Page created by Todd Wise


                                     Vice Chancellor’s Welcome		                                        2

                                     Why Choose James Cook University Brisbane		                        4

                                     Living in Brisbane		                                               6

                                     Services and Facilities		                                          8

                                     Joblinx 		                                                         9

                                     Courses and Degrees
                                     Undergraduate Courses		                                           10

                                        Bachelor of Business		                                         10

                                     Postgraduate Courses		                                            14

                                        Master of Business Administration		                            15

                                        Master of Education / Master of Business Administration		      16

                                        Master of Professional Accounting		                            18

                                        Master of International Tourism and Hospitality Management     20

                                        Master of Information Technology		                             22

                                     Important Information
                                     English Language Pathway		                                        25

                                     Study Abroad		                                                    26

                                     Academic Entry Requirements		                                     28

                                     Important Information		                                           30

                                     Planning Your Budget		                                            32

                                     Tuition Fees		                                                    33

                                     How to Apply		                                                    34

                                     Application Form		                                                35

                                     Where We Are                                        Inside Back Cover

                                     Contact Us                                                Back Cover

CRICOS Provider Code 00117J
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Welcome to James Cook University (JCU). Studying with us guarantees you a world-class
education, and opens your eyes to a world of diversity and opportunity.

During your time at JCU you will discover new ideas, issues, people and possibilities. You’ll become
part of a community in a truly supportive and encouraging study environment. You will leave
with the expertise and intellectual curiosity to make a difference in your chosen profession and

Our students are at the heart of JCU. As you explore this study guide, you will learn more

about the courses we offer, and the wonderful array of support services, facilities and career

                                                                                                       chào mừng
development opportunities you’ll be offered to help you make the most of your time at JCU.

I understand it can be a big step to study so far from home. I invite you to discover more about our
university by talking to our staff and students about the learning community we’re so proud to

                                                                                                             欢迎来到 Huānyíng lái dào
Professor Sandra Harding, BSc (Hons) ANU, MPubAdmin UQ, PhD NCSU,
Hon Doc JIU, FACE, FQA, FAICD, FAIM Vice Chancellor and President


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                                                                                                                   ยินดีตอ้ นรับ Yindī tx̂ nrạb
                                                                                                        Добро пожаловат Dobro pozhalovat
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WHY CHOOSE James Cook University Brisbane
                                                                                                                                    Ranked in the top 2% of
                Located in Brisbane's
                                                                           Trimester System
                                                                                                                     2%             universities worldwide
                                                                                                                                    * Academic Ranking of World Universities 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                    OUR RIVER CITY
                                                                                                                                                                                      6 min walk to the university from Central Station.   Students can hire bicycles by

                Employment and careers
                assistance from Joblinx
                                                                                                                     #              Voted #1 University in
                                                                                                                                    Australia for employer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 subscribing to CityCycle.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Regular bus services available with bus stops
                                                                           Five stars for job success                               satisfaction*                                     only a short stroll from the university.             3 minute walk to the university
                                                                                                                                    *QILT 2017 Employer Satisfaction                                             from Riverside Ferry Terminal.
                                                                           * Good Universities Guide 2017
                                                                                                                                    Survey National Report                                                                       
                                                                                                                                                                                      Paid parking stations are available close to the
                                                                                                                                                                                      university for students who wish to drive.
                                                                                                                                                                                      (N.B. The campus does not have a car park)
  Students:                                      43
                                                                                                            Average Age
                                                                                                                                  26%                        74%

                                                                                                                                    Undergraduate                Postgraduate

  James Cook University is the second oldest university in Queensland, recognised in the higher education sector for achievements in teaching and research. Recently
  ranked by Times Higher Education (THE) in the ‘Top 150 Universities under 50’ (2016), James Cook University continues to deliver high quality degrees preparing
  students for entry into the global workforce.

  Students who choose to study at JCU Brisbane will walk away with a tertiary qualification from a respected and highly acclaimed university. In addition to this,
  students will develop connections with a world renowned business, recognised for achievements in vocational and tertiary education, training, employment,
  recruitment and apprenticeships.

  James Cook University Brisbane is proud to form part of an internationally recognised organisation - Russo Higher Education.

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Brisbane's Top 10
    Living in Brisbane                                                                                                                             1.   Take a stroll through
                                                                                                                                                        Southbank Parklands
                                                                                                                                                   2.   Enjoy spectacular views
                                                                                                                                                        from the Mt Coot-tha
                                                                                                                                                   3.   Cruise the Brisbane River
                                                                                                                                                        by CityCat
                                                                                                                                                   4.   Travel to beautiful
                                                                                                                                                        Moreton Island and snorkel
                                                                                                                                                        around the wrecks
                                                                                                                                                   5.   Have a picnic at New Farm
                                                                                                                                                   6.   Check out the Australian
                                                                                                                                                        wildlife at Lone Pine
                                                                                                                                                   7.   Stand under a waterfall in
                                                                                                                                                        the Gold Coast Hinterland
                                                                                                                                                   8.   Visit white sandy beaches
                                                                                                                                                        on the north and south
                                                                                                                                                   9.   Head to Suncorp Stadium
                                                                                                                                                        or the Gabba to watch a
                                                                                                                                                        live sporting match
                                                                                                                                                   10. Climb Brisbane’s iconic
                                                                                                                                                       Story Bridge

                                                  More than 90 council parks have
                                                  exercise equipment so you can get
                                                  outdoors and exercise for free.

                                                                                       General Information
                                                  Brisbane is Australia's fastest
                                                                                       State            Queensland
                                                  growing capital city for
                                                  employment.                          Population       Over 2.2 million people
                  Brisbane enjoys approximately                                        Climate          Subtropical
                  283 sunny days per year.                                             Language         English
                                                  2000 bikes to cycle around           Time Zone        GMT/UTC + 10 hours
                                                  Brisbane.                            Currency         Australian Dollar ($AU)
                  Brisbane hosts Australia's
                  largest welcome festival for                                                          Relatively low compared to other
                  international students.                                              Cost of living   Australian capital cities such as Sydney
                                                  Nearly 30% of Brisbane’s                              and Melbourne
                                                  population was born overseas.
                  75,000 international students                                                  Dec — Feb
                  from more than 160 countries                                                   Average temperature: 27°C
                  have chosen Brisbane.           More than 16% of Brisbane
                                                                                                 Mar — May
                                                  households speak a language                    Average temperature: 23°C
                                                  other than English at home.
                                                                                                 Jun — Aug
                  130 koalas to cuddle at Lone                                                   Average temperature: 17°C
                  Pine Sanctuary.
                                                  Brisbane's Story Bridge is one of              Sep — Nov
                                                  only three bridge climbs in the                Average temperature: 22°C

