Sustainability report 2022 - 3i Group plc

Page created by Nathaniel Burton
Sustainability report 2022 - 3i Group plc
3i Group plc
report 2022
Sustainability report 2022 - 3i Group plc
A responsible           A responsible            A good                                                         3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
 Introduction            investor                employer                 corporate citizen   GRI and SASB

Contents                                                                                                     About this report
                                                                                                             This report aims to provide the information that
                                                                                                             is material and relevant for our stakeholders
                                                                                                             to form a view on how 3i Group plc (‘3i’ or ‘the
                                                                                                             Group’) is performing on environmental, social and
Introduction                                                               03                                governance (‘ESG’) matters. There have been no
A responsible investor                                                    10                                significant changes from previous reporting periods
                                                                                                             in the material topics we are reporting on and no
A responsible employer                                                    24                                comparative information has been restated. The
                                                                                                             report relates to the financial year to 31 March 2022.
A good corporate citizen                                                  35
                                                                                                             We have chosen to report in accordance with the
GRI and SASB                                                              51                                Global Reporting Initiative (‘GRI’) and Sustainability
Contacts                                                                   58                                Accounting Standards Board (‘SASB’) standards.
                                                                                                                   READ MORE
                                                                                                              51   GRI and SASB

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Sustainability report 2022 - 3i Group plc
A responsible   A responsible   A good                                               3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
Introduction   investor        employer        corporate citizen   GRI and SASB

Our purpose                                                                       Our business at a glance                            04
We generate attractive returns for our shareholders                               Message from the Chief Executive                    05
and co-investors by investing in private equity and                               Responsibilities and accountabilities               07
infrastructure assets.                                                            Governance framework                                08
                                                                                  External benchmarking                               09
As proprietary capital investors we have a long-term,
responsible approach.
We create value through thoughtful origination,
disciplined investment and active management
of our assets, driving sustainable growth in our
investee companies.
Sustainability report 2022 - 3i Group plc
A responsible   A responsible               A good                                                                                                               3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
 Introduction               investor        employer                    corporate citizen                  GRI and SASB
Our business at a glance
Founded in 1945, 3i is an investment
company specialising in Private Equity and
                                                            Proprietary capital value                                                                           Total assets under management
Infrastructure, in core investment markets
in northern Europe and North America.
Our Private Equity and Infrastructure
                                                            £14,305m                                                                                            £22.9bn
                                                                                                                                                                (2021: £16.9bn)
                                                            (2021: £10,408m)
businesses manage a mix of proprietary
                                                            Private Equity                                                                                      Private Equity
and third-party funds. We generate
a capital return from our proprietary                       £12.4bn                                                                                             £16.7bn
capital investments, as well as fee income                  Infrastructure                                                                                      Infrastructure
from the funds we manage on behalf of                       £1.4bn
third parties.
                                                            Scandlines*                                                                                         Scandlines*
3i listed on the London Stock Exchange in                   £0.5bn                                                                                              £0.5bn
1994 and has no controlling shareholders.

                                                            * Scandlines is an investment held for its ability to deliver long-term capital returns while generating cash dividends.

                                                            Our international reach
                                                                                                                                                                                   Office                  Number of employees

                                                                         7                                   21                                 236                                London (head office)3
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Male Female Total1,2
                                                                                                                                                                                                             81         69     150
                                                                       Offices                           Nationalities                          Employees                          Amsterdam                  9          3      12
                                                                                                                                                                                   Frankfurt                 12          7      19
                                                                                                                                                                                   Luxembourg                 3          4       7
                                                                                                                                                                                   New York                  19          5      24
                                                            Data as at 31 March 2022                                                                                               Paris4                    13          8      21
                                                            1 Including seven employees on a fixed-term contract, of whom four were females and three were males.
                                                            2 Including 20 who were on a part-time contract, of whom 18 were females and two were males.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Mumbai5                    1          2       3
                                                            3 Including five employees on a fixed-term contract.
    OUR BUSINESS MODEL IS DESCRIBED                         4 Including two employees on a fixed-term contract.
    IN DETAIL IN OUR ANNUAL REPORT                          5 We no longer make new investments in Asia, and our Mumbai office is responsible for managing                             our legacy portfolio in that region.
Sustainability report 2022 - 3i Group plc
A responsible   A responsible             A good                                                                                  3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
 Introduction            investor        employer                  corporate citizen     GRI and SASB
Message from the Chief Executive
We invest with the objective              A responsible approach to managing our                        Our sustainability strategy is defined by three key priorities
of generating attractive returns          business and our portfolio has been key

                                                                                                        1. Invest responsibly
                                          to how we have operated since 3i was
through the cycle for our                 founded in 1945. Our purpose at that time
shareholders and co-investors.            was to contribute to rebuilding post-war                           We believe that a responsible approach to investment adds
We aim to achieve this objective          Britain by providing growth capital to small                       value to our portfolio. Our responsible investment principles are
                                          businesses. The responsibility that came                           embedded within our investment and portfolio management
sustainably by behaving responsibly       with that original purpose still guides our                        processes and inform our investment decisions and our
as an investor, an employer and as        behaviour today.                                                   behaviours. We rigorously assess and manage ESG risks at all
an international corporate citizen.                                                                          stages of our investment and value creation processes. We
                                          Over the years, we have built a strong                             make a limited number of investments each year, allowing
                                          reputation and track record by investing and                       us to be very selective in our approach to new investment,
Simon Borrows, Chief Executive            managing our portfolio responsibly and by                          including considering the impact on global sustainability of
                                          operating according to high standards of                           investee companies’ activities. We adopt a thematic approach
                                          conduct and behaviour. We have achieved                            to origination and portfolio construction, backing businesses
                                          this through a relentless focus on strong                          benefiting from structural trends which can support long-term
                                          governance, both at 3i itself and in our                           sustainable growth in our portfolio.
                                          investee companies. This has allowed us
                                          to earn the trust of our shareholders,
                                          co-investors and investee companies,
                                          and to recruit and develop employees                          2. Recruit and develop a diverse pool of talent
                                                                                                             Our people are our main asset. Accordingly, recruiting, retaining
                                          who share our values and ambitions.                                and developing our talent is one of our most important priorities.
                                                                                                             We promote an open communication culture and provide an
                                          Maintaining a strong reputation
                                                                                                             inclusive and supportive working environment with opportunities
                                          requires us to adopt a transparent
                                                                                                             for training and career development. We value diversity and
                                          approach to corporate reporting,
                                                                                                             believe that a variety of perspectives enhances our decision
                                          including on our progress on driving
                                                                                                             making. Our employees are recruited, promoted and rewarded on
                                          the sustainability agenda through
                                                                                                             the basis of merit. We are an equal opportunities employer and
                                          our operations and portfolio. We are
                                                                                                             prohibit all forms of unfair discrimination.
                                          committed to communicating in a clear,
                                          open and comprehensive manner and
                                          to maintaining an open dialogue with
                                          stakeholders. This report is important
                                          in ensuring that transparency. It should
                                                                                                        3. Act as a good corporate citizen
                                                                                                             We strive to embed responsible business practices throughout
                                                                                                             our organisation by having robust policies and processes in place
                                          be read in conjunction with our 2022                               and by promoting the right culture among our people. We expect
                                          Annual report and accounts, which also                             our employees to act with integrity, to be accountable for their
                                          contains our Taskforce on Climate-Related                          behaviour, and to approach their roles with ambition, rigour and
                                          Financial Disclosures (‘TCFD’) report.                             energy. All employees are formally evaluated against our values as
                                                                                                             part of our appraisal process every year.

