Festival Partnership Prospectus - 23 May - 02 Jun 2020 86 Walker Street Casino NSW 2470 - Casino Beef Week

Page created by Paul Tucker
Festival Partnership Prospectus - 23 May - 02 Jun 2020 86 Walker Street Casino NSW 2470 - Casino Beef Week
Festival Partnership Prospectus
      23 May - 02 Jun 2020
       86 Walker Street Casino NSW 2470

Festival Partnership Prospectus - 23 May - 02 Jun 2020 86 Walker Street Casino NSW 2470 - Casino Beef Week
Partnering with Beef
   Week gives you the
 opportunity to provide
  value, solutions, and
   create deeper, long-
lasting connections with
      your audience.


            ’    ”
Festival Partnership Prospectus - 23 May - 02 Jun 2020 86 Walker Street Casino NSW 2470 - Casino Beef Week
In its 38th year, Casino Beef Week Festival
provides something for farmers, industry
leaders, buyers, exhibitors and families.
Beef Week hosts over 100 events within an
11 day period.

In 2020, our beef industry initiatives will be developed for
implementation alongside the continued operation of longstanding
community events. Besides our strong and rising industry focus,
community events are of the essence to the Beef Week festival
allowing corporate and leisure event attendees to socialize, come
together, network and experience the authentic, Australian rural
way of life.

       Strategic objective is to ensure the            Provide industry event experience and
 01    sustainability and longevity of regions
       farming industry.
                                                 03    initiatives targeting corporate trade
                                                       delegates. Initiatives will focus on growing
                                                       the Northern Rivers as a beef hub and
        Create strong partnerships with                agricultural destination to invest and do

 02     industry experts and producers to
        capture opportunities and assist with

        industry growth of the beef sector.            Ensure the sustainability of the festival
                                                       via industry and community events.

 Sustainability                                  Proud
 Rural Industry                                  Education and knowledge transfer
 Community                                       Connection and Collaboration
 Farming                                         Fun and Social
 Authentic                                       Tradition
 Quality Beef Industry                           Inclusivity
Festival Partnership Prospectus - 23 May - 02 Jun 2020 86 Walker Street Casino NSW 2470 - Casino Beef Week
Beef Week by the numbers
Festival Partnership Prospectus - 23 May - 02 Jun 2020 86 Walker Street Casino NSW 2470 - Casino Beef Week
Main Demographics
Festival Partnership Prospectus - 23 May - 02 Jun 2020 86 Walker Street Casino NSW 2470 - Casino Beef Week

      Gender Diverse


Festival Partnership Prospectus - 23 May - 02 Jun 2020 86 Walker Street Casino NSW 2470 - Casino Beef Week
Age Groups

                         65+   13-17
                        6.1%    2%
        55-64                          18-24
        9.1%                           17.2%



Festival Partnership Prospectus - 23 May - 02 Jun 2020 86 Walker Street Casino NSW 2470 - Casino Beef Week



 92%         7%
Festival Partnership Prospectus - 23 May - 02 Jun 2020 86 Walker Street Casino NSW 2470 - Casino Beef Week

Sp                                               ee
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                                                                             Attendee Type 2019

Festival Partnership Prospectus - 23 May - 02 Jun 2020 86 Walker Street Casino NSW 2470 - Casino Beef Week
Past Sponsors
Social Media

   8.1K fans
   1 million page impressions
   347k page views
   111k page clicks
   161k Viral Reach
   97% organic reach
   22.4K page shares

   1.63% Engagement Rate
   Engagement Rate: Good
   311.7% increase of followers
   54% Male Followers
Website Traffic

      23K visits in May
      48k page views
      26k unique visitors
      NSW & QLD main visitors

      46% referrals come from
      the Grey Nomad website

What people have to say

     The best part is how the
 community all comes together to
 celebrate this magnificent event,
      CANNOT wait for 2020!
                                     Town involvement. Business
                                     Window & dress-up, so many
                                     functions, includes schools,
                                     businesses, residents. Brings
                                       people from out of town.
                                     Breakfast with the Butchers.

 For me it's seeing the cows
 down the street, and the
 cows and horses at the
 rodeo. I love to be involved in
 leading the cattle in the
 parade etc...                       Casino Beef Week provides a lot of
                                      events for the community to get
                                       involved in, we are lucky to be
                                     in a community that has a such a
                                      great event that lasts for 11 days.
                                       From the beef week races to a
                                      full Saturday of activities, such a
                                        great time of the year for the
                                        community to get involved!

  Offering of education &
entertainment for everyone.
 Community engagement
Partnership Opportunities
Partnership opportunities are very limited secure your spot today!
The deadline to become a partner is March 06th 2020.
For additional questions, please email us at

    Opening Night Gala
    Pet Show
    Farm Tour
    Busking Competition
    Fashion Parade
    NRLX & NCMC Tour
    Art Exhibition
    Photography Competition
    Rural Ladies High Tea
    Breakfast with the Butchers
    NSW Whipcracking Competition
    Family Chillout Zone
    Champion Led Steer
    Show & Shine Car Show
    Food Alley
    Main Saturday Map
    Information Signage
    Fitness Challenge
    Rural Tour
    Industry Day
Partnership Case Study
     Family Chillout Zone

We developed a fenced off family area, where parents could sit have
coffee and watch there children play safely.

