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Stay safe at home. We have strengthened our online platforms with an aim to serve your needs uniterruptedly - Outlook India
                                              DIGITAL ISSUE

                                June 8, 2020

    What After Home?
                Lakhs of migrants have returned to their villages.
                OUTLOOK tracks them to find out what lies ahead.

  Mohammad Saiyub’s
  friend Amrit Kumar died
  on their long journey
  home. Right, Saiyub in
  his village Devari in UP.

R N I N O. 7 0 4 4 / 1961
Stay safe at home. We have strengthened our online platforms with an aim to serve your needs uniterruptedly - Outlook India
Stay safe at home. We have strengthened our online platforms with an aim to serve your needs uniterruptedly - Outlook India


                                                                   Returning to
               RUBEN BANERJEE
               EDITOR IN CHIEF
                                                                  the Returnees
                                                                  and apathy have been their constant companions since
                                                                  then. As entire families—the old, infirm and the ailing

                                                                  included—attempt to plod back home, they have been sub-
                         NDIA is working from home;               jected to ill-treatment and untold indignities by the police
                         Bharat is walking home—the short         for violating the lockdown. Humiliation after humiliation
                         tweet by a friend summing up             was heaped upon them endlessly as they walked, cycled and
                         what we, as a locked-down nation,        hitchhiked long distances. They were sprayed with disin-
                         have been witnessing over the past       fectants and fleeced by greedy transporters for painful
                         two months was definitely smart.         rides on the back of trucks and tempos. When they thronged
                         The wordplay was interesting and         railway stations and bus terminals in a mad rush for a seat,
                         impressive. But I am not too sure if     they were almost always treated like cattle. It was truly
                         it was still adequate to encapsulate     colossal the way a callous system failed them.
               the scale of a disaster that has befallen mil-         The collective outrage over how badly the migrants were
               lions of migrants frantically attempting to        let down has been equally huge. Though those in the gov-
               reach home in distant towns and villages           ernment may still be in denial and reluctant to acknowl-
               that lie beyond urban India. We have not           edge the tragedy, there has been no dearth of debates and
               seen this in our living memory—certainly           discussions on the migrants and their plight.
               not since Partition. It is not easy to fathom          Among the defining images of the agonising lockdown
               the misery that the profusely sweating and         has been that of Ram Pukar Pandit from Bihar’s Begusarai
               mostly starving mass of people find them-          weeping inconsolably on the phone upon hearing his child’s
               selves in. I, for one, am at a loss for words in   death as he attempted to return home; or that of Moham-
               trying to articulate their tragedy.                mad Saiyub, a migrant worker from Uttar Pradesh, whose
                  What I can safely presume, though, is           friend Amrit Kumar died in the middle of their arduous
               that their sufferings are manifold more            trek. Their stories have seared our heart. They have even
               than our middle-class angst. As the                touched an emotional chord in distant places. US President
               migrants trudge home, they are negotiat-           Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka tweeted recently about
               ing unthinkable odds. The absence of               the indomitable spirit of a young Bihar girl who tirelessly
               proper transport is simply appalling.              cycled more than a 1,000 km to carry her ailing father home.
               Cocooned inside our urban comforts, we             It is but natural that the migrants’ march, with its atten-
               have been forced at the most to change             dant struggle, is hogging the headlines.
               our daily routines. Though our own                     But we would be failing them all over again if we forget
               future looks uncertain amid job cuts and           them now. For the likes of Pandit and Saiyub who have
               mounting economic losses, COVID-19                 finally reached home, a more uphill struggle to survive awaits,
               has not yet exacted any toll other than            minus assured livelihood. Though the media’s attention span
               primarily confining us to our homes. In            is notoriously limited, Outlook does not give up on a story mid-
               comparison, the migrants are battling to           way and several of my colleagues—Salik Ahmed, Giridhar Jha,
               survive in the open, braving hunger, heat,         Sandeep Sahu, G.C. Sekhar, Suresh Kumar Pandey and Sandi-
               and intermittent police high-handedness.           pan Chatterjee—displayed exemplary enterprise to reach out
                  What is inexplicable is the way they            to the migrants in their villages. This issue’s cover story is a
               have been left in the lurch. A hurriedly           reminder of the challenges that the returnees face, and our
               enforced lockdown left them without                collective responsibility towards them.
               money and work. Soon, they ran out of
               food and were forced to seek the per-
               ceived safety of homes in the back of
               beyond they were born into. Insensitivity
                                                                                                           (Ruben Banerjee)

OUTLOOKINDIA.COM                                                                                             J U NE 8 , 2 0 2 0 | OU T LOOK   3
Stay safe at home. We have strengthened our online platforms with an aim to serve your needs uniterruptedly - Outlook India
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          S U R E S H K . PA N D E Y
         EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ruben Banerjee
          MANAGING EDITOR Sunil Menon
      EXECUTIVE EDITOR Satish Padmanabhan
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             COVER STORY
       GENERAL MANAGERS Sasidharan Kollery,
                   Shashank Dixit                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Millions of bedraggled migrants marched their way
       CHIEF MANAGER Shekhar Kumar Pandey
    MANAGERS Shekhar Suvarana, Sudha Sharma                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  back from the cities to their villages. Outlook caught
      Banerjee, Gagan Kohli, G. Ramesh (South),                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              up with some of them at their know their
     Vinod Kumar (North), Arun Kumar Jha (East)
                 DIGITAL Amit Mishra                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         stories, to know their plans for the future.
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            MUMBAI Tel: 022-50990990                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         How will aggressive posturing and transgres-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              62     BOOKS
CALCUTTA Tel: 033 46004506; Fax: 033 46004506
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             sions along the Line of Actual Control impact                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             64     AUDI 5
CHENNAI Tel: 42615224, 42615225; Fax: 42615095
          BANGALORE Tel: 080-43715021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        India-China relations?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    66     LA DOLCE VITA
     Printed and published by Indranil Roy on
   behalf of Outlook Publishing (India) Pvt. Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             56 | OPENCAST CANOPY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      69     DIARY
   Editor: Ruben Banerjee. Printed at Kalajyothi
 Process Pvt. Ltd. Sy.No.185, Sai Pruthvi Enclave,
  Kondapur – 500 084, R.R.Dist. Telangana and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Coal India Limited has been mining in the
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                New Delhi-110 029
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Dehing Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary since
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2003. As it seeks further clearances,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Cover Design:
        Total no. of pages 70, Including Covers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             opposition intensifies.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Deepak Sharma