                                             DOWNLOAD OUR ANNUAL REPORT                                            READ MORE                     READ MORE                     READ MORE
                                                                                                              10   A responsible investor
                                                                                                                                            24   A responsible employer
                                                                                                                                                                          35   A good corporate citizen
Sustainability report 2022 - 3i Group plc
A responsible          A responsible            A good                                                                                3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
 Introduction           investor               employer                 corporate citizen        GRI and SASB
Message from the Chief Executive continued

Strengthening our focus                        We are now working on a number of                 • Skills and training: we are organising        Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has brought new
on climate                                     initiatives which we have already set in train.     bespoke training programmes for the           challenges. The Group has no operations
                                               These include:                                      Board, executive and investment teams         or employees in Russia or Ukraine, and
FY2022 was an important year in                                                                    on climate change physical and transition     our portfolio companies have very limited
progressing our sustainability agenda.         • Investment assessment: we are refining
                                                 our investment screening process to               risks and opportunities, with the objective   direct operational exposure. We will work
In recognition of the importance of the                                                            of equipping everyone in the organisation     with portfolio companies to manage the
management of sustainability issues for          include an earlier assessment of climate
                                                 risks and opportunities, with third-party         with the knowledge required to assess         secondary impacts of the war, including
the Group and our portfolio, we set up a                                                           and manage these appropriately.               disruption to supply chains and increases in
formal ESG Committee, with membership            input as required;
                                                                                                                                                 commodity and energy prices. The conflict
drawn from across the business, to advise      • Data: we are now completing the process         Please refer to our TCFD disclosures in
                                                                                                                                                 has caused a humanitarian emergency.
me, directly and through the Group Risk          of collecting GHG emissions data from our       the Annual report and accounts for more
                                                                                                                                                 In response to this crisis, in March 2022,
and Investment Committees, on all ESG-           portfolio companies and improving our           information on this topic.
                                                                                                                                                 we donated £1 million to UNICEF and the
related matters. Our ESG work during the         processes and tools to ensure that this
                                                                                                 The Covid-19 pandemic has continued             Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without
year has focused in particular on developing     data can be easily analysed. Our objective
                                                                                                 to have an impact on our operations and         Borders Emergency Fund.
strategy, policy and governance for              is to measure the carbon footprint of our
                                                                                                 portfolio, despite the easing of restrictions
assessing and managing climate-related           entire portfolio by the end of FY2023                                                           We have always managed our sustainability
                                                                                                 that followed the roll-out of vaccines in our
risks and opportunities across the Group         (except for a small number of legacy                                                            strategy and objectives proactively. Our
                                                                                                 markets. Throughout the pandemic we have
and its portfolio, a topic of increasing         minority assets with negligible value and                                                       work in this area is now harnessing the
                                                                                                 focused on protecting the wellbeing of
urgency and prominence in society and a          for new investments made in FY2023), to                                                         expertise and perspectives of an increasing
                                                                                                 our own employees and contractors. After
focus area of governments and regulators         facilitate the reporting of portfolio carbon                                                    number of employees from all parts of the
                                                                                                 two years of working mostly from home,
and our stakeholders.                            emissions in line with TCFD guidelines by                                                       organisation. We expect that next year
                                                                                                 we have now successfully implemented a
                                                 FY2024. This data will also allow us to                                                         we will make further material progress
As part of this, we have been working                                                            hybrid working model which supports a
                                                 improve our engagement with portfolio                                                           in the advancement of our sustainability
on preparing the Group for reporting in                                                          strong collaborative culture while providing
                                                 companies on this topic and set                                                                 objectives, with particular focus on
alignment with the TCFD framework by                                                             employees with a degree of flexibility
                                                 appropriate targets;                                                                            the climate and diversity, equity and
the 2024 deadline set by the FCA for asset                                                       to manage non-work commitments
                                               • Scenario analysis: we are carrying out                                                          inclusion agendas.
managers such as 3i, which will require                                                          and improve their quality of life. We
us to expand our current TCFD reporting          our first climate scenario analysis for our     have continued to work closely with our         Simon Borrows
to include portfolio emissions metrics.          portfolio companies to help us assess the       portfolio companies to ensure the safety        Chief Executive
To this end, in January 2022 we started          impacts on portfolio companies of               and wellbeing of their employees and to         May 2022
an engagement with EY’s sustainability           different climate warming scenarios.            manage the range of operational issues
practice to establish a roadmap to               We will iterate these analyses periodically     they have faced as a result of public health
achieve alignment, refine our process for        to help us better understand and manage         measures, and provided financial support
ESG data collection and perform a first          climate-related risks and opportunities in      where required. The £5 million Covid-19
climate scenario analysis to advance our         our portfolio; and                              charitable fund we set up in FY2021 to
understanding of climate-related risks and                                                       alleviate the hardships suffered by many as
opportunities in our portfolio.                                                                  a result of the pandemic has now been fully           DOWNLOAD OUR ANNUAL REPORT
                                                                                                 deployed to support a range of charities    

                                                                                                 across the countries in which we operate.             READ MORE
                                                                                                                                                  10   A responsible investor

