SUMMER 2022 Trent - Trent University

Page created by Mitchell Powell
SUMMER 2022 Trent - Trent University

              English Adventure Program

        SUMMER 2022

a member of
SUMMER 2022 Trent - Trent University
Wel c o m e t o                                                                  s e f r o m
                                                                             Choo TWO STREAMS
Embark on a summer adventure in Canada and create lifelong
memories learning English, experiencing Canadian culture first hand,
                                                                           IMMERSE IN SELF-DISCOVERY:                 IMMERSE IN LANGUAGE:
and exploring all that summer in Ontario has to offer. Join us at          UBOUND STREAM                              ESL STREAM
                                                                           Our UBound program is the perfect          If improving English is the goal for the
                                                                           way to explore your interests and          summer, our GOOSE English program
MORE THAN A SUMMER CAMP                                                    strengths to see what the future may
                                                                           hold for you; the potential is bound-
                                                                                                                      offers the highest standard of English
                                                                                                                      language training with the Trent ESL
                                                                           less! Campers in the U-bound stream        program, an accredited member of
Trent’s GOOSE program is more than a summer camp. We aim to
                                                                           will spend half of their days (Monday      Languages Canada since 2007.
develop important skills including leadership, self-awareness,
                                                                           to Friday) exploring their competen-       Outstanding teaching with qualified,
decision-making, problem solving, independence, teamwork,
                                                                           cies and capabilities by engaging with     professional, and caring instructors, as
responsibility, and interpersonal skills. At GOOSE, we work hard to
                                                                           various programs at Trent through an       well as fun experiences in our
ensure that each camper has the opportunity to learn, grow and play
                                                                           experiential learning process. They will   intensive immersion program results in
each day.
                                                                           experience workshops, clinics, and         the greatest learning outcomes.
                                                                           activities related to a range of
                                                                           professional and academic pursuits, in
THE LOCAL FLAVOUR- ACTIVITIES UNIQUE TO                                    a way that will help them identify their

                                                                           interests for future study in university
                                                                           or college. Examples of the topics
                                                                           include business, leadership and
Peterborough and the Kawarthas is a spectacular region blending an         management, environmental sciences,
abundance of outdoor activities with historical sites, unique              forensic science, computer coding,
geographical features, galleries and museums. As home of the               writing and communications, robotics,
Canadian Canoe Museum, the Trent-Severn Waterway, Warsaw Caves             health care, and more.
and Petroglyphs, and a number of conservation areas and provincial         Admission requirement: IELTS 6.0 or
parks, all within 90 minutes of downtown Toronto and 3 hours from          above.
world-famous Niagara Falls, Peterborough and the Kawarthas is
renowned as a summer mecca for tourism. Beauty, safety, and
convenience all here in the Kawarthas!

                                                                                      AFTERNOON ADVENTURES
SUMMER TIME LIKE NO OTHER!                                                 The GOOSE activity programs offered are designed to provide physical and
                                                                           creative outlets in an educational environment. Programs include quintessential
Summer, from June to August, is warm, with highs usually about             Canadian outdoor pursuits such as canoeing and kayaking, swimming, hiking,
26/27 °C (79/81 °F). On hot days, when the temperature can reach or        and more. Sports programming includes soccer (or football as some would call
even exceed 30 °C (86 °F). It often feels hotter due to the humidity       it), court and beach volleyball, badminton, basketball, floor hockey, and more.
which makes the cool dips in the Otonabee River especially wonder-         Creative programming includes art, drama, creative writing, dance, storytelling,
ful.                                                                       camp craft, etc.

OH, CANADA                                                                            EVENING PROGRAMS
Peterborough is among one of the friendliest cities in Canada, and is a
                                                                           Evening programs range from local excursions to music festivals, shopping,
wonderful place to live, learn, and form memorable experiences.
                                                                           camp-wide games, movie nights, charades, or karaoke - our creative counsel-
Located in the beautiful Kawartha region, renowned for an abundance
                                                                           lors are always coming up with fun programs. Evening programs are optional
of lakes, rivers, and limitless outdoor recreation, GOOSE at Trent
                                                                           for homestay campers who prefer to spend their evenings with their host
University is well situated to offer the best of summer adventure in a
university setting. We provide a unique and energetic summer
experience full of fun, friendship and adventure – all in one of the
most highly-rated countries in the world.
                                                                                      WEEKEND WARRIORS! COUNT ME IN!
Our camp is located on Trent University’s beautiful Symons Campus,
along the banks of the Otonabee River. The natural setting of Trent’s      Weekends are for excursions! These optional trips to Toronto for shopping, CN
1,400 acres of trees, open fields, streams, and lush forests, along with   Tower, Ripley’s Aquarium, the Hockey Hall of Fame, and more, as well as trips to
our state-of-the-art facilities and secure campus structure provide a      Niagara Falls or Canada’s Wonderland; so much to see and do are an exciting
dynamic learning and recreational environment.                             add-on to your camp adventures. Opt in to make the most of your Canadian
SUMMER 2022 Trent - Trent University
“ The English classes
                                                                                                                                            were really dynamic and
                                                                                                                                            really well prepared. ”
 Swimming in the Otonabee River                                Niagara Falls Boat Ride

