COVID-19 and Snowmobiling in NY - Membership has its Benefits - NYSSA Online Magazine

Page created by Erik Day
COVID-19 and Snowmobiling in NY - Membership has its Benefits - NYSSA Online Magazine
N E W   Y O R K   S T A T E S N O W M O B I L E   A S S O C I A T I O N
                                                 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0

                         NEW YORK SNOWMOBILER

                         O N L I N E
   RIDE NY TRAILS       ABOUT              MEMBERSHIP           EVENTS             SAFETY

COVID-19 and
   in NY

                                 Membership has its Benefits

Photo by Jon Halliday
COVID-19 and Snowmobiling in NY - Membership has its Benefits - NYSSA Online Magazine
NYSSA Online Magazine

                                                                                 The Official Publication of the

           Contents                                                       New York State Snowmobile Association
                                                                         P.O. Box 740 Central Square, NY 13036

                                                                                     2020-2021 Officers
02          President’s Message                                                          President
                                                                                      Rosanne Warner
            By Rosanne Warner                                       

                                                                                       Vice President
                                                                                       Edward Zalar
            From the Desk of the Executive                        
            Director                                                                      Vacant
            By Dominic Jacangelo                                    

06          Trail Coordinator Report
                                                                                       John Occhino
            By Jim Rolf
10          Hands on For Safety                                                     Executive Director
                                                                          Dominic Jacangelo, 888-624-3849 x104
            By Jim Blessing                                         

                                                                                     Trail Coordinator
                                                                               Jim Rolf, 888-624-3849 x102
            Ask NYSSA                                                 
                                                                                      Office Manager

18          Of The Year Awards
                                                                            Jennifer Senf, 888-624-3849 x101
                                                                                   Membership Helpline

20          Destination NY-Essex Co.
                                                                                    888-624-3849 x103
            By Jon Halliday

23          Scholarship Opportunity
                                                                                                  On The Cover:
                                                                                                    Sunset on

24          Officer Nominations
                                                                                                  Paradox Lake
                                                                                                   Essex County

            For Sale                                                                                  Jon Halliday

We are adding photographs on to highlight snowmobiling in New York.
                       Please send your high resolution, scenic photographs to
                               Please include the location of the photo.

      NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                               December 2020- Page 1
COVID-19 and Snowmobiling in NY - Membership has its Benefits - NYSSA Online Magazine
NYSSA Online Magazine

                       President’s Message: State of the Association
                       by Rosanne Warner, NYSSA President

                                           Snowmobile Safety News

Lately everything you can think of has been blamed on Covid-19. Business closures, meeting cancelations, in-person
school attendance, government office hours, and a multitude of other things have seen huge changes since the entire pan-
demic began last spring. Snowmobile safety classes are no exception to the rule and finding a class has been harder than
Just last weekend, I was notified that there would be some cancelations of safety classes around my area due to the increase
in covid positive cases seen throughout the Upstate region. One club in the state debated on whether or not they should
follow suit and cancel like so many others have.
On Saturday, December
12th, the Tri-Valley
Trail Riders in Madi-
son/Oneida Counties
debated and decided to
move forward with the
in-person class as they
felt it was important to
educate the participants
who wanted to learn
more about safe snow-
With that, I am happy
to report that nineteen
students successfully
passed the class and the
club took COVID-19
safety to the nth-degree
to assure that the class
was as safe as it possi-
bly could be.
A limited number of attendees were accepted and all were required to pre-register, bring their own pen, practice social dis-
tancing and wear a mask throughout the duration of the class. Every participant went through a health screening, including
temperature checks and information gathering for tracing purposes as soon as they entered the building. Eight foot tables
were used and spaced more than six feet apart with one student per table unless they were attending with a family member.
Every table was provided hand sanitizer and was preloaded with all class material.
My hats go off to the club and the people who attended the class, as it takes a lot of patience to go through all of that and
still sit for the class so attentively. A very big thank you goes out to Vineall Ambulance in Madison County and all of their
staff who graciously offered to loan their facility, disinfected the garage and staged all six of their ambulances out in the
cold so the class could be held.
With Covid, everything has changed for everyone and the clubs ability to find a place willing to let them use the facility has
been very difficult for the clubs, but some are finding ways to educate as many riders as they can this year.

                                                                                                                Continued on page 3

              NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                       December 2020- Page 2
COVID-19 and Snowmobiling in NY - Membership has its Benefits - NYSSA Online Magazine
NYSSA Online Magazine
Continued from page 2

The Grafton Trail Blazers in Rensselaer
County has put a lot of time into developing
a pilot class that will be audited by OPRHP
and NYSSA this coming weekend. The
club mailed the participants all of the class
material and the club will utilize an online
platform to present the material required by
the state. Additional videos will be used to
go over the parts of a snowmobile and other
safety issues.
This will be the first time that a club has
tried to hold a snowmobile safety education
class via online meeting services, so we are
hoping it is a successful event. Many organ-
izations, including NYSSA, have been
holding online meetings for years and even
schools are doing online classes, but there
has been no program developed and ap-
proved by the state parks snowmobile unit
for snowmobile safety in the State of New
York. There was never a need to develop a
program as clubs have always volunteered
to educate riders for free. I will add that
clubs have done a stellar job over the years
of educating new riders and we are hopeful
that this will be accepted by the state for the
time being as there are a lot of riders                                       Tim Carr TVTR Instructor
searching for classes.
                                               For more class locations, please visit:

                                                   Rose Brown TVTR Student Instructor

                 NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                          December 2020- Page 3
COVID-19 and Snowmobiling in NY - Membership has its Benefits - NYSSA Online Magazine
NYSSA Online Magazine

              From the Desk of the Executive Director
              By Dominic Jacangelo, Executive Director
     888-624-3849 x104

