Student Handbook Navitas English - Bondi Junction - Level 1 237 Oxford Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Tel: +61 (02) 9389 7204 Email: ...

Page created by Teresa Dean
Student Handbook Navitas English - Bondi Junction - Level 1 237 Oxford Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Tel: +61 (02) 9389 7204 Email: ...
Student Handbook
Navitas English – Bondi Junction

Level 1 237 Oxford Street
Bondi Junction NSW 2022

Tel: +61 (02) 9389 7204

Student Handbook Navitas English - Bondi Junction - Level 1 237 Oxford Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Tel: +61 (02) 9389 7204 Email: ...
Student Handbook Navitas English - Bondi Junction - Level 1 237 Oxford Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Tel: +61 (02) 9389 7204 Email: ...
Document ID        IP 2.02 D1 Navitas English
                                 Responsibility     National Principal
                                 Issue date         18 October 2010

Issue date        Summary of changes
9 July 2007       New handbook
11 October 2007   Updates made to reflect requirements of the National Code 2007
18 October 2010   Rebranded to Navitas English and updated Complaints and Appeals and
                  Transferring to Another Provider procedures

Student Handbook Navitas English - Bondi Junction - Level 1 237 Oxford Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Tel: +61 (02) 9389 7204 Email: ...
Table of Contents
Welcome to Navitas English .................................................................................................5

Power English Levels ..........................................................................................................5

Classes .............................................................................................................................6

PSA (programmed self access) .............................................................................................7

Homework ........................................................................................................................8

General information about studying at Navitas English.............................................................8

English Only Policy .............................................................................................................8


Lateness ...........................................................................................................................9

Applying for Holidays ..........................................................................................................9

Transferring to Another Centre or Provider.............................................................................9

Course Progress............................................................................................................... 10

Smoking ......................................................................................................................... 11

Eating & Drinking ............................................................................................................. 11

Mobile Telephones............................................................................................................ 11

Australian Student Visa Regulations .................................................................................... 11

Navitas English Boomerang ............................................................................................... 11

Homestay (see also Introduction to the Accommodation Service, Page 15) ............................... 11

Share Accommodation ...................................................................................................... 13

Money and Banks ............................................................................................................. 13

Health and Travel Insurance .............................................................................................. 13

Doctors and Hospitals ....................................................................................................... 13

Legal Services in Australia ................................................................................................. 13

Shopping ........................................................................................................................ 14

Post / Mail....................................................................................................................... 14


Complaints and Appeals Procedures for International Students ............................................... 14

Student Handbook Navitas English - Bondi Junction - Level 1 237 Oxford Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Tel: +61 (02) 9389 7204 Email: ...
Welcome to Navitas English
We are pleased you have chosen to take an English Course with us, and hope your studies will be
rewarding, enjoyable and successful.

Navitas English courses are famous all over the world for the high quality of teaching and
materials, and for the commitment and professionalism of our teachers. Our extensive experience,
range of courses and excellent facilities mean you have chosen one of the best places in the world
to study English.

Your progress and well-being are of central importance to us. We have created this Student
Handbook to give you some basic information about:
▪    Navitas English
▪    Bondi Junction
▪    Living in Australia
If there is anything we can help you with - questions, problems or information - just ask.

Power English Levels
We have six levels at Navitas English. Students usually spend 12 weeks at each level:

    100   Elementary              We take great care in placing you in the best class for your
                                  abilities. If you feel the class is too easy or too difficult, or if you
    200   Pre-Intermediate        have any other questions, talk to your teacher first, as they know
                                  you best.
    300   Intermediate            If the problem persists, make an appointment to see a senior
                                  teacher or the Director of Studies
    400   Upper-Intermediate

    500   Pre-Advanced

    ADV   Advanced

Student Handbook Navitas English - Bondi Junction - Level 1 237 Oxford Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Tel: +61 (02) 9389 7204 Email: ...
For most students, classes begin at 8.20 and finish at 2.30.

                               Timetable 1b             Timetable 2
                                                                                  Timetable 2b
    Timetable 1a Power        Power English        Cambridge/ IELTS/
          English                                                             Cambridge/ IELTS/
                                 Silver             Business/ TOEIC/
                                                                               TOEIC/ Business

         Lesson 1

       8:20 – 10:20


     Programmed Self
                                  Lesson 1                Lesson 1                   Lesson 1
                               10.25 – 12.25           10:25 – 12:25              10:25 – 12:25
       10:40 – 11:40


                                   Lunch                   Break                        Lunch

         Lesson 2                                      Exam Practice              Exam Practice
       12:30 – 2:30                                     12:40 – 1:30               1:30 – 2:20

                                  Lesson 2                 Lunch                        Break

                                2.35 - 4.35
                                                          Lesson 2                   Lesson 2

                                                        2:35 – 4:35                2:35 – 4:35

▪   Power English courses may occasionally be on timetable 2a or 2b

▪   Students enrolled in part-time courses at Navitas English do not study on Fridays

▪   Students enrolled to study full-time study 20 hours in the classroom PLUS five hours
    programmed self access (PSA) every day

▪   At Navitas English, we believe the most important things in learning English are SPEAKING AND
    UNDERSTANDING. Your teachers will give you lots of opportunities to speak English in class,
    and it is very important you PARTICIPATE in all classroom activities. Don’t be shy, we can learn
    from our mistakes. Please do not speak your language in class. You are here to learn English
    and it’s rude to students from other countries. Your English will improve if you make friends
    from other countries. You will be given a timetable showing the details of your class. If you
    forget your timetable, look at the student noticeboard for your room number and the name of
    your teacher

▪   You will receive a course book when you start your class. This is part of your materials fee.
    Please take care not to lose your course book as if you need it replaced you will have to pay for
    the new copy. For certain classroom activities, your teacher may give you photocopies. Keep
    these carefully in your Navitas English folder; they are important for revision.

