STUDENT BULLETIN LONGSANDS - for Monday 26 April 2021

Page created by Ross Wheeler
STUDENT BULLETIN LONGSANDS - for Monday 26 April 2021
       for Monday 26 April 2021
STUDENT BULLETIN LONGSANDS - for Monday 26 April 2021
What is The Big Ask? It’s a BIG and exciting

              chance to have your say!
              The Big Ask is the largest ever survey of young people in England. It’s being
              run by The Children’s Commissioner whose role it is to speak up for all
              children across the country and get their views heard.
              What are your dreams and ambitions? What would you change if you
              could? What do you want for your future? And what is holding you back?

              The last year has been really tough for young people, and you deserve a say
              in what happens next. The Big Ask will be used to show the people who
              make important decisions what children really think.
              We're hosting The Big Ask Assembly to help explain a bit more about it and
              how it aims to help shape your future. And we’re not the only ones who think
              taking part is important… so keep your eyes peeled for a very special guest!

              Log onto Doddle this week to access the assembly and The Big Ask
              Survey. Once you've completed it, please fill in the Microsoft Form to say
              you've done it and earn a House Point!
STUDENT BULLETIN LONGSANDS - for Monday 26 April 2021
               215 HOUSE POINTS IN THE LAST WEEK!

                          AUSTEN 145 POINTS LAST WEEK, 8774 IN TOTAL

                                            DARWIN 182 POINTS LAST WEEK, 9591 IN TOTAL

                          HAWKING 215 POINTS LAST WEEK, 8365 IN TOTAL

                                          SEACOLE 176 POINTS LAST WEEK, 8821 IN TOTAL

                          TURING 169 POINTS LAST WEEK, 8574 IN TOTAL

               The race to the top has begun! You can see the running total pictured above.
               Which House will be victorious in this inaugural year of our new House System?

               Remember, every House Point counts!
STUDENT BULLETIN LONGSANDS - for Monday 26 April 2021
               We are delighted to celebrate our Students of the Week who were awarded the most
               House points in their Year groups. Congratulations to all of these students on your hard

               work, resilience and achievements!

                         Austen         Darwin          Hawking          Seacole           Turing
               Year 7    Lucas G        Chloe B         William L        Oliver H          Steven S

               Year 8    Jaxon B        Oscan K         Joshua M         Jake B            Marie Q
               Year 9    Freddie B      Ella R          Martyna B        Amanpreet K       Ryan H

               Year 10   Maddison G Harry G             Ellie M          Jade E            Aiden S

               Year 11   Aaron B        Alexander C     Harrison P       Emma S            Rory O
STUDENT BULLETIN LONGSANDS - for Monday 26 April 2021

                  Are you taking part in Captain Tom 100?
                  Captain Sir Tom Moore’s simple message of hope – “tomorrow will be a good day” – has inspired and brought comfort to
                  millions of people during the pandemic. Last year, Captain Tom set out round his garden to thank our NHS heroes and,
                  one hundred laps later, he’d raised an incredible £38.9 million for the NHS Covid-19 appeal.

                  Friday 30 April would have been Captain Tom’s 101st birthday and to celebrate his life, the hope and joy he brought to
                  millions, and his sense of fun, The Captain Tom Foundation is inviting everyone, of all ages and abilities, to take part in
                  the Captain Tom 100. To find out more and inspire your school to take part, take a look at the Captain Tom 100 video
                  here, which includes lots of famous faces!

                  The idea is simple. Take on a challenge based around the number 100. Just decide on your 100 challenge and complete it
                  on Friday 30 April or continue the challenge at home right through to Monday 3 May. It could be to read 100 pages in a
                  book, give 100 compliments, run 100 metres, learn to count to 100 or solve maths problems to do with the number 100.
                  Raise money for The Captain Tom Foundation or your chosen good cause, or just do your Captain Tom 100 challenge for

                  Whatever you choose to do, don’t forget to share your 100 challenge on social media using #CaptainTom100.

