STAY HOPEFUL - The Daily Herald

Page created by Ann Powers
STAY HOPEFUL - The Daily Herald
STAY HOPEFUL - The Daily Herald
2                                       OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD                                        April 23, 2020 - April 29, 2020

Stay hopeful. Stay occupied. Stay inside.                                                                                         Out ‘n About is a publication of

Hours, days, weeks...time – like almost everything else these days – seem to be warped.
If you work from home, much like we do at the Out n’ About, you may be going through                                                      Coordinator
GLϑHUHQWVWDJHV                                                                                                                      Charlesea Joseph
There’s the stage where all you do is consume information. There’s a stage where all you do is
consume food. Then you stop sleeping – because what’s the sense in having a bedtime when you                                             Contributors
want to know what life is like for a vampire?!                                                                                          Cameron Hyman
                                                                                                                                        Prichard Gibson
you remake jet fuel? Whether you’re busy being unproductive or busy working on a comeback, just
stay busy.                                                                                                                             Graphic Designer
                                                                                                                                    Evadney “Eve” Henriques
COVID Renaissance if you will.                                                                                                         For advertisements:
                                                                                                                                  Call Advertisement Department
Hey! We’re trying to promote social distancing in the Out n’ About by showcasing what fun activities                                 For reactions to articles/
you can do to keep yourself occupied. Got any pics of yourself doing something at home that you                                            contributions:
will publish them in next week’s issue! Send them to                                            
             Check out more party pictures online at

    Learning a new skill                                     Curls poppin’                                 Gardening guru
    @_letitbebeautiful                                       @atvylor                                      @oh.beachplease

                                                                       Lean into the stretch
  Peace and love!                                                      @aymagoh
STAY HOPEFUL - The Daily Herald
April 23, 2020 - April 29, 2020                            OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD                                   3

                                          Everywhere is an office now                Backyard vibes
Alright, Imma head out                    @Jessica Rogers                            @oh.beachplease

Family game night                                   Keeping the form                                    Wearing my own creations
@Maria Richardson                                   @bb_bad                                   

Work from home comfort            Always fabulous                               In my natural element
@tkleighshot                      @vanilla.lash                                 @chels_289
STAY HOPEFUL - The Daily Herald
4                                             OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD                                                          April
                                                                                                                                            p 23, 2020 - April
                                                                                                                                                          p 29, 2020

