Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union - MISSIONS A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth

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Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union - MISSIONS A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth

   Research & Innovation
   in the European Union
A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth
                   by Mariana MAZZUCATO

                        Research and
Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union - MISSIONS A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth
Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union
A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth
European Commission
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Directorate A – Policy Development and Coordination
Unit A.6 – Open Data Policy and Science Cloud
Contact Phebe Dudek; Ciara Phelan
E-mail Phebe.dudek@ec.europa.eu; Ciara.Phelan@ec.europa.eu
European Commission
B-1049 Brussels

Manuscript completed in February 2018.
The views expressed in this document reflect the opinion of the author and may not in any circumstances be regarded
as stating an official position of the Commission.

More information on the European Union is available on the internet (http://europa.eu).

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2018

 Print                 ISBN 978-92-79-79918-1           doi:10.2777/36546           KI-02-18-079-EN-C
 PDF                   ISBN 978-92-79-79832-0           doi:10.2777/360325          KI-02-18-079-EN-N

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       Research & Innovation
       in the European Union
 A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth
                      by Mariana MAZZUCATO

2018            Directorate-General for Research and Innovation


    The European Commissioner for                                         into concrete, measurable, and, most
    Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos                              importantly, achievable missions.
    Moedas, invited me to draft strategic
    recommendations on mission-oriented                                   I look at what we can learn from the
    research and innovation in the EU, to guide                           missions of the past — like the Apollo
    the future European Union Framework                                   Program — and how to apply those lessons
    Programme for Research and Innovation.                                to the more complex challenges of today.
                                                                          A key lesson is that missions must be
    To find a way to bring together the triple                            bold, activating innovation across sectors,
    objectives of smart innovation-led growth,                            across actors and across disciplines. They
    inclusion and sustainability, we must first                           must also enable bottom-up solutions
    answer the critical question of how to direct                         and experimentation. I provide examples
    innovation to solve the pressing global                               of what possible future missions at EU
    challenges of our time.                                               level could look like. I stress that these
                                                                          examples do not presume to pre-empt
    Europe has been thinking about and                                    what must be a participatory selection
    tackling such challenges for a long time,                             process. Rather, they are intended to
    including through Horizon 2020. In this                               trigger the imagination and ambition of
    report I examine and explain how research                             participants in that process.
    and innovation can not only stimulate
    growth and economic activity but how it                               I developed this report taking into
    can also actively direct it towards meeting                           consideration the Interim Evaluation of
    global challenges by transforming them                                Horizon 20201, the ESIR Memorandum2, the
        European Commission (2018) Horizon 2020 Evaluation.
        Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/research/evaluations/index.cfm?pg=h2020evaluation (Accessed: 12 February 2018)
        European Commission (2018) AN ESIR MEMORANDUM - Towards a mission-oriented research and innovation policy in the European Union.
        Available at: http://europa.eu/!hB37Cx, Executive Summary available at: http://europa.eu/!Fp36hh
RISE Perspective on Mission-oriented R&I                                  Missions provide a massive opportunity
Policy3 and dedicated case study reports4.                                to increase the impact of European
                                                                          research and innovation, grasp the public
In the last months, I have held a series                                  imagination and make real progress on
of targeted discussions with relevant                                     complex challenges. I hope this report
stakeholder groups 5. I also had the                                      will assist policy makers in designing and
opportunity to give a keynote speech,                                     implementing the European missions of
followed by a discussion, to the                                          the future, as well as nurture a new belief
Competitiveness Council on the topic of                                   amongst EU citizens about what real
mission-oriented policy across Europe on                                  collaboration across Europe can achieve.
December 1, 2017 based on my working                                      I thank everyone who has contributed for
paper Mission-oriented Innovation Policy:                                 their engagement and dedication, which has
Challenges and Opportunities6.                                            given me a palpable sense of how powerful
                                                                          missions can be at bringing people together
All of these inputs have been invaluable                                  around ambitious common goals.
to me in developing a vision of what a
European mission-oriented research and                                    Professor Mariana Mazzucato
innovation policy could look like and I have
tried to include in this report some of the
insights and feedback received.

    European Commission (2018) Mission-oriented R&I Policy – A RISE Perspective. Available at: http://europa.eu/!uR68yR
    European Commission (2018) Research, Innovation and Science Policy Experts (RISE).
    Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/research/openvision/index.cfm?pg=home#mission (Accessed 16 February 2018)
    See annex for details
    Mazzucato, M. (2017) ‘Mission-oriented Innovation Policy: Challenges and Opportunities’, UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
    (IIPP) Working Paper Series, (IIPP 2017-01). Available at: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/public-purpose/sites/public-purpose/files/
    moip-challenges-and-opportunities-working-paper-2017-1.pdf (Accessed: 12 February 2018)


    WHY EUROPE NEEDS                                                        perception of future growth opportunities.
    MISSIONS                                                                Missions help define those opportunities in
                                                                            ambitious ways.
    The ability of innovation to spur economic
    growth has long been recognised. Less                                   Mission-oriented policies can be defined
    recognised is the fact that innovation has                              as systemic public policies that draw on
    not only a rate but also a direction. By                                frontier knowledge to attain specific goals
    harnessing the directionality of innovation,                            or “big science deployed to meet big
    we also harness the power of research                                   problems” 7. Missions provide a solution, an
    and innovation to achieve wider social and                              opportunity, and an approach to address
    policy aims as well as economic goals.                                  the numerous challenges that people face
    Therefore, we can have innovation-led                                   in their daily lives. Whether that be to have
    growth that is also more sustainable and                                clean air to breathe in congested cities, to
    equitable.                                                              live a healthy and independent life at all
                                                                            ages, to have access to digital technologies
    Finding ways to steer economic growth,                                  that improve public services, or to have
    and the European policy agenda, is difficult                            better and cheaper treatment of diseases
    but necessary. Missions are a powerful tool                             like cancer or obesity that continue to
    to do this. They can provide the means                                  affect billions of people across the globe. To
    to focus our research, innovation and                                   engage research and innovation in meeting
    investments on solving critical problems,                               such challenges, a clear direction must
    while also spurring growth, jobs and                                    be given, while also enabling bottom-up
    resulting in positive spillovers across many                            solutions. The debate about directionality
    sectors. Critically, by spearheading public                             should involve a wide array of stakeholders,
    research and innovation investments in new                              each contributing to the key questions:
    strategic areas that have the possibility                               What are the key challenges facing society;
    to bring together different actors (public,                             How can concrete missions help solve those
    private and third sector) and spurring                                  challenges; How can the missions be best
    collaboration across different sectors                                  designed to enable participation across
    (e.g. from transport to digital to nutrition)                           different actors, bottom-up experimentation
    it is possible to awaken private sector                                 and system-wide innovation?
    investment that continues to lag. Indeed,
    what drives private investment is the

        Ergas, H. (1987) ‘Does technology policy matter?’, in Guile, B.R. and Brooks H. (eds.) Technology and global industry: Companies and
        nations in the world economy, Washington DC: National Academies Press, pp. 191-245.