                                                                                     The firsT OuTlOOk MOney - POlicyBazaar insurance ranking pg 32                   ’S NO.1 INE                                                                                                                                     RAKHIGARHI RIDDLE WHAT DOES THE DNA TELL US?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Subscription Copy Not For Resale                                BIG BANKS—GOOD OR BAD?—see page 72                                                                                                                                                                                               आउटलुक-आइसीएआरई इंडिया यूडिवडससिटी रैंडकंग 2019                                                                              NEW DELHI: 011-71280433, 71280462, 71280307
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                                                                                                                                                               INDIA MAGAZ
                                                                                                                                                                      ’S NO.1 INE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       आउटलुक-आइसीएआरई इंडिया यूडिवडससिटी रैंडकंग 2019
                                                                                     The firsT OuTlOOk MOney - POlicyBazaar insurance ranking pg 32
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Subscription Copy Not For Resale                                BIG BANKS—GOOD OR BAD?—see page 72

4    O U TLO O K | JUNE 8, 2020
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                                                                                                                   NAVI MUMBAI
                                                                                                                   C.K. Subramaniam:
                                                                                                                   The Prime Minister’s speech
                                                                                                                   boosted one’s motivation—
                                                                                                                   the Rs 20 lakh crore package
                                                                                                                   shows empathy for the
                                                                                                                   country in these challenging
                                                                                                                   times. On the flip side, the
                                                                                                                   implementation of these
                                                                                                                   goals is important. It is
                                                                                                                   also disappointing to note
                                                                                                                   that the package includes
                                                                                                                   liquidity measures an-
                                                                                                                   nounced by the RBI earlier.
                                                                                                                   The Centre has to focus on
                                                                                                                   reaching out to migrants,
                                                                                                                   especially since they lack
                                                                                                                   documentation. Also, the               CALCUTTA
                                                                                                                   economic package has to be             Avik Debnath: On
                                                                                                                   disbursed without corrup-              page 23, there is a quote
                                                                                                                   tion. But Modi is right when           of Vikas Srivastava, who
                                                                                                                   he says that India can lead            has been erroneously
                                                                                                                   the world—we have a young,             associated in the article
                                                                                                                   capable population. Our Rs             with “IIM-K”. He is an
                                                                                                                   20-lakh-crore dream will               esteemed faculty member
                                                                                                                   come true soon.                        of IIM-L (Lucknow).
D I G I M A G . O U T LO O K I N D I A . C O M

                                                                     The Wheels                                                  FROM THE Daak              Room
                                                                     MUMBAI                                             Hello mr lynes
                                                                     Ashok Goswami: This refers to your
                                                                                                                        thank you very much
                                                                     cover story The Flu Shot (June 1, 2020).
YO U T U B E . C O M / O U T LO O K M A G A Z I N E

                                                                     The economy is no doubt in a tailspin,             biographical information
                                                                     but only spin doctors have come to the             my life couldn’t fill a penny postcard
                                                                     rescue. Economic pundits and stock                 i was born in pittsburgh in 1928 (like everyone else –
                                                                     markets have given the economic stimu-             in a steel mill)
                                                                     lus a thumbs down. It failed to put                i graduated from Carnegie Tech
                                                                                                                        now i’m in NY city moving from one roach infested
                                                                     money where the mouths are and did
                                                                                                                        apartment to another.
                                                                     nothing for demand generation. Giving
                                                                     fodder to the horse is of no use if you put        Andy Warhol
                                                                     it behind the cart. The Opposition has
FAC E B O O K . C O M / O U T LO O K I N D I A

                                                                     failed to corner the government over
                                                                     this failure. RBI’s undeserved and
                                                                     unwarranted rate cuts will have no effect
                                                                     apart from bleeding senior citizens who
                                                                     are staring at fixed deposit rates of less           Me, Myself And I
                                                                     than six percent and no social security          In 1949, when Russell
                                                                     pensions. The government should reach            Lynes, managing Editor,
                                                                     out to MSMEs, help them woo back the             Harper’s magazine,
T W I T T E R . C O M / O U T LO O K I N D I A

                                                                     workforce and arrange for working capi-          asked Andy Warhol
                                                                     tal. The dead can’t be resurrected, but          for biographical
                                                                     the dying can be saved. Instead of               information, the 21-year-
                                                                     announcing big numbers, the govern-              old artist responded
                                                                     ment must ensure that the stimulus               with this postcard.
                                                                     greases the jammed wheels of industries.

00                                                    O U TLOOK6| MAY
                                                                   OUTLOOK  | JUNE 8 , 2020
                                                                      4, 2020
Stay safe at home. We have strengthened our online platforms with an aim to serve your needs uniterruptedly - Outlook India
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Farewell                                                           senior government officer, so
                                                                   superciliousness took the
                                                                                                      conducted by the National
                                                                                                      Testing Agency may seem
                                                                   better of him and he kept          too dire, but the COVID-19
GOA                                                                sermonising for more time          pandemic in India might not
M.N. Bhartiya: This refers                                         than his ‘paan’ permitted. As      have peaked yet. Dr
to the cover story Things                                          I and my friends watched           Randeep Guleria, the direc-
That Got Covided (May 18).                                         anxiously, the red liquid          tor of AIIMS, has said that
History has witnessed many                                         trickled from the corners of       according to modelling data
curses of nature as well as                                        his mouth. He comfortably          and the way our cases are
manmade disasters, but                                             picked up a saucer from my         increasing, it is likely that the
humanity has not changed.                                          table and spat! While shock,       peak can come in June and
People greedily exploit those                                      dismay and ridicule followed,      July. He further said that
who are weak and keep them                                         my friend amusingly ex-            there are many variables
suppressed. Any improve-         remittances. And things will      plained that ‘Sir’ was helpless    and only with time, will we
ment in the standards of         continue as before.               for he had only two options        know how effective the lock-
education, hygiene, habits                                         to get rid of the fluid: down or   down has been. Obviously,
etc of the poor is not in the    NEW DELHI                         out! And it is the ‘out’ option    right now, everything is
interest of upper classes sim-   Sangeeta Kampani: One of          he exercised like everyone         uncertain. There is a need
ply because they will not be     the most enduring sights and      else. In case COVID-19 could       for reinvention, innovation
able to exploit them. Kings,     sounds of India is the red-       leave its imprint on this          and maximisation of all
emperors and those leaders       hued spittle mark and the         unsightly habit, it would be       available digital resources to
concentrating power by sin-      jarring ‘thoo’. While the         quite a gain in these ungainly     reach out to students and
ister designs while donning      threat the pandemic poses is      times. It would be a story I       continue education. That is
the garb of democracy            predicted to bring about a        would love to narrate to my        the way forward for us.
ensure the poor remain poor.     paradigm shift in our hygiene     grandchildren—how the red          Nowadays, many students
Labour laws have to be more      habits, the end of spitting       fluid finally got covided!         are getting their scheduled
stringent to suck the blood of   seems nowhere in sight. I say                                        classroom work on a smart-
the poor. There is a vacuum      this out of personal experi-      LUCKNOW                            phone. After COVID-19, it is
in the leadership of the         ence. Sometime back, a col-       M.C. Joshi: UGC’s sugges-          going to be a changed world—
unorganised working class.       league walked into my office      tion of shifting the new           online classrooms and
Migrant labour will silently     with this mouth-watering          academic session in colleges       work-from-home may
return to commercial hubs        delicacy in his mouth. The        from July to September and         become the norm for
once they exhaust their          gentleman happened to be a        to postpone all tests              education and employment.

