Page created by Justin Lawson
Cummins Inc.

                   Our path to carbon
                   neutrality includes
                 powering the world’s
                   first hydrogen fuel
                 cell passenger train.

                              PAGE 6



                                              COVID-19 had a devastating impact           to employees. We also expanded                 We are now confronted with trying
COVID-19 had an unprecedented                 on our communities, our economy, and        employee health care programs and              to meet a rapid demand increase

impact on all of us. We have a history        our people. It’s hard to think of a way
                                              that the pandemic has not changed
                                                                                          widely promoted counseling and
                                                                                          leave options. We are now focusing
                                                                                                                                         hampered by global supply constraints
                                                                                                                                         while ensuring we keep employees safe.
of turning challenges into opportunities,     our lives. Our business was impacted        on vaccinations, launching a vaccine           This is the challenge ahead of us, and
                                              as well. In the second quarter, we faced    education campaign, organizing on-site         I’m highly confident we will deliver.
and 2020 presented many of both.              the most severe decline in quarterly        clinics where possible, and offering paid
                                              sales in our history, followed by a rapid   time off to get the necessary shots.           MEANINGFUL CLIMATE ACTION
                                              recovery in demand.
                                                                                          Our commitment to the prosperity               We continued investment in our most
                                              We navigated the challenges well and        of our communities did not waver.              important technology programs, which
                                              our focus throughout the pandemic           We dispersed a record $22 million in           are critical to reaching our sustainability
                                              remained on what’s most important —         community grants, including about              pledge of carbon neutrality by 2050.
                                              the safety and wellbeing of our             $2.6 million in pandemic-related relief.
                                                                                                                                         We are investing in a range of solutions
                                              employees, both physically and              We partnered with 3M and DuPont to
                                                                                                                                         to lead the industry on the path to a
                                              mentally. For our facilities that stayed    use our filter technology in masks for
                                                                                                                                         zero-emissions future. We are taking
                                              open, we instituted mandatory health        healthcare workers. We assembled a
                                                                                                                                         steps today to turn our 2050 targets
                                              screenings before entering, required        Safe Work Playbook with the procedures
                                                                                                                                         into real-world products and
                                              masks, enhanced cleaning protocols,         used to open and operate our facilities,
                                                                                                                                         applications. We are powering the
                                              and redesigned spaces to allow for          and we shared this publicly to help
                                                                                                                                         world’s first hydrogen fuel cell passenger
                                              social distancing.                          other companies.
                                                                                                                                         trains. We have put more than
                                              We closed facilities that did not need      This is all possible because of the            600 electrolyzers into use globally,
                                              to remain open, and many employees          extraordinary efforts of our employees.        a key part of the solution to enabling
                                              worked from home. We started making         They contributed beyond expectations           green hydrogen production.
                                              masks and supplied more than 10 million     while facing their own struggles during
                                                                                          a global pandemic.

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                            2


                                        As we develop the technologies            TAKING ACTION                               Later this year, we will launch four           Equally important to our community
                                        of tomorrow, we need the                  ON SYSTEMIC RACISM                          new Cummins Technical Education                efforts is acting inside our walls.
                                        partnership of others to be successful.   Last year we launched Cummins               for Communities workforce                      Over the last year, we have added
                                        Industries and governments must           Advocating for Racial Equity (CARE)         development programs, creating                 two Black members to our Board of
                                        work together to meet our global          to take a leading role in undoing           pathways for Black residents to                Directors, promoted or appointed six
                                        energy and environmental challenges.      systemic discrimination against the         acquire opportunities in transportation,       Black leaders as officers, and continued
                                        We are advocating for public policies     Black community. CARE has four key          logistics and manufacturing.                   to assess our hiring, advancement and
                                        that enable the energy transition while   focus areas: police reform; criminal                                                       retention processes to ensure we are
                                        reducing emissions. This includes                                                     We will continue investing in current          living our value of diversity and inclusion.
                                                                                  justice reform; economic empowerment;
                                        innovating and scaling low-carbon                                                     and future minority-owned suppliers.
                                                                                  and social justice reform in healthcare,
                                        fuels, modernizing the grid, and                                                      Recently, we announced a commitment            These are important steps, and there
                                                                                  housing, workforce development
                                        developing the hydrogen economy.                                                      of $500,000 to the American Express            is still much work to be done.
                                                                                  and civil rights, including voting
                                                                                                                              Coalition to Back Black Businesses,
                                                                                  rights and education.
                                        We have a history of more                                                             established to help Black-owned                LOOKING AHEAD
                                        than 100 years of solving                 CARE brings together all of Cummins’        small businesses recover from the
                                                                                                                                                                             2020 demonstrated that merely
                                                                                  capabilities - our people, our resources,   disproportionate impact of COVID-19.
                                        big problems. No matter                                                                                                              focusing on the bottom line isn’t
                                                                                  and our philanthropy - to drive racial      To date, we have helped 60 businesses
                                        the application, we will                                                                                                             enough for sustainable business
                                                                                  equity and combat the impact of racism.     through our involvement.
                                                                                                                                                                             success. We serve each of our
                                        provide customers an                      We are focusing on select communities
                                                                                                                              We are partnering with local Community         stakeholders by serving them all.
                                        economically viable solution              where we have operations, and we are
                                                                                                                              Development Financial Institutions and
                                        so businesses can thrive,                 already making progress.                                                                   I am proud of what we achieved in
                                                                                                                              organizations to distribute $3 million in
                                        and we can sustain a vibrant                                                                                                         2020 and am optimistic about the
                                                                                  In our headquarters state of Indiana,       aid to Black-owned businesses in four
                                        economy while preserving                                                                                                             opportunities ahead to continue
                                                                                  we partnered with other businesses          of our target communities, and we are
                                                                                                                                                                             powering a more prosperous world.
                                        the planet for generations                and civic groups to successfully            also set to release $2 million in loans.
                                        to come. Our communities                  advocate for a civilian-led board to
                                        and business depend on                    create policies and procedures on
                                        a healthier planet and                    police conduct. We committed
                                                                                  $250,000 toward the Indianapolis
                                        this work is our mission
                                                                                  Urban League to invest in Black-owned
                                        in action.                                businesses and entrepreneurship.                                                           Tom Linebarger
                                                                                                                                                                             Chairman and CEO
                                                                                                                                                                             Cummins Inc.

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                                                             3



2                                          19                                     32                                            46
INTRODUCTION                               ENVIRONMENT                            SOCIAL                                        GOVERNANCE / ECONOMIC

2    Turning challenges into opportunity   18   Acting today for a more           32   Building more prosperous communities     47   Board provides critical oversight during pandemic
                                                prosperous planet in 2050
5    Sustainability at Cummins                                                    33   Community impact and giving              49   Cummins Board members
                                           20   2020 Environmental goals make
6    About the cover                                                              34   Taking on society’s biggest challenges   50   Sustainability starts with ethical behavior
                                                Cummins cleaner, more efficient
7    Company updates matrix                                                       35   Working for gender equity                52   Making human rights a priority
                                                22    Water goals
     to reflect 2020 developments                                                      around the world                         53   Cybersecurity takes a holistic approach to protecting Cummins’ data
                                                23    Energy and GHG goal
8    Key Performance Indicators                                                   36   New initiatives address                  54   Cummins focuses on resiliency in managing risk
                                                24    Waste goals                      systemic racism, the environment
9    The U.N.’s Sustainable                                                                                                     55   Making the case for a cleaner tomorrow
     Development Goals                          25    Products in use goals       37   Key health and safety metrics
                                                                                       improve in a most unusual year           56   Lobbying
11   Who we are                                 26    Logistics goal
                                                                                  40   Driving the value of diversity           57   Innovation plays key role in Cummins’ past, present and future
12   How we do it                          27   Environmental goals update
                                                                                  43   Helping employees reach                  59   Partnering for progress
13   Cummins’ story                        28   Supporting renewable forms
                                                                                       their full potential                     61   An innovation focused path to carbon neutrality
                                                of energy around the world
14   Six Sigma
                                           29   Making the world a better place                                                 63   Embracing ‘new normal’ to keep employees safe and support customers
15   Awards and recognition
                                           30   Advocacy, partnerships                                                          66   Cummins supply chain lives company values
16   Future focused
                                                critical to Cummins progress                                                    68   Supporting customers through digital solutions
                                                                                                                                70   Company rebounds after historic decline caused by pandemic

