Volume 1 - The Academy PR

Page created by Lester Parker
Volume 1 - The Academy PR
Volume 1
Volume 1 - The Academy PR
Volume 1 - The Academy PR

                         The Academy is a PR agency founded by
                      Mitch Kaye and Dan Glover with a mission to
                   bring the brightest minds together to create work
 CREATIVITY          that gets noticed, solves a problem and passes
                       into popular culture. Its founding pillars are
                    Intelligent Thinking, Applied Creativity, Quality
                     Production and Connected to the Right People.
                       Each pillar is treated with equal importance
   Quality         meaning the agency is as obsessive with business
                        impact as it is creative accolades. Its work
                      encompasses PR and advertising, design and
                           identity, digital and live experiences.

Connected to the

Volume 1 - The Academy PR
8                                   40
Double Hundred Dozen                Chasing Payments
Krispy Kreme                        Xero

10                                  42
The Big Call                        Slow Time
Telefónica                          Leffe

12                                  44
Small Business Saturday             Harry Potter and the Child Speed Reader
American Express                    Amazon

16                                  46
The Art of Life Insurance           Pooh the Philosopher
Beagle Street                       Disney

18                                  48
It’s A Fabulous World               Official Eating Officer
The Fabulous Bakers                 Weight Watchers

20                                  50
Poppy Appeal                        Princess Principles
The Royal British Legion            Disney

24                                  54
The Slap Heard Around the World     A New Night Before Christmas
WWE                                 Amazon

26                                  56
National Moments for Smart Meters   Wipeable Onesie
Smart Energy GB                     Domino’s

30                                  58
Migration Week                      Yes
Goose Island                        Weight Watchers

32                                  60
Feed Different                      American Gods
Tails.com                           Amazon

34                                  62
Count Them In                       Nice Cream Van
The Royal British Legion            intu

38                                  64
Morrisons Makes It                  There’s A Pizza For That
Morrisons                           Domino’s

Volume 1 - The Academy PR
Title                  Sometimes big is best so        The campaign generated
Double Hundred Dozen
                       The Academy supersized the      over 100 pieces of coverage
Krispy Kreme           iconic Krispy Kreme Double      and thousands of branded
Sector                 Dozen box to launch the         social media mentions
B2B, FMCG              doughnut brand’s Occasions      reaching more than 28 million
Discipline             big orders offering. The        people. Traffic to the website
PR, Digital
                       Double Hundred Dozen,           grew by more than 500
                       a huge Krispy Kreme box         per cent and Krispy Kreme
                       measuring 12ft by 3ft and       smashed its sales targets.
                       packing 2,400 doughnuts,
                       could be won by companies
                       generating the most
                       support on social media
                       using #KKOccasions.

                                 A SIMPLE IDEA,
                                            PR Week Awards judge

Volume 1 - The Academy PR
Title                      Telefónica launched the           The film, viewed more than
The Big Call
                           everreach virtual phone           127,000 times on YouTube
Telefónica                 service to help small business    and over 100,000 times on
Sector                     owners who run their              Facebook, increased traffic
B2B, Technology            companies through mobile          to the everreach website by
Discipline                 phones look and sound             45 per cent and led to a 61
PR, Advertising, Digital
                           professional. Using the classic   per cent increase in customer
                           PR technique of storytelling,     sign-ups compared with
                           The Academy commissioned          the previous six months.
                           an award-winning filmmaker
                           to make The Big Call, a
                           documentary featuring                                                A GREAT INSIGHT ON
                           three entrepreneurs talking
                           about the phone call that                                         ENTREPRENEURS, BROUGHT
                           changed their business life.
                                                                                               TO LIFE BRILLIANTLY BY
                                                                                                   A GREAT TEAM
                                                                                                      PR Week Awards judge

                                                                                                                             10 — 11
Volume 1 - The Academy PR
American Express introduced      BAFTA-winning filmmaker         Title
                                                                 Small Business Saturday
Small Business Saturday to       Heidi Greensmith released
the UK, a new shopping day       Saturday, a film documenting    American Express
where people show their          a typical Saturday for three    Sector
support for local businesses     small businesses, Sir Peter     Finance
by shopping small. To create a   Blake designed a poster         Discipline
                                                                 PR, Digital
genuine shopping movement        celebrating high-street
The Academy defined the          shopkeepers, and model Daisy
role of American Express as      Lowe swapped big shops for
encouraging as many local        small to promote the day.
authorities, merchants and
shoppers to ‘Get Involved’.      The campaign got 20 per
                                 cent more people shopping
                                 small than the previous year,
                                 spending over £500m in local
                                 businesses in the process.

