Page created by Andre Maldonado

DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE                                                                                                                                        NEWS AND NOTES

                                                                                                                                                                                             Do you recognize anyone in this image? If you said
                                                                                                                                                                                             Christina Klok, our new Gallery Shop Manager at          Shop with us!
                                                                                                                                                                                             the KIA you would be right! Christina served as the
                                                                                                                                                                                             Assistant Manager for over 5 years before accepting      Why not treat yourself, a friend or
                                                                                                                                                                                             the challenge as our new Shop Manager. After taking      loved one with a special gift from our
                                                                                                                                                                                             on this role in February, Christina said “I am very      Gallery Shop. We feature many local
                                                                                                                                                                                             excited to embrace the traditions of the gallery shop,   artist creations as well as fun art
                            Well ALMOST… we hope you are just as eager                                                                                                                                                                                inspired gifts. Check back often for new
                             to be here as we are to welcome you back!                                                                                                                       eager to welcome in new and exciting elements, while
                                                                                                                                                                                             honoring the local artists and products featured and     products while you support the KIA.
                             The building is being cleaned to perfection,
                           new exhibitions will soon be on-view, safe social                                                                                                                 the brilliance of the KIA overall.                       Your Gallery Shop Staff
                             distancing measures are being put in place                                                                                                                    Christina has a long history in retail, before working
                            and when we receive the all clear, the doors                                                                                                                   at the KIA she owned her own curiosities/homewares          Shop here!
                                             will be open!
                                                                                                                                                                                           shop in Vicksburg. She also served on the Village
                           In the meantime, you can enjoy online classes                                                                                                                   Council for more than 10 years as a Trustee and
                               or family fun activities, shop with us or                                                                                                                   President. Her desire to see the best in the
                                  show your support through giving.                                                                                        community led Christina to spearhead a group of local business owners & employees
                                                                                                                                                           to create the Vicksburg Area Chamber of Commerce.
                                                                                                                                                           Now, enjoying river life in Three Rivers with her husband, Leonard and daughter,
                          You may know            standing history in Kalamazoo, and our                KALAMAZOO INSTITUTE OF ARTS
                                                                                                        314 S. Park Street                                 Jessica. She enjoys spending time outdoors, canoeing, biking, gardening and
                          that the KIA was        ability to withstand crises is time-tested. It        Kalamazoo, MI 49007
                                                                                                                                                           bird/butterfly watching!
                          founded nearly          is also a part of why our community leans             269/349-7775
                          100 years ago,          on us in challenging circumstances. We                                                                   Please stop in when we re-open to shop the amazing gifts
                          in 1924. In the         strive to be a source of inspiration for all.         Executive Director                                 and collectibles we offer.
                                                                                                        Belinda A. Tate
                          time since, we          In our current closure, we now offer a                                                                   Drawing by artist Blake Eason, Kalamazoo, Michigan
                                                                                                        2019-2020 Board of Directors
                          have weathered          more robust social media presence with                Executive Committee
                          innumerable             daily themes and art activities across
                                                                                                        Priscilla Pedraza, President
                                                                                                        Jack Michael, First Vice President
                          challenges              multiple channels. In addition, we are                Perry Wolfe, Treasurer
                          and changes                                                                   Lori Knapp, Secretary

                                                                                                                                                            West Michigan
                                                  mounting entirely-on line exhibitions, a              Ron Kitchens, Past President
in society. In each decade, we have               first for us! This honors the hard work and

responded to a changing environment by            creativity demonstrated by area students
                                                                                                        Board Members
                                                                                                        Danielle Mason Anderson, Susan Bowers,
adapting and improving the KIA. Over the          in the annual Young Artists of Kalamazoo              Daniel Guyette, Kevin Jawahir, Sarah
years, these rigors have made us a more                                                                 Parfet Jbara, Ron Kitchens, Lori Knapp,

                                                  County exhibition, High School Area Show              Karen Matson, Jack Michael,
robust, accessible, engaging, and united          and others will follow. Also, please enjoy            Peggy Napier, Mike Ouding, Lora Painter,
institution. And change, no matter how            the reprint from Christie’s magazine,
                                                                                                        William U. Parfet, Caroline Pavone,
                                                                                                        Priscilla Pedraza, Sabrina Pritchett-Evans,
difficult to manage, offers the opportunity       a testament to the national attention                 Philip Repp, Paula Shelhamer,
for the KIA to rise higher as a place of                                                                Robb Smalldon, David M. Thoms,                      For more than ten years, docents and staff from the
                                                  and respect we have earned together                   Michelle Tombro Tracy,                              KIA, the Muskegon Museum of Art and the Grand
healing, creativity, respite, beauty and joy      for the caliber of the arts programming               Dr. L. Marshall Washington,
in hard times. Our collective experience                                                                Jamie Williams, and Perry Wolfe                     Rapids Art Museum meet annually at one of their
                                                  supported by our members & sponsors.                                                                      home museums for a day of learning and camaraderie.
has made us incredibly resilient, and the                                                                   The Kalamazoo Institute of Arts
KIA and the community, together, will             I eagerly await seeing you back at the KIA.                    is accredited by the                       This past March, the KIA docents hosted this event and
                                                  When we reopen, things will be different.                American Association of Museums                  explored the exhibition, David Park: A Retrospective, with
rebound from our current unprecedented
situation with strength.                          However, rest assured, we are simply on                                                                   their colleagues. The visiting docents enjoyed a packed day
                                                  our way to becoming better than ever!                                                                     where they participated in gallery activities that focused on
We are learning and adjusting internally                                                                                                                    inspiration from Park’s painting technique, studying his style
to fulfill the required changes needed to         With hope and gratitude,
                                                                                                                                                            evolution although grounded in the figure, continued to become
ultimately reopen the KIA safely. As ever,        Belinda                                               Publication of Sightlines is supported by:
                                                                                                                                                            more abstracted and expressionistic over time. The docents
we will endure these shifts, and change                                                                                                                     enjoyed writing “word pile” poems inspired by the art and
alongside our community in order to serve                                                                                                                   creating in our Art Lab program, realistic to abstract works of art
everyone better. We honor our long-                                                                                                                         led by Park’s style. We completed a great day with lunch and
                                                                                                                                                            shopping at the Gallery Shop. We always enjoy gathering with
                                                                                                                                                            our museum colleagues and amazing docent volunteers and
                                                                                                                                                            look forward to seeing our friends again next year in Muskegon.