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                                                              4


                                                                                        THE CUMMINS                                  CUMMINS 2020                                  CUMMINS DATA
Cummins’ approach to sustainability                                                     2020 SASB REPORT                             TCFD REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                   Data in this report covers well over
aligns with its mission to make                                                         Cummins will again produce a report
                                                                                        aligned specifically to the disclosures in
                                                                                                                                     Cummins will also be reporting to
                                                                                                                                     the Taskforce on Climate-related
                                                                                                                                                                                   75% of the company’s operations.
                                                                                                                                                                                   More than 80% of the Environmental
people’s lives better by powering                                                       the Sustainability Accounting Standards      Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
                                                                                                                                     Created in 2017, TCFD is designed
                                                                                                                                                                                   and Social Data has been reviewed
                                                                                        Board (SASB) reporting platform.                                                           by APEX, a leader in verification and
a more prosperous world.                                                                SASB was established in 2011 to              to provide investors and others with          assurance. Its Independent Assurance
                                                                                                                                     a clearer picture of a company’s              Statement is included in the GRI
                                                                                        provide investors with industry-specific
A more prosperous world has a financial component, certainly, but at Cummins                                                         climate-related disclosures and               Content Index and Data Book.
                                                                                        sustainability information about the
it means more than that. A more prosperous world is also a world with clean air                                                      climate-related risks. Cummins’               Financial data comes from Cummins’
                                                                                        companies they are investing in.
and clean water, where businesses partner with other stakeholders to weave a                                                         2020 TCFD Report will be posted               Annual Report on Form-10K, which
                                                                                        The Cummins 2020 SASB Report
stronger social fabric. The company has long believed success is about more                                                          in the company’s document archive             is audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers
                                                                                        will be posted in the company’s
than just the bottom line.                                                                                                           by the end of August.                         LLP, an independent, registered public
                                                                                        sustainability document archive
                                                                                        by the end of July 2021.                                                                   accounting firm.
The Cummins Sustainability Progress Report is divided into three sections to show                                                    CUMMINS 2020
the company’s progress toward its mission: environmental reporting, social reporting,                                                CDP FILINGS
                                                                                        THE CUMMINS 2020 GRI                                                                       2020-2021
and governance and economic reporting. Cummins strives to be consistent                 CONTENT INDEX AND DATA BOOK                  Cummins is committed to sharing its           SUSTAINABILITY OVERVIEW
with the reporting structures established by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI),                                                  CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure
                                                                                        The company is again producing                                                             Cummins has also put together another
the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the Taskforce for                                                           Project) water and climate filings.
                                                                                        a separate posting aligned to the                                                          summary of the company’s sustainability
Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).                                                                                        The CDP was established to help
                                                                                        Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)                                                          programs for readers wanting a high-
                                                                                                                                     build a truly sustainable economy             level look at Cummins’ efforts over the
In addition to its disclosures to these and other reporting platforms,                  platform, which was established
                                                                                                                                     by increasing understanding around            past year. The overview is posted with
Cummins regularly reports on the company’s sustainability progress in                   by the United Nations to provide
                                                                                                                                     a company’s environmental impact.             the company’s other sustainability related
The Newsroom on                                                            a consistent way for companies to
                                                                                                                                     The filings will be posted in Cummins’        reports and documents in the company’s
                                                                                        report on their ESG performance.
This is the first of the Cummins’ reports related to sustainability and the                                                          sustainability document archive               document archive.
                                                                                        The Cummins 2020 GRI Content
environment, social matters and governance (ESG) that will come out                                                                  by the end of August.
                                                                                        Index and Data Book will be posted
over the next 12 weeks. Here’s a look at the others:                                    in the company’s document archive
                                                                                        by the end of July 2021.

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                 5


                                              ABOUT THE COVER
                                                                                           POWERING A NEW WAY TO
                                                                                           PROPEL PASSENGER TRAINS
                                                                                           Alstom’s pioneering Coradia iLint trains,
                                                                                           the world’s first hydrogen-powered
                                                                                           passenger trains, successfully completed
                                                                                           nearly two years of testing in Northern
                                                                                           Germany in 2020 and are scheduled
                                                                                           to go into regular service in 2022.

                                                                                         Using fuel cell technology to convert
                                                                                         hydrogen and oxygen into electricity
                                                                                         for propulsion, emitting only water vapor
                                                                                         and condensation, the trains successfully
                                              completed more than 180,000 kilometers of regular passenger service operating from
                                              September 2018 through February 2020. They soon started three months of additional
                                              testing, transporting passengers in Austria over geographically challenging routes.

                                              Hydrogenics, now a part of Cummins, was selected by Alstom to develop and
                                              implement the fuel cell systems for the Coradia iLint, bringing the environmental benefits
                                              of electrification to passenger rail without the wires frequently associated with the service.
                                              The trains also produce remarkably little noise, with a top speed of 140 km/h.

                                              In January 2021, the Coradia iLint received the European Rail Award for outstanding
                                              achievement in the development of economically and environmentally sustainable
                                              rail transport. Other countries are interested in the technology, including the
                                              United Kingdom,the Netherlands, France and Italy.

                                              Alstom, one of the leading rail manufacturers in Europe, is headquartered
                                              in France with a presence in more than 60 countries and more than
                                              38,000 employees. To learn more about the company’s hydrogen-powered
(Photos courtesy of Alstom)
                                              trains, check out Alstom’s website.

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                               6


Cummins updated its Materiality Matrix in this                                                                                      Foundational to sustainability                         Impact opportunities

report to reflect new issues emerging in 2020,                                                                                                PUBLIC       CLIMATE RISK     WATER                                         PRODUCT QUALITY

