Diet composition, guild structure and trophic relationships of wintering birds of prey in an estuarine wetland The Evros Delta National Park ...

Page created by Eugene Perkins
Ecologica Montenegrina 39: 15-29 (2021)
                                      This journal is available online at:

     Diet composition, guild structure and trophic relationships of
    wintering birds of prey in an estuarine wetland (The Evros Delta
                         National Park, Greece)

                                            4 Zaliki str., 115 24 Athens, Greece
        Department of Zoology, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece.
                                 * Corresponding author. E-mail:

        Received 21 November 2020 │ Accepted by V. Pešić: 11 January 2021 │ Published online 14 January 2021.

Seven species of birds of prey studied in the Evros Delta National Park belong to a common assemblage of a trophic
guild. However, their diet study revealed different groups of feeding niches. A cluster analysis provided three groups
with very similar diets: The eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) and greater spotted eagle (Clanga clanga)
constituted a group feeding mainly on birds with their diets including 96% (13 bird species) and 98% (16 bird species),
by number respectively, most bird prey being water birds. A second group, characterized by a considerable variety of
prey types dominated by small mammals and birds, included the western marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) (67%
mammals, 27% birds -at least 12 species ), black kite (Milvus migrans) (46% mammals, 39% birds -at least 11 species)
and common buzzard (Buteo buteo) (birds 36% -at least 7 species, mammals 22%). In all three species, birds
dominated by biomass, whereas other prey such as arthropods (mainly insects), amphibians and reptiles had a low
contribution by mass where they occurred. A third group included the common barn owl (Tyto alba), feeding mainly on
small mammals (97%, at least 12 species) and little owl (Athene noctua). The little owl’s diet consisted of mammals
(29%, -at least 6 species), birds (5% -at least 7 species) and, though insects preponderated by number (64%), mammals
were dominant by biomass in both owls. Diversity indices estimated on class level were low, ranked as B. buteo > M.
migrans > A. noctua > C. aeruginosus > A. heliaca = T. alba > A. clanga. Dietary similarities may be partly due to
common habitat preferences and the role of other potential factors to niche partitioning is discussed.

Key words: pellets, Aquila, Clanga, Circus, Milvus, Buteo, Tyto, Athene, feeding habits, trophic guild.


In the natural world, a species ecological "role" within habitat, microhabitat, or range of suitable
environmental conditions is considered as a “niche” (Ricklefs 2010), where closely related species likely to
compete for ecological resources (Wiens et al. 2005). Species similar tolerances of environmental conditions
might lead to closer association when viewed at broader environmental scales (Cavender-Bares et al. 2009;
Ricklefs 2010). Thus, species can be grouped according to the manner in which they exploit a common

Ecologica Montenegrina, 39, 2021, 15-29

resource, providing a manageable, functional unit forming the “guild” for studying patterns of adaptation and
the organization of natural communities (Root 2001). When a guild includes species of the same taxonomic
assemblages, it is usually considered as an “assemblage guild” (Jaksić 1981). The identification and analysis
of ecological guilds have been fundamental to understand the processes that determine the structure and
organization of communities.
        The feeding habits of seven species of wintering birds of prey forming a trophic guild were
investigated within the framework of a conservation project in the Evros Delta, in northeastern Greece. The
aims were a) to provide information on the diet of these conservation-needing species as, at least some of
which have been little studied in the eastern Mediterranean, and b) to clarify the trophic relationships of the
raptors’ within their trophic guild in the area.

