STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-21 - A Leading Learning Organisation - ACT Education Directorate

STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-21 - A Leading Learning Organisation - ACT Education Directorate
PLAN 201 8-21
A Leading Learning Organisation.

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-21 - A Leading Learning Organisation - ACT Education Directorate
                                                              We will be a leading learning
                                                              organisation where people
                                                              know they matter.

                                                              OUR MISSION
                                                              We develop and deliver educational
                                                              services to empower each child
                                                              and young person in the ACT
                                                              to learn for life.

                                                              Our values         Future of Education
                                                              >> Respect         >> Place each student at the centre of
                                                              >> Integrity          their learning
                                                              >> Collaboration   >> Empower teachers and other professionals
                                                                                    to strengthen learning for all
                                                              >> Innovation
                                                                                 >> Create strong communities for learning
We pay respect to the United Ngunnawal Elders Council                            >> Strengthen the system to focus
and to the Elders both past and present of the Ngunnawal                            on equity and quality
Nation for they hold the hopes and dreams for the future of
the ACT and surrounding region. We also acknowledge and
pay respect to the Wreck Bay peoples as custodians of the
lands on which Jervis Bay School is located.
We value the diverse contributions that our Aboriginal and                                                                GOALS ▶
Torres Strait Islander colleagues make to the Directorate.
STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-21 - A Leading Learning Organisation - ACT Education Directorate
Goal: Schools        PI CK A GOAL

where students
love to learn           CORE PEOPLE
                        >> Embrace diversity                   >> Leadership at all levels
                        >> Cultural integrity                  >> Know and share evidence of impact
Goal: Investing         >> Personal effectiveness              >> Collaboration and partnerships

in early childhood
                        CORE PEOPLE ACTIONS
                        >> Building capability for collaboration and partnership across the
                           directorate and with external partners
                        >> Building workforce capability in digital literacy and evaluation frameworks

Goal: Evidence-         >> Implementing the Performance Development Framework for educators

informed decisions
                        >> Developing a workforce strategy to inform planning and decision making
                        >> Incorporating a focus on diversity and inclusion
                        >> Supporting school leaders and beginning teachers
                        >> Improving induction and performance reviews

Goal: Learning          Strategic Indicators1
culture                      To promote greater equity in learning
                             outcomes in and across ACT public schools

                             To facilitate high quality teaching in ACT public
                             schools and strengthen educational outcomes

Goal: United                 To centre teaching and learning around
                             students as individuals

leadership              1.   See ACT Budget Paper F for further information
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STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-21 - A Leading Learning Organisation - ACT Education Directorate
                                                    • Developing organisational capacity to deliver

Schools where                                         evidence-informed, flexible and innovative
                                                      pedagogy that provides a personalised learning
students love
                                                      pathway for each student
                                                                                                          • Incorporating student voice into learning and giving
                                                    • Deliver learning that prioritises and enhances        valuable and timely feedback to all students

