A GUIDE TO GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP - THE 2021 CBI INDEX - in association with - WIC News

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A GUIDE TO GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP - THE 2021 CBI INDEX - in association with - WIC News
Special Report
                 August/September 2021

THE 2021 CBI

     in association with
A GUIDE TO GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP - THE 2021 CBI INDEX - in association with - WIC News

                            The 14 citizenship
                             by investment


                                       Montenegro                        Turkey
      St Kitts
     and Nevis
                  and Barbuda
                            St Lucia

A GUIDE TO GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP - THE 2021 CBI INDEX - in association with - WIC News
August/September 2021 pwmnet.com                                                                                cbiindex.com
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   04          INTRODUCTION                                                                                                     tel: +44(0)20 7873 4240,
               Having lost mobility during the health crisis,                                                                   Change of Address
               wealthy individuals are showing increased                                                                        Notification
               interest in citizenship by investment schemes,                                                                   © Financial Times 2021
               though some programmes remain controversial
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                                                                                                                                Financial Times. “Financial
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                                                                    12   NOMAD VISAS                                            of the Financial Times Ltd.
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                                                                         CBI jurisdictions stand to benefit from the new        of this publication may be
                                                                                                                                reproduced or used in any form
                                                                         work-from-home normal, and from the employees          of advertising without prior
                                                                                                                                permission in writing from the
                                                                         who want to trade in office life for a chance to       editor. No responsibility for
   06          THE 2021 CBI INDEX                                        work overseas                                          loss occasioned to any person
                                                                                                                                acting or refraining from acting
               The CBI industry continues to evolve, with key                                                                   as a result of material in this

               developments including Cyprus abolishing its         14   PAYMENTS                                               publication can be accepted.
                                                                                                                                On any specific matter,
                                                                                                                                reference should be made to an
               Programme, a new Maltese citizenship offering,            CBI and cryptocurrency already have a storied          appropriate adviser. Registered
                                                                                                                                Office: Number One Southwark
               and the addition of Egypt to the economic                 history, but with the rise of decentralised finance,   Bridge, London SE1 9HL, UK
               citizenship arena                                         perhaps now is the time for jurisdictions to           The Financial Times adheres to a
                                                                         reconsider their stance on this new method             self-regulation regime under the

   07          LOOKING TO 2022
                                                                                                                                FT Editorial Code of Practice:
                                                                         of payment                                             www.ft.com/editorial code
               Though family inclusiveness seems to have
               reached an apex, it is expected that CBI nations     16   METHODOLOGY
               will continue to enhance the integrity of their           The CBI Index is built around nine pillars,
               real estate offerings and may move closer to              designed to measure global citizenship
               harmonised due diligence standards                        programme features and jurisdictional
               Not all countries with CBI legislation are           20   KEY FINDINGS
               included in the CBI Index. The question the               The CBI Index’s key findings present
               CBI Index asks is whether programmes are                  an evaluation of each country both overall
               fully operational.                                        and within the parameters of the nine
   10          RESPONSIBILITY
               Governments that fail to take due diligence          26   THE NINE PILLARS
               seriously face a very real risk of a premature end        An overview of the nine pillars that form the
               to their economic citizenship programmes, as              CBI Index, and where the 14 countries rank
               seen recently in Europe                                   among them

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A GUIDE TO GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP - THE 2021 CBI INDEX - in association with - WIC News
Covid lockdowns add to the
    appeal of second citizenships
                                                  Clients, he says, are particularly
                                               interested in island nations such
    Having lost mobility during                as Antigua and Barbuda, and St
    the health crisis, wealthy                 Kitts and Nevis, although few plan      I don’t believe that the
    individuals are showing
    increased interest in
                                               to actually live permanently in the
                                               jurisdictions they invest in.           half-baked, politically-
    citizenship by investment
                                                  While high net worth migrants
                                               from restrictive regimes typically
                                                                                       motivated pressures to
    schemes, though the
    programmes remain
                                               favour cities like London, Paris or     clamp down on these
                                               Los Angeles, there is a recognition
                                                                                       programmes will be

    controversial                              among practitioners that the

                    he Covid-19 pandemic
                                               more peripheral islands, as well
                                               as providing a potential second
                                                                                       sufficient to suppress the
                    appears to have given
                    a new lease of life to a
                                               passport, can serve as an ultimate
                                               “bolthole” should things go wrong
                                                                                       demand side
                                                                                       PARAG KHANNA FUTUREMAP
                    colourful cross-border     in the authoritarian country where
                    industry, which offers     they make their money.
    wealthy individuals and their                 Traditionally, clients came from
    families second citizenships in            Asia, Russia and the Middle East,                     obtaining a Maltese passport and the
    return for investments into tourism        but new sources of investment are                     protection it offered once issued.
    facilities or infrastructure.              also being identified. “We are seeing                    But following twin pressures from
       Countries recently offering high-       more and more clients from Africa,                    European regulators, and domestic
    profile Citizenship by Investment          and Nigeria in particular. Nigerians                  protests linked to the assassination
    (CBI) programmes include                   are favouring a St Kitts passport to                  of journalist Daphne Caruana
    Caribbean players St Kitts and Nevis,      allow them to travel to London and                    Galizia, which led to the resignation
    and Dominica, which have used CBI          other places more easily,” reports Mr                 of prime minister Joseph Muscat in
    revenues to successfully mitigate          Errington.                                            2019, Malta replaced its Individual
    the effects of national disasters,                                                               Investor Programme with a new
    and Mediterranean jurisdictions,           STORMS IN THE MED                                     strategy. Maltese authorities have
    Malta and Cyprus, where they have          Once attractive Mediterranean hubs                    since promised greater transparency
    encountered major political issues.        have not, however, been enjoying                      and increased dialogue with the EU.
       Both private banks and law firms        the success of their Caribbean peers.                 A recent judicial inquiry identified
    report increased interest among            The Cyprus Investment Programme,                      a “culture of impunity” within the
    clients seeking new citizenships           previously popular amongst a                          higher echelons of government,
    and passports since the advent of          Russian audience, appreciative of                     which had spread to regulatory
    the pandemic. Wealthy investors,           their country’s huge influence in                     bodies.
    say commentators, only began to            the coastal resorts of Larnaca and                       Both Malta and Cyprus had been
    appreciate mobility once it was            Limassol, where Russian is widely                     criticised by European authorities.
    abruptly withdrawn due to Covid.           spoken, has been withdrawn,                           Mr Errington says Malta in particular
                                               following infringement procedures                     raised the ire of EU neighbours
    OPENING UP                                 from the European Commission in                       for going against the principles of
    Many popular CBI destinations              2020.                                                 membership of the economic bloc.
    are once again opening up to                  “The Maltese and Cypriot markets                      EU neighbours, critical of Malta’s
    international visitors. “The               have trailed off, mainly due to                       highly lucrative scheme denigrating
    Caribbean islands remain popular           scandals,” says Mr Errington. Until                   the traditional European freedom
    and are quite easy to work with,”          recently, he says, Asian investors                    of movement concept, were left
    reveals John Errington, managing           planning to extract their money                       “jealous and sceptical, if not hostile”.
    director of London-based CBI               from home territory found Malta                          Despite this negative publicity,
    specialists Errington Bose                 attractive, due to an efficient                       most commentators believe there is
    Immigration Services.                      banking system, the relative speed of                 an inevitability of rival jurisdictions

