Page created by Ellen Moody
Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Responsible
                 Student Name

       2020 - 2021
               DR. KIM HALL, PRINCIPAL

                 Harry S. Truman Middle School
       16224 Mallory Drive, Fontana, CA 92335, (909) 357-5190
Truman Middle School PBIS Matrix
              Be Ready                         Be Respectful                         Be Responsible
Classrooms    •   Have supplies                •   Respect others right to learn     •   Follow classroom expectations
              •   Be in seat ready to learn    •   Raise your hand and wait to be    •   Work on tasks assigned/ask
                  when the bell rings.             acknowledged                          engaging questions
                                               •   Say “please”/“thank you”          •   Take care of supplies/equipment
                                               •   Listen when others speak          •   Be safe when participating
                                                                                     •   Do your share
Library       •   Enter quietly with a pass    •   Avoid being disruptive.           •   Take care of equipment
              •   Be prepared                  •   Indoor voices                     •   Return all materials
              •   Get started!                 •   Keep food/drinks outside

Counselor’s   •   Need pass                    •   Respect privacy of others         •   Notify adults on campus of
Offices       •   Avoid meeting during core    •   Knock Free Zone                       emergency situations!
                  academic classes             •   Notice locked door-return later   •   If counselor is not available,
                                                                                         return to class immediately
Lunch         •   Avoid running/pushing!       •   Avoid throwing any                •   Throw trash away immediately
Areas         •   Line up straight                 objects/food                      •   Ensure safety of others: avoid
              •   Sit while eating/drinking    •   Follow directions given by the        running, pushing, or chasing.
Field Trips   •   Be on time                   •   Represent yourself/your school    •   Follow directions from adults
              •   Sit quietly on bus               positively                        •   Listen carefully to information
              •   Bring necessities            •   Throw trash away                  •   Be safe; Avoid running/jumping
                                               •   Keep hands to yourself
Computer      •   Enter with adult             •   Keep your voice low               •   Take care of equipment
Labs          •   Be prepared with password    •   Logoff when you are done          •   Keep food/drinks outside
                                               •   Keep area clean                   •   Stay away from banned sites
                                               •   Avoid tampering with cords        •   Unauthorized devices are not
Bathroom      •   Have a pass                  •   Keep our restrooms clean          •   Avoid ANY type of horseplay
              •   Observe the 10/10 rule       •   Notify an adult if there is any   •   Return to class on time
              •   Lunch- outside bathrooms         blood, vomit, or graffiti         •   Wash your hands and flush

Hallway       •   Walk! Look out for doorway   •   Indoor voice                      •   Be safe (avoid pushing)
              •   Off limits at lunch          •   Use respectful language           •   Hallways are monitored on
              •   Keep to the right            •   Keep your hands/feet to               camera
              •   Have a pass                      yourself                          •   Walk always to your right

Front         •   Obtain a pass                •   Keep your voice low               •   Avoid using office as a hallway
Office        •   Observe the 10/10 rule       •   Wait your turn                    •   Follow directions
                                               •   Use appropriate language
                                               •   Be courteous and helpful
P.E. Locker   •   Dress out in your uniform    •   Keep hands and feet to yourself   •   Avoid horseplay, participate
   Room           and appropriate shoes        •   Use respectful language               safely
                  everyday                     •   Be a team player                  •   Take care of equipment and use
              •   Be willing to move to the    •   Listen and follow directions          it correctly
                  best of your ability                                               •   Keep food/drinks/gum out
              •   Be on time                                                         •   Keep lotions and sprays out
                                                                                     •   Lock up your belongings in your
                                                                                         OWN locker
              •                                •                                     •

MISSION STATEMENT                                          black boundary lines without loitering in front of
                                                                         the school on the sidewalk.
 Preparing every student for the                                       • Upon arrival, students are to go directly to the
                                                                         quad and breakfast area.
   world of tomorrow, today!                                           • Breakfast for students will be served from
                                                                         6:45am until 7:20am in the breakfast area.
                                                                       • Students must be seated at tables or benches
                  SCHOOL VISION                                          when eating or drinking.

