Stranraer and the Rhins Ward 1 Profile - Dumfries and ...

Page created by Joanne Sullivan
Stranraer and the Rhins Ward 1 Profile - Dumfries and ...
Stranraer and the Rhins
Ward 1 Profile
Stranraer and the Rhins Ward 1 Profile
                                      Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland
                                      Fifth Review of Electoral Arrangements
                                      Final Recommendations
                                      Dumfries and Galloway Council area
                                      Ward 1 (Stranraer and the Rhins)

                                                                ward boundary

                                                            0   0         4 Mile 3 mile
                                                                                   4 miles
Crown Copyright and database right
2016. All rights reserved. Ordnance
                                                            0              4 km
Survey licence no. 100022179
Key statistics - Main Settlements                       the western part of the region. The town contains
                                                        a number of facilities including a community
Some details about the main towns and villages in
                                                        hospital, leisure centre, a wide range of shops
the Stranraer and the Rhins Ward are given below
                                                        including supermarkets, a library and museum as
Cairnryan was established in 1701 and is a small        well as many other businesses. It is located on the
village with a population of 142 which lies on the      banks of Loch Ryan and has good access onto the
Eastern shore of Loch Ryan, 6 miles (10km) north        A75 and A77 trunk roads.
of Stranraer. The linear village looks across the A77
                                                        Sandhead is identified as a Local Centre in the
North, It is home to P&O Ferries and Stena Line
                                                        Stranraer Housing Market Area. It lies to the
Companies which sail to both Larne and Belfast
                                                        south of Stranraer on the A716, overlooking Luce
respectively and is the is the shortest sea crossing
                                                        Bay. The settlement offers a number of facilities
to Northern Ireland. The village has a public hall,
                                                        including primary school, bowling green, shop and
toilets, campsite and B&B accommodation.
Drummore is identified as a Local Centre in the
Stranraer Housing Market Area with a population
                                                        Council and Partner Facilities
of 310. It lies to the south of Stranraer on the
A716, and has a range of facilities including a         Primary Schools
harbour, public house/ restaurant and shop. It also     Belmont Primary School                   309
lies within the Rhins Coast Regional Scenic Area. It
is the gateway to the Mull of Galloway Trust tourist    Drummore Primary School                    31
attractions including an operational lighthouse.        Kirkcolm Primary School                    47
Kirkcolm is identified as a Local Centre in the         Leswalt Primary School                     40
Stranraer Housing Market Area. It is located to
the north of Stranraer overlooking Loch Ryan.           Park Primary School                      191
The settlement is located within the Rhins Coast        Portpatrick Primary School                 28
Regional Scenic Area. The village has a shop,
bowling green, public hall and hotel/restaurant.        Rephad Primary School                    209

Leswalt is identified as a Local Centre in the          Sandhead Primary School                    61
Stranraer Housing Market Area. It is located north
                                                        Sheuchan Primary School                  164
west of Stranraer in the upper Rhins area and has a
number of facilities including a hall and shop.         St. Joseph’s Primary School                49

