TARMAC TOPICS - Royal Aero Club

Page created by Mitchell Powell
TARMAC TOPICS - Royal Aero Club

Official Publication of the Royal Aero Club of Western Australia (Inc.)     January/February 2021

     Latest news from Jandakot and Murrayfield
     Welcoming New Members and Staff
     Celebrating Member Accomplishments
     Murrayfield Flour Bombing Challenge
      $100 Hamburger Club Night Flying
                                                                     Royal Aero Club
     The Old Flyers Group Luncheon
                                                                          of Western Australia
TARMAC TOPICS - Royal Aero Club
Welcome to
                                     our New Club
           Kim Beazley, AC
     Governor of Western Australia

         Committee                   Amy Chetcuti
                                     Avneet Gill
                                                                  Liam Barr
                                                                  Lian Kirk
            Ray Challen              Ben Malden                   Luke Matthews
              President              Connor Hunt                  Oyesanmi Akinwumi
            0408 321 262             Craig Sephton                Patrick de Rooy
         ray@challen.com.au          Daniel Bourke                Paul Vaile
                                     Daryl Binnin                 Paul Ware
            Bruce Rathbone           Dirk Bevilaqua               Philip Edwards
             Vice President          Dominic Roberts              Rohan Walsh
             0427 004 130            Ed Trindall                  Roneesha James
         rathbone@iinet.net.au       Emily Philippe               Ross Sadler
                                     Evan Eivers                  Ruth Dawson
          Jim di Menna               Fenn Forrester               Sean Conway
            Treasurer                Gareth West                  Segan Pasalich
          0419 434 283               Ivan Londini Agnelli         Thomas Brooke
   Jim.diMenna@zetta.com.au          Jack Burgess                 Troy King
                                     Javier Aguilar               Vanessa Ho Mok
            Mick Harcourt            Jordan Ryan                  William Ostrick
             Club Captain            Joshua Carter                William Lloyd
             0402 800 862            Justin Stephenson

       Andrew Eldridge
      Committee Member
         0438 220 703

          Russell Philip
       Committee Member
         0427 999 261

        Stephen Pearce
      Committee Member

       Vaughan Emery
      Committee Member
        0412 923 494
  vaughanemery@bigpond.com             To download our Members Guide visit our Website

        Haydn Vernon
      Committee Member

Page 2                                TARMAC TOPICS
Featured                                                                     RACWA
7 Airmanship                                                                       ADDRESS
   David Royans addresses the factors to consider when securing
                                                                        41 Eagle Drive, Jandakot Airport
   the yoke.
                                                                              Jandakot WA 6164
9 Industry Presentation
   Garry Underwood provides real world advice on how to work
   both as a pilot and how to specialise as a Skipper.                        PHONE NUMBERS
                                                                              Main: 08 9417 0000
10 New Members & Wings Presentation
   Welcoming our new members and congratulating those award-               Engineering: 08 9417 0050
   ed their Wings.
                                                                            Accounts: 08 9417 0080
15 Remembering Staff and Club Members                                      Murrayfield: 08 9581 6222
   We remember former Club Chief Instructor Syd Goddard and
                                                                           Muzz Buzz: 08 9417 9015
   Club Member Stan Schleicher.
                                                                            Main Fax: 08 9417 0040

4 President’s Editorial
   With the new year beginning Ray Challen writes about the influx       www.royalaeroclubwa.com.au
   of students and his hopes for the coming year.                               SOCIAL MEDIA
5 Club Captain’s Report                                                    Instagram and Facebook:
   Easter is fast approaching and the Rottnest Island Hot Cross
   Bun Run is coming soon!
8 Murrayfield Matters                                                         General Enquiries:
   News from Murrayfield including the hugely successful Flour
   Bombing Competition.                                                  info@royalaeroclubwa.com.au
9 Members Social Events and News
   From the $100 Hamburger Club to The Old Flyers Group and           accounts@royalaeroclubwa. com.au
12 Congratulating our Achievers                                         maint@royalaeroclubwa.com.au
   Congratulations to all our aviators achieving goals from January
   to February.