Student Handbook Navitas English - Bondi Junction - Level 1 237 Oxford Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Tel: +61 (02) 9389 7204 Email: ...
▪   Eating and drinking in all classrooms is not allowed. You are not allowed to smoke in the college
    at all.

PSA (programmed self access)
Full-time students have 5 hours of Programmed Self-Access per week. PSA is a time for students to
study independently with a teacher available to help with individual needs and questions.

There is a PSA menu which shows which self access your class is on for every day. The menu is
also displayed in your classroom.

1. Computer Centre
The College has 3 computer rooms with special language learning programs to help you improve
your English skills. We will show you how to use this software on your first day.

You can also use the Internet, MSN Messenger, Word, Real audio/ video, live streaming and much
more in the Computer Centre.

PSA time: 10.40 - 11.40
Computers are only for Power English students at this time.

▪   If you are not doing Power English PSA, you cannot be in the Computer Centres.

Computers are only for use in English.

▪   Everything you are reading, writing, listening or saying must be English.

Zero-tolerance of other languages.

▪   There will be no warnings.

▪   Students who do not use English will be asked to leave the Computer Centres.

▪   Until they leave, the internet will be turned off for all students.

▪   Students who do not follow teachers' instructions may have their course suspended or
    cancelled. There is no refund of tuition fees.

All other times you may use any language for reading, writing and listening.

Speaking remains English Only at all times.

                    Skype will be available in a special new area from next month.

2. Study Rooms
Study Rooms are available for quiet work during PSA, with a teacher to help you. This is an
excellent opportunity for you to work on areas you find difficult, to look again at things you studied
in your main class, or to do your homework.

If you aren't sure what to do, the teacher can help you choose something useful.

3. DVD Club
DVD Club helps you to develop your listening skills, extend your vocabulary, and improve your
pronunciation by watching films. We show a different movie or series each week - look at the PSA
menu for this week's film. All movies have English sub-titles.

Student Handbook Navitas English - Bondi Junction - Level 1 237 Oxford Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Tel: +61 (02) 9389 7204 Email: ...
4. Conversation Club
Join a teacher and other students for English conversation practice. This is a great choice for
students who need to develop confidence and fluency with speaking as you will be practicing your
English with students from other classes also.

Homework is a very important part of your course. We set at least one hour of homework every

If you want to do more work outside class time, talk to your teacher who will be happy to set you

General information about studying at Navitas English
Navitas English is an adult learning community. We have very few rules, but we ask that you
respect them so we can all work in a professional environment.

English Only Policy
Navitas English has an English Only Policy covering the whole school. If you do not speak English
at all times you run the risk of not having a positive statement asserting your compliance with this
policy on your certificate.

Your teacher will also expect you to speak English in class at all times.

It is extremely important for the success of your courses that you attend all lessons.

If you have a Student Visa, the Australian Government requires you to attend a minimum of 80%
of lessons.

If you are sick and visit a Doctor, you must ask for a Medical Certificate. You should keep all your
medical certificates to present if required.

Failure to achieve 80% attendance could result in your visa being cancelled, an early flight back to
your country, and make it much more difficult to travel to Australia in the future.

What happens if my attendance is low?

   Step                             What                                        Notes

  1        If you are away for 3 days in a row your teacher will     Please make sure your teacher
           call you to see if you are okay                           has your correct phone

  2        If your attendance is below 87% your teacher will
           counsel you and give you an Attendance Warning

  3        If your attendance drops below 83% you will be            If you cannot make this time,
           given an Intervention Notification Letter.                go to reception to reschedule
                                                                     the meeting.
           This gives a time and date you need to meet with

Student Handbook Navitas English - Bondi Junction - Level 1 237 Oxford Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Tel: +61 (02) 9389 7204 Email: ...
the Director of Studies to discuss why you are not
           coming to class.

    4      If your attendance is below 80% you will receive a            This is also the same if your
           Notification of Intent to Report letter advising              attendance is below 70% at
           you that Navitas English intends to report you to             any time.
           DIAC in 20 days for breaching your student visa
                                                                         See the grievance procedures
           condition 8202 and a copy of the appeals and
                                                                         on page 13
           complaints process.

    5      Twenty working days after you received the                    This is very serious, you may
           Notification of Intent to Report letter, if you have          be asked to leave the country.
           not provided adequate compassionate or compelling
           circumstances as assessed by the DoS, the DoS
           completes Reporting students for non-
           compliance with visa conditions.

           This means you will be reported to immigration and
           your student visa will be cancelled.

It is important that you are on time for all classes so that you do not disturb the teacher and waste
the time of students who make the effort to be in class ready to work.

If you are up to 5 minutes late in the morning, your teacher will ask you to wait outside the class
room until it is a convenient time to enter. If you are more than 5 minutes late, you will not be
allowed into class until the start of the next lesson.

Students who are late after break or lunch may not enter the class. Latecomers are also marked

This serious policy is for the benefit of all students; please respect

Applying for Holidays
You can take a holiday only if:
▪   you tell us at least seven days before you want the holiday (please do not make any flight
    bookings before your holiday has been approved)
▪   you have already completed 12 weeks of your course at the time you go on holiday
▪   you have a course which total 20 weeks or more
▪   you are over 18 years of age
▪   your attendance is over 90%
▪   you are in Power English
▪   you are on a student visa

Transferring to Another Centre or Provider
Transfer to another Navitas English centre

If you would like to change your school and study at another Navitas English centre or at
Hawthorn-Melbourne, please see reception at least 2 weeks before you would like to leave.

Student Handbook Navitas English - Bondi Junction - Level 1 237 Oxford Street Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Tel: +61 (02) 9389 7204 Email: ...
Navitas English centres available: Bondi Junction, Sydney, Manly, Perth, Cairns, Darwin, Singapore,
Melbourne (Hawthorn-Melbourne).