to learn
                                                      21st century capabilities, such as collaboration,
                                                      responsibility, self-efficacy, critical thinking    • Building expertise in case coordination and effective
                                                      and creativity                                        support for transitions, including working with
                                                                                                            families to resolve external issues that impact on a
                                                    • Using technology in new and innovative ways to        student’s engagement with school
Results                                               support learning
                                                                                                          • Ensuring that everyone understands and recognises
We deliver world class, innovative and future       • Evaluating programs to ensure innovations deliver     the importance and impact of early intervention on
focused learning that is recognised as inclusive,     positive impacts and building on existing models      each child’s learning and wellbeing and that schools
highly equitable and high quality                     with proven results                                   are well equipped to provide proactive support
                                                    • Ensuring all students feel welcome, respected,      • Develop each person’s capability to support
We provide safe learning environments with a
                                                      supported, and valued in their school community       children with complex needs and challenging
focus on wellbeing where students feel good at
                                                      and addressing social and psychological wellbeing     behaviour as early as possible
school and have access to the support they need,      concerns
when they need it                                                                                         • Developing agile, knowledgeable and reflective
                                                    • Creating physical environments that are safe and      teams that can respond to changing needs
We ensure that each student has a                     inclusive
                                                                                                          • Valuing and supporting the sharing of ideas and
personalised and meaningful education that          • Collaborating to support seamless transitions         practices and leveraging existing expertise across
allows them to thrive as global citizens              from preschool through to year 12, checking in on     the directorate
                                                      students post transition, and identifying warning
Students are confident, creative and                  signs as early as possible                          • Using data and information systems to support
collaborative, and they know they can be great                                                              early intervention, including ensuring information
learners                                            • Strategically planning for future student demand      is shared appropriately
                                                      and changing needs
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STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-21 - A Leading Learning Organisation - ACT Education Directorate
Indicators of success
   Increase in students who strongly identify                                 Increase in student reported
   with school                                                                resilience

   Increase in students who report they are                                   Increase in schools accessing
   respected, listened to and involved in decisions                           Education Support Office
                                                                              services that align to their
                                                                              school needs
   Increase in students who report they feel
   safe and supported at school
                                                                              Increased equity in learning
                                                                              outcomes in and across
   Increase in parents and carers who strongly
                                                                              ACT public schools
   identify with school

   Priority actions to achieve this goal
   >> Support all schools to invest early in the    >> Embed co-designed universal, selected and targeted strategies that
      wellbeing of all students at all stages          support student wellbeing and 21st century skills in every school.
      of schooling                                     These strategies:
   >> Implement the whole of system school            • reflect both the knowledge and skills of students and staff
      improvement strategy that includes:             • focus on personalised learning (student agency), and
      • systematised approach to whole of             • differentiation (strong pedagogy).
        system improvement (using the National
        School Improvement Tool as the primary      >> Implement and embed high quality professional learning
        organiser contextualised for the ACT)          communities at every school, ensuring:

      • clarity on the roles and responsibilities     • school annual learning plans reflect system goals
        for executives, school leaders and staff      • plans are developed in consultation with staff
      • a strong focus on cultural integrity          • the Professional Learning Communities methodology is consistent
        and inclusion                                   with system expectations for student outcomes, and there is regular
      • high quality responsive universal,              evaluation of impact
        selected and targeted services for          >> Extend capability to implement contemporary pedagogy that includes:
        schools, school leaders, staff and
                                                       • inclusion and high expectations for every student
                                                       • a focus on student agency
      • evidence-informed practice that is
        regularly reviewed and assessed             >> Deliver Schools for a Growing Community with a focus on
                                                       21st century learning environments
      • quarterly scoping design and execution
        of school improvement initiatives
        through engagement with School
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STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-21 - A Leading Learning Organisation - ACT Education Directorate
                                           • Supporting preschools to meet the

Investing                                    National Quality Framework and raise
                                             National Quality Standard ratings
in early                                   • Building a culture of sharing knowledge
                                             across sectors and services, including
                                                                                       • Growing leadership in early
                                                                                         childhood education in schools

                                             the government and non-government
                                             early childhood education sector,         • Ensuring understanding
                                             playgroups, preschools, specialist          and recognition of the
                                             schools, health services and family         importance and impact of early
                                                                                         childhood education on each
Results                                      support programs
                                                                                         child’s learning
We acknowledge and support families        • Playing an active role in engaging with
                                             the community through events              • Building collaborative
as every child’s first teachers                                                          partnerships with early
                                           • Implementing evidence-informed              childhood services
Every child and family is known before       models for early childhood education,
they arrive in preschool or kindergarten     including play based models for           • Working with families to
                                             developing learning dispositions            address external factors
We value and validate a child’s learning                                                 that could impact on early
from early childhood education and care    • Enabling teams of early childhood           childhood development
                                             educators to demonstrate their
through to preschool and into schooling
                                             professional expertise

