Street Art Is Real Estate: What Appraisers Need to Know

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Street Art Is Real Estate: What Appraisers Need to Know
Street Art Is Real Estate: What
Appraisers Need to Know
By Michele Wood, Valbridge Property Advisors

Art is real estate—what? Yes indeed—                         an environment of social cohesion, and                  willing to pay an average of £8,549 more
read on.                                                     3) to encourage economic stabilization.                 for a home in an area with street art.
     There was a time when images                            Communities are paying attention. A                     Thirty–two percent of those surveyed
spray-painted onto the walls of buildings                    Google search for “Street Art Blog”                     reported that they would spend as much
was a sign of blight and urban decay.                        results in 830,000,000 links. Similarly,                as £50,000 more.
These days, many cities are joining a                        a search for “Street Art Tour” brings up                     These results have been borne out
growing movement of not only allow-                          countless links in most cities that are                 anecdotally in many other places. In
ing graffiti to exist, but even fostering its                included in the search terms.                           Miami, for example, visitors from all over
development as “street art.” How does                             Can the presence of street art                     the world flock to the Wynwood area to
street art affect the real estate on which                   affect real estate pricing? The evidence                see the “Wynwood Walls,” a series of
it is placed, and does it affect the real                    is starting to suggest that it does, and                murals painted on the exterior walls of
estate market around it? What distin-                        in a positive way. Researchers at the                   old warehouses. The project started in
guishes street art from graffiti? How are                    University of Warwick in England set                    2009 with 18 large works and has since
the interests of property owners, artists,                   out to quantify the link between street                 grown to cover 800,000 SF featuring 50
and the community balanced by rele-                          art and value. Their thesis, that areas of              artists. The project was so successful that
vant laws? We will touch on all of those                     higher concentrations of street art would               rents began to increase substantially. For
topics in this article.                                      see a correlative uptick in real estate                 instance, a warehouse that leased in the
     Graffiti is as old as civilization itself.              values, was predicated on the premise                   early 2000s for under $10 per square
The term comes from the Italian “graf-                       that creative industries are key to building            foot now rents for an average of $50 per
fiare,” which means “to scratch.” Graffiti                   a successful city economy. The scientists               square foot. Galleries, restaurants and
generally is understood to be simple                         looked at images of London uploaded                     retail shops have all moved in to capture
words or a name, sometimes in stylized                       to the social media site Flickr between                 the foot traffic, increasing demand for all
form, but never pictorial. Street art, on                    2004 and 2013 in which the word “art”                   kinds of real estate.
the other hand, includes visual elements                     was tagged. They then used that data to                      Multi-family projects are taking
such as characters, landscapes, portraits,                   compare the number of art images in a                   note of the street art benefit as well.
poems and other written word forms in                        neighborhood to changes in residential                  Developer Crescent Communities has
order to express the artist’s intent.                        real estate prices in that neighborhood.                started to incorporate street art into
     Public street art can be seen in almost                 They found that increases in mean                       their new apartment properties. The
any community nowadays, and it is no                         residential property prices are significantly           marketing director has noted that people
longer a phenomenon of larger coastal                        associated with higher proportions of art               will drive or walk over to see the art and
cities like New York or Los Angeles.                         images per neighborhood.                                end up touring the property as potential
Street art has gained wider acceptance                            A follow-up survey done in 2017 by                 residents. Renters almost always request
as a desirable visual element in com-                        the Affordable Art Fair revealed that 43                units with views of the art. Muralists all
munities and acts, as all public art does,                   percent of British citizens would rather                over the United States are starting to get
to serve three functions: 1) to beautify                     live in an area with murals and street art              requests from landlords looking to have
the public space, 2) to create and foster                    than a local coffee shop, and would be                  their buildings painted as they think
                                                                                                                     it will attract tenants and discourage
                                                                                                                     “unsanctioned” graffiti since there is a
                                                                                                                     mutual respect among artists wherein
                                                                                                                     they don’t deface others’ works.
                  Michele Wood is Director of Business Development for the Right-of-Way and Litigation
                  Services practice groups with Valbridge Property Advisors | Houston. She also heads up                  The Rice Mill Lofts in the Bywater
                  research and special projects for the firm. She has worked in commercial valuation for 15 years.   neighborhood of New Orleans also