NEW DELHI                                                                                             nitely. This is all the more
Gaurav Pant: The photoes-                                                                             true of the not-so-big ban-
say Ahead Is Home, Behind                                                                             ners, which look at quick
Is Hunger (May 18) aptly                                                                              recovery of costs and profita-
depicted how the COVID-19                                                                             bility to stay in the game.
crisis has thrown the lives                                                                           Theatre owners and multi-
and livelihoods of workers                                                                            plexes may not like the idea
into disarray. There is no                                                                            since it puts their earnings in
doubt that COVID-19 has                                                                               jeopardy, but at the same
plunged millions of people                                                                            time, they do not have any
into extreme poverty and                                                                              valid reason to cry foul. With
uncertainty, but those                                                                                ‘social distancing’ the new
working in the informal                                                                               norm, even after the virus
economy, with fragile            dreams is getting spent in        GURGAON                            bids us goodbye, the circum-
sources of income, are the       their fight for survival—all      Kamna Chhabra: This                stances that have driven us
worst affected. Loss of          that remains is a blank fu-       refers to Small Screen, Big        to switch to OTT platforms
wages, lack of employment        ture. The world might learn       Locha (June 1). The pan-           are here to stay. The boom-
and rising casualties have       to live with the virus, but the   demic has left its mark on         ing sound and the big 70 mm
prompted the mass return         hardships and pain people         the way films are being            screen in a packed theatre is
of these migrants to their       had to go through will            released. In the present           going to be replaced by TV
native places. What they had     remain engraved in the            uncertain times, releases          and mobile screens. ‘Small’ is
saved for their beautiful        bosom of humanity.                cannot be put on hold indefi-      the new ‘big’ now.

OUTLOOKINDIA.COM                                                                                                       MJAY
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                                              Heads That Bow
                                              Put at the centre of the COVID fight by the Odisha
                                              CM, the sarpanch remains a figurehead
 Around 300 nurses have left Calcutta
 for Manipur after resigning from their       Sandeep Sahu in Bhubaneswar                  anomalies that undermine the sar-
 jobs. Earlier, it was reported that 185                                                   panch’s authority to take a call on some-

 nurses have quit their jobs in Calcut­                                                    thing within his/her jurisdiction.
 ta hospitals and returned to Imphal.                   N April 19, Odisha CM Naveen       Neither the CM’s April 19 announce-
 Cristella, a nurse said: “We are not                   Patnaik announced on TV what       ment nor the notification issued later by
 happy that we left our duties. There                   he described as a “historic        the revenue and disaster management
 was a huge shortage of PPE kits. We          decision”. He said his government had        department spelt out the financial and
 also faced discrimination and racism.        put sarpanches (elected heads) of gram       administrative powers supposedly dele-
 People sometimes spat on us. They            panchayats at the centre of the fight        gated to the sarpanches. In fact, a Febru-
 questioned us everywhere we went.”           against COVID-19, conferring on them         ary 17 notification issued by the
                                              the “powers of district collectors” for      panchayati raj and drinking water
                                              effective management of quarantine           department continues to bar sarpanches
                                              centres for migrant workers
                                              returning from other states.
                                              This was done vide Section 51
                                              of the Disaster Management
                                              Act, 2005, and the Epidemic
                                              Diseases Act, 1897, read with
                                              COVID-19 regulations, 2020.
                                              A month later, the sarpanch-
 On May 23, Delhi Police arrested Nat­
                                              es, far from enjoying the
 asha Narwal and Devangana Kalita of
                                              powers of a collector, are still
 student group Pinjra Tod for participat­
                                              at the mercy of the local block
 ing in anti-CAA protests. They got bail,     development officer (BDO)
 but were arrested again in a separate        and panchayat extension
 case and put in remand for two days,         officer (PEO) for just about
 which was extended by two more days.         everything. With almost no
                                              financial powers, the elected
                                              panchayat heads are not even consulted
                                              when babus take administrative               Naveen Patnaik at an online
                                              decisions. Each panchayat has been given     interaction with sarpanches
                                              Rs 5 lakh for running quarantine centres,
                                              but the sarpanches have to run to the        from incurring any expenditure without
                                              PEOs for sanction of every little expense.   the BDO’s sanction, regardless of the
                                                “What collector’s powers? The PEO          CM’s declaration of April 19. Moreover, a
                                              insists on bills for the smallest expendi-   May 11 circular asking collectors and
 The Amphan cyclone has damaged the           ture. Do we look after the needs of the      BDOs to ensure strict adherence to
 world’s largest banyan tree—one of the       inmates of quarantine centres or keep        guidelines regarding management of
 two ‘kalpvriksha’, also known as Indian      running to the PEO?” asks the sarpanch       quarantine centres makes no reference
                                              of a panchayat close to Bhubaneswar.         to sarpanches nor is copied to any of
 olive—in the Acharya Jagadish Chandra
                                              Some sarpanches say they are asked to        them. “These orders are in conflict with
 Bose Indian Botanic Garden in Howrah.
                                              get ration and other stuff for quarantine    the announcement made by the chief
 The circumference of the 342-year-old        centres on credit with the promise that      minister on April 19,” says a senior jour-
 tree’s core stem once measured 15            the amount spent would be reimbursed.        nalist who heads the Citizens’ Action
 metre and that of its peripheral stem        “Given the snail’s pace at which the gov-    Group. “More importantly, they under-
 is over 1.08 km. The core stem was           ernment machinery moves, you never           mine his appeal on May 11 for greater
 removed in 1925. The Botanical Survey        know when the reimbursement will be          decentralisation in the approach to fight
 of India uses the picture of this tree as    done,” complains a sarpanch.                 COVID-19. That’s why the orders must
 its logo. Banyan is India’s national tree.     There are also legal and administrative    be withdrawn.” O

 8   O U TLO OK | JUNE 8, 2020
Stay safe at home. We have strengthened our online platforms with an aim to serve your needs uniterruptedly - Outlook India
Caution !!! Indian stock market 2020 again started facing a big crash.
Very soon Nifty will hit minimum 2500 level in the upcoming days.

   his crash is going to be the biggest crash
   registered in the history of Indian stock
         We can see a sharp fall in this crash.
                                                   40% from life high in the month of March
                                                   2020. During the fall investors and Traders
                                                   Wealth will get affected badly. So investors
In this crash NIFTY will fall up to 80% which is   and Traders of our Indian stock market must
calculated from the LIFE HIGH. It is going to      be careful to deal with this Crash said by
be the consecutive crash in the year 2020 that     RESEARCH ANALYST Mr. LAKSHMI NARAYANAN
our Indian stock market got corrected nearly       SUNDARAM.

