Steeple Notes - The Plantsville Congregational United Church ...

Page created by Melissa Leonard
Steeple Notes - The Plantsville Congregational United Church ...
                                           March 2022
           Steeple Notes

     Zechariah 10:1
      Ask the LORD for rain in the springtime; it is the
       LORD who sends the thunderstorms. He gives
      showers of rain to all people, and plants of the
                    field to everyone.

Plantsville Congregational
United Church of Christ
109 Church Street, Plantsville, CT 06479
(860) 628-5595
The Rev. Paul F. Goodman Minister
Cell: 203-507-0006
Marilyn Cannata, Music Director
Barbara Mackay, Youth Director
Devin VanPatten, Church School
Annie, Office Administrator

Steeple Notes - The Plantsville Congregational United Church ...
A Final Letter from Paul. . .
“and now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain. . .”

Most of the office is packed. All the irrevocable determinations about my pension and social securi-
ty payments are made. The new living situation is near completion so that we can begin to physical-
ly move in some of our belongings in anticipation of our mid-March departure and many of the
goodbyes have already occurred.

In those goodbyes, the most oft question in various form is “So, what do you plan on doing in retire-
ment?” What I am discovering is that the answer which seemed so sure in December is no longer
clear. Ideas previously not on my radar have now popped up. And daily the prospects morph in
ways I can’t even decipher. I am relearning that in this step into the “age of uncertainty” I need to
draw upon an oft neglected comfort, guide and stay: openness to the Holy Spirit’s leading and trust
in God desires for me in the next phases of my life.

I notice (and can predict) similar things happening in the church. I have stepped aside from your dis-
cernment as you navigate ministry and mission here beyond my leadership so I get news about your
progress along with everyone else. We know that the process of saying goodbye to me (love me or
not) is unsettling and anxiety invoking as it reignites the debates about the meaning of church: main-
tain the status quo, live into newness or balance the two. Left to ourselves this is a daunting task.
Reminded that we follow a God who says “Behold I am doing a new thing – do you not perceive it?”
makes the step into uncharted waters upon which we all must embark less frightening, more hope-
ful and more likely with God as our companion we’ll take big bold risks that the present days de-
mands of the Church of Jesus Christ. We have nothing to fear.

While cleaning out my office I came across a prayer written March 10, 2020 by Rev. Dr. Hannah Ad-
ams Ingram, Chaplain at Franklin College in Franklin Indiana in the first days of the Covid19 Pandem-
ic shutdown. Remember those scary, uncertain, challenging days? As I re-read the words (I shared
in one of my early zoom Sunday worship services) I was instantly transported back to late March of
2020 and simultaneously aware them speaking to us in March of 2022.

                                      A Final Letter from Paul... Continued...
Steeple Notes - The Plantsville Congregational United Church ...
A Final Letter from Paul... Continued...

                            “Oh God, I’m Spinning Out: A Prayer”

                               There is so much I do not know
                                There is so much I cannot see
                              There is so much I cannot control

                  In the moments I feel powerless, I will take a deep breath
               trusting that I am tasked only with doing my part, not the whole

                     In the moments I feel unsure, I will take a deep breath
           trusting that I am not alone and that together, our wisdom will be richer

                    In the moments I feel anxious, I will take a deep breath
    trusting that there is no depth I can fall out of reach of the Spirit that holds me close

       What I do know is that my life and love and worth extend far beyond my work
  What I can see is that spring follows every winter and new life pokes out from cold ground
    What I can control is my breath and the love I inject into a world so clearly lacking it

    “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

To each of you and all of you please know that God loves you, God loves me, and God is excit-
ed to join us along our new, yet to be revealed paths – divergent though they be. And praying
for one another that our roads will lead us to new, awesome adventures let us go wrapping
one another in God’s peace, love, mercy hope and joy, this day and every day…

               Shalom and Amen
Steeple Notes - The Plantsville Congregational United Church ...
Sunday       Monday           Tuesday      Wednesday            Thursday         Friday       Saturday
                             1                 2                3               4             5
                             1PM Knitting                       6:30PM Bell
                                               ASH              Choir
                             Shrove Tuesday
                                               WEDNESDAY        7:30 PM Vocal
       March                 Pancake Supper
                                               Ashes to go!
                                               6-8:30 AM

                             Jazz Concert      Ash Wednesday
                             7PM               Service
                                               12 PM & 6 PM
                                               6:30 PM

6            7               8                 9                10              11            12
10 AM        1 PM Men’s      1 PM Knitting     6:30 PM          6:30PM Bell
Worship      Knitting                                           Choir
                           6 PM Board of       Knitwits
Paul’s       6:30 PM Bible Trustees Meeting                     7:30 PM Vocal
                                               7 PM Christian
Retirement   Study                             Ed Board         Choir
Service &                  6:30 PM Christian
                           Action Board        Meeting
                           Monthly Meeting
6 PM Youth
Group                        7PM Board of
                             Deacons Monthly

13           14              15                16               17              18            19
10 AM        1 PM Men’s      1 PM Knitting     6 PM Church      St. Patrick’s
Worship      Knitting                          Council          Day
                                               Meeting          6:30PM Bell
11:30 AM     6:30 PM Bible
Music        Study                             6:30 PM          Choir
                                               Knitwits         7:30 PM Vocal
6 PM Youth
20           21              22                23               24              25            26
10 AM        1 PM Men’s      1 PM Knitting     6:30 PM          6:30PM Bell
Worship      Knitting                                           Choir
6 PM Youth   5 PM Fair                                          7:30 PM Vocal
Group        Committee                                          Choir
Food SALE 6:30 PM Bible
11AM      Study

27           28              29                30               31
10 AM        1 PM Men’s      1 PM Knitting     6:30 PM          6:30PM Bell
Worship      Knitting                                           Choir
6 PM Youth   6:30 PM Bible                                      7:30 PM Vocal
Group        Study                                              Choir

Steeple Notes - The Plantsville Congregational United Church ...
This past Sunday (2/27/22), the children in
                                 Sunday School created sheep to decorate the
                                 bulletin board for Paul’s retirement luncheon.
                                 Thank you Pastor Paul for your time with us.
                                 We wish you the best! Thank you for leading
                                 our flock!

