The relationship between procrastination and sexual orientation

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Banbury S. et al.            Archives of Psychology, vol. 2, issue 4, April 2018           Page 1 of 15


 The relationship between procrastination and
 sexual orientation
 Vigodny, A.1, Banbury, S.2*, Lusher. J.3
 Authors’ affiliations:
      PG Student Koret Veterinary School in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (MSc), Israel
      Senior Lecturer Psychology, London Metropolitan University, UK
      Senior Lecturer, University of the West of Scotland, UK

 *Corresponding author: Sam Banbury, School of Psychology, London Metropolitan
 University, 166-220 Holloway Rd, London, N7 8DB, Email:

     0:0 Abstract

     Procrastination can lead to reduced mental well-being and life satisfaction. In this study, levels
     of procrastination were examined as a function of sexual orientation using a correlational design.
     Through an internet survey, a sample of 437 participants completed the Pure Procrastination
     Scale, the conscientiousness related items of the International Personality Item Pool, and an
     adapted version of the Rasch Derived Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale-
     Short Form. Participants were divided in to one of four groups based on their gender and sexual
     orientation. Procrastination scores were higher for heterosexual men compared to heterosexual
     women (r=.142). Non heterosexual women were found to procrastinate more than heterosexual
     women (r=.162). Both relationships were mediated by conscientiousness, but not depression.
     Results suggest that certain sexual orientation groups may be more vulnerable to procrastination
     and this has implications for their well-being, which raises further awareness of issues pertinent
     to disparity in health equity.

     Key words: procrastination, gender, sexuality, depression, conscientiousness

1:0 Introduction                                           onstrated the adverse consequences of
                                                           procrastination in various areas of
Procrastination is a common self-regulatory                wellbeing. For example, a recent study
failure defined as a voluntary delay of an                 examining the relationship between
intended course of action despite foresee-                 procrastination and mental health found
able negative consequences of the delay                    significant correlations between a general
(Wilson & Nguyen, 2012; Rozental &                         procrastination measure and measures of
Carlbring, 2014). Many studies have dem-                   mental health, cognitive functioning and

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social desirability (Stead, Shanahan &                   lations have been established (Martin, Flett,
Neufeld, 2010). It has been found that                   Hewitt, Krames & Szanto, 1996; Beswick,
chronic procrastinators expressed more life              Rothblum & Mann, 1988; Saddler & Sacks,
regrets than non-procrastinators in areas                1993). The correlation between procrasti-
including education, parenting, family and               nation and depression has been assessed in
friend interactions, health and wellness, and            the aforementioned 2007 meta-analysis,
financial decisions (Ferrari, Barnes & Steel,            using data on over 10,700 participants, and
2009).                                                   the correlation coefficient was r=0.28 (95%
                                                         CI 0.26-0.31; Steel, 2007). The cause of the
The ‘Big Five’ personality trait model                   relationship between depression and
characterizes human personality based on 5               procrastination is unclear. It has been
broad dimensions termed Openness to                      suggested that peaks of negative affect in
experience, Conscientiousness, Extraver-                 sufferers of depression may lead to the
sion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism (ab-                 increase in procrastination (Uzun Ozer,
breviated OCEAN; Cooper, 2006). The Big                  O'Callaghan, Bokszczanin, Ederer, &
Five model is commonly used to explore                   Essau, 2014). Additionally, while procras-
individual differences in personality                    tination may improve mood in the short run
through one of these five main traits or their           by avoidance of aversive tasks, the
facets (Weisberg, DeYoung, & Hirsh,                      consequences of task delay decrease mood
2011). Conscientiousness is a trait related to           in the long run, creating a depression spiral
dutifulness, self-discipline, orderliness, self-         (Lindsley, Brass, & Thomas, 1995).
efficacy,     achievement      striving     and
cautiousness (Maples, Guan, Carter &                     Interest in the relationship between sexual
Miller, 2014). A large-scale meta-analysis               orientation and personality arose from
analysed correlations using data from over               observations that the personalities of some
200 separate sources to find good predictors             homosexual men appear more feminine,
of procrastination (Steel, 2007). The                    and some homosexual women more
findings highlighted several strong and                  masculine,      than    their   heterosexual
consistent predictors of procrastination,                counterparts (Pillard, 1991). The hypothesis
such as lack of self-efficacy (a component               predicting such average differences was
of conscientiousness) and impulsiveness,                 termed ‘sexual inversion’. To test this
which is associated with both extraversion               hypothesis, studies examined differences in
and neuroticism. In addition, primary traits             traits that were known to vary between men
associated with conscientiousness such as                and women, such as assertiveness and
distractibility, self-control, organization,             dominance, associated with masculinity, as
and achievement motivation were strong                   well as compassion and nurturance,
predictors of procrastination. When each of              associated with femininity (Pillard, 1991).
the Big Five factors was examined as a                   A narrative review of these earlier studies
whole, conscientiousness was the strongest               has found differences in these traits
predictor with an average correlation                    between homosexual and heterosexual
coefficient of r=-.65 between measures of                participants that provide support to the
conscientiousness and procrastination.                   hypothesis (Pillard, 1991; Lippa, 2005).
                                                         However, this viewpoint is somewhat
When looking at mental health and procras-               outdated and runs the risk of perpetuating
tination, depression is one of the most                  outdated stereotypes. Later methodologies
studied, where consistent positive corre-                have turned to wider models of personality