A GUIDE TO GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP - THE 2021 CBI INDEX - in association with - WIC News

vying to attract wealth through CBI       tax avoidance and lax vetting are        On hold: the Cyprus    industry is increased collaboration
schemes, particularly within the          often seized on and amplified by         Programme has been     between competing centres, which
realist, highly competitive political     opposition movements, keen to            withdrawn, following   all share the aim of attracting
climate facilitated by Covid-19.          create a political backlash against                             well-qualified, high net worth
                                                                                   procedures from the
   “The more autocracy you have,          CBI strategies.                          European               entrepreneurs.
the more you will see citizenship            “This does not mean the policy is     Commission in 2020        Promoters of investment
for sale in the liberal jurisdictions,”   wrong,” suggests Indian-American                                migration, including the likes of
suggests Loretta Napoleoni, an            academic Parag Khanna, founder                                  Malta, Ireland, Singapore and
Italian political commentator who         of consultancy FutureMap and                                    the United Arab Emirates, are
analyses international finance and        author of ‘Move: The forces uprooting                           establishing ‘Green Zone Networks’
security issues.                          us’, which plots future migration                               of states respecting each other’s
   “If you know where to go and you       patterns. “When they get elected,                               standards of immigration control,
have the money, then everything is        the opposition typically follows                                health regulation and monitoring of
for sale,” says Ms Napoleoni.             the same policy, as fundamentally                               residency criteria. Mr Khanna also
   “The super-rich buy their way          it’s not about politics or protecting                           believes technological innovation
into countries and are welcomed           an international reputation, but                                is correlated to openness and
for their money. Most people in that      demographics, which is a domestic,                              circulation of people.
country think they will spend their       fiscal issue.”
money there and expect a trickle-            For these smaller nations, CBI is                            JOINT INITIATIVES
down effect. Public opinion is mostly     vital to attract physical, tangible                             These emerging ‘clubs’ of nations
only opposing immigration at lower        investment, replacing burdensome                                are compared by Mr Khanna to
levels, so I don’t see regulation         sovereign debt with “sovereign                                  modern-day re-incarnations of
happening.”                               equity”, a concept which needs to be                            the Hanseatic League, a medieval
   Suggestions that criminal              better communicated to voters.                                  federation of trading states in
individuals are benefiting from              “I don’t believe that the half-                              the Baltic and North Seas, which
second passports are often over-          baked, politically-motivated                                    advanced mutual commercial
cooked, she believes. Organised           pressures to clamp down on these                                interests of member hubs and
criminals, she says, are more likely      programmes will be sufficient to                                protected them against external
to use covert ways to enter other         suppress the demand side of the                                 aggression.
jurisdictions, rather than these          equation from millions of people                                   Improved due diligence of
highly public channels.                   who want to move, and it’s an open                              applicants should result from such
   “Terrorist organisations do not use    and shut case,” says Mr Khanna.                                 joint initiatives. “We could have
the mainstream of buying houses or           “The force that wins is the one                              better background checks,” suggests
making investments, they prefer to        favouring mobility, not the force that                          Mr Khanna.
lean on corrupt officials. If you are a   favours suppression. The fact that                                 “We should curb money
known criminal, you would not go          there are now 100 such programmes                               laundering and be careful about
through an official channel,” insists     tells that story very clearly.”                                 who is allowed in simply as a mask,
Ms Napoleoni.                                The most recent, overarching                                 but we should not question the right
   In smaller countries, however,         trend he has observed among                                     to be able to live in a better place to
these thorny issues of security,          countries participating in the CBI                              cure the accident of birth.”

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                            The 2021 CBI Index

                                           ow entering its fifth year, the     end of 2020, while St Kitts and Nevis            in last year’s CBI Index, Montenegro
                                           CBI Index provides a                extended its limited-time offer on               announced its CBI programme would not
                                           comprehensive, data-driven          applications under the Sustainable Growth        be extended beyond 2021. As the
                                           analysis of the world’s active      Fund, from its original end date of              Programme remains open for applications
                            citizenship by investment (CBI)                    15 January 2021.                                 until 31 December 2021, Montenegro will
                            programmes and has become known as the                 New investment options have also been        still be included in this year’s rankings.
                            industry’s most reliable comparison tool for       introduced since the 2020 CBI Index.                 While Malta discontinued its Individual
                            CBI programmes. It also serves as a practical      St Kitts and Nevis launched a private home       Investor Programme, it unveiled an
                            guide for individuals and entities wishing to      option, under which applicants can               altogether new CBI policy, which this year’s
                            learn more about the CBI industry, the             purchase a private home worth                    Index will assess, along with Egypt’s new
                            issues that affect it, and its future direction.   U$400,000, and an ‘alternative investment        CBI Programme. North Macedonia is only
                                Last year, prolonged disruption to             option,’ under which applicants can invest       now establishing the necessary frameworks
                            worldwide travel resulting from the                in local approved projects not necessarily       for an international audience to fully
                            Covid-19 pandemic forced many CBI                  linked to real estate or the tourism industry.   engage with its CBI offering. As such, the
                            programmes to adapt their processing               Meanwhile, Bulgaria scrapped its                 CBI Index will continue to monitor its
                            procedures and requirements. This year,            government bond investment option, but           progress as it transitions from its current
                            programmes have continued to adjust.               now offers a wide variety of qualifying          phase to a fully operational programme.
                            Antigua and Barbuda and Grenada, for               investments, such as in undertakings for             The 2021 CBI Index therefore examines
                            example, made provisions for the virtual           collective investment in transferable            the CBI programmes of 14 countries, and
                            administration of their oaths of allegiance in     securities, alternative investment funds,        evaluates them against nine pillars that
                            February 2021 and November 2020                    and a range of Bulgarian companies.              reflect investor priorities. As always, data
                            respectively, while Vanuatu’s travel                   Elsewhere in Europe, despite the             was collated from relevant industry
                            requirement remains suspended.                     promise of new CBI regulations in the            sources, including legislation, government
                                In the Caribbean, two limited-time             summer of 2020, the Cypriot government           circulars and memoranda, programme
                            offers implemented in the wake of                  took the decision to abolish its Programme       application forms and guidelines, official
                            Covid-19 were extended to 31 December              following mounting pressure from the             media and statistics channels, and direct
                            2021. St Lucia extended its Covid-19 Relief        European Commission. In another                  correspondence with governments and
                            Bond option, originally due to expire at the       unexpected exit, after its first appearance      their authorised representatives.