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-21 - A Leading Learning Organisation - ACT Education Directorate
Indicators of success
   All primary schools have a preschool Quality Improvement                          Increase in the number of
   Plan as part of their School Improvement Plan                                     schools that apply the Early
                                                                                     Years Learning Framework
                                                                                     learning outcomes when
   The comparative improvement of preschools’ rating                                 documenting the assessment
   against the National Quality Framework                                            of the learning of each
                                                                                     preschool child
   Increase in the number of schools where the nominated
   supervisor, educational leader, preschool teachers and                            Increase the number of early
   relevant learning support assistants attend two or more                           childhood qualified educators
   sessions of early childhood professional development                              in each school network
   per calendar year

   Priority actions to achieve this goal
   >> Develop a suite of universal and targeted services   >> Extend collaboration between schools, families, community
      to support schools to capably deliver high quality      organisations, and early education and care providers through
      and compliant preschool education                       whole of government service integration and a revamp of the
   >> Develop an instructional leadership and quality         early childhood school model, to ensure that young children
      teaching strategy for early childhood professional      (3-7 year olds) have the best start to their education journey
      development                                          >> Develop school capability and commence mapping and
   >> Establish mechanisms for showcasing and sharing         analysis of data about incoming cohort families
      best practice aligned to the Early Years Learning    >> Provide families with formal and informal opportunities to
      Framework and National Quality Standards                learn about interactions that maximise childhood development
   >> Implement a whole of Directorate Early Childhood     >> Review the model of preschool and school integration,
      Education improvement response that includes:           including the relationship between the Early Years Learning
      • Improving Education Support Office capability         Framework and the Australian Curriculum
        to support preschools to meet the requirements     >> Enable preschool educators to access early childhood
        of the National Quality Framework and improve         communities of practice to enable best practice and quality
        the National Quality Standards ratings                improvement
      • Improving communications and understanding         >> Include early childhood infrastructure capacity in every new
        of roles and responsibilities between ACT public      school, including early childhood service capacity for both
        schools, Education Support Office and the             Long Day Care and Out of School Hours Care
        ACT regulator                                      >> Develop a policy framework for fostering proactive
      • Communicating clear expectations that each            collaborative relationships in early childhood education,
        School Network is to be represented at each           including implementation of the ‘Growing Preschool Expertise’
        early childhood sector meeting                        project using the network model

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-21 - A Leading Learning Organisation - ACT Education Directorate
                                                • Maintaining high quality and up to date data

Evidence-                                         that provides a holistic view of student’s
                                                  educational achievement and wellbeing
                                                  to support decision makers, including
                                                  educators and other professionals              • Understanding and sharing
                                                                                                   evidence of impact, including

                                                • Improving access to transparent and open         developing data literacy
                                                  data that meaningfully tracks trends over
                                                  time and provides school and community         • Collecting, interpreting and
                                                  profiles                                         translating data to positively impact
                                                                                                   growth in student achievement
Results                                         • Improving functionality of existing systems      and wellbeing
We combine student agency, professional           and ensuring all areas have the systems they
                                                  need to collect and use data in a timely way   • Gathering qualitative feedback from
expertise, and the best evidence                                                                   diverse sources, including students
to make decisions                               • Combining data with the expertise of             and families with complex needs
                                                  professional staff members, students,
We apply an agreed standard of evidence           families and the broader community to          • Using evidence to inform best
to the decisions we need to make                  ensure a holistic understanding of issues        practice approaches for policy,
                                                  and impacts                                      programs/service delivery and
We have line of sight between student                                                              targeting of resources at all levels
                                                • Promoting action research and peer reviews
agency, evidence and impact at multiple                                                          • Evaluating, planning and analysing
                                                  to enable staff to build their own evidence
levels (student, school, program, system)         for impact                                       information, including through
                                                                                                   action learning
Our people are using evidence based practices   • Foster innovation and creativity through
to demonstrate impact on student learning         action learning
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STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-21 - A Leading Learning Organisation - ACT Education Directorate
Indicators of success
   Proportion of schools reviewed that achieve                  Increased evidence of impact informing
   high or outstanding in National School                       future investments
   Improvement Tool domains, in particular:
   >> An explicit improvement agenda
                                                                Increased number of reform initiatives
   >> Analysis and discussion of data                           formally evaluated and the proportion
   >> Differentiated teaching and learning                      of recommendations implemented
      (School Improvement)
                                                                Increased proportion of initiatives with
   Increased usage of key datasets                              evaluation inbuilt into the planning phase