                                                                                        On the cover:
                                                                                                                                                      Remember to like us on Social Media! Twitter@KzooInstArts • Instagram@kalmazooinstituteofarts • Facebook@Kalamazoo Institute of Arts
                                                      Alfred Jeurgens, In May, 1915, oil on canvas,
                                               Collection of the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, Gift of
                                                                   Patricia Davies Pierce, 2016.33
page 2   |   summer 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  summer 2020 | page 3
NEWS AND NOTES                                                                                                                             NEWS AND NOTES

                                                        What I’ve
                                                         Belinda Tate, executive director of the
                                                        Kalamazoo Institute of Arts
                                                  The director of the Michigan museum          There is a term used in the museum            focus on a transitional time for young         art didn’t seem foreign; it wasn’t someone else’s art. I went off in   Clockwise from
                                                 on its role in supporting young artists       field: ‘glocal’. It means connecting people   women when their social, emotional, and        search of those lightbulb moments when you see something you           far left:
                                             in the community, going ‘glocal’, and her         around the world in ways that make those      physical maturity have not yet aligned. It     have never seen before, when art changes who you are.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Franz Kline,
                                          urgent quest to acquire works by women and           people part of your community, because        is complex, and we need to look at it more     I think many young women working in the field of contemporary          Red Crayon, 1959, oil
                                      people of colour.                                        they share your values. At the same time,     closely.                                       art right now are widely underrated. Chitra Ganesh is one, an          and crayon on canvas,
                           Belinda Tate studied art history at Yale University and British     we are a bricks-and-mortar meeting place,                                                    American of Indian descent. Others are Bethany Collins, Adia
                                                                                                                                             We are acquiring works all the time —                                                                                 Director’s Fund
                           art at the Paul Mellon Centre in London. While researching in       a third space (home being the first and                                                      Millett, Inka Essenhigh. It is difficult for these artists to break
                                                                                                                                             particularly by women and by people                                                                                   Purchase, 1968.9/93
                           Yale’s Beinecke Library, she encountered works by members of        work the second). We serve our local                                                         through, but I hope that we are seeking them out.
                                                                                                                                             of colour. So, for example, we recently
                           the Harlem Renaissance, sculptures that ‘spoke to my own life       community, and we try to demonstrate                                                                                                                                Helen
                                                                                                                                             purchased a piece by Olga Albizu, a Puerto     Artists such as Ginny Ruffner and Todd Gray are capturing the
                           in an empowering way. It was the first time I experienced the       that innovation, intelligence, talent,                                                                                                                              Frankenthaler,
                                                                                                                                             Rican painter who was the only known           spirit of the times. That spirit is hard to verbalise, but we know
                           transformative power of art.’                                       beauty, and excellence exist within — and                                                                                                                           Code Blue, 1980,
                                                                                                                                             Latina artist working in New York at the       it when we see it. Ginny Ruffner is a glass artist and her new
                                                                                               emerge from — every walk of life.                                                                                                                                   acrylic on canvas,
                           She went on to lead the Diggs Gallery in North Carolina, one of                                                   height of Abstract Expressionism. Her          exhibition, Reforestation of the Imagination, opens for us on 6
                                                                                               The collection is exceptionally strong        works are so lyrical, they are like looking                                                                           Purchase, National
                           the largest exhibition spaces in America dedicated to the art of                                                                                                 June. The works look like stumps, but when you hold an iPad in         Endowment for
                           Africa and the African diaspora, before being appointed director    for a museum of this size. It is primarily    at music.                                      front of them an imaginary flower appears. Take a screenshot,
                                                                                               American art. There are some amazing                                                                                                                                the Arts Matching
                           of the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts in 2014. She describes it as                                                   But we don’t always have the diversity of      and there is something on your device that you cannot see in
                                                                                               pieces by Helen Frankenthaler, including                                                                                                                            Museum Purchase
                           ‘a place of discovery’, where there is ‘an integration between                                                    work required to tell the kind of stories      the gallery space itself. The show has a kind of post-apocalyptic
                                                                                               one massive painting called Code Blue                                                                                                                               Grant and donation
                           seeing and making’.                                                                                               that audiences desire. I would appeal to       hopefulness — like when, after a fire, new life emerges.
                                                                                               (above). You will see Richard Diebenkorn,                                                                                                                           from anonymous
                           I didn’t visit art museums as a child, but I remember going to                                                    collectors to donate works by women and        And then, starting on 25 July, there will be a show by Todd
                                                                                               Franz Kline, Alexander Calder. We have                                                                                                                              donor, 1979/80.82
                           a history museum and seeing a life-size cardboard cutout of                                                       people of colour to museums. There is an       Gray, who was official photographer to Michael Jackson. These
                                                                                               one of the best Robert S. Duncanson
                           Harriet Tubman. There was something powerful about standing                                                       urgent need for that.                          works have nothing to do with pop culture. Todd places framed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Edmonia Lewis,
                                                                                               landscapes I have ever come across,                                                                                                                                 The Marriage of
                           in her presence, even though it was just a picture of her. She      along with artists such as Edmonia            My love of art began as an undergraduate       photographs one on top of the other to make thought- provoking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hiawatha, 1872,
                           became a hero to me from that moment, because of what she           Lewis, a little-known 19th-century            at Yale, where I came across two works         layered collages.
                           accomplished as a black woman.                                                                                    that changed my life. One was a maquette                                                                              marble, Acquired
                                                                                               African American sculptor. People are                                                        For me, art is the way that — in the future — we will understand
                                                                                                                                             of a sculpture called The Harp, by Augusta                                                                            through the generosity
                           The Kalamazoo Institute of Arts is a museum and one of the          surprised when they come here. They                                                          our current moment. This is an exciting time, because there is a
                                                                                                                                             Savage. It depicts a number of standing                                                                               of an anonymous
                           leading community-based art schools in the region. We have          always tell us the experience exceeded                                                       heightened sense that art is connective, healing, transformative.
                                                                                                                                             figures embraced by a divine hand in such                                                                             donor, 2010.1
                           about 5,000 objects and 3,300 students. We run a unique post-       their expectations. One of my favourite                                                      It seems to me that no major change has occurred in society
                           baccalaureate residency that targets young artists: ceramicists,    works in the collection is a contemporary     a way that the composition looks like a        without utilizing the power of art.                                    Robert Seldon
                           sculptors, and others who need equipment to do their work. We       painting called Tender Breeze by              harp. It is inspired by the African-American                                                                          Duncanson,
                                                                                                                                             anthem Lift Every Voice and Sing.              (NOTE:originally mentioned exhibitions and dates have changed
                           give them nine months of free tuition, during which time they use   Philemona Williamson. It depicts a group                                                                                                                            Heart of the Andes,
                                                                                                                                                                                            since the museum closed March 14th to protect the public.
                           our studios to improve their practice.                              of three girls in an underwater dream         The other work was Feral Benga, a                                                                                     1871, oil on canvas,
                                                                                                                                                                                            Please visit for updated schedules.)
                                                                                               state. Williamson paints adolescent           sculpture of a male dancer by Richmond                                                                                Gift of Elizabeth
                                                                                               women, and there are so few artists who       Barthé. The sheer beauty of that human                                                                                Upjohn Mason and
                                                                                                                                                                                            Article courtesy of Christie’s.
                                                                                                                                             figure overwhelmed me. For the first time,     March 2020, Photo David Kasnic                                         Lowell B. Mason, Jr.,
                                                                                                                                                                                             More here!