You may change between Navitas English centres at any time, as long as the following conditions
are met:

1.   A Change of Campus/College Form has been completed and signed by you and the Academic
     staff of the original campus
2.   You must have sat the entrance test and been accepted into the destination college (if
3.   You have paid any upgrade fees (if applicable)
4.   Your attendance is not jeopardized by your move

Transfer to another ELICOS registered provider

Requests to transfer to another registered provider may be granted under exceptional
circumstances, where it is considered to be in the best interests of the student, academically or
personally. You may apply to transfer to another registered provider subject to the Conditions of

If you have completed the first six months of study, you will need to provide:
1.   A valid Letter of Enrolment from another provider
2.   A request for transfer in writing
3.   Under 18 students will need to provide a request for transfer in writing from their parent
     requesting the transfer. Written confirmation that the registered provider will accept the
     responsibility for approving your accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements
     will also be required.

Navitas English may refuse a request for transfer for any of the following reasons:

1.   The basis of the request to transfer is not deemed to be exceptional circumstances relating to
     your welfare;
2.   The transfer is perceived as detrimental to you;
3.   The transfer request is to study a program of an academic level that is considered lower than
     their current program and the School’s support services have not been exhausted;
4.   You are under 18 and there is no written evidence that your parent or legal guardian supports
     the transfer; and/or no written confirmation that the new provider will accept responsibility for
     approving your accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements;
5.   There is no written confirmation from another registered provider that a valid enrolment offer
     has been made.

Navitas English will consider each request and advise you of the outcome in writing, within 10
working days from receipt of the request and all supporting documentation. If your application is
unsuccessful for any of the reasons detailed above, Navitas English will provide written advice as to
why the request was refused, and you will be informed of their right to appeal the decision in
accordance with the Complaints and Appeals Procedure.

Course Progress
Your teacher will monitor your progress in class via regular formal and informal assessment against
your course objectives. You will be given counselling and support from your teacher or the
coordinator if you are not achieving your learning goals.

Your class will have a test in week 4 of every course.

                                                 – 10 –
Navitas English is in a smoke-free building.

Please do not smoke anywhere inside the building, including the entrance area. You must be at
least 4 metres from the entrance to any building if you are smoking. Please ensure you extinguish
your cigarettes and then put them into a public rubbish bin. Throwing any rubbish on the street or
at Navitas English’s entrance areas will incur a fine.

Please check where you can smoke before lighting a cigarette.

Eating & Drinking
Please do not eat or drink in any classroom, the Listening Centre or Computer Centres. This helps
keep these areas clean.

You are very welcome to eat and drink in the Student areas.

Mobile Telephones
Mobile telephones must be switched off at all times during lessons and PSA.

Australian Student Visa Regulations
1. If you have a Student Visa you have said to the Australian Government that your primary
    reason for being in Australia is full-time study. Navitas English requires you maintain a
    minimum of 80% attendance to satisfy course progress requirements.

2. You are required to give the school your address in Australia on the first day and no later than 7
    days after arriving. If you change your address and/or telephone number, you must give your
    new address and/or telephone number to Reception within 7 days of the change.

3. If you want to extend your Student Visa, we can help you. Please talk with Reception as soon
    as you know - we recommend four weeks before your old visa finishes.

Navitas English Boomerang
The Navitas English Boomerang program offers you a great choice of different trips and social
activities during the week and at weekends.

We will visit your classes to tell you about what is happening. You can also check the Boomerang
desk in Reception.

Bookings can be made for activities between the following hours:

                                           9.30 – 10.30

                                           14.30 – 15.30

We can also give you advise regarding car hire and various other activities and tours - just ask!

Homestay           (see also Introduction to the Accommodation Service, Page 15)

Staying with a Homestay family is a great way of experiencing family life and improving your
English. You will also learn something about Australian life and culture. Don't be surprised if
things are different to your life in your own country!

                                               – 11 –
Good communication is essential to a successful and happy stay with a family. Don't be afraid to
start conversations yourself – any time is a good time for conversation practice!

We recommend that you:

•   tell your Homestay "mother" or "father" if you will be home late at night, are staying with a
    friend or are going to miss dinner. This is polite, and will stop them from worrying about where
    you are!
•   ask your family’s permission before inviting people to visit you - usually your Homestay family
    will be happy for you to do this, but it is polite to ask.
•   say "please" when you are asking for something, "thank you" when somebody does something
    for you, and "sorry" or "excuse me" if you do something wrong or make a mistake. All these
    are normal in Australia.

Homestay is not a hotel. As a member of the family, you will need to keep your room tidy, make
your bed, take part in conversation, and help the family with small jobs like clearing the table,
making a cup of coffee, etc.

Your Homestay family will give you a house key, so that you can come and go as you like, please
look after it.

You will get breakfast and dinner every day, and lunch at weekends. It's okay to tell your
Homestay family about what you like and don't like!

It is polite to ask before you take food from the kitchen.

Washing Clothes
Some families may want to wash your clothes for you, or you may wish to take care of your own
washing. You can discuss this with your Homestay family.

If you want to iron your clothes - that's your responsibility!

Please always ask your Homestay family before using the telephone.

You can buy telephone cards which make your calls free for your Homestay - and they are much
cheaper for you when you call internationally. If your Homestay would prefer you not to use their
phone, you can also use these cards from Public Telephones, Mobile / Cell Phones, and the
telephone in the school.

Paying for Homestay
All money for Homestay should be paid direct to Navitas English at Reception. This makes things
easy for you and your Homestay family.

Changing or cancelling Homestay
You must talk with us two weeks before extending, changing or stopping your Homestay.

If you don't, or can't, you may have to pay a change fee.

