Taking care of the big picture - SINGAPORE - natureasia.com

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Taking care of the big picture - SINGAPORE - natureasia.com


                                                              Taking care of the big picture
                                                              Innovative approaches to future urban solutions

                              Since gaining independence in 1965,                                        oday Singapore is a thriv-     demand judicious, comprehensive
                              Singapore’s urban landscape has gone through                               ing business and financial     and long-term planning.
                                                                                                         hub with a vibrant mix            Singapore’s public authorities
                              major changes in the past four decades.
                                                                                                of retail and entertainment             face unique challenges in making
                              In the 1960s, the city-state was beset by                         activities. Residents are housed        the city-state more sustainable.
                              high unemployment, an overcrowded city                            in high quality homes located           In the early days, Singapore’s
                              centre, and a shortage of proper housing                          in the heart of the city as well        problems were complex and
                                                                                                as self-sufficient new towns sup-       hard to tackle, ranging from
                              and adequate infrastructure. Singapore has
                                                                                                ported by a wide range of public        inadequate urban infrastructure
                              since rapidly developed into a dynamic and                        services and ample greenery.            systems to the proliferation of
                              globally important economy with a prominent                       Building on a record of triumph         slums and poor living condi-
                              international profile in banking, electronics,                    over adversity, Singapore’s             tions. While Singapore’s
                                                                                                government is committed                 resource and size constraints may
                              biomedical engineering and advanced science
                                                                                                to investing in research and            be perceived as limiting at first,
                              and technological innovation.                                     development (R&D) to secure             they have served as the impetus
                                                                                                a prosperous and sustainable            for planners to pioneer resource-
                                                                                                future for the country.                 efficient technologies.
                                                                                                   None of Singapore’s successes           Public agencies in Singapore
                                                                                  PHILIPPINES   have occurred by chance. With           must ensure that there is suf-
                                                                                                a land area of around 715 square        ficient land to support an entire
                                                                                                kilometres and a population of          spectrum of activities with
                                                                                                over five million, Singapore is         multiple and competing land
                                                                                                one of the world’s smallest and         needs. Beyond providing homes
                                                                 MALAYSIA                       most densely populated nations.         for residents, sufficient land and
                                                    SINGAPORE                                   However, its capacity for innova-       infrastructure has to be provided
                                                                                                tion and growth is equal to that of     to support the country’s
                                                                                                countries several times its size. Its   financial sector, shipping and air
                                                                                                unique circumstances and limita-        hubs, industries, transport facili-
                                                                                                tions in land and natural resources     ties, utilities and offices. Space is

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Taking care of the big picture - SINGAPORE - natureasia.com

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also set aside for parks and green      In recent years, investment          industry players the opportunity    research continued to rise; with
spaces, reservoirs, cultural and     and development have further            to work with a range of research    S$6 billion budgeted for 2001
heritage conservation, and com-      enhanced Singapore’s attractive-        performers, each with a spec-       to 2005, and a further S$13.9
munity and recreational spaces,      ness as a city in which to live,        trum of research capabilities.      billion in the 2006 to 2010
as well as for security needs.       work and play. Recreation and              Singapore’s R&D efforts          science and technology plan.
   With the use of innovative        leisure options have increased,         began in 1991, when the govern-        The steadily increasing
urban planning strategies,           with the world-class performance        ment formed the National            national research budget
technologies, and governance         venue “Esplanade – Theatres on          Science and Technology              acknowledges the importance
models to ensure the timely          the Bay” showcasing a wide range        Board to frame the first            of science, technology and
implementation of forward-           of international and local arts         five-year national technology       research for the growth and
thinking development plans,          and cultural performances, as           plan for 1991 to 1995 and           development of Singapore. From
Singapore has proven that with       well as the ambitious “Gardens          prepare Singapore to advance        2011 to 2015, the Singaporean
the right vision and resources,      by the Bay” creating a green            its economy and thrive in the       government is committed to
cities can become ‘smart’ and        leisure and entertainment               knowledge era. With an allo-        spending another S$16 billion
sustainable. Singapore is well       space in the heart of the city.         cated budget of S$2 billion, the    in research, innovation and
positioned to develop solutions      Additionally, Singapore boasts          board was tasked with develop-      enterprise to establish Singapore
to both solve its own problems       some 5,700 hectares of parks and        ing Singapore into a R&D hub        as a world-class R&D hub
as well as those of other cities     nature reserves, which, together        in selected fields of science and   through the development
facing similar urban challenges,     with almost 200 kilometres of           technology in order to boost        of human, intellectual and
setting the stage for the country    ‘park connectors’ that link up          competitiveness in industry and     industrial capital. Established
to become a global hub for           various parts of the island, give its   the service sector.                 in 2006, the National Research
sustainable development solu-        residents the feeling of dwelling          By the second five-year tech-    Foundation (NRF) coordinates
tions into the next four decades     within a lush, green environment.       nology plan, from 1996 to 2000,     the research of different entities
and beyond.                                                                  investment in R&D doubled to        within the national framework
                                     An impeccable plan                      S$4 billion. Recognizing the tre-   to transform Singapore into a
Liveability and quality of life      Backed by a progressive leader-         mendous growth in the area of       knowledge-intensive, innovative
As a testament to Singapore’s        ship, Singapore is committed to         biomedical sciences, Singapore      and entrepreneurial economy.
success in creating a thriving       continuing its efforts to create        launched the Biomedical
and liveable urban metropolis,       resource-efficient policies and         Sciences Initiative in 2000 to      Preparing for tomorrow’s
the city-state is ranked first for   technologies through well-              establish biomedical sciences       demands
city infrastructure in Mercer’s      placed investments and forward-         as one of the key pillars of the    Singapore has set itself the
worldwide 2012 Quality of            thinking collaborations. These          Singaporean economy, alongside      goal of remaining as one of
Living survey. According             will help to achieve both               the Electronics, Engineering and    the world’s most liveable
to Siemens’ Asian Green              economic development and                Chemicals Initiative.               cities — clean, green, safe and
City Index released in 2011,         environmental sustainability               In 2002, the National            efficient for both residents and
Singapore was ranked top in the      while improving the country’s           Science and Technology Board        visitors — while sustaining
region when measured against         overall quality of life. Singapore      was renamed the Agency              economic and population
a range of sustainability criteria   strives to be a ‘living laboratory’,    for Science, Technology and         growth. Over the next 15 to 20
such as carbon and energy emis-      a place to test new concepts            Research (A*STAR). Leading          years, Singapore has to tackle
sions, land use and buildings,       and develop and commercialize           and driving scientific research     key economic, manpower and
water, sanitation, air quality and   cutting-edge urban approaches           in the biomedical sciences,         demographic issues such as a
environmental governance. To         and solutions to increasing             and the physical sciences and       declining birth rate, an increas-
further affirm the Republic’s        urban challenges. One unique            engineering, A*STAR seeks to        ing elderly population and the
impressive progress, the             quality of Singapore is the             foster talent to create economic    maintenance of a sufficient
Economist Intelligence Unit          ability of public and private           impact that will bring about        labour force, as well as the
placed Singapore sixth out of 80     sector agencies working together        social benefits for the whole       need for high-value-added and
countries in their 2013 Quality-     in close partnership to catalyse        country. With the biomedical        productivity-driven growth.
of-Life Index, describing it as      the growth of the entire                sciences identified as a new        These issues are complex and
one of the best nations in which     R&D industry. This ‘whole-              growth area in Singapore,           affect both the present popula-
to be born.                          of-Singapore’ approach offers           government investments in           tion and the next generation.