   Priority actions to achieve this goal
   >> Develop and implement ‘Evidence and Inquiry           >> Develop and implement contemporary measures of student
      in School Improvement’ to build capability in            achievement and school improvement, including but not
      school improvement, data literacy and the school         limited to literacy and numeracy gain, equity, and school
      improvement cycle of inquiry of school leaders at a      climate.
      range of levels                                       >> Develop and implement agreed student achievement
   >> Implement endorsed school-based assessment tools         and school improvement measures appropriate to early
   >> Streamline the school review process to be more          childhood schools, colleges and specialist schools
      focused on school improvement and ensure              >> Develop and embed new Strategic Plan performance
      all elements of high performing schools are              measures (such as supplementing existing staff surveys) to
      incorporated                                             ensure measurement suite is fit for purpose
   >> Develop and implement multi-level data literacy       >> Design and implement an evaluation framework and
      elements of ‘Strengthening Leadership Capability’        guidelines with a particular focus on planning for evaluation
   >> Improve access to key performance data to inform         at the commencement of a reform or improvement
      school review and improvement processes (using           intervention, and establish an annual evaluation program
      the National School Improvement Tool), particularly   >> Commence targeted evidence-based presentations to the
      leveraging off Schools Administration System and         Education Governance Committee on organisational health
      associated data warehousing                              and performance
   >> Develop and implement a broader range of              >> Align performance measures in Budget Papers, Annual
      achievement data (with a particular emphasis on          Reports, Future of Education, Education Directorate
      skills and attributes such as general capabilities       Strategic Plan, School and Education Support Office
      and work readiness), leveraging off national and         Annual Plans
      international initiatives and existing practices in
      schools and networks

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-21 - A Leading Learning Organisation - ACT Education Directorate
                                    • Fostering physically and psychologically

Learning                              safe and respectful environments for our
                                      people to learn
culture                             • Implementing a coordinated suite of
                                      targeted and practical learning pathways
                                      that are tailored to different needs,
                                                                                  • Embracing and valuing
                                                                                    diversity of ideas,
                                                                                    backgrounds and
                                      based on sound research, delivered            experiences
Results                               collaboratively and by credible experts
                                                                                  • Strengthening cultural
Every individual is empowered       • Recruiting and supporting highly              integrity
to learn and help others to do so     skilled, qualified and capable staff
                                                                                  • Working with agility
We value leadership that            • Learning from others, including those         and flexibility to meet
                                      outside the education sector that support     changing needs
promotes and models inquiry
                                      our students and their families
and creativity                                                                    • Supporting each person
                                    • Establishing forums and mentoring             to understand their role
We have a future focused              opportunities to share impacts and            and responsibilities in
workforce with the capability to      effective practice                            the organisation
achieve outcomes for each student   • Involving all staff in planning processes

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Indicators of success
   Increased retention of beginning                             Increase in staff reporting that their leaders
   teachers and new staff                                       are able to build capability in others

   Increase in mentors and                                      Increase in staff who understand and work
   mentees who report high levels                               towards future focused skills
   of confidence and satisfaction
   with mentoring supports
                                                                Increase in staff reporting support for
                                                                professional development
   Increase in staff reporting
   strong leadership in schools