                                                                                                                  PUBLIC INTEREST
such as COVID-19 and racial equity.                                                                                                           ADVOCACY     MANAGEMENT       CONSERVATION                                  AND CUSTOMER
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ENVIRONMENTAL      SATISFACTION
                                                                                                                                                                        WASTE REDUCTION                COMPLIANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          HEALTH AND
                                                                                                                                                                        HUMAN RIGHTS                                      SAFETY
The importance of these topics can be seen in the        The cross functional group incorporated the                                                   SUPPLIER
                                                                                                                                                                        (WITHIN COMPANY                FACILITY ENERGY
                                                                                                                                                       DIVERSITY                                       USE, AIR AND GHG
placement of occupational health and safety and          work that went into Cummins’ previous matrix                                                                                                  EMISSIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          PRODUCT GHG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          AND AIR EMISSIONS
diversity, equity and inclusion among those issues       with feedback from several sources, including                                                                  MATERIAL
of greatest concern to both the public and Cummins.      the Global Reporting Initiative, the Sustainability                                                                                           FACILITY AIR          DIVERSITY,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       EMISSIONS             EQUITY AND
In addition, the sustainability reporting team added     Accounting Standards Board, and the Taskforce                                        DISCLOSURE
                                                                                                                                                                     PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE                                      INCLUSION
                                                                                                                                                                     AND REMANUFACTURING
cybersecurity and employee engagement and                on Climate Related Financial Disclosures. The team                                                                                                                  INNOVATION

workplace culture among its impact opportunities         also reviewed topics covered in sustainability surveys                                        ETHICS AND       BOARD DIVERSITY      SUPPLY CHAIN
                                                                                                                                                                                             ENVIRONMENTAL             EMPLOYEE
to reflect their growing importance to the public        Cummins was asked to fill out by multiple customers                                           COMPLIANCE       AND INDEPENDENCE                               ENGAGEMENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       AND WORKPLACE
and Cummins.                                             and feedback from institutional investors who have                                                             FINANCIAL                                      CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                                        MANAGEMENT                      SUPPLY CHAIN
                                                         become increasingly interested in sustainability.                                                                                              WORKING
To make these changes, the reporting team                                                                                                                                                               CONDITIONS
                                                                                                                                                                        PAY AND BENEFITS
convened a cross-functional group to review both         The group reaffirmed the interest in innovation
developments in 2020 and the company’s matrix            and reducing greenhouse gases and air emissions,
developed in 2018, when Cummins’ sustainability          which are key issues at Cummins as the company                                                                 ENGAGEMENT

reporting team worked with Deloitte to identify issues   pursues a carbon-neutral future.
where Cummins had the greatest opportunities for
                                                         Finally, the cross-functional team renamed and

environmental, social and governance impact. The
                                                         combined several issues for greater clarity and
company and Deloitte interviewed key voices in and
                                                         reorganized its matrix to better communicate
outside the company to develop the 2018 matrix.
                                                         the company’s priorities.
                                                                                                                                    COMPANY INTEREST

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                            7


                                                                                                                                                                                  2018               2019            2020

KEY                                                                                        ECONOMIC

                                                                                                                                                             Revenue      $23.8 billion   $23.6 billion      $19.8 billion

                                                                                                                                                          Net Income       $2.1 billion       $2.4 billion    $1.8 billion

INDICATORS                                                                                                                                                                        2018               2019            2020

Cummins takes a broad view                                                                                             GHG emissions (thousands of metric tons CO2e)              808                751             656

of sustainability, including                                                                                              Energy consumption1 (thousands of MMBtu)             14,375             14,043          12,673

the environment, corporate                                                                                                              Water use (millions of gallons)           949                895             772

responsibility, health and safety,                                                                                          Water intensity reduction2 (2010 baseline)           50%                53%             53%

diversity and inclusion, employee                                                                                         Energy intensity reduction2,3 (2010 baseline)          29%                31%             27%

development and governance.                                                                                                 GHG intensity reduction2,3 (2010 baseline)           37%                42%             41%

The company tracks many key                                                                                                                            Recycling rate            90%                91%             93%

performance indicators.                                                                                                                                                           2018               2019            2020
Here are just a few:                                                                       SOCIAL
                                                                                                                                             H&S Severity Case Rate             0.264              0.225           0.209

                                                                                                                                                 H&S Incidence Rate             0.646              0.593           0.482

                                                                                                                                              Code of Conduct cases             2,215              2,436           1,601
Cummins believes in transparency.      1   Primary energy excludes sold
This icon identifies multi-year data       electricity and associated fuel usage                                                    Women leaders in the workforce            23.22%             23.90%             25%
that allows for comparisons.           2   Intensity defined as adjusted for sales
                                           (energy / GHG) or hours worked (water)
                                       3   Reduction includes consolidated entities only
                                                                                                           Every Employee Every Community (EEEC) participation rate              83%                82%             34%

                                                                                                                                  People impacted by EEEC projects          4.3 million       6.5 million      1.4 million

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                  8


SUSTAINABLE                                   U.N. GOAL                    CUMMINS’ ROLE                     STATUS SUMMARY                                  LEARN MORE

DEVELOPMENT                                               NO. 1
                                                          NO POVERTY
                                                                           Cummins TEC provides
                                                                           disadvantaged youth a
                                                                           path to decent jobs.
                                                                                                             TEC has produced 1,700 graduates
                                                                                                             since it was launched in 2012.
                                                                                                                                                             Page 34

                                                          NO. 4            Education is one of three areas   14% of the company’s Corporate                  Page 33
Cummins supports the U.N.’s Sustainable                   QUALITY          of focus for the company’s        Responsibility grants in 2020 went to
                                                          EDUCATION        community engagement efforts.     education initiatives, often supporting
Development Goals to “end poverty, protect                                                                   employee-led projects.
the planet and ensure prosperity for all.”

As a signer of the U.N. Global Compact                    NO. 5            Cummins Powers Women              The Cummins Powers Women                        Page 35
                                                          GENDER           works with expert non-profits     initiative impacted the lives of
in 2017, the company wants to do its part                 EQUALITY         to address equality for women     some 17 million women and girls
                                                                           and girls.                        since its launch in 2018.
to make the world a better place to live.

Cummins believes its initiatives touch                    NO. 6            Water is a key focus              Cummins has reduced its                         Page 22
                                                          CLEAN WATER      for the company’s                 absolute water use between
17 goals with a special focus on                          AND SANITATION   PLANET 2050 strategy.             2010 and 2020 by about 28%.
10 where it has the biggest impact.
Here are some examples:
                                                          NO. 7            Energy is a key focus             A Cummins-supported wind farm                   Page 28
                                                          AFFORDABLE       for the company’s                 expansion in Indiana (U.S.) is sending
                                                          AND CLEAN        PLANET 2050 strategy.             enough renewable power to the grid
                                                          ENERGY                                             to offset the electricity the company
                                                                                                             uses in its headquarters state.

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                               9


ABOUT THE GLOBAL COMPACT                                                         THE U.N.’S SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (CONT.)
Cummins is a member of the United Nations
Global Compact. It is organized around                                           U.N. GOAL                    CUMMINS’ ROLE                       STATUS SUMMARY                                  LEARN MORE

10 fundamental principles:                                                                   NO. 8            The company’s mission is            The company has multiple efforts                Page 36
                                                                                             DECENT WORK      to build a more prosperous          in this area including its living
                                                                                             AND ECONOMIC     world for all stakeholders.         wage initiative internally and                  Page 43
HUMAN RIGHTS                            ENVIRONMENT                                          GROWTH                                               its CARE program externally.

