The year so far! - Dogs Trust

Page created by Bryan Wang
The year so far! - Dogs Trust
ISSUE 8 | APRIL 2019

 The year
  so far!
Welcome to the
first Community
Tails of 2019!
  e have received
 the results from our
 ‘Walk This Way’ initiative
 in partnership with 15
 local authorities and saw
 dramatic decreases in
 incidences of dog fouling
                              Successful results for our
                              ‘Walk This Way’ intervention!
 in these areas.

  ogs Trust visited Number
 10 Downing Street
 alongside 11 of the 137
 MPs that have signed
 our pledge calling for an
 urgent resolution to the
 Puppy Smuggling crisis.
                              F     ollowing the success of our 2017
                                    pilot, the Dogs Trust Campaign
                                    Teams and Keep Britain Tidy
                              worked in partnership again to address
                              the problem of dog fouling in parks
                                                                       Dog fouling decreased
                                                                       across all the
                              and green spaces via ‘Walk This Way’     sites in 2018 by 40%
  e launched our
 W                            – a fun intervention in 2017 that saw
 ‘Collar, Chip, Change’       six popular dog walking routes receive
 campaign on social media     a makeover to feature more bins and      We ran the project again in 2018 but
 to remind owners the         clear signage to find them – which saw   worked with 15 local authorities on their
 importance of their dog      an impressive 38% overall decrease in    dog fouling hot spots. We saw an overall
 wearing a collar and         dog fouling incidences over the four-    decrease in dog fouling of 40% across all
 tag, and having correct      week period.                             the sites this year, with one site reporting
 microchip details.                                                    a reduction of 89%!
                                                                       Keep Britain Tidy have now released
                                                                       the full Project Evaluation Report for
                                                                       the intervention, and also unveiled their
                                                                       Journal of Litter and Environmental
                                                                       Quality, which features a section on our
                                                                       2017 pilot.
                                                                       For any further information on
                                                                       this intervention and if would like
                                                                       to register your interest for 2019
                                                                       activity, please email:
The year so far! - Dogs Trust

                                                                                           Don’t forget, if you are a local
                                                                                           authority, housing association or
                                                                                           vet practice, we can offer free
                                                                                           poo bags and responsible dog
                                                                                           ownership materials for you to
                                                                                           give to members of the public.
                                                                                           For more information email

                                                                                           Dogs Trust
Making fireworks                                                                           wants to hear
                                                                                           from you!
more dog friendly                                                                          We want to know about
                                                                                           responsible dog ownership

                                                                                           issues you are facing in your
         ver half of the British public                                                    area, and if there is anything
         think fireworks should be                                                         Dogs Trust can do to help.
         limited to public displays to                                                     Please fill in our short survey!
prevent potential distress to animals,
and over a third dislike fireworks due
to their pets being scared. As well as
our usual advice about how to make
firework season less stressful for dogs
everywhere, this year we’re keen to
work in partnership with local councils
to try to limit the impact of fireworks
displays on dogs.
If you’re interested in seeing how
your council can help please contact
us at
for more information.

        ur brand new campaign:
                                          We have been busy reminding the public      Checkup and Chip events,
                                          of the importance of microchipping,         and directing owners to our online
                                          collar and tags and keeping owner           collar and tag shop.
                                          contact details up-to-date on both. Our
                                                                                      For more info, visit our Collar, Chip,
                                          ‘Collar, Chip, Change’ illustrations are    Change webpage or email us on
                                          designed to remind owners to ensure Make
                                          that all legal obligations are carried      sure to keep an eye out for the posts
                                          out in a three-step process. In addition,   on Dogs Trust’s social media and
                                          we are also promoting our free              share these with your followers!
The year so far! - Dogs Trust

Dogs Trust’s Puppy
Smuggling Pledge
         n 6th March, Dogs Trust and 11
         cross-party MPs delivered a book
         of MP pledges to 10 Downing
Street to demonstrate to Government
the overwhelming support in Parliament
for the campaign to put a stop to the
illegal importation of dogs into Great
Britain. The 137 MPs have now pledged
to help end puppy smuggling after more
than 12,000 members of the public
urged their MP to back the campaign:

Working with Trading Standards                                                       Download the
to tackle Puppy Smuggling                                                            latest report:
We recently asked the public who            reports from members of the public,      ‘Puppy
they would contact if they suspected        and how we might be able to work         Smuggling:
                                                                                                           PUPPY SMUGGLING
they had purchased a smuggled               together more effectively to raise       When will this       When will this cruel
                                                                                                                               trade end?

puppy, and only 10% knew to contact         awareness of this important issue        cruel trade end’
Trading Standards. We want to change                                                 is our latest
                                            amongst the public.                      report on
that. Last month, we sent a short
questionnaire to Trading Standards          If you work for Trading Standards or     puppy
                                            know someone who does and would be       smuggling.
teams across the UK to try to help
us understand more accurately the           happy to talk to us, then please email   it HERE.
challenges they face when receiving

                                Arrange a free Be Dog Smart workshop
                                Dogs Trust offer FREE workshops for parents and children to ensure children and dogs
                                can live safely and happily together at home and in the community! If you would like to
                                arrange a Be Dog Smart workshop in your community please visit our team webpage
                                and contact your local Education and Community Officer.
The year so far! - Dogs Trust

Around our regional teams
              The launch of our new training
    North of England
initiative, ‘Introduction to Dog School’

‘   ntroduction to Dog School’ is a
    joint training initiative between
    our North of England Campaigns
    team and our Dog School team.
Offering a condensed version of our
Dog School courses for free, our
                                             At ‘Introduction to Dog School’, the
                                             team recruit owners and their dogs
                                             at our Checkup and Chip events who
                                             then opt to carry out the training online
                                             or by returning to the venue over
                                             subsequent weeks, all for free. The
                                                                                         with Hartlepool Borough Council and
                                                                                         Middlesbrough Borough Council. In
                                                                                         total we have seen over 200 dogs,
programme intends to reach members           intended outcome is to analyse which        many of which signed up for the
of the community who may otherwise           training methods owners from the            course. We exceeded our targets in
not engage in training their dogs.           target demographic prefer to use and        just a few hours and had to open
                                             why, as well as what the effect of the      more places on the course. The dog
At Dog School, experienced trainers
                                             two training methods has been.              owners in attendance were thrilled at
provide high quality, research-based
advice on dog training and offer             We have so far carried out two              the prospect of free training and were
educational and affordable classes.          successful sign-up events in partnership    queuing to sign up!

    Regional Campaign                               Dogs Trust puts best paw forward
    Contacts                                 with Greyfriars Bobby Commemoration
    London – 0207 833 5134                   Our Scotland Campaigns Team
                                             worked collaboratively with the One
    North of England – 01325 335 055         o’Clock Gun Association to host         the 2019 annual Greyfriars Bobby
                                             Commemoration. Greyfriars Bobby,
    Northern Ireland – 02825 652 977
                                             a Skye Terrier, famously guarded his
                                             master’s grave for 14 years and a
    Scotland – 01417 735 155                 commemorative day is held every      year in Edinburgh. The event received
                                             support from passionate dog lovers,
    Wales – 01656 728 925                                                                Scottish National Party member
                                             including the Sky Terrier Association
                                             and former leader of the Scottish           Angela Constance and a representative
                                             Labour Party, Kezia Dugdale.                from the Lord Provosts office Lezley
                                                                                         Marion Cameron. Students from
                                             Members of the Scottish Parliament          George Heriot’s School near Greyfriars
                                             and the public gathered to hear about       Kirkyard, who had been learning all
                                             the importance of animal welfare and        about responsible dog ownership with
                                             the bond between dogs and their             the Dogs Trust Education Team, were
                                             humans. Speeches were given by Dogs         invited along to lay flowers at Bobby’s
                                             Trust Veterinary Director Paula Boyden,     headstone.

                                                   2019 so far...

         Events hosted
                                      1,755            2,343
                                  Dogs seen at events Owners engaged
                                                                                   Health checks
                                                                                                         Microchipped dogs

Reg. Charity Numbers: 227523 and SC037843
The year so far! - Dogs Trust The year so far! - Dogs Trust The year so far! - Dogs Trust The year so far! - Dogs Trust The year so far! - Dogs Trust The year so far! - Dogs Trust
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