T    here is no doubt that COVID-19 will
change the complexion of snowmobiling this
                                                         Lodging will also be different. Many places
                                                         will limit where you can congregate in the
winter. As of the second week of December,               hotel and how large the group can be. Rooms
the following is what we should expect.                  should be disinfected between guest stays.
Remember that the rules can change quickly, so           Still, you should bring your own supply of
be sure to check the State’s website at https://         disinfectant wipes. .    Remember             All of us should be following CDC and state
that everyone in the Northeast is expecting a            guidance in our travels. A mask not only
banner year for outdoor recreation and                   protects you but also protects those you come
snowmobiling is no exception.                            in contact with. Business proprietors are only
The number one thing is that all trails will be          following the rules when they ask you to wear
open. So long as there is snow on the ground,            a mask. Although a balaclava is a face
we expect to be able to snowmobile.          This        covering, it is not a mask. It does not offer
spring, when things were worse than they are             the same level of protection to both the wearer
now, all hiking trails were open. So our trails          and other people around you that a compliant
should be open this winter. Based on sales               mask provides. I would suggest that you put
information and early club memberships and               some of those disposable masks in your sled.
registrations, you should expect to see more             If you are like me, you will forget to put it in
people out on the trail than you did last year.          your pocket before you head out to ride.
Both memberships and registrations are running           As the rules are currently stated, traveling to
ahead of last year’s numbers for the same date.          some states will be a challenge. The way I
However, nothing drives the number of                    read it, you just can’t travel to Vermont for
snowmobilers like a good helping of snow. It is          any nonessential purpose nor gather with folks
apparent that many are looking forward to                from outside your immediate family.        (Be
getting out of the house to enjoy a good ride.           sure to check the rules before you go. https://
Catching a meal while out on the trail could be a
challenge but not impossible. Restaurants are            quarantine )
held to 25% of capacity in most of the areas             New Hampshire has some rules on wearing
where we ride. It may become difficult to find           masks but does not restrict travel into the
a seat indoors at most places. However, many             state. “NH Department of Health and Human
restaurants are making modifications to their            Services continues to recommend against any
places so that they may be able to accommodate           non-essential personal or business travel, and
more customers outside. You should be aware              people should avoid gathering with others who
that most of these places are struggling to stay         are not part of a person’s immediate
afloat, so be generous in what you spend and be          household, even during the holidays.” The
sure to give your server a little extra. Many of         latest information can be found at
them have lost significant income this past year.
                                                         visitors .
                                                                                            Continued on page 5

 NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                          December 2020- Page 4
COVID-19 and Snowmobiling in NY - Membership has its Benefits - NYSSA Online Magazine
NYSSA Online Magazine

Continued from page 4

  Seventeen percent of our riders are from out of                 Here are some suggestions:
  state. The largest percentage are from the                  •   When you are not on your sled, wear a mask.
  surrounding states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey,                 Yes, it is a pain, but it works.
  Connecticut, and Massachusetts. New York has
  not imposed any travel restrictions on residents            •   Practice social distancing.
  from these states. They are not subjected to
                                                              •   Keep gatherings indoors or outdoors small.
  mandatory quarantine.
                                                              •   Be aware of your surroundings and who you
  If you are from Ohio or any other noncontiguous
  state, it is a much different story. You must                   are in contact with.
  quarantine for 14 days.                                     •   Put some hand sanitizer in your pocket and
  From        NY’s      website      at      https://             use it between hand washing.                  •   Most importantly, if you do not feel well or
  advisory , “For any traveler to New York State                  have come in contact with someone who is
  from a noncontiguous state, US territory or CDC                 COVID-19 positive, STAY HOME! There is
  level 2 or level 3 country, the new guidelines for              always next week.
  travelers to test-out of the mandatory 14-day
  quarantine are below:                                           Stay safe this winter but get out there and
                                                                  enjoy the great trail system that we have.
  For travelers who were out-of-state for more than               Following a few simple rules can make this a
  24 hours:                                                       very successful winter for both snowmobiling
                                                                  and the businesses that depend on our
  •     Travelers must obtain a test within three days            showing up!
        of departure, prior to arrival in New York.
  •     The traveler must, upon arrival in New York,
        quarantine for three days.
  •     On day 4 of their quarantine, the traveler
        must obtain another COVID test. If both tests
        come back negative, the traveler may exit
        quarantine early upon receipt of the second
        negative diagnostic test.”

        With the Canadian border being closed for
        travel from NY to Canada and the Vermont
        border being virtually closed, it looks as
        though most of our snowmobiling will be in
        NY. Keep in mind that in most places we
        ride, there are limited medical resources.

                                                                            Check with businesses to find out about COVID
                                                                         restrictions. Above is information from The Tailwater
                                                                                           Lodge in Altmar,

        NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                 December 2020- Page 5
COVID-19 and Snowmobiling in NY - Membership has its Benefits - NYSSA Online Magazine
NYSSA Online Magazine

                       Trail Coordinator News
                       by Jim Rolf, NYSSA Trail Coordinator
                       888-624-3849 x 102       

               I wanted to start off by wishing everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
      Do your snow dances and let’s all hope we have a great Winter Season this year, despite it being a little late now.