Study area and methods
                       ₒ           ₒ
The Evros Delta (40 84’ N, 26 07’ E), is the easternmost Greek wetland designated under the Ramsar
convention and also as a National Park. Additionally it is an Important Bird Area and a Special Protection
Area in the EU Natura 2000 network (HOS 2009). The study area includes a great variety of habitats, such as
extensive saltmarshes and salt flats, sand dunes and sandy islets, mudflats, lagoons, reedbeds, tamarisk and
riparian forest, permanent and temporary freshwater marshes and extensive cultivations (Babalonas 1979).
The area is famous for its wintering raptors, as well as for the large populations of water birds (Handrinos et
al. 2015).
         This study was based on pellet analysis collected opportunistically from roosting sites of seven
species in the winter months (September to February) from 2001 to 2005. Pellet collection locations of
eastern imperial eagles (Aquila heliaca) and greater spotted eagles (Clanga clanga) were a pinewood
communal roost, of black kites (Milvus migrans) and marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus), a riparian forest
communal roost and a reed bed respectively, of common buzzards (Buteo buteo) individual tree roosts and of
barn owl (Tyto alba) and little owl (Athene noctua) abandoned buildings. Pellets were collected at relatively
random dates for most species. At the eagle roosts, at least 40 greater spotted eagle and 4 imperial eagles
were counted. The roosts of the black kites and marsh harriers were used by up to 60 and 70 birds,
respectively. Pellet analysis may not reflect the actual number of prey items taken, but are a good estimate
of the relative frequencies of prey types for comparative purposes (Steenhof & Kochert 1988).
         The pellets were analyzed using reference books (Mammals, Lawrence & Brown 1973; Chaline
1974. Birds, Brown et al. 1987. Reptiles, Arnold & Burton 1980. Insects, Chinery 1981). Mean weight of
each prey taxon was taken from the literature, (Mammals, Macdonald & Barrett 1993. Birds, Perrins 1987.
Reptiles, Helmer & Scholte 1985). Statistical analyses were performed with Statistica 12. The trophic
diversity of prey was estimated on a class level by using the antilog of the Shannon-Weiner index (Shannon
& Weaver 1963), while an evenness index was calculated (according to Simpson 1949) in order to
standardize the trophic diversity for comparisons among species. Also, a Pianka’s index was calculated, in
order to study the diet overlap of the species (Pianka 1974). A manner of determining the trophic guilds and
assign species to them is to perform a cluster analysis to classify species according to their similarities in
feeding patterns (González -Salazar et al. 2014).Thus, to compare the prey differentiation among species,
cluster analysis based on the biomass proportions of all prey classes was performed. For these analyses, the
Primer 5.1.2 software was used with Bray-Curtis similarity as distance measure and group mean as linkage


The eastern imperial eagles were feeding mainly on birds (c. 96% by numbers and c. 100% by biomass,
including at least 13 bird species), the rest being small mammals (4% and < 1% respectively) (Table 1). The
main prey species (hereafter those accounting for ≥ 10% by biomass) were mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
(27%), white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons) (21%), widgeon (Mareca penelope) (19%), and swan (Cygnus
sp.) (13%).
        The greater spotted eagle also overwhelmingly took birds (c. 98% by numbers and nearly 100% by
biomass involving at least 16 bird species), the rest being small mammals (2%) (Table 1). The main prey
species were widgeon (37%), white-fronted goose (12%) and mallard (10%).


                   Table 1. Winter diet of the eagles in the Evros Delta (ranked taxonomically).

                                          Aquila heliaca                      Clanga clanga

            Prey                   Nr     % Nr       % biomass        Nr        % Nr       % biomass
            AVES                   54     96.4         99.7           236       97.9         99.7
            Egretta alba           1       1.8          2.1            1         0.4          0.3
            Cygnus sp.             1       1.8         12.5            −          −            −
            Anser albifrons        6      10.7         21.4            9         3.8         12.3
            Tadorna tadorna        3       5.4          6.4            9         3.8          7.4
            platyrhynchos          15      26.8         26.7           14       5.9           9.6
            Anas acuta             2       3.6           3.2            7       2.9           4.3
            Anas crecca            2       3.6           1.1           40       16.7          8.2
            Mareca penelope        13      23.2         18.5           67        28           36.6
            querquedula            −        −             −             3        1.3           0.7
            Spatula clypeata       1       1.8           1.1            7        2.9           2.9
            Anatidae indet.        3       5.4           2.7           21        8.8           7.2
            chloropus              2       3.6           1.1            9        3.8           1.8
            Fulica atra            2       3.6           2.5           12         5            5.7
            Vanellus vanellus      −        −             −             3        1.3           0.4
            Larus michahellis      −        −             −             1        0.4           0.8
            Larus spp.             −        −             −             2        0.8           0.4
            Sturnus vulgaris       2       3.6           0.2            7        2.9           0.3
            Turdus merula          −        −             −             2        0.8           0.2
            Pica pica              1       1.8           0.4            −         −             −
            Corvus corone          −        −             −             1        0.4           0.3
            Aves indet.            −        −             −             9        2.1           0.3
            MAMMALIA               2       3.6           0.3            6        2.1           0.3
            amphibius              1       1.8           0.2           −          −             −
            Microtus levis         1       1.8          < 0.1          2         0.4          < 0.1
            Rodentia indet.         −       −             −            3         1.3          < 0.1
            Mammalia indet.         −       −             −            1         0.4           0.2
            Total                  56       −             −           242         −             −