If you take a holiday during your course and want to return to the same Homestay family, you
need to pay $100 per week so that we can keep your room for you.

                                                 – 12 –
Problems with Homestay
If you have any problems with your Homestay, please speak to either Jodi Wilss or Jeannine

Often what look like big problems can be easily solved with our understanding and help!

Share Accommodation
If you are here for a long time, Share Accommodation can be a good option. Check the student
notice board to find out information regarding this. You can also look in the newspaper on
Wednesday and Saturday, or on the internet. We are always happy to help with information and
advice, but we can't actually organise this type of accommodation for you.

Money and Banks
We are very happy to help you open a bank account - just ask in Reception.

We recommend Westpac Bank it's close to the school and completely free to open and use your
account. Normally you get an ATM card that you can also use in shops.

Banks are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, but ATMs are everywhere, and you
can use any one! Try to use only Westpac machines, as you have to pay to use other banks'

Health and Travel Insurance
If you have a Student Visa, you already have a special health insurance called OSHC Worldcare.
Your card will be sent to the reception at Raglan St approximately two weeks after you commence
your studies. If you have any problems, please see Reception.

If you have another visa, we strongly recommend that you get health insurance. We also
recommend that every student get personal travel insurance. This will help if things get lost or

If you don't already have both of these - talk to us and we'll help.

Doctors and Hospitals
We understand that being sick away from home can be extra stressful, and we will do everything
we can to help.

Your Homestay family can help you make an appointment to see their doctor. If you prefer, there
is a medical centre close to the school and we can make an appointment for you.

Often you will need to pay the doctor first, and use the receipt to get the money back from your
insurance company. This can be done on-line or you can fill out a claim form.

Your insurance will almost certainly pay for everything if you need to visit a public hospital,
including an ambulance. You can also choose to visit a private hospital if you like.

Please see the attached sheet for a list of medical centres near the school.

Legal Services in Australia
If you require legal advice while studying in Australia, please contact the Director of Studies or
Administration Manager at your campus. They will be able to assist you in finding legal services

                                                – 13 –
close to the campus or your accommodation. Some centres offer subsidised or free services – your
campus staff will help you to locate these.

The usual shopping hours for stores are 8.30am - 7.00pm in the Westfield Centre. Shops are open
late (until 9.00pm) on Thursdays. The shops in the pedestrian mall have individual opening hours.

Speak to Reception or your teacher if you would like more information or recommendations on
shopping or restaurants in the city.

Post / Mail
The main Post Office is Australia Post located on the top level and the bottom level of the Westfield
Centre. Ask at Reception for information on stamps and prices or look on the Australia Post web


The number to call if there is something really serious happening, and you need the Police, Fire
Service or Ambulance:

Complaints and Appeals Procedures for International
We are committed to effective grievance procedures which:

▪    give students a voice

▪    give the college an opportunity to find out where problems exist

▪    negotiate realistic outcomes

▪    aim to solve student problems wherever possible

The principles underlying our grievance procedures are those of equity, fairness, openness and
respect for the individual. All grievances will be dealt with seriously. We are committed to a fair
and speedy resolution of all grievances. Wherever possible they will be resolved at a local level and
with the maximum confidentiality. All parties to a grievance are required to maintain this

1. Informal Appeal: If you have a problem, you should speak to the appropriate staff member as
    above. Please note that you may be represented by a nominee (someone to help you).

2. Internal Formal Appeal: If you still have a problem with after you have spoken to the
    appropriate staff member, you should speak to the Director of Studies or the General Manager,
    ELICOS and TESOL Programs. If this happens,

•   you may be represented by a nominee (someone to help you)

•   there will be no cost for a formal resolution

                                                    – 14 –
•    a written copy of the problem will be completed with a copy given to you and one kept by the
     college. This is the called the Student Complaints and Appeals Form.

•    the formal resolution will begin within 10 days of the Student Complaints and Appeals Form
     being completed.

•    a written statement of the outcome will be completed on the Student Complaints and
     Appeals Form and a copy will be given to you. This is the end of the Internal Formal Appeal.

3. External Formal Appeal: If you feel the college has not resolved your issue, you should inform
    the Director of Studies that you wish to access the external appeal process. If this happens,
    you or the Director of Studies should contact Navitas English’s nominated external appeal
    forum. The contact for Navitas English’s external appeal forum is:

Banki Haddock Fiora
Level 10
179 Elizabeth Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Tel: + 61 9266 3400
Fax: +61 2 9266 3455=61 2 9266 3402 9266 3455

If the external appeal forum is contacted, you will be asked to provide the external appeals forum

a) a written statement setting out the basis for the external appeal; and

b) copies of relevant documents (such as correspondence between the student and the institution)

The college will be asked to provide the external appeals forum with:

a) a copy of the Student Complaints and Appeals Form, including the written statement of the
   outcome of the Internal Formal Appeal

The external appeals forum will then:

a) assess the complaint and the basis of the appeal;

b) ask the college to provide a written response to the statement by the student;

c)   if necessary, invite presentations by the parties;

d) provide the student with a copy of the institution’s response and invite the student to reply;

e) request further information from the parties if required;

f)   provide each party with copies of documents provided by the other party;

g) set time limits for responses and replies (subject to extensions, where justified); and

h) within 2 weeks, provide the parties with a written determination with reasons (including a list
   of the documents provided).

The fee payable to the external appeals forum for their service is $770 (inclusive of GST). The
college will pay $577.50 of this fee and you will be charged $192.50.