page 4   |   summer 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           summer 2020 | page 5
NEWS AND NOTES                                                                                               NEWS AND NOTES

                                                                         the KIA
                                                                         Giving to our Annual Fund or becoming a Member means all your
                                                                                                                                           Your Own Art Collection...
                                                                                                                                           Have you always wanted to start or add to your very own art             Arts Fair 2020
                                                                         contributions directly support our upcoming exhibitions, public   collection? Regardless of your collecting history here are a few tips
                                                                         programs, educational opportunities and so much more.             from our Chief Curator, Rehema Barber to consider when making
                                                                                                                                           a selection.
                                                                         Membership Join by June 25th
                                                                                                                                              1. Do you like the work and think you could live with it forever?
                                                                          When you join between now and June 30th you will receive
                                                                                                                                                       2. Does the work speak to you? i.e. can you tell
                                                                         an extra 3 months membership for free! As both a perk of
                                                                                                                                                           a story about the work and why it appeals
                                                                         our Giving Campaign and Michigan’s Stay Home Stay Safe
                                                                                                                                                               to you?
                                                                         measures, we are offering this extended membership. Simply
                                                                         join as normal and we will make the necessary notes for your                               3. Where will you display the work: in your
                                                                         record.                                                                                      living room, dining room, kitchen, or
                                                                                                                                                                         another part of
                                                                          Become a member                                                                                  your home?
Mask parts
being made                                                               Annual Fund                                                                                        4. Final step... BUY IT!
with our 3-D
                                                                         Already a member or maybe you are not sure how to help                                              These exclusive and unique
                                                                         us in an extra special way. When you contribute to the                                               pieces have been created by our
                                                                         Annual Fund you are helping support the KIA in every                                                 own KNAS faculty and some of
                                                                         area of need. Help us with emergency funding, providing                                              the local artists we carry in the
                                                                         PPE for staff and, develop new community programs.                                                   KIA gallery shop.
                                                                         Help us maintain free admission for children under 12
                                                                                                                                                                               Not only will you be supporting
                                                                         or for our entire community during
                                                                                                                                                                              your community of local artists,
                                                                         “Everyone’s a Members Day”.
                                                                                                                                                                             but a portion of the proceeds will
                                                                         Did you know right now our KNAS 3-D printers are being                                             also benefit the KIA.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A beloved fixture in our community
                                                                         used to make face mask parts for our health care workers
                                                                                                                                                                                             More here!            for over 69 years... at this time
                                                                         in need! Now, that is probably not a way you thought your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the June 5 and 6th dates are
                                                                         support would matter, but it certainly does!
                                                                         These are just a few ways your kindness contributes to our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   To ensure the safety of our artists
                                                                         community and makes a world of difference.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and visitors we are waiting for a
                                                                          Learn more                                                                                                                               little more information around new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   safe distancing guidelines for large
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   events before we release a possible
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   new date or postponement.

       Family Fun
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Stay tuned for further updates.

       Need a little inspiration or activities? Check out our website
       for fun art projects, scavenger hunts, and top tips for taking
       great landscape photos, or painting a still life. Maybe you
       want to color with Arty The Art Detective. Make a floral
       collage or sculpture. There is a little something for everyone.

        Check it out here!

      page 6   |   summer 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                    summer 2020 | page 7
EXHIBITIONS                                                                                                             EXHIBITIONS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Above images, from left:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Audrey Blough, St. Joe Lighthouse Drenched

                                                                                                                                  38 years with High
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              in Beauty, digital photography

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Westin Grinwis, Wired Energy, Charcoal

                                                                                                                                  School Area Artists
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Powder and Ink Pen

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Anthony Chupp, Untitled, Ink, Graphite

                                                                                                                                  This year’s High School Area Show            Thank you to these universities/colleges
                                                                                                                                  featured 101 juried works selected from      for their scholarships & support:
                                                                                                                                  over 300 entries submitted by 9th-             ● Cleveland Institute of Art
                                                                                                                                  12th graders representing nine West
                                                                                                                                  Michigan Counties. Although the show           ● College for Creative Studies (Detroit)