                               A TIMELINE OF CITIZENSHIP BY INVESTMENT

                                 1984                       1985                    1993                     2009                   2013                     2016
                                St Kitts                    Austria               Dominica                   Bulgaria              Antigua                   St Lucia
                               and Nevis                                                                                         and Barbuda

A GUIDE TO GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP - THE 2021 CBI INDEX - in association with - WIC News

Reflections and
predictions for 2022
           o far, 2021 has proved to be a      well after the main applicant, questions have   Visit pwmnet.com for      Against the background of mounting
           remarkable year for citizenship     been raised as to whether spouses in these      an expanded version    scrutiny by multilateral bodies and
                                                                                               of the CBI Index,
           by investment (CBI), with both      jurisdictions can count as true ‘dependants.’   including detailed     international organisations, it is expected
           the implementation of new           Indeed, this year’s CBI Index is more           profiles of all 14     that increased emphasis on due diligence
                                                                                               citizenship by
programmes and the closure of                  nuanced than in previous years, penalising                             will continue into 2022, and there is hope
longstanding and infant programmes alike.      countries where family members do not           programmes             that the industry may move closer to
Trends have included family inclusiveness,     receive citizenship with the main applicant.                           harmonised standards. More should be
sustained emphasis on due diligence, and           Some CBI nations have been enhancing                               done, however, by Middle Eastern nations.
growing oversight of real estate projects      their due diligence practices for many years.                          Although lower due diligence barriers to
available for investment under certain         Malta, for example, whose due diligence                                entry are often a feature of newer CBI
CBI programmes.                                operations under the IIP already required a                            programmes, there is little to suggest that
   Family inclusiveness seems to have          hefty €7500 fee from the investor, now                                 improvements to applicant vetting and
reached an apex in the Caribbean, where        utilises two (and not merely one) external                             due diligence processes are being
Grenada in 2019, Dominica and St Lucia in      due diligence firms – requiring an even                                prioritised, even as their programmes
early 2020, and St Kitts and Nevis and         more substantial €15,000 fee.                                          become better established. As
Antigua and Barbuda in late 2020,                  Vanuatu is also upgrading its due                                  demonstrated by the abolition of the
expanded their definition of ‘dependant’ to    diligence, having mandated in 2020                                     Cyprus Investment Programme, failure to
include siblings.                              regulations that checks be carried out by                              implement comprehensive due diligence
   Malta’s Granting of Citizenship for         an “international specialist firm” and                                 processes in time can come with grave
Exceptional Services Regulations were          requiring an extra US$3000 per                                         consequences, including permanent
drafted to be wider than the regulations for   application for its due diligence — a                                  damage to a programme’s reputation.
Malta’s Individual Investor Programme          substantial addition to the the previous                                  This year has seen growing awareness of
(IIP), but only slightly, allowing adult       US$2000. However, although Vanuatu                                     the risks associated with, and consequent
children to apply with their parent investor   checks applicants against the databases of                             oversight of, real estate investment
up to the age of 28, instead of 26.            reputable due diligence firms, it does not                             options. In St Kitts and Nevis, for example,
   There have been some improvements in        appear that the country is working with a                              as of March 2021, new and existing
Bulgaria for spouses, but with Egypt also      third-party firm to conduct stringent                                  developers must submit a payment
allowing spouses to only obtain citizenship    on-the-ground checks of applicants.                                    schedule to the St Kitts Investment
                                                                                                                      Promotion Agency. This will govern the
                                                                                                                      way a project is financed, improving the
                                                                                                                      administration of funds provided to real
                                                                                                                      estate developments under the
                                                                                                                      Programme and increasing the likelihood
                                                                                                                      that developments will be completed
    2017                     2018                  2019                     2020                                      successfully and at pace.
     Turkey                   Jordan            Montenegro                    Egypt                                      Turkey also tightened its real estate
                                                                                                                      rules. In March 2021, the country decided
    Vanuatu                                                                   Malta                                   that a property that has been used to
                                                                                                                      obtain citizenship (whether through a title
                                                                                                                      deed transfer or preliminary sales contract)
                                                                                                                      could no longer be used in another CBI
                                                                                                                      application. The change limits the risk that
                                                                                                                      a real estate ‘bubble’ will form, and ensures
                                                                                                                      property is not recycled by CBI applicants.
                                                                                                                         Real estate controls are being applied in
                                                                                                                      CBI jurisdictions across the globe and
                                                                                                                      show no signs of being relaxed, and it is
                                                                                                                      expected that CBI nations will continue to
                                                                                                                      work to enhance the integrity of their real
                                                                                                                      estate offerings.

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CBI frameworks without
               ‘operational’ programmes
                                                                         BANGLADESH                                       However, CBI in Bangladesh falls
                                                                         CBI in Bangladesh finds its roots in the      short of offering a clear, formal
               Not all countries have operational                        Bangladesh Citizenship (Temporary             framework and its application volume
               CBI programmes, despite sharing                           Provisions) Order, with Article 2B(2)         is non-existent.
               some characteristics with those                           giving the government wide-ranging               Unlike in many of the programmes
               that do.                                                  powers to “grant citizenship of               the CBI Index assesses, there is no

                                                                         Bangladesh to any person who is a             single government body tasked solely
                                          he 2021 CBI Index analyses     citizen of any state of Europe or North       with administering CBI in Bangladesh.
                                          countries with ‘operational’   America, or of any other state,” and          Citizenship is broadly administered
                                          citizenship by investment      Article 4 stating that “The government        by various entities, ranging from
                                          (CBI) programmes. Such         may, upon application made to it in this      the Ministry of Home Affairs, to
                              programmes are rooted in law, subject to   behalf in the manner prescribed, grant        the police and the Investment
                              procedural rules and policies, readily     citizenship to any person.”                   Development Authority.
                              promoted abroad, and have, if                 Although documentation on the                 Further, highlighting the
                              longstanding, processed a sizable number   specific conditions for CBI in Bangladesh     country’s unpopularity with investors,
                              of applications over their lifetime.       is difficult to access, the Central Bank of   only two people who naturalised as
                                 Countries that lack one or more of      Bangladesh states that citizenship may be     citizens of Bangladesh obtained
                              these elements fall outside of the remit   granted to any person who invests in          citizenship through the making of an
                              of the CBI Index. Examples of such         Bangladesh, including in a recognised         investment between 1988 and 2016.
                              countries include Bangladesh, Papua        financial institution, and does not           Both were granted citizenship in 1997,
                              New Guinea, and Samoa.                     repatriate that investment.                   more than 20 years ago.