We pitched this to the Summerland Credit Union who's target
audience are Northern Rivers families. This partnership provided the
SCU an opportunity to brand the area and engage their audience in
a relaxed atmosphere.

The area had a dedicated food and coffee van plus kid friendly
activities; Summerland Credit Union chalk art competition, free face
painting and kids rodeo.

It was highly successful in 2019 and the area will increase in 2020 to
accommodate more seating for families.
Beef Week Truck

In 2019 Scuzztrans donated a trailer for Casino Beef Week to apply a
graphic on its sides.

This truck travels from Casino to Brisbane, Sydney & Melbourne several
times weekly.

Below is a snapshot of the Pacific Highway and the size of the audience
that views the Beef Week Truck. On average every year, over $2 million
people see the truck just on the Pacific Highway.

We are dedicated to raising the national profile of the festival by
delivering projects such as the Beef Week Truck.
Partnership Opportunities

Amount: $30,000 Plus + GST

Package Includes:

  Principal partner
  Naming rights Principal partner of all Casino Beef Week
  organised events
  Logo on all marketing collateral of festival
  Targeted PR and e-mail campaign
  Speaking opportunities at all major events where
  Display at all major events where applicable
  6 Tickets to all major events
  Exposure on TV, Radio, Billboards & Airport Advertising
  Logo on all print and digital marketing collateral (festival
  program, flyers, feature, website etc.)
  Media release & online write up announcing sponsorship
  Volunteer opportunities for staff
  Award presentations where applicable
  Multiple sponsored social media posts and extensive
  social media exposure
  Exposure as festival partner at all major events
Partnership Opportunities

Amount: $10,000 to $29,000 + GST

Package Includes:

  Naming sponsor of one event
  Logo on marketing collateral of one event
  Display at one event where applicable
  6 tickets to major events
  Targeted PR and e-mail campaign
  Speaking opportunities at all major events where
  Exposure on TV, Radio, Billboards & Airport advertising
  Logo on all print and digital marketing collateral of one
  event (festival program, flyers, feature, website etc.)
  Media release & online write up announcing sponsorship
  Volunteer opportunities for staff
  Award presentations where applicable
  Multiple sponsored social media posts and extensive
  social media exposure (five in total)
  Exposure as festival partner at all major events
Partnership Opportunities

Amount: $3,000 to $9,999 + GST

Package Includes:

  Associate partner of one event
  Logo on print material as an associate partner of one
  event (program, event flyer, feature)
  Logo on our website and recognised as an associate
  partner of one event
  Social media posts (two in total)
  Exposure and recognition as associate event partner at
  Opening Night, Main Saturday and one other event.

Amount: $100 to $2,999 + GST

Package Includes:

  Exposure and recognition as Friends of the Festival
  partner at one event.
  Recognised as a friends of the festival on our website
  Social Media post (one in total)
Other Partnership

Amount: $7,000 + GST

Package Includes:

  Naming rights of the event
  Logo on signage of the area
  Logo on our website
  Social media posts five in total)
  Media release & online write up announcing partnership
  Volunteer opportunities for staff
  Award presentations where applicable
  Multiple partnership social media posts and extensive
  social media exposure
Partnership Opportunities

Amount: $2,800 + GST

Package Includes:

  Naming rights of the photo booth
  Location - next to Beef Week Office
  Six hours of exposure to 15K people
  Backdrop with your logo (artwork will be provided)
  Social media posts (one in total)
  Photo booth host can wear your promotional t-shirt
  Volunteer opportunities for staff
  Extensive social media exposure via photos from shoot
  with hashtag
  One question on the survey
  Survey and email list provided

            Over 260 photos taken in 3 hours
                 Over 70 emails collected
           Over 70 survey questions completed
Partnership Opportunities

Amount: $8,500 + GST

Package Includes:
 Naming rights of the Saturday Map and What's on Signage
 30K maps printed on the back of the festival program
 Distribution in newspapers of minimum of 15k people
 Six branded double sided directional signs 800mm wide x
 2000mm high with map
 Logo on both sides and base
 Artwork included
 Signs placed around town through the festival week
 Four hours of exposure to approx 6k people at Breakfast with
 the Butchers
 Eight hours of exposure to approx 15K people on the
 Social media posts (four in total)
Partnership Opportunities

Amount: $2,000+ GST

Package Includes:

  One branded double sided information sign 800mm wide x
  2000mm high
  Your full logo on one side and base
  Artwork included
  Four hours of exposure to approx 6k people at Breakfast with
  the Butchers
  Eight hours of exposure to approx 15K people on the
  Social media posts (one in total)
  Maximum six available
Partnership Opportunities

Let's work together to unlock a unique opportunity for your
brand! Contact us today at info@casinobeefweek.com.au
to discuss your business objectives and we'll build a
partnership package that will help you achieve your goals.
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