Instead of contacting Navitas English’s nominated external appeals forum, you may take your
complaint to one of the following external bodies:

NSW: Office for Fair Trading 1 Fitzwilliam Street, Parramatta NSW 2150 Phone: (02) 9895 0111

QLD: DETA – Manager, Queensland State Registration Authority (CRICOS), Office of Education and
Training, DETA, PO Box 15033 City East QLD 1002 Phone: (07) 3237 0147

                                                 – 15 –
WA: DES – Independent Conciliator at the Department of Education Services at the Western
Australian Department of Education Services. or Phone: (08) 9441 1953

NT: Ombudsman NT – PO Box 1244, Darwin NT 0801 Phone: (08) 8999 1818

Notes on particular appeals
Unsatisfactory course progress and attendance

If you are unsuccessful in appealing a college decision to report you to DIAC due to unsatisfactory
course progress of attendance, you will not be reported until the Internal and External Formal
Appeal is completed.

Deferment, suspension due to misbehaviour or cancelling of an enrolment

If you are unsuccessful in appealing a college decision to report you to DIAC due to deferment,
suspension due to misbehaviour or cancelling of an enrolment, you will not be reported until after
the Internal Formal Appeal.

Who should I see if I have a problem?
Problem or assistance with:                              Who Can Help You?
Your Class                                               Your Teacher
                                                         Coordinators/Senior Teachers
                                                         Director of Studies
Attendance                                               Student Services Staff
                                                         Director of Studies
Course progress                                          Coordinators
                                                         Director of Studies
Certificates                                             Student Services Staff
Accommodation or Homestay                                Student Services Staff
Your Course (extension, change) Visa extension           Student Services Staff
                                                         Director of Studies
Holiday Applications                                     Coordinators/Senior Teachers
                                                         Director of Studies
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)                     Student Services Staff
Any other Problems                                       Student Services Staff

                                               – 16 –
Introduction to the Accommodation Service
Dear Student,

Welcome to Navitas English. We are happy that you have decided to come to Sydney to learn
English. We want your stay to be as enjoyable as possible.

In most cases, students have already paid for their accommodation in their own country. Navitas
English will pay for accommodation on your behalf from the date of your arrival at the homestay. If
you wish to stay longer than you have pre-paid for, you must begin to pay your homestay yourself.
The cost per week is available from the Accommodation Adviser. Rent is payable two weeks in
advance and is not refundable.

You must tell your homestay and the Accommodation Officer TWO WEEKS before you wish to leave
your homestay, or if you would like to stay longer.


Each day your homestay will prepare breakfast in the morning (or leave food for you to help
yourself), and dinner in the evening. They will also make lunch on Saturday and Sunday and if they
are not home they should tell you how to help yourself to food. On weekdays you must buy your
own lunch, even if you are a part-time student and are at home.

If your homestay family is away at dinner time, they will prepare and leave a meal for you, or
leave food for you to prepare for yourself. You must let your homestay know in the morning if you
are not going to be home for dinner in the evening. If you are going to be late please let your
homestay know so they can prepare your meal and leave it for you to heat up.

I hope that you will enjoy this opportunity to eat what an average Australian family eats. Australia
is a truly multicultural society so Australians come from a very wide variety of national
backgrounds. Don't be surprised if your homestay family is not of English descent. It's always fun
to experiment and try a variety of different foods. BUT remember - meat is expensive and
Australians don't have steak for every meal. Alcohol is also expensive, so please don't expect to be
offered wine and beer. Whatever you may have heard, most Australians do not drink a lot!!


Because you are new to Sydney, travelling will take longer than usual at first. Try to be patient. In
a few days, when you know the bus and train schedules better, you'll find that travel will be much
quicker. Sydney is a large city. Although we make every effort to place students close to the
college, there are some homestays who may be further away. For these, you may have to travel
for up to 40 minutes to reach the College by public transport.

How Can You Help?

You are going to stay with Australians in their own home, so you will have the chance to live like
Australians and to learn our customs. There are several ways in which your thoughtfulness will help
to make your stay more pleasant.

Australian families are very busy - especially in the morning when everybody uses the bathroom.
In Australia we only stay in the shower about 10 minutes, so that other people are not kept

Australian homes are not usually centrally heated. Do not expect that every room will have a

Don't forget that accommodation has been priced as cheaply as possible for students - therefore,
do not leave lights and heaters on when you are not in a room, or while you are asleep.

Also, do not help yourself to food from the fridge between meals unless you have been told by your
homestay that you can. You may use tea and coffee facilities. BUT please ASK first.

If you would like to invite a friend to visit you, be sure to ask your homestay first. REMEMBER to
pay for any extra expense.

Your host will tell you when he or she will prepare the evening meal. If you will not be home at
meal-time or if you are going to be late, please tell him or her in plenty of time.

Smoking is not allowed in Australian homes. Please smoke outside.

In Australia we pay for our own telephone calls (40 cents for a local call). If you make an overseas
call, please reverse the charges. Try to keep all phone calls quite short. You can also buy cheap
telephone cards which have a pin number which enable you to call overseas without cost to your
homestay. Please ask your homestay where you can buy these cards.

Your host will tell you what laundry facilities are available. They will supply the powder and tell you
what day you can use the washing machine.


Women in Australia often have busy lives outside the home. Your homestay would probably be
very pleased if you offered to help her now and then. REMEMBER!! She is not your servant. A talk
while you help to wash the dishes might be a good way to improve your English! Why not offer to
cook a meal for your hosts to introduce them to your own culture? Good relationships are often a
matter of give and take.

Finally, at first you may not speak English very well and your homestay doesn't speak your
language, so sometimes there may be problems because you don't understand each other. Don't
be quietly sad or angry. If you are unhappy about anything, come and see me. My job is to help

Navitas English employs interpreters for Japanese students, while more advanced English speakers
from Indonesia, Thailand and Europe will be happy to help new students.