      CBI in Bangladesh
      is held back by the
      fact that there is no
      single government
      body overseeing
      the application

A GUIDE TO GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP - THE 2021 CBI INDEX - in association with - WIC News

PAPUA NEW GUINEA                            character references from two Papua          Samoa received a       approved, the investor is granted a
                                                                                         total of two CBI
Over in Oceania, in 2016, Papua New         New Guinean citizens who have known                                 permanent resident permit valid for
Guinea passed amendments to its             them for at least two years.                 between 2017/2018      three years. The investor must reside in
Constitution and Citizenship Act to make       CBI stands as an interesting route to     and 2019/2020,         Samoa for at least 15 days per year
                                                                                         with neither ending
provision for investors to obtain           citizenship particularly for those who do    in citizenship being
                                                                                                                during the three-year period and comply
citizenship of the country.                 not have links to the host country.          granted                with the investment plan to be able to
   Before being able to apply for           Because Papua New Guinea insists on                                 make the final application for citizenship.
citizenship of Papua New Guinea,            those links even for investors, and limits                             Compared to Bangladesh and Papua
investors must make a K150,000              those who can access dual citizenship, it                           New Guinea, Samoa offers some of the
(US$42,800) investment in a company         suffers from a lack of industry                                     same features as the more popular CBI
or business in Papua New Guinea, and        prominence, despite its low investment                              jurisdictions. It has, for example, a
seek a position and work permit from the    threshold.                                                          Citizenship Investment Committee,
Department of Industrial Relations.                                                                             application fees (albeit very expensive),
They must then apply for an Entry           SAMOA                                                               due diligence fees and provisions to
Permit for Businesspersons/Investors.       On 31 January 2017, Samoa’s Citizenship                             allow for an independent specialised
   Unlike some of the world’s most          Investment Act and Citizenship                                      third party to perform background
popular CBI programmes, Papua New           Investment Regulations entered into                                 checks.
Guinea’s rules are aimed at those who       force and Samoa began accepting                                        However, Samoa’s high investment
already have ties to Papua New Guinea       applications under its newly instated CBI                           threshold, minimum wealth requirement
and wish to relocate to the country. This   scheme.                                                             (a feature shared, but then dropped, by
is because citizenship applicants must         Investors are eligible to apply for CBI                          St Lucia), arduous investment plan
intend to permanently reside in Papua       in Samoa if they intend to make a                                   requirement, and taxing physical
New Guinea, and either renounce their       minimum of WSt4m (US$1.55m)                                         presence requirement, have had an
citizenship of origin or apply to be        ‘qualifying investment’ within three years                          overall negative impact on investor
approved for dual citizenship. The latter   of the date the application is granted,                             interest. According to MCIL’s past three
option, however, is only available to       and, at the time of application, have a                             annual reports, Samoa received a total of
citizens of Australia, Fiji, Germany, New   minimum net worth of WSt2.5m                                        two CBI applications between the years
Zealand, Samoa, the UK, the US and          (US$971,000).                                                       2017/2018 and 2019/2020. Of these
Vanuatu, severely reducing the pool of         Applications must be accompanied                                 applications, one was withdrawn by the
prospective applicants. Additionally,       by an investment plan for review by the                             applicant and the other was placed on
when making an application for              Ministry of Commerce, Industry and                                  hold due to missing documentation and
citizenship, investors must submit          Labour (MCIL). If an application is                                 unpaid due diligence fees.

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EU CBI: due diligence
               and lessons learnt
                                                                         reputation of a host country and its        PROGRAMME RESPONSES
                                                                         programme, and often have widespread        Cyprus
               Governments that fail to take                             consequences for the entire industry.       Having made several attempts to
               background checks seriously risk a                           Due diligence concerns linked to         improve its due diligence over the years,
               premature end to their citizenship by                     European CBI programmes, for example,       including by implementing a ban on
               investment programmes.                                    have led to tensions between CBI nations    ‘high-risk persons’ in 2019 and
                                                                         and the European Commission (EC). In a      announcing new regulations tied to

                                                                         January 2019 report, the EC highlighted     anti-money laundering legislation in June
                                           multi-layered due diligence   concerns related to the security, money     2020, years of lax vetting procedures
                                           system is an essential        laundering, tax evasion and corruption      have come back to bite Cyprus.
                                           element of any successful     risks it believed these programmes posed.      In August 2020, an investigative series
                                           citizenship by investment     In October 2020, it commenced               by Al Jazeera revealed that Cyprus had
                              (CBI) programme, as it combines            infringement procedures against Cyprus      granted citizenship to more than 50
                              internal government checks with            and Malta for granting economic             high-risk or politically exposed persons
                              research by specialist third-party due     citizenship to individuals without a        since the Programme’s inception. Further,
                              diligence firms, and assessments by        ‘genuine link’ to the two countries, and    in October 2020, Al Jazeera published a
                              regional and international bodies.         again referenced the risks that it deemed   video report, recorded one year prior, that
                              Failures in due diligence harm the         “inherent in such schemes.”                 seemingly evidenced the readiness of

       The European
       Commission has
       raised concerns that
       CBI programmes
       pose security,
       money laundering,
       tax evasion and
       corruption risks


certain government officials and            mounting due diligence scandals. Indeed,    The sun set on the     2021, confirming that the Bulgarian
                                                                                        Cypriot CBI
registered service providers to help        in November 2020, Malta launched a                                 Immigrant Investor Programme was
                                                                                        programme as lax
applicants obtain citizenship in            wholly new CBI policy, enshrined in the     due diligence checks   alive and ready for remodelling.
contravention of the Programme’s rules.     Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional     caused irreparable        Traditionally one of Europe’s less
                                                                                        reputational damage
   This revelation, coupled with the EC’s   Services Regulations.                                              popular CBI destinations, it will be
move to open infringement proceedings,         The policy aims at clarifying the                               interesting to observe whether the
ultimately led to the abolition of the      ‘genuine link’ between applicants and                              changes lead to an increase in
Cyprus Investment Programme in              Malta, requiring them to reside in Malta                           applications in the coming year. With
February 2021. It is worth noting that      for either 36 months or 12 months                                  no external component to its vetting
despite this, the EC issued a reasoned      (depending on the investment made),                                procedures, Bulgaria would nonetheless
opinion against Cyprus in June 2021,        show physical presence in Malta, and                               do well to tighten its due diligence
noting that although Cyprus is no longer    build ‘connecting factors’. It also takes                          procedures and avoid the same pitfalls
accepting new applications, it has          steps to improve due diligence, requiring                          Cyprus was unable to address in time.
continued to process pending applications   applicant clearance from two external due
and that the matter may be escalated to     diligence providers.                                               Montenegro
the European Court of Justice.                 A June 2021 letter of formal notice                             In March 2021, Montenegro announced
                                            from the EC concerning Malta’s latest                              that its short-lived CBI programme would
Malta                                       policy only raised matters connected to                            be wound down by 31 December 2021
Like Cyprus, Malta has also ended its       the ‘genuine link.’                                                — the Programme ostensibly causing a
longstanding CBI programme, the                                                                                barrier to Montenegro’s EU accession.
‘Individual Investor Programme’, in the     Bulgaria                                                           It should be noted, however, that
second half of 2020. However, unlike        EU scrutiny does not seem to have                                  Montenegro’s decision may equally be
Cyprus, the Programme was closed            deterred Bulgaria’s parliament from                                tied to low uptake, with only
because it had reached its prescribed       approving several amendments to                                    131 applications received, instead of the
application cap, and not because of         Bulgaria’s Citizenship Act in in February                          2000 envisioned by the government.

