YCPA returns to Victoria with a home turf win! - Australian Institute of Credit Management

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YCPA returns to Victoria with a home turf win! - Australian Institute of Credit Management
Volume 26, No 2
December 2018

The Publication for Credit and Financial Professionals     IN AUSTRALIA

         YCPA returns to Victoria
          with a home turf win!
Hear from the 2018 YCPA Sunny Sharma on page 74
                   l Learn how to create a robust credit application
 l Ensure your security protects your interest in a changing environment
       l Deep dive into using technology to improve your results
YCPA returns to Victoria with a home turf win! - Australian Institute of Credit Management
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YCPA returns to Victoria with a home turf win! - Australian Institute of Credit Management
Volume 26, Number 2 – December 2018

Message from the President                                        6
Credit Management
                                                                                                       Wayne Smith
Cash flow squeeze is on, as SMEs seek broader                     8
funding options
What the latest Scottish Pacific SME Growth Index results
reveal for credit managers
By Wayne Smith

The challenges and opportunities of Asia-Pacific trade          12
By Graham Crozier                                                          12                      14
                                                                             Graham Crozier          Ashley Clayton
Australian banking and financial institutions need              14
a seismic shift in culture
By Ashley Clayton

Why Australians are drowning in debt                            18
By Melanie Randell

The winds are changing                                         20          18                      20
By Kirk Cheesman                                                             Melanie Randell         Kirk Cheesman

Canary in the Coalmine Survey                                  22
What credit managers can learn from the survey
By Roger Mendelson

How to create a robust credit application                       24
By Alexandra Cain
                                                                           22                      28
                                                                            Roger Mendelson            Mark Harley
Changes to the Postal Evidence Rule                            28
By Mark Harley and Callum Woods

PPSR renewals – act now and review regularly                   29          28                      29
By Gavin McCosker
                                                                             Callum Woods           Gavin McCosker

Security interests of trade suppliers the changing             30
legal landscape
By Daniel Turk

Leadership and High Performance
The Future of Work                                             33          30                      33
By Geraldine Margarey                                                          Daniel Turk         Geraldine Margarey

                                                            December 2018  •  CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA          3
YCPA returns to Victoria with a home turf win! - Australian Institute of Credit Management
ISSN 2207-6549

Trevor Goodwin FICM CCE – Australian President
Julie McNamara MICM CCE – Queensland and Australian VP
Lou Caldararo LICM CCE – Victoria/Tasmania
Rowan McClarty MICM CCE – Western Australia/Northern Territory         38                     40                      42
Gail Crowder MICM – South Australia
Peter Morgan MICM CCE – New South Wales                                  Andrew Spring          Clayton Lynch          Patrick Coghlan

Nick Pilavidis MICM CCE
Level 3, Suite 303, 1-9 Chandos Street,
St Leonards NSW 2065
PO Box 64, St Leonards NSW 1590
Tel: 1300 560 996, Fax: (02) 9906 5686
Email: nick@aicm.com.au
                                                                       45                     48                      48
                                                                        Trevor Middleton        Rachael Hurrell         Marcus Oakley
Nick Pilavidis | Email: nick@aicm.com.au

NSW – Sev Indrele MICM CCE
Qld – Carly Rae MICM                                                  This Balance Sheet will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2 …         38
SA – Gail Crowder MICM                                                By Andrew Spring
WA/NT – Lisa Marr MICM
Vic/Tas – Donna Smith MICM CCE

Andrew Le Marchant LICM CCE                                           Improve your cash flow using best practice technology         40
Phone Direct 02 8317 5052 or Mob 0418 250 504                         By Clayton Lynch
Email: andrew@aicm.com.au
                                                                      How technology can intervene with Australia’s                 42
                                                                      payment problem
Anthea Vandertouw | Ferncliff Productions                             By Patrick Coghlan
Tel: 0408 290 440 | Email: ferncliff1@bigpond.com
THE EDITOR reserves the right to alter or omit any article            Have you considered using SMS text messaging for              45
or advertisement submitted and requires idemnity from the
advertisers and contributors against damages or liabilities that      your overdue collections
may arise from material published. CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN               By Trevor Middleton
AUSTRALIA is published by the Australian Institute of Credit
Management, Level 3, Suite 303, 1-9 Chandos Street, St Leonards
NSW 2065. The views expressed in CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN                 Open banking – a seismic shift                                48
AUSTRALIA are not necessarily those of Australian Institute of        By Rachael Hurrell and Marcus Oakley
Credit Management, which does not expect or invite any person
to act or rely on any statement, opinion or advice contained herein
(whether in the form of an advertisement or editorial) and neither    Braving the new world of open data: Why watertight            50
the Institute or any of its employees, agents or contributors shall   security improvements are vital
be liable for any opinion contained herein. © The Australian
Institute of Credit Management, 2018.                                 By Barry Libenson

         JOIN US ON LINKEDIN                                          International
                                                                      Strengthening economic and business ties with Asia            52
                                                                      By Amaran Navaratnam

                     Click Here                                       Poland sets the standard for credit management in             54
                                                                      Central Europe
EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO:                            By Robert Dyrcz
The Editor, Level 3, Suite 303, 1-9 Chandos Street,
St Leonards NSW 2065 or email: nick@aicm.com.au
YCPA returns to Victoria with a home turf win! - Australian Institute of Credit Management
                                                                NSW: Collect With Confidence Toolbox (LtoR): Grant
                                                                Morris CCE, Doreen Khoury, Snezana Graparotta, Lynn
                                                                Condron, Nesrin Al-Faraj, Boyu Zheng, Ben Wu. Seated:
                                                                Sharon Boyle, Susan Ross and Annalisa Reyes.

 50                   52                  54
  Barry Libenson      Amaran Navaratnam      Robert Dyrcz

AICM Training news
Student of the year                                     58
Student of the year – Runner up                         59        69
Advance your Career with an AICM Qualification          59
                                                                Qld: Life Members Greg Young and Grant Morris (Southern
Recent graduates                                        60      Steel) with AICM CEO Nick Pilavidis.
Credit workshops                                        61

Conference overview                                     62

Around the States
NSW                                                     66        71
QLD                                                     69      SA: Lisa Anderson MICM CCE, Nick Cooper MICM,
SA                                                      71      Gail Crowder MICM and Alice Carter MICM CCE.

VIC                                                     74
WA                                                      78
New Members                                             82

Credit Marketplace                                      84

      For advertising opportunities in                          Vic/Tas: The Holcim team supporting their winner Sean
                                                                Brasher, Sunny Sharma, Alison Beythien and Simon Holloway.

             Credit Management
                 In Australia
           Andrew Le Marchant
                Ph: +61 2 8317 5052
             E: andrew@aicm.com.au                                78
                                                                WA/NT: Networking with good food and good wine!