Our vision is to prepare ALL students for                                       STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES
high school, college, and a career while                             Expectations are designed to allow a school to meet its
                                                                     obligations to educate students and maintain a safe
   meeting their social and emotional                                and orderly environment.
  needs to ensure academic success.
                                                                     To achieve this goal, students are required to follow
                                                                     these expectations:
                                                                       • Students are to respect and follow any direction by
           TIMBERWOLF CREED                                              any staff member of Truman Middle School.
                                                                       • Students shall demonstrate respect for the
   As a proud member of the Truman                                       property and rights of others.
               student body,                                           • All students should come to school on time
  I will be READY both physically and                                    prepared to learn and equipped with proper
      mentally for school each day,                                    • Students must walk while on campus.
   I will be RESPECTFUL to all those                                   • Students are to follow the “Hands Off” Policy at
                                                                         all times: Keep hands and feet to themselves.
                 around me,                                              Pushing, hitting, shoving, or physical contact of
           and I will strive to be a                                     any kind is not allowed. This includes, but is not
                                                                         limited to, “play fighting,” pulling on backpacks,
 RESPONSIBLE member of the school                                        faking to hit, etc.
community and a responsible member of                                  • Use appropriate language at all times.
                   society.                                            • Bullying is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
                                                                       • Chewing gum on campus is not allowed.
                                                                       • Food and drinks are permitted only in the lunch
   SCHOOL WIDE EXPECTATIONS                                              area. Students need to be seated at the tables or
                                                                         benches if they are eating or drinking.
       CODE OF CONDUCT                                                 • Throw all trash away in the trashcans. Respect the
             BE READY                                                    environment and our campus.
                                                                       • Respect the plant life on campus. Shaking trees
          BE RESPECTFUL                                                  and pulling branches are harmful to the trees.
                                                                       • Students must secure all I-pods, phones, ear
          BE RESPONSIBLE                                                 buds, any electronics, etc. The school IS NOT
                                                                         responsible for any lost or stolen items.
                                                                       • Students may not use cell phones, I-pods, ear-
                 ARRIVAL AT SCHOOL                                       buds, cameras, any electronic device on campus,
 • Students will be permitted on campus after 6:45 a.m. If               unless otherwise directed by the school staff. If
   students arrive before 6:45 a.m., they are to wait in front           seen, item(s) can be taken away.
   of the entrance in an orderly fashion.                              • Students must remain on walkways. Walking in
 • Students must walk their bikes, scooters, and                         dirt and planter areas is not permitted.
   skateboards on campus and lock them up in the bike                  • Dangerous objects of any kind are not allowed.
   rack. Student must provide their own lock.                          • If an object does not have an academic purpose,
 • Students must enter campus and walk past the                          leave it at home.
   Administration Building, and the B Building, beyond the
• Students are to remain on campus from the time of                  • Safely cross all streets, using the cross-walks.
    arrival until dismissal unless checked out through the               Darting in and out of traffic is dangerous and not
    office.                                                              permissible.
  • Students are to arrive on time and remain in all assigned          • Walk at all times.
    classes except as permitted by school staff by means of            • Students are to walk bikes, scooters, and
    a hall pass.                                                         skateboards off campus and helmets must be
  • Stay in designated areas. Students are not allowed in                worn and strapped at all times.
    the parking areas.
                                                                                  FIELD TRIP EXPECTATIONS
  • Gang/Graffiti/Tagging of any type will not be tolerated
                                                                       •   Maintain outstanding behavior at all times.
    on school or personal property.
                                                                       •   Represent Truman Middle School with pride.
              CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS                                   •   Observe bus and school rules.
Teachers will establish classroom expectations related to              •   Follow directions given by supervising adults.
general classroom behavior. Teachers will post the                     •   Students who go on the field trip with the school
expectations and review them with students regularly.                      must return with the school.
Parents will receive a copy. Students should:
                                                                            POSITIVE BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTIONS
  • Be prompt to class. Each passing period lasts five                                AND SUPPORTS (PBIS)
    minutes. Five minutes is plenty of time to arrive to class       Truman Middle School has embraced a proactive
    on time.                                                         approach to school-wide discipline known as Positive
  • Be prepared for class.           Bring all necessary             Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). The
    materials/supplies such as: pencils, erasers, books,             program is meant to reinforce the positive behaviors of
    notebooks, paper, etc.                                           students who meet behavior expectations, and instill
  • Follow all directions given. Teachers will establish and         those behaviors in students who need extra support to
    post academic and behavior expectations for their                reach school-wide expectations of being ready, being
    classes.                                                         respectful, and being responsible. Students will earn
  • Complete and turn in all assignments on time.                    rewards and special privileges when they exhibit
  • Do what you are supposed to do, when you are                     positive behavior. Likewise, students will be redirected
    supposed to do it, and at a high level of quality.               and provided other means of correction (OMOC) when
  • Be courteous and respectful at all times. Use                    they do not live up to the school’s behavioral
    appropriate language. “Putdowns”, name-calling and               expectations.
    threats are unacceptable.
                                                                     Behavioral Expectation Assemblies are held once a
        BREAKFAST/LUNCH TIME EXPECTATIONS                            month, facilitated by Administrators and Counselors
  •   Line up as directed. Cutting in line is unacceptable.          who share information and discuss school policies with
  •   Eat breakfast, lunch, and snacks in the designated             all of our students. Topics include: School wide
      areas.                                                         expectations, Education Code violations (bullying,
  •   Stay within the boundary lines to avoid interrupting           sexual harassment, drugs, fights, and other important
      classes still in session.                                      issues). Each student is provided with a student
  •   Everyone must be seated at table or bench with any             handbook that also contains the school code of
      food or drinks in hand.                                        conduct,      academic     expectations,     behavior
  •   Standing around tables under the awning area is                expectations, and safety policies.
      unacceptable. Everyone must be seated.
  •   Be courteous to staff and mind your table manners.                    STUDENT RECOGNITION PROGRAM
                                                                         ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT RECOGNITION
  •   Clean up after eating and throw away all trash in              Truman Middle School provides opportunities for
      trashcans.                                                     students to challenge themselves to do their personal
  •   Bring or buy your own food. Begging or forcing others          best. Academic Achievement Recognition encourages
      to give/buy you food isn’t acceptable.                         students to foster pride and reach their highest
                                                                     potential.     Students who make outstanding
            AFTERSCHOOL EXPECTATIONS                                 achievements in this area will be recognized
  • After School, students are expected to leave the                 throughout the year. Daily, students are caught being
    campus within 15 minutes unless they are in the after            good. Weekly, students who are “Caught Being Good”
    school program, sports program, tutoring, after school           are recognized publicly. Monthly, Timberwolves of the
    club, or detention.
Month, as well as, students with Perfect Attendance receive             ACADEMIC STANDARDS FOR PARTICIPATION
certificates and recognition.                                         All students are encouraged to participate in all school
                                                                      activities, including: band, choir, drama, intramurals,
                                                                      ASB, etc. In order to participate, students must meet
Students are recognized on a daily basis for “caught being
                                                                      the following academic and behavior requirements:
good” and displaying “being ready, being respectful, or being
responsible.” Any staff member can hand out caught Being                 • GRADES: Students must earn a 2.0GPA with no
Good slips. Once a student receives one, the/she places it                 more than 1 F.
in the drum in the front office for a chance of winning prizes.          • CITIZENSHIP: A student will be ineligible if he/she
Names are drawn on a weekly basis.                                         has an Unsatisfactory (U) in Citizenship on his/her
                                                                           grading reports.
                 PERFECT ATTENDANCE                                      • ATTENDANCE: A student will be ineligible if
Students can be recognized for “PERFECT ATTENDANCE”                        he/she has been Truant.
awards for being in school on a daily basis and for being on             • SUSPENSION: A student will be ineligible if
time to every class period, every single day. If a student is              he/she has been suspended from school.
taken out of school for any time for an appointment such as              • ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL
doctor, dentist, etc. then the student does not qualify for              • CHARGE LIST: If a student owes money to the
having perfect attendance.                                                 school, the charge must be cleared or the student
                                                                           may be prohibited from participation.
                     HONOR ROLL
Students are recognized at the end of each semester for               Students who fail to meet the above requirements may
their hard work and achievement for maintaining a certain             be excluded from activities including: sports, dances,
GPA throughout each semester. We have 3 different                     assemblies, field trips, end of the year activities, etc.
HONOR Roll categories: The Highest is 3.8 GPA to 4.0                               PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS
GPA, the High is 3.5 GPA to a 3.7 GPA, and Honors is 3.0              At the end of the year, activities will be held for
GPA to 3.4 GPA.                                                       eligible 8th graders. In order to participate in these
                                                                      activities, students must meet the following
         AWARD CEREMONIES/CELEBRATIONS                                requirements:
At the end of each semester, student may be recognized at                • GRADES: Students must earn a 2.0GPA with no
an awards ceremony for academic excellence, attendance,                    more than 1 F on their 4th quarter progress
and citizenship.                                                           report.
                                                                         • CITIZENSHIP: A student will be ineligible if he/she
                                                                           has an Unsatisfactory (U) in Citizenship on his/her
Every student has the opportunity to be recognized for
                                                                           4th quarter progress report.
outstanding academic efforts and for good citizenship. One
                                                                         • ATTENDANCE: A student will be ineligible if
student from each grade level is selected from a pool of
                                                                           he/she has been Truant second semester.
nominations made by the Truman Staff to be Timberwolf of
the Month. These students are recognized for being ready,                • SUSPENSION: A student will be ineligible if
being respectful, and being responsible on a daily basis.                  he/she has been suspended from school during
Students receiving the Timberwolf of the Month award will                  the second semester.
have their pictures on the school’s website and marquee,                 • ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL
posted in the administration office, and will be recognized              • RETENTION: If a student is being retained,
during the morning announcements.                                          he/she will not be able to participate in the
                                                                           promotion activity.
                TIMBERWOLF OF THE YEAR                                   • CHARGE LIST: If a student owes money to the
An 8th grade student will be chosen for Timberwolf of the                   school, the charge must be cleared or the student
year. The student is chosen by the Truman Staff. The award                  may be prohibited from participation.
recipient will receive a special certificate along with being                       ACADEMIC COMPETITION
recognized during the 8th grade promotion ceremony.                   Truman Middle School encourages students to
                ACADEMIC STANDARDS                                    participate in academic competitions. Students will
Truman is committed to academic excellence for all                    have the opportunity to participate in District, County,
students. Students are regularly assessed and common                  and State competitions.
core state standards are taught in each class.                        NOTE: The school does not pay out-of-state
                                                                      transportation expenses.