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Services and Facilities
Campus                                     Student Mentor Program
JCU Brisbane is conveniently located       This is a volunteer program designed
in the heart of Brisbane's Central         to connect students with student
Business District (CBD). The high          mentors. We have found this network
rise campus provides students with         is a great way for new students to         Joblinx is an Internship Placement & Career Development                                            “Moving to Australia was a
                                                                                                                                                                                         big step for me and it was not
access to modern facilities including;
computer rooms, lecture rooms,
                                           find the support and encouragement
                                           they need to achieve their potential.
                                                                                      specialist; part of the Sarina Russo Group of companies,                                           long before I realised that to
student lounge, library, prayer rooms      The aim of the program is to help          Australia's largest private sector jobactive provider.                                             get into the Australian job
and free access to high speed Wi-Fi.       students adapt to university life, as                                                                                                         market, a degree would not
                                           well as enhance their Australian study                                                                                                        be enough. I approached
                                           experience.                                                                                                                                   Joblinx and I was amazed at
The Learning Centre                                                                   Since 2008, Joblinx has been                                                                       how friendly and supportive
The Learning Centre (TLC) is staffed
                                                                                      providing young professionals                                                                      the staff were. My Joblinx
by two academic professionals who
                                           Student Lounge                             with tailored training and                                                                         consultant put in a lot of effort
can provide you with free academic         The student lounge is set over one         work experience/internship                                                                         and got me an internship in an
advice and assignment assistance.                                                                                                                                                        accounting firm.
Our Learning Advisors are experienced
                                           entire floor and is the best place to      opportunities to enhance
                                           hang out on campus! Drop by between                                                                                                           Today I am working in
and qualified in the areas of English,     classes, lunch breaks and after hours      their employment outcomes.
numeracy and literacy. Whether you                                                                                                                                                       accounts payable in a leading
                                           to enjoy the pool table, foosball table,
are a student who is struggling or a       multiple TVs and even two Xbox 360s!       The Joblinx programs ensure                                                                        organisation. This would not
                                                                                                                                                                                         have been possible without
high achieving student, TLC is the key     The lounge also has a kitchen equipped     graduates gain a significant
to improving your grades, so make          with fridge and microwave facilities.                                                 “My internship at the Brisbane                          the help and support I
sure you come and see us!                                                             advantage with validated                   Marriott gave me the                                    received from Joblinx.”
                                                                                      and relevant Australian work               opportunity to utilise the skills
                                           Library                                    experience, in-depth skills                and knowledge that I learnt
                                                                                                                                                                                         Sumit Bansal
Student Counsellor                                                                                                               throughout my studies.                                  India
                                           The Library is a great place to study,     based training, mentoring                                                                          MPA
Leaving family to start a new degree       complete assignments, research                                                        I would highly recommend
in a foreign country can be daunting.      or chill out. The Library provides
                                                                                      and career consultation                    Joblinx to students who are
You may feel lost and in need of some      students with access to text books,        through Joblinx's highly                   looking to improve their skills,
guidance - counselling can help. Our
student counsellor is a highly qualified
                                           general books covering teaching areas,     experienced consultants.                   find local work experience and
                                           access to MacBook Air laptops, online                                                 internship opportunities.”
professional with more than 10 years       subject guides, and regular study skills
experience is this field.                                                             JCU Brisbane students can                  Jingwen Zhang
                                           workshops. Students also have 24/7
                                           access to eJournals, eBooks, streaming     access the services of Joblinx             China - MITHM / MBA
                                           videos and staff research.                 free of charge.
Academic Excellence
The Academic Excellence award
recognises and rewards top
                                           Student Advocate
                                           The Student Advocacy Officer
                                                                                                                                                                 WE PROVIDE
performing students who have               assists students with their rights                     PAID
excelled in their studies each
trimester. Awards are of monetary
                                           and responsibilities at JCU Brisbane.
                                           Specific examples of how the Student
value and are placed as a credit           Advocate can support you include;
towards tuition fees for future            reviewing grades, being a support
subjects. Recipients of the Academic
Excellence Award are ultimately
                                           person at academic appeals and
                                           hearings, providing assistance to those                GRADUATE*                      Free                                Free Training       Free Programs
eligible to compete for a JCU              applying for a leave of absence or
University Medal.                          special consideration.                                                                Workshops                           & Testing
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Work
                                                                                                  PROFESSIONAL                   • Resume and                        • Responsible         experience
                                                                                                  EXPERIENCE*                      interview skills                    Service of          programs
                                                                                                                                   training                            Alcohol (RSA)
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Workplace
                                                                                      *Students must pass job-ready assessment
                                                                                      prior to job referrals. Joblinx does not
                                                                                                                                 • Australian                        • Microsoft Excel     insurance
                                                                                      guarantee student employment.                workplace
                                                                                                                                                                     • Microsoft Word
                                                                                                                                   culture                                               • Job placement
                                                                                                                                                                     • Food and
                                                                                                                                 • Graduate                            Beverage          • Mentoring
                                                                                                                                                                     • Coffee Making
Bachelor of Business
                                                                                                                                                                              focus on work integrated learning,     •  Electives [Eight (8) subjects],     MAJORS
                                                                                                                                       Standard Duration
                                                                                                                                                                              a JCU BBus degree will develop a          with the exception of Bachelor      Select at least one major from the
                                                                                                                                       Eight (8) Trimesters
                                                                                                                                                                              student’s personal and professional       of Business (Accounting).           following list:
                                                                                                                                       Total No. of Subjects                  skills.                                Please refer to Bachelor of Business   • Accounting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Accounting Major subjects for full     • Hospitality and Tourism
                                                                                                                                       Intakes                                COURSE STRUCTURE                       details.
                                                                                                                                       March, July and November                                                                                                 Management
                                                                                                                                                                              Each program is comprised of 24
                                                                                                                                                                              subjects in total. Students must       CORE SUBJECTS                          • International Business
                                                                                                                                       OVERVIEW                               nominate one of the Business           LEVEL 1                                • Management
                                                                                                                                       JCU’s Bachelor of Business (BBus)      Majors listed when first making        BU1002 Accounting for Decision         An in-depth description of each
                                                                                                                                       provides the solid foundations         application for admission. The         Making                                 major is given on the following pages.
                                                                                                                                       needed for a prosperous business       choice of a second major and/or        BU1003 Economics for Sustainable
                                                                                                                                       career in a modern organisation.       minor(s) is normally made after                                               ELECTIVES
                                                                                                                                       Upon graduating, students can          admission to the course.                                                      Students elect 8 subjects in
                                                                                                                                       apply the problem-solving and                                                 BU1007 Business Data Analysis
                                                                                                                                                                              Every student must undertake at        and Interpretation                     accordance with the course rules.
                                                                                                                                       critical thinking skills that are      least one major. A variety of double                                          The eight (8) electives chosen must
                                                                                                                                       valued in today’s business world.      majors and minors are available        BU1104 Business, Environment           contain at least four (4) business
                                                                                                                                       The Bachelor of Business is JCU        and students may study single          and Society in the Tropics             subjects.
                                                                                                                                       Brisbane’s most flexible degree.       or double majors and/or minors         BU1105 Contemporary Business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Communications                         PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION

                                                                                        Yueze Xu
                                                                                                                                       Once the foundation is set with the    consistent with their interests,
                                                                                                                                       core business subjects, students       career aspirations and the course      BU1108 Managing Consumer               JCU’s Bachelor of Business program
                                                                                                                                       are then able to construct a           rules.                                 Markets                                has accreditation with, and is
                                                                                                                                       personalised business degree to        Leading To Work (LTW) is a feature     BU1112 Business Law                    acknowledged by a number of key
                                                                                                                                       suit their chosen profession. With a   of the program and the options                                                professional associations.
                                                                                        Bachelor of Business                           wide range of majors available, we     at JCU Brisbane are described on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     LEVEL 3 - One of:
                                                                                                                                       have something to suit everyone.                                              BU3101 Professional Internship
                                                                                        China                                          JCU BBus students are employer
                                                                                                                                                                              page 13.
                                                                                                                                                                              The program of 24 subjects is
                                                                                                                                       preferred for their ability to                                                BU3102 Multi-Disciplinary Project
                                                                                                                                                                              made up of:
                                                                                                                                       communicate professionally, make                                              or
                                                                                                                                                                              • Core [Eight (8) subjects] +
                                                                                                                                       ethical business decisions and work                                           BU3103 Independent Project
                                                                                                                                       in a global environment. With our      • Major [Eight (8) subjects] +

       "I would describe JCU Brisbane as a university full of
       excitement and opportunities.
       As an international student, the best thing about studying on an international campus is that I meet people from all over the
       world and I learn from them. With motivated lecturers and support staff who provide a high standard of academic assistance,
       I believe JCU Brisbane provides me with the best environment to learn and achieve my goals."

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Bachelor of Business Majors                                                                                                                                            Leading to Work Program
                                                                                                                                                                           Preparing graduates for the dynamically changing job market