The updated NYSSA 2020-21 Mobile APP is available now on both the Apple and Google formats! It was released on
both formats last week after it passed their security clearance tests. The hold-up this month was due to waiting for the
newly updated trail data to come in and a mapping software update as well. Unfortunately, the trail data update was not
ready and we needed to get the APP out anyhow, so expect a few trail data updates to come through as soon as the
newest trail data is approved and released by Parks so our vendor can use it. We will alert everyone as to the data
updates, so you can simply download the latest Offline and Online Maps to your smart phone while you are on Wi-Fi.
The NYSSA Mobile APP price is $4.99 again this year and is the only NYS snowmobile trail Phone App that will
showcase all of the NYS snowmobile club-edited trails, alerts & warning of trail issues, club’s local trails, trail status
edited by each club (closed, open, or not reported), and includes Points of Interest (POIs) for those businesses who
support the clubs or scenic areas the clubs feel riders would want to see. Each trail and junction all across NYS shows
which Trail Maintenance Entity (TME) is responsible for maintenance of that trail/junction, what the trail or junction ID
# is, what County the trail is located in, mileage of that segment, and has a link to the TME’s membership page on
NYSSA’s site. The POIs for businesses on the APP can be used to locate a business by clicking on the ICON, which
will give the user all of the information the club entered into the NYSSA Interactive Webmap system about that
business. POI information includes business name, address, contact #, and a link to their website or Facebook page.
Clubs are able to approach businesses for these “ads” as a fundraiser for the club. No other App available will show
users ALL of these features outlined above.
        The Google link is:
        The Apple link is:
Purchase the APP and you will see the 2 different online maps, one for daytime use and another that shows the trails
better at night. Go to the HELP (?) section to learn all about the APP and the layers it has. The first thing I suggest you
do is to increase the Font Size as high as your phone will allow it to go (located in the menu at the top left of the screen,
3 lines icon). We suggest downloading the OFFLINE MAPS when you are on Wi-Fi as it is a large file. The “daily
download” is for the newest Offline Map available with every trail status update included, which should also be
downloaded again before heading out on a trip as it contains ALL of the data updates as well as every update the clubs
entered in the NYSSA Interactive Webmap. The Online Maps used while you have cell coverage will always be LIVE
with the latest updates and data that is on the Webmap that can be viewed while out riding. TARGET yourself with the
locator button on the right side of the screen and you will follow along with your travels. The first update will be a
bread-crumb tracking feature that we are calling “Ride Tracker”, so your trips will be able to be saved and shared.
Watch for that upgrade soon.
        A new feature we have this year is the “Track My Ride” ability, which drops a bread-crumb trail as to where
you just rode. We are still working on that to increase the opportunities it gives users. Another upgrade this year is the
new mapping software that is used as the sub-maps, as well as having the NAV arrow show the direction of your travel
and show more of the trail in front of you as you drive.
         Also, for those that had been inquiring about it last year…we will be GPSing the Town of Webb & Inlet permit-
only trail system then submitting it to our vendor for inclusion into our APP early this winter. Look for that upgrade
once we are able to get out on their entire trail network to gain all of the trail data that will provide. The Webb/Inlet
permit-only trails would be a different color than the rest of the trails on the APP.
     If there are any suggestions or issues with the APP's features or functions, please feel free to send a
FEEDBACK email to us and our vendor. Thank you.
                                                                                                                Continued on page 7

             NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                       December 2020- Page 6
COVID-19 and Snowmobiling in NY - Membership has its Benefits - NYSSA Online Magazine
NYSSA Online Magazine
Continued from page 6


 Each time a club updates the NYSSA Interactive Webmap, it goes live right after they click the edit. Clubs have been
 performing trail closure and trail reroute changes throughout the fall and right up to the writing of this article. That is
 why it is so important to download the APP’s Daily Build Offline Map before heading out on a trip, because if you
 lose cell service, you will still see the edits and updates as of the time you downloaded that map. The direct link to the
 NYSSA Interactive Webmap is: . Save that to your phone and
 computer bookmarks.
 NOTE: It is imperative that I be notified by each club of their selected editors again for this year, and for those
 clubs who never set any up last year need to get them selected now so I can set-up their credentials. Those that
 have reached out thank you. I have also heard from several clubs now who had not set their editors up last year. The
 new Phone APP is fully dependent upon the Interactive Webmap’s data, so it is important to have clubs’ editors
 making sure that their trail system and POIs are accurate and updated any time an issue arises for riders to see.
                                                                                                                 Continued on page 8

               NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                        December 2020- Page 7
COVID-19 and Snowmobiling in NY - Membership has its Benefits - NYSSA Online Magazine
NYSSA Online Magazine

                                        State Land News
Continued from page 7

Adirondack Rail-Trail News                                                DEC’s Proposed Extended
                                                                          Hunting Season Holiday
Anyone not hearing about the Rail-trail conversion project be-
tween Tupper Lake and Lake Placid has missed a lot over the               The DEC Extended Hunting Season Week is NOT
past year. Yes, we all wish the conversion was going South to             going to happen this year. Thank you to all of the
at least Big Moose Station as well, but the State chose to rehab          snowmobilers (especially those who hunt as well),
the rail line there to allow for the scenic train excursions to trav-     landowners, and even the business owners who sub-
el to Tupper Lake.                                                        mitted a letter opposing the extended season week
Anyhow, the rail removal started                                          or suggesting the DEC do more research before im-
in Tupper Lake in late October                                            plementing it. Over 3,000 comments were received
and is continuing as long as the                                          by the State.
deep snow holds off in the Tri-
Lakes area. The rails, at this
point, have been removed al-
most to Lake Clear Junction.
The ties and RR steel compo-
nents are being removed as well                                                       Club News
and are on track to get to the rail
removal location before Christ-
mas. The “goal” of the project                                           Club’s Preseason Trail Work
for this winter was to remove                                            Progress/Issues
everything to Lake Placid, but
things were slow-going for a                                            A topic which many clubs ask NYSSA to continue
while and the State wants to be                                         promoting is an issue every season (where many of the
sure the “trail” is left in safe       Photo by Linda Pickering on      riders not actively working with their club(s) don’t
condition when rails, steel parts,       The ARTA Facebook page
                                                                        really appreciate or understand),… the need for new
and ties are all gone, so the new                                       volunteers. But the fact remains that without enough
goal looks to be Lake Clear. IF the heavy snow holds off, the           volunteers the clubs simply cannot build, sign, and
rail-removal contractor will continue taking up the rails and ties      maintain the trails that they provide us. The lack of
until they get to a point that the snow is too deep. Watch the          volunteerism within clubs seems to be growing…and
NYSSA and the ARTA Facebook pages for updates.                          many clubs are posting trail-work days and projects on
And, when there is enough snow to cover the rails to get to Tup-        their social media sites that they are in need of help.
per Lake, take a ride north from there to see what the new rail-        Please take the opportunity to help YOUR SPORT and
trail conversion looks like at this point and visit those Tri-Lakes     get involved. Fundraisers, trail projects, signing,
businesses that have wanted snowmobilers to be able to safely           grooming, groomer maintenance, and the paperwork
access their communities for decades now!                               clubs must file with NYS Parks are all taken care of by
                                                                        volunteer help. It’s all available for volunteers to offer
Warren/Saratoga/Essex Rail Line                                         assistance with.
                                                                                 Not to beat the same horse all the time without
                                                                        acknowledging some positives regarding new
 In recent weeks, NYSSA was able to help get the railroad               volunteers for clubs, but there have been many social
 through Warren County open back up to snowmobile use,                  media posts recently about new volunteers helping out
 where the local clubs will be taking maintenance                       their local clubs (or the clubs where they ride the most).
 responsibility for. Of course, the rails will be in place and          I’d like to take this opportunity to thank those who have
 that will hamper the ability to ride the corridor until the snow       accepted more responsibility for trail maintenance.
 is deep enough to cover the rails safely. The signs at each            YOU are helping to keep this sport alive. Promote your
 road crossing that are in place, which read “NO                        story to others!
 SNOWMOBILING” are either being removed or covered up
 for the winter. Clubs who take on the railroad as trails should
 edit them in on the NYSSA Interactive Webmap this season.

