SUCCESSFUL MATH CURRICULUM - 4 Hallmarks of a - Vimme Learning

Page created by Kevin Robinson
SUCCESSFUL MATH CURRICULUM - 4 Hallmarks of a - Vimme Learning
4 Hallmarks of a
SUCCESSFUL MATH CURRICULUM - 4 Hallmarks of a - Vimme Learning
As teachers, we’re not always handed
    the tools for success in our classrooms
     — especially when it comes to math.
The curriculum that administrators choose   modern math curriculum from the ground
for us can be rigid and ineffective. The    up — made by teachers for teachers.
textbooks we’re asked to use might as
                                            Based on firsthand experience from more
well be ancient history. And the students
                                            than 25 years in the classroom, Vimme is
who enter our classrooms each semester
                                            constantly growing thanks to input from
haven’t always mastered concepts from
                                            contemporary math teachers. Along the
the prior grade level.
                                            way, we’ve pinpointed four key elements
At Vimme Learning, we believe that          that any successful math curriculum
success in your classroom comes             should offer to put the modern math class
when you’re given a proven model            on a better path.
for achievement. That’s why we built a
SUCCESSFUL MATH CURRICULUM - 4 Hallmarks of a - Vimme Learning
SUCCESSFUL MATH CURRICULUM - 4 Hallmarks of a - Vimme Learning

    Maybe more than any        In a perfect world, students would learn
                               the skills in a given week to apply them to
    other subject, math is     the next concept. But how can a student
                               be expected to succeed with two-digit
    brutally sequential.       divisors if they’re still having trouble

    Just take a look at this   multiplying two-digit numbers?

    5th grade lesson plan,     With most math curriculums, that student
                               falls behind and isn’t given a chance
    and you’ll see how         to catch up. Two-digit multiplication
                               might not show up on coursework or
    each week’s skillset       quizzes at all after initially taught. The

    builds the foundation      struggling student rarely has a chance to
                               practice those fundamental skills again
    for the next.              without individual attention or additional

SUCCESSFUL MATH CURRICULUM - 4 Hallmarks of a - Vimme Learning

The solution to keep students from            While a weekly math quiz might
slipping through the cracks, as many of us    be focused on calculating area and
have discovered in our own classrooms,        volume, with spiral review it may also
is spiral review. Spiral review is the        ask students to demonstrate basic two-
cumulative repetition of skills, week after   digit multiplication. Spiral review is a
week. It gives students more opportunities    cumulative approach to strengthen your
to practice, apply and ultimately master      class’s foundation in math skills, and
each of the math skills they’re taught        it’s one of the hallmarks of a modern,
throughout the semester.                      successful math curriculum.

        When we were students, if you didn’t learn a skill during
      week 3 you’d never see it again until the standardized text.
      With Vimme, that skill keeps showing up even in week 16, so
       students have a chance to repeat, apply and understand it.
                         Kyle Deboy, 6th grade math teacher

SUCCESSFUL MATH CURRICULUM - 4 Hallmarks of a - Vimme Learning
SUCCESSFUL MATH CURRICULUM - 4 Hallmarks of a - Vimme Learning

                            The reality is that not all students who
The start of the            share a grade level are prepared to achieve

semester is an exciting     in math at the same level. Success looks
                            different for each student. For one, it might
time to meet your new       mean going from a 96% to a 98%. For
                            another, it might simply mean growth from
students and lay the        week to week regardless of the letter grade
groundwork for the          — a 35% to a 42%, for example.

year ahead. But for         How do you challenge both of those
                            students to grow at their own achievement
many math teachers,         level, when you only have a single period
it’s also a critical time   to teach them both? The simple fact is that
                            math textbooks and standard curriculum
to assess the skill level   aren’t equipped for the job. As teachers, we

of your class.              spend our evenings scouring the internet for
                            activities and worksheets to fill in the gaps.

SUCCESSFUL MATH CURRICULUM - 4 Hallmarks of a - Vimme Learning

    Vimme Learning’s math curriculum is
    comprehensive enough to cater to
    each student, whether they’re currently      I used to do hours of
    achieving below, at, or above their        work for a single student
    grade level. With the same quizzes,         who needed the extra
    coursework and homework, you can             push. I don’t have to
    challenge your math whizzes and
                                                  spend my evenings
    while helping your struggling students
                                                  finding activities to
    hammer home fundamental math skills.
                                                   challenge my kids
    And when you need some extra help,         anymore, it’s built right
    Vimme’s robust library of resources         into Vimme Learning.
    is at your fingertips. You can reclaim
                                                        Joel Rolf,
    your free time in the evenings and still
                                                5-8th grade math teacher
    help your students succeed at their
    achievement level.

SUCCESSFUL MATH CURRICULUM - 4 Hallmarks of a - Vimme Learning
SUCCESSFUL MATH CURRICULUM - 4 Hallmarks of a - Vimme Learning

     When we asked one seasoned math              In a successful math curriculum, rigor
     teacher about the biggest change in          isn’t a taboo word — it’s the norm.
     his classroom throughout his tenure,         We’ve found that students are incredibly
     he said it’s that he’s “gone soft.”          capable of applying themselves toward
     Compared to when he started teaching         complex problems when it’s built
     more than 30 years ago, his coursework       into their everyday coursework.
     and quizzes are much less complex.