                                                                                                      LAKSHMI NARAYANAN SUNDARAM
                                                                                                        Research Analyst (Sebi Certified).

                                                                                          NIFTY TARGET LINE

                                                          Villagers shift from a flooded
                                                          locality following heavy rainfall in
                                                          Goalpara. Hundreds of villages are
M I X E D                    S H O T S                    under water in Lower Assam.

                                                                             UMER ASIF
                                                                                         statements every day mentioning
                                                                                         visits by people welcoming the new
                                                                                         domicile rules, including former and
                                                                                         serving top government officials.
                                                                                         Besides children of J&K residents
                                                                                         living outside J&K and West Pakistan
                                                                                         refugees, the April 1 order has made
                                                                                                      eligible for domicile all
                                                                                  Srinagar city, a    those who have resided in
                                                                                  house maze          J&K for 15 years, or studied
                                                                                                      for seven years and
                                                                                                      appeared in the Class 10th
                                                                                         or 12th examination from an
                                                                                         educational institution there. The
                                                                                         order says children of central
                                                                                         government officials, including
                                                                                         officials of PSUs and banks, who have
                                                                                         served in J&K for 10 years will also be

Certified to Belong
                                                                                         eligible. Domicile will also be granted
                                                                                         to all migrants and their children
                                                                                         registered with the relief and
                                                                                         rehabilitation commissioner.
Naseer Ganai in Srinagar                    place. Unless there is some hidden              When Jammu-based Panther’s Party
                                            agenda, it makes no sense to recruit         leader Harsh Dev Singh warned that
                Since coming up with the    tens of thousands to issue domicile          the domicile rules would open the
     J&K        Jammu and Kashmir           certificates to those who already have a floodgates of people to J&K, the BJP
                Grant of Domicile Certif-   PRC. Those who have been living in           described such criticism as alarmist.
icate (Procedure) Rules, 2020, defining     Kashmir for 5,000 years are on the           “This will not add a large chunk of peo-
the procedure to obtain domicile in the     same footing as those seeking to             ple to the J&K population,” says the
Union territory, the J&K government         acquire the domicile certificate now.        BJP’s J&K president Ravinder Raina.
has announced 10,000 vacancies and          Both have to prove it—erstwhile state        “Instead, the new rules are inclusive of
made domicile certificate a criterion       subjects by submitting a PRC, and oth-       many sections within J&K who were
for applicants. Permanent residents of      ers by submitting a ration card. That a      being denied their fundamental rights,
the erstwhile State of J&K who were         ‘state subject’ residing here for genera- including the right of domicile. The
issued the Permanent Resident Certif-       tions has to regain his ‘domicile’ is        order has by and large been welcomed
icate (PRC) before August 31, 2019,         adding insult to injury. Does it not         by a large section of people.”
shall be eligible for receiving domicile    strike anyone in the governance sys-            In Kashmir, both the People’s Demo-
certificates on the basis of the PRC        tem that the PRC should have been            cratic Party and the National Confer-
alone. The government has set a 15-day      deemed to be a domicile certificate?”        ence came out against the order.
deadline from the submission of appli-        J&K Lt Governor Girish Chandra             “Demographic change and disenfran-
cation for local revenue officers to        Murmu, meanwhile, has been seeking           chisement will further complicate the
issue the certificate and would deduct      public approval of the new domicile          J&K issue, which has claimed thou-
Rs 50,000 from the officer’s salary as      rules opposed by all political parties in sands of lives. This will be resisted
penalty in case of further delay.           J&K, barring the BJP. His office issues      through all democratic peaceful
  Critics say the process for Kashmiris                                                  means,” said the PDP in a statement.
is similar to the contentious updating                                                      “This is the first time in history that
exercise of the National Register of            “Mughals, Afghans,                       the Kashmiri identity is facing a real
Citizens. “The new regime of domicile                                                    threat,” says political analyst Riyaz
rights strikes at the roots of the notion    Sikhs, Dogras…nobody Ahmad. “This identity has survived
of who belongs to Kashmir,” says for-            except democratic                       400 years under various brutal
mer J&K finance minister Haseeb                                                          regimes—Mughals, Afghans, Sikhs,
Drabu. “The rules obliterate, through          India tried to change                     Dogras—because none of them tried to
redefining, the ethnic conception of
belonging that was sought to be pro-
                                             J&K’s demographic pro- change                         the demographic profile of this
                                                                                         place. But that is exactly what is being
tected by the domicile law in the first      file,” says Riyaz Ahmad. tried in democratic India.” O