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                         To enable Singapore to meet         approach to meet future                     Comprehensive land-use                this may seem like a formidable
                      its long-term economic and             developmental changes and                planning and the coordination            challenge, Singapore is certainly
                      demographic needs and create           challenges that may arise. Such          of the supply of state land for          well prepared, riding on the
                      a distinctive, attractive and          planning is carried out in close         sale allow public agencies to steer      strengths of its world-class
                      vibrant city, the government has       partnership with other stake-            development to meet Singapore’s          research institutes, universities
                      to act with foresight in develop-      holder agencies and includes the         business, housing and leisure            and government agencies.
                      ing competent strategies and           provision of different housing           needs. At the same time, several
                      deploying innovative solutions.        types and locations, space to            major organizations, through             Ensuring a sustainable
                      The Urban Redevelopment                grow businesses, and attractive          coordination by the NRF, are             water supply
                      Authority (URA), Singapore’s           and accessible recreational              actively pursuing inventive              Singapore’s unique water-
                      national land use planning and         amenities, in addition to a              urban solutions to secure steady         resource environment requires
                      conservation authority, adopts         comprehensive and efficient              economic growth and a good               innovative water management
                      a forward-looking, long-term           road and rail system to meet             living environment for the               solutions. NEWater — an
                      and flexible strategic planning        transport needs.                         people of Singapore. While               innovation developed in


                          Urban Redevelopment Authority

                          Innovative urban solutions for sustainable development

                          The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)             Going forward, the URA, JTC Corporation

                                                                                                                                                                                  ©Liew Tong Leng
                          is Singapore’s national land use planning and    and the Housing & Development Board,
                          conservation authority whose mission is to       together with other participating agencies,
                          make Singapore a great city in which to live,    are supporting the Ministry of National
                          work and play. The URA strives to create a       Development and the National Research
                          vibrant and sustainable city of distinction      Foundation on the National Innovation
                          by planning and facilitating Singapore’s         Challenge (NIC) on Land and Liveability. This
                          physical development in partnership with         integrated R&D effort aims to develop new
                          stakeholder agencies and the community.          solutions to support an economically vibrant,
                                                                                                                               The URA is committed to making Singapore a
                             As a facilitator and regulator of             highly liveable and resilient city of the future
                                                                                                                               beautiful, sustainable and liveable urban space.
                          development, the URA works with partners         with land capacity for sustained growth.
                          to shape the physical environment of                The funding allocation for the NIC is
                          Singapore through planning new growth            S$135 million for the first tranche (2013–            To ensure the effective translation of
                          areas and residential areas to be more           2018) to support high-impact research and           research into practical solutions, the NIC
                          sustainable and liveable, as well as exploring   demonstration projects under two interrelated       will involve close collaboration across
                          how to adapt innovative strategies and           thrusts: to create new space cost-effectively,      Singapore’s infrastructure and development
                          solutions for existing developments.             and to optimize the use of space while keeping      agencies, researchers and industry. As
                          Hence, R&D efforts are targeted towards          Singapore liveable. Potential projects include      Singapore continues to develop new towns
                          innovative urban solutions that will enhance     R&D that enables building underground or            and growth areas, its agencies plan to
                          the quality of the living environment,           developing floating structures for utilities, and   test-bed and deploy promising solutions
                          the efficiency in infrastructure, and the        programmes to increase environmental quality        developed through the Land and Liveability
                          optimization of space.                           and comfort, connectivity and accessibility         NIC to leverage on R&D to provide sustained
                             Together     with     other   Singaporean     to services, employment and amenities, as           capacity and options for future generations.
                          government agencies, the URA partners            well as to optimize the provision of urban
                          with local and foreign academic institutions     services. The NIC will also support R&D on
                          on research that would aid in its land use       enabling information and communications
                          planning efforts. The current URA R&D            technologies (ICT) and platforms embedded
                          programme, funded by the Ministry of             with capabilities of intelligence gathering,
                          National Development, looks at various           analytics, modelling and simulation that could
                          aspects of sustainable high-density living.      support the two thrusts.

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Singapore for the production of       Singapore and the enterprise         an integrative approach to maxi-
ultra-clean, high-grade reclaimed     development agency SPRING            mize the efficiency of the Four
water — is one such example.          Singapore, as well as academic       National Taps, strategic initia-
PUB, Singapore’s national water       partners including the National      tives and partnership projects are
agency, takes a leading role in       University of Singapore (NUS),       underway to harness Singapore’s
facilitating the country’s water      Nanyang Technological                research strengths, elevating the
R&D efforts and coordinates           University (NTU) and A*STAR.         city-state as a world leader in
the projects through the                Singapore has instituted a         the application of recycled water
Environment & Water Industry          robust, diversified and sustain-     and sustainable water manage-
Programme Office (EWI). The           able water supply known as the       ment solutions. Since 2011,
EWI, established in 2006, is an       Four National Taps, comprising       Singapore’s water catchment
inter-agency body that includes       water from local catchments,         area has increased from half to       Singapore is a leader in water R&D
                                                                                                                 and has developed NEWater, an ultra-
the Economic Development              imported water, desalinated          two-thirds of its land surface        clean, high-grade reclaimed water to
Board, International Enterprise       water and NEWater. By taking         area through the completion           help meet its needs.