         There was a significant difference between the two eagles in their main prey types (grouped as, large
waterfowl Anserinae, small waterfowl Anatinae, other water birds and others) (χ2 = 8.224, P < 0.05), with the
eastern imperial eagle taking relatively more large waterfowl than the greater spotted eagle.
         Western marsh harrier data were taken from Alivizatos et al. (2011) for comparison, based on 141
prey items (Table 2). In brief, by numbers its diet was 67% mammals, 27% birds and 6% insects. However,
in terms of biomass, the birds (involving at least 12 species) made up 63% of the prey, with the main species
being teal (Anas crecca) (18%), moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) and black-headed gull (Chroicocephalus
ridibundus) (both 12%). Small mammals made up 37% of the prey biomass, mainly sibling voles (Microtus
levis, 31%).

Ecologica Montenegrina, 39, 2021, 15-29                                                                    17

Table 2. Winter diet of the medium-sized raptors in the Evros Delta.

                         Circus aeruginosus               Milvus migrans               Buteo buteo

                                                                 %                                      %
Prey                       Nr     % Nr     % biomass     Nr      Nr        % biomass   Nr     % Nr   biomass
CHILOPODA                   ̶       −          −          −        −          −         1      0.8     < 0.1
INSECTA                     8      5.7        0.2        23      13.4        0.4       45     35.7      1.3
AMPHIBIA                    −       −          −          −        −          −         1      0.8      0.6
REPTILIA                    −       −          −          4       2.3        2.6        6      4.8      5.2
AVES                       39     26.9       62.6        66      38.8       61.9       45     35.7     80.4
Anas crecca                 3      2.1       17.7         1       0.6        2.9        −       −        −
Gallus gallus (pull.)       −       −          −          5       2.9        9.6        −       −        −
roseus (carrion)           −        −          −           −       −         −          1      0.8     4.2
Rallus aquaticus           1       0.7         2           1      0.6        1          1      0.8     2.1
Gallinula chloropus        2       1.4        11.8         6      3.5       14.4        1      0.8     5.2
indet.                     −        −           −          1      0.6         1         −       −       −
ridibundus                  2      1.4        11.8         −        −         −         −      −        −
Streptopelia decaocto       −       −           −          1       0.6       1.7        −      −        −
Alcedo athis                1      0.7         0.8         −        −         −         −      −        −
Galerida cristata           6      4.3         4.7         2       1.2       0.8        1     0.8      0.8
Erithacus rubecula          3      2.1         0.9         1       0.6       0.1        −      −        −
Turdus merula               −       −           −          1       0.6       0.8       13     10.3    21.6
Sturnus vulgaris            3      2.1         4.1        28      16.5      18.9        8     6.3     11.7
Pica pica                   −       −           −          −        −         −         3     2.4     11.2
Passer spp.                 3      2.1         1.3         1       0.6       0.2        1     0.8      0.5
Fringilla coelebs           1      0.7         0.4         1       0.6       0.2        −      −        −
Emberiza schoeniclus        6      4.3          3          9       5.3       2.6        −      −        −
Passeriformes indet.        7       5          4.1         8       4.7       7.7        7     5.6      4.4
Aves indet.                 −       −           −          1       0.6       0.1        9     7.1     18.7
MAMMALIA                   94     66.7        36.6        77      45.5      36.6       28     22.2     13
Neomys anomalus             −       −           −          4       2.4       0.2        −      −        −
Crocidura suaveolens        1      0.7         0.1         −        −         −         −      −        −
Suncus etruscus             1      0.7

                            Table 3. Winter diet of two owl species in the Evros Delta.