                  Thank you
                  The Captain Tom Foundation
STUDENT BULLETIN LONGSANDS - for Monday 26 April 2021
Longsands stands up to racism

                     If you experience or witness racism, please talk to any member of our Academy
                     community for support. Racism will never be tolerated in our community and it is all
                     of our responsibility to ensure that we can stamp it out.

                     For further advice or information click here.
STUDENT BULLETIN LONGSANDS - for Monday 26 April 2021

                     New Helpline ‘Everyone’s Invited’
                     We are sure that many of you will be aware of the media attention surrounding allegations of sexual abuse and violence in
                     schools and colleges highlighted by the ‘Everyone’s invited’ website. Sadly, there have now been over 12,000 testimonials added
                     to this site.

                     Whilst we hope that if any of you have experienced anything of this nature on our school site that you would come forward and
                     talk to us in order for us to support you, we recognise that sometimes young people find talking about such sensitive issues very
                     difficult. Therefore we would like to highlight to you a new service provided by the NSPCC.

                     The NSPCC announced that they were launching a new helpline ‘Report Abuse in Education’, in conjunction with the Department
                     for Education, which went live on 1st April. The dedicated helpline will offer support to all children and young people making
                     current and non-recent disclosures of sexual harassment and abuse on school grounds within school time, and incidents linked
                     to school in any capacity. They are also happy to hear from children or young people who want to talk about being involved or
                     witnessing any incidents.

                     Anyone making contact with the helpline will also be signposted to other relevant support services available, including Childline
                     – which provides ongoing support and counselling to children and young people.

                     The helpline can be contacted on 0800 136 663 or email The telephone service is available from Monday –
                     Friday, 8am – 10pm and Saturday and Sunday, 9am – 6pm. Further information about the service can be found at
STUDENT BULLETIN LONGSANDS - for Monday 26 April 2021
Personal Development: First Aid

                       In Year 8, one of the Health and Wellbeing modules for PD is on First Aid.
                       There are many reasons why having some basic First Aid knowledge is beneficial. Here are some reasons why:.
                       It does more than help save lives.
                       It’s true that having first aid training undoubtedly helps save lives. That’s not all though; giving appropriate first aid
                       immediately can help to reduce a person’s recovery time and make the difference between the patient having a temporary
                       or long term disability. You’ll learn how to remain calm in emergency situations and you’ll learn simple acronyms to help
                       you recall the steps you need to take. First aid training will make you confident and comfortable and therefore more
                       effective and in control when you need to be.

                       It gives you tools to prevent the situation from becoming worse.
                       In some situations if a patient doesn’t receive basic first aid care immediately their situation will deteriorate – often rapidly.
                       By being able to provide basic care you can stabilise a patient until emergency medical services arrives.

                       It creates the confidence to care.
                       Having a basic first aid knowledge means that you’ll be confident in your skills and abilities in relation to first aid
                       administration. By taking first aid training, it helps you to reflect on yourself and how you and others react in certain
                       situations. Having this understanding will boost your confidence in a wide range of non-medical day to day situations.

                       It encourages healthy and safe living.
                       One of the first things you will learn during your first aid training is that you must look after yourself and ensure your own
                       safety as a priority. It’s not being selfish, it’s being practical. Keeping yourself safe means you are in a position to help
                       others rather than needing help yourself. You will also learn about the importance of healthy living and how lifestyle habits
                       and choices can increase or decrease your risks of developing problems such as coronary heart disease. Having this
                       knowledge makes you more aware of your own health and alert to potential hazards posed by your surroundings.
STUDENT BULLETIN LONGSANDS - for Monday 26 April 2021
Top 3 Classes