                                                    December 2018  •  CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA                    5
YCPA returns to Victoria with a home turf win! - Australian Institute of Credit Management
aicm       From the President

                                                                              Trevor Goodwin LICM CCE
                                                                                      National President

                  am delighted to write to you for            professionals can confidently perform
                  the first time as National President        their duties knowing the Institute gives our
                  of the Australian Institute of Credit       members a voice on legislation matters.
                  Management, a position I am                 We are your best connection to having
            honoured to hold and shall undertake with         a say on proposed and changing legislation.
            dedication, energy and responsibility.            AICM is here to assist members and partners
            Leading AICM is a tremendous privilege            by inspiring more innovation, training and for
            and I am excited to work and engage               us all to be more connected.
            with my fellow Board members, State                    I am based in Adelaide but aim to visit
            Councillors and the National Office team to       each division to engage with members,
            represent the AICM interests and to further       councillors and partners. So if we haven’t
            enhance the strong relationships between          met yet, please feel free to reach out to me
            our members and partners.                         by phone or email (see below). I am happy
                The Institute continues to go from            to hear from you about what we are doing
            strength to strength and we have a fantastic      well, where we need to improve, and how
            base from which to continue this growth.          we may innovate for your benefit.
            In today’s environment, the challenges                 I encourage our members and partners
            to businesses are substantial and credit          to be ambassadors of the AICM to build and
            professionals are required to be technically      grow our Institute. I am keen to see further
            sound and always aware of new legislation,        steps into the consumer, trade organisation
            while having to foster good customer and          and banking credit sectors, and anywhere
            sales relationships.                              we can promote the Institute.
                The AICM provides members with access              I congratulate immediate past President
            to a variety of education and networking          James Neate on his substantial contribution
            events, a quality magazine and topical            as our national president for two years
            newsletters. The Credit Network forum,            during which time the Institute made
            Seminars, RTO, Diplomas, Credit Toolboxes         enormous strides, supported by our Board,
            and Webinars all provide quality learning         CEO Nick Pilavidis and the hard-working
            opportunities and experiences. The Pinnacle       national office team, and State Councillors.
            Awards, YCP Awards and WINC, and the              I also wish to thank Gregg Odlum our
            State-based networking functions continue         recently retired Vice President for his
            to be key events of the calendar year. The        contribution during his time on the Board.
            Certified Credit Executive program provides       Greg is stepping down to devote more time
            an opportunity for our members to be highly       to family and growing work commitments.
            regarded in their profession and progress              I welcome our new Board members;
            on to being Fellows of the Institute. The         Gail Crowder from South Australia who has
            CTOY and Student Award have also been             been the SA State President for the past
            successfully introduced in recent years.          5 and a half years and Peter Morgan from
                The Institute’s signature event of the year   NSW. I also congratulate our new National
            – the National Conference continues to reach      Vice President, Julie McNamara from
            new high standards in professionalism and         Queensland and look forward to working
            education, bringing our members, colleagues       with all the directors in 2019.
            and AICM sponsors together for 3 days of
            learning and networking.
                AICM also provides members with access        – Trevor Goodwin LICM CCE
            to great mentors and educators, and credit        National President

       6    CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA  •  December 2018
YCPA returns to Victoria with a home turf win! - Australian Institute of Credit Management
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YCPA returns to Victoria with a home turf win! - Australian Institute of Credit Management
Credit Management

Cash flow squeeze
is on, as SMEs seek
broader funding options
What the latest Scottish Pacific SME Growth
Index results reveal for credit managers

By Wayne Smith*                        Australian SMEs across a range of        capital, nine out of 10 SMEs self-fund
                                       industries, with annual turnover of      growth rather than looking for funding
                                       $1-20 million.                           options that would allow them to
Against the backdrop of a likely           The latest findings show that cash   bolster the working capital within their
property market downturn and the       flow remains their biggest worry –       business.
final Royal Commission into Banking    SMEs are operating in an environment
report, our latest SME Growth          in which they say they could have        Best SME outlook in three years
Index paints a clear picture for       generated, on average, 17% more          First, the good news – the number
credit managers of Australia’s small   revenue if their cash flow had been      of businesses reporting positive
business owners’ key concerns.         better. This equates to an annual        growth over the coming 12 months
    The two main take-aways, quite     $A234.6 billion hit to the national      (51%) is at its highest since early 2016.
likely interconnected, are that the    economy.                                      Between March and September
SME sector’s appetite for broader          Working capital is what every        2016, SMEs flagging positive growth
funding options continues to grow,     business always needs, whether           fell from 58% to 48%. While not yet
and that cash flow issues are the      they’re growing, steady or even          back to the growth levels reported in
major brake on growth in the sector.   declining. Our findings show that in     our first Index in 2014, since late 2016
    Our survey polls more than         an economic environment where it         there has been a steady move towards
1200 owners, CEOs or CFOs of           is crucial to have reliable working      a majority forecasting growth.

Wayne Smith

YCPA returns to Victoria with a home turf win! - Australian Institute of Credit Management
Credit Management

                                                                                   both ends of the supply chain, placing
                                                                                   major strain on efficient working
                                                                                   capital management.
                                                                                       There has been a noticeable
                                                                                   tightening in cash flow throughout
                                                                                   2018, despite a low interest rate
                                                                                   environment and broadly improving
                                                                                   operating conditions and business
                                                                                       More than one in four SMEs (27%)
                                                                                   said they had difficulty meeting tax
                                                                                   payments on time and one in five
                                                                                   (21%) were unable to take on new
                                                                                   work and capital expenditure due to
                                                                                   cash flow restrictions.
                                                                                       This finding shows credit
                                                                                   managers that there’s plenty on the
                                                                                   table for any SME business which can
                                                                                   improve its cash flow.
                                                                                       With cash flow concerns
                                                                                   increasing, and banks reluctant to
                                                                                   lend, the business owner who can find
                                                                                   innovative ways to fund growth and
    However, the results also show that   nights, we asked what caused the         master cash flow management has a
SMEs who are performing poorly are        biggest negative impact on their cash    clear advantage over competitors.
in significantly more trouble than back   flow over the past 12 months.
in 2014. The extreme negative growth          As in previous rounds, SMEs          Non-bank funding on SME radar
margin is much greater now.               are still blaming Government red tape    Despite an SME lending landscape
    We also see that since our first      and compliance issues (nominated         dominated by the Big Four banks
Index, SME respondents’ average           by 73%, across the total market of       and their subsidiaries, 96% of SMEs
number of fulltime employees has          growth, consolidating and declining      could name a key advantage to
fallen from 88 to 71.                     SMEs).                                   borrowing from an alternative (non-
    The number of business owners             The other main cash flow issues      bank) lender.
who are not growing, but say they         are the dual problems of customers          Rapid credit approval was named
are stable (27%) or consolidating         paying late (43%) and suppliers          by one in four business owners as the
(13%), has increased from 32% in 2014     reducing payment terms (40%).            main reason they’d use an alternative
to 40% now – 12% say their business           SMEs are feeling the pressure from   lender. ➤
is contracting, up considerably from
the 8.5% who were contracting in