                                                                                           12 — 13
Volume 1 - The Academy PR

                              14 — 15
    Sir Peter Blake, artist
Volume 1 - The Academy PR
Beagle Street is a new online   artists to create colourful life
                                                                                                  BY TURNING
The Art of Life Insurance
                            entry into a traditionally-     insurance policies that people

                                                                                                 OUR POLICIES
Beagle Street               conservative life insurance     could hang on their walls as
                            market. To build consumer       art, and therefore never lose.

                                                                                               INTO WORKS OF
Finance                     trust and demonstrate Beagle    The initiative continues to
                            Street’s commitment to          generate headlines and

                                                                                                 ART TO HANG
PR, Digital
                            paying out, The Academy         new customers.

                                                                                                  ON A WALL,
                            commissioned leading

                                                                                                WE’RE MAKING
                                                                                                IT REALLY EASY
                                                                                                FOR PEOPLE TO
                                                                                                FIND THEIR LIFE
                                                                                                   POLICY IF
                                                                                                 Matthew Gledhill, managing director Beagle Street

                                                                                                                                                     16 — 17
Volume 1 - The Academy PR
                                                                                               CLOSELY AT HOW
                                                                                             NATURAL INGREDIENTS
                                                                                              GROW, YOU REALLY
Title                        The Academy did the identity,    celebrated fabulous facts       DO APPRECIATE JUST
                                                                                              HOW FABULOUS THE
It’s A Fabulous World
                             packaging, advertising and       such as pineapples being
                             PR for bakery brand The          200 flowers that are fused

                                                                                              NATURAL WORLD IS
The Fabulous Bakers
Sector                       Fabulous Bakers. The strategy    together, cranberries aren’t
FMCG                         was to shine the spotlight       picked they’re flooded in a
Discipline                   on the ‘Fabulous World’ of       lake, and bees find the best         Victoria Willis, The Fabulous Bakers
PR, Advertising, Identity,
                             its all-natural ingredients to   food by dancing. The work
Digital, Design
                             communicate its nutrition        led to a spike in consumer
                             credentials. An animated         awareness and trade listings
                             cinema and online spot           in all the supermarkets.

                                                                                                                                          18 — 19
Title                          The Royal British Legion         To reach a younger audience
Poppy Appeal
                               is more known for being          eleven celebrities including
The Royal British Legion       the national custodian of        Cheryl, Rita Ora and Olly Murs
Sector                         Remembrance than its             starred in #MyPoppy, a social
Not-For-Profit                 care for our Armed Forces.       media campaign encouraging
Discipline                     To change perceptions            people to hold a Poppy to their
PR, Digital, Live Experience
                               The Academy created the          lips on Armistice Day. Each
                               charity’s first Poppy Parade     celebrity told a story behind
                               where 30 modern veterans         the Poppy in order to educate
                               and their families carried       their fans and followers about
                               the first Poppy of the year’s    the work of the Legion.
                               appeal from The Royal British
                               Legion’s HQ through central      The campaign generated
                               London to the Prime Minister     over 1,000 pieces of coverage
                               at 10 Downing Street. The        including national print front
                               Parade served as a moving        pages, rolling TV and radio
                               demonstration of the different   exposure, and a social reach of
                               people who benefit from          over 228 million impressions.
                               Poppy Appeal donations.          A record £43 million was
                                                                raised during the two-week
                                                                period of The Royal British
                                                                Legion’s Poppy Appeal.