                                                                                                                                            PWMNET.COM     11
New horizons: the rise
               of digital nomadism
                                                                      citizenship and residence by investment      Even countries with high immigration-
               NOMAD VISAS
                                                                      industries. The Covid-19 pandemic and        generated income relative to gross
               CBI jurisdictions stand to benefit                     the ascent of remote working, however,       domestic product, such as some of the
               from the new work-from-home                            have led to the unveiling of a new, yet      CBI nations featured in this Index, have
               normal, and from the employees                         comparable immigration system: the           therefore begun to implement DNV
               who want to trade in office life for                   digital nomad visa (DNV).                    rules to find further ways of tapping
                                                                         Sometimes referred to as a remote-        into the global mobility market.
               a chance to work overseas                              worker visa, this allows a person to live
                                                                      in a foreign country for an extended         EXPLORING AVAILABLE

                                                                      period and work remotely for                 DIGITAL NOMAD VISAS
                                     or the countries implementing    companies and individuals based              Among European CBI jurisdictions,
                                     them, citizenship by             elsewhere. The visa usually specifies        Malta has introduced a one-year
                                     investment (CBI) programmes      that the holder does not become              ‘Nomad Residence Permit’ that costs
                                     bring several opportunities.     subject to additional income tax             €300 and allows workers to stay in, and
                             Foremost among these is the ability to   outside of that person’s normal country      work remotely from, Malta for a year or
                             provide a valuable framework in which    of tax residence. DNVs allow for an          less, depending on the length of their
                             immigration rights are exchanged for     extended stay compared to standard           intended stay. To ensure that applicants
                             non-tax revenue. For many years, this    tourist visas, but also prevent the holder   do not become a burden, the
                             framework has been unique to the         from undertaking local employment.           government requires persons to have a

       The Covid-19
       pandemic has
       forced a radical
       rethink in how we
       work, with millions
       of people forced to
       make their home
       their new office


gross income threshold of €2700 per           widely benefit from such a programme,         Thanks to advances   an expected minimum income of
                                                                                            in communications
month, pass a background check, and           particularly if it were to primarily target   technology and
                                                                                                                 US$50,000. The NDR visa is valid
possess health and travel insurance.          regional workers from Australia,              infrastructure,      for two years from the date of arrival
   Evaluating the permit’s potential for      New Zealand, and other countries              many people can      in Antigua and Barbuda, and visitors
                                                                                            now work from
profitability, Malta’s parliamentary          in Oceania.                                   almost anywhere
                                                                                                                 are required to maintain their own
secretary for citizenship, Alex Muscat,          Perhaps the region that saw the            in the world         health insurance plan while staying in
stated that Malta estimates that “a digital   highest uptake in the implementation                               the country.
nomad spends roughly €30,000 a year           of DNVs, starting with Barbados in                                    Dominica inaugurated its version of a
in [the] country” — a sum “close to what      June 2020, was the Caribbean,                                      DNV, dubbed ‘Work in Nature’ (WIN),
tourists spent […] in 2019” and equated       including some of its CBI jurisdictions.                           earlier this year. The visa provides
the yearly expenditure of one digital            The island nation of Antigua and                                applicants with the opportunity to work
nomad to “roughly what 260 tourists           Barbuda was the first such CBI                                     remotely for up to 18 months on the
would spend in a day.”                        jurisdiction to announce a DNV                                     island. Fees for the WIN visa are
   Meanwhile, as part of its Covid-19         programme. Named the ‘Nomad                                        US$800 for individual applicants, and
recovery plan, it is speculated that the      Digital Residence (NDR)’ and                                       US$1200 for families, with an additional
Pacific island state of Vanuatu will          launched in October 2020, the                                      US$100 application cost. Businesses
introduce a Remote Worker Visa for            programme is for remote workers able                               may also apply for their employees, at a
entrepreneurs, freelancers and                to show both sufficient means to                                   cost of US$800 for up to four
teleworkers. As a secluded destination        support themselves (along with any                                 employees, plus US$500 for each
with few Covid-19 cases, Vanuatu may          family members joining them), and                                  additional employee after the fourth.

                                                                                                                                             PWMNET.COM     13
Cryptocurrency and
     CBI convergence
     CBI and cryptocurrency
     already have a storied
     history, but with the rise of
     decentralised finance,
     perhaps now is the time for
     jurisdictions to reconsider
     their stance on this new
     method of payment.

                he economic and travel
                uncertainties originating
                from the Covid-19 crisis
                have led many to reconsider
     both their personal priorities and their
     investment portfolios. Two
     beneficiaries of this re-evaluation
     process have been citizenship by
     investment (CBI) and cryptocurrency
     — owing to their shared capability to
     provide greater financial freedom and
     independence from a particular
     government’s decision-making.
     Perhaps not surprisingly, along with this
     surge has been increased discussion as
     to whether CBI programmes should
     accept cryptocurrency as a form of
                                                 It is unclear whether   cryptocurrencies as payment for
                                                 the benefits of
     AN OLD DEBATE                                                       citizenship.
     It is not the first time that questions
                                                 cryptocurrency use
                                                 will be deemed             However, this is not to say that there   Vanuatu was
     have been raised about the potential                                is no recognition of the growing appeal
                                                                                                                     rumoured to have
                                                 enough by CBI
                                                 governments to
     ties between CBI and cryptocurrency.        outweigh some of
                                                                         of cryptocurrency and of its underlying
     In 2017, Vanuatu was rumoured to have
     become the first country with an active
                                                 the challenges
                                                 posed by it
                                                                         blockchain technology, as well as of
                                                                         some of the arguments in favour of
                                                                                                                     become the first
     CBI programme to accept bitcoin as a
     form of payment for its citizenship;
                                                                         allowing cryptocurrency payments
                                                                         from prospective CBI investors.
                                                                                                                     country with an
     however, these reports were                                                                                     active CBI
                                                                         LOWER TRANSACTION COSTS
                                                                                                                     programme to
     subsequently refuted by the nation’s
     government. Similarly, in summer 2018,                              Cryptocurrency payments can lower
     Antigua and Barbuda took steps to
     integrate cryptocurrency in the nation’s
                                                                         transactions costs for international
                                                                         payments through the elimination of
                                                                                                                     accept bitcoin as a
     CBI Programme, only to later clarify
     that payment must still be made in US
                                                                         banking fees while also allowing for
                                                                         greater transaction mobility. Moreover,
                                                                                                                     form of payment for
     dollars. Indeed, to date, no CBI                                    the change would be easier to               its citizenship in 2017
     government accepts bitcoin or other                                 implement following the digitisation of