Cashflow being squeezed
from both ends
Almost all SMEs (92%) said if cash
flow had been better in the past
12 months they would have generated
more revenue, with only 8% reporting
no cash flow issues in the past 12
    More than half (55%) indicated
that revenues could have increased
by 5-25% if cash flow improved.
    With business owners saying cash
flow is their key cause of sleepless

                                                              December 2018  •  CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA          9
YCPA returns to Victoria with a home turf win! - Australian Institute of Credit Management
Credit Management

    Avoiding the banks’ document-
heavy regulatory requirements was
the next biggest drawcard, nominated
by almost one in five SMEs.
    Another advantage was the
incentive of not having to borrow
against property, cited by one in five
SMEs. Almost one in 10 SMEs said the
revelations from the Banking Royal
Commission would prompt them to
seek out non-bank alternatives to fund
their business.
    Encouragingly, only 4% of SME
owners say they would never consider
a non-bank lender.
    This is good news for the long-
established debtor finance (invoice      ramp up, alternative lenders will       loans with a tenure of one to three
finance) sector, and the emerging        continue to increase in prominence      years (64%), ahead of longer three
fintech industry, who are offering       as a preferred funding source.          to five-year credit facilities (12.5%)
SMEs broader funding options beyond           For the whole SME market (growth   or shorter two to four quarter terms
the banks than ever before.              and non-growth), nine out of 10         (12%).
                                         plan to use their own funds for new         One thing is clear – SMEs are
Property security out of favour          business investment, ahead of primary   looking for growth funding. The fact
With SME Growth Index findings           bank borrowing (22.5%), alternative     that one third of respondents wanting
showing many business owners             lenders (15%), taking on new equity     to borrow are seeking $500,000 to
are cash-strapped, time-poor and         (13%) and borrowing from regional       $2million over the next 12 months,
confused about how to fund their         banks (10%).                            combined with the positive growth
growth, it’s interesting to see one           Of the 733 respondents planning    trend, are reassuring signs for the
thing they are not confused about –      to seek new credit, more than           Australian economy.
around 91% would prefer not to have      half (56.5%) would prefer a loan            However, with recent property
to use property as security.             secured against non-personal assets,    market falls across most capital cities,
    A shift away from primary            and a quarter (almost 23%) would        and the trend of declining home
bank relationships is taking place       prefer to borrow against receivables.   ownership especially in younger
in the SME segment, despite SMEs              More than one in five preferred    age brackets, the challenge facing
historically being reluctant to shop     an unsecured overdraft facility – a     business owners is finding ways to
around for improved credit terms.        full 30% were not sure about their      fund growth.
    Analysts East & Partners believe     preferred funding method.                   Entrepreneurs and small business
that as customer switching intentions         SMEs generally prefer business     owners can no longer rely on the
                                                                                 buoyant property market to deliver
                                                                                 the increasing equity they’ve
                                                                                 historically depended on to source
                                                                                 additional funding.
                                                                                     Given that so few want to use their
                                                                                 home as security, credit managers
                                                                                 can play a role, along with other key
                                                                                 influencers, in sector-wide education
                                                                                 to highlight to SME business owners
                                                                                 low-risk options that are not secured
                                                                                 against property.

                                                                                 An option beyond property
                                                                                 For all SMEs, days outstanding is more
                                                                                 than just a statistic. It can really have a

Credit Management

substantial impact on cashflow and on
costs – even on the personal finances
of the business owner.
    Fortunately, there are now
finance options that help keep
business finances and personal
finances separate, that don’t require
property as security and that can
have a positive impact on a business’
cashflow position.
    Receivables funding, also known
as debtor finance or invoice finance,
is what Scottish Pacific has specialised
in for 30 years and is a style of
funding that can help keep SMEs
    An SME business will use their               line with the value of the invoices the   allow a business to access precious
receivables – outstanding invoices               business owner has outstanding, so        working capital to fund growth and
owed by customers – rather than use              they don’t fall short of cash as they     business plans.
property to gain financing.                      grow.                                         With bank credit tightening, it’s
    It allows a business to draw down                There’s a lot to be said for being    an option more SMEs, and those who
against the value of the receivables             able to pay suppliers promptly, not       advise them, should explore.
ledger, getting a cash injection up              the least is that if an SME doesn’t
front instead of waiting out their               pay suppliers or meet tax obligations
typical cash cycle before gaining                promptly, it can have a significant       *Wayne Smith
                                                                                           Group Executive Debtor Finance
access to the funds.                             impact on their credit rating.            smithw@scottishpacific.com
    This method frees up working                     Late payment poses significant        Ph: 1300 207 166
capital to pay wages, suppliers and              risks to any SME business. Yet smart
                                                                                           Scottish Pacific prepare this survey twice a year
anything else required to sustain the            financial solutions such as invoice       and have prepared this article from excerpts.
                                                                                           To download the complete current issue
business or to fund its growth. As an            finance, coupled with efficient           or request previous editions please visit
additional benefit, the limits grow in           accounts and collections procedures,      https://www.scottishpacific.com/news/research

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                                                                      December 2018  •  CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA                         11
Credit Management

The challenges and
opportunities of
Asia-Pacific trade
                                      2017 was a banner year for trade             In the background, political tension
By Graham Crozier*
                                      growth in the Asia-Pacific (APAC)         and the introduction of trade tariffs
                                      region. In fact, the latest data          between these two superpowers
                                      from the Department of Foreign            have the potential to disrupt global
                                      Affairs and Trade reveals that the        markets. This could expose Australian
                                      value of Australian exports to key        exporters in two ways: a slowing of
                                      markets such as China, Japan and          demand from China (our largest trade
                                      the Republic of Korea increased by        partner) and via supply chain links
                                      between 14 and 22 per cent during         with other Asian countries. It’s not all
                                      the 2016-17 financial year, with APAC     bad news for Australian businesses
                                      countries now comprising a little over    though, as there’s the potential to
                                      75 per cent of Australia’s total export   step up and fill some of the gaps as a
                                      market. This reflects the breaking        neutral partner of both sides.
                                      down of barriers within APAC, as well
                                      as several emerging opportunities              Regional disputes and
                                      which businesses on both sides of              cooperation
                                      the Pacific have been quick to take       While recent years have been hugely
                                      advantage of.                             positive for trade and cooperation
                                          If the region’s major players –       in the Asia-Pacific region, there are
                                      including Australia – can continue        still some dangers posed by ongoing
                                      to tackle challenges and explore          disputes within the region. One
                                      opportunities, there’s no reason why      example of this is the Indian state of
                                      the next few years can’t see similar or   Kashmir – a key trading route disputed
                                      even improved development in Asia-        by Pakistan.
                                      Pacific trade.                                 These regional disputes do present
                                          So, what are these challenges and     possible threats to APAC’s trade
                                      opportunities, and what do they mean      stability. However, the commitment
                                      for Australian businesses and the         made by countries such as China to
                                      APAC region?                              cooperate with the rest of the region
                                                                                is a positive sign that suggests a
                                            The US-China relationship           shared desire to overcome territorial
                                        1    The United States has              arguments and find a working solution
                                      traditionally been a major trading        that benefits everybody.
                                      partner of APAC countries. Over the
                                      last few years, however, we’ve seen a          US disavowal of the
                                      small but not insignificant reduction          Trans-Pacific Partnership
                                      in the value of APAC’s trade with the     One of the hottest talking points
                                      US, while at the same time, China has     surrounding trade in the Asia Pacific
Graham Crozier                        stepped in to fill the gap.               region has been the Trans-Pacific