HOMEWORK                                                       Q PARENT CONNECTION
Homework is an embedded portion of schoolwork.                         This useful tool allows parents to access their child’s
Homework gives the students the opportunity to                         academic progress by viewing each teacher’s
independently practice the skills that were learned in class.          gradebook and provides the most accurate view of
Homework is designed to ensure that students will:                     student progress. A PIN and temporary password are
                                                                       sent by the district with a student’s report card if the
  1. Develop regular study habits, responsibility and self-            parent has never logged into Q. Parents can access
     discipline.                                                       the site at:
  2. Designate a quiet place to study and do work at                
  3. Have opportunities to reinforce, extend or enrich
     classroom learning.                                                           Q STUDENT CONNECTION
  4. Learn to budget time effectively.                                 Students can access their own class assignments,
                                                                       academic history, assessment scores, report cards,
Students should write their homework assignments in their              etc. Students who wishes to use this system must
planners daily. Assignments may take different forms:                  have a computer account which is provided once
writing, reading, math problems, vocabulary, independent               parents sign an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
research, etc.                                                         Students can access Q Student Connection at:
Students should spend an average of 30 minutes per subject         
each day on homework. Higher-level classes will have
heavier homework loads. Students should plan on spending
                                                                               TRUMAN INFORMATION ONLINE
some time each day with each subject. They should, at
                                                                       To access a school events calendar, important
least, review what has been covered in each class. It is the
                                                                       announcements, educational links, and more, students
student’s responsibility to complete all assignments on time.
                                                                       and parents can visit Truman Middle School online at:
Homework assignments will be part of the student’s grade.            
Students who do not complete and turn in their homework
are not fulfilling the requirements of the course and their
grades will be affected.                                                              INTERNET USE POLICY
In cases of absences, students will be given the opportunity           Students: The Acceptable Use Policy will allow you
to make up missed work. Teacher policies will vary, but                to use the Internet in the Fontana Unified School
generally students will have the same amount of time to                District. Your signature is required on the document
make up their missed work as they were absent. If the work             to insure you have read and understand its content.
is completed within a reasonable length of time, students
should receive full credit for completed assignments.                  Parents: The document has been provided to make
                                                                       you aware of the different aspects and situations that
If a student will be absent for more than three days, contact          the Internet includes. Your signature is required as
the office to get work for the student to do in advance of their       confirmation that you and your child fully understand
return to school. Students suspended from school will be               the guidelines and rules of the policy.
allowed to complete all missed assignments that can
reasonably be made up. Parents are encouraged to provide               The Student Internet Acceptable Use Policy is signed
a regular study time at home and monitor their child’s                 by every student and parent at the beginning of each
homework completion.                                                   school year.
Progress reports are distributed each quarter. Parents can                      RETENTION POLICY INFORMATION
request a progress report more frequently by contacting the            Students who do not meet specific academic
office. The student will take the report to each teacher. It is        performance standards might not be promoted to the
the student’s responsibility to make sure each teacher                 next grade. Students must meet the standards in
completes the report. It is the parents’ responsibility to hold        specific content related skills. These areas include:
their child accountable to have the report filled out and              state tests, district math, language arts and reading
brought home. If there is a concern about the student’s                assessments, and grades from math and language
grade, a parent conference should be arranged with                     arts classes.
teachers.                                                              Students and parents will be notified if the student is
                                                                       at-risk of failing a grade. Students who are notified that
                                                                       they may be retained have the ability to change their
status by earning passing grades in language arts and math                                   TARDIES
classes, and earning passing grades on district math and                Students are expected to be in class on time.
language arts tests.                                                    Random tardy sweeps will be conducted frequently.
Additionally, students who are notified they may be failing a           Consequences will be given for students who are not
grade may be assigned additional help in reading, writing               present in class.
and math. This extra help may be held after school. It is
important that all students take their classes seriously and            The first 6 tardies to any individual class, the
work to their full potential.                                           teacher will handle. This could include, but not
                                                                        limited to: verbal warning, self-reflections, re-visiting
                   ATTENDANCE POLICY                                    the PBIS Matrix, teacher-student conference, parent
California State Law requires students to attend school                 contact, detention, request for parent shadowing,
regularly and promptly. According to State Law, it is the               teacher-parent-student conference, etc.
obligation of all parents to ensure that every school-aged
child under their care and supervision receives adequate                The 7th tardy will be referred to the counselor.
education and training and attends school.                              Eight or more tardies will be referred to the
Regular school attendance is a very important part of a
successful school experience. Poor attendance is the most
                                                                                            THE 10-10 RULE
frequent cause of unsatisfactory achievement. A student
                                                                        Students will not be given a pass for any reason from
who is frequently absent places himself/herself at a serious
                                                                        any class during the first 10 minutes of each class
disadvantage because he/she misses out on valuable
                                                                        period or the last 10 minutes of each class period.
instruction. We expect students to attend school each day
and attend all classes.
                                                                                       STUDENT DRESS POLICY
ANY UNEXCUSED ABSENCE OR TARDY VIOLATES                                 Truman Middle School is proud of its high Academic
THE STATE LAW AND MAY BE CATEGORIZED AS A                               Standards. To maintain these standards, we must hold
TRUANCY.                                                                students to an appropriate dress code to reinforce
                          ABSENCES                                      students’ focus on learning. Dress should be
If a student is to be absent from school, it is the parent’s            appropriate for normal school activities. It should
responsibility to call the attendance office at 357-5190, ext.          reflect pride, respect and decency. Health, safety, and
35214, and notify the attendance clerk of the absence.                  modesty are guides to acceptable school attire. So
Notes should be turned in during first period. An accurate              that there will be no disruption of school activities,
record is kept of all absences and tardies. Please try to               students are REQUIRED to adhere to the following
schedule all medical/dental appointments after school.                  guidelines while at school, or any school-related
Excessive tardies and absences will result in a parent
conference and/or a School Attendance Review Board                          1.        Bandanas, hairnets, or nylon stockings
(SARB) referral for administrative action. Tardies and                                are not allowed. Beanies, caps, hats,
absences accumulate for the year. Students may be cited                               hoods (without logos) are allowed
for truancies.                                                                        OUTSIDE only.
             MAKE UP WORK FOR ABSENCES                                      2.        Clothing must cover all undergarments
We encourage students to select a “Study Buddy” for each                              (muscle shirts, underwear, bra, etc.)
class and exchange contact information. When students are                   3.        Gang related attire is not allowed.
absent, it is their responsibility to contact their “Study Buddy”
and get the homework for the day.                                           4.        Shorts/skirts must be of sufficient length
                                                                                      to cover the buttocks and underwear
For an extended illness, homework assignments may be                                  when standing, walking, bending over, or
obtained by calling the office and making arrangements with                           sitting. The length must be appropriate
the office to pick up materials. Allow at least 24 hours for                          for school.
assignments to be gathered. Students who have been
absent are responsible for asking teachers for missed work                  5.        Shirts may not be low cut or show off the
and arrange to make up the missed class work. Any work                                mid-section.
not completed may result in a poor grade or no credit.                      6.        Excessively baggy pants are not allowed.
Students who have been suspended should talk with their
teachers about making up work missed.                                       7.        Shoes or sandals with a heel strap must
                                                                                      be worn at all times. Bedroom slippers,
flip flops, and open-toe shoes are not                                    P.E. LOCKERS
              acceptable.                                             Students are assigned a locker during P.E. class.
                                                                      Lockers are to be used for storing P.E. clothes only.
    8.        Costumes, ridiculous hats, etc., (except on