» Businesses should support             » Businesses should support
  and respect the protection of           a precautionary approach to
  internationally proclaimed human        environmental challenges.                          NO. 9            Cummins is working to improve       In 2020, Cummins received a record              Page 57
  rights.                                                                                    INDUSTRY         its traditional technologies such   312 patents while spending more than
                                        » Businesses should undertake                        INNOVATION AND   as diesel and natural gas engines   $900 million on research, development
» Businesses should make sure             initiatives to promote greater                     INFRASTRUCTURE   and develop new low-carbon          and engineering for a third consecutive year.
                                                                                                              technologies such as fuel cell
  that they are not complicit in          environmental responsibility.                                       electric and battery electric.
  human rights abuses.                  » Businesses should encourage
                                          the development and diffusion                      NO. 12           Reducing the company’s              In 2020, Cummins fell just short of its         Page 23
LABOR                                                                                        RESPONSIBLE      energy consumption was              energy intensity reduction goal, achieving
                                          of environmentally friendly
                                                                                             CONSUMPTION      a key focus of Cummins’             a 27% reduction from company facilities
» Businesses should uphold the            technologies.                                      AND PRODUCTION   2020 environmental goals.           compared to a 2010 baseline.
  freedom of association and the
  effective recognition of the right    ANTI-CORRUPTION
  to collective bargaining.             » Businesses should work
                                                                                             NO. 13           Addressing climate change           The strategy includes science-based             Page 18
» Businesses should work for the          against corruption in all its forms,               CLIMATE          is part of the company’s            2030 goals, aligned with the Paris
  elimination of all forms of forced      including extortion and bribery.                   ACTION           PLANET 2050 strategy.               Agreement to address climate change.
                                                                                                                                                  Cummins also held first Hydrogen Day in
  and compulsory labor.                                                                                                                           2020 to showcase its products connected
                                                                                                                                                  to this promising low carbon fuel source.
» Businesses should strive for the
  effective abolition of child labor.
                                                                                             NO. 17           Cummins believes strongly           Cummins partnered on a wide                     Page 63
» Businesses should support the                                                              PARTNERSHIPS     in partnering to improve its        range of projects, including with
  elimination of discrimination in                                                           TO ACHIEVE       products, build stronger            DuPont and 3M to produce
                                                                                             GOALS            communities and address             personal protective equipment
  employment and occupation.                                                                                  the environment.                    for medical professionals in 2020.

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                                                    10

                                                     500 Jackson St.
                                                     Columbus, IN 47201                EST.

WHO WE ARE                                                                                                                    FORTUNE 500


Cummins Inc., a global power leader, is a
corporation of complementary business
segments that design, manufacture,
distribute and service a broad portfolio
of power solutions. The company’s products

                                                        CMI 57,825
include diesel, natural gas, electric and hybrid
powertrains and powertrain-related components
such as filtration, aftertreatment, turbochargers,
fuel systems, controls systems, air handling
systems, automated transmissions, electric                                                     More than 50% of the company’s employees
                                                             STOCK SYMBOL
power generation systems, batteries,                                                           are located outside the United States.
                                                           (New York Stock Exchange)
electrified power systems, hydrogen                                                            (as of Dec. 31, 2020)

generation and fuel cell products.

                                                     CUSTOMERS                                                 SALES / EARNINGS
                                                     Cummins serves its customers online,
                                                     through a network of company-owned
                                                                                                               Cummins earned
                                                     and independent distributor locations,                    $1.8 billion on
                                                     and through thousands of dealer
                                                     locations worldwide.                                      sales of $19.8 billion.
2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                11


HOW WE DO IT                                         ENGINE SEGMENT
                                                     Clean, efficient, dependable and
For almost 20 years Cummins was                      durable, Cummins engines are found
                                                     in nearly every type of commercial truck
                                                                                                                                               NEW POWER
organized into four business segments.               and equipment on Earth. The Engine                                                        The New Power segment includes
                                                     business segment designs and builds                                                       battery-electric and fuel cell electric
Then, in 2018, the company established                                                                                                         products as well as products used in
the Electrified Power segment to develop
                                                     diesel and natural gas engines for heavy-
                                                     and medium-duty trucks, buses, light        COMPONENTS                                    renewable hydrogen production and
                                                     duty trucks and for off-highway markets                                                   potentially other new power initiatives.
                                                                                                 Engine manufacturers around the world
electric powertrains and related components.         including agriculture, construction and     incorporate the Components segment’s
                                                                                                                                               Cummins in 2019 acquired Hydrogenics,
In 2019, the segment was renamed New                 military equipment.                         technologies to make their products truly
                                                                                                                                               a fuel cell and hydrogen production
                                                                                                                                               technologies company, which is now
                                                                                                 outstanding. Components is organized
Power to better reflect its expanded portfolio,                                                                                                included in the segment.
including electrification, hydrogen-powered          POWER SYSTEMS                               around these entities:

fuel cells and potentially other new technologies.   Cummins Power Generation is a world
                                                     leader in the design and manufacture of
                                                                                                 » CUMMINS EMISSION SOLUTIONS designs
                                                                                                   and builds exhaust aftertreatment
                                                     power equipment. The Power Systems            solutions to reduce engine emissions.       The Distribution segment provides
                                                     segment produces power generation                                                         sales, service and support to customers
                                                                                                 » CUMMINS FILTRATION designs and              around the world through the largest
                                                     systems, components, and services in
                                                                                                   builds heavy-duty air, fuel, hydraulic      number of certified service and support
                                                     standby and prime power, distributed
                                                                                                   and lube filtration, and chemical and       locations of any engine manufacturer.
                                                     power generation, combined heat and
                                                                                                   exhaust system technology products.         Cummins has the technical expertise
                                                     power and auxiliary power in mobile
                                                     applications. It also designs and builds                                                  and experience to deliver fast, high
                                                                                                 » CUMMINS FUEL SYSTEMS designs                quality repairs; planned maintenance
                                                     the high horsepower engines used for          and builds fuel systems that maximize
                                                     these and other purposes.                                                                 and upgraded solutions.
                                                                                                   power and fuel economy while
                                                                                                   helping reduce emissions.

                                                                                                 » CUMMINS TURBO TECHNOLOGIES
                                                                                                   designs and builds turbochargers
                                                                                                   to maximize engine performance
                                                                                                   and reduce emissions and
                                                                                                   fuel consumption.

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                        12


CUMMINS’ STORY                                  HOW WE WILL DO IT

                                              VALUES                                 LEADERSHIP
  WHY WE EXIST                                INTEGRITY                              CULTURE
                                              Doing what you say you will
                                                                                     Inspiring and encouraging
MISSION                                       do and doing what is right
                                                                                     all employees to achieve
                                              DIVERSITY & INCLUSION                  their full potential
Making people’s lives better by               Valuing and including our
                                              differences in decision making
powering a more prosperous world              is our competitive advantage

                                              Demonstrating awareness                Powering our customers
                                              and consideration for the              through innovation
  WHAT WE WANT TO ACCOMPLISH                  wellbeing of others                    and dependability

VISION                                        Always delivering superior results     STRATEGY
Innovating for our customers
                                                                                     Delivering value
                                                                                     to all stakeholders
                                              Collaborating across teams,

to power their success
                                              functions, businesses and
                                              borders to deliver the best work

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                  13


                                                            SIX SIGMA                                                                                                                               KEY NUMBERS IN 2020

                                                            Cummins is a big proponent of Six Sigma,                                                                                               TWENTY
                                                            using the business improvement tool to save                                                                                            Years Cummins has used Six Sigma
                                                                                                                                                                                                   as its principal problem-solving tool

                                                            the company and its customers billions of dollars.
                                                            Six Sigma uses data-based analysis to
                                                            identify defects and variation in a wide
                                                                                                        The company’s Six Sigma program
                                                                                                        has now identified an estimated
                                                                                                                                                                                                   7.7 BILLION
                                                            range of manufacturing and business         $7.7 billion in Profit Before Interest      MORE THAN                                      PBIT (Profit Before Interest and Taxes)

                                                            situations. Cummins employees also          and Taxes savings since the tool was        COST SAVINGS                                   savings in dollars since Six Sigma
                                                                                                                                                                                                   was implemented at Cummins
       2020: A YEAR TO REMEMBER                             frequently use Six Sigma when working       first implemented in 2000, including
                                                                                                                                                    Six Sigma’s impact at Cummins
                                                            with community partners on community        $284 million in 2020. Cummins               goes beyond cost savings and