 12 Working RE Winter 2019
Street Art Is Real Estate: What Appraisers Need to Know
found a way to incorporate street art
into its design. Originally built in
1892 as a rice mill, the building was
renovated to loft apartments in 2010.
Because the building had sat vacant for
several decades, there were numerous
walls with graffiti. The developer
decided to incorporate the art into
the new units, preserving as much of
it as possible in the renovation and
hiring local artists to add more. This
aspect is featured on the property’s
website saying, “The improvisational
riff of text and images tells both
tales of caustic discontent, as well as
stories of sacred archetypes, heroes
and mythmakers.” The 69-unit project
reached full occupancy in five months,
and the units with the most distinctive
graffiti pieces have a wait list. Within
two years of the renovation, the
property was the highest rent-per-unit
residential building in New Orleans.
     In 2012, well-known muralist
Eduardo Kobra painted murals on a
building in New York City. Between the
time that the murals were done and the        Art Alley, Rapid City, South Dakota
sale of the building four years later, the
price increased from $880,000 to over        or reputation.” VARA is similar to             community, or by some cross-
$2,000,000. Though it was difficult to                                                      section of society. This sets a rather
                                             copyright, but applies only to works
break out the murals’ contribution, a                                                       low bar to determine that a work is
                                             of visual art. Unlike copyrights, VARA
local real estate agent attributed 10 to
                                             rights cannot be transferred from the          of recognized stature as there are
15 percent of that value growth to the
                                             artist to anyone else, and expire on the       many ways to convince a court that
murals. If one is lucky enough to own a
                                             artist’s death.                                a cross-section of society deems the
building on which the notorious street
                                                  With private ownership of a framed        work as having merit.
artist Banksy paints, the property value
                                             painting hanging on a wall, VARA           •   The property owner cannot destroy
could double overnight.
                                             presents few conflicts. However, with          or alter the work in any way. This
The Wall Is the Painting                     street art, the wall is the painting, so       includes scrubbing it off, painting
The addition of street art to buildings is   ownership and control of that wall             over it, or carving a drive-through
not without its complications, however.      can become problematic between the             window out of it. The property
As works of original visual art, many        property owner’s rights and the artist’s       owner does, however, have the
pieces are protected by a federal law        VARA rights. Some important features of        right to sell the artwork. Numerous
called the Visual Artists Rights Act of      how VARA affects real property include:        people have carved Banksy stencil
1990, or “VARA.” VARA seeks to protect       • Artwork is covered under VARA if             art off of the walls on which
an artist’s moral rights in addition to           it is of “recognized stature” only.       they were painted and sold them
the economic rights conferred by copy-            To determine if a work qualifies,         for substantial sums. VARA only
right law. This means that an original            the artist must prove that the work       protects the integrity of the art, not
work cannot be destroyed, distorted,              is viewed as meritorious and that         the physical location of the work or
mutilated, or modified in any way that            this is recognized by art experts,        the ownership of it.
“would be prejudicial to his or her honor         other members of the artistic                                          page 14 8

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Street Art Is Real Estate: What Appraisers Need to Know
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•   If the property owner wishes to                is known as the California Art
    demolish a building on which                   Preservation Act (1979).
    artwork of recognized stature exists,    • Because VARA allows artists to waive
    the owner must make a documented               their VARA rights, property own-
    good-faith attempt to notify the               ers are best protected against VARA
    artist before destruction and grant            claims by securing a waiver before
    90 days from contact for the artist            commissioning a work or before
    to remove or document the work (at             buying a property that has street art
    the artist’s cost).                            incorporated. This could have spe-
•   The property owner does not own                cial relevancy to title companies.
    the copyright of the image unless              In general, property owners of origi-
    the artist has transferred the copy-     nal street art can enjoy great collaborative
    right in writing. Using an image of      relationships with the artists. Most artists
    the artwork in merchandise or pro-       recognize the place of their work in the
    ductions would be prohibited unless      larger built environment landscape, and
    permission is granted by the artist.     street artists especially are comfortable
    Appraisers could photograph the          with the ephemeral nature of their art.
    work for use in a report, but any        Conflicts tend to arise when a property
    commercial uses of the image would       owner acts with disregard or disrespect
    be prohibited. Copyright is distinct     to the artist, the artwork, or the commu-
    from VARA protections.                   nity. Such a case recently made headlines
                                             in New York when a developer painted           Banksy stencil, New Orleans, Louisiana
•   VARA does not apply to works that
    advertise or promote a product or        over dozens of well-loved murals on a
    service, and works that are illegally    site that had been known as 5Pointz.
                                                   5Pointz was the name given to a          Notable details from that case include
    done (i.e., without the property
                                             site of vacant and run down industrial         Wolkoff’s “willful” destruction of the
    owner’s permission) are likely not
                                             buildings in Queens. Developer Jerry           works, his hostile attitude toward the
    protected by VARA, though case
                                             Wolkoff purchased the site in the ’70s         artists and the judge during the hear-
    law is not entirely clear on this
                                             to hold as an investment for future            ings, and his failure to grant the artists
    point in all instances. If a work has
                                             development. In 1993, Wolkoff gave an          the requisite 90 days to remove or doc-
    been in place for a long time and is
                                             artist, Jonathan Cohen, access and verbal      ument the works. The takeaway seems
    of recognized stature in the commu-
                                             permission to paint on the buildings and       to be that respect and collaboration
    nity, it may be protected by VARA
                                             “curate” the artwork that was done on          result in the most lucrative relation-
    and copyright, even if illegal.
                                             the walls. The site gained notoriety as        ships for both parties.
•   VARA does not protect works against      a premier location for aerosol artists,             Developers, property owners and
    obfuscation. If a property owner         and people started to come from all            appraisers need to be aware of street art
    wants to obscure the view of the         over the country to see it. In 2013,           works, VARA, and how it can potentially
    work by adding a wall or covering the    Wolkoff decided to go ahead with               impact the value of residential and com-
    work in a way that would not damage      redevelopment of the property into new         mercial real estate. It cannot simply be
    it, it would not be illegal. However,    residential towers. The artists, though        excluded as personal property from the
    owners have faced tremendous pub-        they knew Wolkoff had always intended          valuation any more than tenant improve-
    lic outcry when they have obscured       redevelopment, tried in vain to prevent        ments can be. As it becomes more preva-
    access to popular artwork.               the razing of the structures. In November      lent and more sought after as an amenity,
•   New York and California grant            of 2013, a judge denied injunction to the      real estate professionals will need to be
    even stricter moral rights to artists,   artists and Wolkoff, overnight, had the        versed in the nuances of VARA and its
    so property owners in those states       buildings whitewashed.                         applications. No longer a sign of urban
    need to be aware of the restric-               A group of artists from 5Pointz,         decay, street art is now becoming a sign
    tions that apply to their sites.         including Cohen, filed a claim under           that a colorful neighborhood is the most
    In New York, the law is called           VARA and in February 2018, the devel-          vibrant part of a city, and making a mean-
    the Artists Authorship Rights            oper was ordered to pay $6.75 million          ingful, measurable contribution to real
    Act (1984) and in California it          in statutory damages to those artists.         property value. WRE

14 Working RE Winter 2019
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