Information About
Bondi Junction,
Sydney and Australia

Table of Contents
    About Bondi Junction .......................................................................................................3

      Where To Buy Lunch .....................................................................................................3

      Shopping In Bondi Junction ............................................................................................3

      Libraries ......................................................................................................................3

    About Sydney and Australia ..............................................................................................4

      Australian People ..........................................................................................................4

      Newspapers .................................................................................................................4
      Public Phones ...............................................................................................................4

      Public Transport ...........................................................................................................5

      Cinema .......................................................................................................................5

      Banks .........................................................................................................................5

      Chemists .....................................................................................................................5

      Post Office ...................................................................................................................5

      Shops .........................................................................................................................5

      Consulates In Sydney....................................................................................................5

      How to Get a Driving Licence/Motor Bike Licence in Australia ..............................................5

    Health ...........................................................................................................................6

      Local Doctors ...............................................................................................................7

      Health Clinics ...............................................................................................................7

      Hospitals .....................................................................................................................7

      Dentists ......................................................................................................................7
      Eye Treatment .............................................................................................................8

      Ambulances .................................................................................................................8

      Family Planning Clinic....................................................................................................8

    Emergency Telephone Numbers.........................................................................................9

    Sports Facilities - Near Bondi Junction ................................................................................9


      Ten-Pin Bowling............................................................................................................9

      Swimming ...................................................................................................................9

      Golf ............................................................................................................................9

      Aerobics/Gym ..............................................................................................................9


      Horse Riding ................................................................................................................9

      Windsurfing .................................................................................................................9


    Travel in Australia ...........................................................................................................9

      Buses: ...................................................................................................................... 10

      Touring Companies: .................................................................................................... 10

    Free Activities in Sydney ................................................................................................ 10

    Cheap Activities ............................................................................................................ 11

    Working in Australia....................................................................................................... 11

      To find a job: ............................................................................................................. 11

      To get your TFN (Tax File Number): .............................................................................. 11

      Applying for a work permit ........................................................................................... 11

      To apply online: ......................................................................................................... 11

      To apply by mail:........................................................................................................ 12

    Looking For a Flat in Sydney ........................................................................................... 12

      Problems With Flats .................................................................................................... 13

    Complaints: Consumer Affairs ......................................................................................... 13

      Department of Fair Trading .......................................................................................... 13

      Interpreting Service .................................................................................................... 13

About Bondi Junction
Look at the map and the ‘Getting Around Sydney’ page. Bondi Junction is one of the best suburbs
in Sydney for shopping and access to transport.

Where To Buy Lunch

There are sandwich shops, restaurants, indoor and outdoor cafes, as well as the food courts in the
Westfield Shopping Centre.

Shopping In Bondi Junction

The main stores in Bondi Junction are:

David Jones in the Westfield Shopping Centre (opposite the bus/train station)

Woolworths in the Westfield Shopping Centre

Myer in the Westfield Shopping Centre

Target in the Westfield Shopping Centre

Coles in the Westfield and Eastgate Shopping Centres

K-Mart in the Eastgate Shopping Centre


All students can join the local public library:

Waverley Library, 32-48 Denison Street, Bondi Junction

(phone: 9386 7777).


It is open from 10am to 9pm Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 12pm on Saturday and 1pm to 5pm on

Students can also join Woollahra Library:

548 New South Head Road, Double Bay (phone 9391 7100).

Take proof of your address (eg. a letter from Navitas English or your homestay family) and you can
join the library free of charge.

About Sydney and Australia
Australian People

Australians generally are friendly people, and quite informal compared to English or American

Don't forget different countries have different customs. We say 'please' and 'thank you' a lot, and
always say 'excuse me' when we need to talk to a stranger in the street or to someone who is
busy. If you are invited to someone's house, it is normal to take a bottle of wine or a small present
- chocolates or flowers. It is normal to shake hands when you meet someone - or just smile and
say 'Hi, how’s it going?'

Australians use first names a lot, but with older people wait until they ask you. For example, say
'Mrs. Smith' or 'Jane' (if she asks you to), but not 'Mrs. Jane'.

It is important for your studies to try and read Australian newspapers. The best one to buy is 'The
Sydney Morning Herald'. On Monday it has 'The Guide' - information on radio and television for the
week. On Friday it has 'The Metro' - information on entertainment. The best days for looking for
jobs and accommodation are Wednesday and Saturday. You will also find daily newspapers in the

Public Phones

You can find public payphones in Bondi Junction’s Oxford Street Mall and in the Westfield Shopping

Local Calls (in Sydney):

Put coins in the slot and dial the number, or use a phone card (which you can purchase from a

STD Calls (outside Sydney, but in Australia):

Look up the STD area code in the front of the white pages telephone book. Use coins or phone
card, dial the area code, then the number. The phone will tell you when the money is nearly
finished. STD calls are cheaper after 6pm and cheapest after 10pm.

International Calls:

Go to a newsagent and buy a phone card for overseas phone calls. There are many companies and
they are very cheap (e.g. Go Talk). You only need to buy a $10 card each time.

Sydney has four phone books:

White Pages A-K and L-Z, which has people and businesses listed alphabetically.

Yellow Pages A-K and L-Z, which has categories of businesses and services. E.g. tennis clubs or


Public Transport

Sydney has buses, trains, ferries and taxis. You can buy a 'Travelpass' for travel on buses, trains
and ferries. You can buy these at train stations and newsagents. Please note that overseas
students cannot get discounts/concessions on public transport in Sydney and must pay full fares.


There is a cinema in Westfield Bondi Junction. You will find other cinemas at Fox Studios (Moore
Park) and George Street (City) near Town Hall.

Cheap-movie nights are normally on a Tuesday.


Most banks are open Monday-Thursday from 9.30am-4.00pm and on Friday from 9.30am-5.00pm.
They are closed over the weekend.

To open an account, take a student letter from Navitas English to the bank of your choice (see

You can change money from your country at most banks.