                                                                                                                                                       READ MORE
                                                                                                                                                  47   Community
Sustainability report 2022 - 3i Group plc
A responsible       A responsible    A good                                                                                       3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
 Introduction                investor            employer         corporate citizen      GRI and SASB
Responsibilities and accountabilities
The Board of Directors as a whole is
responsible for sustainability, directly
and through its Committees within                                Our values
their specific remits. It has adopted
and promotes corporate values and                                                                                                             Rigour and energy
Group standards which set out the                                                                                                            Clarity of vision supported
behaviour expected of all employees                                                                                                            by practical execution
in their dealings with shareholders,                                                                                                 Thorough analysis leading to clear decision
other investors, existing and potential                                                                                                making and effective implementation

portfolio companies, colleagues,                                                                                                        High levels of energy, a strong work
                                                                                        Ambition                                         ethic and effective team working
suppliers and others who engage
                                                                                  Focus on generating value
with 3i.                                                                           for all our stakeholders
The Executive Directors and business and                                          Strive for excellence and
functional leaders (together, the ‘Executive                                      continuous improvement
Committee’) are responsible for ensuring
compliance with 3i’s corporate values and
standards. Our values and corporate culture
promote accountability and, together with our
compliance, behaviour and environmental,
ethical and social policies and procedures,
are designed to ensure consistent standards
of conduct.
                                                                                                                                                              Doing the ‘right thing’
All employees are required to be aware of,                                                                                                                     even when difficult
and abide by, 3i’s policies and procedures.
                                                                                                                                                           Relationships built on trust,
These are available to all staff through the
intranet portal and reinforced through regular
                                                                                                        Accountability                                        candour and respect

training. Employees are encouraged to make                                                     Personal and collective responsibility
suggestions to improve them.                                                                       for protecting and enhancing
                                                                                                     3i’s assets and reputation

                                                                                               An ownership mentality in managing
                                                                                                costs, resources and investments

                                                                                                 An aversion to building hierarchy

 08   Governance framework
Sustainability report 2022 - 3i Group plc
A responsible          A responsible            A good                                                                                      3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
 Introduction               investor               employer                 corporate citizen        GRI and SASB
Governance framework
The Board of Directors is
responsible for the oversight of                            Board of Directors                                                               Chief Executive
                                                   Ownership and oversight of the Group’s ESG and                                   Day-to-day accountability for sustainability
the Group’s sustainability                              sustainability approach and policies
approach and policies, including
the Responsible Investment
policy. It delegates day-to-day                           Principal Board Committees                                                     Chief Executive Committees
accountability for sustainability                  Audit and          • Financial and non-            Executive            Sustainability responsibilities include:
to executive management and,                       Compliance           financial reporting           Committee            • Assisting the Chief Executive in setting the Group’s strategy,
                                                   Committee            (including reporting on       Meets monthly          including its sustainability aspects
in particular, the Chief Executive.                Met six times        ESG and sustainability                             • Human rights and employment legislation
                                                                                                      Assists the
                                                   in the year          matters), risk, internal      Chief Executive
The Chief Executive has established a                                                                                      • Employee incentives and remuneration
                                                                        controls and assurance        in managing
number of committees to support him in                                                                                     • Recruitment and retention
                                                                      • Oversees ESG risks for 3i     the business
overseeing and monitoring policies and                                  and its portfolio through
procedures and to address issues if they                                regular reports from the      Investment           Sustainability responsibilities include:
arise, including an ESG Committee, which                                Group Risk Committee          Committee            • Implementation of the Responsible Investment policy
assists and advises the Chief Executive,                              • Oversees the approach         Meets frequently     • Assessment and management of ESG risks and opportunities
                                                                        to tax policy and strategy    as required            in the investment, divestment and portfolio management activities
directly and through the Investment and
                                                                                                      Acquisition,           in accordance with the Responsible Investment policy
Group Risk Committees, on all relevant
                                                   Remuneration       • Director and senior           management           • Due diligence of ESG risks and opportunities in the investment process
environmental, social and governance risks         Committee            management                    and disposal         • Compliance with applicable ESG regulation in the portfolio
and matters, including developing and              Met five times       remuneration and Group        of investments         (eg Modern Slavery Act, environmental regulations)
proposing the Group’s ESG approach.                in the year          remuneration structure
This Committee, which had been operating                              • Oversees the                  Group Risk           Sustainability responsibilities include:
for some time as an advisory steering                                   implementation of fair        Committee            • Oversight and review of the Responsible Investment policy
committee and was established as a                                      remuneration for              Meets four times     • Oversight of relevant environmental legislation and regulation
formal committee of the Chief Executive                                 employees                     per year             • Oversight of ESG risks for the Group and the portfolio
in March 2022, co-ordinates the Group’s                                                               Oversees the         • Assessment of regulatory and compliance risks, including financial crime
                                                   Nominations        • Diversity and                 Group’s risk           and bribery
various sustainability activities, including the   Committee            composition of the            management           • Assessment of operational risks, including cyber security and people risks
management of ESG risks and opportunities          Met four times       Board                         framework            • Review of incident management, business continuity and disaster recovery plans
across the portfolio. Our governance               in the year
framework is outlined opposite and more                                                               ESG Committee       Responsibilities include:
                                                   Valuations         • Valuation policy
information is provided in our Annual report                                                          Meets formally four • Reporting on relevant ESG matters to the CEO and proposing strategies for
                                                   Committee          • Valuation of the              times per year        managing ESG risks
and accounts.
                                                   Met four times       investment portfolio          Assists and advises • Oversight of 3i Group’s approach to ESG and ensuring 3i Group’s compliance
                                                   in the year                                                              with relevant legal and regulatory requirements, industry standards and
                                                                      • Responsibilities includes     the Chief Executive
                                                                        the consideration ESG         on all relevant       guidelines applicable to ESG matters
                                                                        impacts on portfolio          environmental,      • Monitoring market developments, trends and best practice in relation to ESG
                                                                        valuation                     social and            matters as relevant to the Group and its portfolio
                                                                                                      governance risks    • Reviewing and recommending changes to the Group’s ESG approach and to
     DOWNLOAD OUR ANNUAL REPORT                                                                       and matters           related policies and procedures
                                                                                                                          • Co-ordinating ESG-related activities and initiatives across the Group
                                                                                                                          • Reviewing and monitoring performance in relation to ESG KPIs
Sustainability report 2022 - 3i Group plc
A responsible     A responsible                  A good                                                                  3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
 Introduction       investor          employer                       corporate citizen       GRI and SASB
External benchmarking
We believe that it is important
to evidence our commitment to          Sustainability indices                                               CDP
operating sustainably. Accordingly,    3i is a member the FTSE4Good Index Series                            CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) is an
                                       and of the Solactive Europe Corporate Social                         international, not-for-profit organisation providing
we provide a wealth of relevant        Responsibility Index, as well as a number of                         a framework which enables businesses to disclose
information to shareholders and        other established ESG indices.                                       their greenhouse gas emissions and other metrics
other interested stakeholders.                                                                              voluntarily. 3i has been making annual submissions
                                                                                                            to CDP since 2006.
                                                                                                            3i’s climate change score in the 2021 CDP
                                                                                                            assessment was B and its supplier engagement
                                                                                                            rating was A-.