                                                                                                                  Continued on page 9

                NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                         December 2020- Page 8
COVID-19 and Snowmobiling in NY - Membership has its Benefits - NYSSA Online Magazine
NYSSA Online Magazine
Continued from page 8

               When Do Trails Open?
    With the hunting seasons either done all across the State now or with this last week of the Southern Zone’s late bow/
    muzzleloader season ending on the 22nd), riders ask quite often, “when do trails open?”. That question comes up
    both in the early season time like now and also during the season after a brief melt-down or lack of new snow. One
    thing to understand is that there are so many factors in when a trail system in any area can and will be opened for the
    safe use of the snowmobile community. #1 is SNOW, deep enough to not damage the land underneath and to cover
    any hidden objects like ruts in the mud, small ditches, sticks, or small logs. #2, but probably most important, is that
    the landowners are OK with allowing the clubs to open their lands up for trail access. There could be crops still in
    the fields and livestock not put into the barn yet. And then finally, the club volunteers have gotten out to mark the
    trails and removed downed trees, repaired broken bridges, taken care of any trail erosion issues, and so on. The club
    volunteers and the landowners dictate WHEN the trails can be safely opened. We urge every snowmobiler to
    check with the clubs in the areas where they want to ride or would like to ride before venturing out. It is your
    responsibility to KNOW BEFORE YOU GO which trails are open or not. Just having snow on the ground does
    NOT mean the trails are open!

                            Join a club, wherever you ride!

            SLOW DOWN! Enjoy the ride…safely!


        THINK!                      You are an ambassador of this sport!
                NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                         December 2020- Page 9
NYSSA Online Magazine

                      Say No to Countdown Hand Signals
                                   Jim Blessing, Rensselaer County Director
                                       Safety and Education Committee

P   icture this: You are traveling down the trail and meet an on-coming group of sledders. By the looks of it, they are a
family with young riders. The first rider, probably the dad, is holding up his left hand with 4 fingers up, indicating that
there are 4 riders following. The next 3 riders look to be young riders, each holding up a declining number of fingers on
their left hand while having difficulty controlling their sleds with just one hand. The last rider is holding up a fist.
Signally she is the last rider in the group. But wait… there are 3 more riders coming up behind her!
If you’re like me, you’ve probably
held your breath as you pass by
this group on a narrow trail, hoping
that none of the riders veer into
your path!
NYSSA strongly discourages the
use of the countdown hand signals.
Piloting a sled with just one hand is
just plain dangerous, especially
when meeting on-coming sleds!
The universal hand signals as
taught in the NYS Youth
Snowmobile Safety Education
class only require the left hand to
be off the handlebar for a brief
moment while signaling a turn,
stop, slowing-down, on-coming
sled or the last in line. The lead
rider in a group need only quickly
signal that there are sleds following
with their left arm arcing
backward. It is the responsibility of
all snowmobilers to always ride in
control and always anticipate that
there may be oncoming traffic
around the next bend in the trail.
NYSSA will be distributing a
poster to all clubs in NYS for
display to encourage all riders to
keep their hands on the handlebars
and ride in control. Spread the

            NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                    December 2020- Page 10
NYSSA Online Magazine

              Holiday Gift Guide
                                                  RIDE ALL

                                        STUDS, BECAUSE POWER IS NOTHING W
                                         ITHOUT CONTROL

                 Top 5 Reasons You Should be Maintaining Your Snowmobiles Traction Here
In the spirit of corporate giving, BITEHARDER will contribute 10% of each sale from a NY Rider back to
               NYSSA. In turn, NYSSA will dedicate those funds to the Trail Defender Fund.

                                                      Snowmobile Safety Light $39.95
                                    •    High helmet light mount location provides excellent visibility reducing accidents.
                                    •    Superior clarity even when your snowmobile’s tail light is covered with snow and
                                    •    Allows riders behind you to always know your location
                                    •    Super bright LED technology provides up to 200 lumens of light
                                    •    Be seen in all riding conditions including: snow dust, snow storms, fog, darkness
                                         and daylight
                                    •    Connects to your existing electric shield wiring at the helmet, or attach it
                                         independently to your snowmobile’s accessory plug
                                    •    Light mounts easily using high quality 3M adhesive backing
                                    •    Adhesive backed (3M) wire-routing-clips are also included

                    Visit for more information

                                        When you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile
                                        Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of
                                                 eligible products to SLEDNY, Inc

       NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                December 2020- Page 11
NYSSA Online Magazine

                     The Trail Defender Fund has been
                         moved to SLEDNY, Inc.
                           Donations may now be tax deductible under the IRS code.