                            “Win, win, win, win, win         That was an example, by           ŽĨ ůŽĐŬĚŽǁŶ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƟǀĞůLJ͘        with this feeling of solitary     weeks, I’ve been feeling
                            (Yeah) Forget everything         the way – there is no colour      Learn a new skill, grow a          ĐŽŶĮŶĞŵĞŶƚ͖ Žƌ ƉĞƌƐŽŶƐ         mentally drained and all I
                            else, win, win, win, win         debate happening on the           garden, learn to speak Ger-        who have to be at home all        want to do is lie in bed and
                            (Win) These pahnuhs ain’t        inter-waves.                      man and... AND... Don’t            ĚĂLJǁŝƚŚĂŶĂďƵƐĞƌ͖ŽƌƉĞƌ-       play this Fishdom game on
                            nun (Mommy), win, win,                                             come out of this lockdown          sons who have issues with         ŵLJƉŚŽŶĞ͘/ƐƟůůƌĞĂĚŚĞƌĞ
                            win, win Stop chasin’ that       You know who annoys me,           having not done one of             anxiety. There are people         ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞƌĞ͖ ǁŽƌŬ ŽƵƚ ǁŚĞŶ
                            gyul (Stop), win, win, win,      though? Persons who have          these apparently manda-            who really just need to do        /ĨĞĞůŵŽƟǀĂƚĞĚ͖ďƵƚďůĞŚ͘͘͘
                            win (Yeah)”                      their heads so far up their       tory things.”                      ŶŽƚŚŝŶŐ ĚƵƌŝŶŐ ƚŚŝƐ ƟŵĞ͘
                                                             ďƵƩƐ ƚŚĂƚƚŚĞLJĐĂŶ͛ƚƐĞĞŽƌ                                        ŶĚ ĂƐ ƵŶƉƌŽĚƵĐƟǀĞ ĂƐ ŝƚ     I just don’t want you to feel
                            What it do bay-beeeeeeee!        admit that someone who            I mean, to be fair, this is a      may seem, it’s necessary for      like there’s any one way to
                                                             ƐŚĂƌĞƐ Ă ĚŝīĞƌĞŶƚ ƉĞƌƐƉĞĐ-     truth. I get it. We have so        them.                             do this. This is a new reality
                            Alright. Alright. Kuuurrr. I’m   ƟǀĞ Žƌ ƉƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞ ĐĂŶ ĂůƐŽ   ŵƵĐŚ ƟŵĞ ŽŶ ŽƵƌ ŚĂŶĚƐ                                           for us all and we just really
                            back.                            be right. How can you think       now that it would be a             And in the purple corner,         ŶĞĞĚƚŽĮŶĚĂǁĂLJƚŽŵĂŬĞ
                                                             that only your opinion mat-       great idea to invest that          standing at 217lbs, under-        it work for us individually.
                            A lot of people say really       ters? Like, did you create the    ƟŵĞŝŶĂǁĂLJƚŚĂƚǁŝůůĂůůŽǁ      standing the need for bal-        So whether you’re learning
                            good things on the inter-        sun and the stars? Are you,       us to grow as individuals.         ance, are the persons who         'ĞƌŵĂŶ ŽŶ ZŽƐĞƩĂ ^ƚŽŶĞ͕
                            net. There are some people       ĚĂƌĞ/ƐĂLJ͕yĞƌdžĞƐ͍^ƚƌƵƫŶŐ      tĞŚĂǀĞĂůůƚŚĞƟŵĞŝŶƚŚĞ        realize that they need to         or watching birds mate,
                            who say that red is an amaz-     down stairs, jewellery clank-     world to do those things we        do what’s best for them on        or learning German while
                            ing colour, and that’s truth.    ing, proclaiming “I am a gen-     couldn’t do because “there         a daily basis or weekly ba-       watching birds mate, make
                            There are people who say         erous god.”                       were only so many hours in         sis or monthly basis. Some        it work for you. This life
                            that blue is an amazing col-                                       a day”. But that’s really all it   days can be extremely pro-        ƚŚŝŶŐ ŝƐ Ăůů ĂďŽƵƚ ĂĚĂƉƟŶŐ
                            our, and that’s truth too.       Now that Spartan refer-           is, a great idea.                  ĚƵĐƟǀĞĂŶĚƐŽŵĞĚĂLJƐƚŚĞLJ        and advancing.
                            And there are even people        ences have been adequately                                           don’t want to shower. Here
                            who say that purple is an        made, I will get to my point.     Okay. Wait there.                  ǁĞĮŶĚLJĞƚĂŶŽƚŚĞƌƚƌƵƚŚ͘        /ƚ ĂŝŶ͛ƚ ŐĂƩĂ ůŽŽŬ ůŝŬĞ ĂŶLJ-
                            amazing colour, and believe      Yeah?                                                                                                  body else’s...
                            it or not, that is also truth.                                     You know what’s also truth?        DLJ ĮƌƐƚ ƚǁŽ ǁĞĞŬƐ ŽĨ ůŽĐŬ-
                                                             In the red corner, standing       In the blue corner, standing       down, I was mad produc-           SHHHHHHII…
                            dŚƌĞĞ ĚŝīĞƌĞŶƚ ƉĞƌƐƉĞĐ-        at 215lbs, there are people       at 210lbs, the people that         ƟǀĞ͘ ^ƟĐŬŝŶŐ ƚŽ ŵLJ ƐĐŚĞĚ-
                            ƟǀĞƐ͘dŚƌĞĞƌĞůĞǀĂŶƚƉŽŝŶƚƐ͘    ǁŚŽ ĂƌĞ ďĞůƟŶŐ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ      are concerned with the             ule, reading, sketching,          *Yo, Siri, play Win by Jay
                            dŚƌĞĞĚŝīĞƌĞŶƚƚƌƵƚŚƐ͘          top of their social media         mental health of persons           teaching online and work-         Rock*
                                                             ǀŽŝĐĞƐ ƚŽ͗ ͞hƐĞ ƚŚŝƐ ƟŵĞ     who honestly have to deal          ing out daily. The last two