Credit Management

While the direct impact of the                                                       that prioritise education, eliminate
                                                                                     traditional retirement barriers and

B&R initiative on Australia is not                                                   open up new pools of employees.
                                                                                     Taking these steps will ensure that
as significant as other parts of the                                                 East Asia’s ability to provide economic
                                                                                     stimulus to itself and the rest of the
world, the project itself is likely to                                               region won’t be threatened by the

provide opportunities to businesses.                                                 need to cover for vast numbers of
                                                                                     elderly dependants.

Partnership (TPP) – a deal that                The initiative is seen as a key             Access to global
aims to reduce tariffs and open up         part of the rebalancing of China’s              supply chains
new trading opportunities. While           economy, as the country moves to a        Finally, perhaps the biggest
the United States’ withdrawal from         consumption-oriented model that’s         opportunity presented by Australia’s
the deal in 2017 did create some           more sustainable over the long term.      place in the APAC region is access to
uncertainty around the TPP, an             While there has been concern from         some of the world’s most important
amended deal was eventually signed         some quarters that this could lead to     global supply chains, including the
in March 2018 by 11 countries:             reduced trade with the rest of APAC,      electronics, automotive, textile and
zz Australia                               there are benefits to this rebalancing    machinery industries. This will only be
zz Brunei                                  process. These include everything         strengthened by deals such as a TPP-
zz Canada                                  from more regional stability and          11 and Belt and Road, which underline
zz Chile                                   prosperity to a growing Chinese           the growing economic cooperation
zz Japan                                   middle class, who enjoy improved          within the region and a wider
zz Malaysia                                spending power and have been              commitment to increasing trade.
zz Mexico                                  boosting tourism throughout APAC              In fact, Grant Thornton’s report
zz New Zealand                             – becoming Australia’s top source of      found that 33 per cent of business
zz Peru                                    tourists in 2017-18.                      leaders see increased cooperation
zz Singapore                                   While the direct impact of the        as the biggest opportunity for trade
zz Vietnam                                 B&R initiative on Australia is not        within APAC, up 9 per cent from
Known as the TPP-11, this deal             as significant as other parts of the      2016. While Australia sits outside
offers huge potential to Australian        world, the project itself is likely to    the ASEAN region (Association of
businesses, particularly within the        provide opportunities to businesses,      Southeast Asian Nations) where
agricultural export sector. After the      particularly via demand for Australian    much of this change is taking place,
deal was signed, trade minister Steve      exported minerals during the initial      Australian firms still see ASEAN
Ciobo explained to The Guardian            establishment phase.                      economic cohesion as hugely
that: “The world will be drinking more                                               important.
Australian wine, eating more Australian         Ageing                                   “The ASEAN Economic
beef and using more Australian
                                            5   populations                          Community is a thriving and rapidly
services thanks to the TPP-11.”            According to a 2017 Grant Thornton        growing part of the global economy.
                                           report on trade in the APAC region,       Trade is central to the agreement,
     China’s belt and                      roughly a third of business leaders see   and it is positive that businesses
 4   road initiative                       ageing populations as one of the most     inside and outside ASEAN see greater
Alongside the Trans-Pacific                significant challenges that will need     cooperation there as such a significant
Partnership, one of the most               to be overcome to ensure continued        growth opportunity,” explained Ian
important trade projects in the APAC       growth. East Asia – and China in          Pascoe, Managing Partner at Grant
region is China’s Belt and Road (B&R)      particular – is the fastest-ageing        Thornton Thailand.
initiative. At an estimated cost of        region in the world.
$5 trillion, the B&R initiative will aim       The effects of this include reduced
to improve infrastructure, in turn         access to labour and a need to            *Graham Crozier is the Chief Executive of
                                                                                     Coface Australia – a global provider of trade
facilitating trade and connectivity in     redirect government investment
                                                                                     credit insurance, business information and
countries along the ancient Silk Road.     towards support infrastructure.           credit ratings.
These include Asia and the Middle              The most important way to ensure
                                                                                     To get the latest industry and sector
East, but also Europe and Africa, with     ageing populations don’t restrict         updates visit www.coface.com.au
more than 60 nations signed up so far.     growth is to create new policies          or email au_info@coface.com

                                                               December 2018  •  CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA                  13
Credit Management

Australian banking
and financial
institutions need a
seismic shift in culture
By Ashley Clayton*                    In light of recent news from               banking and financial sector needs
                                      the royal commission exposing              to accelerate its adoption and
                                      misconduct by Australian                   deployment of a new customer-
                                      banking and financial institutions,        centric business model.
                                      businesses in the financial sector
                                      should consider taking a look at           Identifying customer-centric
                                      their internal sales practices and         behaviours to reward
                                      potentially recalibrating their            Making the strategic decision
                                      corporate culture.                         to become a customer-centric
                                           Institutions that have drawn          organisation is huge – one that
                                      criticism from the royal commission        affects every area of the business
                                      for being motivated by greed must          and involves every employee. But,
                                      refocus their energy on treating           since call centre agents are often
                                      customers fairly and balancing             times one of the main customer-
                                      customer needs with those of the           facing contacts of banking and
                                      business. This transformation may          financial institutions, let’s focus
                                      require a radical change in strategy       on them for this discussion. It
                                      from one that is primarily revenue         is essential to the success of a
                                      and profit-driven, to one that is          customer-centric strategy that all
                                      customer-centric and focuses first on      call centre agents and managers
                                      achieving an extraordinary customer        understand what is expected of
                                      experience. In the end, banking and        them, that they are totally on-board
                                      financial institutions that can turn the   with the program and that they
                                      tide will also improve their revenue       are appropriately rewarded for the
                                      performance.                               desired behaviours. It is also apropos
                                           Gamification, which applies game      that the rewards themselves befit the
                                      mechanics to engage employees              achievement, and considering the
                                      by tracking and rewarding desired          current climate, that the rewards are
                                      behaviours, has made recent gains          non-monetary.
                                      in popularity in the global financial          From the top-down, the agent
                                      industry due to its effectiveness in       behaviours that constitute a
                                      improving engagement, customer             remarkable customer experience must
                                      experience and customer loyalty.           be clearly defined along with the key
                                      It just might be the enabling              performance indicators (KPIs) for
Ashley Clayton                        technology solution the Australian         achieving them.