G ANDERSON     PLANTSVILLE              T GAISFORD       OTEGO                    W MILLIER        MORAVIA
D ARCHER       WESTFIELD                K GARDINIER      WILLIAMSON               J MONTENA        SCHENECTADY
M ARNER        CANASTOTA                D GARDNER        MILLBROOK                K NAGY           KINGSTON
J BADGER       FULTON                   P GARRETT        WELLESLEY ISLAND         G NICHOLS        CHURUBUSCO
D BALDWIN      FORT ANN                 M GEORGE         PINE PLAINS              P PARKER         ONEIDA
P BANA         TULLY                    M GETMAN         GLOVERSVILLE             D PARKER         CLIFTON PARK
S BECHTEL      ROME                     M GIAMMATTEI     SELKIRK                  C PEARL          CHAPLIN
G BECKLER      POTTERSVILLE             F GUTBERLET      N CHILI                  R PRAY           DEPEYSTER
S BENNETT      ALBION                   H GUTHEIL        AVERILL PARK             D PRENTICE       MEDINA
D BERG         MINOA                    D HAND           VESTAL                   M PRUITT         CICERO
R BISHOP       FORT ANN                 C HARRIS         SOUTH GLENS FALLS        R PUGH           WHITESBORO
B CADWELL      ONTARIO                  J HERRMANN       PHOENIX                  R RATHBUN        MIDDLE GROVE
J CAVALIERE    STAMFORD                 D HIGGS          SINCLAIRVILLE            D REESAE         MUNNSVILLE
B CHAMBERLIN VESTAL                     S HORVATH JR     BAY SHORE                D RUDY           BLOSSVALE
G CHAPLES      BUFFALO                  G HOUSEL         NEW MILFORD              W SCHIAVITTI     LOCKPORT
R CHRISTENSEN MEXICO                    M HUCK           BOLTON LANDING           M SHAW           HENRIETTA
N CHRISTENSEN MEXICO                    K HUMPHREYS      WEBSTER                  R SHIRES         NORTH BABYLON
J COFFINGER    INDIAN LAKE              J HYDE           FULTON                   T SINCEBAUGH     AUBURN
R COLE         BLOSSVALE                C IWINSKI        GANSEVOORT               R SLOAT          BERGEN
J COLLER       DRYDEN                   R JANOUSKOVEC    ROAMING SHORES           G SMITH          SPENCER
M COYNE        SKANEATELES              J JENNINGS       LONG LAKE                R SMITH          MEDINA
R CRIM         AUBURN                   E JOHNSON        LAKE LUZERNE             W SNAK           SMITHTOWN
G CRISTANDO    WESTBURY                 E JOHNSON        HANCOCK                  R SORRELL        MORRISONVILLE
J DARROW       HOPEWELL JCT             E JORDAN         ITHACA                   R STEELE         GREAT BEND
J DAVIS        MEXICO                   B KIRCH          CAMDEN                   S STODDARD       RIVERHEAD
D DELANEY      CANASTOTA                K KIRKLAND       CAMDEN                   J THEURER        OWEGO
D DEMARTINO AMSTERDAM                   M LARUE          BALDWINSVILLE            M THORP          MAYBROOK
D DEMM         OSWEGO                   J MAGARDINO      CHAPPAQUA                S TYNON          QUEENSBURY
A DEPAOLO      JACKSON                  S MAHON          OHNSTOWN                 D VAIL           BINGHAMTON
M DEVENUTO     CENTRAL VALLEY           J MALIK          MIDDLE GROVE             P WAYMAN         MADISON
C DONAHUE      MATAWAN                  E MARCY          SCHENECTADY              A WHITE          CAMDEN
J FARR         BARNEVELD                B MCDERMOTT      HURLEY                   L WILKINSON      CANASTOTA
M FAVILLE      GENESEO                  B MCDERMOTT      HURLEY                   K WILLIAMS       FORESTPORT
L FISCHER      PENFIELD                 L MCGINN         ELLENBURG DEPOT          S WOEHRLE        PISECO
W FISH         ARGYLE                   I MCNULTY        WELLSVILLE               R ZAIDEL         LANCASTER
W FOX          CAZENOVIA                J MELHORN         MOUNT JOY

                 There are three ways to donate to the Trail Defender Fund
 1. Donate $20 to Trail Defender at the time you renew your club membership on-line.
 2. Mail a check (please put Trail Defender in the memo line) to SLEDNY, PO Box 740,
 Central Square NY 13036.
 3.Donate using PayPal Click Here
         NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                 December 2020- Page 12
NYSSA Online Magazine

                Pre-Registration for the 2021 SLEDNY
     Educational Forum & NYSSA Annual Meeting is Now Open!!!

                                           April 16-18, 2021
                                            The Oncenter
                    Book Early and Take advantage of early discounts

                          $60 Full Forum Registration until March 1st

Due to the uncertainty of event restrictions in April, we will be pre-registering all
attendees. Your credit card will not be charged at this time and will be used to
           process your payment for the full amount on March 31st.

                     Click Here to Pre-Register

         NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                 December 2020- Page 13
NYSSA Online Magazine

If you have a question that you would like to ask NYSSA
send your question to

Does New York State offer an online safety education course for youth riders?

At this time, the only course The Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preserva-
tion (OPRHP) accepts is an in person safety education course. NYSSA has been
proactive in seeking alternative formats with the pandemic and has implemented
one virtual Safety Education Course that will serve as a pilot program. The instruc-
tor will be Jim Blessing, NYYSA director from Rensselaer County and the class
will be held on December 19th. Parks will monitor all aspects of the class and use
this class to determine if a virtual class format may be a possibility for the future.