10   O U TLO OK | JUN E 8, 2020

A Two
Outlook Bureau

        HEY come in hordes of millions,
        flying in robot-like formations
        some 3km long and shearing all
forms of greenery off a landscape in a
matter of hours. Like an apocalyptic         we all know blowing high to low pres-
science fiction movie—the buzzing            sure areas and carrying with it the         Locusts in Jaipur. Adult insects can
crepitations from their wings harmoni-       migrating pestilence into the interiors     consume roughly their own weight in
ous with the sci-fi parable. They are        from its point of entry, the Thar along     fresh food per day.
locusts—tiddi in Hindi. And India, in        the India-Pakistan border.
the middle of a pandemic, is bracing for       The government says the locusts are       rains. That could be a double whammy
a biblical plague, probably the biggest      active in Rajasthan, Gujarat,               as India is already battling waves from
locust outbreak since 1993. The alarms       Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and              spring breeding in Iran and Pakistan.
are out, amateur videos of swarms            Madhya Pradesh. The forecast is grim.         India has proposed a coordinated
engulfing cropland, villages and cities      Why? The attack is “escalating the dan-     approach to both nations, but experts
are aplenty. The latest was from Jaipur,     ger to food security”. A small swarm        accuse Pakistan of inaction despite
where millenials captured an hour-long       eats as much in one day as about 35,000     knowing that its border with
flypast on their cellphones. People beat     people. And the UN warns that a new         Afghanistan is a breeding hotspot.
utensils, burst firecrackers. The locusts,   wave is expected this June. A bigger        Earlier, locusts came from Africa, taking
for the din they make, hate noise.           wave—a single swarm covering 1 sq km        ample time to reach India. Not any-
  The insects flew out of the city to        can contain up to 80 million of the vora-   more. India is ring-fencing its locust
greener pasture. Wherever the wind           cious insects—could reach India from        defence system with drones and crop-
took them, for they fly with the air cur-    Africa. Billions of the young desert        duster planes, while villages have their
rent—covering up to 150 km a day at 20       locusts are winging in from breeding        own warning system—loudspeakers.
kmph. This is summer and the wind is         grounds in Somalia in search of fresh       “Tiddi aa rahi hai, apney khet bachao
flowing easterly from the hot desert, as     vegetation springing up with seasonal       (locusts are coming, save your fields).” O


 Pulmonologist              Indian hockey legend      Casino tycoon             Australian tennis          An alligator that once
 Dr Jitendra                Balbir Singh Sr,          Stanley Ho,               great Ashley               belonged to Adolf
 Nath Pande, a              a three-time Olympic      whose business            Cooper has died            Hitler has died in the
 former doctor at           gold-winning              empire dominated          aged 83. He was a          Moscow Zoo.
 AIIMS, Delhi, died of      centre-forward, has       the former Portu-         four-time Grand Slam       Saturn, about 84,
 COVID-19. He was 79.       died in Mohali            guese gambling            winner—Australian          had escaped from
 Both Dr Pande and          battling multiple         enclave of Macao for      Open in 1957 and           Berlin Zoo in 1943. He
 his wife had tested        health issues. He         decades, has died in      1958; Wimbledon and        was found in 1946
 positive.                  was 96.                   Hong Kong at age 98.      US Open in 1958.           and given to Moscow.

                                                                                                               J U NE 8 , 2 0 2 0 | OU T LOOK   11


                                                                                         TIK TOK. HE’S THERE

       YNDSAY Tucker, a skincare consultant at a Sephora beauty store in                        OCIAL media network TikTok might
       San Jose, California, knew all about popping pimples and unclogging                      be good for subjecting the world
       pores, but little about vehicles. So imagine her consternation when a                    to your lack of talent or a few
South African businessman called her to buy 1,000 trucks. But that wasn’t                giggles, but who would have thought it
the only one—commendation for a “magnificent car” followed, as did                       could help find missing people and
inquiries about purchasing an ATV she had                                                reunite families! That’s what happened
supposedly “showed off during a CyberTruck                                               when a family in Bhadradri Kothagudem
reveal”. Turns out her telecom company had                                               district, Telangana, found a 60-year-old
reassigned Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk’s                                              deaf-mute man eating food in a video a
old number to her—she receives at least three calls                                      police constable in Ludhiana had
a day meant for Musk. Poor Lindsay, she didn’t                                           shared. The man had been missing for
even know who Musk was until this incident, let                                          over two years and is now back with his
alone his loony ravings on Twitter. The most                                             family—all thanks to the app, which can
surprising thing: no one has yet called to ask what is                                   now boast of more accomplishments
                                                                                         than making millions lip-sync. O
up with Musk trying to name his son XÆA-12. O

                                    JACK OF ALL FALLS
                                              UMPTY Dumpty’s experience was nowhere as dismal as
                                              Pariyaram’s, a man from Belur in Kasaragod, Kerala, who
                                              climbed a jackfruit tree for a bountiful harvest. Not only did
                                    he fall from the tree, a jackfruit fell on his head, cracking his spine.
                                    He had to go for surgery, but his troubles did not end there. As per
                                    protocol, doctors at Government Medical College, Kannur, tested
                                    him for COVID-19 and the results came positive. If that wasn’t bad
                                    enough, he has no idea where he contracted the disease from, rais-
                                    ing fears of possible community transmission in the state. O


      MAGINE sitting on Rs 14,000 crore and eight tonnes of
      gold and still not being able to pay your employees! Such
      has been the fate of TTD, the poor rich trust that manages
the Tirupati temple in Andhra Pradesh. So it is with some
confusion that hungry devotees welcomed its decision to sell
its famed laddoos for Rs 25 instead of the earlier Rs 50 across         QUEENS

Andhra Pradesh and in neighbouring state capitals. The
reason behind this largesse? The                                                    HEN a request for spirits to lift their
trust’s ‘e-hundi’ received                                                          spirits was turned down, a group of bar
electronic donations of                                                             dancers from Mumbai did what they do
Rs 1.97 crore in April 2020,                                            best—dance. Only their stage was the corridor of a
Rs 18 lakh more than                                                    quarantine centre in Moradabad. They might have
what it last year. After                                                won the approbation of beer-goggled customers in the
all, in tough times, who                                                past, but couldn’t dance their way into the hearts of
wouldn’t want to curry                                                  the police on duty. Instead, the cops booked them
divine favour, even if it                                                    under six sections of the IPC and refused to let
entails lavish monetary                                                        them leave. Too bad no one’s watching that
inducements? O                                                                 scene, digging the dancing queens. O

12   O U TLO OK | JUN E 8, 2020                                                                          I L LU S T R AT I O N S : S A A H I L
                                                 A Webinar Series

 for start-Ups

 K Ganesh Serial Entrepreneur
Watch the complete
discussion between
K.Ganesh, and
N Mahalakshmi, Editor,
Outlook Business on
strategies start-ups can
adopt to retune themselves
to deal with the disruption
caused by Covid-19
  To watch the video, visit


  Presented by           C0-Sponsored by

                              Patrol Bombs
                   Border tensions spike suddenly along the LAC, as sections in India join
                    others in criticising China’s handling of COVID-19. Yet the two have
                              enough reasons to resolve all issues peacefully.