                                            FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                                                                                                  FOR MORE INFORMATION

                                       ESG Transparency –                                                   UN Principles of
                                       a Private Equity Index                                               Responsible Investment
                                       3i ranked as one of the top performers in                            Since 2011, we have been signatories to the
                                       Orbis Advisory and ITPEnergised’s annual                             UN Principles for Responsible Investment.
                                       transparency index analysing 155 private equity                      3i’s scores for the 2020 UNPRI assessment report
                                       firms’ ESG reporting performance, based on                           were A for Strategy and Governance, and A+ for
                                       public disclosures.                                                  Private Equity and Infrastructure. The scores for the
                                                                                                            2021 assessment have not yet been published.

                                                                                                                  FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                            FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                                                                                                  READ MORE
                                                           10   A responsible investor
Sustainability report 2022 - 3i Group plc
A responsible   A responsible   A good                                             3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
Introduction   investor        employer        corporate citizen   GRI and SASB

A responsible
With fewer than 240 employees globally, 3i has a                                  Our approach to responsible investment            11
relatively small direct impact on the environment and                             Our Responsible Investment policy                 12
other sustainability issues. However, with assets under                           Thematic approach to origination and
management of £23 billion, we can achieve progress on                             portfolio construction                            13
many sustainability issues through the actions we drive                           Assessment and management
in our portfolio companies.                                                       of ESG factors                                    14
                                                                                  Our ESG assessment framework                      15
                                                                                  Proactive engagement with our portfolio           16
                                                                                  ESG risks and risk management in
                                                                                  our portfolio                                     21
A responsible          A responsible          A good                                                                         3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
 Introduction            investor               employer               corporate citizen       GRI and SASB
Our approach to responsible investment
We believe that a responsible                   • Careful portfolio construction               We do not manage thematic ESG funds
                                                  We approach investment origination           and it is not our intention to do so.
approach to investment is a
                                                  and portfolio construction with              Nevertheless, we are committed to evolving
material lever for value creation                 great care. We make a limited number         and improving our approach to responsible
in our portfolio. Our approach                    of new investments each year, with a clear   investment. In FY2022 we set up an ESG
is based on four pillars.                         focus on sectors and geographies where       Committee to advise the Chief Executive
                                                  we have built a strong track record,         on ESG-related matters and co-ordinate
• Long-term stewardship                           in-house expertise and comprehensive         the Group’s sustainability-related activities
  Thanks to our permanent capital our             networks. We can screen out                  (see pages 6 and 8).
  holding periods are not limited and we          opportunities that have an unsustainable                                                                                                  This is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      d versio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              n of 3i’s

                                                  impact on the environment and societies                                                                                                 Responsi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            full policy

  have a medium to long-term investment                                                         12
                                                                                                     READ MORE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ble Invest
                                                                                                     Our Responsible Investment policy                                                                                                                   ment polic
  horizon. We have majority or significant        in which they operate, inconsistent with                                                                                                                                                                                                y
                                                                                                     READ MORE
  minority stakes in our portfolio companies      generating long-term value.                   13   Thematic approach to origination                                                  The follow
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ing     is a summa

  and are represented on their boards.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ry of the
                                                                                                     and portfolio construction                                                                                                     full 3i Re
                                                • Rigorous assessment and management
                                                                                                                                                                                    References                                                  sponsible
                                                                                                                                                                                    system wh throughout this                                                  Investme
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            nt policy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ich is acc              Policy to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                essible by             the ‘Porta
  This gives us the influence to drive            The rigorous assessment and                   14
                                                                                                     READ MORE                                                                     ------------
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              all 3i staff.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    l’ are to 3i’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     global inte
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   rnal web-b
                                                                                                     Assessment and management of ESG factors                                     3i will use                                       ------------
  long-term, sustainable growth in                management of ESG risks and                                                                                                     ▪    Comply,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 its influence
                                                                                                                                                                                                    as a min
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   as an inv
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              estor to pro

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  te a

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     m, with ap
  our portfolio.                                  opportunities is embedded in our              16
                                                                                                     READ MORE
                                                                                                     Proactive engagement with our portfolio
                                                                                                                                                                                      Standard Laws) and, wh
                                                                                                                                                                                                     s) where                ere
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  plicable loc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  al and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  these are appropriate, rel international laws
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              more string              evant inte
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       nt in our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and regula
                                                                                                                                                                                ▪    Mitigate                                                ent than                rna  tional sta               tio
                                                                                                                                                                                     environm y adverse environm                                          Applicab
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       le Laws. ndards 1 (In
• Thematic origination                            investment, portfolio management and               READ MORE                                                                ▪     Uphold hig
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ent, worke
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 rs and rel ental and social imp
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             evant sta
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         keholders acts and enhance
                                                                                                                                                                                                    h standard                                         .
  We invest in businesses that benefit from       value creation processes. Our Responsible     21   ESG risks and risk management in our portfolio                           Scope
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   s of busin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ess integri
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ty and str
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     positive eff
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ong corpo
                                                                                                                                                                            This Policy                                                                                 rate gover

  structural trends which can support             Investment policy, as interpreted and
                                                                                                                                                                           by 3i’s bu applies, subject
                                                                                                                                                                                         sin                       to
                                                                                                                                                                           geographie ess lines (and the certain exception 2
                                                                                                                                                                                           s from No                  fun                   s , to
                                                                                                                                                                                                         vember 20 ds which they ma all new investme
  long-term sustainable growth in our             implemented by our Investment                                                                                           3i’s resp
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       11 (the da
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     te on wh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  nage or ad                 nt opportu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ich this Po vise) across all sec es co
                                                                                                                                                                                               onsible in                                                       licy becam                 tor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              e effective s an
  portfolio. Our approach is flexible and can     Committee, provides clear guidance to                                                                                  3i will:                        vestmen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           t approach

                                                  our investment professionals. We have
  be adapted to take into account market,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      t practice
                                                                                                                                                                                                           and adhe
                                                                                                                                                                        ▪     Provide suf                           rence to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             this Policy
                                                                                                                                                                             they can ficient informatio
  regulatory, policy, societal or                 also been signatories to the UN Principles                                                                                          eff
                                                                                                                                                                                        ment act
                                                                                                                                                                            their invest ectively manage instruction, trainin
                                                                                                                                                                                                          environm            g
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         across its

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ental, soc and resources to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                nt busines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ial and go            its staff to
  environmental developments.                     of Responsible Investment since 2011.                                                                              1
                                                                                                                                                                       The Inte
                                                                                                                                                                    Internation tional Standards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ensure th
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             matters wit
                                                                                                                                                                      Bank and al Labour Organis             include the