Portpatrick is located south west of Stranraer          Secondary School
on the A77 road and overlooks the Irish Sea. The
                                                        Stranraer Academy                        954
settlement contains a number of historic buildings
which are included within the Conservation Area. It
                                                        Customer Service Centre
is a popular tourist destination and a busy harbour
town with facilities that include a primary school,     Stranraer Customer Service Centre
public hall, bowling green, tennis courts, shops
and restaurants. The Portpatrick Harbour Benefits       Playing Fields
Society have recently bought over the harbour and       Portpatrick
transferred assets including land at the ward shore     James Ward Park, Stoneykirk
and the public toilets. The town had population of      King George V Playing Field, Stranraer
534 in 2011 and is identified as a Local Centre in
                                                        Stair Park London Road, Stranraer
the Stranraer Housing Market Area.
                                                        Agnew Park Agnew Crescent, Stranraer
Stranraer has a population of 10,593. It is the
second largest town in Dumfries and Galloway            Gardens
and the largest in Wigtownshire. It is identified as    Garden of Friendship Portrodie, Stranraer
a District Centre in the Stranraer Housing Market
Area and functions as the main service centre for       Grassed Areas
                                                        Castle Green Charlotte Street, Stranraer
                                                        Hanny’s Mill Sheuchan Street, Stranraer
Burial Grounds                      King George V Park, Stranraer
Bridge Street, Stranraer - Closed   McMasters Road, Stranraer
Dalrymple St, Stranraer- Closed     Ochtrelure, Stranraer
Sheuchan, Stranaer - Closed         Seabank Road, Stranraer
St Andrews, Stranraer -Closed       Smithy Road, Stranraer
Thistle St, Stranraer - Closed      Stair Park, Stranraer
Church St, Stranraer                Stair Park Skate Park, Stranraer
Glebe, Stranraer
                                    Picnic Areas
Cairnryan, Lochryan Church
                                    Ardwell Bay, Near High Ardwell, Clachanmore
Drummore Mid - Closed
                                    Ardwell, Drummore Road (A716), Ardwell
Drummore Old - Closed
                                    Auchenleach, Drummore Road, (A716), South of
Drummore New                        Ardwell
Kirkcolm Churchyard - Closed        Dyemill, Drummore Road, (A716) South of Ardwell
Kirkcolm Corsewall - Closed         New England Bay, Drummore Road, (A716) South
Kirkcolm, New                       of Drummore
Leswalt, Old - Closed               Rinvinachan, Drummore Road, (A716) South of
Leswalt, New                        Ardwell
Portpatrick Old - Closed            Cairnryan Burnfoot Bridge, Main Street, Cairnryan
St Andrews, Portpatrick - Closed    Cailliness, Cailliness Road, Drummore
Portpatrick, New                    Terally, Drummore Road (A716)
Kirkmadrine, Sandhead - Closed      Lady Bay, Portencallie, Kirkcolm
Stoneykirk Old -Closed              Scar, Kirkcolm
Stoneykirk New                      Port Logan, Main Street, Port Logan
                                    Balyett, Cairnryan Road, Stranraer
                                    Harbour Street, Stranraer
Parks and Open Spaces
Main Street, Cairnryan
                                    NHS Facilities
Mill Street, Drummore
                                    Galloway Community Hospital
Bayview Terrace, Kirkcolm
                                    Waverley Medical Centre
Main Street, Kirkcolm
Playing field, Leswalt              Police Scotland Facilities
Main Street, Lochans                Stranraer Police Station
Burn Road, Lochans
Picnic Area, Port Logan             Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Facilities
Main Street, Port Logan             Drummore
Tennis Courts, Portpatrick          Stranraer
Portree Terrace, Portpatrick
Main Street, Sandhead
Baird Drive, Sandhead
Stoneykirk Park, Stoneykirk
Agnew Park Island, Stranraer
Agnew Park Mainland, Stranraer
Auchneel Crescent, Stranraer
Burnbrae, Stranraer
Fairway, Stranraer
Galloway Avenue, Stranraer
Kerrsland Road, Stranraer
Key Council Projects                                  Conservation Areas along with training in
                                                      traditional building skills and activities to promote
Stranraer Waterfront Regeneration                     understanding of our built heritage. Four priority
The Stranraer Waterfront regeneration programme       buildings – the old Harbourmaster’s Office, the
comprises of three main strategic projects:           Museum, Gillespie’s bakery and Dickson and
Improvements into Agnew Park and the public           Mahan - were selected in consultation with Historic
areas around the waterfront and Loch Ryan             Environment Scotland for their heritage value and
to enhance facilities and create an attractive        contribution to the character of the town and have
destination for residents and visitors. Investment    been the primary focus of work to date.
in infrastructure to support the development of
existing, and future expansion, of marina and         Key Partner Organisation
watersport facilities and the redevelopment of the    Projects
East Pier and Port Rodie frontage on the basis of a
mixed use approach.                                   Stranraer Millennium Centre
                                                      Stranraer Millennium Centre in partnership with
Stranraer Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme       DGC has been awarded a grant of £987, 735 from
(CARS)                                                Scottish Government National Regeneration
CARS is enabled by grant support from Historic        Capital Fund, the grant is part of £ 2.1 Million
Environment Scotland with co-finance from             investment into creating a community hub.
Dumfries and Galloway Council and runs until
2021. The project supports the regeneration of        Health and Social Care
Stranraer by providing grants for the repair and      Integration
restoration of buildings within the designated
                                                      Health and Social Care Integration brings together
                                                      Dumfries and Galloway Council and NHS Dumfries
                                                      and Galloway alongside Third and Independent
                                                      sector and our local communities to improve the
                                                      experience of people who use Adult health and
                                                      social care services.

                                                      The principal ambitions of health and social care
                                                      integration are to:

                                                      • Support the improvement of the quality and
                                                        consistency of services for patients, carers,
                                                        service-users and their families.

                                                      • Provide seamless, joined-up quality health and
                                                        social care services in order to care for people in
                                                        their homes or a homely setting where it is safe
                                                        to do so.

                                                      • Ensure resources are used effectively and
                                                        efficiently to deliver services.