       Cummins employees exceeded the                       engagement projects.                        customers, meanwhile, have saved            building stronger communities.
       company’s target for Six Sigma related
                                                                                                        an estimated $2.55 billion through
       savings despite the global pandemic.                 In 2020, Cummins’ Six Sigma program                                                     The tool provides the company
                                                                                                        Six Sigma since the tool was first
                                                            evolved to provide more on-demand                                                       with a common language and
                                                                                                        offered to them in 2005, including          collective mindset that can be                 Six Sigma savings identified
                                      $915 million          tools, methods and learning support         $129.7 million in 2020.
1000                                                                                                                                                used to address a problem or                   over historical targets in 2020
                                                            through a new website with less                                                         challenge almost anywhere
                                                            emphasis on classroom training. The         Completed projects in 2020 tackled          in the world
                                                            change paid immediate dividends with        everything from tax issues in Mexico

                                      $600 million
                                                                                                                                                    As a continuous improvement
 600                                                        many employees working from home            to engine shipping challenges and data
                                                                                                                                                    company, Cummins is committed
                                                            because of the pandemic.                    storage issues across the company.
                                                                                                                                                    to providing its employees with

 400                                                                                                    The program now says more than half of      the tools they need to solve
                                                            Cummins saw a 52.5% increase in             the company’s salaried employees have       the most important challenges
                                                            Six Sigma related savings in 2020           been trained in the problem-solving tool.   in the business.
                                                            compared to historical targets, including
                                                            cost reductions and cost avoidance                                                                                                     Savings in dollars
         Q1      Q2      Q3    Oct 2020 Nov 2020 Dec 2020
                                                            initiatives. Closed projects for the year                                                                                              identified by Six Sigma
           Savings achieved by employees
                                                            had a value of $915 million compared
                                                                                                                                                                                                   projects in 2020
           Historical target                                to a target of $600 million.

       2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                           14


                      AWARDS AND RECOGNITION
                      Cummins received several awards and recognition related to
                      sustainability during 2020 and early 2021. Here’s a brief look:

                      ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY                          DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION                                          ETHICS AND ETHICAL BEHAVIOR
                      » Cummins is named to the 2020 S&P DOW JONES INDICES    » Cummins in 2020 receives the highest ranking for               » Cummins is named to the ETHISPHERE INSTITUTE’S 2021
                        OF THE MOST SUSTAINABLE COMPANIES IN NORTH AMERICA      a culture of diversity and inclusion as part of the              LIST OF THE WORLD’S MOST ETHICAL COMPANIES for a
                        for a 15th consecutive year.                            CULTURE CHAMPIONS STUDY BY THE MASSACHUSETTS                     14th consecutive year. The list honors top companies
                                                                                INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND GLASSDOOR.                           for ethics and compliance around the world.
                      » Cummins qualifies for the 2021 SUSTAINALYTICS ESG       The company also receives high marks for creating
                        INDUSTRY TOP RATED BADGE for high performers among      cultures of integrity and respect.                             » Cummins in 2020 is named to NEWSWEEK’S LIST OF
                        the 12,000 companies reviewed by the environmental,                                                                      AMERICA’S MOST RESPONSIBLE COMPANIES for 2021,
                        social and governance research and ratings firm.      » Cummins is named in 2020 to the 20th annual list                 ranking No. 24.
                                                                                of AMERICA’S TOP CORPORATIONS FOR WOMEN’S
                      » Cummins is named to INVESTOR’S BUSINESS DAILY’S         BUSINESS ENTERPRISES, honoring world class                     » Cummins is named in 2020 to FORBES’ 2021 JUST 100
                        2020 BEST ESG COMPANIES list for performance on         supplier diversity programs.                                     LIST, A RANKING OF AMERICA’S MOST JUST COMPANIES.
                        environmental, social and governance matters,                                                                            Cummins finishes No. 99.
                        ranking No. 37 (up from No. 48 on 2019 list).         » Cummins is named a TOP SCORING COMPANY
                                                                                ON THE 2020 DISABILITY EQUALITY INDEX, a national              MANAGEMENT AND WORKPLACE
                      » Cummins is named to BARRON’S 2021 LIST OF               benchmarking tool enabling businesses to self-report
                        THE 100 MOST SUSTAINABLE COMPANIES, ranking                                                                            » Cummins in 2020 moves up 24 places to No. 64 in
                                                                                on disability inclusion policies and practices.
                        No. 84 on the magazine’s list.                                                                                           the WALL STREET JOURNAL’S 2020 MANAGEMENT TOP 250,
                                                                                The company is also named a BEST PLACE TO
                                                                                                                                                 a ranking developed by the Drucker Institute for
                                                                                WORK FOR DISABILITY INCLUSION by the index.
                      » Cummins is named to FTSE4GOOD 2020 INDEX of                                                                              the newspaper.
                        companies demonstrating strong environmental,         » Cummins again receives a perfect score in the Human
                                                                                                                                               » Cummins in 2021 is named one of AMERICA’S BEST LARGE
                        social and governance performance.                      Rights Campaign’s 2021 CORPORATE EQUALITY INDEX,
                                                                                                                                                 EMPLOYERS OF 2021 by Forbes magazine and Statista,
                                                                                qualifying the company as a BEST PLACE TO WORK FOR
                                                                                                                                                 a leading provider of market and consumer data.
                                                                                LGBTQ EQUALITY. The Human Rights Campaign is the
                                                                                world’s leading advocate for LGBTQ rights.

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                                             15

             INTRODUCTION //
                                                                                                                                                                                   Miller lays out his thinking on Corporate

             FUTURE FOCUSED
                                                                                                                                                                                   Responsibility in Cummins’ 1972 Annual Report.
                                                                                                                                                                                   “While some still argue that business
                                                                                                                                                     1962                          has no social responsibility, we believe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Cummins celebrates
                                                                                                                                                                                   that our survival in the very long run is
                                                                                                                                  Cummins begins operations                                                                                             100 years in business.      Cummins holds first virtual
                                                                                                                                                                                   as dependent upon responsible citizenship
             For more than 100 years                                             1937
                                                                                                                                in India, first as a joint venture
                                                                                                                                        with one plant in Pune.
                                                                                                                                                                                   in our communities and in the society as it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Cummins unveils PLANET 2050
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hydrogen Day, showing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        an audience of nearly
                                                                                                                                                                                   is on responsible technological, financial
             Cummins has been at the                                          Cummins earns
                                                                                                                       Today, the company owns all or part of
                                                                                                                      20 manufacturing facilities in the country
                                                                                                                                                                                   and production performance.”                                  strategy to further reduce its         2,000 the company’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    progress working with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                carbon footprint and address
             forefront of new ideas.                                          its first profit.                           and employs nearly 14,000 people.                                                                                                    climate change.      promising low-carbon fuel.

             Here’s a brief look                                            1934
             at the company’s                                                                                         1951
                                                                         J. Irwin Miller, great-nephew
             remarkable history.                                         of W.G. Irwin, becomes
                                                                                                                    Miller becomes Chairman
                                                                         general manager of
                                                                         Cummins at the age of 24.                  of the Cummins Board.