    Environment & Water Industry Programme Office

    Creating a global hydrohub for water solutions

    Singapore has long been home to a              increasingly turning towards Singapore for
    thriving cluster of local environmental        expert guidance on this issue.
    and water companies. Recognizing that             Today, companies base their operations
    local expertise and technology would           in Singapore and collaborate with a
    be valuable to communities around the          community of over 100 companies and 25
    world in need of environmental and water       research institutions within a vibrant water
    management systems, the Singaporean            ecosystem. The EWI also accelerates the
    government       has    incorporated    the    formation and growth of start-ups through
    industry into its national growth plan. The    financial incentives and mentoring.
    Environment & Water Industry Programme         Funding opportunities for both basic
    Office (EWI) was thus established in 2006      and applied R&D projects are abundant,
    to promote research and development in         as are programmes for expediting                The EWI is making water solutions possible.
    the field, grow the industry and position      commercialization of their results. In
    Singapore as a global R&D base for             efforts to recruit young researchers, the
    environment and water solutions.               EWI offers PhD scholarships for research        of SIWW, brings together companies, angel
       Led by PUB, Singapore’s national water      on environmental and water technologies.        investors, venture capitalists, start-ups and
    agency, with funding of S$470 million from        Test-bedding opportunities in PUB            technology providers to discuss potential
    the National Research Foundation (NRF), the    facilities, such water treatment plants, are    collaboration opportunities. More than
    EWI is well poised to meet its objectives:     a major drawcard for local and international    19,000 policymakers, corporate CEOs, water
    growing Singapore into a global hydrohub for   companies looking to test new technologies      professionals and researchers from 104
    leading-edge technologies and furthering       under actual operating conditions, with         countries and regions attended SIWW 2012.
    Singapore’s vibrant research community.        over 100 new test-bedding projects seeded       The next SIWW will be held in Singapore
       Over the years, Singapore has utilized      since 2007.                                     from 1–5 June 2014.
    innovative    technologies     and    water       As the EWI’s key initiative to showcase
    management solutions to overcome its           the capabilities of the Singapore water
    natural water resource challenges and          industry, Singapore International Water
    develop a robust water supply for all of       Week (SIWW) is a global platform that             Environment
    its consumption needs. As other countries      attracts the international water industry
                                                                                                     & Water Industry
                                                                                                     Programme Office

    around the world feel pressured to ensure      to share and co-create innovative water
    sustainable freshwater supplies, they are      solutions. TechXchange, a key programme

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                      of the Marina, Punggol and            collaboration between PUB            by applying an electric field to      technology will potentially save
                      Serangoon reservoirs. With all        and Siemens has produced a           draw ions present in the sea water    the country more than half of the
                      major estuaries already dammed        demonstration desalination unit      across ion exchange membranes         total energy required by 2060.
                      to create reservoirs, PUB aims        that is significantly more energy    and out of the water. As the          Besides the energy savings, other
                      to further harness water from         efficient compared to the best       demand for desalinated water          advantages of the new desalina-
                      the remaining streams and             available technology. Instead        will increase from the current        tion system include low vibration
                      rivulets near the shoreline using     of using reverse osmosis, which      10% to up to 25% of Singapore’s       and noise levels, improved safety
                      technology that can treat water       requires high-pressure pumps         water demand by 2060, the total       and minimal pre- and post-
                      of varying salinity, which could      to force water through semi-         energy demand will increase by        treatment requirements.
                      boost Singapore’s water catch-        permeable membranes, Siemens’        five times if Singapore continues        Building on Singapore’s
                      ment area to up to 90% of the         engineers turned to electrochem-     to use reverse osmosis as a key       strength as a global model for
                      land area in the long-term.           ical desalination — a process        desalination technology. Thus,        sustainable water manage-
                         PUB is also deeply committed       that combines electrodialysis and    the development of the new            ment, the NTU launched
                      to research. One successful R&D       continuous electrodeionization       electrochemical desalination          the Nanyang Environment


                          National University of Singapore

                          A leading research-intensive university in the heart of Asia

                          Consistently ranked as one of the top           as: integrated sustainability solutions
                          universities in Asia and the world, the         for energy, water and the environment;
                          National University of Singapore (NUS)          ageing populations; biomedical sciences
                          is internationally respected for its high-      and translational medicine; global-Asian
                          quality research in science, technology         studies; finance and risk management; and
                          and the humanities — and, increasingly, at      materials science.
                          the interfaces between these areas. Its            In 2012, the NUS had more than 2,080
                          16 Schools and Faculties, as well as its 23     research-active faculty who produced
                          university-level research institutes and        over 8,800 publications and filed more
                          centres, focus on critical issues confronting   than 360 patents and over 270 invention
                          Asia and the world. The university is also      disclosures. Over 220 national and
                          home to three of Singapore’s five Research      international research awards and prizes       The NUS campus is located in the centre of
                          Centres of Excellence (RCEs) — specializing     were given to NUS faculty. The overall         Singapore’s dynamic research community.

                          in quantum technologies, cancer and             level of primary research published by the
                          mechanobiology — and is a partner in a          NUS has led to its output being recognized
                          fourth RCE on environmental life sciences       by Thomson Reuters as being in the top 1%      together top researchers from around the
                          and engineering.                                in 18 out of 22 categories surveyed. NUS       world, A*STAR, and a variety of public and
                             According to the Nature Publishing Index     faculty serve as consultants and advisors      private labs at the Science Parks. This
                          2012 Asia-Pacific, the NUS is Singapore’s       to more than 50 industry and government        proximity promotes collaboration and
                          leading research institution. It is ranked      bodies. Several leading companies have         synergy between the NUS and the wider
                          ninth in the Asia-Pacific region and is the     also chosen to establish research labs         R&D community, and creates a fertile
                          first Singaporean institution to be in the      and partnerships at the NUS, including         environment for education, innovation
                          Global Top 100. In the 2012 QS World            Siemens, GE, Zeiss and Agilent.                and enterprise.
                          Rankings, the NUS emerges at the top               The NUS Kent Ridge campus, which
                          among Asian universities across all subject     includes the National University Hospital,
                          areas, and is also placed among the world’s     is located within Singapore’s main
                          top 30 universities in 22 disciplines.          research district. Its neighbours include
                             Much of the research at the NUS is           the Campus for Research Excellence and
                          integrated and multidisciplinary in nature,     Technological Enterprise (CREATE) at
                          with particular emphasis on themes such         the NUS’ University Town, which brings

