Page created by Terrence Cruz
Past allocations

The Creative Communities NZ Ōpōtiki District Local Funding Scheme is a partnership between
Ōpōtiki District Council and Creative New Zealand. Every year Creative New Zealand provides
funds to councils to support local arts activities. Visit

Organisation name                 Support for                                  Amount granted

October 2019

Opotiki Embroiderer’s Guild       Biannual display of work                             $500.00
Whakatohea Maori Trust Board      Mataatua Kapa Haka Regionals 2020                   $6,200.00
Racquel Standen                   Rhythm and Rhymes – Dance and                       $1,000.00
                                  music for 0-5 year olds
Sandra Innes-Smith                Bags’ Mine; Kei Te Putea Taku                        $250.00
Opotiki Show Jumping              Coast By Nature , Opotiki Show                       $800.00
                                  Jumping Derby 2020
Kowhai Kaumatua Roopu             Te taonga o te Wai tuhi mo te ma.                    $950.00
                                  To paint a treasure for our
Claudette Kora                    The Goddess Within – Discovering                     $300.00
                                  their sacred feminine selves through
                                  Total                                             $10,000.00

May 2019

Robin Lee-Robinson                Printing and publishing of ‘Journal                 $2,300.00
                                  of a Junior Writer’ a youth novel.

Te Whare Tu Taua o Whakatōhea     Wananga to create Tipare for Māori                  $1,400.00
Youth2 Employment and Education   Toi Rangatahi – Creation of mural in                $1,000.00
                                  youth education space focused on

Pilgrimage                        Flag making – design and creation                   $1,200.00
                                  of artistic flag based on teachings of
                                  the prophet and founder of the
                                  Ringatu Faith.

                                  Total                                               $5900.00
October 2018

Eastbay REAP                      Me marama ki muri, me marama ki       $1,250.00
                                  mua – Pounamu wananga

Opotiki Primary School            Celebrating our History               $1,750.00

Opeke Mokopapa                    Opeke Mokopapa 2019                   $1,000.00

Ashbrook School                   School production                     $2,500.00

Opotiki Show Jumping and Hunter   Collision of the Arts – showcase of     $500.00
Group                             local artists at show jumping

                                  Total                                 $7000.00

May 2018

Toro Pikopiko Puppets             Rock-Art Puppet Show and Rock-Art     $2,000.00
                                  Puppetry Workshops

Reena Kainamu                     Photokorero & Uku Exhibition:           $420.00
Ora Barlow                        Taonga Puoro Workshop                 $2,000.00
Opotiki College                   Noho Marae for Kura Ki Uta kapa       $2,580.00
                                  Total                                 $7,000.00

October 2017

Motu Trails Charitable Trust      Dunes Trail Native Bird Permanent     $1,500.00
                                  Art Installation
Opotiki Embroiderers Guild        2 day embroidery workshop               $584.00
Edward Mareroa                    Toi Whakairo                          $2,268.00
Sonia Kohiti                      Driftwood workshop / wananga          $1,000.00
Anna Gedson                       Painted native tree steps project       $780.05
                                  with St Josephs school
                                  Total                                 $6,132.05

May 2017

Joanne Black                      Photography and Art Intensive         $2,390.79
Opotiki Deluxe Theatre Trust      Tribal ConnexioNZ concert with        $1,609.21
                                  support from Opotiki youth
                                  Total                                 $4,000.00

October 2016

Patricia Kay McLeod               The Ōpōtiki Big Felting Day             $575.50

Opotiki Youth Council             Aerosol Mural Workshop                 $2579.80

Woodlands School                  The Whanau Fence                       $2676.70

                                  Total                                 $5,832.00
June 2016

Anna Gedson                           Creation of large woven aluminium      $1,983.70
                                      kete to be displayed as a sculptural

Ngati Patu Hapu Committee             Tukutuku wananga to create panels      $1,150.00
                                      for Waiaua Church