                Well done to all of these students who have collected
                the most coins in the last week and earned
                themselves a House Point!
                10 Rock Stars
                YEAR 7                       YEAR 8
                Evie B 4,756                 Samuel F 3,190
                Grace M 3,041                Lewis F 2,980
                Ethan I 1,950                Cole S 1,810
                Chloe K 1,790                Devyn K 1,490
                Ian L 1,735                  Oliver H 1,460
STUDENT BULLETIN LONGSANDS - for Monday 26 April 2021
Well done to all of you who have been using GCSE Pod. ‘Top Podders’ for 12-18 April are:
          Year 10 top users (top forms CLA, KMA, PRR)
          Isabella F, Callum J, Callum M

          Year 11 top users (top forms FKM, ACK, AFI)
          Abbey B, Sam G, Harry J

          Pod Usage by House – Congratulations Hawking House
            Austen: 135
            Darwin: 143
            Hawking: 203
            Seacole: 84
            Turing: 190

          If you have any issues with your GCSEPod login, please follow this link

This week in the news: The Caterpillar Cake Wars!
           Marks and Spencer have taken legal action against national supermarket chain Aldi
           over an alleged trade mark violation. Colin the Caterpillar has been on the shelves of
           M & S food for over 20 years, Aldi had launched rival product Cuthbert the Caterpillar
           which bears more than a passing resemblance to the Colin. Both products are pictured below.
           What do you think?
           Do Marks & Spencer

           have a right to be upset
           or is all fair in
           ‘Love and Business’?

           Business Quiz:
           Below are 5 words or phrases which will lead you to the name of a leading British entrepreneur. Email the
           business department with your answer to win House points for your team.
           •    “Mophead”
           •    Radio Aerials
           •    Amstrad
           •    Tottenham Hotspur
           •    You’re Fired
           First 5 correct answers win one House point. Bonus House point if you can correctly link each of the 5 clues
           to our famous face. Email answers to
Geography enrichment
            How can your further your understanding of our planet?

            Here are suggestions for further reading or watching in Geography.
            If you read of watch anything Geography related, that is not homework, share your thoughts by following this
            Microsoft Forms Link . Share what you’ve learnt outside the classroom and earn a House Point.

                                Prisoners of Geography:                             Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re
                                Ten Maps That Tell You                              Wrong About the World – And Why
                                Everything You Need                                 Things Are Better Than You Think
                                to Know About Global
                                Politics                                            By Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling,
                                                                                    Anna Rosling Rönnlund
                                By Tim Marshall

            Live talks with NHM scientists | Nature Live Online - YouTube          BBC iPlayer - Science & Nature Documentaries

                The Restless Giants | Live talk with NHM scientist – YouTube        BBC iPlayer - A Perfect Planet - Series 1: 1. Volcano

                                                                                    BBC iPlayer - A Perfect Planet - Series 1: 2. The Sun
             Corals and Climate Change | Live Talk with NHM Scientist - YouTube
                                                                                    BBC iPlayer - A Perfect Planet - Series 1: 3. Weather
              How plastic is affecting animals that call the River Thames home |
                            Live talk with NHM scientist - YouTube                   BBC iPlayer - A Perfect Planet - Series 1: 4. Oceans

                                                                                    BBC iPlayer - A Perfect Planet - Series 1: 5. Humans
                    Meteorites | Live Talk with NHM Scientist - YouTube
Celebrity in the Spotlight
                               Sophie, Mia and Grace – Year 10 Language Leaders

                   Pierre Boo

                   Pierre is a French LGBTQ+ content creator on TikTok and YouTube. The 30 year old influencer was
                   born and raised in Paris, France. He creates his content with his boyfriend Nicky Champa and they
                   started their YouTube channel ‘Nicky and Pierre’ in August in 2017.

                   Emma Watson
                   Emma is a movie actress (although she recently ended her acting career). Emma was born on April
                   15th 1990 making her 31. She is well known for her role as Hermione in the Harry Potter movies. She
                   was born in France and lived there for the first five years of her life. When she was five, she moved
                   to England, just as her parents moved. She is also very well known for her stand against gender
                   inequality and she started the ‘HeforShe’ initiative to get men and boys involved in creating equality
                   for all genders.

