Sustainability at SuperValu

Page created by Gail Armstrong
Sustainability at SuperValu
at SuperValu
Sustainability at SuperValu
SuperValu is committed to making a
real difference to people’s lives every
day and creating a positive impact on
our communities and on the planet,
while making it easy for our customers
to do the same.
Sustainability at SuperValu
Environment                        Sustainable packaging
Commitments:                       Already achieved

Sustainable Packaging              • First to introduce compostable produce bag
100% of own-brand, fresh produce   • First to introduce reusable compostable shopping bag
& in-store packaging will be       • First nationwide retail brand to introduce 100% compostable coffee
recyclable, reusable                 cups and lids through its Frank and Honest gourmet coffee range
or compostable by 2025             • Introduced 100,000 compostable salad bowls to our front of store
                                     salad range
                                   • We removed an enormous 84 tonne of black unrecyclable plastic
Carbon Reduction                     from produce in the last year
Reduce our carbon                  • We have removed 34 tonnes unrecycled black plastic trays from
emissions to be net zero             circulation from our ready meals and replaced with a recyclable
carbon by 2050                       alternative
                                   • We have removed 47 tonnes of black plastic annually from our
                                     SuperQuinn Sausages by switching to detectable recyclable packaging
                                   • Working with partners to introduce innovative reuse, low plastic
                                     and plastic free packaging solutions

                                   On track with our commitment

                                   • We will remove unrecyclable black plastic in our core ranges by 2022
                                   • We support over 300 Food Academy suppliers to become more
                                     sustainable through our dedicated eLearning module
                                   • We will remove 2.5m virgin plastic shopping bags and replace with
                                     compostable in 2021
                                   • We continue to increase our loose produce offering and encourage
                                     customers to switch from packaged alternatives
                                   • We are working with packaging experts to find the most sustainable
                                     solutions while protecting and preserving our food
                                   • We are working with all our suppliers to ensure they are providing our
                                     customers with the most sustainable packaging
                                   • We continue to source and make available the most sustainable
                                     packaging and food solutions to our customers
                                   • We are trialling our refill solution with a view to rolling it out according
                                     to consumer feedback and food safety
Environment                   Carbon reduction
                              Already achieved
Carbon Reduction:
                              • Reduced the energy consumption of our stores by 20% since 2015
Reduce our carbon emissions     when compared to 2014 levels
to reach net zero carbon      		      - Replaced 40,860 light fittings with LED fittings
by 2050                       		      - Replaced 1,226 fridges with energy saving units with doors.
                              		      - Fitted 5,000 Solar PV Panels to the roofs of 15 stores
                              		      - Enough energy saved to power 22,890 homes in Ireland
                              		        for a year
                              • Green Refrigeration running on environmentally friendly gasses
                                in 30 stores
                              • 50% of stores running on green electricity generated from
                                renewable resources
                              • Rapid EV chargers on trial
                              • We achieved Zero Waste to Landfill and we are working hard to
                                maintain this
                              • In conjunction with the SEAI we have carried out over €1.2M worth
                                of energy upgrade works in over 75 community buildings throughout
                                Ireland since 2014

                              On track with our commitment

                              Further reduce Carbon by 3% every year until 2050

                              By 2025:
                              • All stores will be equipped with LED Lighting by 2025
                              • All stores in the estate will run on Green electricity
                              • Majority of stores will have installed energy saving doors to
                                refrigeration cabinets
                              • Solar PV Panels will be fitted to the roofs of 50 stores
                              • Half our stores will be equipped with Green refrigeration systems
                                running on eco friendly gasses
                              • Rapid electric car charges to 120 stores
                              • From 2020 onwards light fittings made from recycled materials
                                such as old CDs and are fully recyclable
                              • Reduce fleet emissions by 1.5% year on year
Sourcing                            Irish and local
Commitments:                        Already achieved

                                    • 75% of all our goods are sourced in Ireland
Irish and Local
SuperValu will remain the largest   • SuperValu has a long-standing commitment to Irish farmers and 100% of
supporter of the Irish Food           our SuperValu branded meat and poultry is Irish
Industry                            • 100% of our Fresh meat is Irish and Bord Bia approved
                                    • We sell more SuperValu branded fresh Irish meat than any other
Sourcing Responsibly                  grocery retailer to consumers across Ireland actively promoting great
SuperValu as signatories to           taste and quality
the UN Global Compact, is           • We employ over 200 qualified butchers in-store nationwide
committed to sourcing               • Largest small food producer enterprise programme in Ireland, Food
sustainably and ethically             Academy, generating €27m for our producer members
                                    • Established Beef quality guidance to aid our beef farmers to produce
Eco Friendly range                    more sustainably
SuperValu is committed to           • Largest promoters of Irish suppliers through our investment in
providing the largest range           marketing, packaging and promotion
of eco and plant-based
                                    • Committed to the promotion of Irish Businesses though our partnership
                                      with Guaranteed Irish and Bord Bia

