STUDENT MINI GUIDE - University of Plymouth

Page created by Christian Jensen
STUDENT MINI GUIDE - University of Plymouth
STUDENT MINI GUIDE - University of Plymouth
                                  The University of Plymouth delivers
                2018              high-quality teaching, learning and
          TOP 25                  outcomes for its students. It consistently
          THE YEAR                exceeds rigorous national quality                    Campus Facilities 4
                                  requirements for UK higher education.

                                                                                           Student Blogs 8

                                                                                  Things to do in the City 10
                    RANKED AS ONE OF THE UK'S
                                                                                 Places to Eat in the City 12
                    TOP 2 MODERN UNIVERSITIES
                    Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2018            Nightlife in the City 14

                                                                                          Explore Devon 16

                    OVER 175 UNDERGRADUATE COURSES                              Student Accommodation 20
                    MANY OFFERING PLACEMENT OR                                             Your Finances 22
                    WORK-BASED LEARNING OPTIONS.
                                                                                  Your Support Services 24

                                                                               Careers and Employability 26

                    TOP 10 RANKING FOR OUR                                          Your Students’ Union 28
                    STUDENTS' UNION (UPSU)                                              Travelling Home 32
                    StudentCrowd Students' Union Awards 2018

                                                                                      Applicant Timeline 34

                                                                                             Course List 36
                    WE’RE PROUD TO BE A SUSTAINABLE
    1               AND GREEN UNIVERSITY, AND THE                                          Campus Map 41
                    TO BE AWARDED THE SOCIAL                                                    City Map 42
                    ENTERPRISE MARK.
2                                                                                                           3
STUDENT MINI GUIDE - University of Plymouth
1   2                                                                3    4


1. Roland Levinsky Building            2. The House                       3. Students’ Union (UPSU)          4. Charles Seale-Hayne Library
This award-winning building is         This performing arts centre is a   This is the most popular meet-up   The library is open 24/7 all
arguably one of the most eye-          specialist teaching and learning   place for our students. Between    year round with open-access
catching in Plymouth! It hosts         environment as well as a touring   lectures, you can grab a coffee    computing, printing facilities
two of the University’s biggest        venue for the city.                from Costa or a burger at the      and free Wi-Fi. This huge space
lecture theatres, specialist art                                          Quarterdeck and check out the      has a variety of study areas,
and design studios, a cinema,                                             latest UPSU events.                offering you a great environment
an art gallery and a café with                                                                               for revising or writing your
breathtaking views of the city.                                                                              assignments.

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STUDENT MINI GUIDE - University of Plymouth
5    6                                                              7   8


5. Drake’s Place Gardens          6. Nancy Astor Sports Centre     7. Marine Station                     8. Campus cafés
    and Reservoir                  The gym on campus is here        This facility supports teaching       Enjoy fresh, sustainable food and
Unwind and refuel away from the    for you to let off steam after   and research across the               drink across the campus at one of
whirl of campus life. This Green   studying. With fully equipped    full breadth of our marine,           our nine award-winning cafés.
Flag accredited community          facilities and a wide range of   environmental science and
space is a lovely place to hang    classes from Spin to Zumba and   engineering courses.
out in the sun after a lecture.    Body Pump, you’re guaranteed a
                                   great workout here.

6                                                                                                                                         7
STUDENT MINI GUIDE - University of Plymouth
“Being a first-year student and
STUDENT BLOGS                                                            leaving school for university
                                                                         has been one of the biggest
                                                                         changes in my life, and the
                                                                         most significant thing for me
Our #MyLifeWithPlym student blogs give you an insight                    is the level of independence.
into what it is really like to be a student at the University.           During the whole whirlwind
Find out more and follow our current student bloggers                    of starting university, I have
on our website at                               already learnt so much.
                                                                         Through meeting new people
                                                                         from all over the world and
                                                                         gaining independence, I feel as
                                                                         though I am becoming more
                                                                         comfortable in myself. When I
                                 “I am a second-year student             break down everything that’s
                                  studying Architecture. The             happened so far, I’m certain
                                  aim of my blog is to explore           university was the right choice
                                  different topics of a student’s        for me.”
                                  everyday life. My first year of
                                  university was crammed with                   Shahana,
                                  events that have created many       BSc (Hons) Economics student
                                  amazing memories. One of my
                                  favourite parts was a field trip
                                  to Porto, which was a great way
                                  to get to know everyone on the
                                  course. Outside of studying, I
                                  am part of the University of
                                  Plymouth Basketball Club
                                  and I often go surfing with my
                                  flatmates. I am really excited to
                                  see where the next year takes

                              BA (Hons) Architecture student
8                                                                                                          9
STUDENT MINI GUIDE - University of Plymouth
City culture                           Harbour – both perfect for a         to welcome you. Have a wander       next one starts from Plymouth
                                       rainy day.                           around Drake Circus shopping        in 2020), food festivals such as
A short walk from campus takes
                                                                            centre, an exciting venue with      Flavour Fest, and regular farmers’
you to the Hoe, where you can
                                       Not far from the Barbican is the     more than 75 retailers including    markets where you can sample
find beautiful views across
                                       Royal William Yard. Its stunning     Tiger, H&M and Superdry, many       local produce of the South West.
Plymouth Sound and the famous
                                       waterfront views are something       of which offer student discounts.   Music festival MTV Ocean City
Smeaton’s Tower lighthouse. It’s a
                                       to remember, and with events like    A new development adjacent          Sounds has seen thousands of
perfect spot for a barbecue with
                                       outdoor theatre shows, open-air      to Drake Circus will include a      festival goers come together
friends in the summer. Take a stroll
                                       cinema screenings and festivals,     12-screen cinema with an IMAX       to watch acts such as Bastille,
down the promenade and you
enter the Barbican, Plymouth’s old     it’s fast becoming the number one    digital screen and 15 restaurants   Professor Green and Pete Tong
town and independent scene.            lifestyle destination in Plymouth.   and bars – due to open end of       with the Heritage Orchestra. If
As you explore its historical                                               2019.                               you’re in Plymouth in the summer,
cobbled streets, make sure you
                                       Shopping                                                                 the world-famous British Firework
check out the vintage shops,           Plymouth is a dream shopping         Events                              Championships are not to be
galleries and eateries. You            location for a student. Across the   There are lots of events to get     missed. You also have the famous
can also find the Plymouth Gin         city centre there’s an abundance     excited about throughout the        Boardmasters festival and Port
Distillery as well as the National     of high-street names and             year. Plymouth hosts major sports   Eliot Festival in Cornwall on your
Marine Aquarium on Sutton              independent retailers waiting        events, such as The Transat (the    doorstep.