                                                                      Western Australian Aviation College:
                                                                                 08 9417 7733
                                                                       FOR ADVERTISING & EDITORIAL
                                                                            Marketing: 08 9417 0000

Fly to Rottnest Island to buy Hot Cross Buns, and
raise money for the Royal Flying Doctor Service of
Australia. For more information contact Club Captain, Mick
Harcourt on 0402 800 862.
                                            TARMAC TOPICS                                              Page 3
President’s Editorial                                                             By Ray Challen

Hello Members                    2020 has paid off with the          club to develop over the next
                                 Western Australian Aviation         five years. Not only the ser-
We are now one year into         College gaining eligibility for     vices that we can offer mem-
COVID and an extended peri- VET Student Loans. This                  bers, but how we can recap-
od of uncertainty in our work- means that WAAC students              ture the essence of a club of
ing, family and recreational     can now obtain loans from the       passionate aviators. We are
lives. In February we had our Commonwealth Government                thinking very broadly about
second lockdown in the Perth to cover the fees for commer-           such matters as the amenity
and Peel regions, and the Club cial training.                        and aesthetic of the club facili-
again closed its doors – fortu-                                      ties; the training and other ser-
nately this time only for a      Enrolments in WAAC in Janu-         vices we offer to pilots and air-
week. It was very sad to see     ary were consequently at their      craft owners; and how we can
China Southern Flying College highest level for several years        attract a more diverse mem-
cease operations, due in part and there is a strong level of         bership and participation, in-
to restrictions on international interest from prospective stu-      cluding our families and the
students. As much as we may dents that will see a similarly          many community members
sometimes have expressed         high intake mid-year.               that have an interest in avia-
feigned or real frustration at                                       tion but are not pilots.
indecipherable radio calls from The strong flying results have
some of the students, this col- resulted in an improvement in        I look forward to sharing a new
lege was still part of our avia- current financial performance,      club vision and strategy with
tion community.                  and the increased enrolments        you in the near future. In the
                                 for WAAC provide a greater          meantime, if you have ideas to
Despite all of this, RACWA is degree of commercial certain-          contribute to the Committee’s
having a successful year in      ty. All of this allows us to turn   work, please collar me or an-
both club activities and pilot   our minds to the future.            other committee member and
training.                                                            give us the benefit of your ex-
                                  The Committee is very con-         perience and insight.
Flying hours are 10 per cent      scious of the perception
ahead of forecast, most nota- amongst many club members Happy and safe flying.
bly in club training and club     and the broader community of
flying. Maybe some foregone recreational aviators that
expenditure in overseas holi-     RACWA has for some years
days is being redirected into     been focused on commercial
recreational flying.              training to the detriment of club
                                  spirit, membership and partici-
Indeed, recreational flying       pation. This perception has
seems to be having something some justification as for the
of a renaissance and this is      past several years there was,
being reflected in increases in by necessity, a commitment of
participation in club flying com- management and financial re-
petitions and events, and the     sources to commercial opera-
regular fly ins such as the       tions as a means of recovery
monthly Bunbury and Bussel- from a period of relative finan-
ton Breakfasts. Our last New cial difficulty.
Members Welcome (described
on page 12) introduced several We have now, fortunately and
very enthusiastic new recrea- thankfully, emerged from this
tional pilots and their families  period and are in a position to
to the club.                      tackle this situation.

With commercial training,         Your Committee will be think-
some very hard work put in by     ing hard over the next few
our CEO and his staff during      months about how we want the
                                                                                           Ray Challen

Page 4                                    TARMAC TOPICS
Club Captain’s Report                                                             By Mick Harcourt