                                                                                                                                                                           With employers continuing to express the need for closer links between industry and higher education, JCU Brisbane introduced the
     Accounting                                Hospitality and                            International Business Management                                                Leading to Work Program. This Program is offered exclusively to JCU Brisbane Bachelor of Business students, with a key focus on developing
                                               Tourism Management                         KEY FEATURES                              KEY FEATURES                           professional skills for employability within their field of study.
     Your JCU Bachelor of Business in          KEY FEATURES                               •    Gain valuable skills for managing    •   Gain fundamental management
                                                                                                                                        and analytical skills for a
                                                                                                                                                                           In class, students will have the opportunity to work as part of a team on industry projects and work with corporate leaders. Students also
     Accounting has full accreditation with    •   Graduates can apply for                     across borders in the global
                                                                                                                                        leadership career in business.     participate in industry visits and other professional business tours. Professional internships are a key component of the Leading to Work
     Australian professional accounting            membership of the Australian                marketplace
     bodies including:                                                                                                              •   Graduates can apply for            Program. This valuable opportunity sees top performing students gain hands-on training in an Australian business. Students will work as a
                                                   Institute of Management (AIM)          •    Graduates can apply for
                                                   and other professional bodies,              membership of the Australian             membership of the Australian       member of the team and will be given the opportunity to develop professional skills by undertaking set tasks allocated by the employer.
     • Certified Practising Accountants
       Australia (CPA)                             depending on their course                   Institute of Management (AIM)            Institute of Management (AIM)
                                                   structure.                                  and other professional bodies,           and other professional bodies,     Therefore, to prepare and equip our students to be employer-preferred, work-ready graduates, JCU Brisbane encourages students to engage
     • Chartered Accountants Australia and
       New Zealand (CAANZ)                                                                     depending on their course                depending on their course          with industry professionals throughout their studies.
                                               COURSE OVERVIEW                                                                          structure.
     • Association of Chartered Certified        The program covers fundamental
       Accountants (ACCA).                       principles underpinning management                                                 COURSE OVERVIEW
                                                                                          COURSE OVERVIEW
     COURSE OVERVIEW                             in the tourism and hospitality sectors   International business is a rapidly       Management roles are essential
                                                 and more specifically addresses          growing area of study that deals          within all organisations. This major
     Accounting is at the core of every          issues encountered in the hospitality    with the development, strategy,           can be used as a launching pad
     organisation, ensuring its financial        operations sphere, club and gaming       and management of multinational           for successful careers in business,
     viability. JCU has trained hundreds of      management, and conference and           enterprises in the global context         government, and/or non-government
     qualified accountants and is strongly       event management environments.           and the dynamic international             sector management. Topics
     supported by the local accounting           Students are encouraged to enhance       business environment. The course          include; operations management,
     profession.                                 their expertise with a second major      includes subjects in cross-cultural       organisational behaviour, managing
     Foundation subjects are complemented in Management or International                                                            people, project management,
                                                                                          management, international business,
     by specialist topics in business modelling, Business.                                                                          management accounting for
                                                                                          multinational business finance,
     financial management, auditing, law                                                                                            non-accountants, management
                                                 MAJOR SUBJECTS                           business negotiations, operations
     of business organisations, taxation,                                                                                           and leadership, and strategic
                                                                                          management, business research
     contemporary issues in accounting,          Hospitality and Tourism                                                            entrepreneurship. For enhanced
                                                                                          and international marketing. For
     performance management and control. Management Major Core Subjects:                                                            expertise, students may combine
                                                                                          enhanced knowledge and skills
                                                 BX2091 Tourism and Leisure               students should consider combining        Management with a second major
                                                 Management                               this field of study with a second         such as International Business
     Accounting Major Core Subjects:                                                                                                or Hospitality and Tourism
                                                 BX2094 Conference and Events             business major such as Management
     BX2011 Accounting Principles and            Management                               or Hospitality & Tourism                  Management.
     Systems                                                                              Management.
                                                 BX2174 Research and Decision
     BX2012 Cost and Management                  Making for Business                                                                MAJOR SUBJECTS
     BX2014 Financial Management
                                                 BX2195 Hospitality, Cultures and
                                                                                          MAJOR SUBJECTS
                                                                                          International Business Major Core
                                                                                                                                    Management Major Core Subjects:
                                                                                                                                    BX2051 Managing People
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Madoka Mogi
     BX2016 Business Modelling                   BX3095 Visitor and Crowd                                                           BX2062 Operations Management                                                    Bachelor of Business
     BX3011 Company Accounting                                                            BX2014 Financial Management
                                                 Behaviour Management                                                               BX2077 Project Management
     BX3012 Contemporary Issues in               BX3096 Club and Gaming
                                                                                          BX2061 Business Negotiation
                                                                                                                                    BX2174 Research and Decision
     Accounting                                  Management                               BX2062 Operations Management              Making for Business
     BX3013 Performance Management                                                        BX2174 Research and Decision                                                                                     "For me, JCU Brisbane was the right
                                                 BX3193 Hospitality Operations                                                      BX3171 Organisational Behaviour
     and Control                                 Management                               Making for Business                                                                                          choice. At JCU Brisbane I have found the
                                                                                                                                    BX3172 Management Accounting for
     BX3014 Auditing                             BX3194 Destination Management            BX2032 Financial Institutions and         Non-Accountants                                                     university encourages students to have
     Note:                                       and Planning                             Markets                                                                                                          better attitudes to study, which as a
                                                                                                                                    BX3173 Strategic Entrepreneurship
     To fulfil the requirements of the Bachelor                                           BX3152 Managing a Global                                                                                             result maximises the possibilities
                                                                                                                                    BX3174 Management and Leadership
     of Business (Accounting) and to be                                                   Workforce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for our futures."
     eligible for accreditation with Certified                                            BX3061 International Business
     Practising Accountants Australia (CPA                                                BX3082 International Marketing
     Australia), Chartered Accountants
     Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ),
     and Association of Chartered Certified
     Accountants (ACCA), students must
     complete the following subjects in
     addition to the units comprising the                                                     POTENTIAL CAREER OPTIONS
     major:                                                                                   • Foreign affairs and trade           • Federal and State Government
     BX2019 Business Information Systems                                                      • International and regional            departments
     BX2112 Law of Business Organisations                                                       operations                          • Not-for-profit organisations
     BX3112 Taxation                                                                          • Import and export                   • Business consultancies
     This imposes constraints on students                                                     • International marketing and sales   • Small and medium-sized
     who select Accounting as their primary                                                   • Logistics                             enterprises
     major. Those students will be unable to                                                  • Multinational corporations          • Your own business
     select a second major.

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                                                                     Our MBA programs equip you to be part of the next generation of emerging managers and will develop the way you
                                                                     approach the management of people, organisations and change.

                                                                                                            CORE SUBJECTS
                                                                     Master of Business                     C05119 Business Law                   Master of Business                       POTENTIAL CAREER OPTIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                           • Management Consultant
                                                                     Administration                         LB5202 Marketing Management           Administration (MBA)                     • Managing Director
                                                                     MBA (Leadership)                       LB5203 Sustainable Enterprise
                                                                                                                                                  Standard Duration                        • Operations Manager
                                                                                                            LB5205 People in Organisations
                                                                     Standard Duration                                                            1.5 Years - Four (4) Trimesters          • Business Analyst
                                                                                                            LB5212 Accounting and Finance
                                                                     2 Years - Six (6) Trimesters                                                 Total No. of Subjects                    • General Manager
                                                                                                            for Managers
                                                                     Total No. of Subjects                                                        12                                       • Investment Banker
                                                                                                            LB5228 The Changing Business
                                                                     16                                                                           Intakes                                  • Financial Manager
                                                                     Intakes                                                                      March, July and November                 • Marketing Manager
                                                                                                            LB5229 Economics for a
                                                                     March, July and November
                                                                                                            Sustainable World                     COURSE STRUCTURE
      Thoai Anh Nguyen                                               COURSE STRUCTURE
                                                                     The MBA (Leadership) program is
                                                                                                            LB5230 Managing Strategic
                                                                                                            Resources and Operations
                                                                                                                                                  The MBA is made up of 8 mandatory
                                                                                                                                                  core subjects and 4 electives as
      Master of Professional Accounting /                            made up of 15 core subjects and        LB5231 Corporate Responsibility       outlined below.
                                                                     one (1) optional subject that can be   and Governance
                                                                                                                                                  CORE SUBJECTS
      Master of Business Administration                              selected from a list of Postgraduate   LB5233 Innovation and
                                                                                                                                                  LB5202 Marketing Management
                                                                     Business, IT, Hospitality or           Entrepreneurship
      Vietnam                                                        Accounting subjects on offer at JCU
                                                                                                                                                  LB5205 People in Organisations
                                                                                                            LB5235 Practical or Research
                                                                     Brisbane. Check the website for                                              LB5212 Accounting and Finance for
     "James Cook University Brisbane was the right choice for                                               Project
                                                                     further details.                                                             Managers
      me for several reasons. I have found Brisbane to be a very                                            LB5236 Comparative Global
                                                                                                                                                  LB5228 The Changing Business
      friendly city, it's not as busy as places like Melbourne and                                          Business Systems
      Sydney so it has provided the perfect environment for me to                                           LB5240 Cross Cultural Leadership
                                                                                                                                                  LB5229 Economics for a Sustainable
      find a balance between study and work.                                                                LB5241 Organisational Leadership
                                                                                                            LB5242 Value Creation Leadership      LB5230 Managing Strategic
      The lecturers are very supportive and there are plenty of                                                                                   Resources and Operations
                                                                                                            ELECTIVE SUBJECTS
      other services including; The Learning Centre and Joblinx, I                                                                                LB5231 Corporate Responsibility and
                                                                                                            Choose any Level 5 Subject.
      have found this support to be invaluable."                                                                                                  Governance
                                                                                                                                                  LB5235 Practical or Research Project

                                                                                                                                                  ELECTIVE SUBJECTS
                                                                                                                                                  Select two level 5 subjects with a
                                                                                                                                                  prefix of LB, CO, CP, EC, TO or CV
                                                                                                                                                  (subject to prerequisite constraints).
                                                                                                                                                  Select any two level 5 subjects.