10                                                                                                                                              11
STUDENT MINI GUIDE - University of Plymouth
Plymouth has a real            The Barbican is a haven for proper   cream from Pilgrims Ice Cream         Close to campus is Mr Wok Thai
foodie scene where the         West Country style food and drink,   Shop and take in the views of the     Noodle Bar, offering pad thai
                               and it’s only a 15-minute walk       harbour. In the evening, try award-   and curries. Dine with a sea view
choices of places to eat                                            winning traditional fish and chips    at the always stunning Royal
                               from campus. Try a traditional
are endless. For a cheap       Cornish pasty at The Barbican        from The Harbourside or grab a        William Yard. Check out the range
lunch look no further than     Pasty Company, or for a sit-down     sourdough pizza from The Stable.      of restaurant chain favourites,
the cafés on campus –          lunch with an incredible view go                                           including Prezzo, Wagamama
                                                                    Venture into town through Royal       and Las Iguanas.
nine in total! The 24-hour     to The Harbour restaurant, where
                                                                    Parade and find yourself at
go-to stop for students,       you’ll find great gluten-free and
                                                                    HUBBOX for American-inspired          Plymouth City Market is a hidden
The Caffeine Club, is just a   vegetarian options.
                                                                    street food. Bill’s, Turtle Bay and   treasure. You can find cafés,
short walk from campus.        Got a sweet tooth? Head to Roly’s
                                                                    Nandos are popular student            sweet shops and restaurants here.
                                                                    hangouts, all great places to         Take the opportunity to explore
                               Fudge Pantry and sample the
                                                                    celebrate when you’ve done well       the true taste of Plymouth under
                               traditional vanilla clotted cream
                                                                    in an assignment, and good for        one roof!
                               fudge. On a sunny day, grab an ice
                                                                    the student budget too.
12                                                                                                                                        13
STUDENT MINI GUIDE - University of Plymouth
Our campus couldn’t be                If you’re looking for a night out    Watch big-name musicians like
better located for student            in the city, check out Walkabout     Ed Sheeran and comedy acts like
                                      and Revolution on Union Street.      Russell Brand on stage at Plymouth
nightlife as its hub, North           Alternatively, take a walk down      Pavilions. You can even go ice-
Hill, is only across the road         to the Barbican, where you’ll find   skating before the show!
from us.                              bars to suit everyone. Later on
                                      you can drop into the largest        The Theatre Royal Plymouth is
Start your evening in the Fresher     nightclub in Plymouth, PRYZM,        also worth a visit. Known as the
and Professor or in our on-           featuring the best DJs on the        UK’s biggest regional producing           TOP
campus pub the James Street
Vaults. Don’t forget to stop by our
                                      scene, plus a retro disco room.      theatre, popular shows such as
                                                                           Mamma Mia, Matilda and Wicked           BANDS
Students’ Union which is open late    If live music is more your thing,    have been performed here to sell-
                                                                                                                 AND LIVE SHOWS
on Fridays and Saturdays. Q Bar       there are a number of venues         out audiences.
                                                                                                                     PERFORM AT
and Switch are where you’ll find      across the city that showcase
                                                                                                                PAVILIONS ARENA
yourself at the end of the night      diverse bands, from drum and
with your friends, open until 6am.    bass to rap and rock. Check out
                                      B-Bar and the Bread and Roses.