                                                                      Locks may be purchased through the student store
              school dress-up days) are prohibited.
                                                                      (ASB room). Students assume responsibility for loss
    9.        Clothing, headwear, backpacks and jewelry               or damage to their belongings. To avoid problems,
              shall be free of inappropriate writing, pictures,       students are advised not to give locker combinations
              or any other insignias, symbols, or emblems.            to each other or put their belongings in another
    10.       Any article of clothing that advocates racial,          student’s locker. Only locks approved by the P.E.
              ethnic, religious or sexual prejudice, the use of       department, which have a bypass key, can be used.
              drugs, tobacco or alcohol is prohibited.                               BUS TRANSPORTATION
    11.       Any article of clothing, headwear, or jewelry           Fontana Unified School District may provide limited
              that can be construed to have a “double                 bus transportation for Truman students. Currently, bus
              meaning” is prohibited.                                 transportation is only scheduled for students with
                                                                      disabilities. Bus transportation is a privilege and
    12.       Clothing considered sleepwear or swimwear               students must follow all school and bus rules while on
              are not allowed.                                        the bus. The school reserves the right to deny bus
In case of questionable dress, (not covered in the dress              transportation to students who do not comply with
code listed above), a site administrator will make the final          safety, school and/or bus rules. It is the student’s
decision. Appropriate action will be taken at that time, and          responsibility to be at the bus stop on time. The driver
when necessary, home contact will be made seeking                     is in charge of the bus and students. All school rules
parental cooperation and assistance. If parents are unable            apply on the bus and at bus stops. Students will be
to be contacted to bring an appropriate clothing item for their       disciplined for misconduct and may be suspended from
child, a loaner shirt will be provided to the student to wear         riding the bus.
for the remainder of the school day.                                      ENGLISH LANGUAGE ADVISORY COUNCIL
Clothing trends change frequently. When this occurs,                                        (ELAC)
this dress code may be modified to ensure a safe school               English Language Advisory Council meets five times a
setting for students.                                                 year to discuss and learn about ways students can
                                                                      increase their achievement in English Language
            CONFISCATED ITEMS PROCEDURE                               Development. English Language Advisory Council
If an electronic device or other item has been confiscated, it        membership is composed of parents and staff.
will be held in the office. Teachers may have additional
classroom consequences.                                                   AFRICAN AMERICAN PARENT ADVISORY
                                                                                   COMMITTEE (AAPAC)
1st offense: Students may pick up the item at the end of the          AAPAC meets on a regular basis to discuss student
day.                                                                  achievement and how the school plan can support
2nd offense: Students may pick up the item after the Office           student achievement.       AAPAC membership is
holds item 5 school days, unless picked up by                         composed of parents, staff and students.
parent/guardian                                                                 SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL (SSC)
3rd offense and beyond: Students may pick up the item                 School Site Council meets once a month to discuss
after the Office holds item 20 school days unless picked up           student achievement and how the school plan can
by parent/guardian.                                                   support student achievement. School Site Council
                                                                      membership is composed of parents, staff and
                      P.E. UNIFORMS                                   students.
Students must dress in PE clothes and participate in PE
activities every day.          A non-dress hierarchy of                                CLUBS ON CAMPUS
consequences will be fully implemented. P.E. clothes may              Students have the opportunity to participate in clubs on
be purchased from the student store. To eliminate lost or             campus such as: ASB (Associated Student Body),
stolen items, students are encouraged not to loan clothes to          WEB (Where Everybody Belongs), Yearbook Club,
others or leave them in a friend’s locker. Student’s name will        Technology-Robotics Club, Garden Club, BASIC Club
be printed on the uniforms.                                           (Brothers and Sisters in Christ), Mile Club, Cheer, etc.
                                                                      Club meetings are held either at lunch or after school
                                                                      with a school site employee as their club advisor. Clubs
                                                                      may vary year to year.
INTRAMURAL SPORTS                                 physician’s statement documenting the specific activity
Opportunities are available for students to participate in           limitation. Students may be given an alternate
intramural sports such as: Volleyball, Basketball, and               assignment during this time. If the student is excused
Soccer, where we compete against other middle schools                for a long duration period, they may be assigned to the
within the district. These sports are organized, facilitated         library as a library assistant during this class period.
and run by the City of Fontana. Students must maintain
satisfactory grades, attendance, and behavior to participate                             TELEPHONE
and be on a team.                                                    The school phones are used for school business.
                                                                     Students should not use them for personal calls.
                    HEALTH SERVICES                                  However, in case a student becomes ill or there is an
Parents are to notify the health office about serious health         emergency, the office will call parents to pick them up.
concerns and regularly prescribed medication. If an injury           Students cannot be given phone messages unless it is
occurs, students must notify a teacher or staff member               an emergency. Arrangement for a ride home, if staying
immediately. In case of serious injury/illness, parents are          after school, must be made ahead of time.
contacted for referral to their family physician. If students
become ill or have a health concern, they may ask their
                                                                     Truman Middle School is proud to maintain a library
teachers for a pass to see the health assistant. The health
                                                                     with well over 16,000 books. The hours of operation
assistant’s hours are from 7:00am to 2:30pm.
                                                                     are Monday through Friday 7:10am – 3:00pm.
                    IMMUNIZATIONS                                    Student are encouraged to wear their ID cards when
Receiving shots/immunizations promptly insures the safety            entering the library.
of all students. Whooping cough, also known as pertussis,
continues to threaten students in California. To help stop its                    TEXTBOOK FEE SCHEDULE
spread, California law requires that all students entering                                            $ 0.10 per day,
the 7th grade must have proof of a whooping cough booster            Overdue (Library Books Only)
                                                                                                      maximum fine $5.00
(Tdap) shot and two measles (or MMR) shots. It is stated
                                                                     Lost Library or Textbook         100% replacement
that students will not be allowed to attend 7th grade without
                                                                     Materials                        cost
an up to date shot record.
                                                                     Extensive damage rendering
                        INSURANCE                                                                     100% replacement
                                                                     book useless (e.g., water-
Although Truman will exercise care to prevent accidents,                                              cost
                                                                     soaked, mold, ink stains)
neither the school nor the district can assume responsibility
                                                                     Bindery Fee                      $13.00
for accidents or injuries to students. Parents are
encouraged to carry personal insurance coverage. Private             Missing/Damaged Barcode
                                                                                                      $ 5.00
insurance coverage information is included in the parent             Label
information packet.                                                  Damaged Cover                    $ 5.00
                      MEDICATIONS                                    Torn Pages                       $ 1.00 per pages torn
A physician or dentist must prescribe all medications taken                                           $ 3.00 per page
                                                                     Replacement of a page
at school. The school is required to have a written statement                                         replaced
from the prescribing physician and a written authorization           Vandalized (graffiti, profanity, 100% replacement
from the parent or legal guardian before a student may take          etc.)                            cost
medication at school. These statements must be renewed
                                                                     Writing, highlights or other     $ 1.00 per page, up to
whenever the prescription changes. Medication must be
                                                                     marks inside/outside of a book cost of item
provided to the school in the container in which it was issued
and must be clearly labeled with the student’s name.
Students may not transport medication to and from school             Refunds for found materials are subject to a $5.00
or carry it with them while they are on campus. Under no             processing fee. At the expiration of one year, the fee
circumstances will school personnel provide aspirin or any           paid for a lost book is forfeited.
other medicine to students (AR 5141.21).
                P.E. MEDICAL EXEMPTION                               Students are encouraged to carry a backpack to
If a student is unable to participate in physical education          school. Proper care of books, book bags and other
because of injury, illness, or a disabling condition, parents        personal items are the student’s responsibility.
must write a note requesting a P.E. exemption. Students              Textbooks are the property of the Fontana Unified
needing to be excused more than 5 days must have a                   School District and are loaned to students. Books are