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   The Master of Education – Master of Business Administration (MEd/MBA) program will allow you to enhance your career in the education industry through the
   development of leadership and management capabilities. Students entering with a Business, Management or Education/Training background will build on their
   knowledge and skills to perform leadership roles relevant to education.
   Students will learn contemporary approaches to leadership within education and managerial environments. A global approach will enhance students’ capacity
   to function effectively in diverse professional situations. Students will have important opportunities to engage in research action activities as well as a major
   capstone project.

                                           Select One                               LB5231 Corporate Responsibility           Module 1 Sales & Marketing
   Master of Education                     LB5228 Changing Business                 and Governance                            Module 2 Compliance and the
   / Master of Business                    Environments                             LB5233 Innovation and
                                           Or                                                                                 Module 3 Student Services &
   Administration                                                                                                                      Welfare
                                           LB5236 Comparative Global                *Successful Completion of these
   Standard Duration                       Business Systems                         Subjects lead to the award of             Module 4 Administration &
   2 Years - Six (6) Trimesters                                                     M.Ed(Global Context)/MBA (Major)                   Operations
                                           OPTIONAL SUBJECTS                                                                  Module 5 Lecturing & Preparation
   Total No. of Subjects
   16                                      Select 4 from List one                   INTERNSHIP
   March, July and November
                                           LIST 1
                                           AN5006 Asia Pacific
                                                                                    To develop strong educational
                                                                                    management capabilities, MEd-               CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                   Faisal Contractor
                                           Development: Culture &                   MBA students will participate in            • University Lecturer
   The MEd/MBA program is made             Globalisation*                           a structured internship rotation            • Management Consultant                Regional Digital Director -
   up of 12 mandatory subjects and 4       Or                                       (LB5235:03 Practical Project)               • Operations Manager                   McDonald's Middle East and North Africa
   optional subjects.                                                               within a tertiary organisation.             • General Manager
                                           ED5881 Leading for Change in
                                           Curriculum and Pedagogy                  This capstone subject will                  • Registrar                            “After deciding to study a master’s program in Australia, my
   CORE SUBJECTS                                                                    allow students to apply the
                                           Plus                                                                                 • Academic Administrator               overall objective was to ensure specialisation whilst gaining
   ED5190 Introduction to                                                           knowledge and skills acquired
   Educational Research                    ED5882 Transformative Digital            throughout their degree to the                                                     an overall scope of business that would enable me to lead
   ED5880 Educational Leadership           Learning*                                various departments of a modern                                                    organisations or potentially start up my own business. For this
   ED5911 Education for                    ED5883 Global Education                  education provider. Throughout                                                     reason I studied the MBA-MIT degree at James Cook University
   Sustainability                          ED5912 Social Learning                   the internship students will work                                                  Brisbane.
                                           Perspectives for a Sustainable           alongside professors and senior
   ED5914 Individual Researched                                                                                                                                        Learning from lecturers and speakers who are not just limited to the
                                           Future*                                  executives to learn how a top 2%
   Action Report
                                           Select 3 from List two (2)               university works in today’s global                                                 JCU Brisbane faculty but are actual business leaders, was a sheer pleasure.
   LB5202 Marketing Management                                                      environment.                                                                       Furthermore, I found JCU Brisbane to be a friendly and inspiring environment
   LB5205 People in Organisations          LIST 2
                                                                                    This unique opportunity will                                                       that thinks about the overall wellbeing of its students.
   LB5212 Financial Foundations for        LB5229 Economics for a                   support career advancement
   Managers                                Sustainable World                        within the business, management                                                    My MBA-MIT course provided me with an unforgettable experience and an
   LB5235 Practical or Research            LB5230 Managing Strategic                or education/training sector.                                                      invaluable skill set that helps me every single day in my current role as the Regional
   Project (Internship)                    Resources and Operations                 Students will undertake the                                                        Digital Director for the brand McDonald’s in the Middle East and North Africa region.
                                                                                    internship (100 hours) throughout
                                                                                    their final trimester.                                                             The support I received as a student at JCU Brisbane not only made me proud of my
                                                                                                                                                                       decision to study at JCU Brisbane but has made me an avid advocate for what they offer.”

16 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | 17
                                             CORE SUBJECTS                        OVERVIEW                               LB5230 Managing Strategic
    Master of                                CO5103 Management Accounting         The Master of Professional             Resources and Operations
    Professional                             CO5109 Corporate Finance             Accounting - Master of Business        LB5234 Leading and Managing
                                                                                  Administration (MPA-MBA)               Organisational Change
    Accounting (MPA)                         CO5117 Accounting and Assurance
                                                                                  program is designed for students       LB5235 Practical or Research
                                                                                  who intend to work as professional     Project
    Standard Duration                        CO5118 Auditing and Assurance        accountants and in senior
    Two (2) Years - Six (6) Trimesters       CO5119 Business Law                                                         OPTIONAL SUBJECT
                                                                                  management positions.
    Total No. of Subjects:                   CO5120 Taxation Law                                                         Select one (1) LB level 5 subject
                                                                                  A joint master's degree allows
    16                                                                                                                   (subject to prerequisite constraints).
                                             CO5121 Law of Business               graduates to stand out to
    Intakes                                  Organisations                        future employers. The course
    March, July and November                                                                                             PROFESSIONAL ACCREDITATION
                                             CO5122 Accounting for                delivers comprehensive training
                                                                                  in accounting and finance              JCU’s Master of Professional
    OVERVIEW                                 Corporations
                                                                                  whilst exposing students to key        Accounting and Master of
    By choosing to study an MPA at           CO5123 Advanced Issues in                                                   Professional Accounting - Master
                                                                                  management areas including;
    JCU Brisbane, you will undertake         Accounting                                                                  of Business Administration has full
                                                                                  human relations, marketing,
    advanced learning in both theory         CO5124 Data Analysis and Decision    business law, taxation, economics      accreditation with the Australian
    and professional practice whilst         Modelling                            and business information systems.      professional accounting bodies,
    learning to solve accounting and         LB5229 Economics for a                                                      • Certified Practising Accountants
    business problems in innovative          Sustainable World                    COURSE STRUCTURE                         Australia (CPA)
    ways. Students will be equipped          LB5235 Practical or Research         The MPA-MBA is made up of 16           • Chartered Accountants Australia
    with the skills to advise companies      Project                              subjects as per the course structure     and New Zealand (CAANZ)
    on current and future financial                                               below. It is comprised of 11
    issues, enabling strategic goals to be                                                                               • Association of Chartered Certified
                                             Note:                                accounting core subjects, four (4)       Accountants (ACCA)
    Students completing the MPA
                                             Eligible students holding
                                             acknowledged cognate business
                                                                                  specified business subjects and one
                                                                                  (1) optional business subject.
                                                                                                                           POTENTIAL CAREER OPTIONS
                                                                                                                                                                  Rebeca Berti
    degree are in an excellent position
    to succeed in managerial positions
                                             qualifications may seek exemption
                                                                                  CORE SUBJECTS                            •   Assistant Accountant               Master of Professional Accounting
    in a range of government and             from the four (4) foundation
                                                                                  CO5103 Management Accounting             •   Auditor/Risk Accountant
    commercial organisations. MPA            subjects when submitting an                                                                                          Brazil
                                                                                  CO5109 Corporate Finance                 •   Financial Analyst
    graduates from JCU are well-placed       application for admission into the
                                             MPA program.                         CO5117 Introduction to Accounting        •   Bookkeeper                         “Being an international accounting student is an
    to enter organisations in industries
    such as mining, manufacturing,                                                CO5118 Auditing and Assurance            •   Financial Accountant                exciting challenge and I can only thank JCU Brisbane
    retail, consulting, human resources                                           CO5119 Business Law                      •   Taxation Accountant                 for all the support and attention that has been given
    and marketing.                                                                CO5120 Taxation Law                                                              from day one! Lecturers are open-minded and share
    COURSE STRUCTURE                         Master of                            CO5121 Law of Business                                                           their knowledge in a way that motivates you to go
                                                                                  Organisations                                                                    further and to be the best professional you can. In
    The MPA is made up of 16 subjects.       Professional                         CO5122 Accounting for                                                            addition I really value the support I have received from
    Students must undertake all 12 core
    subjects and four (4) foundation
                                             Accounting -                         Corporations                                                                     JCU Brisbane’s on-campus career service, Joblinx.
    subjects.                                Master of Business                   CO5123 Advanced Issues in
                                             Administration                       Accounting                                                                      Thanks to their advice and encouragement I am now
    FOUNDATION SUBJECTS                                                                                                                                           gaining Australian experience in accounting. I have
                                             (MPA-MBA)                            CO5124 Data Analysis and Decision
                                                                                                                                                                  found work experience to be a critical step in allowing
    LB5202 Marketing Management                                                   Modelling
    LB5205 People in Organisations           Standard Duration:                   LB5228 The Changing Business
                                                                                                                                                                  me to develop and apply my knowledge and skills in a
    LB5212 Accounting and Finance for        Two (2) Years - Six (6) Trimesters   Environment                                                                     professional Australian work environment. It has been
    Managers                                 Total No. of Subjects:               LB5229 Economics for a                                                          a great journey so far and I am very positive about my
    LB5236 Comparative Global                16                                   Sustainable World                                                               career and future professional development!”
    Business Systems                         Intakes
                                             March, July and November