                                                                                                  20 — 21
       Mark Stonelake, 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery veteran

                                                                      22 — 23
Title                   The Academy converted
The Slap Heard
                        football fans into WWE fans
Around The World
                        by bringing two of the biggest
WWE                     stars together in an epic face-
Sector                  off. Wrestler Wade Barrett
Entertainment & Sport   challenged Wayne Rooney
                        to a fight, and the footballer
PR, Digital
                        responded by landing a slap.
                        The action generated front-
                        page headlines and became
                        a worldwide trending topic
                        on social media.

                                                          24 — 25
Smart Energy GB is                instruments made entirely        Title
                                                                   National Moments
responsible for raising           from old gas and electricity
                                                                   for Smart Meters
awareness of the rollout          meters, Poet Laureate            Client
of smart meters in every          Carol Ann Duffy wrote and        Smart Energy GB
household by 2020. The            released an Ode to Meters,       Sector

Academy developed a               and Sir Peter Blake produced     Not-For-Profit
strategy to elevate a technical   a piece of art called The
                                                                   PR, Digital
upgrade into a programme          Arrival of the Smart Meters.
of national importance by
tapping into the Arts to          Over 800 pieces of coverage
create moments of cultural        meant that one in five people
and historical importance.        recalled the campaign and
The Royal Philharmonic            33 per cent went on to request
Orchestra performed a             a smart meter.
Requiem to Meters on

                                                                                      26 — 27
Meters by Carol Ann Duffy

     Found by torchlight fingering gloom                       Quarterly bills and a meter reading
     inside the cupboard under the stairs                  by the man from the Gas, Electricity Board,

      or in the hall, clamped to the wall;                     polite, peak-capped, alert for dogs,
       in kitchen, garage, utility-room,                       checking the digits under the disc,

     in bedsit, bungalow, semi-detached,                         the whirring wheel, the soft tick
       tenement, high-rise, council flat,                   of monitored moments skyping, googling,

     The Rochdale Electric, K. & J. White,                   downloading, scanning, Facebooking;
     Ferranti, James and Graham & Co.,                        out at sea the wind-farms churning

   measuring energy, consumed and used                            air into profit, the salty breeze
     by gas-oven, wireless, 2-bar fire,                          powering the big flatscreen TVs,
     40-watt lightbulb, 13-amp fuse...                      the underfloor heating, costs mounting...

for the whumf of the flame on the water-heater               the kilowatt hours burning, turning,
    it was shillings or florins into the meter.            meters, like monks in their cells, counting.

       Shillings or florins into the meter                  Like monks in cells, the meters, counting
    in London, Liverpool, Llanystumdwy,                     well-thumbed, numbered days and nights

      Perth, Prestatyn, Prestwich, Poole,                       beneath the energy-saving lights
   for the weekly bath, the hard-boiled egg,              as though murmuring prayers, clicking beads

     too near the fire, the corned-beef leg,                  to the switching On and Off of needs;
 the gramophone, the Christmas Tree lights,                    each private, domestic revolution

   the pan on the cooker simmering tripe,                    circling the time of its own extinction
       Hoover, kettle, twin-tub, lamp,                     when mechanical meters, old Latin tomes,

      sheets, shirts, steaming, damp                         stand behind glass in hushed museums,
       under the iron, the television                             gun-metal grey, silvery, black,
    newly-installed for the Coronation...                       from household gods to artefacts...

     then the luxury of central heating                        while digital, internet meters glean
   and quarterly bills and a meter reading.                  that History’s bill to the Future’s green.

                                                               History’s bill to the Future’s green...

                                                                                                          28 — 29
Title                       The Academy introduced           a Chicago-themed music
Migration Week
                            Chicago craft beer, Goose        festival in London. 312 Day,
Goose Island                Island, to the UK with           named after the district
Sector                      Migration Week, a series of      Goose Island is brewed
FMCG                        events designed to open up       in, saw 5,000 revellers
Discipline                  the beer to media, influencers   celebrate its arrival. A further
PR, Advertising, Digital,
                            and beer drinkers. Intimate      million beer fans joined
Live Experience
                            tasting events with Goose        the event via an innovative
                            Island founders and beer-        360 VR digital experience
                            meisters were followed by        broadcast on Facebook.