Credit Management

Here is a list of some of these KPIs:     company can change when everyone        percentage of detractors to arrive
                                          is focused and rewarded on satisfying   at your NPS. A study by global
Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)        the customer rather than just on the    consulting firm Bain & Company
CSAT is usually measured by asking        basis of hitting a sales number.        indicates that businesses with a high
a customer to rate their overall                                                  NPS grow 2X faster than competitors
experience with a product or service      Net Promoter Score (NPS)                in their industry.
in a customer feedback survey.            The NPS refers to the results
Respondents are asked to rate their       achieved when you ask customers         Customer Effort Score
level of satisfaction on a scale of 1     if they would recommend you.            This score measures how satisfied
to 5, with 1 being very unsatisfied       Measured on a scale of 0 to 10          a customer is with the amount of
and 5 being very satisfied. The           (would not recommend to would           effort it took on their part to solve
CSAT score is the average of all the      definitely recommend or have            their problem quickly. It adds another
scores received, and it is expressed      recommended), it is a widely used       dimension to what is needed to
as a percentage (# of satisfied           metric of customer satisfaction and     create a loyal customer. At the
customers/# of survey responses =         captures sentiment about a service      completion of a study conducted
% satisfied customers). Only scores       or product. A 0-6 rating categorises    by the Harvard Business Review,
of 4 and 5 should be counted as           customers as “detractors”. A rating     only 9% of customers that reported
satisfied.                                of 7 or 8 categorises customers as      expending a low effort were likely
    Something remarkable happens          “passives”, and a rating of 9 or 10     to become disloyal, whereas 96% of
when agents have some skin in             categorises them as “promoters”.        those that reported that a high effort
the game in improving customer            Simply take the percentage of           was required were likely to become
satisfaction. The entire culture of the   promoters and subtract the              disloyal. ➤

                                                              December 2018  •  CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA         15
Credit Management

Below is a typical CES question you might ask:
                         To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
                                XYZ Bank made it easy for me to handle my issue/request.

     Strongly          Agree           Somewhat         Undecided          Somewhat         Disagree         Strongly
      Agree                              Agree                              Disagree                         Disagree

    Strongly consider also asking          Here are some additional desired          rewards that will reinforce customer-
customers why they rated you the           behaviours that can be tracked            centric behaviours, and the actual
way that they did. Their answers           through an analytics platform and fed     rewards you are going to give. With
will identify the specific areas you       directly into the gamification system     the current scrutiny of Australian
can improve. Were wait times too           to reward agents.                         banking and financial firms, it may
long? Did they have to repeat their        zz Adhered to compliance regulations      be best to stay away from monetary
information too many times? Were           zz Demonstrated active listening          rewards. The good news is that in
they transferred several times? Did        zz Recommended right-fit products/        a recent survey by analytics leader
they have to call back or was the              services                              Gallup (“Employee Recognition: Low
call dropped? Was the agent rude?          zz Displayed empathy                      Cost, High Impact”), respondents
Armed with this information you can        zz Secured customer feedback              ranked financial returns toward
coach individual agents or identify                                                  the bottom of the list of desired
pervasive agent, product/service or        Other KPIs use support data for           incentives.
technology issues that need to be          measuring customer satisfaction.               Near the top of the list is
addressed.                                 This data can be fed into the             recognition from senior executives
                                           gamification system to track              for great performance. Whether
Soft-Skill KPIs                            improvements and reward agents.           it’s a personal visit from the
There are also soft-skills KPIs that can   They include: Support Ticket Volume,      CEO, an email or a call, a simple
dramatically improve the customer          Number of Interactions to Solve an        thank you or a firm handshake,
experience and be tracked and              Issue, Average First Response Time        acknowledging a job well done
rewarded through gamification.             and Average Resolution Time.              goes a long way.
Improving these skills can positively                                                     Here is a list of non-monetary
affect NPS.                                Choosing appropriate rewards              awards that some of our customers
    Customer Service Benchmarking          Shifting from a primarily profit-driven   are leveraging. We are sure you will
Australia (www.cbsa.com.au) suggests       to a customer-centric driven firm         have others. Whatever you choose,
some attributes customers can be           requires engaging every employee          you will want them to align with
asked to rate in a post-interaction        in the organisation. The call centre      your brand and fit the achievement.
survey.                                    agent population, likely being the        Consult your agents. Be creative.
zz Agent gave correct information          largest group and certainly the           And have fun!
zz Agent was polite and courteous          group with the highest customer-          1. Receive recognition from your
zz Query was promptly resolved             touch, has the power to produce the            supervisor, VP of the department
zz Communication was clearly               greatest result. That is why it is so          and CEO (personal recognition
    presented                              critical when designing your rewards           as well as at department and
zz Agent followed up as promised           program that you take the time to              companywide meetings are best).
zz Agent was friendly                      properly identify not only what KPIs      2. Leave one or two hours early on
zz Agent was knowledgeable                 to reward, but also the types of               Friday.

Shifting from a primarily profit-driven to a
customer-centric driven firm requires engaging
every employee in the organisation.
Credit Management

Putting the customer at the centre of your decisions
and policies – from the products and services you
offer to the values you expect from every employee
every day – is not only the right thing to do, it can
really pay off for your business.
3.    Premium parking space.                    supervisor gets on the phone and       extraordinary experience, customer-
4.    Lunch with the Manager.                   does your job for an hour.             centric businesses are boosting the
5.    Dinner with the CEO.                  18. Catered lunch for their team from      probability of selling to existing
6.    Pizza Party for you and five              restaurant of their choice.            customers, which keeps costs down
      co-workers.                                                                      and profits up.
7.    Extra 15-minute break.                The payoff for shifting to a                   Changing the corporate culture is
8.    Weekends off for one month.           customer-centric culture                   a long-term commitment to sustaining
9.    Preferred schedule choice.            Putting the customer at the centre         continuous improvement to the
10.   Prime cubicle location.               of your decisions and policies – from      customer experience. Accomplishing
11.   Upgraded work headset.                the products and services you offer        this requires a highly engaged and
12.   Upgraded desk chair.                  to the values you expect from every        happy call centre agent workforce.
13.   Additional PTO – full day or          employee every day – is not only           Gamification can help you get there
      half-day.                             the right thing to do, it can really       and keep you there.
14.   Two-hour lunch (or double normal      pay off for your business. According
      lunch time).                          to Forrester (“The Customer
15.   Paid for their one lunch hour while   Experience Index”), customer-centric
                                                                                       *Ashley Clayton
      taking it.                            companies garner a higher valuation        Business Manager
16.   Be supervisor for a day, half day,    than their competitors. Also, by           Noble Systems Australia Pty Ltd
                                                                                       Ph: +61 3 9008 1700
      hour.                                 doing a better job of treating             Email: aclayton@noblesystems.com
17.   You run the team while your           customers fairly and providing an          www.noblesystems.com