18 |                                                                                                                                                                                                          | 19
Tourism and Hospitality

                                                                                                                             FOUNDATION SUBJECTS                                                          LB5230 Managing Strategic
                                                                                      Master of                              LB5212 Accounting and Finance         Master of                              Resources and Operations
                                                                                      International Tourism                  for Managers                          International Tourism                  LB5231 Corporate Responsibility
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and Governance
                                                                                      and Hospitality                        LB5202 Marketing Management           and Hospitality
                                                                                                                             LB5205 People in Organisations                                               LB5232 Marketing, Customer
                                                                                      Management                                                                   Management -                           Engagement, Social Media and
                                                                                                                             LB5236 Comparative Global
                                                                                      (MITHM)                                Business Systems                      Master of Business                     Marketing

                                                                                      Standard Duration
                                                                                                                                                                   Administration                         LB5233 Strategic and Responsible
                                                                                                                             CORE SUBJECTS                                                                Innovation Management
                                                                                      Two (2) Years - Six (6) Trimesters                                           (MITHM-MBA)
                                                                                                                             LB5203 Sustainable Enterprise                                                LB5234 Leading and Managing
                                                                                      Total No. of Subjects                                                                                               Organisational Change
                                                                                                                             LB5235 Practical or Research          Standard Duration
                                                                                                                             Project                               Two (2) Years - Six (6) Trimesters     LB5235 Practical or Research
                                                                                                                             TO5002 Introduction to Tourism        Total No. of Subjects                  Project
                                                                                      March, July and November
                                                                                                                             and the Environment                   16                                     TO5002 Introduction to Tourism
                                                                                      OVERVIEW                               TO5101 Tourism Systems Analysis       Intakes                                and the Environment
                                                                                      A Master of International Tourism      TO5102 Tourism and Hospitality        March, July and November               TO5101 Tourism Systems Analysis
                                                                                      and Hospitality Management             Operations Management                                                        TO5102 Tourism and Hospitality
                                                                                                                                                                   OVERVIEW                               Operations Management
                                                                                      (MITHM) is like a passport to the      TO5103 Global Destination
                                                                                      world. Managerial level graduates      Competitiveness                       The Master of International            TO5103 Global Destination
                                                                                      are in high demand across all          TO5104 Tourist Management             Tourism and Hospitality                Competitiveness
                                                                                      sectors of the industry in Australia   Strategies                            Management - Master of
                                                                                                                                                                   Business Administration is an          TO5104 Tourist Management
                                                                                      and overseas.                          TO5202 Economic Decision-                                                    Strategies
                                                                                                                                                                   innovative joint postgraduate
                                                                                      The MITHM is a multidisciplinary       Making in the Hospitality Industry                                           TO5202 Economic Decision-
                                                                                                                                                                   level qualification that combines
                                                                                      program that explores tourism          TO5203 Hospitality and                                                       Making in the Hospitality Industry
                                                                                                                                                                   tourism, hospitality and business
                                                                                      from a social, economic and            Gastronomy: Social, Private and                                              or
                                                                                                                                                                   management to give students the
                                                                                      environmental perspective and          Commercial                            management skills required to be       LB5229 Economics for a
                                                                                      equips students with advanced
                                                                                                                             OPTIONAL SUBJECT                      a professional in the tourism and      Sustainable World
                                                                                      knowledge about tourism, as
                                                                                                                                                                   hospitality industry.                  TO5203 Hospitality and
                                                                                      well as experience in hospitality      Select two (2) LB Level 5 subjects
                                                                                      management, business, economics                                                                                     Gastronomy: Social, Private and
                                                                                                                             Plus                                  COURSE STRUCTURE
                                                                                      and ethical professional                                                                                            Commercial
                                                                                                                             Select any one (1) level 5 subject.   The MITHM-MBA is made up of 16
                                                                                                                                                                   subjects. Students must undertake      OPTIONAL SUBJECT
                                                                                                                             Note:                                 seven (7) tourism subjects, eight
                                                                                      COURSE STRUCTURE                       Eligible students holding                                                    Select any one (1) level 5 LB
                                                                                                                                                                   (8) management subjects and one        subject (subject to prerequisite
                                                                                      The MITHM is made up of 16             acknowledged cognate business         (1) optional subject as per the list   constraints).
      Thayodhya Eshani
                                                                                      subjects. Students must undertake      qualifications may seek exemption     below.
                                                                                      four (4) foundation subjects, nine     from the four (4) foundation
                                                                                      (9) core subjects, and three (3)       subjects when submitting an           LB5203 Sustainable Enterprise

      Kahaweguru                                                                      optional subjects in accordance
                                                                                      with the structure below.
                                                                                                                             application to the MITHM
                                                                                                                                                                   LB5228 The Changing Business

      Master of International Tourism and
      Hospitality Management
      Sri Lanka                                                                        POTENTIAL CAREER OPTIONS
                                                                                       • Café Manager                        •   Duty Manager                        Manager
      “Choosing to study at JCU Brisbane has been a great experience.                  • Restaurant Manager                  •   Travel Agent/Consultant           • Business Development
      I have thrown myself into the student experience in both academic and            • Conference and Event                •   Venue Manager                       Manager
      extracurricular activities and I have found the opportunities that have            Coordinator                         •   Hotel Front Office                • Functions Supervisor
      followed to be very rewarding. All the lecturers and other staff are so
      attentive and supportive. As an MITHM student I have found my lectures to
      be both interesting and interactive, which is exactly what I was looking for.
      Choosing JCU Brisbane to study my Master’s degree is a decision that I will
      not regret, I would recommend JCU Brisbane to anyone looking to challenge
      themselves in higher studies.”

20 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                           | 21
Information Technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Information Technology and Business                                                FOUNDATION SUBJECTS
                                                                                                                                                           Master of Information                    units offered by JCU Brisbane and two     Master of Information                    CP5631 Internet Fundamentals
                                                                                                                                                           Technology (MIT)                         (2) of any appropriate Level 5 subjects   Technology (MIT)                         CP5633 Database Modelling
                                                                                                                                                                                                    offered at JCU Brisbane as approved by
                                                                                                                                                           Business Informatics                     the Campus Director.                      Computing & Networking                   CP5638 Web Design and
                                                                                                                                                           Standard Duration                        Students who satisfy the requirements
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Standard Duration                        CP5639 Fundamentals of Problem
                                                                                                                                                                                                    of this program meet the requirements
                                                                                                                                                           Two (2) Years - Six (6) Trimesters                                                 Two (2) Years - Six (6) Trimesters       Solving and Programming
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to apply for membership with the
                                                                                                                                                           Total No. of Subjects                    Australian Computer Society (ACS).        Total No. of Subjects
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MANDATORY SUBJECTS
                                                                                                                                                           16                                                                                 16
                                                                                                                                                                                                    FOUNDATION SUBJECTS                                                                CP5046 ICT Project 1: Analysis and
                                                                                                                                                           Intakes                                                                            Intakes                                  Design
                                                                                                                                                           March, July and November                 CP5631 Internet Fundamentals              March, July and November
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CP5047 ICT Project 2:
                                                                                                                                                                                                    CP5633 Database Modelling                                                          Implementation and Commissioning
                                                                                                                                                           OVERVIEW                                                                           OVERVIEW
                                                                                                                                                                                                    CP5638 Web Design and                                                              CP5603 Advanced e-Security
                                                                                                                                                           Business Informatics is a specialist     Development                               The Master of Information Technology
                                                                                                                                                           area of IT that combines information                                               (Computing & Networking) advances        CP5307 Advanced Mobile Technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                    CP5639 Fundamentals of Problem                                                     CP5601 Advanced Data
                                                                                                                                                           technology, management and                                                         both skills and knowledge in design,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Solving and Programming                                                            Communication Principles
                                                                                                                                                           business.                                                                          management and maintenance of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    MANDATORY SUBJECTS
                                                                                                                                                           Advancing your skills and knowledge                                                computer networks, and develops          CP5602 Advanced Algorithm Analysis
                                                                                                                                                                                                    CP5046 ICT Project 1: Analysis and        technical skills using advanced
                                                                                                                                                           with our Master of Information                                                                                              CP5607 Advanced Human Computer
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Design                                    technologies. The program emphasises
                                                                                                                                                           Technology (Business Informatics)                                                                                           Interaction