                   Alex Lange
                   French-South African actor popular on Instagram who has accumulated more than 1.9 million
                   followers on his self-titled account. He lived in Paris, France before moving to Ealing, England for
                   several years. He would then move to Los Angeles, California. He was also a member of the ultra
                   popular web group Team 10 for nearly two years before announcing his departure in December
                   2017. He was cast in the TV series The Unsettling.
Longsands 60th Anniversary
                     MFL        Poetry House Competition: Winning poems
                     Congratulations to Zara P 7ERM (Austen) and Chloe B 7EMS (Darwin) for winning the

                     MFL poetry house competition celebrating the 60th anniversary of Longsands
                     Academy. Well done! Your poems are really excellent!

                     Le collège de Longsands vit dans la joie
                     On va organiser une fête amusante!                            Schönes Longsands
                     Nous te souhations de déguster de bons                        Oh, wie wunderbar du sein kannst
                     Gâteaux au chocolat                                           Jetzt ist Dein 60. Geburtstag!
                     Souffle tes soixantes bougies!                                Mach eine Party!
                                                                                   Toll wie weit du gekommen bist
                     Aussi profite de tes cadeaux et des jeux
                                                                                   Und dich entwickelt hast
                     Nous te souhaitons une joie constante!
                                                                                   Jetzt viel Spaß
                     Devenir soixantenaire est une chance très rare                Tanze und feiere mit allen Studenten!
                     Souris et surtout profite bien de ta journée!                 Ein neues Kapitel hat begonnen

                     By Zara P 7ERM (Austen)                                       By Chloe B 7EMS (Darwin)
Did you know…

            April has been an interesting month across the decades for both technology and
            computer science…
            April 1981-Shuttle Launch Delayed: During preparations for the maiden voyage of the Columbia space shuttle,
            NASA engineers were monitoring a glitch in the shuttle’s computer systems. Synchronization between the
            main and backup AP-101 flight control computers was found to be the culprit behind the bug. Two gears were
            discovered to be out-of-sync – and repair would take at least a day to resolve the problem. Lift-off was re-
            scheduled for two days later, and countdown and launch on April 12 proceeded with no further setbacks.

            April 1936-German Computer Designer Zuse Files for Patent
            German computer pioneer Konrad Zuse files for a patent for the automatic execution
            of calculations. He invents the process while working on what would become the Z-1,
            Germany's first computer. In the patent application, Zuse offers the first discussion of
            programmable memory, using the term "combination memory" to describe breaking
            programs down into bit combinations for storage. This is the first device to calculate in
            binary with translation to decimal. Zuse later goes on to build a series of computers.
Did you know…

            April 1981- HP-41 Calculator is Used in Space
            The HP-41 calculator is used on board NASA's first space shuttle flight. The HP-41 allowed astronauts to
            calculate the exact angle at which they needed to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere.

            April 1995-Chinese Government Works to Purge its Agencies of Illegal Software

            The Chinese government launches widespread efforts to purge governmental agencies of illegally copied
            software, a practice that had been costing US software publishers millions of dollars. The plan calls for
            allotting more money to purchase software while giving an enforcement agency the power to prosecute
            anyone bootlegging software. The announcement follows a March meeting at which China had signed an
            accord with the United States vowing to crackdown on piracy.

            Other Interesting April events in 2021…
            World Quantum Day

            The Future of Computing

            Shrinking Robots
                                                                                                Some examples
                          Some guidance, the attendance poster must:
                          •   Be A3 in size
                          •   Promote excellent Attendance and/or Punctuality
                          •   Must have Longsands logo
                          •   Must show we expect attendance to be 96% or higher

                          •   Send your entries to Mrs Baker
                              (or in the office next to reception)
                          •   Closing date 17 May 2021

                                               Only 1 entry per tutor group
Longsands Academy PE Department
                               Extra-Curricular Activities Timetable SUMMER 2021
                     (For clubs and fixtures running in the Summer Term starting 12 April 21)
                                      *NO fixtures until further notice*

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