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and Water Research Institute          has brought water security to         Asia to educate people and share      The Energy NIC will develop
(NEWRI) in 2008 and, in               communities throughout Asia.          knowledge on water resource           cost-competitive energy solu-
2011 in partnership with the          At present, NEWRI comprises           conservation, pollution, mitiga-      tions for deployment within 20
NUS, the Singapore Centre on          four Centres of Excellence —          tion and sustainable use.             years to help Singapore improve
Environmental Life Sciences           mathematical modelling and                                                  energy efficiency, reduce carbon
Engineering — a leading               visualization, membranes,             Fostering energy efficiency           emissions and increase energy
research centre in microbial          urban residues management and         The National Innovation               options. At the Energy Research
biofilms for water and environ-       bioprocesses. The fifth centre,       Challenge (NIC) of Energy             Institute @ NTU (ERI@N),
mental sustainability. Through        with a focus on environmental         Resilience for Sustainable            research is focussed on improv-
transdisciplinary research on         chemistry and materials, is           Growth (Energy NIC) was               ing the efficiency of energy
the environment and water,            currently in development.             formulated as a whole-of-             systems and maximizing the
NEWRI develops innovative             NEWRI also carries its own            government effort to catalyse         synergies of alternative energy
and practical solutions to            philanthropic arm that reaches        significant changes in                sources through research on fuel
environmental problems and            out to various communities in         Singapore’s energy landscape.         cells, energy storage, sustainable


   Nanyang Technological University

   A global leader in sustainability research

   A research-intensive university in Singapore,    NTU focusses on clean and renewable
   the Nanyang Technological University             energy; the Nanyang Environment and
   (NTU) is the fastest-rising university in the    Water Research Institute leads the way in
   world’s top 50. In the QS Top 50 Under 50        water treatment technologies; the Earth
   — a ranking of universities that have been       Observatory of Singapore studies tectonics,
   established in the last 50 years — the NTU is    volcanology and climate change in Asia; and
   placed fourth globally.                          the Singapore Centre on Environmental Life
      The NTU, home to the world’s largest          Sciences Engineering applies its expertise
   engineering college, has grown in                in genomics to biofilms, biofouling and
   response to changing global dynamics             corrosion problems.
   from a purely engineering and technology            Complementing these advances on land,       The school of Art, Design and Media at the
                                                                                                   NTU — winner of the BCA Green Mark Platinum
   university to one that also has strengths in     in air and in sea are the NTU’s strides in
                                                                                                   Award for adopting best practices in environ-
   business, science, humanities, arts, social      space exploration. X-SAT, Singapore’s first    mental sustainability.
   sciences and recently medicine, with the         indigenous satellite, which is now orbiting
   establishment of the Lee Kong Chian School       in space, is helping scientists observe
   of Medicine set up jointly with Imperial         environmental changes. Also in the pipeline    2050, there will be huge demands on future
   College London.                                  are three new satellite projects including     metropolises to provide housing, water
      A hub of innovation and technology,           Singapore’s first tropical weather satellite   and food, infrastructure and transportation
   the NTU focusses its research in five            that will conduct spaceborne monitoring of     and to ensure public health. By addressing
   interdisciplinary areas – sustainability,        the world’s tropical environment.              these key global issues with an emphasis on
   healthcare, new media, the best of East-            At the NTU, environmental stewardship       sustainable metropolises, the NTU is taking
   West research, and innovation. The most          and the culture of sustainability go beyond    the lead in many exciting research areas that
   significant thrust, and one that has clinched    research in laboratories and in fact are       will have the greatest impact on our planet.
   over US $800 million in competitive              the guiding principles of the campus
   research funding is sustainability.              and its development. New buildings and
      Through two national research centres         landscaping projects utilize, showcase and
   of excellence and several world-renowned         test-bed green technologies and enable
   institutes, the NTU takes an interdisciplinary   ongoing research.
   approach to tackling environmental                  With more than two-thirds of the world’s
   issues. The Energy Research Institute @          population projected to live in cities by

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                      building technologies, elec-           & Marine, Lloyds Register and         was made possible — the first         energy-efficient structures that
                      tromobility, solar energy and          four other companies to research      of such buildings in southeast        could be applied throughout
                      maritime energy, contributing          offshore renewables with emphasis     Asia. The project involved            the country in order to help
                      to the goal of creating a greener      on the southeast Asia region.         retrofitting an existing building     meet Singapore’s mandate that
                      and more sustainable future for        To maximize sustainability on         to serve as the authority’s           at least 80% of its buildings
                      Singapore’s energy consumption.        campus, the NTU is set to install     academy, which houses offices,        become ‘green certified’ by
                         ERI@N is mapping wind               a 5-megawatt solar photovoltaic       classrooms, a library and a           2030. In another effort, the
                      speeds, waves, currents and tides in   system and cut energy intensity on    visitor centre. The ZEB was           NUS Department of Chemical
                      the Southern Islands and coastal       campus by 50% by the year 2020.       designed to be fully powered          and Biomolecular Engineering
                      areas such as Tuas to test-bed wind       Through a collaborative            by solar energy, drawing on the       is exploring energy-efficient
                      and marine turbines. Recently,         effort between the NUS and            strength of Singapore’s tropical      treatment of municipal solid
                      ERI@N has also engaged in a            Singapore’s Building and              climate where sunshine is in          waste to increase energy produc-
                      joint effort with Rolls Royce,         Construction Authority, a             abundance. Currently, the ZEB         tion and reduce the amount of
                      Vestas, DNV, Keppel Offshore           ‘zero-energy building’ (ZEB)          is being tested as a model for        waste disposed.