14                                                                                                                           15
STUDENT MINI GUIDE - University of Plymouth
Living and studying in        Day trips                             Only a 20-minute drive from the     in the world at the Eden Project
Plymouth gives you the                                              University campus is Dartmoor       and discover the huge crater of
                              When you have a day free of
                                                                    National Park. The vast landscape   incredible plants and gardens on
opportunity to explore the    lectures, don’t miss the chance to
                                                                    covers 368 square miles and         view. Adrenalin Quarry, home to
beautiful countryside and     take a boat trip. The Cremyll Ferry
                                                                    offers stunning views, awe-         a 490m zip wire, giant swing and a
                              takes you across the River Tamar
stunning beaches Devon        where you can catch amazing
                                                                    inspiring granite tors, deep        water park, is a great day out for
and Cornwall have to offer.   views of Plymouth Sound and
                                                                    wooded valleys with fast-flowing    groups. If you’re an animal lover,
Your great adventure starts                                         rivers and rugged, wide open        Pennywell Farm is a top attraction
                              the Royal William Yard. Mount
                                                                    spaces.                             where you can interact with
here…                         Edgcumbe, known as Britain’s
                                                                                                        hundreds of farm animals, and the
                              historic park by the sea, has a
                                                                    Take a road trip into Cornwall      famous Dartmoor Zoo is only 30
                              coastline of 7km as well as lots of
                                                                    to the largest indoor rainforest    minutes away!
                              different forest trails to explore.
16                                                                                                                                      17
STUDENT MINI GUIDE - University of Plymouth
Beaches                            beautiful views along the cliff      Watersports                         If scuba diving is something
                                   paths.                                                                   you’re interested in, the
As a Plymouth student you’ll be                                         We’re situated in one of the
                                                                                                            University is unique in offering
surrounded by over 120 miles of                                         country’s best locations for
                                   One of the best things about                                             its students the opportunity to
stunning coastline. With over 50                                        watersports. The spectacular
                                   studying in Plymouth is that                                             gain the HSE Professional SCUBA
beaches to choose from there’s                                          Plymouth Sound is only a mile
                                   you can easily hop on a train to                                         certification alongside their
so much to see and do.                                                  from campus. Here you can
                                   amazing seaside villages! You                                            marine-based degree.
                                                                        kayak, surf, sail, swim, or head
                                   are also very close to Cornwall
Wembury Beach is only a                                                 out on a stand-up paddleboard!
                                   and its world-famous beaches.
20-minute drive away from                                               If you’re new to watersports, the
                                   Make the most of your time
campus. A great place to hang                                           Mount Batten Centre and South
                                   here by visiting places like Looe,
out with friends, there’s lots                                          West SUP offer lessons.
                                   Newquay, St Ives and Land’s End.
of rock pools to explore and
18                                                                                                                                        19
Living in halls helps you to build    Be part of a thriving                           Halls are a great                   When booking a University-
lifelong friendships and adjust       community                                       opportunity to meet                 managed hall you will
to university life in a supportive                                                    people straight away                complete a lifestyle profile.
                                      Students who choose University-                 when you arrive              We use this information to match you
environment during your first
                                      managed halls enjoy a range        at university and lots of your            with your future flat mates and to help
year. The Accommodation Team
                                      of benefits. These include a       housemates become your first              you settle into university life.
is here to help you enjoy your                                           university friends. There are also
                                      Residence Life programme                                                            Due to the great location
time living in our halls community.                                      plenty of other opportunities to
                                      of social activities and trips                                                      of our University-managed
                                      throughout the year, special       make friends on your course and                  halls, you’ll never be late for
University-managed Halls                                                 through extra-curricular activities.             lectures! You can also explore
                                      offers in campus cafés and
of Residence                          exclusive resident competitions.               Self-catered halls of         our city centre with it’s wealth of
We have a wide variety of             You’ll meet our friendly Hall                  residence have fully          shops and cafes, or venture a little
University-managed halls of                                                          equipped kitchens so          further to the impressive Plymouth
                                      Volunteers on arrivals day, and
residence that offer a safe and                                                      that you can cook at          waterfront without having to drive or
                                      they’re on hand at evenings and    times to suit your lifestyle. You might   catch a bus from our halls.
friendly environment to our           weekends to offer any help you     want to do a food shop with your
students. Our halls are located       need or provide a cup of tea and   flat mates and cook some meals
on campus, or within the nearby       a chat.                            together. Alternatively, you can take
student village, which is a                                              advantage of the cafes on campus
couple of minutes’ walk from the       PlymouthUniAccommodation
                                                                         which serve snacks, lunches and
University’s facilities and nearby     @PlymUniResLife                  meals.
city-centre amenities.                 @plymunireslife

Bookings are made on a first          To find out how to apply for
come, first served basis and your     accommodation, visit:
hall of residence and room type
is normally confirmed within 72       accommodation
hours. Once this is complete, you
can meet your new neighbours                                                 WE GUARANTEE A PLACE IN HALLS –
through our dedicated social                                                 EITHER UNIVERSITY MANAGED OR FROM
media groups and make like-                                              ACCREDITED PRIVATE PROVIDERS – TO ALL
minded friends before arrivals                                           UNDERGRADUATE FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS
day.                                                                     WHO MAKE PLYMOUTH THEIR FIRM FIRST
                                                                         AND APPLY BEFORE THE DEADLINE
                                                                         STATED ON THE WEBSITE.
20                                                                                                                                                      21
We’re sure you’ve got plenty of      University Financial Support
questions about how much your        Fund for students. The fund
time at university will cost. We     ensures that students with the
have some key information to         greatest need have access to
help you get in the know about all   both additional financial support
things student finance.              and other appropriate support                                                                           Budgeting
                                     services.                                                                                    As the loan is paid in three
Tuition fees and                                                                                                                instalments, it is up to you to
student loans                        Some of our courses qualify for                                                             budget this so you don’t get
                                     other support. Visit our website                                                       caught out! Our current students
• Our undergraduate fee for
                                     for more details.                                                                         have suggested the following
  2019–20 entry is £9,250
                                                                                                            budgeting tips:
  per annum for Home/EU
                                     Cover your living costs
• You can pay this all upfront or
  you can apply to the Student
  Loans Company for a loan to
                                     If you’re studying full time you’re
                                     eligible to apply for a living
                                     cost loan. This helps fund
                                                                                       1    DON’T SPLASH OUT TOO MUCH on academic books in the first
                                                                                            year – look out for second year students selling their old books.

  cover your fees.                                                                         If you struggle to keep tabs on how much you’re spending
                                     your everyday spending for
• You won’t repay a penny of the     things like food, travel and                          then a BUDGETING APP could be the way to go.
  loan until you’re earning over     accommodation costs.
  £25,725 a year.
• Repayments vary according to        +44 (0)1752 587680
                                                                                       3    A PART-TIME JOB can be a great experience if you can manage your
                                                                                            time well while you’re studying.

  personal circumstances, but                                Try NOT TO EAT OUT TOO OFTEN but when you do, always try to use
  if you’re earning £25,725 a year                                 vouchers and discount codes.
  you’ll be paying around £15 a      * Fees may be increased by up to 5% per annum

