PROGRAM DEFINITION January 2020 - First Edition - Kuwala Christian ...

Page created by Charlotte Dixon
PROGRAM DEFINITION January 2020 - First Edition - Kuwala Christian ...
Canada Revenue Agency Charitable Registration Number: #800640062 RR001

                January 2020
                           First Edition
PROGRAM DEFINITION January 2020 - First Edition - Kuwala Christian ...

We’re Kuwala and we’re excited to share with you
our Program Definition. This is a growing charity
shining a light on teen age girls in Africa. With a
proper education we can ensure these girls have
a future.

A. Background				03

       Why Malawi				05

       Why Girls				06

B. About school				04

       B.1 Mission				07

       B2. Vision				07

       B3. Core values			07

C. Governance				08

D. Path forward				09

E. Partnership				10                                        Note: This Program Definition will be considered by the
                                                            directors in (DATE). When approved, it will become our
                                                            point of reference for contractual reasons. The Program
F. Risks and opportunties (SWOT)		             10
                                                            definition will be revised from time-to-time. After each
                                                            revision, the version number will be increased.
G. Communication				12
                                                            For further information, or to arrange a presentation,
H. Financials					12                                        please contact:
                                                            Mark Kinzel
I. Annual General Meetings			                  12           Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 0C3

PROGRAM DEFINITION January 2020 - First Edition - Kuwala Christian ...
A. Background
Kuwala, which in Malawi means “light”
and appropriately describes our mission
which is to provide a Christian based
quality education equipping young
women in Malawi to be successful in
both their lives and those around them
while lighting a path for a brighter
future. Kuwala Christian Girls School
Inc. is a registered Canadian charity
which opened a school in Malawi in
September 2018 with the goal of
providing a quality education for girls
in the Canadian equivalent of grades 9
through 12. However, the path
towards the school opening began
four years earlier.

Our journey began in 2014 with a
discovery trip to Malawi, “the warm
heart of Africa” by a small group
of Manitoba friends.

Following multiple visits to Malawi
throughout 2015 and 2016, we began
to plan our strategy in 2017. This put us
in the position to start in 2018 with the
creation of our registered Canadian
charity, establishing both a Canadian
board and a Malawian board and
actions were initiated to make Kuwala
a reality.

PROGRAM DEFINITION January 2020 - First Edition - Kuwala Christian ...
Message from Memory Mdyetseni              Message from Henry Mdyetseni

We met and engaged with a dynamic husband and wife team in Malawi. One, a professional
educator and the other, a professional engineer. They are Malawians who have made a
personal commitment to help their country through quality girls’ education. Being involved
in both starting and running a highly successful school in Malawi, they shared their enthusiasm
to leverage their experience and expand their impact with our proposed new school, Kuwala
Christian Girls School, by acting as our guides and consultants to start a successful school.

Working together with our Canadian supporters, property was identified and arrangements with
local elders made to acquire 12.5 hectares of land for our school early in 2018. Our planning
laid out an ambitious goal of establishing a plan to help impoverished families achieve - at no
cost to them - the gift of education

Working closely with our Malawian partners professional engineering expertise, local villagers
were provided with highly desired employment and contractors were engaged where required.
Work on the first infrastructure components such as water, classrooms and a hostel were ac-
tively begun early in 2018.

PROGRAM DEFINITION January 2020 - First Edition - Kuwala Christian ...



Why Malawi?
Known as the “warm heart of Africa”, Malawi is in south central Africa with most of the
population being subsistence farms growing maize for food on small plots of land.

  ne of the most Christian-dominant communities in Africa, Malawi is also one of the poorest
 with 50% of the population living below the poverty line and 70% living on less than $1.25 per day.

  8% of the population is under the age of 14 with 10 million children under age 20.

  alawi is also one of the top HIV/Aids killing zones in the world today with an
 adult prevalence rate of 11% causing 50,000 deaths annually from aids.

• There is only one doctor for every 50,000 people.

• Average life expectancy is age 47.

• Children are left caring for children.

Referenced from -��

PROGRAM DEFINITION January 2020 - First Edition - Kuwala Christian ...
Why Girls?
Girls in Malawi suffer disproportionately. Young girls face poverty, gender
bias, rape, starvation, and child marriage.