EUROPE’S MISSION                                 expertise that today lies mostly fragmented
POTENTIAL                                        or untapped across Europe. They are also
                                                 a way to harness the recognition that such
Societal challenges are complex. More            expertise is itself an outcome of investment
complex than going to the moon, which            and innovation.
was mainly a technical feat. To solve them
requires attention to the ways in which          A mission-driven approach can be critical
socio-economic issues interact with politics     for European competitiveness. Other major
and technology, to the need for smart            players in the global economy, like China or
regulation, and to the critical feedback         the United States, have innovation systems
processes that take place across the entire      that are more centralised or focused on a
innovation chain. It also requires stronger      reduced number of key clusters. Europe, on
civic engagement. Importantly, such              the other hand, is both more fragmented
challenges cannot be solved by any single        – which can be a negative in terms of
European country, no matter how large it         gaining scale – and more diverse – which
may be. Only at the level of the European        creates a messier but also potentially more
Union, with its long experience of operating     creative environment. To capitalise on this
within a multilevel governance system, can       asset, Europe needs to take the next step
we achieve the scale and diversity of talent     and take advantage of its unique nature as
and ideas to make real progress.                 a common market of diverse economies.
                                                 In addition to strengthening regional
The sheer complexity and specialisation          research and innovation capacities, Europe
of science today means that attitudes of         also needs European Union wide efforts
openness and collaboration are not a nice        to connect policies and grand challenges.
complement, but rather a critical factor for     What the mission approach can add to the
success. European Member States are at           next European Framework Programme for
different levels of economic development,        Research and Innovation is a new lens to
with some having invested much less than         help steer investment towards tackling
others in the key pillars of innovation:         challenges but in a more focussed, problem-
education and research. Nevertheless, in         solving manner. Europe’s unique multilevel
every single country there are areas of          governance system is highly suitable for
excellence and expertise that could prove to     mission-oriented policies: member states
be the critical factor to solve the challenges   and regions can experiment within larger
of today. Missions are primarily a way to        EU-wide missions.
orchestrate the rich diversity of talent and

The Apollo ‘Man on the Moon’ mission expressed by President John
F. Kennedy in 1961(a) was a geo-political and technological mission.
It set a clear and ambitious objective: put a man on the moon and
bring him back safely. There was also a concrete timeline – get there
before the end of the decade (1960s).
The Apollo mission required investments and innovation not just
in aerospace but also across multiple sectors (food, medicine,
computation, materials, biology, microbiology, geology, electronics,
and communications). Without new materials, for example, the
mission would not have worked. It inspired children to dream about
becoming astronauts; reinvigorating STEM subjects in schools; required
researchers from various disciplines and sectors to cooperate to solve
problems in a bottom-up manner; stimulated new types of risk-taking
in many different sub-projects, of which many, of course, failed.
Apollo resulted in success - when Neil Armstrong was the first man
to set his foot on the moon on 20 July 1969 – but it also led to
many unexpected spinoffs that would not have emerged without this
massive engagement with a science and innovation led objective.
Indeed many of these spinoffs — such as the integrated circuit —
would have arisen even if Armstrong had never set foot on the moon.
The process of systemic cross-disciplinary, cross-sectoral, and cross-
actor innovation that Apollo stimulated was every bit as important
as the mission itself.
Apollo was inspirational, and much can be learned about the importance
of setting clear goals, while allowing bottom-up experimentation to
contribute to the overall success, but when we think of selecting EU
missions today it is necessary to frame missions with a clearer societal
relevance. While a purely technological mission may be appropriate
for an innovation agency (e.g. in the case of space this would
include NASA or ESA), at the EU level, we must be more ambitious
in making the link to societal impact. For example, it would be useful
to consider how innovation in space, particularly in new satellites
and surveillance technology, could be used to curtail the number of
deaths of immigrants crossing the Mediterranean. This would require
collaboration between sectors as different as space, security services,
marine technology, shipping, and immigration services.
      European Commission (2018) Mission-oriented R&I policies: Case Study Report Apollo Project (US).
      Available at: http://europa.eu/!Fj47uu.

This is not about a box ticking exercise to     frontier science to support for start-ups
solve one problem after another. This is        and partnerships with industry. This means
a way to steer economic growth in ways          that missions can provide policy makers
that are more meaningful. It is also about      for the first time a privileged view over the
designing and implementing policies in a        different elements of this vast and complex
way that more strongly links them to delivery   programme.
and results. Indeed, in a historical period
in which business investment is lagging         European research and innovation missions
and belief in liberal democracy seems           will thus have as a core strength and
to be floundering, missions also provide        differentiating factor privileged direct
more excitement about where economic            access to the pipeline of one of the most
growth opportunities might lie and how to       comprehensive science and innovation
reinvigorate democratic processes around        programmes in the world. Under a given
economic policies. By setting missions that     mission, it will be possible both to identify
require different sectors to work together,     some of the most advanced, relevant
it is possible to create instruments that       scientific projects funded by the European
reward those businesses that are willing and    Research Council and mobilise them to
able to co-invest alongside European and        contribute to a mission; and at the same
Member State public investments. It is not      time to use the future European Innovation
about static subsidies but about dynamic        Council to look into what the most advanced
co-investment along the entire innovation       start-ups are doing and how they can
chain. It is about thinking how to concretely   support a given mission. Thus, missions will
share not only the risks of innovation but      be a way to combine different and diverse
also how to best share the rewards in ways      inputs into a more creative, ambitious
that benefit society the most.                  and effective result. Bold missions can
                                                provide new syntheses that are today
                                                impossible and thus will hopefully achieve
CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME                           the breakthroughs that are urgently needed
                                                to solve some of the most pressing issues
Because “change begins at home”, missions       facing our citizens.
first and foremost have to tap into the rich
stock and flow of high quality science and
innovation that is already being funded
under different European programmes.
Horizon 2020 is one of the largest global
funds for science and innovation. It is
certainly the largest fund under a single
political authority, with the added strength
of being fully open to the world. Unlike
most other public funds, it combines
science and innovation under the same
umbrella, spanning from curiosity-driven