Opotiki College Gifted and Talented   Creation of coffee table book of       $1,098.00
Students                              photography by Opotiki College

Opotiki Embroiderers Guild            Embroidery on silk paper and crewel      $520.00
                                      work embroidery weekend

Whakatohea Research and Archives      Whale stranding and related event      $1,150.00
trust                                 photography exhibition and display

Ngai Tai Iwi Authority                Ngai Tai Youth Arts Holiday             $2071.15
                                      Programme Mural project

Shona Hammond Boys                    Publishing of a book for tourist         $327.15
                                      market of Tangata Whenua portraits
                                      and myths

                                      Total                                  $8,300.00

October 2015

Opotiki Childrens Art House           Opotiki Childrens Art House Youth        $800.00
                                      Mural Restoration Project
Sonia Edwards                         2nd World War Fallen book              $2,000.00

Amoamo Whanau Wananga                 Youth art workshops and printing of    $1,203.50
                                      historical book
                                      Total                                  $4003.50

June 2015

Opotiki Childrens Art House           Opotiki Childrens Art House Horse        $419.00

Opotiki College Creative Writers      Opotiki Young Writers short story        $800.00

Te Tarata Organising Committee        Te Tarata 150th Commemoration –          $500.00
                                      Performance and Pouwhenua

Ōpōtiki Fibre and Fleece Trust        Hire of ANZAC themed clothing as         $995.00
                                      part of the Fibre and Fleece event

Ngaroahiahi Bunny Maangi              Whaariki Māori Weaving Workshops         $500.00

Whakatōhea Archives and Research      Carving exhibition for Te Tarata         $500.00
Trust                                 150th commemoration.

Racquel Standen                       I heART dance (Dance and Art             $896.00
                                      classes in Ōpōtiki)
Ōpōtiki District Caledonian Society   Sequence dance workshop                    $270.00

Ngāi Tamahaua Hapū                    Muriwai Tournament Kapa Haka               $720.00

                                                                      Total:   $5600.00

October 2014

Sonia Edwards                         To create a booklet as a memorial to     $1,037.95
                                      the fallen soldiers of the Opotiki
                                      District who died in WW1.

Reena Kainamu                         Creation of uku/clay panels that are       $207.96
                                      representative of cultural belonging.
C White – School of Dance             Tap and Jazz dancing event.                $993.60

Opotiki Childrens Art House           Completion of Kowhaiwhai fence             $250.00
                                      patterns at the front of the
                                      Children’s Art House.
Opotiki Lions Club                    Sand sculpting event.                      $836.00

Jared Gullett                         A youth project to create the              $840.00
                                      soundtrack for a short film.

Roimata Marae                         Wanunga to restore whakairo and            $900.00
                                      kowhaiwhai at
                                      Roimata Wharenui.

Opotiki Blue Light Ventures           Youth art project dedicated to the         $535.00
                                      ANZAC Centenary.

                                                                      Total:   $5,600.51

June 2014

Ōpōtiki Childrens Art House           Creation of an Inspirational               $250.00
                                      Sculpture Sign Post

Danny Poihipi                         Enhancement of Poupou Gateway to          $1200.00
                                      the Tairawhiti Te Whānau-a-Apanui

Robyn Forbes                          An art mural programme for                 $800.00
                                      students at Omaramutu School

Whakatōhea Research and Archives      Preparation of adzes for display and       $350.00
Trust                                 production of accompanying
                                      artwork, information and advertising

Tōrere Reserves Trust                 Ngai Tai Arts Symposium                   $1200.00

Kura Ki Uta Kapa Haka - Ōpōtiki       3x noho marae to prepare poi and          $1200.00
College                               performance taonga for use in Kapa
                                      Haka competitions

                                                                      Total:   $5,000.00
October 2013

Catriona White School of Dance        A tap and jazz dance event                $1,007.50

Lions Club of Ōpōtiki                 A sand sculpting event                      $292.47