1910                    1920                       1930                          1940                        1950                            1960                           1970                          1980                         1990                         2000

       Clessie Cummins creates the          Cummins takes Irwin for a ride in a used Packard                                                            Miller helps Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with       Cummins purchases               President and Chief Operating           A global pandemic closes
       Cummins Engine Company               limousine that he equipped with a diesel engine                                                             some of the organizing behind the 1963              86% of the Onan              Officer Tom Linebarger succeeds              most Cummins locations
       based in Columbus, Indiana (U.S.).   on Christmas Day, convincing Irwin of the engine’s                                                          March on Washington. Miller was acting as           Corporation in suburban      Tim Solso as Chairman and CEO               for at least several weeks,
       William G. Irwin, who employed       potential. Irwin invests a much-needed infusion of cash.                                                    leader of the National Council of Churches.         Minneapolis, Minnesota      on Jan. 1. During Solso’s 10 years          but the company learns to
       Cummins as a driver, supplies                                                                                                                                                                        (U.S.), which would           leading Cummins, the company              safely reopen and support
                                                                                                                                                                                                            become the basis for its                                                     customers performing
       nearly all of the $50,000 in           1929                                                                                                         1963                                                                                experienced record growth.
       startup capital.                                                                                                                                                                                     Power Systems Business.                                                               essential work.

                                                        Cummins barnstorms across the country,           Miller becomes Executive                                                                                1986
                                                        demonstrating the power and fuel                 Vice President of Cummins.
                                                        efficiency of the diesel engine in his                                                                                                                                        Cummins establishes its Electrified Power
                                                        Coast to Coast Cummins Diesel Test Bus.            1944                                                                                                                     business segment, renaming it New Power
                                                                                                                                              Cummins enters China as part of a                Miller retires as Chairman of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     in 2019 to reflect investments in hydrogen
                                                                                                                                               deal involving heavy construction               the Board, although he remains
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            generation and hydrogen fuel cells.
                                                                                                                                                                 equipment with                active with the company until
                                                                                                                                                               Cummins engines.                his death in 2004.                                                                                   2020
         1919                                                                                                                                                         1975                         1977


             2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             16

Cummins is committed to reducing its          WHAT’S INSIDE:
carbon footprint and doing more to use        PLANET 2050 UPDATE.......................................................... 18

less of the world’s natural resources.        ACCOMPLISHMENTS........................................................... 20

                                              2020 GOAL PROGRESS........................................................ 22

The company is also committed to              CUMMINS AND RENEWABLES............................................ 28

                                              ENVIRONMENTAL SITE MAP............................................... 29

acting with transparency.                     PARTNERSHIPS..................................................................... 30

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                          17

                                       U.N. GOAL #13
PLANET 2050 UPDATE //                  CLIMATE ACTION

                                                        In 2019, as part of Cummins’ 100th              the supply chain, transitioning to             UP FOR THE CHALLENGE
                                                        anniversary, Chairman and CEO Tom               a circular economy that eliminates             While the company has good examples

                                                        Linebarger launched PLANET 2050 – the           waste and extends product life                 of optimizing material efficiency in
                                                        company’s environmental sustainability          as long as possible.                           key areas today, more is needed to
                                                        strategy that sets eight quantifiable goals   » Define operational improvements                increase the breadth of coverage and

                                                        for 2030 along with visionary longer-term       with a focus on manufacturing and              enable product development teams to
                                                        aspirations timed to 2050. The three            testing for goal achievement.                  assess environmental impacts across
                                                        focus areas for the strategy are:                                                              the lifecycle of Cummins’ products.
                                                                                                      There are several key areas that are             The company is adding in-house
Creating a bold strategy and aggressive goals was       » Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)               a major focus for 2021. One is to                Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) tools to inform
                                                          and air emissions in line with experts’
hard work. Now comes the even more challenging            recommendations.
                                                                                                      identify and refine product                      and improve these decision-making
                                                                                                      decarbonization pathways for the
part — creating what it takes to make Cummins’          » Using natural resources in the most         2030 goals and the 2050 aspiration
                                                                                                                                                       processes and allow Cummins to set
                                                                                                                                                       material efficiency targets.
PLANET 2050 vision a reality.                             sustainable way possible.                   of carbon neutrality. The team is
                                                                                                      working on evolving the company’s                The company is also building on its
                                                        » Helping communities address their
                                                                                                      Science-Based Target baseline data               deep expertise and experience with
                                                          major environmental challenges.
                                                                                                      to a higher level of fidelity for scenario       reducing energy use and GHGs, as
                                                        MAJOR THEMES                                  planning and integration into technical          well as waste production and water
                                                                                                      and product planning processes.                  use at Cummins operations globally.
                                                        The Cummins PLANET 2050 team
                                                                                                                                                       The 2030 goals involve reductions that
                                                        in 2020 focused on defining the               In recognition of the increasing                 require both greater investment and
                                                        integration and execution plans               importance of working across                     deeper understanding and changes to
                                                        required to make the foundational             stakeholders, the team is also                   manufacturing and testing operations.
                                                        changes needed for the company’s              establishing a system that would better
                                                        2030 goals. Cummins will more formally        facilitate working collaboratively and           So, the challenges are plentiful as
                                                        begin reporting the progress of these         proactively with customers on collective         Cummins begins implementing its
                                                        efforts starting in 2022. The team’s          sustainability goals. This framework will        PLANET 2050 strategy and looks
                                                        work over the last year can be                leverage cross-business insights and             ahead to its 2030 goals and beyond.
                                                        categorized along three major themes:         commitments to align and build the right         The challenges will mean more hard
                                                                                                      processes, data, tools, training and more        work, but the company intends
                                                        » Building capability in teams, tools,
                                                                                                      to forge even stronger partnerships.             to meet them.
                                                          resources, and data management

   New solar panels line a parking lot at               » Implementing operational excellence
   the Cummins campus in San Luis Potosí,                 for engaging with customers across
   Mexico. The company is working to increase
   its use of low-carbon, renewable power.

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                                   18


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2030 KEY NUMBERS

PLANET 2050 ASPIRATIONS                                                                                                                                                            2030 GOALS                                                  Percentage reduction

                                                                                                                                                                                   1. Reduce absolute greenhouse gas                 50        goal for absolute GHG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               emissions from facilities

                                                                                                                                                           SCIENCE-BASED TARGETS
                                                                                                                                                                                      (GHG) emissions from facilities                          and operations by 2030.

                                  COMMUNITIES ARE                                                                                                                                     and operations by 50%.

                                  BETTER BECAUSE                                                   DOING OUR PART TO                                                               2. Reduce scope 3 absolute lifetime
                                  WE ARE THERE
                                 2050 TARGETS:
                                                                                                   ADDRESS CLIMATE CHANGE
                                                                                                   AND AIR EMISSIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                      GHG emissions from newly
                                                                                                                                                                                      sold products by 25%.                        55 MILLION
                                                                                                  2050 TARGETS:                                                                    3. Partner with customers to                    Reduction goal for scope
                                      Net positive impact in
                                      every community where                                             Customer success is powered
                                                                                                                                                                                      reduce scope 3 GHG emissions
                                                                                                                                                                                      from products in the field by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   3 GHG emissions from
                                      Cummins operates.                                                 by carbon neutral technologies                                                55 million metric tons.                      products in the field by 2030,
                                                                                                        that address air quality.                                                                                                  partnering with customers.
                                      Near zero local site                                                                                                                         4. Reduce volatile organic
                                                                                                        Carbon neutrality and near zero
                                      environmental footprint.                                          pollution in Cummins’ facilities
                                                                                                                                                                                      compounds emissions from paint
                                                                                                        and operations.                                                               and coating operations by 50%.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Percentage reduction goal
                                                                                                                                                                                   5. Create a circular life-cycle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    25         for waste in facilities and

                                                                                                                                                           CIRCULAR ECONOMY
                                                                                                                                                                                      plan for every part to use less,                         operations as a percent
                                                                                                   USING NATURAL                                                                      use better, use again.                                   of revenues by 2030.
                                                                                                   RESOURCES IN THE                                                                6. Generate 25% less waste
                                                                                                   MOST SUSTAINABLE WAY                                                               in facilities and operations
                                                                                                                                                                                      as a percent of revenue.                                 Percentage reduction