                                                                               Get Ready!
                                                                                                                                  was closed to the public, we were able         ● Indiana University-South Bend
                                                                                                                                  to feature a virtual tour so art lovers
                                                                                                                                                                                 ● Kalamazoo Valley Community College
                                                                                                                                  could appreciate these incredible artists’
                                                                                                                                  works online. Each year, the KIA works         ● Kendall College of Art and Design
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Young Artists of
                                                                               West Michigan Area Show                            with regional colleges and universities
                                                                                                                                  to award scholarships to High School
                                                                                                                                                                                 ● Kirk Newman Art School
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Kalamazoo County
                                                                                                                                                                                 ● Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design
                                                                               opening summer 2020                                Area Show participants. As a result of
                                                                                                                                  the generosity of these participating          ● Olivet College
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The virtual presentation of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    annual Young Artists of Kalamazoo
                                                                               A staple and beloved exhibition every year is      schools, our partners awarded $500,000         ● University of Michigan-Stamps School             County exhibition opened at the
                                                                               the West Michigan Area Show. The WMAS              in scholarships to deserving high school         of Art and Design                                end of March and has had well
                                                                               show demonstrates our commitment to                artists to help them pursue their artistic
                                                                                                                                                                                 ● Wayne State University                           over 2000 YouTube views! Over
                                                                               local and regional artists. We delight in this     dreams.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    60 private, parochial, and public
                                                                               showcase of quality regional talent and rich       In addition to our many scholarship            ● Western Michigan University-Gwen                 schools participated in this year’s
                                                                               heritage. We are excited to announce our plan      winners, Audrey Blough of Lakeshore              Frostic School of Art.                           exhibition which celebrates the
                                                                               to install the WMAS for everyone to enjoy this     High School, winner of the 6th District      Thank you to our juror, Barb Whitney,                creativity of K-8 students throughout
                                                                               wonderful exhibition once we reopen.               Congressional Art Competition, will have     Executive Director of the Lansing                    the county. Congratulations to all of
                                                                               Viewers will be asked to vote for their favorite   the honor of her photograph, St. Joe         Art Gallery for her expertise and her                our young artists and thank you to
                                                                               work during the exhibition for the Annual          Lighthouse Drenched in Beauty, hang in       continuing advocacy for equitable access             all of the teachers and families who
                                                                               People’s Choice Award sponsored by the Arts        the US Capitol building for one year. Our    to the arts for young people. To our                 support and nurture these artists-
                                                                               Council of Greater Kalamazoo.                      juror also awarded Honorable Mentions to     college and university partners for offering         in-training! For another view of the
                                         Images, clockwise from bottom left:                                                      Westin Grinwis, Anthony Chupp, Dangelo       scholarship awards to these outstanding              exhibition and to see the entire list
                                                                               A thank you to our juror Chicago-based artist
                                                                                                                                  Rostic, and Antwon Johnson.                  students despite uncertain times.                    of participating schools, visit the KIA
         Gretchen Huggett, Red Maiden, Mother, Crone, woven, dye silk          William J. O’Brien, who works in drawing,
                                                                               painting, sculpture and ceramics. He is                                                         Congressman Fred Upton and or event                  website. We look forward to seeing
                           Warner Ball, Bird and Cicada, digital photography
                                                                               assistant professor of Art in the Department of                                                 sponsors, AVB and Friendship Village for             everyone back in the galleries
                    Louise Pappageorge, Penumbra, lace, wax, and wire          Ceramics at the school of The Art Institute of                                                  their continued support of this exhibition.          next year!
                                                                               Chicago.                                                                                        Congratulations to all of our High School
                                                                                                                                                                               Artists!                                               More here!

                                                                                                                                                                               For a complete list of winners and to view           Presenting Sponsor
                                                                                                                                                                               the show, click the button below.                    Tyler Little Family Foundation

                                                                                                                                                                                More here!

page 8   |   summer 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 summer 2020 | page 9
COLLECTION HIGHLIGHT                                                                                                                                     EXHIBITIONS

                                                                                                                                                                                      UPCOMING EXHIBITIONS

                                                                                                                                                  Unveiling American Genius                                                   Through the Years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Asian Art from the Permanent Collection
                                                                                                                                                 Opening SUMMER 2020
                                                                                                                                                 This re-imagining of the KIA’s permanent collection is an                 Opening SUMMER 2020
                            Jennifer Bartlett    Born and raised in southern California, Jennifer Bartlett briefly attended Mills College        exhibition that will illuminate the ingenuity and innovation              To coincide with the re-installation of the Kalamazoo Institute
                                                 in northern California. However, believing that “serious art” could not be produced             that rises from all corners of American society. Unveiling                of Arts’ permanent collection, Unveiling American Genius, is
                   Born 1941, Long Beach, CA
                                                 in California she moved to the east coast, earning her MFA from Yale University and             American Genius demonstrates our institution’s commitment                 Through the Years: Asian Art from the Permanent Collection, in
          Currently lives in New York City, NY   eventually settling in New York City during the late 1960s. A mixture of abstraction            to an increasingly more inclusive and diverse representation              the Joy Light Gallery of Asian Art. This exhibition will reflect on
                                                 and the representational, Bartlett has been creating images of everyday subjects and            of American artists within our holdings and programming.                  the arts of East Asia, China, Japan, and South Korea. Ranging
                                                 objects like modest homes for decades. Despite the artist’s surfaces being fully covered        This exhibition will use themes surrounding people, place, art            in media and subject matter, some of the finest works in the
                               Houses, 2005                                                                                                      & design, and abstraction to explore key stories that women,
                                                 with marks, the influences of minimalism and conceptual art emerge through the lack                                                                                       museum’s collection acquired through the generosity of private
                                   silkscreen    of line and details which reveals a structured scene laid out using a grid.                     Asian, Native American and African Americans, Latinx, and other           donors and the Joy Light East Asian Art Acquisition Fund will be
                                                                                                                                                 artists have told about our culture, art, and history. Within this        on view. Visitors will see works spanning from the 7th century
                        Permanent Collection     For Bartlett, the grid constructs space within the surface of her works and functions as
                                                                                                                                                 unique long-term presentation, viewers will see abstract and              BCE to 2016. Contemporary artists Arnold Chang and Sunghyun
                     Fund Purchase, 2005.12      a tool creating order, rather than aesthetic appeal. In Houses, Bartlett uses a series of
                                                                                                                                                 contemporary works, and explorations surrounding traditional              Moon, as well as celebrated potter Shōji Hamada and Ukiyo-e
                                                 small dots to create the simple shapes of rectangles and triangles which in turn create
                                                                                                                                                 genres of painting, such as landscapes, still-life and portraiture.       printmaker Hiroshige Ando, among other renowned artists, will
                                                 a scene of uncomplicated homes. The visual effect of her colorful dots can also be
                                                                                                                                                 Overall, this thoughtful selection of painting, sculpture, fine           be featured in this exhibition.
                                                 linked to the efforts of Pointillist artists who used the optics of thousands of tiny dots to
                                                                                                                                                 craft, mixed media works will narrate a story of art that bridges
                                                 weave tapestries of colorful landscapes.