• Higher Incomes: When girls learn to read, write, and do math, they are more
 likely to enter the workforce and earn more - up to 25 percent more.

  elayed Marriage and Fewer Children: When girls attend school, they delay marriage
 and children by several years. Girls not in school typically marry early - often as young
 as 13 and begin having children. Staying in school through high school gives girls
 more choices.

  ealthier Families: Educated girls grow up to have healthier children. Educated girls
 have fewer children and are better equipped to care for their children and families.

  educed HIV/AIDS Risk: Studies show that girls who attend school are
 three times less likely to become HIV-positive.

• Less Poverty: An educated girl, on average, spends 90 percent of her income
 on her family. She sends her own girls to school and contributes to her community.

PROGRAM DEFINITION January 2020 - First Edition - Kuwala Christian ...
B. About Kuwala Christian Girls School
Kuwala Christian Girls School provides a God-honoring educational experience and living
environment for girls from Form 1 through 4 (Grades 9 to 12) in rural Malawi, Africa.
Kuwala strives for excellence in academics, and building life skills that supports transformative
growth for girls to change their world. Kuwala faculty and staff comprise over 20 dedicated
men and women who serve God as Christian educators and support staff who are inspired and
guided by Kuwala’s mission, vision, and values statements.

B.1 Mission Statement                             B.2 Vision
Kuwala Christian Girls School is an               To empower Malawian girls through a
accredited high school that operates within       Christian-based, meaningful education,
a biblically based learning community. A          to equip them for success and strengthen
school where girls receive a quality education,   their communities for present and future
become independent thinkers, discerning           generations.
decision-makers, and change agents in their
communities locally and globally, as faithful
followers of Christ.

B.3 Core Values

• Empowerment – We provide and encourage the gift of
 knowledge with a Christ-centered education based on
  a biblical world view.

• Compassion – We are committed to excellence and the
 development of Godly character by providing a safe,
 caring, living, and learning environment.

• Community – We want to inspire and equip the girls
 to serve in the local and global community.

 • Stewardship – We are faithful to the purpose of the resources
  entrusted to us for the accomplishment of our goals.

PROGRAM DEFINITION January 2020 - First Edition - Kuwala Christian ...
C. Governance
Kuwala Christian Girls School Inc.
Kuwala Christian Girls School Inc. is an incorporated non-profit
charitable organization that operates within Canada.

Canadian Board of Directors
The Canadian Board is responsible for raising funds, approving the
plans, budgets, and policies of the school, and ensuring their effective
implementation by the school administration lead by the Malawian

Kuwala Christian Girls School Inc.
Kuwala Christian Girls School Inc. is the name for the school and the
private organization that is registered with the Government of Malawi.

Malawian Board of Directors
The Malawian Board is responsible for carrying out operations in
Malawi including establishing and operating the boarding school,
hiring staff, developing, and maintaining policies and procedures,
ensuring adherence to Malawian curriculum, and designing and
constructing school infrastructure.

Program Definition
This Program Definition has been developed to define the scope of
work between the Canadian and Malawian organizations. Funds are
transferred from the Canadian charity to the Malawian private organi-
zation for specific operations and projects that are defined in the
program definition.

Current Status
Kuwala Christian Girls School provides a God-honoring educational
experience and living environment for girls from Form 1 through 4
(Grades 9 to 12). Kuwala strives for excellence in academics, athletics
and building life skills that supports transformative growth for girls to
change their world. We currently have 60 girls enrolled.

A.Path Forward
Our next steps will be to build on our 2018/2019 growth and continue to expand the opportuni-
ties for girl’s education in Malawi. First, we are looking to grow the number of sponsors, so we
have adequate funding to operate the school on an ongoing basis.

Secondly in 2019, we initiated work on our kitchen and dining room facility complete with
washrooms, food storage, gas powered cooking, kitchen facility and seating for up to 200
thanks to a significant financial commitment from a Winnipeg Church.

At the same time, we have confirmed financing to start on our first staff house. In Malawi,
school staff live at the school creating a strong sense of community.

We also have secured our first grant and we have built a large greenhouse operation to bring
not only an education opportunity for our students but also to provide produce both for the
school and for sale. We believe this may be the first of multiple greenhouse programs.

Many other programs also will be initiated as financing is secured including the next steps in
our solar energy program, full fencing for the school property, completing our electrical hook
up to the electrical grid, installing a sports field and basketball court, finishing our pumping
system for our water tower and building our school laboratory. Our goal is to build a sponsor
base to support a 4-form school with a 40:1 student/teacher ratio.