                                                                                       5    Download the UNIDAYS APP AND BUY A 16–25 RAILCARD as these
                                     in accordance with, and if so permitted by
                                     changes in, legislation or government policy.
                                     For further information on current tuition fees
                                                                                            will save you lots of money when travelling and shopping.
Scholarships and                     in general, and any proposed increases in

We offer a range of scholarships
                                     particular, please visit our website.
                                     ** This information was correct at the time
                                     of publication in April 2019. For the latest
                                     information, please visit
                                                                                       6   Don’t knock SUPERMARKET BASICS until you’ve tried them; rather
                                                                                           than buying branded foods, go for cheaper alternatives.

and bursaries to help you
fund your studies. We offer a
                                                                                       7    Have a SEPARATE ACCOUNT to your loan and rent so you can see what
                                                                                            you are spending your money on and what is coming in and going out.
22                                                                                                                                                              23

Health and Wellbeing
We know how important it is
to look after your health and
wellbeing at university. The
Learning Gateway offers a range
of helpful services to support you
through your academic journey,
so you are never alone.

Student Counselling offers you
the chance to book a confidential
consultation with one of our
professional counsellors. They
help you to develop effective
coping strategies and life skills
for any issues affecting your
time at university.
                                     Disability Services offers advice   Union and has a seat in the         Our Multi-Faith Chaplaincy is
S.P.A.C.E – The Wellbeing Café       and guidance on disability,         Student Parliament.                 open for everyone on campus,
is open to all students who may      including help with study                                               whether you have a faith or just
be feeling anxious or isolated.      requirements and the Disabled       Learning Development works          want to meet new people in a
Come along, have a drink and a       Students’ Allowance.                with you to develop skills for      friendly social space.
chat with our friendly staff.                                            learning, to think critically and
                                     The LGBT Society aims to            creatively, to achieve your best    For more information about
Our Mental Health Support            have fun while also raising and     and enjoy your studies.             any of our support services,
Drop In offers support if your       addressing important issues. An                                         please visit:
mental health is having a serious    LGBT Campaigns Chair is elected                               
impact on your life at university.   by members of the Students’                                             learninggateway
24                                                                                                                                              25
CAREERS AND                                                                TOP 15 BEST
EMPLOYABILITY                                                              UNIVERSITIES FOR
                                                                           CAREER SERVICES
Where will your degree take you?                                           IN 2017
The Careers and Employability                                              StudentCrowd University Careers
Service is here to give you                                                Service Winners 2017
careers guidance throughout
your university experience. It also
continues to help you for three
years after you graduate, so you
won’t be on your own when it
comes to that exciting time of
starting your career!
What we can help with:
•	career planning advice
•	postgraduate study options
•	job searches
•	placement and work-based
   learning opportunities
•	CV and application support
•	interview and assessment
   centre advice
•	support with extra-curricular      •	events bringing employers         You will have the opportunity to:    +44 (0)1752 587456
   activities.                           to campus from a wide range                                           
                                                                           •	access the vacancy board
How we do it:                            of sectors and industries            to search for part-time work,    
                                         who want to recruit Plymouth         placements and internships
•	employability and placement
                                         graduates.                        •	book your one-to-one
   drop-in sessions
•	one-to-one appointments            myCareer                                appointments online
•	workshops and skills               As a student you have access         •	set alerts for new
   development sessions               to myCareer, our innovative             opportunities and events
                                      online system, supporting you           according to your personal
•	career sessions as part of your
                                      to develop your skills and career.      preferences and career goals.
26                                                                                                                                         27
YOUR STUDENTS’ UNION                                                           OUR AWARDS
                                                                               •P  LYMOUTH BEST BAR
                                                                                  NONE GOLD AWARD
                                                                               •N  US BEST BAR NONE
                                                                                  GOLD AWARD
As a student of the                                                            •N  US GREEN IMPACT
University of Plymouth                                                         • INVESTORS IN PEOPLE
you are automatically a                                                           GOLD AWARD
member of the University of                                                    • INVESTING IN
Plymouth Students’ Union
(UPSU). Led by students
and supported by a team
of staff, the UPSU is here
to support the wellbeing of
every student studying with                PREVIOUS
the University.                            SUMMER BALL
                                           HEADLINERS HAVE
UPSU makes sure you have a
successful, fulfilling and rewarding
                                           CRAIG DAVID,
time both at university and in the         ELLA EYRE AND                        +44 (0)1752 588388

future. They do this by helping you        SCOUTING FOR                        
to be empowered, socially                  GIRLS
fulfilled and feel more financially
secure. They work to ensure            •	UPSU runs a free independent     •	UPSU runs the city’s largest     •	They are a licenced centre of
that you can learn and grow in            advice centre.                      Open Mic night and the              the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
an environment where you’re                                                   second-largest nightclub with       programme.
supported and cared for.               •	There are a wide range of
                                          volunteering opportunities          hundreds of live gigs and club   •	They run the largest student
                                          available to you through UPSU.      nights throughout the year.         event in the South West, the
They provide you with a
comfortable safe space to come         •	The Students’ Union employs      •	Vibrant bars, a shop and            end of year Summer Ball.
and relax, enjoy a coffee, a bite to      hundreds of students each           restaurants provide a wide
eat, grab some food on the go and         year.                               range of food and drink
a place to catch up with friends                                              options.
and meet new people.