                                          Tyto alba                    Athene noctua

                  Prey                     Nr    % Nr    % biomass      Nr    % Nr     % biomass
                  ARACHNIDA                 −      −         −          2      0.2       < 0.1
                  DIPLOPODA                 −      −         −          2      0.2       < 0.1
                  CHILOPODA                 −      −         −          1      0.1       < 0.1
                  INSECTA                  6      0.5      < 0.1       690    64.4        5.6
                  AMPHIBIA                 1      0.1       0.2          −      −          −
                  REPTILIA                  −      −         −          15     1.4         1
                  AVES                     32     2.5       8.6         56     5.2       21.6
                  Rallus aquaticus         1      0.1       0.6          −      −          −
                  Gallinago gallinago      1      0.1       0.4          −      −          −
                  Scolopacidae indet.      1      0.1       0.4          −      −          −
                  Alauda arvensis          1      0.1       0.2          −      −          −
                  Galerida cristata        2      0.2       0.4         2      0.2        1.3
                  Hirundo rustica          1      0.1       0.1          −      −          −
                  Erithacus rubecula       1      0.1       0.1         2      0.2        0.5
                  Turdus merula            2      0.2       0.9          −      −          −
                  Phylloscopus spp.        2      0.2       0.1         1      0.1        0.1
                  Sturnus vulgaris         9      0.7       3.5         3      0.3        3.4
                  Passer spp.               −      −         −          5      0.5        1.2
                  Fringilla coelebs        1      0.1       0.1          −      −          −
                  Emberiza spp.             −      −         −          2      0.2        0.8
                  Passeriformes indet.     10     0.8       1.7         39     3.6       12.7
                  Aves indet.               −      −         −          2      0.2        1.6
                  MAMMALIA                1242   97.0      91.2        311    29.0       71.7
                  Neomys anomalus          32     2.5       1.8          −      −          −
                  Crocidura leucodon       35     2.7        2          1      0.1        0.2
                  Crocidura suaveolens    309    24.1      10.4         56     5.2        5.5
                  Suncus etruscus          4      0.3      < 0.1         −      −          −
                  Pipistrellus sp.         1      0.1      < 0.1        2      0.2        0.2
                  Arvicola amphibius       9      0.7        3           −      −          −
                  Microtus levis          287    22.4      32.2        117    10.9        38
                  Microtus guentheri       2      0.2       0.3          −      −          −
                  Apodemus spp.            64     5.0       7.2         6      0.6        1.9
                  Rattus rattus            2      0.2       0.7          −      −          −
                  Mus musculus             7      0.5       0.5          −      −          −
                  Mus macedonicus         490    38.3       33           −      −          −
                  Mus spp.                  −      −         −         114    10.6       22.2
                  Rodentia indet.           −      −         −          15     1.4        3.7
                  Total                   1281     −         −         1072     −          −

        The black kite diet was diverse (Table 2), consisting by number of c. 46% mammals, 39% birds,
13% insects and 2% reptiles. However, by biomass birds were the most important prey group (62% of at
least 11 species) with the most important species being the common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) (19%),
moorhen (14%) and domestic chicken (Gallus gallus) (10%, probably carrion). Small mammals contributed
37% to the biomass, with most important species the northern water vole (Arvicola amphibius) (19%);
carrion of domestic pigs (Sus domesticus) and European badger (Meles meles) were also found. Reptiles and
insects were minor constituents of this species diet.

Ecologica Montenegrina, 39, 2021, 15-29                                                               19

Figure 1. Diet compiled for the most important prey taxa of the seven species of birds of prey studied in the Evros
Delta, a) by biomass (upper graph) and b) by numbers (lower graph) (Shannon index/Evenness are shown below each
species name).