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to examine homosexual-heterosexual differ-               raborty, McManus, Brugha, Bebbington &
ences. A meta-analysis published in 2005                 King, 2011).
reviewed four studies that compared scores
of over 6400 participants in measures of the             The current study employed a correlational
Big Five personality traits (Lippa, 2005).               design to investigate the relationship be-
The analysis distinguished four groups,                  tween sexual orientation and procrastination
heterosexual men and women, and homo-                    behaviour. The hypothesis was loosely
sexual men and women. A small (raw effect                based on the sexual inversion hypothesis, as
size g=-.17) yet significant difference in               well as studies which have looked at
conscientiousness was found between                      procrastination among men and women
heterosexual men and women, indicating                   (e.g. Lippa, 2005; Weisberg et al, 2011). It
that women have somewhat higher levels of                was predicted that levels of procrastination
conscientiousness on average (Weisberg,                  might vary between gender and sexuality, it
DeYoung & Hirsh, 2011). A larger (raw                    was the possible mediation of this
effect size g=-.35) and significant                      relationship by conscientiousness and level
difference was found between heterosexual                of depression.
and homosexual men, suggesting that                      To expand, conscientiousness has been
homosexual men have higher levels of                     shown to be higher in homosexual men than
conscientiousness on average. However, no                heterosexual men (g=0.35; Lippa, 2005),
significant difference was found between                 and strongly predicts lower levels of
heterosexual and homosexual women with                   procrastination (r= -.65; Steel, 2007). How-
regard to conscientiousness.                             ever, levels of depression, that are higher in
The prevalence of mental health disorders                non-heterosexuals, are negatively correlated
among       homosexual     and      bisexual             with procrastination (r=0.28). Therefore, it
individuals is generally believed to be                  was hypothesized that homosexual men
higher than in the general population                    would procrastinate less than heterosexual
(Gilman et al., 2001). A meta-analysis                   men, and vice versa for women.
published in 2008 reviewed 25 studies                    Conscientiousness was also predicted to
related to the prevalence of mental health               mediate the relationship between procras-
problems in homosexual or bisexual                       tination and sexual orientation in men,
populations compared to heterosexuals                    while depression was predicted to moderate
(King et al., 2008). Data was gathered from              the effect. While no significant difference
over 225,000 participants revealed that the              in conscientiousness has been demonstrated
risk for suicide attempts in non-                        in research between homosexual and
heterosexuals was twice as high as in                    heterosexual women, a higher level of
heterosexuals. The risk for depression and               depression is found in non-heterosexual
anxiety disorders, as well as substance                  women. Therefore, it was hypothesized that
dependence, was at least 1.5 times higher in             depression will mediate the relationship
non-heterosexuals. Similarly, a study                    between procrastination and sexual
published in 2011 examined this trend in a               orientation in females. There appears to be
UK based population and found non-                       limited research on whether levels of
heterosexuals had an increased risk for                  procrastination vary with sexual orientation
depression, generalized anxiety disorder,                and heterosexual groups. Mental health
obsessive-compulsive disorder, suicidal                  among gay and lesbian groups appears
thoughts and substance dependence (Chak-                 higher than heterosexual groups, where