             Show your appreciation for local
                   frontline workers
                                         ~ Caribbean Liquors’ Goody Box ~
As we all know, frontline workers are            and appreciation to our frontliners. While
absolutely critical to the COVID-19 re-          everyone is at home, they are tirelessly
sponse, delivering essential and public          working every day, and there are so many
services within our communities. Think           beautiful stories that can be told about an
of persons in the medical field, your de-         experience or encounter with one of these
livery guy, firefighters, teachers, GEBE           special people. We simply want to spread
personnel, community officers, bakers              joy and hope throughout our island during
and various volunteers. There are so             this time; we want frontliners to know that
many out there that are risking their lives      they’re being thought about and appreciat-
and the health of their loved ones to help       ed by their fellow St. Maarteners. Together,
us feel as comfortable as possible during        we will all get through this.”
this crisis. We can show our appreciation
for such persons by nominating them for          In order to participate in this contest, you
Caribbean Liquors’ Frontline Worker              must nominate a frontline worker on the
Goody Box.                                       Caribbean Liquors Facebook page, so make
                                                 sure to like Caribbean Liquors on Facebook.
Caribbean Liquors wants to help show             You nominate your person by tagging them
frontline workers some well-deserved ap-         to your comment under the original post;
preciation and support by offering two            and state why you want to nominate them.
Goody Boxes to the most liked frontline          Adding a picture to the post is appreciated,
worker nominee on their Facebook page.           but it is not a requirement in order to win.
According to Sales and Marketing Manager         On May 11, the comment with the most               The first prize Goody Box consists of $100, two 6pks San Benedetto Water, one case
Corinna McCarthy, “Our team was inspired         likes wins the first prize for their frontline      of San Benedetto Iced Tea, and a Disaronno 1L package. The second prize Goody
when we saw all the people throughout Eu-        nominee and the second most liked com-             Box consists of three 6pks of San Benedetto Water and two cases of San Benedetto
rope that would stand outside on their bal-      ment will win the second Goody Box for             Iced Tea. Both boxes provide delicious refreshment for a frontline hero, so make sure
cony clapping to show their respect for all      their nominee.                                     to like a deserving nominee or nominate your own on your daily social media scroll!
their frontline workers. It got us thinking
on what we could do to show our support
STAY HOPEFUL - The Daily Herald
April 23, 2020 - April 29, 2020                                                   OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD                                                        5

       Life is forever
       changed – and                                                                                          Goalmachine specializes in business coaching or training.
                                                                                                               For more information, visit