        For the common buzzard, the dominant prey groups by numbers were insects and birds (both c.
36%), followed by mammals (22%), reptiles (5%), chilopods and amphibians (both 1%) (Table 2).
Nevertheless, by biomass, birds were the dominant prey (80%, including at least 7 species), composed by
blackbird (Turdus merula) (22%), undetermined birds (19%), common starling (12%) and magpie (Pica
pica) (11%). Greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) was most probably taken as carrion. Mammals made
up 13% of the biomass, with most important the sibling vole (10%) whereas reptiles (5%) were water snakes
(Natrix spp.). The other prey groups were unimportant as prey (< 1%).
        The main prey of the common barn owl were mammals (97% by number and c. 91% by biomass,
with at least 12 species), while birds formed 3% and 9% of the diet respectively (including at least 10
species, Table 3). Other prey types (insects and amphibians) were insignificant. The main mammalian prey
by biomass was Macedonian mouse (Mus macedonicus) (33%), sibling vole (32%) and the lesser white-
toothed shrew (Crocidura suaveolens) (10%). The most important bird species was the common starling


             Table 4. Matrix of Pianka's indices indicating feeding overlap of the seven species of birds of prey in the Evros Delta.

                     Aquila heliaca Clanga clanga Circus aeruginosus Milvus migrans Buteo buteo Tyto alba Athene noctua

Aquila heliaca                               0.999                 0.289                 0.660             0.646          0.063         0.089
Clanga clanga             0.999                                    0.393                 0.648             0.640          0.047         0.082
Circus aeruginosus        0.289              0.393                                       0.939             0.648          0.934         0.478
Milvus migrans            0.660              0.648                 0.939                                   0.831          0.466         0.969
Buteo buteo               0.646              0.640                 0.648                 0.831                            0.412         0.808
Tyto alba                 0.063              0.047                 0.934                 0.466             0.412                        0.416
Athene noctua             0.089              0.082                 0.478                 0.969             0.808          0.416

                                       Ecologica Montenegrina, 39, 2021, 15-29                                                                  21

         Little owl took a variety of prey, including by numbers c. 64% insects, 29% mammals, 5% birds with
at least 7 species involved, 1% reptiles and < 1% each chilopods, diplopods and arachnids (Table 3). In terms
of biomass, mammals were the dominant prey (72%, including at least 6 species), with main species being
the sibling vole (38%) and small mice (Mus spp.) (22%). Birds made up 22% of the biomass of which 13%
were undetermined passerines. Insects, mainly beetles (Coleoptera) accounted for only 6% of the total
biomass, while other prey was insignificant.
         The relative proportions of the main prey groups in terms of both numbers and biomass and the
respective diversity indices for the species studied are summarized in Fig. 1. Diversity indices ranked as B.
buteo > M. migrans > A. noctua > C. aeruginosus > A. heliaca = T. alba > A. clanga. In general, the
common buzzard and black kite had the most diverse diets at the class level with the highest evenness
distribution among prey groups, whereas the two eagles and the barn owl had the lowest. (Fig 1).
         Cluster analysis revealed three main branches, one (lower in Fig. 2) contained the two owl species,
reflecting their main diet on small mammals; a second (middle) involved three species with the most diverse
diets; and a third (upper) included the two eagle species with similar diets based on water birds. The cluster
indicates a greater similarity between the first two groups which diverge from the third one. Pianka’s indexes
(Table 4) indicated a virtually complete diet overlap in the diet of the two eagles, with significant overlaps
also in the medium-sized raptors. The owls hardly overlapped with the eagles, but they did overlap with the
other raptors due to the estimation of the index on prey class levels, whereas differences occurred on specific

Figure 2. Cluster analysis (dendrogram) based on the biomass proportions of the diets of the seven species of birds of
prey studied in Evros Delta.


Birds were the most important food of the eastern imperial eagle in the Evros Delta in similarity to wintering
birds to Jordan (Appendix). In contrast, mammals were most important during breeding season in the species
eastern European range, where all other studies were carried out (Appendix). Numerous bird and mammal
species were usually involved in each area. In contrast to these studies, no carrion was found in the species
diet in our area probably due to a high availability of overwintering waterfowl (hunted in saltmarshes).
Imperial eagles are flexible in utilizing the most abundant prey sources, and it is believed to facilitate
conservation efforts (Hovárth et al. 2010).
         In the study area the diet of greater spotted eagle was based on the abundant waterfowl hunted over
saltmarshes and coastal areas. As in our area, water birds preponderate in the eagle’s diet in other wintering