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procrastination has been associated with       , as well as
depression and compromised self-efficacy                 social media groups on Facebook:
(e.g. Ferrari, Barnes & Steel, 2009). The                Psychology Experiments, and Survey
results might enable better evaluation of the            Sharing. A link to the survey was posted
risk for procrastination in different groups.            along with a short description and the
Substantiating a difference in procrastina-              inclusion and exclusion criteria. Once
tion between populations of different sexual             participant recruitment was completed, the
orientations may also lead to additional                 links were removed from these websites.
research on the roots of such differences,
which could assist with understanding the
underpinnings of the phenomenon. Further,                2:3 Measures
having a better understanding of whether                 Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS; Steel,
procrastination varies among different                   2010). The PPS is a 12-item questionnaire
sexual orientation groups will augment the               designed to measure procrastination
development of gender and sexuality                      behavior. All items are rated on a 5-point
specific healthcare interventions.                       Likert scale to indicate the degree to which
                                                         participants identify with the statements
2:0 Method                                               presented. The questionnaire is composed
                                                         of items from previous widely used
2:1 Design                                               procrastination scales, selected through
                                                         factor analysis in a study with over 4,000
The current study employed a cross-                      participants. This questionnaire was
sectional, correlational design to investigate           referred to as ‘pure’ since items address the
the relationship between sexual orientation              actual act of procrastination, making it a
and procrastination behaviour. The study                 more specific measure. This measure has
also examined the possible mediation of                  high reliability, with a Cronbach’s alpha of
this relationship by conscientiousness and               0.92. Validity was supported by inclusion
depression. Convenience sampling was                     of several measures of procrastination in the
used to enable comparison between the                    factor analysis, and convergence of the PPS
different groups of sexual orientation. For              with other related scales.
sexual orientation, each of the genders was
divided into groups of sexual orientation.               International Personality Item Pool – 120
Analyses were conducted comparing                        (IPIP-120; Maples, Guan, Carter & Miller,
heterosexual to non-heterosexual, as well as             2014). The IPIP-120 is a 120-item self-
heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual                    report measure of the big 5 personality
groups.                                                  factors (including conscientiousness). Each
                                                         factor is assessed by 24 items rated on a 5-
                                                         point Likert scale. Each factor is divided to
2:2 Participants                                         6 facets, assessed by 4 questions each. The
437 men (40.3%) and women (59.7%)                        IPIP-120 was developed as part of a study
completed an online survey via survey                    that tested another widely used 300-item
monkey. Recruitment was through adver-                   big-5 personality questionnaire (The IPIP-
tisements placed on websites dedicated to                NEO) and compared it to an established
participant recruitment for academic                     inventory (NEO PI-R). High reliability was
studies:, and                demonstrated in these studies with a
                                                         Cronbach’s alpha of .89 and .84,