Please click HERE for more information about Safety Courses offered across NYS

     NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                             December 2020- Page 14
NYSSA Online Magazine

NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                        December 2020- Page 15
NYSSA Online Magazine

                    By Matt Schaertl, Vice President Lehigh Valley Snow Riders
                                  S45 Trail, Village of Shortsville, Ontario County

The “bookend” bridge is 64’ long. 8,000 lbs of concrete for footers (Mayor Fred Mink helped fill the concrete block
cores with concrete less than a month after a stroke). The metal underneath is repurposed roof trusses from a disman-
teled barn, the deck is 2X6 PT. The width is minimal to require a slow speed. Used year round by the residents.

The 32’ “covered” bridge at the other end of the island is built from TWO pallets used to ship a custom piece of ma-
chinery from Germany to Manchester for glass fabrication. The pallets had to shortened lengthwise and height wise.
1” knotty pine lines the inside. Deck and roof is PT 2X6 and 2X10’s. Inside the bridge is a bench overlooking the
Canandaigua Outlet and three recessed display boards for information and maps.

          NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                  December 2020- Page 16
NYSSA Online Magazine

Each year we lose trails because of snowmobile and ATV riders that ignore signs that say “Stay
On Trail or Lose it”. These people ride wherever they want. Some of them may not realize it
and some just don't care. For clubs, losing these trails is frustrating. We have even heard of
some circumstances of riders cutting a snow fence to ride on a closed state truck trail. We need
your help!

Please report any of this activity to the proper authorities.

Phil La Plante
Membership Committee Chairman

           NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                   December 2020- Page 17
NYSSA Online Magazine

                 Three generations

    Dominic Jacangelo (Executive Director), Bill Cook (Saratoga County Director) and Darrin Harr (Hamilton County Director)
                                 present John Mercier the 2020 Snowmobiler of the Year Award

                                     2020 Snowmobiler of The Year
                                                 John Mercier
                                           Mulleyville Trail Association
  The Snowmobiler of The Year Award is named in memory of two pioneers of organized snowmobiling in
                          New York State, John Albert and Edward Dutcher.
“As a board member and director of safety and signage, John is heavily involved in every aspect of the club.
 We have many fundraisers, John is involved, we host many work parties, John is involved, we hold many
meetings, John is involved, we host groomer work details, John is Involved. John has taken an active role in
                                         all aspects of the club.”
John loves his family, friends and has a great passion for his hobbies. His wife Peg is very supportive of John
  and she is supportive of the club, as she is in attendance at every month’s meeting right along John’s side.
  John has dedicated much of his time and money into the sport we all love. Because of his numerous Face-
    book posts, members and followers of the club, get a firsthand tour of the mountain on a regular basis.

         NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                    December 2020- Page 18
NYSSA Online Magazine

     America's hometown – a multi-season, multi-reason destination.

                          Click HERE for More Information About Lodging

                 Click HERE for More Information About Other Nearby Attractions

NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                        December 2020- Page 19
NYSSA Online Magazine

               A New Snowmobile Destination in Essex County
                     by: Jon Halliday, NYSSA Director
In Essex County, we have a new favorite destination in the
Schroon Lake/North Hudson Snowmobile Club trail system. In
fact, it is becoming a favorite destination of riders from
Ticonderoga, Minerva, Pottersville, Chestertown, Brant Lake, and
Warrensburg because they can all access the Schroon Lake/North
Hudson trail system. What is the destination you ask?
Paradox Brewery was started in June 2013 and began producing
their craft beer on July 27, 2013. That very first beer was Schroon
Lake Ale. This was at their first location in the Town of Schroon
just off Route 9 across from the Northway Exit 27. Back then,
what was Trail S-88 (now C8D) ran behind the brewery. At the
Mountainside Lane road crossing, Schroon Lake/North Hudson
ran a short spur trail up to Rt9 so riders could get to Paradox
                                                                                    Front of Paradox Brewery

                                                              So, Paul Mrocka had an obsession, or as some people would
                                                              say, he has a passion; that passion is brewing beer. He
                                                              started home brewing and found himself with more friends
                                                              than he ever imagined! He and his wife Joanie finally
                                                              decided it was time to get serious. The result was Paradox
                                                              Brewery. Their initial start of 2,000 barrels per year proved
                                                              inadequate very quickly. In 2015 Paul started looking for
                                                              property to expand. He eventually found a 14-acre piece of
                                                              property in North Hudson. At the same time, New York
                                                              State was promoting a new project called the “Hub of the
                                                              Adirondacks”. After over a year of hard work, everything fit
                                                              together. In February 2020, Paradox Brewery’s new location
                                                              opened its not quite finished tasting room…..just in time to
                                                              catch the last of the inadequate snowfall we had last season.
                                                              So, snowmobilers were some of the first customers they had
                                                              at their new Brewery Tasting Room.

                Outside Pavilion Summer mode                                                            Continued on page 21

             NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                     December 2020- Page 20
NYSSA Online Magazine
Continued from page 20

While COVID certainly put a cramp in things, requiring them to close until June 4th, when they were able to open their
outside tasting room under the tent. Soon after that, their outdoor Pavilion was finished. This structure was specifically
designed for outdoor enthusiasts, including and especially snowmobilers! (Paul is an avid snowmobiler and a member of
the Schroon Lake/North Hudson Snowmobile Club.)
                                                                                             Today, Paradox Brewery is a Veteran
                                                                                             owned, German-style craft brewery, the
                                                                                             largest in the Adirondacks, able to
                                                                                             produce 50,000 barrels of beer a year.
                                                                                             And again, the snowmobile trail runs
                                                                                             behind the brewery, only now it’s off
                                                                                             trail C8C. Again, Schroon Lake/North
                                                                                             Hudson Snowmobile Club has run a
                                                                                             short spur trail, this time directly to
                                                                                             Paradox Brewery with a parking area
                                                                                             specifically for snowmobiles.
                                                                                             This fall, Paul plans on installing roll-up
                                                                                             sides on the Pavilion and installing a
                                                                                             wood-burning stove so snowmobilers
                                                                                             can warm up a little without undressing
                                                                                             while enjoying a Paradox beverage and a
                                                                                             fresh baked soft pretzel. Check their
                                                                                             calendar for food truck special events.
                                   Inside Tasting Room

                                                                                               Did you hear that Mother Nature?!