    SOCIETAL RELEVANCE                                                      a mission on quantum computing could
                                                                            have strong societal impact if it is framed
    Research and innovation missions at the                                 in terms of the potential to enhance cyber
    European level should be prioritised in                                 security, improve industrial processes, or
    those areas where the added value to                                    support the development of new types of
    the EU is greatest. A mission should have                               health care services. At the same time, the
    societal relevance, for example in the ability                          innovative spillovers that might result along
    to improve health, nutrition, or the living                             the way may not be known beforehand and
    environment for a large section of European                             can have unforeseen applications. Indeed,
    citizens across a range of Member States.                               most of the technologies in our smart
    Research and innovation missions should                                 products today — from the Internet to GPS
    aim to improve society’s welfare. This will                             — emerged as spillovers from missions of
    require dedicated framing. For example,                                 the past8.

        Mazzucato, M. (2013) The Entrepreneurial State: debunking public vs. private sector myths, London: Anthem Press, UK


    There are lessons to be learned from how missions have been set at Member State level. The
    Energiewende in Germany addresses the important societal challenge of reducing carbon
    emissions, which are a key cause of climate change. The mission is framed with clear targets
    including that of exiting from nuclear power production in Germany by 2022.

    While Energiewende contains a strong political steer, it is framed in such a way as to
    stimulate bottom-up research and innovation processes across multiple sectors, including,
    for example, sectors like steel that have otherwise remained relatively inertial. It was the
    Energiewende that stimulated steel to trial the conversion of smelting gas from steel
    production into base chemicals using renewable energy. Energiewende packages a complex
    mixture of policy, investment and legislation into one simple idea that makes it clear to
    German citizens that their government, scientists and businesses are working to make their
    society free of dependence on nuclear power. Energiewende is also interesting in that it

Nelson’s work on The Moon and the Ghetto9                                    greater need to combine understandings of
asked the demanding question of why                                          sociology, politics, economics and technology
innovation has resulted in such difficult                                    to solve these problems, as well as to make
feats as landing a man on the moon, and                                      the conscious decision to point innovation
yet continues to be so terribly disorganised                                 towards them. This is exactly what a well-
and technologically unsavvy in dealing                                       designed mission can achieve.
with the more earthly problems of poverty,
illiteracy, and the emergence of ghettos and
slums. He argued that while politics was                                     NO ‘ONE SIZE FITS ALL’
partly the culprit, the real problem was that
a purely scientific and technological solution                               Missions come in different shapes and
could not solve such problems. There is a                                    sizes. There is no ‘one size fits all’ definition

      Nelson, R.R. (2011) ‘The Moon and the Ghetto Revisited’, Science and Public Policy, 38(9), pp. 681–690.
      Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/38.9.681 (Accessed: 12 February 2018)

addresses a concern that has arisen from decades of a citizen-driven green movement. This
movement resulted in the societal legitimacy to set such a clear goal (the ambitions of the
Energiewende are supported by 90% of the German population).(b) Ultimately, Energiewende
is based on a longstanding and growing sentiment of exiting nuclear power production but
only became a mission after a political decision to engage based on the Fukushima nuclear
disaster in Japan in March 2011 (we see a similar dynamic in how the Apollo mission
responded to Sputnik). The lesson for European research and innovation missions is that
they should be based on a selection process that starts with a political steer on topics of
societal relevance, while simultaneously mobilising active public involvement in the decision-
making on the choice for missions.

      European Commission (2018) Mission-oriented R&I policies: Case Study Report Energiewende (DE). Available at: http://europa.eu/!md89DM

     of what a mission should be and how it                                  One hundred and ninety three countries
     should be structured. To allow research and                             have signed up to these inspirational
     innovation missions to create impact with                               goals; hence, they provide an excellent
     societal relevance, flexibility is needed in                            opportunity to move forwards with mission-
     how the mission is defined. In some areas,                              oriented thinking. They must be taken
     a mission should trigger action to speed up                             seriously as both an obligation to future
     progress in the development of technologies                             generations and for global prosperity, but
     to increase their societal impact. In other                             also as opportunities to steer investment-
     areas, the mission should drive a systemic                              led growth. Addressing these challenges,
     change. Most likely, ambitious missions that                            around health and the environment, must
     have the potential to have wide societal                                not be seen as a trade-off with a focus
     impact will need a combination of both, but                             on economic growth. Rather they present
     their characteristics may differ10.                                     a means to focus on opportunities for
                                                                             investment-led growth — crowding in
     When developing a new mission, the art lies                             activity across actors. In addition, targets
     in learning from past missions, be it missions                          must be set so that progression to achieving
     more focussed on diffusion or missions                                  such challenges is as serious as the goal
     focussed on new frontier technologies, and                              setting itself.
     adapting that knowledge and expertise to
     fit today’s challenges and so defining and                              Within the European research and
     structuring a new mission. Putting ‘old wine                            innovation context, Horizon 2020
     in new bottles’ won’t work11. We must allow                             introduced seven Societal Challenges to
     missions to genuinely interact with the new                             structure its programming. This process was
     types of complex problems societies face,                               complemented by Focus Areas, defining
     as well as incorporating the new knowledge                              areas of activity that cut across several of
     we have on how innovation comes about to                                the Societal Challenges, such as the circular
     their design: it is serendipitous, non-linear                           economy, or digitisation. Even though this
     and very high risk.                                                     has led to a step-change in coherence and
                                                                             coordination, moving away from sectoral
                                                                             research and innovation programming,
     GRANULARITY:                                                            it has stopped short of delivering broad
     BETWEEN A PROJECT AND                                                   societal impact as impact is still assessed
                                                                             at the level of individual projects.
                                                                             The SDGs, Societal Challenges or Focus
     Global challenges have been expressed as                                Areas are useful to ensure focus, but
     17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).12                              for the most part remain too broad to