Hi All                            Jandakot Comp on Sunday              providing your medical is up to
                                  28th March, with Breakfast from      date, you’ll be set for some
Hopefully you’ve received this 0830, then briefing for the             more solo flights. There are
copy and we are getting ready comp, a Flapless, Glide Ap-              some other circumstances that
for the Rottnest Bun Run this     proach at 0915. This comp is         we are going to confirm as be-
year. The last couple of years designed to give you practice           ing ok and again, I’ll get the
we didn’t make it, what with      in the event of not only an en-      information in the weekly TT
bad weather one year and          gine failure, but electrical fail-   update prior to the comp.
COVID the next!                   ure too! It’s a tricky one and a
                                  great way to practise and hone       I can’t make any promises yet,
However, we look set to have a those skills that are hopefully         but mid April we may be taking
virtual ‘armada’ of aircraft      never needed!                        a trip to WhiteGum Farm, just
heading to Quokka-ville and                                            the other side of York as well
we still have room for more!      The breakfast will again be          as in the near future a sojourn
                                  performed by messrs Ivan and         to Wheeler Army Airfield. Fly-
The rule is – COME CASHED Justin and hopefully will prove              ing Committee members
UP, please! We donate (the        as popular this month as it was      Vaughan Emery and Anthony
waived) Landing Fees to           last month…..there are two           Buckley are in the process of
RFDS, and this year it will be a points worth noting:                  teeing up a “one dayer” to ei-
cash donation of $60 per air-      Please register for break-         ther or both of these locations.
craft, but wait there’s more…          fast with reception, or my-
                                       self                            When you think about it,
There are raffles with a variety  You don’t have to have a            there’s only another two
of prizes to be held prior to and      go in the Comp to come          months before the start of the
on the day to help bolster the         and enjoy a get together        Night Challenges at the begin-
amount we collect for this wor-        with fellow Members             ning of May and if you have
thy cause, so we’ll be asking                                          never experienced this, then
you to dig deep, but not too      On 10th April, Serpentine Air-       you’re in for a treat.
deep!                             field are hosting a Torana Car
                                  Club day and have invited            All I can say is that we may
At the time of writing, there ap- RACWA to join in the fun and         need to extend the Gregorian
pear to be no C172s available, spectacle – which may kick on           Calendar another couple of
but still plenty of C152s – so    a tad late, so there is an offer     months to fit everything in!
book your aircraft, don’t forget to hang around and not have to
to arrange for life vests and     drive or fly home late! I’ll post    Safe and happy flying!
we’ll see you at the briefing on the times for this event in a TT
Good Friday 2nd April at 0815, weekly update, or email me for
for important information on the more information.
execution of this event.
                                  The next day, 11th April is a
The Royal Aero Club of WA,        currency Comp at Murrayfield,
would like to thank both Janda- starting with breakfast at 0830,
kot Airport Holdings (JAH) and then briefing at 0915. Let me
Rottnest Island Authority (RIA) explain we have, in our
for their generosity in waiving   Comps, usually two non-
the Landing Fees at both Jan- instructors that are able to fly
dakot and Rottnest.               with current, ‘medicalled’ RPL
                                  pilots and higher. Sometimes
Oh, and don’t forget to let us    when you are getting close to
know how many (6 packs) of        your 90 days, but not past, you
buns you require, prior to the    can get your currency back by
event!                            flying with these guys. If you
                                  are out of hours (beyond 90
Prior to the Bun Run is the       days), then we have an instruc-
                                  tor available to fly with you and
                                                                                            Mick Harcourt

                                           TARMAC TOPICS                           Page 5
New Employees

 The Club has employed three LAMEs to boost our capacity in the hangar.

 Gig Papa-Adams has taken on the role of Maintenance Manager, to prepare the maintenance
 section for the significant regulatory changes that CASA has announced. Andrew Van Der
 Waarden and Sebastian Larralde bring their considerable experience to ensure RACWA air-
 craft are maintained to the highest standards.

Katherine Norman-Murphy is the          We farewell Lew Peake who has been in charge of the
new Marketing Assistant and the         engine shop since 2012. We wish Lew all the best in
one responsible for this issue of       the challenges he is currently facing.
the Magazine.

Katherine Norman-Murphy                 Lew Peake with a present from his friends and colleagues.

Page 6                                TARMAC TOPICS
Employee News
                                         Congratulations to Henry Brink on the successful comple-
                                         tion of his apprenticeship. Henry has two CASA exams to
                                         complete before he can become a Licensed Aircraft
                                         Maintenance Engineer (LAME).

                                         There is a critical shortage of LAMEs in the industry. The
                                         Club is fully committed to training apprentices to secure
                                         the long-term future of the industry. Unfortunately, many
                                         maintenance organisations, especially the larger airlines,
                                         appear to be reducing their investment in apprentice train-
                                         ing, possibly to reduce costs. This hastens the movement
                                         of trained LAMEs from the club to these larger organisa-
                                         tions. The Club currently has three apprentices/trainees.