     It’s natural for teachers to feel that
     we’re asking less and less of our                                                                   6 in.

     students as the years go by. Attention
     spans are demonstrably shorter, and                                                         8 in.
                                                                            14 in.
     we compete with an infinite amount
     of distractions that weren’t present         1. What is the volume?

     when many of us began our careers.           2. A refrigerator is delivered. The refrigerator box holds
                                                     240 cubic feet. If the refrigerator is 8 ft. high and 5 ft.
     But that doesn’t mean that our students         wide, what is the length?
     aren’t capable of buckling down
                                                  3. How many 2 inch cubes would fit within a rectangular
     and working hard when asked.                    prism with these dimensions? height: 12 inches
                                                     length: 8 inches width: 6 inches

     Mental stamina doesn’t come from
     rote memorization of equations. It
                                                            Textbooks don’t ask our
     comes when students are asked to think
     deeper. When they’re asked to approach
                                                           students for a lot of deep
     a problem from several different                    thinking. There’s not much
     angles, they’re given a real chance to                rigor, and not much real-
     retain and apply their knowledge.                      life significance. Vimme
     By constantly reframing assessment
                                                          Learning puts my students
     questions, a successful math curriculum                 through the paces, and
     like Vimme Learning helps students                 they’ve risen to the challenge.
     prepare for the rigor of state assessments                      Scott Beringer,
     and the rest of their academic careers.                    5-8th grade math teacher



     Even if your school isn’t 1:1 with laptops   Vimme Learning was built from the
     or tablets, odds are your classroom is       ground up to be a modern, technology-
     much more high-tech than it was when         focused math curriculum. Vimme
     you were a student. But many math            harnesses the power of real-time data
     curriculums don’t put the wealth of          to give you unmatched insight into your
     available technology to use for teachers.    math students’ needs.
     You might still be stuck in the stone ages
     using a textbook and pen-and-paper
     coursework, or grading papers by hand.

                                                                            dards week
                                                              See your stan
                                                                             how well your
                                                              by week, and               .
                                                                           learning them
                                                              students are

     Like any other modern online curriculum, Vimme grades your students’ quizzes and
     tests automatically, so you can save time when grading. You’ll see what each student
     got on the assessment, as well as the average grade across your class.


But the real power of Vimme is in the           With Vimme’s dashboard you can view
question view. When your students sit           your class’ average on each standard that
down to take the quiz or test, Vimme’s          will appear on the standardized test, so
dashboard gives you a live look into how        your students are prepared for academic
they’re doing on each question. You’ll          success.
see a live, color-coded view of your class’
performance before the final student
completes their assessment.
                                                      Vimme’s online tests and
Thanks to that real-time data, you can
                                                     Mathbots give me and my
see what each student submitted as
their answer, and which skills would be
                                                     students instant feedback.
beneficial for them to review. You can filter         I can see which students
test results to see which students need               are struggling, and which
help with a particular concept, and group              skills I need to focus on
them together for remediation.                          for review day. I’m not
                                                         struggling to help my
Vimme can also show you which
                                                          students anymore.
standards were covered on a particular
assessment. Because of spiral review,                       Amanda Thrasher,
each test cumulatively incorporates skills               3rd grade math teacher

and standards from the entire semester.

Vimme Learning
                  Made by teachers for teachers
     Vimme Learning is an online math            pinpoint areas where your students are
     curriculum made by teachers for teachers.   struggling, so you can make the most
     Vimme doesn’t just prepare students         of review days. And with a robust library
     for the state assessment. Through           of resources, you’ll always have the
     rigorous spiral review, it helps students   tools you need to reinforce skills without
     on both ends of the achievement             falling behind in the pacing guide.
     spectrum to apply math skills for
                                                 Sign up for a free demo and see
     true comprehension and mastery.
                                                 how far your students can go with
     Vimme provides structure for success        Vimme. You’ll get a six-week lesson
     in your math classroom, while offering      plan for your grade level, from 2nd
     enough flexibility to make lessons          grade through pre-algebra.
     your own. Real-time data helps you

                                   Vimme Learning
                           Six-Week Free Trial
              6-week pacing guide                           Real-time data reporting
              6 weekly cumulative assessments                 • By week
                                                              • By question
              6 weeks of instructional videos
                                                              • By standard
              6 weeks of interactive notebooks
                                                            Online quiz builder
              6 weeks of anchor charts
                                                            Pre-made quizzes

From large, urban districts to small,
rural ones, Vimme Learning has a        If you want your students
proven track record of raising state       to be excited about a
assessment scores and preparing           subject, you have to be
students for academic success. Start     excited to teach it. I can
your free six-week demo, and put            say definitively that
your math classroom on a new path.      Vimme makes me excited
                                                about math.
                                                Kristi Bowen,
  SIGN UP TODAY                            5th grade math teacher

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