Most chemists are open from 9.00am-5.30pm. If you need a chemist urgently there is a 24-hour,
7-days-a-week chemist at Taylor Square in Oxford Street.

Post Office

The Bondi Junction Post Office is on Level 5 of the Westfield Building (see map) and is open
Monday-Friday from 9.00am-5.00pm. You can buy an aerogramme to send overseas, send
telegrams and buy padded bags or cardboard boxes to send parcels.


Most shops are open from 9.00am-5.30pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from
9.00am-9.00pm on Thursday (late night shopping), from 9.00am-5.00pm on Saturday and some
shops are open on Sunday.

Pubs are open from early until late! They generally close at different times depending on the pub,
and some are open 24 hours a day! By law, you are only allowed into a pub if you are 18 years of
age or over. Many Sydney pubs will ask you for a photo ID to prove that you are 18 years of age.

Consulates In Sydney

These are listed in the A-K White pages telephone book. Navitas English Reception can also help
you if you need to contact your country’s consulate.

You can also find consulates at

How to Get a Driving Licence/Motor Bike Licence in Australia

If you are on a Student Visa, Working Holiday Visa or Tourist Visa, you are NOT required to get a
NSW licence even if your stay is longer than three months.

If you choose to get a NSW driver’s licence even though you are a visiting driver:

Go to the Ethnic Affairs Commission of NSW (164-174 Liverpool Rd., Ashfield, Phone: 9716 2222)
or the Translating and Interpreting Service of the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and
Ethnic Affairs (88 Cumberland Street, The Rocks, Phone: 9258 4555 or 9258 4784). Take your
licence and passport. They will translate your licence for a small fee. Or call 131 450 to use an
interpreter over the telephone


Go to the Department of Motor Transport, Ebley Street, Bondi Junction (see map). Ask for the Road
Rules Handbook (which is free). Study the rules carefully as they may be different from those in
your country.

Make an appointment for a test. You will have a written test on the rules; an eyesight test and a
driving test. Take your translation and your overseas licence. They are open from 9.00am-4.00pm
Monday - Friday.

It is illegal to drink alcohol before driving. The Police often stop drivers to give them a breath test.

OSHC - How Do You Register?

If you are on a tourist visa you should have taken out private medical insurance before you came
to Australia. Please follow the procedures written on your insurance policy. You can go to any
doctor of your choice. Be sure to get a receipt from the doctor.

If you have just arrived in Australia on a student visa you will have already paid for your Overseas
Student Health Cover when enrolling at Navitas English.

What Does It Cost?

▪   1-3 months           $93

▪   4 months             $124

▪   5 months             $155

▪   6 months             $185

▪   7 months             $216

▪   8 months             $247

▪   9 months             $278

▪   10 months            $309

▪   11 months            $340

▪   12 months            $370
OSHC Worldcare is the name of the Navitas English OSHC provider.

Navitas English will order your card in your first week of study and will send you a notification once
we have received it. Please make sure that you keep all your receipts in order to make your claims.
The website address is

There is a 24 hour emergency helpline which you can call if you have any health problems at all
and it is 1800 814 781

Do I have to pay the doctor?

OSHC pays 100% of the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) fee if you see a General Practitioner.
For specialists and all other medical services that do not take place as an in-patient in a hospital,
OSHC pays 85% of the MBS fee for that service and you pay the difference. (If any doctor charges
more than the MBS fee, you will get less than the above mentioned percentage refunded to you).

Always take your OSHC Worldcare Card with you when you visit your doctor. Most doctors ask you
to pay the full amount at the time of your visit. Always make sure the doctor gives you a receipt
for the money you have paid. You should then claim on-line with OSHC Worldcare. You will then
get the appropriate amount paid to you.


Do I have to pay to get my eyes tested?

The OSHC does not cover eye test with an optometrist. Therefore, you will have to pay for this test

Do I have to pay if I go to hospital?

If you are treated in a public hospital (shared ward), OSHC Worldcare will pay 100% of the
Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) fee. However if the doctor charges more than the MBS fee, you
will have to pay the balance. You may go to a private hospital if you want to, but some private
hospitals charge more than the MBS fee payable by OSHC Worldcare, so you must pay the balance.
Ask about the hospital fees in advance. Always take your OSHC Worldcare Card if you go to

What services do I have to pay for myself?

OSHC Worldcare does not pay for services such as dentists, physiotherapists, glasses and contact
lenses. You must pay for these services yourself.

Local Doctors

Bondi Junction Medical Practice, 500 Oxford St, Bondi Junction Tel 9389 9699 (NOT Drs Whiteson &

Dr Adler, 85 Spring Street, Bondi Junction

Tel. (02) 9389 2790 or 0411154387

Dr Aristoff, 17 Spring Street, Bondi Junction

Tel. (02) 9387 2038

Health Clinics

Spring Street Clinic, 32 Spring Street, Bondi Junction

Tel. (02)9387 7022

Bondi Junction Medical Practice, Suit 6015b, Level 6, Westfield

Tel. (02) 9389 9699


Prince of Wales, High Street, Randwick

Sydney Hospital, Macquarie Street, Sydney

St. Vincents Hospital, Victoria Street, Darlinghurst

If it is not urgent, it is best to make an appointment to see a doctor at any of the medical centres
throughout the city.


They are expensive in Australia. Here are two dentists who may give a discount to overseas

Mr. D.J. Bamber:        171 Bondi Road, Bondi

Phone: 9389 6923, 20% discount

Mr. M. Urwand: 49 Belmore Road, Randwick

Phone: 9398 5251, 20% discount


Eye Treatment

Outpatients Clinic, Sydney Eye Hospital

Sir John Young Crescent, Woolloomooloo

Phone: 9230 0111


These are very expensive in Australia, even a short ride can cost over $100. You can get
ambulance insurance for small fee for 6 months from HCF, 428 Oxford Street Mall, Bondi Junction.