        that’s okay                                                                           ing nothing, nothing
                                                                                              changes.” In the midst
                                                                                              of all this confusion,
                                                                                              adjustment and loss,
                                                                                                                               were previously rarely
                                                                                                                               seen and people in In
                                                                                                                               dia are reporting to see
                                                                                                                               the Himalayas for the
                                                                                                                                                              web of uncertainty
                                                                                                                                                              and fear – which, by
                                                                                                                                                              the way, is a perfectly
                                                                                                                                                              normal reaction to the
Providing personal             the skill of academic some have indulged in                    lies opportunity.                ¿UVW WLPH LQ GHFDGHV       magnitude of what we
and business coach-            teaching whether they unfounded conspiracy                                                      from 125 miles away.           are dealing with – or
ing to professionals,          wanted to or not.         theories for answers,                People have repre               Even in the grips of a         you can work on de
Goalmachine now of-                                      while others unques                 sented themselves as             traumatic    pandemic,         veloping the mental
fers remote services           Our social lives have tioningly comply to                      pillars of inspiration           there are wonderful            strength required to
online! Get prepared           been disrupted. Birth our dwindling free                     by taking this time to           things to appreciate.          recognize the oppor
to get back into the           days are now celebrat doms and take refuge                    personally    develop.                                          tunity embedded in
market    by    gain-          ed behind cell phones in the safety of their                   New     master   chefs           It is true that life will      every challenge. The
ing clarity on your            and computers, while families.          Everyone               are being created at             not be the same and            most important thing
goals and putting              late nights out have has their own way of                      KRPH FKLOGUHQ KDYH           we’re not sure what            to remember is that
a plan together to             been replaced by live coping. The times are                    more options for per            that looks like. Will we       life is now forever
achieve them. Visit            DJ sets on Instagram. XQFHUWDLQ RXU EHKDY                  VRQDOL]HG   OHDUQLQJ          require vaccine cer           changed, and that is
us at www.MyGoal-              While we deal with this LRU LV FKDQJLQJ WKH               artists are throwing             WL¿FDWHV WR WUDYHO" :LOO   absolutely okay.      and           unplanned       interrup world will never be the              themselves into their            homeschooling          be
follow on Facebook             tion, there is an invisi same… and all of that                work and business                come the new normal?   If these times have you
at GoalmachineSXM.             ble enemy looming and LVSHUIHFWO\¿QH                        owners are coming up             Will masks become an   feeling lost and over-
We are here to help            threatening vulnerable                                         with creative ways to            essential fashion ac  ZKHOPHG       *RDOPD-
you thrive!                    lives and global health One of the most crip                 serve consumers in               cessory? No one knows  chine is here to help.
                               care systems. We’ve pling aspects about                        the times ahead.                 for sure. What is knownEmail saganspeaks@
A vast portion of the          become equal parts this period in history                                                                    
                                                                                                                               is that it will be okay.
world has been on              paranoid and vigilant is our fear of change.                   About 3 million world                                  for information on
                                                                                                                               St. Maarten isn’t just a
some form of lock             in our new facemasks We’ve gotten used to                      wide annual deaths                                      how you can get a free
                                                                                                                               UHVLOLHQW FRXQWU\ KX
down over the past             DQG GULHG RXW RYHU our routines and hab                   are correlated to pollu         mans are a resilient   coaching session from
month. The sudden              sanitized hands. We its, regardless of if                      tion and poor air qual          species. Like with any D FHUWL¿HG OLIH FRDFK
change in our lives has        stay weary of keep they were designed to                      ity. Since the great             major change, we will  Get clarity on how
been a lot to adjust           ing our distance, some steer us closer to our                  lockdown of 2020,                adapt. Some of us will you can start achiev-
to. People have lost           afraid to even bump goals or not. Just the                     some cities have seen            even thrive. It’s all aing goals through this
MREV    QRQHVVHQWLDO       elbows, while others thought of losing that                    up to a 60% reduction            matter of where you    challenging time and
businesses have re            have maybe gone a familiar consistency is                      of air pollution. There          point your attention.  be amongst the spe-
PDLQHGVWDJQDQWFKLO         little crazy with the Ly enough to build anxi                have been anecdotal                                     cial few who will come
dren are no longer in          sol.                      ety in some. But as                  UHSRUWV RI ZLOGOLIH UH       You have a choice. You out of this period
VFKRRO SDUHQWV KDYH                                  Tony Robbins famous                 emerging and thriving            can get bogged down thriving.
had to quickly develop         To make sense of it all, ly said, “By chang                   in areas where they              and entangled into a

                                                                         Mask on
                                         Looking for something more stylish?
 Whether you love them                                         facemasks are created equal put filters in. Leighloe car-
 or hate them, facemasks                                       – meaning they can be a bit ries a pleated style, which
 are now dominating so-                                        drab.                          is user-friendlier and easily
 ciety as one of the new                                                                      fits the faces of both men
 necessities. Along with                                       If you’re looking to solve and women. There is also a
 social distancing, face-                                      these problems, look no fur- separate size for children up
 masks help to minimise                                        ther! Local entrepreneurs to 12 years old. The fabrics
 the spread of Covid-19                                        are offering reusable masks used were already in stock.
 by creating a barrier be-                                     with different benefits,
 tween you and another                                         styles, colours and sizes. They are mainly African
 person.                                                       The Out n’ About will be Ankara and Kente prints or
                                                               scouring the internet and Batiks from Java, Surinam
 Many masks are for pre-                                       social media for more local Pangi, different Madras and
 cautionary      measures,                                     vendors selling masks and other cultural prints, which
 meaning they’re more                                          protective wear. This week, Leighloe originally spe-
 for everyday use by ordi-                                     we have “Kalaboom Cares” cialised in and used when
 nary people. But the ones                                     and “Leighloe” – both local making clothing for the
 that are currently for sale                                   entrepreneurs, both with customers. The price is $15
 are mainly for medical                                        great designs, each with per mask and people can
 use, and while they’re re-                                    their own flare.                contact Leighloe on What-
 quired, it would help if                                                                     sApp at +1 721 586-0424,
 the public left the medi-     have to dispose of them         Leighloe masks are made Facebook @Leighloe1 and
 cal masks for the wonder-     after every use, and that’s     with a double layer of fab- Instagram
 ful people who need them      not great for the environ-      ric; the front layer is cotton
 on the frontlines. Also,      ment since they’re ending       and the back is polyester. Kalaboom Cares has been
 medical masks are dispos-     up in the oceans. Another       There is an opening on top
 able, which means you will    thing to note is that not all   of the layers of the mask to               CONTINUED ON PG. 6
STAY HOPEFUL - The Daily Herald
6                                               OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD                                                   April 23, 2020 - April 29, 2020