                                                                                                 Vendell                                                   program will give you the edge on        CP5047 ICT Project 2:                     work-integrated learning and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Implementation and Commissioning          develops employability skills through    CP5634 Business Intelligence and
                                                                                                                                                           other graduates embarking on a                                                                                              Data Mining
                                                                                                                                                           career in this exciting field.           CP5603 Advanced e-Security                practical projects and the option of

                                                                                                 Furtado                                                                                            CO5124 Data Analysis and Decision         an Internship increasing graduate        OPTIONAL SUBJECTS
                                                                                                                                                           The possibilities for Information
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Modelling                                 employability.                           Select 2 CP or LB Level 5 subjects
                                                                                                                                                           Technology (IT) graduates are endless,
                                                                                                                                                           offering employment opportunities        CP5310 E-Business Technologies            COURSE STRUCTURE                         Select any 2 Level 5 subjects
                                                                                                 Master of Information                                     world-wide. IT skills are required       CP5503 Enterprise Database Systems        The MIT (Computing and Networking)       This course is accredited by the
                                                                                                                                                           by every industry, and our expert                                                  is comprised of 16 subjects. Students    Australian Computer Society (ACS)
                                                                                                 Technology / Master of                                    staff will teach you the advanced
                                                                                                                                                                                                    - Oracle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              must undertake four (4) foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                                    CP5634 Business Intelligence and                                                   Note:
                                                                                                 Business Administration                                   skills needed to keep up with rapid
                                                                                                                                                           developments in technology. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Data Mining                               subjects, eight mandatory subjects
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Eligible students holding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and the choice of (4) four optional
                                                                                                                                                                                                    CP5520 Advanced Databases and                                                      acknowledged cognate qualifications
                                                                                                 India                                                     program emphasises work-integrated
                                                                                                                                                           learning and develops employability      Application
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              subjects. Optional subjects comprise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in Information Technology may
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              of (2) two Information Technology and
                                                                                                                                                           skills through practical projects and                                                                                       seek exemption from the four
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Business subjects from the information
                                                                                                                                                           the option of an Internship increasing   OPTIONAL SUBJECTS                                                                  (4) Foundation IT subjects when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              technology and business units offered
                                                                                                                                                           graduate employability.                  Select 2 CP or LB Level 5 subjects                                                 submitting an application to the MIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              by JCU Brisbane and two (2) of any
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Select any 2 Level 5 subjects             appropriate Masters level subjects
                                                                                                                                                           COURSE STRUCTURE                                                                   offered at JCU Brisbane as approved by
                                                                                                                                                                                                    This course is accredited by the
                                                                                                                                                           The MIT (Business Informatics) is        Australian Computer Society (ACS)         the Campus Director.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         POTENTIAL CAREER OPTIONS
                                                                                                                                                           comprised of 16 subjects. Students                                                 Students who satisfy the requirements
                                                                                                                                                           must undertake four (4) foundation       Note: Eligible students holding                                                      • IT Help Desk Support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              of this program meet the requirements
                                                                                                                                                           subjects, eight mandatory subjects       acknowledged cognate qualifications                                                  • Web/Application Developer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              to apply for membership with the
                                                                                                                                                           and the choice of (4) four optional      in Information Technology may seek
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Australian Computer Society (ACS).         • IT Support Analyst
                                                                                                                                                           subjects. Optional subjects comprise     exemption from the four (4) Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                                    IT subjects when submitting an                                                       • Test Analyst
                                                                                                                                                           of (2) two Information Technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                    application to the MIT program.                                                      • ASP.Net Developer
                                                                                                                                                           and Business subjects from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Business Analyst

      "Why JCU Brisbane? I think there would be very few universities where it
      feels like home. The fact that the campus is culturally diverse and in the heart
      of Brisbane City makes it the perfect place to study and meet students from
      various backgrounds.
      Speaking of the advantages, one major advantage is that throughout my course the staff have been exceptionally helpful, they have been there
      when I needed them most. With excellent study materials and practical knowledge of both IT and the Business side of things, this course has made
      me ready to face real world challenges head on. Along with studies, the various workshops for learning and extracurricular activities have kept me
      busy and open to learning new things every day. Finally, the major advantage at JCU Brisbane would be Joblinx. Joblinx and their experienced staff
      helped me secure an internship in a matter of weeks. This allowed me to gain real experience in the Australian IT and Business sector, keeping me
      one step ahead when applying for that much awaited job."

22 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          | 23
English Language Pathway
                                                                                                                                                                     Sarina Russo Institute provides a pathway to JCU Brisbane for students who do not meet the English language entry requirements. Students have the option to
                                                                                                                                                                     complete one of three English language programs, this will provide a period of English language classes to improve English proficiency and end with an offer for
                                                                                                                                                                     the JCU degree program. Committed teaching staff provide comprehensive support to ensure students are well prepared for university study.
                                                                                                                                                                     Sarina Russo Institute provides the highest standard of English language learning in a friendly and supportive environment. Located in the same building as the
                                                                                                                                                                     university, students will have access to the same services as JCU Brisbane students. This approach ensures a seamless transition into university.

                                                                                                                                                                     ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAMS
                                                                                                                                                                     Bridging English Entry Program                         Unipath English                                     Intensive General English
                                                                                                                                                                     (BEEP)                                                 This program is designed to prepare and             This course is designed to help students develop their
                                                                                                                                                                     BEEP is a 10 week English course providing             equip students for further studies at               confidence in using English for general purposes.
                                                                                                                                                                     students with the necessary language and               diploma and undergraduate level, focusing           Students improve their skills in speaking, listening,

    Information Technology                                                                                                                                           academic skills to successfully undertake a            on academic requirements, expectations,             reading and writing. A strong focus on grammar,
                                                                                                                                                                     postgraduate university degree.                        development of language skills and                  vocabulary and pronunciation provides students with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            learning strategies.                                the ability to communicate more effectively in English.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                This course is flexible, allowing students to tailor their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                studies to fit their individual needs.

                                          the critical business skills and acumen    CORE SUBJECTS                         LB5232 Marketing, Customer                For more information about the courses offered by our English partner, please visit
    Master of Information                 to fully leverage these technical skills   CP5046 ICT Project 1: Analysis and    Engagement, Social Media and
    Technology – Master of                into profitable products and services.     Design
                                          This joint degree at JCU provides                                                LB5233 Strategic and Responsible
    Business Administration               training in a variety of computer
                                                                                     CP5047 ICT Project 2:
                                                                                                                           Innovation Management
                                                                                     Implementation and Commissioning
    (MIT-MBA)                             support skills, and includes                                                     LB5234 Leading and Managing
                                                                                     CP5310 E-Business Technologies        Organisational Change
                                          preparation for industry standard
    Standard Duration                     certification in Microsoft technologies.   CP5503 Enterprise Database Systems    LB5235 Practical or Research Project
    Two (2) Years - Six (6) Trimesters                                               – Oracle
                                          This program emphasises advanced
                                          people and project management skills,      CP5603 Advanced e-Security            OPTIONAL SUBJECTS
    Total No. of Subjects
                                          together with ethical behaviour and        CP5605 Advanced Data Mining and       Select any two (2) CP level 5 subjects.
                                          professional vigour.                       Knowledge Discovery
    March, July and November                                                         BUSINESS SUBJECTS                       POTENTIAL CAREER OPTIONS
                                          COURSE STRUCTURE
                                                                                     LB5228 The Changing Business            • IT Help Desk Support
    OVERVIEW                              The MIT-MBA is made up of 16
                                          subjects. Students must undertake six      Environment                             • Web/Application Developer
    There is a growing demand for                                                    LB5229 Economics for a Sustainable      • IT Support Analyst
                                          (6) IT core subjects, eight (8) Business
    graduates skilled in a range of                                                  World
                                          subjects, and two (2) optional                                                     • Test Analyst
    IT technologies – multimedia,
                                          Information Technology subjects as         LB5230 Managing Strategic Resources     • ASP.Net Developer
    computing, networking and software                                               and Operations
                                          per the course structure below.
    technologies. In addition, there is                                                                                      • Business Analyst
                                                                                     LB5231 Corporate Responsibility and
    worldwide demand for graduates with