        Foray, D., Mowery, D.C., and Nelson, R. R. (2012) ‘Public R&D and social challenges: What lessons from mission R&D programs?’, Research
        Policy, 41(10), pp. 1697–1902.
        Mowery, D.C., Nelson, R. R. and Martin, B. (2010) ‘Technology policy and global warming: Why new policy models are needed (or why
        putting new wine in old bottles won’t work)’, Research Policy, 39(8), pp. 1011- 1023.
        European Commission (2018) The Sustainable Development Goals.
        Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/policies/sustainable-development-goals_en (Accessed 16 February 2018)

be actionable. On the other end of the                 deployment actions and involvement of
spectrum, research and innovation projects             end-users.
have clear objectives and are actionable,
but will remain isolated in their impacts if           Missions should be broad enough to engage
not clearly linked to their ability to address         the public and attract cross-sectoral
global challenges and to achieve societal              investment; and remain focussed enough
impact.                                                to involve industry and achieve measurable
                                                       success. By setting the direction for a
The ‘granularity’ of European research and             solution, missions do not specify how to
innovation missions thus sits between broad            achieve success. Rather, they stimulate
challenges and concrete projects. Missions             the development of a range of different
set clear and ambitious objectives that can            solutions to achieve the objective. As such, a
only be achieved by a portfolio of research            mission can make a significant and concrete
and innovation projects and supportive                 contribution to meeting an SDG or Societal
measures, such as policy interventions,                Challenge.

Figure 1 below illustrates the movement from broad challenges to specific missions.

                                                                             Political Agenda
                                                                             Setting and
                                                                             Civic Engagement

                      MISSION                      MISSION                   Targeted

      Mission                              Mission
      projects                             projects
                                                                             Portfolio of
                                                                             projects and
                        Mission                                              experimentation

Figure 1. From Challenges to Missions Image: RTD - A.1 based on Mazzucato (2017)

     For example, SDG 14 ‘Conserve and                 error, and serendipity (the search for one
     sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine       thing leads to the discovery of another)
     resources for sustainable development’            - picking missions that have different
     could be broken down into various missions,       possibilities for solutions will enhance the
     for example ’A plastic-free ocean’. This          innovation dynamic itself.
     could stimulate research and innovation in
     means to clear plastic waste from oceans,
     or in reducing use of plastics, innovation in     NEW CONVERSATIONS
     new materials, research on health impacts         BETWEEN FUNDAMENTAL
     from micro-plastics, behavioural research
     and innovation to improve recycling or drive      AND APPLIED RESEARCH
     public engagement in cleaning up beaches.
     Each of these areas can be broken down into       Missions are not about prioritising applied
     particular ‘projects’. This is further analysed   research and innovation over basic
     in the example section of this report, as well    fundamental research, which will continue
     as other illustrative examples.                   to be funded by instruments like the
                                                       European Research Council. Rather they
                                                       are a new way to frame the conversations
     FOSTERING                                         between the two, galvanising new forms of
     EXPERIMENTATION                                   collaboration. Missions are also a new way
                                                       to think about the dynamic interactions
     Missions must be chosen. Yet their success        between enabling horizontal policies
     will depend on the bottom-up processes            (framework policies around e.g. education,
     that nurture innovation while ‘getting there’.    skills, training, research and innovation)
     A culture of experimentation and risk-            and more directed vertical policies (e.g.
     taking is a crucial element in the philosophy     health, environment, energy). Instead of
     of missions. There must be incentives to          using vertical policies to ‘pick’ sectors or
     ‘think outside the box’ to come up with new       technologies, the vertical aspect of missions
     solutions to address the mission objective.       picks the problem. The solution is then
     This requires a portfolio approach, based         reached by stimulating multiple sectors and
     on different solutions, and a broad range of      multiple forms of cross-actor collaborations
     different interactions. The objective should      to work to address those problems using the
     be addressed by multiple actors, stimulating      entire research and innovation value chain,
     cross-discipline academic work, with a            from fundamental research to applied
     strong focus on the intersection between          research and cutting-edge innovation.
     natural sciences, formal sciences, social
     sciences and humanities; collaborations
     across different industries; and new
     forms of partnerships between the public
     sector, the private sector and civil society
     organisations. Innovation itself is often
     characterised by feedback effects, trial and
FET Flagships

The EU has launched ‘Future and Emerging Technology (FET) Flagships’,
initially on Graphene and the Human Brain, and more recently on
Quantum. FET Flagships demonstrate a high level of ambition and
commitment (€1 billion from a range of sources over a number of
years) with a strong technology-driven approach based on multi-
disciplinary research activities.

Their high ambition and significant public EU research investment
have crowded-in industry partners and mobilised private investment.
Based on these characteristics, FET Flagships show a high degree of
alignment with EU research and innovation missions as described in
this report.

However, the FET Flagships have not so far put the same emphasis
on public engagement or on defining goals and milestones in terms
of societal relevance, even though they do aim to turn scientific and
technological developments into innovations that can be brought to
market, and aim to support societal challenges. The experience from
the current FET flagships should prove valuable for designing and
implementing future missions, and applying the selection criteria,
implementation requirements and public engagement criterion
proposed here could increase the impact and visibility of FET flagships
as future missions.