  For example, over the last few years
                                                                                                                                                                                 its                    atio                relevan
                                                                                                                                                                     environme Performance Sta n (ILO) Fundam t IFC Performanc
                                                                                                                                                                                 ntal and                ndards are              ental Con                e Standa
                                                                                                                                                                    reference              soc                                                ven                     rds and ass
                                                                                                                                                                                document ial standards. The intended to provide tions. The IFC                                        ociated Gui
                                                                                                                                                                    rights hav              s with gen                  IFC’s Env                a                   is the                       deli
                                                                                                                                                                   identified been codified by eral and industry                    ironmenta reference for bus private sector arm nes and th

  we have backed businesses that                                                                                                                                  country.
                                                                                                                                                                    This Pol
                                                                                                                                                                              8 conven

                                                                                                                                                                              icy does
                                                                                                                                                                                        tions fun
                                                                                                                                                                                                      the ILO in
                                                                                                                                                                                                    dam  ent  al to the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         rights of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     laration on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    peo   ple
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 l, Health

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              d industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the 1998 ecific examples of and Safety (EH in emerging marke World
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dec                      goo                    S) Guideli
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Principles           The mo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            nes are techts for
                                                                                                                                                                 platforms                                                                    at work,

  benefit from and have invested in the
                                                                                                                                                                                          not apply
                                                                                                                                                                             prior to the               to investm                                     irrespectiv                and Rights st basic labour
                                                                                                                                                                 Policy bec               ir acquisi                  ents made                                     e  of  the level           at Wo
                                                                                                                                                                 PPP / pro e effective. Cer
                                                                                                                                                                                                     tion by 3i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  or (ii) by         (i) by                                            of develop rk which
                                                                                                                                                                             ject inve             tain areas                 funds rais funds raised, or                                         ment of a
                                                                                                                                                                investment             stments                                             ed, or sub            substantiall
                                                                                                                                                                                                  by the Infr of the Policy (e.g

  transition to a low-carbon economy,
                                                                                                                                                                             s.                                                        . the min      stan tiall                y  rais ed, by fun
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                business         imum cor y raised, prior to                       d manag
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            as they          porate                   Novem                  eme
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      are either governance stan ber 2011 when th
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    not relevan            dards) do
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    t or inap         not apply

  the achievement of a more sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              propriate         t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to thos

  consumption model through a circular                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1

  economy and improved health and
  wellbeing, all of which can deliver
  positive impacts over the long term.
A responsible        A responsible          A good                                                                                  3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
 Introduction         investor             employer               corporate citizen      GRI and SASB
Our Responsible Investment policy
Our Responsible Investment                 Our RI policy is integrated into our          Objectives of our RI policy
                                           investment and portfolio management
(‘RI’) policy is embedded into our                                                       3i’s objectives as set out in the RI policy are to invest only in businesses which are
                                           processes and procedures. 3i uses its         committed to:
investment and portfolio monitoring        influence as an investor to promote a
processes and sets out our                 commitment in its investee companies to:
stewardship approach. This policy          • comply, as a minimum, with applicable         The environment                                        Fair and safe
sets out the types of businesses             local and international laws and              A cautious and responsible approach                    working conditions
                                             regulations and, where appropriate,           to the environmental management of                     Respecting the human rights of
in which 3i will not invest, as well         relevant international standards (such as     their business operations by making                    their workers; maintaining safe and
as minimum standards in relation             the IFC Performance Standards and the         efficient use of natural resources                     healthy working conditions for their
to ESG matters which we expect               ILO Fundamental Conventions), where           and mitigating environmental risks                     employees, contractors and suppliers;
new portfolio companies to either            these are more stringent than                 and damage.                                            treating their employees fairly;
                                             applicable laws;                                                                                     upholding the right to freedom of
meet or commit to meeting over a
                                           • mitigate adverse environmental and social                                                            association and collective bargaining;
reasonable time period. The policy           impacts and enhance positive effects on                                                              and respecting the health, safety and
applies to all our investments,              the environment, workers and relevant                                                                wellbeing of those affected by their
irrespective of their country or sector.     stakeholders; and                                                                                    business activities.
                                           • uphold high standards of business
                                             integrity and good corporate governance.

                                                                                           Business integrity                                     Good governance
                                                                                           Upholding high standards of business                   Clear accountability with defined
                                                                                           integrity, avoiding corruption in                      responsibilities, procedures and
                                                                                           all its forms, ensuring strong data                    controls with appropriate checks
                                                                                           management and cyber security                          and balances in company
                                                                                           and compliance with applicable                         management structures.
                                                                                           anti-bribery, anti-fraud, anti-money
                                                                                           laundering and data protection laws
                                                                                           and regulations.

                                                                                              SUMMARY OF OUR RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT POLICY
A responsible   A responsible          A good                                                                          3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
 Introduction              investor        employer               corporate citizen        GRI and SASB
Thematic approach to origination and portfolio construction
We adopt a thematic approach
to origination and portfolio                Climate change and resource scarcity                          Demographic and social change
construction, backing businesses            The response to the climate and environmental                 Increasing life expectancy and reduced fertility rates
                                            emergencies will be among the defining themes                 in most of our core markets are resulting in an ageing
benefiting from structural trends           of our time. The transition to a more sustainable             and often declining population, which is increasingly
which can support long-term                 consumption model and the development of solutions            urban. These structural, long-term trends are resulting
sustainable growth in our portfolio.        to tackle global warming and climate change, either           in profound changes in consumer behaviour and
For example, many of the businesses         through regulatory ‘push’ or changes in consumer              preferences, and the development of policy responses
                                            preferences, are going to provide attractive                  to meet the challenges of greater longevity and the
we invest in stand to benefit from          investment opportunities for many decades.                    increasing prevalence of age-related chronic illness.
the transition to a low-carbon
                                            We have significant exposure to the renewable                 The healthcare investments in our Private Equity
economy, the achievement of a               energy and waste management sectors through our               portfolio, including Cirtec Medical, an outsourced
more sustainable consumption                Infrastructure portfolio, with investments in companies       medical device manufacturer, as well as Q Holding,
model through a circular economy            such as Infinis and Valorem, which generate renewable         SaniSure and ten23 health, which provide products and
                                            energy, and Attero and HERAmbiente, which sort and            services to the life sciences industry, have developed
and improving health and wellbeing          recycle waste and generate power from waste that              their businesses to benefit from this increasingly
in societies affected by profound           cannot be recycled. Our Infrastructure business is            important trend.
demographic changes.                        also invested in ESVAGT, the market leader in the
                                                                                                          Havea, which is among the leaders in the natural
                                            fast-growing segment of service operation vessels
                                                                                                          consumer healthcare industry, is supported by a
                                            for the offshore wind industry.
                                                                                                          growing consumer focus on health and wellness.
                                            A number of our Private Equity portfolio companies
                                                                                                          We also have exposure to this trend in our Infrastructure
                                            provide services or solutions in support of the transition
                                                                                                          portfolio, through Ionisos, which provides cold
                                            to a circular economy. For example, WP makes
                                                                                                          sterilisation services to the medical and pharmaceutical
                                            innovative packaging systems for the FMCG industry
                                                                                                          industries, among others.
                                            which are increasingly recyclable and reusable. Mepal
                                            develops innovative products for storing, serving and
                                            take-away food and drink, which can help to reduce
                                            food waste and the usage of single-use packaging.
                                            A core pillar of Evernex’s customer proposition is to
                                            repair, reuse and recycle IT equipment, reducing waste
                                            and emissions.