                          Where great minds meet and lead in advancing R&D

                          Nestled in the twin R&D hubs of Biopolis and     and development. They work alongside
                          Fusionopolis is a thriving community of over     promising young scientists and contribute
                          5,000 A*STAR researchers and post docs           towards building a rich and diverse research
                          from more than 60 countries. It is here at       landscape in Singapore.
                          A*STAR, the Agency for Science, Technology          It is at A*STAR that world-renowned
                          and Research, that the biomedical, physical      scientists such as Professor Sir David
                          sciences and engineering researchers mingle      Lane, chief scientist of A*STAR and the
                          with one another as well as with other           co-discoverer of the tumour-suppressor
                          scientists from the corporate laboratories       gene p53, and Dr Alex Matter, who
                          co-located within the hubs.                      discovered Glivec for the treatment of
                             The proximity of the two hubs creates         chronic myeloid leukemia, continue carrying     Fusionopolis is Singapore’s R&D hub for
                                                                                                                           information, media and communication tech-
                          plenty of opportunities for the researchers      out research that makes a difference. It is
                                                                                                                           nology, physical sciences and engineering.
                          to rub shoulders, pick each other’s brains and   also at A*STAR that promising scientists
                          benefit from the professional dialogue and       can focus on breakthrough research, such
                          the exchange of ideas.                           as Dr Joel Yang on his studies into the use     A*STAR to experience working in a world-
                             A*STAR attracts top-notch scientists,         of nano-printing methods to create colourful    class research environment in Asia.
                          both local and international, who share the      high-resolution images at 100,000 dots per         In a community as international and
                          agency’s vision of building a prosperous         inch and Dr Vrizlynn Thing on her innovative    diverse as A*STAR, researchers are
                          and vibrant Singapore through research           technologies for enterprise forensics           constantly forging linkages with one another
                                                                           investigative work.                             as well as with the scientific communities
                                                                              A*STAR’s      research   institutes   are    around the world. These connections go
                                                                           also centres of choice for students and         a long way in expanding Singapore’s R&D
                                                                           researchers beyond Asia who want to take        landscape beyond its shores.
                                                                           part in undergraduate research attachments,
                                                                           or pursue their PhD studies and post doctoral
                                                                           stints. Over the past five years, more than
                                                                           600 students and young researchers from
                                                                           more than 50 countries, including the United
                                                                           States, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Russia,
                          Biopolis has earned international repute as                                                        www.a-star.edu.sg
                          major centre of biomedical research.             Egypt, Sudan and Australia, have come to

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   At the A*STAR Institute                                                                                     Instituting spaces with                Council has created the Urban         is developing technology
of Bioengineering and                                                                                          limited land                           Systems Initiative to address         that will enable developers to
Nanotechnology, there is a                                                                                     Creating new space cost-               the technological needs of the        excavate underground tunnels
vision to develop alternative                                                                                  effectively and optimizing the         rapidly urbanizing world and to       of between 35–50 metres in
and renewable energy resources                                                                                 use of space while maintaining         develop solutions for complex         diameter in soft soil conditions
and technologies through                                                                                       liveability are the two thrusts        urban challenges through a            without risk of disruption to
the use of novel catalyst                                                                                      of Singapore’s second NIC. Led         data-centric approach. Through        the ground surface above and its
systems, which include the                                                                                     by the Ministry of National            collaboration with local              existing structures.
transformation of carbon                                                                                       Development and the NRF,               agencies such as the URA,
dioxide into useful chemicals                                                                                  the Land and Liveability NIC           the National Environment              Devising more efficient
or fuels such as methanol. In                                                                                  will leverage R&D to provide           Authority and the Land                commuting solutions
November 2011, A*STAR                                                                                          sustained capacity and options         Transport Authority, an               Over the years, Singapore has
launched the Experimental                                                                                      for future generations. Initial        integrated platform that gathers      built an extensive public trans-
Power Grid Centre, one of the                                                                                  funding is set at S$135 million,       information through intelligent       port system and implemented
largest experimental power grid                                                                                and the Ministry of National           environmental sensing — to            policies to discourage car usage
facilities in the world. Built                                                                                 Development launched a grant           map traffic and noise in real         due to the limited space avail-
on Jurong Island, a man-made                                                                                   call in August 2012 to provide         time and optimize yield in            able for roads. While travelling
island off the southwestern coast                                                                              nearer-term seed funding for           urban vertical farming — could        from place to place is relatively
of Singapore, the centre facili-                                                                               R&D to promote sustainable             be established for use in holistic    easy, roads already take up some
tates cutting-edge research and                                                                                urban living and to kick-start         city planning.                        12% of the country’s total land
collaborations to develop future                                                                               research efforts in the areas of          The NUS is tackling the            area. As Singapore continues
energy technologies in areas                                                                                   the Land and Liveability thrusts.      challenge of creating more            to grow and travel demands
of electrical power networks,                                                                                     In line with the overall            useable space on a very small         increase, the ability to achieve
energy distribution and renew-                                                                                 goal, A*STAR’s Science                 island. Its Department of Civil       more efficient commuting will
able energy resources.                                                                                         and Engineering Research               and Environmental Engineering         require significant research into

                                                                           Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise

                                                                           An international collaboratory

                                                                           The Campus for Research Excellence                   CREATE is an international collaboratory      University; the Swiss Federal Institute of
                                                                           and Technological Enterprise (CREATE)             that brings together leading global research     Technology, Zurich; the Technical University
                                                                           is an international research campus and           institutions with Singapore’s institutions       of Munich; Technion — Israel Institute of
                                                                           innovation hub. Located in the tropical           to do research in areas that are of interest     Technology; and the University of California,
                                                                           garden setting of the National University         and importance to Singapore and the region.      Berkeley. CREATE also houses the SAP
                                                                           of Singapore’s University Town (U-Town),          Home to 15 interdisciplinary research            Singapore Research Centre and the National
© Tim Griffith, photography; Perkins+Will, architectural design/planning