                                                                                            “...it is so critical when
                                                                                           designing your rewards
                                                                                        program that you take the
                                                                                          time to properly identify
                                                                                             not only what KPIs to
                                                                                     reward, but also the types of
                                                                                        rewards that will reinforce
                                                                                    customer-centric behaviours,
                                                                                       and the actual rewards you
                                                                                                 are going to give.”

                                                                December 2018  •  CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA          17
Credit Management

Why are Australians
drowning in debt?
                                      Borrowing in Australia has reached         country, Australians with a dream
By Melanie Randell*
                                      unsustainable levels, some credit          of home ownership continue to pay
                                      experts warn – with personal debt          these prices – and lenders have
                                      rising steadily over the past three        accommodated by lending up to 95%
                                      decades.                                   of the purchase price. As a result,
                                           Household debt has soared to          the size of loans relative to income
                                      211% of income, which translates to an     continues to grow – and not all
                                      amount of around $169,000 per year         Australians understand the profound
                                      for an Australian earning an average       long-term implications of a mortgage
                                      income of $80,000. (1)                     on their financial position.
                                          With Australia recently becoming
                                      the fourth most indebted nation in the     2. Narrow means of funding
                                      world, and the role of those providing     Debt is not always a choice. As
                                      credit more complex than ever before,      the cost of living continues to be
                                      the question needs to be asked: how        pushed up at a higher rate than
                                      did we get here?                           average incomes, nearly one-third
                                                                                 of Australians are now living from
                                      1. Choosing debt                           paycheque to paycheque. (4) Without
                                      With an increasing number of credit        savings to fall back on, more people
                                      providers offering lending products,       are reaching for their credit cards and
                                      Australia has become a nation of           other ‘quick fix’ financial solutions. In
                                      ‘buy it now’ consumers. Interest-free      June 2017, the Australian Securities
                                      loans, same-day lending and readily        and Investments Commission found
                                      available credit cards mean that           there were 14 million open credit card
                                      people can choose to buy whatever          accounts, with an outstanding balance
                                      they want now and worry about              of almost $45 billion. (5)
                                      paying it back later – sometimes               When financial hardship strikes,
                                      without giving much thought as to          such as a medical diagnosis, a
                                      whether that will be possible. With so     serious accident, or an unexpected
                                      much credit choice available, credit       redundancy, people may feel they
                                      has changed how people save and            have no other choice but to use their
                                      spend. While previous generations          credit cards or take out personal loans
                                      usually had to save their money before     to pay their healthcare bills or keep up
                                      making a purchase, the same isn’t true     with everyday expenses while they’re
                                      today. In fact, 22% of Australians don’t   out of work. This can be the start of a
                                      have any savings at all. (2)               debt spiral in which many Australians
                                          For many Australians, the number       find themselves trapped for years or
                                      one source of debt is their home.          even decades.
                                      More than one-third of Australians
                                      are paying off a mortgage (3), and         3. Unsustainable debt
                                      home loans make up the greatest            When consumers take up financial
                                      proportion of all personal debt in         products they don’t understand, they
                                      Australia, at 56.3%. Despite property      can end up in a cycle of borrowing
Melanie Randell                       prices rising steadily across the          to repay interest. Credit cards and

Credit Management

                                                                                     as well as assisting them to manage
                                                                                     their debt. (6)
                                                                                         With an increasing number of
                                                                                     credit unions, payday lenders, other
                                                                                     financial institutions, and post-
                                                                                     purchase short term financing
                                                                                     programs facilitating credit,
                                                                                     consumers rely on lenders to be open
                                                                                     and honest in their communications
                                                                                     and marketing around financial
                                                                                     products – ensuring they’re matched
                                                                                     with the best solution for their needs.
                                                                                     To achieve this outcome, the royal
                                                                                     commission is working on a tightening
                                                                                     of lending regulations to help stop
                                                                                     people taking on more debt than they
                                                                                     can afford.
                                                                                         We feel the most positive way
                                                                                     forward is to work together to
                                                                                     increase the financial literacy of
                                                                                     individuals, families and communities.
                                                                                     Increasing the level of literacy,
                                                                                     coupled with providing greater
                                                                                     mechanisms for matching products
                                                                                     to circumstances is surely a step in
                                                                                     the right direction. By aligning with
                                                                                     business partners who share the same
                                                                                     philosophy of financial education
                                                                                     and empowerment, we can all help
                                                                                     Australians make better financial
                                                                                     choices and enjoy a financially
                                                                                     sustainable future.

                                                                                     *Melanie Randell
                                                                                     Head of Business Optimisation and Risk
personal loans can seem an easy           realise the interest-free period only      recoveriescorp
                                                                                     Ph: +61 3 8627 0600
solution to all financial problems.       applies to the original debt, not to
                                                                                     E: Melanie_Randell@recoveriescorp.com.au
However, around 1.9 million Australians   new purchases made with the card,          www.recoveriescorp.com.au
are struggling to repay their credit      and they don’t expect the interest rate
card debt: 550,000 people are in          to rise at the end of the promotional
arrears, 930,000 have persistent debt,    period. As a result, almost one-third of
                                                                                     1   OECD, Household debt (indicator). doi:
and 435,000 people are only making        consumers actually increase their debt         10.1787/f03b6469-en, Accessed August
small repayments on their cards. (6)      by 10% or more after transferring the          2018.

    Recent findings have brought          balance. (6)                               2   ANZ, Australian Financial Wellbeing
                                                                                         Report, April 2018
to the fore Australians’ low level of
                                                                                     3   Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2016
financial literacy, and this is a major   What can we do?                                Census QuickStats.
contributing factor to consumers’         Without adequate levels of financial       4 BT Financial Group, Australians still living
high debt to income ratios. Some          literacy, many consumers are making          pay cheque to pay cheque, May 2017.
consumers don’t understand the            poor financial decisions. What’s more,     5 ASIC Media Release, ASIC’s review of
conditions of promotional financial       80% of Australians don’t receive             credit cards reveals more than one in six
                                                                                       consumers struggling with credit card
products, such as an interest-free        guidance from a financial adviser to         debt, July 2018.
period for balances transferred to        help with complex financial matters        6 Investment Trends, 2015 Direct Client
a new credit card. Some may not           such as insurance and superannuation,        Report.