A responsible   A responsible             A good                                                                                 3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
 Introduction                  investor        employer                  corporate citizen       GRI and SASB
Assessment and management of ESG factors
The management of ESG risks and
opportunities is key to driving value                 Pre-investment                                         During investment                                                  Exit
from our investments. It is also key
to safeguarding our reputation as a            Assessment and action planning         Use of influence and engagement      Data collection and monitoring         Preparation and communication
responsible investor. We therefore             • Screen each opportunity against      • Implement robust governance and    • Collect ESG data from portfolio      • Consider the data and
embed a rigorous assessment of                   the requirements of the RI policy.     procedures at the portfolio          companies on an annual basis to        governance structures which
                                               • Conduct an early-stage review          company to ensure that ESG risks     understand the baseline and            may be required in advance
the long-term sustainability of each                                                    and opportunities are assessed       measure progress.                      of a sale process.
                                                 of the ESG profile of each new
investment in our processes.                     business opportunity to assess         and managed rigorously.            • Prepare detailed quantitative        • Work with advisers to
                                                 all material ESG topics which may    • Use active participation and         and qualitative ESG assessment         communicate relevant
Once invested, we support                        impact the business, including         influence on portfolio company       as part of the March semi-annual       sustainability information
                                                 long-term sustainability trends        boards to ensure they are            portfolio company review               to potential buyers.
companies as they develop                        and climate change risks and           addressing the ESG factors           process.
strategies and respond to                        opportunities, based on each           impacting their businesses.        • Discuss ESG assessment
stakeholder expectations, and we                 company’s subsector and              • Leverage the 3i portfolio and        during semi-annual portfolio
                                                 end markets.                           network to provide introductions     company review meetings,
gather data to measure progress
                                               • Following the early-stage review,      to other companies, useful           involving investment teams as
against ESG objectives. This enables             commission specialist due              contacts and advisers and share      well as Investment Committee
us to prepare companies ahead of                 diligence on ESG matters where         best practice, sometimes through     members and selected 3i
                                                 required.                              dedicated forums such as the         Board members.
any exit opportunity.                                                                   carbon and CIO roundtables (see
                                               • Include ESG considerations                                                • Set and monitor progress
                                                 (both risks and commercial             pages 16 and 20).                    with portfolio-wide objectives
                                                 considerations linked to             • Provide a sounding board             (eg for all companies to
                                                 the investment case) in                and support to portfolio             produce a carbon emissions
                                                 the Investment                         companies as they devise their       baseline and implement a
                                                 Committee materials.                   sustainability strategies and        sustainability strategy).
                                               • Integrate relevant action points       implement and deliver
                                                 into the 180-day post-invest plan.     sustainability projects.


                                                The Investment Committee may           We use our influence                Data is used to develop our             Good ESG performance can
                                                decline investment opportunities       to mitigate risk and                understanding and management            protect and potentially
                                                where red flags are raised in the      ensure value creation               of ESG matters, to enhance our          enhance the value achieved in
                                                pre-investment ESG risk                opportunities are captured.         decision making, more recently to       an exit.
                                                assessment that it does not                                                facilitate better financing
                                                believe can be remedied post                                               opportunities and to identify key
                                                investment or commission                                                   themes, trends and opportunities
     READ MORE                                  further specialist due diligence                                           across the portfolio.
15   Our ESG assessment framework               to assess whether a situation
                                                can be remedied.
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 Introduction            investor               employer                 corporate citizen         GRI and SASB
Our ESG assessment framework
Developed over a number of years, and
subject to annual review and refinement,
our proprietary ESG assessment tool
provides a framework for our investment
teams to consider the inherent ESG risks
and opportunities in each investment and to                     Assessment                                                  Action plan and strategy development
develop company-specific remediation and                        completion
long-term value creation plans. After making
the initial investment, this tool is used by
our investment teams in conjunction with                         Deal team
portfolio company management teams to
ensure that we achieve engagement and                      Portfolio company                       Proprietary                       Aggregation and                         Output
accountability on these matters throughout                   management                          assessment tool                      analysis engine
our period of ownership.                                                                         Regularly refined and              Developed and calibrated
                                                                                             benchmarked against external           against historic portfolio
The assessment tool is refined on an                                                              tools and research                      performance
ongoing basis to reflect emerging themes                                                                                                                              Asset review dashboard
and impact areas, the requirements of our
                                                                                              Environmental questions
stakeholders, including regulators, investors                                                                                         Comparison to 3i
                                                                                                                                                                             Action log
and lenders, and to ensure that we remain                                                                                            minimum standards
abreast of best practice. Over the past few                                                  Social and policy questions
years, we have improved the granularity of                                                                                              Trend analysis                  Portfolio dashboard
our assessment across a number of areas,
including environmental impact, cyber                                                          Governance questions
                                                                                                                                       Risk scoring and
                                                                                                                                                                          3i-wide output
security and diversity, equity and inclusion.                   Assessment                                                              categorisation
As a result of our granular reviews we have                                                                                          Investment decision
been able to identify a number of themes                                                                                                   support                        Feedback loop
across the portfolio which allow us to                      Investment case
manage proactively and synergistically the                                                                                          Opportunity tracking
                                                                                                                                      and monitoring
various sub-categories of ESG risks and
opportunities on a portfolio-wide basis.                          Risk log