 Henry Brink

Airmanship                                                                    By David Royans
Securing Of Aircraft Flight Control
After another spate of broken switch housings         force (we want to secure the controls, not
and switch clusters caused by incorrect secur-        break anything in the process). The following
ing of the flight controls, it is timely that we      should also be considered if the harness in-
have a look at the securing of flight controls in     cludes an inertia shoulder strap it is not this
aircraft that do not have a physical locking de-      section that should be used to secure the con-
vice (e.g. M20), or as a temporary measure if         trols but rather the lap section of the harness.
a locking device is missing.
                                                      Ensure the harness, when secured, is not
Aircraft with control locks should always have        wrapped around the tip of the control col-
the control lock fitted immediately after shut-       umn horn. Particularly as the tip of the
down, if possible before you get out of the pi-       horn may house PTT, trim, auto pilot
lot seat.                                             switches etc., either singularly or in a clus-
For aircraft with no control lock,
the controls are generally secured                                Be aware this is only an example.
by using the harness to secure the                                There are many different types of
control column. This can be either                                aircraft with no locking device and
the left or right hand seat harness.                              may require different techniques –
The seat should be slid right for-                                some aircraft have seats that do
ward, the harness extended to its                                 not adjust (the pedals are adjusted
fullest, then fed around the col-                                 instead); some have a stick not a
umn and secured to the buckle,                                    column. There are many varia-
ensuring no twists or knots. The                                  tions. The lesson here is to work
seat should then, if aircraft type                                out what may cause something to
allows, be slid back and locked                                   break, and then not do that.
into place – without using undue
                                Seatbelt wrapped around steering wheel

                                           TARMAC TOPICS                                       Page 7
Murrayfield Matters                                                                   By Liz Garcia

Happy New Year, 2020 is final-                                         of January we were visited by
ly behind us. Looking forward                                          a group from Alziemer’s WA
to see what the new year will                                          for a lovely morning tea and to
bring. We have had a few first                                         check out the aircraft. This is
solos here at Murrayfield so far                                       the second year running they
in 2021.                                                               have come to visit the airfield.
                                                                       We hope to see them again
Starting with Evan Eivers, our                                         next year.
first, first solo here at Murray-
field for 2021. On the 23rd Jan-                               Looking ahead for April next
uary after months of working    27th of January. Another       Club Competitions are on Sun-
hard, he partook of his first so-
                                young pilot, Jack Burgess also day 11th April. It will be a 3 cir-
lo circuit. Flying on your own  achieved his first solo on his cuit currency competition.
for the first time is certainly an
                                15th birthday, making him one Come along and test out your
achievement in itself. Some     of the youngest solo pilots on skills. After scorching months
even learning to fly before hav-the 9th of February.           with temperatures in the high
ing a driver’s licence.                                        30s (sometimes low 40s), we
                                Congratulations to all who     look forward to the weather
Michael Kluczniak, is one such have reached a milestone        cooling down before the winter
young pilot. After working hard these last couple of months.   rains return.
during the year, facing lock-   We hope to see more pictures
downs and poor weather, he      on our notice board in the
achieved his first solo on the  months to come. On the 19th

Flour Bombing Competition                                                       By Mick Harcourt

The Multi Club event on Sun-         event! The hard work you all      serve a special mention here.
day 14th March at Murrayfield        put in really made the day what
was a huge success. We had           it was, and helped to promote     One participant who had never
18 people take part in the com-      such great relations between      flown before in a light aircraft
petition, of which 7 were Mus-       not only MOCWA but the rep-       was initially unsure, however
tang Owners Club WA                  resentatives from Northam         on the return after the actual
(MOCWA) members.                     Aero Club, too.                   flight, they were ecstatic, enjoy-
                                                                       ing the experience immensely
Our club volunteers did a ster-      Instructors Lou Langford,         and full of praise for the in-
ling job feeding 52 hungry pi-       Fransua Grobler and Michael       structor/bomb aimer!
lots at breakfast!                   Sonneman worked tirelessly to
                                     keep the “sausage machine” in All together a great morning
I would like to thank you all for    fine fettle (with constant feed- and thanks again for all your
a wonderful “Club” oriented          ing by Russell) and they de-     expertise and help!