                                                                                                30 — 31
Feed Different
PR, Advertising, Digital

                                             Feed Different by tails.com

                                              Here’s to the crazy ones.
                                                    The misfits.
                                                    The rebels.
Tails.com is tailor-made dog                   The troublemakers.
food, hand-blended based on            The round pegs in the square holes.
an individual dog’s nutritional        The ones who see things differently.
needs, delivered to your home           They’re not fond of one size fits all.
for free. Based on the idea         And they have no respect for the status quo.
that “Every dog is different         You can walk them, try and train them,
so its food should be too”,                    glorify or vilify them.
The Academy created Feed          About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.
Different, an affectionate                 Because they change things.
pastiche of the iconic Apple               They push dog-kind forward.
advert, but replacing humans      And while some may see them as the crazy ones,
with dogs. The film is narrated                 we see happy ones.
by Sir Michael Gambon and            Because the dogs who are crazy enough
features 20 different dogs.            to think they can change our world,
                                               are the ones who do.

                                                                                      32 — 33
Count Them In
The Royal British Legion
PR, Digital

To launch The Royal British     Over a third of MPs and
Legion’s campaign to better     100 local authorities have
account for the Armed           pledged their support to
Forces and their families,      add extra questions to the
The Academy painted             new Census in 2021, which
four veterans into their        will help The Royal British
surroundings to highlight how   Legion identify people who
they are invisible amongst      could benefit from its care.
the general population
in the current Census.

                                                               34 — 35
         Hilary Benn, MP

                           36 — 37
Title                          Customer listening projects      baking trends stimulated
Morrisons Makes It
                               determined exactly what          by TV shows, running in-
Morrisons                      Morrisons shoppers wanted        store carving workshops for
Sector                         from their supermarket: fresh,   pumpkin-pressured parents at
Retail                         quality food at low prices,      Halloween, giving away over
Discipline                     and friendly, knowledgeable      one million wonky carrots for
PR, Digital, Live Experience
                               staff serving them. The idea     Rudolph at Christmas, and
                                of “Foodmakers and              celebrating the spirit of Easter
                               Shopkeepers With Heart”          by encouraging customers
                               was born, which is true to       to be a Good Samari-Bun
                                the supermarket’s ability to    and share a fresh Hot Cross
                               control its own supply chain     Bun with a stranger.
                               through making its own food.
                               PR campaigns and tactics are     Over 1,200 pieces of coverage
                               designed to demonstrate its      and thousands of film views
                               Foodmaker and Shopkeeper         have resulted in a million
                               credentials. These include       more weekly shoppers
                               appointing a Great British       visiting Morrisons.
                               Bake Officer to comment on

                                                                                                   38 — 39
Chasing Payments by Xero

                                                                                            It’s that time of the day,              Should I give up or should I just keep
                                                                                     That time that I’ve been dreading.                      chasing payments
                                                                                           Look to see who has paid,                      Even if it leads nowhere.
                                                                                    But I don’t need to look because I know       It seems simple to explain, I’ve done the
                                                                                     No-one will have paid me again, no!                   work I should get paid,
                                                                                                                                         But none of you could care.
                                                                                               I pick up the phone                   Should I give up or should I keep on
                                                                                            To hear the same excuses,                        chasing payments
                                                                                    “Sorry, Dave’s not answering his phone”               Even if it leads nowhere.
                                                                                     I’m not surprised he’s chuffing useless.
                                                                                       Will someone PLEASE pay me soon.                What miracle would it take
                                                                                                                                       To pay me on the due date.
                                                                                      Should I give up or should I keep on               Doesn’t that seem fair?
                                                                                               chasing payments                              Do you even care??
                                                                                            Even if it leads nowhere.           Or should I just keep on chasing payments.
                                                                                     If everybody paid, on the date they’re         Everyday spent chasing payments.
                                                                                                supposed to pay,
                                                                                            I would have more hair.                 Should I give up or should I keep on
                                                                                      Should I give up or should I keep on                   chasing payments
                                                                                               chasing payments                           Even if it leads nowhere.
                                                                                            Even if it leads nowhere.               If everybody paid, on the date their
                                                                                                                                              supposed to pay,
                                                                                                 I bill you again.                        I would have more hair.
                                                                                           We just go around in circles.            Should I give up or should I keep on
                                                                                          Cash flow looks tragic again,                      chasing payments
                                                                                       I’ll soon be calling Angela Merkel                 Even if it leads nowhere.
                                                                                       To bail me out of this hole again.