                                                          Historic assessment

                                                         Risk weighting/analysis
A responsible        A responsible           A good                                                                             3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
 Introduction         investor             employer                corporate citizen        GRI and SASB
Proactive engagement with our portfolio
Once invested, we use our influence
with portfolio companies to ensure        Environment
that they consider the ESG and
                                      Greenhouse gas emissions                              • Action a pan-European discount retailer       Data and disclosures
sustainability factors that have the                                                          and our largest portfolio company, set a
                                      In March 2021 we held a Carbon                                                                        We have made significant strides in the
potential to impact their business    roundtable with representatives from 23                 target to reduce its emissions from its own   assessment of the environmental impact of
and provide support in the evaluation of our portfolio companies with the aim of              operations by 50% by 2030, compared to a      our portfolio and collect data on a number
                                      demonstrating the broader commercial                    baseline year of 2020. It also has an         of environmental indicators. Over the last
and delivery of specific projects,                                                            objective to reduce significantly the CO2
                                      benefits of measuring a carbon footprint                                                              two years, we have focused specifically on
ensuring that these are resourced     and taking steps to reduce it, including                emissions of its outbound transport;          improving our collection of GHG emissions
adequately. We leverage our           better employee engagement or customer                • Scandlines, which operates ferry services     data, to satisfy both regulatory and
knowledge and expertise across        sentiment, as well as cost savings. The                 between Germany and Denmark, has set          commercial demands. We currently
                                      event, facilitated by specialist consultancy            an ambitious target to ensure emission-       collect GHG emissions data from over 70%
our portfolio and facilitate the                                                              free operations on its Puttgarden-Rødby
                                      Anthesis, also delivered practical advice                                                             of our Private Equity portfolio companies
sharing of best practice.             on how to measure a carbon footprint and                route by 2030 and for Scandlines by 2040,     and over 80% of our economic Infrastructure
                                          improve the quality of carbon reporting.            supported by significant investments in its   investments. Most of the companies that do
In the pages that follow we set                                                               fleet. Since we first invested in 2007 the    not already supply us with this data are new
out our activity across a number          Many of our portfolio companies have put            company has made more than                    investments, which will be expected to
                                          in place realistic and achievable, and in           €300 million in green investments for its
of ESG themes.                            some cases ambitious, emission reduction
                                                                                                                                            measure and report their emissions to us
                                                                                              fleet. All six of its passenger ferries are   within the first year of investment. Once
                                          targets, some targeting specific aspects of         now powered by hybrid propulsion              Scope 1 and 2 data is in place, we will
                                          their business, other more comprehensive.           technology. It plans to increase this         also begin collecting Scope 3 data
                                          For example:                                        investment level to approximately             systematically. This portfolio baseline
                                          • ESVAGT, which provides service operation          €400 million by 2024 and in 2021 it           will allow us to:
                                            vessels to the offshore wind industry and         commissioned an emission-free freight         • improve our engagement with each of
                                            emergency rescue and response vessels             ferry with the world’s largest battery          our portfolio companies to devise specific
                                            to the offshore energy industry, has set a        installation for delivery in 2024; and          emission reduction strategies;
                                            target of zero CO2 emissions by 2050 and        • Ten23 health, which 3i set up in
                                            carbon neutrality by 2035 and announced                                                         • assess relevant targets; and
                                                                                              partnership with Hanns-Christian Mahler,
                                            the first green service operation vessel          an expert in life sciences, is strongly       • make TCFD aligned disclosures by the
                                            for Ørsted;                                       purpose-driven. It puts Patients, People        FY2024 deadline imposed by the FCA
                                          • Audley Travel, a leading provider of              and Planet at the centre of its decisions       for asset managers such as 3i.
                                            tailor-made experiential travel, has a target     and actions. It monitors its emissions,       We are also improving the data we collect
                                            to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by          both related to greenhouse gases and          on waste produced and materials consumed
                                            68% by 2030, from a baseline year of              plastics, takes actions to reduce these       by portfolio companies, which will allow
                                            2019, in line with the Paris Agreement            and mandates itself to offset any             us to enhance our engagement with the
                                            1.5°C target. The company plans to                unavoidable emissions, in partnership         portfolio on resource efficiency over time.
                                            submit its measurements and targets               with certified organisations.
                                            to the Science Based Target initiative
                                            in the second half of 2022;
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 Introduction              investor                 employer                corporate citizen        GRI and SASB
Proactive engagement with our portfolio continued

Environmental continued
Waste and circular economy                            a practice that recovers waste in order to     • Action has stated its ambition of
We encourage our portfolio companies to               turn it into new resources. For instance,        completing circularity assessments for all
treat their waste sensitively, minimise               Havea has developed a process to treat           14 of its product categories by the end
packaging, maximise recycling and optimise            grape seeds discarded by the food                of 2022. In 2021, Action completed such
their processes to reduce waste. The topic            industry to produce a cosmetic                   assessments for half of its product
of circularity and resource efficiency also           ingredient with anti-ageing properties;          categories using the Circular Transition
provides significant commercial                     • Mepal’s food and drink storage containers        Indicators framework; and
opportunities for our portfolio companies.            are a sustainable solution to reduce food      • Attero, which offers waste management
We are very pleased with the progress                 waste and the use of single-use                  services and produces energy from waste,
made in this area. For example:                       packaging. Most Mepal products are               is working on a number of projects to
• WP has an ambition to make all the                  made from 100% recyclable plastic, are of        increase the capacity for post-separation
  packaging it produces to be recyclable,             a high quality and have a long useable life.     of residual waste from household and
  reusable or refillable by 2025. It is using its     Mepal also offers a replacement parts            commercial waste and increase the
  innovation capabilities to develop more             service to consumers to prolong the useful       capacity for recycling. The business
  sustainable packaging solutions that                life of its products;                            produces 3.6 million tonnes of waste every
  support the circular economy. Last year, it       • Evernex works with its clients to maintain,      year and uses it to produce 25 million
  introduced a 100% recyclable valve for              repair and reuse their IT assets and recycle     cubic metres of green gas, 318,000 tonnes
  dispensing closures;                                used IT equipment. In total, 15% of the          of compost, more than 700,000 tonnes of
                                                      components installed in the discarded            other recycled materials and 900GWh of
• Havea has placed eco-design at the                                                                   electricity, generating sustainable power
  centre of each of its brands and considers          IT equipment that Evernex receives as
                                                      ‘IT waste’ can be reused. This is more than      for 363,000 households.
  the environmental impact of its products
  throughout their lifecycle. The company             50,000 spare parts every year.
  has already reduced its reliance on virgin          The remaining 85% contains valuable
  plastics by introducing plant-based and             minerals, rare earths and gold, as well as
  recycled plastic bottles across several             other metals and raw materials that are
  of its brands including Biolane and                 separated and made into secondary raw
  NaturéMoi. In addition, it aims for 25%             materials which re-enter the
  of the cosmetic ingredients used in its             production cycle;
  skincare range to be ‘upcycled’ by 2022,
A responsible             A responsible            A good                                 3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
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Proactive engagement with our portfolio continued