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respectively. This measure was used since it             Monkey and Google Forms (two equivalent
provides a reliable estimation of                        versions were used). The first page of the
conscientiousness, with fewer items than                 survey was an information and consent
other commonly used personality question-                page that participants were required to read
naires.                                                  and agree to prior to participation. The
                                                         information sheet included information
Assessing depression was closely modelled                about the study and researchers and
on The Rasch-Derived Centre for Epide-                   possible risks of participation. Participants
miological Studies Depression Scale –                    were informed that their participation was
Short Form (Cole, Rabin, Smith &                         voluntary and that they could withdraw
Kaufman, 2004). This is a 10-item 4-point                their participation at any time. After
Likert measure and provides a quick                      providing consent, participants completed a
assessment level of depression. This scale               demographics section (only gender, sexual
was developed as a tool for screening                    orientation and age were mandatory), the
depression in the general population. The                12-item PPS, the 24 conscientious related
Cronbach’s alpha was 0.82 and 0.75. Its                  items of the IPIP-120, and the ‘modelled’
validity was estimated by having                         10-item depression scale. This was
participants complete the short form along               followed with a debriefing form which
with the full 20-item scale from which it                included a list of organizations to provide
was derived, as well as the Beck Depression              additional support.
Inventory, a widely used measure of
depression. Correlations between these
measures were high, 0.73 for the CES-D                   3:0 Results
20-item scale and 0.74 for Beck’s
Depression Inventory, supporting the                     3:1 Sample Characteristics
scale’s validity.                                         437 participants contributed to this study.
Assessing sexual orientation was closely                 261 participants were women (59.7%), and
modelled on the, ‘Measure of Sexual                      176 were men (40.3%). The mean age of
Orientation’ (Safren & Heimberg, 1999).                  the sample was 25.95 (SD=10.15), and it
The Measure of Sexual Orientation includes               ranged between 18 and 66. Age was
one item rated on a 5-point scale.                       unevenly distributed, with over half of the
Participants rate themselves either exclu-               participants 22 years old or younger. Of
sively heterosexual, heterosexual with some              male participants, 51.1% reported to be
homosexual experience, bisexual, homosex-                exclusively heterosexual (straight), 31.8%
ual with some heterosexual experience, or                exclusively homosexual (gay), 6.8% mostly
exclusively homosexual.                                  homosexual, 5.1% mostly heterosexual, and
                                                         5.1% bisexual. Of female participants,
                                                         70.1% reported to be exclusively
2:4 Procedure                                            heterosexual (straight), 11.5% mostly
                                                         heterosexual, 10.7% bisexual, 5.7%
Ethical permission was obtained via the                  exclusively homosexual (gay), and 1.9%
Institutional Review Board. A computer-                  mostly homosexual.
ized survey was prepared using Survey

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                                       Table 1. Sexual orientation
           Group                     Males                  Females                         Total
                                 n         %              n        %
 Exclusively heterosexual       90         51            183       70                 Total heterosexual
                                                                                        n=273, 62.5%

 Mostly heterosexual             9         5             30         12
 Bisexual                        9         5             28         11             Total non-heterosexual
 Mostly homosexual              12         7              5          2                 n=164, 37.5%
 Exclusively homosexual         56         32            15          6

 Total                         176       100             261        100                 n=437, 100%

For comparability purposes, questionnaire                    themselves throughout the spectrum of
scores were converted to a 0 to 1 scale. This                possible scores. On the other hand, the
was achieved by deducting the minimal                        range of scores for conscientiousness was
possible score from the actual score, then                   .67, from .33 to 1, and no participants rated
dividing by the range of possible scores                     themselves within the bottom third of possi-
(Kolen, Tong, & Brennan, 2009). Using this                   ble scores. Internal consistency reliability
scaling method, 0 is the lowest possible                     estimates for all three questionnaires were
score in a questionnaire, while 1 is the                     high, with Cronbach’s alphas of 0.917 for
highest. The mean score for procrastination                  the procrastination scale, 0.875 for the
was .47 (SD=.23), for conscientiousness .67                  conscientiousness scale, and 0.859 for the
(SD=.13), and for depression .38 (SD=.21).                   depression scale (Field, 2009). Significant
The range for procrastination and depres-                    correlations were found between all three
sion was 1, meaning that participants rated                  variables (see table 2).