                                                               December 2018  •  CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA                    19
Credit Management

     The winds
     are changing

By Kirk Cheesman*

                                     Has anyone else noticed the weather          NCI is in a unique position to
                                     conditions recently in Australia have    gauge a number of key elements
                                     been unseasonal and changing?            relating to trade credit business
                                     Droughts, snap cold fronts, storms       conditions. Collection activity, credit
                                     and heavy rains have confronted          limit approval rates and reductions
                                     many parts of Australia.                 by insurers, overdue reporting and
                                         I can also feel changes in the       claims activity. This data forms part
                                     business climate and conditions          of our quarterly trade credit risk
                                     relating to trade credit risk.           index.
                                         A decade ago to the month, a             However it’s the word of mouth
                                     major storm brewed around the globe      and the underlying feeling of credit
                                     leading to the Global Financial Crisis   managers, which has me questioning,
                                     (GFC). Whilst those storm clouds         what may be on the weather map for
                                     rolled in quickly and had a major        2019?
                                     impact globally, the rumblings of            Comments recently have
                                     future storms this time has been more    outlined tougher trading conditions
Kirk Cheesman                        subtle. However, they are brewing.       and difficulties in collecting money

Credit Management

which is raising eyebrows. Having           The recent insolvency of RCR       may be with ‘blue chip’ customers,
experienced credit managers             Tomlinson is a big reminder of how     insolvency could occur at any stage
stating collections are the toughest    substantial ASX listed businesses      leaving your business exposed to a
they have been for some time,           with a long trading history, can hit   potential bad debt.
is perhaps the best indicator of        the wall. A business that seemed           In the case of RCR, the ripple
what’s to come.                         to be trading well, impacted by        effect of creditors not being paid will
     However, it also matches the NCI   solar farm contracts, met its demise   cause further failures to occur over
average claim statistics which have     in November 2018 leaving many          time. A trade credit insurance policy
been increasing over recent months.     unsecured creditors out of pocket,     can act as a circuit breaker to the
At the height of the GFC, NCI were      and being touted as the largest        domino effect.
experiencing on average 125 claims      insolvency in WA since Forge Group.        Many businesses do not question
per month. In 2014/15 this dropped      Fortunately, many of the suppliers     the fact that plant, machinery, stock
down to 83 claims. In October 2018,     hold trade credit insurance and will   and equipment need to be insured.
it jumped back up to 118 received       receive recoveries through their       However in most cases the customer
claims. It is the volume of activity,   insurers for unpaid debt.              receivables of a business (the life-
not so much the severity of the             It is an important reminder that   blood of their cash flow) are quite
insolvencies, which is building.        no matter how comfortable you          often their largest asset.
                                                                                   The start of the New Year
                                                                               should be a trigger for businesses

It is an important reminder that no                                            to consider their weather pattern
                                                                               outlook for the upcoming year, rain
matter how comfortable you may                                                 hail or shine.

be with ‘blue chip’ customers,
insolvency could occur at any stage                                            *Kirk Cheesman MICM
                                                                               Managing Director

leaving your business exposed to a                                             National Credit Insurance Brokers
                                                                               Ph:1300 654 500

potential bad debt.                                                            Email: kirk.cheesman@nci.com.au

                                                           December 2018  •  CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA          21
Credit Management

Canary in the
Coalmine survey
What Credit Managers can
learn from the results
                                     Since 2006, Prushka has carried out         situation arises and only 18.8% rely on
By Roger Mendelson*
                                     a client survey of its SME client base.     bank funding.
                                     The survey is carried out every 6               This is confirmation of the
                                     months.                                     underlying health of the SME sector
                                          The results of the survey are an       and is probably a result of the fact
                                     important indicator of the real state       that virtually since the GFC, banks
                                     of the economy and of the intention         have severely curtailed their lending
                                     of SMEs, because they are fresh and         to SMEs, particularly unless there is a
                                     provide an insight into the thinking of     real estate security provided.
                                     SMEs, well before anything hits official
                                     figures.                                    Concerns of SMEs
                                          The client base is just short of       The major concerns of SMEs are
                                     57,000 SMEs and the survey covers           continuing to grow their business
                                     twenty industry classifications.            (41%) and profitability (38%). Unpaid
                                          There is a great deal to be learnt     debts were a concern for 24.8% of
                                     from the results, including some            respondents.
                                     surprises.                                      Again, my conclusion here is
                                          The relevance of the results is        that the SME sector is essentially
                                     that almost all of the SMEs surveyed        sound. This is borne out by external
                                     will be customers of larger suppliers       indicators, such as the low rate of
                                     which have a credit manager running         company liquidations and also low
                                     their credit departments. Accordingly,      business related bankruptcy rates.
                                     if there are early warning bells arising,
                                     it is best to know about them now,          Credit Policies
                                     rather than later, when they hit official   SMEs tend to operate conservative
                                     figures.                                    and sensible credit policies. 70.4%
                                                                                 have trading terms of under 30 days
                                     Optimism                                    and only 5.1% have trading terms
                                     The biggest surprise to me was that         of over 90 days or no set time for
                                     55% of respondents are planning for         payment.
                                     growth in the following 12 months and           I am sure that many credit
                                     25.6% are planning for consolidation.       managers would be envious of those
                                     Only 19.4% are planning to cut costs.       figures.
                                         This is a really positive indication        SMEs tend to refer their overdue
                                     of the health of the SME sector.            accounts to a debt collection agency
                                                                                 much later than larger businesses.
                                     Cash Flow                                   Only 14.4% refer accounts at under
                                     Surprisingly, 45.4% of respondents          60 days overdue whereas 61.1% make
Roger Mendelson                      have a cash buffer in place, if the         referrals beyond 90 days.

Credit Management

    A common mistake made by
SMEs which we continually observe
is that they are nervous about
referring overdue accounts to an
agency because they do not “want
to upset the client”. This attitude is
very different from larger companies,
where the credit and collections
functions are handled by different
people from the sales and customer
service personnel.