Supply chain transparency                            • Audley Travel has launched ‘Athari’,
and ethical sourcing                                   a travel product which supports its
                                                       clients to easily identify sustainable
We are intensifying our focus on supply                experiences that have a particularly
chain management and transparency in our               strong, positive impact on the local
portfolio as we believe that there are high            economy and environment. This type
rewards from building trust with consumers             of experience puts a purposeful focus
and other stakeholders on these issues.                on supporting local businesses, educating
We ensure that, where relevant, our                    staff, challenging local norms or positively
portfolio companies have policies and                  impacting conservation and biodiversity
procedures in place to monitor their                   efforts. Highlighting these experiences
supply chains, and make adequate                       encourages Audley’s clients to consider
disclosures on this topic to satisfy their             sustainable choices when planning their
stakeholders. For example:                             trip with their specialist, and gives an
• Action has set a target of achieving 100%            incentive to Audley’s other partners to
  transparency on labour conditions in its             offer similar options; and
  supply chain by 2025 and to purchase               • Royal Sanders has an ambition to increase
  100% of the cotton and timber used in its            its use of certified sustainable palm oil
  products from sustainable sources by                 across the group from c.90% to 95%.
  2024. In addition, it requires all its suppliers     The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
  to sign up to its Ethical Sourcing Policy and        (‘RSPO’) has developed a set of
  it audits its supply chain periodically;             environmental and social criteria which
• All BoConcept suppliers must follow its              companies must comply with in order to
  code of conduct in order to ensure that              produce certified sustainable palm oil.
  all its products are manufactured in a               When properly applied, these criteria can
  manner that respects the rights of their             help to minimise the negative impact of
  employees. The company applies                       palm oil cultivation on the environment
  its Danish background in setting out                 and communities in palm oil-producing
  expectations from its suppliers when                 regions. Demand for RSPO palm oil has
  it comes to quality, environment and                 increased significantly over the last few
  work processes;                                      years, resulting in limited supply and
                                                       high prices for this sensitive resource.
A responsible          A responsible            A good                                                                   3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
 Introduction           investor               employer                 corporate citizen        GRI and SASB
Proactive engagement with our portfolio continued

Social continued
Diversity, equity and inclusion                • Inclusion of parents with young children        This topic can also provide commercial
                                                 After establishing a working group aimed        opportunities for our portfolio companies.
Academic research shows that diverse and         at supporting young parents among its           For example, WilsonHCG, which works with
inclusive companies are likely to outperform     employees, in 2022 Havea opened an              companies to help them plan and execute
less diverse peers. Where appropriate,           inter-company crèche at its headquarters.       talent acquisition programmes globally, has
we have been making this case with our           This facility provides a flexible childcare     also developed a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
portfolio companies through our board-           solution for Havea’s 400 employees in           and Belonging service for its clients. With
level engagement.                                Boufféré where both production and HQ           this service, the business helps companies
We monitor diversity and inclusion in our        staff are based. In particular for production   to diversify their talent pools by accessing
portfolio closely through our semi-annual        staff, the facility provides childcare          candidates from diverse communities,
portfolio company review process and have        support based on their atypical shift           leveraging its relationships with hundreds
improved the quality of our data collection      working patterns which can involve early        of diversity-focused organisations.
and engagement on this topic over the last       morning or late evening working.                Through this service the business also
few years. A number of our portfolio             To deliver this, Havea approached a local       creates guidelines and standard operating
companies are sponsoring initiatives to          eco-network made up of industrial               procedures for diversity hiring that can be
improve diversity and inclusion across their     companies undertaking joint initiatives to      tracked and measured to ensure clients
organisations. For example:                      provide solutions to the societal and           comply with internal guidelines and
                                                 environmental challenges they face.             government regulation. In addition, its
• Gender diversity
                                                 In total, five companies collaborated with      talent consultants host training sessions
  Shipping is a notoriously male-dominated
                                                 a childcare provider to provide a solution      with hiring managers to reduce bias.
  industry. Both ESVAGT and Scandlines
                                                 aimed at attracting and retaining
  signed the charter on women in shipping
                                                 young parents.
  launched by Danish Shipping in early 2020
  and have increased their efforts to          • Inclusion of people who have
  improve the hiring of women. ESVAGT has        long been unemployed
  initiated collaborations with educational      Action partners with initiatives across a
  and training institutions offering             number of its markets to reintegrate
  employment to women. Technology has            people distanced from the labour market
  also traditionally been a male-dominated       or who do not have the skills and training
  industry. Tampnet is developing a              to participate in the workforce.
  ‘Women in Technology’ programme              • Inclusion of people with disabilities
  and has set up targets to improve the          Mepal’s products are manufactured
  representation of women in its workforce       primarily in sheltered workshops in the
  overall and in its management team.            Netherlands, which provide access
  Many of our portfolio companies have set       to employment for individuals
  targets for improved gender diversity.         with disabilities.
A responsible          A responsible            A good                                                                            3i Group plc Sustainability report 2022
 Introduction            investor               employer                 corporate citizen        GRI and SASB
Proactive engagement with our portfolio continued

Robust governance of ESG                        Cyber security                                    ESG-linked funding                             To date, 3iN, ESVAGT and Royal Sanders
risks and sustainability                        Cyber security remains an important area          Most of our portfolio companies have           have put in place specific ESG-linked
                                                of attention. As significant shareholders in      bank funding in place. As these facilities     bank facilities. As more of our portfolio
We engage with our portfolio company                                                                                                             companies’ bank debt is refinanced, we are
management teams so that they assess            our portfolio companies we have supported         are gradually refinanced, we have been
                                                material investment in IT and security            considering linking them to ESG targets.       considering implementing ESG linkages at
and mitigate the relevant ESG risks for                                                                                                          other companies.
their business and embed long-term              infrastructure to ensure this risk is mitigated   This has both financial and commercial
sustainability considerations in their          appropriately. We raise cyber risk awareness      benefits. ESG-linked banking facilities tend
strategy. A significant proportion of our       with our investment teams and our portfolio       to have lower costs and attract a broader
portfolio companies have put in place and       through regular training and forums and           range of lenders. The commercial benefits
published comprehensive sustainability          periodically conduct cyber audits of our          are less immediate, but as public demand
strategies and in many cases set targets to     portfolio through an external network             for progressing sustainability agendas
measure their performance across a number       security consultancy.                             becomes clearer, being able to show a
of relevant indicators. We are working with                                                       commitment to deliver on a number of
                                                In November 2021, we facilitated a CIO
the remainder of our portfolio to ensure that                                                     quantifiable EGS KPIs can have benefits
                                                Virtual Forum, hosted by a specialist
they have a suitable strategy in place.                                                           in terms of perception with customers,
                                                consultancy, which brought together 30 of
                                                                                                  governmental actors or regulators,
                                                our portfolio companies. The purpose of
                                                                                                  among others.
                                                the event was to highlight the current cyber
                                                security threats and best practice to address
                                                them, discuss portfolio companies’ cyber
                                                security maturity and share the experiences
                                                of cyber security strategy implementation.
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