We then plan to start on our next 60 girl          paced to sponsorship support, with flexible
dormitory, as donations are received and as        acceleration. Growth Phase (2025-2035)
we prepare for our second group of girls to        Increase the density of campus to student/
join us a year from now in 2020. Our plan over     teacher ratio to 40:1 Capital expansion is
the next 5 years will see us reach our goal of     aided through operations.
positively impacting girls in Malawi.

Our goal is to build a sponsor base to support
a 4-form school with a 40:1 student/teacher
ratio. Start Up (2018-2025) Growth rate

E. Partnership
We are looking for people who truly want to make a measurable difference, who believe
in Christian education and who understand that educating girls in Malawi is the “hand up”
required to help them and their families escape poverty.

Become a Kuwala Partner:

• Share our story with others, sponsor a girl, and assist with our capital campaign.

F. Risks and Opportunity
Risk assessment is not a static exercise but rather one which should become part of ongoing
management decisions of Kuwala Christian Girls School Inc. Once defined, risk issues must be
considered in every related management decision. The risks associated with this Program
include areas such as Strategy, Operations, Compliance, Internal Audit, Financial Statements,
Fraud, Customers, and Information Technology. Although there are other possibilities and all
areas can be important, the few areas described below are most critical for the continued
success of Kuwala Christian Girls School Inc. directors will devise mitigations for the most
important risks.

While the threat of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative occurrence is possible
at any time, our boards are doing everything possible to help mitigate those situations.

  perations/Management – The Canadian operation is heavily dependent on the knowledge,
 commitment, and energy of key leaders: Mark Kinzel, Myles Boonstra and Susan Wiegner.

• Financial/Customer – The ability to fund the school is heavily dependent on maintaining and
cultivating the donor base. This need will increase with an expanded facility and programming.

  ompliance/Financial Statements – Donor development is, in part, dependent on Kuwala
 Christian Girls School Inc. ability to issue income tax receipts. Compliance and financial
 accounting will be a growing and important area of responsibility.

  enior leadership – The school leadership is extremely dependent on our Malawian team.

• Recruiting teachers – The school must be competitive in salary, benefits, working conditions,
 and living conditions.

• M
   aintaining a high standard of education – To maintain a strategy that does not depend on
 tuition paying students, standards must remain high.

                                               | 10 |
In March 2020, the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic due
        to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The situation is constantly evolving, and the
        measures put in place are having multiple impacts on local, provincial, national
        and global economies. We are monitoring the situation and anticipate the overall
        effect of these events on the school to be minimal. Any impacts will be account-
        ed for when they are known and may be assessed.

                                             SWOT analysis

Strengths                                                       Weaknesses
Clearly defined goals and values. Social channels               Heavily dependent on maintaining
are increasingly being used as part of overall plan.            and cultivating donors.

Founding Directors expertise and strong experi-                 Volatile Exchange Rates.
ence as well as network.
                                                                Volatile weather conditions – affecting pricing
96% of every dollar goes towards the girls and                  for materials/labour of capital projects.
operating the school.
                                                                Government instability.

                                                                Heavily dependent on a small key donor base.

Opportunities                                                    Threats
Establish consistent guidelines.                                 Increased competition for supporters’
                                                                 donations and time.
Stepping up personalized supporter communication
including better targeting and better timing.                    Not generating the required funds needed
                                                                 to achieve our aims and objectives.
Growing supporter awareness through social
media and outreach methods.                                      Very dependent on the commitment,
                                                                 knowledge and energy of key leaders in
We are making significant steps in using virtual                 Malawi.
tools in both communication and support.

To expand the school to provide more opportunities,
for example; a green house and maize grinding.

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G. Communication
Kuwala Christian Girls School has developed
several communication channels to keep you
informed about current activities and
development progress.

• Newsletter

• Email -

• Website -

• Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube)

Connect with us for more information.

H. Financials
H.1 Charitable Giving Options
For those who wish to donate to the operations or to capital projects for Kuwala Christian Girls
School Inc., we happily receive all donations of any size. Please send a cheque to us a 758
South Drive, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 0C3 or please contact us at Tax receipts
are provided for all moneys donated on an annual basis in January of the following year.

H.2 Financial Statements and Annual Auditing
Annual 3-party audited financial statements are available upon request and will be posted on
our website when they become available. Our first audit will be done in the Spring 2019.

I. Annual General Meetings
Our Annual General Meeting for the Canadian Board is scheduled for the 27-July-2020.

       Canada Revenue Agency Charitable Registration Number: #800640062 RR001

                                                                       For further information, or to
                                                                       arrange a presentation, please contact:
                                                                       Mark Kinzel
                                                                       Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 0C3

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