Page 8
Industry Presentation                                                                  By Adrian Denny
Garry Underwood from Skippers Aviation
It’s great to see the industry presentations re-        to form but could pay dividends for you in
turn for 2021. On Friday, 5th March we had the          the future.
pleasure of meeting Garry Underwood, ex-             2. “Don’t turn up to the interview in shorts and
RACWA instructor and now fleet manager and              t-shirt!” Seems obvious, however I was sur-
check training captain for Skippers Aviation.           prised to hear this has been the case on nu-
                                                        merous occasions. First impressions count!
Garry began the presentation by describing           3. Get those ATPLs done as soon as possible,
who Skippers aviation are. For those of you             start with the tricky ones so if you land a job,
who don’t already know Skippers are a Perth             managing your study time will be easier.
based RPT and Charter company. Founded in
1991 they began with a modest 3 aircraft oper-       So, what does it take to be a pilot? Garry listed
ating from the flight centre facility at Perth do-   some attributes as a guideline which I believe
mestic airport. Over the years the company has       not only apply to aspiring pilots but anyone who
expanded to a fleet of 26 aircraft including Dash    wishes to be successful in any career or indeed
8 -100 and 300 series, Fokker 100, Fairchild         their personal life:
Metro 23 and Cessna Conquest C441, servic-
ing the Northern Goldfields and Kimberly re-              Professionalism
gion.                                                     Enthusiasm
                                                          Preparation
                                                          Presentation
                                                          Communication
                                                          Organisation
                                                          Efficiency
                                                          Command decision making
                                                          Get networking!

                                                     Some encouraging words to hear were that the
                                                     industry is already improving. Pilot demand is
                                                     increasing and is well on its way to getting back
                                                     on its feet. Overall, I felt encouraged and reas-
Garry’s aviation journey commenced 17 years          sured that now is a great time to be training.
ago at the age of 33, like many of us with a trial
flight. He elaborated on how he gained his CPL
then moving on to pursue a career in Instruct-     The Next Industry Presentation is scheduled
ing, reaching Grade 2.                             for Friday 28 March
Moving on from instructing, he completed sur-
vey and aircraft relocation work before applying
to Skippers Aviation. He went on to describe
the interview process which consisted of a pan-
el interview and sim work. The panel asked
some technical questions but had more empha-
sis on personal questions to figure out who you
are and how you react to different situations.
He stated they were not looking for perfection
but the ability to improve quickly.

Garry shared a number of tips on succeeding in
the industry.
                                                         Cody Roberts receiving his PPL Wings from Garry
1. The aviation industry is small, word gets             Underwood
   around quickly. Conducting yourself in the
   correct manner now is not only a great habit

                                          TARMAC TOPICS                                               Page 9
New Members & Wings Presentation
On Sunday 21st February            Everything from social activi-      The next New Members &
around 55 members, guests          ties, monthly Club competi-         Wings Event is planned for
and family were welcomed by        tions, Fly-ins and national Light   Sunday 23rd May at 1500hrs in
Club President Ray Challen, for    Aircraft Championships are          the Club Members’ Lounge.
our first quarterly “Welcome to    among the many activities on
New Members” and Wings             offer. All you have to do is join
presentation events for 2021.      in!
Also in attendance were our
recent member achievers who        For more information on mem-
have reached an outstanding        bership, please contact our
milestone by passing either a      friendly staff, Club Committee
Recreational Pilot’s Licence or    representatives or fellow mem-
a Private Pilot’s Licence. We at   bers.
the club both welcome our new
members, and congratulate
those members who were pre-
sented their Wings on the day.

Fellow committee members,
staff and other members also
joined the Club President in
welcoming our newest mem-
bers with a presentation outlin-
ing what the Club is all about
and most importantly, what
new members can look forward
to when joining in and embrac-
ing what the Club has to offer.

 $100 Hamburger Club
 The so-called $100 Hamburger Cub have made the most of WA’s perfect night flying condi-
 tions. Visiting Bruce Rock in January and Wongan Hills in February. Future destinations are
 Jurien Bay and Waddi Farms. Pilots interested in exercising their night rating and enjoying the
 camaraderie of a meal ‘out yonder’ should contact David Currey.