areas (Amvrakikos, Spain), where, on the other hand, mammals were most important during the breeding
season. In all these other areas there was higher prey diversity (Appendix).
         In our area, western marsh harriers preyed mainly upon mammals, whereas in other European
countries the main food was birds (Appendix), probably due to reduced availability in winter from the effects
of weather of some small mammal populations (Solonen & Ahola 2010); mammals were also main prey in
France (Ingenbleek et al 2004). In all areas numerous species participate in the harrier’s diet though some
such as insects seem unimportant as mass. This prey diversity in our area (Alivizatos et al. 2011) is reflected
by diverse habitat preferences such as reedbeds, freshwater marshes and saltpans (Bobola et al. 2018).
         Regarding black kite, a comparison of our findings to those of other areas, shows a great similarity in
the preponderance of mammal prey in relation to birds either in winter or in other period (Appendix). In
Spain, the relative abundance of prey differs based on dry or wet winter periods (Garcìa et al. 1998). In most
diet studies in winter in Spain, mammals were the dominant prey the black kite (summarized in Garcìa et al.
1998). The main bulk of diet in all periods in Europe is composed by mammal and/or fish carrion. Other prey
(reptiles, insects) where present, constitutes a small amount as mass. The use of carrion and rubbish dumps
has been reported in a variety of studies (Viñuela & Veiga 1992, De Giacomo & Guerrieri 2008, Mazumdar
et al. 2016). Refuse tips and dumps for dead livestock and their management during the winter are
considered important for the conservation of the species (Garcìa et al. 1998). In our study it is likely that the
importance of carrion in the kite’s diet has been underestimated, particularly if these birds used dumps out of
the study area. In contrast, in the Evros Delta, black kites showed a strong selection for rivers, canals,
freshwater marshes and reedbeds (Bobola et al. 2018), constituting a diverse habitat use that explains the
diversity in prey taken.
         In contrast to our results, in studies in Europe carried out both in the nesting period and in winter,
common buzzards preyed mainly upon small mammals (Appendix). In addition the results of most of the
nine diet studies in central Europe (one in winter) again indicate a mostly mammal-dominated diet (Voříšek
et al. 1997). The buzzard in Ireland has adapted to the lack of vole species by adopting a wide dietary niche
(Rooney & Montgomery 2013). Buzzards are able to shift their diet (Reif et al. 2001), hence the variety in
prey items observed in all studies, though mammals and birds remain the most important. Amphibians and
reptiles in our samples may suggest that a part prey was taken early in the study period. Common buzzards
preferred a wide variety of habitat types in the Evros Delta, freshwater marshes, followed by rivers, canals,
grassland and reedbeds (Bobola et al. 2018). This bird, being a typical perch-hunting predator used perches
highly available at the edges of such habitats. A high proportion of non-waterbird avian prey might be
explained by the absence of perches at cultivations, so that common buzzards resorted to flight-hunting over
cultivations in pursuit of flocks of small land birds where they congregate to exploit seeds left behind after
the harvest (Bobola et al. 2018).
         In the study area and in Europe, the common barn owl overwhelmingly feeds on small mammals in
all seasons, whereas other prey types are negligible (Appendix). Previous studies in other parts of Greece,
including wetlands, revealed that both in winter and summer the most important prey was small mammals
and the same picture held true in studies from around Mediterranean (see reviews in Bontzorlos et al. 1995,
Goutner & Alivizatos 2003; Obuch & Benda 2009). Birds follow far behind in importance while other prey
is unimportant.
         Insects numerically dominate the little owl’s diet in our study area as in other areas being higher
mostly around the Mediterranean and in summer diet (Appendix), probably due to increased insect
availability. Nevertheless, all studies report that mammals are the most important prey, birds of secondary
importance, whereas other prey types form only a minor part of the diet.
         In some areas diurnal and nocturnal birds of prey co-exist in various trophic guilds and their diets
have been found roughly similar on major prey groups though differentiate on prey species levels (Jaksić
1983; Marti & Cochert 1995). In our area, owls and the other diurnal birds of prey (particularly, black kite,
western marsh harrier and common buzzard) commonly shared small mammal and birds in their diet. This
may be due to that both falconiforms and strigiforms extend their hunting activities to crepuscular hours, thus
sharing prey of that activity period; also to that reputedly diurnal and nocturnal prey becomes vulnerable to
predators of asynchronous hunting time by extending their activities in the field (Jaksić 1982). Nocturnality
in owls may be more attributable to avoidance of interference interactions with hawks than to avoidance of
exploitation competition for food (Carothers & Jaksić 1984). Anyway, more other factors are involved in the
extent of overlap between diets of predators with differential activity: the size of predators and prey active at
day or night, foraging mode of the predator, diversity of prey, and relative length of day and night (Marti et