                                                                           CREATE will house about 1,200 researchers         centres from 10 renowned universities,           Research Foundation (NRF), Prime Minister’s
                                                                           when it is fully occupied.                        CREATE      encourages     cross-fertilization   Office Singapore.
                                                                                                                             of ideas through partnerships between               CREATE recently won R&D Magazine’s
                                                                                                                             researchers from diverse backgrounds and         2013 Laboratory of the Year Award, for
                                                                                                                             cultures. Research programmes are in the         excellence in research laboratory design,
                                                                                                                             areas of Human Systems, Energy Systems,          planning and construction.
                                                                                                                             Environmental Systems, and Urban Systems.
                                                                                                                                The universities with research centres
                                                                                                                             in CREATE are: Ben-Gurion University of
                                                                                                                             the Negev; the University of Cambridge;
                                                                                                                             the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; the
                                                                           CREATE is a unique, international collabora-      Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
                                                                           tory in the heart of the National University of                                                      www.nrf.gov.sg
                                                                           Singapore’s University Town.                      Peking University; Shanghai Jiao Tong

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                      new mobility options that are           and the need for powerful air        water. According to the              multicultural population —
                      both efficient and acceptable to        conditioning. Funded by the          Sustainable Singapore Blueprint      including coffee shops, wet
                      residents, as well as research to       NRF and wholly developed and         2030, Singapore’s national           markets, family-run businesses,
                      improve the planning, design            produced in Singapore, EVA           framework for sustainable            communal event venues and
                      and operation of public trans-          will be showcased at the Tokyo       development, 900 hectares of         playgrounds — while taking
                      port facilities. Even with an           Motor Show in November 2013.         reservoirs and 100 kilometres        into consideration the evolving
                      increased public transportation                                              of waterways will be open for        needs of Singapore’s residents
                      mode share, a large expansion           Building a green urban city          recreational activities by 2030,     across all demographics.
                      of transport infrastructure             Singapore has long been              with at least 85% of the popula-        Under the Ministry of
                      and enhanced capabilities in            acclaimed as a garden city. Its      tion residing within 400 metres      National Development’s Land
                      managing increasingly complex           rigorous environmental regula-       of a park.                           Use Plan, one of the aims is for
                      transport infrastructure systems        tions and city planning guide-          The development of Punggol        every resident to be no further
                      will be required.                       lines manage pollution from          Eco-Town in northeastern             than 10 minutes’ walk from
                         Taking on the challenges             industry and minimize its nega-      Singapore is an example of           a station of the Mass Rapid
                      ahead, the NTU and Germany’s            tive impact on the quality of life   high-quality living integrated       Transit, Singapore’s major
                      Technische Universität                  in Singapore. Today, close to        with water bodies through            metropolitan railway system. In
                      München (TUM) — two uni-                half of the land area is covered     innovative planning, design and      addressing housing issues for the
                      versities with globally acknowl-        by greenery, with thousands of       technology, and in partnership       growing population, a supply
                      edged strengths in engineering          species of flora and fauna thriv-    with the community. Dubbed           of affordable homes will be
                      — have come together with the           ing on the island. Continual         the “Sustainable Waterfront          ensured with all residents hav-
                      NRF’s Campus for Research               R&D efforts are necessary to         Town in the Tropics”, Punggol        ing easy access to a wide range of
                      Excellence And Technological            safeguard Singapore’s greenery       provides a wide range of quality     amenities such as schools, shops
                      Enterprise (CREATE) to                  and biodiversity. Innovative new     housing and facilities and a         and healthcare as well as sports
                      embark on an ambitious electro-         solutions such as sky-rise green-    well-integrated public transport     and recreational facilities.
                      mobility research programme at          ery, water-sensitive landscaping     network to serve the needs of
                      a joint centre known as TUM             and ecological restorations will     its residents. A fully landscaped    Improving daily life for
                      CREATE. The taxi has been               enable Singapore to continue to      waterway of more than four           everyone
                      chosen as the platform on which         develop as a compact, liveable       kilometres was constructed to        Through the careful manage-
                      to demonstrate the development          and resource-efficient city with     offer a unique “Green Living by      ment of urban development
                      of and innovations for the              rich biodiversity.                   the Waters” experience. At the       needs and the use of innovative
                      electric vehicle initiative.               Beyond providing a                same time, Treelodge@Punggol,        design, a good quality living
                         The impact of taxis on               sustainable supply of clean          the first ever eco-friendly          environment can be created
                      urban cities is far greater             drinking water for a growing         precinct, was established setting    in a high-density setting. To
                      than that of private passenger          population, PUB is encouraging       a new benchmark for future           optimize land use, it is neces-
                      cars. Codenamed ‘EVA’, the              a bond to be formed between          public housing.                      sary to develop new typologies,
                      electric-powered taxi created by        the Singaporean people and                                                designs, technologies and other
                      TUM CREATE has been built               water by raising awareness           Preserving a sense of                solutions to maintain good
                      specifically for tropical megaci-       of the scarcity and value of         belonging                            environmental quality and liv-
                      ties, factoring in issues such as       water in the city. Under the         Singapore is renowned for being      ability. Higher density neigh-
                      start–stop traffic conditions           Active, Beautiful, Clean             one of the most harmonious and       bourhoods also create new
                                                              Waters Programme, PUB has            thriving multi-cultural cities       opportunities to explore how
                                                              transformed drains, canals and       in the world. To secure a future     information and communica-
                                                              reservoirs into beautiful, clean     with social and cultural sustain-    tions technologies can improve
                                                              streams, rivers and lakes that are   ability, the NUS, the URA and        quality of life by enhancing
                                                              integrated with the surround-        the Housing & Development            access to a wider range of
                                                              ing parks and green spaces.          Board are investigating how the      urban services including retail,
                                                              These bodies of water have the       design of housing estates and        healthcare, social and commu-
                                                              capacity to support water-based      their surroundings could be          nity services. Virtual platforms
                                                              recreational activities such         modified to encourage commu-         with built-in analytics can
                                                              as kayaking, canoeing and            nity bonding and improve the         provide realistic, simulated
                                                              sailing in addition to serving       liveability of existing and new      environments for cost-effective
                                                              as community focal points for        towns. Among the group’s aims        testing of integrated solutions,
                                                              social events. The programme         is the creation of communal          and for prediction and detec-
                      TUM CREATE is developing                aims to bring people closer to       spaces that strike a chord with      tion of emerging risks and
                      innovative technologies, future
                                                              Singapore’s waterways and to         the different traditional and cul-   systemic failures.
                      transportation concepts and electric
                      vehicles tailored to the unique needs   inspire city dwellers to keep        tural habits of the core peoples        The Singapore Management
                      of fast-growing tropical megacities.    waterways clean and conserve         that make up Singapore’s             University (SMU), a rapidly