                  Bruce Rock                             The Wongan Rotary Club presented a history of
                                                         Wongan Hills, which boasts one of the top five re-
                                                              gions in the world for plant diversity.

Page 10                                    TARMAC TOPICS
The Old Flyers Group                                                             By Steve Rogers

Word has it that our luncheon      ing. The process took three         trainers followed by a succes-
meetings are fun. They are a       months and cost $50M. A             sion of helicopters. Brian
chance to catch up with            new freighter would be about        brought humour to a serious
friends over lunch and to hear     $110M. John praised the             subject as he detailed things
two interesting presenters         Hong Kong ethos of overcom-         that could and did go wrong.
                                   ing obstacles and wondered          We plan to have Brian back to
At our most recent meeting         whether Australians have            follow up with the story of his
our first speaker was John         something to learn.                 civilian flying when he emi-
Ridley who was a Manager of                                            grated to Australia. We will be
Line Maintenance for Hong          Brian Mollan became bitten          celebrating the 100th birthday
Kong based HAICO. He               by the aviation bug early           of the RAAF during our March
spoke about October 18th,          when as a seven-year-old he         meeting.
1983, when a Boeing 747-           was invited into the cockpit of
230E Freighter operated by         a Dakota off the West African       RACWA committee member,
Lufthansa had an aborted           coast. In 1959 he joined the        Vaughan Emery has gener-
take-off and veered off the        Royal Marine Commandoes             ously donated a flight in his
runway (rather than end up in      in the U.K. but applied to          Cirrus SR20 to be offered as
the ocean, for this was notori-    transfer to the Fleet Air Arm       a door prize.
ous Kai Tak airport.) John de-     to learn to fly helicopters. The
                                                                       Thank you Vaughan.
tailed how this aircraft was       Tiger Moth (“Box-kite with an
salvaged and the resources         engine strapped to the front”)      Become a member through:
they used to get it back to fly-   and DH Chipmunk were early          henol@bigpond.net.au

 Member News
The Club’s most active mem-        the next week, and has
ber, Trevor Tang, celebrated       been a frequent visitor
passing his PPL flight test in     ever since.
style. At a special function,
Trevor thanked his family, in-    Throughout his training
structors and all those who       and private flying, Trevor
have supported him achieve        has always energised the
his goal of becoming a pilot.     operations area with his
                                  broad smile and enthusiasm          member that has displayed
Trevor’s first flight was a trial for the forthcoming flight. Even    above average passion and
flight on 25 April 2018 with Jet when he was critical of his per-     enthusiasm for aviation.
Slater. That first flight was ob- formance after a flight, he was
viously very special as it ignit- still full of excitement and        Not many members have flown
ed a passion for aviation that    ‘determined to do better next       over 400 flying hours in less
has seen Trevor at the Club at time’. His popularity was evi-         than three years. Trevor’s log-
least three times a week ever dent by the many members                book is a testament to his pas-
since. In September 2019, Tre- and staff who witnessed John           sion for aviation, recording
vor wanted to perfect his circuit Douglas announcing Trevor as        many different airports that he
skills and recorded 17 solo       the Club’s latest private pilot     has visited with friends and
flights and 2 dual flights that   and getting Trevor to ring the      family. Trevor has introduced
month. This is typical of Tre-    achiever’s bell.                    his nephew to the Club, deter-
vor’s determination to be the                                         mined to he will also benefit
best at everything he does.       Trevor was the inaugural recip-     from the life skills that are re-
Once approved to fly to Rott-     ient of the President’s Award       quired to become a pilot.
nest Island, Trevor celebrated at the 2020 Wings Dinner. This
by visiting the island 5 times in award was created to honour a

                                           TARMAC TOPICS                                         Page 11

     First Solo

                               Jack Burgess      Evan Eivers
                                 First Solo         First Solo

      Michael Kluczniak     Merrilee Greenaway   Aaron Keirath
             First Solo          First Solo        First Solo

          Bien Castledine      Zayd Goraya       Jordan Ryan
             First Solo          First Solo         First Solo

     Ching Ming (Kenny)       Xavier Camacho     Matthew Brice
              First Solo         First Solo         First Solo