             Professional Accreditation

    All students who enrol in the MIT (Business Informatics) or MIT (Computing and Networking) degree will
                                                                                                                                                                     English Language Entry Requirements
    receive a complimentary membership with the Australian Computer Society (ACS). This scholarship is
    sponsored through the JCU Brisbane Student Association.
                                                                                                                                                                     Students are required to demonstrate English language proficiency by completing a test such as Academic IELTS or TOEFL (other English language tests may also
    ACS is the peak body and Professional Association representing Australia’s ICT sector. As a member, students                                                     be accepted). Presentation of English language test results are usually required to gain admission into university.
    will have access to networking events and professional development courses at a discounted rate.                                                                 Alternatively, students who have completed two years of full time study, where the medium of instruction and assessment was English, may satisfy the English
                                                                                                                                                                     Language requirements.
    Students will have access to 50 online courses that have been designed specifically for students, 33,000
    digital learning videos and more than 600 events annual events.
    Partnered with the ACS membership, our Information Technology degrees will provide students with                                                                    PROGRAM                IELTS                                     TOEFL ibt                  TOEFL Paper                    Cambridge               CEFR Level
                                                                                                                                                                                                              (PTE Academic)
    unparalleled opportunities to not only learn from the best but to network with the best.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 6.5                                       90                            570
                                                                                                                                                                       Postgraduate                                                                                                          CPE(Grade C, score 45+)
                                                                                                                                                                                            (no sub score            64            (minimum writing score      (minimum test of written                                       B2/C1
                                                                                                                                                                        (Masters)                                                                                                            CAE(grade C, score 58 +
                                                                                                                                                                                             below 6.0)                                   of 21)                 English score of 4.5)
                                                                                                                                                                                                 6.0                                       79                           550+
                                                                                                                                                                        Bachelor of                                                                                                          FCE (Grade A, score 80+)
                                                                                                                                                                                            (no sub score            57            (minimum writing score      (minimum test of written                                       B2/C1
                                                                                                                                                                         Business                                                                                                            CAE (grade c, score 52+)
                                                                                                                                                                                             below 6.0)                                   of 19)                 English score of 4.0)

24 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | 25
Experience Queensland!                                                                                                           Professional Internships
   Expand your career opportunities through an enhanced                                                                             Jumpstart your career by gaining professional experience in Australia. BU3101: Professional Internship is an innovative
   cultural and educational experience. All of our programs                                                                         subject that enables you to apply theory in the workplace and gain practical skills to enhance graduate employment,
   incorporate a 12 week internship equipping you with                                                                              equipping you with a competitive edge.
   valuable international experience.
                                                                                                                                    Your professional internship will be organised through the university partner Joblinx, at no additional expense. All the work
                                                                                                                                    is done for you. To ensure you gain the most from your international internship our trained career consultants will interview
   Set yourself apart from the competition by studying                                                                              you to ensure the Internship placement is in line with your university studies as well as your career objectives.
   internationally and gaining global work experience whilst
   living in one of the world's most beautiful cities.
                                                                                                                                    Academic Study Areas
                                                                                                                                    Our Study Abroad program has two key study areas to compliment your degree and career aspirations.

   Study Abroad - Excursion                                                                                                         Hospitality & Tourism Management              Business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 When selecting your subjects make sure
                                                                                                                                    Select 2 from list + Internship               Select 2 From list + Internship
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 you check:
   Queensland is a truly unique place and we want you to experience as much as possible while you Study Abroad. Choose one of our   BX2195:03 Hospitality, Cultures & People      BX2051:03 Managing People
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 •    you meet any prerequisites
   excursions included in the Study Abroad program. With partners including; Gold Coast Surf School, Warner Bros Movie World and    BX3193:03 Hospitality Operations Management   BX3152:03 Managing a Global Workforce
   Australia Zoo, we're confident you'll find many reasons to love JCU Brisbane and Queensland!                                                                                                                                  •    subjects are offered in the semester
                                                                                                                                    BX3194:03 Destination Management and          BX3171:03 Organisational Behaviour                  you plan to attend JCU Brisbane
                                                                                                                                    Planning                                      BX2174:03 Research and Decision Making for     •    whether your subjects are offered at
                                                                                                                                    BX2094:03 Conference and Events               Business                                            JCU Brisbane
                                                                                                                                    Management                                    BU1104:03 Business, Environment &
                                                                                                                                    BX2091:03 Tourism and Leisure                 Society in the Tropics                         To assign subject credit to your degree,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 please liaise with the academic advisor at
                                                                                                                                    Management                                    BX3152:03 Managing a Global Workforce          your home university.
                                                                                                                                    BX3095:03 Visitor and Crowd Behaviour         BX3173:03 Strategic Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                                                    Management                                    BU1002:03 Accounting for Decision Making
                                                                                                                                    BX3096:03 Club and Gaming Management +        BU1003:03 Economics for Sustainable Business
                                                                                                                                    BU3101:03 Professional Internship             BU1108:03 Managing Consumer Markets
                                                                                                                                                                                  BX2061:03 Business Negotiation
                                                                                                                                                                                  BX2062:03 Operations Management
               SURF Package                            ADVENTURE Package                             WILDLIFE Package
                                                                                                                                                                                  BX2077:03 Project Management
                                                                                                                                                                                  BX3174:03 Management & Leadership +
                                                                                                                                                                                  BU3101:03 Professional Internship

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Academic Entry Requirements                                                                                                                                                   COUNTRY SPECIFIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bachelor of Business

                                                                                                                                                                                   Advanced Levels                                                                                                                         6