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expanding tertiary education         will be pioneered to develop          its position as a multicultural       (TCS), the SMU–TCS
institute situated in the heart      applications and methods of           urban centre with a high-quality      Intelligent City Laboratory
of downtown Singapore,               direct benefit to consumers,          infrastructure. The SMU’s             was launched to assist cities
considers the entire island-         businesses and society.               School of Information Systems         in their quest to become
state to be its laboratory for          Running in parallel to             has become a leading centre           more effective and efficient
its study of analytics for the       LARC, the SMU’s LiveLabs ini-         for research and education in         in addressing and serving the
urban environment. Through           tiative conducts large-scale trials   intelligent systems and decision      demands of their populations.
its Living Analytics Research        and experiments in real time          analytic applications for supply      One of the core projects
Centre (LARC), a joint research      that incorporate novel mobile         chain sustainability.                 undertaken by the laboratory
initiative between the SMU and       services and investigate the             The university has also been       is the design of a centralized
Carnegie Mellon University           changing values and attitudes of      careful to not neglect the            platform for healthcare profes-
in the United States, new            Asian consumers in actual envi-       needs of ageing residents in          sionals and aged patients that
techniques to acquire data on        ronments. Singapore is an ideal       Singapore. Teaming up with            facilitates self-assessment,
consumer and social behaviour        test bed for such studies due to      Tata Consultancy Services             appointment booking and


   Singapore Management University

   Computational social science in the heart of the city

   Situated in the heart of Singapore’s            test-bed sites in Singapore include Changi
   arts and cultural district, the Singapore       Airport, Sentosa, the SMU downtown
   Management University (SMU) is focussed         campus and shopping malls operated by
   on social and behavioural science,              CapitaMalls Asia. LiveLabs technologies
   management and information technology.          make it possible to move beyond geo-
      The SMU’s tagline is “The University for     spatial information collection to context
   the World of Business and Management”,          awareness as a basis for real-time
   and an important part of its strategy is in     consumer and social interaction. LiveLabs
   the emerging area of computational social       also provides LARC researchers with a
   science and analytics. Examples of the          unique platform for performing large-          The SMU is set to lead in the emerging field
   SMU’s work include the following projects.      scale, controlled field experiments.           of computational social science.
      The Living Analytics Research Centre            The university is increasingly applying
   (LARC) is a five-year partnership between       its capabilities in social science, business
   the SMU and Carnegie Mellon University,         and computation to the area of urban           faculty have enabled it to build an
   concentrating on obtaining and analyzing        management. It is working with partners        international reputation in research,
   ‘digital traces’ of consumer and social         such as Tata Consultancy Services              education and practice.
   behaviour from private sector, social           through the SMU–TCS iCity Lab, DHL                SMU is a vibrant player in Singapore’s
   media and public sector data sources.           Supply Chain and parts of the Singaporean      research and development landscape
   The centre’s distinctive approach to            government on research that includes           focussed on social and behavioural
   combining analytics with systematic and         multi-party coordination of city logistics,    science, management, and information
   iterative field experiments has caught          data analytics and optimization for urban      technology, and is well positioned to lead
   the attention of companies such as              infrastructure security, sustainable supply    in the twenty-first century.
   Citibank Singapore, Starhub, Buzzcity,          chains, and city process management for
   Sentosa Development Corporation and             improving service delivery to cater to the
   Resorts World Sentosa who are working           special needs of the population.
   as collaborators with the centre.                  Since its founding in 2000, SMU’s
      The LiveLabs Urban Lifestyle Innovation      extensive collaborations with private
   Platform is a city-scale research test bed      and public sector organizations, its
   for companies to run large-scale consumer       strengths in computational social science
   behaviour and social interaction trials. Key    and analytics, and highly accomplished

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                      the maintenance of social             transmission. In 2012, more               In collaboration with              Experimental Therapeutics
                      connections while at the same         than 51 million passengers             the National Public Health            Centre signed a licencing agree-
                      time utilizes users’ data for         passed through Singapore               Laboratory of Singapore, the          ment with the Tan Tock Seng
                      improved policy making.               Changi Airport; a huge volume          World Health Organization             Hospital and local biotechnol-
                                                            of people that emphasizes the          (WHO) collaborating centres           ogy company AITbiotech to
                      Facilitating the rapid                utmost importance of infectious        in Australia and the A*STAR           market a made-in-Singapore
                      detection of infections               disease monitoring and control.        Genome Institute of Singapore,        H5N1 bird flu diagnostic kit
                      Growth of Singapore’s popula-         Drawing on experiences from            the A*STAR Bioinformatics             that allows the detection of all
                      tion may be accompanied by            the severe acute respiratory           Institute has created an online       existing strains with almost
                      an increased likelihood of the        syndrome (SARS) outbreak in            tool called FluServer that allows     100% accuracy and in just a few
                      transmission of infections, with      2003, many current research            quick and efficient analysis of       hours from a single test.
                      rising migration and tourist          efforts are set on understanding       influenza genomic sequences             Singapore is a prominent
                      numbers also intensifying the         influenza viruses as well as           and interpretation of muta-           global health and biomedical
                      nation’s vulnerability to disease     developing rapid diagnostic kits.      tions. Recently, the A*STAR           research hub set in a tropical