     Selecting missions that matter to society       be formulated in binary ways (as clearly
     and stimulate innovation across multiple        as whether man has reached the moon
     sectors is a highly complex task. Missions      and returned back safely) or quantified (as
     come in different shapes and sizes, but the     clearly as whether a certain percentage
     European research and innovation missions       reduction in carbon emissions against
     should fulfil the following key criteria.       a baseline has been reached across
                                                     manufacturing). In addition, they will need a
     1. BOLD, INSPIRATIONAL WITH WIDE                clear timeframe within which actions should
        SOCIETAL RELEVANCE                           take place. This needs to be long enough
     Missions should engage the public. They         to allow the process to grow, for actors to
     should make clear that through ambitious,       build relationships and interact, while at
     bold action at the European level, solutions    the same time being time-limited. Without
     will be developed that will have an impact      specific targets and timing, it will not be
     on people’s daily lives. To do this, missions   possible to determine success (or failure),
     must outline exciting opportunities for         or measure progress towards success.
     bold innovation — while being connected
     to debates in society about what the            3. AMBITIOUS BUT REALISTIC
     key challenges are, like sustainability,           RESEARCH & INNOVATION ACTIONS
     inequality, health, climate change, and         Mission objectives should be set in an
     increasing the quality of the welfare state.    ambitious manner (taking risks), centred on
     Therefore, a mission cannot only have           research and innovation activities across
     relevance for the population of one Member      the entire innovation chain, including
     State, or a small sub-set of the European       the feedback effects between basic and
     population. It should touch the lives of, or    applied research. Ambitious objectives will
     inspire, a significant part of the European     ensure that researchers and innovators
     population. However, it is important to note    are challenged to deliver what would
     that relevance does not necessarily equate      otherwise not be attempted (“additionality”
     with popularity.                                in research). Yet, the objective should be
                                                     framed to be on the one hand high-risk but
     2. A CLEAR DIRECTION:                           also realistically feasible, at least in theory,
        TARGETED, MEASURABLE AND                     within the given time period.
     Missions need to be very clearly framed.        Setting the technical objectives
     While enabling long-term investments,           unrealistically high will result in a lack of
     they need a specific target that can either     buy-in, while setting the objective too low

will not incentivise extra efforts – or provide                         to health will not only involve innovation
inspiration. Furthermore, the required                                  in pharmaceuticals but also in such areas
technological development should attract                                as nutrition, artificial intelligence, mobility
research and innovation activities that                                 and new forms of digitally enhanced public
otherwise would likely not be undertaken                                service provision.
by private actors, providing the justification
and legitimacy for public intervention. This                            Missions connect all relevant actors through
does not have to be done within a narrow                                new forms of partnerships for co-design
market failure framework, but a more                                    and co-creation by focussing on targets
active market ‘co-creation’ framework13.                                that require multiple sectors and actors to
                                                                        solve. Thus, mission-oriented innovation
4. CROSS-DISCIPLINARY,                                                  has the possibility of leading to system-
   CROSS-SECTORAL AND                                                   wide transformation.
Missions should be framed in such a way                                 5. MULTIPLE, BOTTOM-UP SOLUTIONS
as to spark activity across, and among,                                 Missions should not be achievable by a
multiple scientific disciplines (including                              single development path, or by a single
social sciences and humanities), across                                 technology. They must be open to being
different industrial sectors (e.g. transport,                           addressed by different types of solutions.
nutrition, health, services), and different                             A mission-based approach is clear on the
types of actors (public, private, third sector,                         expected outcome. However, the trajectory
civil society organisations). Missions need                             to reach the outcome must be based on a
to be chosen to address clear challenges                                bottom-up approach of multiple solutions
that stimulate the private sector to invest                             — of which some will fail or have to be
where it would not have otherwise invested                              adjusted along the way.
(“additionality” in business). By taking a
problem focussed lens and not a sectoral
lens, problems related to sustainability will
not just involve, for example, renewable
energy, but could also involve transport,
strategic design, new digital solutions,
amongst others. Similarly, problems related

      Mazzucato, M. (2016) «From Market Fixing to Market-Creating: A new framework for innovation policy», Special Issue of Industry and
     Innovation: “Innovation Policy – can it make a difference?”, 23 (2)

     The mission concept and proposed criteria                                  both the EU and Member State level will be
     provide a basis for identifying EU level                                   critical to implement a successful mission.
     research and innovation missions. However,
     the future missions will also require new                                  Missions should engage as much as possible
     approaches to implementation. They                                         with Member State strategies, including
     should not be managed in the same way as                                   industrial strategies - which in many
     other parts of the Framework Programme,                                    countries have made a comeback. Indeed a
     like the European Research Council or                                      mission-based approach is a useful lens for
     future European Innovation Council (which                                  an industrial strategy to be based around,
     are bottom up), or the current approach                                    so that it is not about picking sectors or
     to the Societal Challenges. While lessons                                  technologies but about picking problems
     must be learned from the latter due to                                     to guide innovation across multiple actors
     the importance of challenges in setting                                    in multiple sectors14. This will lead to more
     the direction for change, missions are                                     complementary public investments from
     more concrete than challenges and thus                                     European, national or regional programmes,
     for their implementation we must also                                      and also additional private investments,
     learn from successful mission-orientated                                   creating a catalysing effect on the chances
     organisations around the world — of                                        for success. Hence, missions can serve as
     course adapted to the EU context.                                          a way to initiate new EU-wide and national
                                                                                dialogue around the role of public sector
     The main lessons can be grouped under                                      support for research and innovation – not
     the following aspects                                                      only fixing market failures but also more
                                                                                actively co-creating and co-shaping new
     Engagement of diverse national and
     regional stakeholders                                                      Selection of a mission that will incite broad
                                                                                public engagement, as well as a wide
     Mission objectives should provide legitimacy,                              interest from industry and civil society
     such as relevance to the SDGs, EU priorities                               stakeholders, can spur further political
     and/or Member State priorities; the mission                                commitment. Crucial to the implementation
     should not exist in a vacuum. While EU                                     of EU missions will be the need to
     investments in research and innovation                                     reinvigorate capacity building in public
     are a basic condition, a broader political                                 organisations and institutions as well as
     commitment to align policy objectives at                                   competencies and expertise at European,
          For example, the UK Government’s recent Industrial Strategy White Paper states that the strategy will be focussed on addressing 4 key
          societal challenges: Clean Growth, Future of Mobility, AI and the Data Economy, and the Ageing Society. Helping to translate these
          challenges into multiple missions is the task of the new UCL Commission for Mission Oriented Innovation and Industrial Strategy (MOIIS).