        Instead of
                                                                                                                                                 historical boundaries to demonstrate the diversity and vibrancy
                                                 Bartlett has playfully said she uses these shapes because they are “easy to draw.”              of a nation where artistic talents communicate the failings, joys,

  refining things,                               However, these straightforward scenes imbue daily life with profound meaning. Many
                                                 of the artist’s images, like Houses, recall childhood, loneliness, serenity, isolation, and
                                                                                                                                                 and triumphs of the human condition.

 I just do
                                                 family. Jennifer Bartlett has the ability to reduce her mark making to the most simple,
                                                 yet precise components—dots in varying hues—to reveal the essential elements of the              Above Left, Olga Albizu                                                   Above Right, Satoshi Kino
                                                 human experience.

                                                                                                                                                  Untitled, ca. 1965, oil on canvas                                         Oroshi (Wind blowing down From Mountain), 2016, porcelain
                                                                                                                                                  Collection of the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts; Purchased in memory of     Collection of the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts; Joy Light East Asian Art
                                                                                                                                                  David and Muriel Gregg through the generosity of their estate. 2018.23    Acquisition and Exhibition Fund. 2018.45

page 10   |   summer 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     summer 2020 | page 11
KIRK NEWMAN ART SCHOOL                                                                                                                                    ONLINE SUMMER ADULT CLASSES

                                        CER AMIC S                                          Writing Memoir (615)                               Soft Pastels/Oil Pastel (955)                        Paint and Pour 21+ (969)                            Paint Parties (972)
                                                                                            Joseph Gross, Online through Zoom Pro              Mary Kenney, Online with Zoom Pro                    Hannah Mabie, Online with Zoom Pro                  Max 8 people

These                                 One-on-One Critique in Ceramics                       Wednesdays, June 24 - August 12                    Tuesdays, June 9 - July 28                           Thursdays, July 9- July 30                          For birthdays, special events, or just for fun!
                                      Join Brian Hirt in a fifteen or thirty minute         6:30 - 9 pm/8 weeks                                6:30- 9 pm/8 weeks                                   6-8 pm/4 weeks                                      You can work with an artist for step-by-
                                      discussion and critique of your work. Please          $170/Members: $150                                 $170/Members: $150                                   $140/Members: $120                                  step instruction over Zoom Pro to create a
                                                                                                                                               Prerequisite: Beginning Drawing/equivalent           Have a night out while staying in. Pick up a new    masterpiece of your groups choosing. Pick

                                      have a few pieces ready to show and discuss.          Explore the process of creating literary memoir
                                      A critical look at your work is important for         from real memories and experiences with            Experience the versatile and vibrant medium          skill and learn how to make beautiful acrylic       up painting kits from the KIA and set up your
                                      growth as an artist. Take a look at what works        this online class using Zoom Pro. Through the      of soft pastels. Explore oil pastels, a a distinct   paintings from the comfort of your own home.        painting studio in your own home. Connect
                                      and what does not work during a nurturing and         examination of work by great contemporary          medium that is not quite soft pastel, not quite      Each week we will create a new painting and         with friends while still staying safe and create a
                                                                                                                                               oil paint, and not quite crayon. Experiment with     un-wine with step-by-step instruction and a         beautiful piece of art.

are all
                                      supportive discussion.Taking a close look at your     artists and direct feedback from fellow writers,
                                      work is always helpful for moving forward as is       we will consider form, tone, strategies, and       both: your choice. Suitable for both beginners       “quarantini” of your choosing. No painting          If you would like to schedule a private Zoom Pro
                                      articulating your intent.                             other tools to enrich our attempts at personal     and advanced students, this course will cover        experience necessary! Click Here to see the         Paint and Pour with your friends email:Barbs@
                                      (300) 15 minutes - $15                                writing. Participants should be ready to share     technique, color, value, composition and             paintings we will be doing. The instructor will
                                                                                                                                               more. Supply lists are on instructor’s website:      email you with a supply list.

                                      (301) 30 minutes - $30                                their work with others and respond in kind
                                                                                            with thoughtful preparation. The instructor will                                       If you would like to schedule a private Zoom Pro      FIBER
                                                                                            email reading materials.                                                                                Paint and Pour with your friends
                                      Get Creative with Hand-built Vases (360)                                                                   PAIN T ING                                                            Spinning Wool Study II: Virtual Edition

                                      Susan McHenry, Online with Zoom Pro                     DR AW ING                                                                                                                                                 (592)
                                      Wednesdays, July 8 – August 5                                                                            Beginning Watercolor (961)                           Watercolor Postcards (968)                          Emily Wohlscheid, Online with Zoom Pro
                                      6 - 8:30pm/ 5 weeks                                   One-on-One Critique in                             Susan Badger, Online with Zoom Pro                   Hannah Mabie, Online with Zoom Pro                  Wednesdays, July 8 - July 29
                                      $115/Members: $95                                     Drawing and Painting                               Thursdays, June 11 – July 30                         Thursdays, July 9- July 30                          10 - 11:30am/4 Weeks

                                      Prerequisite: Beginning Ceramics                      Experience a one-on-one critique of your           6:30 – 9 pm/8 weeks                                  3-5pm /4 weeks                                      $90/Members: $70
                                      Even though we can’t gather in person for class,      drawings, pastels or paintings with Denise         $170/Members: $150                                   $140/Members: $120                                  Prerequisite: Beginning Spinning or equivalent
                                      we can still learn from the comfort of our own        Lisiecki, Director of the Kirk Newman Art          In this unique online class, students will have      Create your own hand-painted postcards to           In this virtual class we will explore a variety of
                                      homes as we maintain social distancing. You           School and Chair of the 2-D Department.            the opportunity to learn the basics of painting      send to love ones. While we can’t be there          breeds varying from the Winter 2020 session.