                          Singapore University of Technology and Design

                          A better world by design

                             The Singapore University of Technology       study, called ‘Freshmore’, to provide strong
                          and Design (SUTD) is Singapore’s fourth         technical grounding before students
                          publicly funded university and one of           select one of the four majors known as
                          the first universities in the world to          'pillars': Architecture and Sustainable
                          incorporate the art and science of design       Design; Engineering Product Development;
                          and technology into a multi-disciplinary        Engineering Systems and Design; and
                          curriculum. Established in collaboration with   Information Systems Technology and Design
                                                                                                                           The SUTD campus fosters collaboration,
                          the Massachusetts Institute of Technology       — leading to the corresponding degrees.          invention and creativity.
                          (MIT), in the US, the SUTD seeks to nurture        At the SUTD, design as a discipline cuts
                          technically grounded leaders and innovators     across the curriculum and provides a novel
                          to serve societal needs.                        framework for the research and educational
                             The SUTD, also in collaboration with         programmes. Termed ‘Big-D’, the curriculum       to five-year residency comprising research,
                          Zhejiang University, China, and the Singapore   will encompass every technology design           course work, potential industry internships
                          Management University, is distinguished by      imaginable — from process design to              and overseas research exchanges.
                          its unique Eastern and Western academic         architectural design, product design, software      The world is in need of technically
                          programmes that incorporate elements of         design and systems design. Students will         grounded leaders to address pressing issues
                          technology, entrepreneurship, management        also learn to define problems holistically       concerning sustainable energy, growing and
                          and design thinking.                            and develop creative solutions from a total-     ageing populations, urbanization and scarce
                             The university offers a common curriculum    design perspective. They will experience         resources — making innovation and technical
                          for the first three terms of undergraduate      the full value chain from conception through     leadership national priorities. Graduates of
                                                                          development, prototyping, manufacturing,         the SUTD will be prepared to contribute to
                                                                          operations and maintenance.                      such areas, which are critical to the world’s
                                                                             The SUTD also offers graduate                 social and economic development.
                                                                          programmes. In the two-year full-time MIT-
                                                                          SUTD Dual Masters' Degree Programme, one
                                                                          year is spent at MIT on coursework and the
                                                                          other at the SUTD in research, leading to two
                                                                          master’s degrees — one from MIT and another
                                                                          from the SUTD. Graduate opportunities also
                          The SUTD’s permanent campus at Singapore’s                                                         www.sutd.edu.sg
                          East Coast.                                     include the SUTD PhD Programme, a three-

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                                                                                                                                                      ADVERTISING FEATURE
climate; as such, its researchers    instrument sterilization to
are well placed to study and         remote health posts in the
devise treatments for infectious     developing world.
diseases such as dengue fever           In line with Singapore’s mis-
that are endemic to the region.      sion to lead as a world-class city
Although there are a number          boasting a high quality of life
of dengue vaccine platforms          and urban solutions, the SUTD
in clinical trials, the data has     also established the Lee Kuan
so far proven disappointing,         Yew Centre for Innovative
prompting an urgent need for         Cities to educate leaders and
new therapies. In collaboration      develop products, services and
with local scientists and clini-     systems for improving the lives
cians from the NUS, the DSO          of city dwellers. The new insti-
National Laboratories, the           tute is named after Singapore’s
National University of Health        founding father and former            The NRF supports promising Singapore-based research by up-and-coming
Sciences and Israel’s Hebrew         Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew,          scientists at the Global Young Scientists Summit.
University of Jerusalem, a           honouring his vision of building
human antibody from a recov-         Singapore into a prosperous
ered dengue patient was success-     global city.
fully isolated and cloned. The                                             activities across all disciplines     which centred on the theme
antibody exhibits remarkable         Looking ahead with                    into the larger R&D ecosystem         ‘Innovations for Future Cities’.
efficacy in protecting against       optimism                              to support scientific advance-        The top award was presented
dengue infection and will be         Singapore today, with its gleam-      ment in world-class education,        to A*STAR research scientist
taken into vaccine clinical trials   ing skyscrapers and cosmopoli-        optimal healthcare, sustainable       Lynette Cheah for her proposal
in Singapore in 2013.                tan people, may seem a world          resources and creation of pleas-      to build a transport network
                                     apart from its humble origins.        ant living environments for the       that provides real-time feedback
Designing a better future            The city-state has replaced the       nation’s residents.                   so commuters can change their
Singapore’s newest university,       early squatter colonies and              As part of efforts to support      plans accordingly. To encourage
the Singapore University             slums with modern housing and         new ideas and stimulate the           new ideas for urban solutions,
of Technology and Design             an enviable standard of living.       local R&D landscape, a record         Singapore is also host to the
(SUTD), aims to achieve a            With an eye to the future, the        number of NRF Fellowships             Lee Kuan Yew World City
better world through innova-         country must enable current           were awarded in January 2013          Prize, a biennial international
tive design. Teaming up with         generations of Singaporeans to        to fund research undertaken by        award that honours outstanding
the Massachusetts Institute          find creative ways to keep the        promising young scientists. The       achievements and contributions
of Technology (MIT) in the           economy growing and thriving          awards provide each winner,           to the creation of liveable,
United States, the SUTD–MIT          while acting as stewards of the       whose research interests range        vibrant and sustainable urban
International Design Centre          environment. Furthermore,             from cancer to earthquake faults      communities around the world.
was inaugurated in 2012.             Singapore must remain the             in southeast Asia, with up to S$3        Singapore is poised to become
The centre is envisioned as a        country of choice for its people      million over 5 years to perform       one of the top cities in Asia in
global hub for technologically       to build their families and           research based in Singapore.          terms of environmental quality,
intensive design that creates        careers in.                           Complementing the NRF’s               economic opportunity, social
solutions to the current and            To this end, science and           efforts, A*STAR offers a range        attainment and connectedness
potential problems that global       technology can catalyse the           of scholarships to both local and     to global flows. While carving
societies face. It has identified    development of innovative and         international students to pursue a    out an even stronger interna-
three Design Grand Challenges:       comprehensive urban solutions         career in science and technology.     tional profile by forming a
Sustainable Built Environment,       to sustain Singapore’s growth            In 2013, the NRF organized         greater number of R&D collab-
Design with the Developing           and resilience, as well as build      the inaugural Global Young            orations worldwide, the nation
World, and Information and           talent and manpower capability        Scientists Summit, an interna-        has pledged not to lose sight of
Communications Technologies-         that can be deployed to derive        tional gathering in Singapore         the needs of its citizens.
enabled Devices for Better           practical benefits for Singapore      for bright young researchers          Singapore’s appreciation of the
Living. A prime example for the      and other cities facing similar       from all over the world to be         evolving needs of its people and
Design with the Developing           urban challenges. The NRF,            inspired by internationally           their surroundings will attune it
World Challenge is OttoClave,        together with the entities high-      eminent science and technology        to adopting a sensitive and flexi-
an affordable autoclave made         lighted in this feature, is commit-   leaders. An integral part of          ble stance, as it always has, in
from a household pressure            ted to continuing the mission of      the summit was the Singapore          embracing innovations to sus-
cooker that can bring medical        Singapore by integrating research     Challenge, a competition              tain growth and liveability.

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