Family Planning Clinic

If you need advice on sexual problems or contraception, go to the Family Planning Association
(Phone: 8752 4300 for an appointment). The doctors (women and men) are very friendly and will
NOT tell anyone about your visit.


Emergency Telephone Numbers
                              Fire/Police/Ambulance           -      000

                         Poisons Information Centre       -       9845 3111

                              Waverley Police Station -       9369 9899

Please see the noticeboards in your classrooms for information on Fire Safety, Fire Exits and Fire
Drills at Navitas English. Please note that during your course here at Navitas English you may need
to participate in Fire Drills. Smoking is not allowed on the Navitas English premises (including all

Sports Facilities - Near Bondi Junction

Cooper Park, Bellevue Hill                       Phone: 9389 9259

Moore Park Tennis Courts, Moore Park             Phone: 9662 7005

Ten-Pin Bowling

Randwick Bowling Club

The Avenue, Randwick                             Phone: 9399 3036


Eastern Suburbs Leagues Club

Bronte Road, Bondi Junction                      Phone: 9389 1011

(You will need to take your passport)


Moore Park Golf Links, Moore Park                Phone: 9663 3960


Fitness First

Spring Street, Bondi Junction                    Phone: 9387 4244


Centennial Park - hire

50 Clovelly Road, Randwick                       Phone: 9398 5027

Horse Riding

Centennial Park                                  Phone: 9332 2770


Rose Bay and L Perouse (Frenchman's Bay)

For these or other sports, look in the phone book, Internet, or ask the Boomerang Organiser.

Travel in Australia
For cheap travel and tours:

▪   STA Travel (Ask for the student discount)


Westfield Shopping Centre, Level 1, Shop 1004 (Phone: 9389 4955)

Shop 8, Townhall Square, 464-480 Kent St. (Phone: 9262 9692)

Backpackers World

2B Grosvenor St, Bondi Junction (Phone 9369 2011)

37 Hall St, Bondi Beach (Phone 9300 0505)


Deluxe                             4733 4278

McCafferty's                       13 14 99

Greyhound                          1300 473 946

Touring Companies:

Australian Pacific Tours                   9277 8555

National Parks & Wildlife                  1300 361 967

Youth Hostels Association                  9261 1111

Free Activities in Sydney
Paddington Markets         Uniting Church, Oxford Street, Paddington on Saturdays

Circular Quay              Street artists, musicians, etc

The Domain                 Hyde Park - speakers corner on politics, religion, etc, on Sundays

Chinatown                  Dixon Street, Sydney. Cheap food and interesting shops

Harbour Bridge             Entrance in Argyle Street, The Rocks. Walk across the bridge and enjoy the

Martin Place               Free concerts at lunchtime and in the afternoon.

Walk                       From Bondi to Coogee along the cliffs.

The Rocks              Walk around the oldest part of Sydney. Old buildings, museums, souvenir
and craft shops and good jazz bands.

Boomerang Throwing Bus 394 from Taylor Square to La Perouse. An Aborigine will show you how
to throw a boomerang. Also see the snake man.

Art Gallery                In the Domain. Catch the train to Martin Place.

Australian Museum          Buses 389, 380 and 378 from Bondi Junction to College Street, Sydney -
opposite Hyde Park.

Botanic Gardens            Beautiful gardens and Harbour views. See the Tropical Glasshouse.

Opera House                Bennelong Point. Free entertainment on the forecourt.

Darling Harbour            Shops, restaurants, nightclubs and exhibitions.

Powerhouse Museum          Modern designed museum with interesting exhibits. Near Darling Harbour.

Bondi Markets          Every Sunday, 10am to 5pm at Bondi Beach Public School on Campbell
Parade across the road from Bondi Beach.

                                                   – 10 –

Cheap Activities
Take a ferry to Manly and back - a good way to see the Harbour.

Take a lift up Sydney Tower - the fourth tallest building in the world.

Catch the ferry to Taronga Zoo and see kangaroos and koalas.

Take the Sydney Explorer bus and see all the sights.

Working in Australia
You can work in Australia if you have a Working Holiday Visa, or a Student Visa with permission to

To find a job:

Look in the Sydney Morning Herald in the Employment section. (The best days are Wednesday and

Look through the list of job websites provided in this handbook under “Other Useful Information”

To get your TFN (Tax File Number):

The online Tax File number registration system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week via
the Tax Office website at:

Go to the Centrelink office, Oxford St, Bondi Junction

Contact the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

The ATO is located at:

Podium Level, 100 Market Street, Sydney

Office hours – 8.00am-6.00pm

Phone: 132 861

Note: A valid passport is required when application is submitted.

If you do not have access to the internet, or the system experiences significant down time, you can
get a paper version of the TFN application or enquiry for permanent migrants and temporary
visitors to Australia form (NAT 4157) by phoning the Tax Office between 8.00am-6.00pm, Monday
to Friday on 132 861 or visiting your nearest ATO access site.

Applying for a work permit

If you would like to apply for permission to work while studying on a student visa, you can apply
either online or by mail after you have commenced study in Australia. If you have obtained your
visa after April 26th 2008 you will automatically have the right to work so will not have to go
through the following procedures.

IMPORTANT: If you will do any work activities regardless of whether they are unpaid or paid in any
workplace (e.g. restaurants, convenience stores, shops, factories, etc) and you are currently
holding a student visa, you must apply for a Work Permit and wait until being granted a Work
Permit before starting any work activities. If fail to do so, your student visa may be cancelled.

To apply online:

Step 1: Navitas English will notify DIAC (Department of Immigration and Citizenship) on the
Wednesday of the week that you have started, confirming that you have commenced your course.

                                                – 11 –
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