Member State, regional and local level.         that the mission can be changed over time
This is essential to effectively coordinate     if the milestones provide new information
and provide direction to participants when      or show that the mission, for whatever
formulating and implementing missions           reason, has been framed problematically
                                                and needs adjusting. While missions are
                                                long-term and should have a stable goal,
Measurement and impact by goals                 the intermediate signposts should be used
and milestones                                  to decide whether changes in direction are
                                                required, and, in some cases, whether the
It is essential for missions to define a        mission itself needs redefining.
concrete target and objectives. That is to
say, it must be possible to say definitively    In additional to the milestones, broader
whether the mission has been achieved or        measures of the cross-sectoral and cross-
not. Appropriate indicators and monitoring      science impact are needed. So even if a
frameworks will need to be established to       milestone or the overall mission objective
measure progress. They must be dynamic,         is not reached, the mission might still be
recognising that static cost-benefit analysis   considered to be successful (at least to an
and net present value calculations would        extent) if the process produced positive,
most likely stop any bold mission from the      economy-wide spillovers (e.g. the Internet
outset.                                         was not discovered because of an ex-
                                                ante objective, but rather as a solution to
While missions must allow for long-term         a problem that scientists had in the late
investments, the use of intermediate            1960s around allowing multiple computers
milestones is critical. Intermediate            to communicate on a single network.).
milestones will provide the means to keep       Indeed, creating cross-sectoral spillovers
track of progress towards the mission           can be an objective itself, best achieved
objective and allow for informed and flexible   when the process of innovation remains
adaptive decisions to intervene. Real-          open and cross-disciplinary.
time data, publicly available, on progress
on the milestones will also keep a sense
of urgency, achievement and motivation          A portfolio of instruments to foster
among involved actors. The use of AI and        bottom up solutions
big data for creating dynamic metrics will
be very important.                              A mission is not a single project, but a
                                                portfolio of actions that can encourage
Intermediate milestones will also be            multiple solutions. A diverse set of different
important for flexibility and adaptation so     funding instruments will help achieve this,

     from grants, to prizes, to new forms of          of actions. As the focus is on reaching
     procurement, and financial instruments.          an outcome, a high degree of flexibility
     This will guarantee that public funding          and adaptability is required to allow the
     is allocated to a diverse set of activities      possibility to change course if there is a risk
     with a focus on complementarities, and           that the objective will not be achieved.
     avoiding duplication. The process should
     explicitly be one that admits the tension        In budgetary terms, there should be a
     between the top-down direction setting           possibility to increase the budget for a
     and the bottom-up explorative approaches.        mission if there are indications that extra
     Rather than prescriptive specifications          investment (within boundaries) could make
     of projects, participants should be given        the difference between reaching a mission
     flexibility to propose a variety of solutions    objective or not. Similarly, if indicators
     for achieving the mission goals and              consistently point towards a situation where
     intermediate milestones. This will nurture       a mission objective is out of reach, the
     bottom-up experimentation, but in each           possibility to terminate a mission should
     case the lessons (and data) from the             also be conceivable.
     experiments should be collected, analysed
     and understood.                                  Such decisions should be based on metrics
                                                      that can orchestrate the (tricky) balance
     This would mark an important change from         between the need for some form of ex-ante
     programme management and evaluation              dynamic risk assessment and the danger
     under Horizon 2020. Rather than managing         of writing off potentially viable missions
     projects in isolation and according to project   at an early stage because ex-ante impact
     specific objectives, a portfolio of projects     assessments cannot predict the kind of
     would be managed to stimulate interaction,       unexpected spillovers the mission approach
     experimentation and cross-learning. Rather       can cause.
     than evaluating at the level of the overall
     programme following the completion of            This has implications for how European
     actions, evaluation would be an integral         public research and innovation funding
     part of the mission and feed into the            is allocated and assessed. Evaluation of
     ongoing implementation and management            project proposals should pay as much
     of projects and funding. This would also         attention to the portfolio of projects, as to
     avoid funding projects that simply support       the excellence of individual proposals. If
     existing networks without necessarily            individual projects, after a period of time
     adding new value.                                and based on clear indicators, seem not to
                                                      be contributing to the mission objective, it
                                                      should be possible to redirect funding to
     Flexibility, pro-active management               other activities. In a similar vein, to ensure
     and building in-house capabilities               the maximum contribution of activities
                                                      to the mission objective, funding should
     Missions are a concerted effort to reach a       be distributed on a ‘stage-gate’ principle,
     pre-defined objective through a multitude        where successive tranches of funding

are only allocated based on reaching an                                       increasing number of public organisations
intermediate milestone.                                                       rely on external evaluators. While some
                                                                              outsourcing is fine (scientific peer-review
This proactive approach to the management                                     is a case of outsourcing), it is also crucial
of a portfolio of projects requires significant                               to build dynamic capabilities inside public
in-house capacities and expertise. Lessons                                    institutions that are responsible for
should be learned from mission-oriented                                       engaging with technological and scientific
organisations like DARPA and ARPA-E in the                                    priorities. While public organisations may
US, Yozma in Israel, SITRA in Finland and                                     require more long-term stability than
Vinnova in Sweden. The point is not to copy                                   private ones, they still must nurture risk-
these organisations but to learn from key                                     taking and experimentation– and hence
sources of their success. For example, these                                  such capabilities have to be consciously
organisations have explicitly welcomed                                        nurtured in the public sector.
risk-taking at the organisational level; they
have used secondment practices to bring                                       This means we have to be willing to rethink
high-level scientists into the civil service                                  the curricula for public administration
for limited time periods; they have often                                     (including the relevant executive education
aligned goals with national procurement                                       programmes) as well as key quality
practices; and have been extremely good at                                    and performance management tools
drawing on expertise of wider networks15.                                     and metrics widely employed in public
Such organisations develop what has been                                      organisations. Public institutions in charge
called ‘mission mystique’16 or institutional                                  of mission-oriented policies need to be
charisma: It is an honour to work in a                                        willing to experiment with both bringing
mission-oriented organisation where                                           in new expertise (e.g. establishing novel
ambitions for the use of innovation to solve                                  forms of collaboration with third-sector
problems are as important as building in-                                     organisations to pool and share expert
house capacity and expertise.                                                 knowledge 17) and changing everyday
                                                                              routines and processes to build dynamic
Unfortunately, the trend is for much of                                       organisational capabilities (including
the in-house knowledge to be outsourced                                       dynamic performance management,
to third parties, whether consulting                                          procurement, and human resources).
companies, think tanks or the private
sector. This is particularly noticeable in
policy and programme evaluations where