Pranay Sharma                              the past week begun to pitch tents and     gone farther than usual,” he adds.
                                           enforce their respective positions along   Raghavan refers to incidents that

                                           strategic points in Ladakh, in the west-   started from May 5-6, when Indian
        HREE years ago, a prolonged        ern sector of the Line of Actual Control   and Chinese soldiers were injured
        stand-off between Indian and       (LAC). The build-up at the border—         while trading punches and throwing
        Chinese troops on Bhutan’s         triggered by aggressive posturing and      stones at each other in a departure
Doklam plateau had sparked alarming        ‘transgressions’ by soldiers of the        from past norms underlining the
speculation about the proximity of an      People’s Liberation Army (PLA) into        avoidance of physical violence.
armed conflict between the two Asian       the Indian side of the LAC—coincides         Barring 1962, when the neighbours
giants, and how such a frightening         with a marked rise in anti-China feel-     went to war over their disputed bound-
possibility would destabilise the          ings in India as sections make common      ary, not a single bullet has been fired
sub-continent and the region beyond.       cause with the anger against the           across the Sino-Indian border since
That crisis, however, was resolved in      Chinese leadership across the world in     1975. In the intervening period, there
73 days without a shot being fired.        the wake of the COVID-19 crisis.           have been skirmishes and face-offs. But
  But similar worries have started           The question arises if the two devel-    they were all peacefully resolved.
clouding minds of policy planners as       opments are linked. “This seems to be        The 3448-km Line of Actual Control,
Indian and Chinese soldiers have over      a coincidence; there is no connection      behind which soldiers of the two coun-
                                           between the two,” says historian           tries stand, remains disputed and
                                           Srinath Raghavan. “The LAC has its         un-demarcated, yet is not considered a
Indian and Chinese soldiers march at the   own seasonal dynamic and this is part      ‘hot border’ like the one between India
border post at Bumla, Arunachal Pradesh    of it. Though both sides seem to have      and Pakistan. Moreover, despite their

simultaneous rise within the same                                                             for the China policy, especially the
geographical space, Indian and                                                                MEA, remains careful and meas-
Chinese leadership have so far                                                                ured in its response,” he says,
skilfully managed to avoid situa-                                                             indicating that Beijing should
tions that could lead to another                                                              look through the clutter to make
armed confrontation. But height-                                                              sense of the Indian government’s
ened tension in the past weeks,                                                               stance in this prevailing interna-
following hectic activities of                                                                tional mood.
patrolling soldiers of India and                                                                Raghavan feels joining a
China in key points along the                                                                 Western chorus of criticism of
LAC, has increased unease.                                                                    China makes it easier for some in
  Indian officials have recorded                                                              India to express displeasure at
‘transgressions’ along the LAC in                                                             China’s handling of the pandemic.
Pangong Tso Lake, Trig Heights,                                                               “At a time when many others are
Burtse, the Doletango area and the                                                            talking tough with China, it’ll be
Galwan river valley in Ladakh and                                                             difficult for Beijing to target
also at strategic points in Sikkim.                                                           India,” he says.
   “Better infrastructure, enhanced                                                             Hardliners, however, are disap-
transportation and communication                                                              pointed with the government’s
facilities have increased the proba-                                                          stand. “India is not adopting a
bility of Indian and Chinese patrols                                                          policy that is assertive enough
coming face-to-face,” explains                                                                towards China,” says former
Gautam Bambawale, former                                                                      Indian foreign secretary Kanwal
ambassador to China. Coupled with                                                             Sibal. “China’s provocations that
aggressive patrolling, this could lead to    Recent summits between PM Modi and         touch our core interests continue,” he
the kind of situation we now witness, he     President Xi have sought to iron out       adds. According to Sibal, China has
explains. Bambawale reminds that there       fissures in Sino-India ties                not only repeatedly attempted to put
are standard operation procedures that                                                  Kashmir on the UN Security Council
the two sides have agreed to and if their    Union minister Nitin Gadkari, made         agenda, but also challenged India’s
soldiers adhere to them the border could     critical remarks about China in public.    sovereignty in Arunachal Pradesh
be relatively peaceful. But if there are       “I don’t see any special change in       and Ladakh.
attempts to change the ‘status quo ante’,    India’s approach towards China,” says        “On the latest provocations in Sikkim
it could lead to trouble, he warns.          C. Raja Mohan, director of the             and Ladakh, our initial reaction was
  Experts say the stand-off in strategic     Institute of South Asian Studies,          mild and even apologetic,” feels Sibal.
points at Ladakh, like Galwan, is con-       National University of Singapore. “The     “But the MEA spokesperson corrected
nected to Indian construction activi-        worldwide concern is about China get-      the earlier mistake by accusing the
ties, including building a road from         ting assertive in its responses to ques-   Chinese side of hindering normal
Dharchuk via Shyok to Daulat Beg             tions on its handling of the COVID-19      patrolling patterns, affirming that all
Oldie, which is now the revamped             crisis,” he adds. Raja Mohan points out    Indian activity is on the Indian side
advance landing ground that would            that in India the public debate, espe-     and that India was committed to pro-
allow C-130J aircraft to land and boost      cially from the political class, has       tect its sovereignty and security.”
strategic airlift capabilities. In addi-     always been free-flowing; there have         Bambawale, who has been part of
tion, a series of roads are being built in   been voices that have always been          crafting the China policy, makes it
the area to enhance India’s access to        critical of China and those who reso-      clear that there was nothing new about
the Karakoram highway—an area of             lutely supported Beijing irrespective      India’s stand. “India has for many dec-
immense strategic importance for             of the merits involved.                    ades taken strong positions vis-a-vis
both Pakistan and China.                       “But the section that is responsible     China where our fundamental inter-
  It is the building of this access road                                                ests were involved,” says the former
that is being vehemently opposed by                                                     envoy. He cites examples to explain the
China but India seem determined not                                                     Indian stand—referring to the 2017
to abandon its plans of building the               India’s building                     Doklam stand-off, the Sumdorong Chu
required infrastructure—as the Chinese              of access roads                     incident in the late 1980s or the 1998
have done on their side—to enhance                                                      decision to test a nuclear device. “India
better access to the armed forces.                to the Karakoram                      has always taken strong, difficult deci-
  Away from the border, the mood in               highway is being                      sions when its fundamental interests
political circles in New Delhi and else-                                                were involved. I think this continues to
where has undergone a significant                  vehemently and                       be true today,” he adds.
change. Political leaders, including those                                                Bambawale also refers to the recent
from the ruling BJP, like its national
                                                  unfairly opposed                      guidelines India announced for invest-
general secretary Ram Madhav and                       by China.                        ment from China, saying, “The recent

OUTLOOKINDIA.COM                                                                                             J U NE 8 , 2 0 2 0 | OU T LOOK   15