Zoom Pro
                                      will be walked through how to set up a small          Denise will share her knowledge and                watercolor while interacting in real time with the   for each other in person, we can still show we      Looking at preparations, spinning styles, breed
                                      workspace at home for hand-building with only a       expertise along with constructive criticism        instructor and fellow students! In a supportive &    care. Class will meet weekly to learn watercolor    history, and traditional uses for several breeds,
                                      few necessary tools. Through conversation and         and suggestions. Time may be available to          encouraging atmosphere, students will receive        fundamentals and go over some creative and fun      students will examine commercially prepared
                                      demonstration, we’ll explore various approaches       ask technical questions. Denise’s website is       lessons and projects, participate in discussions,    card ideas. The instructor will email you with a    fibers vs. raw locks with virtual demonstrations.
Students enrolled in the class will   to making vases using slabs and coils. Special                                 watch instructor demonstrations, and be guided       supply list.                                        Email and video chat support, lectures, and
                                      attention will be given to handles and feet to add    (900) 15 minutes - $15                             through practicing their new skills in watercolor!                                                       sharing of our resulting yarns along with
be emailed the Zoom link: just                                                                                                                 The class will be held via Zoom Pro. E-mail                                                              online handouts, resources will enhance your
                                      more personality and expression to your pieces.       (901) 30 minutes- $30                                                                                   Children’s Book Illustration (970)
click the link provided to access                                                                                                              questions and request materials list to Susan at     Hannay Mabie, Online with Zoom Pro                  experience. All materials will be shipped.
the interactive Online class. No      Students will be able to interact with each other
                                      and me via Zoom Pro in this virtual classroom.        Basic Drawing (951)                                                      Thursdays July 9- July 30
App or program is necessary, only     Students will need to have a webcam and the           Deborah Mattson, Online with Zoom Pro                                                                   12-2 pm/4 weeks                                       JE W ELRY/ME TAL S
access to a device with an Internet   ability to download Zoom on their computer,           Wednesdays, June 24 - July 29                      The Creative Language                                $140/Members: $120
connection.                           phone or tablet. Please provide your own clay         6:30-8 pm/ 6 weeks                                 of Watercolor (963)                                  Do you have a great idea for a children’s picture   Beads In Metalsmithing (757)
                                      and tools or contact to             $90/Members: $70                                   Susan Badger, Online with Zoom Pro                   book, but you’re not sure how to get started? In    Emily Wohlscheid, Online with Zoom Pro
                                      purchase. The KIA can only fire and process your      This online, interactive class will be conducted   Tuesdays, June 23 – July 28 (Two classes will be     this class you will learn how to create whimsical   Tuesdays, July 7 - July 21
                                      work if you also sign up for any ceramic in-house     over Zoom Pro. You will learn basic drawing        schedule for an alternative time)                    children’s book illustrations that help tell your   1 - 2pm/3 weeks
                                                                                                                                               6:30 – 9pm/8 weeks                                   story and push the narrative to the next level.     $45/Members: $25
Check out                             fall class. Kiln Units will be charged.

                                        CRE AT I V E W RI T ING
                                                                                            techniques, including observational line
                                                                                            drawing, perspective, and rendering light
                                                                                            and texture. We will have feedback on our
                                                                                                                                               Wednesdays, June 24 - July 29 (Two classes will
                                                                                                                                               be schedule for an alternative time)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Some drawing/sketching experience is helpful,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    but not required! The instructor will email you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Prerequisite: Beginning Jewelry or equivalent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Many jewelry makers started out creating work

our new                               Writing Poetry (613)
                                      Scott Bade, Online with Webex
                                                                                            work, including at-home assignments, and
                                                                                            discussions on draughtsmanship, style, and
                                                                                            visual literacy. Have ready newsprint or drawing
                                                                                                                                               1 - 3:30 pm/8 sessions
                                                                                                                                               $170/Members: $150
                                                                                                                                               Learn to develop and express your creativity with
                                                                                                                                                                                                    with a supply list.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Poured Painting (971)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        with beads from a stash around the house. In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        this online class, you will learn how to use those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        beads to enhance your jewelry designs with

one-on-one                            Tuesdays, June 9 - July 14
                                      6:30 - 9 pm/6 weeks
                                                                                            paper pad and a selection of drawing pencils
                                                                                            and black markers.
                                                                                                                                               watercolor techniques, including wet into wet,
                                                                                                                                               color mingling, and layered transparent washes.
                                                                                                                                               Composition, simplification of shape, color and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hannah Mabie, Online with Zoom Pro
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Saturday, June 20
                                                                                                                                                                                                    12-3pm/ One-day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        metalsmithing techniques and minimal tools
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        at home! Learn how to “set” a bead in negative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        space, use wire or sheet metal as a frame for
                                      $150/Members: $130
                                      Explore how language and imagination come                                                                value will also be explored. Email questions to      $45/Members: $25                                    a special focal bead, and several ways to use
                                      together to make the literary arts we are                                                                Susan at The class will         Ready to get messy? In this workshop we will be     headpins to showcase beads. Suggested supply

highlighted in                        passionate about. Read, write, and discuss                                                               be held via Zoom Pro. Students enrolled in the       creating beautiful abstract paintings using fun     lists with resources and virtual handouts will be
                                      contemporary poetry and probably a little                                                                class will be emailed the Zoom link, just click      poured paint techniques. Learn how to create        provided.
                                      prose, too, in a range of styles. Classes will be                                                        the link provided to access the online class.        these paintings from the comfort of your own
                                      conducted in a workshop fashion. The primary                                                             No App or program is necessary, only access          home! The instructor will email you with a