Title              Xero is the leading cloud-      campaign channeling one of
Chasing Payments
                   based software company          the world’s biggest pop stars,
Xero               on a mission to help small      Adele. Her hit song Chasing
Sector             businesses thrive with the      Pavements was re-written
B2B, Finance       help of beautiful accounting.   as Chasing Payments and
Discipline         Late payments cripple small     released as a music video that
PR, Digital
                   businesses both in terms        small business owners
                   of time spent following up      could send to late payers.
                   on invoices and the impact      It generated over 100 pieces
                   missed deadlines have on        of coverage reaching over 48
                   cash flow management. The       million people and continues
                   Academy tackled this head-      to help small businesses

                                                                                                                                                                              40 — 41
                   on with a tongue-in-cheek       chase payments.
Title                       Leffe is the original Abbey        images light years away,
Slow Time
                            beer worth taking your             charcuterist Adrienne E
Leffe                       time over. Slow Time is a          Treeby uses time to flavour
Sector                      documentary by BAFTA-              her food, artist Susan Durgess
                            nominated Gary Tarn                exposes pictures using

Discipline                  featuring five artists who also    moonlight, and animators
PR, Advertising, Digital,

                                                                                                AND DIFFERENT
                            have a unique appreciation         The Quay Twins painstakingly
Live Experience
                            of time in their craft. Sculptor   produce stop-motion films
                            Willard Wigan slows his            as 25 frames a second. The
                            breathing to create unique         branded documentary was            Digital Cinema Media Awards judge
                            micro artworks between             screened in Picturehouse
                            heartbeats, astrophotographer      cinemas across the UK.
                            Pete Lawrence captures

                                                                                                                                      42 — 43
Title                  Child speed reader Toby
Harry Potter and the
                       L’Estrange was recruited to
Child Speed Reader
                       speed-read the new Harry
Amazon                 Potter and the Cursed Child
Sector                 Parts I & II, and submit the
Retail, Technology     first review on Amazon.
                       The campaign demonstrated
PR, Digital
                       the immediate delivery
                       of books to Kindle with
                       Toby becoming a media
                       sensation in the process.

                                                      44 — 45
Title                          The Academy celebrated          Africa where people could
Pooh the Philosopher
                               the 90th anniversary of         sit down next to a talking
Disney                         everyone’s favourite bear,      Pooh bear who dispensed
Sector                         Winnie-the-Pooh, by             philosophical Poohisms such
Retail                         positioning him as a modern-    as “If the string breaks, try
Discipline                     day philosopher who is more     another piece of string” and
PR, Digital, Live Experience
                               influential than Plato. Park    “It isn’t much good having
                               benches were installed across   anything exciting, if you can’t
                               Europe, Middle East and         share it with somebody.”

                                                                                                 46 — 47
Title                    No food is off limits on Weight
Offical Eating Officer
                         Watchers so The Academy
Weight Watchers          recruited an Official Eating
Sector                   Officer to eat their way around
FMCG                     the UK’s restaurants and
Discipline               show that it is possible to
PR, Digital
                         eat out, but still lose weight.
                         Over 500 people applied for
                         the role with blogger Sophie
                         Hardy landing the dream job.

