them
connected with others.
No two Community Companions
Branches and activities are the
same. It depends on the needs and
wants of the local community,
which means you can find the
volunteering opportunity that’s                  Theatre Royal @ Plymouth
right for you.                                   Box Office 01752 267222
By providing one to one support to     
people who are isolated and lonely
you will be participating in a service           Please check the website for an
that brings hope to those in your                update on future performances
community who are most in need.                  as it may differ from what’s
At the same time you will become                 listed below:
part of a team of dedicated local
people who all want to give                      19th – 23rd May
something back to their community                A Monster Calls
through the gift of volunteering.
                                                 27th -31st May
If you would like to know more or                Six (Henry VIII wives) – the
have ideas and you think Royal                   musical!
Voluntary Service might be able to
help then please contact:                        30th June – 4th July
                                                 Dial M for Murder
Rob Jones, Community
Companions Project manager                       6th – 11th July
Mobile: 07341778466 Email:                       Once the musical
Rob.Jones@royalvoluntaryservice.o                                            21st July – 8th August
                                                 Mamma Mia
https://volunteering.royalvoluntarys                         More on the website
                 April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Northcott @ Exeter                              Saturday 10am – 5pm
Box Office 01392 726363                       Thank you for your patience and
                                                continued support during this
Please check the website for an                 difficult time.
update on future performances
as it may differ from what’s
listed below. Please find update                4th – 9th May
box office information below:                   A Bunch of Amateurs

If you were due to visit us, our box            18th – 23rd May
office team will contact you                    Alan Bennett’s The Habit of Art
                                                27th – 30th May
All box office staff are currently              English Touring Opera
working from home, with access to               Julius Caesar
emails and work-dedicated mobile                Cosi Fan Tutte
phones. Please be aware that they               St John Passion
may contact you using a different
number than usual.                              16th – 20th June
                                                Alan Ayckbourn’s Absurd Person
These mobile numbers are:                       Singular

07496 617 276                                   22nd – 24th June
Monday 10am – 5pm                               The all male HMS Pinafore
Tuesday – Thursday, 1pm – 5pm                   More on the website
07394 910 523
Tuesday – Friday, 10am – 2pm                    More details from Martin Perry
                                                01409 221376 and possible free
07719 703 028                                   lifts!

Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 5pm

07939 382 522
Monday 10am- 5pm,
Friday, 1pm – 5pm
                April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
SeaMoor lottery ….. it’s so                      Ash Die Back
easy to help raise funds for                     If any parishioner has concerns that
our community                                    Ash trees within our parish may be
                                                 infected by Ash Dieback, these
                       SeaMoor                   trees need to be reported to
                       Lotto is a                Devon County Council highways
                       weekly lottery            via their website at
                       that is a fun   
                       and effective             transport/report-a-
                       way for you               problem/map/map_src/hzt/.
                       to win prizes
                       for just £1 per           If parishioners or tree owners
week at the same time as raising                 require assistance in finding a
money for local good causes. Each                suitably qualified and insured
ticket has a 1 in 50 chance to win a             arborist, information is available via
prize each week with a top prize of              the following link:
£25,000. Each ticket consists of 6     
numbers between 0 and 9. There                   Advice/Public/Choose-your-Tree-
will be a draw every Saturday night              Surgeon
when a 6 digit winning combination
will be picked. Prizes will be given             Further information on the tree
to players with tickets that match               works application procedure is
the first or last 2-6 numbers from               available here:
the winning combination. Match all
6 and you win the jackpot.             
Northlew Parish Council is now                   le/3490/Protected-Trees
set up as one of the local causes                 or
you can support. Please become         
a supporter you and contribute                   cle/3487/Tree-Preservation-Orders
to future Northlew community
projects upon which we all                       or contact Tracy Webb
decide. Please follow the link for               Case Manager (Trees)
more information:                            
pport/northlew-parish-                           k/.