  GOLD                                focus will be the discussion of one another’s                                                            to a device with an Internet connection. E-mail      supply list.
                                      writing. Webex is a download that will be free to                                                        questions and request materials list to Susan at
                                      all students. You will receive instructions from                                               
                                      Scott before the first class. If you have questions
                                      about the class you can email Scott at smbade@

    page 12   | spring   2020                                                                                  LEARN MORE AT KIARTS.ORG        FURTHER CLASS INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND ONLINE HERE                                                                                 summer 2020 | page 13
KIRK NEWMAN ART SCHOOL                                                                                                                                     ONLINE SUMMER ADULT CLASSES

Piercing Perfection (740)                              Fundamentals of Photography                          Intro to Lightroom (807)                              Kitchen Lithography (792)
Lauren Tripp, Online with Zoom Pro                     Corinne Satterlee/ Online with Zoom Pro              Mary Whalen, Online w/Zoom Pro                        Deborah Mattson, Online with Zoom Pro
Thursday, June 11th - July 16th                        Tuesday, July 7 – 28 (812)                           Mondays, June 8 – 29                                  Thursdays, July 16 - July 30
10:30am - 12pm / 6 weeks                               7 - 8 pm/4 weeks                                     10 am – 11:30 am /4 weeks                             2- 4 pm/3 weeks
Tuesdays 6-8 pm – July 7 at KIA studio & July          Wednesday, July 8 – 29 (812b)                        $70/Members: $50                                      $70/Members: $50
$90/ Members $70                                       10 – 11 am/ 4 weeks                                  Prerequisite: Lightroom software installed on         Learn the basics of lithography with materials
Prerequisite: All levels of experience welcome.        $55/Members: $35                                     your computer.                                        found around the house. After learning the
Have you always loved that nice pierced detailed       Take control of your photography! Kalamazoo          In this course you will learn to; import images       basic technique you will be able to print on
jewelry? This is your chance to hone your sawing       Institute of Arts staff photographer Corinne         from a memory card, camera or folder into the         different surfaces, including fabric and wood.
skills! We will look at new ways to apply piercing     Satterlee will help you go beyond your camera’s      Lightroom catalog, create keywords, ratings and       Multi-color and large format prints will also be
to your jewelry and more importantly, we will          Auto mode and master the fundamentals of             use the basic photo adjustment tools to enhance       demonstrated. The instructor will email you a
practice this detail enhancing metal-smithing          photography. Basic photographic concepts on          your images. Leave this class knowing a logical       supply list when you register.
skills. Piercing can be fun and exciting! Materials    exposure control and composition are explored,       workflow from import into Lightroom to export for
list will be emailed upon registration.                helping you to communicate your unique voice         the web, email or print.                              Printing on Fabric (793)
                                                       with images. As photographers it’s helpful to                                                              Deborah Mattson, Online with Zoom Pro
Keum-Boo (741)                                         master the technical functions of the camera to      Lightroom / Bookmaking (808)                          Mondays, July 13 - July 27
Lauren Tripp, Online with Zoom Pro                     make better photos. Keeping in mind one class        Mary Whalen, Online w/Zoom Pro                        6 - 8pm/3 weeks
Saturday, July 18th (Sign up cutoff July 10th)         in understanding camera controls can change          Mondays, July 6 – 27                                  $70/Members: $50
10– 11:30am/1 day                                      everything in your picture making.                   10 am – 11:30 am /4 weeks                             Learn to make simple stamps from a variety of
$80/Members: $60                                                                                            $70/Members: $50                                      materials that can be used to print fabric. You
Keum-Boo is an ancient Korean gilding                  Photoshop/Adding Punch to your Photos                Prerequisite: Knowledge of Lightroom and              will learn different repeat patterns and how to
technique used to apply thin sheets of gold to         (802)                                                Lightroom software installed on your computer.        print multiple color patterns. The instructor will
silver. During this workshop, students will learn      Kelly Walkotten, Online with Zoom Pro                Students should come prepared with a book             email you a supply list when you register.
how to apply Keum-Boo foil to a fine silver sheet      Tuesdays, July 7 - 28                                project in mind. You could compile your favorite
using easily accessible household items. A             10am - 12 pm/4 weeks                                 recipes with photos, edit your travel photos to         SCULP T URE
tool list will be emailed and all supplies will be     $85/Members: $65                                     the “best of” or dig into your family photo album
shipped.                                               Prerequisite: A basic knowledge of Photoshop         to create a book to share with family and friends.    One-on-One Critique in Sculpture
                                                       or Lightroom and have the programs installed         We will work on making adjustments to the             Our interactive online sessions offer an