                                                                                                                                                                                   Australia: OP/Rank                                                                                                                   19/61
                                                                                                                                                                                   Canada: Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)                                                                                        63
   Country       Requirement                                                          Country            Requirement
                                                                                                                                                                                   China: Senior Middle School Graduation Certificate                                                                                     75
                 Satisfactory completion of one year of study at a higher education                      Satisfactory completion of one year of study at a higher
   Afghanistan                                                                        Kuwait
                 institution or approved foundation program                                              education institution or approved foundation program                      Hong Kong: HKDSE                                                                                                                       16
                 Maturity Certificate . Reifezeugnis, Reifprüfungszeugnis, Matura                        Satisfactory completion of one year of study at a higher
                                                                                      Laos                                                                                         International Baccalaureate                                                                                                            24
   Austria       or Maturazeugnis from a Gymnasium or Allgemeinbildende                                  education institution or approved foundation program
                 Höhere Schule                                                                           Satisfactory completion of one year of study at a higher
                                                                                      Libya                                                                                        India: All Indian School Boards/State Boards (%)                                                                                     60/65
                 Satisfactory completion of one year of study at a higher education                      education institution or approved foundation program
                 institution or approved foundation program                           Maldives           Advanced Level passes in the General Certificate of Education             Japan: Upper Secondary School Graduation Diploma                                                                                       3.1
   Bangladesh    Bangladeshi Higher Secondary or Intermediate Certificate
                                                                                      Mauritius          Advanced Level passes in the General Certificate of Education             Malaysia: Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM)                                                                                      7.33
                 Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Certificado de Conclusão de
   Brazil                                                                             Mexico             Bachillerato or Preparatoria
                 Ensino Médio)                                                                                                                                                     Norway: Vitnemal fra den Videregaende Skolen                                                                                           3.5
                                                                                      Myanmar            High School Examination (Matriculation)
   Chile         Licencia De Educacion Media                                                                                                                                       Pakistan: Intermediate/Higher Secondary School %                                                                                       65
                                                                                      Nepal              Proficiency Certificate or Intermediate Certificate
   Colombia      Bachillerato
                                                                                                                                                                                   Papua New Guinea: PNG High School Certificate                                                                                          3.1
                                                                                                         Diploma Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (Dutch
                 Studentereksamen, Hojere Forberedelseksamen (Higher                                     HAVO) Getuigschrift (from a Hogere Burgerschool), or Diploma
                 Preparatory Examination), Hojere Handelseksamen (Higher              Netherlands                                                                                  Sweden: Slutbetyg fran Gymnasieskola                                                                                                   1.8
                                                                                                         Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (Dutch VWO/
   Denmark       Commercial Examination), Hojere Tekniskeksamen (Higher
                                                                                                         University Preparatory Education)
                 Technical Examination), or Studentsprogv (Certificate of Student                                                                                                  Thailand: Matayom 6, also known as Mathayom Suksa 6                                                                                    1.9
                 Examination - Faroe Islands)                                         New Zealand        National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA)
                                                                                                                                                                                   United States of America: ACT score                                                                                                    22
   Ecuador       Bachillerato                                                                            Satisfactory completion of one year of study at a higher
                 Fiji School Leaving Certificate (Pacific SSC) or Form 7 or the                          education institution or approved foundation program                      United States of America: SAT Score                                                                                                   960
                 University of the South Pacific Foundation Year                                         Certificado oficial de estudios de Educación secundaria,
                                                                                      Peru                                                                                         Vietnam: Bang Tot Nghiep Trung Hoc Pho Thong                                                                                           7.5
                 Baccalauréat, Baccalauréat General, Baccalauréat de                                     Certificado oficial de estudios de Educación técnica, or Tecnico
                 l'Enseignement du Second Degre, Baccalauréat Technologique,
                                                                                      Philippines        Completion of K to 12 Basic Education Program
                 Baccalauréat de Technicien, Baccalauréat avec Option                                                                                                            CALCULATION OF SCORES AND ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS
                 Internationale, Diplome de Bachelier de l'Enseignement                                  Attestat o Srednem Pronum Obrazovanii, Attestat o (Polnom)
                 du Second Degre,, Diplome de Baccalaureat de Technicien,
                                                                                      Russia             Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii, or Diplom ob okanchanii                   ADVANCED LEVELS: (GCE, Cambridge, Hong Kong):                    Category A: 5**=6, 5*=5.5, 5=5, 4=4, 3=3, 2=2, 1=1                 PAKISTAN: Scores are calculated on a percentage of the best
                 Baccalauréat Professionnel
                                                                                                         proftekhuchilishchz                                                     The scores are calculated such as: A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1,      Category B: Attained with Distinction=3, Attained=2                4 academic subjects in the Pakistan Intermediate/Higher
                 Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur), Zeugnis                                                                                                        and must include results in not more than three subjects.                                                                           Secondary School Certificate.
                                                                                                         Tawjihiyah, Tawjahiya, Shahadat al-Marhalat alThanawiyyat, or                                                                            Category C: A=2.5, B=2.0, C=1.5, D=1.0, E=0.5.
                 der Fachgebundenen Hochschulreife, Zeugnis der                       Saudi Arabia                                                                               Advanced Supplementary Levels (AS) are the equivalent of                                                                            PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Calculated as grade average of best
   Germany                                                                                               Shahadat al-Thanawiyyat al-’aama al-Mutawwarah                          half a subject at Advanced Level: A=2.5, B=2, C=1.5, D=1,        INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE: Aggregate of
                 Fachhochschulreife, Abiturientenzeugnis, Zeugnis der Reife, or                                                                                                                                                                   full Diploma where 7=excellent, 6=very good, 5=good,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5 subjects where A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1 and must include
                 Reifezeugnis                                                                            Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level)   E=0.5. Forecast or Preliminary Advanced Level results will be                                                                       subject Language and Literature (excludes subject Personal
                                                                                      Singapore                                                                                  considered for all programs.                                     4=satisfactory, 3=mediocre, 2=poor, 1=very poor.
                                                                                                         or National University of Singapore High School Diploma                                                                                                                                                     Development).
                 Satisfactory completion of SKHUN/National University Entrance                                                                                                   AUSTRALIA: OP/RANK Refer to QTAC selection ranks to              INDIA: Scores calculated on a percentage of the best 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SWEDEN: Calculated as grade average of final year
   Indonesia                                                                          South Africa       National Senior Certificate issued by UMALUSI                                                                                            academic subjects in either the All Indian School Boards or
                 Examination                                                                                                                                                     convert OP/Rank to ATAR-OP (QLD Overall Position); Rank                                                                             results where MVG=4, VG=3, G=2, IG=1 for Slutbetyg fran
                                                                                                                                                                                 (QTAC Selection Rank); ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions      State Boards.
                                                                                      Sri Lanka          Sri Lanka General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level)                                                                                                                                                 Gymnasieskolan, Fullstandigt Slutbetyg fran Gymnasieskolan,
   Iran          High School Diploma                                                                                                                                             Rank).                                                           JAPAN: Upper Secondary School Graduation Diploma (Koto             or Slutbetyg Fran Komvux (Upper Secondary School Leaving
                                                                                      Taiwan             Senior High School Leaving Certificate                                  CANADA: Based on the average of the best 6 Ontario (OSSD         Gakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho) A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, F=1                  Certificate for Adult Learners).
   Iraq          Certificate of Preparatory Studies
                                                                                                                                                                                 or OAC) subjects as a %.                                         MALAYSIA STPM: Scores are normally calculated on the               THAILAND: Minimum GPA upon successful completion of
   Ireland       Leaving Certificate                                                                     Satisfactory completion of one year of study at a higher                                                                                 best three subjects attempted at one examination, and are
                                                                                      Turkey                                                                                     CHINA: Calculated as grade average of final year results.                                                                           Thai Certificate of Secondary Education.
                                                                                                         education institution or approved foundation program                                                                                     calculated such as: A=4.0, A-=3.67, B+=3.33. B=3.0, B-=2.67,
                                                                                                                                                                                 HONG KONG: Satisfactory Completion of HKDSE -                                                                                       USA: High School Diploma or equivalent with an ACT
   Italy         Esame di Stato                                                                          Tawjihiyya, Thanawiya aamah (General Secondary School                   Aggregate score range between 16 points to 25 points
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  C+=2.33, C=2.0, C-=1.67, D+=1.33, D=1.0, F=0.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     composite score or SAT score (maths plus critical reading plus
                                                                                                         Certificate), Thanawiya faniah (Technical Secondary School              depending on course based on the best 5 subjects selected        NORWAY: Calculated as grade average of final year results          writing) as above.
                 Satisfactory completion of one year of study at a higher education   UAE
   Jordan                                                                                                Certificate), Thanawiya tijaria (Commercial Secondary School            from 4 core subjects (Chinese, English, Mathematics and          of the Vitnemal fra den Videregaende Skolen, Examen Artium,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     VIETNAM: Calculated as grade average of years 11 and 12
                 institution or approved foundation program                                                                                                                                                                                       Studenteksamen, or Gymnaseksamen.
                                                                                                         Certificate), or Thanawiya from an agricultural institute               Liberal Studies) plus 1 elective:
                 Korea High School Diploma, Immumgye Kodung Hakkyo
                                                                                      Zimbabwe           Advanced Level passes in the General Certificate of Education
                 Choreup chung (General High School Diploma), Silopgye
   Korea         Kodung Hakkyo Choreup Chung (Vocational High School                  The table (above) is a guide to JCU’s minimum academic entry requirements for Bachelor     POSTGRADUATE
                 Diploma), Diploma from a Specialised High School (Arts, Sport,       degrees. Please contact the JCU Brisbane Admissions Department at
                 Science or Foreign Languages)                               if your country is not listed.                                       Degree                    Minimum Requirement for Entry to a Postgraduate Degree
                                                                                      Students who have already completed an undergraduate degree (or part of) in their
                                                                                      home country are also able to apply to study an undergraduate degree at JCU and may          MBA (Leadership)          Completion of a recognised and appropriate bachelor degree in any discipline.
                                                                                      be eligible for credit.
                                                                                                                                                                                   MBA                       Completion of a recognised and appropriate bachelor degree in a Business* discipline.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Completion of a recognised and appropriate bachelor degree in any discipline other than an accredited CPA/ICAA Accounting program. (Students holding
                                                                                                                                                                                                             non-CPA/ICAA accredited overseas accounting degrees may be admitted into this program).

                                                                                                                                                                                   MPA-MBA                   Completion of a recognised and appropriate bachelor degree in a business* discipline other than an accredited CPA/ICAA Accounting program.

                                                                                                                                                                                   MIT                       Completion of a recognised and appropriate bachelor degree in any discipline.

                                                                                                                                                                                   MIT-MBA                   Completion of a recognised and appropriate bachelor degree in an Information Technology** discipline.

                                                                                                                                                                                   MITHM                     Completion of a recognised and appropriate bachelor degree in any discipline.

                                                                                                                                                                                   MITHM-MBA                 Completion of a recognised and appropriate bachelor degree in a business* discipline.

                                                                                                                                                                                   MEd/MBA                   Completion of an AQF level 7 bachelor degree from this or another university; or other qualifications or practical experience recognised by the Dean.
                                                                                                                                                                                 *Business disciplines: Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management, Commerce, Human Resource Management, Economics, Tourism and Hospitality, or other disciplines relating to organisational
                                                                                                                                                                                 behaviour, business, strategy, marketing, economics, communication and people management.
                                                                                                                                                                                 **Information Technology disciplines: Information Technology, Computer Science, Information Systems or other disciplines relating to information and communication technologies.

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