                                                                                                  2050 TARGETS:                                                                                                                                goal for volatile organic
                                                                                                                                                                                   7. Reuse or responsibly recycle                             compound (VOC) emissions
                                                                                                        Design out waste in products                                                                                                           from paint and coating
                                                                                                        and processes                                                                 100% of packaging plastics and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               operations by 2030.
                                                                                                                                                                                      eliminate single-use plastics in
                                                                                                        Use materials again for next life                                             dining facilities, at employee
                                                                                                        Reuse water and return clean                                                  events and as amenities.
                                                                                                        to the community                                                                                                                       Percentage goal for
                                                                                                                                                                                   8. Reduce absolute water

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               recycling of packaging
                                                                                                                                                                                      consumption in facilities                                plastics and elimination
NOTE: Company facilities include all consolidated operations and joint ventures that are part of the Cummins Enterprise Environmental Management System.                              and operations by 30%.                                   of single use plastics in
The company’s strategy also includes addressing environmental needs in communities where Cummins employees live and work and where the company                                                                                                 dining facilities by 2030.
does business. Those goals are under development.

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19


                                              2020 ENVIRONMENTAL
                                              GOALS MAKE CUMMINS
                                              CLEANER, MORE EFFICIENT
                                              Cummins wrapped up work on the company’s 2020
                                              environmental sustainability goals with a number
                                              of achievements, including significant gains in water
                                              conservation and waste and energy reduction.
                                              The company, for example, achieved         On energy, Cummins significantly
                                              its goal of reducing water use intensity   increased its use of renewable wind and
                                              (water use adjusted by hours worked)       solar energy by 2020 and the company
                                              by 50% in 2018 and extended that           also increased high efficiency LED lighting
                                              reduction to 53% in 2020. Sixteen          coverage to about 85%. Over the past
                                              sites achieved Cummins’ definition of      five years, Cummins invested $65 million
                                              water neutrality by the end of 2020 —      in energy improvements, saving about
                                              exceeding the goal of 15.                  $19 million per year.

                                              Meanwhile, 35 sites reached the            Finally, the company worked with
                                              company’s zero disposal standard,          customers to exceed for a third
                                              exceeding the goal of 30. Cummins          consecutive year Cummins’ goal of
                                              recycled 93% of the total waste it         reaching an annual run-rate reduction of
                                                                                                                                         Cummins employees (left) at the company’s
                                              generated, the highest performance in      3.5 million metric tons (MMT) of carbon         engine plant in Rocky Mount, North Carolina
                                              company history, although just short       dioxide (CO2) from Cummins products             (U.S.), officially launch the plant’s Water Hub
                                                                                                                                         (above) in 2020. It uses a variety of treatment
                                              of the company’s 2020 goal of 95%.         in use, ending 2020 with a run rate             technologies including hydroponics to return
                                                                                         reduction of 4.9 million MMT of CO2.            millions of gallons of water to the plant
                                                                                                                                         annually for non-potable uses.

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                            20

       I can’t say enough about
                                        There’s no question, taken as a whole,       progress. (See page 27 for final goal          water were adjusted by hours worked.
       the tremendous work done                                                                                                                                                    KEY NUMBERS IN 2020
       to meet our 2020 goals,          the 2020 goals have made the company         statistics in individual areas as well as      Cummins’ energy intensity target for
       from goal leaders and their      a cleaner, more efficient partner in the     details on each of the principal goals.)       2020 was 32% and the company
       teams to the efforts of all      communities where Cummins facilities                                                        reached 31% in 2019 but ended                                  Percentage reduction

       employees who did their                                                       The final numbers, however, don’t tell                                                                        in water intensity (water
                                        are located.                                                                                2020 at 27%.                                                   use adjusted by hours
       part for sustainability.                                                      the entire story, especially during 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   worked) achieved in 2020,
       Our employees persevered.                                                                                                    Reaching the logistics efficiency goal                         exceeding Cummins’ goal.
       They found creative              ABOUT THE GOALS
                                                                                     COVID’S TOLL                                   was hampered by expedited shipments
solutions. They kept moving             The company announced its first                                                             required during the crisis. Cummins’
forward even when it was hard                                                        Last year’s progress report included

                                        comprehensive global environmental                                                          products power many critical functions
and there were constraints.                                                          a story on the potential impact the
And yes, the final year of our plan     sustainability plan in 2014. That plan had                                                  including the transportation of food                           Percentage of total
                                        seven goals; five involving water, waste     pandemic could have on achieving                                                                              waste recycled in 2020.
was during a global pandemic.                                                                                                       and medicine.
Yet Cummins did what we said            and energy in Cummins facilities, one        some 2020 goals. And it did.
we would do and did it well.”           dealing with logistics in the company’s      For example, the company had to                There were also some instances where
                                        intercompany network, and the products       postpone more than half of its planned         Cummins narrowly missed its goal that

                                                                                                                                                                                  65 MILLION
                                        in use goal to reduce the CO2 used by        capital improvement projects to                had little to do with COVID-19. For
Vice President, Manufacturing

                                        Cummins products already in the field.       address COVID-19 safety and other              example, the company knew its recycling
                                                                                     pandemic-related matters.
         I remember when we
                                        Most of the goals in the plan were
                                                                                                                                    target of 95% was aggressive, and it          Amount in dollars invested
                                                                                                                                    seemed even more so after Cummins
         created the 2020 plan,
                                        new. However, the company had been           Cummins sites that remained open were                                                        over the past five years
         expanding into a wide                                                                                                      absorbed or acquired additional sites
         range of public goals          working to reduce energy use for some        asked to increase facility ventilation rates
                                                                                                                                    and faced challenges finding places
                                                                                                                                                                                  on energy improvements
         across greenhouse              time. Cummins’ 2020 energy goal was          and disable energy recovery systems,
                                                                                                                                    to recycle in some parts of the world.        at Cummins.
         gases, water and waste.        actually the company’s fourth energy-        which increased energy use. Work was
                                                                                                                                    Despite those challenges, the company
         It is amazing to now                                                        spread across multiple shifts to facilitate
                                        greenhouse gas reduction goal since                                                         only missed its recycling goal by two

         reflect on how we used                                                      employee social distancing.
         our data and experience —      2006. Cummins established new                                                               percentage points.                                             Sites achieving Cummins’
combined with our passion and           energy goals upon achieving its                                                                                                                            zero disposal standard,
                                                                                     While many offices and other facilities                                                                       five above the 2020 goal.
commitment — to produce really          previous targets.                                                                           As was the case with that goal,
                                                                                     were closed for extended periods of
powerful results. Our employees                                                                                                     even when Cummins missed it made
                                        The company’s environmental team was         time, those facilities still required some
took on hundreds of projects                                                                                                        significant progress toward the standard
and championed them with skill                                                       energy to maintain critical building

                                        an early adopter of establishing goals                                                      it was trying to reach — an important
and determination. It has been a        and publicly reporting its progress on       operations. All of these actions increased
fantastic journey so far with really                                                                                                lesson as the company now begins
                                        them as a means to drive environmental       energy intensity, which for energy and
terrific work and more to come!”                                                                                                    work on Cummins’ 2030 goals.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Sites achieving Cummins’ water neutrality
                                                                                                                                                                                  standard, one above the 2020 goal.
Executive Director,
Technical & Environmental Systems