Indian, Chinese soldiers in a face-off
near the Pangong lake in Ladakh

change in FDI flows from China is in
India’s basic interest. Even then, we
will continue to welcome Chinese
investment but through the govern-
ment route.” Stressing his initial point,
he says, “I believe there is more conti-
nuity than change in India’s policy
toward China.”
  But the current developments play
out at a time when the US and China
are locked in a major battle for
supremacy and influence at the
global stage. How will it affect India,
whose ties with Washington have
been growing steadily over the years?
“The US affects all major bilateral
relations in the world,” says Raja
Mohan. “As the second most impor-
tant power, China does the same
today.” Referring to developments of
the 1970s, when the US engaged
China diplomatically, Raja Mohan
points out how it forced New Delhi to
lean more towards Moscow.
  According to him, after four decades
of deepening economic integration,
America and China are drifting apart.
Domestic politics in the US, awaiting a     points out, there is a desire to call out   risen over the past decades, while the
presidential election, has certainly        Chinese handling of COVID-19 and            economic relationship has become
complicated the dynamic. It can also        try to position India as an alternative     unbalanced, with a massive trade defi-
be presumed that domestic political         destination for global value chains.        cit against India that has been difficult
considerations make it ever more            On the other, there seems to be an          to overcome. “But the stakes for both
important for President Xi Jinping to       awareness of the need for continued         countries are only higher now,” he
be seen as standing up to American          investment flows from China and the         says. “One hopes the current tensions
pressure. “All countries will now have      importance of not getting into a hos-       will not escalate into a major crisis.”
to cope with worsening ties between         tile fracas with a stronger neighbour.        Former foreign secretary Sibal has no
US and China,” says Raja Mohan.             “The tensions between these compet-         illusions about the future of Sino-
  Indian ties with China must navi-         ing imperatives needs to be managed         Indian ties. “The impact of China’s
gate these choppy waters, with India        better,” adds Raghavan.                     hegemonic ambitions on India will
ensuring that much-needed invest-             So far, India and China have done         remain a serious problem, requiring,
ment from China continues to pour           well to manage the contradictions in        as before, engagement and hedging,”
in. “The step to change the approval        their relations. As Raja Mohan indi-        he observes in an opinion piece.
route for Chinese investments was           cates, border tensions have steadily          Bambawale is more pragmatic.
necessary to prevent China’s preda-                                                     “India-China relations have been
tory economic policies,” says Sibal. He                                                 complex. It is likely to get more so
points out that there is no bar to                                                      now”. He feels India needs to keep its
Chinese investments per se, the                “Better infrastructure                   relation with China on track while
intent is to prevent China’s acquiring           and communica-                         furthering its national interest. He
assets on the cheap as a result of their                                                points out the need for a new tem-
fall in value owing to the pandemic.           tions have increased                     plate, as the underlying realities have
  Raghavan is sceptical whether                chances of opposing                      changed. “This was the effort made at
future ties between the two neigh-                                                      the Wuhan Informal Summit. But it is
bours will be smooth. “I think New                 patrols coming                       still a work in progress,” says the
Delhi needs to be clear about the kind                                                  former envoy to China. That work, it
of relationship it wants with China,”
                                                 face-to-face,” says                    is to be hoped, must never be hostage
says Raghavan. On one hand, he                 Gautam Bambawale.                        to border tensions. O

16   O U TLOOK | JUNE 8, 2020
O P I N I O N / Lt Gen. (retd) Subrata Saha                                           A DV I S O RY B O A R D , A N D FO R M E R D E P U T Y C H I E F O F
                                                                                        A R M Y STA F F A N D K A S H M I R C O R P S C O M M A N D E R .

The Abusage Of Rhetoric
Judicious diplomacy can resolve any boundary issue through the hitherto
successful mechanism between India and Nepal for the purpose

              time-honoured India-            Tibet and China. Both the Rana rulers of Nepal and the Nepalese kings
THE           Nepal relations are going
              through yet another test—
                                              accepted the boundary and did not raise any objection with the
                                              Government of India after India’s Independence.
              this time around it’s about       In a media interview the defence minister of Nepal exacerbated the spat
the interpretation of the two-century         with an attempt to incite the Gorkha soldiers who serve in the Indian
old Treaty of Sagauli, ratified on March      Army. In doing so, he is trying to harm the special bond that exists
4, 1816 between the King of Nepal and         between India and Nepal. India, Nepal, and UK had signed the tripartite
the British East India Company.               agreement in 1947, according to which 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9 Gorkha Rifles
  On May 8, 2020, Union Defence               joined the Indian Army and 2, 6, 7 and 10 Gurkha Rifles joined the British
Minister Rajnath Singh, through a                                                   Army. Over the years, UK has
video event, inaugurated the road link                                              reduced the complement of Gurkhas
from Dharchula (Uttarakhand) to                                                     substantially. India, on the other
Lipulekh (on the border with China).                                                hand, has increased the number of
The road would help boost trade and                                                 Gorkha units, with new raisings from
economic growth in this border region                                               time to time. According to an IDSA
and facilitate the Mansarovar Yatra.                                                article of 2017, there are
The road, constructed by the Border                                                 approximately 1,27,000 pensioners
Roads Organisation, has taken some                                                  (90,000 of the Indian Army and
time to build due to heavy snowfall,                                                37,000 of the Central and state
steep slopes, extremely low                                                         governments as well as
temperatures, restricted working                                                    paramilitary), in Nepal. Some
season, besides numerous flash floods                                               members of the Communist Party in
and cloudbursts causing disruptions                                                 Nepal have tried in the past to strike
and loss of lives and equipment.                                                    at this special bond. The institutional
  The Government of Nepal reacted to                                                strength of the Army and the
the inauguration by unveiling a new                                                 qualities of the soldiers ensured that
political map of Nepal, placing the                                                 they have weathered through crises
areas of Kalapani, Limpiyadhura and                                                 like the Maoist insurgency in Nepal,
Lipulekh as part of their territory.        Nepal’s sudden                          and the occasional standoff in the
Concomitantly, there were caustic and                                               past. In today’s hyperactive social
unreasonable remarks made by the            territorial claims                      media environment, extra
prime minister of Nepal in parliament.                                              precautions against disinformation
  According to the 1816 Treaty of
                                            notwithstanding,                        would be in order. An outreach to the
Sagauli, Nepal renounced all claims to      the Ranas and the                       pensioner community, to sensitise
the disputed Tarai, or lowland country,                                             them about the vested interests, may
and ceded its conquests west of the         kings had no issue                      also help.
river Kali and extending to the Sutlej.
Effectively, river Kali was accepted as
                                            with the boundary                         According to reports appearing in
                                                                                    the media, the Nepalese parliament
the Western boundary of Nepal with          both before and after has not passed the constitutional
British India, and post 1947, between                                               amendment for the new map. This is
India and Nepal. At the root of the
                                            Independence.                           a positive development, as there are
current controversy are Nepal’s recent                                              mechanisms in place to settle
claims stating that the source of the         boundary issues between India and Nepal. Set up in 1981, the India-Nepal
Kali lies at Limpiyadhura, hence              Joint Boundary Working Group has been able to complete almost 98 per
Kalapani and Lipulekh, to the east of         cent of its mandate—to resolve boundary issues, demarcate the
the Kali, belong to Nepal. The Survey         international border and manage boundary pillars. Perhaps an
of India maps since the 1870s showed          expeditious resolution of the remaining two per cent, through diplomatic
the area of Lipulekh down to Kalapani         means, should take care of the issue. India-Nepal relations are much too
as part of British India. The British         precious to be frittered away in rhetoric. O
used the Lipulekh pass for trade with                                                       (Views expressed are personal.)