issued to students through the library and are to be used               circumstances are skateboards, scooters or bikes
only by the students to whom they are issued. Students are              allowed on the main campus.
required to return the same books when requested, or at the
                                                                                       PERSONAL PROPERTY
time of transfer to a different school. It is the responsibility
                                                                        The school will make every attempt to protect personal
of all students to keep their books covered and in good
                                                                        property of students but is not responsible for any loss
condition. The student will pay for lost and/or damaged
                                                                        or damage. Students are responsible for loss or
books. Outstanding library fines and lost textbooks may
                                                                        damage of personal property such as, books, clothing,
result in ineligibility status for participation in school
                                                                        equipment or instruments. Students are not to bring
                                                                        valuable belongings to school.
Truman is a closed campus. Students may not leave the
                                                                        LARGE SUMS OF MONEY AND ARTICLES OF
grounds at any time during the school day without
                                                                        REAL OR SENTIMENTAL VALUE SHOULD NOT BE
permission. If a student is to leave during the school day, a
                                                                        BROUGHT TO SCHOOL.
parent/guardian must come to the office, complete a “permit
to leave campus” pass, and sign their child out. The parent
                                                                        Students must not ask a friend look after their books,
must have a picture Identification. Anyone not listed as
                                                                        purse, jackets, etc. or share a locker. When items of
primary or emergency contact will not be allowed to pick up
                                                                        value must be brought to school, they should be taken
any student.
                                                                        to the office for safe keeping until they are needed.
                VISITING THE CLASSROOM                                  Parents are asked to mark all clothing and property
Parents are welcome to visit their child’s classroom                    with student’s name. Students are not allowed to bring
providing they have made advanced arrangements with                     items such as: video type games, iPods, toys,
teachers. During instructional time, parents are not to inhibit         cameras, hard balls, skates, rollerblades, and laser
or disrupt class activities with the teacher. All parents are to        pointers, etc. These items will be confiscated and must
enter the campus through the administration office, sign-in             be picked up by a parent. Cell phones that are brought
and sign-out, and obtain a visitor’s pass. Parents and all              to school must be turned off during the school day;
visitors must have a pass to visit classrooms.                          otherwise, it will be confiscated. Truman Middle
                                                                        School may not investigate lost or stolen items
                           ID CARDS
                                                                        which should not have been brought to school.
Students will receive one ID card at no cost. Please keep
ID cards as they are needed to check books out of the
                                                                        Administration may modify or change any rule or
library, at lunch and to attend dances and other school
                                                                        expectation in this handbook to meet safety and
activities. It is important to keep your student ID card. ASB
                                                                        academic standards.
will replace lost ID cards for $5.00. For safety purposes, we
request all students to wear their ID on their lanyard at while
                                                                             BEFORE SCHOOL, AFTER SCHOOL, AND
at school.
                                                                               LUNCHTIME REFLECTION PROGRAM
                 ACCIDENT AND ILLNESS                                   Truman implements a before school, lunchtime, and
Accidents on the school grounds or in the building are to be            after school reflection program as a corrective
reported to the teacher in charge who will report it to the             behavioral intervention. Students are notified of the
health office on the appropriate form. If a student is injured          time and date when they will serve. Students must
or becomes ill at school, the parent will be notified. The              inform their parents of the date and time. Parents
student’s emergency card will be checked and proper action              are responsible to provide transportation, if needed.
will be taken.                                                          Students will be given at least a 24-hour notice.
          BICYCLE and SKATEBOARD RACKS                                  Further interventions will be given if the student does
Students may ride their bicycles, skateboards, or scooters to           not attend After School Reflection.
school. Students must provide their own padlock to                                SELLING PRODUCTS ON CAMPUS
store their equipment. Students are to follow the law and               District and State Policy do not permit students to sell
wear their helmets while riding. Upon arrival bicycles must             any items on or near school grounds except those
be parked and locked in the bicycle parking area at the front           authorized by the Associated Student Body (ASB).
of the school. THE SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR                        Unauthorized sales will result in consequences,
THEFT OF PARTS OR DAMAGES. Helmets need to be                           including confiscating the products being sold.
attached to the bikes and locked. Riding privileges will be
taken away if a student violates the safety rules. Under no

DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY                                 Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety
Consequences will be given to any student                              Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any
damaging/destroying school property. This could include                kind, and either sold, delivered, or otherwise furnished
expulsion from the district. Students are responsible for the          to a person another liquid, substance, or material and
proper care of the school campus including books, supplies,            represented the liquid, substance, or material as a
furniture, building structure, plants, gym equipment, etc. If a        controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or
student damages or destroys school property, the student               intoxicant.
and his/her parent will be held responsible.
Education Code 48904 states that parents and guardians                 (e) Committed or attempted to commit robbery or
are responsible for loss and damage to School District                 extortion.
property up to $10,000, and also permits the School District
to withhold grades, transcripts, and/or diploma until                  (f) Caused or attempted to cause damage to school
restitution is made. The parent/guardian shall also be liable          property or private property.
for the amount of any reward not exceeding $10,000 paid
pursuant to Section 53069.5 of the Government Code.                    (g) Stolen or attempted to steal school property or
Students must clear all charges before the end of the year.            private property.

                CAMPUS SECURITY VIDEO                                  (h) Possessed or used tobacco, or products containing
Video surveillance cameras are present on campus and                   tobacco or nicotine products, including, but not limited
always recording. These cameras are used strictly for                  to, cigarettes, cigars, miniature cigars, clove cigarettes,
security related matters and can be monitored, and reviewed            smokeless tobacco, snuff, chew packets, and betel.
if needed.                                                             However, this section does not prohibit use or
                                                                       possession by a pupil of his or her own prescription
Chances are if you do something wrong on campus…we can                 products.
see you and obtain video evidence of the occurrence.
                                                                       (i) Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual
               BEHAVIOR EDUCATION CODE                                 profanity or vulgarity.
A pupil shall not be suspended from school or recommended              (j) Unlawfully possessed or unlawfully offered,
for expulsion, unless the superintendent or the principal of           arranged, or negotiated to sell drug paraphernalia, as
the school in which the pupil is enrolled determines that the          defined in Section 11014.5 of the Health and Safety
pupil has committed an act as defined pursuant to any of               Code.
subdivisions (a) to (r), inclusive:
                                                                       (k) Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully
(a) (1) Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause             defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers,
physical injury to another person.                                     administrators, school officials, or other school
    (2) Willfully used force or violence upon the person of            personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.
another, except in self-defense.
                                                                       (l) Knowingly received stolen school property or private
(b) Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished a firearm, knife,          property.
explosive, or other dangerous object, unless, in the case of
possession of an object of this type, the pupil had obtained           (m) Possessed an imitation firearm. As used in this
written permission to possess the item from a certificated             section, "imitation firearm" means a replica of a firearm
school employee, which is concurred in by the principal or             that is so substantially similar in physical properties to
the designee of the principal.                                         an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to
                                                                       conclude that the replica is a firearm.
(c) Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise
furnished, or been under the influence of, a controlled                (n) Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault
substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section                 as defined in Section 261, 266c, 286, 288, 288a, or 289
11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, an                of the Penal Code or committed a sexual battery as
alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind.                      defined in Section 243.4 of the Penal Code.

(d) Unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell a              (o) Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is
controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with              a complaining witness or a witness in a school

disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of either preventing             school activity or school attendance occurring within a
that pupil from being a witness or retaliating against that              school under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of
pupil for being a witness, or both.                                      the school district or principal or occurring within any
                                                                         other school district. A pupil may be suspended or
(p) Unlawfully offered, arranged to sell, negotiated to sell, or         expelled for acts that are enumerated in this section
sold the prescription drug Soma.                                         and related to school activity or attendance that occur
                                                                         at any time, including, but not limited to, any of the
(q) Engaged in, or attempted to engage in, hazing. For                   following:
purposes of this subdivision, “hazing” means a method of                 (1) While on school grounds.
initiation or pre-initiation into a pupil organization or body,          (2) While going to or coming from school.
whether or not the organization or body is officially                    (3) During the lunch period whether on or off the
recognized by an educational institution, which is likely to             campus.
cause serious bodily injury or personal degradation or                   (4) During, or while going to or coming from, a school-
disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to a former,               sponsored activity.
current, or prospective pupil. For purposes of this
subdivision, “hazing” does not include athletic events or                (t) A pupil who aids or abets, as defined in Section 31
school-sanctioned events.                                                of the Penal Code, the infliction or attempted infliction
                                                                         of physical injury to another person may be subject to
(r) Engaged in an act of bullying. For purposes of this                  suspension, but not expulsion, pursuant to this section,
subdivision, the following terms have the following                      except that a pupil who has been adjudged by a
meanings:                                                                juvenile court to have committed, as an aider and
(1) “Bullying” means any severe or pervasive physical or                 abettor, a crime of physical violence in which the victim
verbal act or conduct, including communications made in                  suffered great bodily injury or serious bodily injury shall
writing or by means of an electronic act, and including one              be subject to discipline pursuant to subdivision (a).
or more acts committed by a pupil or group of pupils as
defined in Section 48900.2, 48900.3, or 48900.4, directed                (u) As used in this section, "school property" includes,
toward one or more pupils that has or can be reasonably                  but is not limited to, electronic files and databases.
predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following:
(A) Placing a reasonable pupil or pupils in fear of harm to              (v) A superintendent of the school district or principal
that pupil’s or those pupils’ person or property.                        may use his or her discretion to provide alternatives to
(B) Causing a reasonable pupil to experience a substantially             suspension or expulsion, including, but not limited to,
detrimental effect on his or her physical or mental health.              counseling and an anger management program, for a
(C) Causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial                 pupil subject to discipline under this section.
interference with his or her academic performance.
(D) Causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial                 (w) It is the intent of the Legislature that alternatives to
interference with his or her ability to participate in or benefit        suspension or expulsion be imposed against a pupil
from the services, activities, or privileges provided by a               who is truant, tardy, or otherwise absent from school
school.                                                                  activities.