Industries at Risk
The standout industry is building
and construction. This category
includes every business which is
directly related to building and
construction, including suppliers and
    Respondents indicated that 21.1%
believe that this industry takes the
longest time to pay invoices.
    This is borne out by our own
experiences over the last 9 months,
where there has been a substantial lift
in accounts being submitted which
are owed by building and construction      in a timely manner has remained              policy to increase credit to SMEs,
debtors.                                   constant over the last 12 months.            subject of course to the normal credit
    No other industry causes concerns          The perception of the major              checking processes.
like this. The next significant industry   reasons why consumers have been                  The industry to watch closely is
is professional services, at 8.8%.         unable to pay their debts can be             building and construction.
    To take away from this is to           summarised as follows:                           A question which would have been
exercise caution when granting credit          General hardship                 34.7%   good to include is; “Have you found it
to customers in the building and               State of the economy             14.4%   more difficult to obtain bank finance
construction sector. Where possible,           Increased household living costs 13.1%   since the banking Royal Commission”.
get personal guarantees and act                The remaining items are                      My perception is that the emerging
quickly if there is a default.             statistically insignificant.                 credit squeeze , caused by banks
    The concern about this sector is                                                    over-reacting to the commission,
that it is a key driver of economic        Summary                                      may very quickly cause a credit
growth, so a slowdown will impact          The report provided some reassuring          crisis, which could jeopardise the
economic growth generally.                 conclusions.                                 financial position of a large number of
                                               Despite the constant negative            businesses.
Consumers                                  media picture, the economy is sound
SMEs tend to have a good handle on         and the SME sector, which comprises
the economy, because they are talking      more than 97% of the active trading
directly to their customers on a daily     businesses in Australia, are essentially     *Roger Mendelson
basis. Thus, their perceptions, when       sound and well run.                          CEO of Prushka Fast Debt Recovery Pty Ltd
                                                                                        and Principal of Mendelsons National Debt
aggregated, really provide meaningful          When providing credit to an SME,         Collection Lawyers Pty Ltd
insights.                                  provided that there is a track record        Ph: 1800 641 617
    The respondents believe that           and good credit history, the chances
there has been little change in            of that debt becoming a bad debt is
consumer spending behaviour over           lower than many other periods I have         Roger is also the author of The Ten Mistakes
                                                                                        Businesses Make and How to Avoid Them and
the last 12 months. 61% identified that    experienced.                                 Business Survival, both published by New
consumers’ ability to pay their debts          A conclusion is that it is good          Holland Publishers.

                                                                 December 2018  •  CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA                23
Credit Management

How to create
a robust credit
                                      A strong credit application is one of      credit application, you’re not going to
By Alexandra Cain*
                                      the most important foundations of          have good credit management. Speak
                                      every business. Importantly, it guides     to a lawyer about how you want to set
                                      the work of the credit department,         it up because it needs to be specific
                                      whose work relies on strong credit         to your business.”
                                      application documentation. Here,               Taylor’s advice at the start of the
                                      we explore what a sound application        process is to make a series of business
                                      looks like, as well as common pitfalls     decisions. Agree whether the business
                                      and how to overcome them.                  requires a personal guarantee or
                                                                                 security with credit applications and
                                      How to create the application              whether it intends to enforce its rights
                                      The first step is to ensure the business   over these. “Do you want a customer-
                                      understands the audience for the           friendly credit application or to take
                                      credit application and its objective,      a more hard-line approach?” she
                                      says Anna Taylor, principal, Results       questions.
                                      Legal.                                         Nova Legal director Raffaele Di
                                         “Right from the start, think through    Renzo says the best way to create the
                                      your objectives, what you want to          application is with a legally binding
                                      achieve through the credit application     agreement that clearly sets out all
                                      and how you want to run credit             parties’ obligations. “This includes
                                      management. If you don’t have a good       ensuring the agreement is between

Anna Taylor                           Raffaele Di Renzo                          Malcom Field

Credit Management

the correct parties, the parties            says it’s imperative to ensure the
properly execute the agreement              application template properly reflects
and the agreement’s terms are               the business and the goods and                 Case study
unambiguous and fair for all parties.”      services provided and the particular
                                                                                           BGW Group goes online
    Other issues that require               credit risks applicable.
resolution upfront include whether the          “Get buy in from the sales team            Jane Hay, BGW Group’s
application will be available online or     who ultimately need to implement the           accounts receivable and
in hard copy, or both. The breakout         form and consider legal advice to be           credit manager, says her
box (right) explores this further.          sure it will be effective. Ideally, you will   business switched to online
                                            obtain a personal guarantee and some           about three years ago and
Mandatory fields – and specifics            form of security such as charging right        is now reviewing the online
The application must uncover who            over the goods supplied, proceeds              application for the first time.
the credit department is dealing with,      from the sale of those goods, the              The company processes
for instance a company, a trust or an       business real property and the                 about 300 new accounts
individual.                                 proprietor or director’s real property,”       each month.
    “You’d be surprised how many            he says.
                                                                                               “We went from having
times businesses don’t know who                 Field also recommends including
                                                                                           a seven-page manual
they’re dealing with when their             a checklist of annexed items and
                                                                                           document to a one-page
customers complete a credit                 personal financial positions with any
                                                                                           form, with a two-page date
application. So, getting the full details   trust assets noted.
                                                                                           of guarantee attached. It’s
of the identity of your customers is            The application must also set out
very basic but important,” says Taylor.     retention of title if the business is          helped us streamline our
    When it comes to mandatory              supplying goods and its rights to be           terms and conditions and
fields, Di Renzo says there should be a     indemnified of any expenses such as            incorporate a privacy policy,”
term or field that grants credit to the     collection costs. It should also include       she explains.
applicant and how much that may be,         information about the interest rate                Hay says after initially
so everyone is clear on the credit limit.   that will be charged for late payment.         replicating the hard copy
    “There could also be a term that        This may be something the business is          form online, it’s now time for
relates to payments owing and if            prepared to negotiate down the track           a review. “The company has
there are payments owing under              to achieve a successful outcome, says          evolved and processes have
the credit agreement to the credit          Taylor.                                        changed, so we’re going
provider, how those payments should             “If you’re trying to resolve an            to add and subtract some
be made.”                                   outstanding debt, the business may
                                                                                           information.” The business
     Malcom Field, director of              agree to waive interest. In this case,
                                                                                           also wants to ensure the
accounting practice SV Partners,            the agreement should include a ➤
                                                                                           application is able to be
                                                                                           accessed through all mobile
                                                                                           devices and operating
                                                                                               The credit limit that
                                                                                           the customer wants is also
                                                                                           important. “They have to give
                                                                                           us a limit, but the application
                                                                                           includes terms and conditions
                                                                                           to allow us to change the
                                                                                           limit. But we don’t ask for
                                                                                           director details because that’s
                                                                                           included in the mercantile
                                                                                           report, which also gives us
                                                                                           trade reference footprints.”
                                                                                           Companies must also include
                                                                                           a signed deed of guarantee.

Nick Cooper                                 Jane Hay

                                                                   December 2018  •  CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA          25
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