Page 12                       TARMAC TOPICS
Matthew Longworth                            Jonathon Rowe
     First Solo                                   RPL

 Anthony Barbaro      Jace Collingridge       Neil McGill
       RPL                 RPL                    RPL

                      Cameron Stowell        Cody Roberts
                             PPL                  PPL

  Stewart Harris         Ryan Flynn       James Penn Minchin
       PPL                 PPL                   PPL

                       TARMAC TOPICS                        Page 13

            Andrew Korol     Artur Lugmayr          Ian Clark
                PPL                PPL                PPL

          Michael Atkinson   Michael Spalding
                PPL               PPL

           Josh Kerrich         Flynn Smith      Mohammad Alamin
                CPL                 CPL                CPL


          Keanu Czynski       Kayla Weekes
                CPL               CPL

Page 14                      TARMAC TOPICS
Dane Gavranich                        Herman Tsang                     Louise Langford
           Grade 2                             Grade 2                             Grade 2

On a sad note, we recently lost
Club Member Stan Schleicher.
Stan enjoyed a great passion for
flying particularly in formation in his
beloved Chipmunk or Texan.

Many a formation sortie on a Friday
afternoon was followed by a beer
and a critique of the groups efforts
in the Aero Club’s Bar. This usually
entailed a friendly squabble over
the larger twisties (few and far be-
tween in each pack) and whose
turn it was for the first round.

Stan retired from flying on is own
terms several years ago but the
passion for flying never waned. His        Club members celebrated Stan Schleicher’s contribution to aviation
friendly, mischievous and cheeky                 with a series of formations flying up the Swan River.
face is missed by his family and
friends. RIP.

                                     The Club also recently learnt Mosquito aircraft before re-
                                     of the passing of former Club turning to civilian life as an In-
                                     Chief Instructor, Syd Goddard. structor with the Club. Syd lat-
                                                                      er went on to a very success-
                                     Syd was the first post-war       ful 25 year career with local
                                     Club flying instructor operating airline MMA, ultimately as
                                     from Maylands aerodrome          Chief Pilot.
                                     and was in great company
                                     with other well-known Club       In honour of Syd’s contribution
                                     identities including Bob Giles, to Service, The Royal Aero
                                     Harry Beeck and Shirley (Lee) Club of WA and the Aviation
                                     Adkins OAM.                      industry, a gathering of family
                                                                      and friends congregated in the
                                     Syd turned 100 last year in      Club hangar to say farewell to
                                     2020 and was a former RAAF him in an aviation environ-
                                     World War 2 pilot who flew       ment he knew so well.

                                            TARMAC TOPICS                                             Page 15
RACWA Members Calendar
                  For more information on upcoming events contact our friendly staff at the
                                             operations desk

         April                         May                         June                          July
1                            1                            1                            1

2 GOOD FRIDAY                2                            2 Night Comp #2              2
Rotto Bun Run
3 Easter Saturday            3                            3                            3

4 Easter Sunday              4                            4                            4

5 Easter Monday              5 Night Comp #1              5 Bomber Command             5

6                            6                            6                            6

7                            7                            7    W.A. Day                7 Night Comp #3

8                            8 Open Day                   8                            8

9                            9 Mother’s Day               9                            9

10                           10                           10                           10

11 YMUL Comp                 11                           11                           11 YMUL Comp

12                           12                           12                           12

13                           13                           13 YMUL Comp                 13

14                           14                           14                           14

15                           15                           15                           15

16                           16 YMUL Comp                 16                           16

17                           17                           17                           17

18                           18                           18                           18

19                           19                           19                           19

20                           20                           20                           20

21                           21                           21                           21

22                           22                           22                           22

23                           23                           23                           23

24                           24                           24                           24

25 ANZAC Day                 25                           25 Industry Presentation     25 YPJT Comp and Breakfast
YPJT Comp and Breakfast
26 ANZAC Day Holiday         26                           26                           26

27                           27                           27 YPJT Comp and Breakfast   27

28                           28 Industry Presentation     28                           28

29                           29                           29                           29

30 Industry Presentation     30 YPJT Comp and Breakfast   30                           30 Industry Presentation

                             31                                                        31
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