(2) “Electronic act” means the transmission of a                                 Ed Code 48900.2 Sexual Harassment
communication, including, but not limited to, a message,                 In addition to the reasons specified in Section 48900,
text, sound, or image, or a post on a social network Internet            a pupil may be suspended from school or
Web site, by means of an electronic device, including, but               recommended for expulsion if the superintendent or
not limited to, a telephone, wireless telephone or other                 the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled
wireless communication device, computer, or pager.                       determines that the pupil has committed sexual
                                                                         harassment as defined in Section 212.5. For the
(3) “Reasonable pupil” means a pupil, including, but not                 purposes of this chapter, the conduct described in
limited to, an exceptional needs pupil, who exercises                    Section 212.5 must be considered by a reasonable
average care, skill, and judgment in conduct for a person of             person of the same gender as the victim to be
his or her age, or for a person of his or her age with his or            sufficiently severe or pervasive to have a negative
her exceptional needs.                                                   impact upon the individual's academic performance or
                                                                         to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
(s) A pupil shall not be suspended or expelled for any of the            educational environment. This section shall not apply
acts enumerated in this section, unless that act is related to

to pupils enrolled in kindergarten and grades 1 to 3,                     is, itself, suspended by stipulation or other
inclusive.                                                                administrative action.

          Ed Code 48900.3 Act of Hate Violence                                 48900.7. Terroristic Threats Against School
In addition to the reasons set forth in Sections 48900 and                          Officials, School Property or both
48900.2, a pupil in any of grades 4 to 12, inclusive, may be              (a) In addition to the reasons specified in Sections
suspended from school or recommended for expulsion if the                 48900, 48900.2, 48900.3, and 48900.4, a pupil may be
superintendent or the principal of the school in which the                suspended from school or recommended for expulsion
pupil is enrolled determines that the pupil has caused,                   if the superintendent or the principal of the school in
attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in               which the pupil is enrolled determines that the pupil
an act of, hate violence, as defined in subdivision (e) of                has made terroristic threats against school officials or
Section 233.                                                              school property, or both. (b) For the purposes of this
                                                                          section, "terroristic threat" shall include any statement,
           Ed Code 48900.4 General Harassment                             whether written or oral, by a person who willfully
In addition to the grounds specified in Sections 48900 and                threatens to commit a crime which will result in death,
48900.2, a pupil enrolled in any of grades 4 to 12, inclusive,            great bodily injury to another person, or property
may be suspended from school or recommended for                           damage in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000),
expulsion if the superintendent or the principal of the school            with the specific intent that the statement is to be taken
in which the pupil is enrolled determines that the pupil has              as a threat, even if there is no intent of actually carrying
intentionally engaged in harassment, threats, or intimidation,            it out, which, on its face and under the circumstances
directed against school district personnel or pupils, that is             in which it is made, is so unequivocal, unconditional,
sufficiently severe or pervasive to have the actual and                   immediate, and specific as to convey to the person
reasonably expected effect of materially disrupting class                 threatened, a gravity of purpose and an immediate
work, creating substantial disorder, and invading the rights              prospect of execution of the threat, and thereby causes
of either school personnel or pupils by creating an                       that person reasonably to be in sustained fear for his
intimidating or hostile educational environment.                          or her own safety or for his or her immediate family's
                                                                          safety, or for the protection of school district property,
                       Ed Code 48900.5                                    or the personal property of the person threatened or
Suspension shall be imposed only when other means of                      his or her immediate family.
correction fail to bring about proper conduct.
However, a pupil, including an individual with exceptional                         EDUCATION CODE SECTION 48915
needs, as defined in Section 56026, may be suspended for                  (a) Except as provided in subdivisions (c) and (e), the
any of the reasons enumerated in Section 48900 upon a first               principal or the superintendent of schools shall
offense, if the principal or superintendent of schools                    recommend the expulsion of a pupil for any of the
determines that the pupil violated subdivision (a), (b), (c), (d),        following acts committed at school or at a school
or (e) of Section 48900 or that the pupil's presence causes               activity off school grounds, unless the principal or
a danger to persons or property or threatens to disrupt the               superintendent finds that expulsion is inappropriate,
instructional process.                                                    due to the particular circumstance:

                        Ed Code 48900.6                                   (1) Causing serious physical injury to another person,
As part of or instead of disciplinary action prescribed by this           except in self-defense.
article, the principal of a school, the principal's designee, the         (2) Possession of any knife or other dangerous object
superintendent of schools, or the governing board may                     of no reasonable use to the pupil.
require a pupil to perform community service on school                    (3) Unlawful possession of any controlled substance
grounds or, with written permission of the parent or guardian             listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053)
of the pupil, off school grounds, during the pupil's non-school           of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, except
hours. For the purposes of this section, "community service"              for the first offense for the possession of not more than
may include, but is not limited to, work performed in the                 one avoirdupois ounce of marijuana, other than
community or on school grounds in the areas of outdoor                    concentrated cannabis.
beautification, community or campus betterment, and                       (4) Robbery or extortion.
teacher, peer, or youth assistance programs. This section                 (5) Assault or battery, as defined in Sections 240 and
does not apply if a pupil has been suspended, pending                     242 of the Penal Code, upon any school employee.
expulsion, pursuant to Section 48915. However, this section
applies if the recommended expulsion is not implemented or