                  Sugar and Spice
                                  In search of SXM’s hottest dessert
                                           ~ Apple Crumble ~
                                                                                                                                            By: Daniella De Windt

Fellow dessert lovers, unite! Call-        bake until the top is golden and the        Cinnamon
ing everyone with a sweet tooth to         fruit filling is soft and bubbling. For a    All-spice
this DIY edition of our island-wide        crunchier texture, you can add some         Granola/oats
hunt for St. Maarten’s best dessert!       granola, nuts or oats on top. Take out      Nuts
                                           of the oven and enjoy your social-dis-
This week’s Sugar and Spice takes          tancing-proof hug-in-a-bite.                Directions
us to what is undoubtedly the most                                                     1. Preheat oven to 350 °F.
popular food venue on the island at        Of course, the Out ‘n About is aware        2. Peel, core and slice the apples. You
the moment – The Kitchen. Open             that the current measures may affect         can leave (some of ) the apples unpeeled
24/7, The Kitchen’s convenient loca-       your access to certain ingredients.         for a more rustic effect. I like to leave
tion, casual dress code, and comfort-      Please know that these simple ingredi-      half of the apples unpeeled for a bit of
able ambiance make it the-place-to-        ents are pantry staples in our kitchen,     contrast, feel free to experiment!
be during these uncertain times. The       but we understand you might not be          3. Toss apples with two tablespoons
best part? The Kitchen even offers its      able to recreate recipes in your kitchen.   of sugar (and cinnamon/all spice) and
patrons some hands-on experience           Either way, we hope to bring you some       divide over the baking dish. Flatten the
in the food business, as you can ex-       sweet distraction and maybe some DIY        apples down a bit to prevent too much
periment with different recipes and         dessert inspiration.                        crumble from falling through.
create your own customised treats.                                                     4. Combine the flour, sugar and pinch
                                           However, if circumstances permit and        of salt in a large bowl.
Enter the Apple Crumble – an easy          you are willing to get a little creative    5. Slice the cold butter into cubes and
yet satisfying dessert fit for any kitch-   with whatever you might have in your        rub it into the flour mixture with your
en. Historically speaking, its limited     kitchen, this warm and soothing Apple       fingers until it resembles wet bread-
ingredients and easy preparation           Crumble might crumble some of that          crumbs.
ensure the ideal, comforting, sweet        COVID-19 anxiety. In my opinion, that       6. Pour the crumble mixture over the
treat when times are tough. Apple          is the best part of baking or cooking –     apples and even out with a fork or
Crumble became popular during              you can take a recipe as inspiration and    spoon. Be careful not to press too hard
WWII as food scarcity became a big         experiment with it in The Kitchen.          to keep the crumbly texture.
problem for English households, and                                                    7. Sprinkle the crumble with oats, gra-
elaborate desserts became a luxury         Apple Crumble                               nola, sugar and/or spices if you wish.
few could afford.                           4 big apples (I used Golden Delicious)      8. Bake in the oven for 30-45 minutes
                                           0.5 cup + 2 tablespoons sugar (I used       until the top is golden and the apples
This simple recipe requires a handful      brown, but any sugar should do the          feel soft. Allow to cool for a few min-
of ingredients, most of which you can      trick)                                      utes before serving your sweet and
probably find in just about any kitch-      1.5 cup plain flour                          homey treat with ice cream, custard,
en. Do not worry if you do not have        A pinch of salt                             cream or yoghurt.
any apples, you can make crumbles          120 gr cold butter
with most fruit. As a general rule, use                                                Stay safe and sweet out there!
any sliced fruit to fill up a baking pan,   Optional
top off with the crumble mixture and        Vanilla sugar