                                                Outside Pavilion in Winter/Snowmobile mode

                               What to Expect at Paradox Brewery
 •    All Tasting areas in COVID configuration
 •    Masks are required when not sitting
 •    Maintain social distancing
 •    Snowmobile only parking area established just outside of the Pavilion

                 NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                          December 2020- Page 21
NYSSA Online Magazine

NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                        December 2020- Page 22
NYSSA Online Magazine

Each year, NYSSA awards two $1,000 scholarships honoring people who were instrumental to the growth of our
sport: The Norris and Mary Brusoe NYSSA Scholarship and The Joan & Digger Vriessen NYSSA Scholarship.
Only members of NYS Snowmobile Clubs as of January 1 each year are eligible for these Scholarships.
Scholarship Criterion
The NYSSA Scholarship Committee will review all applications and make its awards based upon academic
achievement, extracurricular involvement, community service and the quality of the original essay submitted with
each application. Financial need is a secondary criterion used in the selection of the winner. Completion of the
financial need portion of the application is optional. However, students who have provided a complete financial
background will be given priority over those whose applications are incomplete when all other considerations are
the same.
The 2021 essay should be about what snowmobiling means to you, or about snowmobiling in New York State
(economy, trails, environment) in five hundred (500) words or less.

Who may apply
Applicants must be graduating high school seniors who have been accepted at a College, Junior College, or
Vocational School. The student’s Parent(s) or Guardian(s), or the Student if over 18, must be a member in good
standing of NYSSA as of January 1, 2021.
To obtain a NYSSA Club membership, go to: .
The application, letter of acceptance at the college or school the student will be attending, transcript of grades at
high school, essay and recommendations must be received by NYSSA by February 22, 2021 as one package. All
applications must be complete to be considered. Late applications will not be considered! The applications
submitted to NYSSA will be answered by mail after judging.
The two top New York applications will be notified by the NYSSA Executive Director.
All application materials are considered confidential and will be limited to examination for their intended purpose
only and become the property of the NYSSA.

How to Apply
Applications are being accepted for the 2021 Scholarships. Obtain an application package by emailing, or go online and download it from the scholarship page at website, or call our office at 888-624-3849

         NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                 December 2020- Page 23
NYSSA Online Magazine

                                                   THE NEW YORK STATE
                                                      ASSOCIATION IS
                                                    NOMINATIONS FOR
                                                    OFFICER POSITIONS.

                               PRESIDENT   •

                           • SECRETARY

  *Due to the cancellation of the 2020 Annual Meeting, these officers
                      will serve a one year term

                             VICE PRESIDENT

                             • TREASURER

            Please note these officers will serve a two year term

Our officers are elected at the NYSSA Annual meeting in April of
                 each year (the end of our season).

        Please click HERE to download a nomination form

     We are also looking for a volunteer to fill a vacant secretary
               position for the remainder of the term.
    The term will conclude after the annual meeting in April 2021.

     NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                               December 2020- Page 24
NYSSA Online Magazine

The TC Murphy Lumber Company is proud to be an official business sponsor of the
New York State Snowmobile Association. We offer our best wishes to all the members
       for a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season at home or on the trail.

                                                        L   ocated in Wevertown, New York, T.C. Murphy
                                                        Lumber Company has been an important part of the
                                                        Adirondack community, serving homeowners and
                                                        contractors alike since 1915.

                                                        Over time the company has steadily grown and expanded
                                                        its offerings to better assist the community. Today T.C.
                                                        Murphy has a unique product mix that can be of service to
                                                        practically everyone. We have lumber and building
                                                        materials, hardware, paint, lawn and garden supplies, hand
                                                        and power tools, rental equipment, plumbing, electrical,
                                                        masonry and other services that will help assist you with
                                                        your home.

                                                         If you have not stopped recently, please do. We promise
                                                                  you will have a pleasant experience!

     NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                             December 2020- Page 25
NYSSA Online Magazine

This season we will feature destination articles from
           areas around New York State.

                                                   In our January issue we will
                                                     highlight Otsego County.

    NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                            December 2020- Page 26
NYSSA Online Magazine

                     From the Thousand Islands Sun Newspaper- November 18, 2020

NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                        December 2020- Page 27
NYSSA Online Magazine

  The Marilla Sno-Mob Snowmobile is selling its 2004 New Holland
TS115A groomer with Sure Trac 8'.6" drag. The tractor is Ram Steer,
has 2410 hours and is ready to groom. The drag has new blades and
  there are 2 extra tractor tires that come with the deal. Priced at
$25,000 or Best Offer. For more info call or text Bob at 716-310-5817.

 Custom made Marcel (MGE) Style drag. Unit is approx. 12 years old
and is in excellent condition. 8'6" wide and 20'8.5" long. Pintle hitch,
non ram steer. Selling due to being an extra drag, nothing wrong with
 this drag.. Tool box not included. Please contact us with any ques-
   tions. 845 332 9769 Mike-Brantingham

       NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                               December 2020- Page 28
NYSSA Online Magazine

                                              2006 MTN groomer, that is to be pulled behind
                                                   a snowmobile. $2,000 or best offer.
                                              For more information contact Paul Cosselman
                                                            at 518-725-3316.