CBI units and the Covid-19 cyber         FIGHTING FINANCIAL CRIME                                          BALANCING ACT
acceleration witnessed in the last 18    Some reports suggest that the reality                             While cryptocurrency is likely to
months.                                  of cryptocurrency being a magnet for                              remain on investor radars for some
                                         financial crime is likely overstated, with                        time, it is unclear whether the benefits
MORE EFFECTIVE DUE                       only 0.5% of total transactions                                   of cryptocurrency use will be deemed
DILIGENCE                                estimated to be used for illicit activity.                        enough by CBI governments to
High-end due diligence is costly. An     In the case of bitcoin, transactions are                          outweigh some of the challenges
industry-wide, federated, permissioned   public, traceable and permanently                                 posed by it — the most obvious ones
blockchain could streamline some of      stored in the network, and users must                             being the reputational risk associated
the vetting processes by allowing        typically perform KYC and anti-money                              with digital currencies and their
access to immutable know-your-client     laundering requirements on reputable                              connection to illicit activity, as well as
(KYC) data records on investors stored   crypto exchanges. Rather than hinder a        Owing to the huge   cryptocurrencies’ volatility and the
on the blockchain by financial actors.   country’s source of funds analysis for        popularity of       dangers of being overexposed to
                                                                                       cryptoassets such
Ultimately, this could improve due       the investor, blockchain’s immutable          as bitcoin,         them. What is certainly clear is that
diligence in a manner that is cost       ledgers could therefore help track the        dedicated ATMs      the industry, and investors, will
                                                                                       have started
effective and does not significantly     source of funds and limit financial                               continue to watch this development
                                                                                       appearing in some
increase administrative burdens.         crime exposure.                               countries           closely.

                                                                                                                                          PWMNET.COM    15
Overview of the
                                                                                Arriving at an appropriate rating for     PILLAR 1: FREEDOM OF
                                                                             the nine pillars involves a complex          MOVEMENT
              The CBI Index is built around nine                             combination of benchmarking,                 Freedom of movement within and
              pillars, designed to measure global                            statistical analysis, and comparative        between countries is of paramount
              citizenship programme features and                             investigation.                               importance to any individual seeking
              jurisdictional desirability                                       Each of the nine pillars is scored out    second citizenship. This holds true
                                                                             of a maximum of 10 points, calculated        whether the individual wishes to travel

                                                                             on an averaging basis from the scores        for work purposes, to visit family, or
                                          he CBI Index is a rating           of composite indicators and                  for leisure.
                                          system designed to measure         sub-indicators. The maximum score               In the 2021 CBI Index, the Freedom of
                                          the performance and appeal         attainable by a programme is 90, with        Movement Pillar measures the relative
                                          of global citizenship by           all final scores also expressed in terms     strength of each country’s citizenship on
                             investment (CBI) programmes across a            of a percentage of the total points          the basis of three equally weighted
                             diverse range of indicators. Its purpose        available. For example, a perfect            factors: the number of destinations to
                             is to provide a rigorous and systematic         90-point score would be expressed as         which a country’s passport allows travel
                             mechanism for appraising programmes,            100 per cent.                                without restriction, the number of prime
                             to facilitate the decision-making                  It should be noted that, owing to the     business hubs to which it provides
                             process for individuals considering             vast number of statistics, indicators and    access, and the degree to which a given
                             them, and to bring value to the                 sub-indicators available for analysis, no    citizenship provides settlement rights in
                             CBI industry.                                   single approach exists for the rating of     other nations.
                                 All countries with operational CBI          CBI programmes. In framing the CBI              It is assumed, for the purposes of this
                             programmes are assessed by the Index,           Index, however, reliance was placed on       pillar, that the passport used for travel is
                             which, in 2021, include the following 14        official sources and publications from       an ordinary passport, and not a
                             nations: Antigua and Barbuda, Austria,          institutions of the highest international    diplomatic or service passport.
                             Bulgaria, Cambodia, Dominica, Egypt,            standing, as well as on the specialised         Emphasis was placed on the total
                             Grenada, Jordan, Malta, Montenegro,             input of industry experts, whose             number of countries and territories that
                             St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, Turkey, and       contributions and responses were used        may be visited without applying for a
                             Vanuatu. After officially opening in            to obtain and interpret both qualitative     visa. This includes both visa-free and
                             2020, Egypt becomes the latest                  and quantitative data used in the            visa-on-arrival destinations, as neither
                             addition to the CBI Index, while Cyprus         construction of the CBI Index.               requires receipt of a visa in advance of
                             is no longer included due to the                   It should further be noted that,          travel. Government and other official
                             Programme’s recent abolition.                   whenever possible, points were awarded       sources, including data from the UN
                                 The primary methodological                  based on evidence from official sources      World Tourism Organisation, were used
                             objective of the CBI Index is to isolate        and the letter of the law. Because           to obtain up-to-date information on visa
                             factors — or ‘pillars’ — that satisfactorily    announcements of changes to CBI              requirements for holders of each of the
                             measure programme features and                  programmes are often made well in            14 passports under evaluation.
                             jurisdictional desirability. The nine pillars   advance of their actual implementation,         As business travel is a prime
                             that constitute this year’s CBI Index are:      the CBI Index limits its evaluations to      consideration for prospective global
                                                                             changes confirmed by governments             citizens, a passport’s ability to provide
                               1.       Freedom of Movement                  themselves and associated legal facts.       access to the world’s leading economic
                               2.       Standard of Living                      Finally, the 2021 CBI Index does not      and financial centres was also evaluated.
                               3.       Minimum Investment Outlay            consider temporary measures resulting        The World Bank’s Ease of Doing
                               4.       Mandatory Travel or                  from the Covid-19 crisis, except in the      Business Index, the Heritage
                                        Residence                            Certainty of Product Pillar, which takes     Foundation’s Index of Economic
                               5.       Citizenship Timeline                 into account a programme’s ability to        Freedom, the World Economic Forum’s
                               6.       Ease of Processing                   respond and adapt to present needs.          Global Competitiveness Report, and
                               7.       Due Diligence                        The more general impact of the Covid-        other authoritative sources were used to
                               8.       Family                               19 pandemic on a nation’s wellbeing is       arrive at a list of the top centres for
                               9.       Certainty of Product                 factored in the Standard of Living Pillar.   international business.