(b) Upon recommendation by the principal, superintendent                      of Section 48900, or Section 48900.2, 48900.3, or
of schools, or by a hearing officer or administrative panel                   48900.4, and either of the following:
appointed pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 48918, the                   (1) That other means of correction are not feasible or
governing board may order a pupil expelled upon finding that                  have repeatedly failed to bring about proper conduct.
the pupil committed an act listed in subdivision (a) or in                    (2) That due to the nature of the violation, the presence
subdivision (a), (b), (c), (d), or (e) of Section 48900. A                    of the pupil causes a continuing danger to the physical
decision to expel shall be based on a finding of one or both                  safety of the pupil or others.
of the following:
(1) Other means of correction are not feasible or have                        (f) The governing board shall refer a pupil who has
repeatedly failed to bring about proper conduct.                              been expelled pursuant to subdivision (b) or (e) to a
(2) Due to the nature of the act, the presence of the pupil                   program of study which meets all of the conditions
causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the pupil                specified in subdivision (d). Notwithstanding this
or others.                                                                    subdivision, with respect to a pupil expelled pursuant
                                                                              to subdivision (e), if the county superintendent of
(c) The principal or superintendent of schools shall                          schools certifies that an alternative program of study is
immediately suspend, pursuant to Section 48911, and shall                     not available at a site away from a comprehensive
recommend expulsion of a pupil that he or she determines                      middle, junior, or senior high school, or an elementary
has committed any of the following acts at school or at a                     school, and that the only option for placement is at
school activity off school grounds:                                           another comprehensive middle, junior, or senior high
(1) Possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing a firearm.                   school, or another elementary school, the pupil may be
This subdivision does not apply to an act of possessing a                     referred to a program of study that is provided at a
firearm if the pupil had obtained prior written permission to                 comprehensive middle, junior, or senior high school, or
possess the firearm from a certificated school employee,                      at an elementary school.
which is concurred in by the principal or the designee of the
principal. This subdivision applies to an act of possessing a                 (g) As used in this section, "knife" means any dirk,
firearm only if the possession is verified by an employee of                  dagger, or other weapon with a fixed, sharpened blade
a school district.                                                            fitted primarily for stabbing, a weapon with a blade
(2) Brandishing a knife at another person.                                    fitted primarily for stabbing, a weapon with a blade
(3) Unlawfully selling a controlled substance listed in                       longer than 3 1/2 inches, a folding knife with a blade
Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10                      that locks into place, or a razor with an unguarded
of the Health and Safety Code.                                                blade.
(4) Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault as
defined in subdivision (n) of Section 48900 or committing a                   (h) As used in this section, the term "explosive" means
sexual battery as defined in subdivision (n) of Section 48900.                "destructive device" as described in Section 921 of
(5) Possession of an explosive.                                               Title 18 of the United States Code.

(d) The governing board shall order a pupil expelled upon                              SEXUAL HARASSMENT-Students
finding that the pupil committed an act listed in subdivision                                   Board Policy 5145.7
(c), and shall refer that pupil to a program of study that meets              The Governing Board is committed to maintaining a
all of the following conditions:                                              safe school environment that is free from harassment
(1) Is appropriately prepared to accommodate pupils who                       and discrimination. The Board prohibits sexual
exhibit discipline problems.                                                  harassment of students at school or at school-
(2) Is not provided at a comprehensive middle, junior, or                     sponsored or school-related activities. The Board also
senior high school, or at any elementary school.                              prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against any
(3) Is not housed at the school site attended by the pupil at                 person who reports, files a complaint or testifies about,
the time of suspension.                                                       or otherwise supports a complainant in alleging sexual
(e) Upon recommendation by the principal, superintendent
of schools, or by a hearing officer or administrative panel                   The district strongly encourages any student who feels
appointed pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 48918, the                   that he/she is being or has been sexually harassed on
governing board may order a pupil expelled upon finding that                  school grounds or at a school-sponsored or school-
the pupil, at school or at a school activity off of school                    related activity by another student or an adult to
grounds violated subdivision (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), or (m)        immediately contact his/her teacher, the principal, or
                                                                              any other available school employee. Any employee

who receives a report or observes an incident of sexual               Any staff member found to have engaged in sexual
harassment shall notify the principal or a district compliance        harassment or sexual violence toward any student
officer.                                                              shall be subject to discipline up to and including
                                                                      dismissal in accordance with applicable policies, laws,
Complaints regarding sexual harassment shall be                       and/or collective bargaining agreements.
investigated and resolved in accordance with law and district
procedures specified in AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint                 Record Keeping
Procedures. Principals are responsible for notifying students         The Superintendent or designee shall maintain a
and parents/guardians that complaints of sexual harassment            record of all reported cases of sexual harassment to
can be filed under AR 1312.3 and where to obtain a copy of            enable the district to monitor, address, and prevent
the procedures.                                                       repetitive harassing behavior in district schools.
                                                                      Adopted: May 19, 1993 Revised: May 18, 2016
The Superintendent or designee shall take appropriate
actions to reinforce the district's sexual harassment policy.         Questions or complaints of alleged discrimination,
                                                                      harassment, intimidation and bullying or Title IX
Instruction/Information                                               equity and compliance concerns for students
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that all district         should be directed to:
students receive age-appropriate instruction and information
on sexual harassment. Such instruction and information                Craig Baker, Executive Director Student Services
shall include:                                                        9680 Citrus Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335
     1. What acts and behavior constitute sexual                      909-357-7600 extension 29194
          harassment, including the fact that sexual
          harassment could occur between people of the                      UNIFORM COMPLAINT PROCEDURES
          same sex and could involve sexual violence                          UCP Annual Notice for 2018 - 2019
     2. A clear message that students do not have to                  For stakeholders including students, employees,
          endure sexual harassment under any circumstance
                                                                      parents/guardians of its pupils, district advisory
     3. Encouragement to report observed instances of
          sexual harassment even where the alleged victim             committees, school advisory committees, private
          of the harassment has not complained                        school officials or representatives, and other
     4. A clear message that student safety is the district's         interested parties.
          primary concern, and that any separate rule
          violation involving an alleged victim or any other          The Fontana Unified School District has the primary
          person reporting a sexual harassment incident will          responsibility for compliance with federal and state
          be addressed separately and will not affect the
                                                                      laws and regulations. The District has established
          manner in which the sexual harassment complaint
          will be received, investigated, or resolved                 Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) to address
     5. Information about the district's procedure for                allegations of unlawful discrimination, harassment,
          investigating complaints and the person(s) to               intimidation, and bullying, and complaints alleging
          whom a report of sexual harassment should be                violation of state or federal laws governing educational
          made                                                        programs, the charging of unlawful pupil fees and the
     6. Information about the rights of students and                  non-compliance of our Local Control and
          parents/guardians to file a civil or criminal
          complaint, as applicable                                    Accountability Plan (LCAP).

Disciplinary Actions                                                  The district requires that school personnel take
Any student who engages in sexual harassment or sexual                immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so when
violence at school or at a school-sponsored or school-                he or she witnesses an act of discrimination,
related activity is in violation of this policy and shall be          harassment, intimidation, or bullying. The District will
subject to disciplinary action. For students in grades 4-12,
                                                                      investigate all allegations of unlawful discrimination,
disciplinary action may include suspension and/or expulsion,
provided that, in imposing such discipline, the entire                harassment, intimidation or bullying against any
circumstances of the incident(s) shall be taken into account.         protected group as identified in Education Code
                                                                      section 200 and 220 and Government Code section
                                                                      11135, including any actual or perceived
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