28                                                                                                                                               29
                                                                           STUDENTS ARE INVOLVED IN 50 SPORTS
                                                                           CLUBS AND 100 SOCIETIES

Societies                             Varsity
Joining one of the 100 societies      Varsity is the sports challenge
we have on offer is a great           event of the year where student
way to make the most of your          teams from the University of
university experience. Societies      Plymouth compete against
are here for you to meet like-        Plymouth Marjon University.
minded people, pursue a hobby         With 19 matches over 13 different
or try something new. All of our      disciplines hosting over 500
societies are student led and you     student athletes, each year our
even have the option to start your    students get together to show
own society!                          their support for the University
                                      while at the same time raising
Sports                                money for charity.
There are 50 diverse student-
led sports clubs, including           Volunteering
watersports. Clubs offer much         The Students’ Union Volunteering
more than just playing sport, and     Department is here to develop
ours are committed to delivering      and promote student volunteering
an excellent sporting student         within the local community.
experience by providing a wide        They can help you find an
range of opportunities to             opportunity that will enhance your
get involved in.                      studies, as well as give you the
                                      chance to learn new skills, meet
                                      other students, try new things and
Some of our societies:                have fun.

 A Capella      Knit Fast    Photography          Sailing     Dance
 Games        Harry Potter     Ale & Cider       Surf Basketball
     Student Mind     Baking         People & Planet        Football
      Vegan           Disney              LGBT+             K-pop
30                                                                                                                   31
“Coming from London, an
TRAVELLING HOME                                                                                                  hour-plus bus ride got me to
                                                                                                                 sixth form and back every day
                                                                                                                 for two years. So, I’m used to
                                                                                                                 having to make an effort to
                                                                                                                 tie down plans to go places.
                                                                                                                 London can feel isolated. I can’t
Travelling to Plymouth is
                                                                                                                 say the same about Plymouth.
well worth the journey.
                                                                                                                 People say hello. They’re
You can find our campus in the                                                                                   really friendly, and plans can
heart of the city, and we are well
                                                                                                                 be much looser because so
connected by road and rail
                                                                                                                 much is so close. Getting to
to the rest of the country.
                                                                                                                 anywhere is an absolute dream.
By rail                                                                                                          You can do so much without
Plymouth railway station is just                                                                                 having to stray too far from
a few minutes’ walk from                                                                                         its heart. There is such a great
campus, so it’s easy to jump on                                                                                  community feel in Plymouth.”
a train straight after lectures.
A regular train service from                                                                                             James,
London Paddington to Plymouth
takes around three to four-and-
                                                                                                                    BDS Dental Surgery
a-quarter hours. Other direct
services head to Plymouth
from across the South West,           By car                             Staying home for uni                   “I’ve lived in Plymouth my entire
South Wales, the Midlands,                                                                                      life. With the sea on one side and
                                      Plymouth is easily reached by      If you live locally to Plymouth,
the North and Scotland.                                                                                         the countryside on the other, as
                                      following the M5 motorway          why would you want to go
                                      and then continuing on the A38     anywhere else? With so much to         well as the city in the centre, the
By coach
                                      Expressway via Exeter. It takes    explore in this part of the country,   location is a great asset to the
The new Plymouth Coach Station                                                                                  University. The best part about
                                      about four-and-a-half hours from   there’s nowhere better for you to
is in the city centre, a two minute                                                                             staying in the city I’ve grown up
                                      London to Plymouth.                start your next great adventure!
walk from the campus, offering                                                                                  in is having my friends and family
                                      Sat nav ref: PL4 8AA.
daily coach services from major                                                                                 with me along the journey.”
cities to Plymouth. A typical         Find out more about visiting
coach trip from London Victoria                                                                                 Shahana, BSc (Hons) Economics
                                      Britain’s Ocean City on our
to Plymouth takes around              website: www.plymouth.
five-and-a-half hours.      
32                                                                                                                                                   33
The University will be holding

                                                                                   autumn Open Days.
                                                                                    Find out more:

                             SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019                          NOVEMBER 2019                               DEC

                         Applications for most courses in medicine and       Complete UCAS form and submit         You are

                         dentistry should be submitted to UCAS before        before the deadline on 15 January.    invited to our

                                   the deadline on 15 October.                                                     Applicant Day
                                                                                     Find out more:
The University holds a spring                                                                                      or an interview
 Open Day. Find out more:                                                                                          if you hold an                                                                                             offer with us.

                                                                                                                              U   AR
                                                          MARCH 2020                    FEBRUARY 2020                    JA N

                                  Reply to all offers — firm, insurance        Begin the process of applying for            UCAS deadline

                                    or decline, and respond to any               university accommodation.                   15 January.
                                   requests for further information
                                                                                  See our website for further          Student Finance opens.
                                      outlined in the offer letter.
                                                                                                                          Find out more:


The University      20
hosts a summer
                                                          AUGUST 2020                              SEPTEMBER 2020
Open Day. Find out more:               A level results and Clearing. You need                  ENROL AT UNIVERSITY
opendays                          to check UCAS Track online to see the
                                  status of your application. If the entry
                                requirements have not been met, contact
                                    the University as soon as possible.
34                                                                                                                                                35
     Award           Course                                                          Year In   Award           Course                                                    Year In
                                                                                    Industry                                                                            Industry
     Architecture & Built Environment                                                          BSc (Hons)     Maritime Business and Maritime Law                           ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Architectural Engineering                                         ✔       BSc (Hons)     Maritime Business and Logistics with Foundation Year         ✔
     BA (Hons)       Architecture                                                              BSc (Hons)     Maritime Business and Maritime Law with Foundation Year      ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Building Surveying                                                ✔       BSc (Hons)     Maritime Transport and Logistics (top-up)
     BSc (Hons)      Construction Project Management                                   ✔       BSc (Hons)     Marketing                                                    ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Quantity Surveying                                                ✔       BSc (Hons)     Marketing with Foundation Year                               ✔
     Art                                                                                       Chemistry
     BA (Hons)       Documentary Photography                                           ✔       MChem          Analytical Chemistry                                         ✔
     BA (Hons)       Film and Television Production                                            BSc (Hons)     Chemistry                                                    ✔
     BA (Hons)       Fine Art                                                                  BSc (Hons)     Chemistry with Foundation Year                               ✔
     BA (Hons)       Fine Art and Art History                                                  Computing & Mathematical Sciences
     BA (Hons)       Illustration                                                              BSc (Hons)     Computer and Information Security                            ✔
     BA (Hons)       Illustration with Foundation                                              BSc (Hons)     Computer Science                                             ✔
     BA (Hons)       Creative Media                                                            MSci (Hons)    Computer Science                                             ✔
     BA (Hons)       Creative Media with Foundation                                            BSc (Hons)     Computer Science with Foundation Year                        ✔
     BA (Hons)       Photography                                                               BSc (Hons)     Computing                                                    ✔
     BA (Hons)       Photography with Foundation                                               BSc (Hons)     Computing and Games Development                              ✔
     Biological Sciences                                                                       BSc (Hons)     Data Modelling and Analytics (top-up)
     BSc (Hons)      Animal Behaviour and Welfare                                      ✔       BSc (Hons)     Mathematics                                                 ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Animal Conservation Science (top-up)                                      BSc (Hons)     Mathematics and Statistics                                  ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Biological Sciences                                               ✔       BSc (Hons)     Mathematics with Education                                  ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Biological Sciences with Foundation Year                                  BSc (Hons)     Mathematics with Finance                                    ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Biosciences (top-up)                                              ✔       BSc (Hons)     Mathematics with Foundation Year                            ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Conservation Biology                                              ✔       BSc (Hons)     Mathematics with High Performance Computing                 ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Environmental Biotechnology                                       ✔       BSc (Hons)     Mathematics with Theoretical Physics                        ✔
     Business & Management                                                                     Design
     BA (Hons)       Accounting and Finance                                           ✔        BA (Hons)      3D Design
     BA (Hons)       Accounting and Finance with Foundation Year                      ✔        BA (Hons)      Digital Design Innovation                                   ✔
     BA (Hons)       Business                                                         ✔        BSc (Hons)     Digital Design Innovation                                   ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Business Economics                                               ✔        BA (Hons)      Digital Media Design                                        ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Business Management (2 years)                                    ✔        BSc (Hons)     Digital Media Design                                        ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Business Management (3 years)                                    ✔        BA (Hons)      Game Arts and Design                                        ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Business Management with Foundation Year                         ✔        BA (Hons)      Graphic Design
     BSc (Hons)      Business Management with Foundation Year (Fast-track)            ✔        BA (Hons)      Graphic Design with Typography with Foundation
     BSc (Hons)      Economics                                                        ✔        BA (Hons)      Immersive Media                                             ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Economics with Foundation Year                                   ✔        BA (Hons)      Internet Design                                             ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Financial Economics                                              ✔        BSc (Hons)     Internet Design                                             ✔
     BA (Hons)       Human Resource Management (top-up)                                        BA (Hons)      Publishing                                                  ✔
     BA (Hons)       International Business                                        Mandatory   Earth, Geography & Environment
     BA (Hons)       International Finance (top-up)                                            BSc (Hons)     Applied Geology                                             ✔
     BA (Hons)       International Management (top-up)                                         BSc (Hons)     Earth Sciences with Foundation Year                         ✔
     BSc (Hons)      International Supply Chain and Shipping Management (top-up)               BSc (Hons)     Environmental Management and Sustainability                 ✔
     BA (Hons)       International Trade and Operations Management (top-up)                    BSc (Hons)     Environmental Science                                       ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Management Practice (top-up) (online)                                     BSc (Hons)     Environmental Science with Foundation Year                  ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Maritime Business and Logistics                                  ✔        BA (Hons)      Geography                                                   ✔