                       Table 2. Correlations between continuous variables.
                       Variable 1               Variable 2                     R
                       Procrastination          Conscientiousness           -.715**
                       Procrastination          Depression                  .358**
                       Conscientiousness        Depression                  -.404**
                       ** All correlations were significant at a p
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                Table 3. Means and standard deviations of continuous variables
  Sexual Orientation            Gender         Procrastination     Conscientiousness     Depression
                                                M         SD         M             SD    M         SD
  Exclusively heterosexual      Men             .50       .23       .66            .13   .33       .19
                                Women           .43       .21       .70            .13   .36       .21
  Non-heterosexual              Men             .47       .25       .67            .13   .43       .24
                                Women           .51       .21       .64            .13   .44       .21

Procrastination and Gender. In order to                   variables, conscientiousness, depression
determine which of the comparisons led to                 and age, were examined in order to detect
the significance of the analysis of variance,             possible continuous mediators (Frazier, Tix,
multiple t-tests were conducted. The first                & Barron, 2004). Significant correlations
comparison conducted was between                          were calculated between gender and
heterosexual men and women. The                           conscientiousness (r(271)=-.141, p
Banbury S. et al.             Archives of Psychology, vol. 2, issue 4, April 2018             Page 8 of 15

                                 ay                                     by

                         Gender                       c    (c’)
                     (heterosexuals)                                         Procrastination

                                 ax            Conscientiousness        bx

                                       Figure 1. Mediation path model

Female Group. The next comparison was                         R2=.026; b=0.076, t(259)=2.64, p
Banbury S. et al.          Archives of Psychology, vol. 2, issue 4, April 2018           Page 9 of 15

Male Group. A similar analysis was                       heterosexual men (M=.33, SD=.19) and
conducted for male participants. The                     women (M=.36, SD=.21) and non-
average      procrastination   score   for               heterosexual men (M=.43, SD=.24) and
exclusively heterosexuals (M=.50, SD=.23)                women (M=.44, SD=.21), with significant
was slightly higher than the average for                 results (F (3,433)=6.10, p
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relationship was mediated by levels of                   supports the use of this measure as a
conscientiousness, which was found to be                 predictor of procrastination. The marginal
strongly negatively correlated with levels of            p-value for mediation by depression (0.067)
procrastination. Similar to Steel (2007), we             suggests that a larger sample, especially for
found conscientiousness to be a consistent               the non-heterosexual group, may be
predictor of procrastination.                            required to more accurately characterise the
                                                         mediating variables of the relationship
However, contrary to the hypothesis, this                between sexual orientation and procrastina-
effect     was strongly mediated by                      tion in women.
conscientiousness, but not by depression,
although depression did vary significantly               The current study did not actively seek out
between the groups. Lee; Kelly & Edwards                 non-heterosexual participants, and relied on
(2006) examined procrastination and                      chance exposure to these demographics.
neuroticism      in    the     context    of             On the other hand, the majority of non-
conscientiousness and depression and found               heterosexual participants included in
that depression had no direct link to                    Lippa’s meta-analysis were scouted in gay
procrastination but rather it was mediated               and lesbian clubs and pride parade festivals,
by conscientiousness. Nevertheless, the                  whereas the heterosexual ones were mainly
relationship between sexuality, procrastina-             from colleges (Lippa 2000 & Lippa 2003).
tion and depression cannot be completely                 The difference in the method of sampling of
discounted. Indeed, many studies (e.g.                   heterosexual and homosexual participants
Lindsey et al, 1995; Steel, 2007; Uzun et al,            in Lippa’s studies introduced bias that may
2014) have reported higher levels of                     have impacted the results. Research look-
depression among non- heterosexual groups                ing at procrastination and sexuality remains
and may in part explain the higher level of              scarce and forming comparisons with non-
procrastination reported by lesbian women                heterosexual studies has proven challeng-
in this study.                                           ing. Indeed, how these relationships are
                                                         mediated by consciousness in the context of
However, contrary to the findings reported               sexuality requires further examination.
by Lippa, (2005), who did not find a
significant difference between heterosexual              Comparisons between the means of
and lesbian women, the current study found               depression scores between subgroups of
conscientiousness scores for non-hetero-                 sexual orientation, as well as results from
sexual women were comparable to those of                 previous studies (Shearer et al., 2016),
men, and distinguishable from those of                   indicate a need to differentiate between the
heterosexual women. Lippa, (2005), had                   subgroups of sexual orientation in the
examined lesbian woman only, whereas this                analysis. In addition to a larger sample
study grouped together non-heterosexual                  size, another option is quota sampling
and heterosexual groups. Although the                    participants from each of the subgroups. If
average procrastination score of the lesbian             quota sampling is used, care should be
group in this study (M=.49, SD=.21) was                  taken that participant pools do not differ
nearly identical to the average of the non-              significantly (Field, 2009). Incentives may
heterosexual group (M=.51, SD=.21), in                   be offered to reduce the rate of refusal and
actuality differences may exist masked by                support the generalizability of findings
sampling error (Field, 2009). The strong                 (Grady, 2005; Wendler, Rackoff, Emanuel,
mediation by conscientiousness further                   & Grady, 2002).