   The Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) at University College London has launched a Mission Oriented Innovation Network
   (MOIN) that creates a platform where lessons are learned between global mission-oriented agencies, with particular emphasis on
   the way in which ambitious organisational goals are created, internal capabilities nurtured, and dynamic metrics used to capture the
   market shaping effect of mission oriented policies.
   Available at: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/public-purpose/partnerships (Accessed 16 February 2018)
   Goodsell, Ch. T. (2011) ‘Mission Mystique: Strength at the Institutional Center’, The American Review of Public Administration, 41(5), pp.
   An excellent example of how to bring expertise into public organisations is Public Practice in the UK, which seeks to bring back the expertise of
   high level planners and architects into the innovation-led strategies of city level governments. See: http://www.publicpractice.org.uk (Accessed 1
   February 2018)

     The issue of public engagement and                relevance and commitment and to prevent
     missions is crucial because of the symbiotic      selection being captured by either passing
     nature of the relationship between the            fashion or vested interests.
     two. Missions provide a straightforward
     explanation to the public of how diverse,         Public participation in the selection process
     and sometimes difficult to understand,            must be followed by public inclusion in the
     developments in research and innovation           implementation. Keeping society informed of
     contribute to a better society. In addition,      progress and achievement of intermediate
     the potential impact of missions is much          milestones, for example using social media
     higher when they inspire and engage               or community based workshops, could
     widespread support.                               play a role in maintaining broad interest
                                                       and thus incentivising continuation of
     Missions must be framed within challenges         the mission. The opportunities for such
     that are broadly agreed to be of high             engagement will of course differ depending
     societal importance. This will ensure their       on the nature of the mission, but some
     longevity and survival across political           form of genuine participation of civil
     cycles as well as contributing to their           society organisations in concrete projects
     success. It will ensure that citizens can         within a mission will be crucial to facilitate
     clearly see the benefits that European            open dialogues on expected outcomes
     research and innovation in particular, and        and practical applicability of solutions.
     EU intervention in general, bring to their        Furthermore, as missions are cross-actor
     lives and communities. In order to capture        and cross-discipline, social innovation
     this, meaningful public participation in the      will be a key element of implementation.
     selection process of missions is a pre-           Citizens can possibly be mobilised to
     requisite.                                        become active participants in missions, for
                                                       example by cleaning plastics from beaches
     Therefore, even though the nature of              or by providing real-time monitoring data as
     missions requires that they be selected at        enabling technologies develop and become
     the political level, the selection process must   more universally present in society.
     have a strong element of public involvement.
     This is both because innovation benefits          Furthermore, innovation often finds its true
     from multiple and diverse influences, and         purpose in the hands of consumers who
     also because without civic engagement, the        work out what a technological innovation
     risk of alienation from the broader public        is really capable of or what it can be used
     and a purely technocratic approach is too         for. Innovation is still born until people find
     high. A mission will not inspire people unless    a way to fit it into their lives. So while it is
     they are part of it. A rigorous process of        important that missions pervade the supply
     evaluation is needed to ensure continuing         side of innovation (driving communities

of knowledge to bring about important
changes), innovation can also come from
the demand side (people discovering what
a technology is for in the process of using
it, or solving important problems they face).
Indeed, there is lots of evidence from within
innovation processes that this interaction
between supply side and demand side is
vital to the success of missions18.

All available and proven channels of
communication with citizens should be
explored so citizens can feel enthusiasm
and trust in the process of change. The
precise constellations of civil society, public
and private actors that should be involved
will only be fully developed when particular
missions are selected.

     For ideas on how the web can be used to increase demand side participation, see Leadbeater, C. (2009), We-Think, UK: Profile Books

     This report is not designed to decide what the future European research and innovation
     missions should be, but rather to offer guidance in their selection and implementation.
     It is useful, nonetheless, to provide some examples of how to define missions, based on
     the criteria described in this report. The three examples below are solely for pedagogical
     use. They are not, and nor are they intended to be, scientifically, technically, or otherwise
     complete. For each of the three examples, the five criteria for mission-setting, as
     described above, are exemplified and illustrated.

                                              CLIMATE CHANGE

                              100 CARBON NEUTRAL CITIES BY 2030
                                 Reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions balance of 100
                                                 European cities by 2030

                                       Real Estate          Energy          Mobility     Social Sector
       Areas of interest
       & cross-sector        Construction                                       Behavioural
                                              Environment            Food
                              materials                                            econ

                               Buildings                                                  carbon-ID:
       R&I Projects              with                                                   e-government
                           carbon-absorbing                                              streamlining
                             components                                                   of carbon
                                                                      Carbon neutral
                                                                          urban            footprint
                                                Clean urban            food industry
                                              electric mobility       connecting city
                                                                      and agriculture