MASKS               CONTINUED FROM PG. 5
Kalaboom Cares has been on the front-         have plain colour masks, some for men,           sell the replacement hygienic filters.
lines delivering food to healthcare work-     some for women, some unisex and some             If you have and questions or delivery
ers and law enforcement officers on both        matching adult and children masks.               inquiries, contact them on Facebook
sides. This week, they came out with a                                                         @KalaboomEvents, Instagram @Kala-
line of masks for the general public. Of-     Kalaboom masks are also made with cloth          boomEvents, or WhatsApp @ +1 721
fering two styles and multiple sizes, the     materials and have a space to remove and         522 7841.
Kalaboom masks vary in colour. They           clean the filters between uses. They also
                                                                                               If you know of any local mask or pro-
                                                                                               tective-wear sellers, please contact the
                                                                                               Out n’ About using the email on the
                                                                                               second page.
STAY HOPEFUL - The Daily Herald
April 23, 2020 - April 29, 2020                              OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD                                    7

Finding the right balance           That’s a serious book                                        Makeshift grill
@serveyoga                          @suppaxxl                                                    @chvrl13

 Seen any aliens yet?                                                              Casual flex
                                      Trying something vegan                       @fitarabchick
 @riegmar                             @tkleighshot

     At home work station                                              Out of this world cake
     @chvrl13                                                          @chef_perez91                               Mask on
STAY HOPEFUL - The Daily Herald
8                                               OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD                                                         April 23, 2020 - April 29, 2020


    INTERNATIONAL                                  Isola                                          Courtyard Restaurant                           FRENCH RESTAURANT
                                                   D R CC $$$                                     B L CC $
    Cappuccino Restaurant                           Billy Folly Rd., #37                            Hendrik Street 6, Philipsburg St. Maarten    SOL E LUNA
    B L D CC $                                      (next to Hollywood Casion)                      next to Philipsburg Courthouse               B L D RCC $$$
     Welfare Rd. #83, Simpson Bay                   544-3872                                        542-2588 Fb: Courtyard SXM                     #61 Mont Vernon 1
     544-3331 (Open 24/7)                                                 Instagram: Courtyard_SXM - Free Wifi            +590 590 290 856
                                                                                                    Delivery available for Philipsburg area        open every lunch from Monday to Friday
    Rendez Vous Lounge                             Spaghetti House                                  Open Monday through Saturday 8am to 4pm        and in the evening from Monday to
    French/Italian Restaurant                      L D CC $                                                                                        Saturday closed on Sunday
    B L D CC $$                                     Jordan Village, Bldg D-1                      SEAFOOD
     Porto Cupe Coy                                 Cupecoy
     545-3070                                       586-2452                                      Courtside Café
                                                    (closed on Saturdays)                         Lobster House Restaurant & Bar
    Red Rooster’s Buffet & Lounge                                                                 L D R CC $$

    B L D $                                                                                         Port de Plaisance

     Airport Rd. #36, Simpson Bay                                                                   Cole Bay
     across from Banco di Caribe                                                                    550-8106

     556-0288 / 554-6751                           White Swan Bar & Restaurant

                                                                O                      L D $

                                                    Sr. Modesta Road #2                           THAI
    Topper’s Restaurant & Bar

                                                    Simpson Bay (Opp. La Palapa)
    B L D CC $$                                     (721) 545-2477                                Avantika

     Welfare Road, Simpson Bay                                                                    L D R CC $$
                                                   Foo Ho Chinese Restaurant                       Fresh Thai Cuisine & Lounge

     (next to Dolphin Casino)
     544-3500                                      L D CC $                                        Plaza Del Sol, 2nd Floor