   For both of these indicators, points            as a relative value, within the context of          affordable was selected for evaluation.
were awarded on a descending scale, with           the other CBI countries.                            For example, Dominica offers a single
the highest score received by the country             Reliance was placed on the UN Human              applicant the choice between a direct
with visa-free or visa-on-arrival entry to         Development Index for factors such as life          contribution to the government and an
the highest number of foreign countries            expectancy, education, safety and income.           investment in pre-approved real estate,
or territories.                                       Countries’ latest annual economic                with the latter being the more expensive
   While the freedom to access a high              performance statistics were used to                 alternative. The first option was therefore
number of jurisdictions is of critical             indicate present-day economic                       used to determine the minimum
importance to the citizenship investor,            circumstances, as well as growth potential          investment outlay for the Dominica
many also look at second citizenship as a          — a particularly important indicator for            CBI Programme.
gateway to ensuring long-term security             investors. Data was sourced from the                   This Pillar considers pure investment
and stability for themselves and their             World Bank’s Open Data Catalogue to                 requirements, exclusive of minor fees that
families. The settlement rights measure            ensure accuracy and consistency. This               may also apply. These may include
reflects this, making CBI countries that           means that, for the 2021 CBI Index,                 application, processing or due diligence
are part of broad free-movement regimes            statistics from 2020 were used. The                 fees that do not significantly alter the cost
more attractive.                                   reader should thus be aware that this               of a citizenship application. However,
   In order to assess settlement rights,           year’s data sets were somewhat distorted            where countries had sizeable additional
value was placed both on the number of             by the Covid-19 pandemic.                           fees amounting to US$15,000 or more,
jurisdictions accessible within a given free-         The Standard of Living Pillar also               such fees were taken into account.
movement regime and on the nature of               examines a country’s ability to promote                The highest number of points was
the rights afforded to the citizen, with           freedom, and to protect the rights of               awarded to the country requiring the
distinctions drawn for rights that are             individuals to act and to express                   lowest minimum investment.
conditional on a citizen undertaking work.         themselves without undue constraints.
   The EU, the CARICOM Single Market               Civil liberties and political rights within a       PILLAR 4: MANDATORY TRAVEL
and Economy, the Association of                    jurisdiction were rated as part of this             OR RESIDENCE
Southeast Asian Nations, the Community             exercise, using sources such as Freedom             The Mandatory Travel or Residence Pillar
of Sahel-Saharan States, and the Common            House’s Freedom in the World Index.                 examines the travel or residence
Market for Eastern and Southern Africa                                                                 conditions imposed on applicants both
free-movement regimes were also                    PILLAR 3: MINIMUM                                   before and after the granting of
assessed against the total average UN              INVESTMENT OUTLAY                                   citizenship. Often busy with running a
Human Development Index score of the               The Minimum Investment Outlay Pillar                business or with international travel of
free-movement bloc under evaluation.               measures one of the most practical and              their own, citizens of the world have little
                                                   foremost considerations of CBI: how much            opportunity to fulfil minimum stay
PILLAR 2: STANDARD OF LIVING                       capital is required for the investor to             requirements.
The Standard of Living Pillar is a measure         become an eligible applicant for the                   A careful examination of the laws,
of the quality of life offered by the 14 CBI       programme of their choosing.                        regulations and policies pertaining to
jurisdictions under assessment. This pillar is        The cost of applying for CBI increases           each CBI programme was undertaken.
vital to those who yearn to relocate while         with the number of dependants — or                  First, it was determined whether any such
securing a prosperous and fulfilling               qualifying family members — included in             prerequisites applied. Second, post-
lifestyle. Similarly, it is key to those wanting   an application. In some jurisdictions, this         citizenship requirements were examined,
to take advantage of local business                increase is proportional, while in others the       as well as the consequences of failing to
opportunities or needing to transfer and           cost only increases following the inclusion         fulfil them. Third, the extent of the travel
safeguard their assets.                            of multiple dependants. To remain                   or residence requirements were analysed,
    For this Pillar, a wide range of official      consistent across all jurisdictions, it was         with physical visits for the purposes of
indicators were considered to allow for an         assumed that one applicant was applying             attending an interview, swearing an oath
accurate assessment. Consequently,                 for citizenship alone (i.e., the application        of allegiance or giving biometric
establishing an appropriate benchmark              consisted of a single applicant).                   information all considered.
was paramount, as a country’s score must              Where a CBI programme offers                        It is important to note that physical,
be viewed both as an absolute value and            multiple investment options, the most               rather than nominal, requirements were