                 April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Knit and Knatter                                    Parish Council

The knit and knatter group                          Changes to the parish council
                                                    Gillian Dixon
will not be meeting until
                                                    Welcome to Gillian Dixon who
further notice.                                     was co-opted to the parish council
                                                    by a unanimous vote at the parish
                     The Knit and                   council meeting held on Monday
                     Knatter group                  16th March after the parish
                     are knitting                   assembly.
                     and crocheting
                     for good                       Joanna Wilson
                     causes and                     After five years on the parish
everyone is welcome to join us!                     council, for three of which I have
We meet in the Methodist Church                     been privileged to have been
every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the                  nominated as chair, I informed my
month from 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm.                       fellow councillors on 20th February
If you have any spare wool that you                 that I will be stepping down as
can donate to support the Knit and                  chair and as a councillor at the
Knatter fundraising activities, please              meeting in April. We will therefore
let me know and I will arrange to                   have vacancy for a parish councillor
collect it. Your help is very much                  and would like to co-opt someone
appreciated.                                        to the council at the Annual
                                                    General Meeting in May – please
For more information or to donate                   see below.
wool please call Eunice Peck on
01409 221187                                        I will continue to edit the
--------------------------------------------        Northlew News until a new editor
                                                    is appointed or to the end of year
Member of Parliament for                            whichever comes first.
Mel Stride MP                                       Parish Councillor Vacancy
House of Commons                                    From 18th April we will have a
London, SW1A 0AA                                    vacancy on the parish council.
Tel: 020 7219 7037                                  Please register your interest with
                                                    Sue Main, clerk to the parish
                    April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Or if you would like to know more               parishioners who were unable to
about the role please don’t hesitate            attend but would like to know
to contact Sue or Joanna Wilson,                more, a copy of the chairman’s
current chair, to have an informal              presentation is available on the
chat. Please see the advert on page             parish council website. If you have
25 and contact details can be found             any questions then please do not
on page 24.                                     hesitate to contact a member of
                                                the parish council.
Clerk to the Parish Council
Sue Main is the clerk to the Parish             Parish Council meetings
Council. Sue’s contact details can              Parish council meetings are usually
be found on page 24.                            held at 7:30 pm on the third
                                                Monday of each month in the main
Contacting the Parish Council                   hall of the Victory Hall.
If you have any questions for the               At 7:30 pm prior to the start of the
Parish Council or you have noted                formal meeting, there will be a
something in the Parish that needs              public session (if required) which,
to be brought to the attention of               at the chair’s discretion may last up
the Parish Council please contact               to 15 minutes, to enable members
the clerk, chair or any member of               of the public to ask questions of
the parish council. We welcome                  and make comment to the council.
your input. Contact details are on              Please note, we request that notice of
page 24 and please use these emails             intent to ask questions/make
for parish council enquiries rather             comment during the public session be
than councillors’ personal emails.              made to the clerk, Sue Main, by the
                                                Friday prior to the date of the
Thank you.                                      meeting. Please advise the clerk of the
                                                topic you wish to raise.
Parish Annual Assembly
The Annual Parish Meeting was                   Questions not answered during the
held on Monday 16th March                       public session may be answered in
7:30 pm in the Victory Hall.                    writing to the person asking the
                                                question or may appear as an
Thank you to those parishioners                 agenda item for the next
who attended the meeting and for                appropriate parish council or
your very helpful comments and                  committee meeting. Members of
contributions. For those                        the public are asked to restrict
                April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
their comments and/or questions                  Please check out the parish
to three minutes. This section is                ‘Noticeboard’ with information
not part of the formal meeting of                about what’s going on in the parish
the council.                                     and also notifications from West
Any member of the parish can                     Devon Borough Council (and
attend the formal part of the                    Devon County Council as
meeting but may not contribute to                appropriate). The Noticeboard is
it unless specifically invited by the            updated on a monthly basis.
                                                 If you have any community-related
Minutes                                          news for inclusion on the
The agenda for next month’s                      Noticeboard or if you have any
meeting and the minutes of last                  feedback, comments and/or
month’s council meeting can be                   suggestions about the website or if
found on our website at least one                you are organizing an event in the
week before the next meeting.                    parish that you would like to be
http://www.northlewparishcouncil.                advertised on the website, then A hard copy of both                     please contact:
documents will also on the parish                Sue Main at
notice board.                          
Please contact Sue Main for further              k
information or if you would like to              or
raise a topic at the public session of           Joanna Wilson at
the parish council meeting. Sue can    
be contacted by phone or email.                  k
Please see page 24.
                                                 Thank you
Parish Council Website
The Parish Council website
can be found at:                                 Stay Home, Protect the
                                                 NHS, Save lives