1978 Ski-Dozer SV252G. Ford inline 6 cyl, 300 CID, Ford C-6 automatic
trans, 1684 hours. $16,000 with drag (would sell without drag if desired). Set-
up as ram steer. Ready to groom, just waiting for snow, we will use until it
sells. New track belting 2 years ago. 3 solid rubber tires on right side, 2 solid
tires on left. We replace them this way when the foam filled tires fail or wear
out. Sprockets and front idlers in great shape. 6-way blade. Dual batteries
with on board charger/maintainer, just plug it in. 12,000 pound Warn winch
up front. LED lights on top of cab. Block heater. 2 toolboxes. Service Manu-
al. Spring tripping blades on drag. Located in Colden, NY (near Buffalo).
More pictures are available. Email Dave Waples at
                        if interested or for more info.

        NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                                December 2020- Page 29
                                  NYSSA Online Magazine

                             eal Estate
Trout House Village Resort                                          The Edge Hotel
 Hague, NY on Lake George                                              Lyons Falls, NY
       518-543-6088                                                 1-866-348-4211                           

   NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                           December 2020- Page 30
                                    NYSSA Online Magazine

                              eal Estate

If you have a property that you would like to advertise, please contact the
NYSSA office at 1-888-624-3849 ext 101 or
     NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                             December 2020- Page 31
NYSSA Online Magazine

                               Business Member Listing
Dealers, Parts and Accessories Dealers, Parts and Accessories
      Bibbens Sales Service                    Woody’s International
       3282 E Brutus St Rd                     6054 N Meridian Road
      Weedsport, NY 13166                        Hope, MI 48628
          315-834-6500                             989-689-4911          
      Big Moose Yamaha Inc
           5511 NY-28
       Eagle Bay, NY 13331                     Restaurants/Food
          315-357-2998                    Rocky's on The Lake
                                               438 Mac Arthur Road
        DDS Motor Sports                       Cold Brook, NY 13324
      2100 Oriskany Street W                       315-826-3626
         Utica, NY 13502           
          315-792-4660                  Automobile Services
                                               New Rochelle Chevrolet
        Don’s Polaris Inc.                       291 Main Street
       278 Moose River Trail
                                             New Rochelle, NY 10801
       Old Forge, NY 13420
                                               Schroon Lake Sunoco
           Fun Unlimited                           1567 Route 9,
          2068 NY Rt 812                      Schroon Lake, NY 12870
       Gouverneur, NY 13642                        518-532-0102
           315-287-4144                    Exit 29 Sunoco
                                               4007 Blue Ridge Road,
      Ingles Performance                      North Hudson, NY 12885
        413 Besaw Road                             518-354-7251
      Pheonix, NY 13135
                                                   Hudson Midas
                                          56 Healy Blvd, Hudson, NY 12534
    Leisure Time Powersports        
       46 Foster Brook Blvd
        Bradford, PA 16701
                                             Convenience Stores                   The Crossroads
                                                   40 Dixon Rd,
   Leisure Time Power Sports                 Chestertown, NY 12817
     729 East Columbus Ave     
         Corry, PA 16407                              mobile

         Smith Marine
           Po Box 558
      Old Forge, NY 13420

      Waite Motorsports
     18014 Goodnogh Road
    Adams Center, NY 13606

       NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                               December 2020- Page 32
NYSSA Online Magazine

                              Business Member Listing
        Lodging                                 Real Estate
                                                Herron Realty
   Kuyahoora Resort                              PO Box 1158
  Coldbrook, NY 13324                        Old Forge, NY 13420
     315-741-2202                                315-369-6910           

    Tailwater Lodge
       52 Pulaski St
    Altmar, NY 13302                              Voss Signs
      315-298-3434                               PO Box 553                      Manlius, NY 13104
      The Edge Hotel
    3952 State Route 12                             Other
   Lyons Falls, NY 13368
       315-348-4211            (Informative website)                            PO Box 21
                                             Indian Lake, NY 12842
 Trout House Village Resort
    9117 Lakeshore Drive
      Hague, NY 12836                            Insurance                       Alan Spindler-Allstate
                                            813 Black River Blvd. N
                                                Rome, NY 13440
Groomer Equipment                 
       Prinoth LLC
      264 NH Rte 106                               Trailers
   Gilmanton, NH 03237
                                              Fisk Distributing Inc
                                            1274 N Lyndonville Road
                                             Lyndonville, NY 14098
         Rentals                                  585-765-2466

    Village Rentals Inc
                                            Building Supplies
     2886 State Route              TC Murphy Lumber and Building Supply
   Speculator, NY 12164                     3911 State Route 8
       518-548-7533                       Wevertown, NY 12886                    518-251-2424
   565 Rue del la Montagne
      Valcourt, Canada

    2100 Highway 55
    Medina, MN 55340

Yamaha Motor Corporation
    418 Stump Road
Montgomeryville, PA 18936                                   Check out their video
                                    Top 5 Reasons You Should be Maintaining Your Snowmobiles Traction Here
                                     In the spirit of corporate giving, BITEHARDER will contribute 10% of
                                    each sale from a NY Rider back to NYSSA. In turn, NYSSA will dedicate
                                                     those funds to the Trail Defender Fund.

    NYSSA: PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036 *EMAIL: *PHONE: (888) 624-3849
                                            December 2020- Page 33
As the unified voice for NY Snowmobiling, NYSSA works
                                                   year-round to promote the sport and protect the trails
                                                 needed for winter enjoyment. NYSSA is recognized and
                                               accepted in Albany, across the state, and nationally as the
                                                organization that represents the rights and needs of New
                                                                          York’s snowmobilers.
  PO Box 740, Central Square, NY 13036
   888-624-3849 / Fax 888-317-2441
                                NY Snowmobiler Publication Dates:

                                                                                 January 21, 2020

                         NYSSA Calendar of Events
     January 13, 2020                     NYSSA Board of Directors Meeting                         Virtual/GoToMeeting

  When you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate
       0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to SLEDNY, Inc.

    Reduced cost Driver Ed courses are just one of the many benefits that your membership in NYSSA provides to you.

                                      Click Here For Course Information

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