                                                                                                                                        “ As a team, we draw on our own
                                                                                                                                        summer camp experiences to create
Traditional TIPI                                  World Student Day, Toronto                                                            the authentic Canadian Summer
                                                                                                                                        Camp experience we share with
                                                                                                                                        international student campers. At
                                                                                                                                        our camp, we combine outdoor fun
                                                                                                                                        with the comfort and convenience
                                                                                                                                        of living in Homestays in a small,
                                                                                                                                        safe Canadian city. ”

                                                                                                                                        Glenda Fish, Manager Trent-ESL
                      Selfies!                                    Low Rope Challenges

               SUN          MON          TUE      WED          THU         FRI           SAT               SUN          MON         TUE        WED       THU          FRI           SAT

   a.m.                                                                                          a.m.                                                                            NIAGARA
              Arrival of                                                                                  Arrival of                                                              FALLS
              Intake #1    Orientation   Class     Class       Class       Class                         Intake #2       Class      Class      Class     Class        Class
      W1                                                                                          W3

   p.m.                                                                                          p.m.
              Homestay     Orientation Swimming   Village     Low Rope      BBQ                          Homestay      Orientation Swimming     Art    Indigenous     BBQ        Niagara Falls

   a.m.                                                                                          a.m.
              Homestay       Class       Class     Class       Class     Celebrate    Homestay           Homestay        Class      Class      Class     Class      Celebrate      Depart
      W2                                                                                          W4

   p.m.                                                                                          p.m.
              Homestay Rock Climb        Canoe    Lift Lock   Karaoke    Graduation   Homestay           Homestay       Robot I    Robot II   Museum     Canoe      Graduation
            Sample Schedule for reference only.                              2-week depart              Sample Schedule for reference only.                               3-week depart
SUMMER 2022 Trent - Trent University
                                                     Home Stay              Campus Residence

2-WEEK TOTAL                                     $2,600 CAD                  $2,950 CAD

EACH ADDITIONAL WEEK                              $860 CAD                   $1,200 CAD

3-WEEK TOTAL                                    $3,460 CAD                   $4,150 CAD

4-WEEK TOTAL                                    $4,320 CAD                   $5,350 CAD

                                           Minimum age requirement: 14
                                           Minimum group size: 12

Includes: return airport shuttle, UHIP (health insurance), application and registration,
orientation, residence on campus with 3 meals, ESL testing, ESL class tuition, athletics
pass, afternoon programs, local excursions, special events, and graduation ceremony
with certificate.
Does not include: Weekend or adventure excursions (non-local)
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations and reductions in registrations must be made in
writing and are subject to the following:
Before January 31st - a refund will be granted for Sessions less the session deposit(as
                                                                                               HOME AWAY FROM HOME: YOU CHOOSE!
outlined above) per session/registrant
                                                                                               Residing on campus in our residence facilities provides the
Between January 31st and April 30th - both the session deposit (see above) andcancel-          complete camp life experience. Living with homestay hosts carefully
lation fee of $200
                                                                                               selected by our partner, Canada Homestay Network provides
No refunds shall be given after May 1st - Cancellations after this date will result in         campers with a safe, relaxed and comfortable home setting.
complete forfeiture of camp fees (all payments are non-refundable and nontransferable.
No refund, reduction of fees or credit will be granted for late arrival, early departure,
withdrawal, or dismissal.
                                                                                               IT’S A FAMILY AFFAIR!

                                                                                               Combine adult programs with GOOSE and create a family getaway!
                                                                                               Travel to Canada as a family and make this a learning vacation for
                                                                                               everyone! Parents can participate in one of the Professional English
                                                                                               programs for adults, while their children attend camp. Choose the
                                                                                               corresponding sessions to align your summer plans and have a
                                                                                               fantastic summer.
                         Early July        Late July         Early August    Late August

                                                                                                            r G r o u p
Student Arrival          July 3            July 17           July 31         August 14

1st Day of Program

Last Day of Program
                         July 4

                         July 15
                                           July 18

                                           July 29
                                                             August 2

                                                             August 12
                                                                             August 15

                                                                             August 26
                                                                                                Pla n Y o u
Student Departure        July 16           July 30           August 13       August 27                                        We are proud of Trent University’s
                                                                                                                              reputation for quality programming
                                                                                                                              and are happy to talk to you further
                                                                                                                              about why to choose GOOSE for
                                                                                                                              you and your family.
                                                                                                                              For more information about
                    The University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) is a mandatory health plan
                    for all international and non-Ontario residents studying or working at a                                  GOOSE, visit us online at
                    university or college in Ontario.                                                                or email us at
                    UHIP coverage details can be found at                               
SUMMER 2022 Trent - Trent University
We respectfully acknowledge that we are on the treaty and traditional territory of the Mississauga
Anishnaabeg. We offer our gratitude to the First Nations for their care for, and teachings about, our earth
and our relations. May we honour those teachings.

                                    STAYING SAFE
                                    Trent Forward safety guidelines have been designed to
                                    enable the return to campus in a way which minimizes
                                    the risk of an outbreak of COVID-19 at the University,
                                    and to protect the health & safety of the Trent
                                    community. Visit for more

Apply Now
For application and
payment information go to

Deposit: due with
Full payment: due 30 days
before arrival


SUMMER 2022 Trent - Trent University
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