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Art Camp in a Box
Virtual Finishing School (751)                         on your computer. Learn how to retouch and           images, sequencing, and editing for your book.        opportunity to work with professional artist,
Amelia Falk Wagner, Online with Zoom Pro               enhance a portrait, when and how much to             You will be able to upload your finished book to      Brent Harris who will help you with your creative
Thursday, July 9 – August 6                            sharpen your images, and content aware, color        Blurb for printing.                                   needs. Whether it’s seeking creative input to get
7 - 8 pm/5 weeks                                       correction, and understanding the use of layers                                                            out of a rut, analyze your work and improving          Let’s look beyond our homes and find           Every kit will include
$80/Members: $60                                       and more.                                              PRIN T M AK ING                                     technique, or decide how to move your sculpture        inspiration in the Kalamazoo Institute of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        •Supplies necessary to create the specific
Prerequisite: Beginning Jewelry or equivalent                                                                                                                     to the next level, these critiques can offer new       Arts’ extensive art collection.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Art Projects
Is your box full of projects that you just can’t       Introduction to Photographic Lighting                Block Printing (786)                                  insight and help you grow as an artist.
seem to get to a finished state? This workshop         (806)                                                Trevor Grabill, Online with Zoom Pro                  During the sessions photos of your work or actual      Experience the fun of Art Camp
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        •Art Camp Sketch Book for creative ideas
will cover all of the tools needed to get that final   Amelia Falk Wagner, Online with Zoom Pro             Thursdays, June 11 – July 30                          work can be viewed to engage discussion in             conveniently in your home with these
polished look to your pieces. We will cover all of     Wednesdays, July 8 -29                               6:30 – 9pm/8 weeks                                    topics such as troubleshooting technical skills        great Art Camp kits in a box!                  •Additional instructions provided for more
the different types and uses for the flex shaft or     6 – 8pm/4 weeks                                      $170/Members: $150                                    (welding technique, finishing), design ideas,                                                          2D or 3D projects with the materials!
Dremel tool attachments as well learning about         $85/Members: $65                                     Printing carved blocks is one of the simplest         build a portfolio, market yourself as an artist,       The Kits are customized, highlighting
different surface treatments for textural effects.     Prerequisite: A camera capable of manual             and most versatile tools for reproducing art.         create a home workspace and work from home             works from our permanent collection and        •Enough materials available for a shared
Abrasives and polishing supply kit provided            exposure and familiarity with the camera             Develop your relief printing skills as a brand-new    with limited resources and still be creative?          will include; artist fact sheets with family    family experience technology free.
(pickup at KIA main desk prior to first session).      controls.                                            beginner or advanced practicing printmaker.           (420) 15 minutes - $15                                 fun questions, supplies and step-by-step       To make the experience even more
                                                       The basics of studio lighting will be covered        Learn the ins and outs of carving and printing        (421) 30 minutes - $30
  P HO T OGR APH Y/DIGI TAL MEDI A                     without a lot of technical jargon that’s hard        linoleum and wood blocks and discuss your work                                                               directions to making your own projects at      authentic, we will even include an Art
                                                       to understand. You’ll learn how direction and        in a community of like-minded makers via Zoom                                                                home. Art terms and other educational          Camp T-shirt to those who purchase the
One-on-One critique in Photography                     quality of light can hide flaws, emphasize           Pro. Students will purchase their own materials.                                                             components will make this a complete Art       box first. (limited qty.)
Mary Whalen is offering a portfolio/project            details, how controlling the lighting can lead       After registering, students will receive a detailed                                                          Camp experience in a box.
critique with a creative direction. You will submit    the viewer through your images. You will be          materials list (with purchasing links) to set up a                                                                                                          We hope you enjoy Art Camp From Home!
your portfolio of 10-24 images for review prior        taught how to work with a radio slave system         full home block printing studio for approximately
to the session. These can be certain images, a         and discuss the ins and outs of different types of   $65.                                                                                                                                                         Purchase here!
project idea, or a series for a variety of criteria.   lighting equipment. Each week, students will be
The photographic technique, printing technique,        able to watch a demonstration video, be given        Monoprint Gel Plates (791)
content overview, subject matter, series               assignment sheets and share the work with the        Deborah Mattson, Online with Zoom Pro
continuity, and concept clarity are topics we can      instructor for a critique session.                   Thursdays, June 25 - July 9                                                                                  You don’t need any experience, technical       Cyanotype chemistry will turn watercolor
discuss together and way to answer questions                                                                2- 4 pm/3 weeks                                                                                              devices or even a camera. The kit              paper into photographic paper, sensitive
you may have about your work.                                                                               $70/Members: $50                                                                                             contains everything you need and can be        to UV-light (sunlight). A reaction will take
(810) 15 minutes - $15                                                                                      Learn to make your own gel plate for monoprints                                                              fun for the whole family!                      place between the treated paper and the
(811) 30 minutes - $30                                                                                      that will allow you to choose your plate’s size
                                                                                                            and shape. Use your plate to explore a variety                                                                                                              sun: where the sun hits the treated paper
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         We have assembled this kit so that you
                                                                                                            of techniques and projects such as making                                                                                                                   it turns blue, unreached areas will remain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         can make cyanotypes at home!
                                                                                                            decorative paper, greeting cards, collages and                                                                                                              white.
                                                                                                            landscapes. The instructor will email you a                                                                  Whatever your creative taste is, you can
                                                                                                            supply list when you register.                                                                                                                              Check out this instructional video:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         make a blueprint of it: use photos, objects
                                                                                                                                                                  DIY Cyanotypes                                         or drawings.                                    Watch it here!

page 14   |   summer 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  summer 2020 | page 15
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Kirk Newman Art                                Experience the unique opportunity of an        Time slots available:
School Faculty                                 online one-on-on critique and discussion
                                               with professional artists from the Kirk
                                                                                              10am Monday, Wednesday or Thursday or

offering online                                Newman Art School faculty on the Zoom          2pm Monday, Wednesday or Thursday

one-on-one                                     Call App. You will be able to register for a
                                               15 or 30 minute time, giving you access
                                                                                              15 minutes - $20
                                                                                              30 Minutes - $35
critiques                                      to the knowledge and experience of our

One-on-One Critique in Drawing and Painting                            One-on-One Critique in Ceramics
Experience a one-on-one critique of your drawings, pastels or          Join Brian Hirt in a fifteen or thirty minute discussion and
paintings with Denise Lisiecki, Director of the Kirk Newman Art        critique of your work. Please have a few pieces ready to show
School and Chair of the 2-D Department. Denise will share her          and discuss. A critical look at your work is important for growth
knowledge and expertise along with constructive criticism and          as an artist. Take a look at what works and what doesn’t work in
suggestions. Time may be available to ask technical questions.         a nurturing and supportive discussion. Taking a close look at
Denise’s instagram page is @deniselisieckiart.                         your work is always helpful for moving forward as is articulating
                                                                       your intent.

One-on-One Critique in Photography                                     One-on-One Critique in Sculpture
Mary Whalen is offering a portfolio/project critique with creative     An opportunity to work with professional artist, Brent Harris. If
direction. You will submit your portfolio of 10-24 images for          you are seeking new insight and creative input to move your work
review prior to the session. These can be certain images, a            forward and improve your technique, then this is for you. During
project idea or a series for a variety of criterion. Photographic      the session, photos of your work or actual work can be viewed to
technique, printing technique, content overview, subject matter,       help troubleshoot technical skills; welding technique and finishing,
series continuity, and concept clarity are topics we can discuss       design ideas, building a portfolio, market yourself as an artist, or
together and way to answer questions you may have about your           how to create a home workspace with limited resources and still
work. Mary’s Instagram page is @m_b_whalen.                            be creative. Brent’s instagram page is @krampuscowboy.
You can also read