                                                           48 — 49
Title                 Disney Princess is the           The Princess Principles were
Princess Principles
                      biggest girls franchise in the   turned into posters by three
Disney                world. The Academy worked        of the UK’s leading female
Sector                with thousands of parents,       artists, Rose Blake, Kate
Retail                influencers and children to      Moross and Kate Forrester,
Discipline            develop and deliver its first    and released for free in
PR, Digital
                      set of Princess Principles,      Disney Stores across the UK.
                      a set of character traits that
                      define what it actually means
                      to be a Disney Princess –
                      and there wasn’t a tiara
                      or glass slipper in sight.

                                                                                      50 — 51
            Judy Reith, parenting expert

                                           52 — 53
Title                          In an effort to get aspiring   was won by mum-of-two
A New Night Before Christmas
                               authors writing on             Lucy Banks for her story
Amazon                         Amazon’s Kindle Direct         about a slug named Sol and
Sector                         Publishing, The Academy        his Christmas Eve adventures.
Retail, Technology             launched a nationwide          The book was released direct
Discipline                     search to a find a new A       to millions of Kindles making
PR, Advertising, Digital
                               Night Before Christmas         it an instant Christmas hit
                               tale. Over 1,000 previously    and launching Lucy’s career
                               unpublished authors entered    as a published author.
                               the competition, which

                                                                                              54 — 55
For many young adults           The campaign generated        Title
                                                              Wipeable Onesie
New Year’s Day is a day         over 100 pieces of
for sitting around with a       coverage, trended on social   Domino’s
pizza and a boxset. The         media, and helped sell        Sector
Academy produced the            50,000 more pizzas.           FMCG
world’s first wipeable onesie                                 Discipline
                                                              PR, Digital
so hungover Domino’s fans
can enjoy their pizza without
worrying about spills.

                                                                                56 — 57
Title                      The Academy wrote,
                           produced and directed Yes,
Weight Watchers            a short film of four individuals
Sector                     who said “yes” to Weight
FMCG                       Watchers and transformed
Discipline                 their lives accordingly. The
PR, Advertising, Digital
                           hard-hitting film was named
                           Adweek’s Ad of the Day.

                                                              58 — 59
Title                          Neil Gaiman’s American
American Gods
                               Gods is one of Amazon Prime
Amazon                         Video’s biggest shows. The
Sector                         Academy launched it with
Retail, Entertainment          an immersive European
Discipline                     premiere including
PR, Digital, Live Experience
                               painstakingly re-creating
                               the infamous Crocodile Bar,
                               a world-class preview and
                               review programme, and a
                               unique horizontal screening
                               of American Gods to the Gods.

                                                               60 — 61
intu owns some of the largest    smallest ice cream van, which    Title
                                                                  Nice Cream Van
and most popular shopping        gave away free ice creams to
centres in the UK including      visitors. The van measured       intu
intu Lakeside and intu           just 37 inches high and 47       Sector
Trafford Centre. Its mission     inches long, but delivered big   Retail
is to make happier shoppers.     coverage across broadcast,       Discipline
                                                                  PR, Digital, Live Experience
The Academy raised shopper       print and online media.
smiles by creating the world’s

                                                                                                 62 — 63
There’s A Pizza For That
PR, Digital, Design

Pizza is the most popular food   designed, produced and
in the world, and Domino’s       delivered a set of gift cards
is the most popular pizza        for 20 occasions including
in the world, so it stands to    birthdays, weddings and
reason that Domino’s is “the     break-ups. The cards for
official food of everything”.    every occasion are proving
To demonstrate its new brand     to be a huge hit with pizza
positioning, The Academy         fans across the country.

                                                                 64 — 65
If you would like to be part of The Academy
     contact us on 020 7100 7100 or at

                 Find us at



The Academy is a PR agency founded by
   Mitch Kaye and Dan Glover with a mission to
bring the brightest minds together to create work
  that gets noticed, solves a problem and passes
    into popular culture. Its founding pillars are
 Intelligent Thinking, Applied Creativity, Quality
  Production and Connected to the Right People.
    Each pillar is treated with equal importance
meaning the agency is as obsessive with business
     impact as it is creative accolades. Its work
   encompasses PR and advertising, design and
        identity, digital and live experiences.

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