                                                      The Health and Social Care Locality Manager for
                                                      Wigtownshire is June Watters.
Community Councils and Community Associations       Elected Members
Cairnryan Community Council - Established
                                                    Andrew Giusti
Kirkcolm Community Council - Established            Scottish Conservative and Unionist
Kirkmaiden Community Council - Established
                                                    Willie Scobie
Lochans Community Council - Established
                                                    Non Aligned
Portpatrick Community Council - Established
                                                    Tommy Sloan
Stoneykirk Community Council - Established
                                                    Scottish Labour
Stranraer Community Council - Established
                                                    Ros Surtees
Ochtrelure & Belmont Community Council -            Scottish National Party

Community Resilience Teams                          MSPs and MPs
Cairnryan                                           MP      Alister Jack
                                                            Scottish Conservative and Unionist
Kirkcolm                                            MSP    Finlay Carson
                                                           Scottish Conservative and Unionist
Lochans                                             MSYP Emma Currie             Galloway and West
Portpatrick                                         		                           Dumfries

Port Logan                                           Neal McCulloch              Galloway and West
Stranraer – South
Stranraer – Central
Stranraer – East

Community Asset Transfers
Leswalt Hall - March 2019

Lochans Hall - March 2019

Kirkcolm Hall - March 2019

Cairnryan Hall - March 2019

Windfarm Community Benefits
North Rhins - £31,653 spread amongst eligible
communities (11 eligible, 7 currently receiving –

Ward Officer
Kerry Monteith
Tel 07920 598 900
Stranraer and the Rhins
Electorate 11,615                                                                                                             Electorate does not equal
                                                                                                                              population. Source -
                                                                                                                              Boundary Commission

Employment and Economic Growth
% of adults                                                                   % of children                                        Rate of depopulation
receiving out of                                                              living in poverty
work benefits                                                                                                                                      10 year trend
                                                                              4 year trend                                                         (inverse indicator)
Adults aged 16 to 64 - 3 year trend
                                       Current         Trend                    Current Trend                                       Current            Trend
 Stranraer Central                     24.40%          -0.1%                    18.50% +1.00%                                      106.80%            +5.30%
 Stranraer West                        26.30%          -0.3%                    26.70% -9.40%                                      114.10%            +9.60%
 Portpatrick                            16%            -0.8%                       15% -4.30%                                       85.10%           -10.20%
 Kirkmaiden                            16.70%          -0.9%                    14.40% -0.40%                                      111.10%            +6.50%

Positive Destinations
                                                                                                                S4 Tarrif                    National benchmarking
                                                                                                                Scottish average             focusing on attainment
Positive destinations                                                                                                                        of pupils following S4
The percentage of school leavers who, within three                                                                                           S5 or S6. Qualifications
months of leaving school, enter higher education,                                                                                            are awarded tariff points
further education, employment or training - 5 year trend                                                                                     based on its SCQF level,
                                                                                                                                             credit points and the
                                                Current            Trend                                    Current          Trend           grade achieved by the
 Stranraer Central                              78.80%            -4.80%                                     174             +31             pupil -10 year trend.
 Stranraer West                                 84.80%            +7.90%                                     186             +23
 Portpatrick                                    94.70%            +6.10%                                     199             +14
 Kirkmaiden                                     94.30%            +8.10%                                     179               +9

Health and                                     Early mortality rate                                         Unplanned hospital admissions
                                               Rate of death for                                            Accident and Emergency
Wellbeing                                      persons under the age                                        attendances per 100,000 head of
                                               of 75 - 5 year trend                                         population - 10 year trend

                                               Current          Trend                                         Current         Trend
 Stranraer Central                               591              -68                                         25080           -2626
 Stranraer West                                  422              -63                                         24912           -5918
 Portpatrick                                     466              -37                                         20238           -4923
 Kirkmaiden                                      474              -33                                         26322            +779

Safer, Stronger Communities                                                                                                       Current          Trend
                                                                                                   Stranraer Central                1010            -551
Crime Rate                                                                                         Stranraer West                    367            -502
Number of crimes per 10,000 head                                                                   Portpatrick                       169             +10
of population - 3 year trend                                                                       Kirkmaiden                        267            -158

The statistical information presented for each of the detailed outcomes is sourced from the Community Planning Outcome Profiling tool (CPOP). Slight anomalies may exist as
intermediary data zones do not match identically the geographic nature of electoral wards.
In such cases, the statistical information cannot be disaggregated further to allow the information to be presented differently. The statistical information may therefore include
areas which are out with the Ward boundary.
If you would like some help understanding this or need it in another
format please contact 030 33 33 3000

Contact: Community Planning and Engagement
Municipal Chambers,
Buccleuch Street, Dumfries DG1 2AD
Telephone: 030 33 33 3000

Agreed                           October 2017
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