                 April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Snow Warden and Salt                            Reporting a problem on our
Supply                                          roads to Devon County

                                                The more people who report
                                                potholes the better. Please
                                                keep informing the council
                                                about the poor state of our

Thank you to our snow warden
who has topped up levels in the
yellow salt containers situated
opposite the primary school, at the
corner exiting the village on station
road, on Harpers hill by Maggie's
Curls and on the Tarpaflex corner.

Additional bags have been located               Please report any potholes or
at the Church (contact the church               other problems on our roads, such
warden), Yellands Yard, Ladies                  as flooding and blocked drains,
Toilets, J&J Autos and Lake Farm in             hazardous or fallen trees,
case of emergency.                              overgrown vegetation, to name a
                                                few, to Devon County Council
Please feel free to use this on                 using the following link.
public roads in and out of
Northlew, taking note that the        
amount of salt actually required per            transport/report-a-problem/
square meter is only 1 tablespoon.
If you need any further assistance,
please do not hesitate to contact
Tim Williams on 07770 600047,
01409 221754
                April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Parish Council Emails

Councillors & clerk              Councillors
Joanna Wilson

Celia Rundle
Vice Chair

Bryan Dufty            

Mark Rundle            

Terry Hatt             

Holly Dancer           

Steve Smith            

Judy Jones             

Gillian Dixon          

Clerk – Sue Main
                                 Telephone: 07956 312047

                April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Parish Council Vacancy

            April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
2020 Events at a Glance
 Please note all activities subject to change due to the
         impact of the coronavirus epidemic
                  •    Saturday 4th April: Spring Chocolate
                       Celebration – postponed, new date tbc
April             •    Sunday 19th April: Methodist Church annual
                       pie lunch in the Victory Hall – cancelled
                  •    Saturday 25th April: Village Fun Day
                  •    Friday 8th May: Bank holiday for Victory in
                       Europe (VE) Day 75th Anniversary NB: change
May                    of the bank holiday date from Monday 4th May
                       to Friday 8th May
                  •    Monday 25th May: Bank holiday
                  •    Saturday 6th June: Car boot sale on behalf of
                       the PTFA
                  •    Saturday 20th June: Dance in the Victory Hall
                       7:30 pm
July              •    To be confirmed (TBC)
                  •    Saturday 1st August: Northlew Marathon
August                 Walk
                  •    Monday 31st August: Bank holiday
                  •    Saturday 5th September: Northlew &
                       Ashbury Produce Show
                  •    Friday 18th & Saturday 19th September:
                       NADS performance in the Victory Hall
October           •    TBC
November          •    TBC
December          •    TBC

            April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Okehampton & District Community Transport Group

                                                   Okehampton & District
                                                   Community Transport
                                                   Group have been serving
                                                   the community for 28
                                                   years. We cover 274
                                                   square miles of rural
                                                   Devon. We provide
                                                   accessible, door to door
transport for the frail, elderly, disabled and rurally isolated to access both
healthcare and social appointments. We have a Ring and Ride bus service
which takes passengers into Okehampton for shopping or to meet
friends. We run a Volunteer Car Service for healthcare transport, we
have two wheelchair accessible vehicles and also a 15 seat community
minibus which we use for lifestyle trips during the week and weekends
and is also available to groups and societies. All our fares are subsidised.