                                    On track with our commitment

                                    • Continue to ensure that 75% of all our goods are sourced in Ireland
                                    • Continue to ensure 100% of our SuperValu branded fresh meat is Irish
                                      and Bord Bia approved
                                    • Grow our Irish producer enterprise programme, Food Academy, by an
                                      additional 40 suppliers
                                    • Develop new lamb producer guidelines in addition to our beef producer
                                      guidelines which aids our beef and lamb farmers to produce more
                                    • Promote 1,800 Irish suppliers and product through our marketing and
                                      communications channels
                                    • Promote quality credentials of Irish and local suppliers through our
                                      packaging, distribution and retail network
                                    • Collaborate with government agencies, Bord Bia and Origin Green
                                      to ensure that 100% of our SuperValu branded Irish meat, dairy
                                      and eggs are always in compliance with the highest standards of
                                      animal welfare
Sourcing                             Sourcing responsibly
Sourcing Responsibly:
                                     • As signatories to the UN Global Compact, we are committed to
SuperValu as signatories to the UN     sourcing sustainably and ethically and to the fair treatment of
Global Compact, is committed to        workers within our supply chain
sourcing sustainably and ethically   • We ensure that Animal Welfare is protected in our supply chain. We
                                       collaborate with government agencies, Bord Bia and Origin Green
                                       to ensure that 100% of our SuperValu branded Irish meat, dairy and
                                       eggs are always in compliance with the highest standards of animal
                                     • To further improve knowledge and standards we have partnered with
                                       Global Expert Dr Temple Grandin of Colorado State University, to
                                       help our suppliers improve the welfare of animals
                                     • SuperValu only accepts palm oil in our Own Brand products that is
                                       certified as sustainably produced
                                     • All of our Fruit and Veg Suppliers are Bord Bia (Ireland) or Global GAP
                                       (international) approved
SuperValu has been committed to supporting the local
Community                                communities in which we operate for over 40 Years and
                                         this commitment will continue to grow year on year.
                                         Nationally we are proud to support two of Ireland’s best
                                         loved competitions SuperValu TidyTowns and the GAA
                                         Football Senior All-Ireland Championship. We believe
1. We will continue to positively        in inclusive communities and work closely with AsIAm
contribute to the communities we         to make our stores, towns and villages more Autism
operate in locally ensuring they are
more sustainable, inclusive and better
places to live
2. We will support and invest in the     Already achieved
SuperValu TidyTowns committees in
every community in Ireland, this will    • We employ over 15,000 people around the country
ensure they continue to positively       • Over the last 30 Years SuperValu has invested over €55 Million in
impact climate change                      the support of two of Ireland’s best loved competitions SuperValu
                                           TidyTowns and the GAA Football Senior All-Ireland Championship
3. We will continue to support the GAA
                                         • SuperValu TidyTowns is Ireland’s largest community climate change
in the promotion and development of
                                           initiative. As proud sponsors of SuperValu TidyTowns since 1990, we
GAA nationally and locally
                                           actively participate both locally and nationally each year to ensure
4. Together with our retailers we will     the continued success of the competition and its committees
invest in the development of thriving    		       - The Number of participating committees in the competition
local communities by supporting and               has grown from 616 in 1990 to 924 in 2020
investing in local clubs and charities   		       - Our 220 SuperValu stores work each year with their local
5. We will work with like-minded                  committees to make Irish towns and villages more sustainable
organisations such as AsIAm to                    places to live
promote inclusion for all in our         		       - The TidyTowns competition allows us to connect with
communities                                       members of our communities around one common purpose;
                                                  making our towns and villages better places to work, live
                                                  and play

                                         • The GAA Football All Ireland Championship is one of Irelands best
                                           loved, participated in and watched sporting competitions. It is a
                                           core part of our Irish Heritage. SuperValu has been Proud Sponsors
                                           of the GAA Football All Ireland Championship since 2010. We are also
                                           committed to the promotion of women’s sport via our Sponsorship
                                           of the Cork Ladies LGFA and via the sponsorship of local underage
Community   Already achieved...

            • Local SuperValu retailers are proud members of their local
              communities and each year invest over €3m in sponsorship of
              local clubs and organisations
            		      - Donated over 150,000 footballs to local GAA clubs over the
                    past 4 years
            		      - 495 clubs received GAA sports equipment in the last year
            		      - SuperValu Stores connected with over 500 GAA Clubs and
                    3,000 Volunteers to deliver groceries to the most vulnerable in
                    their communities during the pandemic
            		      - Local stores support thousands of local charity fundraising
                    events each year with initiatives such as Bag Packing, Instore
                    Collections and food appeals

            • Working in partnership with AsIAm, Ireland’s leading Autism Charity,
              we are committed to making our stores, towns and villages more
              inclusive for the autism community;
            		      - Over 100 SuperValu stores have been designated as Autism
                    Friendly Stores
            		      - Working in partnership with AsIAm supported Clonakilty,
                    Co Cork to be designated as Ireland’s first Autism
                    Friendly Town
            		      - 10 more towns in Ireland are currently being supported by
                    SuperValu and AsIAm on their Autism Friendly Journeys
            		      - SuperValu has delivered Autism Awareness Month campaigns
                    to increase awareness and understanding of Autism

            Future Commitments

            SuperValu TidyTowns
            SuperValu will continue to work in partnership with the Department
            of Community and Rural Development to ensure that the SuperValu
            TidyTowns competition continues to positively impact the
            sustainability of local communities
             • We will continue to invest and promote the SuperValu TidyTowns
             • Support the over 900 Committees to make a positive impact on
               their communities nationally and locally
             • Increase number of Volunteers who support the local committees
               by 10%
Community   Future Commitments

            SuperValu TidyTowns continued
            • Ensure the competition continues to evolve and remain relevant
              by rewarding more sustainable activities around plastic and carbon
              reduction, recycling & biodiversity
            • Monitor and report on the positive impact committees are having
              on their local areas via plastic and carbon reduction, recycling &

            SuperValu will continue to work in partnership with the GAA to
            promote the Senior Mens Football Championship nationally and to
            support the development and growth of GAA within communities
                    - Continue to support and invest in over 500 GAA Communities
                    locally each year
             		     - Continue our support of Ladies sport via our sponsorship
                    of Cork LGFA

            • SuperValu is committed to ensuring that the communities we
              operate in have a greater understanding of Autism in order to reduce
              social isolation
            • We will continue to equip our organisations and associations with
              the tools to be more inclusive to the autistic community
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