Strong rebound expected for golf - Economists and other experts predict golf will fare better than most industries. BY JACK CRITTENDEN - Engagious

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Strong rebound expected for golf - Economists and other experts predict golf will fare better than most industries. BY JACK CRITTENDEN - Engagious

           Strong rebound expected for golf
           Economists and other experts predict golf will fare better than most industries.

           With golf play surging around the nation,    not be as bad as people think.”               back, we will come back with a boom.”
           economists and experts are predicting a         Ekovich made the comment at Golf              Nevin predicted that the housing con-
           quick recovery for golf courses, despite     Inc.’s Innovation Day on April 20. He com-    struction industry will lead the resur-
           the fact that the U.S. is officially in a    pared the pandemic to other cataclysmic       gence.
           recession. That’s good news for the many     events, including Sept. 11, 2001, the Great      “The natives are restless, and they want
           courses and clubs that saw sharp revenue     Recession in 2009, and the 1973 OPEC          to get back and spend money and play
           drops in March and April.                    oil crisis. In each case, the stock market    golf,” he said in April. That prediction
             The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis       tanked but rebounded the next year.           proved true, as play began rebounding in
           declared the U.S. economy in recession          Alan Nevin, an economist and real          May and June.
           beginning in February. This brought          estate expert with Xpera Group, said the         The National Golf Foundation (NGF)
           the longest expansion on record — 128        underlying financials of the current econ-    reported that 82% of core golfers played
           months — to an end. But most experts         omy are in much better shape than they        during the week of June 5, up from 38%
           predict a quick recovery, especially for     were during prior crises, including the       in mid-April. Rounds were down 42% in
           golf.                                        stock market crash in 1929. He said that      April, according to Golf Datatech.
             “I expect a V-shaped recovery,” said       the economy is different than it was in          Joe Beditz, president and CEO of NGF,
           Steve Ekovich, national managing direc-      1929 and that the price of money is effec-    said in a June letter to industry stakehold-
           tor of the Leisure Investment Properties     tively zero, with low interest rates.         ers that he expects a slow recovery. But he
           Group and vice president of investments         “The banks are absolutely flush with       is hopeful that golf will fare better than
           for Marcus & Millichap. “There really is     money, and they’ve got to get it out,” he     other industries.
           hope at the end of the tunnel, and it will   said. “And that means that when we come          “I’ll stick my neck out a little and say

6   Golf Inc.   Summer 2020
Strong rebound expected for golf - Economists and other experts predict golf will fare better than most industries. BY JACK CRITTENDEN - Engagious

                                                         that this time, as compared to the Great                    vey of 500 Americans. His findings are in
                                                         Recession, I think golf has a decent chance                 alignment with NGF’s.
                                                         to out-perform the general economy when                        “You will see the really engaged play-
                                                         it comes to recovery,” he said.                             ers first,” Last said. “These are the ones
                                                            Beditz said that the housing market has                  who have been chomping at the bit, and
                                                         not been devastated like it was in 2009                     our research is showing that those golf-
                                                         and that golf did not enter this recession                  ers are taking up all the availability at the
                                                         bloated, as it did in 2009.                                 courses. The less engaged player is going
                                                            “Golf ’s traditional customer base has                   to be slower to return.”
                                                         proven stable over the past several years                      Last’s research found statistically sig-
                                                         now, and the overall market is much closer                  nificant growth in the number of people
                                                         to equilibrium than it was in 2007,” he said.               who are ready to get back to normal travel
                                                            He said NGF’s weekly consumer sen-                       plans and would be willing to fly on an
“I expect a V-shaped                                     timent study shows that the financial                       airplane, stay in a hotel, visit a casino or
 recovery. There really is                               outlook of core golfers is positive and sig-                participate in a similar leisure activity.
                                                         nificantly better than it was at the begin-                    “Our research shows that the (golf)
 hope at the end of the                                  ning of the pandemic.                                       industry did a great job of addressing
 tunnel, and it will not be as                              Jon Last, president of Sports & Leisure                  concerns related to how the game of golf
 bad as people think.”                                   Research Group, has put together the                        will return and return safely,” Last said.
                                                         2020 Back-to-Normal Barometer, a sur-                       “Golfers significantly out-indexed partici-
—Steve Ekovich

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                                                                                                                                 Summer 2020   7
Strong rebound expected for golf - Economists and other experts predict golf will fare better than most industries. BY JACK CRITTENDEN - Engagious

           pants of other sports in their willingness       for social distancing and a measure of            Ekovich predicted that 25% of public
           to quickly return to the game.”                  relief from cramped at-home conditions.         courses and private clubs will be in major
              Golf Life Navigators has released data           The Golf Life Navigators survey results      distress, with those that do not get gov-
           that also points to a strong market for golf.    weren’t all glowing, however. They showed       ernment funding being forced to sell or
           It surveyed 1,000 potential homebuyers,          that 76% of respondents answered “no” to        go into bankruptcy.
           and 76% said they strongly agree with this       the question: Are you currently seeking a         “I would expect the number of courses
           statement: “I plan on playing more golf in       membership in a club/community in the           that will close to be 15 to 30% higher,
           the future.”                                     Sun Belt?                                       depending on how many months we are
              “Without question, the game of golf has          “The ‘second-time’ buyer market con-         closed,” he said.
           gained in popularity among buyers since          tinues to shrink since the emergence of           The industry has been averaging about
           mid-March,” the report noted.                    COVID-19 — and what is likely to be — a         200 closures a year.
              This was the third such survey by Golf        result of the country’s economic condi-           Almost all courses in the nation are ask-
           Life Navigators, which helps potential           tions,” the Golf Life Navigators report said.   ing golfers to wear masks when in com-
           buyers find the kind of golfing community           However, only 33% of respondents said        mon areas and to maintain a distance of
           or private club that fits them best. It’s been   the current economic condition would            at least 6 feet. Many facilities are going
           doing the surveys to track buyers and            delay their buying decisions. Jason Becker,     even further by limiting golf carts to one
           their feelings as the pandemic continues.        CEO of the Bonita Springs, Fla., firm, said     person and scheduling fewer tee times.
              Golf courses have become sanctuaries          that percentage was considerably lower          Additionally, frequently touched items,
           for people in the wake of the COVID-19           than he expected, given how poorly the          such as water fountains, ball washers and
           pandemic. The wide-open spaces allow             stock market had been performing.               bunker rakes, have been removed.

                The SGA/Society of Golf Appraisers (SGA) is a non-profit organization. SGA members
                provide comprehensive advisory & valuation services, educational programming, and
                informative publications to the golf industry. For more information about our members
                and the SGA, visit

8   Golf Inc.   Summer 2020
Strong rebound expected for golf - Economists and other experts predict golf will fare better than most industries. BY JACK CRITTENDEN - Engagious Strong rebound expected for golf - Economists and other experts predict golf will fare better than most industries. BY JACK CRITTENDEN - Engagious Strong rebound expected for golf - Economists and other experts predict golf will fare better than most industries. BY JACK CRITTENDEN - Engagious Strong rebound expected for golf - Economists and other experts predict golf will fare better than most industries. BY JACK CRITTENDEN - Engagious Strong rebound expected for golf - Economists and other experts predict golf will fare better than most industries. BY JACK CRITTENDEN - Engagious Strong rebound expected for golf - Economists and other experts predict golf will fare better than most industries. BY JACK CRITTENDEN - Engagious Strong rebound expected for golf - Economists and other experts predict golf will fare better than most industries. BY JACK CRITTENDEN - Engagious
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