36                                                                                                                                                                                 37
     Award            Course                                                                Year In   Award            Course                                                                   Year In
                                                                                           Industry                                                                                            Industry
     BSc (Hons)     Geography                                                                 ✔       Hospitality & Tourism
     BA (Hons)      Geography with International Relations                                    ✔       BSc (Hons)       Cruise Management                                                          ✔
     BSc (Hons)     Geography with Ocean Science                                              ✔       BSc (Hons)       Events Management                                                          ✔
     BSc (Hons)     Geology                                                                   ✔       BSc (Hons)       Events Management with Foundation Year                                     ✔
     MGeol (Hons) Geology                                                                     ✔       BSc (Hons)       Hospitality Management                                                     ✔
     BSc (Hons)     Geology with Foundation Year                                              ✔       BA (Hons)        Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management (top-up)
     BSc (Hons)     Geology with Ocean Science                                                ✔       BSc (Hons)       Tourism and Hospitality Management                                         ✔
     BSc (Hons)     Physical Geography and Geology                                            ✔       BSc (Hons)       Tourism and Hospitality Management with Foundation Year                    ✔
     Education & Teaching                                                                             BSc (Hons)       Tourism Management                                                         ✔
     CertEd         Certificate in Education (incorporating the Diploma in Education and              Humanities
                    Training)                                                                         BA (Hons)        Anthropology
     BA (Hons)      Early Childhood Studies                                                   ✔       BA (Hons)        Art History
     BA (Hons)      Early Childhood Studies with Foundation                                           BA (Hons)        English
     BA (Hons)      Education                                                                 ✔       BA (Hons)        English and Creative Writing
     BA (Hons)      Education with Foundation                                                         BA (Hons)        English and Creative Writing with Foundation
     BEd (Hons)     Primary (Special Educational Needs with QTS)                                      BA (Hons)        English with Foundation
     BEd (Hons)     Primary (FS/KS1 with QTS)                                                         BA (Hons)        English with History
     BEd (Hons)     Primary (KS1/KS2 with QTS)                                                        BA (Hons)        English with Publishing
     Engineering                                                                                      BA (Hons)        History
     BEng (Hons)    Civil and Coastal Engineering                                            ✔        BA (Hons)        History with English
     MEng (Hons)    Civil and Coastal Engineering                                            ✔        BA (Hons)        History with Foundation
     BEng (Hons)    Civil Engineering                                                        ✔        BA (Hons)        History with International Relations
     MEng (Hons)    Civil Engineering                                                        ✔        BA (Hons)        History with Politics
     BEng (Hons)    Civil Engineering with Foundation Year                                   ✔        Law & Criminology
     BEng (Hons)    Electrical and Electronic Engineering                                    ✔        BSc (Hons)       Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies
     MEng (Hons)    Electrical and Electronic Engineering                                    ✔        BSc (Hons)       Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies with International Relations
     BSc (Hons)     Electrical and Electronic Engineering                                    ✔        BSc (Hons)       Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies with Law
     BEng (Hons)    Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year               ✔        BSc (Hons)       Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies with Psychology
     BEng (Hons)    Marine Technology                                                        ✔        BSc (Hons)       Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies with Sociology
     MEng (Hons)    Marine Technology                                                        ✔        LLB (Hons)       Law
     BEng (Hons)    Mechanical Engineering                                                   ✔        LLB (Hons)       Law with Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies
     MEng (Hons)    Mechanical Engineering                                                   ✔        BSc (Hons)       Police and Criminal Justice Studies
     BEng (Hons)    Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year                              ✔        Marine & Ocean
     BEng (Hons)    Mechanical Engineering with Composites                                   ✔        BSc (Hons)       Marine Biology                                                            ✔
     MEng (Hons)    Mechanical Engineering with Composites                                   ✔        BSc (Hons)       Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology                                        ✔
     BEng (Hons)    Robotic Engineering with Foundation Year                                 ✔        BSc (Hons)       Marine Biology and Oceanography                                           ✔
     BEng (Hons)    Robotics                                                                 ✔        BSc (Hons)       Marine Biology with Foundation Year                                       ✔
     MEng (Hons)    Robotics                                                                 ✔        BSc (Hons)       Marine Sciences with Foundation Year                                      ✔
     BSc (Hons)     Robotics                                                                 ✔        BSc (Hons)       Navigation and Maritime Science                                           ✔
     Government & Society                                                                             FdSc             Navigation and Maritime Science                                           ✔
     BSc (Hons)     International Relations                                                           BSc (Hons)       Ocean Exploration and Surveying                                           ✔
     BSc (Hons)     International Relations with Politics                                             MSci (Hons)      Ocean Science                                                             ✔
     BSc (Hons)     Politics with International Relations                                             BSc (Hons)       Ocean Science and Marine Conservation                                     ✔
     BSc (Hons)     Politics with Law                                                                 BSc (Hons)       Oceanography and Coastal Processes                                        ✔
     BSc (Hons)     Sociology                                                                ✔

38                                                                                                                                                                                                        39
COURSE LIST                                                                                                                          CAMPUS MAP
     Award           Course                                                            Year In       Railway Station
                                                                                      Industry                                                                                                                                     Wellbeing                                                           Plymouth Science
                                                                                                 1                                                                                                                     EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ST         Centre                                                             Park and Peninsula Allied

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ENDSLEIGH PLACE
     Medicine, Dentistry & Biomedical Sciences                                                                                                                                                                 AD                                                                                      Health Centre (PAHC)
     BDS             Bachelor of Dental Surgery                                                                                                                                                         TH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ace           Buckland
     BSc (Hons)      Biomedical Science                                                                                                                                                           N        err                   House
                                                                                         ✔                                                                                                               yT
     BSc (Hons)      Biomedical Science with Integrated Foundation Year                  ✔                                                                                                   Ki         ce
     BSc (Hons)      Dental Therapy and Hygiene                                                  2                                                                Hepw
                                                                                                                                                                         orth                 RK
                                                                                                                                                                                            KI by
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pla Kirkby               Nancy
                                                                                                                                                                                               rk KP     Lodge                           Drake
     BSc (Hons)      Dental Therapy and Hygiene with Foundation                                                                                                                             Ki                               Astor
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Portland NAB


                                                                                                                                                                                           Fran                                      Reser
     BSc (Hons)      Diagnostic Radiography                                                                                                                                                                       Mews                      voir

                                                                                                                                                                                                 cis D

                                                                                                                                                                       las                             rake
                                                                                                                                                     Portland Vil

     BSc (Hons)      Health and Fitness (top-up)                                                                                                                                      Rolle                        Ma

                                                                                                                                                              VILLAS                                   Hall    Newmry



                                                                                                                                                                                  JAMES STR
     BSc (Hons)      Healthcare Science (Physiological Sciences)

                                                                                         ✔       3                                                                                                                 Hall             Drake’s


     BSc (Hons)      Human Biosciences

                                                                                         ✔                                                                                                                                Portla

                                                                                                                                                                                            Student Fitzro
                                                                                                                                                                                                           FZB y          Squa nd

     BMBS            Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery                                                                                                                              Services                           re
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    IV             S

                                                                                                                                                                                            Village            Thea           B      h e
     BMBS            Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery with Foundation Year                                                                                                                                   tr           Cenrwell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                (IVT) e PS          SHCtre
     BSc (Hons)      Nutrition, Exercise and Health                                      ✔                                  NORTH CROSS                                                Brun
                                                                                                 4                                                             Babb                         el Charles
     Nursing, Midwifery & Allied Health Professions                                                                                                                    age              BRL        Seale                         A
                                                                                                                                                                   BGB                            Hay -
     BSc (Hons)      Dietetics                                                           ✔                                                                                                       Librane

                                                                                                                                                                                                       ry                    Main

     BSc (Hons)      Nursing (Adult Health)                                                                                                               Marin                                                              Hall

                                                                                                                           CH                                      e                                                                                                                                    GIBBON LAN
                                                                                                                                                             MB                                                     Davy