Opotiki Children’s Art House          NZ Millennium Tent Exhibition and           $200.00
                                      Children’s Art Workshop

Whakatōhea Research and Archives      8 Week restoration workshop and           $4,000.00
Trust                                 feasibility study for Tane Whirinaki
                                      Restoration Project

                                                                       Total:   $5,499.97

June 2013

Ōpōtiki District Caledonian Society   Weekend Sequence dance workshop             $270.00

Ōpōtiki Childrens Art House           Christmas Banners project                   $300.00

Nga Toka Tu Moana Committee           Xmas at the Pa Concert                    $1,200.00

Kura Ki Uta Kapa Haka – Opotiki       2 noho marae to make poi, mau             $1,200.00
College                               rakau and performance taonga for
                                      Kapa Haka competitions

Whakatōhea Research and Archive       2 day heritage art workshop to            $2,000.00
Trust                                 explain and workshop the
                                      Iconography, patterns and
                                      symbolism pertaining to the
                                      Wharenui meeting house

Ngāi Tamahaua Hapū – Muriwai          Super 12 Kapa Haka Festival               $1,100.00
Tournament Organising Committee

                                                                       Total:   $6,070.00

December 2012

Opotiki Children’s Art House          Holiday programme art workshop            $1,000.00
                                      for youth

Lions Club of Opotiki                 A sand sculpting event                      $775.00

Opotiki Art Society                   Weekend introductory art course             $700.00

Wiremu Baker                          Complete a series of 12 tuku tuku           $450.00
                                      panels depicting the 12 signs of the

Opotiki Community Arts Council        To bring acts from the Arts-on-Tour         $578.60
                                      programme to Opotiki

Woodlands School                      To help production of “Snow White           $850.00
                                      and the Seven Green Peace

                                                                       Total:   $4,353.60
July 2012

Catriona White School of Dance      To hold a tap and jazz dance event          $562.50

Whakatōhea Research and Archives    To mount a photo exhibition of the         1,250.00
Trust                               Māori Battalion Company C – locals
                                    who served

Opotiki Childrens Art House         To hold a Youth Mosaic Project              $700.00

Whakaatu Whanaunga Trust            Have a Graffiti artist run a workshop     $1,000.00
                                    with youth

Whakatohea Maori Trust Board        Trail interpretation board embraced       $1,000.00
                                    in carved pou

Ōpōtiki Mai Tawhiti                 To run 2x 3 day wananga to share          $1,000.00
                                    traditional artforms of Waiata, kapa
                                    haka, poi etc

Jan Shaw                            To repint (edited version)                  $372.71
                                    “Memories” a book by Len Dain of
                                    his life in Ōpōtiki from 1922-2001

                                                                     Total:   $5,885.21

October 2011

Ōpōtiki Art Society                 Watercolour workshop                        $600.00

Te Runanga o Te Whānau              Mataatua Kapa Haka Regionals              $2,600.00

Ōpōtiki Heritage and Agricultural   Publishing Historical book                  $600.00

Shirley Dawn Robb                   Accordian Concert                         $1,110.00

Ōpōtiki Drama Club                  Lighting Workshop                           $490.00

                                                                     Total:   $5,400.00

April 2011

Sonia Edwards                       Opotiki Cemetery Records project.         $1,130.00
                                    Using website development, new
                                    media, graphic and language skills

Catriona White School of Dance      To hold a tap and jazz dance event          $500.00

Jamiesart                           To run a ‘Mauri Ora’ 2 day art              $750.00
                                    workshop for students

Hawai Marae Committee               To run an art and craft programme           $500.00
                                    on our Marae using the resources
                                    available locally

Opotiki Art Society                 To run a ‘Conceptual Art – Painting’        $460.00
                                    weekend workshop

Opotiki College Scribblers          To publish a book of students               $700.00
                                    writing and photographs
Whakatohea Research and Archives   To run a workshop on preservation     $1,160.00
Trust                              and care of artefacts

                                                                Total:   $5,200.00
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