Ecologica Montenegrina, 39, 2021, 15-29                                                                       23

al. 1993). The dietary similarities among black kite, western marsh harrier and common buzzard found in
this study may also be partly attributable to that coexisting predators with similar diet composition tend to be
more alike in body size (Marti et al. 1993). Common preferences of these species in hunting habitats (Bobola
et al. 2018) also explain diet similarities.
         Data on the abundance of prey species are available only in the case of the waterfowl (main prey of
the two eagles), from the Midwinter Waterfowl Counts (Handrinos et al. 2015). These data are difficult to
compare statistically with those from our pellet analysis, but it appears that the greater spotted eagle takes the
main waterfowl species in proportion to their abundance as hunted over their main gathering areas, while the
eastern imperial eagle shows some preference for the larger species (geese, shelducks and mallards).
         A variety of studies have indicated that the trophic guilds of predators beyond falconiforms and
strigiforms involve other taxa such as carnivores and snakes (Jędrzejewski et al. 1989; Marti et al. 1993;
Jaksić et al. 1996; among others). In our study area, common carnivores such as foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and
European wild cats (Felis sylvestris) may be winter counterparts of the raptors’ trophic guild, a situation that
necessitates further study.

Many thanks to OIKOS Ltd, and in particular to I. Rigas for the support throughout the LIFE 00
NAT/Gr/7198 project. Also thanks to the members of the Evros Delta Management Board, and particularly
to A. Athanasiadis and E. Makrygianni for their support during the field studies, as well as the reviewers of
the paper. During the project V. Goutner was supported by a grant (No 20784AUTH Research Committee –
Bird monitoring in the area of the Life-Nature project).


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Ecologica Montenegrina, 39, 2021, 15-29                                                              27


Prey composition of the seven raptor species studied in a variety of European and Mediterranean countries. NST: during nesting. WIN: in winter. Values are percentages of
prey types by number.

Area                          Birds          Mammals             Reptiles         Other and/or Carrion     Material/period                   Reference

Aquila heliaca
Jordan                        26.0              19.7               0.6                     53.7            pellets/WIN                       Al Hasani et al. 2012
Centr. Tancaucasia            14.2              56.3              29.6                       −             prey remains/NST                  Abuladze 1996
Hungary                       22.3              77.7                −               parts of mammals        observations/NST                 Haraszthy et al. 1996
Turkey                        32.4              46.5              20.3                not estimated        prey remains/NST                  Demerdziev et al. 2014
Slovakia                      39.7              60.3                −              included, estimated     obs., remains/NST                 Chavko et al. 2007
Hungary                       42.0              68.0              < 0.1             parts of mammals       Prey remains/NST                  Horváth et al. 2010
Bulgaria                      41.0              40.0               4.0                     15.0            prey remains/NST                  Marin et al. 2004
This study                    96.4              3.6                 −                        −             pellets/WIN

Clanga clanga                                                                            Other
Belarus                       36.0              40.4               5.7                    2.2              prey remains/NST                  Dombrovski 2010
                                                                                                           pellets, prey remains,
Spain                         66.2              14.8                −              19.3 (mainly fish)      observ./WIN                       Pérez-García et al. 2020
Amvrakikos, Greece            84.2              4.2                3.2                    8.5              pellets/WIN                       Alivizatos et al. 2004
This study                    97.9              2.1                 −                      −               pellets/roosts, WIN

C. aeruginosus
Finland                       73.0              25.8               0.2                    1.0              pellets, prey remains/NST         Tornberg & Haapala 2013
France                        33.8              62.6                −                     3.6              pellets/roost, WIN                Ingelbleek et al. 2004
Netherlands                   81.0              18.6                −                     0.4              pellets/roost, WIN                Clarke et al. 1993
Spain                         35.6              26.4               1.4               20.2 (insects)        pellets/roost, WIN                Blanco et al. 1990a
East Anglia                   68.6              21.3                −                    10.1              pellets/NST                       Underhill-Day 1985
This study                    26.9              66.7                −                5.7 (insects)         pellets/roost, WIN                Alivizatos et. al. 2011