                                                                                                                        A                                                                                                                                                                                          E
     BSc (Hons)      Nursing (Child Health)                                                                                                                                           Sme



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         GIBBON STREET
                                                                                                                                                                                           aton                      DYB

     BSc (Hons)      Nursing (Mental Health)                                                                   A                                             Reyn

                                                                                                           4                                                        olds                                                  The                                                                            Gilwell

                                                                                                                                          Beckley                                                          Link                                                                                           Hall
     MNurs (Hons) Nursing (Adult Health and Child Health)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  LNK House






     MNurs (Hons) Nursing (Adult Health and Mental Health)                                                                                student                                                                                                                                                                                   Pilgrim

                                                                                                           Hotel                                                                     SC

                                                                                                                                          accommodation                                                                                                                                                                              Hall
     MNurs (Hons) Nursing (Child Health and Mental Health)

                                                                                                                                                                             Main Entrance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Roland                                                                                                                                    Radnor

     BSc (Hons)      Occupational Therapy                                                                                                            Discovery                                                                                                                                               Robbins                                           Hall
                                                                                                 6                                                                                                                 Levinsky RLB

                                                                                                                                                      Heights                                                                                                                                                  Hall



     BSc (Hons)      Optometry                                                                                                                        student

                                                                                                                                ARMADA                                                                                                                             Centre

     BSc (Hons)      Paramedic Science                                                                                            WAY                                                                                                                        (opening
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GILWELL PLACE

                                                                                                       Armada                                                                                                                                                  2020)                                                     Thomas
     BSc (Hons)      Physiotherapy                                                                      Way                                                                                                                                                                                            Centre

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DRAKE                                                                                  Pitts Victoria
                                                                                                      Shopping                                                                                                                     CIRCUS
     BSc (Hons)      Podiatry                                                                          Centre                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Hall
     BSc (Hons)      Pre-Registration Midwifery                                                  7                                                                                                                                                                                                REGENT
                                                                                                                   Yard                                                                                                                                                                                        STREET                    accommodation

                                                                                                                                          MAYFLOWER STREET
     BA (Hons)       Social Work                                                                                    City

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      INE ST
                                                                                                                            CITY                                                                                                                                            Plymouth College
     Performing Arts & Music                                                                                       Library CENTRE                                                                                                                                                of Art                          Regent Street

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         HAMPTON ST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CH                                                                     Car Park
     BA (Hons)       Acting

                                                                                                     Coach                                        Mayflower East                                                                                 A                                                                                                     CKY

                                                                                                 8   Station                                        Car Park                                                                                             LE
     BA (Hon)        Acting with Foundation                                                                                                                                                                                                                        S
     BA (Hons)       Dance                                                                                                                                                                                                      Drake Circus                                R
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Shopping Centre                                       T                            Station
     BA (Hons)       Dance with Foundation
                                                                                                                   a                 b                   c                    d                                   e                     f                                            g                       h                           i                        j
     BA (Hons)       Directing                                                                                                       Crown Copyright/database right. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service.
     BA (Hons)       Music                                                                                                           Compiled and drawn by the GeoMapping Unit. Last revision July 2017

     BA (Hons)       Drama and Theatre Practice
     BA (Hons)       Drama and Theatre Practice with Foundation
     MPsych          Advanced Psychology                                                 ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Psychology                                                          ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Psychology with Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies            ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Psychology with Human Biology                                       ✔
     BSc (Hons)      Psychology with Sociology                                           ✔

40                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        41

                                                                                                                                         UNIVERSITY OF
     University of                                                                                                                       PLYMOUTH
     Plymouth Campus
     Campus buildings
                                                                                                                          FRANCIS DRAKE
                                                                                                                                                                        MARY NEWMAN            GREENBANK
     City Centre: shops
     and restaurants                                                                                            5 mins
     Barbican: historical                         VICTORIA PARK                                                                                                                 GILWELL    PILGRIM
                                                                                           10 mins
     area boutiques and
     Halls of Residence                                                                                    DISCOVERY HEIGHTS                                       ROBBINS
                                                                     15 mins
     pedestrian route
                                          20 mins                 EAST STONEHOUSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                               BEAUMONT PARK

                                                                                                                                                                                 STATION             FROBISHER HOUSE
                                                                                                                                                          DRAKE CIRCUS
                                                                                                                 CITY CENTRE                            SHOPPING CENTRE

                                                                                                          CENTRAL POINT

                              UNIVERSITY OF PLYMOUTH

                                                                                                                             GUILDHALL                                     LOOE STREET

                                                                           PAVILIONS                                           ASTOR HOUSE
                                                                                                                                                                                              SUTTON HARBOUR
                                                                                                                                                         THE BARBICAN                                     NATIONAL MARINE

                                                                                                                                THE HOE
                            MILLBAY DOCKS                                                                                                                                                                        COXSIDE

                                                                                                                                                                  THE CITADEL
                                                                                                       E ROAD
                                                                                                                 SMEATON’S TOWER
 ROYAL WILLIAM YARD                                                                    WEST HOE                                             M

                                                                                               PLYMOUTH SOUND                TINSIDE LIDO

42                                                                                                                                                                                                                             43
University of Plymouth        The University is committed
Drake Circus                  to the promotion of equality
Plymouth                      and diversity. If you require this
                              publication in an alternative
Devon PL4 8AA
                              format, please contact us on
United Kingdom                +44 (0)1752 585858.

 +44 (0)1752 585858

                               This publication went to print in April
                               2019, which may be more than two
                               years before the start of your course.
                               Every effort has been made to ensure
                               the accuracy of the information in this
                               publication. However, as our courses
                               and services are regularly reviewed and
                               updated, some details may change. We
                               advise you to check our website at
                               www. for the latest
You can also read