                      Comfort Food Sale
The Christian Action Board is excited to announce that our famous COMFORT
FOOD SALE is back in service! We will be displaying our homemade creations
on March 20th in Fellowship Hall after church. For those of you who
are “Zoomers”, you are all welcome to drop by the church after services
(around 10:45 or so). For anyone who would like to be a “Friend of the C. A.
Board” - we would love to have
those willing to
make and bring your special dish to
be sold that morning (you can also
bring it anytime
convenient for you, label it
”COMFORT FOOD SALE” and put it
in the freezer).
Steeple Notes - The Plantsville Congregational United Church ...
Ash Wednesday | Ashes to go!
On Wednesday, March 2nd we will be having
   •   Ashes-To-Go available at the church.
        Times will be 6 AM – 8:30 AM.
          •   Ash Wednesday services:
                12 PM and 6 PM

                                              A Day to Celebrate Pastor Paul’s
                                                   Retirement— March 6th
                                      March 6, 2022 is Pastor Paul’s last Sunday with us
                                      before his retirement! Thank you to all who
                                      RSVP’d ! At this time there is not more availability
                                      for RSVPs.

                              From The Deacons
To show our appreciation for his dedicated service to our church’s ministry, we would like to
take up a collection for Pastor Paul. If you would like to contribute, please put your gift in an
envelope marked ‘For Pastor Paul’ and place it in the offering plate. Feel free to reach out to
a Deacon for any questions or to make your contribution. Donations can also be made online.
We will be collecting through March 1st, 2022.

Many thanks – The Deacons
Steeple Notes - The Plantsville Congregational United Church ...
Update from the Transition Team
The Transition Team has started to review applications for an interim pastor. In the
meantime, supply pastors have been hired until the end of April. It will be exciting
to experience worship with different pastors.
March 13 - Rev. Isaac Lawson, Area Conference Minister South Central Region,
Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ

Rev. Isaac Lawson supports and resources clergy, congregations, and associations of the South
Central region in their efforts to live the love and justice of Jesus in their locale.
March 20 - Rev. Carolyn Young: Rev. Young is familiar to PCC as she has been pulpit supply
on many occasions. She has served churches, been a hospital chaplain, and has worked with
child agencies. Her pastoral duties have included preaching, visitation, and didactic teaching.
She retired since 2013 and began pulpit supply ministry.

March 27 - Rev. Terry Schmitt: Rev. Schmitt has served as a supply pastor at PCC in years
past. He served as the Senior Minister at Center Congregational Church in Manchester for
eleven years, and has done several interims before moving to Connecticut. He recently retired
as the Executive Director of the Connecticut Council for Interreligious Understanding, and
does interim executive directorships for other area nonprofit organizations. His background is
both in parish ministry and in nonprofit organizations. He has a Ph.D. is in Sociology.

April 3, 10, 17, 24 - Rev. Water (Scooter) Pitman: Rev. Pitman has served churches in CT and
MA. He was a Student Associate in Walpole, MA, Associate in East Longmeadow, MA, Asso-
ciate in Darien, CT, Senior Pastor in Chatham, MA, and Senior Pastor in Southbury, CT. Rev.
Pitman has a long-standing association with Silver Lake Camp and Retreat Center.
The Transition Team
Cindy Cayer, Joe Tabellione Diane Larivee, Tony Senatore, Linda LaForge, Hallie Hodgins
Steeple Notes - The Plantsville Congregational United Church ...
The Deacons are looking for
                         some helping hands
      The Board of Deacons is looking for a few people who are willing to lend
a hand when we are called upon to help out during receptions held in Fellowship
Hall. Most of these receptions are held following funerals and help is needed to
set up and take down tables and chairs, serving food, and sometimes coordinat-
ing food as it arrives from caterers or friends.
If you are interested in helping us with
this important hospitality mission…
Please contact:
Nancy Pasco                Sue Smayda
text (860) 628-4577        text (860) 628-1685,
email    email

                      Memorial Garden Board
The Memorial Garden Board will have a brick sale beginning Jan. 2nd and ending
May 31st. Wendy will have a table set up in Fellowship Hall after church to take
orders and payments, and to answer questions. Wendy can also be reached at
(H)860-621-6038 or (C)860-770-0148. Bricks may be purchased for $50.00 each.
You can have up to 3 lines, 16 characters per line including spaces between
words. Order forms will also be available in the office in the Memorial Garden
Board mailbox.
Steeple Notes - The Plantsville Congregational United Church ...
Steeple Notes - The Plantsville Congregational United Church ...
March Activity Page
109 Church Street • Plantsville, CT 06479

                                              Plantsville Congregational
                                                United Church of Christ
                                                  109 Church Street
                                                 Plantsville, CT 06479
                                                    (860) 628-5595

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