100 CARBON NEUTRAL                                carbon-ID in the real estate market and
CITIES BY 2030                                    daily purchases), will be essential. Such
                                                  knowledge-based research and innovation
                                                  could work in conjunction with regulatory
1. BOLD, INSPIRATIONAL WITH WIDE                  and governance actions to see that the
    SOCIETAL RELEVANCE                            mission target is reached.
By 2030, 80% of European citizens will
live in cities. European values, culture and      4. CROSS-DISCIPLINARY,
productivity are closely related to cities.           CROSS-SECTOR AND
Cities are important drivers of innovation;           CROSS–ACTOR INNOVATION
they have close interactions with citizens        Cities play an important yet different role in
and have the ability to test solutions at         the life of all actors of society and therefore
scale. By turning 100 cities across Europe        need the involvement of engineers, social
into fully carbon-neutral places to live          workers, planners, environmental scientists,
and work, about 40% of European urban             data analysts, economists, citizens, policy
citizens could benefit from cleaner air and       makers and other actors. To achieve carbon
Europe would take a major step forward            neutrality in cities, these actors need to
in achieving the objectives of the Paris          collaborate across sectors, such as urban
Climate Agreement.                                planning, construction, energy efficiency
                                                  in buildings, mobility, behavioural aspects,
2. A CLEAR DIRECTION:                             food, environmental capacity etc. while
   TARGETED, MEASURABLE AND                       incorporating cross-disciplinary research
   TIME-BOUND                                     such as urban planning, energy efficiency in
One hundred cities reaching a net zero            buildings, mobility, consumer behaviour and
greenhouse-gas-emission balance by                innovative business.
2030 is a concrete target that can be
definitively measured. Different timelines        5. MULTIPLE, BOTTOM-UP SOLUTIONS
and intermediate milestones can be used           Carbon neutrality in cities can only be
for cities of different size or economic basis.   reached through a systemic approach
                                                  including all the different activities and
3. AMBITIOUS BUT REALISTIC                        functions of urban areas. This requires
    RESEARCH & INNOVATION ACTIONS                 a multitude of research and innovation
Research and innovation activities across         projects, combined with policy, governance
the entire innovation chain are essential         and civil engagement, that may have specific
to reach a carbon-neutral balance for             objectives (such as facilitating domestic use
cities. Collaboration and feedback loops          of renewable energy, incentivising electro-
between basic research (such as the               mobility or developing materials for energy
carbon-absorption capacity of construction        efficient building, etc.), but that need to be
materials), applied research (such as             aligned and interact with one another to
sustainable urban mobility and freight            multiply the overall impact.
options), and social, entrepreneurial
innovation (such as incorporating citizen

                                               CLEAN OCEANS

                                            A PLASTICFREE OCEAN
       Mission              Reduction of 90% of plastics entering the marine environment
                           and collection of more than half of plastics present in our oceans,
                                            seas and coastal areas by 2025

                                          Chemical        Social             Biotech         Human
       Areas of interest                  industry      innovation                           health
       & cross-sector
                            Marine life      AI technology        Design          Waste
                                                                  Sector        management

       R&I Projects
                                                             Re-usable and             Plastic and
                           ocean stations
                                                             biodegradable             micro plastic
                             to remove
                                                                 plastic                digestion
                                                               substitutes             mechanism

                                              Re-use of                Image recognition
                                            packing items              and deep learning
                                               through                  waste separation
                                             personalised                 system for
                                              collection                 domestic and
                                               services                  marine waste

     A PLASTIC-FREE OCEAN                                   existing plastic pollution must be removed
                                                            from the ocean and second, new ways must
     1. BOLD, INSPIRATIONAL WITH WIDE                       be found to curtail the entry of new plastic
        SOCIETAL RELEVANCE                                  waste to the oceans. Drastically reducing
     Every year, Europeans generate 25 million              the amount of plastic that enters and floats
     tonnes of plastic waste, of which less                 in the oceans will have a substantial impact
     than 30% is recycled. Plastic makes up                 on the health of European citizens, marine
     85% of beach litter. There are two strands             life and the environment. This mission
     to tackling plastic ocean pollution. First             would be closely aligned with the objectives

of the recently adopted Plastics Strategy19                            4. CROSS-DISCIPLINARY,
creating an important interaction between                                 CROSS-SECTORAL AND
research and innovation activities and                                    CROSS-ACTOR INNOVATION
policy development.                                                    Oceans are a source of life for society.
                                                                       Many different actors of society will need
2. A CLEAR DIRECTION:                                                  to be involved (such as chemical engineers,
   TARGETED, MEASUREBLE AND                                            marine biologists, marketing experts,
   TIME-BOUND                                                          environmental scientists, earth observation
This mission could have a clear target to                              specialists, fishermen, citizens at large,
reduce the amount of plastic entering                                  etc.). These different actors will need to
the marine environment by 90%; and of                                  collaborate across sectors such as chemical,
collecting more than half of the plastic                               biotech, marine life, consumer goods,
currently present in our oceans, seas and                              Artificial Intelligence, health, design, waste
coastal areas. This would mean stopping at                             — while incorporating cross-disciplinary
least 7.2 million tonnes of plastic entering                           research such as product design, in
the marine environment and collecting at                               particular design for the food processing
least 2 million tonnes of plastic per annum                            chain (packaging of food), cosmetics, tyres
from oceans, seas and coastal areas. A very                            and textiles.
ambitious, yet achievable timeline to reach
this target would be circa 5-10 years.                                 5. MULTIPLE, BOTTOM-UP SOLUTIONS
                                                                       Removing plastics from the ocean is such a
3. AMBITIOUS BUT REALISTIC                                             large and complex exercise, that it could not
   RESEARCH & INNOVATION ACTIONS                                       be achieved by a single technological (or
Research and innovation activities across                              policy) solution. It will require a combination
the entire innovation chain would be                                   of various solutions, focusing on different
essential to reach a plastic-free ocean.                               facets of the problem, which will need
Research actions would also need to target                             to be coordinated in order to reinforce
the reduction of impact of marine litter on                            each other. Interaction between projects,
human and animal health. Collaboration                                 and experimentation and risk-taking, can
and feedback loops between basic                                       increase additionality. For example, an
research (such as chemical research on                                 autonomous ocean plastics management
characteristics of plastic), applied research                          station might take time to implement, but
(such as biotech applications in packaging                             the knowledge base for this station could be
design) and entrepreneurial innovation (such                           used to inform a hybrid, plastics-digestion
as on-sea plastic collection stations) will be                         mechanism, which could be implemented
essential. Such knowledge-based research                               first, possibly in the form of distributed
and innovation could work in conjunction                               nets. This might kick-start an innovative and
with regulatory and governance actions to                              more efficient way of overall ocean plastics
see that the mission target is reached.                                removal.

      European Commission (2018) European Strategy for Plastics. Available at: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/plastic_waste.htm
     (Accessed 16 February 2018)
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