   Priority actions to achieve this goal
   >> Establish coaching and mentoring programs that are                 >> Investigate development of baseline and
      available for staff at career transition points for new               targeted cultural integrity programs for all staff
      teachers, aspiring leaders and new principals                      >> Conduct a review of transfer round processes
   >> Engage initial teacher education providers to influence               with a strong focus on delivering equitable
      the quality and effectiveness of graduates                            outcomes for students and supporting
   >> Implement a system level, multi-layered leadership                    staff wellbeing
      development strategy that has an emphasis on                       >> Develop a new induction program
      instructional leadership and enterprise skills with a deep         >> Embed a performance management
      embedding of inclusion, cultural integrity, collaboration             framework to be utilised consistently
      and adaptive leadership                                               throughout the Directorate with a focus
   >> Implement a Learning Management System that will                      on capability development for all staff
      provide improved access to development and provide                 >> Introduce a Human Resources Portal
      a capability profile for every employee                               to provide staff access to learning
   >> Establish a career and capability pipeline that supports              opportunities and resources
      each staff member in the Directorate, including a
      capability framework that outlines expectations
      for every role

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United                                              • Effectively communicating and
                                                      developing strategy together
leadership                                          • Improving the governance
                                                      arrangements, policies and processes
                                                                                                  • Increasing personal

                                                      that help us to be accountable for
                                                      equitable education                         • Developing leadership
                                                                                                    capability and effective
                                                    • Defining and embedding the behaviours         management
                                                      that reflect our values
Results                                             • Supporting staff wellbeing, inclusion,
                                                                                                  • Embracing diversity
Ownership of the Strategic Direction is shared                                                      in strategies, staffing
                                                      and collaboration through effective,          and leadership
between Schools and the Education Support Office      sustainable and positive relationships
                                                                                                  • Working with multidisciplinary
We have community confidence in our ability         • Creating opportunities for school leaders     teams and collaborating
to deliver quality and equitable education            to be active and visible leaders across       across Schools and Education
                                                      the directorate                               Support Office
Education Support Office and School Plans
are aligned with our strategic direction            • Embedding participatory                     • Enabling a culture of trust
                                                      management approaches that involve            and continuous learning
and are coherent
                                                      students and staff in decisions and
We trust and support each other during challenges     feedback processes

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Indicators of success
   Increase in positive perceptions of the                      Increase in staff reporting
   Directorate                                                  high levels of collaborative
                                                                practice between colleagues
                                                                and leaders
   Increase in staff reported confidence
   in understanding and communicating
   organisational direction, and seeing it                      Increase in leadership
   in the way we work                                           capability reported through
                                                                the 360 degree feedback
   Increase in staff reporting confidence
   and trust in their colleagues and

   Priority actions to achieve this goal
   >> Launch the Governments’ Future of Education Strategy        >> Establish a forum for sharing problems,
      and Directorate Strategic Plan, involving all Executive        practice and strategic discussions at
      and School Leaders                                             leadership meetings
   >> Embed Strategic Plan implementation roles,                  >> Establish United Leadership behaviours,
      responsibilities and behaviours into all Leadership            rituals and self-assessment approaches,
      Professional Development Plans                                 including ensuring Corporate Executives
   >> Implement biannual reviews of progress against the             build relationships with school leaders and
      strategic plan, involving Corporate Executives and the         a working knowledge of our schools
      Principals Advisory Group                                   >> Establish a 360 degree feedback process,
   >> Establish an organisational planning and reporting             including explicitly seeking feedback
      process in collaboration with the Senior Governance            from schools
      Committee                                                   >> Build the Executive Leadership Team using
   >> Develop a joint collaboration rubric between the Senior        the DISC profile methodology or other team
      Governance Committee, Principals Advisory Group                building exercises
      and Business Managers Advisory Group to be applied
      to all key projects and considered in Professional
      Development Plan feedback

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