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                   21

                                 U.N. GOAL #6

                                        WATER PROGRESS                               14% reduction in hours worked in 2020        Cummins’ water neutrality efforts have
                                        Cummins exceeded both of its                 rather than a change in the intensity of     also yielded success. Sixteen sites were       WATER STRATEGY
                                        2020 water goals. The company                water use.                                   validated as achieving the company’s
                                        hit its water use intensity (water                                                        standard for water neutrality, surpassing      The goals of Cummins’
                                                                                     Since the 2010 baseline, direct water                                                       comprehensive water strategy,
                                        use adjusted by hours worked)                                                             the company’s 2020 goal of 15.
                                                                                     use at the company is down by 32%,                                                          which addresses both direct-water
                                        reduction target of 50% in 2018,                                                          In many instances these locations are
                                                                                                                                                                                 use and community engagement,
                                        and surpassed it in both 2019                even with an increase in the number of       offsetting their water use with community      are to mitigate business risk, to be
                                        and 2020, ending 2020 with a                 facilities during that time period.          improvements to either conserve water          a good global citizen and to reduce
WATER GOALS                             53% reduction.                                                                            or make new water sources available.           costs and compliance risks.
                                                                                     Much of Cummins’ water efficiency
                                        The company reduced its overall water        improvements in company facilities                                                          These goals are consistent with
Reduce direct                                                                                                                     Examples include initiatives in villages
                                        consumption to 772 million gallons, a        to meet its 2020 goal were achieved                                                         the core commitments of the CEO
                                                                                                                                  near the company’s campus in Phaltan,
water use across                        reduction of 361 million gallons from        through low- and no-cost efforts, notably                                                   Water Mandate, which Cummins
                                                                                                                                  India, where Cummins employees have            joined in 2019. The U.N. Global
Cummins by 50%                          Cummins’ 2010 baseline year and a            fixing leaks and optimizing processes.       worked with village residents for many         Compact’s commitment initiative
by 2020, adjusted                       decrease of 200 million gallons since        Efforts have also involved capital           years to establish water supplies that         mobilizes business leaders on
                                        the company initiated its water strategy     projects, primarily equipment efficiency
by hours worked.                                                                                                                  make the villages less vulnerable to           water, sanitation and the U.N.’s
                                        in 2014. The reduction of 123 million        upgrades and other high-impact projects      periods of drought. Water neutral sites        Sustainable Development Goals.
                                        gallons between 2019 and 2020 was the        such as single pass cooling elimination,     must be re-evaluated every year to
Achieve water                           single biggest year-to-year drop in direct   additional regenerative dynamometer
                                                                                                                                                                                 Endorsers of the CEO Water
                                                                                                                                  count toward goal achievement.                 Mandate commit to continuous
neutrality at 15 Cummins                water consumption since the baseline         installations and innovative wastewater                                                     progress against six core elements
manufacturing, technical,               was set. This was primarily due to a         reuse projects.                                                                             of stewardship and, in so doing,
                                                                                                                                                                                 understand and manage their own
and other larger sites
                                                                                                                                                                                 water risks. The mandate’s six
located in regions where                                                                                                                                                         commitment areas:
water is in short supply.
                                                                                                                                                54%           53%
                                                                                                                                 2018                                            » Direct operations
                                        WATER                                                         2020 GOAL ACHIEVED          50%                                            » Supply chain and
BASELINE YEAR: 2010                     INTENSITY                                                                 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                   watershed management
                                        PROGRESS                                                                                                                                 » Collective action
                                                                                                   2016            44%
                                        Percentage reduction of                      2015
                                                                                                     42%                                                                         » Public policy
                                        direct water use adjusted                     41%
                                        by hours worked.                                                                                                                         » Community engagement
WATER NEUTRALITY STATUS                                                                                                                                                          » Transparency
2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                                                             22

                                    U.N. GOAL #12

                                           ENERGY AND GHG PROGRESS                     Despite the pandemic-related setback,      The company has also done outstanding         The GHG intensity reduction did not
                                                                                       Cummins’ improvement over the goal         work to optimize energy use through           include the impact from the company’s
                                           Cummins energy intensity                    period was significant. The 2020 goal      low/no cost improvements, especially          virtual power purchase agreement
                                           target (absolute energy use
                                                                                       was the company’s fourth energy-           in India, China and Latin America.            to support the 2018 expansion of a
                                           adjusted by hours worked)
                                                                                       greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goal                                                      northwest Indiana wind farm in the
                                           for 2020 was 32%, but ultimately,                                                      Absolute energy use decreased
                                           the company fell just short,                since 2006. Upon achieving a goal,                                                       United States. Cummins’ share of the
                                                                                       Cummins set new targets to reach.          quarter to quarter through the third          expansion sends enough low carbon
                                           ending the year at 27%.
                                                                                                                                  quarter of 2020. The fourth quarter           energy to the grid to offset all of the
ENERGY AND                                 The company had been on track to            The company has long identified energy     saw a fractional increase in energy           electricity used at Cummins’ facilities
GHG GOAL                                   reach its goal, achieving a 31% intensity   and GHGs as an important metric and        consumption as compared to the third          across the state.
                                           reduction in late 2019, but the year-end    had completed the relatively inexpensive   quarter. By the end of 2020 rolling four
                                                                                       energy reduction projects before the       quarter energy use had fallen 12% from
Achieve a 32% energy                       2020 intensity reduction was impacted
                                           by COVID-19. Cummins’ absolute              2020 goal period began. Over the past      the last quarter of 2018, the highest
intensity reduction from                                                               five years, Cummins invested $65 million   absolute quarter of energy use at the            ENERGY STRATEGY
                                           energy use fell by 10% in 2020, but
company facilities by                      hours worked decreased even more —          in energy reduction projects, saving       company. Total energy costs in 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                   Cummins continues to use a
2020 and increase the                      by 14% — which negatively impacted          $19 million each year, with an average     were approximately $150 million or
                                                                                                                                                                                   facility investment plan approach.
portion of electricity                     the energy intensity metric.                return on investment of 3.4 years.         about 8% of Cummins’ net income.                 This approach includes a
                                                                                                                                                                                   comprehensive array of energy
Cummins uses derived                                                                                                              A global campaign for high efficiency            efficient and renewable energy
from renewable sources.                                                                                                           LED lighting during the year produced            technologies, such as compressed air
                                                                                                                    GOAL          impressive results. About 85% of the             optimization, test cell energy recovery,
BASELINE YEAR: 2010                                                                                                  32%          company’s light fixtures are now LED.            on-site solar, LED lighting and
                                                                                2018       31%                                                                                     advanced machine controls.
                                                                                                                                  In 2016, the company pledged to have
                                                                                 29%                                              90% of its facility GHG footprint, or            Aggregated savings from energy

                                                                                                       27%                        40 sites, certified to the ISO energy            efficiency efforts total about
                                                                                                                                  management standard 50001. By the                $62 million per year. Cummins uses
                                        2015         2016           25%                                                                                                            tools and resources available from
                                                                                                                                  end of 2020, Cummins had surpassed
ENERGY                                   24%          24%                                                                                                                          programs such as ISO 50001, the
                                                                                                                                  that goal, reaching 45 sites. Between
INTENSITY                                                                                                                         2010 and 2020, the company’s energy
                                                                                                                                                                                   international energy management
PROGRESS                     2014
                                                                                                                                  efficiency and renewable energy efforts
                                                                                                                                                                                   system standard, and the U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Department of Energy’s Superior
Percentage reduction in       19%                                                                                                 reduced Cummins’ GHG intensity                   Energy Performance program.
energy intensity (adjusted
by hours worked) compared                                                                                                         by 41%.
to 2010 baseline year.

2020 CUMMINS SUSTAINABILITY PROGRESS REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                   23
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