Please check with Sue or Liz on 01837 55000 or 07484 525577 to
find out how this service is impacted by the coronavirus

Sue Wonnacott, Co-Ordinator
Okehampton District Community Transport Group
Unit 3, Okehampton Business Centre
Higher Stockley Mead
EX20 1FJ

                 April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Advertising in the Northlew News and on the Northlew
Parish Council website
If you would like to advertise in the Northlew News please contact
Joanna Wilson.

Business advertising rates:
• £2.50 per advert (business card size) per month or £25 per annum
• £5 for half page
• £10 full page
Please note there may be a one-off charge of £15 if your advert needs to
be reset by the printers. All cheques to be made payable to The Northlew
Parish Council or pay by BACS transfer.

Advertising on the Northlew Parish Council website costs a mere £25 per
financial year – please contact Sue Main at or 07956 312047

Items for sale advertising rates:
• £5 per advert for half page with picture
• £1 per advert (text only) per month

               April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Northlew & Ashbury Primary School is closed until
further notice due to the coronavirus epidemic

Summer Term 2020
Tuesday 14th April: All pupils return
Friday 8th May: May bank holiday

Half Term: Monday 25th May – Friday 29th May inclusive
Monday 1st June: All pupils return
Monday 20th July: Non-pupil day
Tuesday 21st July: Non-pupil day

Last Day of term: Friday 17th July

Autumn Term 2020
Non pupil days:
Thursday 3rd September
Friday 4th September
Monday 7th September
Tuesday 8th September

9th September: All Pupils Return

Half Term: Monday 26th October to Friday 30th October 2020 inclusive

Monday 2nd November: All pupils return
Last Day of Term: Friday 18th December

Christmas Break: Monday 21st December 2020 to Friday 1st January
2021 inclusive
               April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Okehampton Library,
                                                       4 North Street,
                                                       EX20 1AR

                                                       01837 52805

Events at Okehampton Library

The library is now closed until further notice due to the coronavirus
epidemic. Please see our library website or Facebook page for any
updates on the situation and library services

Opening Hours – currently closed

Monday                  09:00-17:00
Tuesday                 09:00-18:00
Wednesday               09:00-13:00
Thursday                09:00-17:00
Friday                  09:00-18:00
Saturday                09:00-13:00

                April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Northlew Playground is shut until further notice

            April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Bus Routes – please check to see which buses are still
running during the coronavirus restrictions
 Day                           Route               Destination
 Monday                        633                 Okehampton via Bratton
 Monday                        642                 Bideford via Shebbear
 Tuesday **                    646                 Barnstaple via Bideford
 Tuesday**                     669                 Credition via Okehampton

 Wednesday                     639                 Holsworthy via Hatherleigh
 Wednesday **                  671                 Newton Abbot via Trago
 Thursday                      630                 Okehampton via Hatherleigh
 Friday **                     188                 Tavistock
 Friday **                     647                 Exter via Winkleigh
 Saturday                      631                 Okehampton via Hatherleigh

** by booking with our Office you can join these services from Northlew.
For more information please call Carmel Coaches - 01409 221237
(24 hour)

Key facts to note….
   • English bus passes are accepted - no time restriction
   • Buses usually available whilst laying over at terminus
   • Most services operated by wheelchair accessible buses
   • Careful and considerate drivers
   • Free car parking available at our depot
Also why not….
   • Use the bus to help protect the environment by reducing
      congestion and exhaust emissions
   • Use the bus to save money on parking and fuel
   • Use the bus to avoid social isolation - keep up with village gossip
And did you know that ….
   • Northlew has had its own local bus service since 1930 and has
      more buses per head of population than anywhere in Devon

           Do yourself a favour - take the bus!
                April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
Carmel Coaches Excursions

 Date and venue                                                              Cost
 Subject to change due to the coronavirus
 epidemic, please check the situation with Carmel

 Good Friday 10th April
 Donkey Sanctuary and Seaton                                                 £15

 Easter Monday 13th April
 Weymouth and West Bay                                                       £20

 27th – 30th November
 Festive weekend break at Warner hotel, Cricket St                           £299

For more information about our trips planned for 2020
                or to book your seat
           please call Libby 01409 221237

              April 2020 : Published by Northlew Parish Council March 2020
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