                                                                                                                                       PWMNET.COM      17
taken into consideration.                     layer of certainty for the applicant who is   PILLAR 7: DUE DILIGENCE
        In line with previous pillars, scrutiny    urgently in need of second citizenship.       The Due Diligence Pillar focuses on
     focused on the main applicant, rather                                                       each nation’s commitment to ensuring
     than any dependants that may be               PILLAR 6: EASE OF                             that their programme remains
     included in the citizenship application.      PROCESSING                                    transparent and effective at evaluating
        As having year-round freedom to            The Ease of Processing Pillar measures        potential candidates for citizenship. It is,
     travel is a highly valued liberty,            the end-to-end complexity of the CBI          therefore, a measure of each
     programmes that waived both residence         application process. In some                  programme’s integrity.
     and travel requirements achieved the          jurisdictions, the application process can       The CBI Index focuses on the ability
     best score, followed by those with            be a labour-intensive and painstaking         of governments to obtain information
     minimal requirements. The lowest scores       task that is time-consuming for the           on and from applicants, such as by the
     were attained by programmes with              applicant; in others, it is streamlined and   performance of internal and external
     extensive requirements.                       the applicant receives clear directives on    due diligence checks. Indicators
        The scoring system under the               how to proceed. The overall                   comprise police certificate requirements
     Mandatory Travel or Residence Pillar          effortlessness of the application process     — including the number of nations from
     combines the subtotals for mandatory          is a particularly important component         which a certificate must be provided —
     travel requirements and residence             and the promise of a smooth, hassle-free      as well as requests for fingerprints or
     requirements to yield the total pillar        process can generate readiness to             biometric data.
     score.                                        engage with a programme.                         Emphasis was also placed on a
                                                      Multiple indicators were considered,       country’s ability to gather evidence on
     PILLAR 5: CITIZENSHIP                         commencing with entry qualifications,         the applicant’s source of funds, as this is
     TIMELINE                                      such as previous business experience, a       a core step in denying citizenship to
     The Citizenship Timeline Pillar looks at      proven track record of achievement or         those profiting from, or involved in, the
     the average time taken for citizenship to     fluency in a language. Knowledge of           financing of illicit activity.
     be secured by the applicant.                  local history or culture assessments and         Increasingly, strict anti-terrorism and
        The speed at which application forms       interview requirements were also              anti-money laundering legislation has
     and supporting documentation are              weighed.                                      prompted some governments to
     processed, and the steps involved in             By its very nature as a naturalisation     exclude persons of certain nationalities
     approving an application, vary between        process, CBI involves a significant           from their programmes or to restrict
     programmes. Therefore, a thorough             amount of paperwork, including both           funds transferred from certain
     inspection of applicable laws,                forms and supporting documents.               jurisdictions, in order to ensure
     regulations, and policies was made to         Having the support of an official             compliance with international sanctions.
     determine the official processing times       government website and of a dedicated         These trends are included among this
     mandated by each jurisdiction.                CBI body to seek and obtain clarification     pillar’s indicators.
        Extensive reliance was also placed on      was thus a factor in awarding points to a        The greater a country’s ability to
     the first-hand experience of applicants,      programme.                                    perform background checks on
     agents and other stakeholders, whose             Extensive communication with               applicants, the higher the score attained.
     contributions proved to be an invaluable      advisors and legal experts is required
     tool in ascertaining citizenship timelines.   where a jurisdiction mandates the             PILLAR 8: FAMILY
        One of the key merits of CBI               purchase of real estate or other assets,      The Family Pillar measures the extent to
     programmes is their ability to provide a      and hefty paperwork must also be              which investors can obtain citizenship
     rapid route to second citizenship; as         submitted as evidence of that purchase.       with their immediate and extended family.
     such, the highest scores were awarded to      Therefore, countries with compulsory             The CBI Index recognises that the rise
     the programmes with the shortest              purchasing requirements were deemed           of increasingly complex family
     turnaround times.                             to burden the application process.            relationships is driving investors to seek
        Additional merit was given to                 Programmes with fewer demands              programmes that allow for a more diverse
     programmes offering fast-track                placed on the applicant, and with             range of family members to be included
     processing options (even if at an             relatively straightforward procedures,        under a primary application. Indeed, while
     additional fee), as these provide an extra    achieved higher scores for this pillar.       the large majority of CBI programmes


provide for the inclusion of spouses and        investors with a means of differentiating a
minor children, only a handful of               programme’s relative robustness.                   THE RESEARCHER
countries do so for adult children and             ‘Longevity’ measures the age of a
extended family. Introducing a further          given programme. ‘Popularity and                   The CBI Index was created by James
layer of nuance to its scoring system, this     renown’ evaluates the number of                    McKay, a research consultant and
year’s CBI Index also draws a distinction       applications and naturalisations under             the founder of McKay Research with
between family members who are                  each programme per year, as well as a              more than 14 years of experience in
allowed to apply with, and obtain               programme’s eminence in the industry.              the design and execution of complex,
citizenship at the same time as, the main          As applicants and service providers             data-driven research and analysis
applicant, and those who obtain                 prize continuity throughout the                    projects. Having read psychology and
citizenship at a later stage and as a           application process and beyond, the                statistics at University College London,
consequence of the main applicant               stability of each programme was also               Mr KcKay provides strategic custom
having already received citizenship.            assessed. Here, importance was placed              research and consulting solutions
   Multiple family member categories            on whether any calls to end a particular           across a wide range of sectors, and
were considered, with points being              programme have been made by                        actively works with some of the world’s
awarded for adult children, parents,            authorities within or external to the CBI          biggest independent providers of
grandparents and even siblings.                 jurisdiction.                                      market intelligence across several
Additional merit was also given to                 Additionally, countries with no cap on          industries including investment,
programmes with provisions for family           the number of applications that can be             technology, and manufacturing.
members of the main applicant’s spouse.         processed over the life of the programme              Mr McKay, who used guidance
   Additionally, the degree of flexibility      scored more highly than jurisdictions that         from the OECD’s Handbook on
within each of these categories can differ      imposed a yearly maximum or a fixed                Constructing Composite Indicators,
radically from programme to programme.          total over a given period. For example,            employed a three-stage process
In the adult children category, for             Montenegro’s CBI programme is both                 to produce the latest version of
example, programmes that allow for the          time- and volume-limited, with the                 the CBI Index. The first phase
inclusion of children aged over 18 years        government planning to end the scheme              involved comprehensive primary and
with few restrictions achieved the most         after 31 December 2021 and limiting the            secondary research to chart all major
points. Those that require proof of a high      total number of investors to 2000.                 developments in the world of economic
degree of dependency — for example                 The reputation of a programme was               citizenship over the past 12 months.
with a requirement that the child is in full-   determined by the amount of negative               The second phase comprised a detailed
time education and fully supported by the       press or the number of scandals it has             exploration of official macroeconomic
main applicant — achieved fewer points.         been linked to, affecting investors’               and programme statistics to be used
   As inclusivity has become an issue of        broader perceptions of a given country.            in evaluating CBI Index country
global importance and increasingly              Just as important, however, is evidence            performance. The third and final
relevant to the CBI industry, a point was       that programme funds are being utilised            stage involved critically analysing and
awarded to those programmes that make           for social good. Points were awarded for a         inputting all data collected throughout
provision for dependents living with a          jurisdiction’s transparent use of CBI funds,       the research process, paying careful
disability.                                     for example for the development of                 attention to maintaining the statistical
                                                domestic healthcare, education, tourism            continuity and integrity of the original
PILLAR 9: CERTAINTY OF                          and other infrastructure.                          index architecture.
PRODUCT                                            Lastly, ‘adaptability’ reflects a                  After a comprehensive review
The Certainty of Product Pillar                 programme’s ability to rapidly respond to,         and methodological update for
encompasses a range of factors that             and sometimes even predict, the needs of           the 2020 edition of the CBI Index,
measure a programme’s certainty across          applicants and the industry. More points           the nine-pillar index architecture
five different dimensions: longevity,           were awarded to jurisdictions that have            now provides investors with an
popularity and renown, stability,               shown capacity to communicate with                 enhanced toolset with which to
reputation and adaptability. With the CBI       applicants, prospective applicants and             measure the performance and
industry continuing its rapid growth, it is     stakeholders, and to tweak their                   appeal of global citizenship by
more important than ever to provide             requirements accordingly.                          investment programmes.

                                                                                                                                PWMNET.COM    19
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