                                                                                                                   J U NE 8 , 2 0 2 0 | OU T LOOK   17
O P I N I O N / Rathin Banerjee                                                             O F F I C E R . H E H A S N U M E R O U S P U B L I C AT I O N S I N
                                                                                              SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS IN INDIA AND ABROAD.

What the Otter Knows
About the Cyclone
The Sunderbans is safe—as is the tiger. Nature has no
intention to create disharmony within itself

                                                                                                                       Boats capsized
                                                                                                                       and sunk in
                                                                                                                       surging waves
                                                                                                                       during the storm

SURFACE                  reality can often
                         so batter our
                         lifeworld, and so
                                               now. To recap, the formation—an estimated width of 40 km at the eye
                                               and 120 km for the whole wall cloud—descended from the south of
                                               coastal Digha on the Bay of Bengal, at a speed of 30-40 kmph. Its moist
                         overwhelm our         core held the gigantic energy of a super storm rotating anti-clockwise at
senses, that it’s difficult to grasp a                                         a speed of 160-180 kmph, accompanied by
deeper reality. Remember how we              As a natural                      gusts up to 200 kmph. It left in its wake a
were able to think contrarian about                                            trail of destruction as localities and
the COVID-19 pandemic—over and               barrier, the                      streets cowered and lay blanketed in
above our natural species-level dis-                                           darkness as power was switched off to
may—as a chance for nature to heal
                                             Sunderbans                        avoid accidents. Soon, water from over-
itself? On May 20 at around 1730             took the full brunt flowing drains merged with the street to
hours, we got another chance to revisit                                        resemble one large stream of gushing
our assumptions as the cyclone               as it checked the                 water. It had rained a full 244 mm in
Amphan entered over the gloomy               speed of cyclone                  approximately five hours.
expectant skies of Calcutta and its                                              Now let’s zero in on a key site: the
adjoining areas. We know the basics by       Amphan.                           Sunderbans forest, 120 km south-south-

18   O U TLOOK | JUNE 8, 2020
O P I N I O N / Rathin Banerjee

east of Calcutta. As a peripheral
human habitat, it was as exposed and
vulnerable (if not more) as the city and
its suburbs to the huge cyclonic core of
Amphan. But as a natural barrier, it
took the full brunt as it checked the
speed of the cyclonic formation. This
is as was to be expected. In seasonal
low-pressure situations, gusty winds
and thunderstorms approach Bengal
from the south over the Sunderbans in
a unidirectional path; so the mangrove
forests act as efficient wind-breakers.
  The havoc that Amphan caused to
Calcutta is there for all to see. But what
drama or tragedy was taking place in
those mangroves—the arcane depths
of Sunderbans? The sparse human set-
tlements there were torn asunder. But
what about its other denizens? After
all, it’s home to the largest and most
dangerous crocodile in the world, the
Crocodylus porosus, and the heartbeat
                                                                                                                 The Sunderbans
and pride of any Indian forest, the
                                                                                                                 tiger is a strong
charismatic tiger!
  First, a brief map. The total area of
Sunderbans is 9,630 sq km, containing
a constituted forest area of 4,260 sq
km of evergreen mangrove forest—             An overall                           recorded in 1707, and an earthquake in
indeed, the single-most extensive                                                 1737. Water rose by 40 feet and most
mangrove forest in the world, which          balance is                           areas were depopulated.
has been under scientific management                                                Now, numerous studies have been done
for over a century. The area outside it
                                             maintained                           to study the effects of natural calamities
is land reclaimed from the delta in          as a web of                          on human populations and chart out a
phases with government approval,                                                  course of action to help secure the fringe
beginning as far back as Warren              interrelated                         population settled in Sunderbans—even
Hastings in 1770. Even those early
records show the prime objective for
                                             factors. Take the                    if observed tragically in the breach. But
                                                                                  measuring the strains on its true deni-
reclamation to be human settlement           tiger, for instance.                 zens, its wildlife, has never been easy.
and agriculture.                                                                    We can start with what is apparent: the
  The terrestrial and anthropogenic                                               forest survives in all its pristine glory. It
(human impact on environment) foot-           is as if natural calamities and storms like Amphan have made a deal with
prints on the Sundarbans reveals a            the natural world. That it will save its harshest strike for the
tumultuous history. It has always been        anthropogenic element, or on human activity that pollutes the
subjected to periodic ravages of              environment. The natural world has no intention to cause disharmony
nature in the form of cyclones, inun-         within itself. Some damage is expected—a tiger, for instance, was found
dation by tidal bores, earthquakes,           dead on the forest floor following a storm in 1991. It had apparently fallen
erosion and degradation of soil when          into the current of a large estuary amid incessant rain and strong winds,
estuarine rivers changed courses, as          when a steep shoreline gave away under its weight. The tiger could have
also land subsidence. Early evidences         managed to swim ashore but was injured by a sharp, broken stem of a tree
of human presence were mostly swept           that jutted out at an angle from the river bed. Submerged and hence
away owing to subsidence in the whole         unseen, the stem pierced the tiger’s abdomen—the strong current
of lower Bengal during the middle of          bringing about the impalement.
6th century AD. Many popular ports              But accidents do not give us a rule. An overall balance is maintained as a
and cities have thus disappeared from         web of interrelated factors. Take the Sunderbans tiger. It’s a strong swim-
our maps! Even in 1688, Sagar Island          mer. Its tail base is thicker and more muscular than that of other Indian
had a population of 2,00,000 people—          tigers, since it habitually uses it as an oar. Plus, the high grounds of the
but land subsidence and inundation            forest archipelago are not always submerged for a long period. Water
swept away the entire population that         drains out to the sea quickly, unlike the stagnant, rancid pools we see in
year. A major subsidence was again            cities. On the flip side, if the peaking time of the cyclonic surge coincides

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