                                                      A             E
                                                    Front Street, 2nd Floor 12-14F, Philipsburg    Simpson Bay

    Vesna Taverna                                   Tel: 542-1173                                  584-1444

                                                    S           I
    B L D CC $                                                                           

                                                  T           T
     Airport Road #15                                                                    

                                                N           O

                                              A           N
                                                   Jimbo’s                                        STEAKHOUSE

    BEACH RESTAURANT                               L D CC $$


                                                    Simpson Bay Marina

    Kali Beach Bar                                  544-3600                                      L D R $$

                                                                                                    Princess Port de Plaisance

    B L D R $$

     Friar’s Bay                                   Taco Macho                                       (next to Princess Casino)

                                     S            T
     011-590-690-49 06 81                          L D $                                            526-4049

                                   E            R
                                                    Beacon Hill, Alegria Resort           
    Buccaneer Beach Bar


    L D CC $$


      Kim Sha Beach

                             AL UNTIL
      526-7953                                     BREAKFAST/                        COFFEE HOUSE                                   La Bomba Bar & Restaurant
      Take out available                                                                          BLD $
                                                   Café Atlantico                                  Wellington Road #2, Cole Bay
    RAINBOW CAFÉ                                   B L $                                           520-3530
    B L D (Dinner only on Thu, Fri, Sat) R CC $$    Airport Rd. #51, Simpson Bay
      176 Boulevard De Grand Case, St Martin        545-2663
      +590 690 888 444
      (closed on Monday)                                                                          AMERICAN
                                                   INDIAN                                         Buffalo Wings
    LE TEMPS DES CERISES                           Shiv Shakti Restaurant                         L D $$
    B L D RCC $$$                                  L D R CC $                                       Paradise Mall, Welfare Rd. 69, Cole Bay
      158 Boulevard de Grand-Case                   17 Billy Folly Rd., Pelican                     556-7229
      +590 590 513 627                              (721) 544-2205 / (721) 581-9620
                                                    No AMEX                                       Rusty Rocket Rum & Reggae Saloon
                                                                                                  D R CC $
                                                    14 Front Street, Philipsburg                   Airport Road (across from airport)
    LEBANESE CUISINE                                543-2205 / 526-6266                            Simpson Bay
                                                    No AMEX                                        721-556-3300
    Beirut                                                                                         Open Wednesdays - Sundays from 5pm
    L D CC $
     RBC Building, Simpson Bay                     Khushi Restaurant
     (Across Mailbox)
                                                     C.A. Cannegieter Street #51, Philipsburg     ITALIAN SICILIAN
     Tel: 545-3612 (T) 522-9601 (C)
                                                    (Across from Nagico)
                                                    542-1214 (T) 527-0544 (C)                     Sale & Pepe Marina
                                                    No Credit Cards                               L D CC $
                                                                                                   Airport Road #40
    ITALIAN                                                                                        Simpson Bay
    La Rosa Too                                    LOCAL                                           527-5019                                       LEGEND
    D R CC $$$                                                                                                                                    B:    Breakfast
     Maho                                          The Palms                                                                                      L:    Lunch
     545-3470                                      L D R $$                                                                                       D:    Dinner
                                                    Airport Road #25, Simpson Bay                                                                 R:    Reservations suggested
                                                    (opposite Palapa)
                                                    554-2375                                                                                      CC:   All major Credit Cards acccepted

                                                                                                                                                   Average cost is based on appetizer,
For a listing on this page call:                                                                                                                       main course and dessert.
FRENCH SIDE: Aurelie +1-590-690-384118 | +1-721-542-5253 Ext. 238 |                               Where to Dine Rates
                                                                                                                                                  $:      Less than US$20 pp.pp
E-mail:                                                                 Listing $180 per year
                                                                                          Listing Highlighted $260.00 per year                    $$:     between US$20 - US$30 pp.pp
DUTCH SIDE: Cecilia at +1-721-587-3805 or +1-721-542-5253 Ext. 224                     Listing highlighted w/ border $300 per year                $$$:    between US$30 - US$40 p.p
For all other inquiries email:                                                                                              $$$$:   over US$40 p.p
STAY HOPEFUL - The Daily Herald STAY HOPEFUL - The Daily Herald
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