Milvus migrans
Spain (dry period)            37.5              48.4               0.4               27.3 (insects)        pellets/roost, WIN                Blanco et al. 1990b
wet period                    21.7              26.3               1.4               21.3 (insects)        pellets/roost, WIN                Blanco et al. 1990b
Italy, pre-Alps               27.7              7.8                1.5              62.9 (maily fish)      prey remains/NST                  Sergio & Boto 1999
Italy, Roma                    5.8              20.8               5.4             54.8 (insects, fish)    prey remains/NST                  De Giacomo et al. 1993
Poland                        39.3              13.2                −              47.5 (fish, carrion)    prey remains/NST                  Zawadzka 1999
This study                    33.8              45.5               2.3               13.4 (insects)        pellets/roost, WIN

Buteo buteo
Italy                    46.0           29.0                 21.0                     4           prey remains/NST             Sergio et al. 2002
Czech Republic           16.5           56.6                 9.3            17.6 (most insects)   prey remains, pellets/NST    Voříšek et al. 1997
Ireland                  41.2           41.0                 7.1                    17.8          prey remains, pellets/NST    Rooney & Montgomery 2013
Finland                  36.1           54.7                 5.8                     3.5          prey remains, pellets/NST    Reif et al. 2001
Scotland                  7.1           73.3                  −            19.6 (insects,worms)   pellets/WIN                  Francksen et al. 2016
Spain                     1.3           18.7                 3.3            76.7 (most insects)   stomach contents/WIN         Mañosa & Cordero 1992
This study               35.7           22.2            5.6 (+Amph.)        36.5 (most insects)   pellets,roosts/WIN

Tyto alba
Slovakia (recent)        4.1            95.5            0.2(+Amph.)                0.2            pellets/territories          Obuch et al. 2016
N. Italy                 3.4            83.6            0.7(+Amph.)         12.3 (most insects)   pellets/ Oct. to April       Gotta and Pigozzi 1997
N. Poland                0.4            99.6                 −                      −             pellets, roosts/WIN          Kitowski 2013
                                                                                                  prey remains, pellets/NST,
Central S. Bulgaria      1.5            98.2            0.3 (+Amph.)          0.05 (insects)      roosts                       Milchev 2015
N. Italy                 7.3            92.7                  −                     −             pellets/buildings,WIN        Bose and Guidally 2001
Croatia                  0.4            99.8            0.04 (Anura)          0.04 (insects)      pellets/NST, roosts          Szép et al. 2018
Ebro, Spain              2.5            95.9            0.2 (+Amph.)          1.8 (insects)       pellets/ ? season            Torre et al. 1997
This study               2.5            97.0             0.1 (Amph.)              < 0.1           pellets/WIN

Athene noctua            Birds       Mammals               Reptiles          Insects (+other)     Prey type /period
Israel (2 areas)      1.8 and 2.2   21.0 and 12.8        0.7 and 0.3          67.2 and 77.7       pellets/all seasons          Charter et al. 2006
Turkey                    0.6            5.3                   −                92 (+2.01)        pellets/all seasons          Kayahan & Tabur 2016
Egypt                     1.5           10.0            2.7 (+Amph.)               85.7           roosts unspec., 2002         Obuch & Krištín 2004
Syria                     2.3            6.3            4.0 (+Amph.)               87.4           Roosts unspec.1998, 2001     Obuch & Krištín 2005
Central Poland            0.7           22.0             0.2 (Amph.)               77.1           all seasons/pellets          Romanowski et al. 2013
N. Italy                  2.0           38.4            4.3 (+Amph.)               55.4           pellets/ Oct. to April       Gotta & Pigozzi 1997
Asypalea, Greece          0.1            0.2                  0.3                  74.3           pellets/summer               Angelici et al. 1997
This study                5.2           29.0                  1.4                  64.4           pellets/WIN

                                               Ecologica Montenegrina, 39, 2021, 15-29                                                                  29
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