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Further, these findings may not be                       In conclusion, this study revealed
representative of the general population. To             differences in procrastination between the
expand, the majority of participants in this             genders and in part non-homosexual groups
study were University students (mean age                 where it was found that lesbian women
26 years). Studies of student samples reveal             procrastinate more on average than hetero-
higher rates of chronic procrastination than             sexual women. These relationships were
in the general population, and it has been               mediated by levels of conscientiousness,
estimated that 50% of university students                which was found to be strongly negatively
engage in consistent and problematic                     correlated with levels of procrastination.
procrastination (Day, Mensink & O'Sulli-                 This may put lesbian women at greater
van, 2000; Chu & Choi, 2005). The                        vulnerability to the effects of procras-
outcomes in this study may mirror those                  tination where consideration of sexual
reported by Day et al., (2000), where                    orientation in future studies may serve to
procrastination mediated by meeting                      better characterize this relationship. For
deadlines and examination stress are                     example, looking at the link between
academic norms irrespective of sexuality.                personality traits and coping strategies (e.g.
Indeed, this study was conducted during the              daily hassles) may provide a better
summer examination period which has been                 understanding on how conscientiousness
shown to increase students’ overall                      may affect cognitive vigilance and/or
depression and stress-levels (Chernomas &                avoidance in the context of sexuality.
Shapiro C., 2013). This may have resulted                Studies wishing to examine personality
in an increased/varied baseline in levels of             differences as a function of sexual
depression and/or stress among participants              orientation should        ensure    adequate
thus affecting study outcomes. Certainly, a              sampling to support generalizability of
more diverse sample is needed to improve                 results while recruiting a sufficiently large
the generalizability of findings.                        sample to differentiate between homosexual
                                                         and bisexual participants in the analysis.
Other facets of procrastination including                We hope that this study will provide a
anxiety, impulsivity (Steel, 2010), self-                platform     for     future   research      in
efficacy,    perfectionism     and   coping              understanding how multifaceted mediating
responses      may        supplement     our             factors of procrastination may influence
understanding of procrastination in the                  non-heterosexual groups coping strategies
context of sexuality and gender and how                  and in the development of sexuality-based
‘these relationships’ are mediated by                    well-being intervention programmes.
consciousness and depression. Interestingly,
research is now looking at the ‘benefits’ of             * Arbel Vigodny, Samantha Banbury and
procrastination within an academic context               Joanne Lusher declare no conflict of
and     suggest      that    by    accepting             interest.
procrastination may help modulate stress
levels and increase motivational arousal
(e.g. Chu, & Choi, 2005; Demeter &                       5:0 References:
Davies, 2013). This research warrants
                                                         Arvey, R., Rotundo, M., Johnson, W.,
further     examination      among     non-
                                                            Zhang, Z., & McGue, M. (2006). The
heterosexual student groups in the
                                                            determinants  of   leadership  role
development of sexuality-based attuned
                                                            occupancy: Genetic and personality

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